Infiniti Company’s Marketing Communication Mix

The success of Infiniti’s marketing communication mix Marketing communication mixes that have been applied by Infiniti remains critical in attaining the required objectives. Moreover, the creative and innovative communication marketing mix is significant in attaining the desired outcomes particularly when the firm is operating in a highly competitive market (Burnett...

Process Improvement and Its Role in Organizations

Introduction Process improvement (PI) is most popular among researchers and practitioners nowadays (Veldman et al. 2014), and in this paper, an attempt at explaining this phenomenon is made. In particular, process management and its types, including PI, are defined, and PI is described in detail. The paper includes a discussion...

Product Launching and Communication Strategies

Literature Review of Marketing Activities in the Launching of New Products Launching a new product into the market is a very critical process in marketing management. According to Hauser and Shugan (2008, p. 78), when introducing a new product, a firm will need to engage in a series of activities...

Leadership in Donnithorne’s and Dubrin’s Views

Abstract Leadership is defined as the social process of influencing others in the organization to realize the major managerial objectives and aims. This entails the embracing of teamwork, whereby an individual seeks the support of another person to improve on his or her weaknesses. Recent scholars of management define leadership...

TerraCog Global Positioning Systems Company Challenges

Introduction TerraCog was an organization that successfully represented the private business sector of high-tech industry. It provided global positioning systems (GPS) and other similar products that were always of excellent quality, which attracted a wide range of customers. The organization had never had issues with the competitive advantage and remained...

PayPal Company: Business Description and History

Business Description PayPal is one of the world’s oldest online payment companies. It connects more than 150 million users globally to a virtual payment platform that allows them to purchase goods and services online.1 The American company supports online money transfers between customers and merchants in a model that substitutes...

Apple’s Suppliers: Pegatron, Foxconn, Quanta, BYD

Apple’s Prioritized Suppliers According to Apple’s “Supplier Accountability Report,” the company’s suppliers employ more than 1.6 million people in 20 countries around the globe, which means that there is an increased responsibility for the corporation to prioritize and make sure that the key players are on the top level of...

Employees Training in the Workplace

I am writing to you to request the permission to conduct research on the important problem that the management should address. In particular, the company should improve the training of employees because this task will be critical for the sustainability of the organization. Problem Statement Currently, the company faces considerable...

Internal and External Selection and Decision Making

There is a large variety of methods of initial assessment. Different companies have different preferences when it comes to the specific methods they employ to select the candidates. Each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages. There is no right answer to the question which methods are better to...

Industrial Relations Around the World

Industrial Relations We are currently living in a world where industrial peace has to be fostered. This can only be done using industrial relations. The mechanisms inherent in this concept can serve for the benefit of both managers and employees. These two parties can freely discuss the state of affairs...

Whistle-Blowing in Organisations and Its Consequences

Introduction According to Grace and Cohen (2010), whistle-blowing refers to the act of making known things that an organization wishes to keep secret to protect its image. Even though this may work for a while, an organization might suffer negative consequences in the long run. Is all Genuine Whistle-blowing External?...

Adaptive Change: What’s Essential and What’s Expendable?

Introduction Professor Heifetz in the article, “Adaptive Change: What’s Essential and What’s Expendable?” looks at the process of change, especially how people view the whole process of change. According to this article, people are usually optimistic about the process of change but they do not consider what they are going...

Real-Time Reporting: Accounting Information Systems

It was not too long ago that the competition at the global market, which generally stayed at the same level or increased very slowly, allowed corporate accountants to take their time collecting, assessing and packaging financial data for organizations (Gullberg, 2016). However, in the past few years, the situation has...

Human Resource Planning in Successful Organization

Nowadays it has become common knowledge that people are the most precious asset of any organization. Every company should ensure efficient management of qualitative personnel and its most optimal use. Human resource management becomes an integral part of the overall success of the organization. It is not only a set...

Generali Group Corporate Governance Requirements

Professional Postgraduate Diploma in GRC – Masterclass Evaluation template for Executive Summary Masterclass 8 Preamble Corporate governance is referred to as a set of rules, policies, relationships, and systems that governs a company and holds its management to account. A significant body of work has emerged in the area of...

Services Marketing in Vehicle Recovery Industry

Introduction The success in the marketing sphere is highly dependent on the understanding of major concepts, theories, and techniques. The primary purpose of the paper is to examine the application of services marketing concepts to a specific market context. Extended Marketing Mix Marketing is all about “putting the right product...

The Alibaba Group Company’s Analysis

Introduction The rapid development of digital technologies and the Internet has made them rather significant in many spheres of business. In that way, e-commerce has become one of the dynamically growing industries. The field of e-commerce known only a few behemoth businesses the largest one of which is based in...

Control Systems in Bureaucratic Organizations

Bureaucracy Bureaucracy is a system of administration based upon the hierarchy of authority that is designed to perform tasks through specific formal procedures or a routine manner. In this case, efficiency is enhanced as tasks are organized according to their complexity as well as in a formal line of control...

Entrepreneurship and Human Capital Management

Introduction According to Stokes, Wilson and Mador (2010) “Entrepreneurship is an emergent process of recognizing and communicating creativity so that the resulting economic value can be appropriated by those involved.” This definition of entrepreneurship brings out some fundamental characteristics of an individual who intends to be an entrepreneur. From this...

Employee Involvement in China, India, and Germany

Introduction This report presents employee involvement strategy across cultures, namely China, India, and Germany. The report shows how to ensure that teamwork, motivation, employee involvement, and work performance are very high across all the locations. Following a global expansion in China, India, and Germany, new challenges and opportunities arise as...

Impact of External Issues on Organizations

Introduction A variety of issues can have an impact on the Human Resources of an organization. Such issues may be internal or external in nature. Internal issues are caused by aspects which organizations can control and even prevent if they are foreseen beforehand. For example, if there is an issue...

Conflict Competence in the Workplace

Conflicts can happen in any workplace. All employees, while occupying the same territory, may have different values and goals. However, it is important to remember that an establishment cannot work successfully with employees that have unresolved issues. Thus, the process of solving such conflicts is an essential part of one’s...

Compensation System: Employee Performance

Introduction The centrality of employee input in an organization’s overall performance can only be ignored at the peril of an organization’s long-term survival. The significance of employee performance in the contemporary business environment is accentuated by workers’ contributions in promoting organizations’ capacity to cope with the intense competition (Ola &...

Brazilian Macroenvironment for Business

Executive Summary The analysis of the Brazilian market shows that it offers more benefit than challenges to this Canadian firm. It will be appropriate for this Canadian firm to expand its operations to the country. When making the entry, the management will need to incorporate the locals at the managerial...

Innovative Ideas in Strategic Change Management

Executive Summary This research has been conducted as analytical analysis of Pret a Manger, the company that is going to prove the importance of changes that could contradict the visions of the company, and British Airways, the company that introduces a powerful example of how an organisation should implement changes...

Ethical Regulations in the Workplace

Introduction Ethical principles set the tone for relationships in every sphere of people’s communication. Whether it is personal or business matters, people should be considerate and honest towards each other. Workplace ethics is of particular importance because it impacts a large number of individuals both within and outside the organization....

Young Adult Consumers’ Motivations Understanding

Introduction Background information The results of the previous studies have revealed the growing trends in increased interests to dine away from homes. The increase in these interests translates to the diverse nature of today’s generation. Food and beverage outlets in most cases are frequented by young and sophisticated individuals. In...

The Book “Marketing” by Dhruv Grewal and Michael Levy

Summary The book dwells upon products, their types, branding strategies used to market them, packaging, labeling and issues associated with packaging and labeling. First of all, it is noted that the product is a complex concept which is based on core customer value. Thus, consumers buy a product if they...

Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice

Introduction In recent decades, the term of “knowledge management” has become very popular, however, it should be noted that its categorical framework is rather vague. Knowledge management can be defined as the art of creating value from intangible assets of the organization as a purposeful process of conversion of the...

Game Zone Company’s Market Characteristics

Please identify at least 6 competitive factors (factors that consumers consider in making their buying decision). Add-on from multi-media is a major competitive factor that enables game console to perform varied functions like an entertainment box. It can act as Mp3 player, plays high definition (HD) video disks, CD player,...

Amazon’s Transportation and Logistics Department

Amazon is one of the top e-commerce companies selling products to people irrespective of their geographic locations. The company has long relied on the services of delivery companies such as FedEx or UPS (D’Onfro, 2015). This reliance sometimes had quite adverse effects as some deliveries were delayed, which could be...

Regal Marine Company Strategies and Competition

Product life cycle explains the life of a product in a given market. This is done in relation to sales measures and various business costs. Products have a life cycle because they pass through various stages. This is in relation to sales and it implies that a product has a...

Motor Carriers and Freight Transportation Future

What Do Transportation And Logistics (T&L) Leaders Need To Do To Prepare For The Future Of Freight Transportation, Especially Motor Carriers? Transportation is one of the most important aspects of supply chain management. The existence of competitive transportation rates during the 1990s compelled many companies to develop supply chains that...

Event Sponsorship’s Marketing Plan

Introduction In the contemporary times, event sponsorship is an accepted powerful product promotional tool that when used in conjunction with other marketing tools enables an organisation to reach its set objectives. Event sponsorship is a more innovative marketing strategy than other endeavours such as advertisement and product promotional campaigns as...

Sikorsky Company’s Repeatability and Reproducibility

Being an innovative organization that employs the latest approaches to promote quality across its supply chain, the Sikorsky Aircraft Company has a truly stellar record of working with its clients. However, like any other firm operating in the environment of the global economy, Sikorsky Aircraft needs a consistent improvement of...

Walmart Stores Organization: Evaluation and Analysis

Identify the public company you have selected and include the publicly traded stock symbol The company selected for the analysis is the Wal-Mart Stores organization, which is famous for its unbelievably low prices and at the same time provides the products of consistently good quality. WMT is the publicly traded...

Talent Development Reporting Principles

Talent Development Reporting (TDR) principles represent a system of assessing the effectiveness of human resources. The internal reporting on the development of employees’ talents allows for monitoring the human capital’s progress and analyzing the effectiveness of the organization’s efforts with the focus on spent resources and provided training (Barnett &...

Alan Mulally’s Personality and Leadership at Ford Company

Using the Big five personality dimensions, diagnose Mulally’s personality. How have these dimensions influenced his leadership at Ford? Personality is complex and varies according to different people. The big five personality dimensions are usually broad categories of personal behaviors and traits and though most of the researchers do not agree...

Accor Hotel’s Marketing, Finances, Technologies

The Accor hotel is one of the leading hotels located in France and a major hotel in Europe. It also happens to be one of the third largest hotels in the world. Over the years, the hotel has been forced to align its core competencies so that it can keep...

Amazon’s Supply Chain and Transportation Innovations

Amazon is one of the leading companies in the e-commerce industry. The company focuses on three “customer sets” that include “consumer customers, seller customers, and developer customers” (as cited in Lee, 2012, p. 53). The company has headquarters and over 70 fulfillment centers in the USA (“Amazon Fulfillment Network,” 2017)....

Repeatability and Reproducibility in Business

Quality management and the promotion of a consistent update of the quality standards is an essential part of any company’s operations. The subject matter is especially crucial in the field where the possibility of creating defective products is especially high, such as the production of gauges, as the study carried...

The Issues of International Staffing

The major focus of this research paper includes the issues of international staffing. With the development of globalization, many businesses begin to expand and hire people from abroad. Also, technological advancement drives fast progress in many industries forcing the most active competitors to seek better resources and practices (Thoo, 2013)....

Income Inflation: Absorption Costing vs. Variable

This paper presents a summary of and a reaction to the article, Income Inflation: Absorption Costing vs. Variable by Wink and Corradino. The summary covers the main points presented in the article while the reaction shows an interpretation of the article and application of the knowledge learned. It is established...

Mandiant Cyber Security Company’s Leadership Style

Mandiant Cyber Security Company, renowned for forensic expertise and computer security programs, was founded in America by Kevin Mandia in early 2004. Its formation was based on the computer insecurity that was predicted to take place in the future (Harms, 2006). Currently, Mandiant Cyber Security Company’s headquarter is located in...

Supply Chain in FMCG Industry in the Middle East

Introduction The traditional view of supply chain management in the FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) in the Middle East has significantly changed because of the global financial crisis (Hugos 2011). FMCG companies operating in the Middle East experience fierce competition in the production, distribution and selling of low priced fast...

Social Networking at Work: Benefits and Drawbacks

Social networks are often criticized by organizations since those can be one of the major distractions for employees during the working hours. However, the benefits of networking outweigh its drawbacks. Moreover, it is always in your power to minimize the negative effects of social networking and maximize the positive ones....

Globalization and the Social Interest of Workers

Abstract Globalization, a phenomenon characterized by the increased integration of nations through trade, politics, and culture, has emerged as an important feature of the modern world. This phenomenon has been hailed by economists as the most important driver for global economic prosperity. The paper sets out to demonstrate that globalization...

The Mount Rundle Hotel’s Customer Service Issues

Symptoms The confrontation between the customer and the hotel management, in the case of the Mount Rundle Hotel Banff, is a sign of service failure. Several symptoms show the existence of a customer service failure. The symptoms can broadly be classified into three. The first category is the lack of...

Creativity and Innovation in a Business Environment

Introduction Creativity refers to the ability to come up with a unique solution that can solve a problem. Creative ideas arise in different ways and under different circumstances. Sometimes, they occur after an individual work hard to find a solution to a problem by investing all the effort and resources...

Old Navy’s Online Video Promotional Strategy

Marketing The concept of online video promotion has allowed companies and organizations to fulfill their marketing objectives. Until recent times, organizations have had to rely on the experiences of marketing and promotional agencies or attend their online marketing seminars to comprehend how to create, manage, and even execute simple online...

Labor Productivity and Human Resource Management

Introduction Labor productivity is one of the most important quality indicators of the work of any enterprise, and one of the main criteria affecting this index is the level of human resources management (HRM). Competent work of leadership in relation to this policy allows significantly improving the existing results of...

Creativity in Marketing: Cadbury Chocolates

Introduction Businesses need to spread the word about the services or goods offered so they attract potential customers. This process entails the use of marketing and advertising. “Marketing is the activity, set of institutions and processes for creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners...

Coca-Cola’s Cultural Diversity in Theory and Practice

Introduction Developing the value system based on the principles of diversity is crucial for an organization operating in the global economy. Coca-Cola has shown an impressive propensity toward cultural diversity in both theory and practice, thus, building the foundation for a cross-cultural dialogue with all stakeholders involved. Body: Coca-Cola Analysis...

New Employee’s Success and Performance Management

Introduction Maximizing the success of new employees sounds like an employee’s personal concern. However, the truth is that it takes great input by the employer to ensure that new employees excel and become effective in their jobs as soon as possible (Bauer, 2010). In an attempt to maximize employee effectiveness...

Competitive Advantage, Promotions, Segmentation

Competitive advantage The modern world is characterized by great rivalry. That is why every firm or enterprise should struggle for its success, trying to win in this fight. First of all, a firm should be competitive in the sphere in which it suggests its services. Every company should try to...

Outsourcing, Its Importance, Pros and Cons

Introduction Every business from baking to banking depends, to some degree, on others for producing its products and services. The process of acquiring products and services for running one’s business is called ‘outsourcing’ in the business world. Though, outsourcing is not a new phenomenon for the companies, but in recent...

Company G: Advertising and Marketing Plan

Introduction Company G is a well-established organization, which currently operates in the electronics current market. Despite the extended years of operation, the company has some issues with the marketing plan, as they were not able to reach the desired goals in terms of efficiency and productivity. Recently, the company introduced...

Biotensegrity Model in Organizational Culture

Introduction In the last century, organizations have faced unique challenges that stem from experiencing unique changes in their internal and external environments (Williams 2002, 4). Some of the most notable changes include global economic uncertainties, changes in consumer tastes and preferences, and technological changes (among other issues) (Williams 2002, 6)....

Cultural Diversity and Motivation

Industrial psychology dynamics are a very important part of an organization because, in order for organizations to be successful and operate at optimum levels, employees and managers are required to operate in harmony with the organization’s culture. Individual behavior within an organization is heterogeneous, and hence every individual’s behavior varies...

Leadership in Cross-Cultural Context

Introduction The evolvement of the global market has ignited a stiff competition among all players in the market as more organizations seek to operate internationally to maximize profitability. However, such endeavors are limited by diversity in cultures as evident in the international market. Therefore, global leaders have to adopt leadership...

PharmaCARE: Product Safety & Intellectual Property

Introduction Pharmaceutical organizations have a legal and ethical obligation to manufacture and sell products, which cannot damage the health of people. This role calls for compliance with regulations on product safety and intellectual property. Fully aware of these requirements, PharmaCARE developed AD23, a diabetes drug, through its team of pharmacist....

Business Negotiation Group Assignment

Having examined the situation thoroughly and analyzed the position of Rose at FML and my own position at NEL, I concluded that Rose has the following types of power over me: legitimate power – authority to demand obedience (Cellich, 2012. p. 81). Since she is a manager at FML, she...

Third-Party Logistics, Water Transportation, Pipelines

Benefits and Limitations of Third-Party Logistics Providers, Water Transportation, and Pipelines Transportation plays a very important role in today’s business world, and such modes of transportation as water transportation and pipelines (Lamb, Hair, & McDaniel, 2014), as well as the services of third-party logistics (3PLs) providers, have their benefits and...

Wal-Mart Stores: Development History

Business development and its main markers and determinants are very important for the contemporary business makers and practitioners. The successes and failures of the world’s largest businesses are used as the sources of knowledge for the future generations. Reviewing the paths and strategies of the most successful and unsuccessful companies...

Alternative Fuels and Personnel in Automobile Industry

This paper is aimed to consider two important issues connected with the automobile industry. The first is fuel alternatives. The other is the staff and potential productivity. The paper will speculate on how these issues might influence the company’s policies and strategies. Besides, it is going to provide examples of...

Bidco Oil Refineries Ltd.’s Foreign Market Entry

Introduction BIDCO Oil Refineries limited is a large manufacturing firm which deals with the production of a range of consumer products. The products include soaps, vegetable oils, margarines, fats and protein concentrates. The firm is based in Kenya but has expanded and has branches in the East African region. The...

Aviation Company’s Poor Quality Costs

Defining the costs of poor quality for an aviation company, one must admit that the risks are far too high. Seeing that the quality of an aircraft or certain devices used by the pilots defines the safety of the flight and the landing, it can be assumed that poor rates...

QR Codes as a Physical Marketing Technology

Introduction A quick response (QR) code is a type of a two-dimensional barcode that relies on a visual representation of data. While the core concept is not new, the effectiveness of its current iteration combined with the mass adoption of mobile devices with web connectivity raised the usability of the...

Industrial Products Plant’s Quality Assurance

Abstract Hank Kolb is a director–quality assurance at the industrial products plant. He was hired to help the organization but soon realized that the personnel do not believe the quality to be really important for the organization, as they never treat it seriously. Still, Hank wants a challenge, which requires...

Fair Trade: Ethics in the UK Garment Industry

Introduction A report on the sweatshops of the UK apparel companies operating their (or vendor’s) plants in Asia reported in 1998, “workers in Bangladesh are forced to work 13-hour shifts, with no time off, for as little as 60 pence a day” (BBC News, 13 November 1998). Almost a decade...

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.’s Safety Policies

The case study by Quelch and Rodriguez (2016) provides the reader with an overview of the Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) aspects of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. policies. In the context of the meeting discussed, the issue of positioning and differentiating is raised. Mainly, the CEO and the senior vice...

The Communication Problems with the Email

Identify the communication problems with the email Communication is a sensitive issue because when one is saying or writing anything, the expectation is that the recipient will understand everything. It involves two or more parties but the basic ones are the sender and the receiver (Stuart, Sarow, & Stuart, 2007)....

Johnson & Johnson Company’s Talent Development

The specific strategy that is followed in a company is the critical factor to determine the development and aspects of talent management in this organization. It is possible to concentrate on two types of pace that can be typical of the talent development programs: the traditional and accelerated pace (Gandz,...

Kodak and Fujifilm Companies Business Performance

Introduction This paper explores major concepts in marketing and corporate strategy. Examples of the concepts include strategy, strategic planning, innovative culture, transformational leadership, effective leadership, effective decision making, strategic positioning, and diversification. The paper seeks to explain why two rival companies, Kodak and Fujifilm have performed differently in the dynamic...

Volvo Company’ Branding Strategy in Saudi Arabia

PESTEL framework for Volvo The following is a political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and a legal framework analysis of Volvo in Saudi Arabia. It presents an overview of the external business environment that the Volvo brand faces presently and in the immediate future. The report focuses on Volvo’s business area...

Samsung Electronics Company Sustainability Assessment

Introduction Samsung Electronics ‘has grown within the past four decades to become a leading provider of quality information and technology services’ (Samsung Electronics: Sustainability Report 2014, para. 1). The company has over 200 business subsidiaries across the globe. The firm’s sustainability strategy makes it successful. Samsung Incorporation also uses its...

Whole Foods Market’s Strategic Position and Goals

Introduction Whole Foods Market is an American company specialized in foods without artificial hydrogenated fats, colors, flavors, and sweeteners (Harbin & Humprey, 2014). The corporation embraces the best business practices to create a sustainable future. The firm has outlined specific quality standards that must be met by its suppliers. In...

Elon Musk’s Entrepreneurial Performance

Introduction “Entrepreneurship is simply a matter of luck, being in the right place at the right time.” This quote relates to entrepreneurial performance-based on sheer luck against other ingredients of success, such as talent, education, training, hard work, and skills, among others. To this end, it is a problematic statement...

Causal Chains and Strategy in Management

Introduction Using the balanced scorecard, it is possible for management executives to create a continuous process of implementing strategy in their everyday operations in such a way that there is a perfect integration between the strategies and the operations (Silverthorne, 2008). This should involve regular strategy meetings for senior management,...

Amazon Company Advantages and Disadvantages is a recent response to the traditional retailing business. The company represents an efficient model of electronic commerce, which offers a wide choice of computer devices, bookstores, video games as well as clothing and furniture. The business is centered in Seattle and dates from 1994. The company was founded...

Stakeholder Analysis Theory: Allegiance Air Company’ Case

Brief overview of the theory In this research, stakeholder analysis theory was used to identify the parties that are likely to lose, gain or be affected in a given manner as a result of the outcomes of an action, a process or a program at Allegiance Air. This theory identifies...

Amazon Company’s Strategy and Customization was founded in 1995 and by the end of the 1990s managed to take over the customer market in the United States and achieve fantastic success. Initially focused on selling books, Amazon functioned following its primary purpose to transform the experience of purchasing books into an easier and more...

The Creative Industries of India and New Zealand

Introduction In the current times, creative industries had become imperative contributors in the economies of any state. It is for this reason that regulatory bodies and governments have started to support creative industries so that yield of the industry can be utilized to the fullest. Creative industries not only contribute...

McDonald’s and Burger King Restaurants Contrast

Introduction The hospitality sector is a service industry that greatly depends on customer perception and service quality. Notably, some restaurants can provide similar services to consumers, but the manner of service and quality differentiates the service providers. Service quality usually entails customer care, public relations, and the physical evidence present...

Public Library: Bureaucracy and Lack Motivation

The interview with this acquisition librarian increases my awareness of the functioning of public libraries. This person explained to me the key challenges faced by such organizations; moreover, she identified their weaknesses which prevent them from attracting new readers and from becoming more prosperous. In particular, she believes that these...

The Wilson Company’s Marketing Mix

The market mix is described as the combination of the four main elements of marketing, which are the product, price, promotion, and place to meet a certain market need. The market mix model is usually used as a tool by many companies to define their marketing strategy to attempt and...

GLOBE Study of Leadership for Multinationals

Introduction Effective leadership is considered essential in the development of nations and institutions. Although organizational leadership is a universal concept, its attributes and effectiveness differ across cultures. The multi-phase GLOBE study sought to define how culture shapes leadership efficiency in organizations (House et al. 2004). The large-scale project drew data...

Bally Total Fitness: Promotion Strategy

One of the strategies was to see members attending the training/fitness lessons for more than 100 times a year.There were growing desire by the Americans to join health clubs in the country. There are many factors, which have gone to contribute to the need by people to join the fitness...

Leadership: Challenges, Change and Responsibility

Introduction Leadership can be described as the art of motivating people to achieve a common goal or the process of social influence to enlist the support of others to achieve a desired goal (Bowerman and Van wart 2011, p.72). In today’s world, businesses face numerous challenges from different areas. Change...

Supply Chain Management and Logistics Comparison

Differences between supply chain management and logistics Marketing is one of the most significant functions in any business organization. Marketing has a significant impact on the success of a business (Horch, 2009). Marketing involves a number of activities. Among the activities are the supply chain management (SCM) and logistics. The...

Managing Change in an Organization

Introduction Change is intertwined into professional and personal components of lives. It has the ability to steadily occur within the environment mankind dwells in and even beyond. This reflective treatise attempts to explicitly review the successful and unsuccessful organizational changes in relation to models and philosophies of change management. Besides,...

Hardees Restaurant’ Commercial Marketing

Companies use critical and creative advertisements to influence the perception of the targeted clients through consistency in appeal to emotion, credibility, and logic. Primarily, the Hardees Restaurant has creatively used the element of sex appeal to advertising its Buffalo blue cheese burger through a renowned celebrity. Through the use of...

Workplace Death and Injuries

As the powers of the federal and state governments overlap (Nelson, 2000, p.225), the preemption issue is regarded as one of the most important and debatable ones. Deborah Ballam investigated the history of attitudes to preemption in the United States and The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and its...

Work Motivation in the Theory X and Y Context

I am a member of an organization called Children Centre for Development. It is based in Chicago. I am engaged as a social worker on a part-time basis. In the course of my duties, I have come to appreciate the fact that McGregor’s theories of management can be used to...

Quality Process Evaluation and Improvement: Scatter Diagrams

Evaluating the quality of the products released by the company is part and parcel of its existence. Unless a set of efficient quality assessment tools is introduced into the company’s framework of operations, the target customers are most likely to abandon the firm and move on to another organization. However,...

The Citibank International and Qatar Airways Information Systems

Abstract This paper focuses on the Management Information Systems (MIS) of two companies namely the Citibank International and Qatar Airways. The paper provides an analysis of each company’s hardware and software components in line with the organizational applications of each element. In this context, one organization uses the Information Systems...

Teaming of Starbucks and Apple Corporation

Starbucks at the Brink of New Development: Analysis Standing at the beginning of a new era, Starbucks, like any other companies, using the newly adopted technological advances to its benefit. However, unlike the rest of the companies, Starbucks preferred to team up with another corporation, and one of the most...

The Wal-Mart Story of Success – Company Analysis

Summary of the Book Since the demise of Sam Walton in 1992, Wal-Mart has witnessed a significant transformation. The company has moved from dominating the retail industry to clinching the top slot in the list of the 500 largest companies in the world as enumerated by the Fortune Magazine. One...

Leadership Styles: Garry Kelly in Southwest Airlines

Introduction Existing scholarship shows that leaders, through their leadership styles, approaches and practices, have the capacity to positively or negatively influence outcomes for their respective business organizations, employees, customers and stakeholders. Indeed, in the turbulent business environment of the 21st century, many organizations have managed to remain competitive courtesy of...

Corporate Board Governance in Medtronic Inc Case Study

Introduction Business organizations in the contemporary environment face different challenges, which include environmental turbulences and dynamics. As a result, most of the current business organizations develop effective and efficient business strategies. Effective and efficient business strategies play a significant role on development, growth and prosperity. Corporate governance is a vital...

Nortel Networks Corporation Accounting Theory

Introduction The reporting of financial information is of great essentiality to both the organization and the other stakeholders. “Accounting information is reliable to the extent that it is verifiable, is a faithful representation of the underlying economic reality, and is reasonably free of error and bias” (Young et al, 2007,...

Groupon Company Analysis: Daily Deal or Lasting Success?

Synopsis The case under analysis introduces a company that has become a symbol of success, hope, achievement, and benefits out of nothing. It is the story of Groupon, one of the most popular discount services around the whole globe, its success, and the reasons why some challenges may still bother...

Fair and Equitable Compensation

Compensation and benefits are the base parts of any employment relationship. Compensation and benefits are seen differently from the points of view of the employees and employers. Compensation is an important and multidimensional aspect that can be connected to such factors as motivation, job satisfaction, quality of professional performance, and...

Management of Wal-Mart Stores Inc in 2008

Firm management strategies highly depend on resources and facilities as a measure of economical expansion. Supply chain management depends on progressive and efficient production and distribution. The main driving forces of Wal-Mart supply chain stores involves working around reasonable costs to ensure customer’s satisfaction at all times, especially during the...

TransGlobal Airlines

Introduction Regulatory bodies usually strive to ensure that there are no monopolies in any industry. This is because, in a monopolistic market, there is no stiff competition between various companies. Lack of competition does not provide a monopoly with the necessary impetus to improve the quality of its products. TransGlobal...

Human Resource Management Concepts Evolution

Any organization that aspires to be efficient and effective in its operations requires a vibrant Human Resource Management (HRM) strategy. Fredrick Taylor, a mechanical engineer, introduced the concept and practice of HRM in the early twentieth century. He referred to it as “scientific management” (Taylor 7). He aimed to increase...

Robert Nardelli Leadership Style

Introduction Business ethics covers various aspects of commercial enterprises. The concept deals with the responsibility of businesses to comply with legal, environmental, and socioeconomic requirements. It also deals with the responsibility of a business towards its employees, customers, partners, and the community. Businesses should promote ethical practices through their leaders,...

The Concept of Change and the Change Strategies

Unplanned Change vis-a-vis Planned Change Expound upon the concept of change, delineating distinctions between change that is unanticipated, crisis-oriented and reactive and change that is planned, intentional and proactive. Planned changes are those that are made intentionally in organizations or groups. Planned changes are purposeful and serve specific and discussed needs...

Consumer Science: Company and Clients Relationships

To develop proper relationships with customers, companies have to create trust. Clearly, employees have to meet customers’ needs and provide all the necessary assistance and support. Services provided have to be timely or else the customer will address another company. Researchers note that reliability and character-based trust are essential for...

Cowgirl Chocolates Case

Introduction Today’s business world is very competitive and dynamic. Companies often end up failing because of the lack of good planning. Many businesses end up making losses not because the business ideas backing up the product are poor or weak but simply because the business planning and strategy formulation process...

Benefits of Being and Staying Positive

The secret of character and leadership It is commonplace that character forms the basis on which all pertinent decisions that influence leadership can be made. It should also be noted that a leader’s behavior is the best indicator of his or her character. As a result, scholars have argued that...

Lack of Communication in the Change Processes

Summary The report entitled “Lack of communication in the change processes,” describes the various problems that arise if the changes in the organization are not communicated to the employees. The employees must realize that they are given preference within the organization, and any changes that are introduced in the organization...

Google: Human Resource Management Practices

The aim of the proposed research is to examine the human resource management (HRM) practices and strategies at Google Inc. and their impact on the success of the corporation. Since 2006, the company has broken from the tradition in its HRM to involve radical changes that have improved its people...

The Sweet Delicacies Bakery’s Marketing Plan

Company Background The bakery Sweet Delicacies is to operate in Warwick town at a store in Cape Industrial Estate. The Sweet Delicacies Company’s mission is to be the best in Warwick town. The bakery’s primary focus will be producing exceptional cakes and bread with distinct flavors. Delivering outstanding service to...

Corporate Social Responsibility in the Performance of Multinational Enterprises

Introduction Business invariably responds to the needs and demands of the community within which it operates. In the last several decades, such issues as climate change, pollution, and the impact of business operations on the environment and the public have come to the forefront of the discussion (Ghardallou & Alessa,...

Starbucks: Consumers’ Attraction to Bright Colors

Based on the data collected, Starbucks should provide a special fall drink with bright colors. A few reasons for this recommendation were reached upon descriptive statistics and Multivariate analysis. Structural equation modeling use methods like route analysis and confirmatory factor analysis to evaluate assumptions regarding relationships between variables (Hair et...

A Driverless Cars Marketing Plan

Abstract Self-driving vehicles and artificial intelligence are frequently complementing technological concepts. Many significant automakers, including the AI Robotics Company, have been developing autonomous vehicles and driving technologies. Artificial intelligence is used in almost every step of the production of cars. AI is widely used in the machine-building sector as it...

Effective Employee Recruitment Strategies

Introduction Because people are one of an institution’s highly prized and valuable components, businesses are presently focusing more on securing the right human capital. Employees’ productivity appraisals will come together to make up the institution’s total success. Organizations must develop a system to meticulously select the best candidates when hiring...

The Rivian R1S Car Marketing Management

Segmentation Geographic Segmentation Geographic market segmentation involves Rivian R1S targeting its customers based on their locations. The company has been producing first-class electric cars that help it beat companies like Tesla in the market. The efficiency and effectiveness of Rivian R1S products have made it gain completion in both the...

Nintendo Company History and Analysis

Introduction Nintendo Company has been in existence for more than a century. Its founder Fusajiro Yamauchi specialized in the manufacture of playing cards. However, with time, the company shifted its operations to the production of electronic toys and video games. Resources According to Firestone (2011), Nintendo has adequate resources to...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Diversity in the Workplace

Introduction The company that was initially chosen for this assignment is the Coca-Cola company. The home country that the assignment will be analyzing is the United States while the host country is Canada. Coca-Cola is a globally recognized brand that operates worldwide. International leaders need to be well-versed in a...

Quality Management and Leadership Principles

Introduction The work of any organization and its ability to achieve existing goals depend on the approach used by management to address current issues and resolve them. At the same time, every unit might have problems with the quality of provided services and products, impacting client satisfaction. Under these conditions,...

Tesla Motors’ vs. General Motors’ Financial Year 2021

Return on Equity (ROE) Return on equity, also known as ROE, is a measure of a company’s financial performance that is determined by dividing net revenue by the total amount of stock owned by stakeholders. ROE is commonly referred to as the return on net assets since shareholders’ equity is...

Walmart Inc. Creating Better Work Environment

Introduction Working in the retail industry involves significant tension and psychological pressure as trade formulate high competition. In addition, trading implies close contact with the customers, and it is necessary to find an approach to clients and be able to win over. Retail trade also articulates high pressure on the...

Telecommuting: Impact on Workplace Productivity

The article chosen for this review is titled Why the Availability of Telecommuting Matters: The effects of Telecommuting on Engagement via Goal Pursuit, and it corresponds to the textbook’s section regarding telecommuting in chapter 2. Employees can now be placed anywhere within the global community thanks to telecommuting technologies, which...

Amazon: Jeff Bezos’ Leadership

Introduction Amazon is currently the largest retail company in the world, continually increasing its scope of influence globally. It has innovated the methods of e-commerce, being one of the pioneers in online sales and data analysis of customers’ decisions. Jeff Bezos – the founder of Amazon – has played a...

Progress Report of Boxconn Company

Starting a business is a courageous endeavor requiring proper planning and marketing to become profitable and sustainable. The entrepreneur must think of ways of obtaining physical resources and finance, recruiting competent staff, differentiation from competitors and abiding by the legal requirements. Despite the risks taken in setting up a business,...

Ethical Business: How Important Is It?

Introduction Ethics is integrated into many areas of social life as it establishes decent conduct and appropriate practices among all members of society. Nowadays, many companies must also rely on ethical attitudes since they substantially contribute to an organization’s survival. In the highly competitive environment, ethics serves as one of...

Managing the Resistance to Change

Introduction Resistance to change is one of the major factors that might lead to poor outcomes. The fear of uncertainty and unemployment might be one of the central aspects associated with the high resistance levels among employees (Cameron & Green, 2019). Discussion Integrating healthcare information systems means that specialists will...

The Hewlett-Packard Firm’s Business and Corporate-Level Strategies

Summary This paper examines the strategies Hewlett-Packard (HP) implemented to remain competitive in the market and achieve long-term success. The paper will also include business-level strategies and corporate-level strategies adopted by HP Company. As the main HP’s competitor, the paper also discusses how Dell has adapted its strategies to remain...

Beyond Canada Grocery: Competitive Analysis Details

The details of the competition for “Beyond Canada Grocery” show that the company has significant advantages in the market due to the high-quality services they provide and the demand for its work in the community. The strong sides of the organization and its opportunities constitute its competitive advantage in the...

Examples of Employment Discrimination: Gender, Age, Race, & Others

Introduction Natural law protects individuals against discrimination in the workplace, enhancing their social well-being and interactions. In the U.S., there have been an increasing number of people who are discriminated against for their age, gender, race, and sexual orientation. Discrimination can have far-reaching impacts on the victims, their work, and...

Pay Structures: Employee Compensation Levels

Introduction Pay structures define how an organization determines employee compensation levels. A pay structure is intended to create a transparent framework for fairly and equally compensating employees. The design of a compensation system is vital because it encourages employees to give their best work and provides a clear pathway for...

Corporate Finance and Venture Capital

Corporate finance is a discipline necessary for any enterprise, as it deals with the money flows in the company. Producing goods or providing services, paying salaries, purchasing materials, renting rooms, and production capacities are examples of corporate activities that require intelligent money management. Venture capital is the field of corporate...

The KiwiCo Firm’s Market Segment Analysis

Current Primary Market Segment I have conducted a thorough market analysis of KiwiCo and am eager to share my findings with you. After carefully reviewing the available information, it is clear that KiwiCo’s primary target market comprises parents of young children under the age of 18 (Gifts for Young Scientists,...

Unbundling Business Model: Strategy for Planet Fitness

Introduction Planet Fitness is an organization that offers customers facilities to train and exercise. The company was founded in 1992 and is headquartered in Newington, New Hampshire (McMillen, n.d.). The firm has employed at least 1700 employees in its different locations (McMillen, n.d.). The main business strategy for Planet Fitness...

Saudi Telecom Company’s Financial Analysis

Saudi Telecom Company is a telecommunications company in Saudi Arabia that offers fixed, mobile and internet services. The company’s activities aim to digitalize processes in the network and access technology in a particular region, including following the federal program Saudi Vision 2030 (STC, 2023). To achieve such goals, reliable financial...

A High Level of Corporate Social Responsibility in IKEA

Introduction My personal experience with a company with a high level of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is IKEA. A CSR company does not put its own profit first, it is much more important for such a business to demonstrate positive practices aimed at improving the well-being of the community (Winston,...

Flowchart of the Process: Organizations and Management

Using the data provided, a graph was created in Excel to illustrate the lab test turnaround times at College Community Hospital. The results showed that the most significant number of tests exceeding the standard turnaround time was from the Urgent category (57%), followed by Routines (30%) and STATs (13%). The...

Organizational Culture Changes and Motivation

Introduction Transformational leaders’ main role in an organization is to inspire positive change, specifically among employees. It is important to note that these leaders are concerned with helping each member of the organization succeed. Therefore, this discussion will be guided by questions related to issues such as motivation to explore...

The National Football League Culture Analysis

Identifying and Researching the Organization Background Research The National Football League (NFL) has instituted anti-racism training for all employees and a confidential reporting line, Protect the Shield, for any problems that may arise in a diverse workplace. Approximately 37% of the NFL’s staff is women, and 30% are individuals of...

The AT&T Company’s Accounting Scenario

In most cases, business organizations may experience sudden depreciation in the value of their assets making the useful life of the products to be less than predetermined. To remain consistent and relevant in the records, such firms apply various accounting standards to correct the entries. For instance, considering the AT...

Reverse Logistics Operations and Their Impacts

Introduction Reverse logistics operations have come to the fore in recent years due to their capacity to reduce waste and environmental contamination. These operations entail the collection, transportation, and processing of used goods with the goal of reusing or recycling (de Oliveira et al., 2021). This paper aims to explore...

Digital Communications: Challenges and Opportunities for On the Beach

Challenges Ensuring the security and privacy of customer data Evidence: Ensuring the security and privacy of customer data is a significant challenge for companies in the travel industry, including On the Beach. Customer data is a valuable asset vulnerable to cyber-attacks and data breaches. According to a study by Juniper...

Transient Advantage in a Business Strategy

Introduction Transient advantage refers to a business strategy that believes that competitive advantages are often short-lived and encourages companies to find new strategic initiatives. Competitive advantage is an attribute that puts a company in a favorable business position enabling it to outperform its competitors. During operations, many businesses utilize their...

Ecosia: Updating the Marketing Plan

Introduction Changing and updating the marketing plan for a company is a necessary step in gaining more attention and keeping a place in the market as the trends and customer preferences change. Major companies change with time to enforce their strong position, while smaller brands reinvent themselves to grow and...

Reflection, Teamwork, and Professional Identity

Reflection in a Professional Setting Reflection in a professional setting is an essential skill to build and maintain if you want to succeed and progress in many aspects of life. Reflection is taking the time to pause and think deeply and objectively about our experiences, actions, and beliefs to gain...

The Article “The Nature of the Firm” by Ronald Coase

Introduction In his article “The Nature of the Firm,” economist Ronald Coase (1937) explores why firms exist instead of producing everything through market exchange. Coase argues that the main reason for the existence of firms is the transaction cost of using the market. He explains that firms exist because it...

Cultural Sensitivity in International Communication

Any successful business relies on international cooperation on different levels in the modern globalized world. While incorporating workers from different backgrounds and cultures into a team is a general practice, communicating with international clients can have issues for both sides if certain cultural specifics are not considered. Intercultural communication is...