Organizations Helping Families (AFDC & TANF)

Overview and Background The Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) was created in 1935 by the Social Security Act. It regulated the payment process for dependent and destitute children. Among the disadvantages of this program was its blatant sexism toward women since it encouraged fertility and limited women’s opportunities...

Theoretical Analysis of the Song “A Boy Named Sue”

The term “social control theory” refers to a school of sociological thought that looks into what motivates people to engage in criminal activity in society. The above theory holds that people’s actions are shaped by their social environment. If a person feels connected to their society or to influential members...

Engineering Ethics Education for Social Justice

Incident at Morales is a case that provides the reader and the viewers with a moral problem that is arguably confronted at work and home and indicates the ability to attain an ethically supported decision. The case provides information regarding a group of individuals and their safety-related issues to adhere...

Aspects of LGBTQ+ Community Values

Much research on origins, development, psychology, and other sexual and gender characteristics has been conducted in recent years. However, the features of the LGBTQ+ community itself seem to be considered so well-known that they acquire little attention. Parmenter et al. (2020) attempted to address the issue with a survey of...

The Naming Concept in the Social Environment

Naming allows people to execute their power and creates a social environment. For example, many people are anxious about the proliferation of neopronouns because it is a way for a person to take control of themselves and take it away from others (Green and Calafell 306). In addition, naming constructs...

The Discrimination, Prejudice, and Racism Concepts

The terms prejudice and racism are normally used simultaneously with discrimination and other terms like stereotyping or racial bias. Discrimination describes a situation when equal treatment lacks other people are treated differently due to issues like gender, sexual orientation, skin color, and race, among others. In most cases, racism is...

“Single Stories” and “Stereotype Threat” Issue

Thesis Statement: “Single stories” pose a significant threat to the cultural integrity, identity, and freedom of oppressed groups of people through the generalization of their cultural characteristics. Thesis Statement #2: “Single stories” and “stereotype threat” are critical social issues that obstruct the freedom and identities of oppressed groups around the...

Buffalo Skies Aki Forest Food Sovereignty Pilot Project

In the summer of 2022, Anishinaabek from M’Chigeeng First Nation will connect and participate in the reclamation of Aki [land] which is an act of resistance. The food forest garden project will take place on the homelands of the traditional territory of the 1850 Robinson Huron Treaty [Ref], 1836 Bond...

Social Entrepreneurship Initiatives Change the World

Analyzing Social Entrepreneurship The 21st century is characterized by an increasing level of attention devoted to the issues that persists in society. As a matter of fact, there is a complex set of problems that continue to undermine the strength and unity of the people around the world. Some of...

The Impact of Domestic Violence on Victims’ Quality of Life

Introduction Domestic violence (DV) is currently one of the major public health concerns that needs to be discussed and analyzed. Also referred to as intimate partner violence (IPV), it can be defined as a set of behaviors and tendencies used by one of the partners in order to control, manipulate,...

Definition of Disability Culture

The culture of disability is understood to be a set of patterns of behavior, beliefs, and objects of culture that are characteristic of people with disabilities. There are four main dimensions to this culture, including historical, political, personal, and aesthetic (Peters, 2022). When people talk about the historical aspect of...

Solutions to Problems of Undocumented Immigrants in Texas

Introduction There are millions of immigrants across the United States, some being legal immigrants while others are illegal. This has created serious concern in the United States government. Illegal immigrants have been a significant problem facing the United States and caused a global uproar. They have been subjected to hostilities...

Queer People (LGBTQIA) in Healthcare System Context

Nursing is built around support and advocacy regarding patients and their interests. However, not every group of people can expect the same level of assistance, as there are individuals who are highly marginalized within healthcare systems. One such group includes LGBTQIA people, whose issues are still largely ignored within many...

Impact of Procrastination on Creativity

Creative people demonstrate skills such as perseverance, impulsiveness, and risk-taking that set them apart from ordinary people. Surprisingly, procrastination contributes to the creative process and works best when conducted to a medium degree rather than chronically waiting till the deadline. Medium procrastination is an effective tool for boosting creativity and...

The Multi-Agency Team Involvement in the Case of the Child’s Murder

Introduction Child care policies and the supervision of guardianship authorities are significant elements of the socially-oriented work of the legal field. The example case reported by Smith (2018) proves that a large multi-agency team is involved in promoting child safety and controlling parental behavior. At the same time, as the...

Sexual Health and Identity in History

Origins and Essential Information about the Issue The first question about sexual health issues was raised during the two Population Conferences in Rome in 1954 and Belgrade in 1965. However, the participants of the conferences were predominantly concerned with the demographics and control of population growth. They believed that the...

Influence of Person’s Environment on Behavior

The surroundings one grows up in create a background that indirectly forms the character of a person. Despite their ambitions, their neighbors, having various social statuses, levels of income, and attitudes to crime, drugs, and violence, might stagnate a person’s plans and influence their manners and attitudes to social norms....

Utilitarianism Theory Applied to Western Democracy

Introduction Utilitarianism is a moral philosophy that encourages activities that increase happiness and discourages actions that decrease it. Utilitarian philosophy aims to enhance society while making social, economic, or political decisions. British philosophers and economists Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill are often credited with popularizing the utilitarian school of...

Article “Escape From Freedom” by Costello et al.

Introduction This work discusses the hypothetical connection between authoritarianism and determinism. Firstly, it explains how Costello et al. (2019) described the concept of free will as “fatalistic determinism, scientific determinism, and unpredictability” (p. 7). Later authors discuss the first notions of this idea. Escape from Freedom: Authoritarianism vs. Determinism Erich...

Pregnancy and Workplace Accidents

The current workplace problem has deep roots in the social and historical premises that lead to the currently observed situations in the company. Since it is critical to get a complete understanding of the reasons and background of the conflict, the scholar’s research will contribute to the solution of the...

Veterans After the Vietnam War

Introduction The Vietnam War was one of the most important events in the 20th century, which made a considerable impact on the United States and its society. The American troops who participated in the war faced numerous problems on the battlefield, and historians still hold debates over the question of...

Informal Socialization of Employees

For my Ethnography assignment, I am working on a research project named Informal Socialization of Employees After Work Hours or Outside Environment. At the moment, I am focusing on the areas of cultural domains and behavior and context for my subjects. The area of workplace sociology is a challenging field...

Central Idea of “Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions” by Abbott

Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions covers many issues and aspects of human life, starting from the difference in perceptions and metaphysics to social values and norms. The author highlights certain features of society and modern beliefs that might be limited to some points through satire and the fictional world....

Moral Dilemma and Thought Experiments

The purpose of this essay is to set up a thought experiment in which a moral dilemma must be resolved. The problem with the experiments submitted for consideration is the impossibility of a single correct solution. The questions proposed for consideration go beyond the limits of standard philosophical tasks, presenting...

Ethical Lens in Developing Moral Competence

Memorandum According to the golden rule, one should treat others how one wants to be treated in return. As a philosophical theory, the law of gold can be used to direct your actions in various situations, and many organizations throughout history have devised it. We will go into greater detail...

The Social Neuroscience of Prejudice

The situation where a new child gets left out of the group activities by other children represents the consequences of prejudices and stereotyping within the group setting. Overall, group activities are prompt to have more commune psychological motifs and tendencies rather than individual behavior or face-to-face communication. Hence, the evaluation...

The Gender Pay Gap Problem: Why Women Earn Less

Aimee Picchi’s article, “Shortchanged: Women Earn Less Than Half of Men’s Income,” states that the gender pay gap is possibly worse than it appears. She bases her arguments on recent analysis findings showing that women get merely 48 cents for every dollar earned by men. The figure is way below...

The Book “Women Rowing North” by Mary Pipher

As little more than a woman, the notion of becoming older can be frightening. You can accept a new reality and identity when you reach the sixties in a world that values women for their freshness and witty. In Women rowing north: navigating life’s currents and flourishing as we age...

Immigrant Children and the Second Generation: Integration in America

Overview The United States is among the countries with the highest number of immigrants in the world. Although the U.S. has often adopted a policy allowing people from other nations to live within it, the challenges facing these immigrants and their children have attracted attention from various scholars. Second-generation immigrants...

Poverty Among Seniors Age 65 and Above

Introduction Today, there are numerous social problems experienced in society. One of the social problems people experience is the high poverty rate among seniors age 65 and over. Currently, there are still millions of elderly who are living below the poverty line (Karger & Stoesz, 2018). To solve this problem,...

Rhetorical Analysis and Fallacies of Argumentation

The Fallacies of Emotional Argument Wang and Stevenson’s article contains one of the fallacies of emotional reasoning. The authors tell the story of real-life heroes, residents of Shanghai, who cannot get out of China due to the authorities’ policies. The stories told by Wang and Stevenson are meant to evoke...

Human Dignity as the Basis of Rights

The most fundamental aspect of living with each other is oneness, even with varying discrepancies, including but not limited to religion, genetic makeup, socio-cultural backgrounds, beliefs, and hobbies among people. In this unbounded, infinite, and ever-changing world, humanity’s most foundational principle is to aim for freedom of the will, based...

Systemic Oppression Impact Discussion

By definition, the concept of systemic oppression is very complex, with many different forms. Whether it is about race, gender, sexual orientation, culture, or religion, a group is deprived of the same opportunities and advantages as their counterparts. At the heart of all systemic oppression are centuries of laws, policies,...

Resolving Discrimination Against Queer (LGBTQ) Community

Introduction Everyone has the fundamental right to live safely, free from harm, repression, racism, and stigma. Worldwide human rights legislation places responsibilities on States to guarantee that everyone, without exception, has access to these rights. Even though we commend the growing efforts being made in many countries to defend the...

COVID-19, Family Dynamics and Socio-Economic Status

Introduction Since its emergence, COVID-19 has immensely impacted all areas of human life and wellness. Appearing as a serious concern more than 2 years ago, the virus has spread all around the world and become a daily consideration for most, causing a social and economic uproar of unprecedented magnitude. Despite...

The Social Construction of Reality

Richard Powers conveys one of his essential ideas through the memories of Dr. Patricia Westerford: She squints and sees her father. The voice is wrong but there are the rimless glasses, the high, surprised eyebrows, the constant curiosity. All those first lessons from half a century ago cloud around her,...

Violation of Social Norms and Moral Development

Social norms can differ from governmental rules as they are not written in constitutions or official governmental documents. Societies build specific standards that might vary in diverse countries, but some norms are common around the world. According to van Kleef et al. (2019), people expect others to have stable psychological...

Homelessness in San Bernardino

Homelessness is a crucial problem not only in San Bernardino but in the whole of Southern California. The situation is generally worsening, with a more than 20 percent rise in 2019 and almost 20 percent in 2020. On the streets, homeless individuals claim that there are so many that shelters...

Critical Race Theory and Its Application

One quintessential theory related to the concepts of diversity and racism in social settings is the critical race approach. The term refers to an American-based notion that eventually spread worldwide. Critical race theory evolved through paradigm shifts in the interpretation of social standards and systemic disadvantages experienced by minorities. Moreover,...

Tolerance: Racial-Cultural Psychology

Racism is a traditional problem for the United States of America. There has been a struggle against manifestations of discrimination and inequality towards African Americans through the centuries. The relevance of this study is due to the negative consequences of the impact of racism, discrimination, and inequality on the African-American...

Age and Gender Stratification in Older Adults

Introduction Social stratification is a crucial issue for the current age, given its significant impact on the lines of numerous populations. Defined as the differentiation of a given population into hierarchically superposed classes, social stratification is manifested in the existence of upper and lower social layers (Wister, 2019). Specifically, the...

Attachment Theory and Cycle of Violence

Injuries which are mechanical, associated with sex, mental attack, and deprivation are the four kinds of violence identified by the typology of PlanStreet (2022). “Attachment theory” discusses how early childhood trauma has shaped a particular manner of relating to others. According to another idea called the “cycle of violence,” domestic...

The Fundamental Human Rights Speech

Greetings and salutations to all of the students, instructors, and staff members present, The speech I am about to give today is about the fundamental human rights that we all deserve. Our rights are sometimes regarded as nothing more than basic privileges, but I agree that they are more than...

The Pink Tax: Inequality Should Be Outlawed

Inequality can be manifested in different dimensions, ranging from racial prejudices to judgment of personal life partner choices. Whereas any kind of unfair treatment is primarily wrong, there are some types the lack of logic behind which is truly baffling. The so-called pink tax, which involves higher prices for ‘female’...

St. Louis Hopes Afghan Refugees Boost Its Population

In the 1950s, the population of St. Louis, Missouri at its peak was more than 850,000 people. Seventy years later, that figure became almost three times lower: only under 300,000 live in the city today. The problem is evident, and civic leaders intend to compensate for the decades of St....

Sociological Perspective and Social Forces

The sociological perspective stands for the approach in sociology, which views human behavior in the context of social backgrounds, such as relationships, social structures, and history. The sociological perspective focuses on the influence of outside factors on people’s actions without considering the component of their inner peculiar properties and opinions....

Working With Victims of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is nowadays a talk of the day; new cases emerge daily. Families have issues that most can amicably resolve while others cannot and can advance to violence. It is very important to treat this issue with the seriousness it deserves to save lives and suffering at the hands...

Analysis of Supportive Recreation Inclusion Services

The problems the community agency faces are the lack of skilled staff and poor embrace of groups with disabilities. Moreover, no marketing efforts of inclusive services are conducted and no inclusive assistance in provided by the company (Scholl et al., 2006). To improve the situation, three action points should be...

Solving Ethical Dilemma of Discrimination

When it comes to frequent ethical dilemmas in workplaces, one of them is discrimination, whether it is based on religion, gender, ethnicity, or nationality. One of the situations I witnessed was the prejudice of one employee toward another based on skin color. While any form of discrimination at the workplace...

The Moral Arguments in Favor of Euthanasia

The term euthanasia comes from the Greek words: euth – “good” and thanatos – “death”. It means a conscious action leading to the death of a hopelessly suffering person in a relatively quick and painless way to stop incurable pain and suffering (Goligher et al. 150). Euthanasia, as a new...

Social Movement Framing in Pictures

Importance of Framing for Social Movements When defined this way, social movements may sound similar to special-interest organizations, and they do share some characteristics. A social movement is an organized attempt by many people to achieve or prevent social, political, economic, or cultural change (Shuster & Campos-Castillo, 2017). It is...

Abortion in Public Opinion and Legislation

The issue worries citizens of most civilized countries of the world. Recall that it has acquired a nationwide character; when discussing it, the opinions of influential people collide. This problem is important in itself and is part of the struggle for understanding women’s freedom and moral norms. The religiously conservative...

Introverts’ and Extroverts’ Process of Communication

Susan Cain’s (2012) TED talk provides a lot of new insights into the process of communication in general and how introverts and extroverts interact with the world in particular. First of all, her story feels very personal and passionate. Talking about her experiences and life stories, Cain (2012) reveals her...

The Baby Food Shortage: Public Service Announcement

The first two years of a baby’s life are essential in terms of nutrition. Food shortage is expected in the developing world and not in affluent countries. The recent baby formula shortage in the United States Food is an essential component of life since it contains vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats,...

Legal and Ethical Concepts Application

Personal and professional values help people to make their judgments in different contexts. Personal values, as a rule, embrace a person’s inner qualities and the qualities he or she wants to find in others, such as care, honesty, and sincerity. These values are formed starting from a person’s birth by...

“Hetero by Choice?” Article by Richard Parker

Introduction Sexual orientation and sex issues have always been exciting topics for discussion in society. In the 20th century, with the growing trends of political control, issues of sexual preference became the subject of public discussions and political campaigns. Remarkably, by controlling the sexual behavior of their ‘populations’, the states...

Support Group Programs for Elderly: Resources, Activities, and Desired Outcomes

Resources Needed to Operate a Support Group Program The resources required to operate the support group program will consist of caregivers who will be the primary in ensuring the patients’ concerns are addressed. The other help would be a home for the elderly and several automobiles responsible for the necessary...

The Impact of Slavery on Society

Introduction Slavery is a tragedy in human history due to its cruel barbarism, scale, organized nature, and denial of the victims’ essence. It is the worst form of deprivation of human rights, one that exclusively the constant moral appeals of civil society could contain. Although long since abolished, slavery has...

The Drug Abuse Problem in Indiana

Dear Representative Cherry, As your constituent and a supporter of the human services program, I am writing to urge you to protect the value of healthy lifestyle and emphasize the necessity of improving drug and substance abuse control methodologies. In Indiana, drug misuse is a severe societal problem that demands...

Stereotype and Marginalized Groups

A stereotype is an oversimplified generalization but the widely fixed idea of a person, group, or thing in a particular setting. By stereotyping our inference, we conclude that an individual has a range of abilities and characteristics similar to all group members. The primary dimensions that I have learned are...

Sexual Diversity Passage Analysis

“A censorship of sex? There was installed rather an apparatus for producing an ever greater quantity of discourses about sex, capable of functioning and taking effect in its very economy” (Foucault 23). The history of sexual development is identified by many cases related to censorship issues. Sex and sexuality reflect...

Sustainable Development Goals’ Intersectionality

Quality education and zero hunger intersect since the former is responsible for countering the latter’s effects. The youths have a critical role in how quality education can end hunger. Despite being vulnerable, they are responsible for changing how different problems are faced, among them hunger. Quality education is responsible for...

Discrimination Against Addicts in Recovery

Introduction The problem of substance misuse has been a common concern in addressing mental health issues as a part of the public health management process. Apart from the challenges of constructing and applying a strategy for mitigating the addiction in patients, the recovery process is significantly complicated by the presence...

Sex Under Pressure and Its Background Aspects

The relationship between a man and a woman is a complex and multifaceted concept with many controversial aspects. The main issue in relationships is the use of male power, namely the degree and situations in which it was performed. Nowadays, a common issue is sexual relations under pressure and manifestations...

Racial Discrimination Cases: Federal Hate Crime Charges in Black Jogger’s

Introduction Racial discrimination happens when a person is considered unacceptable or is denied the same possibilities as others in a similar position because of their ethnicity, birth country, racial origin, or skin color. Racial insults, insulting remarks regarding a person’s racial background, or the showing of racially offensive symbols are...

Cultural Competency: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion

Introduction Technological progress promotes closer communication and cooperation between representatives of different cultures. Moreover, moving between countries and migrating for a permanent residence have become easier. As a result, intercultural contacts at various levels are more intense, and cultural competency becomes significant. This concept covers knowledge and skills, contributing to...

Research Activity: Analysis of Femicide in Italy

Femicide is a widespread lethal form of violence against women (Sorrentino et al., 2020). The selected journal article focuses on the risk factors associated with femicide cases of Italian victims (Sorrentino et al., 2020). Moreover, a link is established between different age groups of the victims and the probability of...

Society’s Conception of Gender Roles in Media

Introduction Gender can be a social construct defined by one’s identity and expression of gender. As human beings, our thoughts, beliefs, and actions are heavily influenced by what we see in the world around us. Gender roles in the 21st century have become a larger part of the media torrent,...

Maintaining the Home and Work Balance

Balancing work and personal life can be difficult, especially in today’s ever-changing world. Many prefer to choose only one thing, such as a career, because not everyone can simultaneously be a successful worker and parent. On the Internet, one can find quite many pictures that demonstrate the problem of finding...

Substance Abuse in Media: Godfather of Harlem

Introduction People, households, and communities are all impacted by substance abuse. Dependency on drugs has a cascading effect, resulting in many high-cost physical, emotional, social, and general health concerns. Apart from delighting the general audience, films can raise public consciousness about concerns that affect individuals worldwide. This post describes a...

Racism and Biases Based on Social Issues and Attitudes

Introduction Racism may take numerous aspects and manifest in different settings. Bias and hostility directed toward anyone depending on skin color, ethnicity, or nationality are examples. Often, racism is connected with facades of cruelty and intimidation. However, it does not have to be aggressive or terrifying. For instance, racial jokes...

An Immigration Policy in Oklahoma and the US

Introduction Historically the government of the United States is known to put measures that limit the number of immigrants who enter the country. This law forces some people, most with relatives in the country, to enter the country illegally. Some laws against illegal migrants are unconstitutional and subject the culprits...

Discrimination: Resume Screening

Problem It is important to note that the problem of discrimination is a pervasive one, which can manifest itself in a wide range of settings and processes. One of such discriminatory practices can be observed in the hiring process during the resume review stages, where an act of discrimination is...

Right to Abortion: Ethical Issues

Ethical Question Should abortions be allowed when the mother’s life is at risk or when pregnancy results from rape or incest, but not in other cases? Is it effective to address utilitarianism to define abortion as morally permissible if the mother’s life is at risk or pregnancy is an outcome...

Communication in Black Communities

Introduction Various ethnic and cultural groups may have distinct communication styles that are not understandable to others or create barriers in the interaction between these specific communities with people of different ethnicities. Indeed, as the cultural contract theory states, communication is the foundation of the process of identity negotiation (Castle...

Criminalization of Immigration in America

Introduction Immigrants seeking greener pastures and other forces driving migration, including poverty and war, have made countries, including the US, experience their upsurge. Most non-citizen individuals believe that moving to America will become the source of their betterment of life due to massive job opportunities. Even though there is no...

Walmart Supermarket: Social Setting

Description of the Setting This paper is a detailed description of a Walmart supermarket setting in the United States. On this day, the intention for a visit was to purchase vegetables like tomatoes, onions, and other groceries for making food for Christmas. The supermarket had many shelves with different products...

“The Tragedy of the Commons” by Garret Hardin

General Description The tragedy of the commons is a term that is used to refer to a situation where people with excess means of production use it to their advantage and are depleting it. The theory explains the tendency of people to make a decision that favors personal situations without...

The Invention of the Telegraph in the Communication Context

Introduction The context of modern communication and life as a whole is impossible to imagine without non-physical means of connecting with others. However, before the middle of the 19th century, one small message could take days and weeks to be delivered to the recipient, impeding efficient communication between people. The...

Geographies of Race and Ethnicity I: Summary of Article

“Geographies of race and ethnicity I” compares and contrast two forms of racism: white supremacy and white privilege. These topics are then connected to a more generalized issue of environmental racism, with the author providing evidence of who might be responsible for its dynamics. Lastly, choosing the case of Exide...

Social Issues: Homeless Students

Eleanor J. Bader is a journalist who reflects on everyday social issues. In her articles, she advocates a greater spread of movements for social change. The article “Homeless on Campus” talks about the difficulties that students find themselves without a place to live while studying in college. In most cases,...

Asian Hate Crime: Social Limitations and Economic Impact

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the recent reasons for increased Asian hate crimes. Asian American discrimination has already affected employment, provoked economic stress, and challenged cooperation. However, the history of Asian hate crimes could be traced long before the pandemic, when first Asians came to the United States...

Nonverbal Communication in Relationships

This paper aims to explore the essence of facial expressions in nonverbal communication in enhancing the day-to-day interactions among people in a specific setup. The paper also outlines the theories used in assessing nonverbal communication and how it applies when using facial expressions. The terminologies used in nonverbal communication have...

Ethical Issue: Abortion Should Be Legal

Introduction The moral status of the embryo and fetus is the primary ethical question in the abortion debate. From the notion that a fetus is a human person with full moral standing and rights and to the conception to the belief that a fetus has no rights, even if it...

Frederick Douglass’ Illustrations Concerning Slavery

American Slavery Frederick Douglass was an abolitionist and social reformer who fought for the emancipation of slaves in the United States. He was born into slavery in Maryland but escaped to freedom in 1838. He became a prominent speaker and writer on the subject of abolition, and his autobiography, “Narrative...

Acute Social Issues in America

Introduction Nowadays, there is a vast number of acute social issues in America that bother the minds of people, affect their health and well-being, and require severe measures to be solved. What makes them more complex is the recent COVID-19 pandemic that managed to worsen many problems and weaken authorities’...

Critical Thinking and Racism in Modern Times

Critical thinking can be defined as reasoning rationally and clearly while understanding the logical connection between ideas. To think critically, one must use their ability in a sense. Active learners tend to be good at critical thinking when compared to passive learners. Good critical thinkers will develop a vital question...

Conflict Resolution for Hospital Leadership

Introduction The healthcare setting can be a high-stress environment hence the need for conflict management techniques. They should equip their workforce with accurate skills regarding routines, attitude, and effective communication (Williams, 2020). Thus, when people think that they have some irreconcilable goals, they can still work together. Background The train...

Researching of Skill of Listening

Everyday communication, in any circumstances, business or personal, involves talking and listening. Recently, because of the development of technology, people have begun to lose the ability to listen. Interestingly, most of the time, 60% listen and process information during a conversation, but now only 25% are remembered (Treasure, 2011). In...

Gender Differences and Self-Esteem in Exact Sciences

Introduction At present, gender inequality persists in various forms, and it is essential to discuss relevant social issues to make a positive change. One of the notable topics in gender studies includes the cause-and-effect relationship between gender stereotyping and girls’ academic performance in exact sciences. Extensive research has proved that...

Bullying of Learners with Disabilities

Introduction Disabled persons fall within the category of marginalized or underserved populations in many communities. In learning institutions, school-going children with such physical, emotional, or cognitive challenges find it hard to achieve their goals when there are cases of abuse. Bullying has become a systemic challenge that members of this...

Being an American: What Does It Mean?

There are various definitions of what it means to be an American. A person with American citizenship is an American. However, being an American is much more as it means being committed to and sharing American values and ideals (Elfenbein & Hanson, 2019). Being an American also means that one...

David Walker’s Appeal to the Colored Citizens of the World

It is important to note that David Walker’s appeal was based on dismantling the hypocrisy of the American slavery-based system. He directly, passionately, and truthfully attacks the very institutions and foundations of the American nation. Although one might think that David Walker is advocating for violence, he provides a strong...

Substance Treatment Programs and Strengths and Weaknesses

Summary In the United States, four major types of substance treatment programs are available at any given time. These treatment programs include methadone maintenance, the therapeutic community (TC), outpatient drug-free programs, and self-help peer groups (Goode, 2020, p. 629). When it comes to addiction treatment, methadone maintenance is most commonly...

Discussion of Facilitators in Social Groups

Social workers and human service professionals can apply their skills and knowledge to fulfill various roles, including that of a facilitator. Facilitation provides human service specialists with opportunities for promoting positive change and assisting social group members with getting at the roots of their issues. This role incorporates the application...

E3YDH’s Creating Opportunities for Youth Program

Introduction Evaluation of the program, which is aimed at making any changes, is of critical importance. This is due to the fact that its consideration and analysis within the framework of this process helps to determine whether there is a need for further pursuit, re-engineering, or rejection. In this process,...

The U-Curve Model: Managing Intercultural Communication

Introduction Creating a safe and welcoming environment for all participants is one of the core requirements for positive and productive communication. However, in some settings, achieving the goal of peaceful opinion and knowledge sharing becomes especially challenging due to the collision of perspectives, beliefs, and other cultural characteristics of individuals...

Impacts of Stress of Low Income on the Risk of Depression in Children

Introduction Childhood poverty is a pervasive and prevalent societal problem with significant adversarial impacts on their mental health. Findings from multiple studies illustrate that young ones from impoverished backgrounds are at an increased risk of developing depression than those in a high socioeconomic environment. Notably, households with low levels of...

Social Context of Human Trauma

The paradigm of human experience is an intangible phenomenon that embarks everyone on a unique journey of self-exploration. The uniqueness and the magnitude of these experiences are especially visible to the ones trying to dissect and explain the causal link between every slightest detail in the human mind. In the...

The Opioid Crisis: Reasons, Consequences, and Coping Strategies

Drug abuse results in annihilating consequences such as substance abuse overdose, death, and children born to addicted parents experiencing psychological and emotional problems. “Drug use has been common since ancient times and has been common in almost every society” (Barkan, 2020). Statistics show that legal and illegal drugs contribute to...

Children’s Programs: Financing and Management

Introduction As with any initiative, child programs require financial management and planning to ensure success. Financial planning and management are the domains that allow the leader of the program to facilitate the process of predicting the amount of money needed and choosing who will compete for it. It is the...

Transgender People: Prejudice and Discrimination

Transgender is a superordinate term that describes a person whose gender expression, identity, or behavior do not comply with their ascribed sex. Gender identity defines awareness of being a man, woman, both, or belonging anywhere in the realm of the gender spectrum. Gender expression defines how people communicate their gender...

Capitalism as a Means of Promoting Inequality

In this paper, I will prove that capitalism is the means through which the rich subjugate the rest of society, as evidenced by the pervasiveness of inequality in “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair and the “Address to the Prisoners of Cook County Jail” by Clarence Darrow. The degree to which...

Human Rights and Public’s Right to Know

Introduction The issue of human rights has featured prominently in many legislative processes and constitutions across the globe. One of the outstanding concerns revolving around people’s liberties is the public’s right to know. Different declarations have identified the right to information as a fundamental human right that all governments need...

Issues Associated With Gender and Incarceration

Introduction The problem addresses issues related to gender and incarceration in the United States. Every person in state custody needs to be treated with decency and respect, and people should never forget that female convicts have historically been disproportionately susceptible to abuse (Tully). Acceptance of sexual abuse and violence of...

Analysis of the Sanctuary Movement

The Sanctuary Movement recently reemerged under the Trump era as a popular movement to protect and defend the communities of color and immigrants. It is stated that “in the Trump era, activists are once again proclaiming various institutional spaces—from college campuses to entire cities—sites of sanctuary” (Barron, 190). However, it...

Public Speaking and Communication Apprehension Problem

The talk by Megan Washington, who is a famous singer and songwriter, is related to her speech impediment, namely stutter. She struggles with public performances and speeches as her communication apprehension makes it difficult for her to speak smoothly (Washington, 2014). However, it is not an issue for her musician...

Antiracism: Ethnic and Racial Studies

Racism occurs when people are divided into distinct and exclusive biological groups or rather entities known as races. It is a worldwide hierarchy of power and inferiority in the societies which have been economically, culturally, and politically produced and replicated for years by the cultural institutions of the “patriarchal of...

Drugs: Myths and Misconceptions

Previously, there were a lot of myths and lies in American culture and society. Like today, people did not understand, denied, and aggressively attacked everything they did not understand. As a result, drugs became the main subject of hatred, mythologization, and outright lies. Starting from the very beginning of the...

The Art of Rhetoric for an Effective Speech

Introduction The art of rhetoric provides people with helpful recommendations on how they can effectively talk. In arguments, for example, participants should use multiple techniques and strategies to support their claims and make opponents’ opinions less convincing. Reducing an argument to absurdity is an efficient tactic to win in a...

Poverty in 1930s Europe and in the 21st Century US

Significant Differences Poverty in 1930s Europe In the spring of 1928 Orwell moved to Paris on the pretext of ‘living on less money while writing two novels’ and ‘learning French’ (Orwell, ‘Introduction’ 221). Having made little in the way of his writing efforts, he was finally forced to look for...

Aspects of Ethical and Non-Ethical Decisions

The questions related to philosophical issues have been extensively discussed by people for many centuries. One of the core philosophical problems of the boundary between ethical and non-ethical actions and decisions. The topic of ethics is a complex one and has been approached from different angles by numerous philosophers. Yet,...

Impact of Various Types of Communication on Adolescents’ Behavior

There have been numerous debates concerning the influence that various types of communication with peers may have on adolescents’ behavior and development. For instance, Laghi et al. (2019) claim that adolescents with impaired social skills could be more vulnerable to binge drinking. Some conservatives point to the fact that teenagers...

The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Social Impact

Mofijur, M. et al. Impact of COVID-19 on the social, economic, environmental and energy domains: Lessons learnt from a global pandemic. 2021. The article is an extensive review focusing on three intriguing topics: ecology, society, and economics. First, the authors discuss coronavirus’s environmental consequences and impacts, including the health harms...

Poverty and Homelessness in Jackson, Mississippi

Introduction Poverty and homelessness are two substantial factors that have an impact on the person’s life and ability to care for themselves and their families. In some cases, poverty is a result of historical events and a lack of policies and support systems that would allow a person to have...

The Impacts of Social Backgrounds on Socio-Economic Status

The psychology of social class argues that people’s personal and social identities result from the conditions in which they grew and lived. The data on the socio-economic status of people living in a given region affirm this proposition. For instance, the impoverished neighborhoods are prone to crimes and are subject...

Drug Addiction as Moral Failure

Introduction Michael Kuhar argues that addiction is a biological vulnerability that human beings share with other mammals. He states that addiction should not be viewed as a moral failure. According to him, the brain is greatly involved in addiction progression. He uses animal models to explain how the brain works...

Stereotypes of Chinese Immigrants

Immigration Migration is one of the most important social aspects that entail moving from one location to another, where one can meet new people with cultures. The United States of America has been considered a perfect destination by many immigrants into their territories. Some of the major reasons that have...

History and Accommodation of the Deaf Community

Alexander Bell, like his family, encouraged oralism and deaf intermarriage. These speech abilities, Bell argued, were critical for deaf Americans’ socialization as well as their social and work progress. Bell observed that deaf individuals preferred to marry one another. He claimed that if this pattern were maintained, a deaf subspecies...

Obesity From Sociological Imagination Viewpoint

Introduction Obesity is a global health problem; this problem of obesity in modern times is becoming more and more urgent. I believe that the relevance and social significance of the problem of obesity is determined by the threat of disability of young patients and a decrease in overall life expectancy...

Dehumanization, False Generosity, and Pedagogy

Dehumanization implies injustice, exploitation, oppression, and violence of the oppressors. Dehumanization, although a concrete historical fact, is not a given but the result of an unjust order that generates violence among the oppressors, which, in turn, dehumanizes the oppressed. Practice is an acquired life experience; changes in the world are...

Youth Self-Reported Health and Their Experience of Parental Incarceration

Previous Findings Parental incarceration leads to significant impairment of children’s health, which may be related to poor access to medicine. There is a correlation between the frequency of delinquent behavior in children and the fact that their parents were incarcerated. Data Collection Method/Methods: Underline the data collection method or methods...

The Gender Influence on the Language of Communication

Introduction An analysis of the conversation between men and women reveals the extraordinary complexity of their social relationships. Sociolinguistics examines the dynamics of relations between men and women through the prism of the language of their communication. Men and women often understand each other inaccurately during communication. This article discusses...

Vieques, Cochabamba, and Cesar Chavez Protests

Cesar Chavez is most known for his attempts to improve working conditions for the laborers who were forced to work in deplorable circumstances for little salaries. Nonviolent protests were used by Chavez and his Union to contest California grape farmers’ policies (Ortiz, 2021). The demonstrations in Vieques were against the...

Competence in Relationships, Interaction, and Guidance

Introduction When dealing with youngsters, competence in interactions delves into the continuing socializing and guiding procedures in the early year’s foundation stage. Interactions with youngsters and associates that are mutual lay the groundwork for helping children’s social and emotional development as well as engaging and cooperating with colleagues, coworkers, and...

Race: A Socially Constructed Concept

Racial concerns are a major cause of contention around the world. Dr. Samuel Morton started a flawed and biased research study to determine the biological differences elicited in races in the 1800s (Parker, 2021). Science unequivocally refutes Dr. Morton’s findings as race is not biologically evident (Parker, 2021). Individuals’ genetic...

Researching of Concept of Justice

Feminist equity philosophy is a woman rights activist moral perspective that desires to connect with and ultimately transform traditional international ethical viewpoints. Feminist justice morals, like most collections of feminist ethics, examine how gender is left out of common ethical concerns. Although mainstream ethics is said to be male-oriented, feminist...

Criminalization of Immigration in the United States of America

Introduction The criminalization of immigration in the United States of America (USA) is not a new topic of discussion. It has been in the picture since the establishment of the country. However, during the 20th century, the USA put forward a series of laws that have increased the criminalization of...

Analysis of Group Setting Population

Social concerns associated with a decline in educational and cultural level, the blurring of life reference points and values, and the inability to interact constructively and resolve conflicts have become more acute among adolescents. This concern has arisen primarily due to the unmet needs of teenagers, and it must be...

ACAP Student Code of Conduct and ACA Code of Ethics

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to develop a comprehensive analysis how ACAP student code of conduct and how the underlying principles are reflected in professional codes of ethics within the discipline. Specifically, the paper compares the ACAP Student Code of Conduct with ACA Code of Ethics and Practice....

Introduction to Sociology and Its Aspects

Registering for a sociology course helps discern various problems in life. The interconnected nature of sociology to societal wellbeing is a major concern that allows one to develop an acute understanding of the environment. Working as a surgical technologist aids one in determining the various factions necessary for surgery. It...

Human Population Growth and Its Effects

The Population of the Planet The planet’s population is constantly increasing, which is facilitated by more favorable living conditions than centuries ago. According to publicly available data, at present, the figure is approaching 7.95 billion (Current World Population). The peak of growth occurred at the beginning of the 19th century,...

Social and Economic Factors of International Migration

Human migration is a process of movement of people from one country to another, usually from one country to another. It usually includes long-distance travel across geographical areas. Colonialism is the act or policy of controlling other individuals by creating colonies, usually for economic gain. As part of colonialism, colonialists...

Interpersonal Communication: The Fundamentals

Nowadays, close contact with other people every day is an inevitable part of human life. Without the exchange of information, the normal life of a person, and the process of socialization, is impossible. Due to communication with relatives, friends or strangers, one lives, eats, goes to work, earns money, relaxes,...

The “Bullshit Jobs” and “Political Happiness” Concepts

Nowadays, it may seem quite challenging to enjoy various aspects of life and be thankful to the government for solving a vast number of issues in the correct ways. What is more, it is difficult for people to take active roles in policymaking and be activists because they have their...

The Association for Intellectual and Developmental Challenges Citizens

Introduction The Association for Intellectual and Developmental Challenges Citizens (ARC) is the largest national community-based organization advocating for and with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and serving them and their families. ARC has more than 600 local chapters and has been approved for people with disabilities for 70...

Social Inequality in the United States

Over the last 20 years, the rate of social inequality in the U.S. has substantially increased. The top ten percent of Americans owned around 70% of the wealth in the U.S (Saez and Zucman 4). A wide range of social, economic, and health challenges accrue inequality in the US including...

Class and Race: Interconnection Analysis

Within society, there is a debate around the interconnection between class and race and how these factors affect people. This debate contributes to our understanding of race and racism because it explains how race can impact the class of an individual. This paper will focus on the connection between class...

Social Issue of Poverty in America

The perception of poverty in America critically contributes to deepening the social divide between the elite and the impoverished. In the past, the focus has been on how the individual encourages patterns of poverty without acutely representing the country’s societal failings. It is essential to analyze the history of political...

Freedom of Speech: The Adequate Restrictions

Freedom of speech seems an inalienable human right that cannot be restricted or taken away because it determines the ability to express and broadcast opinions and experiences. In reality, however, freedom of speech cannot be unlimited because individuals live in a society that sets the limits of acceptable speech. It...

Jordan’s Principle: Analysis of Organization

The support of indigenous peoples by the State in any part of the world is significant for preserving history and promoting the State spirit. Only memoirs, textbook entries, and photographs will remain of state patriotism without indigenous peoples. This work describes Jordan’s Principle (JP) organization, its history of origin, and...

How to Fix Sex Education in the United States

Introduction There is a substantial rate of the younger generation and, more significantly, the teenagers that exhibit active physiological status of the reproductive system across the United States. It couples with the problem that teenagers started to be highly secretive about their sexual life (Heller 36). The level and activity...

Gandhi and Mandela: Types of Non-Violent Resistance

Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela represent two examples of how radical political and social changes can be brought to life without the use of violence. The tactics used by these two leaders have ultimately brought independence to India and democracy to South Africa. The three types of non-violent resistance that...

Substance Use Disorders in Prisoners

Correctional institutions may provide insufficient medical services and have limited resources. Substance use disorders represent a considerable problem among the incarcerated population within the American health care system (Fazel et al., 2017). Therefore, it may be critical to develop an adequate framework in order to address the issue and improve...

The Horizons for Homeless Children Agency’s Work

The social determinants of health are economic and social factors like the neighborhood, physical environment, education, and employment that impact a person’s health. The purpose of the project is to raise awareness of the role social determinants of health play in Horizons for Homeless Children’s work and health in general....

Visual Rhetoric of The Publicis Singapore Ad

Introduction In modern society, there are many ways to raise a particular social problem to catalyze the process of finding its solution. One of these tools is visual rhetoric, which consists in building communication with the audience through visual aspects, such as advertisements, pictures in magazines, or on the Internet....

Asian Immigrants: Influence of Asian Immigrants on the U.S

Introduction The history of migration of Asians to the U.S has risen rapidly since the 1960s. In 1965 America enacted the immigration and nationality Act that eased immigration from Asian countries into the U.S. According to the statistics released in 2019, over 14 million immigrants from Asian countries reside in...

Inequality in American Society: Myths and Realities

Inequality in modern society is primarily the result of an economic model of capitalism, where each person’s differential input into the economic context is valued differentially. The explanation and reason are rooted in unequal access to knowledge, opportunities, support, skills, and resources. The conflict theory explains socioeconomic stratification the best,...

Renee Shaw: The Public Dialogue

Shaw starts her speech with an introduction of herself, during which she states her expertise. Such an opening is effective because it immediately conveys the message to the audience that the presenter is an authoritative figure and can share valuable information (Shaw, n.d. a). Furthermore, she skillfully uses images and...

Annotated Bibliography of Texting While Driving

Devitt, M. (2018). Survey finds one in three U.S. teens texts while driving. AAFP. Web. This article analyzes the data on how many teenagers prefer to use their phones while driving. In addition, the article considers all the negative consequences of such a habit and calls for their avoidance. In...