“Islamic History as Global History” by R. Eaton

Introduction Eaton’s goal was made evident in the introductory portion of his article. He wanted his readers to realize the failure of Western scholars in particular, and the Western world in general, when it comes to an accurate understanding of the Muslim world and the religion of Islam. He immediately...

Suffering and Salvation in Christian Theology: Key Concepts

Introduction and Brief Summary The concepts of suffering and salvation remain to be central topics for discussion in Christian theology during a long period. Believers understand that their goal is their salvation, and they want to hope that salvation from sins and their consequences could happen only after a person...

Deities in Hinduism and Buddhism: A Comparative Study of Religious Beliefs and Practices

Abstract This paper dwells upon the differences in roles of Hindu and Buddhist deities from mythological and scientific perspectives. It is noted that Hindu gods’ pantheon was very hierarchal while Buddhist deities were almost equal to people. In Hinduism, gods had supernatural powers and were knowledgeable while in Buddhist tradition....

Salvation Concept in Religion

What do (or should) Christians mean by the word “Salvation”? The Christian definition for salvation is deliverance from wrath of God brought about by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Salvation is a process which Witherington describes as: “one believe in ones heart that Jesus Christ is Lord, He...

The Shroud of Turin

Introduction In the 14th century, Geoffrethe y Charny, a French soldier, claimed that he possessed the Shroud of Jesus. Since then, there has been controversy among scholars and believers concerning this Shroud, which is currently preserved in Turin, Italy. The first critic to dispute Charny’s assertion was the Bishop of...

The Role of Moral Formation in Christian Ethics: Perspectives from Key Scholars

Introduction The foundation of Christian ethics is found in the moral guidelines and ideals that encourage believers to lead upright lives in accordance with the laws of God and the teachings that Jesus Christ imparted to his disciples. Because it plays such an important part in developing people’s personalities and...

Overview of the Methodist Church: History, Theology, and Differences from Other Christian Denominations

Introduction Christianity as a religion has developed into a variety of denominations. Hence, different subgroups of believers have slightly contrasting beliefs established due to historical, political, social, and religious changes. Methodism comprises multiple denominations correlating with Protestantism. The religious connotations derive from the teaching of Charles Wesley, and despite its...

Christianity and Islam: Their History and Interactions

Origins The monotheistic meaning of religion is to worship one God while rejecting other gods’ existence, and Christianity and Islam easily fulfill this description. Both religions were founded in the Middle East and have a common origin. Christians believe that more than 2000 years ago, in Bethlehem, in the Middle...

The Plagues of Egypt: References and Interpretations

The plagues of Egypt are a significant part of the Old Testament story of the Exodus and the Israelites’ deliverance by God from Pharaoh’s tyranny. After Pharaoh refused to free the Israelites from slavery, God sent a series of plagues to Egypt, which culminated in the death of the firstborn...

The Imago Dei as a Christian Concept

The Christian concept of the imago Dei is the belief that God created humans in His image, thus making us unique and special. It is a foundational belief in Christianity, and it has implications for how we should treat each other (Hobson & Edgar, 2019, pp. 33-43). This ideology is...

Culture and Religion in Good People by Wallace

David Foster Wallace deals with culture and its religious side in Good People, written in 2007. Although one might assume that he himself is a religious person, his characters stand out for their acceptance of Christianity and its values. The story describes the journey of growing up as a young...

Sabbath: What Are Its Purpose and Rules?

God gave his people the Sabbath as a day of rest. It is a day to reflect on the fact that God created us and that we are his creations. The people were to rejoice in the Lord and be happy in his presence. They were to sing songs of...

The Old Testament Through the Lens of Exile

Introduction The Old Testament, also known as the Hebrew Bible, is a collection of religious writings in Hebrew. It tells the story of a group of people brought out of slavery who intended to become a small nation on land ostensibly promised to them by God. According to Kelle, although...

Biblical Principles in the Workplace

Introduction The Bible is not only a natural source of spiritual enlightenment but also a storehouse of valuable and helpful knowledge about virtue and a positive attitude towards people. For example, Holy Scripture teaches how to interact with individuals competently in the work conditions through the manifestation of kindness, care,...

Impact of Religion on Individuals, Society, and the World

Religion plays an essential role in the growth of an individual, society, and the whole world. Religion acts as a guidebook on how people should live, driven by their faith and principles of life (Primal Religions, n.d.). Moreover, religious leaders are expected to teach people the virtue of love and...

Respect and Tolerance for New Religions

I think that the age of religion is the characteristic of a person’s beliefs from which it should be decided if their faith should be respected. The primary principle to give respect to the beliefs, actions, and words of others is if they are disrespecting or hurting someone or not....

Jesus’s Parables in Modern Settings

Introduction In the Bible, Jesus tells his followers a number of parables. These parables were aimed at explaining God’s plan to the common folk based on examples they could understand. How did these stories teach valuable lessons to the listeners of God’s word? After telling a short and simple story,...

The Palace of David (Jerusalem)

According to many Jewish texts, King David was born as a shepherd and later became a mighty ruler in Israel. Historical facts outline that after slaying Goliath, the Philistine giant, came up with an army that went ahead to rule over Israel after the death of King Saul. When he...

Worker-Employer Relationship According to Bible

Introduction Job is an influential part of a person’s life, and employees and employers must build good relationships. The Bible refers to such relations as interactions between a slave and a master. It offers various guides and advice to improve their cooperation and make it beneficial to both sides. While...

Christianity: History, Traditions, and Cultural Practices

Introduction Cultural diversity in society is an unavoidable and unique phenomenon that is central to human development. Unfortunately, several multicultural issues arise when individuals from different backgrounds interact because many people strongly hold onto their beliefs. Thus, it is critical to understand the backgrounds, history, and practices of different cultures...

Love and Responsibility Book by W. Karol

Karol Wojtyla, who later became John Paul II, is a firm critic of utilitarianism. In his book, Love and Responsibility, he describes the nature of love, its implications on human relationships, and how they relate to God’s love. On pages 18-28, Wojtyla upholds the value of love between men and...

The Purpose of Missions in the Church

The nature and the purpose of the mission may change depending on the historical circumstances. The Christian mission underwent the path from eradication and imposition to acculturation. Nowadays, the Protestant mission and Church follow the ‘acculturation’ approach; thereby, the institution actively adapts to the changing cultural landscape. For instance, the...

The Conception of the Soul in Different Traditions

Debate on the conception of the soul dates back to ancient Greek mythology. Many authors from the Greco-Roman tradition, the Abrahamic tradition, and the East Asian tradition posit similar but different views on the ideal conception of the soul. This essay discusses five conceptions from these three traditions: two from...

Religion: Locating Sodom

Introduction Sodom and Gomorrah were two of five cities referred to as the Cities of the Plain in the Bible. The two places are infamous for God’s judgment upon the cities’ wicked inhabitants in the three Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Biblical scholars, including Steven Collins and Bryant Wood,...

Leadership in Church and Its Theological Aspects

Introduction Leadership in church, as well as change, are two things that require individuals who are committed to serving others. The two depend on one another in the sense that in order for change to happen, good leaders need to be present. A good leader is characterized by the ability...

Review of “Little Buddha” by Bernardo Bertolucci

Little Buddha is a 1993 film by Bernardo Bertolucci that tells the story of choosing the rebirth of Lama Dorje, a great Buddhist teacher. Lama Norbu and a group of monks from Butane go to the US to find an American boy Jesse Conrad. The monks announce that the child...

“Animism” or “Holistic” Concepts in Indigenous Religions

Indigenous religions involve ancestral faiths of peoples who are local to certain regions. Their faiths assist people in attaining the objective of living well in such regions. Thus, indigenous faiths differ, just as the locations their practitioners reside vary (Van Voorst 31). Most indigenous religions and other monotheist religions like...

“And Muhammad Is His Messenger”: The Role Played by Prophet Muhammad

The significant role played by Prophet Muhammad in the daily lives of Muslims is mainly ignored by Western scholars. Through artistic expressions, texts, and examination of the Muslim religious execution, Schimmel shows the soft side of Islamic religious traditions as practiced and experienced in the Islamic world. She views the...

The Bible: Coherent and Unified Nature

Introduction The continuity of a book’s plot, characters, and the environment from the beginning to the finish of the book is a good indicator of how well the work holds together. Considering that a religious text is a work used to form a religious belief, it is vital to apply...

The Issue of Religious Intolerance

Human beings have their perspective shaped by the peculiarities of their physiological and mental perception, interests, and dreams, and an internal drive to fulfill them. These things are called personality, inner will, and motivation, and they are present in all types of human activities and inevitably influence and manifest themselves...

Pope Urban II: Calling for Crusade

The analyzed source presents the speech of Pope Urban II, in which he calls those present at the Council of Clermont to oppose Seljuks. His call is a response to a request for help from the Byzantine emperor Alexios I Komnenos, worried about the invasion of the Anatolian plateau by...

The Book of Habakkuk: Interpretive Commentary

Introduction The book of Habakkuk is a religious text attributed to the prophet Habakkuk. It is believed to have been written in the 7th century BC and is the eighth book in twelve Minor Prophets. No biographical information is known about the author, with his name only appearing few times...

Theology and Contextualization in Latin America

In the history of Christian theology, there have always been discussions on various issues. Still, they took place within a strictly defined, approved, and regulated dogmatic framework for a long time. The influence of changing socio-cultural circumstances on the formation of theological doctrines remained beyond the limits of research interest....

Analysis of the Novel “The Story of the Stone”

The novel The Story of the Stone is based on the Buddhist concept of the karmic birth and existence of a person. The soul must outlive the “dream of life” with all its sorrows and anguish, then renounce everything earthly and embark on a new enlightened path. The author often...

Catholic Church as Social and Spiritual Organization

The Catholic Church is a worldwide religious organization with a large number of believers. The number of Catholic Christians constantly rises worldwide: the reason for that is the prevalence of psychological and spiritual problems around the globe, and the Christian belief system helps people cope with them. Many people encounter...

A Short History of Christianity by Tompkins

Stephen Tompkins, in his book, tries to tell the history of Christianity in an accessible language, avoiding specific church vocabulary and moral teachings. The author suggests listening to the story and thinking about how humanity came to today’s realities with positive and negative consequences. In the first chapter, Tompkins describes...

Description of Love Defined in 1 Corinthians 13

As defined in 1 Corinthians 13, love is a style of life lived in imitation of Jesus Christ that is centered on the “other” and their sound rather than on oneself. There are various ways in which love is described in each of the tests found in 1 Corinthians 13:...

The Rules of St. Columba: Exploring Irish Catholicism

Irish Catholic Church history is filled with notable and authoritative figures that defined the further development of Christianity and contributed to the evolution of the theological discourse, as well as the spreading of Jesus Christ’s philosophy. St. Columba, or St. Columbanus, was one of the people that predetermined the further...

Spiritual Leadership Book Reflection

A reflection of chapters three and four of Spiritual Leadership by Henry and Richard Blackaby provides deep insights into leadership and the role of divinity. Chapter three provides a discussion of a leader’s preparation and spiritual development (Blackaby & Blackaby, 2017). It focuses on the natural elements of this development...

Matthew’s and Mark’s Gospels: The Main Differences

Introduction The Bible is a sacred book filled with numerous contradictions since many people have influenced its content. Reading several Gospels, Matthew and Mark can prove the inconsistencies because every individual account describes the same events but pays attention to diverse details. It means that they perceived the teaching of...

Atonement: Theories and Interpretations

Introduction About two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ died for all humanity’s sins. It is called the crucifixion of Jesus, by which he produces the atonement for the whole of humankind. Despite the fact of this event and the clarity of its consequences, there are many theories and interpretations of...

Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism: The Afterlife Concepts

Introduction Religion provides purpose and meaning, allowing its followers to navigate in a world full of uncertainty. This idea explains the seminal status of the world’s leading beliefs, as they possess well-established and documented descriptions of all key spheres of life. Among these aspects, the afterlife occupies a unique position...

The Story About Joseph: God Always Has a Plan

Joseph was one of Jacob’s twelve sons and the most loved ones, so his father gave him a beautiful colorful coat. Joseph’s brothers became jealous of him and decided to sell him as a slave. He was taken to Egypt and started to serve the Potiphar, who was a Pharaoh’s...

“The Great Hymn to Aten” and the Beginning of Monotheism

Today, monotheistic religions prevail globally, but people were inclined to honor many gods in ancient times. For example, in ancient Egypt, much of the time, religion was polytheistic. The emergence of monotheism, in turn, is associated with the development of Judaism and later Christianity and Islam. However, such a source...

Global Challenges of The Muslims in the Modern Society

The presented research outlined and examined some of the issues facing Muslims in modern society, taking into account knowledge acquisition and global Muslim representation as the core aims in the study. One of the significant problems identified in the research faced by Muslims was the mass media misrepresentation and Western...

The Evolution of Gilgamesh: Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible

The songs and legends of Gilgamesh were recorded in cuneiform on clay tablets in four ancient languages of the Middle East – Sumerian, Akkadian, Hurrian, and Hittite; in addition, references to him were preserved in the Greek writer Elian and the medieval Syrian writer Theodore Bar-Conai. Already the oldest, so-called...

The Flood in Genesis and Lessons Learnt

Introduction Genesis is among the most famous stories and teachings. The particular interest in the story arises from the overall thinking about Genesis. In recent decades, Evangelical theologists have returned to exploring the questions of human origins. Even though the mentions of the Flood in Genesis 6-9, it begins earlier...

Old Testament and Form Criticism: “What Ezekiel Saw in the Valley”

Introduction Representations of distinct events in the Bible can often yield significant information regarding the social attitudes and customs of the age discussed. Several sections of the Old Testament books are designated for particular thoughts and events to be delegated to the public during readings and liturgies. Such excerpts from...

The Idea of Government According to the Bible

Religion is a unique system that affects all spheres of human activity, including governing. At the first stages of society’s evolution, religious beliefs were used as the basis for states, and beliefs and rituals were considered laws affecting the communities’ rise. The emergence of Christianity with its set of values...

Basic Biblical Christianity Summary

During its stay on Earth, humanity found various gods, and accordingly, books were written that talked about these gods, how to live with them, and worship them. Christianity is one of many religions and also has a book called the Bible. It contains the truth necessary for the salvation and...

The Torah: Story, Law, and Poetry

In the tradition of Judaism, Torah, in the broad sense, refers to the substance of God’s divine revelation to Israel, thus offering divine teaching and guidance to His followers. The meaning of Torah has been mainly restricted in order to denote the first give books of the Hebrew Bible, or...

Religion and Cult Relations

People have always needed a system of specific beliefs to explain events unknown to them. Since the emergence of the first organized groups of people and civilized societies, mythologies, religions, and cults became integral elements of the human world. Moreover, some worship systems transformed into dominant paradigms or religions peculiar...

Rapture of the Church of God

Rapture of God’s church is one of the most contentious elements in Christian eschatology, specifically its timing with relation to other events, such as Christ’s return and the great tribulations. It is a significant eschatological event that has a considerable impact on an individual’s viewpoint about life and subsequent hope...

The Bible as a Cultural Object

All people have a cultural object that shapes their behavior and social norms. The Bible is one of the world’s most influential cultural objects that posit fundamental roles in modeling individuals’ spiritual health. Ideally, it is a typical collection of historical events in ancient times held sacredly to the people...

Jehovah’s Witness – Beliefs

Jehovah’s witnesses are unique believers who base their religion on Christianity; however, they hold many unique features and traditions. The main peculiarity of Jehovah’s witnesses is that their God is Jehovah, and Jesus Christ is his agent, through whom people may reconcile to God (“Jehovah’s Witness – Beliefs,” 2019). The...

The Tale of Three Kings Book by Gene Edwards

The Tale of Three Kings written by Gene Edwards is a story about how two principles, obedience, and power, are combined in the kingdom of God. This book is intended for Christians who have been wounded by an authoritarian movement, are heartbroken by divisions in the Church, or have clashed...

Christianity, Its Origin and Significance

Introduction Christianity developed in the mid-first century in Judea following the teachings of Jesus. Later, the missionary work and writings of Paul of Taurus also made an impact in its spread. Initially, this religion was viewed as a small and disorganized sect that, among other things, pledged personal salvation after...

Women Martyrs Inspiring Christianity

Introduction Modern society knows a few stories presenting women’s role in early Christianity due to the dominance of patriarchal church hierarchies, established by the Apostle Peter. He believed that it is shameful for a woman to preach in the church. He also thought that women should entirely rely on their...

Religious References in “Future Home of the Living God” by Erdrich

Introduction This dystopian novel by Louise Erdrich depicts the author’s views on the future of humanity under a religious rule. Beginning from the title of the book, the author mentions the name of the Lord, and this theme remains one of the primary topics throughout the chapters. Even the main...

The Different World Religion Summary

Judaism Judaism is considered to be the world’s most ancient monotheistic religion, which constitutes millions of worshippers worldwide. The core values of Judaism are outlined in the numerous sacred writings that bear a sense similar to the one of Christianity, being represented from a different perspective. Just like other western...

Comparison of Utilitarianism and Christian Ethics

Introduction Human beings encounter diverse challenges and obstacles that could affect their goals and force them to change their philosophies of life. Metaethics has emerged as a powerful field that presents evidence-based concepts for examining moral issues and addressing them from an informed perspective. Depending on the existing situation and...

Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity

The psychological practice of believers is usually different from the atheists’ psychological counseling methods. That is because faith enriches individuals and allows them to reveal those facets of the human soul that may not be available to academic knowledge. This paper aims to summarize and critically analyze the book by...

Social Trinity: Interpreting Christian Doctrine

Social Trinity is an interpretation with regard to the Christian doctrine on trinity. The main and central idea lies in the fact that this concept of trinity comprises of three persons whose relationship constitutes its very nature. Over the last three decades, there have been increased outpouring of the writings...

The Depiction of Religion and Hypocrisy in “The Summoning of Everyman”

The notion of God was created by humans to describe the facts and events they were unable to comprehend through the lens of their knowledge. Many modern people have skeptic views on religion, yet this unique moral play can find a relatable topic even nowadays. This essay discusses the ideas...

The Concept of Blasphemy

Introduction Blasphemy refers to an act of striping a consecrated character out of something. In religion, blasphemy refers to a show of irreverence towards holy individuals or things. Blasphemy in Judaism is considered an act of cursing and showing contempt for God. Blasphemy may take different forms depending on the...

Non-christian World Religions: History, Concepts, and Beliefs of Buddhism

Introduction Religion can be described as a set of beliefs about the origin, purpose and the nature of the universe more especially when it is considered to have been created by supernatural agencies or agency. The believers have a set of rituals they observe and a moral code that governs...

The Protestant Reformation in Europe

The protestant reformation contributed greatly to social, political, and religious revolutions in Europe. Protestant reformation was initiated by the European Christian Reform Movement. The movement aimed at reforming the doctrine of the Catholic Church which was at that moment dominant in Europe. However, the reformation did not come easy, a...

Womanist and Feminist on Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit refers to God’s activity within followers. That is, if the Incarnation of God the Son in Jesus Christ can be spoken of as objective, then our appropriation of it is subjective. While God on the one hand does something for us, on the other hand, He does...

Early American Religion History

Introduction According to Mark (2007), colonies that formed the U.S had people who were deeply rooted in religion, which resulted in the movement across the Atlantic Ocean where they spread their beliefs freely. However, it was thought that this vigor would last for only a short period and then diminishes...

“Christianity and the Class Struggle” by Abraham Kuyper

Introduction Abraham Kuyper usually acknowledged as Abraham Kuyper was a Dutch politician, journalist, statesman, and theologian. He initiated the Anti-Revolutionary party and was the prime minister of the Netherlands between 1901 and 1905. Abraham Kuyper’s opening address to the first Christian social congress in Amsterdam in 1891 had an electrifying...

David: The Legacy of Leadership

Introduction The Bible interprets leadership as an act of serving and influencing others while having Christ’s interests at heart. Any person in Christ can turn to the Bible for excellent examples of leadership galore and learn from the greatest. Probably, one of the most influential leadership figures represented both in...

The World’s Religions: Worldviews and Contemporary Issues

What is Young’s Definition of Religion? Various individuals and groups have defined religion basing on what they believe or through the influence of forces surrounding their faith. William Young, in his book, The World’s Religions: World Views and Contemporary Issues, he argues that, religion is a form of human transformation,...

Early Church History: Persecution of Christianity

The early Christians endured persecution not only from non-believers but also from believers who sought to change their faith. The reasons for these persecutions were mainly due to the fear of Christianity by the Romans, as they dubbed it a mere superstition rather than a belief. It is imperative to...

Global Mission Theology of Samuel Escobar

Introduction In his thesis on Global Missions, Samuel Escobar, a Latin American theologian, argues that Christian theology is contextual. Escobar sees mission as a legitimate and fundamental perspective of the church, and all other functions of the church are given focus and direction based on that mission (Escobar, 2003). His...

Neo-Orthodoxy Theology: Barth, Brunner et al.

Introduction Neo-orthodoxy is a concept used in advanced contemporary theology, also called liberal theology. The views of neo-theologians are different from those of the orthodoxy on the basis of their approaches to the word of God. Neo-theology is a deviant view of the doctrine of the word and is in...

Roman Catholic Theology of Rahner and Kung

Introduction Roman Catholic Theology is comprised of the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Decisions on the Scripture and the Sacred Tradition are interpreted by the “Magisterium,” and these form the basis of the Catholic teachings (McGrat, 2006). This article evaluates the theology of Rahner and Kung in terms of...

“Planting Churches Cross-Culturally” by David Hesselgrave

Summary The book “Planting Churches Cross Culturally” is an informative piece of literature that supports the importance of evangelistic work. The book acts as a guideline or manual focusing on church planting in unreached areas. In the first part, David Hesselgrave argues that church leaders should gather more believers and...

Catholic, Church of Christ and Jewish Religions Comparison

Catholics, Protestants, and Jews are three major denominations of Christianity among many others. While the pope is the head of the Catholic Church, Protestantism and Judaism refer to Christianity that is not a subject to Papal authority (Neusner, 2001). The Catholic Church and the Church of Christ are the two...

Religion and Ecology

When it comes to discussing how a particular religion responds to ecological crises, it is important to outline ecologically relevant theological postulates of this religion and to define the qualitative aspects of how it reflects upon psychological/behavioral leanings of its adherents. In my paper, I will aim to explore the...

The Transfiguration of Jesus – Literary Criticism

Literary criticism Context The Transfiguration of Jesus (Matthew 17:1-13) is often being regarded as one of the most important miracles that took place during the course of the Savior’s earthly service (second only to the Resurrection). This miracle was meant to prove to the most loyal disciples of Jesus (Peter,...

Integrating Faith, Learning, and Work: Truth in a Christian Worldview

The Role of the Scientific Method in Discovering Truth The scientific method, a systematic approach to observing and questioning the world around us, guides us toward truth. Truth, in its simplest form, is the congruence of perception with reality. It is the unveiling of facts and laws that govern our...

Christian Life Coaching: Overcoming Obstacles and Spiritual Growth

Life Coaching Definitions of Life Coaching, Mentorship, Discipleship, and Counseling Life coaching is an intentional partnership between a coach and a coachee, primarily fostering successful outcomes in the coachee’s personal and professional life (Collins, 2009). While life coaching, mentoring, discipleship, and counseling all play a part in helping people improve...

Understanding Christian Ministry: Service for All Believers

Introduction Throughout much of its history, the church has been divided into two groups, namely those tasked with ministry and followers. Ministry has been characterized as the duties of a pastor rather than as the actions that servants of God undertake in the context of routine daily activities. Traditional conceptualizations...

Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes: Cultural Relativism in Biblical Interpretation

Introduction Religion is an intricate subject that defines human civilizations as a component that guides their daily lives. Notably, the case of Christianity is premised on the context of biblical scriptures that are considered a guide for those that prescribe to the beliefs. However, history indicates that the interpretation of...

Lesslie Newbigin’s Proper Confidence and Its Impact on Missionary Thought

Introduction Lesslie Newbigin’s contribution is considered among the brightest minds behind the missionary thought of the twentieth century, even though his reflection on Evangelism has not been widely studied. In the age of rising pragmatism and consumerism, through his writing, Newbigin aimed to comment on the disappearance of hope in...

The Italian Jesuits’ Mission to China: Role of Matteo Ricci

Introduction The Jesuit missions to China in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries represent a short but remarkable page in the history of China and an exciting phenomenon in the life of the Society of Jesus itself. It was the first significant dialogue between European and Chinese cultures; it included both...

Gonzalez’s Story of Christianity Book Review

In Gonzalez’s book Story of Christianity: Volume 1: The Early Church to the Reformation, chapter 17 discusses The Arian Controversy. This issue sparked the so-called Arian conflict, named after the Alexandrian priest Arius. He promoted strict monotheism and believed that Christ was God but was subject to God the Father...

Comparison of Christianity and Hinduism

Religious affiliation is one of the valuable components of the human personality. Adhering to particular religious worldviews in this way becomes an essential topic for research. This implies comparing aspects such as historical and geographical origins, core beliefs and practices, and important texts. Therefore, this essay will compare Hinduism and...

Establishment of the Papal Supremacy in the Catholic Church

The papal supremacy is a doctrine of the catholic church that puts the pope and his office as the Vicar of Christ. Various popes contributed to the creation of papal powers during in the 6th century (St. Benedict). St. Damascus, one of the Bishops of Rome during the establishment of...

Religious Impact on Children’s Future Success

Introduction Religion is integral to the socialization and development of children. It shapes their conception of the future and determines their willingness to work toward achieving specific goals. Religion can help children believe they have a future, as will be demonstrated in the presented argument. Religion can influence a child’s...

Genesis 41 and Its Historical Contexts

Introduction Genesis is among the most powerful creations that people have been exposed to and have the privilege of reading due to the clear illustration of the history of humanity, the establishment of Israel and the first Jewish people. The overall book of Genesis implicitly states that there is nothing...

Rise of Islam: Comparing to Christianity

Introduction Christianity and Islam are considered two different religions, although they have some similarities. These two faiths have the largest number of followers globally. The identity of a supernatural being and hellfire are the common beliefs. Assessing the readings of the New Testament, the Hebrew Scriptures, and Christian theology reveals...

Review of Saint Bonaventure Interpretation of the Soul

Introduction Saint Bonaventure was a member of the Franciscan order and a philosopher in the 13th century. The philosophy of Bonaventure can be considered Augustinian because it was heavily influenced by Augustine (Sutanto, 2021). One of the most significant issues that Bonaventure advanced was the nature and status of the...

The Relationship of the Holy Spirit to the Father and the Son

Introduction A Christian Creed is a collection of defining assertions that summarize Christians’ fundamental beliefs. All Christians hold them to be the unchanging realities. In the past, newly converted Christians would research their new faith and write their ideology based on what they had discovered. However, several particular creeds gained...

Chapters 17–20 of The Book of Kings

Introduction Chapters 17–20 of 2 Kings shed light on a trying time in Israel and Judah’s past. Both kingdoms are at odds with the Father and managing Assyrian incursions. However, only one kingdom finally seeks God’s direction and forgiveness, which ultimately leads to its rescue. The central theological motive relates...

Concept of Human Being in Islam

Background Humans are considered the most important beings among all the animals created as they can distinguish between right and wrong. Muslims believe humans are born in a state of purity, and as they grow, they make decisions that are by and against Islam teachings. The creator sent his prophets...

The Influence of the Inquisition on the Reformation

Introduction In general, it is widely agreed that inquisition and reformation are the major events that have greatly defined the history of Christianity. Even though the inquisition had started in late 12th century, its peak came during the reformation as the Roman Catholic instituted it to counter reformation by protestants...

Cultural Similarities and Differences Between Islam and Judaism

Introduction Worldviews, culture, and religion are invisible forces that can determine or impact the behaviors and attitudes of people around. Understanding and respecting the differences between these values is a key element of building healthy and courteous communication (Tuleja, 2021). Religion is one of the main aspects affecting a person’s...

The History of Bethlehem and Its Significance

Bethlehem The West Bank of Bethlehem, also known by the Arabic names Bayt Lam (“House of Meat”) and Bet Leem, is located in the Judaean Hills five miles (eight kilometers) south of Jerusalem (“House of Bread”). According to Luke and Mathew’s gospels, Jesus was instinctive in Bethlehem, which relates to...

The Natural World as God’s Creation

The video “Army of Sea Urchins?” by BBC Studios depicts the kelp’s interwoven complex life system and interactions between creatures, emphasizing the supply of nutrients from the depths to the upper layers. For instance, sea urchins are necessary attachments to sea rocks, accounting for enormous regions of kelp forest clearings...

Biblical Theology of Sexuality and Sex

Abstract The Bible interprets sexuality and sex as the biological basis for the love attraction of a man and a woman. Physical compatibility is crucial despite the importance of emotional attachment and platonic love between two people. The more compatibility factors people have in a union, the higher the likelihood...

Sikh and Muslim Communities in India

Introduction The Republic of India is a secular, democratic country with many different religions, including Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Jainism, among other minority creeds. Hinduism remains the largest religion in the country, with Hindu identification and the ability to speak Hindi being associated with “being truly Indian” (Corichi...

Faith Integration in 1 Peter 1:13-21 Message

1 Peter 1:13-21 is a compelling message that was written to the Gentile Christians that were being persecuted. Its primary purpose was to remind them that God had chosen them and they should be hopeful for a brighter future in Jesus. Through this letter, Peter offered great hope to the...

International Church of the Foursquare Gospel

Background The Foursquare Gospel is an evangelical Pentecostal denomination the name of which is closely related to the emblem, represented by four squares. The four squares symbolically show Jesus Christ the Savior, Baptizer, Healer, Coming King. It refers to the revelation of Aimee Semple McPherson, the founder of the church,...

Existence of God: The Five Ways of Thomas Aquinas

Introduction When studying philosophy, one will inevitably come across Thomas Aquinas and his five arguments for the existence of a higher being, such as God. His justifications for the existence of a higher being were developed to offer a firm basis for the conviction that a God does, in fact,...

Understanding the Holy Trinity in Christian Theology

The assertion that the solo God lives as or in 3 mutually supernatural beings, the Holy Spirit, the Father, and the Son, is a popular way to describe the orthodox Christian belief of the Holy Trinity (Tuggy). They are not 3 different people but rather three parts or manifestations of...

Buddhism vs. Christianity: Studying Religions

Buddhism and Christianity are both of the most popular religions. The followers of Buddhism are primarily concentrated in the Asian region, with India being its birthplace. On the other hand, Christianity is generally common throughout Europe and Western countries, despite its origins in modern Israel and Palestine. Despite some localization,...

The Second Coming of Christ: Bibliography

Garrick, Allen. “Paratexts and the Reception History of the Apocalypse.” The Journal of Theological Studies 70, no. 2 (2019): 600-632. The author examines manuscripts and primary sources to reconstruct ancient events. It is important to note that the study explores the influence of primary sources on further biblical research. This...

The Future of Religion Around the World

Introduction Religion is an integral part of the life of people who believe that they have a soul. Most cultures and ancient civilizations have a rich heritage in the form of rituals, beliefs, and myths that explain man’s origin, the earth’s creation, and the role of man in life. Despite...

Tantrism and Its Cultural Background

The creation story in question is about Tantrism and the Tantric tradition. This religious tradition emerged in India in the pre-Arian times (“Non-Vedic origins of Tantrism,” n.d.). The Arian culture, which followed, adhered to the Vedic religious tradition, and the Arian people did not support Tantrism. This paper will summarize...

The Great Schism in History of Christianity

Summary Throughout the history of the existence of religious traditions, there have been conflicts between different churches due to views on spirituality and religious practices. The largest schism, which is called the Great Schism, occurred in 1054 and marked the separation of the Western and Eastern Christian churches. The center...

Confucianism as the Main Religion of Indonesia

Confucianism is one of the world’s major philosophic and spiritual teachings, primarily practiced in Asian countries and China in particular. It is based on the various ideas of Confucius, comprising the moral and spiritual backbone of a number of nations. For its country of origin, China, Confucianism remains a source...

Secular Combatants: Teaching Secular Worldviews in a Post-Secular Age

Investigating the connection between psychology and Christianity is a problematic and passionate task. One school of thought claims that psychology, or science, is opposed to Christianity or religion. On the one hand, secular combatants feel that religious tradition and mental health are incompatible. On the other hand, Christian warriors who...

Then Again WebChron: Zarathustra Assumptions

Many philosophers and religious leaders ponder on human nature, free will, and the capacity of humans to make choices that can be viewed as morally right or morally wrong. Zarathustra, an Iranian prophet and prominent religious figure, was among those who argued that humans are capable of choosing between good...

Buddha, Nirvana and the Four Pillars of Truth

The Four Noble Truths symbolize the foundation of Buddhism because they carry the real meaning of Buddha’s teachings. Before understanding the essence of the four pillars of truth, nirvana, one needs to understand who the Buddha is. Siddhartha Gautama, “the Buddha,” was born into a wealthy family as a prince...

Wise and Faithful Servants: Analysis of Parable

Jesus pledges to reward his disciples in the parable of the wise and faithful servants. In the life setting of Jesus’ ministry, ministering is an action carried out to express the truth, with the great commission serving as the model. In the parable, the master will dismember the sinful servant...

The Day-Age Theory as Applied to Genesis

Abstract In the Christian tradition, the dominant perspective on creation follows a commonly shared position that the world was created by God in seven days. However, this dogma remains a matter of heated debate, as conditioned by the alternative, non-traditional view. There are many different theories that surround the creation...

Art of Islam: The Common Language of Islamic Art

Islamic art encompasses many artistic disciplines, including calligraphy, architecture, painting, ceramics, textiles, and glass. The author of the article, “Art of Islam,” covers aspects of the Islamic art language. They include how Arab art is related to Islamic art, the overall idea of Arabic calligraphy, the Arabesque, sphere and cube,...

American Religion Now and Then

Introduction Both the global history of religion and the history of a particular religion in a separate state have always dominated the attention of researchers, philosophers, archaeologists, historians, and theologians. Journalists write articles in magazines, interview public and religious figures, and gather stadiums of followers. For quite a long time,...

Dawn Smith’s Experience of Life in a Religious Cult

After watching the TED Talk “Why I Left an Evangelical Cult,” I have learned that being raised in a cult is one of the most horrifying experiences. It is horrible not only because of the constant abuse and lies but because it is very difficult to escape. In a cult,...

Showing Importance Towards Non-Material Things

Introduction New studies have shown that materialistic communities view wealth as a source of happiness. An excess of material wealth is thought to be a measure of contentment in these communities. However, excess material wealth does not bring a genuine feeling of peace and satisfaction. Like the rich, poor people...

Mercy and Compassion in Old and New Testaments

The Old Testament lays the foundation for the teachings and events outlined in the New Testament. The New Testament can only be fully understood when seen as a continuation of the description of events, heroes, laws, the system of sacrifices, covenants, and promises written in the Old Testament. If we...

“Salvation” by Langston Hughes

In “Salvation,” Hughes discusses his personal experience with the church and the Christian faith and criticizes the religion. Specifically, he addresses his disappointment, criticism, and cynicism toward the institution of the church and the concept of salvation in itself. The author states that there is too much preaching, praying, and...

The Protestant Reformation and Its Impact on the English New World

The Protestant Reformation that took place in Europe in the sixteenth century shattered to the core the basis of Christianity, dividing Christians into two groups and leading to the creation of many religious sects. Christianity’s political and religious power was challenged as The Protestant Reformation eventually brought about the design...

Religions’ Answers to Five of the Seven Worldview Questions

Islam “What is prime reality – what is really real?” For Muslims, God is the only prime and fundamental reality. “Why is there something rather than nothing?” Muslims see the meaning of their lives in following and worshipping Allah. “What is a human being? How do you explain human nature?”...

Islamic Effect on the Cultural Exchange

Economic activities are often misconstrued as rooted solely in financial interactions and devoid of any cultural components. However, the assumption that culture does not factor into economic interactions could not be any further away from the truth. As the history of the Silk Road and interactions within it have shown,...

Ideas and Topics in Saint Mark’s Gospel

Saint Mark’s Gospel is the shortest and the most volumetric text out of the four existing ones. His telling is in some ways similar to Mathew’s narrative, but some occurrences are presented in the other order, and the descriptions are shorter. The Gospel of Mark is believed to be the...

How the Bible Portrays a Unified Story

Considering its diversity and rich storyline, the Bible can be converted into billions of classic books of different genres. The foundation of all the stories created is to glorify God’s supreme authority since everything on the earth was created through him. Therefore, the Bible tells the same story based on...

Sacred Time or Sacred Place in Judaism

Following the traditions of the Jewish religion is a theological doctrine that includes a combination of different approaches and practices that have been formed over the centuries. Sacred place and Sacred time are the crucial components of this commitment since the rise of Judaism is based on numerous historical references...

Daoism Issue, Solution, Techniques, and Exemplars

Daoism, often called Taoism, is a philosophy initiated in Earliest China and propagated by theorists such as Laozi. This viewpoint, which some individuals regard as a religion, instructs persons on living in agreement with the rest of the universe. The word “Dao” refers to “path,” the essence and pattern of...

Old Testament and Middle East Scriptures’ Similarities

The Hebrew Bible is similar to and unlike other ancient Near Eastern writings. Scribes compiled the manuscripts that constituted the Hebrew Bible. They have educated members of society, and many of them worked in the big institutions of society, such as palaces and temples. More essential subjects, like cosmology, rituals,...

The New Testament: The Source of Spiritual Knowledge

Representing the second part of the Biblical Canon, the New Testament offers a crucial source of spiritual strength and development. However, its interpretations are quite numerous, inviting multiple opportunities of interpreting the Scripture in a variety of ways. Specifically, the New Testaments, the source of information about Jesus and His...

The Christian Faith and Its Advantages

Religion plays a critical role in the life of millions of people. Individuals all over the world have their rituals and visions. Christianity is one of the most ancient and influential teachings popular in different parts of the globe. It has some fundamental beliefs, such as the necessity to save...

Megachurches: History, Business and Values Aligned

Introduction In the second half of the twentieth century, various new forms of religiosity and types of religious identity appeared in many countries of the world. They, in particular, caused the formation of different, sometimes mutually exclusive concepts describing the state of religion in the modern world. These are secularization...

Christ and the Adulteress by Rocco Marconi and The Marriage of the Virgin by Raphael

Both Raphael’s and Rocco Marconi’s paintings are similar in terms of the subject matter since they both illustrate biblical scenes involving groups of people displayed at the center of the pieces. However, the pieces are different in the mood of the stories depicted. Raphael portrays a joyous occasion of Mary...

Basic Beliefs of Hinduism and Buddhism

Buddhism and Hinduism are two of the most commonly practiced religions in the world today. It is believed that both religions originated in northern India around 500 BCE. The two religions later on expanded to other regions, especially in Asia, where Buddhism continues to have a major spiritual and religious...

The Spread of Islam With Trade and Geography

Translated from Arabic, the word “Islam” means “surrender to the One God” or “submission.” Like Judaism and Christianity, Islam is a theistic religion; this means that he proceeds from the understanding of the one God. This is the youngest religion in the history of humanity, which ranks second in the...

The Nature of God and Humanity

Traditionally, the nature of God is perceived in Christianity through the lens of the Triune. Namely, God is seen as the omnipotent amalgamation of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The specified interpretation also implies that God holds absolute power over every human being, as well as every...

Stewardship and the Kingdom of God

Stewardship is a critical spiritual principle that has always been a part of faith in God. It is a complex principle, that many in the modern world do not wish to fulfill or interpret. As noted in the reading by Walborn and Chan (2015), stewardship as a concept has been...

“The Churching of America” Book by Finke & Stark

Despite being technically defined as constitutionally secular, the U.S. is largely affected by Christianity and the associated values, traditions, and perceptions. As a result, the role of the Christian church has been expanded to influence nearly every domain of most American people’s lives (Finke & Stark, 2005). In the range...

The Babylonian Exile of the Israelites as Calvin’s Metaphor

Babylonian exile of the ancient Israelites would be an important metaphor for Calvin to use in describing the Christian’s life on earth because Christians are held captive by sins thus getting punished. The Babylonian captivity is depicted as a punishment for idolatry as well as disobedience to God. The suffering...

Decline of Christianity in Europe Since 1675

Even though Protestant Christianity had been originated in Western Europe and Catholicism has persisted there for the majority of its history, the region is now among the most secular territories across the globe. For centuries, there has been an ongoing trend of Christian Church institutions gradually losing their power and...

“Propositional Faith: What it is and What it is Not” Article Review

Daniel Howard-Snyder dedicates his article to the topic of faith. His main claim is that the common understanding of propositional faith is false and thus damages human thought processes regarding their attitude towards future events. Snyder argues that there is a substantial difference between conventional religious faith and propositional faith...

Anti-Theistic Arguments on Existence of God

Usually, people perceive religion and belief as aspects of personal choice that are difficult or impossible to dispute. Most often, belief is based on unjustified facts or events; however, this feature does not prevent people from holding on to their positions. On the other hand, anti-theistic arguments are most often...

The Role of Spirituality in Medical Education

Healing and Autonomy Spirituality practice in healthcare has been a controversial topic over the last decade. Spirituality and health are increasingly becoming a topic of discussion in healthcare and medical schools and provide more insight into combining them. More healthcare facilities offer spiritual support to patients as an extension of...

Premarital Sex and Religious Perception

Over the years, the notions of sex education, sexuality, and culture have been closely interrelated, with the latter aspect obtaining a major influence on the human perception of sex as a process. According to the researchers, the socio-cultural background of a community plays one of the most significant roles in...

Appropriate and Effective Christian Intercultural Communication

Introduction The book begins with an analysis of the importance of culture in the world. The author says that cultural diversity dramatically affects a person’s worldview and self-esteem. Sometimes, due to a lack of understanding of the environment, a foreigner feels lonely. The book describes in detail how faith can...

Why Is It Important for a Christian to Study Church History?

The church’s history began with Jesus Christ and apostles, who, after the Resurrection, carried his word to all parts of the world, particularly to Greece and then to Italy. The Apostle Peter, who was to become a cornerstone of the new Christian church according to Jesus’ parting words, successfully fulfilled...

Socrates’ Understanding of God

Socrates is accused of impiety, or “not believing in the gods in whom the city believes (West & Plato, 1979, 24b).” At first glance, it appears as if Socrates is charged with atheism, but the philosopher is, in fact, ostracized for believing in “other new spiritual things (West & Plato,...

Reaction to the Council of Trent Statement

The Council of Trent was a definitive document written in response to doctrinal challenges posed by the protestant reformation. The decrees revitalized and consolidated the Roman Catholic Church in the face of protestant expansion. The council issued critical statements on sacraments, scripture, biblical canon, sin, justification, salvation, mass, and saints’...