Personal Health Information and Privacy Issues

According to American Psychological Association Practice Organization, the HIPAA privacy rule regulates the patient’s personal information use. A patient’s PHI (personal health information) must not be disclosed without authorization for treatment, payment, or health care operations (American psychological association practice organization, p.1). In the case of death (due to committed...

Managing the Employees’ Online Presence

Since almost everyone is now accessing the Internet, employers are utilizing potential candidates’ online presence to determine suitability for employment. Oliu, Brusaw, and Alred (2021) are advising job seekers and current employees on the best strategies to manage their online presence. Recruiters constantly scrutinize any content posted by or about...

Algorithmic Bias of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly developing technology which is already extensively utilized in different spheres, yet it has many considerable issues, and one of the most important of them is algorithmic bias. Any type of machine learning is based on exposing computers to large arrays of data and training...

Conjoined Twins and Intervention Options

The challenging case of the conjoined twins presents a situation that no parent should ever find themselves in. However, this case also presents clear outcomes that the twins’ parents were familiarized with. While the case did require an intervention from the court, the parents had a chance to make this...

Skepticism in Philosophy and Its Role in Life

Skepticism refers to a philosophical idea based on the doubt that reliable knowledge of the objective world is possible. Throughout history, there were significant changes in the development of philosophy associated with the crisis of democratic society and the increase of dictatorial regimes throughout. As a result, people attempted to...

Social Darwinism as an Idea by Herbert Spencer

Social Darwinism is a broad group of beliefs that applied Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection to explain specific sociopolitical and economic viewpoints. As mentioned in the discussion, supporters of this theory believed in “survival of the fittest,” which holds that only certain people rise to positions of prominence in...

Analysis of the Sanctuary Movement

The Sanctuary Movement recently reemerged under the Trump era as a popular movement to protect and defend the communities of color and immigrants. It is stated that “in the Trump era, activists are once again proclaiming various institutional spaces—from college campuses to entire cities—sites of sanctuary” (Barron, 190). However, it...

Native American’s Oregon Recipe

Native American recipes are techniques used by early American tribes to prepare foods rich in nutrition. In this case, the main discussion will focus on the Oregon native recipe, specifically, camas, a type of root used for medication and nutrition. Camas is among the most important traditional foods among the...

The Role of the Nazi Ideology in World War II

World War II is the bloodiest conflict humanity has ever witnessed. It lasted four years and resulted in the death of millions of people globally. The invention of new arms, more complex fire systems, aviation and tanks became the factors influencing the severity of war and heavy losses. However, WWII...

K-Pop Stans as a Threat to the President

The article describes how the tickets for 2020 Donald Trump presidential campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, were sold out to a group of people that had no intention of coming. Instead, they intended to embarrass the ex-president, who would speak to an empty arena. Although the article expresses concern about...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Immigration in Canada and the US

The US and Canada remain the most significant, most attractive points of immigration for many, but the two countries handle immigration differently. Currently, it is easier to immigrate to Canada as the country has several pre-set pathways for new arrivals and a well-functioning online immigration application system (Chand & Tung,...

Samuel Tilden in the Controversial 1876 Election

After the Civil War, a period of political instability began in the United States. The country faced the task of restoring relations between the federal government and southern states, and this political process was called Reconstruction (Conlin, 2013). By the 1876 election, the population was significantly tired of Reconstruction and...

Children’s Language Development: The Role of Transcripts

I hope you are doing well. I have chosen 24-month-old child transcript and I counted that there are 74 morphemes out of 74 utterances. The MLU figure which the division of 74 to 72 is 1.02 which drives the conclusion that the child needs evaluation as for his age the...

Communication With People With Disabilities

Disabled people are a special group in need of socio-cultural and psychological support. However, any person wants to feel on an equal footing with other people; this applies in particular to the disabled. Therefore, during communication with a person with disabilities, any careless word can offend them and forever discourage...

Social Development: The Institutional Perspective

The deep social crisis that has gripped the world demonstrates the crucial role of the quality of the institutional environment in confronting and overcoming the recurrence of anti-social phenomena. Under these conditions, the thesis of institutional transformations as the core of social development is essential (Midgley, 1999). Recognition of the...

Microsoft and Apple, Inc.: Leadership Styles

Microsoft and Apple operate in the same market and have the highest shares in it, competing for decades. While there is a strong imprint on their strategies left by Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, the companies continue to change and adapt to the modern reality. Understanding how this process occurs...

Resistance in Psychotherapy by Beutler et al.

While it is assumed that people strive to be healthy, some tend to be reluctant to receive practitioners’ advice on treatment. In their article, Beutler et al. (2002) discuss people who express resistant behavior and describe its conceptual issues, measurement, and effects on treatment outcomes. The report by Beutler et...

Modernism Impact on Religion Role in Person Life

Modernism has reshaped many societal values, and no faith has escaped its influence. The place that religions take in society has been shifting over the past century as globalization disrupted the traditional way of living in most communities (Gauthier, 2019). I think that there are people who are still drawn...

International Sales, Contracts, and Payment Methods

Contracts, a tool for regulating and managing commercial operations in a distinct world economic market, play an increasingly significant part in international traffic. A network of increasingly varied international agreements in this area has to be developed and expanded due to the growth of international economic interactions, including those between...

The American Government and Civics Test: Impact on the Right to Vote

The council member’s proposal would require all voters to take and provide proof of passing an American Government and Civics test in order to be eligible to vote during the election. This is a good proposal because it helps to ensure that only those who have shown they have the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Main Features of the Surrealist Movement

Surrealism emerged around the same time as German Expressionism, in the 1920s. The French writer André Breton is considered the founder of this artistic movement. He was the first to outline his vision of Surrealism in his manifesto. Generally accepted that this movement is based on a combination of the...

The National Arctic Reserve: Wildlife Preservation

The reserves of the Arctic, including the National Arctic Reserve, are places untouched by human, harsh, and wonderful nature. In this territory, economic activity is prohibited in every possible way; industry also cannot be located here, with the exception of small farms of indigenous people. The primary purpose of such...

Researching and Analysis of Survey Methods

Surveys are one of the most common research methods that allow directly getting information of a different nature from the respondent. The survey belongs to the group of quantitative methods, which makes it possible to apply various mathematical methods to analyze the results obtained (Glastonbury & MacKean, 2020). The instrument...

Records Management System of IIROC

IIROC is the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada, and it oversees and protects Canadian investment firms. Like any organization, it has many records of various activities that are necessary for business management and the systematization of information. Naturally, they have a records management system that ensures the efficiency of...

Hoeganaes Corporation’s Fire Safety Assessment

Introduction In 2011, Hoeganaes Corporation in Gallatin reported three incidents related to the violation of the fire safety protocols. Considering the CBS (2011) report, the primary risk associated with the corporation is dealing with a highly flammable steel powder. Thus, when contacted by moisture, combustible metal dust can produce hydrogen...

Why Is Airport Ownership by the Local Municipality Advantageous?

Introduction In modern times, airports are present in almost all cities, so their proper management presents an important task for governments. A significant role plays in how an airport’s ownership is organized. In some states, such as the UK and Australia, officials arrange the privatization of major airports (Morris, 2022)....

Aspects of Nursing and Types of Data

Introduction Closed-ended questions are a category of questions for which the respondent chooses prepared answer options. Open-ended questions expect respondents to answer the questions in more detail. Nurses can assess whether a patient is healthy using critical thinking skills. There are two types of data: subjective and objective (Faubion, 2022)....

The Cognitive-Behavioral Training in Nursing

Nursing students and professional nurses cannot avoid the pressure of their work and the number of obligations to be followed. Thus, it is recommended to investigate and implement interventions to help nurses reduce stress and organize their practice properly. Regarding the offered critical appraisal and the authors’ findings, cognitive-behavioral skills...

Abortion With Limitations: Analysis

Introduction Since abortion remains a divisive issue due to the presence of divergent opinions, permitting it with specific limitations is a good decision. Abortion needs to be illegalized unless a woman’s life is at risk, the pregnancy has resulted from rape, or criminal activities are involved. Thesis Statement With abortion...

Analyzing the Evolution of Data Visualization

The evaluation of the data gained through the analysis of two information resources requires a detailed examination of the subject as well as the results gained. Initially we must determine the main supporting research question that is presented in the material. The underlying idea is the evaluation of the Du...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Image-Processing System and Its Benefits

The present time has brought many new and valuable innovations not only in the field of data exchange but also in auditing, which significantly facilitates the process of record-keeping and the creation of adequately compiled databases. In addition, computerization has ushered in a new era in service and image processing...

“The Pillow Book and the List of Hateful Things” by Sei Shonagon

Introduction The Pillow Book and the List of Hateful Things, written by Sei Shonagon, is a portrayal of the Heian culture in regard to elitist approaches to etiquette, social interactions, and gatherings. Namely, one of the hateful elements that the author highlights is “One is telling a story about old...

Aspects of the Transaction Demand

Introduction Both transaction demand and asset demand refer to an essential sum that a person or business has to possess. However, they differ in the purpose of having money on balance. Transaction demand is the entirety of money that a certain organization of individual needs for completing transactions. Asset demand...

Nurse’s Work Schedules, Staffing Data, and Patient Mortality

Introduction In the study, there were three types of variables: nurses’ work schedules, staffing data, and patient mortality. Work schedule variables were derived from self-report standardization measures referred to as the Standard Shiftwork Index; staffing data were provided by hospitals via the American Hospital Association Annual Survey; mortality was calculated...

Sampling Theory and Generalizability in Research

Introduction I concur with the discussion thread that generalizability and sampling theory are essential components of research (Ford & Johnson, 2021). Sampling theory is a fundamental part of research since it aids in selecting a population sample that is representative of the whole population which ensures that the study’s findings...

Modern Discrimination: Racism in the USA

In the USA, there still exists widespread racism despite campaigns against the vice. People are subjected to discrimination because of differences in factors such as gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, culture, and political belief (Hebl et al. 258). Older people are at a higher risk of being discriminated against...

Investment in Training Is on the Rise, but So Is Ineffective L&D

The article by David Phillips introduces the dangers of the employee training investments based on the survey of various businesses. The research surveyed 600 Learning & Development (L&D) and HR professionals from large UK organisations with a global footprint (Phillips, 2022). Despite best intentions of the companies, nearly all employers...

Understating Baltimore: The Visual Politics

Baltimore is regarded as one iconic yet fascinating city. Some exciting features that have continued to attract most visitors are the people’s culture, infrastructural development, and cuisine in the region (Snyder, 2020). The members of the Baltimore community are hospitable and accommodative. In terms of development, the region has a...

The Air Cargo Industry Security

Introduction It is difficult to achieve 100% compliance with the safety requirements of air cargo transportation, but it is possible. This will require significant investments in inspection equipment and personnel, as well as substantial tracking systems and documentation assets. It will also need a high level of communication and coordination...

Slavery’s Legacy in Kindred by Octavia Butler

“Kindred” offers a thought-provoking perspective on the complexities of slavery. Octavia Butler examines power, control, and the ramifications of one’s choices in chapters 7 and 8, “The Rope,” and the epilogue. Through her writing, Butler critiques the legacy of slavery and its ongoing impact on African Americans. Her characters and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cost of Having to Maintain Research and Development

Introduction The primary reason why the majority of organizations tend to curb their training initiatives is the increasing cost of having to maintain research and development. This means that quite a few businesses do not have long-term plans regarding employee training simply because of a lack of monetary resources (Na-Nan...

Saving the Exotics of the Ghanaian Culture

Introduction In the XXI century, the process of globalization has accelerated to an amazingly fast pace, affecting more and more states, and Ghana is no exception. Because of the process of cultures fusion, which is currently taking place due to globalization, the Ghanaian people are experiencing major issues related to...

What Did Trump and Putin Tell Each Other?

A recent article authored by the editorial board of The New York Times discusses an unannounced meeting between the United States President Donald Trump and the Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this July (“What did Trump and Putin,” 2017). The authors’ main point is that it is unclear what the...

The Health Problems that LGBT People Face

Until recently, nursing policy organizations failed to take notice of the numerous health issues encountered by LGBTQ people. The American Academy of Nursing declared its support of the community only in 2012, which was two years after the Institute of Medicine had advocated for LGBTQ-related research (Shattell & Chinn, 2014)....

Lesson Plan: Solving Equations and Inequalities

Student Objective The main objective of the lesson is for students to understand what are “linear equations and inequalities in one variable, including equations with coefficients represented by letters” (Engage NY, 2014). In other words, they need to grasp how the linear inequalities appear in a general way, how they...

Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea: Captain Nemo’s Changes

Captain Nemo is a sea researcher, inventor, and owner of the “Nautilus” submarine. This character is the embodiment of a true hero, courageous, decisive, and fair. Aronnax, a French naturalist, is a participant of the marine expedition organized for the capture or destruction of an unknown creature of gigantic proportions...

Nursing Values: Empathy and Critical Thinking

The first nursing value I believe to be rather important is empathy. Only by being empathic nurses can showcase the true value of compassionate healthcare services. By applying empathy, I am able to build a relationship with the patient and understand how the latter feels (Persily, 2014). As a nurse,...

Social Construct of Ethnicity and Ethnic Conflict

Ethnicity can be taken to mean a social creation that generally separates people into diverse social groupings based on definite distinctiveness like a common language, culture and traditions, history, and geography, among others. It is arguably true to state that ethnic conflicts experienced today especially in most African countries are...

“Gross National Happiness in Bhutan” Article by Kelly

There is no doubt that the level of happiness can be listed among the most important factors that are taken into consideration to estimate the prosperity in a certain country. As it is clear from the article written by Kelly (2012), the authorities in Bhutan take this principle into account...

Young Children Show the Bystander Effect in Helping Situations

The article “Young Children Show the Bystander Effect in Helping Situations” by Plötner et al. has discussed the patterns of children’s behavior in situations when the surrounding people need help. The researchers have come up to the conclusion that if a bystander, able to provide help instead of the child,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ableism in Schools of Georgia State

In 2015, the state of Georgia was found to segregate children with behavioral problems and disabilities from their school peers. The state had a separate educational program for such children; approximately 5,000 were involved in it (RBS NewsHour, 2015). Within this program, children were excluded from their mainstream classes and...

“How to Think Like a Sociologist” by Sternheimer

In her article, Karen Sternheimer claims that in the present day, more and more people are taking sociology classes in their higher institutions. It is essential to learn how to think like a sociologist not only to gain higher grades in university but also to develop an entirely new image...

Harry Potter and the Online Fandom: The Story Continues

The Harry Potter fandom is among the biggest ones in the world, with new fans joining every day. Since there is always the yearning for more stories, the book’s official site, Pottermore, and the original home for Harry-Potter-themed fan fiction, MuggleNet, are the most well-known sites for fans’ gathering (“Discover...

Power Sources for Unmanned Vehicles

Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cell It produces electrical power through an electrochemical reaction, which involves the oxidation of hydrogen. During the oxidation reaction, hydrogen atoms react with the oxygen atoms to form water, and it is in the course of the reaction that electrons are freed. The electrons flow via an external...

Setting in “Passing” Novel by Nella Larsen

Setting is a critical element of any story and can be used by the author for various purposes. For instance, in Passing by Nella Larsen, this tool is one of the factors creating the mood and helping readers to understand the main message of the author. The whole story takes...

Obesity Among the Adult Population: Research Planning

The investigation of the problem implies a specific setting. Considering the hypothesis which states that the improvement of the healthcare will contribute to the better outcomes related to obesity rates, the most common approaches used in the given sphere could be considered the main aspects of the investigation. These become...

Self-Assessment of Cultural Competence in Nursing

This self-assessment assignment has revealed some urgent areas to improve. The facility I work at has no policies healthcare professionals must follow when dealing with culturally and linguistically diverse populations. Some general guidelines concerning certain processes and operations include some reference to cultural competence issues. However, there is no particular...

US Medical Systems: Advocacy and Political Interventions

Healthcare in the United States is widely criticized for its low efficiency and high cost. As a result, the American government is spending billions of dollars on healthcare with little improvement for the situation in the medical system. The goal of this paper is to discuss advocacy and political interventions...

Emergency Preparedness: Continuity Plan

The first step of the emergency planning process is assessing the existing risks (Lang, 2017). The risks Harris County is exposed to include natural hazards, such as fire hazards and hurricanes, and homeland security events, such as terrorist attacks (Harris County, n.d.). It is possible to say that the likelihood...

Effective Delegation in Nursing

Effective delegation is one of the most important components of the RN’s practice. Unfortunately, the delegation model is still neglected or employed improperly. There are various barriers to effective delegation but they can be removed, and the delegation model can be utilized. First, it is necessary to consider major elements...

How Psychology Contributed to the Legal System

Psychology involves and contributes to the process of behavioral analysis, thoughts, feelings, perceptions, as well as emotions within personalities and the general society. The lawyers concern for psychology as well as psychologist’s involvement in law is traceable back in a lengthy period. It is critical to observe that questions of...

Childhood Trauma and Crisis Intervention

Children may be affected by “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder”. This is “a long lasting distressful emotional disorder that is triggered by a harsh threat that produces feelings of helplessness, and extreme fear” (Hall, 2011, p.1). A person affected by the “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder” may experience hallucinations, recurrent thoughts, dreams...

Online Personality: An Unexpected Transformation

The realm of the online environment provides its users with an unprecedented opportunity to create a new persona that would represent them in the digital setting. As a result, a lot of people tend to change their communication manner and demeanor when participating in online discussions. I agree with the...

Development of the Esports Entertainment Industry

Esports became an increasingly global entertainment sphere that brings millions of users online. It is expected that 500 million people will become involved in esports in 2020 (SevenVentures, 2017). Based on revenue sources, the primary target market for esports is sponsorship & advertising, which unites game publishers and sponsors who...

The Patient-Centered Care in the Nursing Practice

In order to ensure patient-centered care, nurses need to utilize an interprofessional approach by adhering to the five aims of meaningful use. By focusing on a patient, the quality of care can be significantly improved. The most important criteria are the aims of engaging patients and care coordination because the...

Stark Street Pizza Company’s Business Analysis

While conducting business, it is important to take into account the strengths and weaknesses. A firm should focus on strengths and create new advantages that competitors are lacking. Stark Street Pizza Company is a small restaurant in Portland which has a small regional footprint. Nevertheless, it has been around since...

Information Systems of Apple Inc.

Apple Inc. is one of the leading producers of IT products with its most prominent products such as iPhone, iPad, Macintosh, iTunes, as well as many other successful projects. The use of effective information systems is the company’s competitive advantage (Hwang & Chen, 2017). iCloud was developed in 2011 as...

The Sociological Issues Analysis

Sociologists can study human populations based on different parameters, such as region and race. In the United States, the biggest groups by race include non-Hispanic white at around 60 percent and Latinos at 18.3 percent (Noël, 2018). African Americans comprise 13 percent of the total American population (Noël, 2018). In...

The Portrayal of Columbus in American History

The controversial representation of Christopher Columbus and his role in American history caused the emergence of two opposing stances. Hence, some people emphasize the importance of this historical figure that contributed to the discovery of the continent, whereas others suppose that his involvement brought more harm than good (Shafer &...

The Fad Phenomenon Analysis

Fads are an example of collective behavior shaped by trends within a certain culture, which is why they are extremely fascinating. Such objects achieve short-lived popularity, and then quickly disappear once the novelty factor is gone. The Bad Fads Museum’s official website features a list of the most popular fads,...

How to Eat Oysters

There is an old saying that eating oysters is the same as eating money. The connections of the product to luxury stems from the high costs of its production associated with its complexity (Floyd). Because of this, many people are intimidated by oysters and develop misconceptions that prevent them from...

Rogers and a Therapeutic Relationship

My life experience allowed me to meet and get closer to a number of different people. However, not all relationships were as meaningful as the one with my best friend, with whom I have been together for more than eight years. Along with many other people, during those years, we...

The Role of Nursing Code of Ethics

A nurse’s actions should always be guided by the Nursing Code of Ethics. However, one of the situations related to this code that can be observed in the future is associated with misinterpreting the role of nurses in relationships with patients. Nurses are expected to focus on people’s values, culture,...

“Miss Evers’ Boys” by Feldshuh

Introduction “Miss Evers’s Boys” is a film that is based on a true story known as a Tuskegee Syphilis study. This study was conducted between 1932 and 1972 to explore the natural course of syphilis among African-American males in the US. Miss Evers, the nurse, was instructed to tell men...

Assessing the Reasons behind Store Closings

Assessing the reasons behind store closings can highlight important industry trends and market changes. In the selected article, Stebbins and Sauter (2018) show that all of the retailers chose to close their stores to reduce expenses. Another similarity between the businesses is that the products they sell can be purchased...

Pop Culture as a Potent Globalization Tool

Popular culture can be defined as a set of values, practices, beliefs, and objects that dominate and the moment and are shared by people across the world (Ousborne, 2015). Today, because of the rise of media, social networks, and the Internet, the given phenomenon acquires outstanding importance as it influences...

The Importance of World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day is an annual global health day aimed at supporting people diagnosed with AIDS and sharing resources on preventing it. Millions of people worldwide live with this syndrome, and it is vital to develop strategies to allow them to have fulfilled lives despite their health condition. This essay...

The Impact of Genes on Behavior

The selected topic is the impact of genes on behavior. This topic is interesting due to the numerous debates on whether there is a correlation between genes and personality or behavior. Critically, there are studies that claim that twins often have the same behaviors. Considering this, therefore, one can argue...

Stephanie Syjuco’s Art Installation “Raiders” Analysis

The RAIDERS installation by Stephanie Syjuco is an example of how the art of the past can today be transformed into the art of the present, using modern technologies. She created two-dimensional replicas of the ancient Asian vases, utilizing the images that she found on the Internet. I believe she...

Origins of Enkidu’s Morality

The nature of morality is a complex subject that is yet to be fully answered. It can be argued that some of its simpler forms exist in species other than humans and form an indispensable part of a well-functioning social unit. On the other hand, traditions and communal norms might...

Ethical Use of Social Media: Users’ Anonymity and the Inviolability of Their Personal Data

Gathering information about social media users, their preferences, demographic characteristics, and other features for advertising or maintaining competition is a natural phenomenon in today’s marketing environment. The more successful a website integrates targeted promotional materials, the more profits owners can generate. Regarding the ethics of this practice, the key issues...

Servant of Leadership: A Case

It is evident that coworkers overreacted to the holiday card by reporting Yorick to the HR department. It is important to understand that the given individual is a foreigner with a different set of values, which means that he might not be fully familiar with the strict societal awareness regarding...

The Lifespan Theories by Erikson

This discussion deals with Erikson’s psychosocial development theory and its application to social work practice. According to Gross (2020), it is viewed as one of the most significant lifespan theories focusing primarily on social interactions. Erickson’s framework allows one to look at development throughout life and study the role of...

Why Self-Plagiarism Is Not a Form of Cheating

Cheating generally refers to unfair practices in whatever activity one chooses to perform. Most of the time, it would include making the work easier or faster without following the rules and laws associated with the deed. While plagiarism means using someone else’s work or ideas without proper referencing, self-plagiarism refers...

Healthcare Consumerism: Factors

Healthcare consumerism is a newly emerging trend in the modern healthcare system of the United States. It is stated that there are several definitions of the term, but the most valid one is based on providing autonomy for individuals (Latimer, Roscamp, & Papanikitas, 2017). In other words, it is a...

Ethical Standards in the Westboro Baptist Church Case

Ethics and religion are interrelated concepts, but this synergy remains inadequately explained. Moreover, this issue’s final point cannot be reached since both concepts are relative and not measured by standard methods. The Westboro Baptist Church case reveals a controversial decision allowing religious activists to express their perspective at a funeral....

What Is Art For? Art for Life’s Sake by Dissanayake

Understanding the essence of art and the perspectives of its evaluation by people is not always easy. In comparison to other educators of art, the approaches demonstrated by Dissanayake are the most truthful and the most interesting. One of the first claims was the idea that art could encompass all...

Family Pedigree, Human Traits, and Genetic Testing

Modern genetics allow people to predict the appearance and possible abnormalities of future generations. The most prevalent human traits are brown eyes and dark hair, while the genes of blue eyes and fair hair are recessive (Lin et al., 2016). Moreover, such characteristics as freckles and dimples have the dominant...

Hypovolemic Shock and Septic Shock

CC was suffering from hypovolemic shock. It was brought about by the sudden loss of body fluids, which were caused by the frontal contusion, and fractured clavicle and ribs resultant from the car accident. An array of symptoms can also confirm the shock that he exhibited. These include rapid heartbeat,...

Unethical Business Research in Pharmaceutics: Pfizer

Ethical research practices bear exceptionally high significance in bioethics since the products developed within the pharmaceutical industry will define the efficacy of managing public health issues. Thus, ethical misconduct may become a matter of life and death in some cases. The case of Pfizer can be deemed as a stellar...

Three Paradigms of Sociological Thinking

Human relationships as a concept have always been one of the most resonant and controversial subjects for discussion. To classify some of the underlying sociological and behavioral patterns, scholars tried to define major theories that could potentially describe how people could interact as socially adjusted beings (Casler & Du Gay,...

Translating Research Findings to Nursing Practice

In quantitative research, a variety of research designs are applied in order to provide nurses with important numerical information on relationships between phenomena, as well as on causes and effects of certain processes. Typical quantitative research designs that are actively used in nursing studies usually include non-experimental and experimental designs....

The Second Amendment: District of Columbia v. Heller

This highly controversial Second Amendment has been viewed as potentially harmful numerous times over the past couple of decades, although the Second Amendment right remains still. According to Stevens (2019), the ruling of the Supreme Court to recognize the right to possess a firearm was “the most clearly incorrect decision.”...

Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Public Health

Qualitative and quantitative studies are the two main approaches to conducting research on a wide variety of topics. Quantitative research is usually deductive – that is, its conclusions are more specific and less encompassing than its base assumptions. It focuses on “measuring variables and testing relationships between variables” in numerical...

International Airports in the USA and Malaysia

Charlotte/Douglas International Airport The student’s discussion board post related to factors that influence Charlotte/Douglas International Airport’s success seems to be rather deep, clear, and trustworthy. The author discusses not only the elements that positively influence the airport but also those that hinder its success. Relevant sources and accurate numbers confirm...

Patient Identification Techniques

Correct patient identification is critical for an effective treatment process. Identification is the process of matching patients with the treatment plans and transmitting data on their identity without errors throughout the process. In the United States, an algorithmic approach to identification is widespread, and in some institutions, a biometric one...

TCP, IP and the OSI: Data Communications

When implementing a network, one should pay closer attention to how different devices are communicating with each other. The utilization of either the TCP/IP or the OSI model depends on the ultimate specifications of the network and connectivity opportunities established by network administrators. It is important to mention that the...

The History of American-Mexican War

US history is marred with controversial episodes that raise a lot of debate. One of these events occurred in the 1800s during the American-Mexican war. The background of this war is that Texas had gained independence from Mexico and was a slave state, making the US hesitant to admit it...

Review of “You Know Nothing, John Doe!” Article

In his article, “You know nothing, John Doe!” R. S. King claims that despite the increased availability of information in the information age, the public remains ignorant or misinformed of relevant and important facts. For this, the author blames the media, both social and traditional, deliberately presenting certain people, cultures,...

Ancient Egypt and the 21st Century

Have you ever thought of the Egyptians who lived thousands of years ago? It might seem that people of the 21st century are absolutely different and can have nothing in common with them but in fact, our lives are influenced by ancient craftsmen. The culture and art of Ancient Egypt...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Globalization and Technology in Health Care

The key change that has to be implemented to improve the process and quality of health care is further reliance on globalization and technology. The rationale behind this proposal is that many organizations nowadays are trying their best to adhere to the increasing pace of innovation, and only a few...

Effect of Nurse Staffing on Patient Recovery Time

The research paper discusses how nurse staffing affects patient recovery time. The identified PICOT question is “In hospital patients, what is the effect of appropriate nurse staffing compared to a large number of patients per nurse on reduction of patient recovery time within three months period?”. The research question is...

Message From Jeff Bezos to Amazon Shareholders

At first sight, Jeff Bezos’ preference of narratives to PowerPoint presentations may seem to violate some principles of good writing. According to Bailey (2008), a well-written material has to be easy to read, meanwhile, a six-page memo is not. Neither is such a writing likely to attract the reader, which...

Customer Scope of Influence and Technology Effect

It is important to understand and establish an effective scope of influence between companies and customers in modern business. Social media is one of the contributing factors that identify the customers’ scope of influence. It has already changed how people develop their business, and now, social media helps extend the...

Resources for Nursing Ethical Decision Making

The American Nurses Association (ANA) Center for Ethics provides an explanation, justification and serves nurses as resourceful aids for nurses’ facing challenging ethical dilemmas. Other articles available in the clinical practice include social justice that renders protection by offering patients safety and health. End-of-life Issues is an online source that...

Nursing Interventions Overview

Unjustified patient expectations are one of the difficulties nurses confronted. Patients have very high expectations; however, nurses cannot always satisfy these demands due to budget and personnel constraints. This puts an enormous burden on nurses, who are often taking care of several patients. Hearing their patients are dissatisfied with their...

The Connection Between Religion and the Government

The interaction between religion and the state is a discourse that is often associated with contradictions on both sides regarding points of contact. Given the distinctive governance mechanisms and resource bases, these concepts cannot exist under identical laws. As a result, an enforced connection between religion and the government may...

Endangered Linguistic Minorities in Italy

The issue on which I have selected to focus belongs to the linguistic anthropology area of social sciences. Linguistic anthropology is a field of study that explores the links between groups of populations, their cultures, and languages (University of Florida, n.d.). The specific issue of this science in which I...

Isolation Streak Plate Technique

Purpose of the Experiment The purpose of this experiment is to isolate two cultures. To isolate the two cultures, an isolation streak plate technique was used (Carolina Distance Learning 3). In a microbiology experiment, the isolation streak plate technique helps to isolate a pure culture from a mixed culture. The...

The Bandwagon Fallacy: Maybelline Great Lash Mascara

Maybelline is a leading skin-care, cosmetics, and personal care products company based in New York. The company sells makeup products, including mascara known as “Maybelline Great Lash Mascara.” The company advertises this product in Teen Vogue as “America’s Favorite Mascara.” This is an example of an advertisement that employs the...

Purchase Decision Model: Decision-Making Process

Introduction The complicated decision-making process when buying new items is important for customers. It can be facilitated through the adoption of essential marketing concepts (Kumar et al., 2017). I will explain my own purchase decision of the Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2. Problem recognition The first task is to figure...

Ellis Island and Its Historical Significance

Ellis Island is one of the most important historic sites in the United States. It is known for its role in immigration since it was the place where people from other countries arrived. Therefore, its significance is explained by the meaning of the location for the newcomers as it was...

Internal Controls: Income Statement and Balance Sheet

A new wholesale electronics business would demand an accurate accounting and inventory control system. Having fewer HD televisions in the warehouse may result from an oversight in physical tally or neglect to undertake periodic inventory counts. As a strategy to prevent the loss, the loading dock doors should be safe...

Vistaprint: Interview With a Company’s Employee

To complete this assignment, I sent a request to a large company Vistaprint, which is engaged in the creation and selling of printing products. I got the answer from the assistant of Elyse Burns, who is Senior Digital Marketing Manager (Burns, n. d.). Despite the fact that the information was...

The Influence of Work Climate, Job Placement on Employee Performance

Each company strives for success using different instruments and tools. One of the critical factors to increase performance is the correct work distribution aimed at employee preferences. The placement of employees is essential for the company’s productivity factor. This process implies the rational allocation of work considering employees’ individual characteristics,...

Prejudice Reduction Strategy “The Fast Friends”

A good prejudice reduction strategy is the fast friends technique that was developed for people from different social groups. This method helps reduce prejudice among people because it implies strangers asking one another questions that allow them to develop closeness. Moreover, the questions with the fast friends method encourage people...

Harmful Impact of Climate Change

Climate change is one of the most notable environmental problems that humanity is facing today. The United Nations (UN) defines it as ‘long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns’, which are affected by both natural cycles and human activities (United Nations). Global warming is one of the major consequences of...

The Effects of Complacency on Business

Many organizations have failed because they are unable to keep up with the needs of the market and adapt to the changes of the rapidly evolving market. The tendency to be too complacent leads to less innovation, especially if the company dominates the market. This leads to laxity, which in...

Biogenesis vs. Spontaneous Generation

Biogenesis is a term that was coined by British biologist Thomas Henry Huxley in 1870, describing the principle that all living organisms derive from organisms similar to themselves. The principle has been introduced in contradiction with the concept of spontaneous generation. Spontaneous generation, abiogenesis, refers to the idea that living...

Pluto: The Status in the Galaxy

Pluto has been a topic of many arguments for scholars during the centuries and has caused numerous debates. Through the paper flows the idea of the inconstancy and the motion of the science that result in changes of astronomer’s perceptions. Therefore, the provided article observes the events and discoveries that...

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‘My Mother Enters the Work Force’: Rita Dove’s Perspective on Motherhood

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International Monetary Fund’s Conditionalities and Neoliberal Measures in Argentina

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Analysis of Race-to-the-Top Strategy

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The Burial of a Navy White Hat

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Abraham Lincoln’s Approach to Reconstruction

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Change Understood by Parmenides and Anaximenes

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Proper Segmentation for Effective Marketing

Naturally, for effective marketing performance, it is vital to choose the targeted audience that could be interested in the product based on the demographics, age, and needs. The segmentation method is designed to form the advertising strategy for each chosen group to achieve fruitful outcomes (Thomas, 2021). That is why...

The Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Housing Market in Singapore

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Key Vitamins and Minerals and Their Functions

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The Security System at Equifax

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What to Do with a Former Informant?

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Making Love or “Sex Without Love” by Sharon Olds

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The Administrative Role and Approach to Ethics

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Psychological Experience of COVID-19 Patients

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Why Being on Time Is Important

While being on time is a debated topic, not being late is still perceived as a positive trait of an individual. Arriving on time for business meetings, appointments, and other scheduled events means that a person is reliable and can be trusted, allowing others to get an insight into how...

Functions of the Skeletal System

Movement Due to the ligaments that hold bones together, the bones work as levers driven by muscles. Moreover, the shape of the skeletal system facilitates movement; for example, the small bones of the hands warrant precise action, and the small bones of feet help people adapt to any terrain. Protection...

Analysis of “Mother to Son” Poem by Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes raises a number of philosophical issues in his short poem ‘Mother to Son’. The poem itself, though seemingly small, is capable of surprising even sophisticated readers with its content. Everyone who reads the poem will be able to see themselves in it and try on the role of...

“Legal Alien” by Pat Mora: A Poem Analysis

Addressing the phenomenon of ethnic diversity and the problem of ethnic minorities’ underrepresentation in her poem “Legal Alien,” Pat Mora points to a complex sociocultural and sociopolitical issue of the present-ay American community. The central theme of being ostracized and alienated despite the very nature of American culture as an...

Researching of Sexual and Social Norms

In sexology, a clear definition of the concept of norm faces specific difficulties determined by the close interweaving of biological, personal, and social factors and the extreme variability of individual deviations. The definition of sexual norm criteria is complicated due to the close interweaving of biological, social, and personal factors....

Food and Cultural Appropriation Article by Cheung

The article written by Helier Cheung focuses on the case of Lucky Lee restaurant, which started the discussion about the cultural appropriation of food and respect for the authenticity of foreign cuisines. The article’s main objective is to raise the public’s awareness about authentic food traditions being adapted for a...

Social Work and Culture in the Context of the US

The concept of social work and culture in the context of the US is an extremely complex and multi-layered issue due to the growing diversity within the state. Indeed, the lack of cultural awareness is an unacceptable manifestation of ignorance in a country driven by diversity, inclusion, and variety. When...

Hurricane Vince: The Tropical Cyclone

Introduction From a meteorologist’s viewpoint, one can say that continental Europe is a calm and strange place. It is mainly because “major hurricanes are not common in European countries” (Lau et al. 8). Various tropical cyclones and subtropical ones are a rarity here, especially in the modern era (Lau et...