Professional and General Definitions of the ESD Static

Many biostatisticians use statistical data analysis techniques to make sense of the data collected and provide responses to the issues identified in their research studies. However, it has been realized that data sets used to undertake the statistical analysis contain a multiplicity of outliers that may distort the statistical conclusions...

Communication Systems for the Mobile Information Society

Introduction This paper aims at discussing the possible mobile technologies that can be used to scale the network at hand. It is a fact that the network in question already exists and what is required is to design or model how it will be integrated using wireless mobile networks. Scalability...

The Education of the Architect

An architect is a very important member of any society. However, becoming a fully-fledged architect is not an easy process for it requires meticulous work, both theoretical and practical, and a natural ability to translate imagination into sketches and diagrams. However, an orderly and beautifully built environment cannot be realized...

Using Both Quantitative and Qualitative Methods

Benefits of using mixed methods research Many research studies adopt mixed methods approaches in their study designs that employ both quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative methods are concerned with collection and analysis of data (numbers) using statistical tests. On the other hand, qualitative methods are concerned with collection and analysis...

Presidential Success in the Period 1800-1824

Introduction The United States of America attained its independence in the year 1776 from European colonist. This was immediately after the country had gone to war with the British who had began to worry about America’s self-ruled political and legal systems. After the declaration of independence, America acquired a federal...

Role of Compstat and Organizational Change in Policing

Compstat as a computer-aided statistics was meant to reduce crime when it was introduced in the police department in New York. The program uses statistics and effective information sharing in enhancing the accountability of the police supervisors on the crime reduction strategies which they have adopted within their system. In...

Management and Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Change of Lifestyle

Pathophysiology Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a disease that affects the lungs and leads to massive inflammation of the tissues that make up the lungs (Barnes, 2000). Generally, this disease condition results in the blockage of the air passages in the pulmonary compartments. It has been noted that the...

New Strategies for HIV Vaccines

Developing an HIV Vaccine has proved to pose an unprecedented challenge to scientists in the past and even today. The HIV virus is spreading fast worldwide and the AIDS clinical consequences are clearly devastating therefore an effective vaccine is required to contain the situation. The introduction of the article “recognizing...

Population Health in the United States and Canada

The United States and Canada are considered to be among the most developed countries in the world. They have many connections due to historical circumstances, shared culture, and geographical positions. Therefore, the population health of both states has many similarities. At the same time, it is possible to recognize several...

Selfless Service. Selflessness in Business

Selfless service is among human virtues that play a significant role in shaping a better society and the world at large. It can also be referred to as dedication to others or service to humanity (Ochnik, 2019). Its philosophy revolves around the idea that an individual can offer services without...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Applying the First Amendment at Classroom

It seems apparent that the appropriate application of the First Amendment should be considered as a foundation for democracy in the United States. In particular, it is related to problems that may occur within religious and educational scopes. Thus, for tutors, a number of issues that might be regulated by...

Culture Dynamics: Social Changes and Role of Migration

Introduction Social changes are intrinsically interwoven into the cultural ones, which is why the role of migration has to be considered when exploring culture dynamics. For instance, the period of rapid industrialization in the 19th century aligns with the extensive increase in immigration rates observed roughly at the same time...

The Impact of Motivation on Employees

Introduction According to Chris Mittelstaedt, employee empowerment and collaborative teamwork are important elements to be considered when starting a company. His entrepreneurial path follows the need for change in his career life or business. His past professional background was instrumental when he began his company since he wished to treat...

Romantic Comedies: Friends with Benefits, No Strings Attached

Frankly speaking, I am not a real fan of romantic comedies, but I have seen a few at the movie theatre with my friends. Friends with Benefits appealed to me as it seems to differ from the other films of this genre. However, soon No Strings Attached appeared on the...

Bluetooth Security Risks: Bluejackin

Bluetooth refers to a short range wireless technology that is used with communication and computing devices. Just like the other types of wireless technologies, Bluetooth comes with several security threats. These threats compromise the security of a device as well as that of others in the network. One of such...

Malaria: Diagnosis and Incubation Period

Available literature demonstrates that malaria is a foremost public concern and a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the world’s most under-developed nations and some regions in developed nations (Ayele, Zewotir, & Mwambi, 2014). The occurrence of malaria, according to these authors, is related to deprived socioeconomic circumstances as...

Training Program Planning and Evaluation

External factors and influences Nowadays companies have to face quite a number of competitive challenges that encourage them to improve the quality of goods they manufacture and the services they provide. Training is regarded as one of the most effective methods to enhance staff performance. The traditional approach to training...

Period 3 Elements Reacting with Oxygen and Chlorine

The Aim of the Experiment The objectives of the experiment were to study chemical trends of elements in period 3 of the periodic table by reacting with oxygen and chlorine and consequently examining the oxides and chlorides formed. Introduction Chemists developed and organized the periodic table to demonstrate the recurring...

Patient Education to Increase Competence

Patient Education Plan Purpose of Patient Education Patient education was developed to increase the spirit of self competence and confidence of the client (patient). This helps the client to be responsible and prepared for self management. Patient education is also a transition phase that ensures the client change from being...

Chemical Reactions of the Period 3 Elements

The Aim of the Experiment This paper presents an experiment that was conducted to determine the activity of reaction of period three elements with Oxygen, Chlorine the reactions of the third row Chlorides and Oxides. The main aim of this experiment was to determine the optimum pH level. Introduction List...

Popular Research Paper Topics

African American Population’s Health-Related Problems

Criteria for the Inclusion and Exclusion In this paper, the researcher chose African Americans as the group to focus on during this course. The criteria used for the inclusion were based on the level of health-related problems that the group faces. According to Finkelman, African Americans have a shorter life...

Jeep’s Marketing Campaign During the Super Bowl Season

The Super Bowl season is a remarkable event in the United States that creates opportunities for people to spend more time together and for social marketing campaigns to be presented. The main marketing idea is to combine the importance of style and sport, and many companies promote their brands and...

The Stages of Community-Based Research

According to Rhodes, Malow, & Jolly (2010) community-based research is an approach that ensures community participation in research. In other words, while designing and conducting a research, a partnership between academic researchers and community is established. Israel, Schulz, Parker, & Becker (1998) insists on “social, structural, and physical environmental inequalities”...

The Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs in Nursing

The use of both qualitative and quantitative research designs is critical for different professionals, including nurses. This paper is aimed at discussing the primary strengths and weaknesses of each approach. This discussion can be important for medical workers who need to know how to examine the most important problems affecting...

Actinopterygii: The Evolution of Ray-Finned Fishes

Background Along with Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fishes and tetrapod offspring), the ray-finned fish Actinopterygii make up the familiar class of bony fishes, the Osteichthyans. Osteichthyans are distinct for having an air sac (a swim or lung bladder but this may be lost) and large dermal bone units on the head and...

Personality Mask Overview

This mask symbolically represents six facets of my personality from different personality perspectives. It gives the viewer an idea about my emotions, thoughts, attitude to the world, and general behavioral patterns in a visual way, without using any descriptive words. Instead, this mask uses symbols and colors that reflect my...

Parallel Prosecution: Review

Parallel prosecution implies similar structures and procedures in two legal agencies. For this very reason, parallel procession would not be possible for the US government and state government. It is important to note that the bulk of criminal cases are for minor offences and they are dealt with in the...

Crime Rate: the Recidivism Rate

Introduction The rate at which an act is done repeatedly by a given person is termed the recidivism rate. This act is usually preceded by corrective or discouraging attempts on the individual doing the given activity and is often used to apply to crime and penal attempts. Speaking from the...

Colorado Alternative Products and the Ethical Dilemma

Introduction Working capital management refers to a business strategy aimed at monitoring and enhancing the use of a company’s assets and liabilities. Effective managerial activities ensure that a corporation has enough resources for its daily operations (Vazquez et al., 2016). The case study of Colorado Alternative Products (CAP) deals with...

Effects of Parkinson’s Disease on Victims and Family

Parkinson’s disease is characterized with a number of effects to its victims. These effects are sometimes transmitted to people who are close to the victims such as family members. From the impact of the disease that affects the neural system, victims suffer from problems that can include mental problems, changed...

Popular Research Paper Topics

High-Risk Behaviors and Psychological Disorders Affecting Teenagers

The most common high-risk behaviors among teenagers are smoking, alcohol and substance abuse, and computer addiction (National Research Council, 2011). Teenagers usually begin smoking in school, under peer pressure and influence, or simply out of curiosity. Alcohol abuse has similar roots, though usually appears in high school, closer to legal...

How Human Behavior Promotes Climate Change

Uncontrolled reproduction is one of several behaviors promoting climate change. It increases the size of the population and changes its distribution and density. As the number of people on earth rises, the emission of greenhouse gases also increases. Large crowds also put more pressure on natural resources, hastening their depletion....

Midlife Crisis and Its Effect on Women’s Stress

Women in their middle years are at a crossroads in their developmental histories and psychological dispensations not only due to lack of an image that represents their position in the society, but also as a result of their own vulnerability to a whole range of unique stressors associated with the...

Dilemmas in the Application of Law

This work is a depiction and in support of the views claimed by the advocates of legal positivism who believe that laws (including criminal laws) are simply the wishes of those in possession of power within society. Legal positivism is an abstract theory emphasizing the usual character of law. Laws...

History of China: Confucius and His Teachings

Introduction Confucius was known to be a teacher and above all a philosopher. Civilization in Eastern Asia was known to have been greatly influenced by his teachings. His teachings were based on making society better and not changing what was already inexistent. People were to be what they had always...

Oral Health Benefits for Children and Adults

With adequate and reliable revenue allocation to the overall well-being of people, the future of oral health benefits for children and adults is promising. Approximately 15 years ago, dental and oral diseases were identified as common silent epidemics experienced by poor Americans and black people. Because of these findings, the...

Antioxidant’s and Vitamin C

Antioxidant’s functions Different kinds of antioxidants act as defensive organism against oxidative-stress. “Antioxidants are classified by function into four categories; Preventive antioxidants; radical scavenging antioxidants; repair and de novo antioxidants; and adaptation antioxidants” (Noguchi, Watanabe & Shi, p809). Their functions are as follows: Antioxidants protect against cell injury They are...

Technology Application in Nursing

The interaction between nurses and patients is greatly enhanced in an environment where information and communication technology has been put in place. Besides, nurses are in a position to exchange communication more conveniently than before when ICT had not been embraced. This has improved the way nurses deliver healthcare to...

Nursing – Portions of the Gastrointestinal and Musculoskeletal Disorder

Portions of the gastrointestinal tract affected Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease that has been shown to affect only the rectum and colon parts of the gastrointestinal tract. It has been demonstrated that inflammatory bowel disease attacks the innermost parts of the colon and rectum (Schoelmerich, 2006). On the...

Synopsis of Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry Special Issue Article

The concept of how biological compounds influence the health status of an individual is intriguing for research. For instance, how assimilated substrates such as glucose and amino acids induce obesity and other metabolic disorders make in-depth knowledge of nutritional biochemistry important. The article’s topic captivates attention since it informs the...

Life in the Iron Mills by Davis: Realism and Sentimentalism

In Life in the Iron Mills by Davis (1861), the possible function of mixing two modes of fiction is to highlight the moral importance of the story for readers while making it very real to the audience. Being focused on the truthful representations of life, realism supports the author in...

State Government Policy Analysis in the Healthcare

Representative Michael McCaul is a republican currently serving in the 10th district of Texas state which includes Hempstead and Bellville (Congressman Michael McCaul, 2011a). He has served in the same position since the year 2000. As a public figure, his political and leadership record are outstanding especially on matters related...

Adoption Issues in the Modern World

Introduction The issue of adoption is particularly acute now, given the significant stratification of society and the growing population of the Earth. It is a chance for the child to have a family and not to face adverse psychological and material consequences of its absence. At the same time, there...

A New Nation in Need of Change

In the summer of 1786, just several years after the end of the Revolutionary War, Shays’ Rebellion unfolded in Massachusetts. Many Merchants who had donated money to the Continental Congress started to call in their debts and demand upon payment in cash for future goods and services. As William Manning’s...

Public Order Offences

In order to avoid chaos and anarchy the society and the governments have created a set of rules and laws that guide the behavior of individuals in a civilized nation. Disorderly conduct is one of such laws that prevents people from acting recklessly and harmfully towards others in public. It...

Physical Activity Improves Health in Body and Mind for Young Children

Physical activity is a gift that can accompany a child through his/her life. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits that a physical activity provides such as more energy, good memory, self-confidence and so on. A luck of the physical exercises leads to the various problems with body and mind....

QSAR Analysis for Nitroaromatic Compounds

Introduction QSAR analysis for nitroaromatic compounds is the process through which; these nitrogenous compounds are exposed in to various conditions under which they undergo different mutagenic reactions resulting in to reduced compounds referred to as hydrolamines. On this context therefore, throughout the process of reaction, the nitroaromatic compounds correlate with...

Sublingual Immunotherapy Analysis

Allergies are treated in various different ways and sublingual immunotherapy is one of them. The exact way the sublingual immunotherapy works is not yet known but evidence show that it activates action of cells. Administration of SLIT induces secretion of interleukins by sublingual cells. At the same time, Dendritic cells...

Program to Build Parenting Skills in Teenage Parents

Components of the Program Being a teenager is associated with multiple psychological and emotional issues. Becoming a parent during this stage of life adds extra difficulties and requires those who have not reached adulthood to undertake enormous responsibility. The proposed short-term program is aimed at supporting the specified group by...

Prostitution in the United States

Prostitution is a situation whereby a woman decides to practice underproductive sex to be paid in return (Prostitution is not a choice, n.d., para.1). People usually decide to become sexual objects to anyone who can pay them in return. Women are the highest placed victims of prostitution in the world....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

Introduction Many deaths in the world today are attributed to cardiovascular diseases. In the United Kingdom alone, stroke and cardiovascular diseases combined claim the lives of more than 150,000 people every year. The disease is attributed to unhealthy diet policies. A continued intake of dairy products including meat and processed...

Polio Prevention and Control

Polio is a very contagious disease that is caused by the poliovirus. In most of the victims, the disease affects the nerve cells, especially those of the spinal cord. As a result, the muscles that control voluntary movement are affected usually resulting in paralysis. Another name for polio is poliomyelitis....

“The Scarlet Letter” and Nathaniel Hawthorne Biography

“The Scarlet Letter”, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is a novel about a woman named Hester who commits adultery. The setting of the story takes place in a Puritan settlement, in Boston. The year is 1642 and the community is very strict and religious. When Hester’s secret becomes known to the public...

Meaningful Use Policy in Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Recovery audit contractors (RACs) and electronic health records (EHRs) include highly sensitive information that should be managed carefully to avoid adverse outcomes. Careless management of this information can lead to leaks of private data, which may lead to significant legal and image problems. Thus, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services...

The Most Significant Cold War Events

The Cold War lasted from 1947 to 1991 as an extended period of large-scale nuclear warfare threat. Although no real battles were fought, there was intense geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the United States (Norwich University Online). The documented timelines can help historians determine the most critical events...

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

It is apparent that the issue of nutrition and health in the United States of America has gained concern in recent years (Radimer et al., 2004). This is due to the fact that the growing population in the USA has increased significantly over the last decade, a factor that raises...

Market Failures and Governmental Interventions

Introduction The free market model based on voluntary exchange is assumed to be beneficial for all parties. However, markets are not perfect, and often they fail to meet social efficiency, and that is why the role of governmental regulation is justified. The cases when markets do not correspond to society’s...

SEC Fines KPMG 50 Million Dollars

Executives and professionals are expected to behave in a way that elicits public trust. CEOs, doctors, and accountants are careers that require high ethical standards in the course of duty to maintain general confidence. For instance, accountants depend on impeccable public image to paint a picture of skillfulness to potential...

Changes of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza

Introduction The most profound meanings are texts in which the conflict is expressed implicitly, and occurs inside the character. The story of the knight Don Quixote and his squire Sancho Panza is a brilliant example of how a writer skillfully recreates inner-personal conflicts leading to the radical metamorphosis. Thus, a...

Analysis of Articles by Kevles and Krauthammer on Cloning

In 1996, the successful cloning of a sheep stirred a tremendous debate around the ethics of this practice and its implications for the future of humankind. Indeed, once, cloning from a single adult somatic cell without sexual reproduction used to only exist in science fiction. Before 1996, not once had...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Female Genital Cutting and Social Justice

Female genital cutting (FGC) or female genital mutilation (FGM) is a form of female circumcision. According to World Health Organization (WHO), the practice is extremely detrimental to the natural function of female body because it significantly damages normal tissues of genitalia (as cited in Roux, 2012). WHO defines FGC as...

The Film “Wall Street” by Oliver Stone

The entire infrastructure of a people’s culture (political, economic, artistic, educational institutions, etc.) is interwoven with personal impressions, ideas, attitudes, and emotions. In terms of cinema/film – the visual/fine arts realm – there is no exception. Perfectly epitomizing this premise is the quote “Does art reflect life? In movies, yes....

Managed Care and Organizational Downsizing in Healthcare

Managed Care Patient safety has become a priority in many hospitals globally. There has been general awareness among health care providers and policymakers, to strengthen the management of healthcare provision. Many hospitals have adopted appropriate centralized adverse event reporting systems, although most of them still differ. There is still evidence...

Religious References in “Future Home of the Living God” by Erdrich

Introduction This dystopian novel by Louise Erdrich depicts the author’s views on the future of humanity under a religious rule. Beginning from the title of the book, the author mentions the name of the Lord, and this theme remains one of the primary topics throughout the chapters. Even the main...

Improvement in Aviation Safety Management Systems

Introduction This study aims at identifying and systematizing data on the potential impact of any existing legal and technological approaches to improving safety management systems (SMS) in aviation. Determining the relationship between the proposed approaches and SMS in aviation will allow identifying the optimal drivers that influence security parameters. In...

Expanded Treatment Options in the Adjuvant Therapy of Colon Cancer

Introduction Writing in 2006 and leveraging a background as an oncology nursing practitioner and professor attached to a Department of Physiological Nursing, Viale assembled critical updates on adjuvant therapies to manage the long-term remission of colon cancer. Colon cancer remains the third most prevalent for both genders in both Europe...

Negotiation Process and Guidelines

Guidelines to follow during negotiations The basic ones include: First detach the people involved from the problem at hand, recognizing those negotiators are human beings with emotions, have diverse backgrounds and viewpoints, and strongly held values. Secondly, focus on the interests rather than the positions held by each party. Particularly...

Osmosis Egg Lab Report

Introduction Osmosis is a process whereby water or any fluid moves from an area of less concentration of dissolved particles to a region of high concentration of dissolved particles across a semi-permeable membrane. Due to the difference in a concentration gradient, dissolve particles can move across a semi-permeable membrane tan...

The Capital Controls in Venezuela

Capital controls are critical for any country, including Venezuela, as they provide an opportunity to have a particular rate of exchange for a long time without a threat for the reserves of both hard and foreign currencies (Schulze, 2000). Unfortunately, such control is rather expensive for the investors, which makes...

Global Financial Crisis and Market Efficiency

Ray Ball proposes several lessons about market efficiency that people can learn from the global financial crisis. Among the lessons are the limitations to the efficient market hypothesis, which, according to Ball (2009), is silent on the supply side of the information market. This argument means that the theory of...

Obesity in People with Intellectual Disabilities’: The Article Review

Introduction Mashall, McConkey and Moore (2003) seek to assess obese and overweight individuals and the steps taken after screening the individuals positively. In addition, the authors of this article seek to know how health promotion classes contribute to weight loss among obese and overweight individuals. The authors are compelled to...

A UGV in My Life: Commercial Functions, Application

A UGV is not typically deemed as an item that one would have in their household as a means of transportation. However, due to the specifics of my professional life and the environment in which I live I need a UGV to reduce the time consumed by transportation and focus...

A Doll House by Ibsen: The House of False Values

Similar to Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, and Pushkin, the Norwegian playwright Ibsen is considered a classic of national and world literature. Ibsen, creating an analytical drama, reveals the deep tragedy and cruelty of reality, hidden under external well-being, as well as the ability of a strong-willed person to resist circumstances. The...

Well-Being Role of Diversity Management

Diversity in the workplace can be characterized by the presence of employees of different ethnicities, genders, and personal backgrounds. The article investigates the impact of diversity on employee well-being and differentiates between various workforce diversity types, such as surface diversity and knowledge diversity. According to the authors, surface diversity is...

Collaboration Agreement: A Partnership for Tax Purposes

Introduction A Corp. is conducting business with B Corp. under a “collaboration agreement.” B Corp. is able to promote the widget product and claimS that the trademarks are owned jointly. The agreement specifies that this form of collaboration is not a partnership, which means that Form 1065 is not being...

Benefits of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Introduction The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act can restructure the health care systems by increasing the accessibility of health cover. The Act also controls coverage and streamlines the delivery mechanisms to the population. This also includes payment of these services. The Act seeks to cut down the number of...

The Great Explanation of the Notions of Bourdieu

There are four basic concepts introduced by a popular French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu in the video item “Pierre Bourdieu: Introduction”. These basic concepts are Capital, Field, Habitus, and Symbolic Violence. These concepts help to explain the structure of the world and the nature of power. There are four kinds of...

Cockroach Infestation and Health Issues Caused by Cockroaches

Cockroaches, Bacteria with Antibiotic Resistance, and Prevention of Infestation The ability of cockroaches to harbor numerous infectious diseases and disseminate them, thus, contributing to a steep rise in the instances of diseases development, as well as the threat of epidemics (Pesquero & Carneiro, 2012). Therefore, there is a need to...

The Analysis of the Activities of the HPE Corporation

Company Analysis The analysis of the activities of the HPE corporation is carried out on the basis of its growth potential, financial ratios, competitive advantages, and investment opportunities. Some gaps in its monetary policy are noted compared with the previous work periods. The possibilities of expanding the business and increasing...

An Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner’s Role Delineation

An Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) should complete his or her graduate-level education in an attempt to acquire appropriate skills for effective healthcare delivery (Hain and Fleck 6). I am currently focusing on the most appropriate practices that can support my program goals. Such activities are undertaken to develop the...

Building a Culture Where it is Acceptable for Physicians to Make Mistakes

For a long time now, physicians have been denied a chance to make mistakes in their cause of duty. Although their work is delicate and a mistake can lead to loss of life, they are still human and thus can make mistakes at times. The way these mistakes are handled...

Genetic Linkage Disorders: An Overview

Brain aneurism, also known as cerebral aneurism is a localized swelling condition of the brain’s blood vessels. The affected vessel is dilated at a localized point and may go unnoticed for a long time. People suffering from this condition experience symptoms such as sudden headaches and general discomfort. Severe aneurism...

Effectiveness of a Diet and Physical Activity on the Prevention of Obesity

Research indicates that obesity is the global epidemic of the 21st century, especially due to its prevalent growth and health implications. In Mexico, the prevalence of overweight and obesity increased by 9%, from 61% to 70% from 1999 to 2006. The whole population, including both adults and school children, showed...

Struggles in ‘Immigrant City’ by David Bezmozgis

Introduction The hardships of settling in another state are not known to many people. Most of the population does not have to immigrate and adapt to new conditions; hence, it is informative to learn about the process from the perspective of a person who had to. The paragraph from the...

Legal Issues in Higher Education

According to White (2005), there are various legal issues that may affect the work of faculty college members. These may include faculty employment, gender discrimination, copyright infringement, and free expression among others. White also identifies sexual harassment, sexual orientation, and possession of weapons as legal issues that affect college administrators...

Economic Questions About Skills and Employment

Situation George is making $18 an hour installing electronic chips in hand help computers. Would your offer to work for $8 an hour get you the job? Why might a profit-maximizing employer turn down your offer? The difference between me and George would be that I cannot offer the high...

Importance of Governance in a Private Practice

Millions of people strive for power and leadership without thinking about possible expectations and consequences. In health care, effective leadership cannot be ignored because it is the only opportunity to control employees and make sure that all clients’ demands are met. In this paper, Case 6 about governance and infrastructure...

The Ethical Treatment of Animals

Introduction Over decades, varied animals have been used to help in carrying out research and other tests across the varied fields and laboratories across the globe. In most cases, these animals are subjected to controlled conditions to achieve accurate results. Nevertheless, despite the move, many unexpected consequences sometimes emerge. One...

Analysis of Boeing Company’s Capital Structure

Boeing’s Capital Structure description It should be claimed that the company has been leveraging its capital structure even further for a long period by continuing the practice of a share buyback, which has been accompanied by the constant, equity-reducing pension liabilities regulations that finance the firm’s pension benefits. Then, this...

Obesity in Children in the United States

Background Obesity in children is a risk factor in the development of Type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Most studies show that the prevalence of T2DM is directly proportional to age (Adams & Lammon, 2007). As a result, there is evidence to suggest that the development of insulin resistance disorders at an...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Yoga: A Key to Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Strength

Introduction The majority of people suffer and die from heart diseases, depression, or obesity, and these issues are vulnerabilities of our mental, physical, and even spiritual state. A person can solve these issues by practicing yoga on a regular basis. The subject is critical because a number of recent studies...

Recall Bias in Epidemiological Studies

Bias means deviations of outcome or conclusions from the reality or lack of internal authenticity in epidemiological studies. Selection, information and confounding are three types of biases (Recall bias can be a threat to Retrospective and Prospective Research Designs, 2011). Recall bias is a variety of information bias that threatens...

Family, Marriage, and Gender in “Gone With the Wind”

The questions related to family, marriage, and gender roles always played a crucial role in society. The norms established in these fields were changing in different historical periods. Sometimes, the mode of behavior considered as a rebellion against the social standards in one period could become a norm in the...

Research Design and Sampling

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals represent a significant portion of modern society, and these people often face numerous social challenges. As a result, various empirical articles address the issue, and the quantitative one by Hatzenbuehler et al. (2017) is among them. The research analyzes how social support for...

The Services of Professional Buyer

How the Person Got into Buying The interviewee’s response regarding the beginning of his career confirmed that people become involved in professional buying when their talents in this area are acknowledged by others. The specialist stated that he started this work when he realized that present-day companies are willing to...

Army Leadership Foundation and Competencies

Introduction Leadership plays a crucial part in the proper functioning of modern society. People need leaders to communicate the goals and vision for errands and to help them achieve goals. One example of this is informal leadership, where individuals follow a person whom they consider credible or knowledgeable. Leadership is...

Social Control Theory: Informal Control Issue

Informal control is important in fostering a proactive communal coexistence. Reflectively, the process consists of a structured human control system that incorporates all the aspects of human living. Thus, this reflective treatise attempts to explicitly review the implications of theories emphasizing informal social controls on family issues such as dual-income...

The Link Between Collaboration and Penetration Testing

Collaboration is critical to an organization’s information security because its lack can be exploited by an attacker as a vulnerability. There is also a tendency to use compartmentalized security measures that can be bypassed individually to gain access to an organization’s sensitive data (Secude, 2020). Furthermore, it is possible that...

Biology: Aspects of Fruits

A fruit is the fleshy and sweet part of a tree or any flowering plant that contains seeds. Some fruits are poisonous while some are edible. Plants usually disseminate seeds using fruits. There are different types of fruits and each has its distinctive taste. Some fruits are sweet; some are...

Workplace Environmental Conditions and Job Satisfaction

For an employee, it is essential to work in a safe and favorable workplace environment to demonstrate a significant performance. However, there might be an issue regarding the extent to which the process of improving these environmental conditions affects the employee’s job satisfaction and whether this affectation takes place at...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Patrick’s Final Decision in Gone Baby Gone Film

Introduction Directed by Ben Affleck, Gone Baby Gone tells a story of two investigators looking to solve a mystery behind a girl’s abduction from her single mother. While attaining positive reviews, the final decision of Patrick, who is one of the investigators, caused many controversies. Some people perceived Patrick’s action...

Researching Current Events of Business Practices

The article under consideration concerns franchise opportunities in the coffee industry. It begins by listing the advantages of purchasing a franchise, including access to accurate predictions of one’s sales and expenses, an established customer base, brand recognition, and cost savings (Joiner et al., 2020). All those aspects provide security and...

Countering Workplace Abuse in Developing Countries

Laws and Regulations I will begin by introducing one of the main steps necessary for eradicating the problem of violence in the workplace in developing countries, which is the adoption of laws protecting workers’ rights and their health and safety. Abuse in the workplace is part of a systemic problem...

Analysis of Sea Lampreys Problem

Introduction Sea invasion is a common occurrence, for example, Lake Superior and Huron produced more than 7000 tons of fish in 1940 before the collapse of trout population after infestation by sea lampreys in 1962 (“U.S. fish & Wildlife Service n.d.”). In essence, sea lampreys have affected ecology in lakes...

Multidisciplinary Approach to Water Pollution

Introduction Water quality influences community health outcomes. People need water to survive and undertake basic human activities, such as cooking and washing clothes (World Health Organization, 2013). However, beyond these purposes, water has a broader impact on public health because it affects people’s well-being (World Health Organization, 2013, p. 1)....

President Bush’s Judicial Nominations

The presidential judicial nominations made by President Bush earned him a long-lasting legacy in American law history. The appointments were said to have far-reaching effects on individual rights over a long period of time, preferring conservatists. President George Bush’s judicial appointments during his tenure in office brought about mixed reactions...

Interval Estimation for Correlation Coefficients

The correlation study focuses on the assumption that there is some interrelation between two variables that cannot be controlled by the researcher. In other words, the correlation is not the causation. For example, the correlation study might suggest that there is an interrelation between public health and self-esteem, but it...

The Use of Contract Law in the Sports Industry

Davis, T. (2001). What is sports law? Marquette sports Law Review, 11(2), 211-243. Davis (2001) tried to explore what sports law was. He acknowledges the difficulty that many people including lawyers, students and other academicians encounter in answering this question. There are three different positions taken by people concerning sports...

A Membership in Association of Operating Room Nursing

AORN I am a member of AORN. AORN stands for Association of Operating Room Nursing. AORN is a non-profit association with members throughout the United States. The organization is based in Denver, Colorado. AORN represents the interest of over 160000 nurses. Notably, AORN provides numerous benefits to its members. These...

Restaurant Types for Private Dining in Ireland

Are you based in Ireland, used to live there, or have a connection to Ireland and seek to find the right dining option? Ireland offers a wide range of options when it comes to private or group dining. The sheer number of restaurants and their quality allows people to live...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Business Endeavors Aligning With the School’s Mission

The key mission of Pepperdine University’s Graziadio School of Business and Management is to use the education that is global in orientation, ethical in focus, and entrepreneurial in spirit to advance responsible business practice. This is a rather significant goal that is oriented to taking business education to a new...

Kant’s Ideas About Enlightenment

Kant’s ideas about enlightenment and its impact on the human mind are essential views. The philosopher’s thoughts on this topic are clearly expressed in his essay “What is Enlightment?” where the author tells about his view of how exactly the human mind is transformed under the influence of progressive thinking...

Trends and Issues in Nursing: Leadership and Management

Introduction Due to the complex, critical and dynamic nature of the health sector in the world today, health practitioners are being faced with new challenges and issues that call for attention. Organization and management skills are very critical in ensuring quality health services delivery. Best practice in nursing management and...

Braintrust Toys: Evaluations, Compensation, and Firm Objectives

Introduction Braintrust Toys is a medium-sized company specializing in toy-making that decided to shift from product development to an innovative strategy. Its new objectives include enhancing attributes and convenience of existing products, launching new products, developing new markets, hiring personnel that thinks innovatively, and hiring customer service-oriented employees to support...

Poets: Elizabeth Browning and Emily Dickinson

Introduction Elizabeth Browning and Emily Dickinson are the most famous poets of the 19th century. While the masculine society insisted that women were not capable of doing poetry, Browning and Dickinson emerged as the refutation of this statement. Elizabeth gained popularity with her works on the abolition of slavery and...

Decubitus Ulcers: Nursing Concept Map, Medical Diagnosis

Concept Map Medical Diagnosis:Decubitus ulcers(15 yr. old disabled/bed-bound, epileptic patient, who suffered neglect from parent) Pathophysiology: Decubitus ulcers, also known as pressure ulcers, are usually caused by inappropriate blood supply that results in interruptions of blood circulations, hypoxic tissue damage, and even necrosis (Liao, Burns, & Jan, 2013). The main...

The M2 Conceptual Model in Dental Health Care

According to Longest (2004) and Longest (2010), the main idea embodied in the M2 conceptual model is how dentists can promote the general welfare and dental health of the people based on the strategic planning goals of the Dental Public Health (DPH) as embodied in the mission statements of the...

Orica Limited Company’s Sustainability Report

Users Perspective of the Oricas Limited 2011 Sustainability Report The Orica Limited 2011 sustainability report exposed how the firm measured its accountability to its stakeholders when the organisation was undertaking its activities. Additionally, it describes the sustainability of the organisation in accordance with the firms location, size, and the economic...

Organizational Parameters that Impact on OHS Professional Practice

There are two fundamental conceptual organizational parameters stated in the Chapter “Foundation Science” (Pryor and Capra, 2012): organizational evolution and maturity in OHS and an organization’s strategy. These two parameters are intertwined in an organization and involve primary OHS professional’s focus. The organizational maturity refers to the level of trust...

Modern Telecommunications System in Business Setting

Introduction In general telecommunication systems are the different ways in which the information is passed from one place to another covering a certain distance. The message passed may be verbal or written. The mode of communication used depends on several factors such as the urgency of the message, the magnitude...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analysis of Disease and Caring for the Nguyens

Caring for the Nguyens During the interview and physical examination of Mr. Nguyen, the nurse is able to gather enough information and identify the existing problems. Relying on the complaints of the patient and his family history, certain conclusions have to be made. However, the creation of medical and nursing...

“Homage to My Hips” by Clifton

If anyone is asked in a small town, two-hour drive away from New Orleans, whether they know Lucie, their faces will be filled with joy as they begin speaking about the young, but already not so young, girl. Lucie is a brave and proud individual – she can make almost...

Understanding Biostatiscal Principles with Diabetes

According to Glover and Mitchell, for an individual to effectively communicate Biostatistics data, he had to first understand the public to which he wanted to convey the message. It was almost impracticable to alter the pre-existing values of the public except through addressing the matters unambiguously. Coming up with information...

The Order of Success Within the Department of Transport

This order, which was written by George W. Bush on January 9, 2009, was meant to improve the transport sector. It was written in various sections. For instance, section one provided a list of officials supposed to execute office duties. In this order, the person in charge of the Federal...

“A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen and the Role of Ladies in Society

The struggles which women have in their daily life are real and universal. Females have been perceived as the subordinate of males who control societies. The role of ladies has always been to follow what the men say, and this has trapped communities in a patriarchal system. In their education,...

Workplace Discrimination Laws: Court Case

Case/Parties: Altitude Express v. Zarda (2020) Facts: An Altitude Express employee, Donald Zarda, warned female customers that he is gay to minimize possible sexual harassment complaints due to his work’s specificities that required him to be in close proximity to clients. However, one of the customers complained about the inappropriate...

Outbreak Investigation: Global Issues

A disease outbreak is defined as the occurrence of incidences of diseases that appear to be more than what is normally expected in a particular community, geographic area, or season. On the other hand, a cluster refers to the occurrence of incidences of diseases in several people which is more...

Nursing Education in Kenya and Ireland

Political History and Development of Nursing Education: Comparison of Kenya and Ireland The development of nursing in Kenya was greatly influenced by the country’s political history (Mule 1986, p. 83). Missionaries were keen to provide curative medicine to Kenyans and despite their efforts, they found it hard to provide treatment...

Juvenile Justice: Case of Jim Butler

If I was a juvenile court judge, I would sentence Jim Butler for up to three years in incarceration facility. The following, is the set of considerations that had brought me to such a decision: Jim did not only commit a particularly violent crime (armed robbery), but he committed it...

Application of Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

Most United States hospitals adopted the Human Caring Theory in a move towards institutional changes and dissemination of professional nursing. This theory is termed by scholars as a Theory of Transpersonal Caring. The creative aspect, transpersonal compassionate bond, and the caring instance are basic elements in the theory propounded by...

Nursing Research: Types and Their Descriptions

Exploratory research is a specific type of inquiry intended to define a phenomenon. It is used in cases when the problem at hand has not been studied sufficiently, lacks clarity, or is not supported by systematized operational definitions (De Chesnay, 2015). Exploratory research can be based on primary data, such...

Society During the Early Renaissance in Europe and Contemporary Society

The topic of this course project is “comparison of society during the early Renaissance in Europe to contemporary society.” This topic was chosen because of the strong belief that the reflections about the past and continuous paralleling of the previous experiences with the modern ones are the way to a...

Social Determinates of Health

Introduction People suffer many different health or mental issues, and most of the time, the main reason is some outside sources. Although it is true, there are also such aspects as Social Determinates that influence health positively and negatively. One such factor is a family whose problems affect the lives...

Seventeenth Day of October and Peron’s Leadership

It is profound to note that Juan PerĂłn was a popular political figure during his era in Argentina. Although there are other public holidays that are commemorated in Argentina, seventeenth of October was considered by Argentines as the Loyalty Day for the country and the leadership of Peron.1 When Peron...

Injury and Violence Prevention in Children

Proposal for Health Education Children fall into the category of people that are most susceptible to injuries. Many young people die or become crippled because of suffering life-threatening injuries they cannot recuperate from. Injuries are not genetically predetermined, meaning they can be prevented. The process of growing up incorporates getting...

“The Four Voyages of Christopher Columbus” by Edwin Williamson

Introduction This paper summarizes the plot of The Four Voyages of Christopher Columbus. It also briefly describes the main character and analyzes the main ideas of the story. The book is written from a historical point of view, so it does not focus on a specific issue. Nevertheless, this essay...

Pandemics & Biothreats and Governmental Responses

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines a pandemic as a worldwide disease outbreak that is mainly characterized by high infection levels, a perceived lack of immunity against the disease-causing agent, and a high rate of spread and survival among human populations (Chiras, 2010). In the light of this definition, examples...

Researching Hernandez Family Case

According to the scenario provided, in which the Hernandez family is undergoing the Children Services Program’s Administration, social workers tried to track several factors when drafting the tests. First, the most critical factor was parents’ attitudes towards their children and the nurturing patterns to manage their sons. Second, the question...

How Success or Talent Is Really the Outcome of Hard Work

Greatness is not determined by an individual’s natural talent or inborn intelligence. According to Geoffrey Colvin, the author of “What It Takes to Be Great”, success is a product of two fundamental ingredients: demanding and painful practice and hard work. Through the article, Colvin tries to debunk the myth that...

Disadvantages of Modern Portfolio Theory

This paper seeks to logically discuss and critique the modern portfolio theory (MTP) that emerged in the 1950s as the brain child theory of Harry Markowitz who spearheaded its advocacy as being the first scientific means to quantify investment risks. What was meant by this was that if the concept...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Shonagon’s “The Pillow Book” as Historical Document

Positive Analysis One of the main strengths of the book is the fact that it provides an invaluable insight into Heian Japan and how regular women lived at that time. It is a well-composed historical document in regards to reflecting the lifestyles and interests of both royal family members and...

Photosynthesis: The Solar Cells and the Plant Cells

Photosynthesis is a chemical process used by photoautotrophic plants and other organisms to change carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds like sugars with the help of solar energy. These organisms include green plants, algae and some bacteria. The process produces oxygen and vital products as waste products that enhance...

Human Destiny in the Works of Shakespeare and Nino Ricci

Introduction Human destiny has been one of the central subjects in literature at all times, and this theme can be tracked in literary pieces written in different centuries. The novel “Lives of the Saints” by Nino Ricci and the play “Othello” by William Shakespeare share a recurring idea: the destructive...

Consequences of Using LSD as a Therapeutic Agent

Over the past decades, scientists and psychologists all over the planet have conducted a variety of studies concerning LSD. The uncontrolled use of the hallucinogen has impacted nearly all areas of society, including religion, politics, and the art industry. The research confirms that hallucinogens can be beneficial for curing psychological...

Reflective Account about the Scrub Placement

For this reflective account, I am going to be looking at the standards of proficiency number 13.1 which requires operating department practitioners to understand the anatomy and physiology of the human body, together with knowledge of health, diseases, disorders, and dysfunctions relevant to their profession (Health & Care Professions Council,...

“Refresh, Refresh” by Benjamin Percy

Anticipate your Reader’s Responses The story Refresh, Refresh takes place in a small town Crow, which does not have many male citizens. The author describes that the town was populated only by three types of men: old, incapable, and vulturous (Percy 3). All the worthy men left to fight a...

The Case of Morphine Overdose: RCA and a Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

Whether triggered by negligence or caused by any other external factors, medical errors affect patients drastically, causing a vast variety of negative results, from minor ones, such as nausea, to lethal cases. Unfortunately, medical errors still occur despite improved services and advanced technology (Siriwardena 156), which the case of Ellie...

Planning an Effective Healthcare Organization Restructure

Identifying the Aspects of the Plan that Should be Changed On the one hand, the idea of dividing an organization into smaller departments can provide better management to separate units. Introducing changes to each of the organized entities will be much more effective and easier (Kovner, 2009). On the other...

Definition of Financial Terms and Their Relation to Finance

Finance is the management of money, assets, banking, investments, liabilities, or anything to do with money. It involves the management of money and cash in various sectors of an organization using various instruments and means. Assets, liabilities, bonds, risks, loans, expenses are all measurable in terms of money. Finance is...

Michigan v. Tyler, Michigan v. Clifford and Fire Investigators

Case Facts 1 On January 21, 1970, a fire broke in a furniture store, and firefighters arrived to put the flames out. The fire chief found remnants of flammable liquid containers in the building and called in the police. Having retrieved the pieces as evidence and taken some photographs of...