Veterans Sacrificed Their Health for Us: Feature Release

You wake up every morning and enjoy peaceful skies over your head. However, you do not think of those who provide this peace to you and your family. Without them, your life would be different. Frequently, when injured soldiers are told that they are severely handicapped and will never be...

Ava DuVernay’s 13th Documentary Review

Summary I watched 13th by Ava DuVernay, and I can say that this picture was both reaffirming and revealing for me. This one-and-a-half-hour documentary shows and deconstructs the still-existing topical American problems related to race relations and the social hierarchy of the United States (US). Via a consistent and systematic...

Political Censorship in Social Networks

This essay interprets the schism in American society by linking it directly to political confrontation in social media. The aim of this work is to try to form an objective unbiased idea of ​​what modern political censorship in social networks is. Mutual misunderstandings between the citizens of American society are...

Trust in Mass Commercial Media

I believe that trust in mass commercial media varies from country to country. In some places, governments implement censorship and abuse their control over mass media. When this influence becomes apparent to people, and they start understanding that the reality they are trying to be convinced of is significantly distorted,...

Middle Childhood: The Impact of Television

Middle childhood is a child’s developmental stage that significantly influences the adolescent and adult they will become. Children move into expanding environments and roles in this stage. They begin to spend considerable time at school and various activities and devote less time to their family. This stage allows children to...

Violent Video Games and Their Effects on Behavior

Concerns regarding the impact of media violence on aggression are common in television, cinema, music, video, and computer games. To answer the question of whether media violence can cause aggressiveness, one must first grasp the theoretical foundations of such statements. Theoretically, video games may have the ability to either encourage...

Journalism: Impact of the Internet and Technology

The advent of the internet pioneered the way for significant transformations in the media industry. Initially, the news was disseminated using traditional media, including print, recorded, conversational, sound, and pictures. Traditional news followed a centralized, top-down fashion and faced various problems, among them is censorship. The internet paved the way...

Media Censorship in Hong Kong and China

Introduction Media censorship in China is an ongoing issue that researchers, journalists, and political leaders are often willing to cover and examine. However, Hong Kong used to be a reasonably independent entity with more opportunities to avoid centralized viewpoints and obligations to fit into the political agenda promoted by the...

Joining the Cult Behind the Rocky Horror Show

It has been more than five decades since the start of The Rocky Horror Show’s massive success, yet homophobia is still very much alive in the United States. Richard O’Brien’s play has gained global prominence and the status of a cult classic since its release in the early 1970s. In...

“Do the Right Thing”: Movie Evaluation

Movies are an integral part of the life of a modern person. At the same time, many films, for example, Do the right thing, demonstrate events that could happen in real life. In this movie, characters turn to aggression in times of extreme situations, influencing life from the external side....

Aspects of Bluestep Advertisement

There are multiple ways for a company to promote goods and services. Despite the growing trend to produce commercials and short clips that sometimes rival movies in terms of artistic effects, banners and other types of images continue to play a remarkable role in marketing. Moreover, it is also true...

Visual Analysis Of “The Penguins and The Whale” Ad

One can imagine a part of the world starting to disappear as it submerges into the rising ocean water gradually. There is rising tension, panic, hysteria, and anxiety among people across the globe. Unfortunately, people fail to see that the scenario described above is unfolding due to global warming and...

The First Amendment Should Be Expanded to Include Social Media Networks

Social media have disrupted the way individuals communicate, and nowadays, it is difficult to imagine how people exchanged messages fifteen years ago. As of April 2021, in the US alone, more than seventy percent of the public uses at least one type of social media (“Social Media”). Nevertheless, there is...

Podcast: History, Types, and Popularity

The podcast phrase was first introduced to the oxford dictionary in 2005, depicting that it had started getting an audience despite being small. The podcast audience was most likely those interested in a certain genre as it had a frequent listeners who could not miss many episodes released by their...

The Most Interesting Man in the World Commercial

The commercial about The Most Interesting Man in the world is aimed at ordinary people who dream of having the same fantastic experience as the gray-haired man in it. It was a success because it no longer contained anonymous characters: a man who has lived an exciting life like many...

The Documentary “F for Fake” by George Orson Welles

The film titled F for Fake is a documentary movie that focuses on the topics of lies, deception, and fakery with real-world implications. The main reason is rooted in the fact that it provides examples that are not fictitious in their nature. In other words, direct observations and assessments are...

American Homeless Veterans’ Needs: An Op-Ed

Of every 10,000 American veterans, 21 experienced homelessness at the beginning of 2020 (Shane III, 2021). This number seems small to common citizens, but it is huge to veterans who sacrificed their lives for us and returned to nowhere from war. Former soldiers face many challenges when they return from...

“Beauty and the Beast”: Which Version Is Better?

Beauty and the Beast is a classic tale of the power of love, at least according to the animated fan-favorite film of 1991 produced by Disney. Once the company offered audiences worldwide the pleasure to enjoy a live-action adaptation of Alice in Wonderland, it became evident the largest global animation...

Language Controversy in Air Canada

Introduction Air Canada, Canada’s aeronautical pride, has experienced some high-profile media conversations in recent weeks regarding its communications and public relations. The choice of language for public conversation by its president and CEO is the cause. The CEO further claimed he has been able to live peacefully in Montreal for...

Fight Club Movie: Summary Analysis

It is the constant struggle of the main character and the reader to determine what is real in Chuck Palahniuk’s book Fight Club. An ancient narrative tells the narrator’s journey up to this point. Tyler Durden, a philosophical anarchist and one of the traveling soap sales workers, helps the white-collar...

An International News Story: How China Builds Its Foreign Policy

Introduction The Lithuanian authorities agreed to open a representative office in Taiwan, considering that it does not contradict the principle of one China. However, what happened prompted an immediate reaction from Beijing leaders (Shirouzu and Sytas). The Chinese authorities believe that this action is contrary to the commitments made by...

Social Media Advertising in Business

Introduction With the rise of globalization and the digital revolution, social media has become a vital tool for promoting businesses. Entrepreneurs worldwide have benefited from this innovative technology due to its unprecedented versatility and reach. Some of the advantages of social media (SM) use in advertising and retail are discussed...

Researching of Narcissism in Media

Summary Narcissism is a psychological concept and, in some cases, a disorder characterized by an unhealthy interest or admiration of oneself. Narcissism occurs on a spectrum, and in the modern day of self-focus and individualization, many people experience some forms of the concept. This paper will explore various media sources...

“Disney’s Dolls” by Kathi Maio

In the article by a professional feminist film critic, Kathi Maio, which is called Disney’s Dolls, the author discusses the history of Disney cartoons in the twentieth century. In the very beginning, Kathi Maio argues that the cartoon about the Chinese female warrior who protects the dignity of her country...

Discussion of Impact of Lifestyle Media

Lifestyle media is a branch of media that covers everything from food to beauty products and disseminates ideas regarding taste and lifestyle. Different media products such as texts in magazines and social media include various topics like shopping, self-development, fashion, or cooking. It operates in the backstage arena of social...

Generational Disagreements & Fake News

Introduction Considerable attention has been paid to such a phenomenon as fake news relatively recently. This issue was popularized during the elections in 2016 when even politicians everywhere began to draw the attention of voters to such news feeds (Allcott & Gentzkow, 2017). The problem of hoaxes or misleading in...

Masculine Nature in Media

Western society defines specific qualities to meet the patriarchal ideal male construct. It might be argued that the indoctrination of masculine values begins at a young age, with hardness, stoicism, heteronormativity, and self-sufficiency. Ideal masculinity is related with a lack of emotional sensitivity and connection. Boys learn to be men...

COVID-19 Pandemic: Social Media Response by the American Government

Introduction Topic: Initial Social Media Response to Covid-19 by the American Government Stakeholder: Joe Biden – the representative of the American government Disagreement within stasis: We disagree with how the government used social media, downplayed the pandemic’s dangers in its early days, and sidelined experts when WHO raised concerns about...

Traditions of Pompano Beach Families: Dramatic Play Center Items

The discussion led to the introduction of multiple ideas regarding the selection of culturally appropriate dramatic play center items to represent the diverse cultures and traditions of Pompano Beach families. According to Data USA (2021), the three largest ethnic groups in Pompano Beach are non-Hispanic Whites (Americans, Italian Americans, etc.),...

The “Dinosaur Wars” Documentary

Dinosaur Wars is a documentary that was aired on January 17, 2011, by American Experience. It narrates the story of two US paleontologists, Othniel Charles Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope, who waged over fossils of dinosaurs in the American West. According to the film, western North America was a significant...

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

The acronym FTC stands for the Federal Trade Commission. The FTC is the federal agency, the main aim of which is to protect consumers and competition, “preventing anticompetitive, deceptive, and unfair business practices through law enforcement, advocacy, and education without unduly burdening legitimate business activity” (Federal Trade Commission, n.d., para....

Wounded Veterans Do Not Receive Proper Care: News Release

BOSTON – American veterans put their lives on the line to save us from enemies. However, when they return to civilian life, they find the transition difficult due to psychological and financial restraints. Boston’s Annual Wounded Vet Bike Run is aimed to support wounded veterans, gathering money for housing modifications,...

Occupational Therapy for the Kids: Marketing Campaign

Since the product of interest for this marketing campaign is occupational therapy for the kids, it is vital for the visuals to resonate with the parents of children that require rehabilitation and assistance in performing activities of daily living. Considering the price policy and market location, the target customer for...

Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony 2010 Analysis

The Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony distinguishes from other Nobel ceremonies and awards. In addition to another venue – Oslo, Norway, and not Stockholm, Sweden, this direction, unlike others, is less scientific and more political. This feature makes the award a clear political statement in the international arena. In particular,...

Why Governments Should Ban Ads Directed at Young People

Advertising, through smart operations, appeals to a target audience’s emotions with an irresistible selling lure. It is meant to influence the target’s purchasing behavior and entice them to purchase a certain product. Adults have the power to make critical judgments and select products that match their actual demands regardless of...

Social Significance of Censorship and Alternatives

Introduction Censorship is the review of speech, television programs, or any other media, and the suppression of parts that are deemed objectionable for moral, political, or other reasons. By introducing various forms of censorship, state bodies motivate this kind of decision by considerations of state security, the need to combat...

The Role of Social Networks in People’s Everyday Lives and Social Movements

Social networks have an essential role for every person who uses them to keep in touch with friends and find new information for themselves, to learn about all the news from around the world. A few years ago, social networks were not that big yet, but today people can use...

Trigger Events to Attract Media Attention

Trigger events are orchestrated incidents that give individuals an opportunity to drive important agendas, and in turn, attract media attention. Generating media hype is not as simple as stated because it requires careful planning and execution. Additionally, the media should be able to consider the event as newsworthy before covering...

“The UN Sex Abuse Scandal”: The UN Sexual Violence in War-Torn Countries

Ramita Navai’s documentary “The UN Sex Abuse Scandal” traces specific allegations of predatory behaviors of some UN peacekeepers in conflict countries worldwide, with detailed interviews from survivors of sex abuse. More than 2000 allegations of UN sexual abuse have been reported and recorded in Congo, Cambodia, Bosnia, and Haiti in...

Economics of Advertising in Grossman’s and Klein’s View

The article “Informative Advertising with Differentiated Products” by Gene M. Grossman And Carl Shapiro offers a basic informative advertising approach for a variety of commodities that is just focused on delivering information. Advertisement performs an essential social purpose by informing buyers about the qualities of different brands and building the...

Social Media Behavior Analysis

Introduction It is important to note that social media became one of the most valuable instruments of the modern age, but it also brought a set of its own issue with it. Human behavior is a complex set of perceptive, interactive, and communicative expressions of one’s thoughts, emotions, and feelings....

Activating People’s Unconscious Behaviors With Advertisements

Introduction When implemented with a proper and profound understanding of the cultural background of the target audience, an advertisement can produce a tremendous difference for a specific company and its product. The advertisement in question, namely, Adidas’ 2021 ads aimed at ending the plastic waste, seeks to engage with English-speaking...

Arguments in “California Homeless” Documentary

Introduction It is quite common for most American cities to have homeless persons living on the streets and needing to ask other people for money, shelters, or food. In Sacramento, this problem is becoming more severe, so it is extremely significant to raise public awareness and create more opportunities to...

The Representation of Islam in the British Press

Literature Review The representation of Islam has always remained quite controversial, especially in Western societies. The ambiguity of religion and its continuous involvement with terrorism made it a rather desirable target for the press. Thus, Baker et al. (2013) explore in their study, what are the peculiarities of Islam’s representation...

“The Pruitt-Igoe Myth” Documentary by Chad Freidrichs

Introduction The Housing Act of 1949 had a serious impact on the mid-twentieth century American cities; the public regards this Act as a controversial project, which turned into success for some and failure for others. The Pruitt-Igoe Myth is a documentary shot by Chad Freidrichs that analyzes the history of...

Artists’ Difficulties to Gain Listeners and Views Through Social Media Client

Introduction Social media with a strong influence on various segments of the population have become an integral part of modern culture. For this reason, the development of any brand, including novice music performers, significantly depends on its success in media. Despite the broad reach and outstanding impact, social networks may...

“And the Band Played On” During the AIDS Pandemic

“And the Band Played On” The movie “And the Band Played On” touches on different prevalent issues during the AIDS pandemic that afflicted the world in the 1980s. It is a film that chronicled the initial days of the pandemic and the bias and prejudice experienced by homosexuals, who were...

Social Media Companies: The Main Functions

Prompt 1 Social media companies have revolutionized communication, and their increasing popularity presents an ever-growing wealth of data leveraged by businesses for strategic insights and marketing purposes. The platforms collect enormous volumes of customer information, which are subsequently used for such activities as targeted advertising, opinion mining, and customer relations....

Communication: Living in a Bubble of Social Media

The rapid foray that social media has made into people’s lives on a global scale is truly impressive, yet hardly surprising. Initially creates as an online platform for sharing opinions globally and exploring new ideas, social media has quickly become a powerful tool that could be used both to address...

Magic in the Popular Series “Rome”

Throughout the existence of humanity, it was accompanied by religion, magic, and rituals. Thanks to people who preserve their way of life in the form it existed among their ancestor’s thousands of years ago, modern anthropology studies people’s past. In particular, magic that existed near representatives of these cultures was...

Malcolm X Predicting the Spread of Information Manipulation by Press

The issue of misinterpretation and mass delusion is one that was and is controversial for Western society. Some people prefer to avoid notions about the lying press and trust the majority of information that they encounter. The other type of people develops an apparatus for criticism of the messages coming...

The Australian Social Media Industry’s Analysis

The Australian social media industry has faced various challenges due to different factors, including ‘media mogul’ subjugated media which facilitates conservative views and restricts people’s opinions. This report majorly aims to examine various factors impacting Australia’s social media industry PESTLE analysis. Conducting PESTLE analysis is essential to Australia’s social media...

Cyberethics of Social Media Platforms

Within the framework of cyberspace, active information and communication processes are taking place between persons who form self-regulating Internet communities. They exist without clearly defined national borders and allow maintaining various relations regarding the information circulating in the global infrastructure. The corresponding processes are accompanied by the development of a...

The #NeverUseTheInternetAgain Campaign Analysis

The problem of the excess influence of social media on modern life is perhaps one of the most important issues of modern reality. Today is characterized by the active use of many digital platforms by people to satisfy the need for permanent content. The consumption of digital information is becoming...

Mass and Social Media in Modern Politics

Introduction Following mass media has been the primary way of acquiring new information for generations. Newspapers were around and served as an influential and, more importantly, reliable source of information for generations of people across the world. In the last century, radio and TV gained popularity among the vast majority...

Linguistic Structures in the News Article

Although there are several approaches to linguistic analysis, a way of analyzing news articles can be based on effectivity. Research shows that effective meaning-making is one of the fundamental features of news journalism (Koivunen et al. 1202). To conduct such a linguistic analysis, one can use articles like the one...

Social Media Use: The Effectiveness of a Social Media Campaign

Social media began in the late 1990s when the internet became available for public use. Social media platforms such as and Six Degrees came into existence. These platforms allowed people to connect with each other easily. For example, Six Degrees, which is largely considered the first ever social media...

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Film

For this assignment, one can take a look at the universally known scene from Peter Jackson’s movie Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. In this scene, all of the members of the adventuring party in the making are swearing their loyalty to the main character Frodo, who...

“Kevorkian” Film on Assisted Suicide

The documentary Kevorkian features one of the most controversial men in United States history. Dr. Jack Kevorkian, labeled as “Dr. Death,” is an Armenian-American pathologist who helped dozens of terminally ill patients in the U.S. undertake physician-assisted suicide (Crime T.V. 3, 2014). The thought-provoking film reviews Dr. Kevorkian’s convictions about...

Super Bowl Advertising Analysis

Super-Bowl advertisements are known to turn in astronomic revenue each year, with companies paying exceptionally high fees to get the precious commercial slot during the game day. The costs of obtaining the placement within the program, however, are so high, that the marketing researchers have been questioning the value that...

“Bill Moyers Journal – Rosedale: The Way It Is” Video

Spencer’s family moves into Rosedale, an all-white community. The residents living there look at them as a threat and fight to drive them away from their neighborhood. In one incident, their house is destroyed as other residents watch, and later, a bomb blast outside their place as a warning. The...

The “Koyaanisqatsi” Documentary by Godfrey Reggio

Technological development is an inseparable part of human lives as it influences almost every aspect of everyday routine. During the last centuries, scientific progress provided a large number of benefits, including an increase in life expectancy due to better healthcare and medicine, worldwide communication, superb logistics, and many others. However,...

Heed Their Rising Voices Advertisement

In the newspaper advertising, Heed Their Rising Voices, the authors write about peaceful protests of Black people for their rights and against discrimination. “Again and again, the Southern violators have answered Dr. King peaceful protests with intimidation and violence. They have bombed his home, almost killing his wife and child....

The Media-Government Interaction in the US

Introduction Throughout history, the United States has worked out the principles of relations with the media. For many decades, the American society has been discussing the problem of interaction between the media and the state and their mutual influence on the functioning process. The interaction of these institutions is contradictory....

Panathenaic Festival: Personal Experience

My character is the son of the tyrant Peisistratus known as Hippias, who contributed to ensuring preeminence in Greece. Hippias was born in 547 BC as one of the sons of Peisistratus and died in 490BC. Nevertheless, he took over power after the death of his father. He came from...

Aspects of Social Networking

Humans have not changed through the centuries of historical development. People socialize and find multiple ways to connect to their relatives, friends, and colleagues as fast and comfortably as possible; so, the technologies changed. Now, the exhausting instruments and devices for distant communication are gradually being replaced by social networking....

Evaluation of the Symptoms of Schizophrenia in “A Beautiful Mind”

Introduction The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder, text revision (DSM-IV-TR) is a collection of mental disorders. It includes the definitions, classifications, and organization of the disorders. Also, the manual contains a list of criteria that is used to make a diagnosis. The DSM-IV-TR is...

For Sama Documentary on Syrian Filmmaker

Introduction The topic of war is common in modern cinematograph, and due to significant advances in technological equipment, realism and drama are characteristic aspects of such films. The documentary For Sama directed by Waad Al-Kateab and Edward Watts will be examined from the perspective of the cinematic elements used, the...

“Can You Be Addicted to Food?”: A New Problem Faced by North Americans

Can You Be Addicted to Food? Food is any substance consumed by living organisms to provide nutritional support. Addiction is the condition of having a craving for a particular substance. The story “Can You Be Addicted to Food?” involves Matthew Mahon, a 46-year-old man. Mahon is worried about whether he...

“Why We Fight?” American Documentary’s Review

Cinematography is a very diverse and multi-genre art, one of which is documentary cinema. A documentary is a film based on filming real people and events. Documentaries also have their dramaturgy and director’s idea, so it is difficult to establish a boundary between documentaries and a game picture in some...

Cultural and Social Impacts of Global Networked Media

The concept of global media implies communication and the spread of information at the global level. The scale of media coverage has increased due to the development of new technologies, out of which the Internet is the most important one. Besides, the spread of liberal values also significantly contributed to...

“The British Columbia Imposes Travel and Fuel Restrictions” by CBC News

Introduction The recent flooding and mudslides in the Canadian province of British Columbia left many people stranded and led to the declaration of a state of emergency. The catastrophic flooding occurred due to a mix of record rainfall, boosted freezing, and melting flow. Other than destroying people’s homesteads, natural disasters...

An Analysis of the Discourse of Social Networks

The method of research used by the authors is a qualitative analysis of the discourse of social networks, namely Facebook. Using Northrup’s theory of identity in intractable conflict, the authors analyze how users use dehumanizing language and thereby normalize dangerous levels of hatred (Harel et al., 2020). Researchers note negative...

Billboard Advertising of Health Services

Generally, businesses, individuals, governments, and non-government organizations aim to reach their respective audiences through advertising to pass intended information about the service, event, or product they offer. In most cases, they opt to use billboards to display the content of information they are communicating to the people. During the process...

Restrictions on Media Advertising

Media advertising is an industry with a high level of competition among advertisers. Needless to say that advertisers are ready to use any means of promotion in order to increase product sales. This results in the usage of unfair methods of promotions, and that is why the government must regulate...

Pharmaceutical Advertising is Propaganda

Fake advertisement is prevalent in various sectors, and it has penetrated the pharmaceutical industry. Businesses have lost much money in fines after being found to be liable to inaccurate advertising, for instance, Purdue Pharma in pharmaceutical industry and Volkswagen in the automotive. The main aim of propaganda is always helping...

Global Warming: “Hopeful Lessons From the Battle to Save Rainforests”

Tasso Azevedo proposes several solutions to deforestation and global warming. The first suggestion is to think of development and carbon emissions separately (Azvedo, 2015). Many people believe that carbon emission is necessary for economic and global development. For instance, they argue that agricultural production can only be increased by cutting...

The 13th Documentary’s Influence on Viewers

The American legal system has been quite notorious for some of its obvious loopholes and flaws, yet a more detailed assessment of it reveals that it, in fact, needs an urgent reconsideration. Representing the direct opposition to the 13th Amendment, which prohibits and condemns slavery, imprisonment can be seen as...

TikTok: Getting Acquainted with Social Network

The era of intensified globalization processes was catalyzed by the emergence of the large-scale Internet. The central goal of the creation of the Internet was originally the idea of forming a platform for easy access to all kinds of information. However, it is clear that with the development of global...

The “California Homeless” Documentary Analysis

Title of the Film California Homeless | Seniors on the streets: More older people in Sacramento are on the brink. Expectations Statement Judging by the title of the documentary and its length of a little over 6 minutes, I expect a news report featurette about the issue of increasing elderly...

Plot of “Succession” Comedy-Drama Series

The premiere episode of HBO’s sarcastic comedy-drama series Succession is titled “Celebration.” The show features the Roy family, proprietors of the fictitious media giant Waystar RoyCo, as well as a series of connections and tensions that emerge during the family patriarch Logan Roy’s 80th birthday celebrations. Logan’s wellness appears to...

“Paperland: The Bureaucrat Observed” Documentary

Sociology, as a broad and multifaceted science, views the realities in society in their complexity. Various phenomena occurring in social structures might be analyzed using sociological theories and concepts that provide rationalization and explanation of human actions within social systems. The social phenomenon of bureaucracy has been meticulously portrayed in...

“The Season of Mists” from “The Sandman” Comic

The Season of Mists is a fascinating story about how Dreamer received the keys to Hell from Lucifer and was subjected to countless threats from deities who dreamed of getting the freed realm. The Creator decided to put Hell back under the responsibility of angels Duma and Remiel, who were...

Stopping the Spread of Germs: Advertisement Analysis

Promoting a proper healthcare routine is vital for reducing the cases of public health issues in the target demographic and ensuring that people are isolated from the key health threats. Therefore, advertisements and announcements are vital for keeping both the prevalence and incidence of the specified health issue low. In...

Using Social Media to Support Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity

There has been considerable development in correspondence over the age years. People of different foundations can have a media stage, for instance, on Facebook, where they can interact despite geographical regions. Web-based media investigates individuals’ likenesses as opposed to reducing their usage. It is one where they can openly air...

Violent Media and Subsequent Aggressive Behavior

In the modern world, people are increasingly faced with the aggressive behavior of young people, which is caused by the demonstration of aggression in the media. Video games, TV series, movies, and news are all modern sources of information for both adults and their children. Unfortunately, for some people, it...

“Judas and the Black Messiah”: The Story of the the Black Panther Party (BPP)

Introduction “Judas and the Black Messiah” is a biographical drama directed by Shaka King that tells about the Black Panther Party (BPP) in the late 1960-s. The name links the events in the movie with the Bible story about the betrayal of Judas. The Black Messiah is Fred Hampton, who...

Free Speech Regulation on Social Media

For users, social networks have been platforms for the free expression of their opinions since their appearance. Nevertheless, in recent years, such a position has become less and less entitled to exist. The point is the regulation of social networks by the state and the sites themselves. Even though some...

Researching of Mass Media Literacy

Mass communication refers to how organizations tend to generate and transfer information to the general public. The evolution of mass conversation has greatly helped through the diverse roles in people’s daily endeavors. First, communication helps in surveillance where it serves as ears and eyes, especially to those seeking to know...

Is Social Media a Good Thing to Society?

With the ever-increasing technology, new trends and lifestyles occur as a result. Social media has become part of our world, and nearly all youths today are part of various social media networks. There was the need to have a network system that would improve human relations and networking, and the...

Missy Elliott’s Career and Queer Representation in Hip-Hop

The discussion of gender stereotypes and queer representations in music is especially valid in the hip-hop genre that has been subjected to racial and gender limitations for the longest time. In the modern era, the attention of hip-hop audiences is primarily focused on the question of whether there is a...

The Onion: Analysis of the News Website

The source chosen for this assessment is the news website called The Onion. To establish the online source’s credibility, one should look at the website’s creator, the authors’ credibility, the possibility of verifying the information, the individuals accountable for the information, and the presentation of the information (Lunsford et al.,...

Fake News and Its Implications on The Society

Fake news is a term that defines misleading information presented by the media. The primary aim of fake news is to damage the reputation of one’s enemies or entity or generate revenue through advertisements. Media plays a critical responsibility in developing and shaping society’s morality and ethical principles; hence, they...

Historical Analysis of “12 Years a Slave” Film

Introduction Pictured in 2013, a period-drama film “12 Years a Slave” shows how quickly a free man’s life can be destroyed, depicting enslaved people’s lives in 1841 and the following 12 years. This biographical film was directed by Steve McQueen, a British filmmaker, who was working on such films as...

Ethical Considerations of Social Media Use by Healthcare Providers

Introduction Social networks have become a part of modern human life. Many hours in front of the monitor screen are not uncommon for those used to actively communicating with virtual friends, sharing their news, statuses, and photos in real time. Medical students, doctors, and nurses are no exception. The Internet...

Misrepresentation by the Media and Government Regulations

Public Perception of women is misrepresented, disempowering them in politics and social life featured in the “Miss Representation” documentary. The analysis development starts with identifying how media influence individual beliefs and norms. Then how our beliefs about ourselves and others are shaped by what we see. Monitoring media influence through...

“Warrior Women”: Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Film

Introduction Warrior Women was created to convey how indigenous women engage with and see the world. Madonna Thunder Hawk is a Lakota activist whose career spans decades. She participated in the organization of protests and campaigns aimed at fighting for the rights of women and indigenous people in America. Through...

How Media Can Make the World More Ethical and Equitable

Introduction The modern world can hardly be called ethical and equitable. Many people live on the streets or cannot afford a decent standard of living. Women still experience the impact of a gender wage gap (Olsson & Martiny, 2018). People not conforming to their biological sex and gender expectations are...

How to Write an Op-Ed for the New York Times by Friedman

An op-ed article, short for “opinions and editorials page,” expresses an author’s opinion that does not have to be aligned with the editorial board. An op-ed is not required to be written by a staff journalist of the newspaper either. In fact, it does not have to be written by...

Advertisements for Microsoft Company

If Your Software Business Is in the “No-Innovations” Stage, Use Our Trends and Innovations Estimating Software to Assess Your Best Employees and Encourage Them to Create New Ideas! If your software business is constantly growing, you always need to come up with innovative products and ideas to attract more customers....

Portrayal of Dissociative Personality Disorder in the Media

Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is understood as a set of mental disorders, in particular memory lapses, disorders of consciousness, and feelings of personal identity. The condition leads to the fact that a person’s personality is divided. Because of this, it seems that in one person there are several personalities who...

Researching of Impact of Social Media

With the rise in the popularity and accessibility of digital technologies, social media has become an integral part of most people’s lives. However, few people wonder how social media actually works, preferring to use and view it from a rather superficial perspective. The idea of delving deep into the history...

Documentary “The Codebreaker” by Chana Gazit

The Codebreaker is a documentary about Elizebeth Smith Friedman, a significant figure during WWII, yet not many people know about her. Friedman began her career as a codebreaker when she started analyzing whether Shakespeare’s works were written by Francis Bacon or William Shakespeare himself. Friedman and her husband soon became...

The Gaming Community: How Video Game Players Are Viewed Today

The variety of subcultures in contemporary society is exceptionally large, creating an opportunity for various individuals to relate to a specific community. The popularity of the gaming group has been rising steadily for the past years, as it began to obtain more specific characteristics. The general attitude towards the gaming...

The “Indonesia: The Invisible Giant” Documentary

The film Indonesia: The Invisible Giant explains how Islam arrived and influenced the cultures and values of the local people. The video describes the historical background of Indonesia and its hard lessons of democracy. Indonesia is the third-largest democracy with six recognized national religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Confucianism, and...

Schools’ Access to Students’ Social Media

The wide use of digital technologies nowadays has raised concerns about individuals’ privacy. Many people think that personal information contained in digital sources should not be available to a third party. In particular, there is an opinion that schools should not monitor students’ social media because it would breach students’...

The Concept of Digital Minimalism

There has been an increase in social media platforms in the recent past. This is due to the increasing innovation and the technological advances experienced globally. The majority of the global population is becoming addicted to social media platforms such as; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even video games (Newport, 2019)....

Negative Impact of Media Attention to School Shooting

Schools are anticipated to provide children with maximum physical and emotional safety and foster their full-fledged development. Thus, school shooting incidents are taken as unbearable tragedies, leading to substantial media attention. From my perspective, active attempts to rationalize and explain mass murderers’ behavior by attracting attention to their personal lives...

Analysis of “Finding Your Roots: Criminal Kind” TV Series

Introduction Popular media projects designed not only to entertain but also to convey important thoughts and ideas to the public are increasingly appearing in the modern media environment. One of such products is the documentary TV series Finding Your Roots, hosted and produced by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. This show...

Student Loan Debt Issue Highlighted in Editorials

Student loan debt has been a topical question for the past decades, and the U. S. government has tried to address the issue in different ways. One of the latest steps discussed is debt cancellation, which evokes quite contrasting emotions and views among Americans. This paper includes a brief comparison...

Social Audio and Fitting Platform for It

The introduction of Clubhouse marked a significant step in the development of content on social media platforms with the new audio-based model. Nowadays, innovational features are quickly recycled and implemented in the popular social media apps, as happened with Snapchat being replaced by Instagram stories and TikTok being brought to...

The Discrepancies in Unhealthy Food Advertising: Hispanic and Black Consumers

Describe the Purpose of the research The purpose of this research is to outline the discrepancies in unhealthy food advertising directed towards Hispanic and Black consumers in general and the comparatively large allocations of television advertising budgets to targeted television programs. The research determines the effectiveness of advertising directed towards...

Media Narratives That Influenced Worldview

Our previous experiences profoundly influence our future actions because humans tend to turn to the behaviors earlier observed in others when making decisions, explanations or predictions. When acting out of habit rather than plan, humans tend to depend on the history of previously reinforced actions (Gershman et al., 2016). Thus,...

Media and Democracy in “By the People: Debating American Government 5e”

“By the People: Debating American Government” is an introduction to the American government, and the 9th chapter focuses on media and democracy in the US. Mass media is an excellent source of influence, information, and controversy. This chapter is an analysis of how media has changed over time, where the...

Summer Safety in the Beach: The Viral Video

Veronica-Pooh Nash Poleate released a summer safety video that quickly became viral in 2015. In the video where she advises viewers on how to stay safe from shark attacks, Poleate combines several characteristics and qualities of a video that would go viral, as discussed by Allocca and Nguyen. The video...

“Aliens”: A Dark and Unique Film

Aliens is a fantastic canvas that develops the mythology of the space saga. James Cameron, having replaced then Ridley Scott, was seemingly trying to consolidate his new status. Both James Cameron and Ridley Scott have made some of the most successful movies worldwide. Cameron took the opportunity to direct this...

Modern Media as Set of Profitable Businesses

It is not new for the media to use incorrect information and inappropriate interpretations. However, modern media also often use deliberately fictional narratives in addition to intentional distortion. The aim behind this is to profit from a more scandalous event description, which is more popular among the media audience. Yet,...

Advertising: Impact on the Contemporary Society

Berger turns to the contemporary world, focusing on advertising, or “publicity pictures.” These pictures surround us more intensively than any image in history. “Clients do not always take in all of the commercials people see; designers pass them by, they pass us by” (Berger, 2012). Nevertheless, at least temporarily, every...

Media Coverage of Transgender Policy in Military

Arthur, D. C., Pollock, G., Steinman, A. M., Frank, N., Mazur, D. H., & Belkin, A. (2020). DoD’s transgender ban has harmed military readiness. Palm Center.  The study by Arthur et al. (2020) was one of the first scholarly studies undertaken to investigate the impact of the ban on transgender...

Amazon Workers’ Abuse

The article Amazon To Let Warehouse Employees’ Families Work Thanksgiving Shifts Too, posted on The Onion satirical media resource, mocks the media’s obsession with Amazon, as well as the company’s severe working conditions. The article states that Amazon provides a possibility for its staff to work with their family members...

Why the People Crave Horror Movies

Introduction According to Stephen King, everyone is insane to some degree though the level of insanity differs from one individual to another. Stephen King’s ethos in horror films is the key reason why many people like movies. “Why we crave horror movies” forms an outstanding argument written in his essay...

Self-Esteem & Social Network Usage Link

Social networks are closely intertwined with the lives of modern people of different educational levels and social strata. Most young people spend a lot of time on social networks, chatting with friends, commenting on the news, and posting their photos for everyone to see. In such a dynamic and eventful...

Tony Stark in the “Avengers: Age of Ultron”

Introduction Within the framework of the current paper, the author intends to review the personality of Tony Stark, also known as the Iron Man in the Marvel Comics Universe. The particular area of discussion is the application of the cognitive learning theory to Stark’s personality to explain his thoughts and...

Facebook Keeps Growing Manipulative

Introduction The use of Facebook has become so integral to our routine we do not notice how it happens. Reading news while drinking morning coffee, skipping or closing annoying ads and saving interesting to examine later – how conscious are we about these everyday actions? Not quite, apparently; they are...

Adverse Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

Introduction Mental health is critical at all stages of life, as the emotional, psychological, and social well-being of humans falls under it. Simply stated, it affects thoughts, perception, and motivation towards actions; it also determines how people deal with stress, interact with others, and make decisions (Odgers and Jensen 337)....

Mobile Advertising and Manipulation

The nature of mobile advertising has evolved enormously over the past few years. The advancement of phone technology has, in turn, changed the ways in which marketing is produced, presented, and maintained throughout the medium. Mobile advertising employs a number of characteristics that make it distinct from prior forms of...

Aspects of Media Convergence

The viewings this week were very entertaining and, at some points, even surprising. In my opinion, what stood out most was the contrast with the technologies of the past. Thus, the video Media Convergence from the very beginning states that at the early 21st century people did not have cable...

Negative Cancel Culture Perceptions in the Contemporary Media

Introduction In the present day, social media space may be characterized by digital activism that has both positive features and negative consequences. Digital activism that is also called social media or online activism is a particular form of civic activity that is conducted through the internet and digital media. In...

Online Radicalization on the Internet

Introduction The online sphere has increasingly become part of day-to-day life for many people. With the spread of popular culture and the integration of technology into every person’s daily life, there is no way to avoid the internet and its effects on the majority. This trend, however, presents a major...

”Using Social Media to Aid Your Job Search” Article Review

Introduction The article in question dwells upon the role social media can play in job search. Saunders (2021) stresses that employers tend to rely on informal networks rather than more formal techniques when searching for the right person. Social media provide almost limitless opportunities for job seekers to become a...

“Episode 66: Yard of Dreams — Ear Hustle’’: Sports in Prison

The episode’s topic is prison sports in San Quentin State Prison in California. The episode demonstrates the essential opportunities to engage with offenders through sports as an intervention for correction and highlights the increased re-offending rates among those released from jail. The episode also demonstrates that through sports, individuals engage...

Measuring Public Relations and Advertising Efforts

If I were in the position of a marketing manager, I would definitely insist that a firm should do its own measurement of the effectiveness of public relations (PR) and corporate advertising efforts. The first reason is apparent; it is financial and human resources. These are crucial for any firm...

The Link Between Self-Esteem and Social Network Usage

Social networks have become an essential element of daily life in the digital age, allowing people to communicate. Researchers have discovered that while social networks are frequently promoted to combat loneliness and provide social support. A growing body of research suggests that excessive use of these networks might harm self-esteem...

The Network Effect and Impact on the Media

The widespread use of streaming services in the modern media space can be considered a trend of the last decade. A good understanding of all the tools and methods of product promotion is what makes the difference in this highly competitive environment. Network effect is one of the key factors...

Aspects of Technology and Social Network

Technology and social networks occupy an important place in people’s lives and some individuals, bloggers, even combine work and persona life, as it brings them income. In addition, recently, employers have been checking social networks when hiring a person, which is quite a controversial practice. On the one hand, publications...

Fake News in Modern Era of Communication

Most of us feel frustrated when we rely on information that turns out to be fake news. Fake news is used by various actors who aim to manipulate public opinion and use it as a powerful political instrument. Therefore, we should develop practices that will protect us from the adverse...

Social Media Negatively Impacts Psychological Well-Being

Social media in the modern world is a mass communication through the Internet, and a method of information, ideas, and interests exchange through virtual communities and networks. Today, social media is prevalent among all segments of the population and society. It is not easy to imagine life in the 21st...

Analysis of Social Media Misinformation Aspects

Al-Athwary, A. A. (2016). The semantics of English borrowings in Arabic media language: The case of Arab gulf states newspapers. International Journal of Applied Linguistics and English Literature, 5(4), 110-121. In the present paper, Anwar Al-Athwary analyzed the semantics of English loanwords in Arabic media. The author first determined the...

Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy and Tsotsi

The book Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy by Kevin Bales explores the stories of contemporary slavery. The investigation of ‘new slavery’ conducted by the author links to the problems of the global economy and the underlying motive of the movie Tsotsi. Tsotsi was released in 2006 and...

Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in “When They See Us” Film

When They See Us The events on which the series is based are so dramatic and cruel that on a wave of emotions, I hurry to share my impressions with you as soon as possible. Everyone should know and see this story with their own eyes, and this should not...

Social Media: Positive and Negative Effects

Today, it is all too easy to create an idealized online persona that individuals project in their virtual interactions with others. For some people, this might mean decreased social anxiety or shyness, allowing them to communicate with more people they would have felt comfortable with within the offline world. Some...

Harm From Social Networks and Internet Usage

Introduction In my opinion, the Internet communications, such as social media, emails, Google, Instagram, or WhatsApp, cause people to drift farther apart instead of being closed. It can be illustrated by the picture everyone can see: people on their cell phones all day and sometimes even all night. Sometimes, people...

Authenticity in “Hamilton” and “Brooklyn 99”

Every movie, television show, or other form of story entertainment seeks to maintain three concepts: coherence, continuity, and credibility. The story must progress logically and stay consistent with previous installations to be believable. Hamilton and Brooklyn 99 are excellent examples of a show maintaining its authenticity despite fictional settings. One...

Video Games’ Impact on Adolescents’ Aggressive Behavior

Video games are known to make adolescents engage in aggressive behaviors. Sun & Sun (2021) conducted a research study to identify the direct and indirect relationship between video games and aggressiveness. The research provides further insights into aggressiveness by focusing on the perception of peer norms. The primary behavior under...

The Informal Power of the Governor in Texas in Social Media

Introduction In Texas, the governor can sway public opinion as well as direct and influence the actions of other officials on multiple powers that the legislature confers to him or her. These are the informal powers conferred to the occupant of the seat of the state governor. Noteworthy, these powers...

Diet Milk Tea Beverage and Signature Diet Soda: The Social Media Campaigns

Strategies for Selling New Diet Milk Tea Beverage The primary audience is women from 18 to 45; among their values and goals, health care and maintaining an average weight can be distinguished (Mak, 2021). Then the Instagram campaign strategy should meet the interests and needs of this group. First of...

Lemon Coffee Trend on TikTok Shouldn’t Be Done Health Experts

The author’s goal of the analyzed news article Lemon coffee trend on TikTok shouldn’t be done, health experts say, is to convey information to readers that refute the viral trend on the social network. The article cites expert nutritionist opinions to boost audience confidence and open their eyes to the...

Social Media as a Form of Activism Today

Introduction Change is a condition that must be adopted with time since moments, generations, and processes get altered. A change can be positive or negative depending on the person or group in charge of change institutionalization. One way society can bring change is by activism, which means actions to sensitize...

Hamilton Show’s Soundtracks and Their Importance to the Performance

Introduction Hamilton is one of the most famous Broadway shows which won the audience’s hearts and received numerous awards. There were multiple performances and movies based on the musical, and each offered something unique to the spectator. Perhaps, the most outstanding and exciting part to me was the music since...

The Mexican Drug War and “Queen of the South”

Introduction It is common for artists to use real-world experiences to make their artworks more influential, close to the audience, and meaningful. Some events from the past or modern issues and circumstances may inspire creators and later be used in their movies, books, paintings, or music. One example of an...