Internet’ Effects on Journalism

Introduction The current innovations have had many impacts on almost all professions. The emerging use and easy access to the internet had its effects on traditional journalism. News houses, therefore, are changing their approach to journalism with changing training techniques offered to journalism students. One of the most fundamental concerns...

The Masculine Role in Advertisement

Introduction The global advertising industry is growing rapidly with advertisers adopting new phenomenon in the advertising of either goods or services. Primarily, advertising sought to create awareness of certain products or new services initiated by companies, thus performing an imperative role as a marketing strategy of great competitive advantage. Internationally,...

McDonald’s Tiffany Advertisement Analysis

Advertisements that present information visually instead of using text can imprint certain ideas onto potential customers. Instead of choosing a written advertisement, it is more convenient and efficient to show audiences a single image. This way, a connection between a brand and a certain situation/outcome/scenario will be made. This can...

Children and Gender: Growing Up Trans by Frontline PBS Review

In today’s world, there is a distinct difference between gender and sex, the spread of which is especially important. Increasingly people are faced with the problem of identifying themselves as male or female. As a consequence of this fact, adults have an opportunity to make a transition to living a...

Chaos vs. Nova Great Math Mystery Documentaries

Introduction Documentaries are nonfictional films or records that document reality. Documentaries’ principal purposes are to educate audiences, preserve historical documents, or provide viewers with instructions. Some of the fundamental parts of a documentary are subjects, objectives, production techniques and processes and the type of experience they impart to the spectator....

Review of “Black Gold” by Mark James Francis & Nick Francis

Black Gold is a documentary released in 2006 that deals with a non-evident but the extremely crucial problem the world faces today. The film is about coffee production with a special focus on the position of farmers in Ethiopia, which is the birthplace of coffee that produces the most high-quality...

Discussion: Is Dr. Martens’s Ad Effective?

Introduction It is important to note that advertisement as a marketing practice is a form of communication designed to convince and persuade consumers to purchase a product or service. The selected ad of interest is Dr. Martens, which is a British footwear and clothing company. The ad depicts a young...

The Social Dilemma by Jeff Orlowski Review

With the advent of modern technology and social media networks, communication has become much easier. However, as Sophocles, a Greek tragedian, once said: “Nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse” (The Social Dilemma 00:00:17). The Social Dilemma, a documentary released in 2020 by Netflix, examines the expansion...

Themes of Terminator, RoboCop, and Terminator 2

Introduction Nowadays, the use of technology seems a normal part of society’s life that continues to permeate all spheres of life. While several decades ago, it was hard to imagine cars that would use chargers instead of traditional gasoline and vacuum cleaners that would clean the house on their own....

Impact of Internet and Social Media on Influencers

Introduction First of all, it is essential to think about influencers who are caught up in the ceaseless flow of the Internet. Influencers are the ones who are under the most strain in this digital storm. They have turned their attention to social media. Most were unaware of the numerous...

Advertising: Ethical Theory and Business

Introduction The act of purchasing a space to promote a product, service, or charitable cause is advertising. Advertisements, tactics, and procedures are used to put items, services, ideas, or causes in front of the public eye and convince them to take a certain action in response to what is marketed....

Documentary “The Corporation” by Abbott and Achbar

Introduction The Corporation is a long historical and documentary 2003 movie directed by Jennifer Abbott and Mark Achbar. The primary mission of this picture is to show the true, somewhat evil nature of major influential corporations, and the concept that inspired the movie-makers is the detail mentioned in the Fourteenth...

Social Media Effects on Employees and Productivity

Introduction The term social media refers to a group of interactive technologies that enable individuals to form online communities and networks through which they can generate new content and share it with others regardless of physical location. Due to the development of new technologies, all businesses have widely adopted social...

Analysis of Canadian Political Cartoon by Adder

Canadian Political Cartoon Background of the Political Cartoon News Story The background of the cartoon’s construct involves addressing the critical social issue affecting the American community, discrimination. In a report by Grynbaum et al. (2021), the authors focus on Trump’s attempt to accuse the left-wing of the Capitol riots in...

Public Relations Campaign

Background A public relations campaign’s objectives, target audience, organization’s goals, and required communication medium must all be defined in a complete Media Plan before the campaign can be successful. A good way to reach a wide audience is to use the media to restore the company’s tarnished reputation. Minnesota Public...

Social Media and Latest Trends in Marketing

In the last decade, social media have been actively used by businesses as instruments to promote their products and services. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the latest trends in social media marketing and opportunities provided by the most commonly used social media platforms. In the article “3 social...

Advertising: The Negative Impact on Women’s Lives

Introduction Advertising perpetuates outdated ideas about family or career choices and often narrows women down to their sexuality or parts of their body in particular. Sexist and discriminatory advertising often has a negative impact on women and men. It assigns them a social role in which many do not feel...

Media’s Role and Importance in Our Life

Media plays an important part in our life, providing us with different viewpoints and pieces that provoke various perspectives on the same issue. Editorials depict a certain opinion on a specific issue or phenomenon. News stories, on the other hand, are quite neutral and provide data without personal commentary. The...

The Decline of the Print Newspapers in the UK

The development of digital technologies and online mass media sources has caused a significant decline in demand for print newspapers all over the world. The statistics state that only in the United Kingdom the expenditure on newspapers fell from almost 4.5 billion pounds in 2005 to 2.8 billion in 2020...

Advertisement: Purchasing Habits and Marketing

Ideally, people wish to buy only the items that they need, thus, reducing expenses. However, as the list above shows (see Fig. 1), this is rarely the case since intended purchases are often coupled with spontaneous ones. To avoid the urge to buy a certain product that is marketed aggressively,...

Twitter’s Challenges and Their Management

Given the high competitive barrier in the social media environment, in the foreseeable future, Twitter will find it difficult to maintain a high position. Numerous Facebook products (the current Meta) dominate the target market, making it difficult for Twitter to capitalize on new users and advertising contracts. Despite the growth...

Discussion of the Movie “Alex Haley’s Queen”

Introduction “Alex Haley’s Queen,” which is frequently referred to as “Queen,” is a movie by John Erman that comprises three parts, actually being a miniseries. This is an adaptation of the novel by Alex Haley, where the author traces his paternal family history four generations back. The writing serves to...

Effects of Social Media Use on Teenagers

Social media have radically transformed people’s lives by facilitating communication and making individuals be able to stay in contact with one another at any moment and in every part of the world. Yet, together with unprecedented connectivity, social media have brought numerous challenges, especially for the younger generations who constitute...

“The Lost City”: Plot, Settings, and Characters

Introduction Andy Garcia’s “The Lost City” is a 2005 film produced by Frank Mancuso and written by Cabrera Infante. The drama film stars Andy Gracia, Ines Sastre, Dustin Hoffman, Tomas Milian, and Bill Murray. This screenplay revolves around the life and family of Fico Fellove (Garcia), a successful entertainer in...

The Culture of Broadcasting and Participatory Culture

Audience engagement is not only crucial for increasing attendance and enhancing influence. To engage means showing respect for different positions, considering various points of view, informing with responsibility and trust, infecting with enthusiasm, and sharing meanings. Today it is seen as a strategy for the development of the media itself....

David Mazzucchelli’s “Asterios Polyp” Analysis

David Mazzucchelli had a rather exciting career in the comics industry. While in the 1970s, most artists and writers dreamed of joining the staff of industry giants, by the age of 20, Mazzucchelli was already drawing one of the most fearless characters at Marvel – Daredevil (Friedenthal 34). David collaborated...

Social Media Marketing Plan

Introduction Social media monitoring is an effective strategy to identify what clients and potential customers say and write about a business. This information can help organizations find how satisfied their clients are, what product or service improvements can be implemented, how clients compare different competitors and many others. The definition...

Pepsi’s Live Louder: A Semiotic Analysis

Introduction The Live Louder advertisement was released by the Pepsi Company in 2017, featuring Kendall Jenner as one of the key figures. The famous public figure participated in an alleged rally intended to contribute to society. The ad is almost three minutes long, with plenty of activities performed by a...

Social Media and Depression in Adolescents: The Causative Link

Introduction Over the past decade, social media has developed significantly and has successfully become an integral part of the life of at least half of the world’s population. It can be said that it happened too quickly. One of the negative consequences of such a rapid integration was the increased...

COVID-19 Pandemic in Media: Agenda Setting Theory

The COVID-19 pandemic has been the main topic of discussion in all the media for over a year now. For the analysis, the currently gaining attention theory about the laboratory origin of the virus was chosen, as well as its coverage in authoritative publications, in particular in The Washington Post...

Historical Themes in the Movie “Gladiator”

For this assignment, I have watched the movie Gladiator and here are the historical themes I have found relevant: The primary theme identified in the movie is slavery. The film portrays slaves who become gladiators (Maximus, Hagen, and others) and generals who become slaves. Almost every character serves someone or...

Success Factors for Hosting Mega-Events

The first success factor for the mega-event that contributes to both economy and tourism is repositioning by employing innovations. By utilizing the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo to promote its new technologies, Japan established an image of a leader and proceeded to host mega-events (Dubinsky, 2019). Japan was able to...

The Violent Video Game Industry’s Responsibility

Media have long been considered crucial for personality development, as people are regularly exposed to enormous amounts of information on various topics. Nevertheless, the video game industry has arguably leaped forward in this direction, as people have a chance to control characters’ actions, which in some instances can be completely...

Representation of Race and Intersectionality in Films: “The 13th”

Introduction For centuries, the phenomenon of race and racial perception in society has been closely associated with artistic manifestation. However, despite the long-existing examples of significant artistic representation of race in popular culture, white privilege tends to prevail quantitively and remain more popular with the general public. In an attempt...

Futurama Series Speaks Against Gender Stereotypes

Introduction Futurama, an animated sci-fi sitcom made in the United States at the turn of the 21st century, is worth mentioning in the list of works whose relation with gender stereotypes is quite ambiguous. In one respect, it seems to support them, as several characters correspond partly or completely to...

WarnerMedia Vision and Mission Statements

In this essay shortcomings and effective elements of WarnerMedia News would be reviewed and discussed. The mission of WarnerMedia (2020) is to “deliver the world’s best stories and most engaging content from talented storytellers and journalists to audiences around the globe.” (line 6) It is effective as it clearly depicts...

Influence of Media on Nutritional Choices in School-Age Children

Introduction A healthy diet is essential to support a child’s health and energy, especially at school age. Many factors determine the formation of food preferences, and one of the most influential is the media. Marketing uses manipulation to persuade children to choose unhealthy food. Media form a child’s daily habits,...

The Fyre Festival 2017 Project Management

Fyre festival 2017 organizers should have considered having a quality assurance team to enhance the event’s success. For a project to be successful, it has to deliver quality that exceeds customer expectations while also considering the costs. A quality assurance team plays a significant role in avoiding mistakes in the...

Social Media and Pursuit of Social Change

Social media has reconfigured numerous aspects of society and particularly enhanced people’s communicative power through the platforms which facilitate the expression of uncensored reality. Consequently, it has become the ideal tool for amplifying voices, raising awareness, and calling for social change. The networks have created expansive online communities where people...

Festivals: The Meaning in People’s Life

Many people started wishing to cross-reference their vacations in another country according to the local festivals. For me, attending the local festivals means immersing myself in the historical background of the celebration and its current interpretation. It is one of the best possibilities to develop your tourism experience on a...

Pokémon Go Pop Culture Analysis

Pokémon Go became one of the most popular games in the world right after its release in 2016. For a short time, the game became part of pop culture, which influenced various areas of trade, production, and even the restaurant business. However, today Pokémon Go is no longer so popular,...

“Relevance of Polynomials” in Everyday Activities

“Relevance of Polynomials” is a one-minute video done by Jacob. Jacob discusses the importance of polynomials in everyday human activities. Most of the uses he mentions are important aspects for the survival of the modern-day human being. For example, he mentions using polynomials in the stock market to tell how...

Media’s Positive Influence on Government and the Public

Collecting the public’s views on social issues. Highlighting critical issues in society. Amplifying public interest issues. The media plays a constructive and influential role in collecting the views, opinions, and attitudes of the public towards various social issues. They disseminate, report, and deliver such information about critical public affairs, which...

African-Americans in Documentary “American Blackout”

American population is mixed with persons from all the parts of the World and the African-Americans form a significant part of the population here. But questions of racial discrimination and access of other basic needs like education, socio- economical empowerment, and political powers are still in question as it was...

Sport and Television: Football Support

To retain its target audience and remain a popular activity, the sport needs the support of television as one of the main media tools. Television provides ample chances for the sports industry to attract investors and new participants. However, the rise in influence and grasp comes at a price, which...

“Takin’ It to the Streets” by Bloom

Primary sources are invaluable when it comes to exploring the socio-cultural phenomena of the past. The collection of essays devoted to the new cultural groups of the 1960s compiled by Bloom and Breines sheds light on the historical period’s countercultures and allows keeping track of their evolution. Particularly, the collection...

Marketing Media and Marketing Effect

Introduction This paper gives a critical analysis of the effects of Internet on change in the ICT Services Industry. The internet offers a super highway for unbundled and heterogeneous information through sophisticated distributed information networks. The ICT system is crucial because it offers services to many other industries and the...

Cultural Nationalism and Narcissism of Bruce Lee

One of the characteristic features of Bruce Lee is cultural nationalism. According to Teo (1997), it can be defined as the awareness of people who were born or live outside their land, about belonging to the nation and culture of that country. Moreover, persons may not even speak the language...

Analyzing a Creative Print Advertisement of Jbl

Introduction Creating a prosperous print ad in the incredibly competitive marketing and advertising industry takes more than drawing a picture of the product. The market and customers are much more demanding and intelligent than a few decades ago, considering the growing popularity of social media and digital resources in general....

Review of “Murder On A Sunday Morning” Movie

Murder on a Sunday morning is a documentary film developed by a French filmmaker by the name Jean-Xavier de Lestrade. The story in the film involves a fifteen years old boy known as Brenton Butler. The boy is suspected of murdering a tourist in Jacksonville, Florida. It happened that Jean...

Clash of the Titans: The Remake of Perseus and Why Is He So Popular

Introduction Perseus, a Greek demi-god, is one of the most known and loved heroes in mythology. The recent movie Clash of the Titans (2010), which retells the story of Perseus, proves the fact that his bravery is still not forgotten. Most likely Perseus is still so popular and discussed today...

Social Media and its Effect on Children

Many popular social media platforms have been launched in the last two decades, and it may be challenging to imagine the modern world without them. They have attracted billions of individuals worldwide and have significantly affected different aspects of their everyday lives. Without any doubt, the most active users of...

Interpersonal Communication in Games of Thrones

Games of Thrones (GoT) is a fantasy television drama series that was produced by Daniel Brett Weiss and David Benioff. The show was filmed and produced in Belfast and depicts various themes such as justice, betrayal, power, morality, class, family, maturation, and vengeance. The series includes a total of 52...

“Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” by Alex Gibney

Overview Crime has been part of society for a long time. History reveals various forms of crimes from time to time and in different societies. The reason why people commit a crime has been a difficult puzzle. Various theories try to explain various forms of crime, why they occur and...

“Miss Evers’ Boys” by Feldshuh

Introduction “Miss Evers’s Boys” is a film that is based on a true story known as a Tuskegee Syphilis study. This study was conducted between 1932 and 1972 to explore the natural course of syphilis among African-American males in the US. Miss Evers, the nurse, was instructed to tell men...

“Orlando” by Sally Potter

Introduction The 1992 Sally Potter film Orlando is an example of an intersection of multiple genres that are integrated to deliver complex philosophical ideas. The film director creates a unique style of motion picture that strikes viewers with colorful and impressive costumes. The looks created for the lead actress are...

Adolescence: Contemporary Issues and Resources

Issue Description and External Stressors With the advent of information technology (IT), and particularly Information and communications technology (ICT), the role of the Internet and especially social media has reached exponential growth. Due to the increasingly large amount of information that the Internet offers its users, the development of addition...

Chicano! – Struggle in the Fields. Documentary Analysis

The analyzed documentary is “Chicano! – Struggle in the Fields.” It describes Mexican American labor strikes of farmworkers that took place in 1965-1970, starting in Coachella Valley. Workers led by Cesar Chavez advocated for the creation of a union that could protect them and their rights from poor working conditions...

The Influence of the Media on Government and the Public

Media as an educational source Media has strong educational power, and it is undoubtedly one of the most essential roles. Through reading news or watching TV, people receive information on what processes happen in the government, how it affects their lives and helps the general public understand complex concepts. Besides,...

TED Talk by Any Cuddy “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are”

The Ted talk by Any Cuddy named “Your body language may shape who you are” touches the topical theme important for many people in society. The majority of worthy individuals fail because of the wrong attitude or lack of self-confidence. The speaker refutes the belief unmerited achievements and honors by...

Bowling as Culture and a Lifestyle

Belonging to a particular culture is central to the very human nature since it creates a sense of security and satisfies people’s need for belonging. Although the concept of culture can be stretched fairly far, and some cultures might seem less significant than others, it is possible to gain deep...

“The Influence of the Mass Media in the Behavior Students” by Wahab, N. A.

Introduction In the twenty-first century, a sufficient number of new technologies and systems have received large-scale development. With the evolution of psychology, a variety of different methods and ways of influencing human consciousness has been discovered. Transferring this experience to the media, people have received the full impact of the...

“Gladiator” by Ridley Scott

Introduction Gladiator is a 2000 movie directed by Ridley Scott that has a combination of action, adventure, and drama. It entails betrayal, bravery, and survival, which is set in the ancient era of the Roman Empire. General Maximus Decimus Meridus (Russell Crowe) impersonates the role of Maximus brilliantly as an...

Pepsi Max: Australian Advertising

Message Strategy in Advertising A message strategy is fundamentally an idea that addresses the methodology through which a message is to be communicated to the target audience. The message strategy for a brand generally incorporates an element that is meant to generate an appeal or a similar sense of motivation...

What Is the Role of Rhetoric in Public Relations Practice?

Public relations is a unique sphere of organizational management and control which helps modern companies to create a positive reputation and a strong brand image, The process by which public relations brings about matching of buyers and sellers may be understood by assuming initially that there are complete information and...

Technology and New Media: Transformation of Society

Modern technology and new media are transforming the society, its way of life and communication patterns. Neill Postman statement that ‘technology becomes a culture’ is true because modern man cannot live and perform effectively without new technologies and new media. The society should surrender to technology because it will not...

13th: Documentary Review and Analysis of Themes

Analysis of Themes The documentary 13th is a gripping account of how the law that abolished slavery created an exploitable loophole for this inhumane behavior to continue, albeit subtly, under the guise of legality. The 13th Amendment of the US Constitution states, “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a...

Improving LinkedIn Profile

Introduction Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn has been specifically identified as a professional, academic and work-related platform. Many users who join LinkedIn do so in order to present themselves to the world as professionals and experts in their field (Kim & Malek, 2018). Therefore, one’s profile on the platform...

Older Men and Women on Magazine Covers

Introduction Many individuals in the USA buy magazines or, at least, see them on newsstands regularly. Magazine covers usually present the images of wealthy individuals who can be seen as role models for the population. However, it is possible to say that the men and women featured on magazine covers...

Analysis of Olay Advertising Campaign

When creating a public message, each advertiser should consider their audience, purpose, and occasion for their address. Scholars recommend “figure out what they (the audience) want or need and give it to them; your reward is their undivided attention and, perhaps, the behavior you’re hoping for” (O’Rourke, 2019, p. 6)....

Lost Kingdoms of Africa: Great Zimbabwe Documentary

The ancient history of Africa, the original location of human civilization, has been preserved through remnants of ruins, statues, and artifacts. In 1871, the ruins of the Great Zimbabwe stone city were discovered by a German geologist. Although it was first assumed that the structures were too complex to be...

The Power of a Print Advertisement: Inspiring People to Improve and Evolve

Introduction: The Advertisement The “You Inspire Me to Be Better” advertisement appeared first on January 11, 2019, in the Times of India Newspaper (Mumbai Edition) and fascinated readers with its brevity, minimalism, and expressivity. “You Inspire Me to Be Better” promoted the TATA Marathon, which took place on January 20...

Social Media Enable Cultural Importation

Introduction Most prominent social network companies such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and others are based in the United States. As a result, their core staff and a large portion of their audience are invested heavily in American culture, leading to the emergence of the idea that the firms are...

Kendal Jenner PepsiCo Commercial’s Failure

Introduction Making a social or political statement that can be perceived as entirely unambiguous and positive by the target demographic is a difficult but not impossible task. However, due to the increase in the sociopolitical tensions within the American society and the rise in social pressure regarding the issue of...

How a Blender Works: Commercial Speech

How a Blender Works Specific Purpose: to show my audience how a blender works and benefits that it can bring to one’s everyday life. Central Idea: a blender is a useful gadget that can assist in various cooking tricks as well as save the time of its owners. Introduction Hello,...

Latinos in US Media: Stereotypes, Values, Culture

Media is one of the most powerful sources of information about people, events, nations, and any type of progress. Though its quality is hard to control, consumers cannot neglect an opportunity but rely on the material they observe in movies and find in articles online. Despite the number of concerns...

Media for Social Change: Producers, Viewers, Content

Introduction Statement of Research Issue This research investigates media for social change may be used to create an environment where people can engage in the public realm, mediate disagreements, and encourage civil debate. For an informative analysis, I have included my personal view on media power and discussed communication as...

Event Management and Planning Challenges

A designated party managed all events in order for them to be successful. It is due to the fact that one event can have multiple activities that need to be coordinated and performed on the same day without fail. For the people who attend events, preparation begins on a material...

Role of Social Media in Managing Customer Relationships

Social media definition Social media is an advanced communication device of the modern century that applies the inclusion of a massive group who share a common sentiment. It has allowed its users to update on their events and societal beliefs as they strive to acquire better communication channels. Individuals of...

Social Media in Aviation Crisis Management

Introduction In the last decade, social media has experienced a paradigm shift as an online communication category where content is created, shared, bookmarked, and networked at a prodigious speed. This report examines social media tools to comprehend how they are utilized to facilitate analytical response capabilities by airlines for effective...

13th Documentary by Ava DuVernay: Essay + Main Points

This “13th” documentary analysis explores the facts presented in the film as well as its cinematography. You will also find here a “13th” documentary summary. 13th Documentary Essay Introduction In 2016, Netflix released 13th, a documentary film directed by Ava DuVernay. The documentary was intended to draw the public’s attention...

Social Media in Lives of Teens and Tweens

Introduction Nowadays the world presents state-of-the-art technology and new opportunities, allowing us to be connected to the Internet around the clock. Teens and tweens tend to spend many hours looking for photos, videos, or chatting with their friends on social media. While some of the mentioned activities can be positive...

Virtual Games as Platforms for the Development of Criminal Activities

The virtual world is a sort of reflection of real-world issues and complexities. Virtual games have long been used as educational tools that help people acquire different skills. However, the examples provided reveal the dark side of gaming. Both RuneScape and EVE games are not completely virtual, as gamers often...

Social Media Impact on Teenagers in the UAE

Abstract This research paper examines the impact of social media on teenagers in the UAE. Through primary survey research, it was established that social media has positive and negative impacts on teenagers. The research was based on a sample of 30 respondents through a mixture of direct interviews and questionnaires....

International Tourism: France’ and England’ Differences

Introduction About this research project, I would be interested in examining differences in international tourism between France and England. Specifically, this report highlights variations in the number of tourists in 5 years, i.e., 2009-2013. The secondary data that are used in calculations and conclusions were obtained via the following link....

Journalism in the UAE

Introduction The government of UAE has over the years employed fear crusades against mass communication organizations. Journalists have often been detained, jailed, or fined and at times interrogating editors as well as reporters for allegedly contravening media laws that are ambiguous. At one moment, it would be tolerable for mass...

Media Impacts on Peoples’ Thinking

The world we live today is very distinct from the one man lived many centuries ago. A lot of changes have taken place almost in all facets of human existence such as social, economic, and political hence influencing peoples’ way of life to a greater degree. In the ancient days,...

Tricked by Title: “Donald Trump Sent His Plane”

Introduction “Donald Trump sent his own plane to transport 200 stranded marines” is a header that misled the reader. Trump sent his plane to transport 200 stranded marines in this newspaper. This headline misleads the reader because it speaks about him as an individual rather than the government. From CBS...

Cosmopolitan vs. Maxim Magazines

Introduction The Cosmopolitan magazine is a widely recognized journal that showcases social topics in pictorial and descriptive forms. The magazine has about 64 global editions, each written in a different language to cater to a diverse target audience (Vicente, 2022). In addition to this Cosmopolitan, Maxim magazine has gained prowess...

Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health Conditions

Introduction Social media usage has become widespread in the last ten years globally. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are popular with the majority of individuals. Anxiety and depression among teenagers are on the rise, which can be blamed on an increase in the time spent on the...

The Mortal Kombat Game Analysis

Introduction Mortal Kombat is one of the most notable fighting game series, consisting of eleven main games and several spin-offs. The first Mortal Kombat was released in 1992 by an American company, and it changed the fighting game scene that was dominated by Japanese titles. The current essay thoroughly examines...

False Light and Appropriation in Advertisement

Introduction Digital privacy has always been important. Internet users employ passwords and other forms of identity security to prevent unauthorized access to their data because of this. But as information becomes more digitalized, digital privacy is still a major worry. Privacy of information is threatened by an immense increase in...

Use of Rhetorical Devices in Advertisement

Love is what makes Subaru. Subaru is a trusted brand by many Americans because it offers a complete mix of all a family may require to have a ride. The legendary Subaru is a reliable car that has been named the Most Trusted Brand for eight good years consecutively. The...

Social Media Role in Gen Z Life

Introduction Modern society’s foundation is an immediate connection that is provided via social media. The current generation, gen Z, is becoming more involved in recording every second of their life and expressing their identity (Vițelar, 2019). Sharing their experience and getting feedback from their digital peers makes them happy. Simply...

The “Food Inc.” Documentary by Robert Kenner

Introduction Global food production processes are essential for the world community and population due to the fact that people cannot survive without a well-developed food supply system. At the same time, various drawbacks and issues can occur during the procedures related to animal food factories, food production distribution, as well...

Youth’s Use of Social Media and Its Impact on Narcissism

Introduction The world today has developed in terms of social connectedness like never before in human history. Such a paramount change has been achieved due to the development of digital technologies in general and the Internet, smartphones, and social media in particular. With the advancement of social media as an...

Celebrity Culture Glorification

Introduction The celebrity phenomenon first appears in the nineteenth century and is completely within the structural framework of modernity. Since ancient times there have been individuals whose exploits were widely known, be they heroes of antiquity, politicians, or aristocrats. Along with the economic, military, and political elite in the social...

The Impact of Social Media on Elite Sportsmen Performance

The elite level of athleticism and sports requires the greatest possible combination of physical, mental, and mental qualities, which together bring the desired result. In contrast to amateur sports, professional and elite sports are those in which athletes are compensated for their efforts. Professional athletics has risen to prominence as...

Substance-Related Disorders in the “New Jack City” Movie

Introduction The diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is a manual that contains criteria, causes, treatment methods, and consequences of diverse mental health problems. As mental health may be affected by a wide variety of diseases, there are several dimensions in which DSM-5 approaches the issue. One of...

Advertising & the Obsession With Thinness

Ethos, logos, and pathos are integral and essential components of a rhetorical appeal. They are all responsible for different aspects. Thus, logos is responsible for the expediency and logic of the arguments and information given, while pathos is responsible for the emotional component. The main goal of ethos becomes an...

An Analysis of Last Year’s Lemons TV Ad

Introduction It is no secret that the primary function of advertisement of any type is to promote a company’s products and services to the target audience. Since the advent of the advertising industry, advertisers have developed many diverse and practical approaches to convince one that they need what the business...

Social Media: The Role in Modern Society

The advent of technology created unprecedented opportunities in medicine, business, and across other industries globally. Specifically, smartphones and the Internet have radically optimized communication systems, shaping the way society evolves, develops, and behaves in their interactions with others. For example, Skype, Viber calls, Zoom, WhatsApp calls, and FaceTime allow people...

Role of Personality Traits in Social Media Behavior

Introduction Social media has become one of the most prevalent communication and interaction digital tools in contemporary times. Approximately 67-75% of adults in developed Western countries use social media in some capacity, with the penetration typically growing higher in young adults aged 18-29 (Pew Research Center, 2021). Meanwhile, it is...

The Documentary “The Mask You Live In” by Jennifer Siebel

Introduction In her second work, director Jennifer Siebel explores the problem which can be called “education of masculinity in men.” The analysis of the issue begins with a rather easy step: the recognition that there is no need to hide feelings, but boys all over the world have been taught...

Social Media Relations in the Digital Age

The advent and subsequent popularity of social media have altered how people and organizations communicate. Social media platforms worldwide are a nod to the significant evolution in the history of communication and it has radically reshaped how we communicate through public relations (Kent & Li, 2020). The principal hurdles to...

“Citizen Kane” Relevance for 21st-Century Journalism

Most film critics have repeatedly deemed Citizen Kane the greatest film of all time. The film is about a newspaper tycoon Charles Foster Kane, the foundation of journalism in the whole storyline (Armstrong 126). While Kane is on his deathbed, he utters the word “Rosebud.” Jerry Thompson, a reporter, is...

“The Matrix”, Scepticism, and the Mind-Body Problem

Lilly and Lana Wachowski’s movie The Matrix has attracted a lot of attention from philosophy scholars ever since its initial release in 1999. Through the subtleties of cinematic language and subtext in screenwriting, the movie discusses major philosophical themes, such as skepticism and the mind-body problem. This paper aims to...

Analysis of Steam Deck Benefits

People have to admit that video games are no longer reserved for children or hardcore gamers. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a person who did not hear about Valve or at least its famous Steam gaming platform. More so, you might have heard about the newest handheld console device...

Mythology in The Hunger Games and Moana Films

Modern movies and pop culture play a significant role in defining society’s perception of the heroic journey and the image of the hero. Moreover, apart from the apparent connection with the heroic qualities of characters in superhero movies, the influence of classical perceptions of heroic journeys can be traced to...

Analyzing the US Cable TV Industry

The US cable industry is one of the fast-growing industries in the US. As growth occurs, the industry is experiencing impacts from different environmental factors and forces that affect the attractiveness of the industry. The two major general environmental factors that have the most impact on the industry include demographic...

The Cultural Effects of the Press

Most people take the printing press for granted, and many find it hard to imagine modern life if the printing press had not been invented. People would not have been able to read books, newspapers, and magazines. Posters, flyers, and pamphlets would not exist and would not come to individuals...

Negative Impact of Technology on Children

Introduction In the context of the modern development of society, information technologies have begun to play an important role in everyone’s life. It is almost impossible to imagine a person who can easily do without a cell phone, tablet, or another similar gadget. Moreover, it is increasingly evident that even...

Narrative Campaign of “The Hunger Games” Film

The Hunger Games films narrative campaigns include many elements such as setting, genre, flashbacks, allusions, protagonist Katniss Everdeen, theme and conflict. The storyline begins with the main character Katniss Everdeen getting into a deadly game in which the character survives and becomes the leader of the struggle for freedom and...

Media Analysis: Chef’s Table Season 2

The subject of food and how it relates to an individual’s personality is an objective of the culinary scene. The intended audience of the Chef’s Table Season 2: Episode 4 Enrique Olvera is all people who are engaged in eating and cooking food. It discusses how food affects not only...

Mass Media and Its Importance for Society

The 2000s significantly affected most information and social information professions. The reason for this was the communication revolution, provided by new types of communication, data transmission, and content. The combination of technologies that people today call “digital” has made it possible to distribute any media content in real time at...

Increase in Social Media Usage and Marketing Future

Today, billions of people worldwide use social media platforms, making it the most advanced technology for the current and future generations. Current statistics show that social media usage is estimated to cover over half of the world’s population, which accounts for 4.20 billion people who use the internet. For example,...

Framing in the Media: Definition, Problems, and Comparison of Frames

Framing: Definition and Concept Society has evolved to develop and improve all kinds of power and social management technologies over the past century. Framing techniques have created new opportunities for this issue, increasing the influence of information on society through mass communication. Often people do not have time to think,...

Analysis of the Documentary Movie Cowspiracy

Introduction The documentary movie Cowspiracy, directed by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, demonstrates how animal husbandry negatively influences the planet’s environment. The movie creators use the results of various research to provide evidence that cattle breeding can have a disastrous effect on the ecology. Moreover, the film suggests that animal...

Social Psychology in Media

Social influence is a social psychological concept that indicates that individuals are likely to change or adapt behavior based on the social environment which surrounds them. Social influences typically impact multiple aspects of a person’s life, often placing them with a choice of desiring to conform to the predominant social...

The Mountain Dew Zero Sugar Ad’s Analysis

Mountain Dew Zero sugar ad is a minute-long video featuring a famous actor Bryan Cranston and actress Tracee Ellis Ross. The ad is a parody of Stanley Kubrick’s movie adaptation of Stephen King’s The Shining. The video shows the iconic “Here’s Johnny!” scene from the movie, with Cranston’s psychopathic character...

The Healthcare System: Effects of Social Media

The invention of modern electronic technologies has affected people’s lives and access and sharing of information. Social media has become a powerful tool in connecting individuals internationally. People have adopted using this medium that keeps them connected with others, which has led to innovation and jobs efficiency. Healthcare professionals are...

“Why We Need to Talk About Suicide”: Lessons Learnt

Introduction Suicidal contemplations and actions remain taboo topics, which might hinder suicide prevention efforts. In his speech titled “Why We Need to Talk about Suicide,” Mark Henick exposes, criticizes, and explains the ongoing avoidance of this issue. This response paper’s purpose involves summarizing new learning from the video and remaining...

Abstracting and Persuasive Discussion of “The Green Knight” Movie

The Green Knight is an aesthetically pleasing movie that managed to intrigue and mesmerizes the audience with its visual presentation. I have watched the film recently and came out of it thinking that the cinematic aspects of its presentation were the strongest, far outshining the story or the characters themselves....

Discussion: Presenting Yourself Online

In the highly digitized world of today, it is almost impossible to find someone without a social media account. Or, even more often, a few of them – Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter… The choices are vast and the opportunities for self-expression are endless. The perceived online anonymity might tempt some...

Government Censorship on the Internet: An Extended Outline

Introduction In the 21st century, the Internet has become a global phenomenon, fully reflecting its name as a worldwide web. State-regulated censorship on the Internet is one of the key topics of heated debates within this context. From one perspective, the contemporary paradigm of human rights emphasizes the essential nature...

Change in the Team in the Moneyball Film

Moneyball In the movie Moneyball, Billy Beane changes the view of baseball operations with the help of Peter Brand, an in-game statistical analyst. Beane is the General Manager of the Athletics team, which is financially low and has lost some of its players. As the team’s general manager, Beane is...

The “Finding Your Roots” Documentary

Introduction The documentary Finding Your Roots addresses a problematic matter of the American past – its slavery times. The film does not violate the ethics of the research done with people’s engagement outside the social sciences. Finding Your Roots brings to the surface the truth about black American ancestry without...

News on the Internet vs. Traditional Media

Introduction The credibility of news on the Internet is a topic that often becomes the cause of controversy and even lawsuits against unscrupulous media resources due to the high frequency of fake news published online. Massive access to the global web and relative freedom to post digital content are factors...

Social Media and Mental Health in Adolescents

Introduction Today, technology and technological products are virtually everywhere, from the phones most people carry in their pockets to self-driving cars. Innovation is a significant part of millions of people’s lives, with the Internet making it possible for anyone to access multitudes of information within seconds or communicate with someone...

Understanding “The Medium Is the Message”

Marshall McLuhan, a well-known Canadian communication theorist, revealed his theory’s main idea by coining the phrase “the medium is the message.” This phrase reveals that the message’s meaning is determined not only and not so much by the content as by the form. In general, this theory is about what...

“Fordson: Faith, Fasting, Football” Documentary

Fordson: Faith, Fasting, Football is a documentary film about a tight-knit community of Muslim Americans in Dearborn, Michigan, who are focused on their passion and support for the Fordson High School football team. The story begins at Fordson High School, a public school that was once attended by only white...

“Harvest of Empire”: Immigration in the United States

Introduction Most Americans have never understood the challenging history lying behind the increased Latino population growth in the United States. Nevertheless, after watching the documentary, I realized that it is of great help in making a person know why America has many immigrants. Thus, this essay aims to provide a...

Advantages Which Advertisements Provide to Car Dealership Business Prosperity

I am writing you to show you the advantages which advertisements provide to car dealership business prosperity. Advertising tells your shoppers and your competitors that you are open and prepared for business. Dynamic and positive promoting can captivate clients to your business regardless of the economy and rivalry. Did you...

Social Media and Online Identity

Introduction The emergence of social media has brought many social issues that need to be addressed. As a key platform for social interaction, it can be argued that this emergent technology influences how people behave both online and offline. The article “Stranding online and offline profile, millennials search for identity”...

East India Company: The Story of India’s Freedom

The sixth episode of the BBC documentary series is devoted to the history of India’s independence from the influence of other states. Attention is paid to the East India Company’s enormous power, which in the 19th century managed to take under its huge significant sea and land territories. The episode’s...

Social Media Influences on Young Adults

Introduction It is not a secret that social media plays an important role in the lives of people living in contemporary society. Various platforms appear and advance every year, giving individuals a possibility to entertain themselves, communicate with their friends, follow the lives of celebrities and influencers, and enrich their...

Abbas from “A.D.: New Orleans After the Deluge”: Character Analysis

“A.D.: New Orleans After the Deluge” is a graphic novel created by Josh Neufeld, a cartoonist who published the work as a webcomic at the beginning. It explores the story of the natural disaster of 2005, hurricane Katrina, through various characters and viewpoints. The author inspects the horrid story through...

Life in the 1950S through the Lens of a TV Show: “Leave It to Beaver”

Being an unequivocal art form, a film allows capturing the air of a specific era and creating a time capsule that will guide the generations to come through the essential ideas and philosophies of the past decades. Leave It to Beaver is one of such shows, where the essence of...

Effective and Ineffective Ads: Share a Coke Ad

The advertisements of two rival multinational beverage corporations may be regarded as examples of effective and ineffective campaigns. From a personal perspective, the Share a Coke ad by Coca-Cola is one of the most positive and heart-touching (Brand News, 2015). In general, this campaign that implied the personalization of every...

The Success Story of Whatsapp

I would turn to the success story of WhatsApp to hook up with the audience. The popular communication app that was downloaded more than 70 million times in 2019 was created and developed using a limited amount of money (Statista, 2019). New digital solutions require prominent ideas and concepts and...

Online Social Media Fatigue and Psychological Wellbeing

Introduction With the increasing popularity of social networks in the 21st century, social media addiction is a problem that can seriously harm an individual’s mental and physical health. Often, it develops over an extended period of time and can involve a number of unhealthy symptoms, such as the feeling of...

Themes in the Movie “The Physician”

Speaking about the movie The Physician, it is essential to note that its plot is more educational than entertaining. It tells the story of a young man, Robert Cole, who wants to study medicine after his mother dies of appendicitis. The audience can see a similar plot in the movie...

Mark Harris’ Pessimism as to Movie Industry

In his article on the current movie industry trends, Mark Harris expresses his extreme skepticism about the future of American cinematography. The title of the article, “The Birdcage”, stems from the famous “Birdman” film (Harris, 2014). The example is employed by the author to reveal the nature of contemporary movies’...

“Trump’s Takeover” the Documentary by FRONTLINE

Summary The documentary titled “Trump’s Takeover” delves into the political intrigues that characterized President Trump’s first year in office. It was marked by unparalleled disorder that risked the stability of the Republican Party (GOP). Trump waged covert rivalry with the party’s leaders, made inflammatory remarks about politicians that aimed to...

“Better Brain Health, DW Documentary”

The primary reason people have limited access to healthy foods is the fact that humans’ food choice is influenced by business models that promote unhealthy products in their check-out. Most stores have candy bars and junk foods that contribute to obesity. Currently, sugar is being added to almost all products,...

The Depiction of Culture in Alfonso Cuarón’s “Roma”

Introduction Roma is a 2018 film directed by Alfonso Cuarón, who based the story upon his childhood memories. The semi-autobiographical narrative focuses on Cleo, a servant woman working for a middle-class family, whose character is inspired by Cuarón’s caregiver. The movie is set in the 1970s in the neighborhood of...

“The Help” Movie: Interaction of Characters

Introduction In sociology, an interactionist perspective focuses on micro-level issues that occur between people. This approach to understanding the interactions between characters allows clarifying inequality and poverty effects. The personal narratives of individuals are often used as the key source of analyzing the relationships across social classes in terms of...

“The Food Matters” by James Colquhoun

The Food Matters movie’s trailer explores the topic of the modern food industry’s deplorable state and presents experts’ opinions. The general message is that food sold in stores is often dangerous for people’s health due to the artificial substances contained in it and that pharmaceutical companies keep people unhealthy by...

Theory Application to Television Series

Introduction Contemporary individuals usually see movies and television series as a means of entertainment and relaxation. They watch them after a busy day at work or university to bond with their friends and relatives and forget about everyday problems. On the other hand, it should be noted that movies are...

New Media Interactivity: Technologies Are Simply Tools

With the rapid growth of technology-based society, people have greater access to digitally based technologies that enable the manipulation of different digital media forms. Marketing is always focused on reconfiguring a service to promote sales and contribute to new opportunities. Therefore, technologies can be perceived as simply tools to alleviate...