Shoals Corporation’s Net Present Value Analysis

Net Present Value The net present value is used to calculate the return on investment for an expenditure or project. It is defined as the present value of cash flows at the required return rate of the project compared to the initial investment (Noch & Kusto, 2018). To calculate the...

Client Case Study: Inventory Management

Introduction The company plans to use a push strategy that does not wait for customers to ask for a product. Instead, it creates products it thinks the customer will demand and then waits for orders. Inventory management helps respond to disruptions that make it challenging to drive towards proactive and...

Marriott, Intercontinental, and Hilton Hotel Chains’ Financial Indicators

Evaluating the financial situation of the organization and its capabilities is an important task to establish an understanding of its development. Several economic and financial success indicators can provide a comprehensive overview of the company’s past and current activities, examining the overall progress achieved over the years. This paper focuses...

Working Remotely: Advantages and Obstacles

Many professionals have quickly transitioned to full-time remote employment due to the 2019 coronavirus pandemic. The effort to provide employees with all of the tools they need to work from home, on the other hand, came out of nowhere. Working remotely, on the other hand, has numerous advantages. If their...

Pasta Amore Crisis Communication Plan

Introduction A crisis is any event or action that can negatively affect the reputation of a business or undermine the credibility of the market, customers, and partners. A crisis manifests itself precisely when we are not expecting it and are unprepared for it. It is for this reason that the...

LVMH Group’s Marketing Practices

Abstract LVMH Group is one of the largest corporations globally, specializing in the production and distribution of fashion and leather goods, wine and spirits, beauty products, and jewelery. The corporation makes billions in profits annually, making its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) one of the wealthiest men alive. The following paper...

Reducing Staff Shortage: Implementation Plan

In the present day, staff shortage may be regarded as a real issue experienced by a substantial number of companies. It goes without saying that this problem has a highly negative impact on the organization’s performance and development in the future and should be solved in a time-sensitive manner. Thus,...

Organizational Culture in Starbucks

Introduction The organization of immense concern is Starbucks. This organization is an American multinational chain of roaster reserves and coffee houses. Its headquarters are located in Seattle, Washington. The time of observation was in 2019 when I was working there on a part-time basis. I worked with Starbucks between May...

Data Warehouse Design as Problem Solving

Abstract Infortrack is a start-up company specializing in eCommerce and parcel delivery. The company operates on stand-alone offices distributed in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol, and Chester. The different pickup stations use different data analysis applications such as Microsoft Excel, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), and WorkBooks to capture and...

Discussion of Coca-Cola: The Marketing Mix

Introduction The examination of a company’s position on the market incorporates the assessment of the key elements of its activity. They include the products or services, locations of operations, strategies intended for increasing the market share, and pricing, and the combination of these components can demonstrate a clear picture of...

Ethical Challenges for the Finance Manager: Case Study

Situation You are the finance manager in a long term care facility that is struggling to remain solvent. The facility’s administrator has hired a consultant to work with you to increase Medicaid reimbursement. The consultant recommends that you be more “liberal” in coding the severity of residents’ needs to justify...

The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Servant Leadership Theory

Introduction The servant leadership style is one of the most controversial management practices. This method includes many psychological and practical elements in the context of interacting with people at a professional working level. Like all other management models, servant of leadership has its merits and demerits. They can include the...

Agents and Agencies in Business

An agent is a person who officially represents and acts on behalf of a principal in cases where third parties are concerned. Ekanem (2020) states that “the function of the law of agency is to enable agents to bring commercial parties into contractual relations to render the parties liable on,...

The Uber Employees’ Hiring and Training

An innovative company by definition has a well-developed system of in-house training that enables the personnel to update their competence on a regular basis. The process of hiring needs a proper organization as well, so that talented and dedicated individuals find the workplace attractive. Uber, the world’s best-known electronic taxi...

Emirates Airline’s Operational Environment

Introduction Emirates Airlines also referred to as the Fly Emirates, is the largest airline company in the Middle East and the fourth largest globally. It is a subsidiary of the Emirates Group, with approximately 59,519 employees from 172 nationalities, and is owned by both the royal family in Dubai and...

Multinational Corporations: The Value of Purchasing Power Parity Theory

Background information Kim (2006, p.110) defines the exchange rate as the price of a particular currency compared to another currency. In a free market, the exchange rate is determined by the market forces of demand and supply. The exchange rate is important in facilitating investment and foreign trade. In their...

Management Innovation: Netflix Case Study

The essence of competition is to improve or maintain the company’s position in the market, which is achieved through differentiation and innovation. Over the past decades, innovation has become a must for a successful organization. This was facilitated by increased competition, which forced companies to constantly increase the efficiency of...

Transformational Versus Servant Leadership

When it comes to managing organization dynamics and promoting change, a leadership model plays a significant role. It is so because the ways how managers approach stakeholders to be served influence the performance of the latter. It means that leaders should do their best to choose the most suitable behavior...

Rule-Based Expert Systems

A rule-based expert system is a system that is characterized by a knowledge base with the domain knowledge fed or represented in terms of rules. A rule-based system is ideally a representation of the deep knowledge of human beings. It is very complex and is comprised of different explanation facilities,...

SpaceX Company’s Procurement Strategy

The industry of space exploration in the U.S. has always been dominated by NASA, the government agency responsible for operating in the sphere of aeronautics, yet, the emergence of SpaceX changed the status quo. The company, led by entrepreneur Elon Musk has proved over a short period of time that...

Risk Management Program Analysis

I defined risk management in the previous assignment as identifying, analyzing, and responding to risk factors that arise over the course of a company’s operations. A critical part of the assignment involved developing a brief risk management program that our health organization would adopt to help inform its risk management...’s Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Product Excellence – Apple Inc. Apple Inc. is a perfect example of a company whose success lies in its focus on product excellence. It is the company that creates new trends instead of following them and generates its primary value from innovations. Apple devices and services are not cheap, yet...

The Walt Disney Company: A Financial Ratio Analysis

The Walt Disney Company is one of the most popular companies that offers entertainment in the form of theme parks, shows, series, merchandise, and movies to its customers of different ages.1 The company was founded in the 1920s as a cartoon and animation studio, and, after that, it experienced an...

Communicating at Work: Advice for Effective Communication

Effective communication is critical to not only personal career success but also for any employee and manager in an organization for a variety of reasons. Communication skills, particularly the ability to work effectively in a team setting, are the most important factors that enable individuals to excel in their job...

Strategic Advantages of Toyota

Introduction The present report aims at analyzing the strategic position of Toyota in comparison with its competitors, such as General Motors, Volkswagen, and Ford Motor Company. The paper uses Porter’s Five Forces analysis, PESTLE framework, and benchmarking to evaluate Toyota’s strategic strengths and weaknesses. After, the report identifies three strategic...

International Strategy Advantages and Drawbacks

The given case study discusses the success and the decline of the Finnish multinational telecommunications company Nokia. This case makes us understand how a company could benefit from going global as well as suffer from it. For example, Nokia managed to achieve lower operational costs by opening plants in some...

Job Analysis in the Restaurant Industry

Job analysis remains a critical element for most Human Resource (HR) functions. According to Brannick et al. as cited in (Breaugh, 2017) “job analysis refers to a broad array of activities designed to discover and document the essential nature of work” (p. 12). According to Brough (2017), job analysis (referred...

Differences Between IFRS and U.S. GAAP

U.S. GAAP standards are more focused on practical application in different accounting situations compared to IFRS standards, contain more recommendations developed for specific accounting issues, and leave less room for interpretation. In general, the accounting principles and reporting forms of these financial reporting systems are largely the same. Accordingly, a...

Risk Analysis and Risk Management Plan

A risk is any unforeseen event that has the potential of derailing plans and projects. If the risk takes place, it is likely to have a positive or negative impact on the project or a venture being undertaken by a company or an individual. The chance of the risk-taking place...

The Entrepreneurial Theory in the Nonprofit Sector

The theoretical approaches to explaining the functional side of the nonprofit sector differ in their vision of the motivation and moving forces of nonprofit organizations to initiate their service delivery. From the general perspective, nonprofit organizations, as their title implies, do not generate profit, which means that their performance is...

Tesla Inc.’s Stock Prices Analytics

Introduction For this week’s assignment, the stock prices of Tesla are reviewed using Yahoo’s Finance service. Tesla is a United States-based company that works in the industry of electric car manufacturing construction and is one of the companies owned by Elon Musk. Tesla is a great company, both because it...

Steps and Challenges of Action Learning

The Main Areas of Improvement Previous case assignments have shown that there is a substantial communicative deficiency in coworker relationships. Not only do the team members interpret differently the same instructions, but they also argue about the correct course of action. The resulting disagreements lead to infighting, mistrust, and low...

Situation With Walmart Around the World

Can Walmart Break the Retail Code in India? Due to the fact that India is a growing economy, this state can become an essential destination for Walmart. India’s political environment is complex, with a large number of regulations obstructing large multinational companies from entering this market. Until recently, global retailers...

Functional Strategies for Google Inc.

Every year the Fortune Magazine selects 100 best companies based on given competencies such as number of employees and company growth. Based on Fortune Magazine, top 5 companies to work for include Google, SAS, Edward Jones, Wegmans Food Markets, and Nugget Market (Goldman, 2020). I have chosen Google which has...

Portfolio Analysis of Dairy Farm Company

Risk Identification Dairy Farm International Holdings identifies the risks facing the company through an audit committee. The committee is charged with assessing areas of risk and uncertainty and the effectiveness of the firm’s internal control processes. This occurs on a regular basis but the reporting of the committee’s findings to...

Marketing Recommendations: Nike Air Jordans

Nike Air Jordans has 35-years of experience being in the sports footwear market and formed consumers’ brand perception as providers of luxury sneakers. The basis of its marketing strategy is Michael Jordan’s name and authority, however, relation to the celebrity is not enough in the current fashion industry (Childs and...

Google’s Business and Marketing Strategy

Introduction Significant advancements in information technology and communication (ICT) have introduced substantial transformations in the current business world. The corporate sphere in the United States has experienced tremendous growth due to the rapid development of pertinent technologies. Google Inc. is one of the premier and most reputable innovative companies in...

G4S Company Managing Reputation Risk

Reputation risk can be managed. However, reputation risk is the most difficult type of risk to manage. The image of an organisation is difficult to quantify and validate. However, every institution has its own image. Image comprise of how the firm is regarded by its internal and external publics. The...

Role Play on Conflict Resolution

Background Conflict resolution within an organization is one of the most critical leadership skills that fosters cohesion, enhances work relationships and improves the overall outlook of products and services. In the role play, it is evident that organizational leaders look at employees in a holistic way by providing the correct...

The Importance of a Proper Accident Investigation

Introduction Business organizations should have proper mechanisms for preventing accidents and injuries. However, corporations might experience different occurrences even if such preventative measures are already in place. The involved parties should conduct proper accident investigations to prevent it from recurring. This essay explains why it is important for the relevant...

Basics of Consumer Behavior

When it comes to the field of marketing, consumer behavior is a significant phenomenon. Various researchers have tried to articulate the meaning of this term, and they have reached a consensus. Thus, Hawkins and Mothersbaugh (2012) stipulate that consumer behavior draws attention to how people and legal entities select and...

Mergers and Acquisitions: Time Warner Example

Introduction Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is a corporate strategy that involves combining two or more companies to form one single corporation with an aim of expanding the operations of individual corporations in a certain industry without necessarily creating additional business entity. There is a slight difference between mergers and acquisitions...

“What’s Wrong – and What’s Right – with Stakeholder Management” by Boatright

What’s Wrong—and What’s Right— with Stakeholder Management What’s Wrong—and What’s Right— with Stakeholder Management What’s Wrong—and What’s Right— with Stakeholder Management What’s Wrong—and What’s Right— with Stakeholder Management In the article In What’s Wrong – and What’s Right – with Stakeholder Management, John Boatright (2006) presents a stakeholder management concept...

Supply Chains: Chipotle’s Supply Chain and Panera’s Supply Chain

Introduction A company can only be successful in the market if its operation is free from significant defects. That is why one can suppose that smooth internal processes indicate the effectiveness of a firm. It is necessary to analyze the performance to determine ways of how it is possible to...

Hiring Algorithms from the Utilitarian Perspective

Introduction Personnel selection is a challenging task: the right employee can make it or break it for the company. Recruitment mistakes can cost a company thousands of dollars a year, and the effects of hiring the wrong person may prove to be long-lasting. It goes without saying that the hiring...

Lenovo’s Acquisition of IBM

In 2004, Lenovo was China’s largest computer manufacturer, while IBM was famous for inventing the personal computer (PC) in 1981. That is why the business world drew significant attention to the case when Lenovo acquired the IBM division in late 2004. Thus, the given paper is going to demonstrate that...

Crises Management in Aviation Safety

Aviation security is achieved by combining information and response, the correct order of actions, and timely delegation of authority. Each air carrier is responsible for the welfare of passengers and the quality of services. Consequently, the creation of an Emergency Response Plan (ERP), which addresses customers’ security needs, is imperative...

Chevron Corporation: Case Study

The following evaluation is for Chevron Corporation. Chevron is one of the world’s leading integrated energy companies, which explores for, produces and transports crude oil and natural gas, refines, markets and distributes transportation fuels and lubricants. Additionally, the company manufactures and sells petrochemicals and additives, and develops and deploys technologies...

Effective Leadership: Leadership Requirements Model

One of the Army’s primary tasks is to serve the American people by protecting the perpetual national interests and complying with military responsibilities. To meet these requirements, one needs to adhere to the leadership based on values and impeccable character, and professional expertise. The Army leadership requirements model (LRM) provides...

Financial Management in Nokia

Acknowledgements Executive Summary This essay explains the role of financial management in Nokia with reference to the historical, current and forecasted financial condition of the company. The financial planning, control and budgeting processes are explained with reference to the company. The financial analysis including ratio and trend analysis and vertical...

Harley-Davidson Company’s Strategic Management

Summary Strategic management is an essential element of an organization that aims to analyze its external and internal factors affecting performance and sustainability. To thrive in a fast-paced business environment, corporations must understand different forces that influence production, financial growth, and societal cohesiveness. This essay delves into the specific processes...

Leadership and Conflict Management

Introduction The notion of leadership within any team has become one of the central matters of interest for human resource management researchers over the past years. However, while there exists a great variety of theoretical frameworks to apply to a specific context, many managers and leaders lack an understanding of...

Apple Watch Product’s Marketing Communications

Integrated Marketing Communications The Big Idea The Apple Watch features activity tracking capabilities introduced by other wearable technologies such as the Fitbit, Jawbone Up, Nike + Fuel band, and so forth. However, the Apple Watch will be compatible with the iPhone. With this seamless integration, the watch can receive phone...

Organizational Chart of a New-Entrant Air Carrier

There are a lot of differences between legacy carriers, which are at the forefront of the airline industry, and new-entrant air carriers that usually are not only new but also much smaller. The organizational chart is one of the most important issues in management and organization, so, naturally, it is...

IPhone 12 Mini Product Analysis

Introduction Apple Inc. is a worldwide technological company founded by Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne, and Steve Wozniak; its headquarter office is in Cupertino, California. The company develops and designs new computer and phone devices using the most advanced technologies (Heracleous & Papachroni, 2016). Last year Apple introduced a series of...

Electronic Document Management System

Introduction: Current Situation Electronic Document Management System (EDOCS) is one of the software instruments allowing organizations to monitor and control the operations of all of their departments and be a modernized institution. The current state of the US health care system, as stressed by scholars and even President Obama, leaves...

Toyota Motors: Strategy Analysis

Introduction Toyota has been known as one of the major global corporations producing cars. Originally founded in Japan, the company quickly grew into a global enterprise represented on multiple levels and targeting a wide variety of buyers. However, despite the attempts at incorporating the latest advances in HRM the company...

Apple Customer Satisfaction: Anticipating Customer Needs

Anticipating customer needs is imperative for businesses willing to grow their market share. In highly competitive markets, the ability to meet customers’ evolving needs with each new product is among the main predictors of business success. The technology sector is an excellent example of a market where companies have to...

Materialism in the Contemporary World

Introduction Materialism has a long history that began in the middle of the 19th century with the second industrial revolution and the advancement of electricity and the production of steel. Materialism implies a belief that industrially created goods, new technologies, and scientific developments underlie human happiness and are the key...

Lidl: Leading Grocery Discounters in the European and Global Markets

Lidl is one of the leading grocery discounters in the European and global markets. The retailer’s worldwide volume in sales was €62.7 billion in 2014, which made it the ninth top grocery retailer in the world or number one in Europe (Schmid et al., 2018). The company was established in...

UnitedHealth Group Human Resource Management

UnitedHealth Group Incorporated (UNH) is a managed healthcare company located in the United States of America. In 2019, it was ranked as the second biggest healthcare provider in the world with a revenue of 240.3 billion dollars. Certain factors most likely contributed to its high place in the industry, including...

The Ethics of Performance Evaluation in Organizations

Introduction Many companies have relied on the performance evaluations to measure and improve the effectiveness of its processes, systems and employees. The success of any business, company or institution is pegged on its performance and just as the process of project or business management is characterized by monitoring and evaluating...

Business Ethics: Abercrombie & Fitch Company Case

Abstract Ethics is a vital aspect for the successful business operation. Progressive organizations have formulated policies that guide individual employees, departments, units, and organization as an entity. These policies ought to function based on the ethical principles for the organization to achieve its vision and objectives. The ethical principles are...

MTC: Business Analysis and System Recommendation

Introduction This Business Analysis and System Recommendation report is prepared to help MTC meet its organizational objectives by increasing its competitive advantage. The goal of MTC is to continuously grow the number of projects and deliver quality service to customers. To accomplish this objective, MTC regularly submits applications to Request...

The International Music Festival Event Industry as a Business Environment

Operations in the international music festival event industry are highly complicated due to involving a large number of participants, venues, managers, and visitors. Unlike companies responsible for small events, the international industry has to predict and try to avoid the risks associated not only with the artists but also with...

Nucor’s Performance Management and Motivation Strategy

Introduction Motivation is a critical factor affecting employees’ performance and organizational success overall. A successful performance management system builds on employee motivation to achieve better performance. The case of Nucor Steel is an excellent example of the use of work motivation theories in performance management. The company has become a...

Business Environment: Ways of Improving

The first thing to do is establish why specifically the company has been losing money. There are many reasons such as low quality products, low demand of the products in the market, outdated versions and also the high competition from the other corporations. Usually, people are ready to pay extra...

Alcohol and Drug Abuse in the Workplace

Employees should have high concentration levels while in the workplace. Therefore, companies strive to reduce the distractions to employees. Reduction in distractions increases the productivity of the employees. In addition, it increases the safety levels of the workplace. Drug use is one of the major factors that reduces the concentration...

Factors Important For Looking for a New Job

Introduction Looking for a new job can be a difficult and frustrating task. One should pay attention to a lot of moments that influence the choice. Considering a new position is a time-consuming mission. Everyone must be sure that he or she has not wasted time for vain thinking. All...

Ma’s Family Restaurant: Analysis of Strengths and Weaknesses

Forty years ago, Ma started her restaurant on the route 7 in Millville, by the name of Ma’s Family Restaurant. Presently, the restaurant is run by her daughter, the general manager of the restaurant, Jane Stanley. The two sources of revenue for the restaurant are the dining room and the...

Organizational Policy Core Principles and Its Functions

From the learning course, I understand that business policy requires recognition and authority at the top decision-making level. Organizational programs must be carefully planned and based not merely on knowledge of internal corporate affairs, but also on knowledge of external environments. A homeostatic point of equilibrium between customer wants and...

Competitive Advantage: Sources of Competitive Advantage

Introduction According to Porter (1998, p.2), Competitive advantage is the ability of the firm to maintain its strong position against its competitors and continue making profits. Competitive advantage is gained by a firm that can beat its rivals in profitability. According to Porter (1998, p.2), cost advantage and product differentiation...

Layout Design for Organizations

Introduction Layout design refers to the configuration of equipment, work centers, and departments, with a view of improving the flow of work in an organization. Therefore, planning of a layout involves decisions on how to arrange centers for economic activity required by facility’s processes (Domschke & Krispin, 1997). If an...

Urban Outfitters: Objectives and Trends of the Company

Urban Outfitters was founded and established in 1970 and is a company offering a mix of distinct merchandise incorporating music, contemporary art, and fashion (Heidi 150). They owe their success to their growing ability to be in a position to understand their customers as well as relate with them emotionally....

Marketing Communication Strategies: Domestic and International Markets

Introduction Marketing communication is a system used by managers to ensure timely and comprehensive input to the information and the decision-making process. In addition to these, it looks at the resulting production and expression of credible, persuasive representations of beneficial exchange opportunities with actual and prospective customers and other stakeholders...

Business Ethics: Whistleblowing and Employee Loyalty

Introduction Moral side of relationships between an employers and employees provides a pivot for further firmness of the company. This statement invigorates a newbie at the workplace to follow the features of trust and loyalty to an employer. However, there comes an objective as for the validity of such kind...

Employees’ Motivation: A Manager’s Challenge

Introduction The issue of motivating employees could be regarded as a strategy that calls for planning on a long-term basis. In addition, its impact ought to be felt by the entire work environment, with its implementation being accomplished continuously. For a long time now, management researchers and managers alike have...

“Leading Minds” Book by Howard Gardner

Introduction The book, “Leading Minds: An Anatomy of Leadership”, has been authored by Howard Gardner, “Professor of Education in the Graduate School of Education and one of the founders of Project Zero at the Harvard University” (Gardner, 1996). Published by Basic Books, the first edition of the book appeared on...

Organizational Culture in Google Corporation

Introduction Organizational culture can be interpreted through the lens of cultural change and cultural transformations. People use their organizations for unconscious reasons such as defending themselves against certain anxieties, renewing a sense of lost omnipotence, enhancing their self-esteem, and resolving incomplete developmental issues; as targets of aggression; and as a...

Do Brands Have Finite Lives?

For modern consumers, brands represent a unique symbol that defines and determines the comp[any and its products. Branding has a great impact on a company’s market position and adds value to its image. A company’s market share, current, and future may fluctuate readily. Competitors’ marketing mixes are designed to switch...

Steps for the Decision-Making and Final Decision

Introduction The business world is the specific sphere where people are to make decisions. There are a great many different techniques and methodologies in decision-making. The better method is used, the better decision is made and this decision is sure to influence the whole working process. Taking the scenario of...

Team Building and Conflict Resolution at Workplace

Teamwork is recognized more as a collaborative effort by the members for the mutual benefits of the corporation and the organization’s employee relations resulted as cooperation among the team members. This signifies the role of an effective team and its performance inside the organizational premises. Teamwork defines the harmony and...

Four Stages of Marketing Internationalization

Introduction In the search for a greater and vast market, many companies globally decide to take their products to the international market. The need to reach out to the international market more often than not is faced with hitches and challenges one of which is the mode of entry into...

Criticism of Starbucks Coffee Company’s Business Policy

Starbucks is a multinational company operating in several countries throughout the world. The organizational culture of the company is much influenced by a multi-national environment and by socio-economic changes happening around the world. It becomes helpful for the company to appoint staff from the respective countries where it has its...

International Business Strategy: An Institution-Based View

Nowadays, there is the growing popularity of international business activities between both the developing economies and the emerging economies. Therefore, each company is searching for the appropriate strategies to interfere with the world market, as it opens new opportunities for development. Initially, there was an assumption that the industry-based approach...

The Various Approaches to Global Staffing

Introduction To begin with, it should be stated that the approaches towards global staffing are generally identified by the allover HR management strategy, accepted by the company. HRM, in its turn, is based on the business aims and goals, which are defined by the external marketing circumstances. In the light...

Infosys Firm’s Information Systems Management

Executive Summary This research study is concerned with the role played by information systems management within an organisation. The company under exploration, in this case, is Infosys Solutions, an information system management company that provides information systems solutions to government, corporate and individual organisations. Following a brief description of the...

Consumer Purchase Decision Psychology

Executive Summary Consumer purchase decision is influenced by external factors used as stimulus in store design. These factors enhance the consumer capacity to assess the stimulus meaning and initiate a response in them to involve in more purchases. Customer behaviour modification during shopping is based on the perception of customers....

Educational Training Program Proposal Report

Abstract The project is carried with the aim of identification of the factors that will improve the employment management system. It provides with ideas and solutions for the understanding of the employees’ needs and preferences who are learning online. In addition, the project presents the models of program development of...

Creativity Under the Gun At Litmus

Introduction Creative ideas are new and useful for the progress of any organization. But creativity has been hindered at the Litmus Corporation due to time pressures that results in stressful working conditions. Analysis Colquitt, LePine, and Wesson (2009) defines stress as a psychological response to demands for which there is...

Measuring and Improving Quality in Restaurants

Outline A certain full restaurant located in the city has been experiencing a devastating situation in the past six months. This has been in the form of a drop in restaurant patronage, which is predicted to be a result of an associated decline in the level of service quality offered...

Standard Chartered Bank Managing Human Resources

Executive Summary This report is a case study on Standard Chartered, and the strength-based approach in the bank has been discussed with its benefits and also disadvantages. Another case study of the bank with comments from an HR Manager regarding the benefits of the approach has been included. The talent...

The Perfume Pens: Marketing Mix

Logistics and Distribution Freight charges will be levied for the cargo delivery of packed cartons of perfume pens according to the existing rates, which would depend on the mode of transportation: sea or air, the weight, the volume, and whether shipped as a single container or by sharing with other...

Management Principles in Organization

Introduction A company or an organization usually is concerned with connecting many operations to meet particular objectives or a number of them. Hence employing many or a number of employees by an organization or organizations would be justifiable considering that each employee would be expected to concentrate on particular jobs...

How to Implement Harvest Strategy in Business

Harvest strategy, New Market entry, and business plan are studied in the last session. These sections have helped me to learn about how to enter a new market, when to implement harvest strategy and how to make a business plan. A harvest strategy is the plan to close business within...

Shoelace Manufacturing Company’s Supply Chain Management

Introduction The world of business in the twenty first century is getting more and more competitive as time goes by. The concept of globalization and free trade has only increased the issue further. This is true for any sector in the market which includes manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers, and service providers....

A Toy Company: Price vs Product

Introduction A toy company should take into account that there is no one best price to charge for a given product. Once the need to set or change a price has been recognized, the manager must determine what he or she is trying to accomplish with this particular price. The...

Coca-Cola Company. Strategy and Challenges.

The topic selected here for the research is how Coca-Cola Company overcame the public criticism and business conflict with its main competitor Pepsi in respect of promotion of the so-called “Coca-Cola Stuff”.” The paper will examine the efficiency and the very essence of the new marketing strategy by one of...

Evaluation of Marketing Strategy

In this paper, I am going to check out all those features that are related to the adaptation of strategic management about have a hold over the market. The process is to have proficiency systematically in the competitive marketplace. The target of this paper is to discover the consistent approach...

The Concept of Positioning in Marketing

Introduction Positioning strategy defines how the company products differ from competitors’ products. Therefore, Positioning is the process of designing the company’s image and value offer so that the customers understand and appreciate what the company stands for in relation to its competitors. A Positioning strategy adopted puts a company in...

People Development in Tesco Analysis

Introduction Background of study Any company worth its salt ought to know that its workforce is its most useful resource. This implies that the company should continuously focus on ways to improve employee relations and to motivate these very employees. This is the reason why Tesco Ireland has dedicated a...

Dubailand: History and Strategy Analysis

Abstract Dubailand is one of the mega that Dubai Holding has ever taken over the past decade. Initiated in 2003, it faced financial constraints that forced the company to halt operations in 2008. The company has sourced the needed funding and the project is currently underway. The study focused on...

F. Mayer Imports Pty. Ltd. Hedging Foreign Currency Rates

F. Mayer Imports Pty. Ltd. is an Australian firm that specialized in importing European food products to distribute them in Australia. As the company dealt with high-quality products, it was not a surprise that annual product procurement amounted to approximately €70 million (Wallace 1). By 2014, the company distributed over...

Dunkin’ Donuts Restaurants’ Organizational Design

In this scenario, the author has been assigned as a district manager for five new Dunkin’ Donuts locations that will open within the next two years. The position comes with the authority and responsibility to staff, structure, and operate these facilities after they have been completed. The goal is to...

Brand Analysis Report: Casio and Roland

Executive Summary Market research is an important tenet of daily business operations because it integrates the needs of consumers, the public, and customers through information transfer. Therefore, the concept helps to identify problems in the market that could be fixed through value transfer. Pertinent to this analysis is the concept...

Operations Management and Production System: Case of Olive Garden Restaurant

Abstract The presented paper is devoted to the discussion of operations management and production system. The given field of knowledge delves into the peculiarities of organizations’ functioning with the primary goal to outline problematic areas and offer positive changes to align the sufficient work. At the same time, as a...

Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Involvement, Stress

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Improving quality standards is one of my responsibilities as a leader. Since the role of the individual contribution of each employee in achieving his goals is significant, I have always strived to ensure that workers understood the range of personal responsibilities. While operating as a...

Constellation Brands Company’s Analysis

Executive Summary Constellation Brands has gained a rather impressive status in the global food and beverage industry. The organization has been using the strength of its team as the primary asset and the competitive advantage that drives its development. However, Constellation Brands could use a change to adjust to new...

Muja’s Poultry Farm’s Business Plan and Management

Introduction Poultry farming is one of the most fitting and profitable business models for Texas. The state has all the necessary prerequisites encouraging such activities. The business memorandum provided below describes Muja’s Poultry Farm as well as its products and services, business location, equipment, and the documents required for launching...

Apple Inc.’s Organizational Behavior Management

Describe the company and what it does A company may run a great risk mostly when involved in outsourcing its business activities to the outside business world unless the person(s) involved have some knowledge in the game. Employees, whether the subordinates or management team are prone to making mistakes, and...

Principal Librarian’s Job Interview Questions

The position of Principal Librarian requires providing direction to and interaction with all levels of library management and staff. Describe a time when you were most successful communicating with varying levels of personnel. In your response, please include your employer, job title, and levels of personnel. In 2009, I worked...

Generali Group’s Governance in 8 Masterclasses

Masterclass 1: Building and Learning an Effective Governance, Risk, and Compliance Preamble Generali Group is an insurance company that just like other financial services organisations is subject to a large body of legislation and regulation. Given that past scandals associated with noncompliance and excessive risk taking have resulted in an...

BP and Royal Dutch Shell Companies’ Financial Management

Background The paper will carry out an analysis and comparison of the performance of BP PLC and Royal Dutch Shell PLC. The two companies were formed almost at the same time. BP PLC was established in 1908 initially as Anglo-Persian Oil Company while Shell PLC was established in 1907. Both...

Business Research Methods: Theory and Practice

Portfolio Exercise 1: Research Question Research Question The research question underpinning a scholarly study plays a critical role in defining what data should be collected from both primary and secondary sources and establishes the path to be taken in an investigation. Bernard (2013) explained that a properly structured research question...

Training and Development in Business Management

Abstract Training and development are imperative aspects of organizational performance. This is because the environment in which most businesses function presently is constantly changing and is full of challenges. Most organizations have proved that training and development are crucial for an organization to meet the increasing customer demand, and face...

Performance Management and Appraisal Plan

The office of the Human Resources presents a Management by Objectives (MBO) performance appraisal plan and process that will be implemented in the next month. The store managers are required to use this plan as a mode of measuring the company’s progress (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). The store managers and...

Email for Heads of Departments About Work Results

RE: All Departmental Heads and Supervisors It is with lots of thanks and appreciation for the diligent and committed services that you have rendered to this organization that I do write this letter. The management knows very well that it has not been easy to come this far without the...

Marketing Strategy in the Business

Evaluate this statement: “Internet marketing objectives that are associated with any type of communication strategy in the business resemble those marketplaces.” Internet marketing is gaining popularity day by day because of the fast pace and high-efficiency level that is demonstrated through the use of Internet marketing strategies. Internet is an...

The Adventures of an IT Leader

Argue both sides of the Huerta/Calder debate. To which side would you lean? In essence, both the Huerta and Calder sides present invaluable arguments on the most viable system. However, I support the Calder side since their arguments are more reasonable and realistic. For instance, the Calder system has been...

PZ Nigeria Plc’s Packaging in Product Marketing

Abstract Over the last decade, the global market has greatly diversified due to the fast changing systems of consumerism and globalization. Owing to this fact, companies have found themselves at the receiving end as they try to re-organize themselves to fit in the highly competitive marketplace. This report provides an...

Organization Behavior, Its History and Theories

Aspects of organization behavior Organizational behavior (OB) is the application of human actions to other elements of an organization including social system, structure, and technology. It also looks into the actions and attitudes that are exhibited by people within organizations. Furthermore, OB is the understanding of the individual, group behavior...

Apple Inc.’s Brand Equity on the Website

Branding issues are of extreme importance to manufacturers, traditional retailers, and customers. The growth of the internet has increased the importance of a strong brand name, especially due to trust and security issues. The brand name is used to differentiate products in both traditional and online retail situations. The Apple...

Hewlett-Packard Company in Local and Global Markets

Using appropriate analytical tools (such as PESTEL and five forces); analyze the external business environment about the analyzed cases. Conclude the main opportunities and threats derived from the above external analysis. Introduction Hewlett Packard operates within the Diversified Computer Systems industry in the United States. Over the years it has...

Disney Company’s International Pricing and Branding

Describe how Disney conducts market research and how it helps them with new product launches or expansion into new countries Disney considers innovation as one of the most important factors in its marketing processes. Consequently, the firm undertakes market research periodically to understand the prevailing market challenges and opportunities. Additionally,...

Barclays Bank’s Talent Management

Introduction The productivity of a company is dependent on its ability to proactively organise its human resource management strategy. As a matter of fact, labour is a vital factor of production that quantifies the performance, output, and goal achievement with optimal use of available inputs. The Barclays Bank in Stanford...

Emirates National Oil Company: Projects Management

Introduction The contemporary economy is characterized by globalization, increased outsourcing of organizational functions, competition, and the need to establish information and knowledge-based organizations. This situation compels companies to seek cost-saving management models, for instance, the development of project-based organizational management frameworks and investing in technology. The goal here is to...

Analytic Hierarchy Process for Decision-Making

What Is the AHP and Why Is It Useful? The Analytic Hierarchy Process (the AHP) is a theory of measurement, developed by Thomas L. Saaty in 1970s, that is used to provide structured techniques necessary for making complex decisions. The approach is based on ratio scales from discrete and continuous...

Role of HR Practice Within Contemporary Organizations

Introduction The role of organisational work as it is conducted in various modern companies is primarily determined by the qualifications of the employees performing specific duties. Where assessing the quality of human resources is concerned, an essential role is played by the HR manager, whose tasks are to instruct staff...

Financial Rewards as a Motivation Factor

Introduction When we describe motivation, we frequently denote “why do a group of individuals behave in a certain way, or how would it be possible to influence them to behave in a different or more specific way? There are in existence various attestations from the field of behavioral sciences, often...

Building a Perfect Team

Most of the contemporary companies, especially those operating in the context of the global market, strive for creating the environment in which the process of Information sharing and the production of innovative ideas will be unceasing. Therefore, building a team in which the employees both feel secure about expressing their...

Etisalat Group’s Competitive Advantage Opportunities

Introduction In emerging markets, Etisalat Group is recognized as one of the leading telecom providers in the world. Moreover, Etisalat is known to be among the telecom groups with the highest level of profit. To be more precise, the current cap market of Etisalat is about 42 billion dollars (which...

Alphabet and Google Companies’ Strategic Directions

External Environment Opportunities and Threats The creation of the Alphabet has presented a variety of new opportunities. For Google, the launch of a new parent firm gave an opportunity to concentrate on working as a highly successful and leading searching engine and allowed it to focus on developing digital ads...

The Role of Employee Attitudes and Job Satisfaction

Introduction Organisational behaviour (OB) is more than just a totality of individual employee job performances. It comprises the aspects of corporate culture, such as shared values; personal and organisational discipline; both task-specific and non-task specific practices; relationships among employees of all levels, etc. (Li, 2015; Mawoli and Babandako, 2011). The...

Change Management Models Comparison

The Kurt Lewin Change Management Model Developer The model was developed by a German physicist Kurt Lewin who immigrated to the United States in the early 1930s. He is known as a founder of social psychology (NHS, n.d.). Description of the theoretical perspectives The framework of his model consists of...

Management Principles: Application and Challenges

Introduction This paper is based on the topic of management principles. It explores the topic by providing the definitions of manager, management, and organisation. The definitions are followed by a discussion of why managers are important. Other issues which are discussed include organisational structure, SWOT analysis, and organisational culture. Manager...

Ford Motor Company’s Organizational History

Organizational History What is interesting about the Ford Motor Company is that its organizational structure consists not only of its internal management and product creation divisions (i.e. marketing, engineering, etc.) but also encompasses aspects related to the different brands under its control, the various dealerships that sell its products as...

Virgin Media Company’s PESTEL Analysis

Definition and Applications PESTEL analysis is an audit tool used to gain an overview of external factors relevant to the organization’s functioning (CIPD, 2015). It consists of six key elements exploring political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors that have a possibility of influencing the organization’s efficiency and efficacy....

Information Technology Oversight and Governance

Highlight the role that the board of directors should play in bringing oversight to IT at IVK. What’s important about the board’s role? Although IT became paramount to the business sphere, it remains the responsibility of IT departments. Nolan and McFarlan state that the majority of boards of directors remain...

Coca-Cola Company’s Business Strategy

Executive Summary The fundamental objective of the paper is to identify the primary business strategy employed by the Coca-Cola Company. Moreover, it seems significant to evaluate the strategy in relation to strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that were identified in accordance with Porter’s Five Forces. The company uses a modern...

Professional Development Role in Employment

Introduction Professional development is closely associated with talents, abilities, and skills that should be gained for reaching professional growth. In addition, practical skills needed are based on various categories of learning from college graduation, training courses, educational practice to final courses. All these components are toughly intertwined into a complex...

Commuter Cleaning Company’ Analysis

Commuter Cleaning is a company that will provide dry cleaning services to office workers who live in the suburbs of large metropolitan areas. Their specific target comprise of single men and women as well as married couples who both work in the office and have no time to go to...

McDonald’s Company: Business Ethics Case

Advertizing and Manipulation Advertizing can be defined as a non-personal, open form of marketing communication having the primary purpose to draw public attention to particular goods, services or ideas. Advertizing can use various mass media to communicate its message. The initial goal of advertizing is to reach the target consumer,...

Bidco Oil Refineries Ltd.’s Mission, Vision, Goals

Introduction BIDCO has over the decades grown in springs and jumps to establish a strong presence in both local and international market. This has been with a strong marketing and technological advancement in manufacturing and channel chain of its distribution system. The company has attained this through the strategic planning...

Kauflauf GmbH Company Performance: Jess Westerly Approach

Summary: Case Background and Essential Details Kaufland GmbH has been experiencing significant problems with its performance over the past few years. Jess Westerly was assigned to explore the reasons for the organization to fail in the target market. According to the findings of her study, delays, and the lack of...

Richard Branson’s Leadership Style

Introduction Sir Richard Branson is one of the world’s most fascinating, triumphant, and enduring entrepreneurial business leaders of twenty first century. In the wake of uncertainty, global turmoil, and institutional volatility, his business model remains unshaken and forward marching. Evidence shows that Branson is a leader who knows where to...

ZTE Corporation Analysis: Background and Development

Executive Summary ZTE is a Chinese multinational company that deals in telecommunication, terminals, and carrier network services. It also manufactures and distributes smartphones. The company’s headquarters is in China, and it has sales offices in over 160 countries globally. The corporation uses online retails and foreign carriers to distribute products....

The Micromanager by Bronwyn Fryer

While exploring and trying to explain the role of leadership and performance management, Jamail (2012) offers a fascinating and insightful look as to what should be regarded as micromanagement and which one should not. From his point of view, micromanagement is a contextual issue—it should be defined or looked upon...

Oil Industry and Supply Chain Management

Executive summary The supply chain is an important element of the business community and is very vital and necessary for the smooth flow of goods from the manufacturer to the end consumer. It is as a consequence necessary that supply chain management managers incorporate planning and use appropriate strategies to...

Toys “R” Us Company: Supply Chain Management

With an experience over 60 years in the context of the global economy, Toys “R” Us has become one of the leading companies in the retail industry. Though restricting the scope of its operations to selling goods for a rather specific age group (i.e., toys, which are typically aimed at...

Galaxy Chocolate Product Launch in Canada

Introduction This paper provides the launch of galaxy chocolate launch in Canada. The launch comprises of a number of section including market research, a review of segmentation, targeting and positioning strategies, as well as an examination of international market. All these sections provide crucial information needed for the purpose of...