Key Principles of Ethical Conduct in Psychology Research Practices

Ethical behavior in academic and scientific writing is associated with the absence of plagiarism and falsification. Thus, an ethical academic writer cannot plagiarize, and he/she has to make sure that the data provided are valid (Leedy & Ormrod, 2016). Notably, these aspects are also important in the business world. Inability...

Ethical Dilemmas of Confidentiality Facing Social Workers Explored

Cheryl’s family comes to me, as they face difficulties while communicating with her after a brain injury (Hutchison, 2011). Seeing that they are confused and do not know how to act in the current situation I want to help them, but it is inadmissible to talk about Cheryl’s case even...

Benefits of Blogging: Practical Tips for Effective Content Creation and SEO

Introduction A blog (or a weblog) is an “online journal where an individual, group or corporation presents a record of activities, thoughts, or beliefs” (Dennis, 2014, para. 1). The first of them was created in 1992, and since then the popularity of this kind of communication has been increasing at...

Overcoming Bias in Intercultural Encounters: Asking for Directions

Context The experience involved interaction with an African American person. The purpose of the interaction was to enquire direction to a certain place. The person that I was interacting with was a complete stranger and there was hesitation on my part to ask the direction from him. He seemed unkempt...

Ethics for Policy Planners and Analysts

Ethics and its types Ethics refers to the process through which people determine what is right and wrong (Dunn, 2015). Also, it comprises the actions that stem from the conclusions made regarding right and wrong. Ethics is a vital aspect of all professions, including planning and analysis. Each profession has...

Self-Identification and Presentation in Society

There are many different thoughts about the importance of society and the need to comprehend social expectations. I like the ideas offered by the professor Richard Jenkins about the connection between social identity and society and the necessity for people to know what they are. Jenkins (as cited in Kidd...

Gender Stereotypes in Family and Academic Settings

The persistence of gender stereotypes in the USA as well as the rest of the world is one of the most burning issues. These stereotypes often pose various barriers to people’s entry into this or that sphere. It is necessary to note that the research of stereotypes is often associated...

Analyzing Thomas Friedman’s Speech: Key Insights

Introduction The video that we have been required to watch is the speech of Thomas Friedman, the journalist, and writer, who works as a columnist at The New York Times. The speech is well presented and delivered. At first, Friedman seems a bit nervous and constrained; he says “erm” a...

The Moral and Legal Status of Abortion

The key question that was raised by Warren was the status of any given fetus and whether it made the latter a person. The idea consisted in the fact that even if the fetus had any rights, it could not overturn the rights of a woman (Warren 44). In the...

Artistic Influence of Artemisia Gentileschi’s Self-Portraits Analyzed

Introduction to Artemisia Gentileschi’s heritage a famous Italian artist of the Baroque period numerous debates over her works considered a talented and professional artist often treated as a mediocre painter self-portraits as a significant part of her artistic heritage self-portraits popular among feminist supporters impact of self-portraits on the feminist...

Gender Identification in Coed Dormitories

Nowadays, in the dormitories of the American University, the implementation of effective policies and norms plays an important role. The point is that students from different parts of the world are allowed to live in American dormitories and free to develop their personal needs, religious interests, political persuasions, incomes, and...

Language and Cross-Cultural Communication Issues

Who’s on the line? Indian call center agents pose as Americans for the US – outsourced firms One of the major effects of globalization has been the amalgamation of major corporate houses across the globe. The simultaneous advancement in communication technology has further opened new avenues for companies all over...

Ethical Behavior: Human Strengths and Weaknesses

Introduction The Affiliates of the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE), has set up its standards of work and performance. These standards and expectations of conduct at work are the ACHE’s code of ethics. The code has several specific standards of moral conduct to direct healthcare professionals through their professional...

Rhetoric Essays: Lessons from Feedback and Revisions

Introduction Proficient writing is a skill developed through regular practice and response to issues raised by readers. It is a two-pronged approach reflecting on one’s writing style and responding to readers’ feedback and evaluations. In two of my previous rhetorical analysis essays, I analyzed Al Gore’s Nobel speech on global...

How Personal Can Ethics Get?

Introduction Ethical decisions are essential aspects, which make efficient running of organizations possible. It is evident that, everyone evaluates ethical matters in the best way they understand. Thus, to avoid disagreement involving a person’s views and institution norms, organizations have put up rules and measures that guide individuals during decision-making....

Gender Identities Within the Farm Family

The article in question focuses on gender stereotypes and the distribution of roles within Western European families living on farms. This research is the case study as Shortall (2014) focuses on one group. The study concentrates on a particular group, Western European farmers’ families. The case study involves the analysis...

My Negotiation Style

In most aspects of our lives, conflicts of interest are bound to arise. Disputes can be healthy for personal and communal development. However, all this is dependent mainly on the matches not being allowed to spiral out of control. As such, negotiation tactics are essential as they provide one with...

Regular and Friendly Emails Examples

Routine E-mail To: All members of staff! Subject: The New Financial year Hello, We hope you spent some lovely days with your friends and family during the past holidays. Welcome to this new financial year. We have done everything possible to provide you with many tenders for you to bid,...

Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals

Social services professionals play a positive role in every community. They use their competencies to support the welfare of many people and provide adequate services that can improve their living conditions (Diller, 2015). I strongly believe that I have acquired useful dexterities that make me a competent provider of superior...

Effective Conflict Management Strategies in Organizational Settings

How would you ensure sufficient discussion of contentious issues in a workgroup? How can managers bring unspoken conflict into the open without making them worse? It is not an easy task to ensure appropriate fair discussions of contentious issues that may take place in a workgroup. It is very important...

Handling Ethical Issues in Data Analysis

I write this letter to draw your attention to some ethical issues that may be violated if you decide to edit some of the research findings. The objective of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the two types of therapy treatments and decide which of them was better....

Effective Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal Communication Process of developing a good relationship with other people Interpersonal skills can be learned and developed Effective communication is an essential skill and is related to success Principles of Interpersonal Communication Good listening is being interested in what you are being told Judgment should come after the information...

Rhetoric in “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass”

Introduction During the legally forced labor in America, which took place between 1830 and 1865 when towards the end of the civil war, African American narrators intensified one of the country’s truly aboriginal kinds of published texts. The narrative by Douglass examines the North American slave story. Just like all...

Altruistic Punishment: Fostering Cooperation in Groups

Basic questions posed The main question that the authors sought to find answers to is why people involve themselves in punishing others in a group, yet there are minimal chances of gaining from executing the punishment. Cooperation among people in a team is promoted by altruistic punishment; that is, punishment...

Models of Mass Communication and Opinion Leadership

Introduction A summary of diffusion of innovations by Robinson Les. The diffusion of innovations is a broad topic that tries to find out how innovations are taken up in a population. Innovation is a behavior, a new idea, or an object that seems to be new to its audience. In...

Roommate Wars: What to Do When Your Roommate Is a Jerk?

Introduction It doesn’t necessarily take much for your roommate to behave like a jerk: being incredibly messy, borrowing your things (or eating your food) without as much as asking , being offensive towards your friends or simply not willing to compromise on anything are just a few of the most...

Obama Speech: Rhetorical Analysis and Evaluation

According to Aristotle, rhetoric involves identifying something persuasive in order to convince the audience. In his speech, Obama starts by making reference to Martin Luther King Jr. He highlights the important role Luther played in the fight for the liberation of the Black Americans. However, he says that the monument...

Proposal for Replacing Healthcare Equipment: Considerations and Benefits

First is to state that most of us would consider this statement to be out of order and insensible. However, I would like to declare it a natural truth because it determines the fate of all men and women. In a bid to show this, I will evaluate the quote...

Autonomist Feminists & Unwaged Labor: Web 2.0 & Capitalism

Introduction While researching articles about Autonomist Feminists, I came across various texts that describe their contribution to the capitalist society. My goal in this paper is to respond to two research questions. My first research question refers to the unwaged labor of Web 2.0. My second research question refers to...

Ethical Issues: Edward and Susan’s Case

Introduction Ethics is a unique philosophical domain that helps to distinguish between right and wrong. It gives a clear direction in ascertaining the kind of actions that would either assist or harm conscious beings. The concept of ethical life, therefore, determines the capability of either destroying or enhancing the quality...

Controversial Issues and Debates Surrounding Illegal Immigration

Enduring Question Should illegal immigrants be allowed to apply for a green card or citizenship if they have resided in the United States for a substantial number of years? What I Already Know There are two categories of illegal immigrants: those who crossed the border illegally without being inspected by...

Professionalism and Ethics in a Team

Implementation of ethical culture in the team After completing high school, I joined a local youth club. The club was established to provide youths with information and knowledge concerning post-school alternatives. After six months at the club, I was nominated as an official. When the elections were conducted, I was...

Strategies for Enhancing Listening Processes and Their Effectiveness

Introduction The effective listening process is often challenged by many barriers that prevent persons from sharing ideas effectively. My listening habits are also imperfect, and I often suffer from such listening barriers as the focus on my mobile phone and concentration on what I want to say to the person...

Gender Differences in Mate Selection

Abstract I have studied gender differences in mate selection from advertisements from the personals columns of the newspaper. They contain advertisements of ‘men seeking women’ and ‘women seeking men’ adverts. In this case, questionnaires were used as a method of data collection in the field. I generated and created random...

Cultural Identity and Integration of Immigrants

The concept of cultural identity should not be viewed as a static phenomenon or as a fixed set of values that have to be shared by every person belonging to a certain group. Leading scholars such as Stuart Hall and Homi Bhabha believe that culture exists only in individual experiences...

Library Reference Service: Evaluating In-Person and Virtual Help

The Interview at the reference desk In order to write this report, I visited a large academic library. It took me some time to locate the reference desk since I could not notice any signs pointing the directions, so I had to ask one of the visitors how it can...

Gaza Conflict 2008-2009: Human Rights Violations and Impact

Gaza Region In 2008-2009, the Israeli military intervened in Gaza in order to stop Hamas from establishing its rule in Gaza. The war took 22 days. It was termed as Operation Cast Lead. In 2005, Israel had erected barriers around the Gaza region, which did not allow people to move...

Terrorism’s Impact on Human Rights and Global Security

Abstract Recently the issue of terrorism has raised major security concerns throughout the world. This concern has increased the need to have effective counter terrorism measures in place. However, the fight against terrorism has led to controversy and friction between the measures taken by the state counter terrorism committee to...

Anglicare Company’s Communication Structures

Executive summary This is a report of an interview held with Sarah Drum a worker with Anglicare. The interview was purposed to find out the organization’s communication structures. With this as a guide, it was easy to formulate the questions even before I met with the interviewee. This was measured...

Social Structure and Behavior Theories

What is a violent subculture? Why do some subcultures seem to stress violence? How might participants in a subculture of violence be turned toward less aggressive ways? Nowadays, there is a great number of different movements which have many adherers among the youth. Sometimes, some of these movements become so...

The Real World: Is It an External or Internal Creation?

Introduction Sears and Cairns explain that, often, we perceive the real world as an external element in our lives, which we have no control over (83). Also, they make us understand that the real world, which we perceive as an external creation of unknown forces is the making of our...

Personal Ethical Development and Influences

Introduction The world is composed of a huge population with each person having different behaviors from the other. Every individual has a set of personal beliefs and values in society. Personal values and the moral reasoning that translates these values into behavior are important factors in determining the behavioral aspects...

The Role of Social Media Activism in the Arab Spring Revolution

There is no doubt that social media has increased the power of communication between families, friends, and even among strangers. The Internet has become an important tool that links millions of people around the world. Although it is more convenient to send emails now, instant messaging and video calls are...

Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube Influence on Activism and Revolution

The focus on building strong social ties Today, a great percentage of the person’s social activities can be realized within such social networks as Twitter and Facebook and with the help of sharing YouTube videos. However, the role of social media for influencing real-life activities is also important because Twitter...

Cheryl Hayashi’s “The Magnificence of Spider Silk”

The speaker giving the speech begins by clearly stating the contents of the speech about to be delivered. Clearly defining the contents of speech provide the audience with a perception of the expectations from the speech. The speaker does not state the substance discussed within the context of the speech....

Chinese Immigrants’ Experiences and Challenges in the US

Immigration to the US has been reported to be one of the most “complex phenomenons” that has resulted in considerable population growth in this particular country. Apart from causing high population growth, immigration to the US is an incident that has dramatically brought many changes in society. In fact, the...

Benefits of the DREAM Act for Young American Immigrants

Introduction I support the DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors). The DREAM Act is not a law. It is an American legislative proposal that the Senate introduced in 2001 (Galindo 600). It addresses issues encountered by young people from immigrant families, who grew up and graduated from...

Role of Feminist Organizations in Advancing Women’s Rights and Status

Women’s rights From the poster, the rights of women have been violated since their body parts are displayed, which, in most cases, is against the wishes and desires of many women. Advertising companies have always used women’s pictures since the public, especially men, would be interested in buying such products....

Female Genital Mutilation in Sierra Leone

Female genital mutilation is known as one of the most urgent issues connected to violation of human rights. FGM involves complete or partial removal of external sex organs of a woman (Abdulcadir & Say, 2015, p. 294). This dangerous practice is considered to be a ritual aimed at making women...

Addressing Gender Discrimination Issues in the Modern Workforce

The problem of women’s discrimination in different spheres of social life can be effectively illustrated with references to the timeline, which presents significant events regarding gender equality. These events are the publication of Judith Sargent Murray’s On the Equality of the Sexes; the labor protest of 1834; Abby Kelley’s lectures...

Directness in Operational Communication

Directness in Operational Communication Operational communication is essential in organizations as it enables undertakings that facilitate productivity. Effective operational communication is therefore required in institutions to allow for respect, politeness, and focus on what is needed. This allows for emphasis on the subject of communication and does not make the...

The Position of People in Society

Interviewee Information The first interviewee’s name is Jordan. She is a thirty-five-year-old black woman with two children and a husband. Jordan states that she identifies herself as African-American and that she was born in the US. She also says that she is currently working two jobs in order to sustain...

Causa Justa Just Cause Organization’s Structure and Strategy

I worked as a volunteer with an organization called Causta Justa Just Cause. The organization belongs to a wide network of civil society organizations which operate in San Francisco and Oakland. Its main objective is to build leadership and power at the grassroots level and mobilize low-income earners to form...

Role of Mobile Collaboration and Social Capital in Modern Workplaces

There is no use denying the fact that nowadays mobile technologies play a very important role in the life and functioning of our society. Giving a lot of undeniable advantages and freedom to move and be supported with data, these devices, however, can be taken as a threat to peoples...

Political and Social Dimensions of Global Migration

The impact, success, and failure of migration Globalization, technology, and integration of culture have been key factors in promoting international migration. Individuals migrate within their locality or to distant lands. In the last two centuries, the levels of migration have increased. Migration has continually become complex and sophisticated that it...

Communication and Teamwork Hypotheses

Hypothesis 1: Individuals of the same educational background work better together than with diverse educational backgrounds. To address the hypothesis, it is necessary to define the key elements of the correlation. More specifically, it is needed to conceptualise “better working together.” The notion may encompass a variety of things, including...

Essential Communication Skills for Disability Services Administrators

Professionals providing services to persons with disabilities require advanced skills in order to meet their clients’ unique needs. They should be able to communicate effectively, solve emerging problems, make evidence-based decisions, and empower all beneficiaries. Those working in administrative roles in the field of developmental disabilities should mentor their clients...

Development of Children’s Friendship and Social Problems

Activity 1 What does your data analysis suggest about children’s behaviors? This analysis was reached upon following a close thirty-minute observation of infants, and it suggests various types of behaviors presented by children in play. For instance, it is clear that most children like to interact in groups frequently while...

Misconception and Stubbornness: How to Change a Thought of a Person?

Misconception and Stubbornness: How to Change a Thought of a Person from Negative to Positive? Everyone has at least one experience of dealing with a stubborn person in their life. Such experiences are usually characterized by feelings of frustration, irritation, or even anger. Dealing with stubborn people can consume quite...

Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Crises

Introduction People should have access to quality and sustainable medical services. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights identifies basic health care as a right that must be available to all. This paper gives a detailed analysis of this issue from different perspectives. Problems such as disasters and increased expenses for...

Social Psychological Research and Theories

Theories of social structure and personality, group processes, and symbolic interactionism in social psychology Whatever field of study we discuss, a researcher has opportunity to choose not only a subject area, a research question or research methods, but a general approach to studying an issue. In any field, scholars have...

Ethical Issues and Organizational Challenges in School Boards

The misunderstanding regarding the school administration’s directive to look into the emails of the employees has come to the attention of the School Board. The School Board deems it necessary to initiate an appropriate response. The first thing that has to be done is to examine the key management issues...

Child Labor and Exploitation in Global Cocoa and Garment Industries

We live in the society that could be considered a consumer one. It means that its members are provided with all goods needed to meet their diverse requirements. People often buy new things, and it becomes the primary measure of their success and social position. Moreover, there are numerous cases...

Analyzing the Complexity of Human Communication

What communication behaviors were most revealing or important? Aggressive behavior was demonstrated in the party by Sam’s mother. She overlooked other people’s feelings in the party by her dressing, choice of words and denying her husband the freedom of interacting with Sam’s professor. From this behavior it can be asserted...

Human Trafficking and Ethical Behavior Breaches

One of the serious crimes known to violate human rights is human trafficking. Idang (2013) defines human trafficking as “the forced transfer, recruitment, and receipt of people for purposes of mistreatment or exploitation” (p. 50). More often than not, the victims are compelled to engage in prostitution, offer forced labor,...

Abortion and Care Ethics: Moral Perspectives on Personhood

Abortion is one of the most discussed topics of bioethics. It is one of the oldest topics and, at the same time, one of the most divisive. The topic of abortion makes people question the nature of life and personhood. With such grandiose questions, many different moral theories could be...

Riverbend City’s Flood Disaster Communication

Analysis of the Issue Faced by the Leader in the Scenario In the Riverbend City scenario, I was chosen to work in charge of the Leadership Team that was created for the provision of the emergency response of a flood disaster in Riverbend City. The team is comprised of several...

Ethical Considerations in Scientific Research: Balancing Animal Rights

I would like to write an essay about the animal rights and the use of animals in scientific research. It is one of the most controversial issues, and although much has been said about it, it has not lost its actuality. Animal rights activists take various measures to stop the...

Issues in U.S. Immigration Enforcement and ICE’s Role

Immigration enforcement issues have continued to grow in severity and complexity over the past several years. With the advent of new technologies, criminals obtain more possibilities to arrange and expand their illegal activity. The key task of the Department of Homeland Security is to protect the country and its citizens...

Non-Verbal Communication in Conversations: Key Insights

Interpreting the actions of the Practice Educator What must be understood is that communication and delivering a particular message is not based on verbal responses but rather extends to various non-verbal cues which range from facial expression, tone of voice, apparent interest in the conversation as well as certain aspects...

Persuasive Communicators in the Workplace and Life

Introduction Communication is an imperative aspect of humanity. Without communication, people cannot lock their potential for financial wealth, nor would they be able to develop loving relationships at home or professional relationships in the workplace. Interestingly, communication is an aspect of human behavior that many people fail to understand, notwithstanding...

Fundamental Ethics: Key Concepts and Theories

Ethics Despite happiness cannot be called a clear subject of research, it has always interested scientists who would like to understand its nature and the factors that can make people happier. Thus, a lot of work has been performed to achieve this goal. Sometimes, the results are unexpected. In her...

Human Rights in Sociology and Philosophy

Introduction The concept of human rights is among the most popular issues throughout the world in contemporary society today. Such a concept is challenging, and many aspects have still yet to be investigated. According to James Griffin (qtd. in Moka-Mubelo 1), there exists a, “belief that we do not yet...

Change Initiative and Communication Types

Consider a change initiative that you have some familiarity with The change initiative I have some familiarity with is the lean in distribution and manufacturing site. The major unanticipated outcome was an enormous employee resistance to change which had not been taken into account in the initial stage of planning....

Defects in Task Force Report on Genocide

What are some of the defects of the task force’s report on genocide? The task force report on genocide has failed to offer survivors appropriate solutions that can help them cope with their trauma. Several genocide reports have always used the phrase; ‘Never Again’, since the Holocaust. However, genocide and...

Communication in a Multicultural Environment

Sue’s Worldview Model Promoting cultural competence is a crucial step toward improving communication between the members of the global community. Indeed, culture clashes, misconceptions, and misunderstandings affect the quality of communication to a considerable degree, reducing the opportunities for developing a compromise and identifying a viable solution. To handle the...

Police Administrators and Their Ethical Responsibility

Introduction The police force in the USA constitutes one of the three branches of the criminal justice system, with officers responsible for not only lawbreaker detainment and crime prevention, but for public safety too. With the responsibility for the maintenance of order, enforcement of the law, and general public service...

Central American Immigrants and USA’s Changing Policies

Immigrants Should Be Welcomed Americans are a nation of immigrants who came to this land hoping for better. This statement is one of the most frequently used associations emerging while speaking about the USA and its history. One of the reasons for the popularity of this idea that it is...

Same-Sex Marriage: Influence of Gender, Race, & Religion

Introduction In defining homosexual marriage, anthropologists formulate valid cross-cultural variations of modern and traditional forms. Same-sex marriage, just like any other form of marriage, is a union of two adults, though of the same sex, in a domestic arrangement with each member having defined roles to play. Over the years,...

Effective Team Development: Stages and Leadership Insights

5 Stages of Group Development Developing an effective team comes with challenges and expectations at every stage of its development. An effective team must go through five development stages, namely, forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning. That was the case with the environmental cleaning team we formed. At the forming...

Using Satellite Imagery for Human Rights Monitoring and Protection

The focus of this assignment will be the use of high-resolution satellite imagery for detecting mass graves in Sheberhan, an area in Afghanistan (AAAS, 2017b). The American Association for the Advancement of Science first reviewed the human rights issue in 2009 upon the request of Physicians for Human Rights, which...

Adolescent Sexual Development and Puberty Suppression Studies

Articles Overview Both articles that are to be analyzed in the paper at hand are related to the topic of adolescent development dilemmas that have to be solved either with or without their consent. The first article (Risking a Relation: Sex Education and Adolescent Development) is more general and addresses...

Gender-Based Social Responsibilities and Structure

Men Who Mother by Risman Nowadays, it became a common practice among many sociologists in the West (especially those affiliated with the feminist paradigm in sociology) to downplay the importance of biological determinants within the context of how people go about addressing their gender-based social responsibilities. In this respect, the...

US Immigration Laws: History, Changes, and Current Issues

Introduction The United States of America is a country of immigrants. People from almost every part of the world and nationality inhabit the American territories at the present moment. The nation would not exist without individuals who decided to take their families and started to live new lives in the...

Messengers’ Influences on Communications

Innovative technologies have entered the life of people with fast path. Starting with mobile phones many people use the Internet for communication with the highest frequency. Several years ago people could not imagine that they would have such free access to communication as they have now. Technology is making communication...

Debate on Male Circumcision: Benefits, Risks, and Ethics

Circumcision in males is a matter of considerable debate in the United States. The procedure has ostensible medical benefits and is commonly utilized by a variety of cultures, which leads to significant support for the continued existence for the treatment. However, an opposition also exists, claiming that the procedure is...

Revolution Tactics: Overcoming Dictatorships with Decentralized Cells

Introduction In the scenario presented for this essay, the author is an advisor to a revolutionary movement. It is based in a country ruled by a dictator, and the rebels have already attempted an assault on the presidential palace. The uprising has failed, and the government’s oppression has become more...

Ethics in Counterterrorism: Balancing Security and Rights

Terrorism is one of the most important issues to resolve in the modern world since it usually involves a high number of victims. It could be said that its central goal is to evoke chaos, misbalance, and panic in the society. In this instance, terrorism violates the rights of the...

Research Insights: Gender Stereotypes and Family Dynamics

Introduction First, I researched a number of online databases and libraries. For example, I used Capella University library to search for the necessary articles. I used such keywords as gender stereotypes, family, parents. I found only one appropriate article on the chosen topic. I also used Open Library and EBSCO,...

Student Activism in the United States

Abstract Student activism is not a new concept. It has a rather long history, and its contribution to the political and social changes in society is difficult to over evaluate. The past of student activism is full of significant moments. The present is not clear due to the fact that...

Bedoon in Kuwait: Struggles, Progress, and Future Outlook

Introduction Bedoon is a social class that exists in such countries as Kuwait, Iraq, and Saudi Arabia. It refers to people without a state, and some countries consider these people to be illegal immigrants. Kuwait is one of those countries with a relatively large population present in the area. The...

Internet’s Role in Modern Life: Work, Study, and Leisure

Nowadays, it is impossible to imagine one’s life without the Internet. It has become a powerful tool that helps to work, study, communicate, purchase goods, spend leisure time, and perform many other activities. Moreover, as the globalization trend grows more powerful, millions of people connect via social networks, making their...

History of Nymphomania: Changing Views on Female Sexuality

Throughout history, views and scientific theories regarding female sexuality have been changeable and controversial. In her article, Carol Groneman examines the history of the phenomenon of nymphomania and the major changes in its perception by society, as well as its diagnosis and treatment by contemporary doctors. The author argues that...

Social Status and Stratification in Contemporary Society

The relationships between the members of contemporary society might seem random and convoluted, yet numerous theories claim that there is a reason for them to exist. Conventional values and traditions have been defining the choices made by people for centuries, yet the system may finally change in the wake of...

Final Scene in “Gone Baby Gone” and Kantian Ethics

Introduction Gone Baby Gone is the film whose final action represents a controversy between the application of the law and moral judgment as core guidance for making decisions. In this paper, the final action of the selected film will be analyzed from the perspective of Kant’s moral philosophy and its...

Male Gender Role in the Chinese Workplace

Introduction The definition of a man, especially in the workplace, is closely tied to the definition of a woman. Whereas a woman in the workplace is defined as less aggressive and conservative, a man is perceived as more agile and modern. Women who possess such latter characteristics in the workplace...

US Immigration: Economic, Political, and Environmental Impacts

Introduction Immigration is a frequently discussed issue in the United States. One might say that America is a nation of immigrants that opens its doors to everyone. But many citizens consider immigration a serious threat to the country, with a number of economic, political, and environmental complications. Because of the...

Disability Support in Canada

Introduction Disabled persons are among the most vulnerable groups in society. Depending on the disability type and severity, they might not be able to work or sustain their daily living. In developed societies, governments recognize the need to provide comprehensive support to disabled persons and establish policies targeting their needs....

Evolution of Sexual Orientation Representation in Europe: A Visual Analysis

Abstract The fight against discrimination towards homosexuals has taken a long and painful path. The liberators were harassed, tortured, and some of them were killed fighting for the rights of homosexuals. This study was focused on understanding how the visual representation of sexual orientation has become more acceptable in Europe....

Feminism, Oppression, Masculinity, and Homophobia

Introduction Feminism, a relatively new movement in the history of social, political, and philosophical thought (since it emerged in the late 19th century and evolved throughout the 20th century), has found an important place in modern social studies. During the 20th century, feminists succeeded in obtaining various rights that previously...

Houston’s Hispanic, White & Vietnamese Communities

Introduction This is my experiential essay that focuses on communities. From a personal point of view, a community is a social unit of people with common characteristics and values. Therefore, communities can be a small or a large group such as local, national or international communities and lately the virtual...

Animal Rights: Ethical Considerations and Human Impact on Living Creatures

In his article “All Animals are Equal”, Singer (1989) argues in support of animal rights. He claims that the tendency to view animals as creatures that do not deserve the same rights as humans is just as wrong as denying people’s rights based on their skin color on gender. He...

Ethos, Logos, Pathos in Becker’s Antisemitism Study

Introduction The problem of antisemitism is very relevant today. Violence and hatred towards Jews did not stop even after the Second World War when people around the globe were shocked by the horrors of the Holocaust. There are still many hideous examples of antisemitic violence throughout the world. Moreover, various...

Ethical Considerations in Abortion Practices and Their Social Implications

Abortion has been a subject of debate in the world with some groups arguing that it infringes human rights while others advocates that it should be legalized. Religious groups term it as being unethical and against God’s will. Based on these groups’ arguments, abortion has been described in many ways....

Universal Conception of Human Rights and Its Challenges

Introduction Human rights are intercontinental customs, which dictate and determine how different countries handle their citizens and residents. In 1948, United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a policy framework guiding countries towards observing human rights. However, the major factor, which led to this declaration, dates back...

Ethical Leadership in the Non-Profit Sector

Introduction The success of every organization is dependent on the effectiveness with the type and style of leadership adopted. Leadership refers to the process of influencing others with the objective of accomplishing a particular common task. In the business environment, leadership mainly focuses at maximizing profits and reducing cost. However,...

Outstanding Sociologists: Influential Figures in Sociology

The list below includes many figures from different areas of sociology. Perhaps, these names are not all the people who donated their knowledge and experience for the benefit of the development of sociology. Nevertheless, they may be called the most outstanding representatives of their epoch. The historical significance of their...

Biometric Technologies: Opportunities and Ethical Concerns

With the boost of technology, the things that were a part of futuristic fiction films become a reality. Biometric technologies gain popularity not only applied to criminal investigations, but also in the sphere of personal safety. For example, the fingerprint scan is widely practiced to provide the security of mobile...

Why It’s Impossible to Justify Installing Filtering Software

Introduction The time when many people considered the Internet to be nothing more than a flash-in-the-pan fad, which is of little to no significance to the way society develops, has long gone, and now even those who are still reluctant to embrace it recognize that the technology profoundly influences everyone’s...

Political Perspectives and Debates Surrounding Abortion Laws in Texas

Introduction Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy before the developing fetus is ready to be born or able to survive. When it happens naturally, it is known as a miscarriage, and when done deliberately, it is referred to as an induced abortion. Any woman who participates in abortion does...

Controversial Final Scene in “Gone Baby Gone” Film

Introduction: Overview of the Scene An ethical dilemma presented in the final scene of the movie Gone Baby Gone is extremely controversial, and there is no right answer to it. In the plot, a detective, Patrick Kenzie, was hired by a single mother and a drug addict, Helene, to find...

Aspects of Cross Cultural Communication

Introduction We live in the world that is inhabited by millions of people who exist under different conditions and in different environments. We also live in the world that is characterized by the extreme diversity of landscapes and weather conditions. These facts could not but impact peoples mentality and the...

Family Institution and Sociological Theories

Introduction The branch of science that studies the behavior of human beings as a team is known as sociology, which is the holistic study of the society. It involves the study and analysis of human activities in societies using empirical investigation methods. Sociology aims at explaining societal effects of social...

LGBT Rights in Canada

The hostile attitudes towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people aggravated by the lack of proper legislation, explicitly prohibiting discrimination against those groups, result in human rights violations that go against the spirit of the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (OHCHR par. 2). There...

Pakistani Women’s Work-Family Conflict: Faiz’s Study Analysis

Faiz (2015) explores the experiences of Pakistani working women who have to work in quite an oppressive working environment and balance their work with domestic responsibilities. The focus of the study is the females’ views and attitudes towards their work and home life. The researcher chose the case study methodology...

Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal and Ethical Theories

Introduction After President Bill Clinton got involved in a love affair with Lewinsky, people had mixed reactions about the affair. At the time of the scandal, Lewinsky worked as an intern in the White House. Her perceived friend at the time, Tripp, had been recording phone conversations between Clinton and...

Casinos Effects on Communities

Casino, a gambling activity, has caused a plethora of effects in the society both economically and socially. The legalization of the gambling game in many nations has led to the establishment of structures, which govern the activity. Some countries have commissioned organizations to assess the impact of casino gambling within...

The Seven Fires Prophecy in the Reconciliation Context

The Seven Fires Prophecy of the Anishinaabe people is a vast overview of the future for the people who live in North America. Seven predictions describe seven epochs and turning points where history will be changed. Since the prophecy encompasses actual beliefs of the Anishinaabe people and is deeply incorporated...

In-Depth Analysis of Democratic Perspectives and Policy Approaches on Immigration

In the contemporary world, where the process of globalization, alongside a series of other social and political factors, serves as a powerful driver of communication and relocation, immigration is one of the most frequently discussed subjects. This issue is relevant not only to the multinational countries such as the United...

Same-Sex Marriage as a Moral Controversy

Commonly same-sex marriages were considered to be immoral and were not supported by society. However, recently they became legal in some countries and several states of America. Thus, it can be seen that today people tend to be more loyal than their forbears. Same-sex marriages are mainly not accepted by...

LGBT (Queer) Community in Chicago: History, Members, and Importance

Chicago is considered to be a major center for the LGBT community. The city has a long history of the movement, dating back to the early 1920s (De la Croix 5). Illinois is known for having been lenient with the community even when the country’s beliefs and opinions on the...

Identity Politics as a Response to Globalization

Despite numerous positive outcomes that it promises, the concept of globalization as the basis for multicultural communication and learning is not fully devoid of certain controversial issues. The lack of control over the influence that some cultures will have on others and, particularly, the impact that dominant cultures can have...

What Feminist Theory Teaches Us About the Internet?

The article that is going to be analyzed in the paper at hand is called The Internet Is Full of Jerks, Because the World Is Full of Jerks: What Feminist Theory Teaches Us About the Internet and is written by the feminist scholar Adrienne Shaw. The title is partially self-explanatory:...

Gender Stereotyping in Athletic Management

In their research paper, Burton and Parker evaluate the extent of gender stereotypes interference with the representation of women in managerial positions at the middle and senior levels. They investigate the information related to the masculine dominance in the field of professional sports and attempt to retrieve the reasons for...

Evaluating Military Healthcare Success Across Different Demographic Groups

Introduction Military organs play a pivotal role in maintaining social, economic, and political order in a given society. In the course of executing its functions, the military employs theoretical frameworks to facilitate the systematic and logical treatment of diverse groups. As such, the integration of macro and micro-sociological theories highlights...

Gender Roles in Cooking Shows: Swenson’s Analysis of TV Trends

In her project, Swenson reviewed Cooking Network for the purpose of studying the portrayal of gender roles that are changing rapidly in the modern society in relation to consumption, domestic work, and television. The author chose Cooking Network as the source of materials due to the diverse representation and content...

Abortion Rights and Fetal Rights in the US: Legal and Ethical Issues

The issue of the price of human life has always been topical. For years, people have been trying to determine what its price is and who has the right to manage it. Numerous philosophers devoted their works to this very issue. However, having solved this question, humanity, though, did not...

Ethical Guidelines in Professions: Navigating Ethical Dilemmas

Different professions have ethical guidelines that facilitate effective decision-making, but there are times when the professionals face ethical dilemmas. During these situations, it is imperative to embrace the decision that causes the least amount of harm on clients and the professionals. Ethical dilemmas concerning confidentiality must be approached in the...

The Great Wall of the United States for Immigrants

Introduction When the 1996 presidential candidate Pat Buchanan proposed a barrier along the Southern border, he met criticism and condemnation from various individuals, mainly in politics, economists and human rights groups. However, after the immigration surge of 1999-2001 and the 9/11 attacks, the idea of erecting a physical wall in...

Communication Strategies with a Vulnerable Population

Communication during a crisis is essential for both victims and the emergency services. Often, conventional forms of communication are unavailable due to the circumstances of the crisis. In cases like these, alternative methods of communication are required. Unfortunately, not all of them apply to the vulnerable populations, such as older...

Organ Transplantation and Felicific Calculus

Introduction Contemporary society faces numerous moral issues. Organ transplantation is one of those topics that attract much attention of both professionals and the representatives of the general public. Different parties argue whether this medical procedure is the best option that should turn into a common practice or immoral action that...

Gender Stereotypes in Families: Parents’ Gender Roles and Children’s Aspirations

Psychologists have paid significant attention to gender stereotypes, and many important trends have been identified and evaluated. Researchers use various methodologies to address the issues related to gender stereotypes. This paper dwells upon the study implemented by Croft, Schmader, Block and Baron (2014) with a focus on the methodology used....

How Parental Gender Roles Shape Aspirations in Children

Introduction The article in question dwells upon the development of stereotypes in children and adolescents. Croft, Schmader, Block and Baron (2014) state that parents inflict their implicit and explicit beliefs concerning gender roles on their children. Croft et al. (2014) utilize the social role theory as a theoretical framework for...

Privacy Rights in Connection to Federalism, Civil Rights & Liberties

Introduction The present paper is devoted to the topic of privacy rights and its relationships with other concepts. In the US Constitution, there is no particular statement that would define privacy rights, but as suggested by Lim (2015), the right is “grounded in the very architecture of the Constitution” (p....

Key Behavioral and Ethical Concepts: Implications for Society and Decision-Making

Introduction The fundamentals of people’s behavior in society have always been of interest to sociologists and philosophers, and different approaches to the study of certain motives have been developed. Thus, as a comparative analysis, two teleological philosophies – egoism and utilitarianism, as well as two moral concepts – teleology and...

New Harbor Community Center: Services and Programs for Community Development

New Harbor is a vibrant, multicultural city that currently hosts a considerable number of immigrants who have come in search for employment and better living conditions. Like any diverse community, New Harbor has to deal with high crime rates, homelessness, and poverty that cannot help affecting both adults and their...

Gender Stereotypes Developed Within Families: Croft et al.’s Study

Any scientific research has its purpose and goals. An effective scientific research has a considerable scientific merit as it contributes to theory and advances knowledge. This paper will evaluate the scientific merit of the work by Croft, Schmader, Block and Baron (2014). This study explores the way gender stereotypes are...

Ethical Issues in Malaysia: Migrant Workers’ Living Conditions

Issue One of the current practices in Malaysia that are somewhat ethically dubious is the living conditions that migrant workers are subjected to. On average, Malaysian companies that bring in contracted workers place them in low-cost housing projects with up to 12 or 20 people within a single three-bedroom apartment...

Diaspora: Definitions & Applications in Modern Context

Introduction Although the term Diaspora applies to diverse transnational formations, there have been contentions regarding to its exact meaning. Sociologists, journalists, public, political scientists and anthropologists have applied the term differently depending on the circumstances of their perception and application. One view of the term diaspora means transnational groups that...

Transgender Issues in Cis- and Trans-Made Movies

When transgender and transsexual persons’ experience has finally started to present a point of interest to the audience that is willing – either sincerely or pursuing some personal interest – to understand them, the representation of trans community on the screen can be seen. However, what the mainstream broadcast mostly...

Groupthink Concept: Understanding Psychological Phenomenon in Decision Making

Groupthink Concept As discussed by Julia Wood in the book, Communication Mosaics: An Introduction to the Field of Communication, groupthink refers to a psychological phenomenon happening within a cluster of persons under which the aspiration for conventionality within this cluster results in a biased outcome in the decisions made. The...

Ethical and Legal Controversies in Decision-Making Processes: A Detailed Review

Introduction Human behavior can be evaluated from the perspective of ethics, but in some cases, it may be difficult to define an action as moral or immoral. Frequently, ethical considerations and legal regulations enter into a collision and significantly challenge decision making. Such a controversy between ethics and law can...

Ethics of Marijuana Use and Governmental Regulation in the US

Ethical Issue One of the most persistent public debates in modern times involves the use of marijuana. From the 1950s, a significant section of the population has felt that the use of marijuana should not be under government regulation. However, until now any unauthorized handling of marijuana in most parts...

Black Hat vs White Hat Hacking

Abstract This paper explores hacking from the perspective of ethics. The ethicality of hacking depends on the motive of the hacker, which also forms the basis for the definition of the different forms of hacking. White hat hackers are ethical according to utilitarianism as they bring utility to the greatest...

Virtue Ethics in Stanford and Milgram’s Experiments

Character and Virtue Ethics The philosophical notion of virtue ethics claims that an individual’s ethical thinking relies primarily on his or her character traits. According to this theory, people’s moral choices are governed by their character traits rather than by set moral rules or the probable consequences of their actions....

Ice Bucket Challenge Campaign Evaluation

ALS Bucket Challenge ALS (or Ice) Bucket Challenge campaign had two major objectives: to attract the public’s attention to the problems of people suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and to raise money for ALS fund which would enable further research of the disease (Woolf, 2016). The project’s strategy was concerned...

Cell Phones’ Adverse Impact on Social Interaction

Introduction All forms of technology are important to the day-to-day life of the 21st century. The gadgets that come from are made possible by modern technology and have simplified various aspects of life. Cell phones make up the bulk of technology in modern times. Cell phones have made interpersonal communication...

Determination: The Key to Achieving Goals

If we just want something, and it is hard to have it, at the first obstacle, we prefer to have something else we will never achieve anything in life. We have to want something a lot and work hard to have it. The determination is a great weapon. It takes...

Cultural Objects of Sexual Fantasy in Sociology: Theoretical and Social Perspectives

The article, written by M. Newton-Francis and G. Young, scholars, specializing in sociology, examines the phenomenon of a Hooters Girl – the image of a sexualized woman used as a brand image by the Hooters restaurant franchise and established as a role model for the waitresses. The argument in the...