Civil Rights Movement Impact: Overcoming Racial Oppression

Although in the twentieth-century slavery was abolished, African Americans still had fewer rights than their white fellow citizens and were treated with oppression and disrespect. This situation gave rise to the civil rights movement (CRM) in the 1950s, when the blacks decided to improve their position in society. This essay...

The Effects of Genetic Modification of Agricultural Products

Genetically altered foods have recently become a subject of heated discussion among scientists, politicians, and journalists. It is hypothesized by some that such products may constitute a significant threat to the health of the global population, while others reject these misgivings and argue this is just a new stage in...

The Imposition of Traffic Speed Limitations

Abstract If your professor asks you to provide an abstract, start typing your abstract here (no indentations). If you do not need an abstract, remove this page. Your abstract should be a single double-spaced paragraph. Your abstract should be about 130-150 words. Introduction Safe driving is a topic that has...

Sir Frederick Lugard’s Arguments for Imperialism

The 19th century saw a dramatic expansion of European empires around the world. It was driven by numerous factors, including economic interests, internal politics, international rivalries, and ideological considerations such as spreading Western civilization. Although this expansion was supported by broad swathes of the population in colonizer nations, it still...

Innate and Adaptive Immunities

The human immune system is a complex combination of cells and mechanisms of their interactions that protect the body from infections and fight them. Thus, there are two main types of immunity that act at different phases of microbes and bacteria penetration, namely innate immunity and adaptive immunity. These immunities...

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Modern research activities use a variety of approaches, including inductive and deductive reasoning. While both methods are valid and capable of bringing results, there is a distinct difference between them. Inductive reasoning implies that researchers begin by making specific observations and, based on them, move on to broader conclusions. In...

Paternity Leave for Employed Fathers

Almost all major companies and organizations offer maternity leave – a particular paid period of time for new mothers. However, in some countries, fathers are also provided with such an opportunity. This is called paternity leave, but, unfortunately, it is available only in five American states. The purpose of this...

The Group Theory and Actual Group Experience

Working in a group is vastly different from working individually. A personal goal becomes a shared goal, and a new layer of processes and mechanics appears. This is what happened when our study group was formed. We had to realize the importance of goal setting, the hardships a group faces,...

Fact Sheet: 21st Century Cures Act

The recent health care regulating policies are aimed at addressing the most tentative medical issues prevailing in the USA and the compliance of day-to-day procedures with technological advancement. 21st Century Cures Act was passed and signed by President Barak Obama on December 13, 2016, to guide the nation-wide health care...

Social Class and Socialization Relations

Social class relates to a tightly bound and largely closed hierarchical set of social strata that determines its members’ life opportunities. It influences an individual’s future success and livelihood (Furstenberg, 2010). On the other hand, Lareau (2007) describes this concept as an aspect that divides society as per the underlying...

Wolff v. McDonnell Case Brief: Issue and Ruling

Facts Together with fellow inmates in a Nebraska prison, Mr. Wolf initiated a lawsuit, accusing the prison staff of violating due process in the 14th Amendment clause. Wolff protested the way prison authorities handled the inspection of confidential mail between prisoners and their lawyers. During the proceedings, the district court...

Psychosis: The Patient’s Clinical History

Akin’s clinical history strongly implies that he might have psychosis. Although it is not evident if it is the main diagnosis and there is room for something else, analyzing its features and comparing them with the case might clarify the issue. This essay will address the current definition of psychosis,...

Procedural and Distributive Justice in the Workplace

Just like in the rest of the society, concepts such as transparency, fairness, justice, and equality play an important role in the workplace. Particularly, the employees’ perceptions of both procedural and distributive justice may have an impact on their job satisfaction and turnover intention. In any system, procedural and distributive...

Millennials and the Business World

The rapid development of modern technologies has utterly transformed the corporate world and traditional business practices. Although it would be reasonable to admit that the generation accustomed to these novelties should be better suited for the new operations, it often turns out differently. Many experts indicate the critical problems faced...

“The Frontier” Chapter of “The Oregon Trail” by Parkman

Many detailed and carefully developed historical travel accounts can provide interesting insights and give a comprehensive picture of life in the described regions. Francis Parkman’s book, titled The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life, initially published in 1849, depicts his tour, conducted in 1946, to the states of...

“The Misfits” Characters Analysis

The Misfits depicts a group of friends rejected by others, known as the Gang of Five, despite having only four members. They are Bobby, Joe, Skeezie, and Addie, the only girl in the circle. Each has a distinct personality and certain reasons for being ostracized, and later the quarter joins...

Social Media and Associated Mental Health Risks

Social media is an integral part of the life of young people in the modern world. According to statistics, 97% of teenagers from 13 to 17 years old use such platforms, and 45% say that they spend almost all their free time on the Internet (Teens and social media, 2019)....

Asking the Right Questions in Strategic Decision-Making

Strategic decision-making requires a leader to possess critical thinking and an ability to see problems from different perspectives. Uncertain environments demand asking compelling questions to sufficiently solve the problem. Exploring the performative role of questions in leadership may disclose a strategy, which identifies a successful leader and ensures future triumph....

The Influence of Drugs and Social Media

Since the beginning of this century, the Internet has become an integral part of people’s lives that gives them the opportunity to search for new information to gain knowledge or find entertainment. However, whether it is for better or worse is still a topic for debate. Limitless online resources are...

The Killing Nurses of the Nazi Germany

The Third Reich is the embodiment of the Nazi Germany that was obsessed with the idea of building the perfect race. In Germans’ anticipations and hopes, this race would conduct the world by trespassing other territories, eliminating other nations that did not correspond to the immaculate race’s image, and refining...

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Globalization

Food, beverages, and medicaments are an integral part of an average American’s everyday life. Unfortunately, modern food and medical products companies can use substandard or hazardous food additives and disrupt storage or transportation conditions. Thus, public health may be at risk, and the Food and Drug Administration’s mission is to...

Iraq For Sale by Robert Greenwald Review

The acts of US business contractors in the Iraq war are depicted in this documentary. According to interviews with current and former workers of Halliburton, CACI, and KBR, apparent arrangements that provide such contractors tremendous flexibility to profit from delivering support and supplies to American troops while offering minimal supervision...

Regulations of Small and Medium Enterprises

According to Drucker and Maciariello (2015), the economy of the United States recently experienced a significant shift in approach: from “managerial” one to “entrepreneurial”. Moreover, Mitra (2020) suggests that technology-based ventures and technological innovations play an increasingly big role in today’s market. Hisrich and Kearney (2014) confirm that the changing...

The Bronze Age: A Significant Civilization Shift in History

I agree with Travis’s opinion that the Bronze Age was a significant civilization shift in history. The entire Metal Age, of which the Bronze Age is a part, was an era full of technological innovations. It can be said that this era was a kind of industrial revolution in the...

The Resource-Based View in Management

The resource-based view (RBV) presents the modern managerial way to analyze how to achieve greater performance and competitive advantage. It can explain why firms perform differently and help compare their set of tools to determine the reason for deferential success. The focus of a business manager who uses the RBV...

“Rethinking Infidelity…” TED Talk by Perel

An essential basis of family relations is trust in a partner, and infidelity usually destroys it and makes the partner doubt the strength of the marriage. In her TED speech, Esther Perel discusses the causes of pushing people, even in happy pairs, to the adulterer (TED, 2015). Her speech includes...

How to Write an Op-Ed for the New York Times by Friedman

An op-ed article, short for “opinions and editorials page,” expresses an author’s opinion that does not have to be aligned with the editorial board. An op-ed is not required to be written by a staff journalist of the newspaper either. In fact, it does not have to be written by...

The Ethics of Purchasing Agents

Every profession is responsible for upholding communal social principles such as justice and fairness. Due to the nature of their job and access to multimillion-dollar funds, purchasing agents are exposed to the temptation to act unethically more than any other group within a company (Monczka et al., 2016). Three rules...

“How to Deal With Difficult People” Talk by Johnson

In his TEDx Talks speech titled “How to deal with difficult people”, Jay Johnson (TEDx Talks, 2018) shares some useful methods on how to talk with people that we do not like very much. He argues that the best way to deal with somebody unpleasant is by changing ourselves and...

Economic Policy and Goals. Economics Issues

Economic growth is difficult to project because it is associated with many drivers. Tran (2019) claimed that economic freedom is the main economic growth propellant. Economic freedom refers to protecting private property and reducing public intervention on private issues, including limited restrictions on consumption, distribution, production, and markets. (Oussama et...

Lighting in The Godfather Directed by Francis Ford Coppola

Nowadays, approximately over 300 movies are released every year. Most slip into oblivion, but every once in a while comes a movie that defines a decade. These types of films defy the passage of time and are devotedly devoured by each new generation of viewers. The Godfather is arguably the...

Analysis of BP’s Safety Program Failure

Summary A study of the failure in BP’s safety program identified a number of failures to meet standards that led to the disaster. In particular, incorrect sizes of blowdown drums and incorrect stacks were used contrary to OSHA recommendations, which led to the formation of vapor that ignited (US Chemical...

The Lancaster Treaty of 1744 Published by Franklin

The official record of the Lancaster Treaty of 1744 published by Franklin presents a picture of tense but respectful negotiations marked by a high degree of cultural understanding. When we include informal accounts, like those by Bartram, Weiser, and Marshe, we find confirmation and complementation of the official record. The...

The Aquatic Designs Project Management

Project Summary When it comes to saltwater tank installation, the project is in the execution stage. Up to now, the initially established goal has been met. It is worth admitting that the project was completed a week ahead of schedule and within the stipulated budget. Deliverables The project execution produced...

Christian Boltanski in History of Art

Christian Boltanski is one of the most famous self-taught creators globally, originally from France and Paris. Christian was engaged in various types of art, starting with painting and sculpture in the classical sense and ending with photography and cinematography. He directly touched on the symbolic themes of the passage of...

The Most Important Types of Vitamins

Health specialists and nutritionists identify many types of vitamins. Those named after the first five letters of the English alphabet are the most important for the functioning of the human body. According to experts, “vitamin A helps form and maintain healthy teeth, bones, soft tissue, mucous membranes, and skin” (Vitamins,...

Zero Waste and How Communities Have Defined It

According to Michael Jessen, humans are the only species on the planet that does not live by zero waste principles. I agree with this statement – being a part of a continuous and endless life cycle, plants and animals contributes to another system’s development after death producing zero waste. In...

Drought and Its Effects on Humans

An environmental threat is a possibility and a product of an undesirable accent on the surrounding. Agribusiness, industry, energy, transport, and land planning are elements that nurture the risk. Drought is a natural risk portrayed as a shortage of rain for a prolonged period that causes diverse effects on human...

Why World War II Was Inevitable

World War II was the most global war in human history. Taking place all over the world, it inflicted more casualties on humanity than any other war. During the hostilities, numerous war crimes took place on all fronts, and even now the war remains an important topic in political discussions....

Raising Federal Minimum Wage by 2025: Pros & Cons

Introduction There are different opinions regarding the idea of raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour by 2025. Currently, the federal minimum wage is $7.25, and supporters and opponents of the increase mandated by the 2021 Wage Increase Act are divided (Cooper et al., 2022). Supporters believe that the...

Leadership Action Research Case Study: Hospital

Introduction When appropriate leadership is used, it becomes possible to constructively address the given complication, ensuring that the necessary changes are introduced effectively and remain in place for a significant amount of time. In the Hospital case study, the difficulty with encouraging a collaborative and patient-centric working environment among the...

Urban Sprawl and Its Mass Transit System

Urban sprawl is the quick expansion of towns on undeveloped land close to cities. These extensions have distinctive features such as single house zoning and heavy reliance on vehicles for transportation. Urban sprawling has been associated with traffic as the only way people access the city is through public or...

Speech Regulation on Social Media

Free speech on social media has become a contentious issue in recent years. Due to the tremendous influence and outreach of social media platforms, individuals and organizations have begun to use them for nefarious purposes, among which are spreading disinformation, self-enrichment, and manipulating public opinions. This is being done by...

Charcuterie Items: Prosciutto and Manchego Cheese

Prosciutto Prosciutto is one of the most classic charcuterie items, belonging to the category of cured meats. Prosciutto is dry-cured ham and is one of the oldest forms of Southern European characterize, tracing its roots back to the Romans. Although it might be found all along the Mediterranean coast, the...

Pre-Creation and Creation in Maya Religion

The Maya religion incorporates many magical supernatural features in its beliefs about the creation of Earth and life on Earth. The Popul Vuh document allows tracing Maya beliefs back to their development as the process of creation is the central and fundamental basis of any religion. Through depicting conversations about...

“The Epic of Gilgamesh” Analysis

The theme of Enkidu’s dreams clearly shows that it is confident he cannot escape death. Enkidu and Gilgamesh must contend with the revels as they satisfy their desires. They must challenge themselves with complex tasks in this crucial tablet, which marks the exact midway point of the epic. George shows...

The Conception of the Soul in Different Traditions

Debate on the conception of the soul dates back to ancient Greek mythology. Many authors from the Greco-Roman tradition, the Abrahamic tradition, and the East Asian tradition posit similar but different views on the ideal conception of the soul. This essay discusses five conceptions from these three traditions: two from...

Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are both eating disorders; due to the peculiarities of the course of disorders, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish them. In both cases, it is possible to refuse to eat, excessive concern about body weight and appearance, depressive states. At the same time, the...

Impact of Different Population Group on Children Development

Modern society is increasingly paying attention to different people, remarkably other population groups. Now more and more classes are starting to be not just ordinary, but those that accept people with various disabilities or social statuses. This kind of change has an excellent effect on society because the active involvement...

The Black Lives Matter Movement

The Black Lives Matter movement is a social movement that emerged in the United States in 2013 following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in 2012. The movement was initially organized around the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media platforms and has since grown into...

Photography as a Contemporary Art Form

Modern art has no precise definition: it remains an elastic term that can have a variety of meanings. Nevertheless, it is customary to say that the term refers to works created around the period 1870-1970. In this era, photography, in addition to establishing itself as an art form, preserving and...

Giardia Lamblia, an Eukaryotic Pathogen

Giardia lamblia is a single-celled eukaryotic pathogen with flagella. The pathogen is known to enter the human body as a cyst in one of the life cycle phases, after which it settles in the intestinal system, causing diarrheal infections (CDC, 2021). The pathogen leads an attached lifestyle due to the...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Diversity and Inclusivity

My personal definition of diversity is the unification of people from different cultures, ethnicities, religions, or any other distinctive backgrounds or criteria that results in cooperation and mutual benefit for all members of such a group. In my opinion, such a description should be utilized over the others because it...

Deviance, Dysfunction, Distress, and Danger

It can be challenging to determine whether a patient’s issue or symptom becomes severe enough to warrant a diagnosis of a mental illness, especially for novice practitioners. All clinicians can benefit from using the Four D’s, which stand for deviance, dysfunction, distress, and danger, to evaluate reported characteristics, symptoms, or...

An Epistolary Device and Its Role in Literature

The assigned literary device is called epistolary, and the Literary Devices website defines it as follows “Epistolary is a literary genre pertaining to letters” (LiteraryDevices Editors, 2014). So, the use of the literary device contains a wide range of works from journals and newspapers, meaning the genre can be observed...

The Development of Western Law

Introduction Islamic legal concepts had a significant impact on the development of Western Law. Both Monica Gaudiosi and Marcel Boisard agree that some concepts in these two frameworks are similar. Thus, Gaudiosi speaks about the correlation between waqf and trust in England (1240). It might serve as the basis for...

Tattooing Art in Ancient and Modern Times

Nowadays, people still have ambiguous opinions about tattoos – some consider images on one’s body a form of art, while others find it self-destruction. Nevertheless, one cannot defy the connection between ancient tattooing art and contemporary body art. Numerous early civilizations used the opportunity to cover the body with images...

EasyJet: Financial Management

How Companies Can Manage Events with a Global Impact Global disruptions like the Covid-19 pandemic have a dramatic effect on global trade and often come as a shock to businesses. The appropriate response for companies typically involves building organizational resilience to anticipate current challenges as well as anticipate and address...

The Sydney Opera House: Architectural Project

Introduction The Sydney Opera House is not only a symbol of Australia but also one of the most recognizable architectural buildings. The shape of the roofs was designed by the Danish architect Jørn Utzon (ABC Innovation and Sydney Opera House Trust, 2020). Due to its worldwide success and recognition, the...

Response to Suicidal Student Threat

The effective response to the suicidal student includes various assessment procedures. One of the main is the Columbia suicide severity rating scale (C-SSRS). The C-SSRS is a rating scale for suicidal thoughts and behaviors created by academics to assess the risk of suicide. The scale measures a person’s level of...

Conflict in “The Stranger” Novel by Albert Camus

Conflicts between children and their parents are a rather common issue that may influence one’s life significantly. In some cases, those disagreements may affect them even after the parent figure dies. This specific case is shown in the novel The Stranger by Albert Camus, as readers follow the story of...

Living in a Personal Identity and Finding a Purpose

Introduction Everything that surrounds a person undoubtedly shapes their identity. Since everyone has their perception of accomplishments, occurrences, and people in their lives, I firmly believe that the same things can evolve the identities of multiple people in entirely different ways. Speaking of my own experience, one thing that has...

Current Energy Crisis in Beirut, Lebanon

Lebanon is currently facing one of its worst energy crises due to frequent power outages in its capital, Beirut. An acute energy crunch aggravates problems, causing many households to struggle with long power cuts. Some regions in the country experience severe blackouts for up to 23 hours daily. This paper...

On Pech Merle Cave Drawings and The Starry Night by van Gogh

The prehistoric paintings of the Pech Merle Cave in France and The Starry Night by renowned painter Vincent van Gogh are among the most famous artworks worldwide. Both works portray the elements of the real world available to the artists at the time, yet the realness is distorted through the...

Orem’s Self-Care Implemented in Today’s World

Orem’s self-care is a nursing theory that offers direction to the nurse practitioner on how to identify a patient’s deficit needs in getting well. The different levels of care range from educating the patient’s family to giving total attention. The theory explains how nurses can intervene to help patients maintain...

Dennigee’s Store’s Management Issues

Gaps There are several problems at Dennigee’s Store, such as when (part-time) team members fail to complete their assignments after receiving poor performance evaluations and when inventory levels are low and promotional products are involved. It is crucial to establish and clarify team member different duties by focusing clearly and...

Developing a Strategy for a New Business

Introduction Business analysis is a field of study that identifies the critical components and processes within an organization that are responsible for creating value. This is achieved by gathering data and analyzing it statistically. Finding new business opportunities or figuring out how to make the most of existing ones is...

Biology: The Concepts of Chemistry

Biology is a discipline that investigates how things in the world interact with one another and their surroundings. The sciences, in general, and biology, in particular, utilize a number of important factors in their scientific inquiry. Scientific laws, which describe how one or more aspects of nature behave under specific...

How Media Affects Culture and Society

Introduction The development of the media has profoundly impacted families, cultures, and society as a whole. The ubiquitous accessibility of media has increased communication speed and convenience, enabling individuals to communicate with one another beyond geographic boundaries. The media has contributed to the globalization of culture by exposing individuals worldwide...

Borderline and Paranoid Personality Disorders

Paranoid personality disorder and borderline personality disorder are mental conditions that require specialist intervention and a specific approach to treatment in combination with therapy and medication. Those disorders are characterized by difficulties in daily life and cause discomfort to the patient. To address these two conditions, it is necessary to...

Increased Ship Traffic and Solutions

Salish Sea’s unique geography puts it between major Canadian and American port cities, making it a vital element of the local economy. This situation presents many ecological hazards, primarily due to the region’s industrialization and tourism sector. For example, the Port of Seattle has recently proposed to expand one of...

Bias in Decision-Making: Advantages and Disadvantages

Managers’ cognitive biases can negatively affect their decision-making process leading to suboptimal results. They normally include confirmation, overconfidence, loss aversion, bandwagon, information availability, and anchoring biases, as well as prejudices towards others based on religion, ethnicity, gender, age, and group identity, to name a few. Although a person cannot avoid...

Patient Engagement in Healthcare

Patients frequently struggle to understand or recall the details their healthcare practitioners have presented to them. Practically, one of the best ways to gauge a client’s comprehension of directives is to use teach-back (Talevski et al., 2020). The patient is invited to talk about their perceptions of their medical state,...

Market and Subsistence Economies

In the process of a long evolution, all countries have established the predominance of the market economy as the basic and most efficient form of economic management. It is based on commodity production, which is possible due to technology. Market economy assumes the production by individual, isolated producers specializing in...

Why Good People Act Unethically and How to Avoid Rationalization

Introduction The issue of human behavior is complicated, and a wide range of variables can affect how decisions are made. Decent individuals sometimes act inappropriately and make dubious decisions to appear more likable, hide a mistake, and many other reasons. People then begin to justify their behaviors and rationalize their...

Roman Architectural Style: Holy Redeemer Parish and Its Unique Features

Introduction The Roman architectural style is one of the most famous construction types, and it was developed many centuries ago. This style stays unique as massive buildings identify it with a classical view and flowing designs (Meyers 12). This style, developed in ancient times, can also be seen in the...

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism: Definition, Implications, and Misconceptions

Introduction Academic integrity is an important issue that some students might face when submitting their work. This involves not only the process of cheating or falsifying facts but also plagiarising. As a result, every student is expected to follow a specific set of guidelines. Thus, plagiarism is objective since it...

Recognizing and Avoiding Logical Fallacies in Argumentation and Perception

Fallacies and Their Role in Misconceptions Fallacies in our reasoning and perception of information are one of the main reasons for the formation of misconceptions. There are patterns of perception of specific facts that lead to false conclusions. All logical fallacies can be divided into three main types: fallacies of...