The “Tribal Ceremony” Poem by Janet Campbell Hale

In order to understand “Tribal Ceremony,” the communal feature of minor literature is used because it depicts the tragedy of an entire community. The communal feature can be described as representing the problem of a particular society, not only concerning the author of the poem. In “Tribal Ceremony,” it is...

The Significance of the Civil War

The Civil War was a key and defining moment in U.S. history. The results of the war were far more significant than a straightforward Union victory. It affected the moral, political, and social fabric of the United States. These changes impacted every citizen of the country and impacted society throughout...

Compulsory Voting in the United States

In essence, voting serves as the cornerstone of any foundation. Over the past few decades, voters have helped address critical issues like gender equality in a referendum, which continues to be witnessed today. Despite being a civic duty, few people turn out to vote, particularly in the United States, as...

The Internet Role in Human Trafficking

The Internet plays a paradoxical role in the illegal activity of human trafficking. On the one hand, the Internet is an integral place for recruiting future victims of trafficking. On the other hand, different social media can contribute to the creation of effective tools for identifying criminals to prevent the...

The Importance of Making the Appropriate Hires

Introduction It is tempting to locate a new team member right away and get them started when one finally has the funds to do so. Since they have probably needed this individual for months, all they want is a vacation from their never-ending job. However, hurrying the process and selecting...

Cultural Sensitivity in Nursing

Nursing is primarily associated with such values as kindness, compassion, and empathy. However, in the age of globalization, cultural competence, open-mildness, and respect for cultural traditions also became necessary for nursing staff. Furthermore, in addition to being respectful and informed about cultural differences, nurses should also know how to implement...

Shifting Disease Burden and Age Discrimination

One of the human’s greatest achievements is the vast improvement in healthcare that has increased peoples’ lifespans. However, rising health and social care costs due to an aging global population are considered a danger to global economic growth in the twenty-first century. Old age is associated with the weakening of...

Constitutional Law: Freedom of Speech

Introduction One of the fundamental roles of the United States Constitution is to the protection of citizens’ individual rights and liberties. Although there can be limits beyond which the U.S. Discussion Constitution on an individual’s fundamental rights and liberties does not apply, only the court system can accurately interpret or...

American Culture: Linguistics and Culture Review

Cultural universals are characteristics or traits shared by all societies worldwide. They include the institutions’ values, practices, and cultural patterns determined to exist across all people throughout space and time. Examples include performing activities such as singing, storytelling, and cooking (Woods, 2018). Some cultural universals, such as funeral rituals, take...

Quality in Healthcare: Healthcare Systems

The main goal of any healthcare system is to ensure the population’s health and ability to work through the availability and quality of medical care. Healthcare systems in the world differ significantly among themselves and contain many constituent elements. The quality of the health care system is a leading component...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Direct-to-Customer Advertising of Drugs: Pros and Cons

Advertising medications involves overcoming a range of ethical dilemmas and economic concerns. Among the core issues that the present-day pharmaceutical industry needs to address, the dilemma of direct-to-customer advertising (DTC) deserves a mention. Though DSTC may lead to the propensity toward self-medicalization in some patients, the specified strategy is also...

Leadership Competencies: Tailoring Success Across Professions

Introduction Leadership is a highly complex and multifaceted approach to decision-making and communication. For instance, the examined model lists sixteen unique competencies that promote effective leadership behavior. This framework might be applicable to both professionals and students in various fields, depending on their objectives and aspirations. The current essay thoroughly...

The Issue of Use of Stimulants by Students

Introduction During the educational process, in some cases, people may have certain difficulties with studying the material or completing assignments on time. They can be due to many reasons, such as outside hobbies or work. In such critical cases, it may seem like a good option for some students to...

Connection of the Conscious and Non-Conscious Perception With the Person’s Experience

The selected research topic is the connection of the conscious perception and non-conscious perception with the person’s experience. The main assumption guiding the research on this topic is that people’s both conscious and non-conscious perception can be based on the previous experiences (Badgaiyan, 2012). Thus, having the certain experience associated...

Can Big Data Save Endangered Species?

Introduction It is important to note that modern technological advancements in Big Data have shown a range of useful and powerful applicability in many areas, such as humanity’s efforts to save endangered species. Big Data essentially refers to novel ways of analyzing complex sets of large pieces of data to...

Women’s Social Roles in Critical Realism Paradigm

In “Work-family conflict: A case study of women in Pakistani banks,” Faiz (2015) employs the qualitative research methodology to address issues associated with females’ experiences and beliefs. The researcher utilizes the critical realism paradigm as it takes into account the social aspect of human life (Faiz, 2015). This approach is...

Subculture and Employment in Sociological Theories

Hypothesis Prominent representatives of subcultures are less likely to be hired for a top-paying job than the general citizens. Independent Variable (Sub)cultural affiliation – are you a prominent representative of any subculture different from the dominant culture of your community? Response categories are yes or no. Dependent Variable Job –...

Experiences of Working Pakistani Women

The study in question dwells upon experiences of working Pakistani women (Faiz, 2015). Faiz (2015) focuses on the way working females balance their work and family life. Their experiences and attitudes are central to the research. The researcher stresses that women have to work in quite an oppressive environment but...

Alcohol and Its Major Behavioral Effects

Alcohol is among the most popular psychoactive drugs in the world alongside caffeine and nicotine. One of its primary pharmacological effects is the inhibition of the central nervous system (CNS), for which reason it was used as an anesthetic in the past. The mechanism of the anesthetic effect lies in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Collaboration and Team Work in Nursing Education

I have found both collaboration and peer review to be very effective forms of learning because they enable exchanging ideas and sharing experiences. I feel more comfortable about collaboration, as all the participants contribute equally and have similar responsibilities. The shift of roles in peer review, when one passes judgment...

The Qualities of a Good Leader

Leadership is critical to many organized activities, and managerial positions always require the person to have the ability. However, the ability to lead is usually loosely defined due to the massive variety of leaders that have succeeded throughout humanity’s history. Nevertheless, scholars have been able to analyze many different leaders...

Pros and Cons of Living Arrangements for the Elderly

As people get older, they often face the decision of where and how to live since they might need help in simple everyday actions. There are multiple options for the seniors, benefits, and drawbacks of which will be considered here. Living in their own home is applicable for relatively independent...

The Difference Between Data and Information

A good illustration of the difference between data and information is a website of Upwork Global Inc. available at This site represents a platform for freelance workers and employers who need to hire professionals for a one-time project or a task. The starting page explains that Upwork is a...

Supportive School Discipline Initiative: Addressing the Problem of High Juvenile Delinquency Rates

Introduction Supportive School Discipline Initiative (SSDI) is a project of the US Department of Education and the Department of Justice, which aimed at preventing the implementation of school disciplinary practices that contributed to students’ delinquency. The project took place between 2011 and 2016 and involved awarding grants to eligible organizations...

Price Determination and Market Structure

Introduction One of the main goals of any business is profit maximization, and one of the principal means of reaching that goal is setting an optimal price for its goods or services. However, the considerations that go into determining this price depend in large part on the market structure. Different...

Speed Drill: Agility Training in Young Elite Soccer Players

The purpose of this paper is to describe and explain a speed drill for a specific athlete, using logical arguments and visual elements. The video that was provided for this discussion suggests several crucial points that will be taken into account when devising this exercise. A description of the target...

Têt Holiday in the Vietnamese Culture

Têt is the biggest and the most significant holiday in the Vietnamese culture. The Têt Nguyen Dan means “the first morning of the first day of the new period,” and people spend the holiday with their families and the closest ones. The dates for the celebration vary from year to...

Evaluating a Website

Looking at website, it is easy to note that it is a fake site. It mimics the appearance of the actual newspaper’s site – for example, it uses its distinctive logo (“New York Times”). It may even hold up to fact-checking since some it borrows the news titles from the...

Achieving Professional Competence as a Certified Family Nurse Practitioner

My goal entails achieving proficiency and competence while implementing assigned nursing responsibilities within the next five years. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree, aiming for 1 to 2 years of experience after obtaining higher education. I also intend to enroll in a Family Nurse...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Romantic Relationships and Parenting

Fiction and music manage to capture the feeling of being in love without providing the context of how romantic relationships are formed and developed. Partners usually share the same interests and engage in similar behavioral patterns, which prove that similarity is more essential than initial attraction in the lifecycle of...

Basketball. Loose Balls Book by Terry Pluto

Every kind of sport has its own history that explains how a specific game has come to its modern state. In his book, Loose Balls: The Short, Wild Life of the American Basketball Association, Terry Pluto considers basketball history by describing how the ABA was created and merged with the...

“Network” by Sidney Lumet

The Network is a famous American movie that was released in 1976 and gradually joined the ranks of the most culturally significant films ever produced in the United States. The plot is centered on Howard Beale – a prominent TV presenter who works for the Union Broadcasting System network. The...

Unmanned System Technology: Methods of Control

Introduction Unmanned systems can take different forms and be implemented as aerial, ground, underwater, or space vehicles. They can be operated by a human remotely or be autonomous, relying on their navigation system. Main body The first type, human-controlled transports, can be teleoperated with the help of a joystick and...

Christian Privilege and Religious Minorities

The commonly cited reasons to support religion and the religious mindset refer to these phenomena’ ability to facilitate the creation of communities and bring different people together thanks to their shared beliefs and values. In reality, however, religion-related differences between people often create collective boundaries and put some individuals in...

Type 2 Diabetes Patients and Self-Administer Insulin

The importance of patient education to facilitate primary health care skills and knowledge in vulnerable populations has been broadly addressed in scholarly literature. Chin and Robins’ (2019) article under the title “Teaching patients with type 2 diabetes to self-administer insulin” published in the Australian Journal of General Practice, is one...

North Korea’s and China’s Media Regulations

While most countries such as the U.S., Philippines and Australia give their media a certain degree of leeway in presenting the news, countries such as North Korea and China represent an entirely different media regulatory scenario. Instead of regulations related to upholding the accuracy of stories presented, the maintenance of...

Features of Schizophrenia as Neurodegenerative Disorder

The selected neurodegenerative disorder is schizophrenia, which is primarily manifested in a patient’s mood and behavior. It is a chronic progressive mental illness characterized by an increasing dissociation of cognitive functions with the formation of a kind of defect. In schizophrenia, the vast majority of symptoms and syndromes described in...

The Philippines as a Hierarchical Market Economy

Capitalism has been instrumental in ensuring adequate and reliable access to basic needs. Developed capitalist nations such as the United States (U.S.), United Kingdom (U.K.), European Union (E.U.), and Hong Kong benefit from economic growth (Thier, 2018). The capitalist strength of these economic regions is measured by providing public services...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Supreme Court Justices Question…” Article by R. Rubin

The reviewed article is titled “Supreme Court Justices Question IRS Shield in Tax-Shelter Case,” and it was posted in The Wall Street Journal on December 1, 2020, by Richard Rubin. The article speaks about a challenge to the IRS from a company called CIC Services LLC, which questions the authority...

Confrontation Between Democrats and Republicans

The political views of the citizens of the United States of America are now clearly divided. The country has established the most prominent and influential two-party system. The confrontation between Democrats and Republicans significantly affects America’s domestic and foreign policy. The history of the parties’ development dates back to the...

Is Manager a Leader and Can a Leader Be a Manager?

Over the past decades, the notions of leadership and management have become so interdependent that some people consider them as almost synonymous in meaning. Hence, to understand whether a manager should be a leader, it is necessary to define these terms. The notion of management denotes the process of coordination...

The Importance of Movement

Being sedentary for a long time can lead to issues and diseases in multiple organs and body systems. As far as the skeleton is concerned, excessive sitting causes permanent imbalances in one’s neck, makes the spine inflexible and herniated, and is responsible for the development of osteoporosis (Berkowitz & Clark,...

Challenge for a Mitigation Specialist

A mitigation specialist plays a critical role for the legal team. Throughout the trial, he or she will provide defense attorneys with professional analysis related to the case, information about the investigation that affects this case, key evidence, and experts to testify about the mitigating circumstances presented in the case....

Financial Concepts in Sport Finance

All successful sports activities require effective financial management implemented by a competent officer. Like any other business, sports require revenue flow in that there are inflow and outflow of money. The revenue can be from participating in sports activities or signing contracts with other business brands, which requires adequate budgeting....

The Parasympathetic Nervous System and Blood Pressure

The organs of the body, including the heart, stomach and intestines, liver, and kidneys, as well as gland and muscles, are regulated by the autonomic nervous system (ANS), the branch of the peripheral nervous system. The ANS adjusts the functioning of organs according to both external and internal stimuli; it...

Observing Children: Teaching Practice

Undoubtedly, teachers need to carry out pre-assessments to create different learning activities and determine students’ progress. Pre-assessments can help teachers increase classroom productivity and make the process of learning more engaging. Moreover, observing children interacting and gaining knowledge contributes to a better understanding of useful teaching approaches. Therefore, teachers should...

Aspects of Russia’s Economy

It is no secret that there is a significant difference in economic power and potential between the Russian Federation and the United States. Nevertheless, the unemployment rates of both countries are close. According to Kuranova (2021), “Russia’s unemployment rate came in at 5.8% in January 2021” (para. 1). In the...

“How To Tell a True War Story” Analysis

“How To Tell a True War Story” shows the connection between storytelling and the experiences people go through while at war. This story intends to investigate the reality of war stories told by those from Vietnam. The story is narrated from O’Brien’s experience, who acts as a soldier and a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Immunization in Refugee and Immigrant Population

The number of partners depends on how many roles a nurse can realistically fulfill while working with a vulnerable community. For instance, if one is able to act as a case manager, an educator, a direct care provider, a planner, and an interpreter simultaneously, then enlisting other specialists is unnecessary...

William Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” Summary

Introduction Macbeth tells the story of Macbeth, a royal general who, following the prophecy that he will become king, kills many on his way to the royal throne and becomes a paranoid tyrant and loses everything at the and. Summary of Act I and II Two royal generals, one is...

Lady Sennuwy Statue of Ancient Egyptian Culture

This is a statue of Sennuwy, which was found in a tomb at Kerma. It was buried with a Nubian King three hundred years after Sennuwy died. The meaning of the Sennuwy statute is that it represents the new dynasty and the old Egyptian Kingdom. This statue is carved very...

Rhetorical Analysis of “Media Control” by Chomsky

Introduction Noam Chomsky’s classical book on censorship intends to awaken a revolution in devised propaganda. The author terms propaganda as a deception strategy on the “bewildered herd” (Chomsky 3). This term refers to the low-class and illiterate citizens whose only responsibility is to elect the leader. Chomsky reveals how the...

Codecombat: Difference Between Syntax and Coding

Coding is another name for programming and refers to the process of writing instructions in a programming language for a computer to process. Syntaxes are the rules and structures followed in coding and are specific to every programming language (Devmountain, 2018). It gives meaning to the words, numbers, and symbols...

AI and Hardware Integration in Business Work Processes

AI chips, also referred to as AI hardware or AI accelerators, are specially designed devices that improve and support the functionality of artificial neural networks, or ANN (Dilmegani, 2021). In a commercial sense, the ANN and AI chips provide companies with tools that have deep-learning applications. The ANN is a...

Food Allergies and Eating Disorders

Although food allergies are most common in children, they may appear at any age. Allergies may even be developed into products a person has consumed for years without any issues. The foods most associated with food allergy in children are milk, eggs, and peanuts. Some products might be outgrown, such...

Aspects of Communication Exchange

At the time of my freelance work as a copywriter, I received an order to evaluate the issues of the contemporary world. The customer left written guidelines for the order on the platform, so it was written communication. The word count for the order was relatively small, and the customer...

Societal Matters Regarding Indigenous Peoples

Although the primary domain of the article in question addresses the concept of over-representation of First Nations children in the Canadian social welfare network, the roots of the problem trace back to the global issue of Indigenous Peoples’ marginalization. Indeed, since the ratification of the United Nations Declaration of the...

Ways to Ensure Understanding When Delivering the Gospel Message

The question of what the preaching of the Gospel should be in the modern world today concerns not only those called to deliver sermons but also every believer. They are all called to preach the Gospel, bearing witness to it, of course, first and foremost with their lives. They must...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Transitology in Post-Communist Societies

Introduction Transitology is a unique theoretical direction that explains the transition from authoritarianism to democracy. Being a theoretical concept, transitology guides the “standard fare,” the prevailing “organizing theme,” and the “way of posing questions” (Gans-Morse, 2004, p. 321). It is important to note that in the post-communist region the process...

World War I and the Treaty of Versailles

World War I, also known as the Great War, began in 1914 with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, where it ignited a war that raged throughout Europe until 1918. Germany desired to sever the Franco-Russian alliance and was ready to risk a disastrous war in the process....

Measurements of Intelligence and Why They Are Good

The measurements of intelligence are a controversial topic, and it is stated sometimes that intelligence cannot be measured at all. However, in my opinion, intelligence can be measured and even should be. The tools such as intelligence quotient, based on the standardized test, are well known, but it is commonly...

Discussion of Lamont’s Arguments

The second, third, fourth, and sixth reasons express the scientific view of free will. We have relative free choice because we live in a non-deterministic world but are nonetheless restricted by the past and the general laws of science. The contingency of chance is the dominant factor of the universe;...

The Health Education Program: Promoting Healthy Eating

Assessment Unhealthy students cannot experience cognitive development like healthy pupils. It is proper to identify and use an assessment method that seeks to change a school environment whose students have inactivity, obesity, and are ignorant of healthy food choices. The appropriate assessment method is the focus groups that is a...

Characters in “Pawn Shop” by Alexie

Character development is vital in literature as it helps readers to understand their various aspects. One of the characters used by Alexie in Pawn Shop is Jackson. He is homeless, which limits his chances of being an active member of society. Jackson said, “one day you have a home and...

Is Herbalife a Pyramid Scheme?

Accusations why Herbalife’s Multilevel Compensation Model is Pyramid Scheme Three accusations led to the Herbalife multilevel compensation model being accused of being a pyramid scheme. One of them has been argued to be how most contractors lose money while investing in Herbalife inventory. The other accusation is that Herbalife tends...

The Valencia et al. v. City of Springfield Case

Valencia et al. v. City of Springfield, Illinois was a case argued in February 2018 and decided in March 2018 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit. Mrs. Valencia, a legal representative of one of the plaintiffs, filed the suit on behalf of three residents of the...

Plot and Topics of “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid

The author presents a series of advice that the mother gives to the daughter in the Antiguan community. The mother notices that her daughter has reached adolescence and realizes she is the only person to guide her daughter to live a non-promiscuous and respectful life. She imparts general knowledge to...

Experience from Baldwin’s “Blues for Mister Charlie”

Reading James Baldwin’s Blues for Mister Charlie has been an exhilarating experience for me. The play encapsulates various tribulations of the Black community in the genesis of the Civil Rights Movement. Specifically, Act II portrays the explicit bigotry of white townspeople against the increasing number of newcomer black families (Baldwin,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Solving Problems Through Globalization

The first thing I have learned from watching the video is the importance of uniting to create a global world. Globalization makes it easier to solve universal challenges that affect populations nationally and internationally, such as unemployment, disruption of migration flows, and climate change (Cahen-Salvador, 2020). Secondly, I have learned...

Successful Institutional Food Management & Delivery Systems

Food is an integral aspect of human life because it is necessary for our survival. The art of providing cost-effective and satisfactory food and drink to a large number of people is known as Institutional Food Management, and it plays a critical role in medical care as it improves patient...

The Pragmatic Theory of Truth in Buddhism and Christianity

Concerning the discussion posted on analysis of validity, acquiring, and defining truth on the pragmatic theory of truth, criticism on William James’ pragmatic theory can be deduced. The theory holds that a belief or claim can be classified as true if it works. However, critiques of this theory assert that...

Analysis of the Robert Schuman Plan

Wars are terrifying and devastating, and World War II brought too many challenges and destruction. Since the European countries had to deal with consequences, they could not leave any opportunity for another war to happen. Therefore, on May 9, 1950, French political thinker Robert Schuman proposed his plan, one objective...

Case Study: When Will Lake Mead Go Dry

Introduction The article examines the issues about water use and management and terms Lake Colorado as the lifeblood of the regions in the American Southwest with over 30 million individuals. A water budget study by Tim Barnett and David Pierce in 2008 indicated a 10% probability that water storage in...

Violence in Settlers & American Indians Conflicts

Nowadays, people tend to develop a romanticized picture of life in early America, where colonists and Native Americans are in a constant struggle over control of vast areas of fertile land, large pastures, and various types of natural resources. While the history of the struggle itself continues to fascinate modern...

Health Insurance Calculations Regarding Medicare

Medicare is a government health insurance program available to anybody aged 65 and older. A group of disabled individuals in their 20s and 30s. End-of-life, renal illness patients submit Charges and Charges That Are Eligible: Submitted Charges refer to the amount that the provider typically charges for the service and...

America and the Middle East During the Cold War

The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the outgrowths of which are still reflected today, ended in 1991. However, the issue of a new war and protests that involve competition between the United States and China is on the agenda again. For the first 25 years...

The Art of Rhetoric for an Effective Speech

Introduction The art of rhetoric provides people with helpful recommendations on how they can effectively talk. In arguments, for example, participants should use multiple techniques and strategies to support their claims and make opponents’ opinions less convincing. Reducing an argument to absurdity is an efficient tactic to win in a...

Policy Considerations Post-9.11

The Post-9/11 policy shifts are obviously reactive because all the proposed by the government changes are caused by the attack. Even the creation of the Department of Homeland Security is a response to the dangerous terroristic attack (Post-9/11,2019). In order to avoid or prevent such disastrous terroristic attacks, the government...

Electric Potential Lab: Longer Wires Create More Resistance

Introduction The PhET circuit for the lab requires building a circuit using a 9V battery, 10Ω resistor, light bulb, and connecting wire as labeled above before taking measurements. The battery and the resistor measured 9.00 V because the circuit was open. There is no loss of potential from the source...

Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Reality Therapy

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) and Reality Therapy which is based on the Choice theory, are two notable frameworks which inform counselors’ approaches. The two theories have both similarities and differences, which need to be discussed in detail. For instance, both CBT and Reality Therapy focus on the present problems of...

Importance of Medication Safety

The safety of administrating medication is influenced by nurses who have the authority to perform the job. They are expected to enhance safe care and facilitate a safe culture within a healthcare environment. When administrating medication, they must understand the order and ensure that it has all the necessary information...

Battle of Long Island Impact on America’s Independent

The Battle of Long Island is one of the first battles of the American War of Independence. It took place on August 27, 1776, when British forces under William Howe confronted the American forces of Israel Putnam (Rust). The conflict resulted from a blockaded British army on the Boston Peninsula...

Nanook of the North: Analysis of a Movie

Cultural and religious practices and traditions might seem strange and pointless to a side observer, yet they are imbued with crucial cultural meaning and value for members of the specified group. In her essay, Rony represents taxidermy as a crucial cultural tradition stemming from the beliefs associated with the afterlife...

The European Union Facing Global Crisis

The world is going through one of the toughest moments in decades. Russia started the war in Ukraine, causing massive problems in economics for the whole world. However, besides the financial crisis, the European Union has had enough of its own unsolved problems. One of the occasions that affected the...

Themes in “The Kite Runner” by Hosseini, Khaled

The Kite Runner raises a range of topics and themes that have sociological importance and exemplify the pillars of power imbalances. In particular, the author thoroughly incorporates some divisive worldview- and ethnicity-related factors in the storyline. Some themes of interest include ethnic prejudice and religious devotion used as an excuse...

Zinc Carbonate: Biotechnology Information

The ingredient that this post will discuss is a Zinc Carbonate found on the Head & Shoulders shampoo’s ingredient list. Zinc Carbonate is an ionic compound consisting of zinc, carbon, and three oxygen ions. The chemical formula of the ingredient is ZnCO3. This compound is often used in cosmetics, agriculture,...

President Jefferson’s Land Deal

The act of President Johnson purchasing the Louisiana territory was an act of hypocrisy because it contravened the rule of law which is the foundation of democracy, the platform he ran on to become president. is election into the presidency was a win for Democratic-Republicans against the Federalists, and it...

Workplace Consultants and Coaches

I agree with X that experts in leadership and organizations can play at least two separate roles. Although the newcomers received official training in a training class before joining the company, the exercise cannot include all the necessary information and often covers the fundamentals (12 Key Differences, 2022). The new...

Discussion: Life in a California Mission

The development of new territories is closely related to the assimilation of their inhabitants. Therefore, it is essential to establish the advantages and shortcomings of the California mission. The culture of the Tubulians had specific features and traditional values that distinguished them from other people. They led a rural life,...

The Views of Ethical Theorists: Immanuel Kant and Peter Singer

Introduction Ethics is a critical examination of how and why people should act. Animal ethics is the branch of ethics concerned with how and why nonhuman animals should be considered in moral decisions. Despite their many differences, the most commonly recognized ethical systems all defend nonhuman animal moral concerns and...

The Infographics Creation: Key Aspects

The proposed infographic shows three main pictures, some text, and color background. Some aspects interfere with the typical perception of this infographic and require changes. Thus, for example, the color background consists of two alternating colors, as well as some blurry images on the background. To make the essential information...

Dental Healthcare Persons’ Infection Control

Appendix 3 details the minimum code of regulations about infection control as defined by the California Dental Board. It begins by highlighting key definitions of terms useful throughout the established standards. For instance, it describes standard precautions as a set of practices for the prevention of infection that may apply...

Aspects of Working With Pediatric Patients

Introduction Working with pediatric patients and their families is an incredibly challenging undertaking. Children and their parents may experience a variety of barriers to health, including, as you noted, structural and societal ones. This post discusses these barriers in detail and addresses how medical professionals caring for patients in a...

Leadership Models in Healthcare

A healthcare facility’s success and competitive advantage are built on effective leadership. Workplace motivation, employee happiness, and the accomplishment of company objectives and goals are all linked to good leadership. Several leadership models include trait, democratic, transactional, and transformational. Therefore, the transformative leadership model suits me the best. Leaders who...

Benefits of Evidence-Based Practice

Evidenced Based Practice (EBP), as used in healthcare, refers to the approach employed by practitioners in health centers to determine the most current, better-quality research that can be used to inform their service delivery. Nurses make use of EBP guidelines when evaluating appropriate care choice for patients. When this happens,...

Reading Mastery as an Instructional Material

Reading Mastery represents an inclusive reading program aimed to help students in mastering basic skills of decoding and comprehension through the use of the Direct Instruction approach. In particular, the program emphasizes strengthening the students’ thinking capabilities and acquiring background knowledge. Additionally, Reading Mastery contains various materials in the form...

The Treatment of Type II Diabetes

Introduction The patient under consideration presents with diabetes mellitus and a body mass index (BMI) of 35. He uses basal and rapid-acting insulin, metformin, and statins for glucose and cholesterol control, as well as Lisinopril and steroid cream for hypertension and intermittent eczema. Considering the patient’s BMI, it can be...

Shame and Stigma of Substance Use Disorder

As an example of Substance Use Disorder (SUD), chapter 8 of Feminist Perspectives on Social Work Practice contains the case of a girl named Natalie. After identifying all the problems and difficulties in a girl’s life, such as overwork and housekeeping and mistrust of her husband, the author describes her...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Business Ethics Workshop: Employee’s Ethics

Reflecting on what we learned in class last week, I understand employees’ ethical dilemmas and what critical factors to consider when seeking the desired job. Every job available out there has its fair share of nightmares; for instance, in the list of top and bottom twenty jobs in the list,...

Elderly People Challenges in American Indian Population

Identifying vulnerable populations and assessing their needs is among the key tasks of healthcare specialists. In the given case, the nurse is to identify the specific challenges of elderly people in the American Indian reservation population in Arizona. The life of this group of population is associated with a high...

Equal Pay Act for American Women

The Equal Pay Act (EPA) was established by the American government in 1963. This law requires equal wages or salaries for every resident of the country, regardless of gender. The following paper is a literature review on the topic of the Equal Pay Act’s validity in the United States of...

Weaknesses in Thinking and Ethical Decision-Making

Vulnerabilities in ethical decision-making The area that I think I would be vulnerable in ethical decision-making is in the way profits are made in my business. I tend to believe that what matters is how much profit has been made from the business rather than how the profit itself has...

Journalist Profession, Its Pros and Cons

When the time to choose one particular profession comes, many students face several doubts and challenges. It is not very easy to make one clear decision and be sure about its correctness in the future. This is why it is better to evaluate all pros and cons beforehand to make...

Cultural Differences Influencing Child Development

The interview with an acquaintance from a different cultural background revealed certain interesting characteristics. Having been raised in a Jewish family as an only child, she was influenced by traditional values and beliefs, as well as cultural conventions a great deal. Education was a primary focus throughout her childhood, to...

The Unisom Brand Analysis

Research on the Unisom brand analysis and the sleeping aid market is progressing well. It has been determined that the market has a lot of potential as 70 million Americans suffer from insomnia and another 43 million experience other sleep-depriving conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea (LaRosa). The sleep aid...

Horizontal Violence and Bullying in Nursing

The term horizontal violence refers to the aggressive behavior of one or several members of the group to another member of the same group, also includes provoking conflicts and personal bullying. Unfortunately, this problem is widespread in the nursing environment, and it leaves a negative impact on care quality and...

Being a Scholar: Roles, Responsibilities, and Key Tasks

A scholar has to meet a vast range of responsibilities and play several key roles that require substantial efforts and high levels of professionalism. As a DNP, one has to not only ensure that the needs of patients are met but also advocate for vulnerable groups on a larger scale...

McCarthy: Display of Data

McCarthy aimed to determine the demand of various food by Americans in the period around Independence Day (McCarthy). The results of the analysis showed that across the spectrum, beef had the highest sales ($803.9million), while tomato had the least sales ($114.7 million) (see fig.1). It is crucial for authors to...

Learning from Mistakes in the Workplace

For centuries, a human mistake is regarded as an engine of progress. At some point in one’s life, an error led them to some impressive breakthroughs. The phenomenon of human error can be as well applied to trainee preparation. According to Noe (2010), this process is called “error management training”...

Computer Technologies Issues: Spyware Threat Analysis

Spy ware is a type of malicious software that collects information from the computer without the knowledge or consent of the owner of the computer. There are a list of items which fall victim to the spyware and they include; keystrokes, private email addresses, private information present in the computing...

Philosopher Max Scheler

Max Scheler, who is considered to be an outstanding German philosopher of the 20th century, developed a hierarchy of values based on the Ressentiment concept. Graphically the hierarchy of values can be presented in the following form: Positive and negative groups characterize Scheler’s values; values are considered to make a...

ADHD: Treatment and Over Medication

When children have ADHD, it is possible to influence their symptoms by forging a special supportive bond between them, parents, and the education system. This connection aims to improve social interactivity with teachers and friends and reduce levels of physical and verbal aggression. Additional changes must accompany the treatment, including...

Rwandan Genocide in “Sometimes in April”

In 1994, in Rwanda, members of the Hutu ethnic majority committed genocide against Tutsi ethnic minority, with almost 800,000 people falling victims of this mass slaughter. While the Rwandan genocide was shockingly brutal, mass killings and civil wars have been a persisting pattern among ethnically diverse African countries. It can...

Ken Barger’s Definition of Ethnocentrism

Concepts of terms and terminology are critical in science and research. The term provides accuracy, clarity, and understanding of scientific thought. Terminology forms part of the specialized vocabulary, into which not common words and phrases calling subjects and concepts of various spheres of people’s professional activity included. There are specific...

Immigrants Human Rights Violation in the United States

Many families from South America are trying to escape violence, climate displacement, and economic hardships, and seek protection in the U.S. The problem becomes even more pressing when the public receives information about the number of separated families. It has been reported by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that...

Dispelling the Myth of Welfare Dependency

Introduction Nowadays, there is a broad discussion on the nature of means-tested programs. While they target the poor and provide the necessary assistance for those in need, such programs are surrounded by unappealing public attitudes. People who receive certain benefits from available programs undergo unfair contempt for being lazy or...

Civil Disobedience: Socrates and Thoreau

The civil disobedience movement was widely supported by philosophers of ancient times as well as modern thinkers. However, their views on the matter significantly differed in the way they expressed them. The two contrasting figures in philosophy related to this idea are Henry David Thoreau and Socrates, and their comparison...

Polling: Strength and Weakness

Polling is a method used to study the opinions, attitudes, or behavior of individuals. Polling allows analysts to collect primary information based on direct (conversation, interview) or indirect (questionnaire) socio-psychological interaction between the researcher and the interviewee. The source of information, in this case, is a person’s verbal or written...

Works Progress Administration Program in the US

Introduction The only employer that was available in the village family lived in was the mill. All people would go there and seek employment, but most of them would spend the majority of their time waiting. Some people would only work for 16 hours a week because of the low...

Object-Oriented vs Procedural Programming Paradigms

Procedural programming and Object-oriented programming (OOP) are two paradigms in programming. They are fundamentally different in how they approach problem-solving and organizing programs. Under procedural programming, a program is organized as a step-by-step instruction to solve a problem. The instructions are executed linearly, but they can include elements that control...

The Importance of Different Business Processes

Businesses contain multiple processes that lead a product idea to its sale: strategical planning, development, manufacturing, delivery, and overall customer experience. The strategy development stage forces a company or an entrepreneur to study their niche, decide if the product’s concept is in demand, plan its realization, and forecast costs and...

Shantha Sinha: Fighting for Children’s Rights

Introduction Using child labor is, without any doubt, one of the most significant problems in India nowadays. Even though according to the statistics, provided by Sasmal and Guillen, the number of young people involved in this process is declining, the issue remains crucial (p. 270). Thankfully, some local activists vigorously...

The Causes of the Mexican-American War

The Mexican-American war was one of the main armed conflicts of the 19th century that established the US as the dominant force in the region. The US politicians were looking for an opportunity to expand the territories for some time, and the Texas Declaration of Independence gave them an opening....

David Luban on Just War: Republics of Geshem and Midbar

War has always been a controversial issue when discussed from an ethical perspective. Individuals who believe in the ideas of pacifism deny violence in any form. However, there are other theorists who defend the concept of a just war. This theory can be applied to the case study by David...

Adapting Brain Qualities to Learning

The human brain consists of neurons, which are cells that transmit information throughout the body. Plasticity is the ability of an object to take any shape or form. Therefore, brain plasticity presupposes the quality of the brain to force its neurons to modify the strength of their transmissions (Mateos-Aparicio, &...

Current Events in Management Information Systems

The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the digital transformation in various sectors across the globe. In the news article “The Robot That’s Keeping Facilities Clean During Covid-19,” Gaskell (2020) explores how organizations in different sectors are leveraging robots to disinfect their facilities. This article focuses on one robot developed at the...

The Evergreen Plantation: Review the Quality of the Website

The Evergreen Plantation is significant to American history because it provides an accurate reflection of and a strong connection to US history. The plantation complex gives the visitors a clear picture of what life was like in the past in America, especially during the antebellum era. The structures or buildings...

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The Diversity of the Rosalind Franklin University Community

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Assessing Diversity in the Workplace

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Cultural Power of Images in Society

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Peer Learning in a Transcultural Environment

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“The Canterbury Tales”: Plot and Structure of the Work

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