Normal Distribution in Operation Processes

The phenomenon of the normal distribution is typically defined as the graph that displays the distribution of random variables (Tong, 2012, p. 26) and usually takes the form of a sine wave on a graph (see Fig. 1 below). When it comes to applying the concept of the normal distribution...

Evidence-Based Qualitative Research in Practice

Introduction The value of qualitative research in evidence-based practice includes cases when the results cannot be measured using qualitative research but observations, assessment, interviews, and reports can be processed to find out how some actions influence the patients. For example, qualitative research in evidence-based practice can help to find out...

Teaching Evaluation Using a Mixed-Methods Analysis

Methodology The authors utilized a multiphase mixed method to examine the context-based legality (i.e. subject legality and sampling legality) and hypothesis-based legality (i.e. substantive legality, natural legality, result legality, and generalizability) of an instruction assessment instrument through evaluating learners’ views regarding features of successful institution tutors (Onwuegbuzie et al., 2007)....

Understanding Shareholding vs. Stakeholding in Management Theories

By claiming that stakeholders are involved in an exchange relationship, the authors mean that they are both affected by companies and have an impact on the companies, as stakeholder groups provide the companies with certain contributions and expect to receive the bonuses they need in return. For example, the general...

Strategies to Improve Student Writing Skills

The need for writing skill in accounting firms The article titled The need for writing skill in accounting firms by M. Northey is an assessment of the need for proficiency in writing in large accounting enterprises which base their operations in an ever challenging environment coupled with demands for proper...

Ethical Dilemmas of Confidentiality Facing Social Workers Explored

Cheryl’s family comes to me, as they face difficulties while communicating with her after a brain injury (Hutchison, 2011). Seeing that they are confused and do not know how to act in the current situation I want to help them, but it is inadmissible to talk about Cheryl’s case even...

College Experience for Nursing Practice

When a child decides that he or she is going to help people, that can often become the first step on the path to becoming a teacher or a nurse. In my case, it was the latter. When I enrolled the college, everything seemed exciting and challenging at the same...

Maritime Hazardous Cargo Security Act: Enhancing Vessel Safety

Maritime hazardous cargo security act was meant to improve the security of vessels that transport dangerous chemicals and petrol chemicals. It was set with the aim of protecting Americans from terrorism and the economy by protecting the theft of chemicals and petrol products. The bill also aimed at improving the...

Vacation in Cancun: Paradise on Earth

If you are still hesitating about where to go on your next vacation, you should definitely consider Cancun in Mexico. Picturesque landscapes, tropical forests, and the warm water of the Caribbean Sea will prove that there is paradise on earth (“Cancun Vacation Travel Guide”). Once the center of the exuberant...

Gender Discrimination Issues and Interventions

Introduction The identification of gender discrimination is a social issue that requires much attention from public opinion. Thesis statement: gender discrimination is a social construct that prevents women from progressing, and the main beneficiaries are insecure men who fear competition in different life aspects. Gender discrimination causes Describing the background...

The Societal Benefits of Same-Sex Marriages: An Analytical Perspective

Introduction Same-sex marriage refers to the coming together of two people of analogous sexual orientations through a religious or a civil ritual. The need for recognizing same-sex marriages has attracted diverse opinions from a wide variety of scholars, politicians, and religious parties. This raging debate implies that people have diverse...

Imperialism and the Destruction of Indigenous Cultures

The problem of race, ethnicity, and superiority has always been topical for human society. Even today, in communities that are considered tolerant ones, there are signs of discrimination and inappropriate attitude to some categories of people. As for the past epochs, the problem was even more complex because of the...

Paul’s Theodicy in Romans: Brendan Byrne’s Commentary

The attempts to justify God’s treatment of human beings play an important role in the Bible. This issue is explored in the Epistle to the Romans, in which Apostle Paul discusses God’s relations with the people of Israel. To some degree, his rhetoric can be regarded as the theodicy aimed...

Apple Watch Target Market: Demographic Segmentation

This paper analyzes Apple Watch target market. It looks into the segmentation marketing strategy of Apple Watch, demographics of its audience, and the age of its users. Introduction The importance of the Apple Watch is undisputed in the global market of smartwatches. The impressive growth of the industry is associated...

Sociological Effects of Divorce on Children

People are social beings, and the environment where they live influences them significantly. It means that various living conditions and events have an essential impact on people’s personalities, characters, and behaviors. For example, no one can deny that a divorce is a shattering experience for adults. However, the dissolution of...

Change Management in Healthcare

Thesis Statement Changes in the healthcare field are always associated with difficulties since they affect the ways care is delivered, as well as medical professionals’ and clients’ experiences. For my research paper, I have chosen the topic of change management in healthcare. More specifically, I am planning to examine innovation...

Transitions of Care in Nursing: A Clinical Perspective

Clinical Nursing Practice Problem A fragmented health care system requires an increase in continuity of care across health care levels. Care transition is considered as the extension of health care of the patient when one is transferred across different health care levels. As such, older people are seen as major...

China’s Impact on Globalization and International Security

Introduction China has been a remarkable case of development, as the state has become very influential and important on the global level. To fund economic development, China has acquired a tremendous dept, which, if not repaid, can harm the global economy. This paper aims to use China as a case...

What is the Value of a Master’s Degree in Nursing?

Introduction In the modern competitive job market, advanced knowledge and skills in particular spheres of activities are immeasurably required, and highly qualified workers are more attractive to employers in comparison with mediocre ones. That is why a master’s degree may significantly benefit a person’s career. It will provide the development...

Activity-Based Costing Systems: Traditional, Fuzzy, and Monte Carlo Approaches

Summary As a method of managing expenses within an organization, the activity-based costing (ABC) approach has warranted the status of a popular tool for managing accounting issues by transforming indirect costs into direct ones. In their study, Esmalifalak, Albin, and Behzadpoor (2015) scrutinize how the sources of uncertainty associated with...

Canada Since Confederation. The Northwest Rebellion

Thesis The Northwest rebellion of 1885 was of great importance to Canada development despite the fact that it lasted for three only months. Introduction The 1885 Northwest Rebellion was a three months uprising by the Métis people led by Louis Riel protesting against the Canadian Authority failure to deal with...

Women in the UK Criminal Justice System

Introduction The analysis of women in the UK criminal justice system disclosed the attitude to females in criminology perceiving them as workers, offenders and victims. Throughout centuries the criminal justice system ignored women as offenders; the 20th century changed the situation completely impacting the place of females in criminology. (Chesney-Lind,...

What Being a Refugee Means, Characteristics That Define a “Refugee”

The concept of a refugee has always been analyzed in the psychological and social spheres of studies aimed at the realization of the inner world of those people, who are in the state of constant cultural shock living beyond the protection of their own countries. It is necessary to stress...

North American Colonies: Virginia and Massachusetts

Introduction From the very beginning the new territories were opened up to search for some new sources of minerals, fur, natural resources, wood, and other different useful things for which the developed territories could be rich. One more reason to establish colonies on the territory of Americas was the religious...

How to Structure a Persuasive Speech

Introduction According to the analysis of the speech forming strategies provided by Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, the main aspects to be used by every speaker are usually focused on the approaches of logic and persuasive speech building. The data highlighted the principle steps of perfect and influential speech creation based on...

Irish “Potato Famine” of 1846-1850

The Irish “Potato Famine” is known as the most abhorrent and the most deplorable tragedy in history. The catastrophic number of deaths, which led to the immigration process, absorbed the entire country resembling the black hole. The reasons for the calamity arising from the extreme shortage of harvests propelled the...

Masco Corporation: Internal Company Analysis

Abstract Many elements can influence the corporation’s conduct in the world of business nowadays, particularly when the matter relates to market forces and competitive advantage. This paper discusses the case study of Masco Corporation with in-depth recommendations. Conclusion is provided to summarize the paper’s details and a reference list is...

Joint Venture of Office Depot (U.S.) and DeoDeo (Japan)

One of the vivid examples of market entry failure is a joint venture of Office Depot (U.S.) and DeoDeo (Japan). The main causes of this failure were inability to differentiate from other products in the same industry and the lack of market research. Market failure was caused by complex political,...

Prescriptive Versus Descriptive Grammar Rules

The way we speak in informal settings is different from the way we talk or write in formal settings and there are some times I say something and someone corrects me saying that I am not observing the rules of grammar. Sometimes I start a sentence using a conjunction and...

Inclusive Education for Students With Disabilities

Introduction In the modern world education is one of the basic needs of a child. All children whether mentally or physically challenged have the right to education. The question is whether educational institutions should be all inclusive to accommodate children with or without disabilities or specialised to separate them. If...

Poverty Relation With Immigrants

Background information Following the current changes in technology and modernization, the poverty-related immigration rate has been reported to be very high. It has been revealed that; the current advancement in technology and modernization has resulted in many environmental hazards; which have led to a decline in land productivity. More specifically,...

Knowledge Sharing Description: Believers in Christ Church International

Many organizations around the world are shifting towards intelligent approaches to doing business. This follows the realization that knowledge is an important and invisible asset, which may be used, to achieve desired goals in an organization. The established Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) within an organization assist in key decision-making processes...

Free Will According to Susan Wolf

According to Susan Wolf, free will involves conducting oneself in a manner that is consistent with reason guided by what is good and what is true. This means that people are free when they do the correct things and slaves to their own flesh when they act in the wrong...

The Meaning of Reading in Voice of Children

Introduction Kindergarten texts such as read-aloud are meant for the enjoyment, easy comprehension, and good introduction of literature to the pupil. The teachers use such texts to reinforce the curriculum developed for students at this level. The readers in this case need to acquire literary knowledge to understand the text....

Russian Immigrants’ Oral History

Russia has always been interesting to me. Being the largest country in the world, it has its own unique and interesting history, which is full of the outstanding men, great achievements and mysteries. Their culture is just opposite to ours and it is very interesting to get to know about...

Sport and Economic Regeneration in Cities

A research study conducted by Gratton, Shibli, and Coleman (2005) evaluated the social and economic relevance of sporting events and the appropriateness of related investments. These researchers hypothesized that the aim of the sporting investments seen within cities for the last twenty years was not directed towards the prowess of...

Multiculturalism in the Classroom: Culturally Responsive Teaching

Nowadays, it becomes increasingly clear for educators that, in order for them to be able to adequately address their professional duties, they must be fully aware of what account for the discursive implications of multiculturalism in the classroom. This, however, is not only because teachers are expected to encourage students...

Role of Interest Groups and Mass Media in Policymaking

Policymaking is a complicated and long process, which depends on many factors. In this essay, it is shown how interest groups and mass media can be involved in the process. It is also investigated if this influence is positive or negative. The influence of interest groups policymaking An interest group...

Leadership in Different Spheres of Life

Leadership is that aspect of the personality of individuals which enables them to lead and manage teams and groups of people. Leadership traits are visible even in childhood when children play and interact with their friends and display the ability to lead and enable their teams to perform and win....

Physical and Geographical Dynamics of South Asia

This paper reviews chapter six that focuses on South Asia under different topics. The chapter covers physical and geographical dynamics of the region. In addition, it covers educative topics such as natural hazards, environmental challenges, human geography, and economic development. Indeed, issues about South Asia described in the chapter are...

Forensic Psychology: Quantitative vs Qualitative

In forensic psychology, both quantitative and qualitative research designs can be used when the available data is presented in the qualitative form, in words or categories. Depending on the purpose of the research, the data can be coded to determine themes, as it is in the qualitative research, or it...

“Cinderella” by Randall Jarrell

Introduction “Cinderella” by Randall Jarrell talks about an old woman who is sitting by the fire place imagining things. The literal subject matter of the poem is about a woman who is imagining things about life. She sees herself young with her grown up playmate. The speaker continues to talk...

Atomic Bomb Technology and World War II Outcomes

World War II witnessed advancements in military technology in an unprecedented fashion. The major alliances joined the warfare with highly sophisticated weapons due to the experience gained during World War I. This was not all; the war period experienced the development of even more advanced weapons. In fact, the end...

Case Study Research: Design and Methods

Although existing literature demonstrates that the analysis of case study evidence is one of the least developed and most challenging facets of doing case studies, the proposed study will employ four techniques named in Yin (1994), namely pattern matching, explanation building, time-series analysis, and logic models. These analytic techniques are...

Native Ads: Ethics of Native Advertising

Native advertising attempts to match the message or form of the site or platform on which it is carried. For instance, advertisers may write articles to promote their goods or services but utilize the same functions of articles created by the editorial staff. The author of this essay holds that...

Global Poverty and Human Development

Poverty rates across the globe continue to be a major issue that could impair the progress of humanity as a whole. Absolute poverty means that people in this situation do not have even the basic necessities to survive, and most of these people are concentrated in low-income countries. Some progress...

Isalam – the Main Religion in the World

Introduction Being one of the main religions in the world, Islam undergoes prejudice and is associated with violence nowadays. However, a description of Islam beliefs, practices, and rituals should present the description of the religion itself, reminding us that knowing the issue should precede any judging. Historically, Islam originated from...

The Strategic Planning in Business

Strategic planning determines the strategy or framework of actions. There are several ways to execute the dealings and strategies that preset the schema which allows for a more planned and exact plan of action. It sets the regulations with certain parameters and they are followed until the transaction is finished....

TED Talk by Any Cuddy “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are”

The Ted talk by Any Cuddy named “Your body language may shape who you are” touches the topical theme important for many people in society. The majority of worthy individuals fail because of the wrong attitude or lack of self-confidence. The speaker refutes the belief unmerited achievements and honors by...

Ethical Theory: Moral Course of Action

Introduction The work of those medical specialists who help premature babies to recover outside the womb is responsible and valued highly in the healthcare community. At the same time, the assessment of such activities may be based not only on the principles of professional ethics but also on human morality....

My Experience With the English Course: Learning Strategy

The ability to write clearly is a necessity in the modern world. After completing this English writing course, I am positive about my progress towards acquiring the said skill. An array of reasonably challenging tasks have pushed my limits as well as exposed a few insecurities about my writing competencies....

Pluralism Approach to Employment Relationship

Employee relations have been a pressing issue in Sociology for a long time. The way managers should approach power, decisions, and interact with the front-line workforce is the main focus of the philosophy known as Industrial Relations (IR). Unitarism, pluralism, and radicalism have been defined as the three main conflicting...

Logistics, Retail and HR Management: Annotated Bibliography

Wood, Geoffrey, et al. “Special Issue on: International Human Resource Management in Contexts of High Uncertainties.” International Journal of Human Resource Management (IJHRM), vol. 29, no. 7, 2018, pp. 1365–1373. Journal Article. The article examines issues in human resource management in difficult conditions. There is no doubt that high uncertainties...

Affordable Care Act as a Fundamental Human Right

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) that was enacted in 2010 and proposed making healthcare affordable to all Americans. While the debate in society is still present, the role of the ACA on Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRN) is another controversial point. On the one hand, they are encouraged to practice...

District Growers and Metropolitan Wellness Center Situation Analysis

Analysis of the Situation The subject of this analysis is the case of Corey Barnette. It can be said that there are two major reasons why Barnette’s business is experiencing underperformance. It is worth mentioning that underperformance here means that Barnette could not become a leader in the cannabusiness market...

Sexual Assault and Pedophilia. Typologies

Introduction To understand adolescent sex offenders completely depends upon the methods which are used to recognize and take care of adult sex offenders. The very uncommon way of classifying these sex offenders is based upon whom they victimize. The two most familiar groups are rapist and child molester (Eric W....

Oura: Company Analysis

Oura is a company that sets accomplishing healthy sleep as its goal. Thus, all its products are designed to help customers with quality rest at night. The company’s flagman is Oura ring, which has gathered massive media and consumer attention throughout 2020. It is an electronic device that combines the...

Medicine: Organizational Problems

Healthcare organizations face various problems that affect the quality of care. In my workplace, two problems appear to be crucial for patient outcomes and the success of our organization. First, there is a significant shortage of nurses in or our hospital. According to Haddad and Toney-Butler (2019), the shortage is...

Social Problems Related to Alcohol and Drugs

Introduction Alcohol and drug use is a significant issue in the contemporary world that influences not just the individual but also their family and the wider community. Hence, various scholars have concentrated on the social consequences of alcohol and drug use in their articles or considered them, along with other...

“Meeting With a Killer” by Linda and Amy White

Meeting with a Killer is a documentary showing the severe tensions and emotions that Linda and Amy White experience when preparing to meet a murderer of their daughter and mother, Gary Brown. In religious tradition, the advice on responses to respond to evil and suffering vary. In the Christian framework,...

Why Anthropology Matters?

Anthropology is the systematic and scientific study of humanity, which encompasses a wide range of fields. Its interests can span from mere human biology to human culture and societies. Anthropologists also study linguistics and ethnography with the main focus on humans. It is a highly important and essential field, which...

The Gambling Industry in Canada

The gambling industry has become a major source of income for many local governments in Canada. Some people think that it is unfavorable for governments to operate casinos and lotteries. They suggest that private organizations should conduct business while governments should only work on collecting taxes. Churches consider gambling to...

Shakesperian Literature: Hamlet’s Character in Act 2

Hamlet’s Character In Act 2 of his play titled Hamlet, Shakespeare depicts the protagonist Hamlet as the only gifted politician in Elsinore. Although he could read men’s minds accurately, Hamlet is reluctant to respond to other characters vengefully. He only mentions revenge in his last speech despite having the capacity...

Child Prodigies and Their Future

A lot of the children in the world are smart and talented in different ways. In Marshall’s article, “Child Prodigies,” Marshall focuses on analyzing the numerous differences that exist between children in terms of their abilities. This is clearly illustrated by the focus of his article on the characteristics of...

Validity and Reliability of the Research Carried Out

The process of choosing an instrument to conduct an investigation may be based on two principal indicators, that is to say on validity and reliability. The two notions are applied to the evaluation of scientific research, as they show the quality of information extracted from a specific finding. The issue...

The Legal Principles and Their Contribution to Business

Identification and application of the legal principles are significant for businesspersons. Practical, realistic, case-study approach will contribute to future prosperity and reduction of conflicts. To know the legal environment of business is very useful in terms of understanding both rights and obligations. Constitutional concepts and clauses along with activities of...

Healthy Eating: A Common Nursing Concern

The significance of healthy eating choices may have been diminished significantly among general audiences due to the rise in the range of activities to be engaged in daily and the resulting lack of time for cooking proper food. However, healthy eating still remains an issue of utter importance, especially given...

The Great Gatsby: A Book Review and Summary

Scott Fitzgerald is a famous American writer, and most of his works are devoted to the jazz era. He elaborated this term, which means a happy decade between the end of World War I and the beginning of the Depression. This era involves the rebellion of the young generation against...

Participative and Delegative Leadership in Nursing

Nursing leadership ensures every patient gets quality care. I have portrayed the best leadership traits during my professional practice. My leadership style portrays both delegative and participative approaches. I am a competent leader who works with my patients and nurses. Team leadership is a participative approach that encourages every person...

Plato and Aristotle Views on the Concept of Knowledge

Introduction The concept of knowledge has been debated since the conception of philosophy as a method of examining the nature of phenomena and relationships between them. Plato and Aristotle can be regarded as the initiators of the discussion surrounding the definition of knowledge. Although there are several points at which...

Explaining Concepts of Forensic Accounting

Forensic accounting refers to the branch of accounting that deals with integrates legal practice in investigations and auditing. The standards for forensic accounting are thus derived from the law and they give this practice its law definition. The major advantage of forensic accounting is in its role in detecting fraud...

CT Scanners and Techniques

Quoting the words of Jakub Mochon, CT product manager at Siemens Medical Solutions, let us state that “the U.S. health system is very dependent on CT”, it is absolutely evident (Dargan, 2009/2010, p.30). According to the data provided by McCollough et. al., the usage of CT scans has increased dramatically....

Myocardial Infarction: Case Study

Symptoms Pain in the chest and other parts of the body like the left arm are the most common symptoms of myocardial infarction. The patient was also out of breathe, and he looked weary, and these are also symptoms associated with MI. The pain associated with MI emanates from the...

Gender Pay Gap: Making Change With Civil Disobedience

It is necessary to find out which factors provoke the current situation of a gender pay gap. Understanding if this difference might be the consequence of discrepancies in the qualities and characteristics of male and female workers can help to address the issue and select the methods of making change....

Media in Healthcare Sector and Policy

There is no use denying the fact that the healthcare sector is one of the most frequently mentioned nowadays. It is obviously connected with great attention given to the health of the nation in the modern word. However, despite all efforts and programs aimed at the improvement of the state...

Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse’s Role Delineation

According to AACN, the role of a nurse practitioner (NP) in adult- gerontology acute care includes such components as the leadership implications, collaborative implications to ensure effective interdisciplinary partnership, and direct patient care provider role (7). This means that the unique scope of practice for this type specialist is considerably...

An Immigrant as a Manifestation of a Stranger

More than 100 years after Simmel’s description of the stranger, they are still present in modern societies. Moreover, labeling certain groups of the population as strangers in public discourse is more widespread than ever. A typical example of it is labor migrants and their descendants. An immigrant is an obvious...

Study Designs, the Role of Primary and Secondary Data in a Research

Introduction It is accepted that the collection of research data should have a definite purpose. It is important to develop a research question matching the data to provide a meaningful result. A good research question is not just interesting but should be grounded in the analysis of evidence (Lipowski, 2008)....

Value Stream Mapping to Evaluate Wastes in Production

Value stream mapping is a crucial lean tool that helps to evaluate the current wastes in the production process and design process improvement interventions to improve the process efficiency. A value stream map (VSM) visualizes all the stakeholders and processes needed to fulfill the order from a customer. The present...

Warehouse Design for the Medical Supplies

Planning the design for medical supplies warehouses, developing storage, and elaborating retrieval methods, companies are left to make a decision on their own. Very little guidance has been provided for storing pharmaceuticals in the warehouses. However, there are several recommendations for keeping them safe before they get to the pharmacies....

The Case of Chipotle: Strategy Selection

The current Part I, II, and III discuss Chipotle’s marketing expenses, proposed organizational structure, and strengths and weaknesses respectively. The new pieces of analysis draw on the previous research carried out to understand Chipotle’s standing on the market. For Part I (marketing expenses), it was important to identify the company’s...

Improving Student Learning: Teacher Effectiveness

One of the main tasks of an educational institution is to provide not only the knowledge and skills but also to disclose the abilities of each student that should be prepared to function in a competitive world. At present, students are required to have professional and flexible thinking, high awareness...

Social Psychology: Race, Racism, and Discrimination

The fact that human beings belong to the same species is undoubted. Moreover, understanding race, racism, and discrimination are equally important, since the whole matter of race and racism revolves around the human ethnic background. The context of this issue has continued to be a matter of discussion, taking into...

Maternal Stress in Pregnancy: Effects on Fetal Development

Interruption of the mental status of the mother during pregnancy and its effects on the unborn child is today a subject of great concern. Most of the studies that seek to ascertain the relationship between prenatal anxieties and the child’s subsequent growth are often subjected to a lot of criticism...

The Impact of COVID-19 on Honda

Summary Despite being a large international company, Honda has incurred the negative consequences of the world pandemic to a large extent. First of all, the demand for cars has considerably decreased. Business Today reports: “Japan’s No. 3 automaker expects profit to sink to 200 billion yen ($1.89 billion) in the...

Real Options. Corporate Finance

Real options refer to the right of the company to perform a certain activity or action at predetermined costs for a specific period. However, It is not an obligation that the company must perform that particular task. With real options, companies can minimize risks associated with new ventures. They can...

Steve Jobs’ Commencement Speech at Stanford University From 2005

The speeches of famous people at graduation universities make students think and decide what to perform next in life. Steve Jobs gave an awe-inspiring oration in 2005, consisting of three personal stories. Communications’ goal was to show by the example how important it is to be yourself and to find...

Kentucky Fried Chicken Company’s Advertisement

Companies that manufacture food utilize various appeals to reach out to the public and promote their products. The goal of food advertisements is to convince people of different age groups, gender, and culture to purchase a food product. Furthermore, promotions play a significant role in convincing people to choose a...

African Christianity vs. Western Rationalism

Introduction Christianity has spread to all parts of the world since its early days, and the cultural differences of those who adopted this religion shaped their religious beliefs, practices, as well as spirituality. African Christianity is characterized by spiritual and holistic nature, which encompasses the acceptance of the empirical and...

The Search for Truth in Philosophy

Rorty sees his task in radically deconstructing and overcoming the traditional view of philosophy as a discipline that provides an accurate representation of being. The philosopher proposes a post-positivist concept of coherence as the correspondence of an affirmation to the principles and requirements of a particular language game operating in...

The Dudley and Stephens Lifeboat Case

Dudley and Stephens lifeboat incident is a famous criminal case where Dudley and Stephens killed Parker, a young man, to save themselves from starvation. The two sailors alongside Brooks and Parker faced a storm and were trapped in a boat in the deep sea for weeks without water and food....

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Plastic Surgery

Main Post It should be noted that the main purpose of research lies in directing and guiding nurses while treating the patients. To enlarge on this, nurses should be open to changes while identifying a particular problem and looking for viable solutions. Being a Director for an Ambulatory Plastic and...

E-Commerce Business: Ineffective Leadership

Background With the growth of Internet shopping, online business rivalry has increased, especially among the most popular websites in the USA, such as Amazon or eBay. These e-store sites offer a direct and quick route for producers or retailers to convey their merchandises more efficiently and reach potential buyers. E-business...

Diversity Training and Organizational Development

Introduction Diversity is the difference personnel show. It enables coordination of services. It may lead to misunderstandings (Bertuch-Samuels, 2018). Religion is an example of diversity. Diversity can be challenging to manage. Thus, training managers on diversity is key. Training Processes for Diversity during Recruitment Training on how to avoid bias....

Crime Causes Among Adolescents Aged 12 to 17 Years

Statement of the Problem The topic for my term project is “The main causes of crime among adolescents aged 12 to 17 years.” I intend to explore the major reasons for the crime commitment among adolescents of this age group. Juvenile delinquency is a paramount topic to raise and discuss....

Study of Aspects of Applied Sociology

Applied sociology is one of the constituent parts of the general body of sociological science. It aims to obtain cognitive data about various social phenomena and processes by studying the causes of their occurrence, the mechanism of functioning, and the direction of further development. Due to applied sociology, the researcher...

Review of ”A Beautiful Mind” Movie

A Beautiful Mind is an award-winning film that depicts the life and work of John Nash, a notable mathematician whose work in the subject of game theory earned him the Noble Prize. Apart from displaying John Nash’s mathematical genius, the film focuses on the onset of schizophrenia in Nash and...

Third Culture Kids: A Literature Review

Third culture kids (TCKs) are identified as individuals who were raised, for the majority of the time, in a culture other than that of their parents. Bonebright investigates various aspects of TCK livelihood and puts an emphasis on their ability to relate to other people and cultures. According to the...

Predestination: The Theological Concept

In theology, predestination is the belief that God has predetermined all events, generally concerning the person’s ultimate fate. Predestination interpretations frequently attempt to resolve the “phenomenon of free will,” in which God’s omniscience appears irreconcilable with human free will. Predestination can be seen as a type of religious determinism in...

The Consequences of the Ocean Acidification

Ocean acidification is a matter of severe concern nowadays because the human-caused threats present in the current time are significant for the world’s oceans and the life on Earth. As it is known, the world ocean occupies more than half of the planet’s territory, meaning that the issues that threaten...

Impacts of the Democratization of Making Maps

Democratization of Maps began in the late 1970s, although some geographers opposed the idea of democratization of maps with a view that it would lead to the demise of cartography. However, the program gained popularity in 2002 when many people joined the race. The color brewer tool was the leading...

Life of Pi by Yann Martel: Religious Traditions and Faiths

Life of Pi, written by Yann Martel in 2001, focuses on the unique attitude of the main character Pi Patel towards religions. He is Hindu; however, he has also embraced the following faiths: Christianity and Islam. Pi acknowledges every faith and absurdity that it might project on believers, and moreover,...

The Walt Disney Company’s Generic Strategy

The Walt Disney Company, one of the biggest entertainment companies in the world, utilized various business models. In the present time, the company uses the generic strategy to obtain a competitive advantage by the unique structure of the entertainment, mass media, and amusement park industries (Williams, 2019). Generally, generic strategy...

The Four Waves of Modern Terrorism – In Comparison with Freedom Fighting

Terrorism is an act of political violence aimed to incite terror and panic into the target population and further a specific political goal. Modern terrorism is often described through the prism of the “waves” theory proposed and developed by David C. Rapoport (Da Silva, 2019). Within the framework of the...

The United Kingdom Separation of Powers

The United Kingdom self-identifies as a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch. As a democratic country, the UK has a separation of powers into executive, legislative, and judiciary branches. The judiciary branch is independent of the other two branches and includes magistrates’ courts, county courts, high courts, the Crown Courts,...

Investigation of Daimler AG v. Bauman Case

Workers and relatives of employees of the Gonzalez-Catan plant of Mercedes Benz Argentina sued the company for violating the 1991 Law on the Protection of Victims of Torture. They alleged that during the 1976-1983 “Dirty War” in Argentina, the company wanted to punish workers suspected of being union agitators and...

Aztec and Spanish People’s Cultural Differences

The excerpts from “An Aztec Account of the Spanish attack” and “Cortes Wants Cholulans To Destroy Idols” describe the events which unfold during the conquest of the indigenous American population from the perspective of both sides. From these passages, it is possible to identify several differences within the religious culture...

Comparison of the Books and the Movies

Comparing books to movies might not be easy because both are not entirely but drastically different. There is an opinion that books are much better because they can provide people with a fuller picture of the story. This essay will aim to contrast both ways of representing the story and...

Naomi Shihab Nye as an Author of Poetry

The video features the award-winning author of poetry, Naomi Shihab, Nye, reading from her work of adult and children poetry that includes 19 varieties of Gazelle such as Fuel, Poems of the Middle East, and Red suitcase. Her collection features a variety of poems about the Middle East and Palestinians...

Improvements in Writing Preparations

Writing skills are essential in many areas of human activity, such as interpersonal communication or seeking a job. Being an experienced and proficient writer opens many doors and helps with various issues. Therefore, evaluating writing skills can bring many benefits to people who seek to analyze their strengths and weaknesses...

Aspects of Older Adults and Sexuality

For females, most undergo the climacteric transitional period beginning in their 40s and completed by their 50s. At this time, reproductive capacity slows, menopause begins, and the menstrual cycle is completed. Physical age-related changes occur to the reproductive system, such as thinning of vaginal walls as they become dry and...

Pentecostal Religious Service and Experience

Pentecostalism originated from one of the Protestant movements, the Holiness movement. Glossolalia and the baptism of the Spirit and fire were practiced there. In 1906 in Los Angeles, on the basis of one of these communities, the so-called Azusa Street Revival began. It was massive public glossolalia and preaching of...

Who Discovered America: Native Americans, Vikings and Columbus

At the end of the fifteenth century, the Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus, with his expedition, reached North America’s shores, mistakenly believing that he had arrived in India. It was the beginning of the era of the discovery, development, and research of America. However, some researchers consider this date inaccurate, insisting...

French Revolution: The Birth of Freedom and Equality

The French Revolution is reasonably deemed one of the most significant events not only in the history of France but also in the whole world. The French Revolution began in 1787 and continued until the end of the century. The causes of the movement were numerous, and its consequences were...

Queer People’ Perspective on Traditional Religious Concepts

Traditional religious concepts claim that queer and trans people cannot be compatible with religion. Moreover, conservative religious representatives view queerness as a mistake that does not deserve a right to exist. They state that LGBT people are far from God and that their behaviors and attitudes are sinful. Traditional concepts...

Descartes’ Concept of Self Described in Meditations

Introduction Descartes is correct that the essential self as a thinking entity is central to one’s consciousness, unlike the self as a material entity. The Core Argument Descartes’ concept of self revolves around the idea of the dualism of mind and body. In other words, the body and its physical...

Analysis of China Candid by Sung Ye

China Candid is not a general story but a collection of interviews with twenty-six different Chinese people conducted by famous journalist Sung Ye. The book tells the readers the alternative history of China and its nation from the middle of the 20th century till the first decade of the 21st....

Governance System of United Kingdom and United States of America

It is impossible to learn about a country’s history and culture without understanding how it is governed. Having a basic understanding of the governance systems of two major English-speaking countries, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, is crucial. With the help of a comparison of their structure...

Ukraine Taps U.S. Law Firm Covington to Press Russia

Facts Law firms in the U.S. are permitted by law to represent any client within and outside the nation for as long as the client is subject to the provisions of U.S. law. According to Thomsen (2022), Ukraine hired an American-based law firm, Covington & Burling, to represent the nation...

Nutritional Necessities of Individuals with Disabilities

This article highlights the nutritional necessities of all adults, children, and youths with intellectual and developmental disabilities with special care needs. Ptomey & Wittenbrook (2015), center their discussion on patients with CYSHCN and IDD special care needs. The research aims at developing nutrition interventions suitable to these populations. The authors...

Civil Rights in Nashville: Sit-ins Demonstration

Introduction About 50 years ago, in Nashville, Tennessee, activists such as college students, ministers, and other people concerned launched a demonstration known as sit-ins. This campaign was intended to enable the discussion of rights without the use of violence or weapons. The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), founded in 1960,...

Analysis of Caterpillar Company

Mergers and acquisitions present a vital source of development for companies in global distribution strategy. Caterpillar Inc. specializes in developing, manufacturing, and marketing construction and mining machinery and engines, and other construction equipment. According to the company’s website, Caterpillar’s long-term goal is profitable growth, which prioritizes investments in product and...

Consequences and Benefits of Urbanization

Urban anthropology explores the life of people in cities, the diversity of forms of social organization, the sociocultural experience, and the practices of urban communities. The subject of the study is both the problems of urban life (overcrowding, poverty, inequality of opportunity, migration, social exclusion) and the variety of forms...

New York Times Website: The User Interface

User Interface (UI) of a website refers to the features that a website visitor sees and interacts with on a website when navigating for services or information. Website users always judge a site by its interface instead of how it functions. A well-designed user interface gives users an amazing user...

The “Birth of a Nation” and “Hallelujah” Films

Introduction The history of the United States (US) is full of paradigm shifts that have turned American domestic politics, society, and the economy on its head. There are many cultural lenses through which one can trace this civilizational and historical process, such as literature and music. American mainstream cinema, namely...

Charles Luckeyth “Luckey” Roberts in Jazz Music

Introduction Charles Luckeyth Roberts, commonly known as “Luckey,” is one of the musicians who significantly impacted jazz music. Luckey was born in 1887 in Pennsylvania, and he experienced challenges after losing his mother at a young age and being forced to live with the Ringolds. Luckey’s father took part in...

Analysis of Piano Trio No. 2 by Dmitri Shostakovich

Introduction In this work, it is required to characterize the performed musical work. The analyzed performance of Piano Trio No. 2, written by the Soviet composer Dmitri Shostakovich was held at Mountain Bay College as part of the chamber music festival. This concert took place in 2020, while Shostakovich’s suite...

Deforestation and Its Effects on Our Environment

Introduction Deforestation involves the permanent removal of trees for several reasons and significantly affects the environment. It entails destroying, clearing, or removing trees through natural, deliberate, or accidental means. Nearly 80% of deforestation is caused by farming and logging for development and raw materials (Wolff et al., 2018). The permanent...

Exploring the Process of Individuation

Individuation is a necessary process in psychological development and involves a human being taking steps to achieve a form of individuality. The person deems themselves a separate entity with a varying identity from others and starts consciously existing as an independent human in the world (Galipeau, 2013). Nonetheless, some people...

Martin Luther King Jr: Conviction of Self-Respect

Self-respect, a source of confidence and mental strength, can be described as a person’s ability, which often originates from internal reasons, to accept their needs and value. To be able to respect themselves, humans need to appreciate their unique personality traits and the impact they have on the community and...

Performance Measurement in Decentralized Organizations

Primarily, it should be noted that one of the actual, relevant, helpful, and interesting articles found by the author on the topic “performance measurement in decentralized organizations” is the paper by Alamsa and Rasyid. This work focuses on analyzing the decentralization systems within organizations in terms of productive, effective, and...

Culture and Culinary Traditions

Culture plays a crucial role in society as it affects all aspects of human life. It shapes how people think and act in different situations, their values, choices, and how they view themselves and others. Culture can also impact a person’s attitudes toward foreign cultures and customs. Thus, certain culinary...

“When Worlds Collide” Directed by Rudolph Mate

“When Worlds Collide” takes the audience on a dramatic journey through the first couple of centuries after the Old World collided with the New World. The voyage opens in the city of Los Angeles and proceeds to Spain and Latin America, in which Spanish conquistadors first made contact with local...

Monitoring Compliance of Intravenous Therapy Pumps

Implementing a data migration and monitoring project in a healthcare setting is a complex aim that requires high-quality project management, both in regard to planning, strategic implementation, and risk mitigation. In this particular case, the aim is to implement an intervention in regards to the switch from one EHR (Cerner)...

Public Health Promotion in Everyday Life

One of the most common examples of public health promotion in daily life is the use of various types of educational signage, such as posters and labels. These are usually put in public places, such as parks, schools, shopping centers, public transport, hospital waiting rooms, and others, and meant to...

The Impact of Communication on Human Relations

The need for communication, interaction, and mutual assistance did not arise by chance. A person faced problems that prompted him to unite with other people in order to overcome an obstacle together, to overcome a difficulty that is beyond the power of one person. Communication is one of the primary...

Wal-Mart’s Pressure on Its Vendors

The major problem faced by Vlasic is the devaluation of their premium brand pickle jars by Wal-Mart. Vlasic built a strong brand over the years and convinced its customers to pay premium prices for their pickles (Lerner, 2018). Wal-Mart sold a gallon of these premium pickles for only $2.97, a...

A Forensic Pathologist’s Professional Path

The job of a forensic pathologist needs nearly 13 years of education and serious medical preparation after school, spending about 10-12 hours on foot under challenging conditions, and a daily encounter with death and cruelty. These specialists undergo substantial training, specializing in many spheres, in order to be able to...

Visual Arguments in Advertising

Introduction The Coca-Cola commercial from 2014, titled “It’s Beautiful,” has stirred controversy due to the misinterpretation of the scenes. The commercial features households of diverse backgrounds singing in various languages, “America the Beautiful” (Amalina 57). This advertisement faced criticism within and outside of the US due to the appearance of...

The Nursing Education Development

Nursing is an essential area of the healthcare system dealing with the prevention and prevention of diseases, assistance to doctors, and patient care. The work of nurses is one of the most responsible since it is nurses who take care of patients, their well-being, monitor treatment and the recovery process,...

Theory of Mind in Autistic People

Theory of mind (ToM) is an integral social-cognitive skill encompassing a person’s ability to attribute mental states. It is the ability to determine what others are thinking. The theory was coined by Premack and Woodruff in 1978, triggering various issues in human development (Meunier, 2017). It is one of the...

The Division of Nations: Role of Geography

Geography is the study of the distribution of people and resources, along with the associated political and economic activities, as they relate to the physical characteristics and atmosphere of the Earth. Before the Civil War, it was a major factor in dividing many countries. The locations where individuals choose to...

1968 as a Turning Point in American History

In 1968, dissatisfaction with the existing order of things spread to various social strata and took the forms of student unrest, workers’ strikes, guerrilla wars, and national liberation revolutions. The Cold War had already split the world, and the foundations of both socialist and capitalist states were shaken overnight. Today,...

Gender Differences in the Prevalence and Characteristics of Pain in Spain

Health and Sickness in Spanish Culture In the Spanish context, culture plays an important role in people’s approach to sickness and healthcare. Therefore, providing culturally appropriate medical services is pivotal to meeting Spanish patients’ needs and promoting their well-being. In this regard, religion, traditional health beliefs, and lifestyle habits are...

The Article ​”Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr

“Is Google Making Us Stupid?” an article by Nicholas Carr (2008) mostly examines the premise and effect of how the Internet influences our studying, thinking, and writing routines. It also alters how our minds attempt to conform to evolving times in the context of reading. From my perspective, I agree...

Harmonie Water: Bottled Water Production in the U.S.

Introduction In essence, the global market for bottled water is a highly competitive and dispersed supply environment. The frequent introduction of several firms into the market is the primary cause of this. These fresh faces include regional vendors or well-known companies that work across sectors. The fundamental reason why there...

Intuitive and Analytical Approaches to Decision Making

Decision-making lies at the foundation of every business and management opportunity. The approach to choosing what to do next can either lead to better results or put the organization and its workers at risk of failure. Thus, it is essential to look at the different approaches to decision-making and see...

“The Beat (Up) Generation” Article by Abby Ellin

Introduction It is hard to disagree that the conflict of generations has long gone beyond the relationship between parents and children. For example, in her 2014 article “The Beat (Up) Generation,” Ellin discusses how in the 2010s, for the first time ever, three generations began to work together in offices....

Valley Forge Leadership Case Study Analysis

Introduction The Valley Forge case is a historical episode in the US warfare leadership development. Washington’s approach to arranging the troops’ performance and setting, as well as the unmet needs of the soldiers, caused the lack of discipline in the army. One of the main problems resulting in negative outcomes...

Critique for “Bully: An Adventure With Teddy Roosevelt by Jerome Alden” Play

The socio-economic and generational concepts are the major themes presented in Bully: An Adventure with Teddy Roosevelt. Roosevelt mentions the socio-economic divide between the rich and the poor in the play, with the poor working as laborers being exploited by the rich. His arguments about defending workers’ rights during the...