Violence: Deviant Behavior of Theodore Bundy

Introduction Violence is one of the forms of deviant behavior, unfortunately, promoted in and by the media. Media violence, in its different types, makes abnormal behavior more aggressive and transforming into criminal behavior. Today, even cartoons have the reflection (mostly hidden) of violence. One of the most vivid examples of...

Identifying Health Care Fraud and Abuse

Health care fraud is a significant bother for all stakeholders, even though not everyone realizes it. On the one hand, fraud and abuse are associated with an increased cost of care. According to Drabiak and Wolfson (2020), up to 10% of all healthcare costs are associated with fraudulent reimbursement claims....

Research Writing: ERP Systems

All the research journals included in this study, claim that integrated management of information is used across most organizations. Such organizations engage in manufacturing and other services related to management of customer relations. A number of journals indicate that when the process is automated, it uses ERP systems that are...

Corvette Stingray Product Analysis

Validity of contract A contract is defined a legally binding agreement between two parties to do or not to do something. Generally, different parties enter into contracts for various reasons. Most of the contracts usually involve the sales or purchase of a certain product; that is it involves the exchange...

Why Do Dogs Make the Best Pets?

Dogs make the best pets and are loved by people all around the world. Dogs are guards that watch the house One of the most practical benefits of having a dog is that it will guard the house and the loved ones. Burglars are much less likely to break into...

The Copyright Infringement: The Cases

The picture under analysis is Paris Hilton’s image on a Hallmark greeting card. It is appropriate to talk about copyright infringement here since an unauthorized use of copyrighted material had taken place. Moreover, the image was used in a manner that violates one of the copyright owner’s exclusive rights, such...

Security Threat Groups: The Important Elements in Prison Riots

Prison riots have been a part of such institutions for a long time. They are romanticized by popular culture, and they are known to be extremely violent. There are many causes of such events as well as special patterns. Meanwhile, there is a phenomenon of Security Threat Groups. While being...

A Choice Between Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Quantitative research methods involve collection and analysis of data in form of numbers while qualitative research methods involve collection and analysis of data in form of words (Bradley, Curry & Devers, 2007). Quantitative methods are more rigorous than the qualitative methods because they can test hypothesis in a research study....

The Problem of Homelessness in America

Ethnic minorities remain disproportionately over-represented in the homeless population in the United States. Despite accounting for a small portion of the national population, African Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanic/Latinos are the majority of the homeless in the country, representing 40%, 22%, and 3% of the homeless population, respectively (National Alliance...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Stigma Associated With Disease

Introduction Cases of alienation of people suffering from health impairments, diseases, or even unwanted pregnancies are common across the globe. The prejudice that most communities have against people suffering from chronic illnesses like HIV/AIDS and disabilities leads to such people being stigmatized (LaMont, 2014). One may cite lack of knowledge...

Neurobiology: Epigenetics in Cocaine Addiction

Introduction Drug addiction is characterized by long-term changes in the manner in which an individual acts. Drugs of addiction are believed to initiate and maintain obstinate changes in neuronal pathways especially those of the limbic system, specifically in nucleus accumbens (NAc) medium spiny neurons (MSNs). Even though evidence exists of...

US Legislation in Practices of Medical Institutions: Anti-Trust Laws

The policies and practices of medical institutions are governed by the same laws as other private businesses or enterprises. The US legislation explicitly prohibits the activities which may result in monopolization of the market: there are several statutes aimed to ensure fair competition among the medical agencies. Among them we...

Data Visualization and Dashboards

The tabular form of data presentation is suitable for storing and processing substantial sets of information. During the analysis phase, companies tend to use graphical representations of data, such as scatter diagrams, graphs, histograms, and bar charts. Graphic form facilitates the perception of information as a whole and demonstrates its...

Heart Disease’s Fundamental Pathophysiologic Mechanism

Introduction Heart disease’s fundamental pathophysiologic mechanism typically begins with the atherosclerosis process, which develops and advances for periods before the acute episode. Atherosclerosis refers to a low-grade inflammation of the medium-sized arteries’ intima, accelerated by various risk factors, including genetics, diabetes, smoking, high cholesterol, and blood pressure (Ford et al.,...

Health Promotion Theory for Chronic Kidney Disease

Analysis and Application Effective prevention of chronic kidney disease (CKD), clearly, requires different approaches to lessen the number of deaths in the world. Health promotion deals with empowerment of people to make healthy lifestyle selections, as well as encourage them to become better self-supervisors (Raingruber, n.d.). Before discussing the health...

Fantasy in “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” Film

The film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a piece of art that was authored by David Hands in 1937. The fantasy musical work teaches children and adults the severe effects of jealousy and the significance of true love. The writer aims to communicate the theme of love and...

The Development of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that is on the rise in the current world. In America, around forty percent of the population suffers from osteoporosis. The disease can remain hidden in one’s body until a fracture happens. Osteoporosis is the reduction of bone mass and density, which eventually results in...

Wegmans Food Markets: Management Analysis

Introduction Wegmans is a large family-owned company that sells groceries in 6 states (Ebert and Griffin 305). The total number of stores run under the supermarket chain accounts for 80 (Ebert and Griffin 305). The company has a long history; it was founded in 1915 and since that, has been...

Reducing Risks Through Safety Design

Introduction There are several factors involved in every efficient safety program for it to be successful. Similarly, while the workplace is still a thought put on paper, it is much more important to discuss its safety aspects. In this way, safety design evaluations and plan mitigation are all an equally...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Processes that Entail a Juvenile Court

Hi dear friend. I am really sorry about the incidence that has befallen you. This should not worry you though. Several people have gone through the process and come out without complications. I write this letter to make you understand the processes that entail a juvenile court. With an understanding...

Patients’ Spiritual Needs Assessment

Spirituality in Patients The meaning of spirituality varies a lot depending on an individual and the faith he/she posses (Barna, 2003). To some people, it may be used to refer to the faith they posses while in others, it may be used to give life meaning and purposes. Whatever the...

Differences Between Features of Bipolar Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Patients presenting with bipolar disorder are more mentally disturbed than the patients presenting with generalized anxiety disorder (Geller et al., 2002). Patients presenting with bipolar disorder for the first time are usually teenagers or young adults while those presenting with generalized anxiety disorder are at different stages of life. Bipolar...

Sociological Imagination in Mill’s and Berger & Luckmann’s Works

The purpose of the paper is to analyze two excerpts from C. Wright Mill’s The Sociological Imagination and Peter L. Berger’s and Thomas Luckmann’s The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge. To do this, the concepts found in the readings will be identified and described....

Understanding Criminal Law Concepts

People tend to confuse robbery and stealing because both delinquencies involve the unlawful taking of another person’s property. The difference between these crimes is articulated in their definitions, although the two share several attributes. The term “stealing” is applied when one’s property is taken from them without their consent, usually...

Nike Inc.’s Sustainable Manufacturing Assessment

The Stakeholders Sustainable manufacturing is a matter of paramount importance in the 21st century in the context of the clothing and footwear industries. Jiang (2019) writes that the popularity of high-end athletic shoes is on the increase, and industry leaders must respond to growing demand. Nevertheless, growing competition poses challenges...

“A Place at the Table” by Jacobson

The film A Place at the Table throws light on some of the problems that significantly affect American society. In particular, one should speak about food insecurity. According to the information provided in this movie, approximately fifty million Americans were dependent on food stamps in 2012 (Collichio, 2012). Additionally, the...

Criminal Law: Criminal Procedure

Differences between the due process model and the crime control procedure model The due process model assumes that arrested persons are innocent and not punishable by law until a court of law proves that they are guilty e.g. if a person is arrested for having taken a bribe from a...

Evaluation of Monitoring Potential of Walmart’s Board of Directors

Summary The principal responsibility of the board of directors is to oversee the execution of strategies, plans, and activities performed by a company’s management. There are various areas that can be considered for evaluating the monitoring effectiveness of the board of directors. This paper evaluates the monitoring potential of Walmart’s...

Air Pollution: Conducting a Quantitative Study

In conducting a quantitative study, the major research question would be: “what are the potential contributors to air pollution and how can they be prevented?” The sample selection method to be used would be stationary source monitoring, which would involve collecting, handling and preserving samples depending on the applicable method...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Similarities Between US Elite Deviance and Global Elite Deviance

Deviance is the act of violating the societal norms. Any society that upholds good morals, there ought to be deviants present. This is because deviants will only be present in places and circumstances where there are people out to control them. They therefore act to oppose those that attempt to...

Business Leadership: Developing Leaders at UPS Case Study

Potavin (2006) describes a true leader as one who maintains an uncompromising adherence to an internalized, but otherwise generally accepted code of moral values; who adheres to utter sincerity, honesty, and candor in all communication; and who avoids deception, expediency, artificiality, or shallowness of any kind in all situations. In...

Non-Western Art Definition and Distinctive Features

From music, dance and paintings to abstract art our perception of life are exposed through the most varied ways in which we see and interpret it. This perception is often shown in very different ways and can be identified by numerous characteristics. One of such characteristics is the notion of...

Computer Use and Dangerous Computer Addiction

The society has changed a lot with the technological developments that have come up in the world. This technology has had many advantages to the contemporary world. However, there are a number of disadvantages for excessively depending on the computer. Individuals should watch out not to use computers excessively since...

Knowledge Sharing Description: Believers in Christ Church International

Many organizations around the world are shifting towards intelligent approaches to doing business. This follows the realization that knowledge is an important and invisible asset, which may be used, to achieve desired goals in an organization. The established Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) within an organization assist in key decision-making processes...

Community Policing Practice and Terrorism Activities

Community policing was first practiced in 1960. Generally civil unrests led to the development of community policing. Community relation programs were developed to make it easy for the citizens to give information to the police. I view community policing as the best development ever in the police force. This is...

Comparative Political Science: NATO Membership

Among the all countries on the Earth the United States of America is considered to be a unique phenomenon as a country. Founded on a new land by almost hopeless people whose only desire was a total freedom, this state became a huge machine that tends to be the giant...

Preventive Psychotherapeutic Interventions: Beatrice Babee’s Approach

Introduction Preventive psychotherapeutic interventions are meant to understand and take action against certain behavior in babies. This is considered vital due to the sensitiveness of the behavior which shows up in the relationship between mother and baby. It becomes necessary to tame this kind of behavior early so as to...

Mathematical Literacy: Understanding Mathematics Vocabularies

Abstract Mathematics is an essential subject in the world of academics which makes use of symbols diagrams and words. Mathematics has borrowed a lot from the English language in its application. For instance, mathematics applies written English in various academic settings, and this serves to unify its applications (Bolling, 2011)....

Sharks Characteristics Analysis: Danger of Extinction

Sharks have always been the misunderstood “monsters” of the sea. Up till very recently, very little was known about these aquatic animals aside from the perception that they are man-eaters. Such images were helped along by movies such as the Jaws series. We also have the misconception that they are...

Effective Situational Leadership Development

The line of action taken by a leader largely depends on a wide range of situational factors. This is because both transactional and transformational leadership do not fill the gaps in leadership especially when urgent decisions are needed. According to Changing Minds (2009), “Factors that affect situational leadership include motivation...

Marketing Communication Strategies: Domestic and International Markets

Introduction Marketing communication is a system used by managers to ensure timely and comprehensive input to the information and the decision-making process. In addition to these, it looks at the resulting production and expression of credible, persuasive representations of beneficial exchange opportunities with actual and prospective customers and other stakeholders...

Accounting Terminology in Modern Media

Accounting is one of the fields that are often discussed in media despite their complexity and abundance of terminology that only the specialist are capable of recognizing and placing in the context of the narration. In a recent article “Survey Finds Audit Flaws by the Big Accounting Firms” published by...

A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making by Snowden & Boone

Introduction Situational framework peculiar to different organizations impacts decision making regardless of its complexity. However, in complicated, complex, and chaotic contexts, the selection of the correct solution can be challenging because of the many unknown factors and high turbulence (Snowden & Boone, 2007). Under these conditions, the application of the...

“Nurse Exposure to Physical and Nonphysical Violence, Bullying…” by Spector

The article “Nurse Exposure to Physical and Nonphysical Violence, Bullying, and Sexual Harassment: A Quantitative Review” represents one of the many scholarly efforts initiated by researchers to comprehend the dynamics of nursing violence in practice settings. This critique reviews the introductory sections of this article with the view to illuminating...

Restorative Justice: Principle

Restorative justice advocates for repair and healing. Through restorative justice, the standard punishment is based on the extent of harm or damage caused rather than degree of the mistake committed. It holds three principles which are; the Principle of repair advocating for fair justice, restoration of the offended, offenders and...

The Duality of Societal Prejudice in “DĂ©sirĂ©e’s Baby” by Kate Chopin

DĂ©sirĂ©e’s Baby is a short story written by Kate Chopin, one of her most famous pieces. It was written in 1892, a little less than thirty years after the abolition of slavery in the United States. Kate Chopin’s family came from St. Louis, Missouri, where having slaves was considered to...

Gentrification as a Consequence of Redlining

Gentrification is a government policy of renovating city areas seeking the purpose of attracting large private investments into new buildings that would improve the picture of the cities. It is only apparent that to need renovation, the areas must have been neglected and disinvested before. With this in mind, there...

Miami Breast Cancer Conference: Scholarly Activity

Introduction Breast cancer is a prominent variation of the condition, as the body part is generally considered to be among the most common targets for the illness. As such, it is essential for nurses to understand all aspects of the condition, as they will likely have to care for patients...

Nurses’ Perceptions of Research Utilization in a Corporate Health Care System: Article Review

In the article “Nurses’ Perceptions of Research Utilization in a Corporate Health Care System”, the author explores certain characteristics of caregivers based on various aspects such as level of education, experience, and nursing positions that affect the quality of health care (McClusky, 2008). According to the researcher, such aspects affect...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Business Development Stages: Start-up Phase, Growth Phase, Maturity Phase, and Decline Phase

Introduction There are four major phases of business development namely the start-up phase, growth phase, maturity phase, and decline phase. These stages are characterized by the need for effective business support systems capable of facilitating progression from one stage to another. The start-up phase The stage in which the business...

Violent Behavior in Institutions

Human service professionals are at an increased risk of becoming victims of violent behavior. The problem has become so persistent that some psychologists have reported incidents of assaults by their patients. Social workers are becoming increasingly concerned about dealing with the most emotionally, economically, and socially disintegrated persons (Kelen &...

Steps That Organizations Must Take to Reach AACNs Goal

Abstract The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) enacted the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) in October 2014. The DNP program is a single entry degree that the Advanced Practicing Nurses should pursue at the beginning of 2015. This resulted in remarkable changes in the nursing programs. From research...

Pathophysiology of Type 2 Diabetes

According to Ahme, Muniandy, and Ismail (2010), type 2 diabetes consists of a combination of dysfunctions that are characterized by inadequate secretion and peripheral insulin resistance of insulin. According to Khardori (2013), a combination of genetic factors such as metabolic disorders and environmental conditions contribute to the prevalence of type...

The Prevalence of Anxiety Among Saudi Medical Students

Introduction The lives of university students are subjected to different stress situations. Some of the sources of pressure for these individuals include personal and social issues and academic anxiety. Medical students have to adapt to the rigorous curriculum while at the same time learning how to manage emotionally challenging situations....

Progressivism in American Political Life

Progressivism is the reform movement that prevailed in American political life in the early 20th century. Progressivist reforms have been about government regulation of monopolies, support for trade unions, government health programs, curbing political corruption, and protecting the environment (Shi & Tindall, 2015). During World War I, progressives took steps...

The Effect of Music Therapy on Depression

The study’s objective was to “determine the effect of music therapy on depression and physiological parameters in elderly people who were living in a nursing home” (Gök Ugur et al., 2017, p. 1280). The available literature shows that music therapy could alleviate depression, and thus the authors of this study...

Love and Poverty in My Papa’s Waltz by Theodore Roethke

Theodore Roethke is a renowned American writer whose poetry is figurative and melodic. My Papa’s Waltz is one of the most known poems by the poet, and it deals with a moment in a boy’s life. The relationship between the father and the son is the primary theme of the...

The Secret of Bacteria’s Immune System

The Science Daily published on November. 13, 2010 report about the secret of bacteria’s immune system that a team of researchers from the University of Laval unlocked (Science Daily Staff 3). The group was apparently led by Prof Sylvain Moineau of the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Bioinformatics. The publication...

Curriculum Adaptation to the Needs of Students

Curriculum adaptation as a topic is about what the teacher must do to the curriculum so that all the learners are catered for. The main idea is that the curriculum is made for the students and not the other way round. Therefore since it is easier to adjust the curriculum...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Workers’ Effectiveness and Professional Skills

How Could We Do Better? The insufficiently high outcomes of social workers’ activities compared with the power of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors may be due to a number of causes. Promoting individual educational and practical growth can help improve the results of interventions. Cournoyer (2016) suggests paying attention...

Describing Kinship: Kinship Theories Analysis

What Kinship is all About? The idea of kinship has been very complex causing scholars a lot of trouble in defining and creating functional genealogies. Some scholars argue that kinship has to do with a flexible idiom concerning grammar and language use. On the other hand, other researchers view kinship...

Conflict Management Definition and Problem-Solving Approaches

Modern management practice emphasizes the need for effective conflict resolution practices and conflict management. The task for managers is therefore not just to resolve or suppress all conflict, but to manage it so as to reduce its harmful effects and benefit from its good effects. Problem-solving skills are a conflict...

China’s Impact on Globalization and International Security

Introduction China has been a remarkable case of development, as the state has become very influential and important on the global level. To fund economic development, China has acquired a tremendous dept, which, if not repaid, can harm the global economy. This paper aims to use China as a case...

Best Beach Destinations: A Comparison of Cape May, NJ Beach Resort and Del Mar, CA

Introduction Let’s go on vacation! Do you like beach vacations? My grandparents and parents were vacationed in Cape May as children and adults. My mother’s parents traveled from Philadelphia every summer and my father’s parents traveled from Washington DC every summer for vacations. They stayed in my great-grandparent’s summer homes....

Native Americans and Navajo Heritage and Health Beliefs

Cultural Group: Native American History Native Americans are the indigenous people. They occupied America before Columbus’ landing. 10 million Native Americans lived there (Rutherford, 2017). Americans despised the Europeans seeing greed. European colonization changed Native Americans. Values and Worldview Human-nature balance presence in relationships. The concept of “Mother Earth” (Barreiro,...

Miami Community Needs Assessment and Nursing

Overview Description of the Community History Having emerged in 1915, the Miami Beach community showed a strong tendency toward urbanization and soon became a major U.S. city (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 2015). Miami Beach has been receiving most of its economic resources from the tourism business due...

Teaching Sessions for African American Children With Asthma Issue

Introduction Patient education is critical; It helps to control patients’ health; Asthma depends on various environmental factors; African-American children are at a high risk of asthma; Patient education on asthma lacks proper research; Teaching sessions may be useful to address the identified health concern. The Spirit of Inquiry Ignited Many...

Primary and Team Nursing Models in Practice

The model of nursing care The observed model of nursing practice is primary nursing that was used in the practice setting. The identification of this particular model was possible due to the observed patterns of practice the nurses utilized. Every patient was assigned a nurse practitioner who was entirely responsible...

Business Applications‏: Revelation HelpDesk by Yellow Fish Software

In the tender phase of when a business has been established and customer loyalty is in development, an influx of Customer Feedback and processing of After Sales Customer Queries means the world to the organization. “Revelation HelpDesk” helps organizations do just that. “Revelation HelpDesk” by Yellow Fish Software, is an...

Counterterrorism: International Cooperation of the United States

Several strategic partnerships have been forged between the US and a series of nations. Some of them emanate from the Middle Eastern region or other Asian countries that can be viewed as terrorist hubs. This is a step in the right direction because working with governments in such countries sends...

Pakistan Aging Profile: Increase in Old People’s Population

Introduction The world’s population has grown very fast. Early developments indicated that developed countries had the fastest-growing number of older people. However, the trend has picked up in less developed countries of the world as well. By the year 2050, it is estimated that one billion two hundred thousand people...

On Ursula K. Le Guin’s “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas”

Ursula Le Guin’s short story “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” in allegorical form addresses the topics of exploitation and social injustice. It describes a city where the happiness of many depends on the suffering of a child, which mirrors the structure of many modern societies founded on exploitation....

The Case of the Baseball. Business Law

The whole aspect of business law and legal environment has diverse and distinct issues that need a critical analysis. As a matter of fact, there are various dynamics that are supposed to be understood (Dondi, 2004, p. 9). This is based on the fact that there are occasions where the...

Hybrid Energy Harvesting System

Energy harvesting can be described as a process of deriving energy from external sources, such as the sun, thermal power, and the wind. This method of capturing and storing energy is considered safe for the environment, and therefore, is a promising innovation. The energy harvesting systems are the technology used...

Human Resource Recruitment Strategy

Recruiting New Talented Employees Human resource (HR) units are typically tasked with overseeing the recruitment process, designing employee benefits, performance appraisal procedures, reward management, and training and development. HR professionals are generally required to make significant decisions during the enlistment procedure (“The Role of HR”). Some of these decisions include...

Delinquent Offenders vs. Status Offenders

Nowadays, so many people commit crimes almost every day; however, if the actions of grown-ups may be controlled by criminal law or civil law, the actions of teenagers cannot be controlled by any of the above-mentioned laws (Siegel & Welsh, 2008). This is why juvenile delinquency is under burning discussions...

The Profile of a Crime Victim

Introduction The profile of a crime victim is generally regarded to be a matter of statistics, while the victims themselves are people of various origins, ages, and occupations. The fact is that, when some event (even the most tragic) becomes too frequent, it becomes a matter of statistics. The same...

Proposed Tax on Sugary Beverages

A recent debate concerning the proposal of Tax on Sugary Beverages has created a huge controversy and divided opinion. This division emanates from predictable sources. On the one hand, leading manufacturers and distributors of soft drinks have formed a vanguard of natural opposition to the proposed tax. On the other...

The Role of Person-First Language

Treating people with disabilities in a tolerant and equal way is one of the most important goals in modern society. A person-first language is an effective tool that helps to show respect for human beings with diverse problems and illnesses. However, there is an opinion that this method of communication...

Analysis of Health Care Reform

In the article “Health care reform and equality: Promise, pitfalls, and prescriptions,” Kevin Fiscella discusses the prospects of the health care system in the state. Fiscella refers to promises, pitfalls, and prescriptions when analyzing the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA) and the Patient Protection Act (PPA). Not all healthcare disparities can...

Atkins Popular Fad Diet: Analysis of the Diet

A fad diet is a weight loss plan devised to offer quick results. These diets are not considered healthy by various health and diet associations since fad diets are not based on the guidelines provided. In most cases, fad diets do not give long-term success to the users (Rastogi 60)....

Healthcare Improvement on the Example of Toyota

Nowadays, it is not always easy to create an approach and be sure of its effectiveness from a variety of perspectives. Professionals are eager to get a lot and achieve the best results: they provide captivating ideas, experiment, consider the opinions of many people, and evaluate their possibilities in regard...

A Simple Contract between Clarice and Leonardo

A contract is an agreement between two parties to engage in an activity together or perform a commercial transaction jointly. The contract is enforceable by the law if it has the elements that comprise a legal agreement and if the agreement is breached by either party, legal remedies are to...

The Connection Between Apoptosis and Diabetes

Aim and Objectives Apoptosis is the process of programmed cell execution that helps to remove weakened and dying cells from the organism to replace them with new ones. This mechanism is affected by diabetes mellitus due to various chemical, biological, and physiological changes that the body undergoes as the disease...

Association of Computer Machinery Code of Ethics: Professionalism

Introduction The Association of Computer Machinery (ACM) code consists of 24 imperatives that are formulated as statements of personal responsibility. It comprises most of the issues that professionals are likely to encounter. The ACM code outlines how software engineers should conduct themselves ethically in their profession, and while relating to...

Statute of Frauds: Formal Requirements

Introduction As a rule, contracts are enforceable when they are in writing. However, the following information will show that oral agreements are also valid under particular conditions. Main body A. According to the Legal Information Institute (n.d.b), the Statute of Frauds is “a statute requiring certain contracts to be in...

Heat Transfer Through Home Walls

Abstract The aim of this report is to look at the different modes of heat transfer. Specifically, heat transfer through walls will be clearly outlined and the different equations associated with the same discussed. The report will also cover conduction, radiation and convection as modes of heat transfer. Introduction Heat...

Shakespeare’s The Tempest in the Savage Rose Theater

A comprehensive assessment of a theatrical performance is a convenient mechanism for gaining new experiences about which elements of a spectacle deserve particular attention and can influence the impression of what viewers see. As an object of evaluation, I have chosen the online play The Tempest created by the ingenious...

Competitive Advantage in a Firm’s Operations

A focus on the best of the three sources of competitive advantages to a firm ought to be the foundation for the others. For instance, concentrating on extra business advantages means ability to capture attention of more audience, thus the possibility to have more customers. Ensuring strict commitment to one...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Blood Vessels and Blood Pressure

Blood vessels in the body and their function There are five types of blood vessels. These are the veins, arteries, capillaries, venules, and arterioles. The arteries take blood away from the heart, they also provide oxygenated blood to the body cells. Arteries branch into smaller vessels called arterioles, which help...

Organization Development and Its Future

OD (Organization Development) is mainly the practice and theory of planned, methodical change in the values, beliefs, and attitudes of the employees through creating and reinforcing long-term training programs. It is paramount to note that OD is action-oriented and it begins with a thorough organization-wide investigation of the current situation...

Xochimilco Among Mexico City’s Ancient Canals

Introduction Xochimilco is a system of canals that encompass a wide territory of over 170 square kilometers. It served as the main venue for transportation during the pre-Hispanic area and was built by the Aztec to also ensure a reliable water supply to the population. Today, the Xochimilco canals of...

Non-Invasive Ventilation Rewiew

The early use of non-invasive ventilation averts mechanical ventilation and intubation in adult patients that present acute respiratory failures. NIV reduces mortality in such patients. Over the past two decades, NIV has exhibited a tremendous reduction in the mortality of patients that suffer from respiratory failures. The treatment improves gaseous...

Participative and Delegative Leadership in Nursing

Nursing leadership ensures every patient gets quality care. I have portrayed the best leadership traits during my professional practice. My leadership style portrays both delegative and participative approaches. I am a competent leader who works with my patients and nurses. Team leadership is a participative approach that encourages every person...

Nuclear Disaster Prevention and Related Challenges

The article addresses the role of transparency in monitoring nuclear arsenals as well as the varied approaches for identifying challenges encountered in ensuring that terrorists have no access to these weapons (May et al., 2005). Although a nuclear attack is uncertain, it seems like an eventual terrorist disaster, which would...

Homeland Security: Organizational Change

Post 11th September 2001 attacks on the twin towers of World Trade Center; the FBI has faced a brunt of a lot of criticism from the public and media alike. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the primary unit in the United States Department of Justice, has designed goals to protect...

Oppositions in Martin Luther King’s Letter

First, it should be noted how King approaches the issue of white privilege opposed to the lack of it for black people in his letter. This is a critical issue even in the modern world, and sometimes it becomes more acute. To fully describe the difference between the lives of...

Doctorate of Nursing Program

Being related to one of the most humane professions in the world it is vital for me to prove the hopes of people concerned with effective and in-time help when it is needed anywhere, at home, at hospital, even in the street. In this respect I try to do my...

Mentoring in Healthcare Industry

It is worth noting that any healthcare organization should strive for the harmonious development of employees and help them manage their careers. This should be done regardless of whether a person stays with the current organization or decides to move to another one (Woolnough & Fielden, 2017). For these purposes,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Organization’s Compensation System: Goals and Factors Influencing Compensation Practices

Introduction In most organizations the management compensates their employees so as to motivate them and hence increase the organizations level of production or to develop high performance. The research paper discusses the goals of an organization’s compensation system and the various factors that influence a company’s competitive strategies and compensation...

Computer Technologies Issues: Spyware Threat Analysis

Spy ware is a type of malicious software that collects information from the computer without the knowledge or consent of the owner of the computer. There are a list of items which fall victim to the spyware and they include; keystrokes, private email addresses, private information present in the computing...

Core Competencies for Nurses

According to the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) website, this organization is willing to enhance the quality and safety of healthcare through the improved education of future nurses. To make this goal easier to achieve, QSEN created a range of six competencies that focus on “the knowledge, skills,...

Patient Education as a Nursing Care Issue

Nursing Care Issue Nurses are ineffective at providing patient education and consultation about the medical care that is being received. The information is often presented via standard recitation and may be incomplete or too complicated for the patient to comprehend. A vast majority of nurses do not believe patient education...

Environmental Pollution Impact and Ways to Reduce It

Introduction Pollution can be defined as the introduction of contaminants into the environment which can cause environmental imbalances, instability and harm to living organisms. There are many forms of pollution. These include air, water, and noise pollution among others (Lalitkhungar, n.d, P.1). The individuals or organizations that cause pollution are...

Management: Core Competencies of the Corporation

Introduction The most recognized definition for the term core competencies is based on the corporation’s intellectual capacity of how to generate merchandise or services conveyance and having the best ability in developing different appointed expertise in the whole process. Core merchandise is dependable to core competencies and is not considered...

Honeypots in Organizational Network Systems

Introduction With the advent and evolution of information technology (IT), there is an increase in the rate of cybercrimes, which have forced organizations to identify and implement effective network security strategies. The present reactive measures are sometimes insufficient in protecting information infrastructures in organizations. Therefore, there is a need to...

Iran Hostage Incident: A Crisis in US-Iranian Relations

The Iran Hostage incident is a very pivotal occurrence in the history of the US-Iran relationship. Many researchers and political scholars describe this as a diplomatic crisis between the two nations. The incident took place on November 4th, 1979 when a group of Iranian students and militia invaded the US...

“Hound and Hunter” Painting by Winslow Homer

Introduction The selected work can be considered one of the famous masterpieces of the American landscape maker Winslow Homer. The picture is full of details and elements that cannot be understood from the first view, and one should look for other interesting signs to enjoy the author’s idea. In fact,...

Political President Campaign: Developing Strategies

A campaign manager, who is developing a program for a candidate running for president, should consider such factors as the interests of the party that the candidate represents, fundraising, media, public opinion, political participation, etc. Overall, the presidential campaign can be divided into two phases, the primaries, and the general...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Stories of Being Slaves: American Slave Narratives

Introduction American slaves were freed and “from 1936 to 1938, over 2,300 former slaves from across the American South were interviewed by writers and journalists under the aegis of the Works Progress Administration” (Fort, a, 1998). The interviews contain stories of people about their childhood, being slaves, masters, and their...

Writing Clarity: Paraphrasing Without Plagiarism

The clarity in writing is not just a virtue. It is the essence of communication between writer and reader. This is true whether one weaves a fable, explains complex philosophy, reveals scientific findings, or gives directions to a party. To be understood, the very best writing needs to be utterly...

Evaluation of Scholarly Articles Related to Medical-Device Related

Pressure Ulcers Medical professionals often have to deal with medical-device related pressure ulcers during their practice. This problem creates significant discomfort for patients and additional costs for the healthcare industry. It is necessary to carry out detailed original research to solve such a complex issue. One of the initial stages...

Honesty Through Moral Relativism Lens

Last week one of my friends was preparing to leave for an important date, and before she left the house, she asked my opinion concerning her dress. I told her that the dress was horrible before clarifying that was my personal opinion, and it does not matter in the end....

Rayovac Corporation’s Strategy Analysis

Rayovac is a large producer of consumer batteries and lighting goods, which operates in the international market. Its history dates back to over one century ago, and extensive business experiences helped the company to achieve one of the leading positions in the American and global markets. Rayovac commenced a rapid...

The History of Girl Scouts National Capital Movement

Girl Scouts National Capital started with a woman named Juliette Gordon Low. When she was 51, Juliette organized an international movement in 1912 that sparked a strong reaction among girls around the world. Her idea and goal were to create a community where girls were aware of their strength, intelligence...

Higher Education: Benefits of Having a Degree

Introduction The essay dwells on the benefits of entering a university and obtaining higher education. Some arguments against the prevailing trend of entering higher educational establishments are mentioned. Overall, the paper presents a discussion on whether it is worthwhile to get a degree and what advantages it offers to its...

Sexual Harassment Education for Managers

Sexual harassment has become a prevalent and important issue in the workplace. It is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, the conduct of a sexual nature, or solicitation of sexual favors that are inappropriate, intimidating, or make the victim feel uncomfortable. There is a broad range of examples for sexual harassment,...

High Stakes Testing Definition

High-stakes testing is a phenomenon widely discussed in the literature. According to Natriello (2009), high-stakes tests (HSTs) are standardized student achievement tests used to assess the academic performance of students, teachers, and schools. These tests were designed to help the government decide the form of punishment, reward, and compensation it...

Major Reasons for ‘Rise and Fall’ of the Nook Media

Barnes and Noble is a 6.8 billion company with 675 locations throughout the country, which also operates 686 college bookstores that make up the company’s Nook Media unit. During the tenure of William Lynch as the head of Nook Media in 2010-2013, the company suffered significant losses (Berfield). This paper...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Nurse Practitioner Role

A nurse practitioner (NP) is a nurse who possesses a graduate degree and who works to improve the health outcomes of patients (Mannheim, 2012). The role of the nurse practitioner has evolved tremendously over the last decade. As the need for quality health care increases, the role of nurse practitioners...

Quantitative Research: The Basis of a Statistical Model

Purpose Statement The purpose of this quantitative research paper is to develop the basis of a statistical model that can predict the relationship between the dependent variable – US Currency Exchange Rate against British Pound and three independent variables including US-UK Monthly Trade Balance, US Monthly Inflation Rate, and US...

Walmart’s Strategic Aspiration: Mission, Vision, and Philosophy

Introduction As a large retail company, Walmart established its presence in the American market quite a while ago. The organization has been widely popular ever since, becoming global within a relatively short period (“Our history,” 2018). If exploring the history and philosophy of the organization, one has to admit that...

Police Liability Issue and Consequences of Illegal Actions

The issue of the liability of police officers and their degree of responsibility for certain actions is the topic that is discussed in the media periodically and causes a great public response. Those illegal actions of the guards of the order that are considered publicly are often explained by the...

“Who Is a Progressive?” the Book by Theodore Roosevelt

Introduction Theodore Roosevelt was a great leader of his time and sought to bring in the Progressive era to the United States. This movement aimed to address numerous social problems created by industrialization and urbanization. Political mismanagement and abuse by big businesses have led to a violation of many social...

The Progressive Era: Activists Change America

Introduction Theodore Roosevelt is well-known for his radical and comprehensive reforms to the social and political systems in the early 20th century. He used his leadership to bring in what is known as the Progressive era that is characterized by significant progress to social rights, the establishment of regulations, and...

The Progressive Era in America

Characteristics of a Progressive Roosevelt outlines several characteristics that describe a progressive: a vision, intensity of conviction, broad sympathy and imagination in the support of the forward movement, belief in goodness, justice, and righteousness, confidence, and trust in the people. A progressive fights for justice and the will of the...

Theodore Roosevelt’s Book “Who Is a Progressive?”

Introduction The Industrial era brought with it many scientific and technological advancements, but also an intensification of labor that permitted capitalists to profiteer off of the working class. Progressives, as supporters and advocates of social reform, endeavored for workers to achieve a level of economic autonomy and overcome the constraints...

Progressivism in America: Characteristics and Achievements

Introduction The progressives were dedicated individuals who came together to present evidence-based strategies and ideas to transform the lives of many American citizens. The presented discussion uses Theodore Roosevelt’s speech of 1912 to analyze the unique characteristics of a progressive. The paper identifies the attributes associated with “anti-progressives”. The achievements...

Theodore Roosevelt and Progressive Era

Introduction Theodore Roosevelt is a statesman whose ideas continue to reshape the United States’ political, social, and democratic processes. During his period as a leader, Roosevelt joined hands with other individuals to propose ideas that could transform their followers’ experiences. In 1912, he presented a famous speech that focused on...

Comparative Study on Technological Failures

Institutions of higher learning are increasingly using technology to aid in the learning process. However, this vital resource is prone to constant failures that slow down the learning process. In addressing this problem, Hitch (2002) and Wepner (2004), present similar and diverse ways of dealing with this predicament. Hitch (2002,...

Personal Success Factors in the Business World

The fast development of the business sphere preconditioned the appearance of multiple opportunities for individuals to engage in various activities and generate income. However, the popularity of the given field also fosters the increase in the level of rivalry that becomes a severe challenge to both companies and people. Under...

The Geography of The Canadian Shield

The Canadian Shield (also referred to as the Laurentian Plateau or Bouclier Canadien in French) makes up almost half of Canada’s total area since it extends from Labrador through to northern Quebec, Ontario, eastern and Northern Manitoba, northern Saskatchewan and the very northeast corner of Alberta where it plunges under...

The Politics of School Uniform: Dressing Diversity

Introduction The current educational environment serves as a place with particular diversification and poses critical concerns regarding the concepts of humanity and individual differences of the students. While the established dress code is considered the tool to facilitate a more serious school atmosphere and enhance student attainment, the school uniform...

Australia’s Main Problem: Concept Map

Australia’s main problem right now is the forest fires raging there. They are dangerous for several factors, but in the first place, they pose a threat to the life of many animals, including those that are already threatened with extinction (“Silent Death”). The spreading flame threatens not only directly to...

Uses and Adverse Effects of Psyllium

Psyllium belongs to plant genus known as plantago consisting of more than 200 species. Its seeds are used in making of mucilage. It is grown in Russia, Pakistan, India and European countries. It is used in: Reduction of body Cholesterol found in the body circulation system. If body Cholesterol is...

A Cartographic History of Water Infrastructure and Urbanism in Rome

Ancient Rome is famous for its cultural, political, and scholastic accomplishments. The city itself was an architectural marvel at the apex of the empire, and many landmarks of the past are still standing. Among these architectural landmarks are the ancient aqueducts that span ravines and rivers and stretch for miles...

“A Man From the People” by Chinua Achebe

The novel “A man from the People” was written by Chinua Achebe, and it describes the society of post-colonial Africa. The story tells about men who were chosen by the people to represent them, their interest, and their lives. The corruption of current authorities makes a school teacher stand up...

The Effect of Hyperinflation

The article defines hyperinflation as an economic issue associated with a sudden increase in the prices of goods and services, causing pressure to the national budget. The author mentions some factors that lead to this phenomenon, including wars and post-war crisis, the collapse of export markets, and sociopolitical disturbances, among...

Effects of Nutrition on Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease Control

The high prevalence rate of cancer and heart disease, even among the military personnel, has necessitated the need to underline not only the use of drugs in the military personnel, but also the role of nutrition in eradicating cancer and heart disease. This has been attributed to the fact that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Swan Lake” Ballet by Matthew Bourne

Matthew Bourne, a British director, is known for his ballet, in which all swans are men. After watching this ballet online, it seems that this change was not done for shocking the viewers. This version of “Swan Lake” is a humanistic and light performance with completely original choreography (Scicluna). The...

Personal Computer Operating System History Since 1980

Personal computer operating systems have evolved with the development of personal computing power and user expectations and use. The 80s decade of the history of computer operating systems started with the introduction of apple computers that did not follow the then famous IBM architecture. Apple computer introduced the Macintosh which...

Job Satisfaction Levels During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed many established practices and arrangements in people’s social lives, medicine, and business. Many experts point out that these changes will continue to affect society, and workplaces, in particular, are not likely to be the same. Therefore, it seems relevant to look deeper into the transformations...

Using an Interrupt Function in a C Program

The code fragments that must be included in an interrupt system include the following: 1. Code that covers or uncovers interrupts. This can be achieved through setting the 1 and X bits in the CCR, thus executing the command: ORCC #%00010000. 2. Code that defines system vectors that handles interrupts,...

“Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking” by M. Gladwell

Introduction The book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking, written by Malcolm Gladwell, offers an insightful analysis of people’s first impressions. The author uses a variety of anecdotal stories to show how people approach situations and other persons, not always relying on rational thinking but rather on their “gut...

Nursing Care for Patients With Mental Illnesses

Nurses are the greatest components of health care; they are ever-present to patients and hold a wide range of responsibilities. Lauu (2000) notes that nursing, as a profession, is committed to social life, human behavior, and the health of people. She further indicates that nursing works to instill knowledge, power,...

Aviation: Airport Security Control Evaluation

Airport Operator Security Responsibilities The business of securing a commercial airport is, ideally, a shared responsibility between the airport operator and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Before the September 11 attack, every aspect of airport security was the responsibility of the airport operator, except for passenger screening. Since, September 11,...

The Muscular System and Skeletal Muscle Types

The Structure and Function of the Three Types of Muscle Tissue The complexity of the muscular system is conditional upon the presence of various kinds of muscle tissue. They include skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles which differ in their structure and function as well as in the way they establish...

Utilization Project: Hidden or Indirect Costs

During the implementation of any project, there is always the utilization of available funds. With resources being scarce, most of the time project managers tend to allocate every available cent to a specific activity. While the organizers of a project may want to plan fully taking care of any cost...

Introduction to Sociology: Building Proper Relationships

Intro It is a common perception that has led people to say “men are from Mars and women from Venus”. This is because men and women are very different in their personalities, attitudes, views, and values among other things. Relationships between men and women can be grouped as thriving or...