Themes and Messages in “Murderball” Documentary

Introduction Henry Alex Rubin and Dana Adam Shapiro’s documentary “Murderball” looks into aspects beyond the parameters of physical disabilities and ventures into the identification of human will and spirit where the variable of physical disability becomes almost irrelevant. This is a narration of will power and making place in the...

Documentary on Children and Advertising: Making a Persuasive Case

“Consuming kids: The commercialization of childhood” is a documentary that focuses on the tremendous growth of child marketing which has thrived in an unregulated industry. The documentary addresses topics in a wide range scope such as “edutainment” for toddlers and babies, commercialization in schools and increased market research. It relies...

Why U.S. Citizens Are Ignorant: Mass Media Analysis

Introduction Wherever you may travel in the world, citizens of different countries will always criticize one another for not being well informed about international events. These criticisms are often ill-founded, for citizens usually have a working knowledge of their own country’s news as well as that of neighboring countries with...

Pitching for a T.V. Show “And Here’s the Pitch”

Cincinnati is Midwest America, and what is big here is baseball. I do not remember ever seeing a series on baseball. So I thought about an angle using the triple-A team for the Cincinnati Reds. It could be a situation comedy with serious cultural issues to deal with, such as...

Public Interest/Non Profit Advertisement

Introduction Advertisements by individuals/corporations about their products are to generate more income for the business through persuasive ways. In this essay, we shall look at advertisements that target benefiting the consumers rather than the advertising body. Analysis of different advertisements Advertisement one This is an advert used to encourage the...

Critique on the Revlon Mascara Campaign in Australia

Introduction The Revlon beauty campaigns are a great attempt by the company to create a customer association with their products. Revlon has over the years launched one of the most notable beauty product campaigns in Australia Revlon mascara campaigns were a launched in Australia to front their latest mascara products...

Films and Television: Visual Techniques

After engaging in Internet-based research on the relationships between the technical, visual and production aspects of film and television I have found that many similarities between techniques used in contemporary films and television. It is a well-known fact that the film industry appeared first and only then followed the era...

Social Networking Sites as a Tool for Shy and Lonely People

Introduction In the past, loneliness was not recognized by psychiatric textbooks as a problem. Robert Heiss, a researcher at Harvard School however started carrying out research on the subject around 1970. He established that a number of Americans responded to being lonely in the first few weeks of the study....

Helen Lansdowne Resor, Great Mind in Advertising

Introduction Helen Lansdowne Resor represents one of the greatest minds in advertising career and copywriting. She is a role model to emulate. Resor was born from a family of nine siblings and emerges out as a great mind in advertising industry. She eventually holds a position few women have attained...

A Look at MySpace

Introduction Any social network that is controlled by a certain form of technology like a website generally looks to please the users and therefore is designed for this sole purpose. Nightingale in her vivid explanation says that, “Industry players maintain an environment where they offer a degree of allegiance to...

The Media Coverage of the Palestinian-israeli Crisis

Introduction: A review of the Story The ongoing conflicts and prolonged but unsuccessful peace-making processes between Palestine and Israel have commonly been labeled as “the Palestinian-Israeli crisis”. The conflicts have been characterized by border disagreements, mutual recognitions, security threats, water rights, control over Jerusalem, fates, and legalities of the refugees...

Legal and Ethical Implications of the Debate

Introduction To begin with, it is necessary to mention that all the necessary implications by the DWI and FCC may be regarded as the confrontation on the basis of competition in the telecommunication sphere. Originally, the solution to the problem of these debates should take into account the offered changes...

Pop Culture in Movies: How Far Can It Get?

To speak about the pop culture of any country one should distinguish the definition of this term. The Longman dictionary of contemporary English presents such an explanation: pop culture is music, films, products etc. in a particular society that are familiar to and popular with most ordinary people in that...

The Influence of the Media on Americans

Introduction With the development of the media into its larger scope, arguments have come from different corners of it being responsible for the serious decline in intellectualism and rationalism. Has media made Americans lose their rationality and intellect and became slaves of the media? Technology is a part of life...

Advertisers: Family and Social Relations

Introduction Advertisers target the youth market more and more these days. The thirteen to fifteen age brackets are perhaps the most coveted group for marketers today. The main industries focusing on this age group are tobacco, alcohol, drug, food and cloth industries. The advertisements are presented through important means of...

Australian Sony Handycam’s Advertising Campaign

Australian Sony Handycam – kiss ad Advertising is the public face of brand displays and can be the first, more memorable impression a brand can make on a consumer. Advertising often refashions old ideas to conform to the taste of the time. It helps to create brand identity in a...

US News Coverage on Three Major Networks: CNN, FOX and MSNBC

I consistently view news programs on three networks: CNN, FOX, and MSNBC. The one I use most often is MSNBC because I like two of the political shows and one news show on that network: Countdown with Keith Oberman, the Rachel Maddow Show and Morning Joe. I do not often...

What Not to Wear: A Few Advices

Introduction What Not to Wear is a TV show currently airing on BBC Lifestyle, and hosted Lisa Butcher and Mica Paris. The show’s purpose is helping people solving wardrobe malfunctions. The format of the show consists of inviting a person, a woman most of the time, where usually a friend...

Children’s Dwindling Health: Who Is to Blame?

The number of diseases among our children has been on the increase at an alarming rate. This is according to an article titled, “Deteriorating children’s health isn’t a mystery” by Terry Schraeder, an internist at Mt. Auburn Hospital and clinical assistant at the Warren Alpert School of Medicine at Brown...

Loss and Gain of Textual Meaning in Advertising Translation

Introduction There is always a need for good translation and therefore there is also a great demand for good translators. In order to become one there is the need to master a number of skills. A good translator is not only able to deal with and then convey textual meaning...

Emporio Armani Cologne: Advertisement Analysis

Logos Given the fact that the advertisement of Emporio Armani cologne for men heavily exploits the factor of a ”brand name appeal”, its semiotics cannot be highly logical by definition. Advertisement’s appeal to Logos is being limited to the line “hard to resist”. The small font size of the letters...

Policy, Ownership, Professionalism, and Technology

It is common knowledge that mass media has a strong influence on the way of thinking and behavior of people. Modern radio and television can provide the audience with any possible information about the country’s development and contribute significantly to people’s education and self-development. Most of people do not even...

Special Event Security: Planning and Managing

In America, Europe, Asia, or elsewhere there are festivals, concerts, election rallies, sporting events, small or large gatherings, at any time of the year. Special events usually include many participants, to the tune of thousands. These participants might include politicians, civic or community groups, government bodies, social and cultural movers...

Oprah Winfrey: The American Icon

Oprah Winfrey is a celebrated talk show celebrity from a humble background who has invested her time in changing the world through her show and charity works. Katherine Krohn talks about the early childhood of Oprah and what she went through living in a rural farm in Mississippi. Oprah was...

“Enough Rope” by A. Denton as a Hybrid of Talk and Current Affairs Shows

Intrduction The twentieth century is known for shift of the frames and Cultural Revolution. The sphere of media programming underwent serious changes in the first place. The emphasis was put on the entertaining purpose of television programs, sacrificing the accuracy of the information provided. Blurring the frontiers of the genre...

Television Network in the Struggle for Global Well-Being

Main actions of NBC ‘The More You Know’ is the broadcasting network public service group under the National Broadcasting Company. There is a large number of listeners for this service. This public service group gives more attention to the listeners who are conscious about the matters relating to the community....

The Origins of Publishing in the Western Europe and in the United States

The research work, which has been carried out, is primarily aimed at analyzing the history of press media and its development in Western civilization, in particular in the state of Indiana. It is of crucial importance for us to focus on such aspects as the obstacles, which they have surmounted...

Music Artists and Advertising Deals

Introduction There has been a change in terms of the attitude of artists regarding the issue of getting involved in advertising deals as a way of supplementing their income. This has been occasioned by the dwindling sale of their recorded music. During the 1960s, those artists that were involved in...

Television and Society: Cold Case Files Series

Introduction Among the many factors that influence a person’s life, is the television, which is viewed in most households of the world, at times due to entertainment, and sometimes due to quenching the thirst for knowledge. With the rising crime scenes all over, new crime detection series are additionally viewed...

Pop Culture: Developments, Recycling and Revitalizing

Pop can be defined as the usual way of life of Americans. It refers to the popular culture that at least all Americans agree to. It is concerned with what people eat, drink, listen to , watch on TV and even what they read. Pop culture became popular to American...

Goodnight and Goodluck: An Evaluation of Its Historical Accuracy

Introduction Films as any form of media convey a message or more that either informs, entertains or stirs its viewers to take action. Others such as historical movies present a narrative of a past era of which its producers need to convey a clear understanding of the situations, characters and...

Marketing Mediums: Advertising Effects

In today’s business world, marketing is one of the fundamentals without which a business company would have significantly less possibilities of success in the market. There are several methods for marketers to develop new ideas and advertise new products and services. Among these methods, or advertising formats, the media plays...

Changing Advertising with Wireless Technologies

Introduction Advertising has had its fair share of evolution ever since its birth. With changing communication technologies, marketers induce new mediums in advertising. Advertising jumped from print to TV and now the internet. Now, communication technology is bombarded with new and latest wireless accessibility facilities and advertising is not to...

Usage of Images in the Marketing Sector

Outline Images have been used by different cultures, nations, and organizations as symbols that give them an identity. The symbols are usually unique emblems that distinguish a group from the other. These symbols may have different meanings to other groups but possess a significant identity to the users. The symbols...

Mass Communication: Types and Aspects

Dynamics of Orality, Literacy, and Electronic Society Orality is very common in Canada when it comes to communication as it is used as the primary method of communication between parties where the spoken words are decoded by the audience. Literate communication is also another form of common communication taking place...

The Video Game Industry: Operating Margin FY 2005-2007

In the not-so-distant past video games catered to a very small market of dedicated young enthusiasts. However, from games like Mario and Pac-Man to the advanced next-generation consoles and video games that exist today, the video game industry has evolved into a global powerhouse. Subsequently, all the members of the...

Unequal International Flow in News: China

Introduction The processes of globalization, trade liberalization and the overall development of the influence of the mass media are currently modifying the whole human society turning it from a community of separate countries with their borders and laws into a single global homogeneous platform where reciprocal trade and communication between...

Technology and Its Impact on Contemporary Communication

A blog is a form of website mainly sustained and operated by an individual who makes regular commentaries and other material such as images and clips. Bloggers usually provide descriptions of events, news or comments, and observations on a subject of their interest. Blogs at times also function as online...

To What Extent Does the Production of News Reproduce Dominant Ideologies?

Even though that nowadays, the effect produced by Medias upon the process of designing socio-political policies in Western countries, still continues to be discussed within a conceptual framework of “fourth power”, there are many good reasons to believe that Medias can longer be thought of as simply one among many...

Media Industries Development Scenario

Abstract A public relations research paper which details the current scenario of electronic media and print media in the Asian countries of Australia, Malaysia and Japan. The newspapers for Malaysia, Australia and Japan are The Star, The Sun Herald and the Asahi respectively. Their online and print presence is analyzed...

Communications and Mass Media Impact on It

The world of mass media is a versatile thing full of contrasting ideas and standpoints according to the current problems or events at a local place or in the world. Many of the scholars tend to analyze and find out the approaches to the audience so that to emphasize the...

Media’s Role on Terrorism

Introduction Terrorism has been a major challenge affecting many nations all over the world. The media, on the other hand, is considered one of the factors that result in terrorism. Terrorism in respect to the media can be said to be a form of propaganda. It is a kind of...

Los Angeles and Its Historical Events

Introduction Nicknamed the City of Angels, Los angeles is one of the most popular cities in the world today. It is estimated to have a population of more than 3.8 million people. The Metropolitan area is a home of estimated thirteen million residents. L.A. county is the most populated and...

My Space and Linkedln Benefits

Introduction Myspace and LinkedIn are social networking positions that specifically target business people. LinkedIn is the biggest among other social networking tools with more than 45 million users. LinkedIn is among the most powerful networking sites and helps businesses as well as individuals who find some interest in it like...

How Do CRTC and CBC Affect Canadian Media and Culture?

How do CRTC and CBC affect Canadian Media and culture? Canadian culture lacks the presence of a truly public broadcasting network and this anthology revolves around contemporary programming and production facilities. Though the Canadian federal government in the form of media bodies like CRTC has attempted to retain Canadian culture...

Cyberpunk: Examples of the Genre

If we take a close look at particularities of scientific progress for the last thirty years, it will appear that, during the course of this time, not a single breakthrough of universal magnitude (with exception of invention of Internet) has been achieved; whereas, in time of Industrial Revolution and during...

Media Bias in Articles on Drought in Africa

The articles that are reviewed in this essay are related to droughts in Africa in 2009. The articles are about the recent discovery by scientists about the incidence of drought in the African continent which shows that the continent has a history of droughts in Africa in the Sahel region...

Muckraking: Sinclair and Riis Impact

Muckraking in the historical context Muckraking is simply investigative journalism with a leaning towards exposing corruption in government and institutions involving public trust. It is also associated with revolutionary ideas and concerns of reform in government and public institutions. Originally, the term ‘Muckrakers’ was coined to refer to American writers...

Why the Commercial Ads Lie? Anti-Tobacco Advertising Evaluation

Advertisements are indeed an important aspect of our life, no matter how personally we evaluate the promoted product. One could say that heshe does not believe commercials, but the statistics do not lie when they say that the sales of a particular product rose after the launch of a new...

Internet Communications and Media

Economy In today’s world people are very interested in and curious about the things related to the World Wide Web. Some times they are over-hyped about WWW in their thought and talk. The reason for that is influence of information technology and World Wide Web is precious. It is a...

Media and American Judicial System

The reference work Media and the American Courts by S L Alexander provides the reader with both the necessary historical perspective to understand the increased media coverage of the court system and access to landmark cases in which additional rights were awarded to the media. The concern over the conflict...

Charles Duhigg’s Ecology Article’s Impact on Readers

The abstract under consideration, “Cleansing the Air at the Expense of Waterways”, is taken from The New York Times, which is considered to be one of the main United States’ news delivers. The article was written Charles Duhigg, who has been working in The New York Times for several years...

Media Convergence in Online Gaming Sphere

An overview of globalization and culture Globalization is a process that has been observed to influence many dimensions of the life of humans. It is also a compulsory process that transforms the contemporary human future. Sine the beginning of the 90s, humans created a new world whose most significant characteristic...

The newspapers place in the media world

Newspapers have been the method by which countless generations have learned about the comings and goings, stories that affect daily lives, and important historical events unfolding in our world. Even with the advent of the internet, newspapers have not lost their importance. In fact, it has evolved into an ever...

New Form of Delivering the News in the Media

Delivering the news in the media is considered as the notion, which has changed its priorities, as world development requires new approaches to the sphere of media news release. ABC is the most trusted online source of information in Australia, and the requirements to the journalists/employees and employers are on...

American Ideas of Attractiveness Seen in Media

Introduction Even as early as the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, people have recognized that there is a strong link between the individual’s inner sense The idea that individual identity and external influences, primarily as they are reflected in the popular opinion or media of the age, are intimately linked emerged...

Lack of Humanistic Perspective and Social Responsibility

Summary of the Article The article by Dragga & Voss the lack of consideration of human life in reporting accidents in the media. The article provides that most of the reporting of accidents done in print as well as a television-based mass communication medium is impersonal and does not hold...

The Concept of Media Ecology

Introduction Media ecology is defined as a study on various media developments regarding the early years and the current years a better example of the current development in the media and communication industry is that of the advancement of technology whereby we find that in the past years many people...

How Media Shapes American Society Today.

Introduction The matter of the influence of TV on American community stays a burning one due to the effects that TV has, on that society. The impacts can be regarded in the conduct of persons, both youthful and adult, who have been impacted by different images that they have seen...

Celebrity Commercials: Pure Business Perspective

Abstract This paper takes the article in the New York Times “Nothing Sells Like Celebrity” by JULIE CRESWELL as a starting point to discuss the appearance of the celebrities in ads as a business, which is a pure commercial junction. The paper addresses many aspects of this business in terms...

The Stakeholders and Their Stakes Within the Sports Media Discussions

Discussing key issues associated with controversial discussions in sports media, it would be relevant to point out such criteria as the conflicts in values, important consequences or rights, and responsibilities among the stakeholders in the issue under consideration, where stakeholders might be represented as an entire television media service and...

Television Habituation and Adolescent Depression

Specific Aims Due to a variety of factors, adolescent depression has become a serious area of concern for both school administrators and mental health professionals. These compelling factors have to do with, first of all, a worrying prevalence of about 5% of the teenage population (Brent & Birmaher, 2002). Gun-related...

Interviews With L.A. Residents

Preface Up until recently, I was convinced that the overwhelming majority of L.A. residents are absolutely thrilled to live in the city, which is often associated with the very essence of the so-called “American dream”. Prior to conducting the following set of interviews, it would never occur to me that...

Does Television Make Children Significantly Violent?

In general, the United States of America spends an amount in excess of $ 158 billion each year in direct and indirect costs related to youth violence. The U.S. high school system has been plagued by an increasing number of violent incidents. The two deadliest incidents include the Columbine High...

Electronic Media Impact on Children & Adolescents

Introduction In today’s world, media has been playing a detrimental part to the people’s lives. Media is a short form of the term “media of communication” that is used to refer organized means of dissemination of facts, opinions, and entertainment such as newspapers, magazines, cinema films, radio, television, and the...

Right to a Free Press in the Australian Constitution

In 1948, United Nations General Assembly adopted Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHP). Under Article 19, it confirmed the right to free speech and declared that: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and...

Story Telling and America’s Reality TV Addiction

Analytical Introduction Atwan’s work was not only informative but it was also inspiring for those who love to listen to stories, love reading great classics, and dream of someday becoming skilled enough to write a decent yarn that could be enjoyed by both young and old. Even a non-writer can...

Real Fight in “Fight Club” Movie by David Fincher

Discussing and analyzing the movie “Fight Club”, directed by David Fincher and based on the novel written by Chuck Palaniuk in 1996, and screenplay written by Jim Uhls, it is necessary to note that the given movie draws up some important issues concerning life experiences: the person’s knowledge about oneself...

Kennedy Assassination in Zapruder’s Film vs. Conner’s Report

Introduction In view of the John F. Kennedy assassination which could still evoke debate and un-resolved discussion, it is important to stick to facts and reality which could be at best presented in the form of actual footage, coverage, and narration of witnesses to the event. While various interpretations and...

The Daily Tribune: Advertisement, News, Collaboration

Introduction The case is about Daily Tribune, a well-established newspaper in eastern Tennessee. The newspaper’s readership is mostly in the small towns and commands a good number of readerships in the counties. The looming problem arises when the publisher of the newspaper, John Freeman announces in a meeting with the...

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Perioperative Nurse Leaders and Professionalism

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Traditional and a New Media in the United States

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American Popular Culture and Globalization Effects

Advertising and reality shows are not the only spheres in the US popular culture that promote individualism and materialism in their close relation to wealth as a measure of success and happiness. The whole spectrum of popular movies and music videos is filled with images of rich people. Rap and...

Social Media and Young Women’s Self-Perception

The omni-present nature of social media has captured the attention of growing generations that develop alongside with the technological progress. Social media websites and applications, such as Facebook and Instagram, have become highly incorporated in the lives of young people, with teenage girls and young women being their primary users....

The Trudeau Brownface Scandal in Molly Roberts’ Opinion

The boundaries of what is acceptable and what is not are changing fast, so for many people today, scandals like the one involving Canadian PM are not shocking anymore. The stories of people who did something in the past, which is highly unacceptable today, keep on occupying the news. However,...

“Quiz Show” Docudrama by Robert Redford

Introduction A 90s classic Quiz Show produced and directed by Robert Redford examines the moral boundaries of a person on their way to becoming famous. The storyline of the movie revolves around the Twenty-One quiz show scandals that took place in the 1950s. Back then, after observing plummeting TV ratings,...

Power to Award Life or Death in “The Night Of” Series

The HBO movie series, The Night Of, presents the tragic story of the protagonist, Naz, whose life is condemned for destruction by an accidental meeting with a female passenger, Andrea. Naz had stolen his father’s cab for the night but had not planned on doing any business on transporting passengers....

Doctor Pepper Ten Commercials and Recommendations

Dr. Pepper Ten commercials focus on masculinity trying to convince the viewer that it is masculine to drink diet soda. The traditional picture of a “real” man in the US society as a meat-eater, living in the wild, fighting dangers of life in the wild, wearing a beard (Johansson 28)....

Dove Chooses Beautiful Campaign and Recommendations

Dove Chooses Beautiful campaign is focused on female body image and body acceptance, which are significant issues in contemporary society. The slogan “Choose Beautiful” encourages women to let go of their insecurities about appearance and feel beautiful in the body that they have now. Thus, Dove’s campaign reflects the value...

Influence on the Published Scientific Information

Introduction Science is a field that is highly sensitive to such concepts as credibility and reliability of the obtained results. However, in numerous cases, these notions are neglected, and the published information is inaccurate as a result of many reasons. This paper is dedicated to the research of the causes...

Black-ish TV Show and Recommendations

Black-ish is an American TV show about an upper-middle-class black family living in a predominantly white community. The key cultural values of the American society that are reflected in the show are individualism and multiculturalism. Firstly, individualism is a critical notion in the United States, where each person is encouraged...

“The Hidden History of Rome” Documentary

The rich history of Rome is known to many people, including those who are not very keen on digging into ancient civilizations and their evolution. The mighty empire made significant breakthroughs in many spheres of life, which makes it impossible to neglect its chronicles. However, what is shown in museums...

Secrets of the Dead: The Real Trojan Horse Episode

The story of the Trojan Horse has become much more than a legend. The phrase is used metaphorically to mean deceit, guile, and trickery. As depicted by Homer in Odyssey, the Trojan Horse was the last resort of Greeks who had tried everything else to enter the formidable castle of...

“Morrie Schwartz: Lessons on Living” Documentary

The documentary discussed in this paper is dedicated to Morrie Schwartz, a former Sociology professor, who suffered from ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Morrie was dying and wanted to share his experience to tell people what death is about in a series of television interviews. Although the program was focused on...

Bill Moyers Journal: Interview with Wendell Potter

One of the most convincing things in the film in question is Wendell Potter’s emotional condition when he speaks about the case of Nataline Sarkisyan. The teenager died in 2007 because of bureaucratic hurdles and the inability to get the required liver transplant (Diego). That year, Potter was the representative...

Local Newspapers Decline and Its Danger

With the development of new technology, the most popular and cost-effective ways of presenting information widely used in the past become outdated. In the United States, the abovementioned tendency manifests itself in a variety of trends such as the decline of local newspapers. Nowadays, more and more companies in the...

The Impacts of Peak Oil: “A Crude Awakening”

The Actor-network theory presents a model to show the dynamics of science. ANT explores the structures and work of sociotechnical elements. Nowadays, it is used in various studies, including but not limited to economics, medicine, market, and management. The purpose of this paper is to explore how ANT can be...

Personalized Digital Advertising and Its Benefits

Introduction With the development of IT technologies, Internet advertising has evolved, too. Such companies as Google and Facebook are constantly changing, adjusting to the new conditions so that their advertising platforms work. Today, digital advertising utilizes many techniques based on programs that detect, track, and analyze the actions and reactions...

Media Productions and Conglomerates

Favorite TV Show One of the most popular television shows in recent years is Game of Thrones based on a series of novels with the same name. The show is shown on the channel HBO, a premium pay-television network. The HBO network is owned by Home Box Office Inc. Meanwhile,...

The Movie “Real Life Hannibal Lecters”

Introduction The movie “Real Life Hannibal Lecters” depicts the actions of a serial killer called Hannibal Lecter. The fictional character brings into light the gruesome acts committed by renowned serial killers, such as Jeffery Dahmer, John Wayne, Albert Fish, and Ted Bunny. They chose targets that they considered attractive and...

News Media Shaping Civil Rights Movement History

Introduction The social and cultural attributes experienced in the United States after the end of the Civil War created a society characterized by inequality and racial segregation. Many African Americans and other minority groups were against the existing levels of racism and injustice. These challenges led to the infamous Civil...

How New Media Shapes American History

Introduction In the modern digitalized world, media is one of the central sources of information. However, the given tool has always been important and played a significant role in the development of society and the formation of perspectives on particular issues. The power of media is evidenced by its ability...

Media Shapes History: Gay Liberation Movement

By the late 20th and early 21st centuries, the portrayal of gay and queer folk in the US had vastly improved. This, in turn, had a positive effect on the Gay Liberation Movement. One defining event that changed the perception of homosexuality and gay rights was the Stonewall riots. The...

Labor Movement Highlighted in Newspaper Articles

The article “Age of the Workingman,” published in The Kansas City Journal on September 2, 1895, depicts the labor problem as reflected in the speech given by Rev. Charles L. Kloss (3). Kloss makes a reference to Gladstone who said that the 19th century was the “Age of the Workingman”...

Ageism in Greeting Cards and on Television

Ageism is a term that was coined in 1969 after the passage of the Federal Discrimination in Employment Act. It is a broad term that generally isolates and discriminates the older population. Ageism can vary by addressing older people in a condescending manner by using simple words and loud voices...

Colin Kaepernik’s Protest in Nike’s Ad Campaign

Introduction The internet and social media have become the new television, an instrument of capturing the zeitgeist and influencing people’s opinions and beliefs. With the lack of censorship and nearly universal access, people can promote the messages and causes they believe in. However, with this openness and mass accessibility, the...

Blistering Development of Technologies

The blistering development of various technologies gives rise to a number of concerns related to the reconsideration of some traditional approaches. This process is triggered by the desire to increase the efficiency of the most important spheres of human activity and align their functioning under the new conditions. For this...

The Documentary “Raising Amy’s Awareness”

Brief Summary of the Case The documentary “Raising Amy’s Awareness” gives a detailed analysis of Amy’s misfortunes. The important message presented in this documentary is that Amy was in an abusive relationship. McGee monitored Amy’s movements. The analysis shows clearly that Amy was a victim of domestic violence. Several events...

Cultural Hierarchy and Media Effects

Lay Theories of Media Effects by Ellen Seiter In this text, Ellen Seiter presents the results of her interviewing the three pre-kindergarten teachers about the problem of kids and television. Speaking of the teachers’ positions, I entirely disagree with Sara Kitses from a Montessori pre-school. Her primary objection to television...

Social Marketing and Media in Public Health Programs

Similarities between Social Media and Social Marketing Although social media and social marketing have different meanings, they share some commonalities. One of them is that they are both centered on communication between two or more people. Social marketing aims to communicate a message, while social media strives to promote communication...

“God Grew Tired of Us”: Documentary’ Review

“It was as if the last day, as people say in the Bible, that there will be the last day, that Jesus Christ will come, and whatever on Earth will be judged. That was my imagination. I thought that God felt tired of people on Earth here, felt tired of...

CNN Poli-Tricks: Post and Blog Discussion

Introduction The extreme video being a classic example of bias and propaganda is chosen from the CNN archive of the year 2015. The video demonstrates political debates hold in Simi Valley, California in autumn, 2015. The video is shot in such a way that it makes the wide public think...

Protect Your Firm From the 12 Risks of Social Media

Do you think the perceived risks in media are apparent/transparent? The majority of the general public believes that the perceived risks in media are apparent, as they can understand them with no problems and are always able to identify. Of course, some of them are really clearly seen, such as...

Pop Culture, Entertainment and Media Representation

“Batman, Deviance and Camp” by Andy Medhurst The camp is a cultural and aesthetic phenomenon that deals with sophisticated taste and specially cultivated sensitivity and theatricality. Describing camp in the example of Batman 1960 movie, Medhurst notes that camp is a manner of depicting serious things in a comic and...

“Race: The Power of an Illusion” Documentary Series

“The house we live in” is the final episode of “Race: the power of an illusion”. This episode is mainly focused on individual behaviors and attitudes of institutions that created and shaped race in the United States before and after the Second World War. Additionally, the episode emphasizes the ways...

Cultural Diversity Issues in Media Presentation

On July 4, 2014, there was news in both mass and social media about a California High Patrol Officer who attacked and viciously beat a Black woman for apparently crossing the road at a wrong location. The force used by the officer on an unarmed officer demonstrates racial intolerance that...

The Phone Hacking Scandal

Among the major news event in the recent few days was the phone hacking scandal that was linked to the News of the World; a tabloid newspaper in the United Kingdom (UK). The Washington Post carried the news in its headlines as follows “News of the World to close amid...

The LinkedIn Network Platform Analysis

In the knowledge society that is characteristic of the 21st century, the need for individuals to have expanded and supportive connections in the form of on-line social networks is becoming a reality by the day. Presently, internet users are communicating with their friends and business partners located half-way across the...

Consumer Behaviour: Internet and Interactive Media Usage

Introduction As stated by Brown (2006), the internet “gives every individual a place where they can present their media online” (p. 68). As such, the internet and interactive media are increasingly being used by marketers as a new form of advertising tool. The ads designed for use on such mediums...

Improving Online Presence in the Professional World

Today, professional experience and qualifications determine entry into a given career. The two elements also affect the ultimate growth of one’s professional life. The rise of the internet age has brought in a third important factor. To this end, it is noted that increased digital presence improves the chances for...

“Don’t Misrepresent Africa” TED Talk by Leslie Dodson

In this TED talk, Leslie Dodson explores the complexity encountered by journalists and researchers in presenting their narratives to the public. Journalists and researchers could be covering the same event or issue. However, their approaches to presenting them to the public are very different—sue contradictors ethics and practices in reporting....

The Meerkat Advertising Campaign

Introduction It is clear that marketing strategies are evolving alongside the development of technology and society. New trends in marketing differ significantly from conventional ones. Thus, meerkat advertising can be regarded as a new approach. It is necessary to note that the campaign fits the conventional objectives (informing, reminding, persuading)....

Simon Hughes Article “Hook off!”

In his article, Simon Hughes uses a number of literary devices in order to stir readers’ emotions and drive their attention to the facts. He starts with a non-propositional absolute construction (Houghton Mifflin Company 2005, 347) to make his writing sound more eloquent: “The convoy, blue lights flashing” (Hughes 2012,...

Talking Traditions of Marriage

From a sociological point of view, discourse often works as a litmus for traditions and principles that a particular society is based on. As a result, any text written in the XXI century can be defined as a masculine or a feminine one and, therefore, informs the gender of the...