Importance of Situation Awareness in Aviation

Introduction Situation awareness refers to the ability of a decision maker in a certain environment to perceive the status of any variables that will affect the decision he/she makes, and project their status after some time. These variables could be environmental aspects associated with space, time etcetera. The essence of...

Subway Trip: Retreat From the Chaos of Modern City Life

For many people, the subway is not only a rapid and reliable transit system that brings citizens to the desired destinations. It is also something more than just a simple habit, somewhat tedious and irritating trip. Despite the restricted nature of metro space detached from the ground by massive concrete...

Large Aircraft Security Program: Full Body Scanners

Abstract The last ten years have seen an increase in attempted and successful terror attacks that have been implemented through the use of aircraft. It has therefore been prudent for the development of programs and measures to mitigate the ever-increasing threat of air traffic terrorism. Following the 9/11 attacks, the...

The Motor Vehicle Safety Analysis

With the number of individuals driving in the United States having increased by a massive six fold since 1925, it is not a wonder then that the number of motor vehicle accidents have also drastically increased, to now stand at 215 million vehicles. This represents an 11-fold increase for a...

The Panama and Suez Canals

Introduction A canal is an inland waterway that is artificially built to connect two large water bodies especially for commercial activities and today they are for recreational purposes. It is designed for transportation or irrigation from a waterway. Examples of canals include the Erie Canal, Kennet and Avon canal, the...

Autonomous Swarm Boats: Review

The United States Navy’s autonomous swarm boats provide several advantages for naval warfighters. Even though autonomous and robotic technologies became widespread in both airborne and ground-based operations long ago, aquatic operations remained untouched until relatively recently. Autonomous swarm boats represent the progress that military watercraft has made over the decades....

General Service Characteristics of Motor Carrier Transportation

The United States has invested heavily in the development of an interstate highway system. It has considerably made this form of transport a priority for transportation of cargo and other elements that contribute to the development of economy. The movement of labour is also important for the economy’s growth. This...

Competition in the Railway Industry

The rail industry has faced significant competition since the national highway system was built. As a result, the rail industry has steadily declined in performance, but it still plays a significant role in the transport network. The observation that there has been a decline in the percentage of all ton-miles...

Importance of the Maritime Trade

Importance of Maritime Trade to the North America and the U.S. Economies The U.S. maritime system comprise of more than three hundred sea and river ports including over three thousand seven hundred cargo and passenger terminal and over one thousand harbor channels all these spread along the coastline. Traffic is...

Airplane Flight Data Recorders

Introduction Airplane flight data recorders are used in the collection, recording, and synthesis of data obtained from airplane sensors. The recorder is designed in such a way it often survives airplane accidents (Smith, 2007: 17). Depending on the age of a plane, the flight data recorders may include either an...

COVID-19 and Aviation Labor Relations

Introduction Air transport is a small sector, but it has a significant effect on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The aviation industry, including airports and aircraft manufacturing, is a crucial enabler of many economic activities. The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely impacted various sectors of the economy because it was unexpected....

Improvement in Aviation Safety Management Systems

Introduction This study aims at identifying and systematizing data on the potential impact of any existing legal and technological approaches to improving safety management systems (SMS) in aviation. Determining the relationship between the proposed approaches and SMS in aviation will allow identifying the optimal drivers that influence security parameters. In...

The Future Aviation Workforce in the US

Introduction Many private and commercial aircraft are broadly utilized for daily travel via air. The efficiency and safety of airborne voyagers are enhanced by massive system facilities for the regulation of air traffic for secure departure and landing at their designated destinations. The successful operations in the aviation sector demand...

The Transport 5th Wave Impact

Many stakeholders have predicted that the present wave will be in existence for 30 years, from 1990 to 2020. Currently, transport providers are capable of better management of their production and supply systems. This is due to a tremendously improved operational atmosphere (Malik, 2005). This wave is reliant on information...

Singapore Airlines and Sabre Management System

Abstract The paper revolves around the functioning of Singapore Airlines as a modern company that manages to compete with its rivals and provide outstanding quality of services to its clients. The high levels of performance and the ability to accomplish all emerging tasks are also linked to the use of...

Airport Security and the Reduction of Skills in Security Staff

The development of security measures in airports has been largely a response to various terrorists’ efforts targeting planes and passengers in the past 70 years. The 1960s saw over 130 hijackings of commercial airline planes, the most prolific one of which had been the one performed by Antulio Ramirez Ortiz...

Lockheed L-1011 TriStar 1. Aircraft Accident

Lockheed L-1011 TriStar 1, A Delta Airlines flight 191, always flew between Fort Lauderdale and Los Angeles with a scheduled stop at Dallas. In 1985, the flight was affected by bad weather while in the air along the Texas-Louisiana gulf coast. The plane crew opted to change their route but...

JetBlue in the Global Financial Downturn

Introduction There are numerous external forces that affect the airline industry. As a result, the industry is compelled to continuously change its ways of doing things. The industry is not only vulnerable to bankruptcy, terrorism, amalgamation and acquisition but is also adversely affected by political instability in the various countries...

Boeing 747 vs. Airbus A380: A Comparison

Abstract The stiff market competition that exists between Airbus and Boeing was evoked by the emergence of Airbus after a long period of Boeing’s domination of the large jetliner market. Often referred to as Airline wars, this competition is a result of several corporate failures and mergers in the industry....

The Government of Ghana and Fund the New National Flagship Airline

Introduction Background Information The airline transport sector is essential for the growth and development of several economies. The IATA forecast for the development of aviation passenger traffic for the next 20 years indicates that the Asia-Pacific region will be the source of generating more than half of the global air...

Pipeline Industry in the U.K

Introduction Pipeline transport is very important in the growth and development of the economy of a nation. It is used in the transfer of numerous commodities that are used in the production of other products in the industries. The pipeline transport industry transports the largest portion of fluid products in...

Multimodal Transportation Systems

Introduction Multimodal transportation system is the system of transportation of goods in which only one carrier is involved but there are more than one modes of transportation involved. In multimodal transportation the carrier uses the first mode of transport up to a certain level which it cannot go beyond then...

Differences between Gasoline and Electric Cars

Introduction With increased public concern about global warming and environmental protection, electric cars have become a popular trend in the automotive industry. Electric cars are considered a sustainable alternative to conventional gasoline automobiles. Both types of vehicles provide people with mobility but with different driving forces and an unequal impact...

Keep the Steering Wheel in Your Hands, Not the Cell Phone

Introduction The reason why there is no need to add an “I am driving” instant message to the phone is that no one should ever even touch it while holding the steering wheel and pressing the gas pedal. I have watched a number of videos about the circumstances of car...

Distracted Driving Problem Analysis

Introduction Irresponsible driving is an extremely serious problem that exists in the contemporary society and leads to the deaths of millions of individuals all around the globe. Even though car accidents are not as widely covered in the media as airplane crashes, they happen much more often and kill a...

The Government’s Impact on the Aviation Security Design Efficiency

Introduction Safety occupies a central role in many spheres of the modern world. As for the aviation industry, security became even more significant after the terror attacks on the 11th of September, 2001. Those events shocked the globe and made both the United States and other countries reconsider their attitudes...

Unmanned Ground Vehicles and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

UGS and UAS share a commonality in their C3, which is that they can be both controlled from a ground control station (GCS). However, unlike UGVs that are remotely controlled through radio frequencies and fiber optics, UAVs are controlled via satellite links. At the time of take-off till the exit...

Fleet Planning in Airline Industry

Fleet planning is a significant part of the whole process of airline planning. Aircraft is selected during fleet planning to achieve the optimal fleet composition, which is quite important for successful business as an airline. Fleet planning consists of numerous different stages. First of all top management should carefully analyze...

Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System

Introduction ACAS stands for an airborne collision avoidance system. It is essentially a specific type of equipment that warns pilots of aircraft in the vicinity that may pose a threat of collision. It is a general term that encompasses a number of practical implementations of short-range collision avoidance systems such...

Electric and Gasoline-Powered Cars

Introduction Automobiles are some of the most important means of transportation worldwide and play an essential role in all sorts of human activities. Internal combustion engines were the primary way of making cars move since their invention. However, recent technological developments have introduced electric cars as an alternative to gasoline-powered...

Newer Larger Aircraft Effects on Airport Management

Introduction Air travel is the fastest and safest mode of transport for passengers and cargo, which means that many people prefer it as opposed to other means. The need for convenient, secure, and quick transportation methods that support large loads has increased the demand for air travel (Maduwanthi et al.,...

The Imposition of Traffic Speed Limitations

Abstract If your professor asks you to provide an abstract, start typing your abstract here (no indentations). If you do not need an abstract, remove this page. Your abstract should be a single double-spaced paragraph. Your abstract should be about 130-150 words. Introduction Safe driving is a topic that has...

Limitation of Speed Limits: Current Situation on the Roads

Over the past decades, a vast amount of transport has appeared on the roads, and the upward trend continues. This often leads to the formation of traffic jams, besides, it may be a cause of the violation of speed limits and accidents. Researchers state that “reducing speed limits often leads...

Challenges and Best Practices in Air Cargo Transport

Abstract This paper presents the findings of a literature review on the applications of logistics management in the aviation industry. The author strives to describe the implications of effective logistics management practices on the air cargo transport industry. Precisely, the paper answers the question, ‘What are the challenges and opportunities...

International Trade: Identifying Market Structure

Market Definition and the Relevant Market With the U.S. infrastructure becoming increasingly more intricate, the automotive industry has been experiencing a range of challenges and simultaneously enjoying a vast array of newly opened opportunities. In the United States (U.S.), car exports rose by 1.91% in 2016 (Rao 175). Even though...

“Autonomy and Automobility” by Loren E. Lomasky

Introduction The society is transforming and adopting efficient transport and communication technology to meet the demands of modern lifestyle. People have invented efficient transport means that have transformed the world’s distant nations into global villages. To date, a person can have breakfast in America, lunch in Asia, and have dinner...

Traffic Jam in Auckland

Traffic jam occurs when motorists’ capacity creates route demand that is higher than a present road capacity. Traffic jams can result from a number of circumstances whose end result lead to increased volume of vehicle and reduced road capacity. Auckland is most famous for its traffic jam that normally stretches...

Procedure Guidelines for Hiring in the Trucking Industry

Over the last few years, there have been numerous lawsuits challenging the practices used by employers in the trucking industry. Most of these claims stem from the fact that some employers while hiring employees are negligent in making some important decisions. However, a large percentage of these claims are based...

A Car: Technical Specifications & Safety Features

Introduction The main objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive review of the new 2010 Nissan Maxima car. The paper provides an overall description of the car that includes the various highlights of the vehicle, its standard & safety features as well as technical specifications. Vehicle highlights “The...

Airline and Car Industries’ Operations Design

Introduction The success and continuity of any business or the broader industry is largely defined by its ability to develop effective business operational processes which are in line with the prevailing social economic as well as political environment. This calls for a high level of flexibility and ability to accurately...

The Lexus – Toyota Break Crisis 2009

Introduction Being an internationally recognized firm with its arm reaching most of the homes in the U.S.A, Toyota, a Japanese based company has come to an age of criticism. This results from its fatal failures and mishaps which arise from designs of some of their present models. One example of...

The Problem of the Air Rage

Introduction For the last couple of years, air rage has been on the rise; however, not much attention has been accorded to it, neither is there accurate statistics that have been developed. Air rage is bad conduct of plane passenger that may result in physical torture, emotional harassment or any...

Automobile Security System : Product Description

Product description The name of the product is Watchdog What is it? It is an Automobile Security System that monitors all automobile activities with cameras. What does it do? It monitors the way a car is driven and the location of the vehicle at all times. Cars being stolen is...

Transport Sector in the Us

Road, rail, air, water, pipeline or space transport is a key aspect of the American society and also other world societies. There are many human utilities that are constantly moved around in the country to reach out to the people, purpose and places of want. Transport affects the everyday life...

The United Kingdom’s Car Market

The UK is known as one of the biggest car markets in the world. The country not only engages in the production of several car models but is also a well recognized market for most international car manufacturers. The economy ranks among the most developed in the world hence demand...

Internal Versus External Customers

Southwest airlines A southwest airline is an airline established and incorporated in America. It is the largest airline in terms of customer served per year in the world. It also has the third largest number of aircrafts in the world. On average south west operates about 3500 flights per day....

The Role of Transportation in Logistic Management and Its Development

Transportation involves the delivery of goods and services to destinations while logistical management concern with closing the loops between events to achieve the desired results. Tseng, Taylor & Yue (2005) explain that a close nexus exists between logistical management and transportation during their research that includes other reviews, the nature...

The Low-Cost Airlines and Their Role in International Tourism

Abstract To sustain the existence of the human race environment is a vital issue and hence awareness relating to environmental impacts of Low-Cost Carriers (LCCs) and Tourism is rising globally. It is proven that the so-called myth of degradation of environment finally is judged right and the raised the questions...

Environmental Impact of International Tourism

Causes of Low-Cost Airlines Success In the context of airlines before deregulation, activities in the airlines industry were an antithesis of competitive markets. Airlines were monopolized by local governments, or big business houses, which actively discouraged competition through a restrictive and regulatory regime, meant essentially to avoid private enterprises entering...

Comparison of Southwest Air and Eva Air

Introduction The reason why I choose Southwest airline to be my target because it is the most successful corporation in US airline industry and Eva airway it’s also #1 airline corporation in Taipei. In now day, air transport can’t be replaced, it’s necessary for travel other country. For the first...

MKT 100: Porter Airlines

Executive Summary This report traces the Porters external and internal environment based on the imperatives of Safety, Security, and Environmental pressures. Tremendous changes have taken place in aviation because of increasing technological complexity and growth in air traffic, this adds pressure on the infrastructure consisting of airports, air traffic control...

The Importance of Properly Changing the Oil of Your Car

Introduction One of the most routine maintenance procedures suggested by your car manufacturer is the regular changing of your automotive oil. It is a procedure which, although costly, is the main reason why a car can offer its owner decades upon decades of use before the engine finally conks out....

Waxing Lyrical About the Corvette C5

Introduction The Corvette C5, as the name implies is the fifth generation of the two-door Corvette series manufactured by Chevrolet. According to, the Corvette C5 was launched in March of 1997 and sold 16,116 that same year. The great appeal of this model rests on undeniable power, price, performance,...

Motorists’ Perceptions of Trucks on the Highway

The study in question is An Investigation of Motorists’ Perceptions of Trucks on the Highways by (Moore, LeMay, Moore, Lidell, Kinard, & McMillen, 2005).The research was published in 2005. The research was carried out as an improvement on literature explored in the exploratory analysis performed on the subject of the...

The Problems of Severe Traffic

Life today has become far more complex and difficult than it used to be a few years ago, not merely in terms of the dilapidating culture or the inflation of the economy, or the soaring oil prices or the global face of terrorism, but something which affects us daily and...

New Aviation Routes Across the Middle East for the Next Decade

Executive summary Embarking into this project was with a view to enhancing the establishment of new aviation routes across the Middle East for the next decade. Statistical evidence has it that the airline industry in the Middle East is projected to grow rapidly in the coming years, buoyed by a...

Honda Pilot Car’s Ownership and Its Benefits

This paper examines the reasons behind why Honda Pilot is a car that is highly recommended by not only me but has been rated highly by numerous car journals and has had the distinction of being awarded with a number of awards as well. Honda Pilot came into existence around...

Energy Efficient Cars: Difficulties in Optimization

Introduction In lots of corners of the world, restraints on the accessibility of energy services raise obstacles to socio-economic enhancement. All over the world, roughly two billion people use conventional solid fuels for cooking and warming, and approximately the same number lack electrical energy. Without admission to nowadays types of...

The Wave of the Future: Driverless Car Technology

Imagine if you will, a future where voice responsive technology, GPRS systems, and onboard computers allow one to have a car that can be driven worry and hassle-free by even a toddler. No, I am not talking about the cars in Demolition Man or Minority Report, although Hollywood is not...

Automobile Industry and Its Evolution in the US

The evolution of the automobile industry has brought in several changes in the world. The book entitled “Twentieth-Century Technologies” mainly focuses on the automobile industry and its evolution in the United States. Though the basic idea of automobiles began way back in the 18th century, it was only in the...

Target Costing System Analysis

Statement of the Problem Toyota Motor Corporation is one of the largest and most well-known automobile manufacturers in the world today. Apart from leading in quality the company is also known for its cost-cutting efficiency without compromising quality. As the paper on Toyota Motor Corporation says, Toyota has almost consistently...

Data Strategic Applications in Aviation: Enhancing Travel Experience

Project Summary This thesis aims to investigate the benefits of data strategic applications in the aviation industry. The study seeks to examine the impact of data strategic application and digitalization on the curated travel experience, security identification, customer experience, and airport services. Data strategic applications, digitalization, and other improvements constitute...

Safety and Secure Risk Management

Safety is an important concept in the aviation industry because it underscores the need to protect passengers and crew against accidents. The quality of safety and risk management processes influence how flight operations are managed and how airlines respond to disasters (Vasigh & Fleming, 2016). Consequently, civil aviation authorities have...

Safety and Security Risk Management

Introduction The aviation industry has been grappling with the threat of birds strikes around major airports for decades. Griffin, Young, and Stanton (2015) explain that although many countries around the world have formulated ways of dealing with this problem, a new one has just emerged in the form of drones....

Honolulu Rail Transit Project: Controversies, Budgeting, and Management

Introduction The Honolulu Rail Transit Project (HRTP) is an elevated 20-mile-long rail system with a total of 21 stations, connecting East Kapolei and Ala Moana Center along the shoreline of Oahu. Although public discussions regarding the opening of a public transit line in Honolulu have been ongoing since the second...

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology’s Measure of Success

Introduction In the modern technological environment, the demands of consumers shift from one gadget to another. The latest advancement in this area that has gained tremendous popularity among consumers is the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that is being used for recreational and artistic purposes such as photography and filmmaking (Joshi,...

Innovations in Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft

Introduction In today’s world, the number of people using a private car is growing steadily. Problematically, the increase in traffic leads to traffic jams for many kilometers. The task of engineers is to create alternative vehicles capable of relieving the jam. One such option is electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing...

Human Factors in Car Development and Production

Abstract Addressing the issue of the human factor in producing and developing cars is crucial. Since the quality of a vehicle defines the safety of its owner, it is essential to ensure the absence of errors during the development and production processes. For this purpose, an in-depth overview and analysis...

Unmanned Systems Breakdown and Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Description of the System The evolution of technology has led to the emergence of unmanned aerial systems (UAS), such as drones and aerial vehicles. One of the leading companies in manufacturing UAS, Ballard, has created two models UAS fueled by hydrogen cell, FCair, with 600 watt and 1200 watt systems...

Future of Autonomous Maritime Systems: UMVs and Fleet Architecture

Introduction Unmanned maritime systems (UMSs) have evolved over the years as navies from different countries endeavor to create new ways of completing tasks that would be dangerous to humans. For instance, the U.S. Navy is focused on enhancing the autonomous capabilities of unmanned maritime vehicles to minimize human involvement and...

Buying a Used Motorcycle: Steps and Factors

Motorcycles are useful two-wheeled motor vehicles used for various purposes such as commuting and racing. People in developed countries often use these machines for recreation purposes. An individual who loves to ride motorcycles will at one point want to buy one. The purchase might be the person’s first motorbike or...

Enhancing Airport Security: The Next Global Airport Program

Abstract The case presents a security program for Next Global Airport. These safety procedures and measures are best on approved standards, national laws and regulations, and best practices in the aviation industry. They do not aim to cause any inconvenience to airport users, but rather to improve their safety. Security...

Electric Vehicles in the UK Automotive Manufacturing Industry

The UK automotive manufacturing Industry The statistics show that the international manufacturers of engines have a higher tendency of locating their car manufacturing plants in the UK than other nations (Jones & Zoppo 2013). In addition, they indicate that the UK market for the electric car engines is higher than...

The Airline Industry Costs and Its Main Groups

The airline industry is vital to the economy of every world country. The role of the airlines is to link the national economies and to facilitate the exchange of people, goods, and ideas. Nevertheless, the airline industry functioning is connected with the high costs. These costs can be divided into...

Airline Service Quality Perceptions and Cypriot Customers’ Expectations

Introduction This study focuses on the ability to survive and operate successfully in the coming business environment challenges so that to help in coming up with the better suggestions and recommendations. The study would also analyze the application of the customers’ expectation management of the service quality towards the e-commerce...

Terminal and Port Congestion

Introduction / Background Globalization with the rapid growth of global economies has increased the volume of cargo shipments around the world due to high economic growth. The increase in economic development has raised the demand of consumers and has set other economic trends that have resulted in the expansion of...

Aviation Sector: The Approaching Shortage

Introduction The shortage of highly experienced experts is a major issue in the aviation sector. According to Kaplan and Collier (2014), the new aviation policy that requires pilots to clock 1500 hours in the air to be considered qualified to fly large commercial planes has worsened the already bad situation....

Honolulu Rail Project: Positive and Negative Aspects

Introduction For Project 2, I have selected topic 7: “Rail remains a contentious issue in Hawaii, largely for budget reasons. What are the issues? What are some of the possible resolutions?” To my mind, this topic raises questions that are both interesting and important to investigate since the matter under...

The Transport Infrastructure and Its Benefits

Chapter number fourteen, called “Transport Appraisal from the book by Cowie, is focused on exploring the structure of investment in the transportation system and its financing. Besides, the chapter studies the meaning and value of time and its relationship with the employees’ wages. Cowie lists the factors that shape the...

Irish Aviation Safety: Strategic Position and Strategic Choices

Introduction The commercial aviation industry plays a central role in facilitating the transportation of people and goods in various parts of the globe. The safety of passengers, staff, and goods is paramount in the profit-making aviation industry. For this reason, air transport is one of the safest modes of movement...

Congestion in Today’s Urban Settings

Urban Congestion has no single definition. Congestion as defined by OECD (2007) implies the oversupply of vehicles that makes the available road system become overwhelmed and thus incapable of meeting the demand in terms of space. Another definition is that due to many vehicles using the road system they constrain...

Noise Control Strategies Around Airports

Introduction Airplane noise could be classified as unnecessary air and ground disturbance (Babisch & Van Kamp, 2009). The noise around airports is produced when airplanes are departing or arriving. This comprises of noise created by engines and airframe turbulence when the airplane is setting off and landing. Ground noise consists...

Prices on Electric Cars in 2025

Introduction Due to new restrictions related to harmful emissions, electric cars have attracted more attention in recent years. Modern electric vehicles have become more competitive as their characteristics are similar to conventional cars. This issue has a significant impact on the management of companies related to car production. Managers carefully...

Hybrid Electric and Gasoline Powered Vehicles

The hybrid electric vehicles are gradually gaining preference over the gasoline powered vehicles following gradual shifts the global economic dynamics. For example, The U.S. Department of Energy estimated that “the United States imported about 45% of the petroleum it consumed, and transportation was responsible for two-thirds of total U.S. petroleum...

Airline Deregulation: Economic Effects

Introduction Deregulation of airlines involves lifting the price and entry and exit restrictions on airlines. In the past, airlines were strictly regulated by governments in terms of entry and prices, controls on mergers, and the number of seats and carriers. This led to inefficiency in the airline industry, limited consumer...

Impact of Digitalization Trend on Airline Industry: Porter’s Five Forces

The first trend is observed in the macro environment and revolves around the possibility of digitization of the airline industry. According to the data from related industries, the direction is expected to increase the profitability of the segment by capitalizing on the seamless user-centered experience. Another important aspect of a...

The Surface and Air Transportation Regulation

Introduction Governments intervene in the private markets by coming up with regulatory policies that govern the markets. Through regulation, governments adjust income distribution and resource allocation to what they consider appropriate. They do this to ensure the welfare of the people by preventing unfair practices such as monopolizing the markets...

Road Accidents and Fatalities in Qatar

Summary Introduction: What Is Known about the Topic The issue of traffic injuries and the increase in the death toll among the residents of Qatar has become a major concern for state authorities (Saleh 1). In their article addressing the reasons that the specified phenomenon has occurred, Mahfoud et al....

Total Quality Management in Aviation Security

Introduction Airport security is one of the key components of aviation security, as it can prevent a variety of threats, such as terror attacks, hijackings, illegal transportation of weapons and explosives, and more. Most airports have rigorous procedures in place to promote security and safety of travel. However, it is...

Graniteville Train Disaster: Evacuating People from the Area

It was way back on the 6th of January in the year 2005 when a train tragedy occurred in Graniteville area of South Carolina and thus came to be known as Graniteville train disaster. It happened when two trains from Norfolk Southern clashed near a constitute belonging to Avondale Mills...

Transport Efficiency Through Operation Management

Introduction Operations management is one of the management fields which are increasingly becoming relevant in the competitive business environment. Brown, Bessant, and Lamming (2013) define operations management as an “area of management concerned with designing and controlling the process of production and redesigning business operations in the production of goods...

Boeing vs. Airbus: Choosing the Best Aircraft for Your Fleet

Operations and logistical officers must identify the best models to achieve their business goals. One of the most important issues to consider is acquiring the right resources that can delivery meaningful results. This paper discusses the unique differences between a Boeing and an Airbus and proposes the best aircraft for...

Canadian Transport and Environmental Concerns

Canada has one of the most advanced transportation systems in the world. The government has been keen on improving its transport sector as a way of spurring economic growth. According to Blue, in modern society, people’s movement has become very important as the world becomes a global village (72). Trade,...

Impact of Climate Change on Intermodal Transportation

Introduction In recent years, more attention came to the issue of climate change and greenhouse emissions which are considered to be one of the main causes of it. Intermodal transportation is one of the essential industries of the modern age. It is responsible for delivering the majority of all goods...

Air Transport Safety: Key Issues and Solutions

Introduction Air transport has become a major issue of concern in the transport sector. The development of aviation is related to the rate of economic advancement of many countries across the world. This report contains detailed information on the major forms of occurrences, their causes, degree, and the various ways...

Urban Form and Car Dominance in Melbourne Since 1951

Introduction The recent rise in energy prices and the need to conserve the environment need an urban form that promotes the use of public transport. The city of Melbourne has been dominated by cars since 1951 due to its plan and urban form. Complying with compact city policies had been...

Fuel Prices and Transport Modes in the United States

Introduction The transport sector is the most affected by the volatility of oil prices. Therefore, any change in the price of fuel greatly affects transport, regarding cost, demand, and externalities. High fuel prices lead to increased expenditure on transport and hence reduced demand for transport services. This situation is the...

Lean Philosophy in Airports: Personal Customer Experience

Introduction In the context of increasing global competitiveness, lean philosophy presents solutions that are appropriate for both companies and customers. The paramount idea of lean philosophy is to add more value to customer experience and avoid unnecessary waste. In their study, Al-Dhaheri and Kang (2015) examine the most important principles...

The Variety of Services in the Civil Aviation Industry

During our research on the top ten airlines in the civil aviation industry, we get to know that “most national airlines depend for their livelihood on international traffic.” (O’Hanlon 2007). The brightest examples of such airlines are Delta Air Lines, Japan Airline, Lufthansa, Air France-KLM, and UAL Airlines International Airline....

Rail and Truck Transport in America

Introduction With more developments, growth and increasing trade, cargo transport demand has developed enormously, and this has led to a concern of world transport sector to improving and achieving reliable and effective truck and rail cargo transport. This has become an important necessity focus of the 21st century. Therefore, to...

Securing Air Cargo: Vulnerabilities and Safety Measures

Transportation of cargos through freight has been widely used as a means of transport. Airlines have been very first to upgrade their security because terrorists used airplanes during the attacks. Before September 11, 2001 attacks, people who were working in airlines were expected to act as security observers but they...

Policy Alternatives in Public Transportation

Transportation plays an important role in the economy of any nation. Individuals without access to private transportation use public transportation which is a service provided for by the government. The use of public transportation has many benefits which include lowering the overall carbon footprint of a country and providing transport...

Growing Population in the Urban Areas

Introduction Congestion is the state of overcrowding in a street or other area, making movement slow or difficult. Urban setting is the structure of an urban city that may or may not effectively use its facilities, depending on the strategies laid down by its planners. Public infrastructure is a general...

Air Transport and Its Benefits for Globalization

Transportation is one of the factors that drive a nation’s economy. With excellent transportation systems, the world is exposed to better trading in terms of exports and imports of goods and services—the most common type of transportation identified with the majority of people on the road. Road transportation has been...

Internet of Things in Global Transportation System

Introduction People from different parts of the world are surrounded by numerous gadgets, technologies, and automatic systems daily. A contemporary person uses a variety of electronic devices to work, rest, and communicate with their friends or relatives. The twenty-first century is considered to be the beginning of the robot era...

Maritime Hazardous Cargo Security Act: Enhancing Vessel Safety

Maritime hazardous cargo security act was meant to improve the security of vessels that transport dangerous chemicals and petrol chemicals. It was set with the aim of protecting Americans from terrorism and the economy by protecting the theft of chemicals and petrol products. The bill also aimed at improving the...

The Future of Pilots Training

Introduction A careful assessment of the current pilot’s profession establishes that most of the offered training satisfies the requirements of safety. After all, deadly accidents are comparatively uncommon in all sectors of aviation (Čokorilo, De Luca & Dell’Acqua 2014). Nevertheless, judging by the recent airplane and business aviation fatalities, it...

Ford, Chevy, and Dodge Trucks

Introduction Choosing a truck is often a difficult task due to the abundance of available options. Of course, every person chooses a vehicle to his/her taste. Some people want to get a powerful and conservative truck, while some are looking for a fast and modern vehicle. Leaders of the market...

Rail Transport Market in Europe: Potential and Possibilities

Introduction There are various forms of transport in use today. Some of these forms of transportation are rail, water, road, and air. The means of transport include trains, airplanes, vehicles, boats, ships, among others. Rail transport is the movement of people, livestock, or commodities from one region to another using...

Cell Phones During Driving: Threats and Solutions

Driving involves a complex interaction of mental, physical, cognitive, and sensory skills, all of which draw the driver’s attention. However, even with these complexities of driving, drivers still engage in other tasks which divert their attention away from driving increases the risk of a crash, thus endangering his and others...

Owning a Private Car: Expense Analysis

Abstract Owning a car is one of the most prestigious things that people enjoy. The comfort and the conveniences of using private means of transport are enormous so that people can forget the associated expenses. Firstly, private transport eliminates the worries of getting late for work and meetings as one...