The Forces Transforming Production

In Forbes’s article The Forces That Are Transforming How Products Are Made, Beth Ambruch presents several factors transforming product manufacturing in the contemporary setting. These include “digitalization, personalization, “smart” products, connectivity, servitization, globalization and regulation” (Ambruch, 2013, para. 5). The author suggests that the producer’s ability to adapt to these...

Radio Frequency Identification Technology in Libraries

Introduction Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is based on the transmission of information through special RFID tags, which was initially used in sectors such as logistics, airline luggage automation or parcel distribution. One of the areas which are receiving a wide implementation of RFID technology in libraries (Kern, 2004). In...

Mobile Forensics: Cell Phone in Everyday Life

Mobile Forensics is the art of extracting information from mobile phones. In the third season of The Wire, David Simon’s critically acclaimed police procedural masterpiece, a core element of the plot concerns trying to monitor prepaid “burner” phones and successfully get the titular wire. They find themselves stymied by the...

How the Knowledge of Human Cognition Improves Computer Design

Abstract The study aims at looking at how the knowledge of human behaviour will help the manufacturers of computers in coming up with better computer designs that are human friendly after incorporating much of how human behaves and relate. After the identification of the dominant human behaviour that can be...

Learning About SQL Databases With Tutorials

The first tutorial, ‘Learning about SQL databases’, focuses on creating and using reports, database security and publishing the web. The tutorial teaches about security and network connectivity, how to connect your web application to SQL server 2005 express edition, getting started with reporting services and how to embed, package and...

Maritime RobotX Challenge System Selection

The robotic competition offers a platform to determine the selection of an efficient system concerning the guidelines and procedures of the challenge. According to RoboNation (2014), the competitors were awarded approximately $20,000 and a WAM-V program to establish a sensory set and propulsion software effectively. In this sense, this report...

The Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime of 2001

Introduction On November 23, 2001.The initial global agreement on computer and internet-connected offence was opened for signature in Budapest. The agreement which is know as the convention on cybercrime was developed by the Council of Europe ( CoE ), climaxing a five-year process dating back to 1997.As of July 16,2002,the...

Developing Suspension Carbon Nano-Tubes in Water

Introduction Carbon Nanotubes (otherwise known as CNTs) are distinctive nanostructures which have very notable mechanical and electronic properties and which in recent days of sciences have been marvelously accepted as been of immerse benefit to technology and sciences throughout the world. Presently, the most assured technique for the production of...

Computing Trends: 3D Printing

Before the era of computer-aided design (CAD), models, lasers and prototypes, individuals were laboriously carving materials from wood or sticking plastic pieces. The revolution of technology in the 1980s brought a solution to the problem. The concept of rapid prototyping resulted in the development of more automated methods. Three-dimensional printing...

Becoming Effective Wiki Collaborators

Modern technology of content creation implies the communication of the team of creators, contributors, and editors of the information published on the websites, often in a remote mode. One of the essential content management systems used for such collaboration is a wiki (Hawaiian word for quick), a website that enables...

The Multistage Automated Washer Disinfector

The increased risk of infection due to contaminated surgical instruments has brought to fore the need to use effective and sophisticated methods and equipment for sterilization. Decontamination processes are useful in the disinfection of reusable surgical instruments particularly in the face of increased risk of blood borne diseases (NHS Estates,...

Influence of Google in Modern Societies

Technology innovation has transformed the modern lifestyles of individuals in many communities. I agree with Nicholas Carr that Google is making us stupid by assuming cognitive functions that facilitate effective decision-making. Activities done with hardship in the past are now easy to execute with technology invention in devices and application...

Golden Rice Project: ABC Consulting

Background Vitamin A deficiency is most prevalent in diets that are primarily cereal-based with little consumption of meat or fresh vegetables. Pharmaceutical supplementation and food fortification with vitamin A (VA) are commonly practiced, but these programs have their shortcomings. The inventors conceived Golden Rice exclusively as a humanitarian product for...

Smart Home in Aging Society: Real Estate Industry

Introduction In the real estate industry, increasing population projects a progressive opportunity in estimating future potential demand on dwellings. The significant increase in global ageing population has been recognised for decade in connection with the trends in morbidity and mortality of older adults has continuously dropped. So does in Thailand,...

Cyberspace: Analysis of Current Information Technology Issue

The cyberspace has developed from a simple academic and research network to a complex communication network used to perpetrate many activities on a day to day basis. According to Spinello (2011), cyberspace have turned the world into a global village; but at the same time, it has hacked into lots...

Protection of Information Assets

Introduction Information asset protection is a very critical aspect of business management process for the successful operations and continuity of any business. Any form of threat to the security of the electronic or computerized information and its process is a definite threat to the quality of business end result (Boran,...

Electrical and Electronic Systems Principle

Most of the electronic systems contain amplifier as a major component. The major function of the amplifier is to boost up the weak signal into a strong signal suitable for transmission. The transistor acts as an amplifier when it is in active region, that is, emitter base junction is forward...

Server Virtualisation Models

Introduction Server virtualization is a technique of organizing several separate virtual machines on one physical system. These virtual machines can be thought of as virtual private servers that hide the physical servers, operating systems, and other network resources from people using the servers. By implementing several virtual machines, various operating...

The Security of Data in Information Technology Areas

Introduction The field of information technology has been faced with many challenges in its development. However, the security of data is arguably the main challenge in the whole industry. Every new product has to include an aspect of security to attract customers. This paper looks at the security of data...

Google Search Reliability as a Research Tool

Google Search is a universal information search tool used by millions of people. Many scholars agree that Google Search is also a useful research tool (Miller and Record, 2017). But this tool has drawbacks and limitations, which should be considered when searching through Google Search. Moreover, awareness when using search...

The Radio Frequency IDentification Revolution

Introduction RFID is fast taking shape as manifested by the recent media blitz and newspaper articles about the technology. Not many people are able to distinguish the different categories and benefits that the technology brings. It is the purpose of this paper to highlight on the history, uses and benefits...

Search Engine on Pediatric Ear Infection

Introduction Search engine is a computer program that helps to look for information about a particular topic of interest from the internet (Sullivan, 2006, Para. 2). By using different search engines, we are going to look for information about pediatric ear infection as our topic, evaluate the information they present...

Computer Technology and Business Needs

Introduction Business needs and accounting operations have a great effect on the profitability of a business. Many organizations have integrated computer systems in their businesses to help them in accounting operations and meeting the business needs. However, integration of computer systems in a business is not enough. The most important...

Titanium Diboride Materials Selection Paper

Introduction Titanium Diboride is a hard compound that consists of Titanium and Boron. Titanium Diboride is useful in designing various products (Huber, 3000). One such product is a capacitor. Apart from capacitors, Titanium Diboride is used in the making of extremely hard materials such as army wares and ceramic cutting...

Site Review About New Technologies

Summary description of its structure and purpose The site PCMAG.COM has rather interesting and clear structure with the help of which it is possible to identify the purpose set by the site developers. Looking at the main page of the site, the visitor is free to choose any interesting for...

Management Solution Needed for the Metropolitan Police Service

A dedicated “solution” is needed for MPS staff frequently who have multiple identities associated with their different job roles MPS stands for Metropolitan Police Service which is an organization in the United Kingdom to keep the law and order in the country. “Today, the Metropolitan Police Service employs 31,000 officers,...

Penguin Sleuth, a Forensic Software Tool

Introduction Computer security and data safety have become the stepping stone for most organizations and individuals. In general data protection and informational safety require increased attention and awareness of the users. Forensic software may be used for various aims, however, the key functionality range is closely linked with data safety,...

Unauthorized Intrusion Into a Database: The Strategies for an Emergency

The companies, which specialize in the development of software solutions, have to attach great importance to business continuity planning because they are exposed to many internal and external threats, for example, the failure of hardware, virus attacks, power cuts, mistakes of the personnel and so forth. Each of these threats...

Environmental Ethics. Technology and Values

The term “Anthropocene” was coined to refer to the era in which human beings became the main driver of environmental change. While scientists argue about whether a new geological era should be officially distinguished in the history of the Earth, the atmosphere is rapidly changing. An increase in the level...

Sifers: Analysis of the Emerging Technologies

Introduction New practices and technologies are continually advancing every day by using computers to transmit, manipulate and store information and data, concerning the tools and processes deployed to protect sensitive business information from modification, destruction, inspection, and disruption. Hardware authentication, data loss prevention, the cloud, deep learning, and user behavior...

Call-In EFL Instruction at Tabuk University

The present literature review, first of all, considers the definitions of attitude and attitudes towards computers, it also sheds light on the concept of attitudes, attitudes and language learning, teachers’ attitudes towards the computers in EFL instruction, Arab teachers’ attitudes towards the computer in EFL instruction, students’ attitudes towards computer...

Computer Crimes against Businesses

Introduction: Facts of the case On February 06, 2014, Ioan Leusca and Dezso Gyapias were charged in a U.S. Federal Court for stealing customer data from automated teller machines (ATMs). The two men had used data acquired from the ATMs to steal from bank customers in Connecticut, New Jersey and...

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Engineering Ethics

The issue touches on the ethics and legality of OSHA to change the levels allowed for benzene exposure in the workplace after the publication of a new report that reveals the number of deaths caused in places where the level of benzene was above 10ppm yet the required amount was...

Procedure of Speaker Recognition

Introduction Speaker recognition is a procedure carried out through a computer program that validates the identity claimed by an individual through taking into account certain aspects of human voice. The technical field of speaker recognition attempts to provide a practical and cost effective means for recognizing an individual from audio...

How PayPal Works: Guide for Users

PayPal, an online money transfer service established in 1998, has since become the primary form of money transfers, overtaking the traditional system of money orders and checks. With a total income of $7.9 billion, the service allows users to deposit, withdraw, and transfer funds with 26 different currencies globally. Peter...

Research Writing: ERP Systems

All the research journals included in this study, claim that integrated management of information is used across most organizations. Such organizations engage in manufacturing and other services related to management of customer relations. A number of journals indicate that when the process is automated, it uses ERP systems that are...

Internet Communication Engineering

Introduction The past few decades have witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of internet users. This upward trend has been accompanied by an almost parallel increase in the process of streaming, which is a data transferring technique which enables users to process data continuously without interruptions in the form...

Environmental & Economic Benefit Analysis of Methane Capture for Energy Generation

Due to globalization, there is greater demand for electricity, as most of the productive activities require energy power. Globalization has brought people, institutions, and governments of various nations together. Through globalization, international trade and capital investments have been conducted internationally through the help of information technology (Ehrfeld 210). The interaction...

Wellbore Stability Explanations

What is Finite element analysis via (FLAC)? And how is it done? Finite element analysis (FEA) could run in 2D or 3D and is used for geotechnical applications in the determination of tunnels, deep foundations, slope stability, seepage analysis, soil structural analysis, and capacity for earth retaining structures (Lee, Y.S....

Self-Certifying Names Which Have Been Used by Various System Designs

Introduction Contemporary computing and Information Technology has seen the surge of various forms networking projects to provide especially the cyber landscape with highly advanced features that its infrastructure have not been naturally supporting. Critical challenges in the aspects of naming, addressing as well as mobility and security among other aspects...

Delhaize America: Data Recovery Plan

Introduction In every organization, data recovery plan plays a pivotal role in ensuring maximum security of important data. In many cases, several companies have found themselves in problems of losing some of important data through various forms of disasters. It is advisable for every organization to have an effective method...

Hybrid Energy Harvesting System

Energy harvesting can be described as a process of deriving energy from external sources, such as the sun, thermal power, and the wind. This method of capturing and storing energy is considered safe for the environment, and therefore, is a promising innovation. The energy harvesting systems are the technology used...

Verizon Company’s Information System Proposal

Introduction Verizon is a telecommunication company in America providing services for wired and wireless communications beads on third-generation technology (Verizon, 2011a). The organization is innovative in the telecommunication sector and it provides video and broadband communications and other modes of entertainment through an advanced fiber-optic network. The organization is committed...

Safety Management Systems in Aviation

Bogdane, R., Gorbacovs, O., Sestakovs, V., & Arandas, I. (2019). Development of a model for assessing the level of flight safety in an airline using concept of risk. Procedia Computer Science, 149, 365-374.  The authors consider the current state of the SMS in aviation, suggesting general approaches such as a...

How Light Emitting Diodes Work

Introduction Light-emitting diode, usually called LED, is used in a variety of electrical devices They send out signals from remote controls, figure out the numbers on digital clocks, signal you when your electrical devices are turned on, and lights up watches. When put together, they can form large pictures on...

Association of Computer Machinery Code of Ethics: Professionalism

Introduction The Association of Computer Machinery (ACM) code consists of 24 imperatives that are formulated as statements of personal responsibility. It comprises most of the issues that professionals are likely to encounter. The ACM code outlines how software engineers should conduct themselves ethically in their profession, and while relating to...

Information Technology: Code of Ethics

The foremost thesis presented by these authors can be formulated as follows: the way in which codes of ethics help to advance the cause of an organization is not as much concerned with promoting the freedom of innovation, as it is concerned with controlling the actions of the employees. According...

AI: Agent Human Interactions

Introduction Computer scientists have in recent years come up with ways of solving problems that occur in the real life situations by use of computers. Artificial intelligence is the field that computer scientists have concentrated much on so as to achieve intelligent agent software. It is a study whereby computer...

Microprocessor: Terminology and Analysis

Introduction A microprocessor, commonly referred to as the Central Processing Unit (CPU), a central place where all data processing is done, is a gadget that distinguishes only binary code as numbers and ascertains basing on the orders by employing assemblage languages. This piece of writing is a detailed explanation of...

Comparative Study on Technological Failures

Institutions of higher learning are increasingly using technology to aid in the learning process. However, this vital resource is prone to constant failures that slow down the learning process. In addressing this problem, Hitch (2002) and Wepner (2004), present similar and diverse ways of dealing with this predicament. Hitch (2002,...

Social Networks Security: Ethical Issues and Practicies

Introduction Social networks have been having privacy issues; in the case of Beacon and Facebook, Facebook had made it possible for people to share their private life with others using Beacon; the launch had been done in December 2007. When the program was launched, it seemed to facilitate business and...

Web: Ready for Assistive Technology or Not

Abstract This research paper’s major purpose is to discuss and research accessibility issues in relation to websites. The paper questions whether enough is being done to make websites suitable for people with disabilities and from that look at what could be done to improve the area going forward. Do individuals/...

Aviation: Airport Security Control Evaluation

Airport Operator Security Responsibilities The business of securing a commercial airport is, ideally, a shared responsibility between the airport operator and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Before the September 11 attack, every aspect of airport security was the responsibility of the airport operator, except for passenger screening. Since, September 11,...

Cooperation in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Literature review Mobile ad hoc networks are typified by wireless multi-hop channels that are connected to mobile nodes, which “do not rely on a pre-existing infrastructure [1]”. In the recent past, the field of mobile ad hoc networking has attracted a great deal of attention from many scholars as a...

Recognition of Visual Patterns Using Hierarchical Neurons

Introduction The recognition of patterns has erstwhile been considered simple and straightforward for human beings. This is however not the case while dealing with machines and it can be quite taxing to train or program a computer to recognize such patterns. In this realm, the best way to try and...

Encryption: Corporate Security Technological Solution

Encryption refers to a system that programs a plain readable text into a non-readable status for security purposes. The sender uses an encryption system to send the data, such that the receiver will have to use a key to retrieve the data to a readable form again. The major use...

Cybersecurity: The Current War of Today

Summary Within the last two years, a series of events have happened that are characterized with internet hacking. Some of these activities include spying on google documents, Western companies, spying on Iran’s nuclear sites using Israeli created Stuxnet and spying on US secret cables by wikkiliks. Cybersecurity laws in the...

Denial of Service Attacks and Countermeasures

Introduction Online threats remain a reality for today’s businesses, especially those relying on the internet. Active and passive attack incidents are escalating every day and network administrators are having a daunting task of detecting, controlling or minimizing the effects of such attacks. Stewart, Tittel and Chapple concur in that one...

Jet Fuel Quality. Aviation Fuel

Introduction Jet fuel refers to a form of aviation fuel, made up of a mixture of a great amount of various hydrocarbons, which is manufactured for use by aircrafts. It is crucial that the fuel used in a jet be of the required quality because contaminants can be detrimental not...

Project Management and Quality Assurance: Personal Experience

DBR provides me with an opportunity to work on and improve my PMP and PMI projects. These two types of tasks require certain skills and background knowledge to complete all the necessary assignments on a proper level. To be more exact, the essence of PMP and PMI projects is closely...

Installation and Network Configuration: LINUX-UNIX Operating System

Introduction Created by Linus Torvald in 1991, Linux operating system originated from the previously popular UNIX. During this time, an operating system known as MINIX was under creation, also based on UNIX, but users had to pay to have a copy of this operating system. Therefore, Mr. Torvald designed Linux...

Crisis Management & Emergency Response Planning

Introduction Boeing is currently one of the leading manufacturers of aircraft, satellites, rockets, rotorcraft and missiles in the world today. Companies in the aviation industry can also hire or lease airplanes from this organisation. This corporation’s diversification strategy and business model explain why it continues to compete directly with Airbus....

Business Intelligence Implementation in a Company

Business Intelligence is typically a broad grouping or category of diverse applications and technologies allied to gathering, analyzing, storing as well as offering access to essential data to aid the enterprise end users makes sound business verdicts. Hence, BI aspects encompass such features as query, reporting, decision support systems, online...

Large Scale Software Development

Introduction This report provides information regarding the Resource Scheduling project. The Resource Scheduling project is useful for a consultant company that provides resources of different types to various companies for a particular duration. An example of a company that would require this kind of software is an IT consultant company....

Multihoming and Network Infrastructure Administration

Multihoming is the process of configuring multiple network interfaces or IP addresses on a single computer. In means having as many internet roots assigned to an IP network as possible. This strategy is increasingly becoming popular in many companies as a technique to increase reliability of network applications. Although maximum...

Artificial Neural Networks

In the given magazine article, I would like to provide a simpler and plainer explanation of artificial neural networks to the general public by describing their current state of development. The target audience is comprised of individuals who are not educated and trained in the specified field, but willing to...

Columbia Shuttle Accident: Performance and Evaluation

Introduction The Columbia Shuttle accident occurred in 2003 when the shuttle was disintegrated over Texas during its re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere because of damaging the thermal protection system. The most tragic detail connected with the accident was in the fact that this tragedy which caused the deaths of seven...

Using of Digital Information and Visual Media in the Educational Process

Response 1 I agree with Danielle on the topic of using visual media, such as animations and images, in the educational process. A teacher must implement this method of conducting knowledge when interacting with younger generations. Barry et al. (2015) state that students “are willing to merge their online presence...

Marketing: Aviation Product Liability

Introduction Liability is the responsibility that is borne by a party. It is a common term in the insurance business. Aviation product liability deals with the responsibility, mostly financial, that is borne by a party as a result of injury or damage resulting from the products that are used in...

The Need of Cybersecurity in Healthcare Industry

Introduction The purpose of this point paper is to explain the importance of implementing cybersecurity strategies for healthcare organizations that currently adopt information technologies based on the case of ransomware attacks. Our intention is to sell the technological tools for telemedicine services, as well as provide guidance on the ways...

Artificial Intelligence in Business Administration Changes

Technology is transforming many fields of study by introducing new tools and possibilities for people to communicate, collect data, and use it to test hypotheses. Business administration is not an exception, with more non-technology oriented companies adopting artificial intelligence (AI). This paper will examine how artificial AI is transforming business...

Security Technology Evaluation

Peer-to-peer (P-2-p) networks allow users to share music, video and software applications. As a result, there are plenty of risks when sharing files over a p2p network. This kind of sharing often exposes data on the computer to thousands of people on the Internet, and, as a result, introduces serious...

Heart-Healthy Insurance Information Security Policy

A policy is a well-laid document that serves to explain confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information on an integrated electronic system as used by a company. This necessitates the input of advanced skills from a person trained in the field of information technology. As the company grows, the number of...

System Management Within Automobile

Introduction The objective of the essay is to give a brief account of the recent technologies with their respective architectures that can be used in the upgrade of an automobile computer system which enables home system management, or feature upgrades with the onboard system. The important software practices and techniques...

The Ransomware Attack on Cruise Line and Its Customers

In the automated world that is highly dependent on the Internet, it is becoming easier to access personal information. Hackers use sophisticated techniques to breach the systems of big industrial firms and impose threats on businesses. The estimated financial loss for companies for 2015-2016 caused by cybercrimes accounts for about...

Agile Domain: Problem Detection and Resolution

The process of engineering of software is one that requires a lot of knowledge and includes the process of gathering, designing, actual development, testing for functionality, use and maintenance. It is rear to find a team which constitutes of members who have all the required knowledge to meet the requirements...

Hiring Hackers as IT Security Guards: Advantages and Disadvantages

Globalization and advancement in technology has changed the corporate world as companies are pressurized to go digital. For instance, businesses transactions are being conducted over the internet alongside other digital platforms (Cross & Shinder 96). This has led to a growing outcry in the corporate world owing to the rise...

General Understanding of It and Is Concepts

Whether one should purchase or build an information system (IS) is a decision that requires specialized expertise to make. For the upper-management, the outcome of both decisions may be the same, but the cost, risk time and labor requirement may differ greatly. Furthermore, the problem for which system acquisition is...

Strategies for Adequate Technical Support

Introduction Helpdesk is a company’s technical link meant to avail support to the end users. Today, most firms consider the helpdesk as one of the integral part of a management due to its responsibilities to deliver support services, whenever a client or employee makes an enquiry or an urgent call...

Artificial Intelligence in the Working Process

Introduction Artificial Intelligence has become a part of the ordinary life of a human in the 21st century. People buy smart houses, cars that drive on their own, and computers that can solve some problems faster than a person. It is claimed that AI has affected many spheres, including the...

Mechanical Failures Spark Nuclear Melt-Down in Three Mile Island Power Plan

Introduction Modern human civilization is built on and continues to be principally dependent on large quantities of energy to sustain it. While fossil fuels and hydroelectric plants have been the primary source of energy for men since the 19th century, these traditional sources have been stretched to the limit and...

Denial of Service Attack on Twitter

Introduction One of the epic inventions related to computers is the internet which has led to a transformation of the world in as far as communication is concerned. The internet via websites presents a crucial front for the achievement of the objectives of most organizations and individuals. As such, it...

Artificial Intelligence. Unmanned Mission Communications

Introduction The growth of human knowledge in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has led to advancement in the development and deployment of unmanned autonomous systems. There are multiple examples of unmanned autonomous systems and perform a wide range of activities depending on the medium of operation. Some examples include...

The World Wide Web and the Internet Issues

Inaccurate information may be posted on the internet with the intent of damaging the reputation of an individual, business, organization, industry, government or country. Toni and Czar (2008) believe that if this information is accessed and utilized by consumers and practitioners, it may end up misleading them. As far as...

F-16 Unmanned Drone and Data Search

The initiative regarding the production of an unmanned drone for collecting data seems to be a profitable endeavor. However, there are specific issues that should be considered in this direction in order to ensure the correspondence of the project to the international regulations regarding information processing and storage (Lin et...

Information Technology and Systems. Development. Use for Enterprises

Introduction Information technology and systems is the study of the designing, developing, supporting or the taking control (management) of the information that relates to computer systems. It revolves around and includes computer hardware and software applications. This encompasses the ability to control all activities electronically in an organisation. The system...

Self-Control and Rational Choice in Internet Abuses at Work

The article conveys the idea that the employee’s time spent on the Internet should be appropriately controlled for the company’s informational security (IS). Personal Internet use takes up 60-80 % of the time staff spends on websites not related to work. Time waste on personal activities is qualified as a...

The Project Scheduling and Budget

In order to successfully conduct a project, every involved side must know what to do, when to do, and what is the expected outcome. By expanding on the idea by giving it a rigorous structure for its realization, the success of such a design will be guaranteed. This paper aims...

International Federation of Consulting Engineers

Introduction International Federation of Consulting Engineers or Federation Internationale Des Ingenieurs Conseils (FIDIC) according to French is a global professional body of engineers, which started in 1913. Belgium, Switzerland, and France are the three countries that came together and started FIDIC as an independent body of consulting engineers. The FIDIC...

UPS Flight 1354 Crash, August 2013

Executive Summary This report highlights the underlying reasons for the 2013 UPS flight 1354 crash at Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport, Alabama. The accident happened when the flight crew failed to manage the aircraft during descent. It fell short of the runway during a non-precision landing approach and crashed at the end...

What is a UAS Pieces Map

The best ideal module for the design effort for independent control is writing an intricate algorithm with the capacity to effectively direct the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) past barriers. The component will autonomously guide the UAV through a pre-planned track according to the mission. The current project uses a limited...

Information Systems Impact on Business Decisions

In the contemporary world, information technologies are becoming increasingly important in all spheres of human life. One of the main aspects in which they prove immensely useful is the creation of information systems – organizational structures designed to store and use information effectively for a given purpose. Information systems may...

Net Neutrality – A Free Internet

Net neutrality regulations are critical to the openness and innovation of the Internet. It is a concept that has been built into the creation of the Internet since its foundations almost 30 years ago. Without net neutrality, major internet service providers (ISP) the likes of Verizon and Comcast would be...

Advances in Autonomous and Automatic Systems

Introduction In the twenty-first century, technological progress is concentrated in the field of semi-automatic and automatic innovations. It can be seen everywhere in both the private and military sectors. This is why it is essential to know the latest advances in this scientific area. This paper aims to review academic...

Aircraft Solutions Company’s Security Assessment

Aircraft Solutions (AS) is a recognized leader in the design and fabrication of component products and services for companies in the electronics, commercial, defense, and aerospace industry. The mission of AS is to provide customer success through machined products and related services and to meet cost, quality, and schedule requirements....

Paired Programming Analysis

Executive Summary In the engineering of software, the software methodology applied plays a significant role in the final product of the process. For example, in a traditional linear model software is created following a set of steps and changes are often difficult and costly to implement. The pressure created by...

Information Technology Disaster Recovery Planning

Introduction A disaster is a sudden catastrophic event that occurs and hinders the normal operation of a business or organization such as efficient processing of information technology systems that support business functions. Many organizations and businesses invest a lot of resources towards various infrastructures to ensure they remain afloat in...

Identification of Effective Wave Converters

Introduction Ocean wave power technology entails the capturing of wind energy in water waves to accomplish vital tasks such as the generation of electric power, pumping of water, and desalinization of seawater. Prior to breaking on the shore, ocean waves have been established to carry enormous energy. For example, the...

Database Management and Machine Learning

A database is computerized system of information with the ability to search and process data (Vermaat et al. 556). Data is the collection of texts, images, audio, video, and other items presented in the form of records in the database. Data along with a database management system and applications are...

Rhetorical Analysis: Google Analytics App

Audience The genre selected for the present analysis is a knowledge base article. The chosen source is a support page for Google’s Analytics application (“How can we help you?” n.d.). The intended audience is represented by the users of the Google Analytics app, which means the people who want to...

Wireless and Mobile Network and Phone Security Issues

The contemporary world is characterized by an increased use of wireless communication. Such communication entails the use of smart phones and iPods in our daily communications. The use of wireless communication has become very essential which has greatly enhanced sharing of information greatly. Security of the information transmitted over wireless...

The Boeing Company: Current Performance

The Boeing Company, similar to other large aircraft manufacturers, is experiencing an economic decline due to the combination of recent events. Examining the company’s financial performance from 2015 to 2019, one can see a gradual increase in revenue from 2015 to 2018, followed by a steep decrease between 2018 and...

Information Assurance and the Role of Time

Cyber security and information assurance refer to steps taken to protect networks and computer systems from being disrupted as well as preventing unauthorized access (Sara, 2008). Cyber security and information assurance aim at providing three things: integrity, confidentiality and availability (Knapp, 2009). Integrity is enhanced through ensuring that users are...

Consistency Management in Requirements Modeling

Abstract Software systems have many artifacts which must in some way interrelate with each other. In these artifacts, there must be a way in which the code and the way they are tested are traceable to the design. In all specified in the, the design must meet the requirements and...

Engineering: Power Management Techniques for Energy Efficiency

Introduction In many engineering applications, there is a need for efficiency. Power management is an elemental strategy for improving efficiency. The idea is to reduce power consumption to the least possible value while ensuring performance is okay. In the design of digital logic, power scaling is a major way to...

Unmanned Control Aerial Systems Review

Introduction Unmanned vehicles have grown in popularity, especially because of their versatility in use. These autonomous vehicles are used in multiple areas such as monitoring disaster areas, an inspection of projects and infrastructure, military operations, and spraying of agricultural chemicals, among others. The unmanned vehicles are also equipped with cameras,...

Emerging Technologies: Intelligence Building

The growing concerns about the emerging threats to security mean that intuitions have to upgrade their security system to include intelligence gathering system based on information technology. In this hospital security as well as information technology officers concerned with security issues do want to upgrade and include intelligent building IT...

Number of Clusters in K-Means Clustering

Abstract This paper investigates the number of Clusters in K-Means Clustering and analyzes the methods used in numbering. The purpose is to obtain the correct number of clusters in a given document with the least number of errors and achieve an accurate number of clusters. A comparison of the different...

Development and Launch of an Information Technology Product

Introduction Framers Company is in the process of launching a new product. One of the objectives is to provide customers with low prices within a limited time. The company also aims at producing a product that is unique in the market and one that will fulfill the needs of the...

London Office and Brussels Headquarter: Network Administration

Introduction This report provides the design, configuration, and implementation of network systems between the London Office and Brussels Headquarter. This report attempts to stimulate the network connections between Brussels Headquarters and London using VMware Workstation. In addition, the paper provides network design, and the network systems are stimulated in a...

Virtual Machines Overview and Analysis

Virtual machines are often called virtual computers because that is what they are. A virtual machine emulates a computer and can run an operating system and a collection of applications, just like any physical computer would. However, while it provides the exact same functionality, it is not based directly on...

Expert Consideration of the System Concerns of IT-Based Projects

Introduction Socio-technical systems (STSs) constitute tools which are made use of in helping IT-based managements to succeed in resolving interdisciplinary IT-based-project confrontations. These confrontations may include situations where manageability of resources in an IT-based organization may be technically, ethically, socially, politically, and culturally intertwined with values of the organization. The...

Retail Online System Management

Thank you for the screenshots. They enabled me to find out your problem. First and foremost, you need to follow the instructions as given. All those instructions we sent you were important but never the less you chose to ignore them! You need to stop doing that. Inoticed from your...

Management Information Systems

EMC EMC was first created in 1979 before starting as an information systems infrastructure, dealing in both software and hardware in 1981. With several partnerships, acquisitions, and a series of new research and development projects in various countries including Singapore, and tapping on cheap Chinese labor, the company grew further...

The Charleston Super Sofa Tragedy of 2007

The tragedy that occurred on June 18, 2007, in Charleston, South Carolina, claimed the lives of nine brave firefighters of the local fire brigade and changed the life of the city in many ways (“Charleston 9” 00:03:42-00:03:50). That day, the brigade came to a call at the Charleston Super Sofa,...

The WBS for the Vision Tec product

Introduction The WBS for the Vision Tec product is based on the fact that the Vision System product for the lucrative Pharmaceutical Market requires proper testing and assessment of the technological capacities. The project development requires proper identification of the target audience, as well as development potential, hence, WBS will...

Business Intelligence System Development to Deliver Analytics

Introduction The Business Intelligence system is integrated with analytical systems that provide the function answers to various business needs. The analytical systems that should be contained in the BI should be highly developed, performance-based, tightly integrated, and readily available for use in analytical and warehouse purposes. Examples of software that...

Trials and Research, Codes and Principles of Research, Consent

Introduction The discoveries that modern technologies have facilitated in the field of medicine have helped to evolve the ways and means of preventing and curing many diseases, which in turn has brought down the death rate in recent years. Inventions in medical science have paved the way for the permanent...

The Generation of Electricity and Cogeneration

Summary Industrial plants in the United States are unlikely to stop using fossil fuels because the amount of power acquired from other sources is still inadequate. The fact that wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) energy are in short supply has compelled environmentally-conscious organizations to seek different means of mitigating the...

Development in the Femtocells Market

Introduction Definition Technological progress always brings new inventions to humanity, and femtocell is one of such innovative solutions. According to Shneyderman (2008), a femtocell is a solution “used to convert traffic to and from standard cellular handsets in close proximity (typically up to 100 meters) and carry it over IP”...

Database Privacy Issues

Introduction The rapid advancement in the use of information technology has also resulted in increased usage of databases for the storage of Information. Newer technologies such as data mining use the stored data in such a way that not only permits quick access to deeply buried information but they also...

The Erie Company Department of Public Works: The Project

Project Scope The Erie Company Department of Public Works — Division of Highways seeks proposals from consultants for professional engineering services for design, construction, administration, and construction inspection services for the Dona Street extension. The extension will be located west of NYS Route 5 for a distance of approximately 1,550...

Second Life Program for Virtual Nursing Education

All spheres of modern life are influenced by the technical innovations, developed for the last ten years. Medical care is not the exception. Different types of medical equipment are used during curing for many years. The innovations in the educational sphere have come later. Today the software and other innovations...

Information System Development Methods

Introduction Information system development methodologies can be defined as a set of procedures and techniques aided with the necessary documentation that is used to design and implement a new information system or update an existing information system (Blanchard & Fabrycky, 2006). The methods of development are usually based on a...

The Technology of Self-Driving Cars

Nowadays, autonomous vehicles no longer seem unusual, and their introduction for widespread use is not that far off. Nevertheless, cars operating at higher levels of autonomy require certain infrastructure, and their successful operation depends on a variety of factors, including climate and road traffic. A number of technologies that autonomous...

Evaluation of IS Solutions for Aviation Enterprise

Abstract In medium-to-large aviation firms, it is critical to have a robust IT infrastructure that allows making informed, data-driven decisions to improve business performance and maintain competitive advantage. However, the current market of IS solutions is large and highly networked, which requires carefully exploring and analyzing what types of systems...

High Performance Flash Memory Solid State Disk

Performance evaluation of i/o workloads Flash-based solid state disks (SSD) is a performance based data storage technology that optimizes the use of flash-based technology to implement its data storage capabilities compared with mechanically available data storage technologies (Park & Shen, 1). Technically, the promise for better performance of the SSD...

Aircraft System and Becoming an Imct

Nowadays, it is not possible to imagine life without business trips, transportation of goods, and military operations that take place without the help of aviation. All professionals who work in the aircraft field, including mechanics, technicians, pilots, engineers, and transportation specialists, play an important role in maintaining the aircraft system....

Cybercrime Legislation in the UAE, the US and the EU

Introduction After many inventions or technology development, threats are also involved in many ways. New technologies give us latest types of crime which directly or indirectly harm us. Computer is the main source of the online data library. It not only gives us our required information, but when we download...

Concepts of Fourth Generation (4G)

Abstract The world is going digital each day, hence Scientists and researchers are busy improving the old technology while subjecting business and technology into a new era of fourth generation digital technology. It all started from first generation, and then evolved to the second and third generation. At the start...

Could Artificial Intelligence ‘End Mankind’ or Is It All Alarmist Nonsense?

Introduction Not so long ago, the concept of artificial intelligence (AI) was in the earliest stages of its conception and was only pondered over in science fiction. In fact, the alarmist trends in some parts of contemporary global society owe their existence to the early sci-fi novels addressing the ostensibly...

Achieving the Optimal Process. Software Development

Introduction The software development industry is fast growing as user requirements change-requiring applications that can address these requirements. As the costs of development rises in developed countries, a new source of labour market is emerging to provide labour for development of such applications at reduced costs. This is achieved through...

Cloud Computing Overview and Analysis

Cloud computing technology has become one of the fastest-growing areas of the IT market in recent years. Businesses choose cloud services to reduce costs, improve internal interaction, streamline operations, help with faster decision-making, and ensure more flexibility. When choosing appropriate cloud technology, companies need to consider cloud deployment models and...

The Relationships Between Technology Progress and Communication

Technology has been evolving at a very fast rate in the 21st century. Previously, it took several days or weeks for the news or messages to reach people in remote places. However, technology has brought a revolution in the way people communicate and transact businesses. The medical profession has benefited...

The Installation of a Hardware Firewall

Execution of business processes in the 21st century has been faced with a lot of challenges like insecurity and conviviality. Due to this a lot of organizations have employed information technology mechanisms to protect their information infrastructure from being accessed by unauthorized persons and also to check authentication (Neumann, 5)....

Simplifying the Structure of Logic Gates and the Performance of Computers

Advantage of logic gates There are several advantages of logic gates on computer operations and performances. First, the logic gates are faster, consume much less power, and are much smaller in size ( Nationmaster 1). The logic gates are cascadable. This gives the advantage of enabling the circuit construction, where...

IF and SWITCH Structures in Java

In Java, statements can be executed conditionally through IF…ELSE and SWITCH structures. The IF statement evaluates a Boolean expression; if true, an associated block of code is executed; otherwise, the following ELSE block is executed (Farrell, 2014). Common mistakes when writing an IF…ELSE statements include errors in syntax, such as...

Hacktivism & Cyberterrorism vs Government Response

Description Hacktivism is the use of technology or computer system for social or political motivations or to promote a certain agenda. One prominent example of hacktivism was Aaron Swartz who broke into the MITs computer system in 2013 and downloaded thousands of academic journals and articles, later published online as...

“The Formula for a Richer World?” by McCloskey

Quotation: In order to show the magnitude of changes, McCloskey (2016) writes that “People moved from tents and mud huts to split-levels and city condominiums, from waterborne diseases to 80-year life spans, from ignorance to literacy” (p. 499). The technique that appealed to me: After giving the statistics numbers regarding...

Cybersecurity Threats to the Non-Executive Director

Introduction Cybersecurity takes up an indispensable place in the security management of each company. Frequently the reasons for the system hacking become non-executive directors, who lack knowledge on the topic of cybersecurity, therefore possessing high risks to the enterprise. Luckily, many preventive and defensive strategies are created in order to...

Unmanned System Technology: Methods of Control

Introduction Unmanned systems can take different forms and be implemented as aerial, ground, underwater, or space vehicles. They can be operated by a human remotely or be autonomous, relying on their navigation system. Main body The first type, human-controlled transports, can be teleoperated with the help of a joystick and...

Network Design in Business Organizations

Introduction Network design refers to a process that involves topological design, synthesis of network, and network realization. The main reason behind network design is to ensure that the business acquires a network that meets its business model. Many organizations are now focusing their attention towards designing information system network that...

Genetic Science Learning Center

This paper shall seek to present an analysis of sorts of the website Learn Genetics by the University of Utah. The website had a welcoming interface and had categorized information regarding genetics into sections with respect to the nature of the information. The website was one that allowed the viewer...

Precision Machinery Literature Evaluation

Venkatesh, V. C. (2007). Precision Engineering. New York: Tata McGraw-Hill. The idea of precision engineering is outlined in the book due to the concepts of multi-dimensional approach when talking about the industrial growth in post-industrial society. In this respect, special attention is grabbed in the book to precision machinery, as...

Top-Down Parsing: A Computer Algorithm

Top-down parsing was introduced in the 1970s, and it remains a widespread strategy that has also become the basis for newer and more sophisticated algorithms. The top-down strategy was preferred during an extended period of time due to its comparative simplicity, usability, and an opportunity to customize. As the term...

SEITZ Corporation: Project Management

Communication in the project Project management remains one of the most pertinent business undertakings presently. Project management as an undertaking defines and distinguishes between the success or failure of many processes today. A vital inseparable element of project management is communication (Gido & Clements, 2010). Conflict in communication can be...

Modern Telecommunications System in Business Setting

Introduction In general telecommunication systems are the different ways in which the information is passed from one place to another covering a certain distance. The message passed may be verbal or written. The mode of communication used depends on several factors such as the urgency of the message, the magnitude...

Motorcycle Safety and Its Psychological Aspect

Abstract The purpose of the following research paper is to define how various psychological factors influence motorcyclists’ behavior in terms of safety. Among the concepts discussed, the issues of helmet wearing and exceeding speed limits will be outlined. With the help of peer-reviewed studies on the matter, some motorcyclists’ behavioral...