“The Compound” by Bodeen: Close Reading

Choose a favorite chapter/section in your YA novel In this section (the beginning of chapter seventeen), Eli and his mother are trying to figure out how to leave the compound. Since Eli’s father is unconscious, they have the chance to leave the compound, but only if they can understand what...

The Fed and Housing Bubbles

Introduction There is general agreement that the financial turmoil of 2007-2009 was caused by the bursting of the housing bubble, which triggered the worldwide economic crisis. Many scholars maintain that the crisis was instigated by the malpractice and miscalculation of private actors, a lack of regulation, and a bubble mentality...

Was the American Civil War Inevitable?

Introduction The Civil War is among the most widely studied events in American history. It had an essential role in shaping American society and securing the national identity of the United States. The Civil War began in 1861, shortly after the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln, and lasted for over four...

“Identifying Barriers to Pain Management” by Egan, M., & Cornally, N.: Article Critique

Introduction This paper is a critique of the research article by Egan and Cornally (2013) entitled: “Identifying Barriers to Pain Management in Long-Term Care”. The problem being studied is clearly expressed as it concerns the identification of hindrances to the management of pain in long-term care (LTC). The authors affirm...

The Role of Forensic Nurses in Florida

Introduction A forensic nurse is a specialist who is aware of the leading principles of healthcare and has a profound knowledge of the legal system and the classification of crimes. Professionals in the field of forensic nursing are expected to help crime investigators to collect evidence in case of unlawful...

Effect of Transformational Leadership on Job Satisfaction and Patient Safety

Introduction Customer service, otherwise known as the patient satisfaction, has become a critical benchmark of modern healthcare. It is helpful from a business and reputation perspective while strongly contributing to positive patient outcomes. Management in the industry has shifted its focus towards patient satisfaction as a key measure of the...

Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Treatment

Introduction Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a psychological issue that is typified by extreme apprehension about events and actions. This excessive worry negatively impacts daily functioning, and individuals are concerned about health matters, destiny, family issues, monetary and work problems, and friendship outcomes. In this context, patients may present with...

Health Informatics Trends

Executive Summary Health informatics is the scientific field that addresses biomedical information, insights and data as regards their maintenance, retrieval and use in the resolution of issues and decision making. The informatics website creates a dependable source of enterprise information technology resolutions and software development services. American Medical Informatics Association...

Nurse Adherence to Chemotherapy Safe-Handling Practices

Introduction Nurses working in oncology units may not realize the negative impact of their practice on their health. The problem is evident since many caregivers do not adhere to safety recommendations aimed to prevent occupational exposure. The article by Colvin, Karius, and Albert (2016) investigates the topic and proves the...

The Physics of Swimming and Training Strategy

Introduction For swimming as a sports discipline, body buoyancy is one of the main physical variables that determine the body’s ability to stay on the surface of the water. Despite the fact that much attention is paid to training the strength and endurance of athletes, some aspects of physics are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

East Asian Cinema Development in a Regional Context

Introduction Kinnia Yau Shuk-ting wrote an article “The Early Development of East Asian Cinema in a Regional Context” that examines the stages of East Asian film industry development. The author of the article believes that significant events crafted East Asian cinema, and one can discover the formation of an Asian...

Global Environmental Issue in the 21st Century

The 21st century has clocked in when the world is facing many challenges. Currently the world is faced by challenges taking all dimensions from abject poverty, environmental issues, human right issues, livelihood inequalities, to other matters concerning the advancement of technology and the problem it poses to human existence. It...

Tradegy September 11, 2001: Personal Experience

IT was September 11, 2001, a black Tuesday which was later named as the devil’s day of the history by our school. I was the student of St. Thomas Middle School, Alabama. As usual, I reached at the school in time in the early morning. I, being a student of...

Shortage of Skilled Workers and Its Impacts in Middle East Construction Industry

Introduction In recent times, the construction industry in the Middle East has been facing the risk of rising labour cost and labour shortages, which in turn is squeezing up the smaller contractors. It has primarily been driven by an elevated liquidity environment because of high petroleum revenue, the government’s idea...

The History of Six Sigma

History of the Six Sigma Six Sigma refers to a management system. The evolution of the Six sigma as a quality management system has its roots in the Europe’s eighteenth century industrial era. The normal curve metric, a concept put forward by Gauss formed the basis of the idea. The...

The Important of the Upper Paleolithic Revolution in the Development of Culture

Introduction The origin of modern humans is believed to be from the continent of Africa. The evolution changes showed signs of development in terms of anatomy and structure but showed a significantly slight change in terms of lifestyle. As time went by, tools and artifacts used during the Paleolithic period...

Two Settings in the Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare

Shakespearean works are well known for their depth, symbolism and philosophical view upon different aspects of life. Mirroring is one of Shakespeare’s favorite tools. Mirroring is used to emphasize the contrast and show differences between the sides of the society and the ways of living of the characters. The Merchant...

The Politics of Health and Health Care

Introduction Politics has a strong influence on healthcare because major decisions that set the course for the whole range of specialists are made on higher levels (Patel & Rushefsky, 2014). Change of top-level executives and planners could result in shifts in healthcare policies, which can be either for the better...

Mrs. G: Homecare Institution Case Analysis

When elderly parents need support to remain safe and healthy, one can be uncertain how to manage the situation. The identification of their needs, responsibility for choices, and decision-making can feel daunting. This is because one is not sure exactly what needs to be done. Nevertheless, it is of utmost...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Children of Odin: Sigurd and the Hero’s Journey

In today’s rational and pragmatic world, interest in mythology is growing and becoming more profound. Myths, like centuries ago, enchant and fascinate, and ancient tales become relevant. Campbell’s work is dedicated to the most frequently encountered mythological plot – the story of a hero, his miraculous birth, deeds, marriage to...

Water Quality Assessment. Environmental Impact

Introduction Maintaining good water quality is essential to human health; thus, the recent decades have outstandingly worsened the water across communities worldwide by pollution. A variety of areas around the world face different challenges regarding water conditions; hence, today’s report will focus on identifying issues in Longmont, Colorado, and investigate...

The Oral Anticoagulation After Myocardial Infraction

In nursing research, language and sensitive questions should be looked into carefully in order to get the correct information required. The respondents as well as the whole community need respect; justice and contextual care. The researcher should at no cost disclose the personal information nor force the respondents to answer....

Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

Health Concerns and Best Practices for Health Improvement The individual who has agreed to participate in the care coordination plan session is a 65-year-old woman from Houston, Texas. Based on the self-management practices that the participant currently implements, there are three important health concerns that require attention – high blood...

How Drugs Influence the Crimes

What is the extent to which the drug subculture influences criminal behavior? How does it achieve this influence? Nowadays one can see that in every nook and corner thousands of people are addicted to drugs. It is increasing day by day among adolescent children too. This will lead the children...

Spiritual Needs Assessment

Spirituality, according to Wallace (2007) is “the essence of our being, which permeates our living and infuses our unfolding awareness of who and what we are, our purpose in being, and our inner resources; and shapes our life journey”. There has been a renewed interest in the healthcare profession about...

Time Management for Nursing Leaders to Consider

Among the variety of principles inhere to the sphere of nursing management, time management plays one of the most important roles. To succeed in time management, it is necessary to consider the following aspects and make sure these aspects are properly identified: Definition of time management is crucial to understand...

Alzheimer’s Disease: Study Instruments

In the wake of increasing international concern on the prevalence of lifestyle conditions, researchers have shown relentless efforts to establish the causes and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. This essay seeks to establish various factors that a researcher must consider during the selection of existing study instruments. Factors Considered in the...

Criminal Conduct: Term Definition

Elements of Murder Criminal acts that lead to bodily harm or even death attract much interest from different states. A proof of murder requires the substantiation of the intent to kill or even cause grievous harm to an individual (Schmalleger, Hall & Dolatowski, 2005). First-degree murder requires verification of willfulness...

The Polymerase Chain Reaction

Introduction Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a versatile and critical reaction in molecular biology. The reaction is a landmark in molecular biology because it has made it possible for scientists to study minute quantities of DNA material. PCR involves the amplification of minute quantities of DNA into large quantities for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Streaming Service for the Elderly During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 novel coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on the entire planet, and no corner of the world remained untouched. In order to mitigate the consequences of the outbreak, governments implemented strict lockdown protocols in multiple areas. As a result, millions of people remained confined in their homes...

Nutrition and Health Project Addressing Hunger Issues

Basic Nutrients Needed for Healthy Diets For a diet to be considered healthy, it must contain the basic nutrients which are divided into macro and micro nutrients. The macronutrients are the carbohydrates, proteins, and fats which are essential for effective body functioning. Carbohydrates comprise of the starches, sugars, and fibers...

Comparing the Nursing Education of Kenya and China

In Kenya, nursing education began before the country attained independence. Missionaries were responsible for bringing it into the country. This was a time when the government consisted only of the whites. The missionaries were unable to offer education to the entire country and had to seek assistance from the government....

The Gangs of New York Movie Review

Introduction The movie “Gangs of New York” depicts a time during the Civil War when rivals fought for the control of the Lower East Side of New York. The film is characterized by two varied forces fighting. One side comprises of the native thugs led by a man referred to...

Evidence-Based Practice Strategies for Myocardial Infarction Patients

Evidence-Based Practice Strategies to Reduce the Door-to-Balloon Time in STEMI (ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction) Patients: A Needs Assessment Adams, J., Wong, B., & Wijeysundera, H. C. (2015). Root causes for delayed hospital discharge in patients with ST-segment Myocardial Infarction (STEMI): a qualitative analysis. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, 15, 107.  It was...

Confrontation Clause Protecting Rights of Accused

One of the fundamental components of the Bill of Rights included in the Sixth Amendment is the confrontation clause that illustrates the rights to be applied in all criminal prosecutions. The accused, prosecutor, and witnesses need to act and be treated fairly based on the constitutional stipulations. The confrontation clause...

Antiviruses and Kernel Mode and Alternative Methods

Introduction The kernel is the primary part of any operating system and has complete control over all processes and memory. Replacing kernel code may lead to drastic outcomes, including a crash and a state, where it is impossible to restore the system. Despite these risks, antivirus designers often use kernel-mode...

Beefsteak Firm Reinforcing Culture Through Human Capital Development

Current Company Culture Beefsteak is an authentic company that believes that vegetables are not as boring as many people think. They are beautiful, fresh, and nutritious. At the moment, the company culture lacks organizational responsibility and unity which is caused by the fact that there are many individuals working on...

Robbery in Queens Neighborhoods in New York

The Pitch Letter To Zach, I have been following the stories you cover, and I must say they inspire a lot as they always address emerging issues affecting society and give possible solutions to the problems. As a New York resident, I thought you would like to join me as...

Preparing for International Expansion: The Case of Google’s Failure in China

Introduction Entering a foreign market can be a remarkable challenge even for highly developed large-scale companies. The case of Google China, a product designed specifically for the Chinese region, is an excellent example of a failed method of cross-country growth, an endeavor that cost Google substantial time and resources. This...

The Lais of Marie de France by Tamara Bentley

Introduction The lais of Marie de France are a collection of 12 romantic narrative It addresses courtly romance and forbidden problems of women ( Caudill, 104). The tales were composed in old French containing style of rhyming couplets, repetition and unifying themes. Authors Biography Marie de France was a poet...

The Illegality of the Geronimo Operation

Targeted killing is defined under international law as the deliberate lethal use of force by a state or its employees against an individual who is not in the custody of civilians or poses an immediate danger. Although the term is not a technical legal term, the strategy has become a...

Early Media Exposure’s Impact on Children’s Development

Introduction Technology has transformed the world significantly, affecting almost every aspect of people. One area that has been majorly impacted by technology is early childhood development. Before technology, most parents spent time with their children interacting with them actively. Such children grew up being socially active and with the ability...

Visual Analysis Of “The Penguins and The Whale” Ad

One can imagine a part of the world starting to disappear as it submerges into the rising ocean water gradually. There is rising tension, panic, hysteria, and anxiety among people across the globe. Unfortunately, people fail to see that the scenario described above is unfolding due to global warming and...

Competitive Positioning of the Netflix Company

Attributes Classification of Attributes Watching movies, series, and TV shows Experience Size of content Search Usability Experience Mobile, laptop, and TV streaming Search Research Amenities Search Watch lists and recommendations Experience Customer Service Credence Competitive prices Search Quality of content Experience Scope of choice Search Competitive positioning implies the correct...

Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination for Healthcare Employees

The COVID-19 Vaccine Dilemma What are the characteristics of the coronavirus? COVID-19 is easily transmissible and can have rather grave complications, affecting several body systems and increasing the chances of mortality. The dilemma of whether to use a vaccine is especially agonizing for healthcare employees, who have professional obligations, personal...

African-American Experience of World War I and the Harlem Renaissance

The black community was galvanized by World War I to make America completely democratic by securing full citizenship for all Americans. Black troops fought racial injustice at home and overseas while remaining in segregated groups. Whites and blacks led the struggle against segregation and discrimination in the United States through...

Diego Rivera and Mexican Muralism

Introduction The Mexican muralist movement was a period in art when revolutionary art was accepted as part of a cultural hub. While muralism has a long history that can be traced back to early cave paintings, the most essential or pertinent works to modern culture were made during the Mexican...

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Is Changing the Economy

COVID-19 has become a global pandemic that has impacted every aspect of our lives. World Health Organization characterized the illness as a pandemic on 11th March 2020, resulting in 3 million cases and the demise of 207,973 people (Bharati et al., 2022). The illness is characterized by flu-like symptoms and...

Sunshine Coast Design Review: Reinforced Concrete

Sunshine Coast Design provides a critical look at the urban and landscape design strategies applicable to the community of the Sunshine Coast in Australia. Specifically, it empathizes the significance of gradual integration of various design decisions to match the aesthetic value of the area and highlight the natural benefits of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Women in Odyssey, Antigone, and Epic of Gilgamesh

Introduction The role of females in different societies and at different times is one of the most discussed topics nowadays. Although now the world is close to gender equality, thousands of years ago, the role of a man and a woman distinguished drastically, and a person was treated due to...

A Transformation in “Trifles” Play by Glaspell

Glaspell’s proper dramatic debut was her second play, Trifles (published in 1916), which genuinely revealed her range as an artist. Written at the request in a short time, in cramped circumstances, it is surprisingly devoid of any traces of its forced birth. The author uses emotion manipulation technique to play...

The Series of “Harry Potter” by Joanne Rowling

Introduction The works of the British novelist Rowling collectively referred to as the Harry Potter series, are classified as fantasy. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley are all enrolled at Hogwarts School in the novels. Major plot points revolve around Harry’s battle against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who...

The Ethical Principles of Conducting Research

Introduction Research in psychology is inevitably associated with human beings. The professional performance of a psychologist-experimentalist is a complex and responsible endeavor since it can involve the fate of people. An experimental study is connected to cognition of strictly individual features of a person, with their profound experiences and states....

Pathophysiology and Pathopharmacology in Nursing

Taking the Pathophysiology and Pathopharmacology course greatly contributed to my professional development because I improved my understanding of the basics of pathophysiology and pathopharmacology. Pathophysiology describes painful conditions in human physiology, while pathopharmacology is aimed at the treatment of illnesses. Hence, these two sciences direct the healthcare practitioner’s attention to...

Human Resource Management Profession and Knowledge

The profession of a human resources manager is essential since it is these managers who help build a team, work more efficiently and develop the entire team. Like any specialist, an HR manager needs to possess many important qualities and skills and also be ready for regular updating and expansion...

Haiti’s Independence: Historical and Current Events

Introduction Haiti has a long history of political instability and violence, especially after its independence in 1804. The country has faced numerous coups, civil wars, and political assassinations, making it difficult for any government to establish a stable and functioning state (Stieber, 2022). The present essay aims to identify the...

Clinical Guidelines for Mechanical Ventilation

What is the purpose of the study (research questions, purpose and hypotheses)? The study focused on understanding the development and utilization of standard rules in relation to mechanical ventilation approaches within intensive care units in Sweden (Eldh, Vogel, Söderberg, Blomqvist & Wengström, 2013). How was the sample obtained? It is...

Fed Management Through Commercial Banks

Monetary actions refer to the steps that are taken by the Fed to ensure stability in the economy and the achievement of other macroeconomic objectives. The actions range from open market operations to bank rates and reserve requirements for a commercial bank. The Fed needs to administer its objective through...

Leadership’s Evaluation and Philosophy

Steve Jobs, one of the greatest leaders of all times said that people who want to become noble and reach all the goals in their lives should stay hungry and foolish. This quotation is widespread around the world and motivates many leaders to work harder and to stay open for...

Women’s Health: Depression as a Psychological Factor

Biophysical, Psychological, Sociocultural, Behavioral and Health System Factors Women who identify themselves as lesbian are likely to experience depression as well as anxiety. Betty is depressed, and there are certain reasons for that as well as factors that contribute to the development of depression. Biophysical, psychological, sociocultural, behavioral, and health...

Restrictive Licensing in Miami, FL

Shortage of Physicians and Its Implications The introduction of the restrictive licensing policy has led to the lack of competent healthcare experts in Miami, FL (Budryk, 2014). The identified health policy has understandably negative effects on the quality of care, as well as patient outcomes, in general (Association of American...

Bre-X Minerals Ltd. and Political Constraints in Busang

Introduction The case study provided establishes various political constraints encountered by David Walsh, the president of Canada’s Bre-X Minerals Ltd, a company that was given the opportunity to engage in gold mining in Busang, Indonesia. Bre-X encountered political pressure from Indonesian officials who wanted the government to restrict the foreign...

Key Issues of the Emergency Nurses Association

Introduction This essay investigates and summarizes key issues of the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) as an interest group. This interest group places a significant value on its members due to their contributions to the emergency nursing profession. Mission Established in 1970, the mission of ENA is to advocate for the...

Health Status and Promotion Among African Americans

Introduction Available literature demonstrates that most health promotion activities targeting minority populations and vulnerable groups fail to achieve their intended objectives due to factors such as sustained inequalities in healthcare provision, socioeconomic and demographic characteristics, and cultural orientations (Lang & Bird, 2015). To ensure that health promotion activities become effective...

Health Insurance for Children With Special Needs

There are gaps in State Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP), which affect the health of Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) because they are vulnerable to chronic conditions and require continuous care (Hollar, 2012). However, few studies have investigated how these health gaps affect access to health care for this...

Work Stress and Burnout Among Nurses

Introduction The work environment and working conditions are important factors that have an impact on staff performance. Negative work environment and unfavorable working conditions can lead to work-related stress and even burnout. These outcomes are not desirable in all spheres of activity and even dangerous in nursing because of nurse...

Business Opportunities for Dirt-Market

In what way have Rossi and Matheson shown an ability to identify an opportunity? Rossi and Matheson demonstrated that creativity is the best way of identifying a business opportunity. The idea of the Dirt-Market is a product of combined creativity by Rossi and Matheson who have different professional knowledge and...

Clinx Clinic’s Structure and Operations Plan

My medical practice area is that of a privately-owned clinic. This clinic will be located in the State of Florida in the United States. The customer type for my clinic will be patients and those people who need medical consultation. My stakeholders will be the local government, the ministry of...

Black Athletes and the Black Community

Introduction An analysis of the history of black athletes in the US shows that their place on a team and in individual sports has changed over time. Blackman investigates discussions about the black community and developments that happened during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The author shows how...

Ethical Communication and Its Principles

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation A leader has to follow ethical principles and standards when making a decision in the workplace. The essential ethical standards that a leader has to follow when managing communication in an organizational environment include reciprocity, clarity, and speed of data transfer (Mumby & Kuhn, 2018)....

Telenursing: Implementation of the Research Project

Introduction Integration of information and communication technologies in the nursing process is supposed to contribute to more effective care delivery. Though not being considered as a revolutionary advancement, telenursing has all chances to become an indispensable part of nursing curricula due to expected positive outcomes (Reierson, Solli, & Bjørk, 2015)....

Disabled as the Vulnerable Population of Miami

There are many categories of people in the world that can be categorized as medically and socially vulnerable. Such people tend to be less fortunate than others. The category of people with disabilities requires additional attention as it has two significant risk factors: social and medical. Being blind or chained...

Computerized Provider Order Entry in Pharmacology

Information technology has experienced significant leaps in its capabilities and operational capacity in recent years, making it a vital adoption in the healthcare system and practice. Computerized information systems are now the backbone of hospital operations, supporting clinical and administrative tasks conducted by staff. Technology has endless possibilities but has...

Infectious Disease Trends and Nursing Epidemiology

Introduction This paper studies infectious disease trends and nurses’ role in epidemiology. It defines the commonly used terms and discusses how caregivers can reduce contaminations. The report features three current diseases caused by hepatitis A, Vibrio, and Salmonella viruses, and analyzes how Healthy People 2020 initiative addresses them. Finally, it...

Mindful Eating Intervention and Diabetes Self-Management Intervention

Introduction Healthy eating and following the key guidelines may be some of the most difficult changes to make for people with diabetes. At that, they might need health workers’ guidance and mentorship to help them make a smooth transition and accept the struggles that come with having the said condition....

What is the Northern Territory Intervention?

21st June 2009 is the second anniversary of the intervention of the Federal Government in the Northern Territory. Even though the intervention received widespread accreditation and media coverage, very little is known regarding the outcome of the Intervention itself. What actually is the nature of the intervention and why was...

Autism and Other Neurological Disorders

Introduction Whether contracted in the early fetal development stage or inherited, autism is a disorder which affects cognitive brain functions thus impeding a person’s ability to communicate effectively. The disorder distorts not only how people perceive sensory information but how the brain processes it as well. Cause Autism and other...

Bretton Woods System: Solving Economic Problems

Reasoning on the discussion of introduction of Bretton Woods System Discussion on the proposal to reintroduce a new version of Bretton Woods System is very rife with quite a number of world leaders supporting the idea. Bretton Woods System as perceived by many, achieved its intended mandate after its formation...

Circumcision: Pros vs Cons, Benefits, Risks

Circumcision is a medical practice that is surrounded by a lot of controversy. The main problem is that in some countries and cultures circumcision is a traditional practice both medicine- and culture-wise. Newborn babies are often circumcised because of various traditions, beliefs, and simply preferences of the parents. Some argue...

HIV in Adolescent Population: Healthy Promotion Intervention Plan

Intervention Background Statistics shows that many representatives of the adolescent population are under a threat of getting HIV infection. African American males are under the influence of the living conditions and the events taking place around. They live with single parents, do not have a chance to get the desirable...

The Long Term Effects of Terrorism

Introduction Terrorism attacks have become very common in today’s world especially with the increasing conflicts of power and the increase in financial difficulties in the globe. Many terrorist groups have been formed whose main agenda is cause violence in order to achieve certain political or religious goals. Loss of lives...

The U.S. Economic Development: The Significant Periods

Nowadays, America can boast one of the most developed economies in the world. The service sector is an important source of the country’s budget; the U.S. is also a world leader in many spheres of industry. However, the history of the U.S. success is complicated; the country went through periods...

Developmental Origins of Life and Health

Introduction This paper explores the developmental origins of life and death by highlighting the need to address upstream health risks, as a public health management strategy. By exploring the challenges of adopting this approach, this paper recommends policy-centered interventions that could improve human health. However, before embarking on the details...

The Importance of Vision and Failures for an Entrepreneur

It is evident that to attain a particular goal and run a business successfully, every businessman should possess distinctive entrepreneurial traits and profound knowledge in the field they operate. Moreover, an entrepreneur should have a ground-breaking vision, the outcomes of which can bring real and valuable benefit for many people,...

Mandated Nurse-Patient Ratio Legislation

Mandating Nurse-Patient Ratios Healthcare is an essential resource that the state and the government need to provide to its citizens. This is because a healthy society is capable of achieving its needs, goals, and objectives in the short run and in the long run at ease (Wolfson, 2009). However, when...

Web of Causation Model

Introduction The main aim of epidemiology is to collect and use data that is necessary for preventing and controlling diseases through interventions. Epidemiology in community health and partnerships has been evolving over the years. In the past, epidemiology associated the causes of diseases to commitment of sins. However, major historical...

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)

Should other practices besides fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism be considered misconduct in your publications? To answer this question, it is useful to make a key inquiry: “What makes a specific behavior so wrong that it becomes misconduct?” A typical reaction to this query may list deliberate or intentional behaviors that...

Conflict and Power: Police and Community Collaboration

Introduction Conflict is an indispensable part of human life on different levels, including individual and interpersonal. Conflicts are often associated with power-related issues and tension, which is specifically apparent in multicultural societies such as the USA (Jordan, 2017). Conflicts between authorities and communities are quite common in all countries, and...

“The Spirit in Creation” Article by David Williams

Introduction and Brief Summary In In the article, “The Spirit in creation,” the author David Williams explores the role of the Holy Spirit within the scope of creation, defining and stressing its significance in the Trinity in the context given. Williams, a professor of divinity at the University of Fort...

Social Norms and Behaviors on Public Transportation: On the Bus

The world of people, communities, and societies is an organism that functions according to certain rules and norms, which are expected and regulated. There is a great number of social situations that people participate in, each one of them having its etiquette and expectations. The culture and the attitudes of...

Ethics, Metaphysics, and Epistemology in Philosophy

Philosophy was defined as the knowledge and understanding of the primary causes and beginnings of all things. It aims to create a picture of the world and human beings in it by rational means of mental activity. At the same time, it represents only one of the sections of the...

Coding Process Improvement Report

Current Processes Coding errors are not uncommon in hospitals due to the complexity of the coding system and entering procedures. Below are coding errors that are often seen in the industry, many of which also apply to the Lower Mountain Hospital audit. Lack of data to support claims – a...

Registered Nurse Career: Analysis of Required Traits

Upon selecting a profession that will most likely be a part of one’s life for quite a long time, it is critical to learn about its detail and determine whether it is suitable for a personality. Based on these reasons, the following career research paper will examine an occupation of...

Poverty and Inequality: Income and Wealth Inequality

The Stanford Center of Poverty and Inequality does an in-depth job of finding causes and capturing statistics on poverty and inequality. This website researches education, labor market, income differentials, legal issues, and incidents of discrimination, as each case in these areas, have an impact on poverty and inequality. For example,...

Teen Alcohol Consumption Reduction Plan in Long Island

The Need to Reduce Alcohol Consumption Excessive drinking kills nearly 90,000 Americans each year, and there are significant short and long-term health risks associated with heavy drinking. Common health risks include a weakened immune system, risky behavior, and chronic illnesses: high blood pressure, cirrhosis, and mental problems. In Long Island,...

Modern Usefulness of the Emotional Stroop Test

Recent decades have seen large advances in scientific understanding of human emotions and reactions. One of the most popular instruments used for evaluating personal responsiveness to emotional information is the emotional Stroop test. The key approach to the Stroop test involves assessing one’s ability to process emotions, which has been...

Depression and Anxiety: Mary’s Case

Precipitants Mary’s husband’s death precipitated her depression and anxiety diagnosis. She feels lonely and miserable as she struggles with her daily endeavors with limited emotional support. Mary’s feeling of loneliness emanates from her thoughts regarding her purpose in life. Her husband and children were her motivation in life, and she...

Sikh and Muslim Communities in India

Introduction The Republic of India is a secular, democratic country with many different religions, including Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Jainism, among other minority creeds. Hinduism remains the largest religion in the country, with Hindu identification and the ability to speak Hindi being associated with “being truly Indian” (Corichi...

Closing the Gap Between Military Service and Civilian Career

Introduction A gulf between Military Service and Civilian careers prevents veterans from successfully integrating into society after military service. It is crucial to offer modern veterans efficient employment services. Therefore, this topic needs research and analysis of all stakeholders’ needs, rights, and opportunities. Professionals in career development must think carefully...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Leadership: Reform and Innovation

Introduction Leadership is a crucial aspect of any organization, particularly in the field of education, where change is an ongoing process. Different leadership styles can affect the change process and, ultimately, the organization’s success. Examining various leadership styles in the educational environment serve as a comprehensive view of the current...

Ebola in Sierra Leone as a Public Health Issue

Community and Public Health Issue Sierra Leone is a West African country that has a population of more than 7 million people (Lahai, 2017). Emerging from a civil war that lasted more than a decade, the country has a poor health infrastructure characterized by poor access to health care facilities...

Electronic Health Records: Functions and Examples

Introduction An electronic health record is a digital kind of a patient’s medical sheet. One of the main characteristics of an electronic health record is that health data can be created and processed by sanctioned providers in an electronic format able to being shared with other workers across more than...

Curriculum Development and Evaluation in Nursing

What Are Some of the Reasons for Using an Educational Framework and/or Philosophy to Guide Your Approach to Developing Curriculum? Philosophy is one of the components of the curriculum. It means that it is impossible to develop one without using philosophy. That said, there are several reasons for deploying it...

Popular Health Concerns, Awareness, and Promotion

New Approaches to Practice During the last course, I had a chance to learn several new approaches to clinical practice. One of them implies what is called RS (restraint and seclusion). This knowledge will be helpful for me as a professional medical worker as I will be more competent in...

The Stamp Act Resolutions and Declaratory Act

Introduction The 1760s were difficult years for the British Empire. The British won the Seven Years War 1755-1763, but the prolonged conflict cost the country almost 50 million pounds, bringing its national debt closer to 130 million. The debt put a strain on the economy, which could not be replenished...

Pressure Ulcers Prevention and Skin Management

Introduction Pressure ulcers are skin injuries that appear in patients with limited mobility as a result of continuous pressure. The introduction of changes in skin management practices in intensive care units (ICU) is a response to this persisting clinical problem (Sving, Idvall, Högberg, & Gunningberg, 2014). The pressure ulceration acquired...

IKEA Five Forces Analysis & SWOT Analysis

IKEA is a famous company that operates in the retail and furniture industries. The company provides affordable products to its customers that are often praised for their practicality, design, and recognizability of the brand. The paper aims to analyze IKEA’s competitive positioning in the furniture industry by using SWOT analysis,...

Preterm Birth Risk Factors in Diverse Adolescents

The article developed by Thomazini, Wysocki, da Cunha, da Silva, and Ruiz (2016) is “Risk Factors Related to Premature Labor in Pregnant Adolescents: An Integrative Literature Review.” The title of this work provides an opportunity to understand both the area of the study and the targeted group. It is clear...

Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative

Introduction The paper at hand will analyze the Medical Marijuana Legalization Initiative, Amendment 2, which was passed in the state of Florida on November 8, 2016, and came into legal force on January 3, 2017. The policy allows patients who are suffering from debilitating or terminal medical conditions to receive...

Episode Analysis: “The Entire History of You”

Introduction The Entire History of You is an episode of series Black Mirror. The creators incorporated various symbols in this show. One of the most significant moments is a scene where the advertisement of a new device is shown. This innovative technology allows watching any moment that a person has...

Workplace Conflict Resolution and Team Building

Introduction In the modern world of business, companies have to engage in strict competition to survive in the market. For this purpose, the effective use of human resources is pivotal. Therefore, it is crucial to properly manage employees and organize effective teamwork. This paper provides several recommendations for resolving some...

Managing Projects: A Team-Based Approach

Different Types of Evaluation Options What are the different types of evaluation options for achieving project goals for both team-based and financial analysis? According to Brown and Hyer (2010), the first evaluation type is process evaluation which is used to select the best project that delivers the best value at...

Economic Revolution: History and Theories

Introduction The history of the economic revolution has been traced by different authors from different periods in time. Some trace it in great Europe. The economic revolution is defined as the transition of modes of production from the hands of individuals. The change in the modes of production means a...

Governance and Public Policy

Democracy and Equality In his writings, John Stuart Mill makes important contributions to democratic governance by putting forward key principles that govern how democracy should be exercised. In its simplest form, the democratic rule indicates the rule of people whose authority and legitimacy comes from the people themselves (Brink, 2007)....

World War II, Its Origins and Consequences

World War II was a global tragedy on a massive scale. That conflict lasted for six years and led to numerous losses, atrocities, and political and ideological shifts across the world. Still, like all events, it has its causes and effects, shaping the world to become the place that it...

History of the War of 1812

The War of 1812 is a military conflict between the United States and Britain, its former colonial master. It resulted from a number of tensions starting with the practice of impressment and a restricted trade with both France and Britain. Other reasons that forced the US to start a war...

Higher Education: Benefits of Having a Degree

Introduction The essay dwells on the benefits of entering a university and obtaining higher education. Some arguments against the prevailing trend of entering higher educational establishments are mentioned. Overall, the paper presents a discussion on whether it is worthwhile to get a degree and what advantages it offers to its...

Hospital Readmissions: Preventive Project Results

The prevention of hospital readmissions among patients with chronic or congestive heart failure (CHF) was chosen as the focus of the course project. According to the process thoroughly described in the third phase, the effectiveness of post-discharge patient visits and telephone support was measured. This essay is aimed at describing...

Unconscious vs. Conscious Motivation

Since the early days of human psychology, many are interested in discovering the principles behind motivation. This is an important topic for many including managers, teachers, and parents. The ability to understand the intricacies of motivation will help them to create strategies and teaching tools that will encourage the people...

Elvis Presley’s Influence on Music

Elvis Aaron Presley an immensely talented American artist gained extreme popularity at a point in time as a vocalist, actor, and musician. His popularity made him frequently known just as “Elvis” amongst his huge fan base. Titles such as “The King of Rock ‘n’ Roll” and “The King” (Marsh, 176)...

The Inkspell and Its Relation to Inkheart

Inkspell previously referred to as Tintenblut, is a junior adult novel authored by Cornelia Funke. It received a book of the year recognition under the children’s literature category in 2006, therefore was referred to as the 2006 book sense. This book is the second in the ink world trilogy after...

Business Communication Trends Paper

Introduction Every task in a professional environment requires effective communication, for its smooth execution. Lack of effective communication has caused embarrassments for big companies, for instance, NASA’s satellite which vanished on mars, a project that valued over 125 million dollars. This caused a big shame accompanied by huge losses in...

Military Service: The Obligation of the American Citizens

Introduction It is unfortunate that most of us associate the military with killing other people but it is important to look at the wider picture. The military is a very integral part of the nation and it is the best way in which one can show their patriotism and loyalty...

Postmodern Ideas and Realism in Works of Fiction

Introduction Postmodernism is a broad academic term that came into the limelight in the mid- 1980s. It refers to certain aspects of works on different disciplines done after the Second World War. The works vary from: music, literature, fashion, art, communication, technology, architecture, and sociology among others (Caughie, 196). Post...

African American Females’ Experiences in Community Colleges

Introduction In spite of the fact that African American women are traditionally discussed as the underrepresented population in colleges and universities of the United States, nowadays, it is possible to observe a positive tendency in this sphere. Thus, by 2010, more than 65 percent of African American women had obtained...

AD and POLST in Medicine

Introduction There are cases when a person is hanging between life and death not being able to say or do anything. Seeing him or her in such a condition brings constant pain and suffering to relatives and draws resources from both medical institutions and the pockets of a family. The...

Effectiveness of the Use of a Point-Of-Sale System on Business

Alliance Supermarket is gathering basic information using its point-of-sale (POS) system, and this is why the management is yet to reap the maximum advantage of this piece of technology. The chief information officer (CIO) is exploring ways of mitigating the loss of sales and facilitating customer satisfaction. The organization is...

The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Tempest: Being “Civilized” or “Uncivilized”

Introduction Civilization is one of the most significant achievements of the whole world. However, is it indeed rational to consider people who fail to meet local norms uncivilized? When it comes to a postcolonial analysis, the concepts of “civilized” and “uncivilized” are interpreted differently from their modern meanings. It refers...

Nutrition, Disease, and Malnutrition

Malnutrition Nutrition performs a critical role in an individual’s overall health. Not maintaining proper or sufficient amounts of the required nutrients over a prolonged or short period can contribute to malnutrition which often leads to illness and disease. Malnutrition refers to a lack of sufficient nutrition that is induced by...

Raising the Minimum Wage Research

Opinion on Raising the Minimum Wage From a personal viewpoint, increasing the minimum wage is great for the continued protection of workers against unduly low pay. However, this plan works best if the salary floor is set based on supply and demand for labor as opposed to other factors such...

Human Transport Systems: The Lymphatic System

Introduction Background of the Study The lymphatic system is part of the cardiovascular transport system which aids in fat digestion and its transport into the liver and other storage sites in the body. In addition, the lymphatic system supports other body immune functions. It is also involved in the transport...

Annotated Bibliography: The Chicano Movement

Garcia, Héctor R. “Beholding Chicano History.” Athanor, vol. 37, 2019, pp. 53-58. This article mainly reflects Chicano history from the time that the movement emerged. One of the aspects is a period of disobedience, which is evident through the practices of the people. For instance, it was considered inhuman to...

Concepts of Justice in Relation to Modern American Society

Social justice is generally assumed to be necessary for any progressive society. However, it is unclear how to define justice, and many philosophers have been working on the problem since ancient times. The current paper reviews some essential ideas of justice and reflects on how these ideas are relevant to...

Mathematical Theory: Algebraic K-theory

A mathematical theory is similar to a mathematical representation that is established on dictums. Sometimes, it can continuously be a body of knowledge, for example, built on truism and precision. Therefore, it can be utilized when dealing with an area of mathematical fact-finding within the set guidelines and procedures. This...

Leininger’s Culture, Diversity and Universality Theory

Introduction Culcture and cultural diversity can e considered burning issues of contemporary society. People often think about cultural differences and discuss this issue in public in order to draw more attention to the importance of the matter and necessity of evaluating and implementing it in different sectors of human activity....

Utilizing Innovative Technology in Healthcare

Introduction Over the last few decades, modern use of standardized terminologies has addressed safety, quality and cost problems in most health care facilities. This report will find out how EpiCare Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are used to identify and prevent fraudulent medical billing practices. Electronic Health Records These reports provide...

Nursing Degrees and Progress Education

Introduction The future of nursing has attracted several debates, and it is noted that nurses have broader opportunities, such as meeting healthcare needs for organizations and patients. This paper delves into the options available for an associate nursing degree qualification and professional certification and advanced degree goals to become a...

Health Promotion in the Preschoolers

An intervention is a means to health change. It is planned and targets a specific group such as the preschool children involved in the study. The study targets, eating and activity habits that are linked to the inappropriate weight gain, formed in early childhood. This study also targets health promotion...

Comparison of Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Communication is an instrumental tool which facilitates effective interaction among individuals. Although it is vital in improving interpersonal relationships, most people take it for granted and fail to enhance their communication skills. It can be either verbal or nonverbal, and the type used to exchange information or ideas is influenced...

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The Consulting Global Marketing Trends

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