Political Book: Alan Abramowitz’s “The Disappearing Center”

Introduction Alan Abramowitz is an American political scientist. He was born in 1947. He is well known for his research and literary works. Most of his studies revolve around American politics and elections. In addition, they also focus on political science and parties. Abramowitz studied BA at the University of...

Transforming Business Performance: Creativity and Innovation

In the modern world, the development of contemporary markets involves the application of creative and innovative approaches in business. The task of being competitive is the recipe for the success of every contemporary enterprise. The problem is that under the circumstances of a competitive market, a huge variety of companies...

William Stafford’s “Traveling Through the Dark” Poem

Introduction William Bradford’s “Traveling through the Dark” seems to present its setting in the very title, but further analysis of the poem allows discerning that the “dark” has two shades of meaning. The direct connotation of the dark is the time of the day when the events are happening. The...

Black Femininity: Changes in the Perception

Introduction: Black Femininity Across Decades The development of perceptions toward womanhood and femininity as they are affected by the changes in social standards and trends allows inspecting the challenges that vulnerable groups of women face in their daily lives. The analysis of African American femininity and alterations in its interpretation...

Personality Theories and Behavior Therapy

The patient, Maggie, was a 27-year old female who was tall and attractive in an angular way, with dark, intelligent eyes. She was a graduate student in paleontology and she loved her field of study so much that she always talked about it. In the beginning, when she met the...

Problem Solving and Decision-Making Processes: Stages and Approaches

Whatever sphere one chooses to work in, it is impossible to avoid the emergence of dilemmas. Problematic cases may occur when a person decides to move house, to change a department, or to relocate to an entirely new company. Whether it is a spontaneous or a long-planned decision, it is...

Advanced Professional Nurse’s Development Goals

Introduction A professional development plan is an important planning tool that plays a central role in the setting and achieving of specified career goals. As an Advanced Professional Nurse (APN), a development plan is a contract with oneself detailing personal career direction together with goals and objectives that should be...

How Does Perfect Competition Help Us Understand the Efficiency of Markets?

Introduction Ajefu and Barde (2015, p. 20) define a market as “a place where the prices of goods and services are determined.” Comparatively, a perfect market is characterized by the efficient or optimum allocation of resources (Djolov 2014; Maritan & Lee 2017). In this type of market structure, rivals are...

Race Has Nothing to Do With Relationships

Have you ever noticed how racial profiling and discrimination discussions have seemed to reach a peak this year because of the presidential elections? Somehow the media seems to want us to believe that the race of a person is a big deal. That the color of skin or a particular...

Breonna Taylor Case: Black Lives Matter Movement

Brito, C. (2020). Family sues after 26-year-old EMT is shot and killed by police in her own home. CBS News. Web. Brito reported on the Breonna Taylor case that gained a lot of public attention due to the Black Lives Matter movement. Breonna Taylor’s family filed a wrongful death lawsuit...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Political Legacy of the Chicano Movement

Introduction Chicano Movement was the answer from Mexican Americans to the challenges of the entire Civil Rights era. Chicanos recognized that they were also oppressed in terms of labor opportunities, education quality, and were treated as second-class citizens. Their political fight, thus, was aimed to achieve positive upheaval in three...

White Suprematism in Social Work

Introduction Although modern civilization has reached colossal development, in a number of cultural and social aspects, humanity is still facing challenges. Racism, in particular white suprematism, is characteristic of all spheres of life in European and American society. Social services aimed at improving the quality of life of the population,...

Followership-Leadership Interaction in Healthcare

Abstract This paper aims to identify patterns of followership styles and their relation to leadership styles, with a particular emphasis on the healthcare sector. The analysis is based on a review of scholarly articles on the interaction between followership and leadership in healthcare. The results reveal that there are different...

The Holy Spirit as Part of the Trinity

Introduction The Holy Ghost is the infinitesimally understood person of the Trinity. In fact, many believers share many misconceptions about the Holy Spirit. Some view Him as a force, as a ghost, and a second class replacement god. He is mistaken with the manifestations themselves and has even been presented...

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Practices

Introduction Deaths from cardiopulmonary arrest occurring outside of a healthcare setting are the primary cause of death in developed countries. Even after being revived by emergency medical personnel, many people die each year in Britain and the United States. It takes 8-9 minutes for emergency medical services to arrive at...

Soccer League and Grassroots Strategy

Introduction Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world, with over 240 million registered players at all levels, and at least 3.5 billion fans (“Soccer”). Despite its relative simplicity, the sport has tremendous appeal, ranging from kids playing with an old ball in the yards of Rio...

Impact of Qatar Hosting FIFA World Cup 2022

The FIFA world cup is a significant mega-event that prominently engages people from diverse backgrounds for sporting competitions. The concept fosters a profound impact on the host country, mainly the economic growth and development (Mair et al., 2021). Qatar is hosting the FIFA sporting activity in 2022, rendering optimal opportunities...

The Medium and the Message: Media Proliferation

Media proliferation is putting pressure on advertisers and content creators to understand the impact of medium choice on the audience. The target population encodes communication from the different forms distinctively and may assign various meanings to the same message. The objective of this paper is to discuss messages in a...

The Cause of the Salem Witch Trials

Introduction Early in 1692, numerous females in Salem, a community in colonial Massachusetts, started displaying odd symptoms, including twitching, barking, and reporting being pinched or pierced by unseen pins. This event led to what was commonly referred to as the Salem witch trials. During the Salem witch trials, the law...

The Ethical Considerations of the Rana Plaza Collapse

Introduction Fast fashion creates a massive demand for clothing, putting pressure on the factory workers at the bottom of the supply chain. The owners of the factories force workers to work in rather bad conditions and sacrifice their liberties and time with their families. The cost paid for such sacrifices...

Reflection, Teamwork, and Professional Identity

Reflection in a Professional Setting Reflection in a professional setting is an essential skill to build and maintain if you want to succeed and progress in many aspects of life. Reflection is taking the time to pause and think deeply and objectively about our experiences, actions, and beliefs to gain...

The Problem of Hunger in the USA

The problem of hunger has gained an international resonance over the last decades due to the rapid development of the informational society. Paradoxically, the 21st century is the age when the world community has launched a new scientific and technical milestone with historical discoveries and inventions requiring billions of dollars...

Community Policing Assignment: A History of Police Work in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction The criminal justice system helps in the enforcement of the laws by ensuring that any individual who breaks the law is arrested and charged for the wrongs done. The police are part of the criminal justice system and are responsible for the arresting of the law breakers and gathering...

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods Distinctions

Research in general can be explained as the pursuit for knowledge or a methodical investigation in search of information to form or support available facts. Research work can be classified into two where; there is basic research that does not go into deep details on the area of study and...

Christianity in South Korea and Japan

South Korea embraces Christianity more than Japan. When visiting South Korea today, one is bound to be struck by the many churches every where, ranging from splendid cathedrals in big cities to small and humble churches built in villages. These churches can be easily seen when traveling either by train...

Research Process in Social Work

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods Research work in social work is either qualitative or quantitative in nature. Qualitative research, according to Neill (2007, p. 1) is used when the data that is gathered, or the research that has been performed, can not be quantified or assigned numerical weight. For example,...

The Impact of Nursing Informatics on Patient Outcomes

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to propose a nursing informatics project based on the use of natural language processing (NLP) to analyze adverse events and incidents in the hospital setting. The implementation of the proposed project will allow for monitoring risk factors for adverse events and incidents, which...

Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism: The Afterlife Concepts

Introduction Religion provides purpose and meaning, allowing its followers to navigate in a world full of uncertainty. This idea explains the seminal status of the world’s leading beliefs, as they possess well-established and documented descriptions of all key spheres of life. Among these aspects, the afterlife occupies a unique position...

History of Mayan and Mongol Civilizations

The Mayan people and the Mongols were among the oldest civilizations with contrasting social, religious, and political structures. The Mayan people were widely known for their advanced writing system, arts, and architecture in ancient Central America. On the contrary, the Mongols occupied Asia, where they formed the Mongol empire, which...

Power of the Subconscious Mind in Managing Nic Sheff’s Psychological Distress

Humans have levels of awareness that profoundly determine our perspective on the nature of reality. The conscious and subconscious minds determine the decisions and actions in response to stimuli. However, there is little focus on the power of the subconscious mind in managing situations of psychological distress, which often leads...

Social Media in Braithwaite’s My Sister, the Serial Killer Novel

Introduction Social broadcasting is a hotly debated subject since it can be argued that it is both an advantage and a curse for this generation. Most individuals believe that digital mass media has devastated and destroyed every moment of the physical human association at a surprising speed and that it...

Aspects of TechFite Emerging Technology

Introduction In performing its mandate of manufacturing critical resources for the independent government agency, TechFite has to prioritize the security of its systems. However, the company’s CIO has recently raised concerns about TechFite’s security in its infrastructure. Of the 10000 scans done manually by the company, a 30% success is...

Identities of the American Muslim Women

Abstract Muslim women in the US face a number of social problems when attempting to fit in the American multicultural societies. As the number of Muslims increase in the US, the cultural diversity of the Islamic societies tends to expand with time, increasing the need for studies that focus on...

A Good Man Is Hard to Find Analysis: Essay Example & Summary

Are you about to write A Good Man Is Hard to Find theme essay? Then, make sure to check this sample out! Here, you’ll find the story’s summary, moral lesson, themes, and other aspects of the analysis. Keep reading to get some inspiration for your A Good Man Is Hard to Find thesis! ...

Educational Psychology: Developing Learners

The concept of developing young learners has always been of great interest among educational psychologists. It is against this reason that psychologists have developed myriad of theories that can assist teachers understand and nurture young learners. One of the common theories that have been applied in respect to child development...

Death in Emily Dickinson’s Poems

Introduction Emily Dickinson was a renowned 19th-century American poet that wrote unique and complex poems. Her style, symbolism, and hidden meanings of poems continue to be studied in the modern-day as she delved into socially controversial topics of her time. One subject matter commonly explored in her poems is the...

Ideal Gas Expansion Law: Experiment

The purpose of the experiment was to understand the differences between different types of ideal gas expansions, paying attention to the amount of work done. Results The temperature-time plot for the isothermal process when moving the piston quickly is indicated in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows the pressure versus time...

Historical Background of Brazil

Introduction Developing cultural competence is necessary in the modern world because the countries’ borders become blurred, and people of different nationalities are prone to cooperate within various circumstances. To avoid any inconveniences and misunderstandings, acquiring knowledge about distinguishing features of major cultures is essential. In particular, getting acquainted with Brazilian...

Access to Health Services in Miami-Dade County

Introduction The availability of healthcare services administrations is an essential aspect that should be subject to evaluation. Among the criteria of evaluation should be straightforwardness in the advancement of the social insurance standard in the network. The National Center for Health Statistics (2016) presents that the instances of openness of...

America’s First Battles in Korean and Vietnam Wars

The investigation that has been carried out is aimed at studying the root factors affecting the readiness of the United States Army to perform its primary function during the initial stages of military conflict. The paper also includes the roles of non-commissioned soldiers in preparing soldiers to conduct combat operations....

The Rise of Western Civilization in Beowulf: Critical Analysis

Even though an old Anglo-Saxon poem “Beowulf” is assumed to contain motifs that are largely mythical in their essence, many of these motifs do relate to the realities of the time when the poem was written. In his article “Beowulf in Literary History,” Joseph Harris makes a good point when...

Ban on Genetically Modified Foods

Modification of genes of the organisms has been used in the food industry over the long period. Genetically modified (GM) foods are those that are produced with the help of genetic engineering. Such foods are created from organisms with changed DNA. Quick expansion of GM foods has raised many concerns...

A Community Mobile Food Truck to Serve Disadvantaged Children’s Needs

Date Submitted Grant Name Submitted to Address of Receiving Party Submitted by Address of Submitting Party Project Abstract The author of this proposal is seeking a grant of $94,735 for supporting the community project that is oriented toward addressing the needs of disadvantaged or low-income children and adolescents living and...

Humanities Concepts as Applied to AI, on the Example of the Film “Zoe”

Introduction Artificial intelligence is a promising area of study in healthcare, as it can significantly improve the quality of patient care. Developing and applying AI falls within the scope of STEM research that “stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math” (Dalton). While STEM is firmly rooted in science and mathematics,...

Deforestation and Its Impact on Ecosystems

Introduction Forests play a vital role in the planet’s global ecosystem, providing a home to many species and resources to people. About 30% of the Earth is currently covered by forests, although this number was initially higher by 10% (Nunez, 2019; Prevedello et al., 2019). From 1990 to 2016, approximately...

Agriculture and Food in Ancient Greece

Introduction The great majority of the global food supply is produced through agriculture. Many countries have practiced farming for thousands of years. Although Ancient Greece is known for its contribution to politics and philosophy, it was also an agricultural hub for some of its oldest crops. Greece’s terrain has long...

Population Analysis: The U.S. Versus Nigeria

Introduction The present-day global economy setting offers a variety of opportunities for developing states to improve their performance and create healthier economies, thus, gaining the status of developed ones. In turn, differences in population characteristics often serve as indications of a state’s economic performance and the efficacy of its trade...

Drug-Resistant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Strains

A transmittable disease pertains to contagious diseases induced by various microorganisms. Moreover, minute organisms passed from one person to another, either indirectly or directly, include fungi, parasites, viruses, and bacteria (Chee, 2018). However, some of these infectious diseases are spread by insect bites, while others are triggered by swallowing contaminated...

The Body Film by Brian Evenson

Introduction The horror genre, which appears in film or literature form, is a form of art that aims to create a shock or startle to its readers or viewers. The main aim of the horror genre is to provoke a sense of dread experience to the audiences via scary images,...

Problem of Poverty in the United States

The problem of poverty remains complex, multifaceted, contradictory, and intractable. The U.S. ranks first among industrialized nations, members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, in terms of the proportion of the poor population and the level of inequality between the rich and the poor (Atkinson, 2019). Thus, it...

The Causes of Health Problems of Indigenous People

Introduction The analysis and research of Indigenous societies’ main tendencies of development and functioning is the relevant question of the last decades. Many studies explore the reasons and consequences of historical influence on people suffering from colonization. Paradies (2016), in his article, analyzes the primary ways the current conditions of...

The Social Construct of Marriage

The Social Construct of Marriage: Essay Introduction The modern world considers marriage as a social construct. Generally, it is agreed that marriage has a natural purpose. The culture and the conventions of a country have a very prominent role in marriage. It is difficult for one to reach the assumption...

Compassion Fatigue Definition – Psychology

Compassion fatigue (sometimes known as secondary traumatic stress “STS”) can be defined as a type of condition that normally impacts people that work with trauma victims, patients in psychiatric wards or first responders in accidents wherein there is a gradual “lessening” so to speak of that individual’s capacity to express...

The Masculine Role in Advertisement

Introduction The global advertising industry is growing rapidly with advertisers adopting new phenomenon in the advertising of either goods or services. Primarily, advertising sought to create awareness of certain products or new services initiated by companies, thus performing an imperative role as a marketing strategy of great competitive advantage. Internationally,...

Blended Family History and Nursing Diagnoses

Family History and Brief Health Characteristics The interviewed family is a blended family, where the parents are married not for the first time, and their children come from previous marriages. The mother and father are 35 and 42 respectively, and the children are 8 and 10 (a boy and a...

Caucasian Family Assessment and Nursing Diagnosis

Family Composition The family consists of five members – Eric (husband, 35), Jennifer (wife, 32), Eric’s mother (Kate, 60), and Steven (8) and Josh (9) (Eric and Jennifer’s children). They live together for the last five years after Dan’s (Kate’s husband) death. They are all Caucasian. There are no certain...

Nursing Care Models: Healthcare Settings and Research

Introduction Nowadays, nursing plays one of the key roles in the medical sphere, as these specialists tend to be discovered as mediators between the management of the hospital and patients. The quality of the provided care and patient satisfaction are vehemently dependent on their actions while implying that their job...

The 66th International Music Festival in Prague

Introduction Prague is the capital city of the Czech Republic, a country in central Europe bordered by Poland, Germany, Austria, and Slovakia. Prague also doubles up as the largest city in this landlocked country, and is a very dynamic city by day and at night, especially during festivals. Towards the...

Truly Fair Society and the Keys to Creating It

Secularization as a way to build a fair Western society When it comes to arguing as to what should represent guiding lines for building a truly fair society, which will provide its members with an opportunity to actualize their existential potential, one can hardly skip pointing out at what prevents...

Slavery in “Parable of the Sower” by Octavia Butler

Introduction Although slavery is considered to be the issue of the past, in the novel Parable of the Sower, Octavia Butler imagines that this social phenomenon may acquire a new form soon. The extension of powers of big conglomerates may lead to the aggravation of poverty and enslavement of employees....

Popular Research Paper Topics

World AIDS Day Celebration: Newspaper Research

Human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) cases are increasing per year. It does not only affect women but men and children as well. The disease is easily transmitted and is very fatal. Even though years of study have already been done, no treatments were still available to cure...

America and the British Empire: Relations Review

Introduction Many would argue that the American Revolution actually began when the first colonists set foot on American soil. With London being some 3000 miles away, governing the colonies was a great challenge. Travel to and from England required much time and slowed required communication significantly. In the time before...

Impacts of the ‘Century of Humiliation’ on China

The history of China over the last century and a half is engulfed with a large range of paradoxical experiences that vary from national disgrace to total chaos as also from disgrace to moments of excitement and big achievements. It is truly said that the present successes of China are,...

Role-Playing Games as a Learning Tool

Introduction Role-playing games have according to DeKanter (2006), proved to have a very significant place in invoking critical thinking and the ability to induce and develop diversified approaches in life and class. The element of lack is relatively minimal with players being rewarded for their creativity and intelligence in playing...

Family Violence Problem. Reasons and Facts

Abstract Family violence includes child abuse, intimate partner violence (IPV) and elder abuse. Child abuse is caused by stepchildren, unplanned/prematurely born/handicapped children, young age/inferior socioeconomic position of parents. IPV is caused by urge to control, hereditary experience, economic problems or misconceived machismo. Elder abuse is caused by financial hardship, alcohol/drug...

Anti- and Southern Elements in Reagan’s Speech

Introduction Micklethwait and Wooldridge state that Ronald Reagan was initially a democrat who admired Franklin Roosevelt but later changed his alliance to adopt conservatism. Consequently, he approved the candidatures of Republicans; Richard Nixon and Dwight Eisenhower while still holding the tag of a democrat. Reagan being an employee of General...

Staffing and Organizational Success of Company

Introduction Organizational success is depending on acquisition and retention of talented human resources for specific position. In 21st century, the job markets are growing with competitive rates and availability of skilled recruiters are being large and selective, as the organization has to build up long term effects with them, like...

Executive Branch of State Government – The Governor

Brief history The governors of the United States could as well be regarded as the chief executive of their respective states. In fact, they initially headed the American colonies, which later on became known as the union states. The roles of the American governor have also evolved with the making...

The Influence of the Market Economy on the Society Development

Introduction The market economy created a new system of production that not only increased the efficiency with which people created goods, but also heightened their quantity. It improved the quality of life of the general population because people could access conveniences that were inconceivable before the 19th Century. Groups of...

Stono Revolt Literature Review

Introduction In 1739 a slave revolt took place in South Carolina. It is referred to as the Stono Rebellion or the Catos Rebellion. It is not clear what actually triggered the rebellion by the slaves in South Carolina. On the fateful day of 29 September 1739, the slaves in South...

Society in Early Renaissance and Contemporary Europe

The advancement of advertising after some time has prompted the way that the thoughts pertinent in the Middle Ages have changed to a limited degree, and their appearance is exceptionally shallow in present-day society. Changes occurred in social, yet in addition in public activity, and the affirmation is the arrangement...

Excessive Use of Social Networks

Problem Statement The apocalypse of the 21st century might look like blocking social networks for 2 hours. There is panic in the street; people randomly walk around holding their photos and ask each other: “Do you like it?” A couple of decades ago, this situation would have seemed absurd, but...

Electronic Document Management System

Introduction: Current Situation Electronic Document Management System (EDOCS) is one of the software instruments allowing organizations to monitor and control the operations of all of their departments and be a modernized institution. The current state of the US health care system, as stressed by scholars and even President Obama, leaves...

Parenting in Lapine’s Play Into the Wood

Introduction Parenthood is one of the central elements of personality socialization, which lays the child’s primary skills in communication and interaction with the environment. For this reason, it is so important to provide effective and pedagogical education and training that stimulates the child’s successful and harmonious development. Otherwise, a parent...

Immigration in America – Debate

The immigration debate remains one of the most controversial issues in the United States today. Many supporters and critics offer their unique arguments without considering the views of their opponents. The move by different arguers to select historical developments and events that resonate with their opinions has resulted in numerous...

Life and Dead in Poetry

Introduction The two main manifestations of human existence or two of its forms are life and death. These issues bother people during centuries because they are too complicated to understand them entirely. That is why the most intent contemplators of the world, poets, cannot ignore these categories. Reflecting life in...

Nursing Practice: A Science or an Art?

Introduction In recent decades, there have been widespread deliberations in the nursing literature about the art and science of nursing practice (Parker 52). As the conflict on whether nursing is an art or science still persists, academics suggest that nursing is seeking to articulate itself as a discipline in its...

Global Cultures Case Analysis

Introduction The federal republic of Brazil, located in South America, is the largest country in the continent, both in landmass and population size. It ranks as the sixth most populous nation in the world. Being the only Portuguese-speaking country in the continent with a history of the century-long mass migration...

Athens Orthopedic Clinic Law Violation Case

Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act The Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted to prevent the misuse of health information to protect patients’ privacy and maintain confidentiality within healthcare systems. Any violation or noncompliance with the statutes’ regulations can lead to severe complex legalities, including civil suits and financial...

Incivility in Healthcare Settings

Introduction Identification of Incivility Incivility in healthcare settings is impolite and offensive behavior, which aims to humiliate or insult a person. It is a significant issue in modern clinics and healthcare centers because it influences different aspects of healthcare professionals’ work. In particular, this type of behavior influences the mental...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Dudebox: A Business Project Analysis

Mission Statement We esteem our clients and therefore treat everyone who contacts the company as though they are our only customers by giving them swift responses to demonstrate how important they are to Dudebox. Vision Statement To become a global leader at connecting men to quality and unique products that...

Literary and Psychological Prowess of Shakespeare’s “Othello”

Shakespeare’s literary and psychological prowess went undetected primarily since he was ahead of his time. Because of this, people in Elizabethan society had no idea that people might be afflicted with mental illnesses, let alone have them depicted in a play! Othello, Shakespeare’s play, was plagued by bizarre behavior issues....

David Hume’s Biography and Philosophical Views

The history of philosophy demonstrates that many thinkers contributed to the development of this science and demonstrated different approaches to the perception of the word. Many of them had similar views, yet their differences led to lengthy debates, criticism of each other’s work, and the formation of groups of followers....

The Issue of Mass Shootings in the United States

Introduction The Columbine Massacre: in the Killer’s Mind is a film documenting the massacre that occurred on 20th April 1999, in Columbine High School, Columbia, Colorado. Dylan Klebold, aged 17, and Eric Harris, aged 18, students at the school, shot and killed 12 students and a teacher, leaving 24 other...

A Case Study on Operation Geronimo

Operation Geronimo was commissioned by Us President Barack Obama in 2011 and aimed to kill or capture Osama Bin Laden. The US special intelligence noticed a house on the northern border of Pakistan where an Al-Qaeda courier frequented. In addition, the compound has one person who never left but was...

The Effect of Climate Change on Weather

Climate change is resulting in weather extremes that are affecting millions of people around the world in recent times. The article by Thomson Reuters (2022) published in CBC News describes how extreme weather events such as heat waves or rainfalls are a consequence of climate change. In addition, the author...

William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass

Introduction William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass were two of the most important figures in the American abolition movement. In “To the Public,” Garrison calls for an immediate end to slavery, while in “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” Douglass criticizes the way American freedom is celebrated...

Marketing: Consumer and Industrial Products

Introduction Consumer goods are defined as movable commodities that are created and sold to fulfill the requirements of a buyer. This is why these commodities are sometimes known as finished goods or end items in some circles. They are items that customers can frequently discover placed on the shelves of...

Staffing Issues in Nursing

Short Staffing Inadequate staffing is often a problem in the nursing field and has emerged as both a personal and professional concern for practitioners in this sector. According to Harrington, Schnelle, McGregor and Simmons (2016), poor staffing is among the top reasons nurses leave their jobs and patients fail to...

School Bullying and Problems in Adult Life

Introduction The problem of school bullying has been addressed on different levels, including political, economic, cultural, juridical, educational, and many others. The causes of bullying vary, but they lead to severe issues that can remain unresolved for years. Bullying is aggressive behavior that can be seen in different children, teenagers,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Employee Recognition Framework Project

Project Name and Purpose The project name is the Employee Recognition Framework. It is established to help in designing, developing, and implementing the recognition framework for the employees in an organization (Swider et al., 2015). The issues such as communication strategy, policy framework, healthy workplace, and retention of the workgroup...

Dove Real Beauty Sketches: Marketing Campaign

An Overview of the Marketing Campaign The campaign Dove Real Beauty Sketches seeks to raise self-awareness among individuals with regards to their physical appearance. The campaign is alive to the fact that many people have low self-esteem when it comes to appreciating their beauty or physical endowment. The message transmitted...

Instagram Data Policy: Content Customization Practices and the Use of Addiction Loop Model

In his book, Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now, Jaron Lanier thoroughly discusses the detrimental effects of various social online platforms on human lives. Among them are the promotion of mass behaviors, increased incidence of misinformation and biasing, vanity encouragement, reduction of one’s ability for empathy,...

Doctrinal Statements in Christianity

Introduction In the contemporary world, there is a great variety of different Christian groups. Many of these groups make doctrinal statements in an attempt to convey their specific interpretation of certain Biblical concepts, as well as values and viewpoints. Doctrinal statements are a significant part of Christianity, and they serve...

Autism and Alzheimer’s Comparison

Introduction Two neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and autism are not on the list of the most common conditions but have a significant effect on the patient’s well-being. Alzheimer’s disease is understood to be one of the most common central nervous system and mental pathologies, which usually affects...

Heroes’ and Villains’ Views on Money in “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand

Outline Introduction Thesis: Heroes and villains in “Atlas Shrugged” have different perceptions of money with the former trying to make it and the latter simply wishing to have it. The difference between these two views on money consists in heroes’ and villains’ knowing the real value of it, their possibility...

Case of JP Morgan Chase

Introduction Various approaches have been used to define the term organizational development, and the organizational change has been used synonymous with organizational development. In all geographical locations, various factors have led to the organizational development because of the necessity of an organization have to expand in the global market place....

The Response of Texas State Government to the COVID-19 Crisis

Introduction Coronavirus (COVID-19) has significantly affected the lives of people in every state in the world. The illness is caused by a new virus that can move from one person to another by airborne droplets (#1). It is also difficult to monitor how many people are infected since this disease...

Comparison and Contrasting of Nursing Theories: Elisabeth Kubler-ross and Hildegard Peplau

The philosophy of nursing The philosophy of nursing, which underlies all nursing and non-nursing theories, describes a system of views on the relationship between a nurse, a patient, society, and the environment. The philosophy of nursing is a theoretical foundation of the nursing profession, revealing the main provisions that determine...

Piracy in Somalia: Issue Analysis

Introduction In 1991, the Somali rebels overthrew the government of the then president Said Bare who for a long time was perceived as a dictator by both locals and the international community. This created a vacuum in the leadership of that country as each of the clans in Somalia want...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cardiovascular Disease Prevalence in South Florida

Introduction Diseases of the heart or the blood vessels have become increasingly prevalent in the US hence the need for timely intervention to curb the escalation of the menace. Cases of cardiovascular disease hospitalizations in the state of Florida have raised eyebrows thus necessitating the need for intervention to prevent...

The Four Events That Have Affected Low-Income Families

Introduction Household wellness is a comprehensive notion that alludes to a family’s subjective assessment of total welfare, considering their physical and mental health and interconnection, culminating in social stability. Sano et al. (2020) enumerate that when a family cannot meet the following requirements in society, financial stability, nutrition security, psychosocial...

Housing, Profit, and Justice in California

Introduction California is among the best cities in the United States and the world at large, leading in movie production and property development. As such, San Francisco has experienced the effects of mass house and industrial growth. In addition, the activities resulting from its expansion have not only led to...

Laboratory Report on Visible Spectrophotometry of Nickel (II) Chloride

Introduction Spectrophotometry is an extensively and incredibly useful biochemical assay. It is used to verify an absorbing species identification or estimate the amount of a certain analyte in solutions (Akash and Rehman, 2020). When light is transmitted through a solution, some of the incident light is absorbed by the solution’s...

Solutions to Problems of Undocumented Immigrants in Texas

Introduction There are millions of immigrants across the United States, some being legal immigrants while others are illegal. This has created serious concern in the United States government. Illegal immigrants have been a significant problem facing the United States and caused a global uproar. They have been subjected to hostilities...

Addressing a Gap in Quality Care of Pulmonology Patients

Introduction Describing the Gap Nowadays, the number of patients with COPD is constantly growing. COPD is one of the primary reasons for the disability and death of patients. The costs associated with the treatment of exacerbations of the disease in the US rise year by year. All these factors make...

Mexican Americans Getting Stereotyped

Introduction A culture is a belief about a population passed down from one generation to the other. Mexican Americans or Latinos are occasionally stereotyped in the United States of America. The trend has made discrimination part of the everyday life of Latinos. It has developed to be a culture rooted...

Future Legal Issues in Education

Introduction Education is one of the core foundations for the development of any society. The educational initiatives in the United States including No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and the Individuals with Disability Act aim at ensuring the inclusion of all students in the accessing education. The educational policies and acts...

Pressure Ulcer Protocol in the Emergency Department

PICOT Question In patients that are identified as high risk for developing a pressure ulcer (P), does the implementation of a pressure ulcer protocol initiated in the emergency department (I) as compared to patients who receive usual care (C), reduce the incidence of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers (O) on day 3...

Cemex Cement Production and Distribution: Market Analysis

Marketing Research The cement market consists of any activity that is aimed at the manufacturing and distribution of cementitious material. Companies usually provided aggregates such as gravel and sand. Customer-specific products such as ready-mix concrete and asphalt are also part of the market. The market consists of several global manufacturers...

“Rose for Emily” and “Barn Burning” Comparison

Introduction William Faulkner is one of the great authors of American History. “Barn Burning” and “A Rose for Emily” are counted as his best pieces in American literature. Both stories reflect the values pertaining to a typical Old Southern American society. Faulkner, through these two stories, has very intellectually illustrated...

The Empathic Gift in Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Introduction Philip K. Dick might be one of the most significant authors of science fiction. His Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, published in 1968 for the first time, made a high impact on the genre. Dick discusses many issues through the prism of the atomic war threat making an...

Terrance Hayes’ “American Sonnet for My Past and Future Assassin”

Change is an inseparable part of existence, yet, when representing a deliberate intention, it becomes a strangely difficult step to take. In his 2018 poem, “American Sonnet for My Past and Future Assassin,” Terrance Hayes addresses the necessity to make a difficult choice, conveying the sense of lingering between inconsequential...

Are We Already Robots or Not Yet?

Introduction Information technology and the internet have a profound impact on the life and thinking of a modern man. Researchers face a decision themselves, which, in its simplest form, is whether to teach decision-making as best researchers’ know-how, or not to teach it. The article “How Facebook Ruins Friendships” discusses...

Authenticity of Products on Consumers

Introduction This marketing research tries to investigate how product authenticity impacts consumers to decision-making. Product authenticity refers to the validity or genuineness of a product being sold in the market. Consumers need to be assured that the product and services that they buy and consume are actually the original and...

Escaping the Endless Adolescence’ by Joseph Allen

Introduction Teenage is considered to be the most important stage of development. This stage has a very significant role in an individual’s physical and psychological development. It is commonly agreed that the kind of life that an individual lives at this stage has a great influence on the future life....

Monet’s “Arrival of the Normandy Train, Gare Saint-Lazare”

Claude Monet is one of the most revered painters of modern times. During his long life between the nineteenth and twentieth century, Monet has extensively contributed to shaping Impressionism. The movement spanned from 1830 to 1926 and influenced many significant avant-gardes of the twentieth century, including Fauvism and Cubism (Hanafy...

Social Media and Mental Health Relationship

Social media has become a vital part of society due to teenagers’ and adults’ widespread use of interaction sites. The advancement and widespread use of gadgets, for example, laptops, smartphones, and internet technologies, have resulted in an even more significant increase in social media use. In response to the rapid...

A Pig Heart Transplant for a Person: An Ethical Dilemma

Introduction An ethical dilemma is a scenario in which two aspects of a situation have a moral collision, and none is better than the other. An ethical dilemma is usually characterized by colliding views that have principled and moral backing, and thus, a choice is solely based on an individual’s...

Children with Special Needs: Inclusive Education

Children with disabilities encounter different challenges that might disorient their learning processes. Inclusive classrooms require teachers to examine learners with special needs and respond to them accordingly. During intakes, the established team should examine the capabilities, exceptionalities, and problems associated with such individuals. To manage the incoming exercise, the committee...

Human Vision: Physiological and Psychological Bases

Abstract This paper focuses on human vision and considers the various physiological and psychological bases of the system. It includes elements ranging from the structure of the human eye to an explanation of how each part of the organ performs a certain action. Ultimately, this analyzes how a person perceives...

AIDs as It Affects the Respiratory System

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, commonly referred to as AIDs, is a health condition that damages the immune system, rendering it incapable of defending the body against pathogens and disease-causing germs. Since AIDs syndrome is an advanced version of HIV infection, the two terms are frequently used interchangeably (Hosek & Pettifor, 2019)....

Communism: Theory and Reality

Abstract The ideas of Communism appeared in the middle of the nineteenth century and were expressed in the works of Carl Marx and Friedrich Engels. Communism presupposes the economic equality of all members of a classless society. Marx developed a three-step algorithm of the establishment of Communism. First, revolution removes...

Hispanic, Asian-Pacific, Jewish Populations’ Health

Hispanic Population The Hispanic population is a patriarchal, collectivist social group that emphasizes religion, family, and tradition. Combining traditional practices with modernized medicine is common. However, language barriers and lack of access to insurance or primary care providers lead to deferment of seeking professional help. Religion and tradition play a...

African American Family Assessment and Diagnosis

Family Composition and Roles John is an African American who is 40 years old and lives in the city of Miami. John has a wife Leah and three children: Frank who is 16 years, Donald 10 years, and Michelle 6 years. The family has two pets: Regge, the dog, and...

New Owner Business Plan: Swim in Greek

Statement of Purpose and Mission Swim in Greek (SIG) is an organization that sells sorority and fraternity Greek swimsuits. It offers its products online, which ensures that students from different locations are able to purchase them. This very business is likely to be rather successful because it does not have...

Special Education for Exceptional Children

“Emotionally disturbed” & “behaviorally disordered” The terms, ‘emotionally disturbed’ and ‘behaviorally disordered’ are associated with emotional impairment, conduct disorder, and behavioral challenges (handicap). Behaviorally handicapped children exhibit adverse behaviors making them considered handicapped. These children thus need special education for personal adjustment. Teachers perceive children who are behaviorally disordered to...

Nazi Propaganda Movies and Their Effects on Viewers

The use of cinema in the propagation of information and data analysis has been used ineffectively and effectively over time. The mass media is mandated to transfer information to the different levels and areas with various initial aims. However, the initial aims of message and information transfer may at times...

Ideal School from Educational Aspects

Introduction Education is among the most important investments that many people strife to achieve. As a result, the most secure inheritance that parents wish to leave their children is quality education. Parents leave their children material possessions but unless the children have good education, they fail to manage the material...

Maybelline Marketing Strategy: Analysis of Competitors & Target Market

Are you curious about the Maybelline marketing strategy? This essay analyzes the Maybelline target audience and marketing efforts. It starts with describing the Maybelline market share and competitors, then proceeds to the analysis of its market segmentation, marketing mix, and overall strategy. Read on to get inspired! Maybelline Competitors and...

Master’s Education in Nursing: Critical Components

Abstract A Master’s-level nurse has to create the setting in which the length of hospital stay drops, recovery rates rise, and communication flows uninhibitedly. For this purpose, the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials have been created. These statements help nurses define their roles and responsibilities in the...

Harrah’s Entertainment Inc.’s Strategic Management

This is a report on Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. and its strategic position on the market. The company owns casinos, hotels, and golf courses. Historically, Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. sought to compete against the industry’s leaders by increasing its presence in foreign markets. The company’s mission states: “Each of our brands will...

Influence of the Greek Art on Contemporary Artist Works

Ancient Greece represents one of the most investigated and at the same time enigmatic spheres of culture. No doubt, art, music, theatre, science, literature, painting, architecture, and democracy of the Greeks influences modern culture even many centuries after. Actually, the ancient Greeks introduced the humanities. The current government, architecture, literature,...

Childhood Obesity: Medical Complications and Social Problems

“Childhood obesity is best tackled at home through improved parental involvement, increased physical exercise, better diet and restraint from eating” ~ Bob Filner The advent of the new century has bought many social problems along with itself; this is mainly due to the changes that came in the traditional way...

Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice

As a rule, when we talk about combating racism and discrimination, we are talking about the system’s problems faced by people because of race or ethnicity, their sexual orientation, gender, or age. Thus, usually, we talk about racism, homophobia, sexism, and ageism. However, these concepts do not limit the scope...

Capital Punishment form Utilitarianism Perspective

Nowadays, the admittance of capital punishment presents a matter of multiple discussions. From the humanistic perspective, the death penalty appears to be immoral, as it violates the fundamental human right to life. The supporters of this opinion also highlight the fact that none acquire the right to kill someone without...

Research Designs: Quantitative Reasoning and Analysis

Introduction The choice of the research design is extremely important. Before getting down to conducting a research, it is important to review the information about possible research designs and state which one is the most appropriate for a particular case. All the problems which exist in the society are considered...

Telenursing: Is It in the Future?

Abstract Telenursing can help medical professionals to improve their time-efficiency. Moreover, this practice is useful for monitoring the health of patients and identifying possible risks. Finally, the application of technologies can reduce the costs that patients and medical institutions should bear. Nevertheless, there are significant challenges such as the threats...

The Concept of Constructivism Theory

Definition of Constructivism Constructivism is a theory that is based on scientific study and observation on how people learn. It is an approach to learning that states that people construct their knowledge and understanding of the world by experiencing events and reflecting on those events (McLeod, 2019). This is by...

Decreasing Congestive Heart Failure Readmission

Specialty Focus The purpose of DNP program is to train nurses on nursing leadership and evidence-based practice. The program focuses on key competencies in advanced nursing practice. Essential competencies for nurse students depend on practice specialty; for instance, the curriculum for students training in nurse leadership will have more content...

Silver Linings Playbook Film Studies

The movie Silver Linings Playbook (2012) is about a man who is diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Following the movie “The Fighter,” about the grueling journey of a boxer and his drug-addicted sibling, David O. Russell took up the adaptation of Matthew Quick’s tragicomic novel. The subject of the book is...

Child Abuse and Its Impact on Society

Introduction One of the most pressing issues affecting children worldwide is child abuse, which has garnered the attention of countries internationally. Parents, teachers, clergy, neighbors, and others can all harm children. An investigation of the case of Stacy, a youngster who was molested, is the focus of this paper. During...

Agriculture and Food Safety in the United States

U.S. Farm Bill Agriculture in the United States has grown progressively centralized during the previous three decades. Since 2015, the bulk of the foodstuffs has come from farms with yearly revenues exceeding one million dollars (Lehrer, 2020). Generally, federal policy has aided with consolidation and the homogeneity and unfairness that...

Operant Conditioning: Behavior Management

Introduction The learning process involves acquiring knowledge, emotional responses, attitudes, motor skills, and values. Psychologists believe that learning is a long-lasting transformation in behavior because of an experience. Scientists and psychologists throughout the years have discovered various learning theories. Some learning happens automatically without people being able to notice it...

COVID-19 and 9.11 Attacks: The Impact on Aviation

Introduction The recent history has seen two topical examples of severe disruptions within the aviation industry. The first one occurred at the very beginning of the 21st century when the United States fell victim to one of the largest terrorist attacks in history on September 11, 2001. This attack was...

Cognitive Load Theory in Psychology

Plass, J. L., & Kalyuga, S. (2019). Four ways of considering emotion in cognitive load theory Cognitive load theory is a psychological model which describes two elements of human memory: long-term and working memory. It is a good background for describing emotions, and this article describes the four ways how...

Health Promotion: Ms. Sally’s Case

Introduction Ms. Sally, the client, is 83 years old and resides with her sister and cat at home. She has had spinal stenosis and types two diabetes for 15 years. To control her condition, she takes Humulin N 20 u SC every morning before eating breakfast. Due to her inability...

Sustainable Development Goals: Partnerships for the Goals

The global community is presently grappling with numerous challenges arising from past industrial, economic, and agricultural activities. Some of the recorded trends, such as the loss of habitats and overuse of natural resources, have made the global environment unsustainable and incapable of supporting future human life. To ensure that the...

Low Self-Esteem and Psychological Disorders

Introduction Self-esteem is a critical factor in the overall well-being of mental health. Self-esteem influences an individual’s resilience to stressful situations and ability to adapt to different conditions and stages in life, which affects their emotional state. Individuals with high self-esteem tend to be proactive, confident, happy, and outgoing, while...

The Album “Violator” by Depeche Mode

Abstract The paper explores the history of the band called Depeche Mode and its influence on the world of music through the album “Violator”. The research is based on the biographical facts, interviews of critics and celebrities. The findings show that the impact Depeche Mode made on the history and...