Introduction Saudi Arabia commonly referred to as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is the second-largest country after Algeria in the Arab World. Its neighboring countries include Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, and Iraq. The approximate size of Saudi Arabia is 2,000,000km2. The climate of Saudi...
Topic: Agriculture
Words: 2832
Pages: 10
Today, the global concern about environmental problems is nothing but a very essential issue. The concern has been achieved through scientific research, technological advancement, and global community benchmark discussions. A day hardly goes by without any remarks on the environmental problem since the world is confronted by a critical environmental...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1657
Pages: 6
Introduction Global awareness entails the aspect of making people, society, have an understanding of various life issues that is based on knowledge of global perspectives. It encompasses factors that affect the world at large rather than a specific nation for instance economic, social, cultural, political as well as environmental-related aspects...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1667
Pages: 6
Introduction In the modern age, the transition to renewable energy sources may be inevitable. The continuous depletion of oil, environmentally unsafe measures of resource gathering and utilization, as well as the technological advances in the field of alternative energy, have shown that traditional energy sources are not going to be...
Topic: Alternative Energy
Words: 4991
Pages: 20
Introduction The physical and natural environments affect human life in various ways, as outlined by ecological studies. Environmental education is essential in informing individuals on how to deal with ecosystems to attain life sustainability. When discussing the environment, chief elements like soil, organisms, air, water, and solar energy have to...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1229
Pages: 5
The negative effects of environmental degradation on economies and communities have been studied repeatedly. It is generally agreed upon among researchers today that the deterioration of the environment promotes poverty (Haslam et al. 318). Therefore, the global goal of poverty eradication has been widely associated with improving the environmental conditions....
Topic: Environment
Words: 414
Pages: 2
In his article “The Green Economy: The Dangerous Path of Nature Commoditization”, Wilson explores the possible difficulties that can be met on the way to implementation of the ideas described in the paper “Towards a Green Economy – Pathways to Sustainable Development and Poverty Eradication” prepared by the United Nations...
Topic: Environment
Words: 565
Pages: 3
Introduction At the turn of the 21st century, the global development agenda introduced the element of climate change and global warming. It was noted that economic activities and other human undertakings were affecting the environment negatively. Scientists believe that the toxics and other waste products released by industries are responsible...
Topic: Climate
Words: 2251
Pages: 9
As the use of bottled water continue to rise steadily around the world, many critics have focused on its impacts on the environment, economy and other social implications related to the use, including waste management issues, depletion of groundwater, energy consumption and many more. In the US, for instance, in...
Topic: Environment
Words: 836
Pages: 4
Introduction Accidents refer to the events that occur without the involvement of human beings (Kunstler 28). In most cases, accidents are beyond human control and may therefore be considered to be supernatural occurrences. Such unnatural events include earthquakes, storms, landslides and tornados. Death itself is catastrophic and a fate that...
Topic: Environment
Words: 2609
Pages: 10
Introduction The purpose of this essay is to show that people affect the environment negatively because of the social, cultural, and economic activities that they engage in regularly. The resulting increase in environmental degradation causes negative effects on people. These include increased morbidity rate, famine, and limited access to natural...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1649
Pages: 6
U.S. Energy Mix The Historical Energy Mix In 1950, most of the energy was produced from coal (13.3 quadrillion British energy units) and petroleum (13.3 quadrillion). Natural gas had a smaller share (6 quadrillion) and an even smaller share the hydroelectric power (3 quadrillion) (U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2022). The...
Topic: Energy
Words: 1728
Pages: 6
In today’s waste management systems, landfills are a necessary component, but if they are not adequately planned, managed, and monitored, they can also pose serious environmental and health problems. One of the biggest landfills in the United States is the Sunshine Canyon Landfill. However, like many other landfills, the Sunshine...
Topic: Environment
Words: 628
Pages: 2
Introduction Climate change is a growing threat to the global hospitality industry, and humanity must take action to mitigate its impact. An environment that is stable and sustainable is essential for the hospitality sector to remain viable in the global economy. However, as temperatures continue to rise and natural disasters...
Topic: Climate
Words: 862
Pages: 3
Introduction Shifting cultivation, which is also referred to as rotational bush fallow farming, slash-and-burn farming, or swidden, is an old tilling practice mostly found in tropical parts of the world. The land-use system is mainly practiced in the wet tropical highlands in South Asia, Oceania, Africa, and Latin America. Approximately...
Topic: Environment
Words: 2318
Pages: 8
The most relevant concern of modern society’s activism revolves around the climate situation and ecological disasters threatening humanity. Greta Thunberg is one of the youngest people to attract attention to such an essential question of the ecological responsibility of world leaders, representing the risks a new generation faces. She presented...
Topic: Activism
Words: 374
Pages: 1
Introduction The problem of plastic pollution in the oceans has been well-documented in recent years. Plastic debris has been known to cause severe disruption to marine ecosystems, with catastrophic consequences for wildlife and the environment. The accumulation of plastic waste in the oceans causes physical damage to marine species and...
Topic: Marine Life
Words: 1170
Pages: 4
Environmental problems and energy are closely related topics in that consuming energy without a significant impact on the surroundings is impossible. Humans primarily consume energy for various purposes, such as heating, lighting, air conditioning, and cooling. The natural flow of energy is determined by the equilibrium set on incoming and...
Topic: Energy
Words: 575
Pages: 2
Introduction Air pollution is among the leading causes of global warming worldwide. Air contamination is also known to have a diverse effect on respiratory health. India is among the countries that are rapidly rising due to industrialization, resulting in immense air pollution. Short and long-term exposure to contaminated air is...
Topic: Air Pollution
Words: 618
Pages: 2
A tropical cyclone is a ferocious circular storm that ascends over warmer tropical marine seas and is described by heavy rains, low air pressure, and high winds. A distinctive characteristic of tropical cyclonic cyclones is the eye, a central area of brilliant sky, scorching temperatures, and low air pressure. Asani...
Topic: Marine Life
Words: 357
Pages: 1
Introduction The selected community for this analysis and discussion is Henderson City in Nevada. This urban setting is found in Clark County, which is found southeast of Las Vegas. Individuals living in this wider neighborhood are exposed to various calamities and challenges that have the potential to affect their experiences...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 1921
Pages: 7
The global community relies on the surrounding environment for food production, transport, and economic development. Most of these actions put pressure on the available natural resources. Environmentalists and sociologists have identified new ways of collaborating to find solutions to the challenges associated with global warming and climate change. When left...
Topic: Alternative Energy
Words: 1943
Pages: 7
Introduction The Federal Emergency Management Agency can provide financial assistance and, if necessary, direct services to eligible individuals and families who, as a result of a large-scale natural disaster, have incurred expenses. FEMA’s programs are focused on meeting the immediate needs of victims and their families and helping them take...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 628
Pages: 2
Introduction Environmental messaging has become a subject of great importance in the 21st century. With many world problems being present, ranging from climate change to pollution, hunger, and the finite nature of most natural resources, humanity needs to unite in its efforts to save the planet from its own voracious...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1112
Pages: 4
Overview of Rice Production Rice is a major staple crop that millions of people use in their daily diets, particularly those living below the poverty line in Asia, Africa, and South America. For this reason, improvement of food security and reduction of the poverty level are more likely to occur...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1351
Pages: 6
Introduction Global warming effects is currently one of the global threats with each nation suffering economically due to the observed climatic changes. This discussion aims to provide effects of the current global warming threats which is affecting the whole world. Due to changes in the distribution of the weather pattern...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 2087
Pages: 7
Introduction Climate change has made renewable energy a global priority to replace fossil fuel that continues to impact the environment negatively. Egypt is one of the leading producers of oil in Africa. The country has been generating significant income from exporting oil, which has contributed immensely to the growth of...
Topic: Alternative Energy
Words: 1197
Pages: 4
Introduction The changing climate has brought to the fore the negative impacts human activities have on the environment. The social, physical, and economic repercussions have upset the traditional order of life in hitherto unseen ways. The rise in temperatures and the depletion of the ozone layer has resulted in erratic...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 1382
Pages: 5
The global issue selected for the final paper is food and water security. This is a topical problem nowadays, especially in light of climate change and population growth. Statistics show that, currently, about 690 million individuals worldwide are hungry, and three billion people cannot afford to eat healthily (“Food loss,”...
Topic: Food
Words: 394
Pages: 1
Introduction There is minimal scientific evidence about how tornadoes occur exactly. This weather phenomenon has been documented widely, but the violent nature of its occurrence proves a significant limitation to the ability of scientists to collect conclusive data pertinent to establishing the exact causes. A tornado is a column of...
Topic: Environment
Words: 537
Pages: 2
Introduction The relevance of environmentally sustainable practices in the food and hospitality industry in Australia is explained by the fact that hotels and restaurants witness food leftovers and wastage daily. Food wastage is an issue that affects countries’ environments and economics adversely. The investigation aims to identify how food and...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1579
Pages: 6
Introduction The United Nations set a goal for countries to limit the universal standard temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius compared with pre-industrial level through their climate change agreement, which was signed within the 2015 Paris Agreement (Aronoff et al., 2019). According to Obergassel et al. (2016), this agreement will...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 2854
Pages: 10
Pennsylvania is a state that uses a large amount of energy each day. Most of the population utilizes natural gases energy every day in their homes and places of work. Therefore, this implies that much of this energy escapes to the environment and causes many negative effects. State citizens tend...
Topic: Energy
Words: 2212
Pages: 8
On 29 December 2020, The Nature Conservancy in Texas, City of Dallas, and Texas A&M Transportation Institute started to install air quality monitors in nine Dallas neighborhoods. This ordinance is a part of the Breathe Easy Dallas project on that week. Breathe Easy Dallas is a collaboration with Texas A&M...
Topic: Environment
Words: 290
Pages: 1
Mia Mottley, the Prime Minister of Barbados, made a speech at the Opening of the #COP26 World Leaders Summit of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) held in Glasgow. She explained the possibility of climate change becoming irreversible if the temperature increased by two degrees Celsius (UN Climate Change,...
Topic: Speech
Words: 332
Pages: 1
Introduction Supporting sustainability and environmental programs is one way for manufacturers to show consumers that they listen to their needs and care about them. And consumers pay with gratitude: they associate socially responsible brands with high quality, uniqueness, naturalness, and support for local production. Citizens around the world support the...
Topic: Spirituality
Words: 3572
Pages: 12
Sound is one of the environmental influences for all living organisms, including humans. Machines, propagating systems, and transport systems are easily argued to be the grassroots sources of loud sounds (Morillas 214). In nature, loud sounds are rare, and the noise is relatively weak and short-lived. The combination of sound...
Topic: Environment
Words: 2258
Pages: 8
The book The Upcycle: Beyond Sustainability – Designing for Abundance by McDonough and Braungart is a famous sequel to their previous book Cradle to Cradle. The Upcycle presents the authors’ innovative view on how humankind should interact with nature for mutual benefit. In particular, McDonough and Braungart affirmatively state that...
Topic: Environment
Words: 595
Pages: 2
Introduction: The Trend of Strikes in the UK for the Past 40 Years The unemployment rates in the UK – that is, the number of people without a formal source of income who have been seeking employment and are ready to work – have decreased over the past decade. According...
Topic: Environment
Words: 2307
Pages: 7
Introduction The global society faces many challenges, some of which are localized, and others can impact every single Earth dweller. The two that pose the biggest threat are the rise in the ocean’s levels and poor countries remaining poor. Although only the first one appears to be related to the...
Topic: Environment
Words: 2282
Pages: 8
Human impact on the environment is global: the influence of humans on the appearance of the planet is already comparable to the processes in the Earth’s core, continental drift, and cosmic catastrophes. The anthropogenic factor is becoming the leading one, and without taking it into account, it is impossible to...
Topic: Environment
Words: 868
Pages: 3
Stating the Problem Pollution is one of the biggest problem humanity face, affecting the majority of Earth’s territory, which affects the climate change and has a direct influence on the wildlife. Pollution affects air, water, soil, and livestock, which worsens the condition of human health as well as the health...
Topic: Pollution
Words: 690
Pages: 2
I would like to review a program in which we intend to purchase a simple plastic shredder and install it in the school compound to counter the rising volume of plastic containers and plastic bags in the school environment and its environs. Students will be encouraged to drop their plastic...
Topic: School
Words: 855
Pages: 3
Introduction These days, the topic of multiple ecological problems appears to be extremely relevant, and it is widely discussed among all the categories of the population. The fact that human activity has a negative impact on nature and its perseverance has become evident. Kimberly Amadeo attempts to address one of...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 555
Pages: 2
Human activity has a negative impact on all aspects of nature, including the soil. The problem of soil contamination is relevant for all continents of the Earth, even for the least developed regions. The amount of land affected by degradation currently reaches one-third of the total surface. While pollution can...
Topic: Pollution
Words: 390
Pages: 1
Introduction One of the central issues that affect the wellness of the Earth’s population is plastic pollution. Today, almost every person knows that plastic kills millions of animals every year by entanglement or starvation (Parker, 2019). However, a rare person realizes that plastic is a source of significant problems with...
Topic: Pollution
Words: 1323
Pages: 6
The Circumstances under Which the Accident Occurred It was on June 17, 1997, when a physicist who was working at the Nuclear Centre at Sarov, in the Federation of Russia was exposed to severe radiation of uranium. This physicist was the senior technician at this plant. This critical accident took...
Topic: Environment
Words: 2759
Pages: 10
Introduction Corporate SERA (social environmental reporting) was created in order to expand on conventional models of financial reporting which puts emphasis on a company’s financial prosperity in order to include social and environmental dimensions (Elkington 1999). Corporate reporting and assurance guidelines are now more than simply optional and voluntary reporting...
Topic: Environment
Words: 5406
Pages: 21
Introduction Dan Fagin’s book, A Story of Science and Salvation brings out the effects of environmental degradation and its analysis reveals the danger that toxic substances pose to human beings and the environment. The book portrays the challenging side of science, particularly when laws and policies governing the use of...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1485
Pages: 5
Introduction In chapter one, the researcher introduced the reader to the proposed study. Several aspects of the proposed study were highlighted. These included the research design, the research questions to be addressed and such other things. In this chapter, the researcher will provide the reader with a critical review of...
Topic: Environment
Words: 2362
Pages: 8
Anthropogenic pollution of the atmosphere is associated with mechanical, physical, chemical, and biological factors. These are most noticeably manifested in places where people live compactly, especially in megacities, where weather conditions also differ greatly from similar parameters outside the city. Millions of tons of pollutants are constantly present in the...
Topic: Air Pollution
Words: 278
Pages: 1
In the contemporary world, land use planning is an essential concept that has to determine whether society should stay focused on preserving the environment or promote the economic growth of the cities. For this reason, planners continually face both opportunities and challenges at work. While having a chance to “deliver...
Topic: Environment
Words: 826
Pages: 3
The responsibility of people regarding global warming and its prevention is a fact underpinned by theories aimed at describing the connection between their actions and the negative outcome in terms of this problem. This situation is complicated by the lack of awareness of the scope of the potential influence of...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 285
Pages: 1
Introduction Plastic is an extremely popular synthetic material that is used in many spheres of life. It has numerous benefits that compel manufacturers to produce it in large quantities. However, mass production creates waste that not only pollutes the environment but also jeopardizes human health. Ascertaining the reasons for the...
Topic: Environment
Words: 580
Pages: 2
Environmental sustainability and policy formulation are two main branches of the environment which are concerned with finding solutions to the problems that are affecting the environment. There are so many environmental problems that are facing the globe today due to a number of reasons including the rapid process of urbanization...
Topic: Environment
Words: 630
Pages: 2
This paper comments on Journal/ newspaper articles on global warming from major newspapers and journals around the world. In February 2007, the United States Scientific panel concluded that global warming being experienced today is irreversible. It is also apparent from the report that anthropogenic activities have been the major cause...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 4529
Pages: 16
The life of each and every being in the world is very valuable and at the same time nature is a treasure house for all beings and because of this reason no one has the right to diminish the richness of nature. Eco feminism, pluralism and environmental pragmatism are some...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1441
Pages: 5
Introduction There are a lot of problems facing humanity nowadays. Environmental protection should be one of the greatest considerations of modern people. The growth of cities also creates problems to the environment. Urban growth has been allowed to get completely out of control. This problem is destroying a number of...
Topic: Environment
Words: 539
Pages: 2
Introduction “Information is power.” That familiar saying is true. Have you ever taken time to consider how the world will be without faster technologies of processing information? Information technology in itself refers to all systems of software along with hardware used in data collection, storage, analysis, processing and easy access...
Topic: Information Technology
Words: 870
Pages: 3
Brief Outline The loss of forests has led to numerous negative outcomes including climate change, air pollution, and additional challenges to agriculture and other industries. Demographic changes have also contributed to an increase in the rate of deforestation as the need for more resources continues to grow (Lawrence & Vandecar,...
Topic: Deforestation
Words: 3352
Pages: 12
The first Earth Day of 1970 gave birth to a monumental process to environmental progress. Fifty years ago, “20 million Americans gathered together on April 22, 1970” (Greenwalt 330) to take part in environmental event called ‘Earth Day’. That Earth Day made the world a much healthier place for humans...
Topic: Environment
Words: 562
Pages: 2
The UAE is rapidly developing for the several decades already, which has a positive influence on the well-being of the population. However, the changes that entail this process affects the environment adversely. People tend to use cars, which spoil the air, dangerous substances, and chemicals that can pollute water and...
Topic: Climate
Words: 1152
Pages: 4
Introduction Environmental safety has come to be among the most volatile topics of discussion at the local, national, and international levels. With the emergence of global warming, greenhouse effects, and other environmental issues, countries have resolved to use a united approach in solving these problems. There are very many factors...
Topic: Environment
Words: 710
Pages: 2
Ecological Problems Trends in UAE and How the Trend Will Be in Future Ecological problems result from the interaction of living organisms and the environment. One of the major problems in UAE is the high population growth rate; the fertility rate in 2005 was estimated at 2.49; however, it is...
Topic: Environment
Words: 619
Pages: 2
Introduction The environment in which we live is composed of people, vehicles, industries, animals, machines, and other enterprises, which in the end, produce wastes to the environment. These wastes may take the form of solid, liquid, gaseous, or radioactive agents. Most of these wastes become hazardous to the environment and...
Topic: Environment
Words: 621
Pages: 2
Biofuels Every organism requires energy to function (Concepts of Biology, n.d.). The technological inventions made throughout history require energy as well. In the era of advances and improvements, the life of every individual becomes more comfortable; however, the environment suffers. Nowadays, the vast majority of people have a car, and...
Topic: Alternative Energy
Words: 551
Pages: 2
Introduction Statistics show that approximately 5 trillion single-use plastic bags are discarded annually, which account for the more than 50% of plastic products produced (Andrady 54). A study conducted in 2016 by researchers at the University of California found out that 1.7 grams of microfibers are released every time a...
Topic: Ecosystem
Words: 1674
Pages: 6
Global Ponzi Economy According to Brown According to Brown, a Ponzi economy is an economy that is not self-sustainable due to the dependence on a wider range by investors who plow in their capital, and when the time of payment becomes due, the government experiences a deficit because of the...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1754
Pages: 6
Introduction Today’s world is dependent on electricity, which is supplied from many different sources such as fossils fuels which emit harmful gases that pollute the environment and contribute to global warming by producing large quantities of CO2. However, with recent improvements in technology, renewable energy has been introduced in our...
Topic: Alternative Energy
Words: 551
Pages: 3
Elizabeth Kolbert in her book The Earth’s Sixth Extinction aims to discover the reasons and peculiarities of the sixth extinction claiming that human activity plays a significant role in this process. The journalist traveled with the scientists around the world to conduct experiments and measure the hazardous impact of human...
Topic: Extinction
Words: 583
Pages: 3
Why are countries of the world facing an energy crisis? Energy consumption is an important condition for the existence of the society. The availability of energy resources was always a necessity for the fulfillment of human needs and escalating life standards (Ghauri, Awan, & Bashir, 2012). Thus, as countries continued...
Topic: Climate
Words: 682
Pages: 3
Introduction It is beyond doubt to the ordinary public that global climate is drastically shifting from bad to worse. According to Butler (2009, p. 4), this menace is not only acknowledged by the common citizens, but also by the authorities who should bring to an end the nuisance. In this...
Topic: Vehicles
Words: 2232
Pages: 9
Abstract Environmental changes have both negative and positive impacts on human health. While some effects are direct, others are hard to decipher. Researchers claim that environmental changes create a favorable condition for the proliferation of deadly diseases. For instance, floods facilitate the breeding of mosquitoes, which spread malaria and dengue...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1751
Pages: 7
The issue regarding the pollution of the environment seems to be significantly important to solve; otherwise, the society will be in a threat. The unlimited human activity has already influenced the surrounding. The negative impact resulted in climate change. One of the most dangerous factors that contribute to the problem...
Topic: Dump
Words: 1121
Pages: 5
Energy independence and energy security are two of the most important objectives of the United States government. Energy independence affects America’s national security. At the present time, the United States is dependent on oil imports coming from politically unstable regions in the world, especially producers that are located in the...
Topic: Energy
Words: 870
Pages: 4
Introduction Humans do not live in a vacuum but in a damaged environment that impacts individuals’ health every second of their existence. People cannot avoid air as they must breathe, water as they must drink, or land as they must eat what is grown in it. When polluted substances from...
Topic: Environment
Words: 826
Pages: 4
Unfortunately, a tremendous upgrowth of the production sector requires the extraction of more and more materials that can be found on our planet. Mother Nature is generous, but we tend to impose upon her kindness and use her gifts in a way that does hurt our planet. Our industrial activity...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 828
Pages: 4
Is climate change natural? Is global warming a myth? Essay samples like this one will help you find the answer. Check it out if you need to write a “global warming is not a myth” essay. Forewords Whether global warming is a theory or a reality has been a matter...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 2521
Pages: 10
Introduction All life depends on water; it is a resource on which all life on our planet depends for survival. Despite this, millions of people today do not have access to clean and safe drinking water. This water crisis is not limited to underdeveloped nations; even wealthy countries struggle to...
Topic: Environment
Words: 588
Pages: 2
Introduction Having examined the issue of climate change and the human effect on the planet in greater depth, it is clear that by the end of the twentieth century, the Earth’s population had surpassed 6 billion people, five times more than a century earlier. Everyone needs a place to live,...
Topic: Environment
Words: 2476
Pages: 9
Introduction Today, I stand before you to address a matter of profound ethical significance—a timely and contextually relevant topic that has ignited a raging public controversy. It is a matter that strikes at the very core of our societal values, and we must confront it head-on. The problem is not...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1103
Pages: 4
Introduction As the world continues to grapple with environmental issues, the debate over the protection of wildlife versus the needs of human beings has become more contentious. Some argue that all aspects of the environment, including non-essential wildlife, must be protected for the sake of the planet’s overall health and...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1123
Pages: 4
Introduction Hurricanes, also known as tropical cyclones or typhoons, are highly destructive storms that have a significant impact on beaches. Beaches are constantly changing due to natural processes such as waves, sediment movement, and weather events. However, hurricanes intensify these natural processes and cause major alterations to the shape of...
Topic: Environment
Words: 884
Pages: 3
Introduction The modern world is characterized by the fast evolution of industries and the manufacturing of a constantly growing number of goods. They are required to meet all customers’ needs and guarantee a high level of comfort for them. However, supporting the consumerist society requires the stable work of industries...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1652
Pages: 6
Why Northern Nations Should Care About Their Impact on Southern Countries For people in the North, the risk of resource loss and the environmental impacts of fossil fuel use, consumption patterns, and corporate practices is real. Their use will directly or indirectly affect the southern countries, and they must be...
Topic: Environment
Words: 340
Pages: 1
Introduction Climate change is one of the most worrying problems, and it is a consequence of the negative impact of human activity. This issue manifests in phenomena such as changes in temperature on Earth and the extinction of various species. The effect on the level of the oceans and an...
Topic: Environment
Words: 317
Pages: 1
Introduction In the modern world, air quality is an important issue that needs to be actively addressed to protect health and the environment. Problems connected with air quality are caused by releasing harmful substances into the atmosphere, often due to human activities, such as burning fossil fuels. Therefore, to guarantee...
Topic: Environment
Words: 570
Pages: 2
Executive Summary The problem of the negative impact of business activities on the environment is one of the most prominent in the modern world. One of the reasons is the lack of efficiency or the complete absence of measures for the processing of valuable materials in the workplace. To do...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1698
Pages: 5
Introduction As early as the 18th century, people realized climate change was a massive threat to Earth. For a long time, it has been a major social crisis. Clemens et al. (2020) establish that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was established in 1988 in response to the first...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1085
Pages: 4
Introduction This article investigates how the significant coral bleaching event in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) affected tourists’ attitudes and beliefs regarding climate risk. The study examines tourists’ emotional responses and how they saw the GBR. It discovers how their individual experiences, media coverage, and information-sharing impacted their opinions on...
Topic: Environment
Words: 662
Pages: 2
Introduction The issue of climate change has recently gained importance for governments and populations all around the world. The aviation sector, responsible for about 2.5% of worldwide carbon dioxide emissions, is one of the most significant contributors to international greenhouse gas emissions (Capaz et al., 2021). Terrenoire et al. (2019)...
Topic: Environment
Words: 3350
Pages: 12
Introduction Natural ponds are bodies of water that have formed independently and are characterized by their shallow depth and the presence of various aquatic creatures. Pond biology is intriguing because it is a sophisticated ecosystem in which numerous species interact with one another. Water, stones, soil, air, and sunshine are...
Topic: Environment
Words: 537
Pages: 2
Introduction Natural environments have a direct relationship with the inhabitant’s culture. Different ecosystems worldwide have evolved due to the resident’s way of life. One thousand years ago, the environmental features of eco-regions significantly impacted the culture and people living in the regions. However, as the population grew and people interacted...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1754
Pages: 6
Introduction The use of gasoline engines causes significant danger to the environment, which can harm people and could harm Australia’s sustainable development programs. To ease the damage from such gas emissions into the atmosphere, the government of Australia has developed a unique strategy for introducing zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) and products...
Topic: Environment
Words: 688
Pages: 2
Introduction The Chinese energy system currently heavily relies on using coal. Two-thirds of China’s electricity supply depends on coal, causing more greenhouse gas emissions than any other country (Zhang and Chen, 2022). At the same time, China is moving towards renewable energy at the same pace as the rest of...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1194
Pages: 4
Introduction Global climate change includes various aspects affecting the planet from environmental and economic perspectives. A rapid glacial melt belongs to the list of challenges humanity faces today. One should not underestimate the importance of glaciers for Earth and the negative consequences of accelerating thaw. Glacial ice plays a vital...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1089
Pages: 4
The information revolution characterizes the period of change propelled by the development of computer technology. Technological advancements impact people’s lives, primarily through the internet, where visual communication webs deliver gigantic amounts of data. Organizations and governments continue to expand internet connectivity due to user population growth and opening up remote...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 278
Pages: 1
Abstract Metals are adaptable substances utilized for ages to create common items. Metals are priceless non-renewable assets and vital components for various applications, including manufacturing tools, buildings, and electronics. Reusing metal only requires gathering waste metal, refining it, and turning it into brand-new metal. Reclaimed metal can be used to...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1238
Pages: 4
Renewable technology is becoming increasingly popular in today’s world. These inventions are often presented as alternative eco-friendly solution that eliminates fossil fuels. However, some of these alternatives also have negative aspects. It is essential for humans to consider both pros and cons. Using alternative energy sources has a more positive...
Topic: Alternative Energy
Words: 401
Pages: 1
Nature with its resources is a necessary condition for people’s lives. Throughout the centuries-old history, the environment has ensured the vital activity of mankind and provided opportunities for further sustainable development, which implies meeting the needs of the population living at the present time, without harming subsequent generations. Difficulties appeared...
Topic: Climate
Words: 1168
Pages: 3
Humans are simultaneously a product and a shaping force of their environment. A significant body of research exists to determine and evaluate how humans have interacted with each other and their environment throughout centuries (Peoples & Bailey, 2017). In their works, Ferguson (2021), Meskel (2018), and Hodder (2018) discuss different...
Topic: Environment
Words: 405
Pages: 1
Introduction Rachel Carson and Jared Diamond are authors of works that focus on the human relationship to the environment. In their works, they explore the subject of ethics and its influence on how a person behaves toward the nature that surrounds him or her. The authors make ethical arguments that...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 838
Pages: 3
Introduction Sacramento has long suffered from California’s notoriously bad air quality. Wildfire smoke, industrial pollution, and transportation emissions contribute to some of the worst air quality in the country. Regarding short-term particle pollution, the American Lung Association lists Sacramento as the sixth most polluted city in the United States. The...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1728
Pages: 6
Introduction It is important to note that modern technological advancements in Big Data have shown a range of useful and powerful applicability in many areas, such as humanity’s efforts to save endangered species. Big Data essentially refers to novel ways of analyzing complex sets of large pieces of data to...
Topic: Endangered Species
Words: 317
Pages: 1
Introduction There are several visible indications of climate change around the globe that are difficult to ignore. One of the most obvious signs is melting glaciers and ice caps, resulting in rising sea levels. This is having a significant impact on coastal communities and the wildlife that depends on these...
Topic: Climate
Words: 1503
Pages: 5
Critical analysis of the issue The waste hierarchy is the basis for a circular economy that has changed consumption and business models. It emphasizes prevention, reduction, and reuse or recycling as important waste management methods for achieving sustainability goals, including SDG 12. Reducing waste generation and unnecessary resource use is...
Topic: Environment
Words: 668
Pages: 3
Integrated Ocean Policy in Fiji in the Context of Blue Economy An Integrated Ocean policy in the context of the blue economy of a Pacific island country such as Fiji refers to the sustainable use of resources derived from the ocean to promote economic growth while protecting the marine environment....
Topic: Marine Life
Words: 1216
Pages: 4
Salish Sea’s unique geography puts it between major Canadian and American port cities, making it a vital element of the local economy. This situation presents many ecological hazards, primarily due to the region’s industrialization and tourism sector. For example, the Port of Seattle has recently proposed to expand one of...
Topic: Environment
Words: 399
Pages: 1
Pollution of the oceans, which subsequently throw waste on the beaches, is an acute problem of modern society. There are currently over 5.5 trillion plastic waste floating in the world’s waters (Senko et al., 2020). Every year, approximately 300,000 tons of debris rises from the bottom to the surface, causing...
Topic: Pollution
Words: 1125
Pages: 4
Introduction The topic of nuclear waste is a major concern in a modern world that requires attention and evidence-based solutions. The existing barriers correlating with the issue are not only dangerous from an ecologic standpoint but, at the same time, directly affect both human and environmental well-being. Despite regulations being...
Topic: Management
Words: 293
Pages: 1
Introduction This memorandum is about an overview of the chemical pollution incident caused by a train derailment in Ohio alongside possible remedies to combat the pollution resulting from such accidents. The Ohio disaster served as a stark reminder of the environmental, health, and economic risks associated with train derailments. As...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 1153
Pages: 4
Introduction The environmental scan of the West Milford Township School District in New Jersey has identified several problems or factors that need to be addressed. Some main issues include poor air quality, water quality, and school waste management, which must be addressed using appropriate methods. There are concerns regarding using...
Topic: School
Words: 1146
Pages: 4
Poor countries have gradually continued to suffer the perils of climate change since the onset of industrialization. Developed countries have often converted poor countries into dumping places for their industrial wastes. In addition, developed countries have taken a toll in the emission of the largest percentage of carbon IV oxide...
Topic: Climate
Words: 2330
Pages: 8
Introduction The dam from the Elwha River was removed to restore the population of salmon and its runs. The question is whether other barriers in the same area should be removed and what the potential benefits and problems are concerning dam removal. Discussion Therefore, one of the dams present for...
Topic: Environment
Words: 292
Pages: 1
Veganism is a popular trend these days, especially in the West. Schools across the US declare Meat-Free Mondays, food chains offer vegan menus to cater to specific tastes, and protests against meat production take all sorts of forms. In some cases, naked women package themselves in plastic and stand in...
Topic: Environment
Words: 956
Pages: 3
Introduction Every year, more Americans are exposed to polluted air due to air pollution. Particulate matter pollution is lethal because of gas-powered automobiles and industrial facilities (Jones). Nonetheless, in recent years, alarming rises in particulate matter measurements have resulted from wildfires burning faster and for more extended periods. Particle pollution...
Topic: Air Pollution
Words: 839
Pages: 3
The Earth’s energy budget describes the balance between the radiant energy that reaches the Earth from the Sun and the energy that leaves the Earth back into space. The atmosphere absorbs a large amount of energy and radiates it into space, as well as back to the surface of the...
Topic: Atmosphere
Words: 161
Pages: 1
The problem of tree cutting has become massive in my local neighborhood, and people started protesting to protect nature and save the environment from the such problem as climate change. The local mayor has become the leader of many protests, and his role model invited activists to share their thoughts...
Topic: Activism
Words: 276
Pages: 1
Introduction In the article submitted for consideration, the author demonstrated a clear understanding of the influence of specific historical events on cultural and ecological development or other regional changes. This work is dedicated to reviewing significant environmental changes in South Carolina’s Piedmont using the specific example of Rose Hill, a...
Topic: Environment
Words: 923
Pages: 3
Pollution is a significant modern problem that negatively affects not only people’s lives but also threatens the environment. Pollution occurs due to the human factor, namely as a result of various human activities. These include industry, farming, chemicals, and other kinds of performance. In addition, the mining industry, namely the...
Topic: Pollution
Words: 589
Pages: 2
Introduction While driving on a highway, few people notice animals hit by cars, and a rare individual thinks of how automobiles affect wildlife. In his article on the history of roadkill, Gary Kroll presents an argument regarding the significance of protecting wayside fauna and the development of road ecology. While...
Topic: Environment
Words: 607
Pages: 2
Introduction Ecology is a field of study that deals with the relationships between organisms and their environment. It is concerned with how organisms interact with each other and their physical surroundings. Ecological consumption has become an important area of research in recent years because it addresses the relationship between human...
Topic: Food
Words: 1100
Pages: 4
Although I would like to start my speech with something more pleasant or encouraging, I am here to discuss one of the most critical public policy concerns our country faces today. Water pollution is getting out of control, and this problem affects people’s lives in both noticeable and unnoticeable ways....
Topic: Pollution
Words: 552
Pages: 2
Introduction The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 global goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015 to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all. The SDGs are meant to be a blueprint for a better and more sustainable future for all and address...
Topic: Climate
Words: 2492
Pages: 9
Introduction Water and oil do not mix; instead, oil congeals into thick sludge. According to Tang et al. (2019), oil spills can harm the environment and marine life. When oil is released into the ocean, it can poison local marine creatures and harm their immunological, reproductive, and respiratory systems. The...
Topic: Environment
Words: 984
Pages: 3
Introduction The Galapagos is a group of islands that are found in the Pacific and are known for their biodiversity. The Galapagos are so diverse and several reasons can explain why animals adapt there. The ecosystem around the Galapagos has many animal and plant species that enhance its biodiversity value....
Topic: Environment
Words: 919
Pages: 3
Increases in Earth’s average temperature over an extended period are called global warming. Greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere have recently increased. This study will examine whether global warming is a genuine phenomenon or a theory. Greenhouse gases like methane and carbon dioxide are the primary contributors to climate change...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 1439
Pages: 5
I was privileged to visit Lincoln Park in New Jersey, which had magnificent scenery. Lincoln Park has trails, playgrounds, a golf course, and several community gardens which offer in-depth ecological insights. The neighboring environment exhibits a vibrant cultural scene, with plenty of art galleries and music venues, making the place...
Topic: Environment
Words: 825
Pages: 3
The world is gradually losing its beauty and is constantly coming under pressure from different problems every other day. Diseases, food shortages, among others are some of the numerous issues that are hitting up news headlines. Even among the most developed nations, some of these problems limit the effort and...
Topic: Food
Words: 1947
Pages: 7
Introduction: Rhetorical Analysis The phenomenon of climate change has attracted a notable amount of attention over years, the early 1990s being the point at which the phenomenon in question became a worldwide concern. Therefore, examining a speech delivered by then 11-year-old Severn Suzuki will shed more light on the importance...
Topic: Climate
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
Gabon’s nuclear waste management practices demand urgent attention as they have far-reaching consequences for both the present and future generations. The byproducts of nuclear power generation, such as spent fuel rods and radioactive materials, are highly dangerous and must be carefully managed in order to protect human health and the...
Topic: Management
Words: 826
Pages: 3
Introduction The presentation will discuss a risk communication plan for the residents of New Orleans about a hurricane threat. It will address disaster scenarios and introduce the risk communication plan. The presentation will discuss the plan’s purpose, communication issues, and needs and concerns of different stakeholders and how it affects...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1155
Pages: 6
Introduction The term globalization refers to a multifaceted process whose course and speed are influenced by various factors. Globalization is understood in the environmental field as a process that results in widespread environmental crises. This process is thought to have been triggered by global pollution. Humanity’s globalization to create a...
Topic: Environment
Words: 3189
Pages: 12
Rwanda is an African country with a complicated economic position due to the fact that many people there suffer from poverty. However, this continent’s location is popular for its nature and unique mountain gorilla tourism (Rurangwa and Whittaker). Rwanda’s government is protecting the gorilla population in many parts of the...
Topic: Endangered Species
Words: 554
Pages: 2
Hurricane Katrina was the most destructive hurricane in US history, hit in late August 2005. The most severe damage from Hurricane Katrina was caused to New Orleans in Louisiana, where about 80% of the city area was underwater, and about 700,000 people lost their homes (Rohland, 2017). Artificial accidents, oil...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 586
Pages: 2
Sustainable urbanization in New Orleans is a critically significant determinant of the city’s stability, given its historically diverse cultures and significant architectural revolutions. However, modern approaches to city urbanization directly impact the original socioeconomic dynamics and civilization, where drastic rearrangements can harm city dependants’ social fabric and economic outcomes. Gentrification...
Topic: Gentrification
Words: 1988
Pages: 7
The wave of disasters that have struck different parts of the United States of America over the recent past implores attention for two reasons. The first is that disasters contributs to a pattern imputable to climate change, where extreme weather events become more frequent and severe. The second reason is...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 924
Pages: 3
The article and podcast provide information that people inhabiting the planet through their activities have been causing an environmental crisis for several years. Currently, there are active debates about what the Anthropocene is, and whether it is a new era or, on the contrary, it is already at the end...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1719
Pages: 7
Introduction Air pollution is a leading form of environmental pollution. Many human activities cause air pollution, including emissions from vehicles and power plants, negatively impacting human health and economic efficiency. Researchers are evaluating policies and regulations to stop air pollution and preserve the integrity of the ecosystem. Such policies will...
Topic: Air Pollution
Words: 659
Pages: 2
Introduction Fossil fuels are widely regarded as efficient and convenient options for obtaining energy. However, the overuse of fossil fuels has resulted in the rise of the extreme effects linked to global warming and climate change. According to Pirani (2018), the significant impact on the climate and health calls for...
Topic: Environment
Words: 405
Pages: 1
Introduction The concentration of Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has been increasing over the years due to human behavior and actions. For instance, ever since the start of the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s, the emission of CO2 has been on the rise (Heather, Keeling, and Rogelj 170). On...
Topic: Marine Life
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
Introduction. Details of the Event The event is Chernobyl disaster. Flawed reactor design caused it (Westmore, 2020). It resulted in discharge of radioactive particles. Mistakes made during testing. Mostly affected regions include Europe and western USSR. Deaths and health issues were witnessed. Radiation Exposure Effects Radiation exposure increased cancer risks....
Topic: Disaster
Words: 272
Pages: 2
Intensity measures earthquakes’ strength and indicates how much the ground shook. An earthquake’s magnitude quantifies its size. There are two ways to measure magnitude; the maximum amplitude of a shear wave and the distance a fault moves. Intensity can be measured by the damage the earthquake causes and the movement...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 312
Pages: 1
The Ocean Clean Up firm decided to work on collecting plastic waste in Rio Motagua, which experts estimate is going to be the world’s most heavily polluted river. It is the largest river in Guatemala, extending from the western highlands to the eastern Caribbean Sea. Each year during the rainy...
Topic: Marine Life
Words: 310
Pages: 1
Ballew, M.T. Leiserowitz, A., Roser-Renouf, C., Rosenthal, C. A., Kotcher, J. E., Marlon, J. R., Lyon, E., Goldberg, M. H. & Maibach, E. W. (2019) Climate change in the American mind: Data, tools, and trends, Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 61(3), 4-18. Web. The study’s authors, research scientists,...
Topic: Climate
Words: 380
Pages: 1
Climate change is one of the major concerns of the modern age. The high level of globalisation, industrialisation, and rise of global corporations promoted the increased topicality of the topic and its transformation into a shared problem that should be addressed by governments, organisations, and companies. It means that business...
Topic: Climate
Words: 1794
Pages: 7
Critical Analysis of the Issue Biodiversity loss and species extinction have implications for the future prosperity of economies and corporate strategy. As economic activities are the greatest contributor to today’s environmental problems, greater accountability is required from companies (Dasgupta, 2021). Proactive solutions aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG...
Topic: Biodiversity
Words: 829
Pages: 3
To slow the extinction of species, non-profit organizations create nature parks and nature reserves, which employ specialists who monitor animals and plants and create favorable conditions for the life and reproduction of the species. It was to address the problem of declining biodiversity that Dave Nixon created the Orchid Species...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1241
Pages: 4
Global climate change results from changes in the Earth’s atmosphere over a long time. Several factors contribute to climate change, two of which are the presence of air pollutants and cloud cover. Both of these factors are associated with human activities. The climate is altered directly due to the imbalance...
Topic: Climate
Words: 489
Pages: 2
Introduction Freight rail is preferable to transporting goods by road to preserve the environment. Therefore, freight rail is more sustainable compared to having to use the road for cargo transport. In contemporary society, the issues of climate change or global warming have led to a shift in preference regarding cargo...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1139
Pages: 4