Research Ethics and Informed Consent

In a paper titled “Ethics, Reflexivity, and “Ethically Important Moments” in Research”, Guillemin and Gillam (2004) discusse the importance of ethics while undertaking research and how researchers handle ethical problems that come up in the practice of research. The authors question whether there are conceptual structures that they can use...

Scientific Method: The Risk of Contracting Diabetes

Introduction Scientists sought to experiment that drinking coffee may have a positive implication to blood sugar levels that may lead to diabetes. This procedure had to be carefully conducted to articulate positive results that could be verified through standard experimental procedures. In a research procedure, some experiments may only be...

Physics Lab Report. Particle Aggregation

Introduction Standing waves are produced when identical waves occur on the same medium. The waves travel in the opposite direction but have the same amplitude and wavelength. Usually, standing waves are best produced by connecting a string to a vibrating body on one end and a reflecting body on the...

Aspects of Qualitative Research Methods

Qualitative research is aimed at obtaining valuable data on the deep motivation of respondents and detailed information about the subject of research. Qualitative methods involve the collection of information in free form; they focus not on statistical measurements, but rely on understanding, explaining, and interpreting empirical data. Additionally, they represent...

“Measuring Inequality in Community Resilience to Natural Disasters” by Hong et al.

The overview of the study The scholars analyzed mobility patterns of mobile devices to determine the movement of people in Houston, Texas after Hurricane Harvey hit it. The research aimed at developing a generalizable method that could predict people’s response and recovery after a natural disaster. It was found that...

Methodology and Rationale for the Research

Methodology The proposed research aims to investigate if people with down syndrome are less likely to have behaviors if they are provided with one-on-one care. Typically, people having Down syndrome without assistance tend to demonstrate aggressive conduct towards other people (Valentini et al., 2021). Therefore, it is crucial to research...

Political Sampling: Pros and Cons of Probability and Non-Probability Sampling

Introduction In many parts of the world, politics is an area of interest for many people, given the immense weight that political systems confer over the wellbeing and the governance of societies. Political systems are categorized as part of social systems and are among the major sectors in the world’s...

Christian Worldview. How God Allows Suffering

A good, loving, and all-powerful God allows people to suffer, especially Christians, so that they can grow to love Christ more and establish their faith in him. In effect, God allows people to suffer so that they can understand his providence when he comes through for them. Notably, one tends...

Art and Science: Collaboration and Interdependence

Art and science have for a long time been complemented in several ways. It is difficult to differentiate the key features between the two. The key variance is that art is subjective, unlike objective science. Art expresses knowledge whereas science depicts the acquisition of knowledge. The collaboration between art and...

Qualitative Research on Suicidal Behavior

Research plays a critical role in the scientific world, discovering and describing various phenomena, events, causal relationships, thereby promoting the resolution of numerous issues. It can be applied in many industries, especially healthcare, education, psychology, social science, marketing, and business overall. Nevertheless, depending on a research question, scholars use different...

Relationship Between Gender and Death Anxiety

Introduction This critique is concerned with the qualitative article by Sharma et al. (2019) entitled “Death anxiety among elderly people: Role of gender, spirituality, and mental health.” The authors conceptualized spirituality and death anxiety and provided a brief literature review concerning the research on the matter. Sharma et al. (2019)...

“The Geological Significance of the Geoid.” by Chase

The central dataset picked up by satellite geodesy is most useful in the geoidal anomalies than in gravity anomalies form. One noted feature of the earth’s field of gravity is the level of dominance in the low degree, long wavelength harmonics, and a way of viewing the significance of a...

Description of the Radiopharmaceutical

Introduction A radiopharmaceutical, otherwise known as nuclear medicine, is made up of one or more radioactive isotopes called radio-nuclides. Radiopharmaceuticals are pharmaceuticals prepared in readiness for applications in curing and/or identification of diseases in persons. Radioactive element 133Xe, 131I-NaI, or a labelled compound 131I-iodinated proteins and 99mTc-labeled compounds are a...

Sampling Bias and Non-Response Bias

Sampling distortion happens when some people are more likely than others to be chosen systematically in a survey. In the medical profession, it is also known as ascertainment bias. Since sampling bias jeopardizes external validity, especially population validity, findings are restricted in their generalizability. In other words, results from skewed...

Creating a Process for Analysis of the Data

Summary This paper aims to generate a process for analysis of the data collected in previous works resulting in the concise and proper analysis and development of the data implementation into a workable plan. In order to create a comprehensible project, it seems appropriate to apply the table format. A...

Rice Scientists Create a Super Antioxidant

Introduction and Choice of article The article that has been selected for this essay is, ‘Rice scientists create a super antioxidant – Common catalyst cerium oxide opens door to nanochemistry for medicine’. The article was published in Rice University News and Media on October 14th 2013 where it was posted...

Ethical Principles Tantamount to the Research Involving Human Subjects

Two general ethical principles followed in nursing that can be discussed as tantamount to conducting the research involving human subjects are the respect for person and human dignity and truth telling. It is possible to state that these ethical principles are directly related to the ethics of the research involving...

Correlation: Scatter Diagrams and Linear Collinearity

Correlation is referred to as the association between bivariate data, which is also described as data sets containing two observations. Scatterplots, also known as scatter graphs or correlational charts, provide excellent descriptive representations of the interrelationship between two quantitative variables. Each point in a scatter plot denotes a paired measurement...

Statistics: Significance of Statistics

Introduction Statistics is a course that is advantageous and becomes ingrained in one’s life. The importance of statistical data is almost infinite, as demonstrated by confidence theory and science (Harris et al., 2017). Metrics are important because they provide accurate information about circumstances. However, several fields are abusing statisticians in...

Epistemology and Research Methodology Meet in Theory

Introduction The essence of theoretical thought is based on the complex process of theorizing, aiming at explaining a particular scientific phenomenon through the correlation of epistemology and research. In terms of family studies, the process of theorizing reflects “three basic orientations toward theory” (Bengtson, Acock, Allen, Dilworth-Anderson, and Klein, 2004,...

The Different Types of Evaluation Designs in the Law Enforcement

Evaluation is a complicated concept and for it to generate valid conclusions, it needs a carefully thought approach. Such complications emanate from the fact that there are numerous factors that influence the manner in which conclusions are interpreted as well as the outcomes. These factors are usually in a complex...

Brief Description of the Paricutín Volcano

The Paricutín volcano is the one of youngest on Earth and belongs to the Trans-Mexican volcanic belt. It is situated in the central part of Mexico in the state of Michoacan, 322 km from Mexico City. The eruption occurred from 1943 to 1952 in the Michoacán-Guanajuato volcanic field (Larrea et...

Statistics. Comparative Mobile Telephony Penetration

This analysis delves into the correlates and antecedents of cellular telephone acquisition and ownership rates for a 2005 database spanning 46 countries. Interest is sparked, first of all, by wide disparities in mobile telephony penetration, ranging from zero to 69 percent of the population in the case of the United...

Quantitative Studies and Their Critical Appraisal

Quantitative studies comprise a significant portion of the basis used for making decisions in evidence-based practice (EBP). However, different studies on the same subject can propose contradictory conclusions. This can complicate choosing the findings that one must follow when making evidence-based decisions. Therefore, one must critically assess the study by...

Researching Cryptocurrency and Mathematics

Brief History of Cryptography The development of civilization provided the need for encryption of data and its secret transmission. Thus, cryptography was used in early states such as ancient Egypt or Mesopotamia. At that time, the primary method of encrypting information was the substitution of symbols (Dooley, 2018). In more...

The Significance of Scientists in Western Civilization

Abstract This work is a comprehensive analysis of the activities of the most significant Western thinkers: Freud, Darwin, and Marx. Each of them had a special impact on Western civilization, making a great contribution to science and culture. They worked in different fields (psychology, biology, and philosophy), but in part,...

The Impact of Different Types of Biases on Research Credibility

Introduction In order to incorporate scholarly findings into practice, it is crucial to evaluate their quality at first. Academics across different areas have to possess the appropriate skills to detect bias and develop efficient strategies to minimize it. Scientific articles serve as the main channel of communication for innovative ideas...

Training Program: Statistical Inference & Research

Introduction Training programs are believed to impact the way the employees consider themselves able to work or rather have the necessary training to complete their work. This research evaluates if such a relationship exists. This is achieved through a series of steps. It is important to note that this research...

Differences Between Adaptive Sampling and Network Sampling

The core differences between adaptive sampling and network sampling rest on their applications. Adaptive sampling in an entirely new sampling design in which regions, defined in its context as “units” are selected based on the values of variables that are of interest during the observation process in the sampling survey...

Noah’s Floods: Development of the Grand Canyon Rocks

The solar system is believed to have majorly contributed to the formation of the Earth when a cloud of massive swirling dust and gas condensed through a supercooling. Earth has evolved over 4.5 billion years, after such occurrences of massive cooling (Hill, 2016). The solid formed is the current core...

Qualitative Research of Alcoholism in the U.S.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2010), 11% of alcohol consumed in the USA is drunk by adolescents, and 90% of it is consumed in the form of binge drinking. The main idea of this paper is to define five approaches to qualitative research, analyze them and...

Riding the Bull at Gilley’s” by Scully

Scully and Marolla discussed psychopathological assumptions on the conduct, psychological processes, and instincts of rapists. They found out that the psychopathological model of rapists’ behavior views rape as a result of mental dysfunction and claims that rapists are always unwell and lack self-control. Research indicated that male sexual vigor is...

Confidence Intervals: Coefficient and Constants

Confidence interval (IC) is a type of interval estimate of a population constant. lt is used to ascertain the reliability of a statistical estimate. Rather than estimating a constant using a single value, a range is determined that includes the constant. The interval between the constants is measured by the...

Beauty of Life: A Scientific Approach

Introduction Life is a beautiful thing. However, the beauty of life is usually analyzed in a few basic physical factors without the incorporation of our basic human form. Socially, the beauty of life is analyzed from a general point of view like human relationships, love, generosity, material enjoyment, magnificent landmarks,...

Data Structure: Statistical Analysis

Data Suitability Although the structure of the data appears normal (observations are stored in one record each; replications have separate records; each variable has its own field, which is always in the same column, etc.), not all the variables from the file “Data 02 (1).sav” are suitable for analysis. The...

Web-Based Organizational Discourses: Climate Change

The article of Smart (2010) discussed in the present paper pertains to the investigation of collective argumentation formation within the process of interaction with organizations holding similar and opposite opinions and viewpoints. The discourse relationships observed as an object for the present research are found across the network of texts...

The Main Methods of Conducting a Needs Assessment for Veterans

The assigned article is a detailed analysis of the main methods to use in conducting a needs assessment for veterans. It provides a sound analysis of the possible data collection methods to use while doing so and outlines key research questions for conducting this analysis. After reading the article, a...

Data Collection Tools, Methods, and Challenges in Research

Data Collection Tools Used in Qualitative Research Qualitative researches are “useful towards revealing the perceptions and behaviours of different populations” (Garbarino & Holland, 2009, p. 7). Such studies are critical because they make it easier for researchers to construct their hypotheses. This research approach produces descriptive results. Researchers can use...

Markov Chains Overview and Analysis

Introduction to Markov chains A Markov chain is a stochastic (random) process representing systems comprising multiple states with transitional probabilities between them. A stochastic process is a “mathematical model, which is scientifically proven, that advances in subsequent series that is from time to time in a probabilistic manner” (Miller &...

Generalizing Study Results

Explaining the Sample The case study titled “Social Work Research: Program Evaluation” focused on assisting low-income families. Plummer et al. (2014) mention that analyzing case studies is efficient in developing skills and expertise in social work, and this discussion is used to improve competency in sampling techniques. The program evaluation...

Geological Changes on Earth in Different Eras

The scientific investigation of Earth has led to the formation of theories that explain how the planet as it is now changed over time. The archeological evidence, fossils, the placement of volcanoes, and glaciers serve as evidential proofs that provided the basis for the Plate Tectonics Theory. Importantly, the form...

Archimedes’ Principle Experiment: Determining Gravity of Objects

Experimental Objectives To determine the specific gravity of different metallic objects that are denser than water To determine specific gravity of a liquid To determine the specific gravity of wood which is less dense which water is denser that it Theory By definition, density ρ0 of a substance is “a...

Determination of Appropriate Forecasting of Methods

Executive Summary The analysis of sales data of five products (1-5) offers important information regarding their structure, appropriate models of the forecast, and prediction of demand. The attributes of product 1 indicated that it has a cyclical structure without seasonality and trend. Based on these attributes, SMA and SES were...

Using Graphics for Visualization of Data

In a study, a film director sought to establish factors that influence the popularity of films. As a research design, the study examined the impact of gender and the type of film on psychological arousal. Gender and the type of film are two independent variables, whereas psychological arousal is the...

Using Both Quantitative and Qualitative Methods

Benefits of using mixed methods research Many research studies adopt mixed methods approaches in their study designs that employ both quantitative and qualitative methods. Quantitative methods are concerned with collection and analysis of data (numbers) using statistical tests. On the other hand, qualitative methods are concerned with collection and analysis...

Statistical Work in Manager Practice

The work of a statistician is closely connected with possible risks of sampling error; therefore, it is always important to approach the study of statistical data wholly and objectively. Thanks to the theory, which includes several analytical tools of sample assessment, specialists can check whether the data obtained during the...

Mistakes in Operating a Business Intelligence Program

The first critical mistake businesses make in employing Business intelligence (BI) programs is to ignore data quality. Organizations frequently assume that data used in BI programs is free of errors irrespective of the numerous processes they undergo, which may lead to errors at one given stage. A solution to this...

Study Designs, the Role of Primary and Secondary Data in a Research

Introduction It is accepted that the collection of research data should have a definite purpose. It is important to develop a research question matching the data to provide a meaningful result. A good research question is not just interesting but should be grounded in the analysis of evidence (Lipowski, 2008)....

The Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs in Nursing

The use of both qualitative and quantitative research designs is critical for different professionals, including nurses. This paper is aimed at discussing the primary strengths and weaknesses of each approach. This discussion can be important for medical workers who need to know how to examine the most important problems affecting...

Research Critique: Protection of Human Participants

Protection of human participants In an empirical study carried out by Jayadevappa, Schwartz, Chhatre, Wein and Malkowicz (2010), a total of 201 participants were recruited to take part in the survey. These were patients who had already been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Prior to treatment, the subjects were supposed to...

Recall Bias in Epidemiological Studies

Bias means deviations of outcome or conclusions from the reality or lack of internal authenticity in epidemiological studies. Selection, information and confounding are three types of biases (Recall bias can be a threat to Retrospective and Prospective Research Designs, 2011). Recall bias is a variety of information bias that threatens...

Research Design and Sampling

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals represent a significant portion of modern society, and these people often face numerous social challenges. As a result, various empirical articles address the issue, and the quantitative one by Hatzenbuehler et al. (2017) is among them. The research analyzes how social support for...

Interval Estimation for Correlation Coefficients

The correlation study focuses on the assumption that there is some interrelation between two variables that cannot be controlled by the researcher. In other words, the correlation is not the causation. For example, the correlation study might suggest that there is an interrelation between public health and self-esteem, but it...

All Knowledge Is an Illusion

All knowledge is an illusion. While this declaration does not mean that we should support the supernatural or ignore knowledge, I trust that it is essential to accept some limitations of knowledge that relate to its source. Unless we consider some fundamental premises, we may be surprised to come across...

Laryngeal Mask Airways Made of Silicone Rubber

As temperature increases, at a constant volume, pressure also increases with the magnitude depending on the level of temperature for laryngeal mask airway made of silicon rubber. This research paper presents a calculation to show this effect due to decreasing barometric pressure. In addition, the complications of these changes on...

Planetary Astronomy: Jupiter and Satellites

Introduction Jupiter has always attracted a lot of attention due to its rings and numerous satellites. The most famous and the first satellites that were discovered are Io, Callisto, Europa and Ganymede. Some researchers even note that these satellites can be seen as “a kind of miniature solar system orbiting...

High-Temperature Materials Selection: Space Shuttle Shield and Turbochargers

Introduction Components such as heat shields for spacecraft and for turbochargers are very challenging. They are subjected to very high operating temperatures and especially heat shields should never fail. The recent crash of the space shuttle Challenger happened because the heat shields failed and as a result, the catastrophic failure...

Thermodynamics and the Arrow of Time

Introduction Heat transfer is a common process in most machines, especially where two surfaces are in contact. The process is conceptualized as energy in transit. The transfer of heat is used to perform work, for example when the parts of the machine are in motion. Heat can also be generated...

The Effects of Changing the Speed of the Motor

Abstract and Objectives By experimenting, it was possible to address the three important objectives in this study. The first and second objectives were to determine the effects of changing the speed of the motor on the output current and voltage respectively. That was achieved by an upward and downward of...

Applied and Traditional Academic Research Methods

Introduction The applied research and the traditional academic research methods derive their processes and procedures from the generalized definition of research. Research is the scientific process through which solutions to problems are derived from statistical inferences (Salkind, 2006). The notion of finding a solution to the current problem is the...

Repeated Measures ANOVA: Analysis of the Statistics

Exploratory Data Analysis A high school teacher is interested in determining whether his students’ test scores increase over the course of a 12 Week period. Descriptive statistics for students’ test scores for the 12 Week period are provided in Table 1. Of the 12 students who participated in this study,...

Mathematics and Logic. A Troublesome Inheritance

Introduction As we know, humanity has been interested in issues of nature and society from the very moment the first cultures appeared. To answer these essential topics, the best minds of civilizations have created science and many categories within it, some of which are mathematics and logic. Despite their technical...

The Research Approval Process and Ethics

Researchers involved in planning and conducting research related to cohort fertility are required to operate within the framework of legal and ethical standards. Participants in scientific research can take part in them exclusively voluntarily, taking full awareness of the stages, timing, results, and possible negative consequences of scientific work (Yegidis...

The Measures of Central Tendency and the Descriptive Statistics

Introduction of the study The measures of central tendency like the mean, median, mode that will be discussed in this essay and the descriptive statistics are very useful in summarizing any collected data and help to come up with detailed and correct conclusions. The aim of this essay is to...

Estimation for the Poisson Distribution

Biostatisticians often experience research-based situations where they are expected to observe the counts of events that occur within a set unit of time, such as the number of reported cases of cholera in different cities or the number of children born per hour in any given day. In such contexts,...

Interdisciplinarity According to Hansson and Kelly

Interdisciplinarity is understood as the interaction of two or more scientific disciplines, each of which has its subject, terminology, and research methods. The existence of such a phenomenon as interdisciplinary research means not only the emergence of a particular science into a new integrative research space and overcoming the boundaries...

Critical Appraisal Tool of Research Work

Introduction The application of critical appraisal tools to evaluate the validity of research conclusions has gained acceptance in modern research settings. Appraisal tools are mainly used in medicine and allied professions. In these fields, evidence-based practice is of utmost importance to patients. Critical appraisal guidelines often appear as a checklist...

Impact of Nurse Staffing on Patient Outcomes

Problem statement The aim of the study was to examine the relationship between nurse staffing and the observed patient outcomes in hospital settings, paying special attention to acute care, nurse staffing policies and strategies (Penoyer, 2010). In particular, the researcher notes that the relationship between low nurse-patient ratios and desired...

How to Create an Effective Vacuum

Introduction The problem of creating an effective vacuum in many studies is important because different vacuum systems operate under different principles and can achieve the evacuation goal because of different evacuation abilities. Among the system to consider include the condensation systems, mechanical pumps, the ion and penning pumps that have...

Eating Fast Food and Obesity Correlation Analysis

Healthcare problem and research question In healthcare, it is prudent to assess relationships between healthcare problems and suspected causative factors. If causative factors are determined and positively correlated to healthcare problems, then preventive measures can be put in place (Polit & Lake, 2010). Correlation analysis statistical tests are used to...

Hypothesis Testing Procedures in Inferential Statistics

The two major types of statistical inference are hypothesis testing and confidential intervals. We use these two methods to make inferences. The difference between the use of the confidence intervals and hypothesis testing in inferential statistics is that the two have different goals. In hypothesis testing, we make some claim...

Choosing Alpha Significance Level for Statistical Analysis

Testing for statistical significance depends on the chosen p-value. Selection of the p-value depends on the sample size (Banerjee, Chitnis, Jadhav, Bhawalkar, & Chaudhury, 2009; Ioannidis, 2005). This determines the location of desired significance on a normal distribution graph. Definition of the alternative hypothesis guides the selection of the left...

Analyzing Tests and Scales in Social Science

Abstract The paper at hand provides a brief review of the tests and scales applied to data measurement in social science. One touches upon the most widely-used approaches, as well as, the basic principles of reliability and validity measurement. A particular focus is put on the health science and the...

Route of Exposure and Fate in Target Organ

Asbestos is one of the naturally occurring minerals, which has a fibrous structure. Hallenborg and Stewart (2003, p. 56) define asbestos as “Naturally occurring fibrous material that has been a popular building material since the 1950s.” The two definitions show that this is a fibrous mineral that is popularly used...

Saturn’s Moons Titan and Enceladus

Introduction The solar system has a large number of natural satellites orbiting various planets, asteroids, and comets. Although most of these moons appear to be identical gray rocks moving in space, careful observation shows that they are diverse and have unique and intriguing features. One of the planets with many...

Using Statistics as a Helpful Tool in Health Care

The use of statistics is a helpful tool utilized in a variety of fields. However, there are areas the successful functioning and development of which would suffer considerably without the application of such a tool. Health care is one of the industries the utilization of statistics in which allows promoting...

Multiplication Methods: Traditional, Ancient Egyptian, and Method of the Cups

Throughout its history, humanity has developed numerous methods of multiplication or repeated addition. These can be more or less time-consuming and also vary in effectiveness: while some are better for education, others pursue purely practical purposes. Three such methods are traditional, Ancient Egyptian, and the method of cups and counters....

Using of Statistics in Healthcare

Introduction Many students who plan to apply for medical studies suggest that they are not going to need mathematics and any mathematics-related sciences in the future and successfully forget anything they learned in school or college. However, mathematics and statistics are an essential part of healthcare research. This essay will...

Use of Nanotechnology to Produce Electric Power on Mars

Nanotechnology has emerged as one of the critical sources of inspiration in the development and production of components that can be used to produce energy in various environments such as in the harsh undeveloped Martian atmosphere. According to Lyons and Whelan, the possibility of using nanotechnology to produce electricity has...

Data Collection and Management Techniques for a Qualitative Research Plan

In order to conduct a complete qualitative research and present a cohesive qualitative research plan, it is necessary to match the structure and topic of the study with existing data collection and management techniques. There are specific patterns and models for organizing data that would immediately allow a researcher to...

Lab Experiment on Photovoltaics

The abstract With regard to the theories of Photovoltaics physics learned in the course, this report is an attempt to support and rationalize their implications in actuality. The experiment was done specifically to ascertain how various connected units could be coordinated to give a more reliable and controllable functioning. It...

Research Proposal for Anasarca and Acute Renal Failure

Introduction Anasarca is also referred to as generalized edema in which different tissues of the body swell due to fluid retention. Anasarca is caused by different factors and conditions such as heart failure, liver failure, kidney failure, hereditary angioedema and certain medications among others. The aim of this paper is...

Arguments Against Science in “Inherit the Wind” by Jerome Lawrence

It is reasonable to believe that science should be appropriately appreciated by most people in the current time of unprecedented progress in all spheres of life and the availability of various information. It forms the foundation for all the technological advancements making everyone’s living more comfortable and attractive. However, the...

How the Biosphere Is Supported by the Other Three “Spheres”

Introduction Earth’s surface represents the point of four spheres’ meeting, where they overlap and interact. The atmosphere is the outer gas shell of the Earth, the lower border of which lies through the lithosphere and hydrosphere. The hydrosphere is a water shell of the Earth, which includes all waters on...

Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion

Introduction and assumptions The paper will analyze the relationship between the highest level of education, labor force status and the number of hours worked in a week. The paper will concentrate on estimating the measures of central tendency and dispersion (Arnold, 2011). The data will be collected from NORC at...

Balb-C Versus c57 Black Mice in Toxoplasma Gondii: Behavioural Tests

Introduction The persistence and control of rodent host by Toxoplasma gondii is attributed to brain encystment by trachyzoites derived from the definitive host. Its proliferation into latent brain cysts (bradyzoites) in rodents limits the host’s physiological functioning and induces behavioural changes that favour felid-vectored transmission (Gatkowska et al. 2012; Webster...

Regression Models for Dependent Variables

Introduction Statistics and probability have been applied in various fields. There is no doubt that statistics is a multifaceted concept with a myriad of application. (Fox 173). With this in mind, it is worth noting that there is a number of statistical analysis having varied applications and need to be...

Gas as the State of Matter

Introduction The matter is the amount of substance. There are three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gaseous states. These states of matter are traditionally distinguished by the arrangement and proximity of their particles or molecules. In a solid state, the substance particles are closely packed, compact with strong interactive...

Measurement and Instruments for a Quantitative Research Plan

Research is a process that involves the gathering of relevant information in an attempt to answer some pertinent questions regarding an issue of concern (Salkind, 2010, p.45). Sometimes, the process of research can be quite complex. When this is the case, there arises a need to employ the use of...

Understanding and Exploring Assumptions

Significant of meeting assumptions in statistical test In a statistical analysis, assumptions made are very significant in designing of the research method applicable to a given case scenario. Ensuring that the data meets a given assumption helps in reducing the errors during computation, particularly type one and two errors. The...

Nuclear Industrial Purpose: Thorium-Bearing Fuels

The importance of the proposed study in the context of the existing knowledge For many centuries, nuclear reactors in the world hav been relying on fuel cycles based on uranium. Nevertheless, the element thorium is a potential source of nuclear energy in certain types of nuclear reactors. In fact, it...

Physical Activity in Pregnancy: A Qualitative Study

Abstract Conducting a qualitative study means being especially careful with the completion of the key steps required by the existing standards. Carrying out a basic qualitative research in their article, Weir, Bush, Robson, McParlin, Rankin and Bell (2010) have managed to incorporate all basic elements that the existing standards demand...

Three Famous Irrational Numbers Are Pi, Euler’s Number, and the Golden Ratio

Irrational numbers make up a significant sector of mathematical sciences and find utilization not only in theoretical models but also in engineering, construction, and scientific applications. Although most likely, irrational numbers — such as Pi, the Euler’s number, and Golden Ratio — have always existed, humankind did not immediately guess...

Application of L-Alanine

L-alanine is “one of the 20 amino acids common in proteins” (Zhuan-Ping and Wen-Hui, 2012). It is manufactured in the muscles with lactic acid acting as its primary raw material. Consequently, it is converted to pyruvate, an important molecule in the production of sugar (glucose). L-alanine is categorized under the...

Correlation and Causation in Statistics

Introduction When starting work on a study, it is necessary to choose the appropriate method of statistical data analysis. Unfortunately, scientists often consider some essential elements and concepts of statistical analysis as interchangeable. This paper aims to discuss the fundamental statistical issues and present at least five typical examples applying...

Executive Function and Learning of Doebel

Sabine Doebel is a cognitive scientist who knows a lot about the work of the human brain and shares her observations and research in her speech for TED Talks. Doebel (2019) tells about the importance of executive functions of the brain for learning and completing daily tasks, as well as...

Data Measurement, Validity and Reliability

Introduction We may lack a universally accepted definition of validity but the concept that comes out from most of the definitions is the degree to which a concept under study is justifiable. According to the American Educational Research Association Psychological Association and National Council on Measurement in Education (1999), measurement...

Rittel and Webber: Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning

Introduction Contemporary socio-political state involves continuous problem identification and solution debate, in which there is no one universal right or correct approach. Rittel and Webber (1973) in their paper, explore the roots of such debates and examine strategies people use to tackle social, political and economic dilemmas. Problems that once...

Thermodynamic Process Fundamentals

Introduction A thermodynamic process is defined by thermal heat transfer between bodies according to the principles of physics. Thermodynamic processes initiate energy changes and transfer within systems. The basic elements of thermodynamic processes include internal temperature changes, volume changes, and pressure variations. Thermodynamic processes fall into specific categories. In an...

Mathematical Theory: Algebraic K-theory

A mathematical theory is similar to a mathematical representation that is established on dictums. Sometimes, it can continuously be a body of knowledge, for example, built on truism and precision. Therefore, it can be utilized when dealing with an area of mathematical fact-finding within the set guidelines and procedures. This...

Qualitative Review on the Experiences of the Old Groups

Problem The study was conducted to investigate the experiences of the old groups who are mentally challenged (Schroeder, 2013). The pains and discomforts in the relationship with the healthcare providers are thus the problems that are being explored by this research. Research conducted by other scholars in the past has...

The Ethical Principles in Nursing Research

Carrying out a nursing research presupposes managing a huge set of responsibilities, the safety of the research subjects being the key one. As a result, a nursing specialist in charge of a research must make sure that the study subject should not face any major threats in the process. Since...

Industrial Preparation of Beta-glucuronidase

Introduction The production and purification of proteins is a difficult and expensive task which takes time. Naturally, proteins are produced by plants and animals from their building blocks known as amino-acids. However, this is a slow process and the products are usually very limited and in small amounts which cannot...

NonParametric Tests in Parametric Setting

Questions about Non-Parametric Procedures Non-parametric tests are choice tests if the dataset does not assume normality in its distribution (for skewed data) (Field, 2009). In addition, data that does not heed to the assumption of homogeneity of variances calls for the use of non-parametric rather than parametric tests. The preference...

Alzheimer’s Disease: Study Instruments

In the wake of increasing international concern on the prevalence of lifestyle conditions, researchers have shown relentless efforts to establish the causes and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease. This essay seeks to establish various factors that a researcher must consider during the selection of existing study instruments. Factors Considered in the...

A Report on Earthquakes Using Scientific Terms

The current essay is a report on earthquakes using scientific terms from the course. First of all, moment magnitude or moment magnitude scale refers to the relative size of an earthquake. This term was introduced by seismologists Kanamori and Hanks in the 1970s (Rafferty, n. d.). Moment magnitude of an...

Descriptive Business Statistics of Mobile Users

Description of mobile users Descriptive statistics are useful in summarizing data (Levine, Krehbiel and Berenson, 2010). Some of the most common types of descriptive statistics include meaning, mode and median (Francis, 2004). Mean refers to the average of a data sample while the mode is the most frequent observation in...

Geology for Development of an Integrated Site

Introduction This paper provides the guidelines on how to develop a model that suits different geological formations for disposing of nuclear waste products. It includes an analysis of different situations that provides the geological understanding of the potential sites using different software tools to conduct the study. In addition, the...

Research Terminology: Definitions and Distinctions

Abstract This essay gives detailed definitions of the terms paradigm, ontology, epistemology, and philosophy of science. The paper goes further to highlight the distinctions between (and among) these four terms. Researchers should be aware of these four fundamental terms. This discussion explains why such researchers should have a clear understanding...

Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Nursing research gained momentum within the last half of the 20th century. Currently, there is too much emphasis on evidence-based practice; hence, nursing research is imperative. Research can either be quantitative or qualitative, but critics of qualitative research associate it with epistemological issues. This paper aims at reviewing one part...

Heat Transfer Through Home Walls

Abstract The aim of this report is to look at the different modes of heat transfer. Specifically, heat transfer through walls will be clearly outlined and the different equations associated with the same discussed. The report will also cover conduction, radiation and convection as modes of heat transfer. Introduction Heat...

Constructing Step-By-Step Instructions for Reading Research Projects

Summary Research comprehension is essential in reading a scientific article. Such writing is not accessible to most people because of the seeming complexity of structure and language. Nevertheless, works of science can be read and understood, and finding effective strategies for exploring complex texts is a critical skill to learn....

Uses of Statistical Information

Designing an effective method for data collection is essential for without data no research can be fulfilled. Still, very few statistics textbooks pay attention to data collection methods and issues (Bauer, 2009). Therefore, it is advised that healthcare decision-makers must be well acquainted with the art and science of data...

ANCOVA and Factorial ANOVA

To identify the best way to educate elementary-age children in mathematics, a researcher decides to conduct a pilot study among fifth-grade children throughout a school district. The researcher thinks that fifth-grade girls do better in small class sizes while boys perform well in larger classes. The pilot study involves classroom...

Basic Research Methods and Statistical Concepts

Research Area My main area of research will be in the analysis of the performance of the various features of business organizations in a selected area. This entails the use of data from the field to produce results and consequently, carry out analysis on the same to make conclusions and...

Electricity Dependency Studies

Introduction In the field of sociology, the research of human dependencies on civilization benefits of society is widely popular. In this context, the critical question is related to determining the degree of interconnection between an individual’s social behavior and tools of interaction with the environment. In other words, the paramount...

Cause and Consequence of the Big Rip

Introductions A reasonably new hypothesis as regards the demise of the universe gives a depiction of phantom energy ripping planetary bodies in space and ultimately all fragment of matter in an unbelievable end to time. Based on science it is just about the most revolting idea ever conceived. This study...

Henri Poincaré’s Mathematics and Its Modern Impact

Poincaré was one of the greatest mathematicians, who made significant contributions in serval fields. This scientist was considered the last polymath, discovering the mathematical issues of the 20th century. Over the years of his career, Poincaré has written more than 500 scientific papers. These works were devoted to algebraic topology,...

Non-Parametric Equivalents for Parametric Tests and Chi-Square

About Non-Parametric Procedures The most common reasons of selecting a non-parametric test over the parametric alternative Non-parametric tests are preferable over parametric tests in case the data has violated the assumptions of normality (data does not have a normal distribution). Non-parametric tests are also preferable over parametric tests if the...

An Article Review: “Metropolitan Area Employment and Unemployment”

Introduction The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2018a) published a short article that reports the results of the analysis of the changes in the “nonfarm payroll employment” in metropolitan areas “for the year ending February 2018” (para. 1). The article does not include a detailed description of the study that...

The Scientific Research Methodology

Methodology The research will use a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches to obtain a conclusion. The quantitative part consists of a survey that aims to incorporate the viewpoint of every resident of the country. The qualitative aspect will work with secondary sources, reviewing contemporary scholarly literature on the topic...

The Concept of Fine-Grain Analysis

With the rapid development of Internet technologies and the increased number of possibilities entitled to users, the question of analyzing commercial websites is rather acute. It is necessary to evaluate e-commerce web pages since their usability and other features influence the potential consumers’ choices to a great extent. As Andreolini...

The Best Way to Address Obesity in the United States

Questions can be asked to fill information gaps or contradictions by the person directing them. Reasons for asking a question may vary depending on the relationship between the person asking and the person expected to answer. For example, a teacher may ask a question to extract information or assist the...

Reviewing Quantitative Academic Literature and Data

Abstract Quantitative researchers always carry out literature reviews since they test hypotheses based on prior work and data in their field. It is crucial to utilize the right approach while analyzing quantitative methodology in research. According to McCandless (2010), data is a creative means, and using visualization such as tables,...

Ethical Issues and Research Participation

A number of ethical concerns exist in the research literature. One such is the fact that people should not participate in research by force. This is the principle of voluntary participation (Trochim, 2006). Allowing participants to choose to participate in a research study or not has some benefits including offering...

Sociological Studies of the Impact of Society on Individual Experiences

Sociological studies of the impact of society on individual experiences require a consistent theory with particular explanatory potential. These theories are generally based on many empirical observations and are intended to explain them. Sanford (2017) distinguishes between personality theories, which examine how social variables affect different parts of the individual,...

The Relationship of Linear Motion Equations

Introduction In physics, Velocity, Acceleration, Force, Mass, and Inertia depend on each other. The five units are the core and important areas that Physics students learn in research for the purpose of enhancing and initiating modern Physics. Meanwhile, there are changes of these terms depending on the way they have...

Sociological Research Process. Research Stages

Sociologists use the scientific method of research to answer questions related to society and social behavior. The scientific method is “a procedure for acquiring knowledge that emphasizes collecting concrete data through observation and experimentation” (Ferris & Stein, 2018, p. 41). Thus, the method might be characterized as systematic, unbiased, and...

“Recidivism Among Female Prisoners”: Data Coding & Measurement

Coding technique The measures for this study are divided into two categories. The first category describes the attributes of the former female prisoners who are reasserted within the first three years after being released from state prison. The second category studies the factors that influence recidivism among female prisoners. In...

Validity and Reliability of the Research Carried Out

The process of choosing an instrument to conduct an investigation may be based on two principal indicators, that is to say on validity and reliability. The two notions are applied to the evaluation of scientific research, as they show the quality of information extracted from a specific finding. The issue...

Role of Mobile Learning in Mathematics

Introduction Mobile learning is a relatively new study area founded effectively and efficiently integrating mobile computing and digital learning technologies. Now more than ever, learners are able to acquire knowledge at any time and from any place. Thus, mobile learning has revolutionized the era of digital learning, making it easier...

Multivitamins and Getting Good Grades in School

Introduction An analysis of the findings is a standard procedure after one conducted a research study. This allows seeing if the data they collected during the experiment supports the initial hypothesis, for example, by measuring positive correlation. However, this method does not show if one phenomenon is caused by the...

History of Batteries, What Is a Battery, Recycling of Batteries

Introduction History of Batteries (Types – Production – Consumption) in Europe, the USA and China One of the most revolutionary ideas at the time of the invention was the battery. A battery is defined as a device where energy is stored and delivered through electrical means. Alessandro Volta invented the...

Inferential Statistics: Movies and Behavior

Depending on the kinds of themes they expose, movies have different impacts on viewers. Action movies tend to promote violent behaviors when compared to comedies and dramas. The establishment of the relationship between the nature of films and the occurrence of violent acts among children is necessary. In essence, the...

“The Greatest Common Factor” by Khan Academy

Exploring new mathematical models often involves difficulties in perceiving information and an inner desire to find more straightforward explanations. If geometrical patterns are understandable due to their visual representation, it seems more challenging to work with abstract numbers. It is necessary to be completely honest to say that I have...

Silicon: Overview of Available Information

Introduction The study of available information on chemical elements allows systematizing the existing knowledge and immersing the study of chemical diversity. It is essential to note that the study of the element must be complex and multifactorial, reflecting not only the technical information about the chemical and physical properties but...

Review of Vitamin A Assay Methods From 2006 to 2009

Introduction Vitamin A has for a long time been considered to play a crucial role in the normal biological and metabolic functions of the human body. It can be introduced into the body in form of supplements such as cod liver oil which contains the “cis” form of vitamin A,...

Statistics Misuse: Collecting and Organizing

Collecting and organizing various information is an essential part of modern life. The statistics presented in the form of multiple graphs and tables are compelling. People are used to trusting this data so much that organizations and states base their activities on it. More complete and well-structured information should help...

Ideal Experiment Design: Independent and Dependent Variables

Experiment Design According to this well-known saying, the accidental discovering and picking up a penny will result in a lucky day afterward. Thus, the discovery of a coin is an influential factor, and luck during the day is a consequence of this factor. In the experiment, an independent variable is...

Reality in Drug Addiction Research: Ethnography

Ethnography as a research method is, indeed, the most suitable for the study on drug use and related issues. This method has already become a classic and has established itself as the most effective in studies of closed groups (Ferguson, 2017; Turner, 2019). Moreover, the research of such phenomena is...

The Relevance of the Polynomial

Contrary to popular belief, mathematics plays an essential role in human life. It should even be said that without knowledge of mathematical formulas, regularities, and concepts, we would not be able to progress and develop. People mistakenly consider that mathematics is limited to the textbook and the school board, but...

Selecting a Suitable Topic in Business Research

Selecting a Suitable Topic in Business Research A topic for business research is the beginning of an investigation; however, the success of the study strongly depends on the correct choice of the focus area. The topic should be potentially successful and appropriate for the specific person who intends to conduct...

The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment

The sample of people who participated in the the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment consisted of African-American farmers. They were recruited through the Rosenwault Foundation, which aimed to support the African-American communities and help them get an education (Today I found out, 2019). However, after the Great Depression, this organization could no...

Quantitative Research of the Impact at the Workplace

The need to inquire about the relationships among variables in a population, results into the formulation of quantitative research questions. Investigators use these research questions to get information that they are looking for (Creswell, 2003). Flick (2009) acknowledges that research questions determine the appropriateness of the areas selected for investigation....

Origin and Subsequent Development of Calculus

Abstract The aim of this research is to review the origin and subsequent development of calculus over the years through the analysis of two great mathematicians; Isaac Newton of England and Leibniz Gottfried of Germany. It’s clear that calculus served as the quantitative language of science for more than three...

“Mathematics in Our World”: Project 1 & Project 2

Introduction Generally, a quadratic equation has the following form: ax2+bx+c; with, c, b, and a being constant that are referred to as quadratic efficient, and x is a variable. In numerical stipulations, a quadratic equation is simply a polynomial-statement of a subsequent degree (Katz, & Barton, 2007). There are manifold...

Mixed Method Research Design

Pros and Cons of Using a Mixed Method Research Design The selection of research design is challenging for scholars who strive to cover as many issues as possible. This reasoning results in the preference of a mixed method processing quantitative and qualitative data for the precision of an outcome. This...

The Main Flaw in the Quantitative Study

While quantitative studies provide valuable information for further research and clinical practice, they might contain some serious flaws. Out of all questions related to the study’s credibility, the article by Sand-Jecklin and Sherman (2014) contained the answers only for the six of them. On the one hand, four positive answers...

A Brief Review of T-Test

Generally, t-test include five assumptions that have to be taken into consideration at all times when the analysis is executed. As discussed by Kim and Park (2019), first, the scale of measurement applied to the collected information follows an ordinal or continuous scale. Second, the data is derived from a...

Qualitative vs. Quantitative Business Research Comparison

Introduction There are two main types of research design, quantitative and qualitative research designs. In the best-case scenario, quantitative and qualitative methodologies should work in tandem. The qualitative technique occurs at the beginning of a study to explore values that are to be measured in the following quantitative phase (Schmitz,...