Readmission Intervention in Implementation Phase

The current project is aimed at revealing the ways of reducing or eliminating hospital readmissions among patients with chronic diseases. The major focus is on low-income patients with diabetes because this population group is at a higher risk of early readmissions (Rubin, 2015). Research is designed in a way to...

Self-Care Management Education and Implementation

When patients move from one setting to another, it is appropriate for practitioners and physicians to have a seamless strategy in order to maximize health outcomes. Family members and relatives involved during the transition process should embrace appropriate ideas to meet the needs of persons with terminal conditions. This paper...

Cardiology Readmissions Study Implementation

The implementation phase of the project will involve highlighting the relevant stakeholder groups and the influence of the project on them, the materials and resources required to start the research, various legal matters associated with medical research, and the actual implementation schedule. The research process will include 4 phases, which...

Endocrine Disorders Conference: Scholarly Activity

Overview Because of the lack of awareness among community members, endocrine issues remain a topical problem for the residents of Miami, Florida. For this reason, a conference for Miami healthcare practitioners was held to discuss the concerns associated with the problems regarding the financial aspect of treating endocrine disorders. Similarly,...

Nursing Full Practice Authority: Pros and Cons

Introduction The modern healthcare sector can be characterized by multiple attempts to increase the efficiency of care delivery and improve treatment outcomes. For this reason, there are numerous innovations, including the extensive use of technologies, reconsideration of outdated practices, and better training for health workers. Under these conditions, the question...

Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers: Evidence-Based Practice

The importance of nursing in the contemporary healthcare environment cannot be underestimated. Nurses help to improve the quality of care in facilities, ensure adequate communication between patients and other care providers, and contribute to positive patient outcomes. Pressure ulcers are a critical nursing problem, as they affect patient health and...

Burnout in Professional Nurses: Research Critique

The problem of burnout in professional nurses attracts the attention of numerous researchers in the field due to its detrimental long-term consequences. The given paper discusses the article by Dev, Fernando III, Lim, and Consedine (2018) that was published in a well-known peer-reviewed nursing research journal. The study focuses on...

Delivery and Maternal Outcomes: Research Critique

Minimizing adverse outcomes at delivery is a crucial issue in obstetric practice studied by many researchers in recent years. Before the research discussed in the paper, there have been multiple suggestions that the timing of baby delivery influences the risks of adverse outcomes; however, no other study tried to correlate...

Collaboration and Team Work in Nursing Education

I have found both collaboration and peer review to be very effective forms of learning because they enable exchanging ideas and sharing experiences. I feel more comfortable about collaboration, as all the participants contribute equally and have similar responsibilities. The shift of roles in peer review, when one passes judgment...

Models of Nursing Care Delivery

Presentation Today, nursing is a fundamental part of the healthcare sector that also impacts final results and promoting patients’ recovery. Regarding the significant role this field plays in the promotion of the health of the nation, there are multiple efforts to align the gradual improvement of this sphere and ensure...

Collaboration and Peer Review in Nursing Education

Comfort Level with Collaboration and the Peer Review Process Interaction with colleagues is the successful practice of finding answers to current research questions and problem-solving mechanisms. The peer review process that involves using the opinions of different members of a particular project is one of the forms of such cooperation....

Chronic Pain Treatment Options Review

Chronic pain can originate from any part of the body, including the brain and the spinal cord. The probability of effectively treating such pain is low. Depending on its origin, for instance, nerves or tissues, health specialists may recommend non-opioid treatment to persons with chronic pain. Managing chronic pain is...

Future of American Nursing and How to Implement It

In 2008, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) joined their efforts in order to create a plan for transforming the healthcare system in the U.S. by improving nursing care education. Operating under-consumption that high-quality care is impossible without qualified and educated nurses, the cooperation...

Pressure Ulcers Issue and Defense of Solution

Solution Defense The healthcare issue discussed in my paper is pressure ulcers, a type of wound that tends to occur in intensive care settings and is expensive to treat and simple to avoid. The solution to the issue that I proposed involves developing a protocol for timely assistance and prevention...

Post-Operative Patients’ Hand Washing and Infections

Abstract In the article “Patients’ Hand Washing and Reducing Hospital-Acquired Infection,” Haverstick et al. (2017) aim at defining correlations between post-operative patients’ hygiene level and the number of HAI cases. The researchers provided individual bottles of hand sanitizer to post-surgical patients in August 2013. During the period, nurse practitioners administered...

Adult Depression Treatment in the United States

Introduction The research problem investigated in this study is the treatment of adult depression in the United States. This problem is prompted by the fact that although the United States has been observing an increase in the use of antidepressants recently, there are still many adults with depression who do...

Cardiometabolic Response to Obesity Treatment

Article Analysis The authors of the article delve into the topical problem of childhood obesity and how the given health issue impacts adolescents. The main point of the selected research is that extreme overweight results in the emergence of cardiometabolic problems and the further deterioration of the health status (Valle,...

Pressure Ulcers Study and Applicability to Nursing

Problem and Purpose In the environment of an ICU, patients are especially vulnerable to the effects of external factors, which means that intricate interventions are required to address typical concerns. Pressure ulcers (PU) are some of the most common occurrences in the ICU setting due to the factors that contribute...

Self-Care Quality in People of Advanced Age

Data Collection The evidence-based practice (EBP) research project is devoted to the exploration of how various factors affect self-care quality in people of advanced age. Considering this, the formulated PICO question is as follows: in elderly patients from 60 to 80 years old (P), do the environmental factors such as...

Transitional Care Programs: Study Design Phase

Literature Review The roles and responsibilities of healthcare specialists vary depending on their fields of expertise, the number of years in the profession, available equipment, and other factors. Patients who need professional and timely help may misunderstand the aspects of work of some healthcare providers, which highlights the importance of...

Advanced Practice Nursing Professional Development Plan

Introduction Advanced practice nursing (APN) is the highest qualification for a nurse’s work. It implies a high degree of knowledge gained through both education and experience as well as advanced skills that permit the nurse to work as a specialist in fields such as anesthetics or midwifery without requiring the...

Oncology Nurses’ Safe-Handling Practices

Introduction Nurses who work with cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy face a significant risk of occupational exposure to dangerous substances. Safe chemotherapy handling practices are essential to ensure the safety of nurses. The study by Colvin, Karius, and Albert (2016) examined the difference in subjective and objective adherence to safe handling...

“Nurse Adherence to Safe-Handling Practices” by Colvin et al.

Introduction As it is noted in the article “Nurse Adherence to Safe-Handling Practices: Observation Versus Self-Assessment” by Colvin, Karius, and Albert (2016), one of the primary nursing concerns is occupational exposure. Accordingly, the problem of proper adherence to safety guidelines is of immense great because nurses should be aware of...

Oncology Nurse Adherence to Safe-Handling Practices

Introduction The work of a nurse is one of the noblest and most demanding in the world since these professionals take care of people that are not able to look after themselves due to health issues. However, it is crucial for nurses to secure not only their patient’s protection of...

Safety Guidance Adherence Among Oncology Nurses

Introduction In recent years, the National Institute for Safety and Health (NIOSH) developed a range of measures to reduce the level of chemotherapy exposure among oncology nurses. Unsafe contact with antineoplastic drugs can lead to adverse health outcomes. For example, oncology department staff experiences a higher risk of negative effects...

Physical Exercise in Elderly: Literature Review

Introduction Falling is one of the most common reasons for injury in elderly patients. Typically, it results in minor injuries, such as bruises, lacerations, and pulls. However, over 30% of falls result in temporary or permanently debilitating injuries, such as cranial injuries, and fractures (Shim et al., 2014). Hip fractures...

Life with Heart Failure: Research Methodology

Extraneous Variables In addition to the main variables, including the readmission level of people with congestive heart failure (CHF) and patient well-being, some extraneous criteria may also be taken into account. In particular, the degree of exercise as one of the components of the intervention can be considered. According to...

Pelletier and Peplau’s Nursing Theories Comparison

Introduction The importance of the sphere of nursing is evidenced by multiple theories that are created to help health workers in the delivery of care to patients and improving their results. For instance, Hildegard Peplau’s theory of interpersonal relations is one of the ideas describing the peculiarities of the bond...

Communication Module for Nursing Undergraduates

Qualitative Study There have been concerns about the quality of education that nursing students and other healthcare professionals are getting especially in communication skills. The objective of this qualitative article was to explore the experiences of first years nursing students concerning the blended learning design, which is adopted in a...

Congestive Heart Failure: Research Methodology

The setting of data collection will occur in a hospital acute-care unit, outpatient facilities such as a practitioner’s office, and via telephone follow-up at the end of the study. Since the research focuses on patient education, the primary inclusion criteria would be admittance to a hospital with a diagnosis of...

Hand Hygiene Compliance in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Introduction The non-observance of hygiene rules by medical personnel is an actual topic for discussion since the prevalence of infections is higher in those healthcare facilities where employees do not pay enough attention to this issue. Simple handwashing education may be an effective intervention method to increase the literacy of...

Reducing Readmissions: Planning a Nursing Study

Introduction Transitional care is an understudied topic that is significant for nursing practice. Many patients, especially those living with chronic illnesses, experience readmissions to hospitals after discharge. The problem has an adverse effect on individuals’ health outcomes and nurses’ performance. The purpose of the research is to analyze what interventions...

Congestive Heart Failure Readmission: Study Design

Introduction Congestive heart failure (CHF) is one of the major health concerns in the United States. Once a patient is offered proper treatment, he or she is expected to embrace a new lifestyle with a proper diet and physical exercise among others. According to Leppin et al. (2014), the lack...

Transitional Care Interventions: Planning a Nursing Study

Introduction The fight against chronic diseases is an urgent problem of modern medicine, and the task of comprehensive care for patients with constant complications lies on the nursing staff. One of the issues that deserve discussion is the too high level of readmission among those who spend much time in...

Community Nursing: Miami, Florida, as an Aggregate

Introduction As the aggregate considered, Miami, Florida is taken as one of the interesting and attractive counties of the state. The study has made it possible to identify the main features that are typical for this district and find statistical data that are valuable parameters for the healthcare sector. The...

Environmental Health, Barriers and Nursing Role

Introduction Environmental health examines how natural and created environments affect a person’s health. The issues of environmental protection such as prevention of epidemics or adverse impacts of natural disasters are also included in the area of environmental health. As specified by the World Health Organization (2018), “by focusing on reducing...

Hospital Mortality and Optimal Nursing Workload

Introduction The problem of understaffing is one of the most recognized issues in the contemporary public sector, which demands a solution (Silva-Santos et al., 2018). The application of the analytical approach to theoretical and evidence-based academic works in this context appears to be a beneficial approach (Burns & Grove, 2011)....

Environmental Health and Nurses’ Contribution

Introduction Environment plays a crucial role in the life of people as it impacts all spheres of their activity. For this reason, the healthcare sector considers it one of the fundamental issues that should be given attention with the primary aim to ensure positive results and improve the health of...

Colleges of Nursing’s Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing

Abstract The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing provides a detailed explanation of the concepts that need to be integrated into the course content of nursing education at the masters’ level in the United States. The American Association of College of Nursing has provided the essentials as a basic guideline...

Congestive Heart Failure and Self-Care Theory

The self-care nursing theory was developed by Dorothea Orem and is based on the premise that nurses can teach and assist patients with the ability to practice self-care and maintain personal health and well-being. Self-care is defined as the natural decision-making process that consists of behaviors that allow for physiologic...

Master’s Education in Nursing: Critical Components

Abstract A Master’s-level nurse has to create the setting in which the length of hospital stay drops, recovery rates rise, and communication flows uninhibitedly. For this purpose, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials have been created. These statements help nurses define their roles and responsibilities in the...

Healthcare Delivery Models in Nursing Practice

Using personal experience in nursing practice is an important component of successful work, and following specific patterns of care helps to achieve good patient outcomes. Various healthcare delivery programs aimed at helping people with various ailments have several advantages since their use not only contributes to faster treatment but also...

Corticosteroids in Asthma Treatment: Literature Review

Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are among the most significant treatment alternatives in stubborn asthma attributable to their effectiveness in restraining the inflammatory reaction. The medical gains of long-standing treatment with inhaled corticosteroids are constantly highlighted in national (the US and UK) and global directives. Nonetheless, in their study, Loke, Blanco, Thavarajah,...

Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Literacy

Abstract This paper focuses on the examination of sexual and reproductive health literacy’s role in the social adaptation of women. Based on the critical literature review, the importance of the topic is introduced from the point of the current situation. Many young girls and women tend to lack basic knowledge...

Douglas Gardens Hospital’s Nursing Care Models

The choice of a nursing care delivery model can depend on multiple factors including cost-efficacy and availability of financial resources, ongoing quality improvement endeavors in a hospital, level of hospital-wide realization of customer focus principles, a need to reduce staff turnover rates, and others. At the same time, well- implemented...

Team and Primary Nursing Care Models

Introduction The ultimate goal of nursing practice is to ensure that high-quality medical services are available to the greatest number of patients. Practitioners can use various care delivery models in their respective units or settings. Such approaches can be combined with evidence-based concepts to improve the health outcomes of different...

Emotional Work and Diversity in Clinical Placements

Research Method Used in the Article The article “Emotional Work and Diversity in Clinical Placements of Nursing Students” forms part of Daniella Arieli’s works. It deploys in-depth interviews, which lie in the category of qualitative data collection methods, to examine nursing students’ encounters with clinical appointments, particularly in environments characterized...

Nurse-Patient Interactions Study Methodology

Data Analysis Plans The present section proposes a data analysis plan for a study dedicated to the interactions between nurses and patients with a focus on the patients with heart failure and their readmissions. The following research question is the central one: how can nurses improve the level of caregiving...

Nursing Philosophy and Beliefs Guiding Practice

Introduction The healthcare sector is one of the central institutions that regulate the functioning of the society and guarantee its further development. For this reason, much effort is devoted to reconsider the work of the given sphere and promote the enhanced outcomes to improve the quality of peoples lives and...

Self-Assessment of Cultural Competence in Nursing

This self-assessment assignment has revealed some urgent areas to improve. The facility I work at has no policies healthcare professionals must follow when dealing with culturally and linguistically diverse populations. Some general guidelines concerning certain processes and operations include some reference to cultural competence issues. However, there is no particular...

Meeting Essential VIII in Nursing Practice

Professional nursing aims to protect and promote health at both individual and community levels, prevent diseases, and alleviate a wide range of adverse symptoms causing suffering in patients and their close ones. To provide high-quality care and act with integrity, every nurse’s practice should comprise a few necessary components. They...

Opioid Use Disorder and Patient Education

What is the PICOT question? P- (Patient, population, or problem): In patients diagnosed with Opioid Use Disorder, I- (Intervention): does Naloxone education for both patients and their families C- (Comparison with other treatment/current practice): compared to Naloxone education for patients prescribed Suboxone, O- (Desired outcome): reduce opioid overdose deaths T-...

American Psychological Association In-Text Citations

APA style is used to document ideas in writing because it helps the author to organize his or her work appropriately and offers the reader the understanding of which material is borrowed from other scholars. The main aim of in-text citation is providing the audience with the opportunity to consult...

Hospital-Acquired Infection in Geriatric Units

What is the PICOT question? Do the use of hand hygiene and aseptic techniques result in reduced infection and mortality in a 6-month period compared to the lack of sanitation practices in patients aged 50-60 years old at risk of hospital-acquired infection and subsequent mortality? P- (Patient, population, or problem):...

Discharge for Cardiac Patients: Practice Issue and Evidence

Practice Issue The topic The topic of this practice issue is discharge planning from hospital for patients with congestive heart failure. The purpose of discharge planning is reduction of hospital stay as well as avoid readmissions (Gonçalves-Bradley, Lannin, Clemson, Cameron, & Shepperd, 2016). One of the opportunities to address this...

Hospital-Acquired Infections: Practice Issue and Evidence

Practice Issue The topic The topic is the hand hygiene and the adherence to hand antisepsis guidelines to reduce HAIs. The nursing practice issue related to the topic The identified nursing practice issue is numerous hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) that deteriorate patients outcomes and decrease the quality of their lives. It...

Nursing Heritage Health Assessment Tool

Heritage health assessment tool is used in nursing in order to assess, maintain, and promote healthcare habits in individuals and families based on one’s culture and beliefs. It provides healthcare specialists with critical information regarding individuals’ habits in relation to their culture, which can vary from one person to another....

Missed Care in Theoretical and Practical Studies

Introduction It could be hardly doubted that the delivery of care to patients in appropriate and timely manner has a direct positive influence on their well-being. However, when the care is missed (or left undone), patient outcomes and the overall condition of clinical settings could be significantly aggravated. Therefore, the...

Nursing Care During the Pre-Discharge Period

Introduction This research aims at studying the interactions between nurses and patients during the pre-discharge period. The main research question is “How can nurses improve the level of caregiving for patients during the pre-discharged period?”. There are also several supplementary questions concerning the improvement of the efficiency of their performance...

Diabetes Control and Education: Four-Week Project

The treatment of diabetes is complicated and requires many changes in lifestyles to cope with daily problems associated with the need to do injections or take pills, self-control, dietary restrictions, and regular exercises. In general, life with diabetes requires a large number of changes that need to be made, which...

College Experience and Bachelor of Nursing Degree

Background, Goals, and Aspirations The decision to enter a college to become a nurse was a turning point in my professional development. I have always wanted to promote well-being among vulnerable populations and encourage patient education, and the experience gained in college shaped me as a nurse. Although the studying...

Registered Nurse Who Creates History

Years Selected Nurse Has Been an RN The selected nurse has been working in the environment of nursing and healthcare for 6.5 years. Over the specified period of time, the nurse managed to acquire a significant amount of information about meeting the needs of a wide range of patients, including...

Childhood Obesity Study: Literature Review

Obesity in children remains a major public health issue. A growing body of evidence suggests that social networks present a viable way to improve the situation. The following literature review aims to evaluate evidence of the effectiveness of SNS-based interventions based on available qualitative and quantitative studies. Comparison of Research...

Developing Individual Nursing Philosophy

The Unfolding of My Personal Nursing Philosophy Throughout my nursing experience, I found that the artistic element of nursing is subtle in its expression. It can be seen in the way nurses interact with patients, the dedication they put into even the smallest tasks, and the execution of routine treatments....

Low Nurse Staffing in Hospital Settings

Introduction The problem of low staffing levels in the nursing setting has existed for many years (McHugh & Ma, 2014). Causing a significant drop in the quality of provided services, the issue has led to a steep rise in the number of medical errors, negative patient outcomes (e.g., instances of...

Physical Punishment of Children: Research Reflection

The topic studied within the frame of my research is the physical punishment of children as a form of domestic violence. The decision to choose this particular topic is related to its great social significance. Nowadays, people in both developed and developing countries still use corporal punishment as an educational...

Delivering Culturally Competent Nursing Care

Abstract The quality of nursing care depends not only on the professional training of junior medical personnel but also on the extent to which these specialists observe cultural norms in the process of work. Further, the specifics of rendering assistance to people with mental disabilities will be examined from the...

Pressure Ulcers: Change Proposal Guidelines

Introduction Pressure ulcers are often experienced by those patients who have problems with movement and cannot change their position without assistance. In many cases, this condition is associated with surgical interventions, but it is only one possible cause. Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent the occurrence of this issue,...

Nurses Caring for Domestic Violence Victims

Caring for victims of domestic violence is associated with some challenges because “many cultures maintain beliefs, norms and social institutions that legitimize and therefore perpetuate the violence” (Angelo, Prado, Cruz, & Ribeiro, 2013, p. 585). According to Angelo et al. (2013), to treat a victim of domestic violence, a nurse...

Decreasing Anxiety in Chemotherapy Patients

Background of the Problem Cancer is considered to be the plague of the 21st century. It is one of the primary causes of mortality in the world. In the US alone, over 600,000 patients die of cancer per year (NIH, 2016). In addition, the number of new cases of cancer...

Smoking Management and Patient Teaching Plan

Introduction Smoking is the inhalation of burning tobacco that is encased in cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. It is classified into two modes; casual smoking is the occasional act of smoking while smoking habit refers to the physical addiction to various tobacco products. Paternal parents’ health History Grandfather was born in...

Frontotemporal Dementia and Alzheimer Diseases

The purpose of the research was to explore gait and balance patterns in patients afflicted with frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) to prevent falls (Velayutham, Chandra, Bharath, & Shankar, 2017). The implicit research question can be summarized as Whether the patterns of gait and balance in patients with...

Falls in Alzheimer’s and Dementia Older Patients

What is the purpose of this research? This research aims at investigating the causes of falls among older people with Alzheimer disease (AD) or frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and the necessity to develop a quantitative balance and gait measurement to protect a vulnerable group of people and develop preventive strategies (Velayutham,...

Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy in Diabetes Patients

What is the purpose of this research? The goal of this research is to discuss patient and physician perspectives on the worth of a new technology that can be used to detect cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy (CAN) among the patients of a specialist diabetes clinic (Pals et al., 2015). What is...

New Technology in Clinical Practice: Patient and Physician Perspectives

What is the purpose of this research? The purpose of this study was to investigate the viewpoints and attitudes of patients and physicians with regards to the value of a novel technology application used to detect Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy (CAN) in healthcare settings. What is the research question (or questions)?...

Bedside Nursing Report Implementation and Outcomes

The article prepared by Sand-Jecklin and Sherman (2014) deals with the changes observed after the implementation of a new form of bedside nursing report in a hospital setting. Professionals emphasized that even though there are some benefits of a blended form according to the literature for both nursing staff and...

Self-Management Support in Primary Care Nursing

The article is aimed at reporting the results of the research conducted by Kennedy et al. (2014) devoted to studying the use of self-management tools in patients with serious health issues. About the type of research and its design, the article outlines the results of a qualitative study involving a...

Behaviour Change Techniques in Overweight Adults

What question did the systematic review address? The research question addressed by the researchers was “Is there a difference in effective BCTs associated with the initiation and maintenance of change?” (Samdal, Eide, Barth, Williams, & Meland, 2016, p. 2). The review addressed the question specifically; however, further development of focus...

Patient-Centered Care and Nursing Philosophy

My nursing philosophy is associated with the assistance to people aimed at improving their health outcomes by providing treatment and preventative measures. I believe that nursing is the sphere that requires constant enhancement and evidence-based practices. The rapidly changing environment, innovations in treatment, development of new approaches, and patients’ varying...

Bone Health and Body Mass Index Studies

What demographic variables were measured at the nominal level of measurement in the Oh et al. (2014) study? The data estimated in answer variants such as “yes” or “no,” or multiple choice questions instead of numbers are called nominal measurements. The variables such as incidence of fractures, addiction to alcohol...

Adolescent Preventive Services and Statistics

According to the relevant study results section of the Darling-Fisher et al. (2014) study, what categories are reported to be statistically significant? In Darling-Fisher et al. (2014) study, statistically significant categories were the following: type of provider, practice setting, adolescent patients‘ percentage, years of experience, and region of the practice....

Neurobehavioral Effects of Aspartame Consumption

What are the assumptions for conducting a paired or dependent samples t -test in a study? Which of these assumptions do you think were met by the Lindseth et al. (2014) study? The assumptions for conducting such test are the following: the evaluation of variables on a continuous scale; a...

Nurses as Advocates and Activists

In the framework of community-focused nursing, professionals are expected to maintain a range of different roles. One of them is a role of an advocate and activist. Here, one is expected to be very attentive and sensible to the healthcare needs of the population and be aware of all available...

Nurse Activist: Healthcare Policy and Advocacy

Nursing professionals have become empowered to make decisions and question decisions of other healthcare professionals as well as policy makers (Frey & Murphy, 2017). This empowerment has led to significant transformations of the profession and nursing professionals. I believe an effective nurse cannot simply focus on fulfilling a number of...

Nursing: Formation & Everyday Ethical Comportment

In the article Formation and everyday ethical comportment, the authors describe and discuss the essential shifts in nursing education (teaching and learning) and point out that nursing professionals need to approach teaching in new ways (Benner, Sutphen, Leonard-Kahn, & Day, 2008). The concept of formation used by Benner et al....

Arrhythmias and Acute Coronary Syndrome Studies

What is the mode for the variable inpatient complications in Table 2 of the Winkler et al. (2014) study? What percentage of the study participants had this complication? The mode for the variable inpatient complications is “AMI post admission for patients admitted with UA” (Winkler et al., 2014, p. 423)....

Physical Activity and Perceived Exertion of Girls

In the article Self-efficacy and perceived exertion of girls during exercise, the authors discuss the importance of regular physical activity and its relation to obesity and cardiovascular diseases (Pender, Bar-Or, Wilk, & Mitchell, 2002). According to the authors, the physical activity in youth has decreased dramatically during the last decades...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Symptoms

What are the frequency and percentage of the COPD patients in the severe airflow limitation group who are employed in the Eckerblad et al. (2014) study? The researcher adopted the COPED for the patients with severe airflow limitations where pertinent percentages, including 14% and 7% were given proper regard. What...

Family Nurse Practitioners’ Scope and Qualifications

Family Nurse Practitioners (FNP) are accountable for providing health care to people in the context of their community, paying close attention to the prevention of diseases. FNPs tend to patients of different genders, disease backgrounds, and ages, and hence require an extensive and certified knowledge base. FNP education, thus, becomes...

Evidence-Based Practice Employed in Intensive Care

In contemporary society, evidence-based nursing is very important because of the increased public demand for nurses and other medical professionals to be held accountable for their medical practices. Besides, the evidence-based practice should be adopted by the healthcare centers to ensure that quality services are provided to the patients, and...

Advanced Practice Nurses in Primary Family Care

Role of the Advanced Practice Nurse According to the American Nurses Association (n.d.), the role of advanced practice nurses (APNs) includes performing care through assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. APNs provide counseling to patients and their families, conduct health examinations and diagnosis, maintain patient records, refer individuals to other medical professionals,...

Obesity Among the Adult Population: Research Planning

The investigation of the problem implies a specific setting. Considering the hypothesis which states that the improvement of the healthcare will contribute to the better outcomes related to obesity rates, the most common approaches used in the given sphere could be considered the main aspects of the investigation. These become...

Integral Nursing and Pain Management Practice

Summary The article by Tracy and DiNapoli (2012) explores the fundamentals of Dossey’s (2008) theory that implies the integral approach to health care services provided related to pain management. The authors of the article emphasize the role of holism and healing as the two key components of the mentioned theory....

Pressure Ulcer Issue in Evidence-Based Medicine

Problem or Issue Pressure ulcers (PUs), especially hospital-acquired ones, are an important issue associated with the clinical management of patients. A PU can be defined as a “localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue, usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure alone or in combination with...

Organizational Change Leadership in Nursing

Taking a different route to class can be described as a small change. However, the change will be characterized by new sights, experiences, and encounters. When taking a different route, it will be appropriate to leave earlier in order to be in class on time. It is undeniable that I...

Nurse’s Psychotrauma and Care for Violence Victims

Having nurses with a personal history of domestic violence committed against them to treat victims of violence is not a question of efficiency, but rather a question of medical and working ethics. On the one hand, it is clear that a nurse who suffered first-hand from such actions would be...

Readmissions in Patients With Lung or Heart Diseases: Methodology

Research Design, Hypothesis, Variables The purpose of this project is to estimate a particular impact on the rate of readmissions among patients diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or heart failure. A mixed research method will be employed. On the one hand, it aims at measuring certain variables and...

Pressure Ulcer Prevention: Evidence-Based Project

The risk of developing pressure ulcers in patients remains one of the most important problems that healthcare specialists in emergency departments face during their practice. A bed ulcer occurs due to constant pressure on a certain part of the body. The significance of the problem cannot be overstated as pressure...

Nurses’ Abusive Relationships and Patient Outcomes

It is a common truth that previous experience related to difficult situations can have a significant influence on people’s personal life and career. Speaking about the impact of negative experience on professionalism, it is important to discuss the way that nurses’ previous abusive relationships affect their practice with victims of...

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Education

Introduction The completed course has equipped me with skills that can transform my care delivery philosophy. I have understood the importance of practice approaches such as cultural competence and multidisciplinary teams. The purpose of this personal reflection is to outline the knowledge acquired after completing this nursing course. Skills and...

Personal Nursing Philosophy and Its Application

The Philosophy Key Concepts My personal nursing philosophy is concerned with the key concepts and ideas that I endeavor to apply in practice. I believe that I can make a difference, and I will work to contribute to the development of our society by providing high-quality service and taking the...

Impaired Skin Integrity: Nursing Diagnostics

History of Present Illness Mary, 35 years old, is an electrical engineer. She showed up at the nurse’s office because she has a rash on her face and across the bridge of her nose for one week. Mary noticed it after returning from a hiking and camping trip to the...

Healthcare Professionals’ Cultural Competence: Personal Assessment

Introduction It is necessary to note that that the role of cultural competence has been increasing over the years. The issue is that many health care professionals do not view some of the points as significant and frequently disregard them. However, the health and well-being of an individual could be...

Personal Nursing Philosophy in Practice

Introduction The healthcare sector is one of the main institutions that guarantee the existence of our society and promotes its further evolution. It provides people with qualified medical services that help them to remain healthy and perform numerous activities vital for the existence of the community. Moreover, the healthcare sector...

Patients with Frontotemporal Dementia and Alzheimer Diseases

What is the purpose of this research? The article discusses the research study aimed at the identification of the influence of gait and balance parameters on the condition of people with Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia. The authors believe that these parameters can be used to analyze clients’ states and...

Addiction Among Nurses: Professional and Personal Experience of Nurses

Overview Despite the common delusion that addiction to substances is more typical of marginal or minority population groups, drug and alcohol abuse can be encountered across all social strata, generations, ethnicities, and cultures. The nursing profession is not an exception to this rule. Addiction among nurses is a pressing issue,...

Research and Global Health: Obesity and Overweight

The article “Overweight and Obesity among Children: An Evaluation of a Walking Program” by Zuraikat and Dugan (2015) reveals that indeed obesity is a health issue that needs to be addressed with urgency not only in the U.S. but also globally. The two authors confirm that a walking program may...

Implication of Sperm Rnas in Transgenerational Inheritance

A study provided by specialists of the Zurich University (Switzerland) helps to clarify the situation with epigenetic inheritance. Gapp et al. (2014) studied the molecular mechanisms of inheritance behavior in mice. To do this, they caused animals’ childhood trauma: they were taken away from their mothers within two weeks at...

Iron Deficiency Anemia: Basic Principles and Practice

While the symptoms of all anemia types are similar, it is possible to differentiate some for them and find the right diagnosis. Multiple kinds of anemia are described by an individual feeling fatigued. Thus, it can be hard to find a diagnosis in many situations. However, the case of Ms....

Restraint Use in Home Care: Nursing Perspective

The article by Scheepmans et al. (2013) is titled “Restraint use in home care: A qualitative study from a nursing perspective”, and it is an appropriate description of this work. The abstract is well-structured and contains all the necessary sections that would help to get a better understanding of the...

Family Spiritual Assessment for Managing Health Problems

Introduction The assessment involved the family of Emily, a 76-year old American female living in an urban neighborhood located six miles from the healthcare facility. Emily is diabetic and has been diagnosed with some early signs of kidney disease. Nevertheless, the kidneys are functioning normally and the patient is active....

Primary Hyperthyroidism: Therapy and Lifestyle Changes

Specific goals of primary hyperthyroidism therapy The patient, M. S, suffers from excessive secretion of thyroid hormone. In most cases, the condition is caused by a tumor in the parathyroid tissues of the gland, which results in elevated levels of calcium in the blood (Oppenheimer, Braverman & Toft, 2005). The...

Skin Antisepsis for Reducing Infections

Practice Issue Worksheet List the topic and include the citation for the systematic review you have selected: Skin antisepsis for reducing central venous catheter-related infections Lai, N. A., Lai, N. M., O’Riordan, E., Chaiyakunapruk, N., Taylor, J. E., & Tan, K. (2012). Skin antisepsis during catheter insertion for reducing central...

Nurses’ Interventions in Postnatal Depression Treatment

Abstract Postnatal depression is a significant health problem. Up to 15% of women after child delivery is suffering from this depression. To ameliorate its negative effects, nurses’ interventions in the process of mother-infant interaction might be helpful. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of nurses’ interventions...

Nurses Debates: the Case of Ms. Robaczynski

Do you think Ms. Robaczynski killed Mr. Gessner? Why or why not? Nurses are now frequently involved in heated debates on the topic of withholding or withdrawal of treatment, and the case of Ms. Robaczynski clearly demonstrates how controversial and multidimensional the issue is. I would not state dogmatically that...

New Nurse Practitioner: Assist Strategies

R.T. is a 45-year-old woman and new NP. She has just joined a new primary-care practice and is working with three physicians—two men and one woman. She does not take calls or go into the hospital. She sees mainly the patients with urgent problems in the office and collaborates and...

Staffing and Code of Ethics in Nursing

Centralized Staffing in Nursing Health institutions can use centralized staffing to deliver quality care to their clients. This approach is advantageous because it ensures every unit has the right number of nurses. Challenges can be addressed directly by the top department. The method can also be used to promote evidence-based...

Using Transitional Care Model in Nursing

Introduction As we have already stated in previous parts of our research, the Transitional Care Model provides nurses with an opportunity to monitor patients’ states and ensure that they will have a chance to communicate to a healthcare specialist at any moment. It will obviously contribute to the increased efficiency...

Scholarly Activities Available for American Nurses

Overview There is a wide range of scholarly activities available for nurses in the United States of America at the present moment. It is necessary to state that such engagements increase medical personnel’s competitiveness, competency in specific spheres of knowledge, and make them aware of certain problems that are important...

Chronic Pain Management Studies: Population of Interest

Chosen POI The population of interest selected for this paper includes patients on chronic pain management. Such patients represent a significant population whose issues are numerous and complex. In particular, in the sphere of caring and treatments for patients with chronic pain, there are several ever-present pressing issues such as...

Childhood Obesity Interventions: Data Analysis

Data Analysis Plan for Demographic Variables Demographic characteristics of the sample are critical for research, and they need to be described as the first step of data analysis. Demographic variables for this study include children’s age, gender, and race. Additionally, taking into consideration the fact that the proposed research is...

Congestive Heart Failure Studies: Data Analysis

Data Analysis for Demographic Variables Demographic variables for this project include age, ethnicity, gender, lifestyle, and socioeconomic status because professionals tend to reveal that heart failure affects people when they become older. With the help of analyzing demographic variables and presenting descriptive statistics, it will be possible not only to...

“New Technology in Clinical Practice” Study Analysis

What is the purpose of this research? The purpose of the study is to examine the way how the integration of new technologies in clinical practice is perceived by healthcare providers and patients focusing on the use of a handheld device, Vagus, specifically designed for Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy (CAN) screening...

Falls in Patients with Dementia and Alzheimer’s

What is the purpose of this research? In their study, Velayutham, Chandra, Bharath, and Shankar (2017) consider the opportunities for reducing the threat of falls among patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Seeing that the identified demographic is especially prone to falls, it is essential to address their needs with an appropriate...

New Technology in Clinical Practice by Pals et al.

What is the purpose of this research? The goal of the study is to define patients’ and healthcare practitioners’ perspective on innovative control tools (a device for measuring heart rate and the cardiac autonomic reflex) for identifying the presence of Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy (CAN) in diabetic patients in a hospital...

Balance and Gait in Dementia and Alzheimer’s Patients

What is the purpose of this research? The study aims to investigate how Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) affect elderly patients’ gait and balance − the factors that contribute to falls-associated morbidity. Velayutham, Chandra, Bharath, and Shankar (2017) suggest that differences in these parameters may be used in...

Congestive Heart Failure Research Planning

The final topic is congestive heart failure (CHF) nature and readmission of people diagnosed with this disease in respective hospitals. The problem statement is formulated as follows: since CHF is one of the main health care concerns in cardiovascular care, there is a need to conduct a research and determine...

F. Nightingale’s Philosophy and Millennium Goals

Nightingale’s Influence on the Perception of MDGs Florence Nightingale’s legacy had a tremendous influence on my perception of all the Millennium Development Goals that have to be reached today. Her opinion is important to me not only because she was a notable person in the sphere of medicine, but also...

Nursing Attitude, Intrinsic Qualities, and Skills

Attitudes The attitude I have selected as my number one priority is caring. This choice is accounted for by the fact that my profession is based on the desire to care for other people. I believe that this is an underlying principle of human relationships. The second place is occupied...

Nurses’ Attitudes, Intrinsic Qualities, and Skills

Attitudes I believe that one of the most important attitudes is flexibility. It allows finding the most suitable approach to each person, which is the basis of high-quality care and trusting relationships. The second one is optimism since positive perception of one’s life makes people happier and has proven benefits...

Contemporary Nursing and Early Conceptualization

The role that conceptualization plays in the contemporary advanced nursing practice is immense and could hardly be denied. It is essential to mention that early conceptualization of nursing theory, which was implemented in the second half of 20th century by several scientists, to this day remains a profound basis for...

Discharge Plans and Readmission as Practice Issue

Practice Issue What practice issue has been identified related to the chosen topic? Standard hospital-discharge plans are often insufficient in the information they provide to the patients with chronic illnesses. Aspects such as emotional well-being of the patient, the use or creation of a support network and even daily activities...

Nursing Education Barriers and Overcoming Strategies

The engagement of students is a notion usually talked about in education, and much research has been carried out on the subject matter. It is usually perceived as the rate of interest that learners demonstrate towards the subject under discussion; their interaction with the teacher, content, and peers; and their...

Professional Nurse’s Educational Challenges

Barriers Encountered In my journey to become a professional nurse, I have encountered numerous challenges. One of the main challenges was the conflict between professions. When I graduated from high school, I wanted to join a law school. I wanted to become a lawyer, just like my parents. However, an...

Violence and Safety Concerns in the Emergency Department

Abstract The present project was aimed at the location of an evidence-based solution to a problem of violence and safety issues faced by nurses working in the emergency department. Furthermore, the project was focused on the identification of an effective evidence-based solution strategy for the problem in question, and the...

Pressure Ulcers Reduction Intervention Plan

Abstract In this paper, the description of a randomized controlled trial will be given to clarify if it is possible to reduce the incidence of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers on day 3 of hospitalization if patients with a high risk of developing a pressure ulcer are provided with a treatment plan...

K-12 Health & Physical Education Curriculum

In order to select what types of programs are to be made constituents of a new K-12 health education curriculum, it is necessary to take into the account that all its apprentices must be provided with an opportunity to be healthy, fit, and willing to embrace new knowledge. Therefore, K-12...

Mammogram Screening: Evidence-Based Practice Change

The Spirit of Inquiry Ignited Cancer is a grave disease that is highly lethal and often delivers a slow and painful death at later stages. Statistically, in 2008 the mortality rate from cancer was at the level of 62% (Siegel et al., 2014). Breast cancer is one of the most...

Empowerment Activities in Nursing

Nurses usually need to empower their patients to help them make lifestyle modifications. These empowerment activities are associated with the health promotion task by completing which nurses assist patients in overcoming possible barriers related to their environments (Raingruber, 2016). For example, there were situations when I had opportunities to empower...

Workplace Violence as a Nursing Care Issue

Nursing Care Issue Workplace violence is one of the major issues in professional nursing. Whether it is patient-to-nurse or nurse-to-nurse violence, this problem is still present in many places. Outcome A plan for quality improvement can lessen the rates of violence, increase workplace safety, and protect nurses from patient aggression...

Childhood Obesity as a Topic for Academic Studies

Topic Description Childhood obesity is an issue of great public health concern globally. A higher than normal body mass index (BMI) in children is a diagnosis of this condition. Obesity in childhood has multiple causes and is associated with a variety of health risks. The primary etiologies include unhealthy dietary...

Patient Treatment Compliance: Intervention Outcomes

Will hypertensive patients who fail to follow treatment rules (noncompliance) (P) benefit from an educational protocol and counselling sessions (I) compared to noncompliant patients who do not receive these interventions (C) by increasing the adequate treatment rules (compliance) and improving blood pressure (O) within a documented one year of trending...

Physical Exercise Promotion and Expected Outcomes

In patients of age group 18 to 25 (P) who receive education regarding the importance of exercising 300 minutes per week (I) compared to a similar group who does not receive the education (C) will increase their present level of activity by 30%.(O) by the end of a 6 month...

Mammogram Screening: Evidence-Based Care Outcomes

PICOT Question: In the primary care setting, for women aged 40-55 (P), how effective is provider-initiated conversation regarding recommended screening guidelines and there benefits to detect breast cancer (I) verses not initiating conversation (C) in increasing patient participation in mammogram screenings for breast cancer (O) over a 6- month time...

Postpartum Depression: Evidence-Based Care Outcomes

PICOT Question 1: Females 18-35 years of age discharged from the hospital after child birth (p) who participate in a nurse practitioner home visit educational and assessment program (i) as opposed to non-participation in the nurse practitioner home visit educational and assessment program (c) have a decreased incidence of postpartum...

Safety and Violence Protocol: Evaluation Plan

If a person is subjected to violence, one of the paramount tasks of physicians is to not only help the victim get rid of the physical consequences of injuries but also to provide psychological support (Higgins et al., 2016). It can be assumed that those employees who have received training...

Hypertension Education: Evaluation Plan

The problem of uncontrolled hypertension can affect people of different ages, gender, and race (Banegas et al., 2014). The study on the merits of educating patients suffering from this ailment is considering a few possibilities. In particular, it is about the possibility of educating people and teaching them the right...

Pressure Ulcers Interventions: Evaluation Plan

The problem of pressure ulcers is one of the most central issues that always arise in the emergency department. A specific plan in the form of a protocol can be introduced to try to reduce the incidence of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers. In order to determine the success of the implementation...

Physical Exercise Promotion and Evidence-Based Practice

PICOT Question In patients aged 18 to 25 (P), who receive education regarding the importance of exercising 300 minutes per week (I) compared to a similar group who does not receive the education (C) will their present level of activity increase by 30% (O) by the end of a 6...

The Issues of Safety and Violence in the Emergency Care

PICOT Question Emergency room healthcare providers (p) given safety and violence protocol training (i) versus those providers not given the safety and violence protocol training (c) demonstrate increased knowledge of safety and violence policies and procedures(o) over the next six weeks (t)? Search Strategy Conducted The search strategy was multi-step...