The Code of Ethics in a Startup of a Modern Trucking Company

Introduction Any start-up demands a precise organization of a code of ethics that all representatives of the organization will follow. In an era of sharpened competition and a crowded market, it is essential to increase customer and employee trust and constantly enhance the quality of service. It is achievable only...

Caterpillar Inc.’s Strategic Management

Introduction Strategic management is constantly planning, monitoring, analyzing, and assessing all requirements that a company requires to accomplish its goals and objectives. Organizations will have to reevaluate their success methods regularly due to changes in the business environment. The strategy implementation process aids businesses in taking stock of their current...

Is Society Highly Dependent on Computers?

Background The Internet and digital dependence are logical consequences of the 21st century, the age of technology. Technological advancements and daily life tasks are closely intertwined; nowadays, it is unusual to see a person without a cellphone or computer. Although it is vital to follow modern developments, individuals must restrict...

Women Artists During Renaissance

Women artists produced and constructed their self-portraits by painting how they felt, how they viewed themselves, and how they wanted to be seen by others in the same way that mirrors reflect themselves. They fashioned their artistic identity in an ingenious and unique style portraying themselves as well talented and...

Method Company Operation Strategies

Introduction Method Company is detergent company that produces premium soaps from natural ingredients using environmentally sustainable production methods. The sustainable production method is less toxic and wasteful than competitors’ while allowing the company to remain competitive despite the low prices. The paper evaluates the operational strategies and processes used by...

Organizational Analysis: Thrive Skilled Pediatric Care

This paper will analyze the organization called Thrived Skilled Pediatric Care. First, the organization will be introduced and explored in terms of its mission, philosophy, and administrative structure. Second, the strengths and limitations of the organization will be examined. Third, the paper will describe the organization’s nursing care delivery system....

Teaching Students With Autism Spectrum

Fennell, Brian, and Karola Dillenburger. “Applied Behaviour Analysis: What Do Teachers of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder Know.” International Journal of Educational Research, vol. 87, no. 0, 2018, pp. 110-118. Web. The article analyzes educators’ current practices, approaches, tactics, and strategies for teaching students with autism. In particular, the authors...

Employees Recruitment Process: Behavior

The efforts and talents of employees impact the achievements of the company in which they work, and the search and recruitment of new workers are crucial tasks of the Human Resources (HR) manager. Specialists need to know various recruiting methods and their advantages and disadvantages to apply them depending on...

The United States Healthcare System Analysis

The organizational structure of medical care in the United States is characterized by a decentralized healthcare management system with a division of powers between the federal center and the states. The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is represented as the federal executive body which implements and controls...

The Samolyk v. Berthe Case Analysis

The defendant’s neighbor’s dog was about to die in a canal in July 2017, and plaintiff Ann Samolyk hurt herself when she dove in to save it. She said that while doing this, she suffered cognitive and neurological damage that led to her having to rescue the dog. The parties’...

Alcohol and the Negative Consequences of Consumption

It is no secret that alcoholism is a problem in modern society. Some individuals are used to drinking alcoholic beverages for short-term stress reduction and well-being improvement. Nevertheless, one should remember that alcohol brings devastating effects on a drinker’s body, in no way solving urgent concerns. Thus, temporary relief from...

Traditional Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture for Infertility

Introduction The current presentation is dedicated to the research conducted by Zhu, et al. (2018) and reflected in a peer-reviewed article “Acupuncture Treatment for Fertility.” In it, the authors aim to evaluate the ability of acupuncture as a well-known practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to treat infertility in both...

Leadership Foundations in Current Work Environment

Every organization is founded on the unity of teams and leaders and their cooperation, which results in efficiency and output. The healthcare field is among the most complicated fields since the lives and well-being of patients depend on the unity of the staff and leadership that helps manage the team...

Inventory Management and Logistics

Major Facts To improve customer service, reduce running costs, and improve the balance sheet, a computer peripherals manufacturer should find out how to reduce inventory. The company stocks items such as expensive engineering systems that customers rarely purchase and relatively inexpensive standalone PC support devices with a higher sales frequency....

“Fences”, a Playwright by August Wilson

Fences, a playwright by August Wilson, is a modern classic that describes the life of African Americans in the United States in the 1950s and reveals all the challenges and struggles people experienced. The drama won a Pulitzer Prize in 1987, and the combination of an emotionally strong plot, bright...

Energy Crisis and Climate Change

Why are countries of the world facing an energy crisis? Energy consumption is an important condition for the existence of the society. The availability of energy resources was always a necessity for the fulfillment of human needs and escalating life standards (Ghauri, Awan, & Bashir, 2012). Thus, as countries continued...

“Islam in America” BBC Documentary

Introduction Atheists around the world are having a field day when it comes to proving their point that religion serves no purpose other than to oppress and prevent the growth of human civilization. It is problematic to mount up a defense of religion, especially when the deplorable acts of corrupt...

Congestive Heart Failure: Patient Education Plan

Introduction Congestive heart failure (CHF) is considered to be a “leading cause of hospitalization for those over the age of 65” (Azad & Lemay, 2014, p. 329). The condition represents a serious economic burden for patients and hospitals. Moreover, it may adversely affect the quality of life and become a...

The Influence of Popular Culture on Society’s Perception of Wealth as Life’s Priority

Research Proposal The modern world has long entered the era of technological advancement that broadened the scope of popular culture manifestations. Today, not only films, television, music, or marketing are regarded as the primary cultural contributors, but also social media, online platforms, and other digital domains become significant participants in...

Mandatory Nursing Overtime: Con-Position

Introduction Every profession wants its workers to be always available to provide the best service possible, often ignoring their own needs in favor of duty. This practice may be particularly widespread within the nursing profession. Nurses are famously omnipresent at each level of healthcare, from pediatrics to geriatric medicine. However,...

Working Capital Fundamentals of Management Accounting

Introduction Working capital is really important for any kind of business organization. It is known as life blood of any firm. Khan and Jain (2007) purports that an industry needs working capital to operate its organizational activities Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis is necessary to make industry stable for the future. It is...

Jim Jones and Jonestown Cult Massacre

Introduction The tragedy of Jonestown, which took place in 1978 and left more than nine hundred people dead, immediately attracted attention of many sociologists, psychologists, because to a certain degree, this event reflected the tendencies in American mainstream culture (Chidester, p 11). Thus, it is of the crucial importance for...

Federal Reserve’s Role in the US Economy

The US economy is going through a very bad period; the Subprime crisis has severely affected the US economy. This is arguably the second worse situation that is haunting the US economy. The worst was the great depression which was signaled by the Stock market crash in the year 1930....

Do Organizations Need Managers?

Managing can be defined as looking over and ensuring that people are stay with what they are supposed to be doing. Managers ensure order, greater productivity and a continuous improvement in organizations (Youker, 1977, p. 564). In a more broad perspective, managers design and maintain environments in which other people...

Preliminary Investigation on a Workplace Problem

Introduction Employers are constantly faced with the challenge of investigating employees. An increasing number of employers are appreciating the central role of employee investigation in discovering workplace problems and thus initiating measures and control in preventing their occurrences. Each type of workplace problem demands a specific approach of investigation. “The...

The Criminal Justice System: Brandon Bledsoe Case

Introduction Brandon Bledsoe’s arrest provides valuable information about the U.S criminal justice system. The criminal justice system sanctions the guilty and protects the innocent (Maculan & Gil, 2020). Bledsoe’s case showcases all procedures of the criminal justice system concerning murder and arson. The process begins with arrest and ends with...

Impact of Bariatric Surgery on Digestion and Absorption

Research and Report Obesity and overweight are serious health issues that negatively affect the systems of the human body. To help people lose excess weight, healthcare professionals recommend patients undergo one of the three types of bariatric surgery: a gastric band, gastric sleeve, or gastrointestinal bypass. This paper will explore...

De Becker’s View of Threats

Introduction A threat is a vowed determination or intent to hurt or injure someone at the present or in the future. Under the criminal code, it is an offense to knowingly utter a threat to cause bodily harm to a person (Decker, 1998). It also includes; threatening someone, torching one’s...

Health Disparities Studies in the United States

Abstract The disparities in the American healthcare systems have been depicted in the form of discrimination, which takes place when people from different socioeconomic, cultural, and racial groups try to access the healthcare being provided. In most cases, the disparities in providing health services emerge when different or particular groups...

History’s Greatest Impressionists and History’s Forgotten Impressionists

History’s Greatest Impressionists and History’s Forgotten Impressionists are episodes from the documentary series The Impressionists: Painting and Revolution. They were produced by the BBC and aired in 2011. The episodes are devoted to the age of impressionism in European art. The narrator Waldemar Januszczak speaks about the history of impressionism,...

Psychotherapy and Counselling Approaches

For years, the terms psychotherapy and counseling have been used interchangeably due to the fact that the notions share many similarities. Notably, both disciplines involve developing a safe, therapeutic, and healing relationship between a patient and a therapist. Conversely, one of the key differences between the two fields is that...

“Portrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni” and “Mona Lisa” Paintings

Portrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni, created in 1488, was not drawn from real life. According to the existing versions, the starting material for the painting was a medal with a young woman’s profile, made especially for the marriage of Giovanna Della Albizzi to Lorenzo Tornabuoni. The author of the canvas is...

Lego Group’s Analysis in the Toy Industry

Five Forces Analysis of the Toy Industry Threat of New Entrants The toy industry has a relatively low risk of the appearance of new players for several reasons. First, a common outlook is that toys gradually seize to be the primary entertainment products because of the advance of videogames and...

Congressional Defense Budget Process

The process of approval of a budget size for the next fiscal year is a compound, long, and nuanced one. Everything starts with the President’s budget request, a lengthy bill of all the discretionary programs that he suggests to be financed. Soon after that, the Houses of Senate and Congress...

“The Lottery” by Jackson vs. “Antigone” by Sophocles

Shirley Jackson’s short story, The Lottery, describes a tradition in a small town where members draw lottery slips, and the winner is subject to death by stoning as a community sacrifice for good health and harvests. On the other hand, Sophocles’s play, Antigone, follows one girl’s fight against authority for...

The 13th-15th Amendments of the US Constitution

The thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendments of the US constitution are the most important ones that brought equality to American society. According to Kay, those three amendments abolished slavery, provided the security of the civil rights of the freed slaves, and hindered society from denying the vote on race (249)....

Daoism Issue, Solution, Techniques, and Exemplars

Daoism, often called Taoism, is a philosophy initiated in Earliest China and propagated by theorists such as Laozi. This viewpoint, which some individuals regard as a religion, instructs persons on living in agreement with the rest of the universe. The word “Dao” refers to “path,” the essence and pattern of...

Nursing Homes: Identifying the Issues

Introduction Even if it only included expanding an existing well-structured and functional long-term care system, expanding the nation’s ability to meet the increases in long-term care demands would pose planning, management, and resource allocation difficulties. The theory-driven LOCK framework could arguably benefit in addressing the two largest issues with modern...

Needs and Motivations From Maslow’s and the Scripture’s Perspectives

Introduction Humans crave various things in life, so numerous attempts at studying the nature of needs have been made. Particularly, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs remains the most inclusive yet structured approach. For this reason, many researchers put the classification into practice to study motifs that determine those needs. In this...

History of the United States and France

The Development of Slavery in America The discussion of slavery development in America is an essential question in historical investigation. Slave trade significantly impacted America’s expansion, evolving substantially over the centuries (Horne, 2018). The spread of African subjugation was mainly caused by the demands in a large amount of workforce....

The Research Devoted to the Dada Art Movement

Artland (n.d.). What is Dadaism, Dada Art, or a Dadaist?  The article “What is Dadaism, Dada Art, or a Dadaist?” published on the platform for contemporary art in a detailed way explains what Dadaism is, its origins, and critical ideas. The major advantage of this article is that it not...

Hurston’s Sweat and What’s Love Got to Do With It

Introduction The story Sweat, written by Zora Hurston, and the 1993 film What’s Love Got to Do with It focus on life stories of women going through a difficult time and their relationships with partners. Next, considering the timeless themes in literature, both works feature the themes of domestic abuse,...

Sexual Abuse and Its Impact on Relationships

Introduction Sexual violence is a common public health concern, with one in every three women globally experiencing physical or sexual assault at some point in their lives. Sexual abuse can range from sexualized behavior to more serious abuse such as personal touching and rape. The psychological and mental consequences and...

Social Marketing Campaigns for Minorities

The Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), Data to Care, Implementation, and Evaluation (PrIDE) project was conducted to increase PrEP awareness of racial/ethnic, sexual, and gender minorities through social marketing in 12 jurisdictions (Marshall et al., 2022). While the resulting data confirmed enhanced PrEP awareness among the minorities, social marketing strategies were also...

Agriculture-Led Food Crops and Cash Crops in Tanzania

Introduction Tanzania is well-known in the international market for producing eatable goods that are traded both within the country and used for exports. “Maize, wheat, rice, sweet potatoes, bananas, beans, sorghum, and sugar cane” are the most often cultivated food crops in Tanzania (International Trade Administration, 2021, para. 5). “Coffee,...

Rehabilitation Methodology for Chronic Pain after Knee Arthroplasty

Introduction The study focuses on a specific population of people with chronic pain after TKA. The developed methodology (result) can be used for evaluation after interventions in the long term. Comparators are therapeutic exercise and surgical intervention. The results can be measured after implementation in practice. For the study, the...

Ethics of Organ Allocation and Distribution

Introduction One of the most morally challenging questions related to medical ethics is whether or not healthcare should be rationed. However, the scarcity of medical resources, both now and throughout the history of medicine, has made healthcare rationing inevitable and inescapable. The difficulty is allocating medical resources in a way...

The Day of Revenge, BRAVO, and ALPHA Conflict

Introduction In the case presented within the exercise, country BRAVO experiences terrorist pressure from a militant organization based in the neighboring country, ALPHA. Considerations of similar, real-life, and fictional cases are important, as the process of mediating conflict between both state and non-state actors, terrorist groups, is extremely difficult (Ratner,...

National Crime Prevention Council’s Media Campaign

Introduction National Crime Prevention Council is among the American educational nonprofit institutions that enable the creation of safe communities by addressing issues such as drugs, violence, and crime, thus minimizing the chance of crimes. One of the ways they accomplish this is by running media campaigns on their website targeting...

The Importance of the Home Warranty

Introduction Purchasing a considerably old home cannot always be regarded as a safe deal as information related to the items, their age, or useful life cannot be readily available. In addition, in the case of breakage, the search for a qualified service provider or handyman may be cost-efficient and time-consuming....

Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in General Education Classes

Since the beginning of the 21st century, possible options for the general education curriculum have included inclusion classrooms, which is known as inclusion. This approach seeks to provide students with disabilities with the same educational opportunities as their non-disabled peers while encouraging diversity and acceptance in the classroom. It includes...

Chapter 5 “Gender” of “The Family” by Cohen

Sex and Gender Sociologists distinguish between sex and gender. Sex refers to male or female biology, while gender is a social expression of biology. Gender has two parts: identity and expression. Identity is the social category of boy/man or girl/woman, and expression is behavior related to gender. Usually, sex and...

“Things Fall Apart” by Chinua Achebe Literature Analysis

In the novel “Things fall apart” by Chinua Achebe, the clash between Christianity and traditional animism religion held by the people of Umuofia is highlighted. Upon the arrival of the white missionaries, who later set the way for colonization, the Igbo people practiced their traditional culture which was seen as...

Nintendo and Sony Companies’ Financial Fundamentals

The company’s strategy determines its choice of financial decisions, and revenues depend on the effective realization of this strategy (Piper, 2010). The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how to apply such steps of the financial assessment process as the evaluation of strategies and revenues to the analysis of...

Understanding Pneumonia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Medical Problem Pneumonia is an infectious disease that irritates the air sacs in one or both lungs. The affected air sacs are filled with fluid or purulence that causes a cough, difficulty breathing, chills, and fever. Pneumonia can be caused by many organisms, including viruses, fungi, and bacteria (Musher &...

Examining Cultural Misunderstandings Depicted in Films About Islam in America

Introduction As a matter of fact, the Islamic religion is one of the most popular religions in the world. However, it should be highlighted that a number of people fear Muslims and think that their religion is directed on war, destructions, and promotes murders and violence. Is it really so?...

Governance of Healthcare Information Technology: Policies and Best Practices

Introduction Information Technology governance is one of the key factors that establish the structures on which the Healthcare Businesses line up with Information Technology policies with business policies, certifying that any Healthcare Organization remain in line to accomplish her goals and visions, as well as employing better ways to gauge...

Healthy Food Access for Poor People

The major concern about the food people eat From a scientific point of view, it is quite critical to mention that health is the most important aspect or factor in foods that are fed on by people. Through numerous studies, it is evident that the secret to good health lies...

Sexism in Relation to Democracy and Modernization

The fundamentals of sexism and its relation to democracy When writing about sexism and its relation to democracy and modernization, I would like to prove how the issue of our discussion supports democracy. Generally, my argument will be quite simple. I would like the readers could draw their attention to...

Introducing Order Into Life: Getting Priorities

Introduction Maintaining order in one’s life is an essential step toward creating a harmonic environment and, therefore, increasing life satisfaction rates (Sirgy, 2012). The reasons for choosing specific tools for managing the crucial elements of one’s routine are arguably very subjective; therefore, the efficacy of a certain device may vary...

Congestion in Today’s Urban Settings

Urban Congestion has no single definition. Congestion as defined by OECD (2007) implies the oversupply of vehicles that makes the available road system become overwhelmed and thus incapable of meeting the demand in terms of space. Another definition is that due to many vehicles using the road system they constrain...

Native Americans and Navajo Heritage and Health Beliefs

Cultural Group: Native American History Native Americans are the indigenous people. They occupied America before Columbus’ landing. 10 million Native Americans lived there (Rutherford, 2017). Americans despised the Europeans seeing greed. European colonization changed Native Americans. Values and Worldview Human-nature balance presence in relationships. The concept of “Mother Earth” (Barreiro,...

Imprisonment and Death of Aaron Swartz: A Too Dangerous Activist

Introduction Social and political activism has always had its champions, usually outstanding individuals capable to shake the masses and inspire even deep changes. However, activism can lead to tragic consequences, as shown in the dramatic events that marked the imprisonment of Aaron Swartz and his death in 2013. Through a...

Synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John

Synoptic gospels refer to biblical doctrines which were documented as part of good news during the New Testament times. These gospels have several similarities (Perkins, p. 19). As such, there are myriad of common features which characterize them. These include content, style, paragraphs, chronology and timing of events. In a...

Ecolab Leadership Talent Pipeline

How it was instrumental The leadership talent pipeline as applied by Ecolab was instrumental in the company’s execution of its business strategy in a number of ways. First, the leadership talent pipeline enabled the company to identify the most important areas where personnel had to be trained in preparation for...

MHealth App: Project of Patient

Define Approved Patient Scenario A patient is a forty-year-old man suffering from diabetes. Although his glucose level is normal, he has been smoking heavily and plans to quit. He is keen to receive the relevant guidance to record positive results. Presently, he is unaware of the most appropriate process to...

The Analysis of “Race” by Karen Gershon

Every poem is unique in the way it portrays emotions and experiences that have already been reported in the literature. For instance, it may employ different tropes to create a lasting impression. The narrator’s personality, their perspective, is another important tool that allows conveying the message of the poet. This...

Technology Impact Criminal Justice Administration

Introduction The United States has witnessed an increasing proportion of high-tech crimes in recent years. These crimes have become possible, as a result in rapid progress in information and communication technology. Thus, computer systems have provided a platform where high-tech crimes are easily committed. High- tech Computer Crimes in United...

Socety’s Problem: Family and Racism

Azouz, Samy. “Existence in Black and White: Theatrical Representation of the Varieties of Racism in Amiri Baraka’s Select Plays.” Journal of African American Studies, vol. 23, no. 3, 2019, pp. 147–161. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s12111-019-09430-0 The study in question will be particularly useful in determining the effects that racism has had on...

Travel: How Travel Can Enrich Society

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.” -Mark Twain Explanation of this quote means Travel...

Autobiography of an Alternative Life in China

If I had an opportunity to be reborn as a person who lived in East Asia, I would choose China of the Qing Dynasty as the place of birth. Since boys have always been valued in traditional China, I would also choose the male sex for birth. This will allow...

Rhabdomyolysis in a Patient in an Emergency Unit

The paper contains a discussion on such a case study: ‘A 27-year-old patient with a history of substance abuse is found unresponsive by emergency medical services (EMS) after being called by the patient’s roommate. The roommate states that he does not know how long the patient has been lying there....

Decision Making in Triage During Covid-19

Introduction Nowadays, our modern world is in an unstable situation when difficult and wise decisions must be made in a short period. Solutions considered by European, Asian, and the USA governments and Ministries of Health care are on the verge of the most important world concerns, affecting almost the globe’s...

Experiment: Science Meets Real Life

The Scientific Method The first step of the scientific method includes observation of the phenomenon. During this process, people examine and interpret the surrounding objects and events based on their previous knowledge and experience (Reilly, 2018). Such a preliminary step allows individuals to discover the potential advantages and drawbacks of...

The United States Policies With Latin America

The United States has had diverse policies and practices with its Latin American neighbors, characterized by military expeditions and diplomacy. During the period between 1820 and 1900, most of the US foreign policies with Latin American countries were mainly aggressive. These policies were aimed at replacing the influence of European...

Finance and Development by Arestis et al

Arestis, Nissanke, and Stein (2005) conduct an investigative and informative piece where they focus on financial liberalization policy. They suggest that financial crises are unavoidable since they are caused by policies with little utilization of economic development and finance. In their view, the authors believe that flawed theories lead to...

Evidence-Based Culturally Sensitive Practice With Jehovah’s Witnesses

Abstract It may happen that a patient refuses some treatment or intervention, referring to their cultural, ethnic, or religious prohibitions. For example, the Christian denomination Jehovah’s Witnesses does not allow its followers to accept blood transfusions, making leukemia treatment and surgical interventions quite challenging. Chaer and Ballen (2020), Garoufalia et...

Code of Ethics in Food Tracks Business

What it signifies to dine out is changing, thanks to food trucks. A transformation in the way that food is prepared and enjoyed can be seen in the vast development in the prominence of food trucks. And the upheaval that the market sector has been going through concerning the existing...

Characteristics of the Statue of Buddha and Gandhara Art

Introduction Art is a very unique way for people to communicate and exchange different ideas and cultural customs. Buddhist art is a visual expression of Buddhism that originated in Gandhara and is reflective of the Gandhara style (Ullah et al. 379; Yasuda et al. 128). One of the prominent exemplars...

Human Trafficking as a Practice Problem

Practice Problem Human trafficking is a worldwide phenomenon to which no country is immune. Victims of modern-day slavery are exploited in every region of the world, forced to work or provide paid sexual services in real-life production environments and on the Internet. The enormous scale of the issue requires world...

Personality Characteristics: The Basic Mental Attributes

Introduction Personality characteristics strengths are believed to be are the basic mental attributes that determine an individual’s distinct condition and make him feel real, active, and involved in life. The online Character Strengths Profile, which is formed based on the results of passing the survey, ranks the good characteristics in...

COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Hesitancy

Introduction When COVID-19 came unexpectedly, individuals and nations were not prepared. Everybody’s response to the pandemic was different, and this brought many changes in people’s lives. The pandemic changed people’s ways of life, how they behave, how they respond to uncertainties, and how they budget. Different authors started to study...

A Health Coaching (Wellness) Program

Introduction A person’s health condition can impact various aspects of life. HRA (Health Risk Assessment) report provided by CoreInsights (2016) suggests that the examined employee population may benefit from a wellness program. In particular, 67.3% of the assessed individuals have weight troubles, 51.7% have insufficient nutrition, and 44.3% have 44.3%...

Exploring the ‘Lady of Shallot’ and ‘The Railway’ Through the Digital Realm

Art is seen in every country and culture worldwide and is expressed in different styles and forms. One could only experience and see art in the past by travelling worldwide and to museums. However, the rise of technology has enabled people to enjoy and appreciate artworks through online exhibits. Unlike...

Social Work and Motivational Interviewing

Introduction Social work is an integral field in the modern world, which puts emphasis on the well-being of underaged individuals, and a lot in this domain is defined by the attitude of social workers and their help. The qualities any good employee in this field has are being ethical, organized,...

Mental Health Courses in Education Programs

Introduction In the article Depression, Anxiety, Loneliness Are Peaking in College Students by Kat McAlpine, the author explores a crucial topic which is the causes and outcomes of college students’ depression and suicidality. Research data was used from the Boston University mental health researcher Sarah Ketchen Lipson (McAlpine 1). The...

Mental Health Considerations for Child Welfare

Introduction The work in child welfare implies dealing with many challenges. Not only does it put great responsibility on welfare workers, but it also requires a solid amount of empathy and compassion. Moreover, child welfare workers have to understand the sources of danger to be able to react respectively. In...

Gender: Navigating State, Religion and Gender

Gender is a complicated social construct that includes the expectations that society places on people based on their perceived sex and the duties, attitudes, and behaviors they are expected to exhibit. While gender is primarily affected by cultural, social, and historical factors, sex refers to male and female biological and...

Analysis of the “Wit” Play by Margaret Edson

Introduction Wit by Margaret Edson is a dramatic work exploring incurable diseases, the power of language, and what makes life worth living. In her play, the author explores the inner life of an English professor suffering from an incurable disease. As the woman nears death, she asks tough questions about...

The Song “Drifting” by Andy McKee

Sound The unique aspect of the song “Drifting” by Andy McKee is that even though he is merely using a simple string guitar he is able to derive a gamut of different tones from a single instrument (Drifting, 1). There is no singing, no overly elaborate background music, no wailing,...

Motivation Types and Leadership Styles in Nursing

Internal and External Motivation Factors Categories Extrinsic (external) Intrinsic (internal) Job Content Characteristics 1) Challenging nature of work, 2) Opportunity of advance, 3) Explicit goals, 4) Effective performance appraisal, 5) Task significance. 1) Meaningful work, 2) Compliance with personal goals, 3) Creativity opportunities, 4) Sense of competence, 5) Increasing work...

Chisholm’s & Goldman’s Internalism and Externalism

Chisholm’s views on the alternatives to internalism In his view, Chisholm seems appears to support the externalism view that “justification of knowledge” depends on a number of factors that are “external to a person”. This argument means that the actions of a person cannot be justified only by determining the...

Human and Animal Language Differences

How is human language different from animal communication? Find it out with our essay sample! Learn more about the similarities and difference between human and animal language and the language development! Human and Animal Language: Essay Introduction Communication is an important aspect of human and animal life because it helps...

Themes of Little Red Riding Hood Tale

Themes of Little Red Riding Hood: Thesis Statement Despite the fact that Little Red Riding Hood is typically viewed as a children’s story telling about the perils of the phenomenon known as stranger danger, the tale can also be viewed through the prism of transitioning from childhood to adulthood and,...

Dependency Theory in International Political Economy

Dependence is a corollary to dominance. Least developed nations depend on developed countries for domestic and international policies to stimulate their growth. We witness substantial dependence on both primary and agricultural products for exports. Dependency theory explains primarily how developed and developing nations interact. The theory is perceived as an...

“The Metaphysics of Morals” by Immanuel Kant

Is it wrong to punish a criminal primarily as a means to reform the criminal? Developing main principles of the doctrine of right, Kant states that punishment is just retribution for a committed crime, and any state has a right and obligation to cause suffering to a criminal. Speaking about...

Colonialism and Slavery in American History

In the history of Western Civilization, the ideology for expansion to new lands is often referred to as “God…Gold and Glory” In your opinion….what were some of the reasons for colonization by the European countries and especially for the continent of North America? The history of Western Civilization cannot be...

“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twain

Introduction Samuel Langhorne Clemens, born in Florida Missouri on November 30, 1835, is commonly known by his pen name or author’s alias as Mark Twain. Mark Twain is the author of the book “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”. This novel accomplished the esteemed title of “The Great American Novel”. This...

Public Administration and Its Role

Overview This paper examines the role of civil servants in the formulation and implementation of public administration through policymaking. It is often seen that public funds may not be properly channelized into productive areas aimed at ameliorating the plight of people for whom such disbursements are meant. As the supreme...

BFOQ: Restrictions on Termination of Employment

Introduction This paper examines the importance of BFOQ on restrictions to termination of employment in European countries. Often organizations that have failed to appropriately incorporate BFOQ encounter problems with staffing. The paper looks at some of the problems and establishes a relationship between BFOQ and the ADA of 1990. The...

Meaning of the Dadaist Disgust

Introduction Dadaism is a cultural movement that was initiated in Zurich, Switzerland. It is a nihilist movement of arts that thrived mainly in France, Switzerland, and in Germany from around 1916 to1920 (Ades 2006). The movement was based on the ideologies of illogicality, anarchy, and scorn, in addition, this movement...

Marxism and Jucheism in North Korea

Introduction In the principles of Marxism, North Korea should be a society that should not have classes like the bourgeois and proletariat which are characteristic of a capitalist system. Marxism holds the socioeconomic ideology that everyone in a Marxist society should enjoy the benefits of labor (Kim 6). Patient modification...

Pursuit of Daisy Buchanan in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”

Reasons Why The Pursuit of Daisy Buchanan Was Justified “Great Gatsby” is a novel written by F.S. Fitzerald and published in 1925. The book follows the narrator as he enters the world of the American socialite after returning from war and meets the eponymous main character. Jay Gatsby gained his...

Safety Management System at Work

Putting safety performance in priority means adopting a strict set of regulations. Its first strength is a systematic approach to accident prevention, which helps directly identify their causes and consequences. Second, it is designed by managers, thus minimizing the possibility of being altered by workers. Third, it is streamlined, meaning...

Biomedical Ethics: Pfizer’s Legal Trouble in Nigeria

Biomedical ethics revolve around the Hippocratic Oath that directs the medical practitioners to ensure that, in their undertaking, they do no harm to patients. In clinical practice, ethics concerns the limit of authority of the patient and physician, the extent of confidentiality between the patient and the physician, and the...

Change Management in Nursing

Introduction Change is an indefinitely long time reality in both our activity directed toward making or doing something and personal lives. Consequently, our societies, our line of works, and our daily work lives are all changing, and the rapidity of this change appears to be speeding up, not decreasing in...

Biological, Psychological, and Sociological Explanations of Behavior

The purpose of understanding human behavior and the attempt of its predicting demands a multidimensional approach to it. Various sciences may contribute to such understanding, and each of them considers the causes of behavioral patterns and, thus, the methods of altering them differently. In this paper, specificities of the major...

“Animal Farm” by George Orwell: A Literary Response

The writer created Animal Farm work during the Second World War from 1943 to 1944, but it was published only in 1945 in Great Britain. The book belongs to the genre of satire and is a parody of the Russian revolution of 1917. In the Soviet Union, however, it was...

AUD and NZD Exchange Rate Forecast

Australia and New Zealand are neighboring countries with highly intertwined economies and cultures. Australia, which has a larger and more industrialized economy, utilizes the Australian dollar (AUD), while New Zealand with an advanced market economy utilizes the New Zealand dollar (NZD), informally known as Kiwi. The two countries maintain a...

Viciousness in “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Set in a village background, Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” illustrates the height of human potential to execute violence, although, it is depicted as ritual practices, tradition, and community order. The story reflects the society of the ancient time, but it has remained relevant even to today’s society. Through the use...

Memorandum on Future Technological Trends

Introduction Technological advances have improved service quality and radically transformed the traditional manufacturing industry. However, companies need to stay abreast with technological trends to improve their competitiveness. As you had initially requested, I am submitting two article summaries on future technological trends to indicate new opportunities for growth and development...

Implementation E-Strategy: Amazon

Introduction Strategic business planning consists of several branches that provide direction for the business and address issues related to supply and demand. E-strategy is a set of influences aimed at creating good e-commerce. In the last 2-3 years, the physical demand has decreased significantly due to different factors: pandemic, development...

The Secret Government and National Security Agency

The authorities and their actions are the key instruments for the protection of democratic principles and ideologies in different states. However, this area of public life is extremely complex, which can be explained by the scale and volume of demands and impact. One of the features is the presence of...

What Was Reconstruction, and How Did it Come to an End?

Ways of returning the rebellious states to the Union were discussed before the end of the Civil War. It was to determine the future of the states themselves, the fate of the fighters against the federal government, and the situation of the freed slaves. President Lincoln, a supporter of the...

Celebrity Culture Glorification

Introduction The celebrity phenomenon first appears in the nineteenth century and is completely within the structural framework of modernity. Since ancient times there have been individuals whose exploits were widely known, be they heroes of antiquity, politicians, or aristocrats. Along with the economic, military, and political elite in the social...

Declaration of the Rights of Woman

Declaration of the Rights of Woman was the first registered document in modern history that demanded equality of rights regardless of gender. The declaration was cry of women to stop oppression from men and the tyranny of marriage as an institution. Even though the document how now immediate consequences around...

The Impact of Color and Light in Architectural Design: A Case Study of the Painted Ladies

Interaction of Color and Light: Impact on Perception of Space Light and color are two essential elements that can significantly impact how architecture is perceived. When these components are used well in architectural design, they may generate a feeling of balance, harmony, and aesthetic intrigue, converting a structure into a...

Analyzing the Pace of U.S. Federal Reserve Tapering: Economic Implications and Insights

The pace at which the US Federal Reserve has been applying mandatory cuts on bonds has raised different reactions from the business community. Opinions have been divided on whether to allow the economy to recover or decrease bond purchases at the present pace within the year. The unpredicted economic performance...

Vietnam War: Cold War Era Conflict (1954-1975)

Vietnam War was a cold war era military conflict which had started in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia from 1st November 1954 to 30th April 1975. North Vietnam had teamed up with the southern communist allies against the South which enjoyed a lot of support from United States as its principal...

John Dickinson: Founding Father & Advocate for Civil Liberties

John Dickinson John Dickinson is one of the most iconic figures in American history. Being one of the Founding Fathers, he co-signed the U.S. Constitution (“John Dickinson Plantation,” n.d.). Introducing changes to Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms, he contributed extensively to the promotion...

Strategies for Addressing Domestic Violence Against Women: Insights from Kaur and Gang

Source Summary Prewriting Theme: Family Topic: Domestic Violence Title: Addressing domestic violence against women: An unfinished agenda. Kaur and Gang have a feeling that the topic of domestic violence, though it is a common subject, is yet to be addressed comprehensively. Intended Audience: The target audience in this article is...

Employee Motivation and Minimum Wage

Critically discuss which theories of motivation may explain the establishment of a performance reward system with employing organizations Employee motivation is one of the hardest things for employing organizations to do right. Lack of motivation, stagnation, disillusionment, apathy, and laziness is probably the major banes of most businesses, which rely...

Hofstede Model of Cultural Dimensions: The USA and India

What is Hofstede cultural dimensions theory? Keep reading to find out! Here, you’ll learn more about Hofstede model of cultural dimensions and the comparison between the USA and India. Hofstede Model of Cultural Dimensions of the USA and India: Essay Introduction The Hofstede Country Index is often used to determine...

Bedside Shift Reports and iCare Practice

Introduction Interprofessional teams constitute a crucial component of any hospital environment. Teamwork has been cited as an important factor in healthcare, since multiple specialists working in their individual roles all contribute to improved patient outcomes. Due to effective teamwork, “teams that are considered to lack skill succeed where others fail”...

Hispanic and Mexican Heritage and Health Beliefs

Cultural Group A Brief History Hispanic and Latino Americans are chosen. The long time of nations’ development. “The history of admixture and migrations” (Bryc, Durand, Macpherson, Reich, & Mountain, 2015, p. 37). Constant interaction among different tribes. A significant number assimilated among Americans. Values and Worldview Following the traditions and...

Circular Economy: A Worldchanging Idea

The problem of climate change has triggered various ideas aimed at protecting the natural environment. The selected WorldChanging idea is that of circular economy (CE). Within the past two decades, many companies have been focusing on evidence-based strategies that have the potential to improve recycling processes, minimize wastage, and increase...

Victims’ Advocates: Essential Role and Services

Characteristics of a Strong and Effective Victims’ Advocate The National Center for Victims of Crime (n.d.) describes victim advocacy as the process of supporting victims that consists of diverse elements. Based on this information, an advocate needs to have well-developed interpersonal skills to ensure effective and positive interactions with victims....

“The Medicated Child”: Film Review

First of all, it should be explained why the application of sociological imagination is necessary in this particular case that concerns the film under analysis. By means of “sociological imagination people …hope to grasp what is going on in the world, and to understand what is happening in themselves …”,...

How Is Nurse Ratched’s Ward Like a Totalitarian Society

In the course of human history there have been several kinds of rulers of the states and several kinds of political systems as it is suggested by literary sources on politics. There are four basic types of political systems, and totalitarianism is among them. In the course of the development...

Competitive and Monopolistic Markets

Characteristics of a competitive market According to Tucker (2008), a competitive market has unlimited buyers and sellers of goods and services. In other words, the demand for goods and services by consumers is infinite and at the same time, producers have the liberty to supply goods and services to the...

Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory: Personal Childhood Experience

Introduction Understanding the stages of an individual’s cognitive development is critical for numerous reasons, including the opportunity to locate problems in development. Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory provides an interesting addition to the rest of the developmental theories, shedding light on how personal experiences and a combination of external and internal factors...

The Abolitionist Movement: Reformers or Agitators

The Abolitionist Movement was an organized, radical, and abrupt campaign for terminating slavery in the 19th century. Numerous individuals perceived bondage as an abomination and made it their goal to eradicate the vicious and depraved act. Numerous petitions were sent to the Congress in vain, eliciting opposition from the people...

Understanding the Black Lives Matter Movement: History, Goals, and Impact

#BlackLivesMatter is the movement that fights policemen violence against African-Americans, which tends to happen in the United States. Their slogan, “Black Lives Matter,” is well known by almost everyone in the world nowadays because of its rapid spread and broad support. In this paper, the question of whether the Black...

Walmart and the Chinese Market

Introduction Walmart is one of the largest multinational retail corporations and the world’s largest company by revenue. It operates in twenty-six countries outside of the United States, with the Chinese market being one of the primary focuses for the company’s expansion since 1996 when Walmart opened its first hypermarket in...

Employee Turnover in Manufacturing

Employee turnover is an essential organizational phenomenon with significant implications for corporations, individuals, and society. Reducing unwanted turnover is the goal of every organization. High employee turnover in industrial organizations continues to be a concern for various organizations. It is because organizations spend significant resources to train and invest in...

Ohio State Report. Ohio History Central

The state of Ohio, sometimes nicknamed Buckeye State, is located in the midwest of the United States. It is bordered by Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Kentucky. Across the Ohio River is Indiana, Michigan, and Lake Erie (Fact Monster, 2021). The state is formed by mostly flat land with some hills...

Nutrition Research: Grapefruit Diet for Weight Loss

Background Section A grapefruit diet is a nutrition plan that promises fast fat-burning effects. It has been popularized by Hollywood stars and holds that a person should eat grapefruits or drink grapefruit juice with every meal. According to the data available online, this low-calories diet implies eating protein-rich and low...

Stock Analysis and Portfolio Balancing

Calculating the Risk and Interconnection with Market Investment Risk: The Reason for Comparison between the Company and the Index Despite the considerable number of shares’ valuation methods, the comparative approach is one of the most widespread. Many analysts consider the parallel share and index analysis as an effective one since...

The Healthcare Availability in the USA

The debates about the healthcare system that would embrace all communities not depending on people’s income have raged in the USA over decades. Today, with the pandemic on the march and healthcare bills steeply increasing, the debate is as bitter as ever. Many people believe that it would be better...

Risk Management: The Project Risk Maturity Model

Introduction Risk is defined as the probability that the actual outcome will vary from an anticipated outcome or returns. Some or all of the initial investment might be lost due to the risk of losing money. Organizations set up procedures for analyzing the risks related to the nature of their...

Analysis of The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

In one of the sermons, Martin Luther King Jr. proclaims that “love has within it a redemptive power. And there is a power there that eventually transforms individuals” (King para. 24). The ideas of love and redemption are fundamental for The Kite Runner. The central characters of this novel are...

Different Generations in a Workplace

Nowadays, when the labor market has been restored from the lockdowns of COVID-19, more and more people are looking for jobs. Belonging to different generations, people have different values and expectations of a workplace which employers should necessarily consider to recruit talented workers. The millennials and z-generation are among the...

Childhood Development from Biological Perspective

Teratogens are chemicals that can cause physical or functional abnormalities in a human embryo or fetus is exposed to a pregnant mother. Examples of such drugs include alcohol and cocaine. The duration of exposure, the amount of teratogenic chemical present, and the stage of development in which the embryo or...

Physical Activity and Fitness in Facilitation Techniques

Environment, Equipment, Description, and Purpose The environment for this activity may be various: office, home, park, gym, hall, etc., but it has to be calming. Free space of a few square meters is required for convenience. No special equipment is required, only a person’s desire and readiness. Squats are one...

Women’s Rights in the Ottoman Empire

Introduction The topic of women’s rights prior to the 20th century has been a very concerning one, requiring a significant amount of nuance and context. Certainly, a part of that topic is misrepresented by specific stereotypes. The Ottoman Empire has been perceived by many as a very constricting location, however,...

Leadership Styles in the Forrest Gump Film

Introduction Forrest managed to inspire Elvis Presley, who imitated Forrest’s dance moves. As such, he received a football scholarship and became a top running back and was awarded by John F. Kennedy. After graduation, Forrest was drafted into the US Army and fought the Vietnam War, where he saved almost...

Introducing a Mental Care Group for Women

Introduction and Type of Group Mental care groups have shown effectiveness in working with personal psychological problems and with collective traumas. Group work allows the therapist to reach out to more people, provides participants with different points of view, and teaches them to take care of themselves (Jacobs et al.,...

Nursing Challenges and Perspectives

Nursing is still considered one of the most in-demand fields in colleges and technical schools. The results of admission commissions to medical colleges show that competition in the key specialties: “Nursing” and “General Medicine” is only increasing. There are several reasons for this: the shortage of nurses in the regions...