About Hans Christian Andersen Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was born in Denmark in a poor family. Interestingly, his father loved books and encouraged Hans Christian to compose fairy tales. At an early age, the author had to start working at a factory to support his family, but then his poetry...
Topic: Literature
Words: 691
Pages: 3
Consider Your Values and Beliefs About Nursing, Clients, Health, and Environment It is crucial to comprehend one of the main objectives of nursing, which is assisting patients in their effort to achieve wellness. Recognizing the impact of the patient’s surroundings on this endeavor and, therefore, the influence of possible existing...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 691
Pages: 3
Psychological factors According to Talloo (205), an individual’s purchasing decision is influenced by a number of psychological factors such as beliefs and attitudes, motivation, and perception. Another psychological element relates to the consumers’ tastes and preferences (Schroder 56). Additionally, the decision to purchase the energy drink is also influenced by...
Topic: Beverage
Words: 691
Pages: 2
What type of musical line is the most recognizable, memorable one that you are most likely to leave the concert whistling? Melody is the most recognizable type of musical line because it is a combination of musical tones (pitch and rhythm) perceived by a listener as a single entity, so...
Topic: Culture
Words: 691
Pages: 2
Marketing is the process of distribution of products and services in order to satisfy the needs and wants of the individuals and also achieving the organizational objectives. Marketing can be of two types, product marketing, and service marketing. Both of these types of marketing are unique and need to have...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 691
Pages: 2
The article Eli Whitney: Nemesis of the South explains the story of a young boy Eli Whitney. The article details how Whitney made inventions that helped shape the history of America. From cotton gin to the manufacture of firearms, the article articulates how the young boy used his genius in...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 691
Pages: 2
Tastes differ, and people choose different types of time destinations during their vacations. The companions for traveling are one of the most important factors influencing one’s mood during the vacations. Traveling with friends, relatives or alone helps to escape from the everyday working routine and encourage the holiday-makers for the...
Topic: Tourism
Words: 691
Pages: 2
In the story Barn Burning by William Faulkner and in the poem Nighttime Fires By Regina Barreca we encounter fathers who react to their situation using fires. Their need for revenge against society affects their families as they become involved. The fathers are disappointed by society and fire helps them...
Topic: Literature
Words: 691
Pages: 2
The article “Quiet Corruption’ Impedes African Development, World Bank Report Says” (McGregor & Nasreen, 2010) was published in the April edition of Business Week. This is an article that was initially published by the World Bank and argues that ‘quiet corruption’ is a major hindrance to the development of Africa...
Topic: Corruption
Words: 691
Pages: 2
According to Wolfe, et al.,( 2008) a visual search exercise is normally measured by the length of time the search takes. When only a single feature of the target is different from the distractors, the time spent identifying the target is the same regardless of the number of distractors. This...
Topic: Art
Words: 691
Pages: 2
Introduction This would comprise a brief description of Walmart, the major US food chain conglomerate whose management accounting systems would be the main area of focus in this study. The Company whose management accounting information would be taken up for discussion is Wal-Mart. The reason for this is that this...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 691
Pages: 2
A Duty of Care in Cyberspace and how it relates to cyber terrorism The internet continues to play a very significant role throughout the world and its demand is expected to increase in all areas, from banking, to telecommunications, to entertainment and to power. Furthermore, it is critical to other...
Topic: Cyberspace
Words: 691
Pages: 2
By the 19th century, slavery had become an essential component of the Southern economy. An increasing number of anti-slavery politicians and supporters of emancipation contributed to the paranoia among the Southern population. The latter believed that government support was essential for maintaining order among slaves (Locke and Wright 343). African...
Topic: Population
Words: 691
Pages: 2
PRE-Survey # Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 1 4 (40%) 2 (20%) 3 (30%) 1 (10%) 0 2 3 (30%) 3 (30%) 3 (30%) 1 (10%) 0 3 5 (50%) 2 (20%) 2 (20%) 0 1 (10%) 4 4 (40%) 3 (30%) 2 (20%) 1...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 691
Pages: 3
The Most Important Competencies of a financial manager A financial manager understands the environment that he is an operation in and makes a decision with this in mind. The outside world affects the kind of decision that a manager makes at a certain particular time. The success of an organization...
Topic: Financial Management
Words: 691
Pages: 2
Introduction Making reference to Michelle Tickle’s article on the history of healthcare and medical practice in the United States, it is quite evident that the author addresses a number of pertinent issues underlying the topic. But looking at the available factual and numerical data on the old healthcare policy in...
Topic: Health
Words: 691
Pages: 2
A tort is a civil wrong or conduct that is intended to harm other people or their property. A tort is wrong against private duty, and thus is against public duty then the tort will become a crime. Hence, torts such as assault can also be categorized as crimes. The...
Topic: Law
Words: 691
Pages: 2
Correlation and regression, how they are similar, how they are different, and for what each is used Correlation is a statistical technique of data analysis that is used to evaluate the relationship between two groups of numbers. The relationship tested is what is the effect of decrease or increase of...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 691
Pages: 2
Summary In the current reality in which business has to work, the exceptional dynamics and turbulence of the external environment require a new type of thinking – not linear and one-sided, but flexible, rational, and critical. Making decisions, and pondering problematic situations, managers unconsciously start from the information known to...
Topic: Disney
Words: 691
Pages: 2
The book Guests of the Sheik: An Ethnography of an Iraqi Village raises the topic of relationships and existence in the society of people in El Nahra. The subject of interaction between men and women is emphasized. While having different daily activities, men try to have complete control over women....
Topic: Literature
Words: 691
Pages: 2
There is no doubt that every individual has a unique view of the same event and same person, and when it comes to art, there is an even more twisted perspective. Every artist has a distinctive way of capturing moments similar to one’s signature and handwriting that cannot be recreated....
Topic: Art
Words: 691
Pages: 2
Database design is a process of planning and organizing information that enables users to access, read, and write the data. This can include separating the necessary information into multiple tables and ensuring relationships (Eckstein & Schultz, 2018). The main difference between a Microsoft Access database and an Excel spreadsheet is...
Topic: Microsoft
Words: 691
Pages: 2
The Declaration of Independence of the United States is divided into two main parts. The first contains the philosophical and legal justification of the colonists’ right to separate and independent existence. Then the second contains practical arguments in favor of the necessity and justification of using the right of the...
Topic: Declaration of Independence
Words: 691
Pages: 2
The health assessment procedure performed in one of the Chicago schools helped to reveal an important issue. Thus, the school lacks recommendations and strategies connected to evidence-based practice. Several factors evidence the importance of the given topic. First of all, nurses should have clear, transparent, and adequate guidelines to demonstrate...
Topic: Evidence-Based Practice
Words: 691
Pages: 2
Introduction Conservatism is a social and political philosophy which aims at retaining traditions. It aims to pursue justice and freedom. A conservative is a person who follows conservatism philosophies. Classical conservatism is practiced by organic society where equality of the people is not such a necessity. The conservatives believe strongly...
Topic: Speech
Words: 692
Pages: 3
The article explains the quantitative research performed to determine the effect of health literacy on the quality of care (Calvo, 2016). The title accurately describes the scope of the article because it highlights major variables (health literacy and quality of care), identifies study population (Latino immigrants), and locates jurisdiction of...
Topic: Health
Words: 692
Pages: 3
Scope and nature of the problem In the recent past, drug trafficking has been among the most controversial topic under discussion. This topic has gained much prominence due to the economic and health implications that have developed from drug trafficking. Arguably, our societies appear unprepared for many of the consequences...
Topic: Drug Trafficking
Words: 692
Pages: 2
According to Gary B. Nash’s, The Unknown American Revolution, how does broadening the story to include non-elite people change our understanding of the American revolution? Including non-elite people in the comprehension of the revolution has revealed a new perspective on this historical event. Previously, the history was too neat and...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 692
Pages: 2
Introduction In the 1970s, with the development of equal rights movement, popular music was enriched by a number of songs, which sought to de-construct androcentrism. ABBA’s “Dancing Queen” belongs to “feminist” music and underlies the resistance and protest against male domination. First of all, in order to create a conceptual...
Topic: Culture
Words: 692
Pages: 2
The founding wizard is an article on the Founding Fathers of our great nation. The article tries to bring to the fore how the leaders used their wisdom other than political inclinations to make great decisions that have continued to be benchmarks in our society. The article as well demonstrates...
Topic: Alexander Hamilton
Words: 692
Pages: 2
Introduction Emissions are part of externalities because they have both positive and negative impacts that can be interpreted in monetary value. Two policies that can be adopted to curb emissions include reducing the emission of greenhouse gases by giving incentives to firms and institutions that have cut emissions. In addition,...
Topic: Environment
Words: 692
Pages: 2
Outline Stress is something many individuals believe is a normal part of their life. Unfortunately, many of them also believe that it is inevitable and they can do nothing to avoid it. Stress can also be caused by mental health-related anomalies and disorders. Here, a major role is played from...
Topic: Stress
Words: 692
Pages: 2
Introduction The three ethical schools of thought include ethical universalism, ethical relativism, and integrated social contracts. Ethical universalism asserts that a mutual agreement regarding evil or good across different cultures forms the basis for universal moral conduct applicable to all people (Thompson, 2016). Ethical relativism is based on the notion...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 692
Pages: 2
Introduction The review of issues concerning capital structure is defined by the perceptions expressed by various authors. In the article capital structures theories, a critical approach (2011), Brendea defines capital structure as the financial structure of a firm coupled with the long term financing used by the firm. She observes...
Topic: Economics
Words: 692
Pages: 2
Modern technology provides for various new communicational tools, allowing us to construct an identity from a blank page. While some feel comfortable expressing themselves in real life premises, others choose to avoid such communication, seeking comfort online. Such disparities cause multiple problems and opportunities for people, which is why this...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 692
Pages: 2
Insights on Psychological First Aid Psychological first aid includes strategies designed to help and support children, adolescents, and parents exposed to disasters and terrorism. The approach recognizes children and adolescents as more vulnerable to trauma and related stress due to their resilience weakness (Friedman, 2015). Psychological first aid is designed...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 692
Pages: 2
Introduction The history of the church is always an interesting subject, especially during and after the protestant reformation. Martin Luther (1483-1546) can be regarded as the founder not only of the present protestant church but also the modern society. This is because of the many practices he rejected, including the...
Topic: Church
Words: 692
Pages: 3
Introduction The atrioventricular node is part of the heart’s conduction system located in the atrial septum. Its purpose is to connect the electrical systems of the atria and ventricles, providing electrical resistance from the atria and the built-in pacemaker in its absence (Heaton and Goyal, 2020). The AV node can...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 692
Pages: 4
Chief Complaint The fifth patient is a Caucasian guy in his middle years who complains of several red, oval-shaped lumps on his chest that bleed when rubbed or sliced open. History of the Illness The patient has red moles that first appeared in their early 30s and have grown in...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 692
Pages: 2
The movie, ‘Thank You for Not Smoking’ has a theme that mainly revolves within the tobacco industry. This industry faces challenges due to the obvious reasons that, tobacco smoking is harmful to health, a fact that has resulted in anti-smoking campaigns, which evoke a decline in the number of young...
Topic: Smoking
Words: 693
Pages: 3
The Labor Market In the labor market there exist forces of supply and demand of labor. The labor markets are where employers get labor while the employees get wages for jobs done. A demand labor curve displays the number of laborers who will give their services at the different wage...
Topic: Unemployment
Words: 693
Pages: 3
Presentation Jenny G., a 48-year-old recovering IV drug abuser, presents with general malaise, anorexia, abdominal pain, and slight jaundice. She is currently staying in a women’s shelter and looking for a job. She is divorced, with two grown children whom she hasn’t been in contact with for years. CC: “When...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 693
Pages: 2
What factors should you consider before building a webpage? How much input do we seek from the customer? How do you handle the situation where the customer wants far more than functionality than they need, or that they can afford? Before building a webpage, it is important to understand the...
Topic: Communication
Words: 693
Pages: 2
Introduction The International Space Station is a multinational project for a low-orbit habitable satellite that first housed a crew in 2000. It is a joint effort between the U.S., Russia, Europe, Canada, and Japan, with other countries supplying astronauts. The ISS is still operating, expanding, and hosting a variety of...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 693
Pages: 2
Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation One cannot deny the fact that the recent technological advances and the massive breakthrough that has been made in the IT and ICT domains have affected the way in which people interact in modern society. The breakthrough in question includes the influence that communication technology...
Topic: Communication
Words: 693
Pages: 4
Introduction Reality and illusion have intrigued philosophers and the common man alike since times immemorial. Years of education, superstition and increase in scientific knowledge and perspectives have led us to directly or indirectly oppose the validity and truth behind illusions. They seem to be undesirable deviances from the more acceptable...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 693
Pages: 2
Introduction The Internet provides immense possibilities for education and knowledge gaining and sharing for children. It provides a stepping-stone for the children to look into the world on their own, and find new information. However, this tool is often misused as a medium for transferring information and content to children...
Topic: Internet
Words: 693
Pages: 2
Early English literature flourished after the Anglo-Saxons had settled in England between the 5th and the 12th centuries, a long period of migration, and conflicts over the supremacy, where kings could only rely on the loyalty of their men. Almost ineluctably, first literary compositions exalted the figure of the hero,...
Topic: Beowulf
Words: 693
Pages: 2
In, “Children Need to Play, not compete” Jessica Statsky explores trends in the U.S for the last three decades on organized sports for children. She argues that parental pressure and expectations from coaches require children to fulfill their desires rather than that of children. According to her, highly organized sports...
Topic: Sports and Culture
Words: 693
Pages: 2
Introduction Among the items that are actively used by people throughout their lives, coffee glasses are of particular importance. According to Nikolovska, more than three cups of coffee are drunk by an American every day. Still, to assert the essence of the problem, it is necessary to represent the entire...
Topic: Starbucks
Words: 693
Pages: 2
How do social factors influence the approach to clinical assessment? Communication between the physiotherapist and patient will determine a diagnosis. The use of effective communication will facilitate accurate and precise diagnosis. The physiotherapist should have good communicating skills to be in a position to have a patient beneficial relationship. Effective...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 693
Pages: 5
The Definition And History Of Gun Violence Gun misuse is one of the most frequent forms of violence that is prevalent in American society. All incidences of violence will the involvement of shooting can be gathered under the term of “gun violence” – from mass homicide to shooting individual victims,...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 693
Pages: 2
Outlaws of the Marsh or Water Margin is a classic 14th-century Chinese novel written by Shi Nai’an. The plot of the story, which has four volumes and from 100 to 120 chapters, tells about the adventures of 108 demons that incarnated in the form of people and became noble robbers...
Topic: Literature
Words: 693
Pages: 2
Introduction Who are the parents to their child? Teachers, mentors, friends. A child is a big responsibility, so parents are responsible for putting resources into them and helping them develop. Parents need to handle difficult situations so that their children can grow up psychologically healthy. This quick guide will help...
Topic: Family
Words: 693
Pages: 2
Mimesis The ancient Greeks approached art as a form of mimesis. They were convinced that the major objective of creativity is to imitate or copy reality. Such a definition may prompt artists to develop their skills in order to convey shadows, light, and other peculiarities precisely. However, it can be...
Topic: Art
Words: 693
Pages: 2
Introduction Along with the development of a particular individual, his needs expand, which increases costs to maintain living and makes the person earn more money. The situation is aggravated by the fact that it is becoming more and more expensive to support children in a family due to the fact...
Topic: Childcare
Words: 693
Pages: 2
Bizzell, Patricia, et al. The Rhetorical Tradition: Readings from Classical Times to the Present. 3rd ed., Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2020. Basic Knowledge This book is an excellent source of information that demonstrates the features of rhetoric from a historical perspective. First of all, this source allowed me to significantly expand my...
Topic: Communication
Words: 693
Pages: 2
Introduction Bangladesh had many reasons for economic stagnation after the war of independence. The general destruction after the hostilities, the lack of developed infrastructure, and natural resources, political instability, and corruption. Such example had a significant impact on the development of the newly emerging state, slowing it down (Bair et...
Topic: Economics
Words: 693
Pages: 2
Introduction Over the past few years, there has been an increase in media coverage of violent crimes and events all over the world. At the same time, the number of school shootings grew, which raised questions about whether the reporting of violent crimes may have pushed teenagers to commit them...
Topic: School
Words: 693
Pages: 2
Introduction Dance shows are manifestations of creativity and a source of inspiration and entertainment. Dancing With The Stars is a popular show that hosts dance competitions between celebrities guided by professional choreographers. The dance analyzed in this essay was shown in season 14 of this show in 2012 and presented...
Topic: Dance & Music
Words: 693
Pages: 2
The Importance of Inter-Agency Cooperation The security and economic prosperity of any nation depend on the security of the Aviation Transportation System. There is a need to prevent terrorist attacks and other criminal acts while minimizing the impacts of these acts and ensuring that the aviation system continues to facilitate...
Topic: Aviation
Words: 694
Pages: 3
Topic Childhood obesity in the USA: What are the possible causes of obesity in children? What are the associated problems? How does childhood obesity affect USA as a whole? How can we reduce childhood obesity in the USA? What has the USA government done to reduce childhood obesity? Topic Importance...
Topic: Childhood
Words: 694
Pages: 3
The problem addressed in this study The authors discussed the issue of interaction among children who have autism since such children exhibit both social and antisocial characteristics. Childhood practitioners regularly encounter the problem as they try helping children with autism to interact with other healthy children. They established the solution...
Topic: Autism
Words: 694
Pages: 3
Introduction The development of the informatics specialization in the contemporary nursing environment has improved information management besides raising ethical concerns. The ethical concerns undermine the realization of a streamlined nexus between information technology (IT) and communication in the delivery of standard healthcare services (Coorevits et al., 2013). For this reason,...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 694
Pages: 3
The transport policy of the United States is very crucial in the transport sector and its operations within and outside the country. The policy governs the operations undertaken by various stakeholders in the transport sector such as passengers, drivers, pilots, sailors, and owners of various vehicles as well as air...
Topic: Law
Words: 694
Pages: 2
How was DNA used to solve the Golden State Killer case? Is it ethical to obtain the results via this tool? One of the most recent tools available for crime investigations is a DNA match of one’s profile in a publicly available genealogy database. The initial idea of these websites...
Topic: DNA
Words: 694
Pages: 3
The model of nursing care The observed nursing model is Duffy’s Quality-Caring Model focuses that caring relationships which are often lacking in modern professional nursing due to overwhelming responsibilities. The model views health as a dynamic state that encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual factors, thus providing nurses with value-based methods...
Topic: Family
Words: 694
Pages: 2
One of the most utilized products of technology is the internet. It is difficult to think of a segment of life that does not use the internet in modern world. But this is true only for those who have access to it. There are millions of people especially in developing...
Topic: Culture
Words: 694
Pages: 3
A ritual is an activity performed by a person or persons with a belief in supernatural effects. This activity symbolizes faith in supernatural strength. The activity becomes symbolic when the spirit and physicality are abstract. The object of belief may be terrestrial or physical. Terrestrial objects are invisible but exist....
Topic: Religion
Words: 694
Pages: 2
Abstract Personality assessments like Holland Code Career Assessment and Type Coach Verifier are useful tools that can help a person to distinguish some important personality traits relevant to career choice. The scores shown in the test give useful insights and are similar to the personal opinion of the personality characteristics....
Topic: Career
Words: 694
Pages: 2
The Columbian exchange allowed peoples from the Old World to get to know tobacco and a host of other outlandish goods, plants, and animals. The development of America also allowed Europeans to get a new source of gold and silver. From Europe, America adopted cabbage, grapes, rice, sugarcane, wheat, coffee...
Topic: Discovery
Words: 694
Pages: 2
Restorative justice means a form of justice system which sees crime as an interference with community harmony and relationships and thus should be dealt with in the community through involvement of the victim, community as a whole, and the offender. Restorative justice is a strong model of justice due to...
Topic: Justice
Words: 694
Pages: 2
Introduction An abortion belongs to one of the most controversial issues discussed in modern society. Many philosophers, researchers, and scientists have explored the question of whether it is morally just to kill a fetus and other topic-related problems. Judith Jarvis Thomson who is a US philosopher and member of the...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 694
Pages: 2
Companies are faced with various constraints of production and they are forced to plan accordingly. The limiting constraints may include limited demand, limited skilled labor and other factors of production, and limited finance that forces companies to work under situations of capital rationing. Planning with limiting factors forces companies to...
Topic: Business
Words: 694
Pages: 3
Finance is the management of money, assets, banking, investments, liabilities, or anything to do with money. It involves the management of money and cash in various sectors of an organization using various instruments and means. Assets, liabilities, bonds, risks, loans, expenses are all measurable in terms of money. Finance is...
Topic: Finance
Words: 694
Pages: 2
Aging is a significant part of all human beings reflecting the organic changes that occur, but also sparkling cultural and communal conventions. Aging is a multidimensional process of physical, psychological and social changes that occur in all human beings. Aging has made a significant impact on the community or society....
Topic: Aging
Words: 694
Pages: 2
Come up with a definition of Standard English. What are some of the complexities inherent in defining this concept? Standard English is a variety of English, which is recognized as acceptable with respect to spelling, grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary anywhere the language is spoken. It can be described as the...
Topic: Teaching
Words: 694
Pages: 2
It is the constant struggle of the main character and the reader to determine what is real in Chuck Palahniuk’s book Fight Club. An ancient narrative tells the narrator’s journey up to this point. Tyler Durden, a philosophical anarchist and one of the traveling soap sales workers, helps the white-collar...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 694
Pages: 2
Introduction The role of the human resource management (HRM) department is one of the most significant in any company. It determines the organization’s direction and influences further success and development. In modern business strategies, the emphasis is usually on human capital since, with time, it has proved to bring the...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 694
Pages: 2
Abbey, Ettal. Historia Augusta. 117. The primary source that is relevant to the topic is The Historia Augusta, a collection of biographies of Roman emperors written during the late 4th century CE. The section on Commodus provides insight into his reign and character, as well as the political and social...
Topic: History
Words: 694
Pages: 2
Chen, X., Liao, Z., Huang, S., Huang, Q., Lin, S., Li, Y., Shao, T., Tang, Y., Hao, J., Qi, J., Cai, Y., Wang, M., & Shen, H. (2022). Stigmatizing attitudes toward COVID-19 among patients, their relatives, and healthy residents in Zhangjiajie. Frontiers in Public Health, 10. Web. COVID-19 physical manifestations...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 694
Pages: 4
Introduction The 20th century saw a significant shift in how art was perceived, created, and experienced. New movements and styles that pushed the limits of creative expression emerged as a result of artists starting to question conventional ideas about what art was and should be. The works of Black Square,...
Topic: Art
Words: 694
Pages: 2
Each family has its skeleton in the cupboard. Thus, Alving’s cupboard would have been better never to open. We meet this family on the pages of the Ghost, a famous play written by a prominent Norwegian playwriter, Henrik Ibsen. This author is known for his desire to make the world...
Topic: Literature
Words: 695
Pages: 3
The aim of the paper is to analyze the peculiarities of the US and UK healthcare sectors and compare the way they function. Discussion First of all, it is considered that healthcare is a right but not a privilege in the UK, which means that the access healthcare services provided...
Topic: Health
Words: 695
Pages: 3
In the present age, many people of different faiths are trying to define the relationship between the sacred and the secular or religion and politics. Please answer the following questions Is it wrong for those who believe a law or regulation is contrary to God’s will to oppose it? The...
Topic: Religion
Words: 695
Pages: 4
Introduction Drug legalization is a highly controversial ethical problem, with a plethora of arguments for and against it. The controversy provokes debates about addiction, substance abuse, as well as the rate of a related criminal offense, medical benefits, and other topics. For this reason, it is appropriate to evaluate drug...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 695
Pages: 2
Situation Is This Something Than Can Be Legislated? Identify the problem/concern In hospitals, where nurses’ workload is not regulated by the organization and its administration, both nurses and patients may suffer from the results of such care. On the one hand, nurses can develop burnout symptoms, stay at work after...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 695
Pages: 2
At the end of the day, the insistence of the company on lean and efficient production rests on the strategy of offering the market cars that work reliably and are as affordable as possible. Quality and productivity helped the company penetrate an impoverished domestic market still struggling to surmount the...
Topic: Toyota
Words: 695
Pages: 2
The second part of the twentieth century, just as the beginning of the twenty first century may be called the epoch of democracy. The problem of democratization of human society should be treated as universal problem because the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness are not only main...
Topic: Democracy
Words: 695
Pages: 2
Among the different jobs like accountant, financial analyst, product manager, and stockbroker, the product managers are paid more and the stockbrokers are paid less. These professionals get the expected salary. Basically, the salary for each job is based upon the employee’s performance, output, designation, etc. The product manager gets good...
Topic: Business
Words: 695
Pages: 2
Fat girl is a non-fiction novel based on the abusive life of a young girl who is obese for as long as she can remember. She is mentally and physically abused by her mother and grandmother and her body size is one of the reasons why she faces constant and...
Topic: Literature
Words: 695
Pages: 2
RIBA is an organization that strictly controls the quality of the service of architecture bodies in the UK. Membership in RIBA guarantees the trust and respect of customers. Apart from this the Royal organization provides a wide technical support of its members. Thus, participation in the “Chartered Practice” scheme looks...
Topic: Design
Words: 695
Pages: 2
Austin Towers is a convicted former spy for the former Soviet Union. Austin received a communication from a Soviet agent that $2 million had been set aside for him in account upon which he would be able to draw. Austin was told that the money was being held by the...
Topic: Tax
Words: 695
Pages: 3
Introduction In accordance to my medical experience, health maintenance is necessary for any individual, and most importantly, to persons suffering from chronic conditions. This is because of several unpleasant conditions that persons disregarding health maintenance, can possibly face. A common example in my line of expertise is metastatic breast cancer,...
Topic: Health
Words: 695
Pages: 2
Background There is a common opinion that the COVID-19 pandemic has a positive impact on the environment. Reducing the consumption of fossil fuels means lower carbon dioxide emissions from burning them. In March 2020, the European Space Agency traces a significant decrease in air pollution in many countries. The scientists...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 695
Pages: 2
Introduction Gilman used her own personal experiences in her first marriage and postpartum depression as the inspiration for The Yellow Wallpaper, a story that details the deterioration of a woman’s mental health when she is a rest cure on a summer estate with her family. The unnamed narrator’s obsession with...
Topic: The Yellow Wallpaper
Words: 695
Pages: 2
Kossek, E. E., Perrigino, M., & Rock, A. G. (2021). From ideal workers to ideal work for all: A 50-year review integrating careers and work-family research with a future research agenda. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 126. Web. The article summarizes the literature that looks at the development of work-family study...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 695
Pages: 2
Introduction Facing death is regarded to be a serious challenge for people, resulting in a natural wish to control their last days. Still, sometimes patients might become unconscious or incompetent to make decisions at their last life stage. Therefore, health care institutions are working towards improving care for patients at...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 696
Pages: 3
Introduction There are many reasons for young people to start working, and they are mostly related to a person’s need to be self-sufficient. One may need to save money to buy something expensive or pay for education, while others may just want to have enough pocket money. Overall, the reasons...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 696
Pages: 3
Source Summary Prewriting Theme: Family Topic: Domestic violence Title: Counselors’ attitudes toward domestic violence in same-sex versus opposite-sex relationships. The title does not give any insight into what point of view is held by the authors. It looks as though Banks and Fedewa (2012) aim at comparing the attitudes of...
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 696
Pages: 2
Situation #1: The table is set for breakfast. Your child spills a half-gallon of milk all over the table. My child spills a half-gallon of milk all over the table. The table is set for breakfast. Of course, my first emotions will be a bit negative. I spend a certain...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 696
Pages: 3
What is meant by “the method of converging operations”? Why is it important for neuropsychology? Method of converging operations refers to experimental operations used to eliminate alternative hypotheses that explain experimental results. Neuropsychology is the study of the brain in relation to behavior. Therefore, numerous experiments are carried out in...
Topic: Neuroscience
Words: 696
Pages: 2
Introduction This is an educational design method of curriculum, whereby, goals are set first before choosing the method of instruction, and forms of assessment. According to Doug (2000), the advantage of backward assessment is that the end is known way before the lesson is taught so that instruction will lead...
Topic: Education
Words: 696
Pages: 2
The age of the characters Overall, I began to suspect that Jack and Hope could be elderly people when the author mentioned that in the past these characters were married to other people long time ago. In particular, the narrator says that Hope was a widow, while Jack had divorced...
Topic: Literature
Words: 696
Pages: 4
The Shakespeare theatres served the best interest of the audiences of the 16th century. Modern-day theatres have various similarities that were adopted from the Shakespearean theatres and several differences. The Shakespeare Theatre was mainly in a platform format. They were designed to assume a circular shape. Many of today’s theatres...
Topic: Art
Words: 696
Pages: 2
Music for Funerals and Weddings The chapter entitled “Music for Funerals and Weddings” in Music and Vital Congregations by W.B. Roberts is an extensive overview of music at weddings and funerals in churches. The chapter presents the author’s view, combined with different policies on planning such ceremonies, in which the...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 696
Pages: 2
The article by Yetta Goodman is a reflection on the importance of interpretive evaluation to both the student and the teacher when it comes to learning and teaching in the English or Language Arts classrooms. These methods of evaluation are very crucial to the learning process when it comes to...
Topic: Education
Words: 696
Pages: 2
Death is a phenomenon that affects all people, and it is a great source of musings. Some people fear death, some people are indifferent to it, and some people may welcome it. Writers, in particular, have a particular interest in death, as their characters face it in one way or...
Topic: Death
Words: 696
Pages: 2
Introduction Many people often learn with surprise that even without their participation in opinion polls, pollsters still release results on certain characteristics of a population that they are members. People who are ignorant about processes of doing research, often rubbish findings of research studies in which their input was not...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 696
Pages: 2
According to the Oxford English oxford dictionary, a tort is an intentional or unintentional harm to another person or property. In most organizations, employees are exposed to various risks as they perform their daily tasks. The risk may be intentional when both parties, that is, the employer and the employee...
Topic: Business
Words: 696
Pages: 2
Human beings undergo various developmental stages in their life span. In each stage of growth, various developmental concepts show how and why human beings change throughout their life. The first stage of development begins at the moment of conception. During this period, the sperm merges with the egg, after which...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 696
Pages: 2
As the use of advanced technology intensifies in the banking sectors and other businesses, more challenges are experienced in the form of data safety and protection. TD Canada utilizes a combination of different methods to protect customers’ data from a privacy, security and ethical perspective and ensure safe banking. From...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 696
Pages: 2
Introduction. Relevant Dates During the Cold War The 1940s The Cold War began in 1945 after the United States dropped atomic bombs on Japan at Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9. Berlin blockade and airlift (June 1948 to September 1949), and the USSR tested the first nuclear weapon...
Topic: Cold War
Words: 696
Pages: 3
CC (chief complaint): The patient complains of stomachaches and headaches and will not go to school or attend the majority of other social occasions. HPI: When attending classes, the patient has been experiencing symptoms like headaches and stomachaches. Prior to this point, the patient had been receiving medical treatment from...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 696
Pages: 2
Introduction Torture is the deliberate infliction of severe physical or mental pain and suffering upon a person (Peters 2). Torture is morally and ethically wrong and is against international law and human rights conventions, despite the fact that it may seem like an effective way to get information (Peters 142)....
Topic: Cinema
Words: 696
Pages: 2
We may distinguish both true and false needs. “False” are those which are superimposed upon the individual by particular social interests in his repression: the needs which perpetuate toil, aggressiveness, misery, and injustice. Their satisfaction might be most gratifying to the individual, but this happiness is not a condition which...
Topic: Literature
Words: 696
Pages: 2
Consumer Promotional Concepts Java Journey Sweepstakes A year-long competition called the “Java Journey Sweepstakes” is intended to draw new consumers to the mom-and-pop coffee shop. Customers will receive a special code on their receipt after making any quantity of purchase, which they may submit online or through a mobile app...
Topic: Business
Words: 696
Pages: 2
The award of hosting the World Cup in the year 2022 for the tiny desert country Qatar came as a surprise to many beating favorites such as Australia and the United States of America, which many people thought could win the rights. The FIFA executive committee had picked Russia to...
Topic: Football
Words: 697
Pages: 3
Minh’s speech proclaiming Vietnam’s independence contains a demand that the free world support that independence in part as payment for services rendered during World War 2. What ‘service’ did Vietnam render during that conflict? In his speech on the independence of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh states that the country’s freedom...
Topic: History
Words: 697
Pages: 3
Introduction The Industrial Revolution introduced the first machinery in the US. Since that time, lives of many people have constantly been altered by the development and growth of technologies. In this essay, I will examine the impact of the Industrial Revolution on American society and discuss the issue of equality...
Topic: Equality
Words: 697
Pages: 2
The focal point of the paper is to present a Comparison and Contrast essay between the poems, “I Felt a Funeral in My Brain“, by Emily Dickinson and “The Widow’s Lament in Spring Time“, by William Carlos Williams. The paper would look into the parameters of the inner world of...
Topic: Literature
Words: 697
Pages: 2
“Waiting for Godot,” a play written by Samuel Beckett, postulates the idea that a human being’s life is wholly dependant on chance, meaningfulness and the futile reliance on ‘Godot.’ The two characters in this story, Estrogon and Vladimir, have evoked pity in me as they wait for hope to arrive....
Topic: Literature
Words: 697
Pages: 2
The turn of the 19th century has been marked as the progressive era in which two American Presidents, President Theodore Roosevelt and President Woodrow Wilson have played a significant role on domestic as well as foreign policy-related issues. These two leaders reformed the system based on the decision which was...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 697
Pages: 2
Introduction Food safety is very important since it involves protecting human health. In considering food safety in the commercial industry, it is important to consider this seriously since food production is carried out on a large scale to serve many people. Lack of food safety in this industry can lead...
Topic: Food
Words: 697
Pages: 3
Polemic: Industrial Tourism and the National Parks, is one of the most cherished works of Edward Abbey (1927 – 1989). This is a hilarious proposal whose setting conforms to Abbey’s days as a ranger for the U.S. Park services way back in 1950s. It is one of the highly reputable...
Topic: National Parks
Words: 697
Pages: 2
Introduction The onset of the 21st century has brought on unimaginable and unprecedented leaps in commercial technology which has been woven into the very fabric of society. If 20 years ago few adults, let alone children had a cellphone, and 10 years ago, social media was a fun gimmick, both...
Topic: Literature
Words: 697
Pages: 2
Subjective Chief Complaint: sudden decrease of vision in the patient’s left eye. History of Present Illness (HPI) Jessica, a 32-year-old female, developed blurred vision in her left eye in the morning. Progressive deterioration occurred over the past few hours. Denies traumas, injuries, tearing, redness, and exposure to chemicals. Experienced blurred...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 697
Pages: 2
Why MNEs Struggle with MOE There is no “one shirt fits all” strategy when it comes to figuring out the best mode of entry (MOE) into foreign markets by multinational enterprises (MNEs). MNEs have to take into consideration various variances to come up with an effective entry strategy. Most of...
Topic: International Marketing
Words: 697
Pages: 2
Net Present Value The net present value is used to calculate the return on investment for an expenditure or project. It is defined as the present value of cash flows at the required return rate of the project compared to the initial investment (Noch & Kusto, 2018). To calculate the...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 697
Pages: 4
Although new technologies are highly helpful in businesses, at least because they provide opportunities for simulation in the training processes of different organizations, there are various obstacles to adopting e-learning. Such impediments include cultural resistance, the difference in learning style, threats to the human resource (HR) offices, delivery costs, and...
Topic: Technology
Words: 697
Pages: 3
Introduction The existence of news breeds misinformation, whether intentional or accidental. The strengthening of information technology leads to the expansion and eradication of the data flows around the individual, which he needs to process. However, it is impossible to consider the phenomenon of disinformation as an exclusively negative one. It...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 697
Pages: 2
“Tierra, Agua, Libertad, Justicia y Ley” which translates as Land, water, liberty, and law, often shortened to “land and liberty,” was the rallying cry of the Mexican Revolution, one of the most iconic of the 20th century. Prior to the revolution, Mexico lived in a state of tremendous socioeconomic injustice,...
Topic: Revolution
Words: 697
Pages: 2
Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt provides essential information about microeconomics that non-economics professionals need to know. The author provides examples of major economic misconceptions, public misinterpretations, and public policy failures. Mostly, the author talks about economic policies and their consequences. Hence, the basic rule of economics “consists in...
Topic: Microeconomics
Words: 697
Pages: 3
Introduction The COVID-19 epidemic has fundamentally disrupted key global economic, sociological, and healthcare infrastructures, which may only exacerbate clinical nurses’ decision fatigue. The article under discussion, Decision Fatigue among Clinical Nurses During the COVID-19 Pandemic, is the first instance in which the decision fatigue scale has been psychometrically validated among...
Topic: Evidence-Based Practice
Words: 697
Pages: 2
Problem Statement Despite the high academic discussion around the problem of the shortage of nurses, it is evident that governmental interventions do not definitively address the issue. This issue is directly related to the national quality indicator as the adequacy of care is not met due to the simple lack...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 697
Pages: 2
Case Background A 64-year-old left-hand-dominant male presents with gradual left-hand weakness, numbness, and tingling starting from his elbow. Over the last days, he has dropped items due to this weakness. He mentions a crushing injury to his left thumb 4 years ago and a prior fall where he struck his...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 697
Pages: 2
I chose to conduct my experiment at a mall in my home town. It was an ideal location for the experiment because so many people purchase their household goods from the mall. They also come there for recreation and the like. I knew that there was a very serious likelihood...
Topic: Social Issues
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Pages: 2
Introduction I have chosen the topic of Black Theology and its impact on drug addiction because I have experienced the impact of opioid addiction on my family. My mother has been addicted to prescription opioids for approximately eight years, and it has been a highly traumatic experience for the family....
Topic: Addiction
Words: 698
Pages: 3
Introduction Despite the emergence of feminist organizations and anti-discrimination laws, the world is dominated by men. There is still a long way to go for males and females to be equal in all aspects of life. Even though men and women are of the human species, they have many differences...
Topic: Gender
Words: 698
Pages: 3
Introduction The fast food industry has expanded at a rapid pace during the past half century. The consequence of this convenience has been the rapid expansion of the nation’s collective waistline. Obesity, caused primarily by a diet high in fat, is spreading across the country at epidemic proportions affecting more...
Topic: Death
Words: 698
Pages: 2
My vision of the dystopian future for our world is something that is closer to reality. The ideas in my mind that tell me what sort of future our planet faces is fed by the constant stream of information that is fed to me by the daily national and international...
Topic: Dystopia
Words: 698
Pages: 2
The ethical issues in business and accounting play a crucial role in the company’s developing and acquiring the status of the influential and reliable enterprise. In this paper I am going to examine ethical issues in two companies: Western Bank and Trust and Bobby’s Bagel. As far as the case...
Topic: Banking
Words: 698
Pages: 2
The Scream by Edvard Munch has inspired an American poet Monica Youn to depict her impression of the painting and the story of its stealing in her poem Stealing the Scream (Youn). The poet has chosen the genre of ekphrastic poetry to express her idea. This genre implies describing another...
Topic: Art
Words: 698
Pages: 2
Dear Madam, Re: Request to Re-take the ADN 151 Class and Stay in the Program. My names are DC and I was admitted into Rio Hondo’s Nursing program in the summer of 2011. Regrettably, I failed to obtain a passing grade in my AND 151 class. This has jeopardized my...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 698
Pages: 2
Introduction In this particular case, S.H. suffers from a number of different symptoms, including insomnia, night sweats, mood swings, and hypertension. For this reason, the initial goals of therapy would be the reduction of such symptoms and stress that is connected with sleep disorders. Moreover, the improvement of function during...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 698
Pages: 2
Summary The economic term “Talent” refers to individuals that come together to create change in the operations of an organization. Talent management is a process of change, systematic growth and development, reconstitution, re-deployment of assets or talents necessary to create a change in an organization. Talent management transcends from talent...
Topic: Management
Words: 698
Pages: 3
All the traditional industries operating in conventional ways are today facing quite hard challenges from their new competitors who offer services at lower budgets. Generally, any traditional business industry for providing full service with a touch of conventionality and high quality has to keep the prices high for their services....
Topic: Airlines
Words: 698
Pages: 2
Issues It is seen in this case study that Adam has reneged on his offer to sell his motor car for £1000, made to the world at large through public advertisement. The main issues are (i) whether Adam was legally correct in refusing both the offers made by Ben and...
Topic: Contract Law
Words: 698
Pages: 2
Description of the Primary Target Market A primary target market is a segment of a market section that the business believes will provide an opportunity for it to sell its products or services. My full-service beauty salon business seeks to attract these potential consumers to purchase the services and products...
Topic: Target Market
Words: 698
Pages: 2
White-collar crime can be identified through a combination of definitions. The definition of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) states that white-collar crimes are “illegal acts characterized by deceit, concealment or violation of trust, which are not dependent upon the application or threat of physical force or violence”(Online Lawyer, 2010)....
Topic: Law
Words: 698
Pages: 2