Rock-Hewn Churches of Lalibela

Christianity has a vast history that begins in the Middle East and the religion is currently popular in European countries and some African regions, which the Europeans took under control. There are more than one billion Christians in the world, and this religion usually includes Orthodoxy, Protestantism, and Catholicism. Orthodoxy...

“On Care of Our Common Home” by Pope Francis

In his writing titled On Care of Our Common Home, Pope Francis contends that the evils and sources of suffering are part of labor that he uses to gain humans’ cooperation with Him. With the gospel of God’s love for all His creatures, the question then beckons; why would God...

The Book of Exodus: Brief Analysis

Introduction The Book of Exodus is one of the defining narratives of Western culture. It recounts the story of ancient Israelites being chosen by Yahweh to escape slavery at the hands of Egyptians and attain the Promised Land. It features many of the most famous characters and episodes from biblical...

Sacred Time or Sacred Place in Judaism

Following the traditions of the Jewish religion is a theological doctrine that includes a combination of different approaches and practices that have been formed over the centuries. Sacred place and Sacred time are the crucial components of this commitment since the rise of Judaism is based on numerous historical references...

Bass Fishing: The Role in Christianity

Fish symbols and images have a special sacral meaning in Christianity. The mentioning of the fish is correlated with the ancient rituals and can be found in the Bible. Some Christians associate Jesus Christ with the image of fish as a symbol of holy ablution. Today, there are different fishing...

Theology of Family Life, Marriage and Parenting

Marriage Marriage is a civil society institution present in all countries and cultures, where the pair enters a secular agreement in the eyes of the law. However, religious marriage is possible when a ceremony is conducted (simultaneously or separately, depending on religion) with the couple being wed in the eyes...

The Story About Joseph: God Always Has a Plan

Joseph was one of Jacob’s twelve sons and the most loved ones, so his father gave him a beautiful colorful coat. Joseph’s brothers became jealous of him and decided to sell him as a slave. He was taken to Egypt and started to serve the Potiphar, who was a Pharaoh’s...

The Christian Faith and Its Advantages

Religion plays a critical role in the life of millions of people. Individuals all over the world have their rituals and visions. Christianity is one of the most ancient and influential teachings popular in different parts of the globe. It has some fundamental beliefs, such as the necessity to save...

Religion’s Impact on Mass Media

It seems reasonable to state that religion significantly impacts many spheres of life in today’s world. When it comes to mass media, this phenomenon should be taken into account. In another case, the desired outcome of a particular film, book, or TV series might not be achieved. Hence, the scholarly...

The “Other-Worldliness” of Christianity

It goes without saying that as the majority of existing religions, Christianity includes the elements of both “this-worldliness” and “other-worldliness.” However, from a personal perspective, the statement that Christianity is a predominantly other-worldly religion reflects its core to the fullest extent. First of all, despite the existence of differences between...

Approaches to Hermeneutic: History and Modern Interpretation

Introduction: Hermeneutics as a Crucial Component of Theology The Proposal Hermeneutics: Definition This paper seeks to understand the methods of interpreting the scripture nowadays, as well as the significance that the Scripture and its postulates have for the contemporary audience. There is no need to emphasize that the Biblical writing...

Consideration of Creativity: Perfection, Diversity, Profusion, and Inventiveness

Although society attributes art to secularity, there is immense evidence that God and humanity are the primary sources of creativity. In “Echoes of Eden,” Jerram Barrs explores this notion and encourages evangelicals to embrace art instead of shunning it. Barrs bases his arguments on Daniel Loizeaux’s four key ideas –...

Reflections on Christian Ministry Journey

Introduction The desire to study Ministry and dedicate one’s life to Christianity as a profession does not correspond in people’s minds with an easy entertaining career. It is a challenging path with many classes, insights, obstacles, and personal conclusions. The Ministry requires broad knowledge and understanding of details in various...

The Role of Ruth’s Character in the Scripture

Introduction God’s use of ordinary people to achieve His goals may be found in the Holy Scripture more than once. As an example, the story of Ruth can be cited, a humble girl who symbolizes the events of Israel’s redemption. The chapters in the Bible about this character introduce the...

Faith-Based Healthcare Organizations

Religion has traditionally played a significant role in the development of healthcare institutions, but their current relationships are a subject of many controversies. With three-quarters of adults in the United States being religious, the scientific community has been struggling to incorporate the population’s religious preferences into the traditionally scientific medical...

Roles That Religions Play in Appiah’s Analysis

Introduction Religion has diverse roles in society because it instills good morals and promotes appropriate behavior. It is essential to highlight that faith act as a bridge linking various people from different cultures. It is also vital to note that it gives people consolation and solutions for challenges in life....

Discussion of Spirituality: Description of Spirituality

Introduction There are various standpoints on spirituality across a variety of disciplines and discourses, including culture, sociology, philosophy, and religious beliefs. The meaning of spirituality has advanced over the years, with each generation attempting to evaluate the existing belief systems. It may refer to a religious process where believers hope...

Christian Worldview: Ultimate Reality

Introduction Ultimate reality is an existing actuality that surpasses the physical and non-physical dimensions of the world. It is absolute power, a central connecting point, and the source of everything that prevails in the universe. In the Christian denomination, this phrase refers to a transcendent presence, a supreme being, or...

A Gift of Speaking in Tongues

Introduction The gift of tongues was divinely bestowed upon believers by God, making them able to speak in a human language that was not learned by the one speaking it. When believers use the gift of speaking in tongues, they are instructed to speak one at a time, and only...

Comparison of Jesus and Mohammed

Studies, without a doubt, point out that Christianity and Islam are the major religions in the world. Available literature shows that the two religions are the only, world over to have followers in every region and sphere of the earth. Numerical evidence points out that Christianity is the largest religion...

Evolution vs. Religious Dogma

Introduction The theory of evolution was challenged by religion when first publicly demonstrated by Charles Darwin in the mid-Nineteenth Century. The religiously fervent still rejects the idea of man evolving from ape but over the past 150 years opinions have certainly evolved and most religious persons today accept evolution to...

Religious Pluralism, the Interfaith Movement

Religious pluralism is a loosely defined term that means accepting and understanding the fact that more than one religion exists in the world. Ellis (2009) shows the difference between this term and religious tolerance. Religious tolerance is accepting the fact that each and every person is entitled to his or...

Religious Denominations Analysis: Christianity, Catholicism, and Lutheranism

Introduction: A brief historical background of Christian Denominations Considering the first stages of Christianity development, humanity knew no ‘denominations’ within the church; in 1504 there was first Christendom division between the Eastern and Western Churches with ‘Great Schism’. It is necessary to underline the fact that this stage appeared to...

A Baptist Church Visit in Beverly Hills City

Introduction This report is based on a visit to a Baptist church that I attended. The report focuses on the events that took place in the church during that visit and the observations regarding the nature of the surrounding environment. It explains in details the external features that surround the...

Augustine’s On Christian Doctrine Literary Criticism

Introduction In Augustine’s famous treatise, On Christian Doctrine as translated by Dr. Robertson emphasis is on the interpretation of the Bible, dealing with philosophical and rhetorical principles for the Christian use of the scripture. Dr. Robertson emphasizes in his introduction the tremendous influence that this work had upon Christian doctrine....

Analysis of John Winthrop’s Sermon

John Winthrop, an English Puritan lawyer, was one of the central figures in founding the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Before he and the settlers reached New England, he delivered a sermon that later became famous. In his speech, Winthrop shared his expectations of their and the colony’s future. The purpose of...

Christian Life in the “Everyman” Moral Play

Everyman represents all humanity and critical issues related to all the people, including Fellowship, Material Goods, and Knowledge. In the play, Everyman strives to answer an eternal question of what a person should do to achieve Christian salvation (Lester 107). Comparing my own life with time when Goods lays the...

Christian Counseling for Marriage and Family

If a couple comes to you considering divorce, what strategies might you use to help them find hope? What boundary issues need to be taken into consideration? If I were to consult a couple, considering divorce, I would have employed several strategies. First of all, I would have asked each...

Early Church History: Persecution of Christianity

The early Christians endured persecution not only from non-believers but also from believers who sought to change their faith. The reasons for these persecutions were mainly due to the fear of Christianity by the Romans, as they dubbed it a mere superstition rather than a belief. It is imperative to...

In His Steps: What Would Jesus Do? by Charles Sheldon

It is not commonly known that popular W.W.J.D. bracelets and other products originated from the question phrased by the protagonist of Charles Sheldon’s book (Smallwood par. 2). However, this novel is remarkable not only for its commercial success and readers’ passionate interest in 1896. In His Steps is not a...

The Meaning of Human Existence

Meaning of Spirituality Spirituality refers to the sense of connection to a higher being or purpose that goes beyond normal human understanding. In that regard, it is the connection that humans have to the divine. Spirituality can also be defined as the connection humans have to concepts that are hard...

“Islamic History as Global History” by R. Eaton

Introduction Eaton’s goal was made evident in the introductory portion of his article. He wanted his readers to realize the failure of Western scholars in particular, and the Western world in general, when it comes to an accurate understanding of the Muslim world and the religion of Islam. He immediately...

The Prophetic Books of the Bible

Introduction There is a reason why the Bible is one of the most influential books in human history. It is not only the word of God; it addresses a wide range of issues which are important in our lives, and shows how the Lord wants us to behave. In this...

Christianity and Islam: Their History and Interactions

Origins The monotheistic meaning of religion is to worship one God while rejecting other gods’ existence, and Christianity and Islam easily fulfill this description. Both religions were founded in the Middle East and have a common origin. Christians believe that more than 2000 years ago, in Bethlehem, in the Middle...

The Nature and Status of the Soul

The soul is the primary element of human nature that governs people’s actions, attitudes, and beliefs. Saint Bonaventure emphasized the innate abilities of the soul to advance the reader on their path of mystic reflection (Löwe, 2021, p.11). The saint from the 13th century held that humanity’s three best qualities...

Narrative Theology: Biblical Metanarrative

Introduction The essence of narrative theology lies in the idea that the use of the Bible in Christian theology should focus on the narrative presentation of faith. This is an approach that opposes developing a set of teachings derived from Scripture itself – what is commonly referred to as “systematic...

Biblical Principles in the Workplace

Introduction The Bible is not only a natural source of spiritual enlightenment but also a storehouse of valuable and helpful knowledge about virtue and a positive attitude towards people. For example, Holy Scripture teaches how to interact with individuals competently in the work conditions through the manifestation of kindness, care,...

The Incarnation of Christ: Theological Survey

The theory of the Incarnation of Christ is the central teaching of the Christian church. It says that God took a fleshly appearance and a human nature, incarnate in Jesus Christ. Christ personifies the divine nature, merged into one with human nature, and this fusion makes Jesus both a true...

Paul, the Jewish Theologian by B. H. Young

Book Information The title of the selected book for this review is Paul, the Jewish Theologian: A Pharisee among Christians, Jews, and Gentiles. The author of this text, Brad Humes Young, portrays Saul of Tarsus as someone who faced rejection in the Jewish synagogue. Nonetheless, he chose to live and...

International Church of the Foursquare Gospel

Background The Foursquare Gospel is an evangelical Pentecostal denomination the name of which is closely related to the emblem, represented by four squares. The four squares symbolically show Jesus Christ the Savior, Baptizer, Healer, Coming King. It refers to the revelation of Aimee Semple McPherson, the founder of the church,...

Existence of God: The Five Ways of Thomas Aquinas

Introduction When studying philosophy, one will inevitably come across Thomas Aquinas and his five arguments for the existence of a higher being, such as God. His justifications for the existence of a higher being were developed to offer a firm basis for the conviction that a God does, in fact,...

Religion: Contexts and Characteristics

Religion has been studied for many years because it significantly influences people and history. In modern world various types of faith are presented to people. Some are very popular and massive, while others are only small formed local groups. Many religions today have different ideas so that modern people can...

Total Liberation: What Is It and Is It Achievable?

Liberation in Jainism and Buddhism Comparing the notions of liberation in Buddhism and Jainism reveals structural similarities and differences between the two ideas. Regarding the common points, tirtha in Jainism and bodhi in Buddhism treat liberation as something achieved by exceptional beings, making the believer play an active rather than...

“Nick Cave Introduces the Gospel of Mark” Article by Zahl

After examining the article, Nick Cave introduces the gospel of Mark, Nick Cave seems to be a person fond of Jesus and religion, and surprisingly, he incorporates violence and death concepts into his art. His performance as a spokesperson is what made him most famous. Founder and frontman of the...

The Five Ways of St. Thomas Aquinas

Introduction Due to his advances in terms of nearly every field of philosophy and religion, St. Thomas Aquinas was a remarkable catholic theorist and a prolific author. Thomas Aquinas was an outstanding scholastic thinker, theologian, and political philosopher who served as a Dominican bishop and priest in Italy (Ilodigwe 19)....

A First-Person Narrative on Moses’ Life

Childhood When a young man from the ancient Israelite family of Levi married a beautiful girl from his own people, no one yet knew what fate was in store for me, their son. I was born strong, handsome and healthy. Mom loved me and did not want me to become...

Seventh Day Adventists Origins Analysis

The origins of 7th Day Adventists can be traced to 1831, during which William Miller, a war veteran that had become a priest, began deeper research into Biblical scripture. Miller’s movement was joined by Joseph Bates and the group grew to focus on the return of Jesus Christ, also dubbed...

The Image of Christ in Mark’s Gospel

The Gospel The Gospel is an irrefutable witness to the divine humanity of Christ. As a God-inspired book, however, it was written by living people, each describing events as he saw and perceived them or as he heard about them from eyewitnesses. The inspiration of the sacred books refers to...

The Role of a Christian Chaplain as a Counselor

Introduction The military chaplain is vital in the armed forces, providing army personnel with guidance and counseling, performing rites, and attending to their spirituality. Furthermore, a military chaplain is obliged to support anyone seeking it, disregarding a person’s denomination. While Christian chaplains do not minister outside their faith tradition in...

Historical Origin of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam

Introduction The world’s three major religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, grew from the same historical rootstock. Each monotheistic faith worships one god and embraces various sacred writings. Judaism was founded in the 6th century BCE by Abraham, Christianity originated in the 1st century AD after the death of Christ, and...

Secular Combatants: Teaching Secular Worldviews in a Post-Secular Age

Investigating the connection between psychology and Christianity is a problematic and passionate task. One school of thought claims that psychology, or science, is opposed to Christianity or religion. On the one hand, secular combatants feel that religious tradition and mental health are incompatible. On the other hand, Christian warriors who...

Perceiving “The Holy Grail” in Le Morte D’Arthur and Idylls of the King

Introduction In the history of Christianity, symbolism has been a significant aspect of religion, with various objects, animals, and features playing an essential role in symbolizing different things. One of the most common symbols in the Christian faith is the ‘Holy Grail,’ which generally represents the vessel that Jesus and...

Wise and Faithful Servants: Analysis of Parable

Jesus pledges to reward his disciples in the parable of the wise and faithful servants. In the life setting of Jesus’ ministry, ministering is an action carried out to express the truth, with the great commission serving as the model. In the parable, the master will dismember the sinful servant...

The Day-Age Theory as Applied to Genesis

Abstract In the Christian tradition, the dominant perspective on creation follows a commonly shared position that the world was created by God in seven days. However, this dogma remains a matter of heated debate, as conditioned by the alternative, non-traditional view. There are many different theories that surround the creation...

Showing Importance Towards Non-Material Things

Introduction New studies have shown that materialistic communities view wealth as a source of happiness. An excess of material wealth is thought to be a measure of contentment in these communities. However, excess material wealth does not bring a genuine feeling of peace and satisfaction. Like the rich, poor people...

The Christian Church and Its Organization

Introduction Christian church developed a government system by the fourth century, based on a territorial plan borrowed from the Roman administration. A bishop was the head of the Christian community in each city, and the area of jurisdiction was known as diocese or bishopric. The diocese of every Roman province...

Analysis of the Novel “The Story of the Stone”

The novel The Story of the Stone is based on the Buddhist concept of the karmic birth and existence of a person. The soul must outlive the “dream of life” with all its sorrows and anguish, then renounce everything earthly and embark on a new enlightened path. The author often...

Qureshi’s Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus Book

Few topics fuel as much disagreement between people as religious debates. Whether it is a matter of principle or habit, faith disputes are deeply emotional. What is more, most of the debates originate between similar religions. Both Islam and Christianity are representatives of Abrahamic religions, yet their distinctions are so...

The Protestant Reformation and Its Impact on the English New World

The Protestant Reformation that took place in Europe in the sixteenth century shattered to the core the basis of Christianity, dividing Christians into two groups and leading to the creation of many religious sects. Christianity’s political and religious power was challenged as The Protestant Reformation eventually brought about the design...

The Rules of St. Columba: Exploring Irish Catholicism

Irish Catholic Church history is filled with notable and authoritative figures that defined the further development of Christianity and contributed to the evolution of the theological discourse, as well as the spreading of Jesus Christ’s philosophy. St. Columba, or St. Columbanus, was one of the people that predetermined the further...

Sikhism: History, Beliefs, Teachings and Festivals

Introduction of Sikhism Globally, several religions differ in various ways, but they all build an ethical framework for monitoring values in society. Religion is the “means by which human beings come to terms with what is most” (Smith). There are four classifications of religion; animism, polytheism, monotheism, and theism. Sikhism...

Approach to Bible Study in a Survey of the Old Testament

Studying the Old Testament is a fundamental and complicated task. Bible is an integral part of the ancient Near Eastern civilization, into the languages and culture of which Western students need to dive deeply. In the first chapter of their monograph, Hill and Walton argue that the Bible represents God’s...

In Defense of the Classical Doctrine of the Trinity

The doctrine of the Trinity is one of the most misinterpreted and controversial aspects of Christianity. Historically, there have been debates surrounding this foundational concept of Christian faith. People often make mistakes trying to understand the nature of God, which stems primarily from their denial they cannot fully grasp the...

“The Great Hymn to Aten” and the Beginning of Monotheism

Today, monotheistic religions prevail globally, but people were inclined to honor many gods in ancient times. For example, in ancient Egypt, much of the time, religion was polytheistic. The emergence of monotheism, in turn, is associated with the development of Judaism and later Christianity and Islam. However, such a source...

Sikhism: History and Practices

There are various religions globally, each with a unique history of origin. However, there are controversies on how some religions came into existence. Sikhism has had so many theories said about how it came to exist. The most common thought about the religion is that it has long been thought...

The Ten Commandments and the Pillars of Islam

Introduction The Ten Commandments and the Pillars of Islam serve as the foundations of the Islamic and Christian religions. In general, they consist of predetermined norms that lay the groundwork for how Muslims and Christians should conduct themselves in their interactions with the Almighty and those with whom they interact....

Megachurches: History, Business and Values Aligned

Introduction In the second half of the twentieth century, various new forms of religiosity and types of religious identity appeared in many countries of the world. They, in particular, caused the formation of different, sometimes mutually exclusive concepts describing the state of religion in the modern world. These are secularization...

Secularism in the Current World

Introduction Secularism sometimes referred to as secularity entails the idea that something is not related to a church or religion. It is usually applied to explain an independent government that does not rely on a religious organization. The Secularism principle attempts to influence human affairs depending on the naturalistic or...

Islam as the World’s Most Misunderstood Religion: The Problem of Stereotyping

The word “Islam” is imbued with a plethora of complex and quite frequently misguided perceptions, most of which are based on the stereotypical idea of the Muslim religion and culture. Unfortunately, due to the tremendous misrepresentation of Islam and Muslim culture in the media, a significant number of harmful stereotypes...

Stewardship and the Kingdom of God

Stewardship is a critical spiritual principle that has always been a part of faith in God. It is a complex principle, that many in the modern world do not wish to fulfill or interpret. As noted in the reading by Walborn and Chan (2015), stewardship as a concept has been...

Abrahamic Covenant. Chapters 12-50 of The Book of Genesis

The book of Genesis from chapters 12 to 50 talks about the covenant and promises that were made by God to Abraham. These promises are commonly referred to as Abrahamic covenant which generally is composed of three things: a land, a blessing, and a seed. The word covenant has extensively...

Christianity in the 3rd Century AD

The Christian Church in the 3rd century AD was in a state of active formation. Christianity developed separately from Judaism and was not considered an ethnic religion. Therefore, it had no legal rights to defend its interests. Christianity was periodically persecuted; however, no governmental efforts were made to eliminate the...

Islam in the Today’s World

Globalization essentially aims at expansion of the economic status of communities usually at the expense of the cultural, social, and religious beliefs of a given community. It promotes the expansion of capitalistic ideologies whereby, the most resourceful succeed economically and socially, while removing religion from all spheres of human life....

Why Is It Important for a Christian to Study Church History?

The church’s history began with Jesus Christ and apostles, who, after the Resurrection, carried his word to all parts of the world, particularly to Greece and then to Italy. The Apostle Peter, who was to become a cornerstone of the new Christian church according to Jesus’ parting words, successfully fulfilled...

The Sources and Causes of Suffering in Judaism

Different religions have a distinct way of perceiving the sources and causes of suffering. In Judaism, the view of sorrow is that it is merely a characteristic of physical existence (Fitzpatrick et al., 2016). This means that misery does not necessarily have to be a result of punishment for misdeeds....

Death and Dying: A Case Study

The questions about death and terminal conditions are difficult subjects to discuss. For many people, faith explains such happenings, providing solace or guiding their decisions for healthcare. In the case of George, the diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) means that he has a limited time to live and that...

Metadata and Bibliographic Control

In his book, “Metadata and bibliographic control: Soul-mates or two solitudes? Cataloging & Classification Quarterly”, Howarth explores the evolution of metadata throughout historical timelines and the relativistic application of bibliographic control mechanisms which seemed to be missing in the literary world. This gap has been addressed through examination of past...

Christian Identity, Nationalism, and Patriotism

Christian Identity Since the institutionalization of Christianity, the Church has always competed with monarchs for control over the states. Only after the beginning of the Reformation did Christianity begin to cooperate with local authorities. It can be said that such a symbiosis of unique cultures and local Christian practice norms...

Spirituality and Its Influence on Human Behavior

The Impact of Spirituality on Interactions with Clients Spiritual beliefs can influence a person’s cognitive assessment of negative life events. Religion and spirituality are critical aspects of all cultures, and social workers must incorporate spiritual diversity in practice (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2015, p. 354). Believing in a transcendent force often...

Eid ul-Fitr as Significant Religious Occasions

Introduction Islam is the second-largest religion globally, and Eid is one of the significant religious occasions which Muslims faithfully celebrate worldwide. The occasion signals the end of a period of fasting from dawn to sunset, spiritual meditation and prayer. Usually, the day begins with prayers, and a big meal is...

Gender Roles in Society: Hinduism and Buddhism

Introduction Modern society is built upon the history and traditions of the past, with the events and beliefs of future descendent being shaped by their shared culture in a major way. Culture can influence one’s life to a varying degree, dictating one’s disposition towards themselves and others, as well as...

Religious Prejudice in “Defender of the Faith” by Roth

The task of retaining one’s faith and staying true to one’s religious convictions becomes particularly hard during times of social unrest, and nearly impossible when sociopolitical issues result in war. In his short story “Defender of the Faith,” Philip Roth explores the difficulty of reconciling one’s responsibilities as a soldier...

The Equality of Men and Women in the Bible

Nowadays, the questions often arise as to whether men and women are equal in rights. There are even specific movements that defend women’s rights, trying to prove that they have the same rights in society as men. The interpretation of biblical texts regarding this equality is also controversial. This essay...

Protestants and Catholics Conversion in the New World

During the colonization of the New World, many conflicts emerged between the newcomers and the Native Americans. Among apparent differences that arose between them, the cultural and, more importantly, religious discrepancies were one of the most prominent ones. Shortly before the conquest of the New World, Europe survived one of...

Religion and Belief: Comprehensive Review

Understand the key features of a sociological approach to religion and belief Beliefs constitute the backbone of any community. Indeed, “societies were founded, cohere, develop, degenerate and die based on their belief systems” (Usó-Doménech and Nescolarde-Selva, 2016, p. 147). These systems allow people to comprehend the surrounding world and provide...

Rule for Religious Life

Since ancient times, monasticism has existed as an attempt to escape the bustle of the world and devote life entirely to God. People who live in the world, are engulfed in a fuss that comes from rivalry, from the desire to be higher than the other, against their will. If...

Biomedical Ethics and Christianity: Balancing Patient’s Wellbeing and Trust in God

Introduction Bioethics is an independent discipline and a system of moral principles and values that serve as a point of reference in case a medical practitioner is confronted with a moral dilemma. Often, the scale of a problem supersedes the limits of what is healthy and embarks on what is...

The Role of Women in Judaism

Judaism is thought to be founded almost 3,000 years ago. This religious idea is based on the Jewish ways of life. A lot of reverence is annotated from the account of Abraham and Moses in the Biblical writings. That is the covenant affiliation between the patriarchs and matriarchs and God...

Religion as an Issue in “I, Rigoberta Menchu”

Introduction In her engrossing and perhaps controversial narrative, I, Rigoberta Menchu: An Indian Woman in Guatemala, Menchu presents the unsuspecting readers with an insight into the unique perspective and importance that the Catholic Church and Christianity hold for the native Indians. For a Guatemalan, Bible is, “not something you memorize,...

Wicca Religion: Dimensions Overview

Introduction Religion refers to the belief in a god or gods and worship of such god or gods. There are many aspects of Religion such as beliefs and practices that shape the life experiences of those who practice them. One’s religion is identifiable by the type of prayers conducted by...

The Quakers. Their Origin, Ideology, and Meeting Houses

Introduction The Quakers, also known as the Society of Friends, were the participants of the religious movement of the 17th century in England. In the course of its expansion, the movement extended into numerous parts of the world, particularly to Africa and America. With time, the Quakers started constructing separate...

Critical Analysis of Judaism From an Interview With a Jew

Outline Introduction The Beth-el Temple in Birmingham Alabama Judaism Religion A comparison between Judaism and Christianity Conclusion Introduction Judaism is the oldest monotheist religion in the world whose followers also called Jewish have their believes and way of life geared towards fulfillment of the teachings of the Hebrew bible also...

Sri Aurobindo’s Rebirth and Karma

The doctrine of Karma and rebirth dates back to ancient times and therefore its origin is not well known. Sri Aurobindo is one of the major contributors and proponents of this doctrine. At this point, it is important to note that, I will evaluate the doctrine alongside its function ability....

Infant Baptism in the First Five Centuries

Introduction Infant baptism refers to the practice of baptizing children few days after they are born. The question of necessity and purpose of baptizing infants has been of interest to theologians since the first century. Theologians have been keen to show justification for infant baptism while others especially in evangelical...

Social Theory. Religion as a Tool for Social Oppression

Introduction There can be no doubt as to the fact that religion played an important role in shaping up socio-political realities, ever since the dawn of history. In its turn, this allows the proponents of religious worldview on culture and science to suggest that people’s tendency to indulge in theological...

Cultic Rituals and the Nature of Yahweh

The Day of Atonement was highly valued and it was regarded as a great day. “It was a day on the Jewish calendar where Jews were fasting and soul searching.” After the death of the two sons of Aaron, God spoke to Moses and told him to inform his brother Aaron...

Wars of Religion: Historical Review

The most fanatical and catastrophic time in the history of Europe dates back to the period between the second half of the sixteenth century and the commencement of the seventeenth century since it was during this time that the most appalling and fervent sequence of wars broke out. It is...

Suffering in The Book of Job and The Old Testament

Job’s story is difficult to understand since it raises many questions, answers to which a person can only find in his or her own faith in the Lord. However, many lines of this book can be instructive and useful for people in distress as it explains the causes, paths, and...

Cosmic Christianity: Eliade’s “Myth and Reality”

Introduction Mythology is a very abstract and historic concept which many do not realize has been a vital part of human civilization for centuries before the arrival of the primary world religions. As societies developed with more concrete ideologies and structured religious institutions, mythological concepts were integrated into mainstream religions...

Guidance in Krishna’s “Bhagavad-Gita” and Siduri’s The Epic of Gilgamesh

Introduction Most religious teachings go into detail on the multifaceted relationships between gods and humans in which the latter are sometimes able to find solace and peace of mind and sometimes are scorned and neglected. At that, the union of a god and a human is usually not one of...

Judaism, Its Tradition and Artifacts

Introduction Talking about Judaism, practicing Jews means the Jewish tradition. This tradition means the obtaining of knowledge about God, who created everything, his relationship with people, the goal of creation, the way of living, and following certain laws. This paper is dedicated to learning some principles of the Jewish tradition...

Issues of Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative and Christian Vision

Under the Christian narrative and Christian vision, what sorts of issues are most pressing in this case study? The given case study describes rather a controversial situation, in which Christian vision comes into conflict with common sense, ethics, and medical science. The most pressing issue here is the fact that...

Buddha’s Four Noble Truths and Jesus’ Teachings

In Buddhism, the Noble Eightfold Path is the last of the Four Noble Truths. It describes the principles of thought and behavior that help on one’s path to enlightenment. According to Ratnasekera (n.d.), following the Eightfold Path makes the person “fully self-possessed, in command of his faculties and well-equipped to...

Jesus’ Concerns for the Women and Sick

Jesus’ Concern for the Women Jesus demonstrated his concern for the women and attended to them. He was not limited by the traditions or religious beliefs that the Pharisees and the teachers of the law had. “And he was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath. And, behold,...

Christian Disciple, Obedience, and Teaching

Introduction According to Christianity, being a disciple of Jesus Christ puts a follower in privileges and blessings that the world in its entirety cannot offer.1 It is worth noting that the Christian faith is based on the transformation of the world through the spreading of the truth and preaching about...

Religious Manipulation: “The Female American” Analysis

Introduction The religious memoir, The Female American, was first published in 1767 and it gives an account of Unca Winkfield, who is the main character/narrator. She comes from a bi-racial marriage living in 18th century America. Unca’s bi-racialism generates tension within the novel, as she appears to advance Christian views...

Richard Taylor’s Argument for God’s Existence

Introduction Richard Taylor’s cosmological argument for God’s existence is commonly listed among the most convincing justifications of the creationist outlook on the essence/origins of the surrounding physical reality. One of the reasons for this is that the argument’s initial assessment will reveal it being thoroughly exhaustive, in the logical sense...

Religion in Indonesia: History and Tolerance

Introduction Indonesia’s religions include Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam, and traditional practices (Arli & Tjiptono 2014). Many existing religious groups in Indonesia adopted Islam and blended it with their practices in their localities (Chalmers 2006). Therefore, this paper agrees that the Islam of Indonesia ended up growing more tolerant as it...

The New Netherlands and the Indians in the Religion History

Introduction The Dutch settlers came to America with the sole objective of making money. They did migrate from their original land due to political or religious persecution. A majority of the settlers were single men who were out to make money. The Dutch West Indian company facilitated the movement of...

The Contexts of Religion and Violence

Introduction Researchers, who adopt a functionalist approach to religion, believe that it strengthens the unity of the community. Moreover, this institution is believed to eliminate the risk of social conflicts or at least minimise their impacts. This idea has been advocated by Emile Durkheim and his supporters (1965, p. 44)....

Canonization of the Bible

One of the questions which remains unanswered among Christians concerns how the Bible came into being. How were the writings collected and organized into what is presently used as the holy Christian Book? Who exactly collected the writings composed in the New Testament? These and other questions address the entire...

Four Stages of Life in Hinduism

First stage The first writings about the main stages of life in Hinduism appeared thousands of years ago, and they are closely connected with the Vedic tradition. The opportunity to follow four life stages is significantly based on the caste system, and it is associated with people’s completing definite duties...

Gautama Buddha and His Noble Path

Introduction Buddhism was brought to light about 500 BC by Siddhartha Gautama. Buddhism has not been described as a religion as such but rather as philosophy. The story of Siddhartha Gautama and how he brought Buddhism to limelight is quite moving. In this essay the thoughts of Siddhartha Gautama are...

Laziness and Diligence in the Holy Bible Context

Introduction The Holy Bible is one of the most influential books in the history of humanity. This is no wonder, for it contains a great amount of wisdom that should be learned from. One of the always timely topics discussed in the Holy Scripture is the issue of diligence and...

The Shroud of Turin

Introduction In the 14th century, Geoffrethe y Charny, a French soldier, claimed that he possessed the Shroud of Jesus. Since then, there has been controversy among scholars and believers concerning this Shroud, which is currently preserved in Turin, Italy. The first critic to dispute Charny’s assertion was the Bishop of...

Bullying From Religious Perspective

I want to talk about the rising problem of bullying in the American educational system, how harmful these behaviors may be, and how to stop it in a way that pleases God. I want to bring up the social issue of bullying and persuade that solving the issue will contribute...

The Relationship of the Holy Spirit to the Father and the Son

Introduction A Christian Creed is a collection of defining assertions that summarize Christians’ fundamental beliefs. All Christians hold them to be the unchanging realities. In the past, newly converted Christians would research their new faith and write their ideology based on what they had discovered. However, several particular creeds gained...

Chapters 17–20 of The Book of Kings

Introduction Chapters 17–20 of 2 Kings shed light on a trying time in Israel and Judah’s past. Both kingdoms are at odds with the Father and managing Assyrian incursions. However, only one kingdom finally seeks God’s direction and forgiveness, which ultimately leads to its rescue. The central theological motive relates...

Eastern Orthodox Christian Understanding of the Holy Trinity

Introduction The Orthodox Church is among the three main Christian groups, the other two being Roman Catholics and Protestants. These churches are joined in Faith by a shared approach to tradition, worship, and theology. Orthodox is a Greek-derived word where Orthos means right and Doxa means belief, Orthodox, therefore, is...

The Influence of the Inquisition on the Reformation

Introduction In general, it is widely agreed that inquisition and reformation are the major events that have greatly defined the history of Christianity. Even though the inquisition had started in late 12th century, its peak came during the reformation as the Roman Catholic instituted it to counter reformation by protestants...

The Fall of Humanity: Adam’s Role

Every person familiar with the Bible knows the events that resulted in Adam and Eve being banished from heaven. However, if questioned regarding who is to blame for those events’ occurrence – Adam or Eve – many people will find it difficult to answer correctly. Chronologically, Eve did sin before...

How the Jesus Movement Became The Church

The Jesus movement arose from Judaism in Israel; it had many followers worldwide. The Jesus movement created a legacy of God’s people; believers perceive Jesus as their Lord and wish to unite with him.1 It also involves common beliefs of followers and suggests that God’s people will possess virtue through...

“Introduction to Christianity” by Joseph Ratzinger

In Chapter 1: Introduction to Christianity as a world religion: An introduction by Sebastian Kim and Kirsteen Kim, the authors characterize the main aspects of Christianity, including topographical, theological, geographical, sociological, historical, and structural. Taken together, the characteristic features of these aspects, including the missionary nature of this religion, the...

Jesus Christ’s Natural Divinity

Jesus Christ is God’s only son; two essences converge in him: divine and human. The divinity of Christ is vital for Christians because it shows that the deification of the human body is possible, as well as the divine embodiment in the personality of an ordinary individual. In addition, it...

Jesus’s Parables in Modern Settings

Introduction In the Bible, Jesus tells his followers a number of parables. These parables were aimed at explaining God’s plan to the common folk based on examples they could understand. How did these stories teach valuable lessons to the listeners of God’s word? After telling a short and simple story,...

Religious Music Analysis: the Rock of Ages

Introduction Religious music, especially Christian, has been evolving and diversifying over the centuries from centuries-old and traditional styled songs and hymns to contemporary styles. Before the eighteenth century, hymns were published separately as standalone texts without musical score accompaniment. The first publishing of hymnal text and songs was done in...

The Religious Pluralism Theological Framework

The current examination of religious diversity highlights the problem of religious plurality, whereby traditions fundamentally different from each other yet able to maintain historical adherence, sometimes for millennia, contend on which provides ultimate truth. While Race’s threefold typology depicts three different responses to a religious plurality within a modern comparative...

Aspects of the Protestant Reformation

The Protestant Reformation began in Germany but quickly spread throughout Europe. The essence of the phenomenon was the church schism, the result of which was the separation of the Protestant movement from the Roman Catholic Church. Thus, the second church schism was the end of the full influence of the...

Worker-Employer Relationship According to Bible

Introduction Job is an influential part of a person’s life, and employees and employers must build good relationships. The Bible refers to such relations as interactions between a slave and a master. It offers various guides and advice to improve their cooperation and make it beneficial to both sides. While...

The Future of Religion Around the World

Introduction Religion is an integral part of the life of people who believe that they have a soul. Most cultures and ancient civilizations have a rich heritage in the form of rituals, beliefs, and myths that explain man’s origin, the earth’s creation, and the role of man in life. Despite...

Religion: Locating Sodom

Introduction Sodom and Gomorrah were two of five cities referred to as the Cities of the Plain in the Bible. The two places are infamous for God’s judgment upon the cities’ wicked inhabitants in the three Abrahamic religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Biblical scholars, including Steven Collins and Bryant Wood,...

“The Churching of America” by Finke and Stark

The Churching of America by Finke and Stark uses economic theory to illustrate the growth and failure of religious organizations is perhaps the most intriguing aspect of this book. They attribute religion’s gradual increase in vitality to increasing religious diversity created by America’s religious “free market” and the associated failure...

Buddhism and Denver Zen Center Experience

Introduction In order to experience and learn about other cultures, engaging with them on a personal level is often necessary. People are able to participate in events, travel and talk with professionals in their respective fields in order to better understand that which is foreign to them. This is especially...

Quran and Peace Interpretations

Introduction The primary goal of a Qur’an exegesis is to serve the book by explaining its meanings, clearing its ambiguities, and making it accessible to individuals of different backgrounds, ages, and races. Above all, Muslim commentators intended that their writings would benefit their readers spiritually and intellectually. They thought their...

Emile Durkheim’s “The Elementary Forms of Religious Life”

Religion has been important and influential in people’s lives for a long time. Emile Durkheim’s The Elementary Forms of Religious Life explores religion’s essence and role by studying its primitive form. The author chose the study of archaic religion because he believes it will best reveal people and their religious...

Table Fellowship: Dismantling Social Barriers

Reflection This reflection is dedicated to Chapter 3 in Mission in Acts written by Santos Yao, titled “Dismantling Social Barriers through Table Fellowship.” I found this chapter exceptionally relevant to my faith journey and life experience because of the presence of rigid social and cultural divisions within the present-day community....

Psychology and Christian Theology Integration

Theology and psychology stress different aspects due to their diverse techniques, source materials, and purposes. According to Entwistle (2015), theological reflection often concentrates on God’s workings in the world; it informs us of the story of God’s engagement with the world in formation and salvation. On the other hand, psychological...

Buddha, Nirvana and the Four Pillars of Truth

The Four Noble Truths symbolize the foundation of Buddhism because they carry the real meaning of Buddha’s teachings. Before understanding the essence of the four pillars of truth, nirvana, one needs to understand who the Buddha is. Siddhartha Gautama, “the Buddha,” was born into a wealthy family as a prince...

The Amos 8:1-8 Passage from the Old Testament

Introduction The Amos 8:1-8 passage is found in the book of Amos. This passage, in particular, discusses the theme of greed as the Israeli merchants have begun to treat their customers unlawfully, and the businessmen took advantage of the poor. For these actions, God has punished the Israel people. This...

World Christianity: Historical Traditions

The history of Christianity is quite a complicated theme since the religion belongs to the most widespread ones. Throughout the course of history, Christianity united people from different countries and societies, portraying the versatility of the ideology. Since the religion is currently spread around all continents, historians introduced the term...

Scientology: Religion of Success or Pernicious Cult?

Financial Burden as one of the Cults Predominant Attributes Throughout the 1970s, cults became big businesses and a notable social event. However, there has never been any accurate coverage of Scientology in the disarray of books published on these unique religious movements. Nevertheless, its history is rich in outrageous and...

Hinduism vs. Buddhism: Similarities & Differences

Today, it is normal to see people choosing different religions and following specific beliefs as an integral part of their lives. There are usually no restrictions related to the decision on what religion to practice, but understanding the historical backgrounds, morals, and metaphysical views remains critical. This essay compares Hinduism...

Biblical Organization Elements

Introduction Nowadays the problem of correctly identifying the rules and principles of well-managed organization becomes prevalent in the capitalistic system of the working environment. Indeed, structuring the people in the working crew or membership becomes highly significant when it comes to regulating and filtering any unwanted relationship in the group....

A Fresh Look at Christianity in the Therapy Room

Everyone who subscribes to Christianity is expected to be a missionary wherever they are. However, there is a challenge in applying related beliefs while counseling clients as a psychologist. Consequently, the paper thoroughly analyzes chapters four through six of the book Embodying integration: A fresh look at Christianity in the...

Non-Christians and Their Beliefs

Modern Western culture primarily originates from the Christian faith, philosophy, and morality. However, modern society is increasingly moving away from Christianity, refusing to believe in the gospel message and the Lord, and there are several reasons for this. Some people perceive the gospel as a text they might invoke from...

Value of Religious Literacy in Society

Introduction Choice of religion is a deeply personal matter, and individuals’ religious beliefs should always be treated with respect and understanding. However, religious literacy is not a skill that many people possess due to a lack of formal education on the religions of the world and a lack of interest...

Ethical Theories: Divine Command Theory

For a long time, religion has lied at the foundation of ethical theories influential for different peoples around the world. Divine Command Theory is one of the more notable examples of such theories. Roughly, Divine Command Theory represents a view that “morality is somehow dependent upon God, and that moral...

The Creator’s Benevolence: The Philosophical Review

The debates around God’s intentions and will during the creation of the human race remain forever inconclusive, although different theologists often attempt to provide the basis for such an act. This topic relates to such themes as omnipotence, perfect good morals, and God’s benevolence. However, there are certain limitations that...

Mercy and Compassion in Old and New Testaments

The Old Testament lays the foundation for the teachings and events outlined in the New Testament. The New Testament can only be fully understood when seen as a continuation of the description of events, heroes, laws, the system of sacrifices, covenants, and promises written in the Old Testament. If we...

Lord’s Supper: the Doctrine of Sacraments Summary

The Lord’s Supper is the last meal of the Savior with his disciples-apostles on the eve of His sufferings on the Cross, in Maundy Thursday. During the Supper, He established the Sacrament of Communion – the Eucharist – as a grace-filled means of uniting believers with God and with each...