Arranging Mental Health Counseling

I live in the state of Chicago, and in my hometown and in the immediate vicinity, there is no clinic where I could practice. This seems to me an omission of my entire hometown. In my opinion, mental support is one of the main inalienable privileges of a modern person....

Mindful Self-Compassion and Self-Awareness

The webinar “Mindful self-compassion: Heart skills for our families and ourselves in challenging times” explores important strategies for finding solace after making mistakes in life. The session addresses the need for self-compassion, which is integral in establishing kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness. Self-Compassion is treating oneself with empathy and understanding...

The Parent-Child Relationship in Sports

The manifesto is about parents seeking an opportunity to coach and spend time with their children. Therefore, I agree with the concept within the manifesto due to the insight on the integral factor of balancing between sports and family time. On the one hand, it is important to establish activities...

Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love

Sternberg’s triangular theory of love is one of the frameworks designed to explain the concept of love and how it can be applied to relations between individuals. From this perspective, the phenomenon consists of three different aspects such as intimacy, passion, and commitment (“Triangular theory of love,” n.d.). The combination...

Family Relations Case Study Analysis

There are two individuals involved in the case, characteristics of whom are to be provided. They are a couple; Michael is a white male who is 34, and Lisa is a white female aged 32. Their relations may be considered traditional, with a little extent of conservatism. Both of them...

“Mothers on Display: Lunchboxes, Social Class and Moral Accountability” by Harman

The article “Mothers on Display: Lunchboxes, Social Class and Moral Accountability” is written by Vicki Harman et al. The authors seek to address parents’ moral accountability through everyday activities such as packing lunch for school-going children and whether the decisions are influenced by social ranking or the nutritional value of...

Negative Consequences of Online Dating Sites

Introduction Recent technological advancement has greatly influenced the way people communicate and interact. Online communication is now becoming a trendy way of passing information. Having noticed this new mode of interaction, some developers have decided to take the opportunity of this new form of interaction and developed dating apps that...

Nurturing Independent and Adventurous Children

Is it not amazing how creativity pays in contemporary society where the internet offers people unlimited possibilities? Parenting styles should adjust to the changing society to support children’s adaptability to become responsible, productive, and successful adults. While researchers often encourage parents to use the authoritative parenting style due to its...

Work-Life Balance for Europeans

Introduction Work-life balance is considered one of the most important professional values of the 21st century. Research has confirmed that it leads to greater financial returns, higher organizational performance and commitment, and increased job and overall life satisfaction (Lee & Sirgy, 2017; Wood et al., 2020). As a result, lawmakers...

Family Issue: Impact of the Divorce on the Children

Introduction In his article, Donahey (2018) talks about divorce as a family issue and its impact on children. The author informs that when parents separate in marriage, the issue is not only an adult’s problem but also affects children significantly. Most marriage dissolution outcomes can harm the success of children...

Conformity: Sociology in Our Times

The degree of the conformity is governed by elements such as the source’s age and state, instantaneity, and the number of persons in the group to whom the observer was exposed, according to suggested biological considerations. Conformity is influenced by social variables such as a change in views or conduct...

Forms and Changes of Family in the World Today

Introduction Families throughout the world are changing in various ways, such as a decrease in the fertility rate has been seen in most nations during the last three decades. Meanwhile, the number of women joining the workforce has increased significantly. Nowadays, having a career before starting a family is becoming...

Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention

The birth rate is one of the most important factors determining demographic health in any society. One of the major problems in this area is teen pregnancy, which implies consequences for health, social status, and economic state for numerous families all over the world. However, it influences not only households...

The Concept and Aspects of Remarriage

Introduction Remarriage is when individuals get married for a second or subsequent time. When a marriage does not work, couples often end up divorcing, and some of them end up remarrying. Remarriage, however, rigs up adjustment questions, especially when two existing families are combined. This paper aims to describe remarriage...

Emotion Theories and Their Application

There are different ways of explaining how certain emotions are produced. For example, one may think that emotions occur naturally as a response to danger or another event. Others may theorize that a conscious appraisal of the citation is what causes an emotional response or that these processes occur simultaneously....

The Problem of Same-Sex Marriage

Marriage gender equity supporters claim that providing same-sex couples marriage privileges ensures equal legal status and opens the door to a slew of governmental opportunities that benefit both the offspring of same-sex partners and society overall. Opponents of the phenomenon argue that simply permitting opposite-sex weddings enhances the traditional family...

How to Maintain a Long-Term Relationship

The answer to how to maintain a long-term relationship can be simplified into one word – balance. Although it might seem there are too many factors that can contribute to the relationship ending, a closer inspection of those can uncover the hidden connection. A lack of a partner’s attention or,...

Becoming an Adult and Forming Relationships

Background In the present day, despite technological and social progress, relationships remain a complicated and controversial matter. Conflicts make attempts at forming a relationship often unsuccessful, leading to tense social and even criminal situations. Society’s protection of individuals from such experiences, as well as education of both married and future...

Aspects of Online Dating

Online dating or Internet dating is a scheme that facilitates individuals to find and introduce themselves to prospective connections over the internet, intending to establish sexual, personal, or romantic relationships. An internet dating service is a firm that offers particular mechanisms such as software applications and websites for online dating...

Readings That Are Necessary to Obtain Academic Success

It is a simple fact that any student who wants to succeed in their studies must dedicate themselves to reading. Oftentimes, these readings are dry and tedious, and many struggle in an attempt to finish them. However, some texts found in a curriculum or related to it somehow can become...

Divorce in Islam in Contrast with Christianity

Quran serves as the basis for Islamic doctrine and is considered the word of God, whereas Muhammad is merely a conduit through whom God speaks with humans. A significant part of the Quran could be described as the “family law,” and it contains a view on such types of family...

Challenges in Completing the Degree and Doing Well in Education

Life will have its challenges, and right now, an immense responsibility I have is to complete my degree and do well with my education. This course has brought many of those challenges and pushed me to reconsider some of the things I thought I could never understand. One of the...

My Haitian Heritage’s Influences on My Worldview

Culture is a factor that significantly influences people’s behavior, perspective, views, and even outcomes in life and cannot be avoided. It is usually passed from generation to generation, from parents to children, and is interrelated with the concepts of ethnicity and society. Yet, culture does not stay unchanged; instead, it...

The Causes of Depression and How to Overcome It

Introduction It has been more than two years since the novel coronavirus has killed millions of people and infected even more people, regardless of the country or continent, which experienced unprecedented disruptions in their lifestyles. The government’s policies to combat the virus included the closure of schools, which intended to...

Autoethnographic Method in Responsible Leadership Study

Leadership is, by definition, the work of a single person. The leader’s decisions serve as a defining factor of the course their organization will take. For that matter, the leader’s ethical and moral principles become of uttermost importance since the aftermath of their actions spread their influence upon numerous stakeholders...

The “Common Core Teachings” Experience

One component of my past employment as a science teacher that I would modify is my school’s adherence to the Core curriculum. While I recognize that it may be extremely beneficial to many instructors and children, I prefer to teach a curriculum that I create and arrange myself. I once...

Experiences of COVID-19 Shutdown and Returns

Experiences of COVID-19 Shutdown The shutdown was one of the measures that governments globally took to control the spreading of COVID-19. The move significantly impacted all individuals regardless of their age. Experiencing the COVID-19 lockdown and returning to normal ways of living was challenging but educational. COVID-19 shutdown caused confusion...

Personal Reflection on Clinical Progress

My clinical progress this semester mainly consisted of expanding my clinical knowledge base. The College of Emergency Nursing Australia (CENA) Practice Standards for the Specialist Emergency Nurse identify clinical expertise as the key domain of emergency nursing (CENA, 2020). According to the 1.1.2 and 1.3.1 Practice Standards, the diagnosis of...

Homogamous Marriage as Societal Change

Marriage is an important part of an individual’s life and a solid social institution. It is deeply rooted in most people’s understanding that at some point in their life, they should get married; in the case of the conservative part of the population, married to someone of different sex and...

An Early Childhood Institution That I Would Like to Lead and How I Would Do This

As an early childhood institution that I would like to lead, the Joyce M. Huggins Early Education Center comes to mind. It is a prominent center in the United States because of its emphasis on children’s creativity and self-identity. Above all, his approach is aligned with the so-called “Reggio Emilia...

Sociology of Families in the United States Today

Families are now defined as groups of individuals who commit to living together, forming an economic unit, and caring for any children, and who feel their identity to be inextricably linked to the group. People form kinship networks to help one other get the fundamental essentials of existence, such as...

Is Transracial Adoption Appropriate?

Historically, the question of the adoption of children from different races was controversial. For example, the National Association of Black Social Workers released a document against transracial adoption in 1972 (Nelson & Colaner, 2018). Although modern society has become more tolerant of white-black adoptions, cultural and racial identity issues for...

Self-Assessment and Development Plan

Planning is one of the most critical aspects of an organized, directed, and purposeful existence. Creating plans, whether based on short- or long-term goals makes sense for structuring one’s life and following specifically intended paths. Thus, a life without plans is hardly possible, and even if it is, such an...

Evaluation of Training Program for Incoming Foster Parents

Background information Nursing homes play a crucial role in facilitating children’s welfare. Since children have various needs and capabilities, understanding how to deal with each one is an essential skill. Child welfare organizations are bodies charged with the regulation of childcare programs to ensure that needs are met according to...

Examining Personal Experience as a Coach

Abstract This paper critically evaluates my experience as a professional trainer. The general thought of the paper is based on changes, expanding knowledge and competencies, and identifying mistakes that previous experiences have been associated with. The paper extensively discusses the four main lessons that I have learned during my coaching...

An Evaluation of a Family of Origin

The family unit is important in shaping the personality of people and influencing their genes. Naturally, people inherit their genes from parents and may share similar physical and biological characteristics. Moreover, the family is the first environment where a person learns basic survival skills and other aspects of life. In...

The Marital Mystique and Strategic Models of Family Therapy

Abstract Human relationships have many characteristics, and people are responsible for making their own choices that determine their future life. Family counseling aims at defining and researching such concepts as love, romance, and marriage. If families address an expert to obtain therapy, strategic models by Jay Haley, Don Jackson, and...

Surviving the Death of a Parent

In the article “The Death of a Parent Affects Even Grown Children Psychologically and Physically,” published in Fatherly, Krisch explains how parental loss affects adults. Although people are aware that they are likely to outlive their parents, this knowledge does not make the death of a parent easier to process...

Variation in the Types of Families in the USA

A family is the smallest unit that makes up a society and comprises parents and their children living together. The ideal family consists of a mother, father, and children while the extended family lives separately but meets on special occasions. The formation of a family is guided by moral and...

Two Parenting Approaches: Authoritative and Authoritarian

There are different approaches to providing good nurturing and education for children, and psychologists argue which is the best. They imply different assumptions about the children’s behavior and provides different parenting methods. The child’s development is a complex and individual process: it depends on the child’s character and the conditions...

How Happiness Arises From Social Interaction

Introduction Modern philosophy asks the question of what happiness is, what underlies it, how to achieve it, and whether it exists at all. Modern philosopher Joel Feinberg declares that people are happy when they can fully engage and perceive various activities that they enjoy for the fact they are. Nonetheless,...

Compassion: Defining an Abstract Term

Several moral virtues or qualities attributed to people are abstract, which makes identifying or properly understanding them difficult. Compassion, then, is one of such qualities. It can be most quickly described as a mix of feelings about the trouble of others. Usually, compassion entails feeling concerned, worried, and pitying the...

The Level of Privilege of an Individual

At first thought, I would consider myself an unprivileged individual. However, after investigating this topic more deeply, I believe that there is no simple answer to the question of privilege. There are several factors about my background and identity that put me at a disadvantage compared to some other people....

Helping Adults to Navigate Issues of Discipline

Introduction In a variety of existing controversies and approaches, no one can deny the fact that family plays an important role in a child’s development. Adults take responsibility for their children in many ways, including their behaviors, knowledge, and attitudes. Among general parenting strategies, punishment, and discipline are commonly used...

Paternity Leaves After Children’s Birth

Introduction After childbirth, some fathers, especially those not in committed relationships, barely take time off work to care for their children. On the other hand, mothers are forced to take time off work before and after the mother delivers. Fathers barely get time off, and if allowed to get time...

The Purpose of Dreaming and Personal Sleep Habits

Sleep has always been one of the general components of human existence. What is more, sleep quality has a crucial effect on a person’s condition during the day. It is necessary to sleep well and have enough hours per night to be able to live the day through in a...

“Enchanted Garden” Wedding Plan

Introduction The wedding day is the event people want to remember for a lifetime. Therefore, it is critical that the ceremony is beautiful, well-established, and respects the interests of all guests. The wedding is a family event, but at the same time, this day is especially important for the bride,...

How We Would Be If We Were Less Afraid

Most people are afraid of something, even if they do not admit so. Children are often scared of monsters under the bed, the darkness, heights, or going to the dentist. Adults can be fearful of those things, but they are also afraid of public speaking, failing exams, or being fired....

My Family’s Social Class and Mine

The concept of social class does not have a clear definition due to a large amount of factors that may change it. However, sociologists like Weber have implied that it is generally determined by similarity in income, influence and rank. Dennis Gilbert and Joseph Kahl have expanded on this concept...

The Influence of Culture on Self-Development and Maturity Process

Naturally, my surroundings, including social interaction, tend to influence my identity and me as a person in general. For instance, my neighborhood and the people I befriended there impact my judgment, character traits, and opinions on a daily basis. In addition, my cultural background and its aspects like traditions, mentality,...

Latinos Childbirth and Perinatal Care

Objectives Latinos are one of the group among Americas rich culture who have ties with Latin America. These people have a rich culture when it comes to how they conduct their day-to-day life. In regard to childbirth and perinatal care, they have a unique way of ensuring pregnant women and...

Diversity Dimensions and Their Impact on Relationships

The three primary dimensions of diversity are age, race, and gender. These primary dimensions are also known as inside measurements. They integrate parts of range over which, generally, people have no control. Therefore, they are the focus of this course, and many different practices developed for a range of work...

Cohabitation: A Free Relationship

I have chosen this topic because the number of people who want to live in a free relationship without committing themselves is growing day by day. However, the opinions of psychologists and people who dream of starting a family in this regard are radically different. Some women find positive cohabitation...

Hallway Scenario Overview

Introduction Tears are part of our life and crying is important as laughing. All people can be covered with emotions and become sad. When something goes wrong, people usually express their feelings by crying, which is healthy for mental health. Some people need help when they cry, and some people...

Emotions: Fear and Freedom

This book tells that fear and freedom are two opposite ends of the same path. At the same time, it is fear that is the beginning for an individual who lives in doubt, and fear and attempts to control everything around them. According to Farnell, throughout life, such people should...

Personal Experience: Developing Leadership

Leadership has various concepts and theories that combine critical skills into standard systems. However, experience teaches leadership qualities best of all. I started as a shepherd at the United Methodist Church in Springfield, Virginia, with my pastor’s approval. My responsibilities included Bible study and counseling for a congregation of young...

Why Practicing Radical Self-Love Is Beneficial?

Modern society is full of destructive stereotypes and mindsets about body and appearance. Developed throughout the generations, traditional images of how people must look to be accepted by society are now well-established. Even though discrimination rules the world since ancient times, people started fighting it just recently. Movements that aim...

Experience of Symbolic Loss and Actual Loss

Studying the main principles of symbolic loss is especially significant for understanding human grief. Many authors have stated the importance of acknowledging symbolic losses and the consequences that are caused by such occurrences (Harris, 2017). Even though symbolic loss is exceptionally different from the actual one, it is still essential...

Aspects of Female Friendships: Intimacy

Friendships is a common phenomenon in relationships among human beings, but its content and dynamics can vary depending on the characteristics and categories of individuals involved in them. Intimacy can be considered as a critical element of friendships, which can have a great deal of influence on the overall strength...

Marriage Issues and Divorce Rates in America

The problem of varying divorce statistics in different states of the USA requires consideration due to the uncertainty of the exact reasons for such data. A large number of states in the South have extremely high divorce rates, which can be attributed to demographic and social problems. However, one needs...

Assessing Past Leadership Experiences

Introduction Creating conditions for the productive work of colleagues and subordinates is a responsible task for any leader involved in team activities. In my practice, I have faced examples of both good and mediocre leadership, and this experience is useful for me to compare individual approaches and draw conclusions about...

Aspects of Parenting and Gender Roles

Introduction Gender-sensitive parenting is on the current agenda as gender roles and stereotypes are being redefined. If previously gender filling the roles of a boy and a girl was not a question and was an option by default, today, the gender distinctions are unfocused. Parents should pay special attention to...

Observation of Neo-Local and Multi-Generational Families in the Framework of Modern Trends

Introduction The modern world is very diverse and well combines current trends with the remnants of the past. Once multi-generational households were the absolute norm, different generations could coexist nearby or even under the same roof. The reasons for this could be entirely different, from economic to social causes. Standing...

Forest Walk as Thought-Provoking Outdoor Experience

Nature is our mother, and humans cannot exist without it. It is rather hard to choose just one experience of my contact with nature that shaped my attitude toward the environment. Still, I remember one walk with my friend in the small area of forest near the city that provoked...

General Good and Happiness Definition

The general good and happiness can be defined as states and conditions in which people are satisfied with the course of life actions. At the same time, it is obligatory to emphasize that in order to achieve total happiness, it is necessary to highlight individual contribution. Any person can start...

Individual Factors of My Political Participation

The current American political landscape is experiencing unprecedented levels of polarization. The effects of polarization have influenced the process of family socialization, which is the development of its cultural and personal identity (Iyengar et al. 1326). On an individual level, certain factors influence a person’s political participation. Such factors can...

Single-Parent Households Issues

It goes without saying that intimate relationships and family structures have dramatically changed over the course of time. In preindustrial societies, kinship systems were the main form of social organization that provided members cooperated by marriage, adoption, or common ancestry with basic life necessities (Kendall, 2014). In turn, in industrialized...

Trauma and Emotions and Their Effects on the Body

Trauma and Emotions Finding the connection between emotional health and physical well-being is a promising field of research because the topic touches on different medical disciplines and approaches. From a clinical perspective, Garland (2018) describes trauma as a wound caused by tissue damage and accompanied by rupture of the skin...

Striving to Overcome Difficulties

Introduction In a world where competition is constantly growing, it is necessary to learn and apply new knowledge in work. Carol Dweck, a professor of psychology at Stanford University, found that people demonstrate two attitudes to their learning opportunities (21). These attitudes are fixed and growth mindsets. As a high...

American Lifestyle: The Impact on Health

Intensive movement forward to a high-quality rhythm of life is manifested in all spheres of American life. For example, high-speed movement in private cars on the streets and even within cities, the rapid development of the transport system, and the dynamic development of science and technology. Life in the USA...

Discussion of Experience With Birth

This paper will interview mothers from different cultural and social backgrounds about their birth-giving experience. Miranda, a 30-years old woman from Colorado, has given birth to her first child this April. She and her husband live in an affluent region of their town, receiving an average yearly income of $100...

Intention Statement: Abstaining from Shopping

Many psychologists claim that people who shop forget about their problems for a while. Their mood lifts, they become livelier, and they look at the world differently. However, the question of whether this process is a cure or a problem remains to this day. Some doctors consider addiction to shopping...

Discussion of Individual Differences and Emotions

Introduction Without any doubt, a whole range of emotions lives in any person. It can be joy, anger, happiness, resentment, delight, hatred, and many others. Depending on the personality, nature, essence, qualities, intelligence, genetic factors, or life situation, each emotion makes itself felt, and each individual manifests it in their...

Facilitating Language Development

There are different strategies that parents can employ to facilitate their children’s language development. The first technique is by being an active conversational partner for the child (Santrock, 2019). Parents should give their children adequate attention, especially when they start to develop capability of intelligible speech. The second technique is...

Gay Marriage Redefines the True Meaning of Family

Introduction In the last decade, the concept of family has changed significantly in part due to the legalization of same-sex marriage in the USA. The contemporary understanding of a family unit and its purpose in broader society has undergone meaningful transformations shifting from the focus on the goal of procreation...

Workplace Diversity, Inclusion and Obstacles to It

Diversity and Inclusion Reflection My reaction to the word “diversity” is grounded on events happening in the world – I immediately think that diversity is necessary, but still, there are problems with achieving it. I am sure that it is a significant and influential issue and assume that now one...

Parental Caregiving Assumptions and Best Practices

There are several biases about parental caregiving the society might have. Many people believe that when they become adults, and their parents reach a certain age, it inevitably leads to shifting the roles of their parents. Society has a deep-rooted bias connected with the fear of death, and aging is...

“Flow, the Secret to Happiness” by Csikszentmihalyi

Happiness has been an ambiguous topic for centuries, and everybody has tried to answer the question of what brought this ecstatic state. While some people consider material well-being to be a source of serenity and happiness, others put a value on creativity and freedom. Nevertheless, it remains either a question...

Discussion of Genetic Testing Aspects

Should prospective adoptive parents be able to request and receive genetic information regarding the infant they are considering prior to adoption? The primary aim of the adoption process is to ensure that the children move into a safe and loving environment. The parents are expected to cater to the adopted...

Parenting: The Family Resource Guide

Introduction Who are the parents to their child? Teachers, mentors, friends. A child is a big responsibility, so parents are responsible for putting resources into them and helping them develop. Parents need to handle difficult situations so that their children can grow up psychologically healthy. This quick guide will help...

Emotions: Why Do Lovers Love?

From the loftiest attribute or significant promise, the strongest interpersonal attachment, to the simplest pleasure, love spans a variety of healthy and supportive emotional and mental experiences. The love of a parent differentiates from the love of a husband, which distinguishes it from the love for items, as an illustration...

Cheap Knives vs. Expensive Knives

There is a tremendous difference between cheap and expensive knives when it comes to their characteristics. They define the applicability of one or another option to various tasks, while both types have their pros and cons. Therefore, to distinguish the knives by the price, it is vital to assess their...

Perfect Family Myths on Divorce and Parenting

Introduction Family is the central concept in social sciences, the first agent of socialization in a child’s life, and the most precious thing in life for most people regardless of their age, gender, race, or nationality. There are numerous types of families: nuclear, extended, blended, and joint, to name but...

Rising Kids: Lifespan Development

Lifespan development is one of the major issues in society. During their lives, people enter various stages of their evolution characterized by changes in their roles, statuses, physical abilities, and cooperation with other individuals (Sigelman & Rider, 2015). The importance of these issues preconditions the emergence of various norms, expectations,...

Parenting Advice and Its Quality

Parenting can be extraordinarily complicated since the process of raising children requires approaching emerging issues from multiple perspectives while remaining supportive of the child. In the era of social media, when communication opportunities have expanded tremendously, parents can obtain numerous recommendations and pieces of advice from the global community (McCormick...

Ways To Cope Emotions and Stress

There are several theories on how people experience emotions that have been put forward throughout the years, all attributing emotions to separate causes. The Schachter-Singer Theory is a cognitive theory of emotions, according to which a person first experiences a physiological response to a stimulus and is then left to...

Having a Pet for Cardiovascular Health

The heart is an essential organ of our body, in the state of which the health and life expectancy of a person directly depends. Measures such as staying active, eating a healthy diet, walking outside, getting enough sleep, and avoiding bad habits are great ways to help prevent heart disease....

Racial Identity Based on Personal Experiences

Racial Identification Reflection Racial identity is the unique complexion of the skin that human beings can be associated with, including the ethnic backgrounds and social settings based on the culture, such as language and style. Child development also has some aspects of racial identity because, at six months, children can...

Friendship and Epistemological Viewpoints and Possible Problems From Partiality

In recent years, analytical philosophers have shown increased interest in friendship and its influence on epistemology. They mainly seek to examine friendship concerns and disputes about bias that lack clear objectives regarding morality concerns. Several fundamental ethical theories emphasize impartiality and fair treatment as essential moral and ethical goals by...

The Broken Relationship Interview Analysis

Olivia’s Broken Relationship Interview In order to understand romantic relationships, I interviewed a 24-year-old lady Olivia, who had a broken relationship. When I asked Olivia to describe her past relationship, she told me that she had been in the relationship for three years with a man, Jim, whom she described...

Family Therapy Schools: Bowenian and Structural

The early communications theory is a source of several concepts fundamental to family therapy. It is focused on improving relationships within a family by studying verbal and non-verbal exchanges between family members (Nichols & Davis, 2020). The first concept is the attention to actions that lead to conflicts (Nichols &...

“Does Couples’ Communication Predict Marital Satisfaction”

Overview The research by Lavner et al. (2016) observed positivity, negativity, and effectiveness of 431 newlywed couples to determine the relationship between communication and the level of satisfaction. The researchers analyzed the behavior and attitude of the couples four times every nine months. The results demonstrate that cross-sectionally, relatively satisfied...

Bowen’s MFT: Summary and Analysis

Introduction Marriage issues and family conflicts are inseparable aspects of relationships, which is why they should be seen as developmental opportunities. The described approach also applies to the scenarios that involve confrontations due to the trauma experienced by a spouse, particularly, the one that manifests in the development of a...

Differences in Parenting Styles in the East (China) and the West (America)

The introduction in the essay “Differences in parenting styles in the East (China) and the West (America)” is short and straightforward. The thesis is clearly stated, the author managed to indicate the main point of the story. The language used by the author is simple and easy to understand for...

Benefits of Stress Management and Obstacles of Implementation

Stress management strategies are a focal point for people working in the health industry. They are among the most exposed to high levels of stress, which often severely affects their daily lives (Caponnetto et al., 2019). Therefore, these strategies may improve the practitioner’s level of stress but also work efficiency...

The Relevance of Child Marriage and Its Impact on Fertility

Introduction The concept of early marriage is very vague, for example, the official language of jurisprudence considers a marriage concluded by young people before reaching a certain age established by law to be early. However, people are sure that the family created at the age of 18-20 is the earliest....

“Rethinking Infidelity…” TED Talk by Perel

An essential basis of family relations is trust in a partner, and infidelity usually destroys it and makes the partner doubt the strength of the marriage. In her TED speech, Esther Perel discusses the causes of pushing people, even in happy pairs, to the adulterer (TED, 2015). Her speech includes...

Meditation as a Regular Practice

The real purpose of meditation is to increase awareness and consciousness. It causes a subsequent change in our perception of the external world. To date, there have been many studies that have confirmed the enormous benefits of meditation for mental and physical health. These practices can provide an invaluable sense...

Sociological Imagination and Prejudgment Analysis

Prejudgment Human perception is largely based on experience, but the latter is not always first-hand. Sometimes, it is the stories we hear or the lack of experience that lies in our subconscious and determines the way we perceive certain people, events, or objects. While this is not inherently a negative...

The Act of Forgiveness in the Modern World

In today’s world, the act of forgiveness is often associated with weakness or defeat. A strong personality, many believe, defends their innocence to the end. It is easier for people to be angry, curse, and avoid offenders than understand and forgive them. Recently, however, more and more scientific evidence has...

Cross-Sex Friendships: The Main Benefits

Although this is a subject of a very long debate, I believe that men and women can form platonic friendships. In the clip from “When Harry Met Sally,” Billy Crystal’s character, Harry, claims that the reason men and women cannot be friends is that sex always gets in the way....

Personal Experiences and Social Imagination

There are a number of factors throughout my life that have shaped my understanding of the world and the self. In particular, I think that gender has been an interesting topic to think about and a theme that has given me considerable trouble throughout my life. Gender is a complicated...

Creating Personal Business Plan

Vision and Opportunity Obtaining a higher education in IT business management is a long-standing goal of mine, which I have been striving for for a long time. Getting a degree in this sphere can help me realize my career ambitions to the fullest. After graduation, I want to find a...

John Gottman: What Makes Marriages Work

In his research on love and relationships in couples John Gottman and his team utilized diverse types of data. Additionally, the information was collected in different ways by implementing validated questionnaires, face-to-face interviews, physiological measurements, etc. Therefore, such types of data as the couples’ story of how they met, heart...

Focusing On Positive Things: Overcoming Troubles

My name is John Ogunmileto, I am a 19-year-old student currently living in the U.S. I have spent my whole life in Lagos, Nigeria, and both of my parents were born in Nigeria. My mom is from Ekiti and my dad is from Osun. Both of them created a big...

Achieving the State of Joy and Happiness Project

Introduction Feelings of joy and happiness have always been highly desirable due to their beneficial influence on one’s body and mind. To achieve the state of happiness, psychiatric research promotes the importance of mindfulness incorporation. Research by Rodrigues et al. (2017) suggests that mindfulness-stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy serve...

Lifestyle Challenges: Convenience Over Health

Introduction The problem of promoting health through a number of widely known techniques, such as dietary choices or physical activity, is a dubious initiative from the perspective of its efficiency. One can easily suggest that these measures are sufficient for eliminating the risks of developing specific conditions; meanwhile, researchers claim...

Prejudices in People From Authoritarian Families

Family is the initial institution that shapes children’s beliefs and values. Although people may change their worldview later in life when communicating with peers and colleagues, the foundational knowledge often remains the same because many preferences unconsciously develop by the age of four (Odenweller & Harris, 2018). For instance, the...

Prototype in Life Design: What Does It Mean?

Prototype in life design infers getting a short preview of the possible future by gathering information on the topic from experts and experiencing a portion of that future to understand reality and perspectives better. It includes conceptualizing and arranging, then, at that point, encountering the expected future to check whether...

The Science of Love with Dr. John Gottman

Having a happy and meaningful relationship with other people is something that almost all individuals pursue in their everyday lives. Especially it concerns those who are the closest to us – our partners. However, although everybody wants to be loved and cared for and loved and cared for back, only...

Having a Pet Helps a Lot, New Research Shows

Having a pet is morally, emotionally, socially and physically good for individuals. Every person should get a pet if they are able. The variety of pets and animals to choose from allows for certain variety in terms of both care and requirements, letting people with no experience also experience having...

How Fragile Human Life Is and How Easy It Is to Lose It

Practical implementation turned out to be surprisingly different from what we learn in theory. Medicine and healthcare never attracted me more than having general knowledge of the human body. Still, at school, when we were taught to behave in urgent situations, I remember imagining how I can once save a...

Blended Family Structure and Statistics

Blended families, also known as remarriages or stepfamilies, are among the modern types of families in the world. Data collection methods on blended families are limited since the US government has never collected data on stepfamilies. There is inadequate information on these types of families since only some small groups...

The Brightest Figures In Life: My Teacher

Life is a unique adventure that carries us through various experiences, some of which we remember until the end of our days. Sometimes, it seems like people’s existence has been partly thought through, and some of the circumstances we simply cannot impact. Situations we get involved in and humans we...

Parental Listening, Encouraging, and Trusting

Introduction Teenagers are particularly susceptible to certain emotional and social challenges due to their vulnerability in terms of mental health, physical changes, environment, and other factors. Moreover, this is a period of transition from dependency to independence, which may also manifest itself in various behavioral changes. While often wanting to...

Savoring and Flow in Personal Experience

People escape bad feelings and stressful moments by doing things that fill them with happiness and satisfaction. For instance, taking warm baths, reading books, and taking strolls, offset negative emotions (Baumgardner & Crothers, 2013). Most of the activities create flow experiences by absorbing a person until they get lost in...

What Counts as a Family? Media-Based Response

It is known that relationships within the family are the most significant ones for any individual. In the video entitled “Dedicated to My Family” (2007), the young girl Nicole explains what the concept of “perfect family” means to her, revealing the details of her personal background throughout the story. I...

Employing the Idea of Grit in My Everyday Life

A dilemma of talented people not succeeding in their lives seems disturbing to anyone. However, according to Angela Duckworth, everyone can reach their goals with the help of grit. To be more exact, grit is “a special blend of passion and perseverance” that is even more fundamental to success than...

Measuring Competencies in “Sex Education”

Otis Milburn is a nerdy teenager who has heard too much about sex from his advanced mom, a sexologist but has never actually done it. His friend, Maeve Wiley, on the contrary, is too developed for her age, as she was born into a dysfunctional family and has already tasted...

Emotions: Types and Importance

For humans as social beings, a sense of love is inherent. Love is a complex feeling, which causes such emotions as warm feelings, affection, and passion. Usually, one determines three fundamental mechanisms of love: libido, attachment, and partner preference. Main biological components are the next neurochemicals: dopamine, oxytocin, estrogen, vasopressin,...

Parental Incarceration’s Impact on a Child

Introduction Parental incarceration is a matter of significant concern in modern society since it has many negative consequences for imprisoned parents, all members of their families, and their children, specifically. The most dangerous impact of parental incarceration is associated with the fact that the child (or children) of an imprisoned...

Proximal and Distal Parenting

Proximal parenting implies close body contact and stimulation, while the distal parenting style is characterized by communication through the distant senses – fact-to-face contact and object stimulation (Keller et al., 2009). Regarding proximal parenting, it promotes closeness and warmth while contributing to children’s early development of compliance. At the same...

Family and Personal Development in Literature

Everybody belongs to a family, and regardless of whether these are blood ties or not, they are crucial in shaping an individual’s life. The main characters in the texts go through challenging experiences but overcome them with the help of their loved ones. Houran’s mother leaves his father, Rashid, for...

Successful and Unsuccessful Relationships

Introduction Almost every Christian would agree that building relationships that could be called successful is a critical part of happiness. There are no universal definitions of good and bad relationships, so gaining this information from different sources is an exciting experience. This essay seeks to summarize the author’s findings from...

The Ways Friends and Family Make an Individual’s Level of Happiness Higher

The level of happiness is a significant indicator of an individual’s mental health state that is a primary compound of adequate wellbeing. There are a variety of factors, which influence a person, contribute to his or her moral status, and can help in defining an individual as a “happy” one....

Essentials of Strategic Management: Personal Experience

Introduction Learning is a big part of life. I getting to know the world around us, other people that live in it, as well as all kinds of phenomena that exist in it, we get to better understand ourselves. Throughout my time as a person, I have managed to learn...

Occupational Therapy Volunteering at Camp Erin

Most of us do not know how to be around grieving people. I was deeply grieved after losing my mother to cancer until I was invited for a camping weekend at Camp Erin, where I am currently a volunteer. You or someone you know might be the next person in...

Lifestyle Factors Affecting Adolescents

The objective of the interview is to comprehend young adults’ perspectives and experiences on physical activities and social influences over a specific time. The understanding is relevant when it comes to coming up with interventions needed in lifestyle promotions. Parents, guardians, and fellow age mates from different cultures play a...

Adoption of Children by Queer Couples

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) families have historically faced serious challenges in adopting children in the United States. February 2020 marked 51 years since Bill Jones has successfully adopted his son, Aaron (Bewkes et al.). In 1968, Jones broke one of the most persistent barriers to gay rights...

The “Value Life as It Is” Manifesto

Life is beautiful in any of its manifestations: the cry of a newborn baby is beautiful; the falls of an infant who learns to walk are beautiful. The many failures we all experience in our path to success are also beautiful because they are an indispensable part of life, and...

Assertive Communication at Work: Family Communication

Communication frequently involves controversial dilemmas and conflicts, which require solvation. In such cases, decision-making may be the most significant and the most complicated action. It may be particularly difficult if these conflicts or disagreements involve close people and family members. A wide variety of specific approaches to communication may be...

Parenting Styles and Aggressive Adolescents

Researchers have identified four parenting styles that influence children’s’ growth and development. According to Myers and DeWall (2019), parentings styles include authoritative, permissive, negligent, and authoritarian (p. 592). First, the authoritarian parenting style is characterized by its strict and directive rules and regulations asserted by the parents onto children. The...

Emotional Intelligence: Why Is It Important?

Emotions are an integral and significant phenomenon of everyday and professional life. That is why people should be able to understand and control their emotions, and Emotional Intelligence (EI) helps individuals cope with this task. EI is an essential ability for every person irrespective of their profession or gender because...

Personal Experience Adopting Kiko From Humane Society

In 2018, my family decided to adopt a pet for our home. We did not know where to get the pet; thus, the best place that we could get the idea was through online platforms. We started scrutinizing different internet-based sites that had pets that needed adoption, and we encountered...

Article Summary and Personal Reflection

Summary The article titled “Letting Go of Resentment and Anger” explores the concept of forgiveness from the perspective of its relationship with anger and resentment. The author gives two meanings of the word forgiveness: to let go of anger and resentment and to give up the pursuance of punishment for...

Personal Lessons About Race and Ethnicity

Introduction How children and adolescents are taught about race and ethnicity shapes their attitudes toward race and biases associated with the topic. This is why it is important to ensure that these individuals are educated on the topic of ethnicity and diversity, which is something that I did not have...

Individual and Dyadic Physical Activity Plans

Losing my job is one of life’s most frustrating moments if I am laid off or see contract work dry up. Apart from the apparent financial hardship, losing employment may significantly impact my outlook, friendships, and general emotional and mental well-being. However, I have always believed that my work is...

Review of “Hope Works: Moving From Darkness Into Your Dreams”

Relationships with family members play one of the essential roles in the life of any person. Children take an example from their parents and try to be like them. In addition, parents ensure the safety of the child, which no one else can provide. When relationships change in the family...

Critical Thinking Self-Assessment

A strong-sense critical thinker always strives to be intellectually fair. One of the qualities of such a thinker is that they try to understand the viewpoints of other people. When discussing or debating an issue, it is essential to give opponents a fair chance to express themselves (Elder and Paul...

Major Life Events: Starting College

Throughout life, people experience many events which change their lives positively or negatively. Major life events such as marriage, childbirth, job changes, and others have a significant impact on the quality of a person’s life and activities. It is true that “most people experience a major and potentially traumatic event...

A Personal Timeline Compared to Historical Events

Introduction People’s lives are interconnected with the overall situation in the country and the world. Some personal events may reflect a more global political and economical state. The state of the economy can influence people’s decisions to marry, have children, buy a house or move to another city. In this...

Childhood Attachment and Parenting Styles

In social sciences and psychology, the term emotional attachment may refer to the process of understanding the expressive closeness and affection that binds people together. It enables caregivers to prepare children early enough for independence and parenthood. Children are naturally dependent on their parents and close relatives for personal and...

Theoretical Approaches to Child Parenting

Differentiation and the ability to distribute are essential initially for both the parent and the child. The basic formation of cognitive ideas is accompanied by the phenomena of animism, when a child perceives inanimate objects as living with which one can interact. Of the similar systemic errors of children’s perception,...

The Impact of My Emotional Intelligence on Personal Relationships

Emotional intelligence is a specific capacity that has a significant influence on both professional and personal relationships. Miao et al. (2016) describes it as “the set of abilities (verbal and non-verbal) that enable a person to generate, recognize, express, understand, and evaluate their own, and others’, emotions to guide thinking...

Social Institutions and Diverse Family Populations

Social institutions are vital organizations for providing essential services to public members. Practices and processes in many statutory agencies ensure collective shared growth. A family is fundamental to community development, as evidenced in many societies. This social unit enables authorities to evaluate public service’s nature appropriate for specific members (Forster...

You Can Become Anyone You Want to in Next Five Years

In general, a five-year plan may be regarded as one of the best strategies to create a framework for actions in order to achieve some life objectives. Individuals are usually motivated by goals, therefore, having them is a crucial aspect of living a purposeful life. The person’s aims act as...

Parental Deployment: Action Plan

Case Scenario The current case study involves a child with emotional issues who is six years old from a middle-class socioeconomic status background. There are no other siblings at home. Parents are married and are actively involved with the child. The father is an active-duty parent in the military, and...

Necessary Changes in the Family Model

The socio-cultural changes taking place around the world in 2040 are associated with an increase in individual freedom and the expansion of the choice of professions. In addition, the importance of education will increase; all of the above will lead to an increase in the social differentiation of the entire...

Covid-19 Implications on Economic and Social Transformation

Introduction The ongoing pandemic has affected the ordinary lives of many individuals irrespective of economic or socio-cultural backgrounds. People across North America and countries within the European Union have experienced adverse impacts of Covid-19. Unfortunately, I have been a victim of the pandemic, which has affected many aspects (Firang, 2020)....