Social Media, Smartphones Have Become Obsession

Smartphones have become our obsession instead of being our helpers. They attract people to use all of the apps and social networks as much as possible. Every person on the planet is dependent on his smartphone, and I am no exception to the rule. With the increase of opportunities these...

Emotional Affection Emergence to Artificial Creatures

Technology is spreading fast and integrates numerous spheres of everyday life for people of different ages, starting from kids. The contemporary world’s reality offers multiple opportunities through technological advancements, but simultaneously, hinders challenges and controversial points. The rapid emergence of various robots, including those with whom people can have intimate...

The Robots Are Coming – For as Many as 800 Million Jobs

Introduction This paper discusses the issues presented in the article called “The robots are coming – for as many as 800 million jobs”. As the technology of machine learning and artificial intelligence swiftly develops, many business owners and corporations are eagerly pondering the possible ways of automation in their operations....

Fire Prevention from Professional Perspective

Introduction Despite the availability of the advanced technologies and years of humankind’s experience, fires are still a crucial problem in the 21st century. It is possible to introduce several main reasons for this issue: first of all, the lack of knowledge of how to protect houses from ignition has to...

Microsoft Corporation Strategic Management

Introduction Microsoft Corporation remains one of the most competitive and profitable companies in the global computer and software industries. Microsoft’s first core competence is the presence of high-quality products that meet the needs of more customers, including Windows, Skype, Office, Visual Studio, and software applications (Lohr 2018). The key competitors...

IPhone and Its Importance in My Life

Any person nowadays, spoiled by the blessing of civilization, is a proud owner of a cell phone. A cell phone is needed to respond to e-mails and messages, to read the latest posts in social networks, and, of course, to follow the news in the world of high technology. Indeed,...

Holography Review: Description, History, and Applications

The main features of holography Holography is the science of making holograms A method of recording an interference pattern The method is based on wavefronts diffraction Holographic devices can record three-dimensional information The result is a hologram (Shimobaba, & Ito, 2019) The main features of holograms An image received through...

Technical Synopsis – Auto-Drive

Introduction The invention of automobiles in 1886 by Karl Benz has created a new way of transporting people and goods, and now, companies such as Google and Tesla aim to develop a breakthrough – auto drive. This technology synopsis will describe the purpose and specifics of auto-drive and give details...

Data Science and Big Data Analytics

Studying the different aspects and approaches to Big Data technologies has become very useful for a more profound understanding of the IT industry as a whole. Researchers state that “there is enormous value potential in Big Data” (Long, 2015, p. 16). Now data analysis is becoming increasingly important in various...

Mobile Technology Use for Business Applications

Mobile technologies have pervaded practically every aspect of people’s lives. As a result, business owners started utilizing the advantages of mobile applications to promote their products and services. One of the main benefits of using technologies with such an aim is the low cost of advertising. What is more, e-business...

Azure: Service Operations Management Overview

Perception of the Service The service provided by Microsoft (Azure Cloud) can be perceived as a client-centered attempt to convey the best tech for an appropriate price that would not scare customers away from the company. The operation provides consumers with an outlook on the company’s services where end-users could...

Serial, Parallel, and USB Communication

Currently, laptops, as well as desktop computers, are equipped with a large number of high-speed data transfer ports – the most common are USB and FireWire (IEEE1394 or iLink). With the development of these peripheral tires, manufacturers have switched to a consistent architecture. To transmit information in a parallel architecture,...

Information System in the Clinical Environment

The age of digital information makes more facilities, including medical clinics, implement technologies in their work. It gave a significant push to developing Electronic Health Record systems, which clinics use to keep patients’ health records. However, the system has a crucial disadvantage, which is the lack of interoperability. It can...

Desktop Virtualization: Benefits and Challenges

Introduction Desktop virtualization has acquired a lot of attention since the late 1990s. Proponents of virtualization claim that it is the future of computing as it can significantly optimize almost all processes associated with the use of hardware and software. However, critics of desktop virtualization state that it will lead...

The Decision on the Gazebo’s Layout

The first critical component of the decision is the time that will be necessary to construct the gazebo. The author will use the precedence diagramming method, as described by Dionisio (2018), to map out the process. The plan provided by the California Redwood Association (n.d.) features the steps of deciding...

Learning About 3d Modeling Tools and Techniques

Introduction 3D modeling is one of the most important inventions in history. Almost all of the products we are using in everyday life exist because of this technology. I have always been amazed by the vast range of opportunities 3D modeling offers. With the available tools, people can manifest their...

Project Management and Supply Chain Strategies

Introduction When it comes to business processes, both nonhuman resources and employees are equally significant. That is why companies draw specific attention to dealing with these kinds of resources, and project management is a suitable option here. According to Jacobs and Chase (2014), this term stands for planning, directing, and...

Arrays in Java Overview and Analysis

An array in Java is a way of storing multiple elements of the same data type without manually maintaining a variable for each. These elements can be accessed using a numbered index, starting from 0 (Farrell, 2016). One can also iterate over elements, modifying them or accessing their methods (Farrell,...

Project Management Implementation Assignment: Beta Distribution

Overview The assignment involves a description of three approximating approaches, namely analogous, bottom-up, and parametric techniques. It also gives a detailed discourse of the individual method and a highlight of the circumstances which may necessitate their preference for use. Additionally, there is an introduction of the triangular distribution and the...

“Increasing Automation in Policing” by Joh, E. E.

Introduction Modern society is at the stage of a global transition to a new technological structure associated with the digital revolution, the significance of which is determined not only by changes in technology but also by a radical restructuring of the state of public institutions. This may include forms and...

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Nursing

Healthcare has been subject to revolutionary changes as a result of technological breakthroughs in academia and their practical implementation in hospitals. Such advancements have influenced the structure and organization of wellness care since humanoid robots were introduced to the healthcare industry. McKinsey Global Institute reports that “800 million workers worldwide...

IPv6 vs. IPv4 Overview and Comparison

In the era of digitalization, when practically no human being can imagine one’s life without a computer, it is impossible not to stumble upon the abbreviation IP at some point. Briefly speaking, IP stands for Internet protocol or the identification label assigned to each device connected to the global network....

Footprinting and Scanning the Organization: Assessment Methodology

Methodology Maintaining digital security has become increasingly more complex over the past few years due to the rise in the accessibility of tools for security breach and the development of malicious software. Therefore, creating the strategies for improving the security of a company’s information has become a crucial step in...

Information Technology: Barclays’ Business Operations

Introduction The success of business organizations depends on the established strategic plan, model, and the ability to consider the changes recorded in the industry. Many companies are currently implementing evidence-based processes that revolve around the use of information, communication, and technology (ICT). The Internet has gone further to support this...

Integration of Robots in Hotel Services

The impact of robots integrated into the process of communication with clients in hotels will be investigated in the framework of this research. The main purpose of this paper is to provide a qualified and detailed analysis of gathered data that contains interviews, quantitative study and the examination of secondary...

Current IT-Related Ethical Issue

Ethical issues in the information technology (IT) industry are, in many cases, connected to the way business entities collect and store information about website visitors. Kidder’s nine steps is a framework that can be used to analyze similar issues and find ethical solutions to them. This paper will explore the...

Data Scientist and Software Development

Introduction With the technological revolution of the 21st century, data has become an important tool in decision-making. However, to derive meaning out of raw data, it has to be analyzed – a task done by data scientists. These professionals transform data into insight, thus giving elaborate guidance for users of...

Technical Communication and Programming

Modern computer programs written in high-level programming languages are often complex to use and understand, especially for users who are not familiar with the concept of software development. In a bid to increase a program’s usability, software developers now incorporate how-to instructions and help texts known as program documentation which...

Laboratory Information System: Application Overview

General Description of the Information System This section provides a general description and of the information system. It documents the title, overall function, and the users of an information system and what they wish to do with the information system (or the information system does for them). General Description Laboratory...

The Use of Starcraft II Video Games for AI Research

In their article, Vinyals, Gaffney, and Ewalds (2017) discuss the collaboration between Blizzard Entertainment, a video game developer, and DeepMind, an AI (artificial intelligence) researcher, to use video games as a platform for AI design and testing. A base for the research environment is StarCraft II, one of the most...

Big Data Management Research

The development of communication technology allowed for the evolution of data analysis techniques, which can now incorporate not only analysis of quantifiable data, but also an examination of other types and sources of information. Text mining allows finding answers to complex questions, such as the origins of ideas or innovation,...

Responsibilities of a Technical Professional

The use of internet has created a huge chance for the population using it within the last decade. It is a prime tool of success in the recent era. Thus, it becomes important to analyze and focus on the subject of responsibilities that a technical professional must indulge while walking...

Radio-Frequency Identification in Healthcare and Agriculture

In the 1970s, barcodes seemed like the height of sophisticated product tracking. However, both technological progress and market demands have developed significantly in recent years, presenting new identification and tracking opportunities. Specifically, radio-frequency identification (RFID) has gained traction due to its ability to transmit data over distance. According to the...

Cabels: Compare and Contrast Study

Unshielded Twisted Pair Unshielded twisted pair (UTP) is probably one of the most regularly used types of cabling (Khavkine, 2017). Twisted pair is a combination of insulated wires that are twisted together to form a single cable. The twisting is used to eliminate potential interference from various outside sources. Although...

Inheritance and Polymorphism in Programming

Inheritance is one of the core concepts of object-oriented programming. It allows classes to receive, or inherit, all the behaviors and attributes of other classes (Farrell, 2016). Classes that inherit from others can still have behaviors and attributes unique to them (Farrell, 2016). Therefore, inheritance is a useful technique when...

Artificial Intelligence: Article Review

An effective thesis states the writer’s clearly defined opinion on some subject. You must tell your reader what you think. Don’t dodge the issue; present your opinion specifically and precisely. However, don’t just make your thesis an announcement of your subject matter or a description of your intentions. Poor: The...

Full Soft Informational Security

As corporations use digital technology to store and access all data, there are bound to be security threats from the undiscovered vulnerabilities in these relatively new systems. With the increasing amount of information that is required for businesses to operate, it is usually not feasible for an organization to employ...

Digital Information Systems for Businesses

In the modern world, any business regardless of its size has to use resources for storing and processing data. The practice of sending information in a physical form to a secure location is about to be entirely replaced by cloud services. They provide a more accessible way for companies to...

Black Swan in Project Management

A famous example of a black swan in project management is Levi Strauss’s $5 million SAP implementation effort that led to a $200 million loss for the company. According to Flyvbjerg and Budzier (2011), the switchover led to declines in orders, and the company had to close distribution centers in...

Electrification of Sub-Saharan Africa: From the Bottom Up by Tenenbaum et al.

The worldview of this book aligns with the New Ecological Paradigm (Buttel 470). The book assumes that the electrification of rural Sub-Saharan Africa is required but not by construction of massive electrical grids (Knuckles, James et al. 2). Throughout the book, many points are raised about specific needs and limitations...

Federal Bureau of Investigation vs Russian Hackers

Introduction Hacking is a notorious activity carried out by individuals with broad knowledge of computers. Through hacking, these individuals affect the economic status of many countries in the world by accessing the documents of the bank clients and transferring money to their accounts. The impacts of hacking are global currently,...

Change in Energy Crisis and Save of the Earth

Brief History Basically, a battery is comprised of numerous electrochemical cells. In 1792, an Italian physicist by the name of Alessandro Volta came up with the first electrochemical cell. By 1800, he had developed the first battery comprising of multiple electrochemical cells. It was Luigi Galvani’s discovery that spurred Volta’s...

Moving Passengers Large Groups Though Airport Terminals Quickly and Efficiently

Introduction The aircraft industry is one of the most highly-developed brunches in the contemporary world, so a considerable number of people use it every day. With the progress of the aircraft infrastructure, launching new routes, and applying the low-cost pricing policy, the number of airport users increases with impressive rates....

A Duty of Care in Cyberspace and How It Relates to Cyber Terrorism

A Duty of Care in Cyberspace and how it relates to cyber terrorism The internet continues to play a very significant role throughout the world and its demand is expected to increase in all areas, from banking, to telecommunications, to entertainment and to power. Furthermore, it is critical to other...

Technology Innovation and the Cultural Loss of Customary Practices

Older people in modern societies acknowledge that participatory entertainment has been part of traditional culture for generations. Individuals identify their cultural practices during social gatherings seen in conservative communities. However, customary practices have become obsolete due to the large-scale adoption of digital technologies. In my residential area, and evidence from...

Is Mac OS More Secure Than Windows? Why or Why Not?

Mac OS works on the improvement of its system and keeps adding more security features to make it safer for users. Apple devices offer much simpler safeguarding than Microsoft’s Windows, which makes it more secure. Although an additional firewall and anti-virus would provide extra protection for sensitive information, Mac OS...

Critical Analysis on IT Strategic Planning

Introduction Companies utilize an IT strategy to be at the forefront of the development and growth across industries. Managers of the company’s divisions must have technical knowledge and skills to establish significant interaction with IT systems, adjust and communicate changes properly. Both business and IT directions need a coherent strategic...

Digital Data Protection: Submitting Hard Copies

Data protection is an important element of the publication of a peer-reviewed article. Manuscripts are usually stored in some type of device (computer or laptop). It is also possible to store a copy of the manuscript on a disc or memory stick. It is essential to make sure that no...

Digital Divide. Technology Today

The traditional definition of the digital divide describes it as the gap between people who have access to computers and the Internet, and those who do not (“Mapping the digital divide,” 2015). At the same time, the quality of access should also be considered as it preconditions differences in technologies’...

The Present and Future of the Business Communication

The global economy is changing rapidly these days along with technological advancement. Innovations bring both opportunities and challenges for business. E-mail, voice over IP, smartphones and social networks have already revolutionized means of business communication. The progress does not seem to stop, and new technologies will be invented and implemented....

Chinese EFL Learners: The Computer-Assisted Language Learning

Shao’s paper reports on the development of multimedia-based vocabulary acquisition. In particular, this research dwells on the effects of using computer-assisted language learning to help students acquire and understand foreign language vocabulary. The students being examined in this case are the Chinese EFL learners. After making a review of the...

Overview of Control System Environment

It is well-known that the internal control environment includes various policies and skills that have to be undertaken by different departments in order to make sure that the recorded financial transactions are all correct. Also, it is necessary to monitor that those kinds of transactions are recorded unmistakably and that...

The Gold Coast Desalination Plant

Introduction It is the Gold Coast Desalination Plant at Tugun that amazes with modern technologies and is the focus of this research paper. It is the most energy-efficient plant in the world that makes the process of desalination possible and useful for thousands of people. The plant is taking the...

Zero-Size Intelligence: Essential Benefits

Science and technological development of the modern world provides individuals with numerous opportunities. Today, people can instantly share information, talk to one another being on different continents, and others. This state of affairs was only a dream a few decades ago, but humanity still keeps improving its technology. Zero-size intelligence...

What Is Process Safety Management and Why Is It Important?

Almost any device, piece of equipment or machinery can cause injuries or damage to property if mishandled. One of the process safety hazards that can endanger human lives and damage property for millions of dollars are pressure hazards. Michael Speegle (2012) identifies two general categories of them: “rupture of pressurized...

Information Technology Project Portfolio Management

Introduction Project portfolio management (PPM) is beneficial to IT professionals in several ways apart from an overall increase in efficiency of monitoring and evaluation of ongoing projects. There is normally a grey zone in the functions of PPM and the project management office (PMO). The controversy raised is normally that...

Decrease the Disparity Between Rich and Poor Solution

Human society has long been separated under the influence of the economic factor: while a small group of the elite has been enjoying prosperity, the majority of people have been suffering from continuous shortages and disorders. Today, over one billion people in the world subsist on $1 a day or...

Google Future Plans in Venturing into New Markets

Summary The articles here are addressing the future plans that Google has in venturing into new markets where it would be able to compete with other companies that are taking the internet and digital technology by storm. Apple Inc. for instance is expanding very fast having launched the iphone, iTunes...

Common Networking Attacks: Overview

Summary With the development of innovations in the sphere of IT, new opportunities have been discovered, opening a path to even more impressive progress. However, apart from the creation of useful tools and programs, the specified change has also entailed the emergence of new malware for corrupting or stealing users’...

Data Mining, Data Analysis and Data Profiling

Businesses have huge amounts of data (master data) collected over time. These data are historical data. The data would be used for understanding business dynamics that have happened in the past years for future benefits. This paper will focus on data mining, data analysis and data profiling in marketing, in...

AI and Machine Self-Learning

Introduction Machine self-learning is a subfield of computer science related to the ability of computers to recognize patterns using AI without being programmed to do it. Its major goal is to identify how a computer can make data-driven predictions without reprogramming. While machine self-learning was out of the reach of...

Microsoft Live Workspace and SkyDrive

Introduction The technological progress that humanity has experienced over the recent decades has affected all the spheres of our lives and enriched information access and exchange and worldwide communication possibilities. At the same time, the more information people can access, the larger storage capacities they need to preserve this information....

Phenomenon of Modern Privacy

This paper will discuss the concept of informational privacy with the mention of the different attitude toward privacy motivated by the various factors, including age and gender, based on the work by Priscilla M. Regan, Gerald FitzGerald and Peter Balint “Generational views of information privacy?” and Anita L. Allen’s “Gender...

Human Computer Interaction in Information Technologies

Introduction Information technologies have become an integral part of any modern civilized society. Human computer interaction became normal everyday practice for billions of people all over the world. Computers and the appropriate interfaces of interacting with them are used for very different purposes, including Automated Teller Machines (ATMs). Considering the...

Integrating Large Datasets for an Online Book-Selling Business

In the era of e-commerce, it is prudent for any business to come up with an elaborate plan on increasing sales and presence online. The use of the internet has transformed business operations worldwide (Loshin, 2008). It has been found that many people are turning to the internet to purchase...

Software Tools for Qualitative Research

Introduction Many qualitative researchers use computer-assisted software tools to undertake their studies (Miles, Huberman, & Saldaña, 2014). Although there are many types of software available to researchers, only some of them have the tools for solving complex tasks in the qualitative data analysis process (Miles et al., 2014). For example,...

Effect of Internet in the Gambling Sector

Introduction Many vices are practiced in society, most of which have been said to be illegal. There are however some of which have been legalized and as long as a person is above the required age then he/she can participate in this vice. Gambling is one of them. Gambling is...

Stakeholders and Their Importance for the Project

A project typically results in a lengthy process involving the participation of many people who bring various levels of expertise and interest to the table. The requirements for taking part in the program are different for everyone. In order to successfully complete the project, it is necessary to set participation...

Apple Battery Problem Discretion

Business decisions could sometimes be controversial. Some of them could even lead to global scandals, and huge losses if the choice was universally disapproved. A few months ago, in December 2017, the results of a test by John Poole from Primitive Labs had shown that due to battery wear-out, Apple...

Information Security: Managing Risk Ethically

Introduction Many issues are arising as a result of the rampant improvements in technology. Ethical and legal matters that are resulting from the technological advancement are gradually becoming matters of global concern. This paper is written to discuss the legal and moral principles of information security. Distinction between law and...

The Great Northeast Power Blackout of 2003

Introduction In August 2003 at about 4pm EST “parts of the Northeastern United States and Southeastern Canada experienced widespread power blackouts, the US states of New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts were severely affected” (Lerner 7). Many nuclear power plants had to be shut down and...

Security Measures in Logistics Management

Introduction Since time immemorial, the infrastructure system has been one of the most vulnerable elements of the state system, the primary goal of military occupation. Transportation systems nowadays are prepared to face a range of natural and manmade threats. However, even despite the development of security measures and technology, new...

Design of Concrete Structures and Road Engineering

Abstract This is a report about two subjects offered in the second year of Swinburne’s engineering degree course. These subjects are Design of Concrete Structures and Road Engineering. They provide the students with the knowledge and skills required in the construction and design of roads and buildings and other related...

Information Systems: Types and Description

An organizational information system is an integrated system of hardware and software, which is used to provide managers with all the information they need, in order to manage the organizations in an effective and efficient manner. These organizational information systems usually have three major resources: technology, people, and information. There...

Aviation Organizations and Air Transport Regulations

Introduction Globalization and the expansion of social, economic, and political activities have necessitated the need to use air transport due to its immense benefits over other modes of transportation. The influx of air passengers and cargo has surpassed the traditional abilities of air transport services to offer high-quality services. Professional...

Multicultural Management in Virtual Project Setting

Introduction The new communication strategy of the internet is linking individuals and organizations all over the world. This technology is making routine face-to-face meetings among team project members less necessary compared to the past (Quinn 1983, p. 121). Virtual project teams can work within and between geographically separated areas without...

Project Plan Development: Project Management Tools

A project involves carrying out a series of events with the purpose of meeting given objectives. In order to meet the set objectives, the activities undertaken should be commensurate with the organizational policies of the team (Wysocki, 2011). The project agencies usually undertake scheduling in the initial periods of the...

The Successful Information Technology Strategy

Information technology is one of the most important areas in any company or organization. It is difficult to think of an organization that can be successful in the modern business world without effective information technology principles. The advances that have been made in the technology that is associated with information...

Internet Penetration Policy and Its Implications in UAE

Introduction Over the last decade, the world has experienced rapid penetration of the internet even in countries that were previously deemed to be conservative. This rapid uptake has not spared even the most conservative countries in the Middle East and North Africa. As such, the heightened speed of embracing the...

Cvs Caremark: Case Study Analysis

Information security seems to have become a hot-button issue for every single member of the entrepreneurship area. Although the recent technological breakthrough has provided a plethora of opportunities for improving the quality and speed of data processing, it has also facilitated numerous malefactors with tools for conducting cybercrimes such as...

Denice Welch on HR in International Business

Introduction The article The place of International Human Resource Management in International Business is written by Denice Welch and Ingmar Bjorkman. It “addresses the issue of whether International Human Resource Management is disconnected from other International Business studies” (Welch & Bjorkman, 2014, p. 303). Main text To support their idea...

Operational and Tactical Dashboards

Dashboards allow organizations to monitor and manage their business processes by processing information and data from multiple systems and departments in a central point. However there are specific characteristics, depending on the manner of use and development, that differentiate dashboards. This essay examines operational and tactical dashboard differences and similarities....

Registry Issues for Implementation

Implementing an Electronic Health Record system is not an easy task to accomplish. During the implementation phase, risk issues include the consequences of the adjustment period, the need to acquire new information, the need to adopt new practices, the need to figure out flaws in the system, and the need...

Internet Filtering in the UAE

Introduction 20% of The United Arabs Emirates consists of native citizens while eighty percent of the country is populated by expatriates. Any sort of censorship affects more foreigners than locals. They are likely to object to filtering more than the locals, and future expatriates may be dissuaded from working in...

New Technologies and Impact on Sports

The establishment and diverse application of technology is not only profound within the sporting sector, but also incorporated within the process of enhancing training and education. Essentially, the earlier strategies of disseminating information, collecting fans, conducting businesses, and teaching students are ineffective as perceived nowadays. It has been argued broadly...

Information Ethics in Business Enterprises

The use of an information code of conduct in a company is becoming more and more necessary at present. Rapid technological advances in the area cause the increase in the importance of ethics in information technology. In response, many businesses are instituting policies to regulate employees’ use of company-owned technology...

Project Management and Organizational Structure

Introduction Project management is based on effective structure and coordination of all stages. High value-added production processes in adaptable and flexible organizations place new demands on employees’ skills, competence, and commitment to organizational goals. The book A Guide to the Project Management underlines that the main characteristics of projects are:...

Product Roadmap Chapter and Template

Introduction For many years a financial report is no longer about the performance of the previous periods only, it is expected to reflect the value of the company much more than ever. After some decades of creating value on the balance sheet as a lucrative instrument to fund all sorts...

Principles in Vehicular Networks and Data Exchange

Introduction Drive by wire is a new technology that has found its place in the modern automobile industry. It is a system which actively interprets the driver’s input and executes the commands to produce the desired vehicle behaviour by use of microprocessor-based control system (Guo, 2009). Guo (2009) also asserts...

The Most Recent Technology: Blackberry Messenger

Introduction Thanks to the world’s move towards becoming a global village, new technological advancements have emerged and smart phone users are not an exception. Latest models of blackberry phones have one of the most recent technological infrastructures embedded in them. Among its most recent feature being Blackberry messenger, which has...

UH-72A Lakota Utility Helicopter in U.S. Army History

Overview The US military sanctioned the acquisition of the utility helicopter UH-72A Lakota in the year 2005. The light utility aircraft has been manufactured by the EADS of North America. The helicopter is well equipped to support some operations like evacuation among others. The aircraft is designed in a manner...

Influence of Technology on Marketing of Music in the 20th Century

Introduction Marketing involves determining which products or services are likely to be consumed by customers. In any business, marketing is a way of increasing sales and consequently revenue. The music industry is part of the wider entertainment industry that includes movies, and other forms of contemporary art. Technological developments in...

The Relations Between Internet and Culture Uniformity

One of the most utilized products of technology is the internet. It is difficult to think of a segment of life that does not use the internet in modern world. But this is true only for those who have access to it. There are millions of people especially in developing...

Digital Color Techniques Adoption Since the 1990s

The development of modern technologies has been able to give people the possibility of changing their everyday lives by inventing newer ways to transmit information. Modern people have grown used to various digital technologies, as we deal with them every day, but at least 16 years ago digital format was...

Computer Use and Dangerous Computer Addiction

The society has changed a lot with the technological developments that have come up in the world. This technology has had many advantages to the contemporary world. However, there are a number of disadvantages for excessively depending on the computer. Individuals should watch out not to use computers excessively since...

Jono Limited: Implementation of an Information Technology System

Executive Summary Jono Limited is a medium-sized firm that handles the manufacture and export of meat to the Middle East. Owing to the fact that the company has been recently increasing its business base, it is faced with a crisis in handling the various levels of paperwork that are required...

Technology’s Influences in Our Lives

Introduction During the last two hundred years there has been an unprecedented acceleration in man’s knowledge of and power to control his material environment. This has been achieved with the help of technology such as, steam, then electricity and now atomic energy. With these discoveries and inventions, there has been...

Reduction of Poverty in the Rural Areas Through ICT

Introduction ICT stands for information and communication technology and usually covers all information handling tools. It consists of a set of applications, services and goods which are used to produce, distribute, store, exchange and process information. As the world advances in information technology, those in the rural setting are left...

Sound Recording Media History

Introduction The history of sound recording and systems that were involved in this process is rather interesting, as it is hard to imagine that the first attempt to record a sound was simple and genius simultaneously. The history itself is closely linked with the development of technologies and formats of...

Hazardous Materials Incidents During Summer

First responders dealing with hazardous material incidents during summer experience a great deal of challenges, mainly because of the high temperatures and elevated humidity. In the article ‘Beyond the Rule of Thumb Survival Tip 53’, Lisi (2010), illuminates some of the inherent dangers presented by the summer weather to first...

Hybrid Cell Phones Affect on People’s Lives

The cell phone is the most effective and widespread piece of technology in the world today. This is despite the slow growth in the first years when it was introduced. It is a must-have gadget that keeps people connected to what is happening outside their environment all the time. Cell...

Ways to Defend Against Cyber Terrorism

Introduction With the advancement of technology, newer ways of terrorism are being developed. Equally, terrorist organizations are becoming more organized and established as international businesses. Facilitating this is the aspect of increased availability of technological skills for hire on the internet. As a result, organizations, individuals, nation states, and other...

Privacy Protection on the Internet

Introduction In the emerging technological and commercial environment defined by the digital encoding of information representations ‘ownership’ is coming to mean different things. For example, without encryption information, ownership is only relative since owners of network servers and those with privileged access to them (e.g. intelligence agencies, hackers) can easily...

How Do Science and Technology Help Us Define the Modern World?

Introduction In the current state of the world, it can be presumed that science and technology plays part in the current problems that we face, especially those problems that result from advanced ammunition, grenades, nuclear and biochemical weapon. These weapons are used to harm fellow human beings, other than weapons,...

Google and Social Networks: Integration Paper

This integration paper is an overview of the entire week’s projects. All the activities of the week are synthesized in order to provide the value or usefulness of these studies in my personal and professional life. The topics discussed in the week include should spamming be illegal? Why or why...

Public Law and Private Law Implications

Abstract Using the telephone as well as World Wide Web services by minors has never been discussed properly. Children tend to use the telephone for making paid calls and their parents refuse to pay the bills afterward. The question is whether these bills are the responsibility of parents who overlooked...

Changes in Management of Coventry Airport

Abstract This report will try to analyse and allocate arrival and departure of airplanes at Coventry airport in the United Kingdom. The main aim of the paper is to reduce the number of flights that are diverted to Birmingham international airport at the same time reduce the time the planes...

Using Technology in Human Resource Management

Executive summary The growth and development of internet and web-based applications has found many areas of applications especially in the different department s in organizations. The Human Resource (HR) docket is an area that these technologies have been utilized and benefits realized. Development in this area has been witnessed through...

Smartphone Operating Systems: Feature Writing

In today’s world of innovation, a consumer is faced with the overwhelming task of identifying the best product to meet his needs. This dilemma is magnified in the cell phone manufacturing industry where innovations are the norm, cell phone companies are competing against each other for control of the lion’s...

Effects of Automobility Analysis

Loren Lomasky is a well-known author in the field of the criticism of the modern way of life. Accordingly, her essay on the balance between the positive and negative effects of the wide use of automobiles in the modern society is a valuable source of knowledge in this topic. Thus,...

Information Technology and Mexican Drug Cartels

Mexican drug cartels have begun forging a new way forward to gain supremacy over rival cartels and increase their drug dealing businesses. The biggest headlines coming out of Mexico recently have involved the increased drug-driven violence that has resulted in death tolls high enough to warrant U.S. intervention in the...

The Hybrid Electric Vehicle Technology

Hybrid electric vehicle is a vehicle which uses a mixture of power or fuel source. It was not until 1997 that hybrid electric vehicles became popular with the introduction of Toyota Prius in Japan and then followed closely by Honda Insight which was released in 1999. At first, this new...

Product Launch of Lenovo 3000 Family Series PCs

Introduction Lenovo’s fundamental point of differentiation is innovativeness and creativity. As the Company began to make preparedness for global expansion, it borrowed its new name from the amalgam of part of its existing name- the Le in Legend, and ‘novo’ meaning new and ingenious. The combination of these two syllables,...

Pattern Searches in Computerized Data

Computerized data advantages surpass manually kept data since digital data is difficult, even impossible, to destroy, particularly if it gets its way into the network system. This happens due to its ability to retrieve data deleted due to the multi-storage where the same data is stored in different drives. The...

Google and Social Networks

This study discusses the relationship between Google and other Social networks give a brief introduction to Google besides an illustration about social networking and how it differs from online social networking. The advantages of using online social networking are one of the main points discussed in the session. This study...

Calibration of a Hugglands GPS Garmin

Definition of a handheld GPS unit A handheld GPS (Global Position System) unit can be defined as a portable apparatus/device which is meant to determine the exact location of a person, vehicle or anything else that is attached to it by the use of Global Positioning system technology (Huang, 1999)....

British Airways: Project Management

British Airways (BA) is a recognized commercial flying company that is renowned not only in Europe but globally. Currently BA is recognized as one of the largest in Europe with the capacity to fly over 550 destinations in more than 94 countries. In 2007 the airline boasted of taking more...

The Benefits & Drawbacks of the Internet

Introduction The Internet provides immense possibilities for education and knowledge gaining and sharing for children. It provides a stepping-stone for the children to look into the world on their own, and find new information. However, this tool is often misused as a medium for transferring information and content to children...

Product Management in the Development of Computers

Introduction Product management is an important stage for project management. Product management addresses all aspects related to the products modelling and support during its development. It helps to analyze how products are to be designed and what are the basic qualities required for the product. The product generally evolves from...

Innovation and Technology Cycles in Organizations

Innovation and technology cycles For a long time, organizations have been experiencing various kinds of problems and they have resulted in their management exploring various changes to introduce into their mode of operation. Innovation and technology cycles have been very useful to organizations as they have helped such organizations to...

A New Building Construction Project Analysis

The following activities (see Table 0) have been scheduled for constructing a new building for AXBC PLC. All task durations have been given in days. Activity Optimistic time Most Likely Time Pessimistic time Predecessors A 1 2 4 B 3 6 12 C 1 2 3 A, B D 2...

The Information Systems Strategic Models

Acquisition Several scholars have written quite a number of methodologies that can be used by an enterprise or an individual to select suitable software that will be outstanding and offer strategic as well as technical advantages. These methodologies include the aquifer technology and the vendor evolution methods. (Stresemann 1985) Describe...

Internet Effect on Different Cultures

Introduction Culture has been defined as the favored behaviors of a certain social group. The study by Heresniak, (1998) shows that culture in one group is being shared among other groups because of the internet which has broken down physical, political and social borders and barriers. Then with this in...

Information Technology in Firms

Introduction Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) has had a great impact in the way business is conducted in the modern world. Several companies have incorporated technology in their operational and strategic management. Areas among others in which information technology is deployed to increase employees’ competency and productivity include: staffing systems,...

Automobile Advent and Its Impact on American Culture

The invention of the automobile symbolized an explosion in self expression in the 1920s. This was characterized by a period after which the nation had just come out of war. The culture was dominated by the youth where fashion and fads were the trend of every day life. This was...

Computer Technologies Issues: Spyware Threat Analysis

Spy ware is a type of malicious software that collects information from the computer without the knowledge or consent of the owner of the computer. There are a list of items which fall victim to the spyware and they include; keystrokes, private email addresses, private information present in the computing...

WiMAX for the 4G Roll Out, Enhancements in Communication

Introduction WiMAX is the cellular version. Its stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX). There has been a great evolution in wireless communications over the last few years. WiMAX is an emerging wireless technology used for deploying broadband wireless metropolitan area networks (WMAN). WiMAX is a wireless technology that...

Mechanical Engineering: Measurement Principles

Energy Transfer (Kinetic to Pressure) Transducer When an object with a kinetic energy charge hits another object, it imposes pressure. Independently of the nature of an object (Whether it is a steel balloon or a molecule), the nature of this pressure stays unchanged. Pressure is measured in pascals. Originally, it...

The Need for a Strategy to Counter Cyberattacks

Introduction The government, institutions, and companies are fast integrating computer systems and computer networks into their activities and processes. This is bound to increase in the future at an accelerating rate. The resulting infrastructures that are highly computer-supported are vulnerable to cyber-attacks and cyber-terrorism. This includes activities where computer criminals...

Shifts That May Happen as the Internet Continues to Grow and Expand

Introduction The communication industry can boast of one of the most important innovations during the age of the internet. The internet has revolutionized not only the communication world but also the whole world. Information has become readily available with the click of a button and this has led consumers to...

Heartland Payment System Data Breach Problem Solution

Introduction The Heartland Payment System, which serves customers through processing credit cards, was last year (2008) attacked through the extranet and exposed customers’ information over the network. The company reported that the customers’ Phone numbers and addresses, Pin and Card security numbers were exposed. The company was dealing with Visa,...

Problematic Nature of Technology Led Development

Technology has been defined in many ways but the basic idea that still holds is that it is a new way of doing things while utilizing the least amount of energy when performing a task. This further explains why children in today’s generation will never understand why they should work...

The Power of Cyberterrorism

Introduction The definition of cyberterrorism is quite elusive as many experts have their own understanding of the terminology (Denning, 2000). However, it is best analyzed through a breakdown of the elements that constitute it. The paper will look at what cyberterrorism could do to opponents and the actual possibility of...

Project Management Body of Knowledge and Its Areas

According to PMBOK guide (2004), the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK) can be referred to as the combination of processes and knowledge areas that are widely recognized and generally accepted as the best practice to be applied during project management process (Pg 55). It has a set of guidelines...

Full Sentence Outline and Incorporating Statistics

The rise of informational technologies affected the appearance of ‘New Relationships’ plan in UK which suggested using the internet technologies in sharing management information. The relatively low cost computers appeared in 1980 and information and communication technology appeared in education. E-mails became a quicker medium of information sharing in 1992....

Phones and Society: The Relationship

Over the years, various spheres of the society have experienced improvement in technology. There has been a continued application of practical knowledge from generation to generation especially in the field of communication technology. Communication technology evolution initiated in1876 with the introduction of the telephone by Alexander Graham. At that moment...

The Use of Information and Communication Technology in Education

Introduction This chapter is aimed to give the general image of the information technologies development and internet, and connect this fact with the matters of globalization. Globalization and technological change has originated a new global economy which is based on the advantages of information and communication technologies. This technological origin...

Should Spamming Be Illegal?

Well, many people have problems due to sudden appearances of pop-up messages which do not move out even after providing deletion commands. If this were to occur during an important job, it could seriously stall work. It is not necessary that all unsolicited mail could be dubbed as spam. If...

Knowledge Management and E-Government

In accordance to, LLC (2009) Efficiency is defined as “the state or quality of being efficient; competency in performance” (, 2009). It further defines the term as an “accomplishment of or ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort: The assembly line increased industry’s...

Development of Hands-Free Set

Introduction Modern life is in constant change and every today is not similar to yesterday and to tomorrow. Everything, surrounding us, is changing in a blink of an eye. Our world is totally different from that one where our grandparents spent their youth. And it is sure to change greatly...

Management: Work Breakdown Structure and Schedule 

Executive Summary This paper is composed of three plans (Project plan, Operational plan and technical process plan) which lead the organization to achieve its goal. The goal of this publishing company is to increase to increase the number of subscribers for its magazine ‘Alive’. Before creating a plan the challenges...

D&D London Restaurant Company: Internet Strategy

Introduction The Internet is becoming a very important tool in the world of business because it presents a method of transacting not only in a very short time, but also a way of saving costs among other advantages. The Internet is becoming a major focus of advertising, research, promotion, selling...

Effective Cyber Protection in the Technology Sector

Introduction The smallest security flaw in the cyber protection is capable of total disaster in the global information and technology sector. Measures to protect the critical infrastructures and individuals from cyber threats must enhance ability and effectiveness in the achievement of higher protection rates and have the capacity to seal...

Design and Development Problems of the Camera

The modern world is the world of computerization, innovative technologies, and other facilities which are aimed to make people’s life easier, more interesting, and exciting. Internet, mobile phones, cameras, and other products fill people’s life with additional emotions which help them to live a full and happy life, but, unfortunately,...

Incident Management System Application

Introduction The ICS, Incident Command System, is a well-defined and standardized management strategy for all incidents related to hazards. These strategies are in form of management approaches aimed at the allowance for integration of all equipment, facilities, procedures, and communications. Such operations are organized in such a way that they...

Scientific, Industrial, and Technological Revolution

Introduction Many people try to describe the changes we are currently experiencing as different kinds of revolutions. Arising out of this, we got used to believe that revolution is to be connected with a rapid change of political systems where a country transfers from one state to another. However, revolutions...

MS Office, and Google Apps: Productivity Tools Office Suites Comparison

Executive Summary This paper compares and contrasts three of the most popular office productivity suites that are currently in use by businesses worldwide. These are MS Office, and Google Apps. In this paper five criteria have been use to evaluate these software and a final recommendation has been made...

Eli Whitney, an American Engineer

Eli Whitney is fairly considered one of the most prominent figures in the American engineering of the verge of the 18th and 19th centuries. He was a recognized inventor, engineer and pioneer, so the main invention he is credited with is the cotton gin (‘Eli Whitney’ 2002). He was born...

The Development of the U-2 Spy Plane

Introduction The U-2 also known as Dragon lady is a single-engine aircraft that was previously being flown by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and was later adopted by the United States air force. The plane is used for surveillance, electronic sensor research, and also for satellite data verification. The development...