Integumentary System of the Skin

To begin with, the skin is the largest organ of the human body that plays a very important role in protecting our species from any external danger. It simultaneously keeps the internal space safe and highly secure without any movement obstructions. Furthermore, skin can be described by multiple significant functions...

Red Kangaroo as Example of Marsupials

General Information A member of the marsupial family is the red kangaroo, also endemic to Australia. The red kangaroo is one of the most prominent members of the kangaroo family. This animal lives in the savannah areas of Australia, and therefore it can do without fluids for a long time....

The Ape and Human Skulls Comparison

The sagittal crest is marked on the gorilla skull with red color. The sagittal crest is made of two parietal bones. Zygomatic bones of gorillas look wider and more robust than the human ones. Gorillas have a larger zygomatic arch that has a bigger surface, more volume, and works as...

The Biological Basis of Eating Behavior

Human eating is both a driven and a biological need, and it is consequently affected by a variety of mental, commercial, and ecological factors. Comprehending the biological base of feeding behavior is essential for determining how extra-biological stimuli are converted into nutrients intake. From childhood to adolescence, human-eating behaviors change...

Validity and Reliability in Applied Research

Validity and reliability are among the primary concepts used by researchers to assess the quality of research. More specifically, reliability is concerned about the general consistency, while validity emphasizes the accuracy of a given measure (Cohen et al., 2017). An applied research’s validity is regarded as the extent to which...

The Future of the Space Missions

The current obsession with space discoveries leaves enough room for innovative developments in the area that are expected to take humanity closer to interplanetary missions. According to Thisdell, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) represents one of the most vigilant countries when it comes to space missions. With the aid of...

Stephen Hawking: Outstanding Theoretical Physicist

The study of science implies not only the presence of talent, but first of all, it requires aspiration and a strong desire. Without these characteristics, it will be complicated, and not many will be able to engage in this field. However, there are people with disabilities who could prevent them...

Oceanography: Discovering Plate Tectonics

Wegener’s hypothesis, known as the theory of continental drift, was based on a wide range of data from geological expeditions worldwide. He was intrigued by the division of the American continents and worked to explain their non-standard shape. In addition, Wegener studied animal and plant fossils on the coastlines of...

Natural Gas: Composition, Formation, Location, and Use

Introduction Natural gas is a type of fossil energy occurring in a hydrocarbon gas mixture. It was first discovered in Iraq between the years 6000 and 2000 BC (Ma, 2017). This fossil gas was formed due to the ancient remains of animals and plants, such as diatoms that were buried...

Sharks: History, Evolution and Habitat

Sharks are marine animals of the class Cartilaginous fish. Species of this class are known to have a cartilaginous skeleton, gills without an operculum, no swimming bladder, and placoid scales. The class includes many different species, including the White shark, Tiger shark, and smaller catsharks, constituting over 400 species around...

Exploring Reliability and Validity in Social Studies

Values significantly determine a person’s behavior, motivation, aspirations, and relationships with others. Values and motives questionnaire (VMQ), also known as values and motives inventory (VMI), was created to measure them. The test estimates three dimensions of personal values: interpersonal, extrinsic, and intrinsic (“Values and motives questionnaire,” n.d.). As a result,...

Dolphin as Example of Modern Whales

General Information The dolphin is a typical representative of the mammals of the cetacean class, which, despite living underwater, do not have gills for underwater breathing. In fact, the aquatic lifestyle has influenced the body shape of these mammals: dolphins have a dorsal fin and a streamlined long body shape....

Human Development and the Security and Safety Index

There has been a surge in interest in assessing human development and the elements that influence it. This area has attracted the interest of many academics and practitioners. Some academics had previously claimed that if human development is stagnant, it is a sign of impending doom, and it is impossible...

Crystal – An Agile Framework

Introduction The properties of a project will always change depending on the level of criticality and the participants involved. In this regard, small teams can handle projects without the need for reporting and paperwork as there will be less communication (Vijayasarathy & Butler, 2015). However, bigger teams require frequent cooperation...

Central Limit Theorem in Statistics

The central limit theorem establishes that when independent random variables are summed in many situations, their sum tends to a normal distribution, even if the original variables are not normally distributed. The theorem is a critical concept in probability theory because it implies that probabilistic and statistical methods that work...

The Turtle-Headed Sea Snake’s Habitation Areas

Introduction Also known as Emydocephalus annulatus, the turtle-headed sea snake lives in shallow coral reef waters. The snake is mainly found in Indonesia, northern Australia, and the Philippines. The name is derived from its pointed snouts that resemble a turtle. The snake has a habit of prodding cluster fish out...

Addressing Social and Digital Anthropology and the Role of Humans as Social and Digital Beings

Online communication has become an inevitable component of social relationships and everyday interactions between members of society. It is a tool for helping prevent social relationships from diminishing over time. Thus, the interactions within the context of kinship have also been occurring online, with sociologists exploring the ways in which...

Bald Eagle as Bird with Features of Dinosaur

General Information One of the most famous birds in the world is the bald eagle, which is the national symbol of the United States. Although this bird is a modern animal living in the Quaternary Cenozoic, the bald eagle has many of the features of dinosaurs, so systems biology often...

Inherited Eye Color Traits Discussion

The coloring of the iris that environs the minor black hole in the middle of the eye and pupil controls the amount of light entering the eye, controlling an individual’s eye color. The color of the iris differs from extremely pale blue to natural shady brown. The most common eye...

Analyzing Articles on Data Collection Using Unobtrusive Measures

Article Critique Typically, during research, an investigator has to be physically present to collect data; this can influence the respondent’s response and behavior. The consequence of the participant’s responses is altered or biased results. Unobtrusive information collection methods may be used to resolve some of these data errors. The purpose...

Osmosis, Diffusion, and Active Transport of Molecules: Key Differences

Introduction The concepts of osmosis, diffusion, and active transport concern the movement of molecules and are some of the foundational terminologies of the biology curriculum. Nevertheless, the terms are frequently confused and misunderstood. According to the research by Reinke, Kynn, and Parkinson (2019), most first-year biology students have a large...

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methodologies

Both qualitative and quantitative research represent sets of strategies, techniques, and processes that are used to collect data or evidence for further analysis with the aim of uncovering new information or facilitate a better understanding of a topic at hand. Understanding the differences between quantitative and qualitative study methodologies is...

Ohio State Report. Ohio History Central

The state of Ohio, sometimes nicknamed Buckeye State, is located in the midwest of the United States. It is bordered by Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Kentucky. Across the Ohio River is Indiana, Michigan, and Lake Erie (Fact Monster, 2021). The state is formed by mostly flat land with some hills...

Turdus Migratorius, American Robin

Introduction The American Robin is also known as Turdus migratorius is a medium-sized migratory songbird that belongs to the “thrush” genus. Its geographic spans the entire North American continent, but it commonly seen in northern Nearctic regions, particularly for breeding. It is carnivorous and highly adaptable. The bird is one...

Abnormal Event Classifier for Nuclear Power Plants

The article under consideration is titled “Dynamic bayesian networks based abnormal event classifier for nuclear power plants in case of cybersecurity threats.” It is drawn from a journal called “Progress in Nuclear Energy” and is authored by Pavan Kumar Vaddi together with seven other scholars. The article explains that nuclear...

Glycolysis as a Biological Process

Glycolysis is a biological term used to describe reactions that extract energy from glucose by dividing it into two three-carbon molecules named pyruvates. It is an old metabolic pathway found in most living organisms (Chandel, 2021). The term glycolysis is derived from the root of two words, namely glycol, which...

Research Ethics and Informed Consent

In a paper titled “Ethics, Reflexivity, and “Ethically Important Moments” in Research”, Guillemin and Gillam (2004) discusse the importance of ethics while undertaking research and how researchers handle ethical problems that come up in the practice of research. The authors question whether there are conceptual structures that they can use...

Kirchhoff’s Rules Online Lab

Introduction The aim of the experiment was to validate Kirchhoff’s Rules as applied in electrical circuits. The practical work was undertaken virtually by using the PhET interactive simulation (PHET Interactive Simulations, 2021). The setup was designed and arranged as shown in the figure below. The lab work employed the general...

The McMaster University: Guidelines for Quantitative Studies

It goes without saying that medical researches deserve close attention and consideration. The medical researches which are made with the claim of their further applicability deserve far more consideration and interpretation, lots of preliminary work before the actual living out of the claims, found within a research book. There are...

Calcium and Its Effect on Musculoskeletal System

Project Summary Picture Summary The musculoskeletal system is an organ system made up of specialized tissues of the skeletal muscles and bones. Calcium relates to a mineral found primarily in foods, including milk, kale, and fish; it helps maintain strong teeth and bones in the body. This mineral plays an...

Correlation: Scatter Diagrams and Linear Collinearity

Correlation is referred to as the association between bivariate data, which is also described as data sets containing two observations. Scatterplots, also known as scatter graphs or correlational charts, provide excellent descriptive representations of the interrelationship between two quantitative variables. Each point in a scatter plot denotes a paired measurement...

Statistics: Significance of Statistics

Introduction Statistics is a course that is advantageous and becomes ingrained in one’s life. The importance of statistical data is almost infinite, as demonstrated by confidence theory and science (Harris et al., 2017). Metrics are important because they provide accurate information about circumstances. However, several fields are abusing statisticians in...

Artifact Looting in Archaeology

Looting and smuggling of illegally obtained artifacts have become a major problem for various branches. In terms of archaeology, this tendency prevents experts from examining the items, hiding important findings from professionals. In addition, looting receives the attention of the world’s governmental services, as it is criminal activity related to...

The Different Types of Evaluation Designs in the Law Enforcement

Evaluation is a complicated concept and for it to generate valid conclusions, it needs a carefully thought approach. Such complications emanate from the fact that there are numerous factors that influence the manner in which conclusions are interpreted as well as the outcomes. These factors are usually in a complex...

Brief Description of the Paricutín Volcano

The Paricutín volcano is the one of youngest on Earth and belongs to the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt. It is situated in the central part of Mexico in the state of Michoacan, 322 km from Mexico City. The eruption occurred from 1943 to 1952 in the Michoacán-Guanajuato volcanic field (Larrea et...

Short Tandem Repeat (STR) DNA Analysis and the CODIS Database

Short tandem repeat (STR) is a molecular biology tool mainly exploited in forensic science in order to determine certain locations known as loci present on the nuclear material, DNA. STR sites exhibit remarkable polymorphism which offers a reliable platform for forensic investigations to differentiate the DNA profiles from one individual...

Newton’s Third Law With an Example

According to Newton’s Third Law of Motion, a body exerting force on another body experiences a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. As bodies experience acceleration proportional to the magnitude of the force and inversely proportional to their mass, lighter objects exerting force on heavier ones accelerate away...

Researching Cryptocurrency and Mathematics

Brief History of Cryptography The development of civilization provided the need for encryption of data and its secret transmission. Thus, cryptography was used in early states such as ancient Egypt or Mesopotamia. At that time, the primary method of encrypting information was the substitution of symbols (Dooley, 2018). In more...

Plant Genetic Engineering: Genetic Modification

Genetic engineering is the manipulation of the genes of an organism by completely altering the structure of the organism so as to come up with different characteristics of the same organism. Genetic engineering has been successfully applied in different fields with a lot of success especially in the disciplines of...

Differences Between Adaptive Sampling and Network Sampling

The core differences between adaptive sampling and network sampling rest on their applications. Adaptive sampling in an entirely new sampling design in which regions, defined in its context as “units” are selected based on the values of variables that are of interest during the observation process in the sampling survey...

Importance of a Research Guidelines

Research design is very critical in determining the validity, reliability, and generalizability of the findings. For the research findings to be credible, they must pass statistical tests of validity, reliability, and generalizability. Since positivists support the use of empirical evidences in the criminal justice system, they apply statistical tests quantitatively...

Nervous System, Cognition, and Behavior of Humans

The nervous system of any human consists of two elements — central (CNS) and peripheral (PNS), with the brain and spinal cord being the two parts of CNS and nerves being a part of PNS. The primary function of these systems is to collect data from the body and generate...

DNA and the Birth of Molecular Genetics

The birth of molecular genetics has been significant in furthering the knowledge concerning the cell’s coding of information. Assuredly, the cell is responsible for carrying out specific functions in the body. Inside the cell is the nucleus, which contains the deoxyribonucleic acid accountable for carrying out the transcription and replication...

Markov Chains Overview and Analysis

Introduction to Markov chains A Markov chain is a stochastic (random) process representing systems comprising multiple states with transitional probabilities between them. A stochastic process is a “mathematical model, which is scientifically proven, that advances in subsequent series that is from time to time in a probabilistic manner” (Miller &...

Using Graphics for Visualization of Data

In a study, a film director sought to establish factors that influence the popularity of films. As a research design, the study examined the impact of gender and the type of film on psychological arousal. Gender and the type of film are two independent variables, whereas psychological arousal is the...

Biology: Aspects of Fruits

A fruit is the fleshy and sweet part of a tree or any flowering plant that contains seeds. Some fruits are poisonous while some are edible. Plants usually disseminate seeds using fruits. There are different types of fruits and each has its distinctive taste. Some fruits are sweet; some are...

Downstream Processing of the Monoclonal Antibodies

Goal To establish antibody purification needs. Abstract The variance in the antigen and antibody interaction coupled with the choice of molding these interactions has enabled us to open a new world of antibody use. Today antibody fragments and antibodies are used in immunochemical techniques. It is because of the advanced...

Isolation of Gram Positive and Gram Negative Bacteria

Introduction Gram staining is a highly crucial step in the process of identifying unknown strains of bacteria. It helps to differentiate between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, as well as gives pertinent information on the size and shape of the bacterial cells. The next step in the identification criteria is based...

The Ames Test: Evaluating Mutagenicity of Chemical Compounds

Introduction There are a number of reasons defining the importance of correct evaluation of various mutagenic reactions in chemical compounds. Although many similar tests were designed, at the moment, the Ames test remains to be the most efficient for distinguishing mutagenic activities. Unlike several other options of assessing a mutagenic...

Pascal’s Triangle, the Sierpenski Triangle, and the Mandelbrot Set

Relation between Pascal’s triangle and the Sierpenski triangle Both Pascal’s and Sierpenski are triangles. The Sierpenski triangle is obtained from Pascal’s triangle by marking or coloring the odd numbers and leaving the even numbers without color. Properties of the Sierpenski triangle and the Mandelbrot set Both the Sierpenski triangle and...

The Explaining of Essence of Tsunami Term

The term “tsunami” comes from the Japanese language and means “big wave in the bay”. It occurs during an earthquake in the sea or ocean when conditions are created for the formation of powerful waves in the water column. These waves diverge in all directions from the epicenter onto the...

Chemical Reactions and the pH Scale

Introduction First of all, it should be stated that the classification of chemical reactions according to the pH scale defines the acidity of the included and resulting components. Originally, the pH scale was invented for measuring the acidity of the solutions, and the scale incorporates the acidity criteria elaborated by...

Repeated Measures ANOVA: Analysis of the Statistics

Exploratory Data Analysis A high school teacher is interested in determining whether his students’ test scores increase over the course of a 12 Week period. Descriptive statistics for students’ test scores for the 12 Week period are provided in Table 1. Of the 12 students who participated in this study,...

Generating Pythagorean Triples

Introduction “Pythagorean triple, originated from the terminology referred to as Pythagorean Theorem, which states that each right-angled triangle has its sides that satisfy the formula x2+y2=z2 and thereby, the 3 sides of a right-angled triangle are actually described by a Pythagorean triple” (Stillwell, 2003, p.5). Fundamentally, three numerals that are...

The Red Blood Cells and Types of Blood

The red blood cells (RBCs) are oxygen and carbon dioxide carrying cells found in the blood serum of vertebrate organisms (Starr, 143). They transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and carbon dioxide from the tissues to organs that get rid of them, such as lungs. The RBCs are...

Impact of Nurse Staffing on Patient Outcomes

Problem statement The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between nurse staffing and the observed patient outcomes in hospital settings, paying special attention to acute care, nurse staffing policies and strategies (Penoyer, 2010). In particular, the researcher notes that the relationship between low nurse-patient ratios and desired...

Cellular and Aerobic Respiration

Cellular respiration is necessary to transform glucose into energy. The ATP created via chemical processes then powers cellular reactions. Aerobic respiration only occurs when glucose burns to release energy in the presence of oxygen (Russell et al., 2016). Three essential stages ensure proper aerobic respiration: glycolysis, Krebs’ cycle, and electron...

Analyzing Tests and Scales in Social Science

Abstract The paper at hand provides a brief review of the tests and scales applied to data measurement in social science. One touches upon the most widely-used approaches, as well as, the basic principles of reliability and validity measurement. A particular focus is put on the health science and the...

Saturn’s Moons Titan and Enceladus

Introduction The solar system has a large number of natural satellites orbiting various planets, asteroids, and comets. Although most of these moons appear to be identical gray rocks moving in space, careful observation shows that they are diverse and have unique and intriguing features. One of the planets with many...

Application of Chemistry in Environmental Science

Due to excessive use in agriculture, organophosphorus (OP) pesticides are one of the most widely occurring pollutants in the environment. They inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity and cause serious nerve problems in animals and humans, particularly affecting the nerve-muscle junction. Sensitive OP detection and monitoring of degradation are the two challenges...

Biology and Social Influence

There has been a hot debate on factors that influence a person’s personality. According to Salles (2017), some experts believe that genetics plays an indispensable role in facilitating inherent-acquired behaviors, while others claim the environment contributes significantly to shaping an individual’s personality. The debate raises the question of the rationality...

Intensive Care Units: Quantitative and Qualitative Research Applications

Introduction The use of methodology is very central to research in any field. In medical practice, qualitative and quantitative approaches are used in the analysis of statistical and analytical data to inform research findings. The two commonly used research methodologies are quantitative and qualitative methods, both of which have got...

Nervous System: Body Sensory System

Introduction Our body is a complex made up of systems that aid in its functions; these systems are coordinated by an overall system known as the nervous system. Using sense, the nervous system sends reaction messages to organs for necessary action. The human body has built-in senses that are used...

Human Genetics: Multifactorial Traits

Introduction Multifactorial traits refer to the physical and behavioral differences in human beings. Such traits include height, skin color, fingerprints, physical weight and height, behavioral conditions and tendencies, and eye color among others. Some traits are inherited while others are acquired depending on the environmental conditions of one’s upbringing. According...

Magnolia Tree: Life Cycle and Evolution

Introduction Magnolia is among the largest genus flowering plants in Texas and eastern of North America. Magnolia is derived from a French botanist Pierre Magnol after discovering the plant in the Royal Botanic Garden of Montpellier in France. The taxonomic classification of the Magnolia tree is as follows: The domain...

Purification of His-Tagged Recombinant Protein

Introduction Macquarie University scientists are researching on a new protein assigned the name Damini.The source of this protein is a marine organism. The researchers still do not know the full genetic make up of this organism. This has necessitated the cloning of the gene coding for this protein in Escherichia...

Cell Organelles in Health and Diseases

Organelles Organelles are structures in a cell that have specific functions such as energy production and controlling growth. These cellular structures are embedded in the cytoplasm of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, they enable cellular processes to take place normally. Animal and plant cells have the same types of organelles....

Human Body Bones Anatomical Reference

Skull – consists of cranial and facial bones Cranial bones – these contribute to the cranium, which encloses & protects the brain; note they are separated by jagged boundaries called sutures; there are 8 cranial bones (note there is a right & left parietal and a right & left temporal;...

Family Pedigree, Human Traits, and Genetic Testing

Modern genetics allow people to predict the appearance and possible abnormalities of future generations. The most prevalent human traits are brown eyes and dark hair, while the genes of blue eyes and fair hair are recessive (Lin et al., 2016). Moreover, such characteristics as freckles and dimples have the dominant...

Cause and Consequence of the Big Rip

Introductions A reasonably new hypothesis as regards the demise of the universe gives a depiction of phantom energy ripping planetary bodies in space and ultimately all fragment of matter in an unbelievable end to time. Based on science it is just about the most revolting idea ever conceived. This study...

Charles Darwin “The Origin of Species” Analysis

We live in time when the nonsensical essence of religious worldview became obvious to just about anyone capable of utilizing its sense of rationale. However, it is namely the publishing of Charles Darwin’s “The Origin of Species” in 1859, which marks the beginning of a new historical era, associated with...

Blackmore and Seth’s Ideas About Consciousness

Many scientists tried to understand what consciousness is and how it interacts with the world, and Anil Seth, in his speech, also talks about his findings on this topic. Seth (2017) says that people hallucinate all the time, and the images that they perceive as reality are formed by the...

The Scientific Research Methodology

Methodology The research will use a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches to obtain a conclusion. The quantitative part consists of a survey that aims to incorporate the viewpoint of every resident of the country. The qualitative aspect will work with secondary sources, reviewing contemporary scholarly literature on the topic...

Natural Selection Process and Evidence of Evolution

Chapter 1 The first chapter of the book Why Evolution is True by Coyne is an introduction to evolution and how it is driven by natural selection. Charles Darwin coined the theory that all life forms resulted from evolution, which was largely propelled by natural selection, which bases on the...

Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Every kind of research demands a clear and properly structured methodology for it to be successful. What is demanded from a researcher is that he or she should understand the main components of the scientific research method and be ready to ground his or her thoughts and ideas reasonably and...

Safety Presented by the Use of Bisphenol-A (BPA)

Bispenol-A (BPA) is a very essential chemical compound used in the manufacture of a variety of plastic-based materials. For instance, the manufacture of epoxy resins as well as the polycarbonate plastics heavily relies on the availability of bisphenol A (Chenier, 2002). The plastics are thereafter used to make containers for...

The Brain Is More Than a Bag of Chemicals

The brain is one of the most complex body organs, and addressing the issues that relate to it can be sophisticated as well. The TED Talk video gives an elaborate description of the common misunderstanding of the brain like a bag of chemicals and that related ailments can be resolved...

Ideal Experiment Design: Independent and Dependent Variables

Experiment Design According to this well-known saying, the accidental discovering and picking up a penny will result in a lucky day afterward. Thus, the discovery of a coin is an influential factor, and luck during the day is a consequence of this factor. In the experiment, an independent variable is...

Selecting a Suitable Topic in Business Research

Selecting a Suitable Topic in Business Research A topic for business research is the beginning of an investigation; however, the success of the study strongly depends on the correct choice of the focus area. The topic should be potentially successful and appropriate for the specific person who intends to conduct...

Designing Oligonucleotide Primers in Biology

Introduction Molecular biology tools include polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which requires a mRNA template or a cDNA template, polymerase enzyme and a primer; mainly an oligonucleotide primers. The design of the best primer is important for the success of many molecular biology techniques such as polymerase chain Reaction, hybridization, sequencing...

Ecuador-Galapagos Islands: Overview

Historical Background The Discovery of the islands in 1535 by the Bishop of Panama, Fray Tomas de Berlanga. “The first scientific mission to the Galápagos came in 1790 under the leadership of Alessandro Malaspina, a Sicilian captain, sent by the King of Spain.” (Jackson, 1993, p. 2) The Galapagos archipelago...

Vital Organs and Medical Practices

The course of human anatomy begins with the definition of the body’s organs and systems that have various functions. All these systems are essential, but some organs are called vital, while others are not vital. This paper aims to name and discuss the purposes of the key vital organs, describe...

A Peacock Spider’s Mating Rituals and Reproduction

Spider Mating Ritual Research As shown in picture 1, male peacock spiders have a bright and colorful appearance, designed to attract females (Antonsen, 2019). However, their fascinating looks are only the tip of the iceberg, as these creatures have a whole slew of moves and signals aimed at gaining the...

Force Application Examples

Yesterday, the author has lifted a cup to drink from it and threw a ball for the dog. In the case of the cup, they applied upward force to the cup at a constant rate until it reached the necessary height, at which point the pressure was reduced to let...

Leonardo Fibonacci and Fibonacci Numbers

The history of Leonardo Fibonacci and Fibonacci numbers Many people who have done some units in mathematics have come across the name Fibonacci. Fibonacci is one of the middle age scholars that have contributed highly to mathematic but most especially to the knowledge of numbers. Fibonacci was born Leonardo Pisano...

Cell DNA and Protein Synthesis

Organelles are a category of structures that constitute the cell within the organism. The most prominent one in eukaryotic cells is the nucleus, which contains the DNA and controls the cell’s operations. The mitochondria are primarily responsible for energy conversion, and the ribosomes produce proteins that are necessary for operations....

Cloud Formation and Precipitation in a Mid-Latitude Cyclone

The nature of the planet Earth is impressive — it consists of the cycles of chemical compounds in different aggregate states at distinct levels. Water is the essential substance without which life would not be possible, and the formation of clouds with the subsequent fallout plays a not insignificant role...

Boiling Is a Process That Cools the Water

Grandma, science is good at making people have a sense of cognitive dissonance; the unpleasant internal contradictions felt when presented with the knowledge that is contrary to what one earlier perceived. Such a form of cognitive dissonance can give people a little trouble when they are attempting to comprehend why...

The Brain Tumor Description

A brain tumor is an incompletely studied disease, which, nevertheless, is dangerous for people. The tumor itself represents the formation of cancerous cells inside the brain (Kivi & Leonard, 2017). Since Mr. Mateo’s list of signs contains impaired vision, it can be assumed that the cancer is in the occipital...

Neurotransmitters and Behaviour Relationship

There is a widespread belief among people that self-awareness and control are responsible for all actions taken. However, in reality, some behavioral patterns and motives are controlled not by consciousness at all, but by the work of neurotransmitters. In other words, not all actions and decisions are controlled by a...

Technology of Synthesis of Genetically Modified Insulin

Introduction There is no doubt that modern technologies greatly simplify human life, especially if it concerns computers and intelligent systems. Being a part of a developed digital society, the consumer integrates with existing technical solutions every day and, therefore, hardly perceives them as something fantastic. In biological technologies, the situation...

The Warehousing of Tomatoes

Warehousing is an essential element of the supply chain, and its significance increases when it comes to perishable goods. It is so because inadequate warehousing conditions decrease the products’ quality and shorten their shelf life. Thus, organizations should draw much attention to ensure that they store their goods properly. The...

Endangered Organisms – Vaquita

One of the world’s most endangered organisms is vaquita (Phocoena sinus), native to the northern Gulf of California. The animal got its name from the Spanish name vaquita, which means little cow. Scientists first identified this animal in 1958 when they found its’ unique skulls on the beach (Manjarrez-Bringas et...

The Significance of Skhul V Analysis

Introduction Hominid fossils can provide biologists with the crucial insights into the ancestral background of modern humans. The Skhul V specimen was found in 1932 by Theordore McCown and Hallum Movius Jr (Homo Sapiens: Skhul V). The location of the finding served as the inspiration for the fossil’s name. In...

Microbiology: History and Development

Microbiology studies the structure, vital functions, patterns, and developmental conditions of organisms. The name of science microbiology, one of the biological sciences, came from three Greek words: mikros – small, bios – life, and logos – study (Singh & Satyanarayana, 2017). In other words, microbiology is the science of tiny...

“Why Evolution Is True”: A Chapter-Wise Reflection

Introduction The origin of modern species has been the subject of study by many scientists, and it involves contrasting worldviews of creationism and evolution. Most people are adept with the primary arguments that Charles Darwin proposed in his famous book, On the Origin of Species, especially the proposition that the...

Ken Barger’s Definition of Ethnocentrism

Concepts of terms and terminology are critical in science and research. The term provides accuracy, clarity, and understanding of scientific thought. Terminology forms part of the specialized vocabulary, into which not common words and phrases calling subjects and concepts of various spheres of people’s professional activity included. There are specific...

Advantages of Using Genetically Modified Foods

GMO is the abbreviation for any organism whose genetic code has undergone an artificial, targeted change. It is essential to understand that this applies only to those transformations that cannot occur either as a result of selection or as a result of evolution. Modern biotechnology allows the movement of genetic...

Use of Paretto Charts in Healthcare

Pareto Chart Answers for Flipgrid Video In clinical settings, the creation of Pareto charts may be useful for understanding the impact of factors affecting one or another health problem. Since these factors are arranged in descending order, it becomes evident which of them requires more attention from nurses. The care...

Cell Division: Mitosis and Meiosis

Introduction Living multicellular organisms are fragile biological systems that have the potential to be damaged by negative factors. Thus, touching the edge of the blade on the skin surface usually causes injury to the epidermis’ soft tissues. Nevertheless, somatic cells, which form the basis of tissues, are protected with regeneration,...

Scientific Testing on Animals

Introduction Although human beings usually gain from scientific testing on animals, their distress, pain, and death do not match the likely benefits. Irrespective of animal subjects having been used in scientific research for a long time, the practice is cruel and should not continue. Researchers across the globe share their...

“Aromatase” by Di Nardo and Giovanna

In their article, Di Nardo et al. presented the results of the experiment on assigning the value of pKa to a specific residue related to a cytochrome P450 (1186). It is possible to agree with the results of this experiment that is associated with observing the evidence regarding an elevated...

The Anthropology of Messages and Communication

Introduction Language and ideas have a symbiotic relationship where one is dependent on the other. A language is used to convey ideas while the language relays messages. Examining the anthropogenic of ideas and language can impact the message sent out and how it is perceived and interpreted. It must be...

Why Canadians Cycle More Than Americans

Introduction Why Canadians cycle more than Americans: a comparative analysis of bicycling trends and policies studies the cycling habits of Americans and compares them to a much more active cycling community of Canada. The paper’s main focus is the evident difference between the popularity of cycling in two counties despite...

Memory Drum Theory’s Projection

The Goal of the Research The goal of the study was to look into memory drum theory’s projection that the increase in simple reaction time (SRT) was proportional to the complexity of the response to be instigated (Anson, 1982). How the Goal Relates to My Research The author hypothesized that...

Intelligent Design and Evolution Theories

Introduction The determination of the origin of humans on the Earth, as well as other beings, has been the core debate among anthropologists, biologists, and church representatives for decades. The introduction of Darwin’s theory heightened the debates as his Evolution theory became opposed to the beliefs and teachings of the...

Potential Danger to Human Life: Comets and Asteroids

This paper is a summary of the fear of human extinction as it happened with the dinosaurs; as a result of the development of extraordinary skills used in the manufacture of complicated systems and superior weapons which lead to mass destruction based on the claims that they are meant for...

Research Characteristics of Data Collection & Analysis

Introduction Data collection in qualitative research helps to answer the “why, how, and what” of the phenomenon under investigation. This is unlike in quantitative research in which the data collection is used to address the “how many” or “how much” of the phenomenon under investigation. This means that in qualitative...

Polymer Structure of Polyesters and Polyamides

Introduction Shakhashiri B. Z., (1983, pp.213-215) defines a polymer as a substance composed of molecular particles branded by the numerous reappearance of one or more species of atoms or groups of atoms linked to each other in amounts appropriate to provide a set of properties that do not vary markedly...

Quantitative and Qualitative Data Study

Introduction Data can be classified as either qualitative or quantitative (Black, 1999). Quantitative data is data that can be put in numerical form while qualitative data cannot. Qualitative data deals with quality while quantitative data deals with quantity. There is a distinctive difference between the two types of data. Qualitative...

Cameron’s POS to Organizational Effectiveness

Scope of the Theory Positive Organizational Scholarship represented by Cameron provides an examination of typical and deviated patterns of behavior of employees to highlight the problems and positive outcomes of the organizational process (Cameron, Dutton, & Quinn, 2003). Hence, the theory focuses on the organizational dynamics leading to the Development...

Anthropology: Hip Hop Culture in the US

Introduction The history of Hip Hop generally defines numerous social and cultural aspects of music development in the USA. The fact is that, this music style entails numerous directions, such as rapping, DJing, sampling, scratching and beatboxing, nevertheless, these genres and sub-genres do not restrict the further development, and hip...

Statistical Inference As a Statistical Technique

Introduction In the field of statistics, statistical inference denotes the method of using statistical techniques to obtain conclusions from groups of statistics, which come up from methods that are affected by indiscriminate variation. Examples of such sources of variation include observational inaccuracies and random sampling among others. Preliminary basics of...

Galileo’s Telescope for Astronomy and Cosmology

Galileo went to Florence in search of more opportunities to satisfy his genius, ignoring all the pleasures of Padua. In 1609, the telescope arrived in Italy. There is no documentation about the invention of the telescope. Galileo had heard about this invention and was really interested in it. The news...

Historical Biography of Jedidiah Smith

Overview Jeddah Smith was born on January1799 in western New York State. His ancestors were Thomas Bascom, Massachusetts and French Basque ancestry. He was born at a time when his family was deeply rooted in the audacious spirit of western migration. He started working as a hunter at the age...

Negative Impact of Soil Erosion on the World`s Food Supply

Introduction Soil erosion is a process whereby soil (mostly the top fertile soil) is transported or swept away from its natural environment then deposited to other places. This usually happens as a result of blowing wind, water flow, rainfall, by the force of gravity (down slope movement of soil) and...

Acid Mine Drainage: Origins and Assessment of Methods

Overview An Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is water that drains out from coal deposit mining areas and has a lower pH which has been occasioned by the presence of sulphuric acid. In other words, an Acid Mine Drainage is usually acidic although not all mine drainages are acidic. This acidity...

Classical and Evolutionist Theories

Introduction Business management employs various strategies to achieve results. The five steps strategy by Porter focus on outside factors like the strength/weaknesses of competitions. The resource based approach by Penrose employ the firm’s resource and capabilities to gain a competitive edge. Theories, on their part, explain why various approaches to...

Ontario Geological Processes: Rock Formations

The objective of this project is to learn about the geological processes that formed some of the rock formations in the province of Ontario. The samples were viewed at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto in the Earth’s Treasures gallery. This gallery contains several hundred mineral and rock samples from...

The Brain, Forebrain, Midbrain and Hindbrain Definition

Introduction The brain is that part of the central nervous system positioned in the skull. It is a mass of tissue pinkish-gray in color consisting of a network of nerve cells and weighs approximately three pounds. The human brain is one of the major and important organs of the body....

Major Theorists and Their Approaches in Anthropology

Anthropology is the study of human nature and behavior. Different theories have been advanced by various theorists to explain the existence of humanity and mankind’s behavior. Anthropology is divided in four major categories of studies which include archaeology, cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, and linguistic anthropology. There are different anthropologists who...

Medicinal Value of Tropical Rainforest Plants: A Reference to the Amazon Rainforests

Introduction According to both written and archaeological evidence, plants have been a reliable source of medicine for human beings over a span of many thousand years. The first medicinal plants were probably discovered accidentally when a person tried the edibility of a plant and in the process discovered that it...

Business Environment in Malaysia: Country Analysis

Introduction The policy of free trade has led to the formation of new markets and hence increased business cooperation all over the world. Countries from different continents have forged cooperation so as to increase their markets and also diversify their imports to cater for their citizens. As a result, countries...

Social Facilitation and Relevant Empirical Evidence

This paper discusses the Social Facilitation of human beings specifically and about the development regarding social facilitation, exploring the tendency of people to be aroused in such an environment that would ultimately end up in better performance on simple assigned tasks or the tasks on which they have full command...

Adolescent Brain Development and Legal Culpability

Neuroscience has made great strides which now provide new ideas about the development of the brain. New discoveries confirm scientifically that the teen years are a period for transition (Adolescence, Brain Development and Legal Culpability, Juvenile Justice Center) Impressive changes are believed to occur in the brain in the second...

Technology Industry and University Research

Introduction The knowledge base of technology usually derives from basic research. It focuses on generating scientific knowledge and deals with fundamental questions of science. Nature of the environment plays a very significant role in creation and application of knowledge. Government policy plays a very significant role in establishing a national...

“The Bone Woman” by Clea Koff

The Bone Woman, written by Clea Koff, is considered to be forensic anthropology disclosing human rights abuses investigation. The book is written in an evocative style allowing the readers to dive into the depth of the author’s feelings and professional ideas. The analysis of The Bone Woman gives an opportunity...

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methodologies

Introduction The very word research gives us an impression of authenticity. It is not based on bias or prejudices neither it’s superfluous, nor is it a simplistic argument about any problem. The research employs quantitative and qualitative methodologies as tools to achieve this end. It is used in all walks...

Istanbul’s Economy and Demographics

Economy of Istanbul Istanbul is an economically developed city that combines the industry, tourism, and transportation sectors. Its GDP in 2017 amounted to one-third of Turkey’s GDP, or 970 billion Turkish liras (Kistak, 2018). The beneficial geographical location of Istanbul, as well as the history of its economic development and...

Technical Quality of Autism Test (GARS-3)

Introduction The early diagnosis of Autism in children is a crucial part of the preventive strategies in healthcare. Moreover, the appropriate screening and analysis tests assist clinicians and psychologists in defining the proper and efficient educational and recovery treatment strategies for children. In this case, they obtain an opportunity to...

Chemistry: Molecular Sizes of Conjugated Cyanine Dyes

Abstract This experiment aimed at using UV-Vis absorption spectra of different conjugated cyanine dyes to uncover the molecular attributes of the dye molecules. Three unknown solutions A, B, and C were diluted to various concentrations and their absorbance values determined using UV-Vis spectrophotometry. Various plots were made to determine the...

Istanbul: Urbanization Trends and City Attributes

Istanbul, a city, colonized in the seventh century BC, is still one of the cultural centers of the country and the world (Fisher-Onar, Pearce, & Keyman, 2018). Even though Istanbul lost its status as a capital, the level of its urban development remains significant. Istanbul was the capital of three...

The Effect of Osmosis on Egg

Abstract Osmosis helps cells to perform transport and separation functions and is a basic natural process. Any cell is surrounded by a membrane that transmits the molecules of oxygen, water, and nutrients. The inside of an eggshell is also a membrane through which oxygen passes, but unnecessary substances do not...

An Atomic Radio Receiver

Introduction The history of electromagnetic waves being used for communication is rather long. People have been receiving and sending signals since the end of the nineteenth century. The style of the antenna used for radio received has been the same for many years as well (Emerging Technology from the arXiv)....

Cahokia People, Their Culture and History

The Cahokia Native American tribe and region are one of the most prosperous and extensive pre-Columbian civilizations on the continent. Recent archaeological discoveries have uncovered significant revelations regarding the sheer size of Cahokia and its numerous cultural and anthropological features. For its time, Cahokia was a complex and cosmopolitan city,...

Social Research Methods and Common Mistakes

Introduction Identifying research questions and subsequent hypotheses may present difficulties for researchers, especially for those who do not have sufficient experience in scholarly investigations (Wollman 2013). The most common mistakes made during this process are related to the scope of the research problem. The first type of difficulty is mistaking...

Students’ Ethnicity, Performance and Intelligence

The problem of discrimination in the educational setting according to the race and ethnicity factor is very controversial, and researchers are interested in discussing the presence or absence of differences in minority students’ intelligence and abilities to demonstrate the high academic performance. While focusing on this problem, it is necessary...

Locating Landfills for Waste Management in Northern Ghana

Abstract Geographical Information Systems (GIS) is an emerging tool for effective waste management as well as an efficient method for sitting landfills and other dumpsites. Due to the global shortage of land for solid waste disposal especially near the major towns and cities, landfilling areas must be well selected to...

Statistics: Academic Performance Correlation Study

Research design In this project, I was interested in determining whether there is a relationship between academic performance in reading and academic performance in science courses. The study sought to test the following hypothesis: H0: There is a significant correlation between reading performance and performance in science courses. H1: There...

Research Methodology of Family Studies

Qualitative and quantitative methods are similar in their reliance on research questions and selected data collection and analysis tools. In terms of differences, qualitative methods are non-representative, based on the textual information, and conducted to examine the phenomenon in detail. In contrast, quantitative methods are objective, findings can be discussed...

Group Discussion: Training and Development

Icebreaker To make sure that the audience is engaged with the subject matter and is ready explore the opportunities that case studies provide, one may consider inviting the participants to take an active part in the deconstruction of the phenomenon of a case study. However, apart from focusing on what...

Normal Distribution in Operation Processes

The phenomenon of the normal distribution is typically defined as the graph that displays the distribution of random variables (Tong, 2012, p. 26) and usually takes the form of a sine wave on a graph (see Fig. 1 below). When it comes to applying the concept of the normal distribution...

Class Sizes and Student Performance Research Methodology

Research Methodology Research Problem Due to the economic downturn, the State of Georgia’s legislature passed a bill that eliminated size limits for the class, including both regular and special education students. In addition to the state’s change, Henry County has made a new policy that affects social studies and science...

Japan’s Geography, Culture, Religion, Politics

History of Japan Historians believe strongly that human beings have lived in Japan for thousands of years. The country is an island located in the Pacific Ocean. The nation is characterized by imperial places, shrines, dense cities, and mountains. The capital city of the country is Tokyo and is known...

Logistic Regression Results for Data Analysis

Introduction This paper provides the results of a logistic regression that was run to analyze the data contained in the file “helping3.sav.” The data file is described; the assumptions for the logistic regression are articulated and tested; the research question, hypotheses, and alpha level are stated; and the results of...

Acoustics Experiment in Brunel’s Thames Tunnel

In this project, tunnels that exist below London streets for a variety of communications, civil defense, and military purposes will be used as the objects of the experiment. This particular site is chosen in order to test and experiment with the different aspects of human senses and in particular the...

Turkdean Roman Villa’s Excavation Process

The modern archaeology relies on a whole range of tools, methods, and techniques that help the scientists to evaluate the sites before the beginning of excavations. The sites of different kind can be analyzed in a variety of aspects such as their chemical composition, the kinds of objects situated under...

Qualitative Research Design and Sampling

Two Types of Study Design There are two major types of study design implemented to conduct research in exact, natural, social, and other sciences and disciplines. The choice of the design is largely determined by the purpose the researcher pursues as well as the essence of the experiment conducted (Creswell,...

Biology: Mechanical Signals Regulating Development

Introduction The success of tissue engineering is dependent on the ability to promote the desired cellular processes. Given the intricate process involved in tissue development and regeneration, it is crucial to understand how microenvironment regulates cell behavior. Generally, mechanical signals contribute significantly to the development of human beings, especially during...

Qualitative Phenomenological Research Process

Data Analysis In qualitative phenomenological studies, data analysis is based on the idea of thematic analysis that includes several specific steps. According to Braun, Clarke, and Terry (2014), the key phases of thematic analysis are the preparation of data for analysis and familiarization with them, coding, identifying themes, reviewing themes,...