Exposure to various microbial agents is one of the serious threats experienced by today’s communities. Under such circumstances, a person may develop a range of physical conditions, from minor inconveniences to severe ones. In this regard, it is vital to research the microbial-environmental interactions in order to remain prepared for...
Topic: Environment
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Built environment such as homes, offices, buildings, open spaces, sidewalks, and transportation options has a direct impact on human health. Healthy built environments have services and resources that contribute to the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of the people who occupy it. An analysis of the existing built environments shows...
Topic: Environment
Words: 577
Pages: 2
Introduction Emirates Airlines also referred to as the Fly Emirates, is the largest airline company in the Middle East and the fourth largest globally. It is a subsidiary of the Emirates Group, with approximately 59,519 employees from 172 nationalities, and is owned by both the royal family in Dubai and...
Topic: Airlines
Words: 637
Pages: 2
The title of the piece to be analyzed is “Lovely” by Billy Eilish and Khalid. Billie Eilish, Finneas O’Connell, and Khalid Robinson are the writers of the songs, and Finneas O’Connell is the producer. The song was released on April 19, 2018, as a part of the album called “dont...
Topic: Song
Words: 568
Pages: 2
The word heroification is best described in James Loewen’s book ‘Lies My Teacher Told Me’ using various prominent examples. Loewen (1995) defines heroification as a process that is popularly agreed on by the majority to ‘tag’ a personality with heroic characteristics without the conscious knowledge of the personality’s weakness. Thus...
Topic: Teaching
Words: 672
Pages: 2
Angelou’s poem, Still, I rise, incorporates figurative language in stanza five. The speaker uses metaphor in the first and second lines of stanza five to express her view and emotions toward racists. “… shoot me with your words” Angelou (line 21) and “you may cut me with your eyes…” Angelou...
Topic: Literature
Words: 553
Pages: 2
Notably, the United States has remained a favorite destination for migrants from all over the globe. In 2018, most migrants came from El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala, known colloquially as the “Northern Triangle countries.” The goal of the National Immigration Forum’s paper was to describe ‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors, show...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 590
Pages: 2
One of the most important turning points in the history of the United States of America was the American Revolution. When applauding our fellow citizens’ military accomplishments, we should remember how costly such victories were to acquire. Veterans of the conflict devoted their lives to battle and for noble causes....
Topic: History
Words: 605
Pages: 2
Arguments that overstate dissimilar nations’ proximity are often instrumentalized to provide justification for the annexation of territories and even military operations, which is a recent problem in Russo-Ukrainian relationships. This is the case for Vladimir Putin’s statements on Ukraine. Putin defines Ukrainians’ identity as the invention of the Polish-Lithuanian rulers...
Topic: Ukraine and Russia War
Words: 675
Pages: 2
End-of-life care is fraught with various dilemmas and requires practitioners to observe the standards of ethics strictly. The American Nurse Association (ANA) offers clear ethical guidelines to be followed across the healthcare continuum, including hospice settings. Observing its first provision in caring for a hospice patient involves refraining from any...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 585
Pages: 2
Hargreaves, A. (2019). Teacher collaboration: 30 years of research on its nature, forms, limitations and effects. Teachers and Teaching, 25(5), 603-621. Web. The article features the role of collaboration among teachers and school stuff. A collaborative environment is understood as a space where teachers and school counselors’ exchange ideas on...
Topic: Education
Words: 707
Pages: 2
Introduction The article is based on why Russia is likely to use nuclear weapons in its war with Ukraine. Kazanias points out that the more cutting-edge Western weapons arrive in Kyiv, the longer the battle in Ukraine lasts (Kazanias, 2022). As a result, the article suggests that Vladimir Putin could...
Topic: Ukraine and Russia War
Words: 580
Pages: 2
Drug addiction is an increasingly pervasive issue with profound implications for society. The costs of drug addiction to society range from healthcare costs, lost productivity, increased crime, and social stigma. Addiction requires long-term, multi-faceted approaches that address the root causes of addiction and ultimately promote societal health and wellness. This...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 636
Pages: 2
Introduction: Maslow’s Hierarchy Maslow’s pyramid is a hierarchy of five categories of needs. Physiological needs for food, water and shelter form the very bottom of the pyramid. The needs for security, love and respect constitute a further hierarchy (Meier & Boivin, 2022). Self-realization is at the very top of the...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 609
Pages: 2
A well-known and widely-accepted theory of job satisfaction and discontent is Frederick Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory. It implies that there are two distinct ideas behind job happiness and job discontent. According to Herzberg, two groups of elements hygiene factors and motivators are thought to affect job happiness and productivity. Herzberg recognized...
Topic: Performance
Words: 618
Pages: 2
In the study of Brewin et al. “On the Potential of Surfers to Monitor Environmental Indicators in The Coastal Zone”, the researchers examine the feasibility of using surfers as platforms to increase the number of samples for environmental indicators. They sent a surfer in the southwest of the United Kingdom...
Topic: Environment
Words: 639
Pages: 2
Introduction The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is a U.S. government agency within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). HRSA was created in 1982, to help improve access to health care for underserved and vulnerable populations (Health Resources and Services Administration, n.d.). The annual budget of HRSA...
Topic: Health
Words: 589
Pages: 2
Flying airplanes is a rather captivating activity, filled with diverse options. One of those options is choosing the kinds of aircraft to use. The article Living Large depicts the features of turbine planes in great detail, explaining such issues as training, engine, systems and the necessary considerations. Moreover, it draws...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 574
Pages: 2
Introduction Having thoroughly reviewed the 100 most eminent psychologists of the 20th century, I was particularly interested in Albert Bandura’s work and his internationally recognized social learning theory. In the field of social psychology, Bandura is widely recognized due to his seminal work emphasizing the value of observational learning. Discussion...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 594
Pages: 2
Introduction Assessment in recreational therapy involves evaluating an individual’s physical, cognitive, emotional, and social functioning. The assessment seeks to determine a person’s rehabilitation needs and goals. This process typically involves several steps and methods, and recreational therapists can use several evidence-based assessment tools to evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions...
Topic: Therapy
Words: 666
Pages: 2
The European Union has adopted a much stricter policy on the regulation of chemicals in cosmetics than the United States. The EU has banned thousands of chemicals from being used in cosmetics, while the US has illegalized only a few. The compounds found in these cosmetics, such as mercury and...
Topic: Cosmetics
Words: 553
Pages: 2
Introduction In the development of an organization, management plays a crucial role. Moreover, the leadership style directly affects the employees’ development within the company, the organization’s success, its corporate culture, and the retention of specialists (Stone et al., 2020). Accordingly, depending on the type and functions of the business, the...
Topic: Management
Words: 553
Pages: 2
I believe that in addition to a beautiful spectacle, football pose a great risk of serious injury. Football players often injure the ankle, and knee joints, soft tissue bruises, sprains, and fractures. Often such injuries need surgical treatment; an athlete does not always return to the ranks, but may remain...
Topic: Football
Words: 556
Pages: 2
Introduction There are many historical examples where people have manifested their citizenship and protested against injustice. Due to their multiplicity and resilience, many have been able to transform not only their lives but the lives of the entire city or country. Examples of civil disobedience include the Salt March and...
Topic: Civil Disobedience
Words: 586
Pages: 2
Summary The career I am interested in that is significant to the sports industry is coaching. Sports coaches train fanatics to familiarize themselves with a game and participate in professional-level matches. The word coaching was first used in connection with a trainer or instructor in the mid-19th century in England...
Topic: Sport
Words: 628
Pages: 2
Introduction Ethics in interpersonal communication is an important, even basic condition for mutual understanding. Clearly, for human services professionals, integrating ethical requirements into their behavior, professional practice, and communication is critical. The profession of Human Services Professional appeared in the USA in the 1960s, and along with it the Ethical...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 556
Pages: 2
Introduction The era of globalization brings a unique specificity to the concerns that were notable before. For numerous decades, all nations have been solving their ecological problems independently, only in a few cases entering into international treaties devoted to protecting certain species of flora and fauna, objects located within the...
Topic: President
Words: 649
Pages: 2
Competition in the healthcare industry can spur innovation and cause price shifts that are favorable for customers. I live in rural South Georgia with a single hospital community of eighty beds. However, this fact does not imply that this facility does not have any competition. Telehealth is a primary way...
Topic: Competition
Words: 585
Pages: 2
Introduction Strategies for success, especially in media and publicity, change to the demands of the times and existing trends. However, each person determines their tactics based not only on the average current agenda but also on their identity and the conventions associated with it. In modern conditions of “feminization” of...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Introduction Many people say that at war, there are no entirely right or wrong actions or decisions. When the victory or defeat of entire nations is at stake, many politicians forget about issues of morality and ethics and can make controversial choices. Some later prove to be ethical and positive,...
Topic: Armed Hostilities
Words: 643
Pages: 2
Introduction Currently, Body Mass Index (BMI) is the standard accepted measure to classify obesity. Obesity is a public health issue that is characterized by having an excessive amount of body fat where the BMI is above 30 (De Lorenzo et al., 2019). Unfortunately, the current healthcare environment in which primary...
Topic: Obesity
Words: 652
Pages: 2
Introduction The modern feminist movement owes much to its godmother Mary Wollstonecraft and her classic treatise written at the very end of the 18th century. The main idea of Mary Wollstonecraft (1792) was that women should receive the same education as men. A woman is perceived as a secondary person...
Topic: Feminism
Words: 637
Pages: 2
Foodborne illnesses are conditions that occur due to the consumption of contaminated products. While there are multiple illnesses categorized as such, it is important to mention one of the most common and dangerous ones, Salmonella. Salmonella is a bacteria correlating with adverse health effects that can negatively impact one’s well-being....
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 593
Pages: 2
Pros and Cons of EHRs In the present day, there are multiple commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) EHRs in the market, which increased popularity is determined by availability and efficiency. That is why the functional department was chosen for the transition to a COTS HER with the suggestion of three products – Epic,...
Topic: Health
Words: 633
Pages: 2
This week has given me a conscious understanding of what I need to do to connect more closely and effectively with learners. From my coursework and reading, I have identified several important aspects regarding the transfer of the clergy experience. It includes having supporters with similar experiences, analyzing the mistakes...
Topic: Communication
Words: 509
Pages: 2
Many students have a difficult time comprehending the material taught within the current educational system. Often the problem is not the material itself, but rather the ways in which it is supposed to be learned. Therefore, some young people are not able to concentrate in class due to not being...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 676
Pages: 2
Ramadan is a sacred month in the Islamic faith, marked by fasting, spiritual reflection, and community gatherings. It is expected to occur during the spring of 2023, starting on March 23rd and ending on April 22nd. As Muslims worldwide ready for this holy month, many look forward to the traditions...
Topic: Religion
Words: 395
Pages: 2
Domestic violence has been an issue under discussion for decades, with research conducted to identify suitable intervention programs. Intervention programs help stop domestic violence, thus preventing childhood abuse, saving relationships, and rehabilitating offenders. A Family Violence Intervention Program holds family offenders accountable for their actions and provides them with tools...
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 609
Pages: 2
Sartipi, F., Palaskar, K., Ergin, A., & Rajakaruna, U. (2020). Viable construction technology for habitation on Mars: Fused deposition modelling. Journal of Construction Materials, 1(2), 1-7. Web. The research focuses on proposing the Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) as the most practical construction process implementable on Mars during colonization. The source...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 563
Pages: 2
Rising sea levels are the dangerous result of global warming that necessitates the implementation of costly projects that aim at saving millions of homes and lives. Floating cities are usually considered to be among the options thoroughly researched by scientists. Such constructions might be able to provide an alternate livable...
Topic: Marine Life
Words: 651
Pages: 2
Introduction Effective interpersonal communication is a critical component evidenced in a failure to communicate. The two individuals present in the video face a myriad of communication problems. While many people do not have good skills in this sector, developing them can boost one’s communication capacity. Interpersonal communication is an integral...
Topic: Communication
Words: 589
Pages: 2
The 50s in the Western World were almost the apogee of misogyny and masculine domination. According to Jean Kilbourne, the focus of previous female advertising was a fabricated patriarchal caricature (TED 03:15–05:21). A woman is trapped in a world of masculine dreams in the natural sense, in addition to having...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 629
Pages: 2
Introduction STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) has been a primary focus in many educational institutions for decades. The recent integration of information technology (IT) into STEM education, known as STEM IT, has transformed the way students learn and the way teachers educate. Furthermore, the addition of the arts to...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 655
Pages: 2
Introduction Improving the tools and resources used by law enforcement is fundamental to ensuring public safety. When a suspect is arrested and charged, the individual’s mental state can be unpredictable, which leads to the phenomenon of post-crime offenses. This term refers to any offense that occurs after charges have been...
Topic: Crime
Words: 620
Pages: 2
Introduction Although there are substantial differences between male and female bodies, their reproductive systems have similarities. Understanding how these processes resemble one another is important in ascertaining the interconnected biology of men and women. The most important aspect of reproduction is that neither gender is self-reliant and needs the opposite...
Topic: Reproductive Health
Words: 555
Pages: 2
Introduction Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s The Social Contract and Martin Luther King Jr.’s philosophy of nonviolence are both influential works that address the question of how individuals and society should interact. Both authors believed in the importance of freedom and equality, but they had different ideas on how to achieve these goals....
Topic: Martin Luther King
Words: 555
Pages: 2
Introduction A firm’s value proposition is a statement that summarizes how a company’s products or services solve a customer’s problem and what makes them different from competitors. It describes the unique value that the company provides and outlines the benefits that customers can expect from doing business with that company...
Topic: Business
Words: 676
Pages: 2
Access to mental health and healthcare is a crucial issue affecting the well-being of individuals and society. This issue has been studied from various sociological perspectives, highlighting different aspects of the problem and providing unique insights. Exploring the issue from the structural functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionist perspectives gives...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 647
Pages: 2
Introduction According to Grasha (1995), teaching means a particular approach to teaching students, in connection with which five teaching styles are distinguished: expert, formal authority, facilitator, delegator, and personal model. The most effective style, in my opinion, is the facilitator. This is because it is necessary for students to create...
Topic: Learning Styles
Words: 593
Pages: 2
The Middle Ages was a period that lasted from the fifth to the fifteenth century and was marked by a strong religious influence and a feudal system of administration. On the other side, the Renaissance, which lasted from the 14th through the 17th century, was a time of tremendous cultural...
Topic: Renaissance
Words: 566
Pages: 2
The German philosopher and economist Karl Marx created a Marxist theory in the middle of the nineteenth century. It impacted the economy, social order, and politics of different countries around the world. Even though the theory is outdated for the modern world, many countries still have communist parties operating within...
Topic: Cold War
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Introduction There will be a number of scenes from the movies and, accordingly, from the Indiana Jones Ride that Clarissa, Patti, and I will imitate while sitting on the three-person sofa leaning on each other. One of the most entertaining scenes in any Indiana Jones film is the rescue from...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 555
Pages: 2
Palliative care is a vital service that focuses on providing relief from the symptoms and stress of serious illnesses, with the goal of improving the quality of life for patients and their families. However, as the demand for palliative care services continues to grow, healthcare providers are facing increasing challenges...
Topic: Aging
Words: 500
Pages: 2
Informational technologies and the Internet seem to oversaturate people’s daily routines, leaving almost time for meaningful and productive activities. In his article Writing in the Age of Distraction, Cory Doctorow describes the most apparent but hardly avoidable distracting factors that bother many individuals who are more or less connected with...
Topic: Entertainment & Media
Words: 571
Pages: 2
The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Nasdaq Stock Market (Nasdaq) are the largest stock exchanges in the United States. The fundamental similarity between them lies in the trade organization model — both NYSE and Nasdaq use market makers to maintain a fair and orderly market (Hayes, 2022). A...
Topic: Economics
Words: 669
Pages: 2
Introduction The article by Feng Wang, Baochang Gu, and Yong Cai is called “The end of China’s one‐child policy”. The article was intended for the audience which does not live in China but is interested in its policies and affairs. The purpose of the article was to familiarize the audience...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 533
Pages: 2
Australia and New Zealand are neighboring countries with highly intertwined economies and cultures. Australia, which has a larger and more industrialized economy, utilizes the Australian dollar (AUD), while New Zealand with an advanced market economy utilizes the New Zealand dollar (NZD), informally known as Kiwi. The two countries maintain a...
Topic: Forecasting
Words: 684
Pages: 2
Name, Sponsor, Link to the Event Name: U.S. drug prices: Why are they so high? Sponsor: Reuters. Place, Date, Length of the Event Place: The Forum, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Date: September 26, 2018. Length of the event: 1 hour (Noon-1pm ET). Names of Participants and Their...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 775
Pages: 2
Introduction Flooding is a natural catastrophe forced by a rapid water level rise in a river or any other water source. It can generate material harm to the nationwide economy, the natural environment, and society. When a forecast of a possible flood is received, the population is notified with the...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 546
Pages: 2
I performed a virtual tour of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) through the organization’s website. The top part of the homepage displays a bold statement in white with a black background reading, “We look forward to seeing you!” I wish I would have visited the museum physically, but I...
Topic: Surrealism
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction Voter suppression has been practiced at various points in U.S. history as a political strategy designed to achieve malicious goals. Voter rights in America and voter suppression in the South are related to political science because they involve the use of political processes to violate civil rights. Voter suppression...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 666
Pages: 2
Introduction The concept of slavery is seemingly disappearing in terms of media coverage and overall discussions due to the inexistence of the problem. Yet, research shows slavery to be a major concern worldwide. Slavery is often associated with its historical context, which makes individuals think of it as an aspect...
Topic: Slavery
Words: 576
Pages: 2
Nowadays, people interact daily with many media sources that depict specific workplaces. This interaction creates many biases toward some professions that can lead to group polarization, intolerance, or unjust treatment. One such media manifestation is Brooklyn Nine-Nine, an American situational comedy that portrays a police station where employees deal with...
Topic: Police
Words: 619
Pages: 2
The Federal Reserve System (Fed) is an agency that drives financial stability, being the key regulator of all its bank members. It acts in the capacity of the lender of last resort to institutions that are its members and have no other alternative to borrow from (McDowell, 2017). Concerning its...
Topic: Economics
Words: 640
Pages: 2
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is often analyzed from the point of view of opposing dreams and reality, the spiritual and material world, and the inconsistency of the genre diversity of the novel. The Great Gatsby is usually viewed as a characteristic novel for its era, the main...
Topic: The Great Gatsby
Words: 540
Pages: 2
The purpose of this report was to determine what is the optimal amount of money that should be deposited in the flexible savings account (FSA). The benefit of the FSA is that the money deposited in the account are tax free and can be used to pay for medical expenses....
Topic: Management
Words: 377
Pages: 2
Until 1865, people of African origin were enslaved in the United States, particularly in the southern jurisdictions; this period is known as African-American history. Millions of Africans were forcefully transported to the Americas to work on sugar plantations during the transatlantic slave trade, and enslavement was legalized and institutionalized in...
Topic: African American
Words: 574
Pages: 2
Both the book Moon off the Crusted Snow and the documentary Becoming Nakuset explore themes of identity and self-discovery and the struggles faced by women of color in a predominantly white society. The novel concentrates on the experiences of a young lady named Noval, whereas the documentary is focused on...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 558
Pages: 2
Cohen, M. (2016). Medication Errors (Miscellaneous). Nursing, 46(2), 72. This article was first published in 1994 and has undergone several publications and revisions and the latest version was published in 2006. The author, Cohen, outlines guidance to healthcare providers in any area. The book can assist providers in both acute...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 622
Pages: 2
Summary Self-concept is, in general words, is how a person perceives himself. It often answers the question, “who am I”? Therefore, self-concept is the perception of our identity, including physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and other characteristics. Shavelson et al.’s (1976) model divides self-concept into academic, social, emotional, and physical self-concepts,...
Topic: Self-Concept
Words: 608
Pages: 2
Culturally competent nursing care entails considering an individual patient’s cultural and social background. According to The Chicago School (2020), intercultural competence is based on the premise that effective healthcare must be suited to each patient’s needs, principles, beliefs, and language. Culturally competent care involves acknowledging and adjusting to the patient’s...
Topic: Culture
Words: 671
Pages: 2
Country Selection Turkey Purpose of Global Expansion Global expansion is an expansion of opportunities for domestic organizations. First of all, this allows one to increase the company’s profits due to a larger distribution area and an increased number of customers. Expanding the business to other countries offers several benefits that...
Topic: Business
Words: 517
Pages: 2
Major Facts To improve customer service, reduce running costs, and improve the balance sheet, a computer peripherals manufacturer should find out how to reduce inventory. The company stocks items such as expensive engineering systems that customers rarely purchase and relatively inexpensive standalone PC support devices with a higher sales frequency....
Topic: Management
Words: 681
Pages: 2
The story under study is by Jonathan Rauch, published in 2003. The story is entitled Caring for Your Introvert and is a short autobiographical confession in which Rauch describes his life as an introvert. In just three pages, Rauch tells his personal story of being an introvert, which he likes...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 561
Pages: 2
Introduction The article “Black Lives Matter and the Civil Rights Movement: A Comparative Analysis of Two Social Movements in the United States” by Dewey M. Clayton provides an in-depth comparative analysis of two of the most significant social movements in American history (Clayton, 2018). The groups include the Civil Rights...
Topic: Black Lives Matter
Words: 648
Pages: 2
The current estimation of children exposed to domestic violence at home is in the millions. Past studies have investigated the prevalence of child domestic violence abuse, and the results conclude that there is an average fatality rate of 2.2 children for every 1000 (Brown et al., 2022). The stark reality...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 673
Pages: 2
Introduction Research is significant for academic and scientific purposes. For research to be effective, different research perspectives must be considered. This paper aims to present various research perspectives and their importance for research in sports. The five perspectives considered in this paper are application, objectives, types of information sought, the...
Topic: Sport
Words: 580
Pages: 2
Medical records secured on the database are at risk of falling into unauthorized hands due to malicious attacks by cybercriminals. These records can be tampered with by hackers, who can alter the images and create false identification of different ailments, which can be dangerous to the patient. These assaults differ...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 559
Pages: 2
Introduction One form of family planning is strict adherence to birth control measures. There are two types of birth control: scientific birth control and natural birth control. The scientific method of birth control uses medically proven interventions to ensure reduced chances of getting pregnant. The natural birth control measures are...
Topic: Birth Control
Words: 669
Pages: 2
Several valuable processes and principles should serve as a basis for modern healthcare practices to improve patient outcomes and enhance the nation’s health. Evidence-based practice (EBP) is one of the key processes that every medical worker should be engaged in. It is extremely important to create a culture that values...
Topic: Culture
Words: 558
Pages: 2
The central attitude of one’s perception of others and themselves is the division of people into women and men. Many people believe that the psychological differences that exist between men and women are directly related to the biological features of the male and female body. At the same time, the...
Topic: Masculinity
Words: 561
Pages: 2
The identification, analysis, and documentation of the evidence discovered at a fire scene are all essential steps in the intricate and thorough arson investigation process. Finding the source and cause of the fire, as well as any potential criminal behavior, are the main objectives of an arson investigation (Sodhi &...
Topic: Law
Words: 629
Pages: 2
Introduction Rational arguments are beneficial since both parties feel convinced and satisfied about a given topic of discussion. However, it is common for parties to an argument to make mistakes that may encumber positive outcomes. Fallacies can be committed intentionally to manipulate and deceive a party to an argument. In...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 584
Pages: 2
Introduction People of California v. Sutter Health is an example of a recent court case regarding a regulatory problem related to institutional healthcare in the United States. The California Attorney General’s office filed this lawsuit in 2018 (Scarcella, 2022). Sutter Health, one of the major hospital systems in Northern California,...
Topic: Health
Words: 676
Pages: 2
The United States of America does not have compulsory health insurance for the entire population, unlike, for example, the European Union. Many unprotected social sectors of the population cannot afford insurance because of its high cost and live without it. In case of illness, this person may not have enough...
Topic: Health
Words: 669
Pages: 2
It is challenging to imagine the history of the United States without the stories of individual national groups who have connected their lives with this country. The records of different ethnic groups developed differently under the influence of various factors. A comparison of the Irish and Native American diasporas demonstrates...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 666
Pages: 2
In recent years, the concept of marketing has undergone significant changes. With the onset of the global internet era, customers have become more demanding and knowledgeable about the goods they buy. This situation, in its turn, has led to the need for new marketing approaches that would focus on individuality...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 550
Pages: 2
Every organization is founded on the unity of teams and leaders and their cooperation, which results in efficiency and output. The healthcare field is among the most complicated fields since the lives and well-being of patients depend on the unity of the staff and leadership that helps manage the team...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Name of Organization: The Antelope Valley Medical Center Type of Organization: Hospital Mission/Vision/Values: The organization aims to provide a broad set of healthcare services in collaboration with other local medical institutions (About Antelope Valley Medical Center, n. d.). A good reputation based on the high quality of medical services for its patients is...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 543
Pages: 2
The US Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC) is responsible for ensuring the reliability of occupational safety issues related to citations contesting. In particular, when the cases of occupational safety violations ruled under the Occupational Safety and Health Act are claimed to be non-viable or faulty, they might be...
Topic: Health
Words: 550
Pages: 2
International market entry (IME) presents various challenges that companies must overcome to overpower rivals and attract clients. A common aspect that can characterize thriving businesses is having a competitive advantage (CA), which global organizations obtain through acts of innovation that consider both domestic and foreign demands (“Essay 9”, no date)....
Topic: Business
Words: 625
Pages: 2
Power is an essential construct, and most of individuals and organizations are striving to gain it. There are several ways of acquiring the power, however, most of these means necessitate strong competitiveness and readiness for high stakes. This is especially relevant for organizations that are striving in a very competitive...
Topic: Consciousness
Words: 568
Pages: 2
Since the beginning of the 21st century, possible options for the general education curriculum have included inclusion classrooms, which is known as inclusion. This approach seeks to provide students with disabilities with the same educational opportunities as their non-disabled peers while encouraging diversity and acceptance in the classroom. It includes...
Topic: Disability
Words: 682
Pages: 2
Financial Burden as one of the Cults Predominant Attributes Throughout the 1970s, cults became big businesses and a notable social event. However, there has never been any accurate coverage of Scientology in the disarray of books published on these unique religious movements. Nevertheless, its history is rich in outrageous and...
Topic: Success
Words: 661
Pages: 2
Phonemic Awareness Phonemic awareness (PA) is considered an essential skill and an important step towards literacy in the children’s early development stages. First of all, a research by Milankov et al. (2021) showed that there was a direct correlation between the kids’ ability to read and the level of PA....
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Summary Over the last decades, immigration has been experienced in various states, including the United States of America (U.S.A.). Immigration to the U.S.A. is a dream come true for any non-citizen person. According to Abrego et al. (699), it is believed that immigrating to America is an open opportunity for...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 772
Pages: 2
Introduction Privacy is an important component of American values regarding human rights. However, there is a lot of controversy surrounding some areas of private lives, such as bodily integrity. On the one hand, privacy allows people to decide what they do with their bodies. On the other hand, there are...
Topic: Law
Words: 667
Pages: 2
The advent of the internet pioneered the way for significant transformations in the media industry. Initially, the news was disseminated using traditional media, including print, recorded, conversational, sound, and pictures. Traditional news followed a centralized, top-down fashion and faced various problems, among them is censorship. The internet paved the way...
Topic: Internet
Words: 638
Pages: 2
Introduction The debate about the benefits and harms of computer games has been ongoing since their inception. Proponents of video games note their benefits for developing useful social skills and learning. Opponents of video games are alarmed by the negative impact on the psyche of children and adolescents. Habitual exposure...
Topic: Entertainment & Media
Words: 619
Pages: 2
Systems thinking is a management approach that focuses on the interrelation of systems and how they operate within the context of larger systems. An excellent example of a system is an organization, as it serves a specific purpose and contains various subsystems such as units. Additionally, as a system, an...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 574
Pages: 2
Healthcare insurance must be more affordable; in the modern US, low-income people, especially immigrants, are uninsured and cannot afford health insurance coverage. Another concern in the US is that even those well-insured often have to travel around the country to find a healthcare program that will suit that person individually...
Topic: Health
Words: 633
Pages: 2
Puerto Rico, formally known as the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, is a Caribbean Island with a population of 3,142,779 people as of July 2021 (Central Intelligence Agency, n.d.). Puerto Rico has a rich culture that includes Spanish, American, and Afro-Caribbean influences (Greiner, 2018). Tropical rainforests cover part of the island’s...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 554
Pages: 2
There are multiple ways for a company to promote goods and services. Despite the growing trend to produce commercials and short clips that sometimes rival movies in terms of artistic effects, banners and other types of images continue to play a remarkable role in marketing. Moreover, it is also true...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 421
Pages: 2
Depictions of imaginary ideal societies, as well as the critiques thereof, are a popular genre and staple of world culture, including literature. One may reasonably argue that the difference between utopia and dystopia is in the eye of the beholder, as it ultimately depends on one’s ideas of a perfect...
Topic: Dystopia
Words: 617
Pages: 2
Chronic conditions are a major public health crisis in America. It threatens the quality of life and health of communities, families, and individuals across the nation. Chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes, are America’s leading causes of death. According to Gussow (2021), chronic conditions claim more than $300...
Topic: Health
Words: 650
Pages: 2
After facing the first drop in annual sales in 2013, IKEA’s management started to accept the idea of e-commerce in their business. The company was losing its market share to digital stores in the American market. IKEA started digitalizing its business a year later by adding e-commerce services to its...
Topic: Commerce
Words: 559
Pages: 2
Introduction The study of video games has become a popular pastime for many people. Many parents also play video games and enjoy them. However, some parents do not allow their children to play video games because they believe playing them can cause the child to be lazy or have no...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 579
Pages: 2
The client has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a progressive respiratory disorder characterized by difficulty breathing and inflammation of the airways. The client also has mild dementia, a decline in cognitive function that can affect memory, language, and decision-making skills. COPD can significantly impact the client’s functional ability and cognitive...
Topic: Dementia
Words: 672
Pages: 2
Ethical leadership is a headship in which people conduct themselves in a way that is appropriate and acceptable in every aspect of their life. The article “The relationship between ethical leadership and employee job satisfaction” by Guo (2022) elaborates on how ethics play a significant role in employee satisfaction in...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 561
Pages: 2
Functional fitness refers to exercises that train and improve the body’s ability to perform functional movements and tasks used in everyday life. It focuses on teaching multiple muscle groups at once and mimicking real-life activities, like lifting, bending, and reaching, that is important for simple functions rather than isolating specific...
Topic: Fitness
Words: 595
Pages: 2
The general topic of my research paper concerns exploring freedom of speech, with a specific focus on each person’s right to express their thoughts on the Internet. The idea of my topic is reflected in the above working title of the proposal, but I am also considering the following title:...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 402
Pages: 2
A prison is a detaining structure where convicted people are kept. Accused persons are also detained in prison pending their trial if they are not out on bond terms. Violent offenders at Norway’s Halden Prison share luxury flats, eat sushi, and even produce rap albums. At the same time, this...
Topic: Prison
Words: 610
Pages: 2
In many ways, modern law enforcement is experiencing an unprecedented crisis. With the attention of the general public now focused on the violations of officers and the systemic flaws of the structure itself now more then ever, the questions of what constitutes police professionalism and the ethics of modern policing....
Topic: Ethics
Words: 595
Pages: 2
The analysis revealed that there was a statistically significant positive correlation between conscientiousness and narcissism. Thus, the hypothesis that there was a positive relationship between conscientiousness and narcissism was accepted. In other words, the more narcissistic the participants were, the more they wished to do their work diligently and thoroughly....
Topic: Narcissism
Words: 588
Pages: 2
Visual Analysis As a product in question, an object made by using the technique of wood carving is considered. It is made in the form of a human figure in which the proportions are partially different from real ones. Its form contains both anthropometric elements and abstract parts that perform...
Topic: Interpretation
Words: 577
Pages: 2
A cultural identity represents a crucial component of one’s personality, defining one’s life and choices. Though subcultures are typically seen as the elements of culture that have a lesser meaning than full-fledged cultures, the role that subculture play in the shaping of one’s identity is still undeniably large. Due to...
Topic: Subculture
Words: 624
Pages: 2
Organizations are forced to abide by specific accounting requirements depending on where they operate. For example, companies from the United States have slightly different rules compared to firms from a European country. In particular, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) provide US companies with regulations, while many organizations outside the United...
Topic: Business
Words: 554
Pages: 2
Health insurance has a unique role in the transformation of the modern healthcare system of the United States. It provides coverage of medical services for a large part of the country’s population. However, there are still questions and concerns about the insurance of such population groups as the elderly and...
Topic: Health
Words: 582
Pages: 2
Although I would like to start my speech with something more pleasant or encouraging, I am here to discuss one of the most critical public policy concerns our country faces today. Water pollution is getting out of control, and this problem affects people’s lives in both noticeable and unnoticeable ways....
Topic: Pollution
Words: 552
Pages: 2
Introduction The Natural Bridge/Rogue River Canyon poem by Paul Halupa is an excellent example of metaphor-filled modernist work. The negative tone, jagged narrative, and unconventional tact parallel the profoundly personal experiences or reflections the author has put into the lines. However, the essence of the work has not been turned...
Topic: Literature
Words: 571
Pages: 2
Romania’s GDP per capita has grown over the past ten years but remains much lower than the EU average compared to that of the European Union leader, Germany. So far, Romania ranks, respectively, penultimate in the EU in terms of actual per capita individual consumption, which in 2018 was 59...
Topic: Economics
Words: 653
Pages: 2
The issue of drug abuse in pregnant women has remained relevant over recent years. Indeed, several policies have been proposed to tackle the problem, namely financial support for therapy, voluntary sterilization, and criminal persecution. However, the effectiveness of the proposed measures differs in their ability to achieve the desired outcome,...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 633
Pages: 2
Introduction Even though the Supreme Court granted the right to abortion in 1973, the debate between the pro-choice and pro-life camps remains heated. It has become a point of contention between political conservatives and liberals. The Republican Party advocates for criminalizing abortion on a federal level because the government is...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 613
Pages: 2
Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) and Conduct Disorder (CD) are among the most commonly diagnosed behavioral health disorders prevalent in children. Children with the oppositional defiant disorder are at risk for eventually developing other problems besides conduct disorder, including anxiety and depressive disorders (Association, 2013). The symptoms of both these conditions...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 559
Pages: 2
In a civilized modern state, private business harmoniously complements public administration and trade spheres. Services and goods are distributed in many areas intelligently between private individuals and the state. These individuals are bound by the laws of their country and take full responsibility for providing quality services and goods. The...
Topic: Economics
Words: 657
Pages: 2
Healthcare fraud is an intentional practice of misusing the healthcare system for unlawful gains, such as billing patients for services that were never provided or performing unnecessary medical procedures. The difference between fraud and abuse is that the latter is not done intentionally, despite the fact that both incur additional...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 544
Pages: 2
There are many options for food choices these days. Traditional Chinese cuisine and its many modern adaptations are one such option. The Chinese also brought their traditions, customs, ingredients and recipes to the United States, sparking a renaissance in food culture. Later, Chinese cuisine became popular and consumed not only...
Topic: Food
Words: 566
Pages: 2
An important task of modern times is to improve the forecasting of disasters and develop methods for the rapid and effective elimination of their consequences. Emergencies in recent years have been characterized by their unpredictability, claiming lives and leaving behind numerous destructions and disasters. It obliges the management bodies to...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 677
Pages: 2
Introduction Raising taxes is a rather controversial and contentious moment in solving financial problems in the country. Without any doubt, such measures are necessary to correct the issues gathered in the American economy. Nevertheless, there are multiple cases in world history when such procedures led to chronic and structural “distortions”...
Topic: Tax
Words: 669
Pages: 2
The act of watching animals at the zoo can reveal a lot about human nature. Zoos have been present within human civilization for centuries. Despite the changes in their appearance and practices, their core function remains the same. In the following essay, I will reflect on my visit to the...
Topic: Zoo
Words: 275
Pages: 2
Literary devices play a crucial role in the public speeches of political leaders. In addition to the fact that the metaphor makes speech more expressive, it allows to explain complex political phenomena through more familiar realities to the addressee. Moreover, metaphor is the most effective tool for manipulating public consciousness...
Topic: I Have a Dream
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction Fossil fuel is undoubtedly one of the significant energy sources in the world. This, however, does not eliminate this source of heat as a significant concern to the environment in terms of air pollution and global warming. Fossil fuel has been defined by Bergman (2018) as energy resources that...
Topic: Environment
Words: 552
Pages: 2
COVID-19 is a pandemic that has resulted in a significant loss of human life in America and worldwide. Additionally, it poses an unprecedented threat to food systems, the workplace, and public health. The pandemic’s economic and social effects are devastating where a plethora of individuals risk falling into extreme poverty...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 611
Pages: 2
Employees should be well aware of their manager’s expectations and management style to understand whether they can perform their job properly. Employers should also know what their workers expect from their position before starting the process of employment. When both a manager and an employee have a clear understanding of...
Topic: Business
Words: 554
Pages: 2
Introduction Purchasing a considerably old home cannot always be regarded as a safe deal as information related to the items, their age, or useful life cannot be readily available. In addition, in the case of breakage, the search for a qualified service provider or handyman may be cost-efficient and time-consuming....
Topic: Home
Words: 682
Pages: 2
Introduction Transient advantage refers to a business strategy that believes that competitive advantages are often short-lived and encourages companies to find new strategic initiatives. Competitive advantage is an attribute that puts a company in a favorable business position enabling it to outperform its competitors. During operations, many businesses utilize their...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 568
Pages: 2
Introduction The maintenance, repair, and replacement of household devices that may break down over time are covered by a home warranty, a contract between a homeowner and a private business. An assurance can lessen the stress and unforeseen costs that frequently accompany home purchases. The repair or replacement of kitchen...
Topic: Home
Words: 608
Pages: 2
It is important to note that the working group at the fire department is comprised of firefighters who regularly work in highly hazardous and dangerous conditions. The threats to health and safety range from fire, heat, stress, and exhaustion to physical trauma. Although these immediate threats are part of the...
Topic: Health
Words: 584
Pages: 2
Social research traditionally implies the study of societies and individuals in order to identify social patterns that regularly and systematically occur in social life for the understanding of social phenomena. By gathering information about the social world, social research helps develop new knowledge or come up with solutions for particular...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 566
Pages: 2
Introduction The lead female figure in August Wilson’s well-known play Fences is named Rose Maxon. The author contrasts the macho physical strength of Troy, who lacks psychic and emotional stability, with the feminine spiritual strength of Rose, who is physically frail. Due to her capacity to resist her husband, willingness...
Topic: Fences
Words: 663
Pages: 2
It is crucial to enhance the standard of patients’ stays in healthcare facilities because diseases like cancer require extensive treatment and cause them to spend much of their lives in hospitals. The therapeutic diet plays a significant role as an essential element of complex therapy in treating diseases that are...
Topic: Management
Words: 517
Pages: 2
Introduction Euler’s number, or the well-known constant, is one of the most relevant and important irrational numbers in mathematics and algebra. A natural number cannot represent a base number in an exponential function. This number is widely used in the world of mathematics. It is an irrational number, and scientists...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 708
Pages: 2
Introduction Using statistical analysis to work with data is an essential part of obtaining results and conclusions based on facts. For the purposes of this paper, statistical tools are used to perform regression analysis, the purpose of which is to determine the nature of the relationship between quantitative variables. The...
Topic: Real Estate
Words: 730
Pages: 2
Global diplomacy has long been considered a crucial component of effective relationships between states in the international arena. Through cooperation and open dialogue, it is expected to handle the current challenges that the world is experiencing, ranging from health crises to the opportunities and threats of new technologies. However, the...
Topic: Cold War
Words: 563
Pages: 2
It is no secret that alcoholism is a problem in modern society. Some individuals are used to drinking alcoholic beverages for short-term stress reduction and well-being improvement. Nevertheless, one should remember that alcohol brings devastating effects on a drinker’s body, in no way solving urgent concerns. Thus, temporary relief from...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Introduction Generally, employees in the workplace handle different roles and functions that sometimes do not match their overall experience. Organizations offer various training programs to improve workers’ productivity to equip them with emerging skills and knowledge in their respective areas of specialization. However, for the management to ensure the project...
Topic: Management
Words: 685
Pages: 2
CC (chief complaint): The patient complains of stomachaches and headaches and will not go to school or attend the majority of other social occasions. HPI: When attending classes, the patient has been experiencing symptoms like headaches and stomachaches. Prior to this point, the patient had been receiving medical treatment from...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 696
Pages: 2
Introduction A strong brand should maintain its values and identity while entering international markets and adjust it to specific needs. Companies tend to adapt to local cultures through global and regional branding in a process called glocalization. Glocalization is preserving and strengthening local differences instead of their supposed disappearance due...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 579
Pages: 2
Accommodating employees with disabilities represents a unique challenge, even in the current era of multiple technological advancements and digital aids. As the case study under analysis demonstrates, the failure to address the needs of staff members with health disparities affects the general performance levels of a company to a spectacular...
Topic: Disability
Words: 595
Pages: 2
In the modern world, almost every person can obtain information regarding their health through various publications. However, people who do not study medicine do not commonly opt for reading scientific medical researches. This happens since these sources need adaptation to more straightforward language, as they are often written for other...
Topic: Health
Words: 485
Pages: 2