Human Experience Across the Heath-Illness Continuum

Introduction Individuals’ health state changes throughout life and determines their satisfaction with it. Various modifications in well-being of people are caused by specific triggers connected to the environment, nutrition, age, genetics, and psychological problems. In order to illustrate the process of change and adaptation, medical specialists developed a specific concept...

Virtual Colonoscopy – Colon Cancer Screening

Abstract Virtual Colonoscopy is constantly becoming more and more popular, in comparison with the traditional approach and conventional colonoscopy in particular. Despite the fact, that VC is not fully researched at the moment, most patients prefer it for increased comfort, and doctors have an opportunity to perform the extensive study...

Safe Patient Handling for Rehabilitation Professionals

Introduction This project has several different objectives and aims to satisfy each of them as completely as possible, with none of them having a higher priority than any of the others. As such, it is critical to understand the distinctions between the various goals and the methods that can be...

Binge Drinking May Cause Alzheimer’s Disease

The article suggests that binge drinking can be associated with the increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease which is one of the most known and common illnesses of the nervous system. This claim is based on the researches of the professionals from Feinstein Institutes of Medical Research who propose that...

The Disease of Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common integument impairment which causes are still not known. There are different factors that may predispose to this disease such as male sex, winter season, light skin color, and Malassezia yeast1. Because the effect of topical corticosteroids and antifungals is temporary, it is crucial to identify...

The Link Between Epidurals and Autism Spectrum Disorder

In her news article titled “Are Epidurals Linked to Autism Spectrum Disorder? New Study Says Maybe, The Medical Community Says No,” Michelle Lampariello captures the uproar that followed after a recent study attributed autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to labor epidural analgesia (LEA). The author reports that the research findings published...

Security of Data With the Elderly Population in the Health Care Sphere

Patient’s rights are a growing concern for both patients and health care organizations. The rights of patients for the confidentiality of information about the fact of turning for the medical help and other information, which is given to the medical care organization, is secured by the law of the country....

The Importance of Nursing Courses

PRE-Survey # Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 1 4 (40%) 2 (20%) 3 (30%) 1 (10%) 0 2 3 (30%) 3 (30%) 3 (30%) 1 (10%) 0 3 5 (50%) 2 (20%) 2 (20%) 0 1 (10%) 4 4 (40%) 3 (30%) 2 (20%) 1...

The Covid-19 Pandemic Analysis

Coronavirus, or Covid-19, is a contagious virus that began in December 2019. It causes an infection on the upper throat, sinuses, and nose. Coronavirus’s highly infectious nature has made it increasingly difficult to prevent it from continuing spread (Driggin et al., 2020). The illness is transmitted through contact with infected...

Ontario After ‘Disturbing’ Spike in COVID-19 Infections

People start to return to normal after the spread of coronavirus, but the reality shows that the new stay-at-home measures may affect millions of lives again. Davidson revealed the government’s plans to establish the COVID-19 lockdown again. This review includes outcomes of the safety measures and the problems that will...

Supplements Safe and Necessary for Use by Pregnant Women

Introduction All expectant mothers need nutrition guidance as part of their prenatal care. Not only does the nutritional status of a mother affect her well-being, but also maternal outcomes and her fetus’s health. A licensed dietitian or a nutritionist can do the dietary guidelines and other essential interventions (Kubala and...

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

The first recommendation for nurses regarding the appropriate use of the CDC website is to refer to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The section is critical for healthcare professionals because it covers a wide range of topics on occupational health and safety. More specifically, it is...

Dislocation of the Temporomandibular Joint

Yvonne, a 38-year-old housewife and mother of three, complains that she has a hard time closing her jaws. In fact, she says that she is unable to close her mouth completely. She says that this started 2 days ago when she opened her mouth really wide and yawned, right after...

Lung Reduction Surgery Overview

Lung reduction surgery can help relieve symptoms by removing the most affected and no longer functioning parts of the lungs. This procedure, however, has been the center of much controversy over whether the potential benefits may be outweighed by the potential harm and expense. Hence, it is reasonable to present...

Pandemic Effects on Churches and Families

The COVID-19 sparked concerns about an approaching economic crisis and possible recession. Moreover, social distancing, quarantining, and travel constraints have led to a reduced workforce across all business sectors and prompted countless lost jobs (Nicola et al., 2020). Educational institutions have shut down, and the demand for goods and manufactured...

The Current State of Obesity in Children Issue

Abstract This paper aims to review the recent literature on obesity in children to report the key issues. Beginning with the global prevalence of this disease, the report continues with its main health impacts. It is stated that diabetes, psychological problems, and stigma are the key effects. More to the...

Professional Roles and Values: Nursing Regulations and Ethics

California State Regulations regarding Nurses After the case study scenario is considered, it is obvious that the major issues that the nurse faces during the case of Mr. E include professional ethics matters, as well as legal regulations for nursing practice. First, the nurse is to participate in deciding on...

Skeletal and Immune Systems Overview

The most interesting information related to the research is the relationship between the skeletal and immune systems. There is bone marrow inside the interior walls of the bones, which is essential for proper immune system development. In addition, there are stem cells inside this region, which are crucial for immune...

New Parent Guide: Breastfeeding and Attachment

New Parent Expectations Informing people about the upcoming birth and taking care of an infant is a crucial part of a successful upbringing. When becoming a parent, one can expect the newborn’s and early infant’s needs of specific nutrition, psychological development, and precautions for the safety of a vulnerable organism....

The Application of Ethical Principles in Nursing

In modern medical practice, nurses and patients can be in a variety of forms of social interaction. As a consequence, in the current stable system, the course of such events should be built by the application of certain ethical principles. In particular, it can happen by respecting the patient’s personality,...

Renal Failure Burden in the Middle East

Introduction Renal failure is also called kidney failure and refers to a condition where the kidneys become dysfunctional. It can be divided into chronic and acute renal failures that occur due to a wide variety of medical problems. The detection of renal failure can be done using measurements of serum...

Conflicted State of Mind: Vaccination and Ethics

Introduction Vaccination plays an essential role in the arsenal of preventive healthcare. Vaccines have significantly reduced the incidence of once widespread childhood diseases, nearly extinguished malaria and polio, and eradicated smallpox (Hussain et al., 2018). However, an increasing number of people have come to oppose vaccination on personal or ideological...

Medical Ethics: Brain Dead and Its Technical Aspects

Introduction: Brain dead and its technical aspects The total and permanent nonexistence of all the activities of the functions of a brain can be defined as brain dead. Here all brain functions cease to exist and the patient starts to demonstrate apnea and coma and all his brain stem reflexes...

The Aspects of Arterial Stiffness

Introduction Study purpose The study’s purpose is to assess the results of blood pressure measurement by different devices and the relation of these findings to arterial stiffness. The study purpose stated in the article is to analyze the differences between oscillometric blood pressure devices and a sphygmomanometer about the healthiness...

Effects of Obesity on Human Lifespan Development

Introduction Obesity is a widespread disease, and it has multiple adverse effects on different stages of human development. Being obese means having body mass index, which is calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters squared, “at or above the 95th percentile for height and age” (Kuther, 2018,...

Medicine: Organizational Problems

Healthcare organizations face various problems that affect the quality of care. In my workplace, two problems appear to be crucial for patient outcomes and the success of our organization. First, there is a significant shortage of nurses in or our hospital. According to Haddad and Toney-Butler (2019), the shortage is...

Mental Disorders: General Information

Mental Disorders Mental disorders are conditions that impact the behavior, moods and thinking of the patients. The disorders consequently affect daily routine practices in which individuals are engaged. Mental health for a long time has been ignored, with the focus set on physical conditions (Cherry, 2020). However, recently psychiatric illnesses...

Social Responsibility: Underserved Health Care Reform

The healthcare providers who benefited greatly from federal subsidies were fortunate to obtain a high-quality medical education without overwhelming student loans. Such benefit is an immense financial relief, and not every student is fortunate enough to take hold of it. Thus, those who do should be grateful and attempt to...

Overview of Alzheimer’s Disease Patient Education

Introduction In recent decades, medicine has advanced and provided patients with more opportunities for a healthy life. However, some diseases remain a mystery with inconclusive research and no specific, universal treatment. Alzheimer’s disease (AD), as a condition that mostly affects an older generation, is one of these few cases. With...

Ethics of the COVID-19 Vaccine

Not only has the COVID-19 pandemic challenged science and healthcare systems in many countries, but it also has posed several ethical questions to the international community. One of them is whether it is ethical and moral to infect a healthy individual in case the Phase III research needs it. From...

Alternative or Complementary vs. Traditional Medicine

In (post)modern society, there is a return to alternative medicine practices, which puts researchers to explain this phenomenon and determine its consequences, and state systems health care are encouraged to establish control over activities of alternative healers, taking into account the interests of patients and ensuring their safety. The World...

“Making the Case for Nursing Specialty Certification” by Blozen

Introduction Nurses possess adequate competencies that make it easier for them to provide high-quality medical support to patients with diverse needs. After completing school, these professionals need to identify specific organizations that can support their career aims. The idea of certification is also essential since it prepares them for additional...

Benefit From Medicare and Medicaid

Introduction In the United States, the incremental movement towards providing and securing healthcare has pushed the state and federal governments to finance various programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid. These two government-sponsored programs are designed to cover healthcare costs for eligible American citizens who enjoy a wide array of specific...

Research of Genetic Disorders Types

Hemophilia is a severe hereditary disease characterized by a clotting disorder (coagulation) resulting from the absence of coagulation factors VIII (hemophilia A) or IX (hemophilia B). The main manifestations of hemophilia are hemorrhages in muscles, joints, and internal organs. The mechanism and type of inheritance of hemophilia have been studied...

Transition to Professional Practice

Introduction Teamwork is important in nursing profession as it determines communication and collaboration between different medical professions. Team work has always been very popular and important in nursing. Because self-managing members are working on permanent teams, the effort and expense involved in changing compensation structures is often justified. However, in...

Clinical Reflection on Australian Nursing Competency Standards

Introduction Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) is a regulatory body in the sphere of Medicare that is responsible for the training and provision of nursing services nationwide. In this respect, the idea of healthcare protection and stimulation is outlined in the paper using paying attention to competency standards of...

Effects of Intensive Blood-Pressure Control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Recommended Blood Pressure Goals for Patients with Diabetes Diabetes affects an estimated 100 million people worldwide. 5-10% suffer from type 1 (formerly known as insulin-dependent) and 90% -95% have type 2 (insulin-dependent). Heart disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death and death in people with diabetes. People, especially adults...

Nutrition, Disease, and Malnutrition

Malnutrition Nutrition performs a critical role in an individual’s overall health. Not maintaining proper or sufficient amounts of the required nutrients over a prolonged or short period can contribute to malnutrition which often leads to illness and disease. Malnutrition refers to a lack of sufficient nutrition that is induced by...

Escherichia Coli (E-Coli) With Focus on O157:H7 Strain

Introduction and Historical Perspective Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a group of bacteria that colonize the digestive tract of healthy animals and human beings. Most strains are harmless. The Escherichia coli O157: H7 (designated by its somatic, O, and flagella, H, antigens) was first discovered as a human pathogen during...

Condoms in RestRooms Promote Awareness

Regardless of all attempts to improve the situation, AIDS remains one of the most topical issues for humanity nowadays. The current crisis means the need for actions to struggle against the further spread of the diseases. Under these conditions, the installation of condom dispensers in restrooms of the campus is...

Nurse Turnover, Leadership and Management

Introduction The modern health care sector is focused on the delivery of high-quality care to patients and guaranteeing a high level of their safety. For this reason, there are multiple efforts to create an environment characterized by the increased effectiveness of specialists and improved outcomes that are achieved due to...

The Molecular Cause of Cystic Fibrosis

Abstract Cystic fibrosis, a chronic disease that develops gradually is a disease that would cause one to have a reduced life expectancy. This is a disease that affects some systems in the body specifically the digestive, reproductive, and the respiratory affecting young adults as well as children. This may also...

Medical Assistant’s Actions in Challenging Situations

Difficult patient encounters Despite the fact that difficult patients do not occur so often in practice, medical staff should be prepared for their appearance. A difficult patient is one who causes unpleasant feelings in the doctor, which can become an obstacle on the way of treatment – anger, fear, guilt,...

Genetic Mechanism of Colorectal Cancer

Mechanisms Colorectal Cancer (CRC) occurrence is connected to environmental factors, hereditary factors, and individual ones. CRC has a genetic heterogeneity that makes it a challenge to understand individual cell mutations and their clinical implications (Thanikachalam & Khan, 2018). The current essay explores and critically analyses the manifestations of genetic mechanisms...

Obesity and High Blood Pressure as Health Issues

Caring for patients with such symptoms as obesity, high blood pressure, and other manifestations of an unhealthy lifestyle requires a wide range of laboratory tests. The causes of specific manifestations may be distinctive because individual body systems may function poorly, and to determine the exact prerequisites for the development of...

Grand Nursing Theorist Report and Its Impact in Modern Nursing Care

Introduction Self-care deficit theory focuses on the practical role of a nurse and explains the interrelation of caregiver and care receiver in relation to the environment, health, and wellbeing. The theory implies that patients have the capacity for self-care and the nurse’s role is in supporting and enlarging this capacity....

Client’s Family Health History: Osteoporosis

Introduction The evaluation of patients and their families is one of the most important issues of effective treatment and disease prevention. A method of genogram allows for assessing family dynamics, focusing on physiological and psychological concerns, which can be considered in terms of genetic predisposition (McGoldrick, 2016). This paper aims...

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Supply in Hospitals

In different medical settings, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is regarded as a critical element of contagion or infection management and control. PPE is used to protect healthcare workers, patients, and visitors from infections by mechanically preventing the spread of germs and viruses. In healthcare facilities, there is a high risk...

Prescription Drug Cost Transparency

Today, many Americans face a significant financial burden when they need to purchase prescribed drugs. On the one hand, it is because approximately “95 percent of specialty drugs and 85 percent of orphan drugs cost more than $10,000 per patient per year” (AHIP, 2018, p. 1). On the other hand,...

Human Disease Course Importance for Nursing Students

Recognizing both health and disease is an integral part of the care process. Health pertains to the condition in which the body can normally perform its vital functions while the disease is the opposite of such a state. The knowledge obtained regarding such important healthcare concepts is vital for professionals...

Health in Australia: Indigenous People

It is clear that the levels of health satisfaction in Australia differ drastically. Indigenous people living in Australia showed the higher mortality rate and the low number of elderly people, and poor general state of wellbeing compared to other citizens of Australia. The given paper is aimed to examine and...

Response to a Journal Article on Drug Control Policy

Introduction This is a response paper to Philip Palmgreen’s journal article “Effects of the Office of National Drug Control Policy’s Marijuana Initiative Campaign on High-Sensation-Seeking Adolescents” published in the American Journal of Public Health in 2007. The topic of the article deals with the drug-related problems of Adolescents and the...

We Need to Change the US Medical System

I am writing this letter to present the universal healthcare proposal regarding the Chronic Respiratory Diseases (CRDs) in the U.S. COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the need for change in the American medical system as currently available Medicare, Medicaid, and the Health Insurance Exchanges do not provide the necessary support and...

Scleroderma: Etiology, Pathology and Treatment

Selected Disease Being diagnosed with scleroderma is often viewed as a crisis, even when its overall impact can be positively influenced by compassion, input, and education from the medical team. When patients diagnosed with scleroderma are equipped with knowledge about the disease, it becomes easy for them to act as...

Dementia – Health Issues and Caregiver Burden

Definition of Dementia and Personal Experience Dementia is not, despite widespread belief otherwise, a specific illness. Instead, Dementia is a term used to collectively describe a wide range of conditions that lead to cognitive decline, memory impairment, and other brain disorders [1]. The most prevalent form of Dementia is Alzheimer’s...

Demand for Nurses in Us Healthcare Facilities

The current demand for nurses in US healthcare facilities is so considerable that it cannot be addressed within a short period of time. Therefore, even if the authorities in the United States and other developed countries focus on resolving issues associated with the nurse shortage, positive outcomes will be observed...

Achieving Professional Competence as a Certified Family Nurse Practitioner

My goal entails achieving proficiency and competence while implementing assigned nursing responsibilities within the next five years. I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree, aiming for 1 to 2 years of experience after obtaining higher education. I also intend to enroll in a Family Nurse...

A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Evaluation of a Universal Healthy Relationships Promotion Program for Youth

Introduction Mental health in adolescents is an important topic for research. Bullying, substance abuse, and adverse childhood experiences can substantially impact young people’s mental health and well-being and affect their adult life. Many mental health care programs aimed at teenagers are currently being implemented. However, most of them focus on...

Nurse Interview Findings – Ann Stanley

Introduction Ann Stanley is a nurse leader who is currently employed as a nurse manager in the Obstetrics Department of North Shore Medical Center in Miami, Florida. Mrs. Stanley has received a Master’s degree at Northcentral University (Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), Management and Organizational Leadership). Prior to that,...

Addressing COVID-19 and Health Management

As COVID-19 spreads further across the globe, maintaining proper health management and safety has become a paramount objective for citizens across the globe. Since the death toll has been rising exponentially, especially in the U.S., complying with principal health management strategies is critical to containing the disease (World Health Organization,...

Driving Among Diabetic Patients

Driving among diabetic patients is an important issue as a large percentage of the US population has the disease. People often need a driver’s license to work, and it becomes their source of income. Besides, the ability to get around by car is necessary for many daily functions, such as...

Mobile Apps Utilization in Modern Health Care

Carroll et al. (2017) examined the current tendencies in applying mobile apps in modern health care. The present research is relevant, since mobile app analytics, aimed at monitoring and exploring “the behavior of mobile app users, is at its nascent stage” (Han et al., 2016, p. 984). Moreover, over the...

Angelica Group Research Project – Learning Team

Medical science is a constantly developing field with new evidence in favor of various treatment options generated daily. The goal is not only to treat a condition that causes discomfort but also to find ways to make the healing process as safe and harmless as possible. Therefore, medical practitioners must...

Providing Protection to Federal Healthcare Programs

Introduction The main purpose of federal anti-kickback laws is to provide protection to federal healthcare programs and patients from fraud relating to corruption on decisions of healthcare. “Straightforward but broad, the law states that anyone who knowingly and willfully receives or pays anything of value to influence the referral of...

The Emerging Medical Technology

Introduction Technological advances are crucial for the development of healthcare around the world, as they help to improve treatment and diagnosis methods of various conditions. According to a recently published article in Forbes magazine, there are at least nine current trends in technology that will transform medicine and healthcare in...

Regulatory Agencies and Healthcare Industry

The UnitedHealth Group is an American-based health care company that offers insurance services and healthcare products. It was founded in 1974 by a group of physicians and healthcare professionals. This company headquarters is in Minnetonka, its purposes include building and shaping the health workforce, rewarding effective and quality care, reducing...

Analysis of Health Laws Related to Care Decisions

I obtained my Advance Directive at an acute care hospital in the state of California. In this state, Advance Health Care Directives are legal documents detailing the desires of a person regarding their health, should they become unable to make such decisions. California does not recognize the term living will,...

Multiple Chronic Illnesses Analysis

The claim that multiple chronic conditions (MCC) cannot be addressed in current disease activities means that the current health system is not built to cater to such conditions. According to Wallace et al. (2012), the contemporary health system “was built around an episode-of-care model since the days of family doctors...

Health Literacy and the Role of Healthcare Providers in Its Promotion

Introduction Health literacy is a well-recognized asset across the globe as an effective evidence-based strategy for improving health outcomes and reducing healthcare costs. Low levels of health literacy can adversely affect a person’s state of health, personal development, and quality of life in general. The purpose of this essay is...

Healthcare Finance: The Budgeting Implications of the Issue

Introduction This paper chooses a particular healthcare accounting issue or problem, the disposition of which requires special skills of healthcare leaders. The issue is contained in the article entitled “US city budgets stable – but decisions loom” by Marks, Alexandra (2007). The paper will also discuss the budgeting or accounting...

History of Surgical Technologists

Surgical technologists arose historically from assistants whose primary role was restraining patients undergoing procedures. With the lack of anesthesia, the overwhelming pain required several assistants to do so as the process continued (Rouse, 2018). Apart from that, the role of box men rose, requiring staff who mainly only carried the...

The Importance of Preventive Practices Nowadays

The post demonstrates the three levels of prevention in tuberculosis and practices that can reduce the risk of diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and ischemic heart disease. The example of tuberculosis and its prevention effectively proves that to eliminate infection, it is recommended to control one’s lifestyle and environment....

An Outbreak of the Irrational: Refusion from Measles Disease Vaccination

Even though measles’ disease was almost eradicated due to the invention of vaccines, its outbreaks still manifest in the modern world. A simple vaccination procedure saved lives and raised the standard of living of a person. Nowadays, people do not face this disease and its consequences, and for this reason,...

Coagulation Disorders in Pathologic Conditions

Coagulation disorders are abnormal bleeding or clotting, which can lead to life-threatening conditions such as blood loss from minor injuries or thrombosis. Although some of these disorders are congenital, they can also be acquired and be comorbid with pathological conditions. For instance, vitamin K plays a significant part in the...

Health and Fitness Industry Licensure and Certification

When entering a particular career field, researching the requirements and the legal framework that regulate the area of interest is essential for successful studying and hiring process. Regarding personal training, laws associated with the sphere differ between states. As it concerns the state of Kentucky, Werner (2017) claims that there...

The Prevalence of Diabetes in the Elderly From 2000 to 2009

The elderly populace is generally predisposed to numerous non-communicable diseases such as diabetes. Owing to a lack of vital knowledge concerning these diseases and the risk factors associated with them, the menace associated with such ailments has heightened leading to its puffiness impediment and transience. The endeavor of this review...

Determinants in Oral Health Inequalities

Introduction Dental health is a key ingredient to the general health of a person. Oral diseases and inequalities are constant occurrences that usually affect ones wellness. These inequalities also account for financial and other costs that in most cases lower ones standard of living. Tooth disorders in most cases do...

Schizophrenia Treatment: Biopsychological Approaches

Introduction There are many issues in medicine that still do not have a definite interpretation. With the development of new technologies, people began to understand the physical processes of the human body better. On the contrary, it is still not clear what happens inside the human mind. The examination of...

The Incident With Wolterman: The First Line-Of-Duty Death in the History of Hfd

Introduction The City of Hamilton, Ohio, is not marked by any significant historical events. It is not a very large city, occupying only about 22 square miles. The City of Hamilton is inhabited by 63,000 citizens, served by the Hamilton Fire Department (Hamilton Fire Department [HFD] 2019). HFD provides 24/7...

Intracranial Hemorrhage Prevention in Neonates

Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) refers to the acute disease characterized by the bleeding inside the skull or brain and represents a life-threatening emergency. The overall incidence of spontaneous ICH globally is 24.6 per 100,000 person-years, with around 40,000 to 67,000 cases per year in the United States only (Caceres & Goldstein,...

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Programs

Introduction Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) programs were formed inside the communities all over the States of America. The participants of the program are expert forensic nurses who underwent specialized training to provide round-the-clock, first-response medical interventions and crisis management to rape survivors in hospital and clinic settings. SANE programs...

Epidemiology. Disease Burden in Miami-Dade County

Healthy People 2020 is 10-year goals and objectives by the US Department of Health and Human Services seeking to promote health among Americans and prevent the spread of diseases. It was unveiled in 2010, and it has various objectives and topics that are specifically created to increase public awareness concerning...

Chronic Renal Disease: Treatment and Management

Diabetes, Chronic Renal Disease, and End-Stage Renal Disease Diabetes can result in mesangial expansion, structural glomerular changes (for instance, the thickening of glomerular membranes), and expansion of the afferent renal artery. The renal structural changes interfere with the kidney’s normal functioning, which can lead to the leakage of albumin from...

Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis: Etiological and Symptomatic

Etiological and Symptomatic Differences Cholelithiasis, also known as gallstones, is an inflammatory condition characterized by the hardening of digestive fluids. On the other hand, Cholecystitis is typified by inflammation of the gallbladder due to the blockage of cystic ducts by stones. Although the clinical presentation is similar, specific symptoms can...

Implementation of an Electronic Health Record System

Introduction Electronic health record systems are electronic records of patient health information that include data on patient demographics, progress notes, medications, past medical history, lab data, and other reports. The advantages of using EHRs are easy to access and an opportunity to move from the conventional standard paper record system....

“Antecedents of Severe and Non-Severe Medication Errors” by Chang

Introduction In the world of constant dangers for medical support, people are trying to be more conscientious about the appropriate medication without the drawbacks of the personnel. In other words, the idea of medicine should contemplate the idea of professionalism and the constant process of qualification improvement. The problem of...

Treatment Strategies for an Elderly Patient

Case Study: Mr. M In the case under analysis, Mr. M, a 70-year-old male, is a patient whose condition continues deteriorating quickly during the last two months. He is a resident of an assisted living facility, who takes medications like Lisinopril and Lipitor to control his hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. The...

Strategic Management in a Healthcare Facility

Improving a healthcare facility can be a question of applying the right strategic management model. These models have been shown to work if implemented well, but they might need some readjustment to be applied in a healthcare context. The first model to consider is Management by Objectives, which has been...

Middle County Hospital: Quality Management Intern

In the case study, Katie Bent, CEO of Middle County Hospital (MCH), invited a new management intern to participate in the morning meeting. During the meeting, Katie announced that the Hospital Board had asked her to prepare a presentation on the status of continuous quality improvement (CQI). The program is...

Summary of the Research Article About Abortion

Article In a world where there is a diversity of viewpoints on every phenomenon, the issue of abortion is of great importance. Much of the research literature is on the ethical side of abortion, but Hionidou’s work fully reflects the overall cultural and historical picture of models of abortion views...

Speed Performance Abilities

Speed performance is a complex of a person’s functional abilities, ensuring the fulfillment of motor actions in the minimum time interval for these conditions. There are elementary and complex forms of speed performance. Primary forms include four types of speed abilities: the capacity to respond quickly to a signal and...

Mortality Rate of Women Who Give Birth

Every day, doctors of various specialties make incredible efforts to save the lives of an extended number of people. Unfortunately, this is not always possible, and some patients die because of some severe factors. Perhaps the most challenging experience for healthcare providers is losing women during childbirth because initially, everyone...

Cholera: Description and Preventive Measures

Description Cholera is an acute infection of the small intestine caused by the gram-negative microorganism Vibrio cholerae, which secretes a toxin that causes profuse watery diarrhea, leading to dehydration, oliguria, and vascular insufficiency. Infection usually occurs through contaminated water or seafood. It is diagnosed by fecal culture or serologic testing...

Organizational Culture and Diversity: Zappos and Amazon

Introduction Today’s business environment forces organizations to seek new ways to achieve competitive advantage. However, innovations in technology or products do not provide the opportunity for long-term advantage, as they can be copied by competitors. At the same time, organizational culture makes it possible to achieve increased efficiency and competitiveness...

Analysis of the Quantitative Study in Nursing Education

The background and significance section of the piece indicated the reasons for the research’s conducting. The first reason is that, despite attempts to prevent medical errors, progress in this area is minimal, so effort should be aimed at their recovery (Gaffney et al., 2016). The second reason is that nurses...

Dental Clinic Person-Centered Prevention

Introduction Person-centered care defines a technique focused on more critical elements to the patients and families, such as treatment, support, and care. This method is an approach based on professionalism and a kind of thinking which views social and health services users as partners; in monitoring, developing, and planning clinical...

Medical Facility: The Transformational Leadership Model

Any health care facility is a system where everything is functioning to deliver safe and high-quality care. Therefore, mission-oriented culture is the best characteristic of the health care organization (Sherwood & Barnsteiner, 2017). On this assumption, it would be highly useful to apply the transformational leadership model to a medical...

Impact of Systemic Antibiotics on Staphylococcus Aureus Colonization

Introduction The incision and drainage method (I&D) is used by doctors as the primary treatment procedure for skin and soft tissue infections (SSTIs) caused by Staphylococcus aureus (SA). Yet, oral antibiotics have also been shown to produce a positive effect on the reduction of SSTI recurrence (Hogan et al., 2017)....

Positive Teamwork and Retaining Graduate Nurses

Introduction The shortage of qualified nurses is a truth in the global situation: the US, the UK, Australia and other nations. In the US alone, the shortage is expected to be 400000 over the coming twenty years (Perrine, 2009). Retention of registered nurses has become a dire necessity. A challenge...

Nursing: The Five Stages of Grief

Who is the nurse theorist we associate with the five stages of grief? Elisabeth Kübler-Ross is the nurse scholar identified with the five stages of grief. She intended to learn what the patients were contemplating while they were dying. With her first-hand study, she developed the famous five-stage theory popularly...

Stress, Adaptation, Coping Methods & Strategies

Introduction If a patient has no relevant information but is constantly asked to take tests, confusion and concerns start developing. A physical examination of the Nguyens provokes a number of additional diagnostic steps, and one of them is to have a mammogram for Yen (Trease et al., 2018). She does...

Lupus: One of the Serious Autoimmune Disorders

Disorders that affect host body may have various etiologies such as environmental, genetical and immunological. Understanding the immunological basis of a disease is gaining widespread importance due to the complexity involved. One such condition is autoimmunity where host body’s self defence machinery itself attacks ultimately leading to a deleterious condition.The...

Medicaid Insurance Issues Analysis

Nowadays, physicians are still not obliged to accept Medicaid patients that remains a controversial discussion point. In the United States, there are more than 85 billion beneficiaries of this governmental-state program, while 71% of caregivers are ready to deal with their health problems (Holgash & Heberlein, 2019). Even though such...

Preventative Measures for Pressure Ulcer

Introduction Pressure ulcers are the medical conditions of the surface tissues, resulting from the continued weight exertion on the area because of sitting or lying positions. This problem is frequently faced in hospital conditions where the patients are immobilized and subject to the development of the mentioned condition (Baernholdt et...

Epidemiology Assignment in Miami-Dade County

Introduction The national initiative Healthy People is a research-based project that outlines goals for the United States’ health improvement for the next decade. With the start of the year 2020, the latest plan, Healthy People 2020, is coming to its conclusion, and many programs and strategies are being reviewed for...

COVID-19 and Its Influence on the U.S., Spain, and Italy

In the last few months, the whole world has been going through a horrifyingly deadly pandemic, infecting those with a weak immune system. Many countries are in lockdown for an indefinite period and are looking for a cure. Because of that, this pandemic is not only affecting public health, but...

Access and Relevance of Data Sources CDC to the Criminal Justice System

Introduction Center for disease control and prevention (CDC) The centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) is a government-run agency that aims at promoting public health and awareness. Though this agency may at first glance have no allusion associated with the criminal justice system, deeper scrutiny suggests that it is...

The Cost of the Affordable Care Act

Healthcare policies aim to promote public health and quality of care through cost-effective measures that impact various aspects of clinical practice. The integral part of any healthcare policy is adequate financing supported by cost-containment or cost-control strategies. The following paper will discuss the cost of the Affordable Care Act, analyze...

Cost Decrease While Maintaining High-Quality Healthcare

Managed care is a broad term that defines an organized healthcare system that aims to decrease and eliminate ineffective or irrelevant services that contribute to cost reduction while maintaining high-quality healthcare (Chung & Mullner, 2020). There are two primary kinds of health care organizations: health maintenance organizations (HMOs) or preferred...

LTPAC in Light of NPSG Overview

Introduction Modern medicine has the property of versatility and universality, so the history of helping a new patient in a given clinic is usually recorded in electronic databases. At the same time, not all medical organizations, even in developed countries, have established a universal network that allows various specialized physicians...

District Growers and Metropolitan Wellness Center Situation Analysis

Analysis of the Situation The subject of this analysis is the case of Corey Barnette. It can be said that there are two major reasons why Barnette’s business is experiencing underperformance. It is worth mentioning that underperformance here means that Barnette could not become a leader in the cannabusiness market...

Care of Breast Cancer-Related Lymphoedema

For most women, breast cancer and its treatment are often accompanied by lymphoedema. This phenomenon is described as a pathological accumulation of protein-rich fluid in the interstitial space which occurs due to impaired lymph transport and is accompanied by an increase in the affected organ volume. Timely assessment plays a...

Medicare and Medicaid Patients: Medical Theories

Introduction Many aspects have to be considered while promoting health care for American patients. Decamp et al. (2018) underline the importance of following ethical principles of non-maleficence, respect, and justice to design efficient population health programs and enhance medical professional growth. However, the case of Cape Fear Endocrinology and Metabolic...

Examination of Patients With Different Risk Factors

Different levels of the examination are required for people depending on their health status, history of illnesses, and the severity of the disease. Aging people tend to suffer the most from multiple diseases occurring simultaneously. Hypertension is one of the most frequent health complications for aging women, and chances of...

Healthcare Industry: Pay-For-Performance

Pay-for-performance is a phenomenon that has been developed to improve the efficiency and overall quality of the healthcare industry. According to James (2012), this term stands for providing “financial incentives to hospitals, physicians, and other health care providers to carry out such improvements and achieve optimal outcomes for patients’ ‘...

Collaborative Nursing: Care by the Mental Health Professionals

Outline Working together in multidisciplinary as well as multi-agency is an issue that has been discussed and debated extensively over the last four decades, especially in healthcare management. This is largely an effort to address the issue of service failures, lack of clinical effectiveness and efficiency, and the growing economic...

Herpes Simplex Viruses Analysis

Herpes simplex viruses (HSV) can lead to life-threatening health outcomes unless appropriately managed. These viruses that cause herpes can transmit from one individual to another easily, and no vaccine has been invented yet (Wright & Altman, 2020). Healthcare providers have treated HSV with nucleoside analog drugs successfully for many years...

Plan of Interview the Intensive Care Unit Nurse

The intensive care unit nurse is the position I am going to interview. The question where the candidate must provide the most precise response would involve a real-life scenario. The answer must include a detailed description of actions that should be taken in a stressful situation. The special skill required...

Career Paths in Health Information: Review

Health information professionals may pursue different career paths in various work settings. Hospitals require not only doctors and nurses, but also specialists handling paperwork and maintaining health records. Such positions require a lot of concentration and systems thinking which apply to my personality. Therefore, I believe that the Registered Health...

The Healthcare Programs: Quality and Safety Measures

Introduction When implementing health initiatives, it is essential to evaluate their success after the fact. Quality and safety are two particularly relevant indicators, as they determine whether the intervention improves outcomes and is not associated with danger. However, the determination of each of these factors can be complicated due to...

Factors That Prevent People From Engaging in Contraception Use or Use That Is Not Perfect

Contraceptive’s perfect use is the method of correct utilization of it all the time. Typical use takes into consideration the human factor, which manifests itself in making mistakes while implementing. Several factors affect how people use contraception and whether they use it at all while engaging. First, insufficient level of...

Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Reimbursement Rate

Introduction The excerpt indulges in the repealing for the reinstatement of the Obamacare health program. Obamacare, also referred to as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), was created by Congress and President Barack Obama in 2010 (Teitelbaum & Wilensky, 2020). The principal goal of the program was to ensure that all...

Medicaid and Medicare: Benefits for Florida

Federal medical assistance programs are implemented to guarantee decent medical care and treatment of the part of the country’s population that needs this type of assistance. Among the most widespread are Medicaid and Medicare, which are sponsored by the government and have high enrollment rates throughout the United States. The...

Ilaris(R)-Drug Usage in U.S. and Australia

Introduction Ilaris(R) is a drug that has been approved for use in humans by The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) and The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) both. FDA Is the main administrative body in charge of drug approvals in the U.S. while The pharmaceutical benefits scheme (PBS) controls which drugs...

The Improvement of the Healthcare System in California

Policy in California The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, enacted back in 2010 in honor of the President of the United States who approved the reform, was designed to make medical care for Americans more affordable and accessible. It is worth recognizing that despite the...

Community Systems, Decision Support, and Public Health Assignment

CDS (Clinical Decision Support) is a laid out structure that facilitates the provision of effective assistance during the process of launching insurance claims by either the patients, doctors, or other health care practitioners. It is equipped with the capability to significantly influence the advancements in safety, quality, efficacy, and productivity...

The Prevention of Childhood Obesity in Children of 1 to 10 Years of Age

Introduction The chosen subject for a scholarly paper is the prevention of childhood obesity in children of 1 to 10 years of age. This subject was chosen because of the widespread presence of obesity in modern western states, which begins from an early age and follows a person throughout their...

Nory Case Presentation About Medical Care

Constituents of Interdisciplinary Medical Care (Morley & Cashell, 2017) Coordination to achieve shared objectives Cooperation through equal contribution to the team Shared decision-making that implies communication and negotiation Strategic allocation of roles and responsibilities Open and trustful relationships between the team members Benefits of Incorporating an Interdisciplinary Approach to Caring...

Public Health Issues

Despite advanced medicine, the healthcare system remains one of the main problems in the United States. The unaffordable prices that taxpayers and the state are forced to spend on medical services do not ensure population health. Health care is regularly touched upon at the national leadership level and considered the...

Effective Communication and Nursing Practice

Introduction and problem identification It is impossible to imagine a competent medical system without adequate communication. Medical institutions whose leaders promote effective communication among their followers find it easier to solve emerging challenges and improve patient outcomes. Thus, the purpose of this project is to explain how to achieve effective...

The Parkinson’s Disease Process of Diagnosis

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder that is created by degeneration of the brain’s nerve cells. In most cases, these cells often die or become impaired, hence losing the capacity to produce dopamine that is essential for movement and balance (Atkinson-Clement et al., 2017). The leading cause of the ailment...

State of the Science Quality Improvement Paper

Abstract The paper focuses on the problem of people’s insufficient physical activity and its adverse impact on health. The proposed plan draws attention to children, adolescents, adults, and older people to identify whether they can benefit from regular physical exercises. These participants will be found among the number of outpatient...

Legalization of Marijuana and Other Illegal Drugs

Introduction Most of us would go ahead and give away around $5 for a latte at Starbucks? What is the reason? It is because we wish to do anything that would give us a good feeling; that would make us confident. Similarly, drugs are done for the same reason. Why...

Experiences of Care After Bariatric Surgery

Qualitative Research Article Critique Follow-up care after surgery is critical to the patients’ health and well-being. Substandard care can result in patients’ healing process being jeopardized, severely affecting their mental health. Thus, it is essential to access the follow-up care offered after surgical treatments and find ways to improve it....

Depression and the Nervous System

Depression is a broad condition that is associated with failures in many parts of the nervous system, such as neurotransmitters. Per Hoffmann et al. (2017), when the disorder is present, serotonin levels in the organism tend to be low compared to those of others such as norepinephrine and dopamine. Its...

Person-Centred Care and Interprofessional Practice

Introduction This paper discusses the unfortunate circumstances that learning disabled people faced previously in the days of our fathers and how the care management has changed from institutionalised impersonal management to the deinstitutionalized person centred management of today. A recent incident which occurred stirred my emotions and set me on...

Assessment of Quality Performance in Healthcare

With the increasing level of medicine development, assessing the quality and cost-effectiveness of some specific treatment is becoming a serious problem for healthcare managers’ consideration. There should be tools or criteria for evaluating healthcare representatives’ performance that could provide relevant statistics for improving the country’s medical care. This case study...

Health Care Delivery Model and Nursing Practice

The healthcare system is an ever-changing area of development; therefore, new acts and alterations are being suggested annually. These changes typically affect a large amount of population but primarily influence medical workers as they are the drivers of any hospital. In particular, nurses are most exposed to any restructuring procedures...

Immune Responses to the Infection Conditions

Infection is a complex pathophysiological process of interaction between a macro- and microorganism which has various manifestations, from carriage to severe forms of an infectious disease. The features of the onset, development, and outcome of infection depend on the characteristics of the micro- and macroorganisms developed in the process of...

Lung Cancer among Indigenous Australians

Cancer appears to be the disease of the century, as it presents the most frequent reasons for deaths. Lung cancer is the most often type of oncological diseases, causing the greatest amount of fatal outcomes (Bilano et al., 2015). Due to poor social position, destructive lifestyle, unhealthy traditions and habits,...

End of Life Care: Challenges for Nurses and Families

Introduction Marilyn Walker, a critical care nurse at the Metropolitan Jewish Health System Hospice, began her career after losing her husband and aunt to hemorrhagic stroke and cancer of the pancreas, respectively. Her line of work demands excellent listening skills as terminally ill individuals often call the office in need...

The Influence of the Vaccines on Body Systems

The human body is a complex set of systems continually interacting to maintain life. People are trying to protect themselves against diseases by vaccinating as it can prevent the start of the disease. The purpose of this paper is to investigate different systems of the organism and choose whether vaccination...

Obesity as a Major Health Concern in the United States

On a global scale, the prevalence of obesity dramatically increased over the past decades, which poses serious health risks. Based on the recent national data regarding obesity statistics in the United States, obesity has risen considerably since 1999–2000 (Hales, Carroll, Fryar, & Ogden, 2020). Hence, a better understanding of the...

Inappropriate Nurse Staffing vs. Professional Recruitment

Summary of Clinical Issue: Inappropriate staffing in the nursing environment is a severe problem that leads to several negative consequences. PICOT Question: What is the influence of inappropriate staffing compared to professional recruitment in nursing departments? Criteria Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 APA-Formatted Article Citation with Permalink A Review...

Why Pediatric-Vaccines and Immunization Is So Important

Introduction In times of the Covid-19 outbreak, immunization becomes even more crucial than before. Children who undergo a proper course of vaccination before six years of age have a stronger immune system (CDC, 2019). It develops infection-fighting antibodies capable of protecting them from multiple dangerous threats, including measles, pertussis, tetanus,...

Skin Infections: Cutaneous Diphtheria

With an increasing number of people traveling abroad, there is a need for doctors and travelers to be attentive to uncommon and frequently confounding skin diseases. A young girl aged five years was taken to the emergency unit at Evelina Children’s infirmary in London since she had itchy, unpleasant sores...

Epilepsy, Its Treatment, and Prevention

Diseases such as epilepsy pose a significant risk to people’s well-being not only because of their symptoms but also because of the stigma surrounding the condition. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2019), around three-fourths of people with epilepsy living in low-income countries do not get treatment. This high...

Garcinia Extract Used for Weight Loss

Garcinia extract derived from South Asian plants such as Garcinia Cambogia and Garcinia indica is used by people to lose weight. Considering the information from the randomized clinical trial by Onakpoya et al. (2010) and comparing it to other sources, it can be said that media in the majority of...

Practical Application of Robotics in Health Care

Introduction With the rapid growth of modern society and the wide range of technological advancements, people have more opportunities to access challenging procedures, especially in the field of medicine. Technological progress in robotics and artificial intelligence provides countless future prospects for addressing current healthcare issues. Some of these challenges include...