Personal Financial Literacy and Planning

By the end of the current 2022, I want to pay off my bad credit and also invest in other loans that I have; for this, I need a capital of about 3000 US$. I make monthly payments to pay off the loan so that the total final amount may...

Psychopathology of Sexual Orientation

When it comes to sexual orientation and gender identity, there have been many disagreements and arguments throughout the existence of psychopathology. The topic of sexual orientation has long been debated from the perspective of socioenvironmental influence. Some debate that sexuality is the result of genetic impact, while others believe that...

High Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Caucasian Women

Statement of Objective As the medical field evolves, numerous pharmaceutical and lifestyle modification therapies are offered to patients suffering from various conditions that may vary in cost and effectiveness. Therefore, it is critical that medical professionals are aware of numerous available treatments for different conditions as patients may be resistant...

Torture in the Modern World as an Unethical Issue

People often face various moral challenges, such as whether controversial acts like torturing someone can be justified under certain circumstances. Torture is the intentional and deliberate infliction of physical pain and is internationally prohibited by the Geneva Convention Against Torture (Berenpas 44; Dershowitz 116). Nonetheless, many countries find ways to...

Effective Communication and Interpersonal Success

The importance of effective communication cannot be overstated, whether one is a worker or a manager. Like any other skill in life, good communication does not come naturally to many people, making them develop the skill through constant practice. People who have gained a reputation for being outstanding communicators share...

The Byzantine Empire’s Impact on Religion

Introduction The heritage of the Byzantine Empire is one of the most valuable and significant in world history. People of that time created unique art pieces and architectural constructions, implemented new religious beliefs and introduced the unfamiliar before political structure. Although Greco-Roman traditions were the main inspirations for many Byzantine...

“Les Misérablesby” by Victor Hugo: Analysis

It is important to note that Les Misérables, written by Victor Hugo, is an outstanding piece of literature that explores many aspects of living in a broken society and a personal will to act. The book’s core idea is centered around one’s freedom to resist the social degradation and evil...

Government Policies Lowering Energy Costs

Introduction In the article “Biden Administration to Provide Over $13 Billion in Aid to Help American Families Lower Energy Bills,” Chelsea Cox reports on the government’s efforts to assist citizens burdened by high electricity charges. The United States Department of Health and Human Services plans to release money to help...

The Defunding of Planned Parenthood

Over the decades, one of the profound issues experienced in U.S healthcare sector enshrines federal funding policies on pertinent practices, such as abortion. The introduction of the defund planned parenthood entailed limiting the government’s participation in facilitating medical services involving controversial parentage customs (Handley, 2019). On the one hand, the...

Transforming Emotions and Behavior in Literature

A. R. Ammons and William Carlos Williams were famous American poets of the 20th century. They were known for giving common creatures, feelings and experiences unusual depictions and embodiments. By using various devices and means of description, they give those beings and cases a new interpretation. This feature in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Definition and Meaning of Respect

Introduction People in modern society have many options for how they relate to each other. Friendliness, dislike, love, hate, and many similar social behaviors play a significant role in human relationships, but there is one of the most important. Respect is a strong reverence for someone or something caused by...

Management of Children in Early Childhood Education

Early childhood is a critical stage in the development of individuals, as the stage is linked with numerous growth aspects. Individuals who care for children at this stage should be very concerned with developing the best skills that will allow them to develop critical skills that will allow them to...

The American Revolution Period (1775-1784)

This essay will consider some crucial questions about the essence of the American Revolution between 1775 and 1784. Scholars admit that the revolution was one of the most improbable events in the 18th century because of quite stable relationships between Britain and the colonies.1 In addition, there were many controversies...

Inequality Among Other Sociological Problems

Many social problems today have to do with one’s inability to accept and understand the characteristics of other people and society as a whole. I find it strange and unclear why people fundamentally choose to hate other people, seeking to humiliate them in some way. Our particularities are a demonstration...

Substance Abuse Counseling Approaches

Counseling is a therapy and practice that mainly involves talking to clients. Qualified professionals apply their knowledge and skills to help others solve their problems and overcome traumas and difficulties in life. Using a variety of theories and methods, counselors can provide psychological therapy and support. There is a wide...

Survival: Physical Skill and Fear

Introduction The article “Attitude of Survival” from Backcountry Attitude emphasizes the importance of having a positive attitude in survival situations. The article argues that the psychological state of a person is the most important factor in survival, as it affects their motivation, determination, and ability to adapt to the situation....

Mastercard: Creating a World Beyond Cash

Case Analysis This thematic analysis aims to study Mastercard, one of the world’s leading payment networks. This study will be based on the case study by Gupta et al. (2022) titled “Mastercard: Creating a World Beyond Cash.” The main tasks in this work are the identification of strategic issues, possible...

Active Professionals’ Self-Care: Self-Care Tips for Domestic Dispute Professionals

Abstract This article explores some self-care tips that might be used by professionals working in the field of human services. The article provides three strategies that are useful to human-services professionals especially those in the field of domestic disputes. Introduction Human service professionals reap several benefits from their work but...

Syria’s Conflict: Putin’s vs. Obama’s Position

Introduction Syria had been involved in a serious and devastating conflict for more than four years now. Despite the fact that the conflict refers to the Syrian government and its opposition, there are numerous countries that are involved in this was as well. Russia and the United States of America...

The Impact of Humility and Leadership

The concept of humility has received mounting attention in organizational scholarship in the recent past, particularly in the wake of unprecedented corporate scandals that are often attributed to the unbridled personality, hubris, sense of entitlement and perceived self-importance of the corporate leaders involved (Owens, Johnson & Mitchell 1517). Although humility...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Beach Benefits With Regard to Mental & Physical Health

Introduction There is probably no other place more closely associated with the idea of relaxation, stress and carefree moments than the beach. Indeed, most tour firms have utilized images of happy families and couples lounging on the beach to attract potential clients done with the drudgery of the day-to-day office...

Decline in Oil Prices

The modern world is characterized by the opposition of blocks of states. Each of these blocks has its leader who determines the policy of this block. Being superstates, these countries fight for their dominance in the world, using all methods and remedies they have at their disposal. One of the...

Human Interactions in the Form of Communication

Introduction Human interactions appear in the form of communication, and this communication can either be in terms of spoken or written discourse. Discourse is a word derived from a Latin word, discursus, and it means conversation or speech. Therefore, in any communicative event, discourse is the dominant feature. In fact,...

American History: Civil War Evaluation

The civil war is one of the most defining events in the history of the United States. The war, which was fought between the two ideological opponents in the country, led to a number of resolutions whose effects still resonate with the American public and the municipal administration. The United...

Drucker and Leadership: The Father of Modern Management

Managing an organization means being able to make adequate decisions is an essential skill that an efficient leader must possess in order to steer the company the right direction and promote its further prosperity (Robbins & Judge, 2014). A range of theories have emerged over the past few years, shedding...

Management and Motivation Theory: What Motivates You?

The question of whether a leader’s motivational aspects have an impact on his or her leadership style and performance has been subjected to substantial empirical exploration by scholars and practitioners for several decades now (Ellemers et al., 2001). In this paper, I make an attempt to deepen the understanding of...

Price Discrimination and High Line Living

The article “High Line Living” by Vivian Marino, a columnist at The New York Times, describes a luxurious penthouse at the High Line that is due to be on sale in the nearest future. The penthouse is situated in a glass-steel fourteen-story building in Chelsea and currently costs $22.95 million....

Lucretius Philosophy and Religion

Lucretius was one of the philosophers that declared war on religion because of its effects on members of society. He was of the view that religion does not play positive role to the life of an individual, but instead it only confuses individuals to believe in what does not exist...

Music as a Part of Life: Personal Impressions

There are many reasons for why people can like or dislike music because it can reveal the most secret and unknown aspects of a human life. One of the most powerful aspects of music is the impossibility to predict where it could lead. In her book, Sarah Dessen defines music...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Women’ Liberty in the House of Representatives

America is a great democracy that many countries seek to emulate, and the amount of freedom enjoyed by the American citizens makes it a great nation. However, an important question arises on the extent to which these freedoms are enjoyed in society and by whom. The June 2012 incidence in...

The Faith in God in Night by Elie Wiesel

Introduction: Back to the Biblical Legends. Job and Eliezer Testing the faith is not a new issue to talk about – it is basically as old as the hills, sine even the Bible mentions the instances when a man was tested to prove that he actually was a hardcore believer....

Ritz Carlton Hotel and The Room Mate Restaurant: Companies Analysis

Evaluation The Ritz Carlton is a competitive hotel based on the fundamental keys it takes to make sure every customer is contented. The hotel is also a risk taker for example, during the opening of the Ritz Carlton Boston it decided to design the chairs in the Winston Churchill’s room...

“Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder” by Bisson et al.

Introduction PTSD or posttraumatic stress disorder is a specific mental condition of a patient, which was provoked by a one-time or recurring strong external traumatic impact on the individual’s psyche. This adverse health condition can be caused by multiple reasons ranging from physical or sexual abuse to empathy to the...

African Union Conflict Intervention Framework

The article “After 50 Years of the OAU-AU: Time to Strengthen the Conflict Intervention Framework” explains why new strategies are needed to ensure the African Union (AU) is valuable towards addressing humanitarian crises. This is the case because Africa is the only continent that is grappling with specific challenges such...

Employees in Charge: Tendency to Encourage Independence

Employees in Charge: Tendency to Encourage Independence The environment of Operation Management (OM) has changed significantly over the past few years. New trends have redesigned the subject matter to the point where OM gained an entirely new meaning, implying not only the control over the corporate processes but also the...

“El Cielito Lindo” Composition by Los Rogacianos

The composition selected for the analysis in this paper is called El Cielito Lindo. This is a popular Mexican song traditionally performed in Spanish, but there are several translations of this composition to other languages. El Cielito Lindo was written in 1882 and promoted by the composer called Quirino Mendoza...

Chinese Settlement Patterns in America

Synopsis Wei Li develops a geographical outlook of Chinese American people on community formation in time and space in chapter 10. The writer paints a picture of the geographical characteristics in terms of settlements, socioeconomic activities, and traditions of the first American Chinese immigrants in relation to the latest geographical...

The Japanese Philosophy of Kaizen

The significance of a positive change is intrinsically characteristic of any culture (Pyzdek & Keller, 2014a). However, when viewed through the lens of a specific set of traditions, philosophies, a and the world picture, the phenomenon shapes, gaining new shades of meaning and incorporating more wisdom. Although kaizen, which is...

Sensory Perception and Brain Interpretation

Common sense organs are used by human beings to understand what is happening around them through smell, touch, taste, vision and hearing. Information and data from sensory organs are used by brains to respond and behave accordingly. According to Kirby and Goodpaster (2007), brain cannot process anything unless it is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

American Soldiers as Deontologists

The fundamental aspect of being a soldier is the acceptance and willingness to follow all the rules given by one’s superiors. The power hierarchy is, thus, very important in the military and army bases. Due to this, soldiers usually experience personal battles regarding whether to take an order as expected...

Warfare Evolution Throughout History

Introduction with Thesis Statement Wars have been a part of human existence ever since the beginning of time. Starting from ancient times when humans first appeared as a species and started to form primitive societies, clashes between different groups. The causes of such clashes evolved alongside the forms and types...

Drug-Drug and Food-Drug Interactions

Current CDC Guidelines and Drug-Drug Interactions Drug-drug interactions occur when a medicine interferes or affects the activity of a second drug when administered together. Such interactions produce synergetic or antagonistic effects (Juarez-Cedillo & Martinez-Hernandez, 2016). Such synergetic effect increases the effect of a drug when administered together with another one....

Pender’s Health Promotion Model and Parse’s Theory

Introduction Modern nurses know and implement numerous different frameworks into their clinical practice. From Nightingale to Henderson, these frameworks largely revolve around four pillars of nursing and assist in framing both clinical practice and clinical research by outlining goals and purposes of interventions, as well as providing an ethical and...

Offshoring’s Long-Term Effects on Employment

Offshoring is one of the most controversial topics in the contemporary business domain. Since its emergence, the phenomenon has garnered recognition as a highly efficient and profitable way of labor redistribution. At the same time, concerns have been raised regarding the adverse impact of offshoring on the labor market, or,...

Load Duration Curve in Electric Power Generation

Introduction Inefficiency in centralised process of generating energy has led to innovative ways of monitoring efficiency. Of great importance has been the introduction of load duration curve (LDC). This paper will examine load duration curve. The notion of a load duration curve LDC provides information on the amount of power...

High Blood Pressure Treatment in Diabetic Patient

The given case study presents a sixty-year-old African American male patient who has been diagnosed with hypertension and types 2 diabetes for the last twelve years. His body index is 32, and he is currently taking no other medication except 37.5/25 mg every morning. The information about the patient’s age,...

Inequality in Wealth Distribution in the US

In the speech, Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen talks about the inequality in income and wealth distribution in the United States. Before the Great Recession, the gap was relatively small. However, the losses that people incurred widened the gap. High rates of consumption widened the gap further and made the...

Englishes in “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tans

Of all people, a writer is, perhaps, the person that is expected to treat their language with most care and respect. However, the idea of using a language appropriately is rather loose, mostly because the very concept of correct use of the language is quite vague (Crossley et al. 100)....

The McMartin Preschool and Forensic Psychology

Forensic Psychology Judy Johnson reported to the police about her child’s sexual molestation. It led to the arrest of Ray Buckey. There was a need to involve forensic experts in child psychology to determine the severity of the allegations (Bertel, 2012). The prosecutor, the defense, and the jury would rely...

Field Trip to the Golden Dragon Parade

Introduction In my perception, Chinese Ney Year is inseparably linked to rich symbolic imagery, ancient superstitions, delicious foods, and colorful festivals. It is possible to say that the Golden Dragon Parade, which takes place in the Chinatown of Los Angeles every year since the very beginning of the 20th century...

Listening Styles

Listening is important because it provides individuals with the required information about the world around them and other people’s emotions, feelings, and ideas. Four styles that differ in terms of a person’s motivation for listening are task-oriented listening, relational listening, analytical listening, and critical listening (Bodie, Worthington, & Gearhart, 2013)....

Meditech System at the Kendall Regional Medical Center

Kendall’s Electronic Health Information System In alignment with the need for keeping medical errors at bay, the adoption of electronic health information systems had prompted the development of various applications to aid in the achievement of this cause. Meditech is one such application that is used in the Kendall regional...

Methods of Determining the Voice of the Customer

Eight Methods of Determining the Voice of the Customer: Advantages and Disadvantages Promoting quality in the context of entrepreneurship is a crucial step toward gaining success and becoming a leader in the target industry. For these purposes, an increase in customer satisfaction rates and the subsequent increase in the number...

Bellevue Mall: Successful Retail in the Digital Age

Metrics of Success There is a multitude of metrics in the article that show the success of the Bellevue Mall. The first is that the price per square foot of store space in the mall is three times higher than average. The perceived decline of physical retail could lead a...

Seven Fires Prophecy in the Reconciliation Context

The Seven Fires Prophecy of the Anishinaabe people is a vast overview of the future for the people who live in North America. Seven predictions describe seven epochs and turning points where history will be changed. Since the prophecy encompasses actual beliefs of the Anishinaabe people and is deeply incorporated...

Hyperthermia as a Nursing Diagnosis

Hyperthermia In the case under consideration, the most prominent symptom that the patient has is painfully itching lesions that may bring about hyperthermia. According to Urden, Stacy, and Lough (2017), this illness may be caused by different reasons. In the discussed situation, it is a possible consequence of the skin...

Pop Culture in America

Introduction Pop culture is a multidimensional concept acting in many interpretations as the opposite of elitist types of cultures and is often replaced by the term mass culture. Nevertheless, popular culture, the formation of which is related to the process of industrialization, took its final shape in XIX-XX centuries (Cottrell...

Healthcare Reform and Ethics: Obamacare Act

Introduction Healthcare reforms are made to improve access to healthcare services and medicines as well as their quality. Unfortunately, in some situations, they fail to meet these requirements and lead to conflicts instead. Inequality of Access Healthcare services and medicines in the US are rather costly that is why the...

Unification in Europe and the World in the 1960s

Peoples of Europe and the world experienced multiple changes and reformations in the 1960s. It is difficult to determine precisely whether that time was characterized by fragmentation or unification since both processes took place, and each country faced this time differently. Nevertheless, the purpose of this paper is to discuss...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Donald Trump: Our Unpresidential President

Nowadays, there are many people worldwide who are eager to discuss the behavior of the current US President, Donald Trump. On the one hand, some people admire the ideas and activities supported by this political figure, defining him as a real hero who is able to earn huge money and...

Patient History with Respiratory Disease

Introduction This case describes an anamnesis of a patient with a respiratory illness. A woman has suffered from the disease for seven years. The exacerbation of respiratory symptoms occurs several times a year. However, it does not depend on the season. She stated that her co-workers faced the same problem....

Vomiting and Nausea in Patients with Gastric Cancer

The major focus of the proposed research is the prevention of nausea and vomiting in patients with gastric cancer who are undergoing chemotherapy. It is important to research this problem because the effectiveness of the treatment options for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting tends to differ due to a variety of...

Integrity in “A Clergyman’s Daughter” by G. Orwell

The term “integrity” is complex. In the broadest strokes, it is defined as “moral soundness; honesty; freedom from corrupting influence or motive” (“Integrity” par. 2). However, one should look beyond these components and take into account the Latin origin of the word: it derived from the adjective meaning “complete”, “whole”...

Islam and the Rise of the Islamic Community in the US

Islamophobia in the US has risen significantly since 9/11. People are fearful of Islamic extremism that has caused panic and speculation. Even in this environment of uncertainty, a small yet potent group of Muslims is living in America, struggling to balance their faith and the country’s dominant social culture. This...

Global Health Agenda and Development Opportunities

The World Health Organization (WHO) undertakes numerous initiatives and activities to transform the medical outcomes of the greatest number of people. Its current global health agenda is aimed at addressing existing gaps in health care using innovative practices. This paper discusses available opportunities for developing interdisciplinary approaches to advance the...

Volkswagen Company in India

Volkswagen (VW) brand takes a semi-premium position in India. At the same time, it is more premium than the main brand’s competitors: Toyota and Honda. By positioning the brand in this way, the management aimed to emphasize the value of quality, innovation, and high technology which are historically associated with...

Ford Motor Corporation and Mexico Risk Assessment

As a part of a team of Ford Motor Corporation, my task is to do a country risk assessment for Mexico for this year and clarify if it is reasonable to continue operating a franchise in this country. First of all, it is necessary to address the Office of the...

Healthcare Financing and Patient Advocacy

Financing of Healthcare Services Financial decisions in healthcare can significantly impact the quality of treatment with which an establishment can provide its patients. Therefore, funding plays a prominent role in the level of services. Both preventive care and healthcare services treatment are crucially important areas of care. While illness healthcare...

“What Does It Mean to Be Gendered Me” by B. Lucal

Response In her work What It Means to Be Gendered Me, Betsy Lucal, a professor of sociology, examines the problem of a person who does not visibly represent their gender and has to survive in the system with strict gender frames. The author illustrates her analysis of this issue with...

Nursing Activists and Their Positive Impact

Introduction At present, nurses are equal participants in the process of treatment together with physicians and other health professionals. Moreover, they fulfill some vital functions to facilitate health care and to improve its outcomes. Activist’s and advocate’s roles are crucial for contemporary nurses. They have opportunities to influence the quality...

Broadcast Effect of H. Wells’s “War of the Worlds”

The power of words should never be underestimated. The particular style of the presentation of information may wring some secret chords in one’s heart. One of the most vivid examples of the way words and the impressive story may influence the behavior of many people is the story of the...

Aligning Human Resources and Business Strategy

Analyze how your organization ensure/can ensure that HR strategy is fully aligned with the business strategy Human resource management is vital for any organization that seeks to add value to its employees to ensure the growth of the business. Holbeche (1999) says that in the 21st-century business environment, HR has...

Miami as the World’s Famous Scene

Introduction My perception of Miami is not unique. Perhaps it can even be considered reductive in comparison to how vibrant are the parts of the city that I do not describe. However, I would like to say that despite its lack of originality, I hold strong feelings about the scene...

The Framework of Kirkpatrick’s Model

What does SCM offer to training groups that is missing from analysis using the Kirkpatrick Model? There are four main information segments that are used in the framework of Kirkpatrick’s approach: reaction-related, learning-related, behavior-related, and results-related data (Kirkpatrick & Kirkpatrick, 2007). Each data level, in its turn, measures the degree...

The Sedition Act and the Crisis of 1798

Sedition Act The Federalists believed that the Sedition Act was going to temper political dissent that was equal to treason, in their opinion. Before the bill was passed, they were destroying Republican newspapers in a huge bonfire. They went on the offensive against any speech denouncing President John Adams and...

Educational Psychology and Learning

Introduction Teachers make a difference. Nowadays people pay more and more attention to the qualities of the teacher and the educator. The offered chapter one and video clearly demonstrate the difference between the above notions expressed in different approaches to teaching. Main body First of all, the teacher is the...

Military Social Worker’s Qualities and Skills

Military social work is a special field of the social work profession that has emerged as a response to an ever-increasing demand for psychological help for armed forces members, veterans, and their families. Military social workers are the ones who understand multifaceted behavioral health problems, psychological and physical conditions, and...

Understanding and Managing Diversity

Diversity is one of the most important issues to address in the contemporary globalized world. Organizations often have employees who have different backgrounds. Of course, gender issues and the generation gap are also important to take into account. It is clear that the development of proper relationships among employees is...

Virtue Perception by Aristotle and Today’s Society

Introduction As an essential set of traits, virtue is perceived as moral excellence that defines the extent of the humanity of oneself. It is a common phenomenon studied by ethics, a branch of philosophy. The Greek philosopher, Aristotle, made a significant contribution to examining this ethical phenomenon, as he is...

The Bill of Rights in United States Constitution

Introduction This week’s assignment was to visit the website of the National Archives and to select a founding document of the United States. These papers are at the core of the nation and continue influencing numerous aspects of its functioning. The example I chose is the Bill of Rights, a...

Equality of Men and Women

Rigoberta’s Political Commitment When discussing her political commitment and position, Rigoberta Menchú refers to such important issues as equality of men and women, women’s responsibility for their life, and the role of a family. According to Rigoberta, a woman, even if she has a certain political and social position and...

HR Sergeant in the Profession of Arms

Introduction It is not easy to define what it means to be a Profession. It encompasses the values, ethos, cultural aspects one can find in codes and creeds. An Army leader is a figure who needs to comprehend these guiding principles, accept them, and apply them to practice in any...

Dara Richardson-Heron’s Interview Preparation

Dara Richardson-Heron is one of the remarkable females of modern US society who can bring long-awaited changes. This woman of color has an impressive biography. This leader holds a degree in biology and also has a doctorate in medicine (National Institutes of Health, 2017). Dr. Richardson-Heron has been involved in...

&pizza Brand’s Situational Analysis

The 21st century has brought people various new possibilities in marketing and sales. Nowadays, opening a new place, whether it is an expensive restaurant or a small coffee shop, has become more accessible than ever before. On the other hand, however, the constant expansion of the market makes it complicated...

Twitter’s Use of Google Analytics for Marketing

The selected company is Twitter, which is a social networking platform that was launched in 2006 (“About,” 2019). The venue currently boasts of over 100 million active users posting at least 340 tweets every day (“About,” 2019). The success of the platform has been pinned on several factors. For example,...

Price Discrimination in the Airline Industry

Price is one of the most potent instruments affecting the global economy, different countries’ economic and social stability, as well as the life of millions of humans and even various species on the planet. Higher prices let people earn more and improve their living standards while they can also make...

Primary Care Nurse Practitioners in Adult-Gerontology

This course has helped me understand that currently, nurse practitioners in an adult-gerontology primary care are in demand and more of them are needed to provide comprehensive healthcare for adults. Nurse practitioners in an adult-gerontology primary healthcare usually practice in many different institutions and therefore, have many options in choosing...

Workplace Violence Against Nurses in the US

Proper job climate is among the key factors that make healthcare providers’ work more effective and patient-oriented. Speaking about nurses, it is necessary to mention that being a nursing professional always involves being dedicated to patients and performing the work with regard to high standards. Even though every nurse understands...

Business Analytics as a Key Tool for Industrial Workers

Introduction Business analytics has become a prominent area of study over the past few years. Current technology, as well as the understanding of business management, enables processing and using data in a way that helps businesses to become more successful. Knowledge of processes and tools involved in business analytics is...

High-Quality Nursing Practice and Needed Skills

Nurses need to facilitate their clients and benefit them that is why it is vital for them to have enough knowledge and well-developed skills (Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2016). All patients are different that each of them requires appropriate and unique care (Manley, Hills, & Marriot, 2011). Being a student...

Promoting the Growth of Forces of Magnetism

As a future leader, an advanced registered nurse practitioner (ARNP) is expected to provide excellent care and serve as an example of a qualified professional. The forces of magnetism that include organizational structure, quality of nursing leadership, care, and improvement, interdisciplinary relationships, and other related points should be targeted by...

Change Management in Education

Change management in education plays a crucial role determining the main objectives and strategies. Michael Fullan underlines that change in schools and educational establishments should be based on careful analysis of the current situation and future goals of the organization. The author identifies the main issues which influence educational process...

Test Anxiety and Academic Performance in Undergraduate and Graduate Students

The purpose of the conducted study, described in the article entitled “Test Anxiety and Academic Performance in Undergraduate and Graduate Students” is to determine the levels of test anxiety and academic performance in large cohorts of graduate and undergraduate students and to investigate how these levels are related to one...

Freud’s and Erickson’s Theories’ Differences

Comparing the differences between the Freud’s and Erickson’s theories, it is necessary to point out that the stages in Freud’s theories were psychosexual, and the stages in Erikson’s theories were psychosocially oriented. The theory of psychoanalysis, which served as a base for numerous psychoanalytic theories, was developed at the late...

Geometrical Inference and Reasoning

Geometry is traced for over 2000 years back from ancient Greece. World-renowned science pioneers like Pythagoras, Aristotle, and Euclid were greatly associated with geometry, which its real denotation could be established from the Greek language. ” Geos” in Greek is simply, earth and “metron” is referred to as measure. The...

“Unemployment Checks: Keep ‘Em Coming” by Owens and Stettner: Article Review

High unemployment rates have a great impact on the economy and purchasing power of consumers. In the article, “Unemployment Checks” Owens and Stettner underline that current unemployment affects both the economy and employers, the government financial resources, and the jobless population. The researchers found that “new jobless benefits claims have...

Climate Change and Its Potential Impact on Agriculture and Food Supply

According to the laws of dynamics, the earth, together with all its resources can be viewed as a closed system, which is governed by irreversible energetic processes. As such, it behaves as a single, self-regulating structure comprised of physical, chemical, and biological components, and this will include humans (Robert, et...

Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal, Environmental Analysis

There are a great number of factors, which can neither be controlled not influenced by a business, but they are of great importance for it, especially in cases which concern business planning or product development. This is why it is necessary to be aware of them, and PESTLE analysis makes...

Greenomics: Marketing and Branding Strategies

Greenomics As already discussed, the target market for this product is untapped and absolutely vast. Once Greenomics is launched, its market will only grow as awareness reaches people about how changing the way their run their offices will be cost-beneficial to them being environmental friendly at the same time. Product...

Blockbuster INC.: Background and Factors for Decrease in Volume of Sales

Blockbuster’s decision to close 20% of its stores in the US Blockbuster Inc. has made an announcement in September 2009 that it will shut down 960 stores in the US which is almost 20% of its total stores in the country by the end of 2010 (Liedtke). This decision has...

The Standards for Evaluating Children’s Literature

Childhood is the age when the character and habits of the children are formed. Children’s perception of the world is based on what they see and what they hear. Children are like sponges, they absorb everything around them. That is why children should be read-only children literature, which influences their...

The Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Policy Against Bullying

General understanding of bullying by Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Bulling and any kinds of abuse at the workplace are punished severely at most companies and are usually followed by the government of the region. People have the right to work in the company they like and which is interested in...

Management Skills Development in Volunteers

Observations are useful aspects of any research study which involves investigation of issues through naturalistic inquiries into participants’ behavior, actions, decisions, interactions, and events resulting from these (Jorgensen). In this observatory paper activities of a peer group comprised of volunteers from the classroom are studied to identify different issues that...

Site Description: Atlantis Paradise Island

Introduction The resort center that Royal Brewing Company chose was Atlantis Paradise Island. It is a water park and a resort that is located in the Bahamas, United States. It was launched in 1998 by the South African hotel. Its conducive serene is characterized by impeccable features like Trump Plaza—comprising...

Religious Philosophy: Term Definition

There is indeed an infinite amount of variation in terms of what meaning is given by people to God. There are several common connotations which are often considered in this regard, especially amongst the people who come from more of a westernized culture of philosophy and religion. Since this category...

Research Education in Australia and Supervision

Background Modern society is characterised by significant changes in different spheres. Education is not an exception. Being one of the most important aspects of human society, it has to correspond to all demands of modern age. That is why, now there is a great number of significant changes which are...

Argument of Definition: Hate Speech

The law defines hate speech as any speech, gesture, writing, display, or conduct that is prohibited because it may incite some actions of violence or prejudiced action against a protected person or group or because it belittles or intimidates a protected person or group (O’Connor and Aaron 12). Outside law,...

Money and Morality: Children Reward

Introduction In the contemporary western society, rising children who uphold moral values, integrity and hard work has become a big challenge. The life lessons that the children are consistently exposed to serve to perpetuate the incorrect moral behaviors that they internalize. It is important to recognize and appreciate a child...

Sports Facilities Development for Economic Growth

Problem Statement According to Coates & Humphreys (2003), the body of literature shows that the sporting facilities do not support the economic growth of the urban environments within their vicinity. In essence, some studies suggest that there is no correlation between the existent facilities and the economic benefits in the...

My Dream Home: Personal View

Most people need a place where they can relax, feel safe and comfortable. A place, where they want to go after a hard day at work or an intense day with their friends. Most people call such place home. Although it is not easy to build or make a house...

Family Health History: Hypertension

Introduction I discovered a hereditary pattern of hypertension for myself due to the strong family history of high blood pressure. Several members of my family including my mother, father, maternal grandmother, and several aunts and uncles had or have hypertension. The Risk of Transmission of Hypertension to Other. New Family...

The Myth about a Weak American State

The myth about a Weak American state has been a controversial historical topic given the general consideration that a myriad of factors propelled America to the status of the global power. The present America is at odds with the representatives that shaped American past. According to Hauss (2008), “the present...

Leadership Theory: Personal Experiences

Leadership is one of the most important skills that every nurse should obtain. Nurses need to be able to adopt various leadership behaviors to be effective in their work. The purpose of this essay is to define my leadership role and assess how it is applied to the nursing practice....

Technology Venture Investing: Articles Review

Introduction Venture business – investing, as a rule, in the form of equity capital, in fast-growing enterprises that demonstrate the potential, is one of the primary ways of implementing technological innovations. This type of entrepreneurship is a small extent, characteristic of the commercialization to research results in high-tech areas where...

The Art of Ancient Peru

Introduction The tendency to exercise a row of important of public utility functions including art being a system of communication, a sign of wealth, a display of power, and expression of religious beliefs can be well explored in the art of Peru belonging to different time periods. This fact can...

Ethical Consideration in Group Counseling

Introduction There has been an advent in the use of group counseling for the benefit of members of the community in realizing personal and community goals. Group counseling serves various purposes in schools, colleges, universities, churches, and the community. Group counseling is whereby a small number of people come together...

Business Ethics as Aspect of the Firm Functioning

Business ethics is one of the fundamental aspects of the functioning of modern organizations. The firms have to meet requirements for their work and evolution because of the need for respecting all actors, customers, and partners. Unfortunately, there are some cases of rude violations of this code that also precondition...

Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competency: Quality Improvement

Introduction In the modern world, technology plays a more and more significant role, and many human manual jobs become substituted by robots that assist other people in their professional activities. Due to that fact, there is a constant change in the requirements set by employers towards competencies in many professions....

UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights

Slavery can still be found in the world in the form of child labor and long low-paid hours of work. Today, almost 25 million people in the world are victims of forced labor, 71% of them, women and girls, 29% – men and boys (“Human trafficking,” 2017). Despite the legal...

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Religious References in “Future Home of the Living God” by Erdrich

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Food Consumption: Enjoyment and Ethics

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Financial Analysis of Mountain View Hospital

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Should Certain Tactics Be Permitted in Preventing Future Attacks?

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The Purpose of Studying Biomechatronics

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Financial Implications of Nurse Understaffing

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”The Tempest” Performance in St. Louis Review

Introduction Plays are written to be performed on stage, although it may be fascinating and enjoyable to read them as works of literature. However, when watching a theatrical performance, one may get emotions different from those which could be gained from reading. Moreover, impressions of performances of the same play...

The German Healthcare System: Key Aspects

The German Health Care System is among the most advanced healthcare systems that provide quality healthcare services, which are not only accessible, but also affordable. What makes the German Health Care System unique across the world is the nature of social health insurance that it offers to Germans. In Germany,...

Developing a Firm’s Positioning Strategy

Schildge offers an adequate positioning strategy as a concept of marketing for developing and planning a company’s direction. It is useful not only for starting a business but also for existing long-term ones. Implementing a positioning strategy as part of the firm’s marketing would profit companies in the long run....

The Pathophysiology of Amenorrhea

Introduction From a clinical viewpoint, amenorrhea can be defined as a health condition that is exemplified by the absence of menstruation. Nevertheless, a patient can only be diagnosed with amenorrhea if she misses more than two menstrual periods in a consecutive manner (Gould, 2002). Clinically, there is a difference between...

Autism Complementary Treatmen: Diet and Relaxation

Introduction Autism presents several behavioral and functional anomalies (Cathcart, 1998). Participation of parents, structural modification, and dietary changes are usually administered as forms of psychotherapy to align these anomalies to normal behavior. Nurses do this fundamental role in ensuring the overall health of victims to hasten recovery. There are resources...

Discriminating Various Minorities and Indispensable Workers

Introduction Various minorities and indispensable workers are being undermined and discriminated against each day, despite their utmost importance to the history and community of the country. Sujatha Gilda’s “We Are Not Essential. We Are Sacrificial,” and Caroline Randall Williams’ “You Want A Confederate Monument? My Body is A confederate Monument”...

Domestic Violence in America

Definition of the Problem Domestic violence often occurs among partners who are in an intimate relationship. Governmental and non-governmental agencies have often argued that domestic violence as a serious social problem in America (Lockhart & Danis, 2010). Although men and women may be victims of domestic violence, many cases often...

The Role of Nurses in Disaster Management

I am a Plastic and Reconstructive Nurse with the majority of my patients being Breast Cancer victims who have undergone mastectomy and are after Breast Reconstruction. Most of my patients have undergone the procedure successfully and have maintained healthier lives with them following the recommended practices expected of them as...

Healthcare Institutions Overview

Compliance with the standards of the industry refers to the situation where the standards have been met by an organization. However, for an organization to be said to have shown exceeding standard expectations, there is much more that it must do. Standards are made to reflect or show the behavior...

Accountant (AICPA) Code of Professional Conduct

Introduction AICPA Code of Professional Conduct consists of rules, interpretations and ethical rulings and principles issued by American Institute of certified public accountant to govern ethical and professional responsibilities of CPA members. It is divided into, six unenforceable principles which express ideal ethical guidelines and form the framework for which...