Is Religion Still Vital for Society?

American law is closely related to the American civil religion, is its written basis, is regularly updated, refined and improved. Civil religion in the United States plays an important role both in legitimizing the decisions of the country’s leadership, especially those of a foreign policy nature, and in shaping the...

Karma and Reincarnation in Buddhism

Karma presumably is among the primary associations with Buddhism; a non-professional individual, who does not have a complete understanding of the notion, quite probably will possess a generalized view of its meaning. In one respect, this shows the necessity of such a concept in people’s worldviews, as many appeal to...

Gospel Communication Elements of Culture

Sharing information with someone from a different cultural background is not easy as you need to know their values and belief systems that shape and define the nature of the conversation. Jay, an Indian student, has shown much interest in knowing more about the story of God. I learned several...

Aspects of Christian Beliefs

Christianity is one of the oldest and largest religions existing in the world. It is an Abrahamic religion that is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. According to Christians, Jesus’ coming as a Messiah to save people was prophesied in the Holy Bible. There are four large...

God’s Wrath Against Sinful Humanity

Introduction The 1: 18-32 section forms much of the material at 1:18-3:20 (see the study outline at the beginning of the book). The function of this research is to affirm that, as mentioned in 1:18, faith alone is the only means of achieving the righteousness outlined in Gospel 1:17. All...

The Book “The Future of Faith” by Harvey Cox

Introduction The book “The Future of Faith,” authored by Harvey Cox, presents an interesting insight into the historical changes taking place in religion, specifically spirituality. The reader can make a quick observation that the entire essence of the book is to distinguish between faith and belief, especially when Cox (2009)...

Bannister’s “The Word and Power Church”

Although the realm of the Christian community and, particularly, the Christian Church, might seem as entirely unclouded, several underlying conflicts have developed over years of interpreting the Word of God and implementing theological research. In his book The Word and Power Church, Dough Bannister (2009) expresses the concern that the...

Controversies between Religion and Science

Introduction In recent decades, religious leaders and scientists have debated the theory of evolution by natural selection. A controversy between religion and science becomes possible if science is a rival of belief in some realm. This presupposes that there is a dimension in which both of them have a common...

Buddhism: The Concept of Mahayana

Buddhism is one of the world’s largest religious beliefs that believes that the life of a human being is that of suffering. Buddhists believe that the suffering of human beings can be solved through meditation and good behavior (Mark 2021). The concept of Buddhism has its origin in India and...

The Veil in the Modern Muslim Community

Introduction The purpose of this essay is to consider the most relevant theoretical and methodological approaches to the interpretation of the meaning of the veil and covering the face and body in women professing the Muslim confession. From the perspective of an outside observer who does not interpret Islamic culture...

Mental Status and Spiritual Views in Social Work

Mental status examination and biopsychosocial history are among the most critical aspects of learning during conversations between a social worker and a client. It is recommended to start the interview with generally accepted questions about well-being, which will help establish a trusting relationship with the client. In a conversation, the...

Queer People’ Perspective on Traditional Religious Concepts

Traditional religious concepts claim that queer and trans people cannot be compatible with religion. Moreover, conservative religious representatives view queerness as a mistake that does not deserve a right to exist. They state that LGBT people are far from God and that their behaviors and attitudes are sinful. Traditional concepts...

Religion in the Southern Region of the US

The southern region of the United States was christened as the Bible Belt by H.L Mencken, a journalist affiliated with the Chicago Daily Tribune. The term was informed by religious dominance in the region as identified through a high percentage of people identified as religious. A comparison of the region’s...

Religion and Governance in the United States

Summary Religion remains a significant part of the American culture to date, incorporated in most symbols of power and national unity, ‘In God We Trust, visible on the motto and coins. Religious freedom has seen the acceptance of different religious beliefs in the United States, from Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and...

The One God: Eternal Trinitarian Nature and the Unconditional Love

Introduction God is an existing supernatural being associated with trinitarian nature and the unconditional love that He has for His people. The trinity of God consists of the Spirit, the Son and the Father. God takes all these formations since He can fulfil His wishes to people through that trinitarian...

Comparison of Young Earth and Progressive Creation Perspectives of Genesis

Shaun Doyle’s article recounts what he interprets as evidence for younger earth than progressive creation sources suggest. He does this by arguing against certain scientific methods that dissuade the timeframe as it is depicted in the Bible. Doyle analyzes that many scientific processes object that the formation of many things...

Pentecostal Religious Service and Experience

Pentecostalism originated from one of the Protestant movements, the Holiness movement. Glossolalia and the baptism of the Spirit and fire were practiced there. In 1906 in Los Angeles, on the basis of one of these communities, the so-called Azusa Street Revival began. It was massive public glossolalia and preaching of...

Summary: Introduction and the Suffering of Self

The first introductory chapter begins with an emphasis on the encounter of the West and East. For the majority of history, Buddhism was solely spread in Asia, but the current technological and political connectedness of the East and West makes Buddhism a globally impactful religion, which requires tailoring in accordance...

Theology and Contextualization in Latin America

In the history of Christian theology, there have always been discussions on various issues. Still, they took place within a strictly defined, approved, and regulated dogmatic framework for a long time. The influence of changing socio-cultural circumstances on the formation of theological doctrines remained beyond the limits of research interest....

Researching and Analysis of Hindu Monism

Hinduism is often considered a polytheistic religion because there are various gods and goddesses, semi-divine and demonic beings, and manifestations of the deity in human and animal forms. In Hinduism, followers of many streams of Vaishnavism, Shaivism, and Shaktism worship one God who acts as the savior of believers and...

Religion and Politics: Eventual Separation Through Secularism

Introduction It is important to note that both religion and politics are essential elements of social dynamics, and they are among the core pillars upon which society rests. The given analysis will primarily focus on the given two categories in the context of citizenship, personhood, the state, and transition from...

The Role of the Four Gospels in Christianity

Religion occupies one of the essential places in every person’s life. The study of the postulates and the gospel of Christianity can give an extraordinary insight into what is happening in people’s lives. In addition, stories about Jesus can further strengthen people’s faith and give them hope for the best...

Roger Williams’ Opinion on Religion and Politics

Religion and government have always been considered topical issues that oppose each other in many ways. People’s opinions are not united when talking about religion and politics; they either choose one of the sides or incline from the conversation. Thus, Roger Williams, who was born in 1603 and was a...

Showing Importance Towards Non-Material Things

Introduction New studies have shown that materialistic communities view wealth as a source of happiness. An excess of material wealth is thought to be a measure of contentment in these communities. However, excess material wealth does not bring a genuine feeling of peace and satisfaction. Like the rich, poor people...

Diversity in Social Work: Spirituality Concept

Spirituality is a core concept of Christianity and is enshrined in our core belief as Christians. The bible teaches us to be accepting of others no matter their beliefs. Today, social work is enshrined in the belief of Christianity, where we are taught to help people who are in need....

The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism in Personal Life

Buddhism is an Indian-originated religion with complex beliefs and teachings taught by Buddha after wandering around searching for understanding. Buddha spent time learning the basic teachings of the Four Noble Truths, dealing with human suffering, which he had fully understood. Buddha spent the remaining bit of his life teaching elementary...

“The Articles of 21st-Century Faith”: Reimagining the Definition of Religion

Introduction The article “The articles of 21st-century faith” by Julian Baggini is the author’s attempt to reimagine the definition of religion to fit realistic expectations set by a society that is increasingly atheistic. Updating the Religion The article is a proposition that the author makes for religious people. It consists...

Value of Religious Literacy in Society

Introduction Choice of religion is a deeply personal matter, and individuals’ religious beliefs should always be treated with respect and understanding. However, religious literacy is not a skill that many people possess due to a lack of formal education on the religions of the world and a lack of interest...

The Christian Church and Its Organization

Introduction Christian church developed a government system by the fourth century, based on a territorial plan borrowed from the Roman administration. A bishop was the head of the Christian community in each city, and the area of jurisdiction was known as diocese or bishopric. The diocese of every Roman province...

History of the World Christian Movement

In their book Readings in World Christian History, Coakley and Sterk (2004) suggest that the movement of Christianity as a religion has always been more expansive than any individual or local community. The diversity of beliefs and practices inherent to the religion that developed over the past two millennia is...

How to Be Heard from a Christian Perspective

People sometimes encounter situations when they need to be heard because it is the only way to get support. I have also had such problems in my life. In one such case, I needed help with moving to another apartment. I asked several people in my dorm to do this,...

Qureshi’s Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus Book

Few topics fuel as much disagreement between people as religious debates. Whether it is a matter of principle or habit, faith disputes are deeply emotional. What is more, most of the debates originate between similar religions. Both Islam and Christianity are representatives of Abrahamic religions, yet their distinctions are so...

“Bhagavad Gita” in Religious and Historical Contexts

Bhagavad Gita is a Hindu scripture written as a narrative dialogue in which the spiritual connotations are exemplified. The religious aspect of the book is present through Krishna’s aim to guide Arjun during the prince’s moral dilemma. The conversation between the two illustrates religious seeking and teachings that help find...

Principles and Values of Buddhism

Introduction Buddhism is among the most ancient religions that have followers in the modern world. It is regarded as one of the major religions in the world with approximately 500 million followers globally. However, as Buddhism originated in India more than 2,500 years ago, the vast majority of its followers...

Catholic Church as Social and Spiritual Organization

The Catholic Church is a worldwide religious organization with a large number of believers. The number of Catholic Christians constantly rises worldwide: the reason for that is the prevalence of psychological and spiritual problems around the globe, and the Christian belief system helps people cope with them. Many people encounter...

Religion, a Coping Mechanism for the Human Experience

Introduction Attention-Getter Religion is one of the most important phenomena of human existence that psychiatry faces. It significantly affects the emotional sphere, thinking, and behavior of a person. Thesis Although psychiatry was formed as a natural science discipline, yet many years ago, psychiatric care was provided in religious institutions. The...

God Concept in Christianity and Buddhism Religions

It is important to note that the key beliefs in Christianity include a number of key points. Firstly, there is only one God, and he is the only creator of the universe, which he created in seven days. Secondly, God is beyond time and space, which means he existed prior...

The Salvation Element in Christianity

Introduction Salvation refers to the deliverance from the consequences of sin and its influential power. Christianity was founded under the construct of the laws found in the Bible. In Isaiah 49:6, redemption is earned through the provision of service in the ministering of the word of God (King James Bible,...

“Man Becomes the Image of God…” by John Paul II

The following work illustrates the ways in which the narrative of Genesis defines both the unity and duality of man. The unity is made distinct by the human nature of people, while the duality represents masculinity and femininity. It also depicts that man was created not only with a particular...

Ethical Theories: Divine Command Theory

For a long time, religion has lied at the foundation of ethical theories influential for different peoples around the world. Divine Command Theory is one of the more notable examples of such theories. Roughly, Divine Command Theory represents a view that “morality is somehow dependent upon God, and that moral...

Biblical Interpretation of the Story

In my biblical interpretation paper, I decided to analyze the story that tells about an ambitious mother and her request to Jesus (Matthew 20:20-23). In this story, the mother of Zebedee’s sons is begging to assign her children to the leading positions in Jesus’s kingdom at his left and right...

Religion: Religious, Sociological Principles

Religion is a set of beliefs, attitudes, and practices around what a person considers holy or spiritually meaningful. For me, religion has a certain meaning, as it does for most people. I realize that the principles that religion promotes are a universal language of morality that allows people of different...

Liberation Theology and Gutierrez’s Contribution to It

Introduction Religion plays a significant role in every human being’s life, and it arises a necessity to have an insight into vital parts of it. It is essential to be aware of liberation theology that can be considered a religious movement centered in Latin America, in the view of the...

Which Belief Was the First: An Eternal Debate

A large part of Abrahamic traditions has similarities with Zoroastrianism, especially within the core texts of these religions. In his study, Akbar extensively compares Islamic and Zoroastrian teachings and points out substantial similarities, especially about the afterlife and the journey of a human soul (91-93). The same paper also found...

Snake Handling in Churches Myth Spread by Activists

The practice of snake handling in churches is not a new tradition, and its emergence was underpinned by the spread of interpretations of the Bible. They were quite literal as the words “They shall cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall take up serpents” were considered...

Christian Perspective on Poverty

Poverty is one of the biggest problems in modern society, which is addressed by economists, international organizations, and politicians. Several Christian interpretations have different ideas about poverty and wealth. In the extreme example of the spectrum, wealth and materialism are portrayed as an evil that must be avoided and even...

“And Muhammad Is His Messenger”: Special Features

In the introductory part, the author points out that the purpose of his writing is not to discuss the deformation associated with Muhammad by the western scholars, which has been the significant reason why Islam, unlike Christianity, has a lot of obstacles. However, Muhammad represents a model and exemplar for...

Theological-Political Treatise

According to Spinoza, the superstition stems from the willingness of individuals not to link everything to certainty. Therefore, a person who is in danger or cannot support themselves is most prone to opening to divine assistance. This is an important idea that shows that fear represents a vital mechanism causing...

What to Do with a Former Informant?

The author of the article focuses on the issue of an appointed Archbishop of Warsaw, Stanislaw Wielgus, collaborating with the Communist secret police, with his role coming to light as the promotion was approaching. The main question that the article raises is how can a person who provided information to...

“Introducing World Religions”: Taoism and Confucianism

The book “Introducing World Religions” by Charles Farhadian addresses two religions that emerged in East Asia, namely, Taoism and Confucianism. The author seeks to create a dialogue whereby the reader understands the origin of the two socio-philosophical traditions that have become prominent in most parts of Asia. The source illustrates...

Improving Students’ Knowledge of Catholic Faith

Full bibliographic information of source Rymarz, R., & Gerard McLarney. (2011). Teaching about Augustine: Providing a scaffolding for learning. Journal of Adult Theological Education, 8(1), 53–64. Web. Stated research question and thesis The research question is how American Catholic youth’s lack of knowledge of their faiths can be amended. The...

Santeria and Other Afro-American Religious Expressions

The Santeria in Cuba The Cuban Santeria provides one of the best examples of a hybrid religious expression that developed in the recent past due to the blending of different cultures and beliefs. Also known as Regla de Ocha and Regla Lucumí, the Santeria is a polytheist religious expression that...

Women’s Rights from Islamic and Judaism Perspectives

Introduction According to the United Nations, women’s rights are fundamental human rights that require all women to be treated equally and fairly in society. Yet most women are still denied equal opportunities as men due to their femininity. For decades, rights groups have made significant efforts in the fight against...

“Salvation” by Langston Hughes

In “Salvation,” Hughes discusses his personal experience with the church and the Christian faith and criticizes the religion. Specifically, he addresses his disappointment, criticism, and cynicism toward the institution of the church and the concept of salvation in itself. The author states that there is too much preaching, praying, and...

The Religious Experiences of Enslaved People

Slavery, in one form or another and at one time or another, has existed in all parts of the world, and no race has been able to escape this appalling form of social development. In the late 19th century, slavery became an integral part of the American way of life....

Idolatry in Peru and Eradication of Faith

After reading these primary sources regarding the removal and prohibition of idolatry in Peru, I conclude that the measures taken by the Holy Church were against the traditions of these communities. They were antagonizing the long-standing ways of living of indigenous people through direct interventions and prevention of any worship...

Description of Love Defined in 1 Corinthians 13

As defined in 1 Corinthians 13, love is a style of life lived in imitation of Jesus Christ that is centered on the “other” and their sound rather than on oneself. There are various ways in which love is described in each of the tests found in 1 Corinthians 13:...

The Three Gunas in Hindu Culture

In Hindu culture, a “guna” means a trait that can be found in any person or subject present on Earth. Nevertheless, the key difference is in how much each of the gunas affects one’s life and creates opportunities for personal development. Gunas work on a conscious level, meaning that any...

Universalizing of Religion of Islam

Introduction Islam religion maintains that the great good is peace, which means the total surrender to the will of God and the greatest goal of man’s life is the only way to attaining the mission. “Muhammadanism” was used instead of “Islam” until recently. According to them, it seemed it seem...

Religion: “Canoeing the Mountains” by T. Bolsinger

Once an individual is lost from the dance floor, a balcony offers more space and fresh air when compared to the closed dance room. The balcony provides an ample space that allows a person to look at the people in the room in a bigger picture. The balcony epitomizes the...

The Spread of Pentecostalism as a Global Movement

Pentecostalism today is the largest Protestant branch, and it has clearly influenced the other divisions of Christianity. Interestingly, the global path of Pentecostalism is relatively short compared to other Christian movements, only taking up less than two centuries. Historical development makes it especially remarkable to notice the impact this movement...

Buddhism and Hinduism: Differences and Comparisons

Buddhism and Hinduism are two ancient world religions, which have their origins in India. Hinduism formed 3500 years ago and worships Brahman, a supreme lifeforce from which atman (souls) and even gods originate. Buddhism was formed approximately 2800 years ago and is both a stem off from Hinduism but a...

Religion and Faith for a Better World

Religion and faith make a very pivotal aspect within the social setting because of the significant influence it has on the wellbeing and existence of individuals within the community. Society consists of very diverse individuals who practice different forms of culture. Religion is one of the different forms of cultural...

Anselm and Aquinas Religious Leaders

Historical Context Both Anselm and Aquinas were significant religious leaders during the times when the church was a powerful institution. There are mentions of Anselm being acquaintances with the Pope and having conflicts with King Henry I, illustrating his importance in the medieval hierarchy (Himma). Moreover, Thomas Aquinas was described...

“The Lost Letters of Pergamum”: Book Review

Introduction The Lost Letters of Pergamum is a collection of letters in which prominent people from the nobility and churches of the first century communicate and discuss various matters. In general, this book shows people writing letters about how Christianity gradually appeared and influenced the world around them. The plot...

Reading Romans in Context: Paul’s Letter to the Romans

Paul’s Letter to the Romans is acknowledged as one of the most important letters from Paul that presents the apostle’s systematic explanation of relationships between the Jewish and Roman Christians. The letter was purposed to explain salvation through faith and bring peace to both house churches. While reading and understanding...

Peace in Islam and International Relations

Introduction It is important to note that Islam is one of the three Abrahamic religions, which builds its system of beliefs on the faith of monotheism. The Holy Quran is the sacred text from which the majority of teachings and core concepts are derived. The key figure is the Prophet...

God’s Existence Arguments in the High Middle Ages

To begin with, the works of Ibn Rushd and St. Thomas Aquinas represent their own understanding and approval of the existence of God. Both philosophers prove God’s existence by using logical connections and references from religious sources. Remarkably, while Ibn Rushd uses Quran as his Holy Book, St. Tomas Aquinas...

The Bible as a Cultural Work for the Time Capsule

Notably, I agree with my peer’s choice of the Bible as a cultural work for the time capsule. Hence, I am interested in seeing the differences in fresh translations of the Bible because it has changed multiple times throughout centuries as well. When considering the legacy of the selected work,...

“On Care of Our Common Home” by Pope Francis

In his writing titled On Care of Our Common Home, Pope Francis contends that the evils and sources of suffering are part of labor that he uses to gain humans’ cooperation with Him. With the gospel of God’s love for all His creatures, the question then beckons; why would God...

The Decline of Christianity in Europe Since 1675

The European Christianity have a long and varied history of decline. A powerful tendency for secularization appeared in Western Europe spreading to the entire European continent. The age of Enlightenment is the epoch of the decline of faith under the onslaught of scientific worldview and rationalism. The sunset of the...

The Holocaust Impact on Jewish Theology

Introduction The Holocaust was the most massive extermination of Jews in the nation’s history. It resulted in the extermination of over 6 million Jews, and destroyed or displaced much of the Jewish population in Europe (Heuman et al. 4). Such a major event in a people’s history had a tremendous...

Sacred Time or Sacred Place in Judaism

Following the traditions of the Jewish religion is a theological doctrine that includes a combination of different approaches and practices that have been formed over the centuries. Sacred place and Sacred time are the crucial components of this commitment since the rise of Judaism is based on numerous historical references...

Religious Beliefs: Reasons Behind the Faith

Religious beliefs and the reasons behind them are very personal matters, and different people are likely to offer varying accounts and testimonies of faith. Belief in God is central to many people’s lives and, for them, requires no evidence, only trust in the Divine. Faith in the Deity is intuitive...

Pillar of Classical Religion: Scientific Support

Civilization is the process by which a human society or location attain an efficient form of development and prosperity and structure. While human civilization is vast, fundamentally every society is sustained by the fundamental “foundations” of classical religion, learning, and the family. Classical theology is one of the most significant...

Discussion: Taking Responsibility for the Enemy

Taking responsibility for an enemy is a major phrase that has been mentioned regularly in the secondary source computed by Linahan Jane. The book is entitled “Sermon on the mount and the creation of peace.” Contextually, individuals can use the phrase mentioned above to imply that an individual can regard...

Spiritual Leadership Book Reflection

A reflection of chapters three and four of Spiritual Leadership by Henry and Richard Blackaby provides deep insights into leadership and the role of divinity. Chapter three provides a discussion of a leader’s preparation and spiritual development (Blackaby & Blackaby, 2017). It focuses on the natural elements of this development...

How Biblical Worldview Helps in Everyday Life

Defining Worldview At its core, a worldview can be defined as a set of beliefs, philosophy, and comprehensive conception of the world that is held by each individual. Gray (2011) identifies it as a collection of attitudes, values, and expectations which go on to inform thoughts and actions. Each person’s...

The Church and the Understandings of God

The evolution of the concept of God and God’s nature is an important theological issue. In part II of his book on Christianity’s history, Gonzalez (2010) explains that more modern understandings of God as a caring entity and humanity’s father have been preceded by earlier concepts perceiving the Sun, which...

The Bible: Analysis of 2 Kings Chapters 17-20

Introduction The books partial to the Kings originally were a part of the ancient manuscript that depicted the end of life of king Solomon during the fall of Jerusalem. As part of the Biblical canon, they emphasize the unique place these works occupy as simultaneously works of literature, spiritual texts...

The Role of Religion in Propping-Up Slavery

Frederick Douglas was a slave in America, but at the same time, he became a figure who made a significant impact on the disappearance of slavery. In his book, based on his memoirs, the author described the horrors of slavery and the role of Christianity. The author vividly described the...

A Model of Christian Charity by Winthrop

Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity” described the formation of a new society by Puritan settlers. The work is often used to demonstrate the status of the United States as the leading nation. Winthrop demonstrates that Puritan made a covenant with God to establish a true Christian community, in which...

Daoism Issue, Solution, Techniques, and Exemplars

Daoism, often called Taoism, is a philosophy initiated in Earliest China and propagated by theorists such as Laozi. This viewpoint, which some individuals regard as a religion, instructs persons on living in agreement with the rest of the universe. The word “Dao” refers to “path,” the essence and pattern of...

Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity in Society

Introduction Religions are ancient social institutions, designed to perform several tasks at once. One of the main goals is the formation of the worldview and behavior of people, which determines the belief in the existence of some supernatural force. There are four types of ancient religions that have existed for...

Thirst for Freedom: The Art of Bible Translation

Introduction Exodus is a Greek word that means the exit of a large group and the second book in the Old Testament. The book bases its story on the movement of Israelites out of Egypt. Egypt is considered bondage to Israelites. The exit is documented in accounts, phases, and Exodus...

The Five Pillars of Islam in the Muslim Culture

The pillars of the Islamic religion are crucial for its general practice and shared ideas. To be more exact, they constitute the basic norms of religious custom and are widely accepted by Muslim people. In addition, fulfilling the five pillars is compulsory for those who consider themselves the followers of...

The Research of Theological History

Abstract There is a hermeneutical problem of Genesis 1: other approaches exist apart from a traditional one. According to one of the alternative approaches, Gen 1 summarizes an entire topical sequence of events that occurred after earth’s creation, which are discussed in volumes 2 to 31. Therefore, one of the...

Christian Apocalyptic Movements

Christian apocalypticism or millenarianism focuses on believing that the day of world destruction will come and take people to a better world of God. The fascinating aspect which encouraged me to explore this movement is that the apocalypse is treated not as dangerous destruction but as the opportunity to get...

“Religion, Meaning in Life During Late Adulthood” by Krause & Hayward

Religious studies attempt to discover the meaning in life through seeking and maintaining a strong relationship with God. Scientific studies confirm this association by illustrating the evidence of meaning in life in wellness and healthcare outcomes. In the article “Religion, Meaning in Life, and Change in Physical Functioning During Late...

A Religious System for a Future Dystopia

Introduction Civilization has been linked to religious history for a long time. The sheer fact of historical studies is heretical for many religions; historical thought for other religions is an essential part of religious practice. Religious identities were an issue of decision and an instrument of control. In every part...

The Limits of Language in Theology

The Christian apophatic mysticism, also known as “via negative,” teaches to approach the divine using a negation, indicating what God is believed not to be. This form of religious practice and thinking contrasts with the cataphatic approach that requires affirmations when referring to or describing God (Lane, 1998). There is...

Approach to Bible Study in a Survey of the Old Testament

Studying the Old Testament is a fundamental and complicated task. Bible is an integral part of the ancient Near Eastern civilization, into the languages and culture of which Western students need to dive deeply. In the first chapter of their monograph, Hill and Walton argue that the Bible represents God’s...

The Analysis of the New Testament Canon

The Christian Bible’s New Testament includes twenty-seven books such as canonical Gospels, Revelation, acts as well as letters, the majority of which were authored by the apostles. The canon was developed according to specific criteria, such as the prophetic authorship of the writings, the Witness of the Spirit, the acceptance...

Anselm’s Ontological Argument Analysis

The Proslogion contains the ontological argument that made Anselm famous throughout the ages. In this work, God is not thought of as the sum of positive qualities and the all-powerful possessor of various earthly goods. Anselm’s reasoning no longer proceeds from a conception of what God must be to assert...

The Gospel of Luke 17:11-19 in the New Testament

The Gospel of Luke in the New Testament is a telling of the origins of Jesus Christ, the miracles, the death, and the resurrection. One of the illustrations that refer to Jesus’s teachings and the overall concept of receiving salvation is Luke 17:11-19. The 19th chapter tells the story of...

In Defense of the Classical Doctrine of the Trinity

The doctrine of the Trinity is one of the most misinterpreted and controversial aspects of Christianity. Historically, there have been debates surrounding this foundational concept of Christian faith. People often make mistakes trying to understand the nature of God, which stems primarily from their denial they cannot fully grasp the...

Acts 17 in the Book of Acts

Acts 17 in the Book of Acts describes Paul the Apostle’s second missionary journey. This chapter calls people to study the word of God to avoid being deceived by the rulers who proclaim their power by misrepresentation of the Bible. For example, citizens became terrified when Paul started to spread...

Compendium of Social Doctrine on Economic Life

One of the primary lessons I have learnt from chapter 7 of the Compendium of Social Doctrine on Economic Life is the church’s teaching and perspective towards the management and direction of the economy. These teachings are meant to serve our society in a common good, referred to as liberal...

Biblical Congregation Is Healing Community

Introduction One of the fundamental problems, both theological and social, is understanding what the church is. In theology, the comprehension of this problem is called ecclesiology. It is aimed primarily at the mystical, mysterious side of the church’s life and, therefore, is not familiar to the outside view of secular...

The Story About Joseph: God Always Has a Plan

Joseph was one of Jacob’s twelve sons and the most loved ones, so his father gave him a beautiful colorful coat. Joseph’s brothers became jealous of him and decided to sell him as a slave. He was taken to Egypt and started to serve the Potiphar, who was a Pharaoh’s...

Scripture as Doctrine of God, Christology, and the Holy Spirit

The doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture is one of the basic tenets of the Christian faith. The statement that the Bible is sufficient means that it is all we need to prepare ourselves for a life of faith and ministry. It provides a clear understanding of God’s intentions to...

The Problem of Evil and Reasoning Against God

Introduction The debate on the existence of God remains a perpetual one. Philosophy, philosophy of religion, and theology continue to provide arguments both in favor of the Divine existence and the impossibility of such presence. These assertations often vary in nature and address either the metaphysical, historical, or moral improbability...

Mormonism: Religious Denomination or a Sect?

There has been an enormous discussion on whether Mormonism is a religious denomination, a sect, or a non-religious movement. This question lingers in every individual’s mind upon mention of Mormonism. This question is pertinent in American society today, following the recent political happenings that involve members of Mormonism. Recently, Mitt...

Analysis of Article “Religions Resources and Church Growth”

The authors define resource mobilization theory as “the study of aggregation of resources” in the context of money and labor (Iannaccone, Olson, & Stark 1995, p. 706). From a theoretical standpoint, religious resources consist of ‘inputs’ such as time and money, which lead to the ‘output’ of church growth and...

Discussion of Communication as Path of God Understanding

The post of Kendra addresses the essential topic regarding the role of communication in human life. The author of the post elaborates on the rewarding system in education and emphasizes the role of communication in learning. The most astonishing about my classmates’ work is the real-life examples and Biblical connotations....

Religion Research: Hinduism and Buddhism

Hinduism Hinduism is a significant religion with rich history, a considerable amount of followers, and the Bhagavad Gita as one of the most important sacred texts. Hinduism originated from Hindu, which is one of the most ancient religions mainly spread among South Asia. Today there are approximately 800 million adherents...

The Future of Religion in Canada

Introduction Canada has many different religions, but none of them is official in the country because of the great significance of religious pluralism in Canadian political culture. Canada does not establish a single national religion, and, on the contrary, its government supports the existing multitude of religious movements. Today, the...

Jawn Bin Huwai: A Martyr for Allah

Introduction Jawn bin Huwai is a significant personality in the history of Islam. Being one of those martyred at Karbala, he had undergone the reality of slavery since he was in servitude to several masters. However, his last master freed him and urged him to abandon his service and his...

Predestination: The Theological Concept

In theology, predestination is the belief that God has predetermined all events, generally concerning the person’s ultimate fate. Predestination interpretations frequently attempt to resolve the “phenomenon of free will,” in which God’s omniscience appears irreconcilable with human free will. Predestination can be seen as a type of religious determinism in...

Jerusalem’s History and Religious Developments

Introduction Jerusalem is a place on the political map of the world known to all the followers of the three Abrahamic religions. Its historical past and political status have been a thorny issue between the peoples and states of the Middle East, Arabs, Jews, Israel, and the Palestinian over the...

Sikhism: History and Practices

There are various religions globally, each with a unique history of origin. However, there are controversies on how some religions came into existence. Sikhism has had so many theories said about how it came to exist. The most common thought about the religion is that it has long been thought...

Global Challenges of The Muslims in the Modern Society

The presented research outlined and examined some of the issues facing Muslims in modern society, taking into account knowledge acquisition and global Muslim representation as the core aims in the study. One of the significant problems identified in the research faced by Muslims was the mass media misrepresentation and Western...

Religion’s Impact on Mass Media

It seems reasonable to state that religion significantly impacts many spheres of life in today’s world. When it comes to mass media, this phenomenon should be taken into account. In another case, the desired outcome of a particular film, book, or TV series might not be achieved. Hence, the scholarly...

The Evolution of Gilgamesh: Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible

The songs and legends of Gilgamesh were recorded in cuneiform on clay tablets in four ancient languages of the Middle East – Sumerian, Akkadian, Hurrian, and Hittite; in addition, references to him were preserved in the Greek writer Elian and the medieval Syrian writer Theodore Bar-Conai. Already the oldest, so-called...

Approaches to Psychology. Discrimination of the Islamic Religion

There has been growing discrimination of the Islamic religion and its relation to terrorism. According to the behavioral approach, such a stereotype arises due to the interactions people have with their environment through conditioning and observational learning. This discrimination develops from people constantly seeing and hearing individuals from this religion...

The Influence of Catholic Upbringing

The history of the religious education of the person I interviewed confirmed that every believer has their own path to faith. My neighbor and I often meet on the street and in the church that I have attended since childhood, so I have always been interested in the reasons why...

Comparison of Daoism and Confucianism

Wuwei is one of the central concepts in Daoist teachings and describes the proper way of living. Literally translated to “effortless action” or “action without strain,” it refers to doing things without needless over-complication and exertion (Molloy, 2020, p. 209). As such, it is directly related to being in harmony...

Western, Experimental, Scientific and Religious Mythical or Magical

Since beginning of history worldwide, there have been two key fundamental views; scientific and religious. Religion is thought to be the deep-rooted worldview during the times before knowledge about Science and practical became rampant. It is assumed that magic and myth works are stronger than new technology (Jensen, 2019). In...

The Principle of Social Justice in World Religions

One of the remarkable features of modern society is promoting diversity, not only in views and opinions but also in religious affiliation. Many people worldwide profess particular religious views, and according to the number of adherents of particular faiths, there are several world religions: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Interestingly, there...

Christ and the Adulteress by Rocco Marconi and The Marriage of the Virgin by Raphael

Both Raphael’s and Rocco Marconi’s paintings are similar in terms of the subject matter since they both illustrate biblical scenes involving groups of people displayed at the center of the pieces. However, the pieces are different in the mood of the stories depicted. Raphael portrays a joyous occasion of Mary...

Basic Beliefs of Hinduism and Buddhism

Buddhism and Hinduism are two of the most commonly practiced religions in the world today. It is believed that both religions originated in northern India around 500 BCE. The two religions later on expanded to other regions, especially in Asia, where Buddhism continues to have a major spiritual and religious...

Relationship Between Sports and Religion

There is an interdependent relationship between sports and religion cause of the proficient impact on society and the attribution of the coherence. One of the important questions that influence the sociological perspectives is ministering to other individuals within the diverse setting. On the one hand, delivering the believers’ message renders...

Concerns in Saint Luke’s Gospel and Their Analysis

Jesus’ disciples were left to emulate the good work that He had begun before ascending to heaven. Perhaps the disciples fearlessly worked out on their purpose as followers of Christ to enlighten the world about God’s intimate plan for all humankind. Thus, after His departure, Jesus’ disciples, who became apostles...

Religion and Europeans’ Attitude to Native Americans

As a matter of fact, Native Americans had highly diverse cultures and religions before and after European colonialists’ arrival. At the same time, in Europe, Christianity was an intrinsic part of people’s lives when the New World was discovered. Thus, it goes without saying that the meeting of people from...

A Definition of Religion Based on the William S. Green

As an ultimate part of human culture, religion plays a crucial role in the modern world. Throughout history, religion has been a powerful tool that unified and divided people. It becomes not only a set of shared beliefs but also a collection of rules of how to behave. A rapidly...

“An Introduction to Hinduism” by Anantanand Rambachan

Hinduism is among the world’s biggest and most popular religions, yet people outside the regions where it is commonly practiced still struggle to understand it. Anantanand Rambachan takes the initiative to share knowledge about the basic pillars, concepts, practices, and beliefs of Hindus in the book chapter “To Recognize and...

Theology in the Context of World Christianity

In eastern parts of the world, there are cultures, the main basis of which is placed on shame and honor. So much so that it leads to questionable actions that may be considered crimes or up in people taking their own lives in order to maintain honor. Those cultures are...

Are Hinduism’s Practices Philosophical or Strictly Religious?

Introduction As one of the world’s oldest religions, Hinduism also serves functions of a considerable philosophical direction. On the one hand, millions of individuals throughout the whole world follow the main principles of Hinduism, thereby making this system of thought the third-largest religion after Christianity and Islam. On the other...

Protestant and Catholic Views on the Five Solas

The five Solas, or Solae, are elements of the Protestant reformation that promoted the idea of adhering solely to five values. These included following teachings by faith, scripture, grace, Christ, and God alone. Catholic Christians reject the five Solas as they contradict many of their own teachings. This paper will...

Contemporary Trends Criticism by Using Anthropological Approach

To begin with, there is a great number of contemporary trends nowadays. As a result, only general notions might be discussed due to their influence on society. From the anthropological perspective, the vast majority of trends could be criticized by using even the most primitive methods of qualitative analysis. On...

Books IX-XII of Paradise Lost by Milton

Book IX Milton reveals gender-related biases present in the seventeenth century – Eve is to blame for the couple being exiled from Eden. “To whom soon mov’d with a touch of blame thus Eve” states the poem and also emphasizes the author’s opinion by describing Adam’s disappointment in the woman’s...

The Spread of Islam With Trade and Geography

Translated from Arabic, the word “Islam” means “surrender to the One God” or “submission.” Like Judaism and Christianity, Islam is a theistic religion; this means that he proceeds from the understanding of the one God. This is the youngest religion in the history of humanity, which ranks second in the...

Christianity Views on Abortion Concepts, the Big Bang, and the Evolution Theory

Religious Studies The relationship between culture and Christianity is a problem in today’s society. When Christianity is presented as a substitute to the existing culture, the covert chooses to either follow Christ or remain in the world of evil doings or paganism. The Bible and other Christian articles provide information...

The Fertile Crescent Sumerian Religion

Cosmology and the Pantheon The type of society that will be living in the Sumerian pantheon is the post-human society. Post-human is a concept that mainly refers to the entity that exists in a state beyond normal human understanding. It originates from the science fields of futurology, fiction, philosophy, and...

Buddhism: New Religions and Human Balance

Despite its stance in society, religion will always be somehow reflected in the way people appraise the world and outline their values. Thus, Buddhism, one of the fundamental world religions, has been introduced in a series of new forms over the past years. A prime example of such a modernized...

Cardinal Ratzinger’s “The Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament”

In “The Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament,” Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger analyses how Eucharistic theology led to the emergence of the tabernacle in the second millennium. The chapter reveals how spiritual development in the understanding of the Eucharist manifested through changes in language structure and forms of thought. The chapter, divisible...

Baptist Christians Versus Deism

Introduction At present, there is a large number of religions, philosophies, and beliefs that constitute the people’s worldviews. In general, the worldview is a complicated system that includes the individual’s understanding of their origin, identity, place in the world, and society (Brandt & Crawford, 2020). James Sire (2004) explains the...

Key Christian Beliefs and Practices

Many of the essential teachings of Christian faith come from the parables, or short stories, that Jesus told. The key beliefs included lessons that persuaded individuals to love God and their neighbours as they would themselves (Matthew 22:37-39). Forgiving those that have wronged you is also a notable value and...

Immortality, Personal Identity, Death and God

Introduction According to the traditional perception of immortality, the after-life or eternal life follows the physical death of a body, but the soul stays immortal. In conformity with the religious or philosophic fellowship, the personal identity of a human either stays the same, either disappears. The idea of the hereafter...

“Introducing World Religions” Through Christian Lens

Introducing World Religions, a book authored by Charles E. Farhadian. and published in 2015, is an insightful religious book that addresses the Christian audience of the 21st century on world religions viewed through a Christian lens. Professor Farhadian is a renowned author of Christian texts and a distinguished contributor to...

James Joyce’s “Dubliners”. Personal Thoughts on Araby

James Joyce is a brilliant writer who utilizes homeland politics to criticize the current state of Dublin effectively. He uses one of his short stories, Araby, in his book Dubliners to explain the idea of coming of age. Joyce’s book focuses on the problems a boy undergoes when transforming childhood...

Ways to Ensure Understanding When Delivering the Gospel Message

The question of what the preaching of the Gospel should be in the modern world today concerns not only those called to deliver sermons but also every believer. They are all called to preach the Gospel, bearing witness to it, of course, first and foremost with their lives. They must...

American Society’s Reckoning About Race Issue

For this assignment, I engaged in discourse with a pastor at a local Baptist church located near my home. The Church is large, consisting of several buildings, including its own preschool and sports complex. It is located in a suburban part of town, middle class, and some affluent neighborhoods. The...

Islam: The Different Perspectives

Chapter 5 Summary Islam is a way of life, the basis of family and legal relations, a set of traditions and customs. The main principles and essence of Islam are the following points: among the tenets of Islam is monotheism, the most authoritative source of Islamic belief and practice is the...

Nostra Aetate Overview and Importance

There are various religious movements in the world, and it is pertinent to note that their number is only increasing over time. In conjunction with very young movements (such as Pastafarianism), there are fundamental and ancient religious teachings commonly referred to as world religions. World religions include Christianity, Islam, Buddhism,...

Divine Foreknowledge and Rejection of Saul’s Kingship

In the article titled “Divine Foreknowledge, Divine Constancy, and the Rejection of Saul’s Kingship,” Fretheim discusses the implications of God rejecting Saul’s kingship and anointing David. First and foremost, the author aims to clarify the seeming contradiction regarding divine repentance in 1 Samuel 15. According to Fretheim, the passages about...

Christianity and Sports: The Relationship Analysis

In the modern world, the commitment to sports is actively gaining momentum. Now, even religious organizations are interested in sports, and some even promote sports for every person. There was a time in the past when the church was categorically against sports and any sporting events. I agree with my...

The Nature of God and Humanity

Traditionally, the nature of God is perceived in Christianity through the lens of the Triune. Namely, God is seen as the omnipotent amalgamation of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. The specified interpretation also implies that God holds absolute power over every human being, as well as every...

Al-Hallaj and His Influence on Islam

Al-Hallaj prophet Al-Hallaj was a wandering prophet, who perceived himself as a part of the Divine Truth, and preached his religious vision in Iran, Iraq, India, and China. The Vizier ordered the execution of Al-Hallaj, accusing him of the sin of proclaiming himself the Truth. According to some experts, before...

Five Principles of Connection Art and Christianity

Christianity plays a significant role in the creativity and talents of the artists, explaining how these skills emerge and how people should engage with religious norms and expectations. Barrs (2013) applies five principles of this connection between art and Christianity to demonstrate how the artworks should serve all humans. The...