Syphilis: Prevalence, Incidence, Causes, Symptoms

Introduction Despite numerous attempts to protect society against sexually transmitted diseases by educating, counseling, and offering specially developed devices like condoms, millions of people admit that they have already faced or are currently having some problems. This type of disease is usually passed from one person to another during intimate...

Criminal Behavior, Structural and Social Inequality

What is structural inequality? Structural inequality in essence is an inherent bias within social structures that can provide some advantages to a select group of people within society while at the same time marginalizing others. This can be seen in instances related to racism, education, and discrimination wherein certain segments...

Managerial Work, Functions and Challenges

Typical activity patterns in managerial work It has been revealed that managers usually do not have definite patterns of their activities in their managerial work. Sometimes, managers may spend their free time alone in their offices, interact with their juniors/ subordinates, or attend scheduled and unscheduled meetings. Importantly, some consistency...

Scheduling at Red, White and Blue Fireworks Company

A staffing plan for Red, White and Blue Fireworks Company Days no Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 1 10 10 10 10 Day off Day off Day off 2 Day off 10 10 10 10 Day off Day off 3 Day off Day off 10 10 10 10...

Jellio Company Managing Growth

Executive summary Planning for the growth of a company is important and managers should carefully look at available options before deciding on which growth strategies to introduce. In the case study being discussed, the company (Jellio) seeks to expand its operations because of the increase in the number of customers....

The Roots of Terrorism: Religion

Research is consistent that there are many causes of terrorism that seem to be reinforced by historical and political phenomena, economic and social grievances, as well as ideological and religious factors (Spindlove & Simonsen, 2013; Tan, 2008). The religion factor, in particular, has been cited as a central driving force...

Miami-Dade County in Florida: Geological History

Introduction Geology is a natural science which studies soil and its composition, including rocks and minerals. It focuses strongly on the transformation of the Earth’s geology over the 4.5 billion years of its existence as it underwent a continuous change and cataclysmic events, which have formed the composition of the...

The U.S. Embassy Move to Jerusalem

Introduction The struggle between Israel and the Palestinian people has not subsided in decades, with both nations being unable to come to a mutually beneficial resolution. While civilian protests initiated by Palestinian people continue, so do international discussions aimed at establishing peace in the region (Gelvin, 2014). In 2017, the...

Shift Work: Negative Effects on the Health and Performance of Nurses

Nursing is notoriously known as a profession with erratic scheduling and constant fatigue from a lack of or inconsistent sleep. This is largely due to shifting work which forces nurses to work long hours to meet the staffing needs of a hospital. There is a myriad of negative effects on...

Environmental Protection Agency’s Guerrilla Tactics

This paper is dedicated to the application of guerilla tactics by the staff of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the 1980s. Here, the ethical issues that were present throughout the period will be described, and the solutions of EPA staff (the guerilla participants) will be evaluated. The case...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Sun Coast Remediation Project

Literature Review A literature review was performed based on quantitative research articles found through the Columbia Southern University Library. Peer-reviewed quantitative papers and reviews published between 2015 and 2020 were included to ensure the high quality of information gathered. A total of six studies on five problem areas were included...

Falls Prevention in the Elderly and Risk Assessment Tools

Due to the fact that the risk of falls among elderly patients in emergency departments is high enough, it is necessary to find a way to reduce the number of victims. As a potential solution, the use of appropriate tools can be considered as a technique of effective intervention. As...

The Issues of Love: Analysis

Introduction Although, the issues of love are rather important for the existence of the mankind, they stay unsolved demanding further consideration by people. Despite numerous ideas about the sense of human lives that suggest doing the good, fulfilling some missions, etc. as the major aim of human beings in this...

“Fighting Auschwitz” by Josef Garlinski

In the 1940s, the Nazi regime started an international program aimed at “purifying” the racial profile of the European population and establishing the rule of the so-called Aryan race. The powerful instruments of such correction were concentration camps, which combined the functions of labor utilization, development of science and technology,...

Women’s Pay Differentials Factors that Affect

Literature review on women’s pay system and structure suggest that compensations are the expenses of the company and usually are formed from salary and additional payments. Nowadays compensations and benefits are one of the most important categories of expenses for most companies. They can be treated from different points of...

Teaching Charts as Effective Strategies

Introduction An effective teacher is one who maximizes the achievements of students by working in accordance with an explicit set of principles that have order, coherence and relevance in particular instructional context (Killen, 2006). Teachers use teaching charts in order to look at the target behaviors differently, see behavior more...

Larry Summers’s Public Relations Advisor: Case Study

Management of organizations is a difficult task especially when the manager is not on good terms with his subordinates. The manager is required to be critical of the interests of his or her subordinates since failure to address them may lead to them looking for excuses to topple him or...

Body Weight Change in First-Year College Students

Introduction Weight gain in human beings is a very slow process caused by a slow insidious imbalance in energy levels which has caused an overweight crisis in America (New York Times, 2). Persistent increase in positive energy balance occurs mainly in first year’s college students and this increasingly visible phenomenon...

Lakota Hill: Strategy Analysis

The case shows the introduction of an entrepreneurship venture in the specialty food industry. The new venture hatched by Laura Ryan was to set up a venture to sell fry bread powder in a sack. She sold the age old recipe to the locally and then to the supermarkets to...

Congress and the President: Contemporary Activities and Contradictions

Among the fundamental principles of the American state, researchers invariably call the separation of powers. This provision, as well as the principle of checks and balances supplementing it, has been the main concern of internal relations in the American state throughout its history. In this context, one of the core...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nurses Liability Issues in the Emergency Room

Introduction The importance of nurses in the health care system cannot be overstated and it is almost impossible to envision an operational health care facility that is devoid of nurses. Chitty (2005) hails nurses as the backbone of any hospital area and highlights the progress the field has made from...

Applications of Anatomy and Physiology

For this laboratory I would like to focus on some assessment tools that can allow us to greatly enhance our prescription of exercise. There are a multitude of assessments that can be utilized in fitness and wellness to assess function. We have discussed several throughout this course and recently you...

Pharmacogenetics in Clinical Practice

Introduction Within the rapid growth and development of the healthcare industry, pharmacogenetics (PGx) addresses critical difficulties concerning data integration into clinical practice. It is necessary to design simple and convenient to use bioinformatics means to assist the clinicians in the fast access and usage of data in clinical decision-making. Weitzel,...

History of the Indian Ocean Trade

Introduction History is one of the most important factors used in modern society to determine the future and the way some things are taking place in present-day life. Historians keep track of the past in order to understand society better and help predict the future. One of the most historic...

Evaluating the Solution to the Nurse Shortage Issue

Background The proposed solution to the problem of nurse shortage consists of three components, which include (1) altering the hospital’s program to recognize the ability of short-term registered nurses and ensuring that nurse-related duties are easily transferable, (2) engaging in additional lobbying with the view to increasing funding, and (3)...

The Trends Pertaining to Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters

Introduction PICCs are employed to administrate substances directly into the major vessels; however, their use is associated with a number of complications, some of which may be related to the techniques of PICC insertion. Therefore, it is crucial to identify the trends related to the utilization of PICCs and consider...

The Value of Advertising and Branding

Introduction Marketing, advertising, branding and marketing directors play a significant role in a business. These departments influence a business’ image to the public, accessibility of its products, brand image, customer loyalty, sales volumes and the products’ strength against competition. Depending with the size of a business and its budget, these...

Discussion of Civility on the Internet

Introduction The act of showing respect to someone with politeness and courtesy is civility. Civility comes from the Greek word civilitas, which means the readiness of people to offer themselves for the benefit of the city (Hayashi & Toh, 2020). When it is uncomfortable and challenging to care for someone’s...

Understanding the Christian Worldview

Introduction Key theological concepts might seem fragmented and unrelated to each other to a stranger; however, when considering them closer, one will realize that they share an intrinsic connection. Being admittedly complex, the concepts of the nature of God, Jesus, and humanity, as well as the notion of restoration as...

Reducing Burnout Rates Among Hospital Nurses Through Group Therapy

Introduction Greetings, today I would like to share with you evidence, ideas, and the potential plan for action that I devised against a critical issue in the United States healthcare system. The presented evidence-based project aims to provide the basis for unified recommendations on how to deal with high burnout...

Translanguaging and English as a Second Language Reading Instruction

Introduction Acquisition of a native language appears as an automated process, and it is presumed that once it happens, it becomes immune to change. However, there are these individuals who routinely make use of more than one language, and or reside in a bilingual environment. Attrition research documents that in...

Benefits of an Optimized Reverse Logistic System

Introduction Reverse logistics is required after the customer receives the product for operations such as exchange and reuse. Prajapati et al. (2019) argue that this system is involved in rescuing used products and recovering a percentage of their original value in terms of activity. Reverse logistics has become profitable because...

Socratic Philosophy: The Key Features

Core Philosophy Aspects The special feature of Socratic philosophy is its conscious departure from cosmology, centered on the cosmos, to anthropocentrism, which is its basic, most important principle. Thus, Socrates concentrates on the human being and on the individual’s life. Two intents, faith and reasoning, determine Socrates’ personal and philosophical...

Psychiatric Patient: The Special Nursing Care Needs

The nurse’s job is to provide comprehensive care, which may include working with the patient’s mental health. Although not all registered nurses are trained in mental health care, they are nonetheless responsible for providing services to mentally ill patients and helping them manage their mental disorders. The unpreparedness of nurses...

Ethical Philosophy in Business

In this essay, I argue that Thomas Donaldson’s view of global businesses being held accountable for their harmful activities in foreign countries is ethical and justifiable. I begin by outlining Thomas Donaldson’s strong arguments about justice practices that subject foreign citizens to technological risks that are more destructive than in...

Chris Ofili and His Holy Virgin Mary Artwork

Introduction Chris Ofili is a Nigerian born in Manchester in 1968 and now living in Trinidad and Tobago, a graduate of the Royal College of Art in London, a member of the Young British Artists group, and the winner of the Turner Prize for 1998. His works are already in...

World Bank’s Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals

Introduction The 2015 historic international agreement on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) encourages all parties to establish and construct efficient local implementation systems. The policies require that members work with the World Bank to gather and evaluate data for measuring progress (Roa et al., 2019). This essay examines the role...

The Effects of the Second World War on American Women

Introduction At the start of the 20th century, changes to the role of women in a society raised expectations for improvement. The reformers anticipated finding a solution to the issue of women being underrepresented within the workforce and the inequality of in the society. They want better working conditions and...

A Framework for Analyzing Social Problems

Introduction Social problems are complex issues that profoundly impact individuals and communities. Understanding these problems requires a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach that considers their underlying causes and potential solutions. This essay provides a framework for analyzing social problems by defining what constitutes a social problem, identifying credible social science data,...

Heredity and Environment Influence on Intelligence Scores

Introduction Both heredity and environment play a role in the development of intelligence in adolescents. During childhood, the environment influences intelligence test performance by up to 60% while genetic factors influence it by 40% (Carter, 2011). Examples of environmental factors include diet, nature of the family, type of settlement, economic...

Homeless Population and US Healthcare Models

A vulnerable group or population is characterized by people who are economically disadvantaged, an ethnic minority, low-income earners, the elderly, racial minorities, those with HIV or those with chronic conditions of health, which may involve mental illness (Mechanic & Tanner, 2007). This group may also comprise of people living in...

African-Americans Struggle for Equality Before the Law

The concept of white privilege can be considered as influential for discussing the barriers to the effective implementation of anti-racial laws and policies in the United States. The proposed policies and regulations that are formulated to decrease cases of discrimination in society and promote social action are often unsuccessful. Is...

Childhood Fever Patients’ Readmission and Intervention

Childhood fever is a rather common condition. However, the parents of young patients recently discharged from the Emergency Room tend to overestimate this problem and bring the patients back to the facility. Due to the lack of sufficient information, parents do not understand the possibility of safe treatment of their...

Conflict Competence in the Workplace

Conflicts can happen in any workplace. All employees, while occupying the same territory, may have different values and goals. However, it is important to remember that an establishment cannot work successfully with employees that have unresolved issues. Thus, the process of solving such conflicts is an essential part of one’s...

Advocacy Campaign: Childhood Obesity

Introduction Childhood obesity is a complex health problem that requires the involvement of multiple stakeholders to promote healthier lifestyles and achieve sustainable changes in individual behaviors. According to recent statistics, over twenty-five million U.S. children are obese (Schneider et al., 2013). These high rates indicate an urgent need for intervention...

Marriage in “Popular Mechanics” by Raymond Carver

Introduction The author’s desire to convey topical and vital issues of modern society is often one of the primary goals of literature. The ability to reflect the problem as sharply and clearly as possible is an indicator of the writer’s talent, and if readers can appreciate the creative message of...

Emergency Room Wait Time Reduction

Problem Identification and Rationale The research at hand focuses on the emergency room setting as the primary area of interest. Emergency rooms are among the most operationally complex settings in the field of modern healthcare due to the concentration of procedures required for the successful delivery of care and the...

Regression Analysis for Healthcare Organization

Forecasting in health care is a functional representation of data adequately describing the process under study and is the basis for determining future values. The forecasting procedures and techniques based on data with non-numerical nature, for instance, predicting the quality attributes are based on the results of non-numerical data statistics....

Freud’s and Erickson’s Personality Theories

Freud and the Neo-Freudians According to Freud, childhood experiences have a significant impact on the behavior and personalities that people develop in adulthood (Burger, 2018). In his theory of the psychosexual stages of development, he describes various developmental phases that people often go through, from infancy to adulthood. The theory...

The Concept of Death in Perspectives of Christianity and Hinduism

The diagnosis received by George in the case study is devastating and creates the possibility of a person facing mortality. Each individual interprets and deals with such situations according to personal values. This perspective is often based on a system of beliefs such as a religion. Religion serves as a...

Jackson Health System: Description and Analysis of the Medical System

Introduction Jackson Health System (JHS) is a medical system, which is regulated and managed by Public Health Trust. It is a non-profits organization that aims to provide high-quality medical service to all people, including those who cannot afford such services. JHS is comprised of a number of hospitals and care...

The Representation of the American Dream in Death of a Salesman

Living in a society where each person can achieve success and respect regardless of their origin, gender, or race was a general idea of the American Dream at the beginning of the 20th century. However, the American Dream is slowly fading and becoming more of an illusion after the Depression...

Business Ethics, Decision-Making and the Code of Ethics

Introduction A code of ethics does not only help in improving organizational performance and employee-employer relationships but also helps in improving the profitability of an organization. There are various approaches that an organization can use in ensuring that it makes ethical decisions. Some of the approaches include emergent and centralized...

Using Corpus to Explain English Grammar and Usage Today

Introduction There are nouns in English that we classify as mass nouns. These nouns are uncountable and do not have plural forms. Occasionally, we refer to them as non-count or uncountable nouns. Mass nouns show whether a noun has a singular or plural form. The mass noun is useful when...

Qualitative Research on Maternal Mortality

Abstract This paper explores the issue of maternal mortality through qualitative research. The matter is vital because women globally die during or right after childbirth due to preventable reasons. Various reputable organizations and scholars have considered maternal mortality crucial for global health, while others believe that the measurements influence the...

Genie Wiley’s Struggle for Successful Socialization

Most modern humans are raised in a society where they are taught to talk, interact, and develop different skills according to the norms of the people around them. Children are expected to walk upright, learn the language, and communicate with others by a certain age. It is possible because of...

Simulation and Students’ Involvement in Mobile Clinics

The Curriculum Gap The identified needs gap in the curriculum was students’ lack of understanding of mental health outreach and crisis intervention. The literature confirms this gap since it was identified that students are often not prepared to provide mental health care to patients with alcohol withdrawal symptoms or suicidal...

The Attitude to Inequality of Two People

In each society, there have always been people who differentiated from others. The characteristics that lead to the differences include sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, and other important issues. In some periods, those who did not belong to so-called standard groups were treated badly; at times though, they received...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Symptoms, Treatment

COPD pathophysiology The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has a rather varied pathophysiology, which provides for the need of numerous assessment data while diagnosing and assessing the needs of the COPD patients. Thus, according to McIvor (2004), the development of COPD is characterized by the increased levels of circulation of...

COVID-19: Information About Vaccination

Introduction COVID-19 is an infectious viral high-contagious disease with predominant damage to lung tissue. Pathognomonic clinical signs are respiratory failure and distress syndrome (Cennimo, 2020). In addition to these symptoms, patients complain about a dry cough, fever, and weakness. Although the first wave of coronavirus is already behind and the...

Effectiveness of Self-Control Theory

Ineffectiveness of Self Control Theory on Child Rearing In a family, children are of high significance especially on the traits and image they portray to the outside world. Parental care is more concerned with the behavior towards characters the children inherit from the maternal parents (Susan, 2006). The children depict...

Enzyme Determination of Glucose

Introduction The experiment was conducted to determine the usage and purpose of spectrophotometer relative to Beer and Lambert’s law. Spectrophotometer is used in measuring the intensity of light absorption as described in Beer and Lambert’s law. In the experiment, Glucose and enzymes were provided and since glucose is not absorbent,...

Lack of Staffing and Training in Healthcare

Introduction Inadequate staffing and training of nurses is a serious problem that causes nursing shortage in health care organizations. Most health care facilities do not meet the recommended nursing staffing levels. It therefore becomes difficult to provide quality health care as there are fewer nurses in each section or to...

Discussion of Authority in Feudal Japan

Introduction The Japanese governance structure was constantly transforming throughout the medieval period, changing and adding ideas and practices from various local rulers and leaders. Authority has always been one of the essential aspects of governance, as it has primarily determined the effectiveness of the whole system. Understanding this fact, some...

Gilgamesh, Eridu Genesis and the Bible: Comparative Analysis

As a form of art, storytelling always pursues similar goals of appealing to the audience’s core values and fueling the imagination. Thus, although some of the most famous literary pieces might seem culturally divorced from one another, they still share the same underlying sentiments. Although the “Epic of Gilgamesh,” the...

Interpersonal Communication Between Kuzco the Emperor and Pacha

Interpersonal communication skills are essential in everyday human life. To safely communicate with another person, it is not enough to choose a convenient time and place. It is also necessary to build behavior so as not to cause an adverse reaction from the interlocutor. The topic of this essay is...

Main Idea and Characters of “Dead Poets Society” Film

Introduction An astonishing Dead Poets Society film comes from the end of the 20th century and stars Robin Williams. It is based on the sentimental story of teenage boys who joined the society of dead poets – a secret gathering of romantic youths constrained by the framework of everyday life...

The Relationship Between the Use of Electronics and Consumer Behaviors

Introduction Choice is the primary issue in consumer behavior. The customer is obliged to deal with uncertainty, or risk, because the outcome of a choice can only be understood in the future. Risk perception is an important part of consumer behavior since risk is frequently viewed as painful in the...

“Environmental Drivers of Sexual Dimorphism…” by Chelini

Article Review Chelini, M. C., Brock, K., Yeager, J., & Edwards, D. L. (2021). Environmental drivers of sexual dimorphism in a lizard with alternative mating strategies. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 34(8), 1241-1255. Web. Summary Paper’s Content Most of the various evolutionary mechanisms discussed as the causes leading to sexual differentiation...

Researching of Acute Respiratory Failure

Introduction Acute respiratory failure (ARF) occurs when the respiratory system can neither maintain appropriate oxygen levels nor adequately remove carbon dioxide. This condition might affect both healthy patients or those afflicted by chronic pulmonary diseases. In most cases, people with acute respiratory failure require immediate help and additional oxygen. The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

SWOT Analysis for the Dexcom Company

Background Management at Dexcom can undertake a situational study of their company using SWOT analysis, an essential strategic planning tool. Dexcom faces a lot of criticism in the present business climate, which can be summed up as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It has maintained a strong market position due...

Rule of Law and Ethics and International Marketing

Background Currently, the attention of the world community is attracted by the rapid development of the “new industrial countries” of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Despite the significant gap in socio-economic development from the countries of Asia and Africa, Latin American states have several standard features. The culture of entrepreneurship...

Donner Party Memorial and Respect to Its History

Introduction Donner Party Memorial marks the camping site of the Donner party, a group of pioneers traveling west to California. Trapped by the snow in the Sierra mountains, the party lost almost half of its members to starvation, hypothermia, and harsh conditions. The party’s tragic fate attracted the public’s attention...

Ethics in The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald

In The Great Gatsby, many of the characters have questionable ethics. The story, written by Scott Fitzgerald, reflects a society where moral decadence thrives. Although the characters do not directly express their ethical positions on issues, their lack of ethical principles can be inferred from their actions. Additionally, they act...

Are Colleges Necessary or Not?

Introduction As civilization becomes more sophisticated and colleges become more integrated, the learning process becomes less connected to everyday routine. As with previous stages of schooling, a college education can be conceived of as the conveyance of a society’s ideals and acquired knowledge (Wechsler 13). In this perspective, it is...

The Content Area Reading Instruction Articles

Abstract Content area reading instruction refers to assisting students with the reading comprehension assignments in a particular subject area. The idea behind the content literacy is that any student may improve their reading skills. In addition, all teachers who work in traditional schools should have access to topic literacy information....

Productive Study of the Subjective Through Physicalism

The fact that humans are aware of time and space demands that science investigates consciousness from a near-spiritual perspective on existence. Physicalism is a worldview rooted in the notion that everything is physical with no room for any other domain, such as epiphenomenalism or soul. This essay answers Thomas Nagel’s...

Unveiling the Relationship Between CSR and Employee Turnover

Research aims and objectives represent some of the central features that determine the relevance, novelty, and validity of a study. The articles in question is Corporate Social Responsibility Reports: A Thematic Analysis Related to Supply Chain Management. Within its framework, Tate, Ellram, and Kirchoff (2010) address the titular concept in...

Apple Inc.’s Net Promoter Score System: Pros and Cons

Introduction A service system is an integrated technology with the company’s network, which help in attaining the need and requirements of the clients. It ensures that customers are satisfied with the organization’s products and services. Apple Inc. uses the Net Promoter Score system (NPS System), which has enabled the company...

Use of Force Policy in New Jersey

Introduction The deployment of force by officers continues to be a thought-provoking and challenging issue in New Jersey. This has continued to exhibit a devastating impact on public perception of police and how the public responds to officers, and yet there is still the absence of universal laws for this...

Abortion Should Be Available in Modern Society

Introduction It is no secret that the problem of the availability of abortions in terms of legal aspects in current socio-demographic conditions in the United States occupies a special place. Today, the polarity of public opinion is becoming relatively contradictory. In general, there is a significant gap in the population’s...

Fiji’s Integrated Ocean Policy for Sustainable Blue Economy

Integrated Ocean Policy in Fiji in the Context of Blue Economy An Integrated Ocean policy in the context of the blue economy of a Pacific island country such as Fiji refers to the sustainable use of resources derived from the ocean to promote economic growth while protecting the marine environment....

The New Balance Brand’s Marketing Overhaul

Introduction New Balance has provided its clients with superior goods and services. The company has a solid reputation in the industry and is well-known for its sneakers. In recent years, despite its solid reputation, New Balance has had significant difficulties. Competitors have been gaining market share, and the company’s brand...

American Nuclear Family’s Health Assessment

Family composition The health assessment was carried on an American nuclear family with permanent residence in Raleigh, North Carolina. The family consists of five members. The father is Thomas Haygood, aged sixty-one, and the mother is Samantha Haygood, aged fifty-three. Their first-born child is a lady, Joy Haygood, aged twenty-seven....

Organ Donation in Pakistan

Reasons why organ donation is not supported by the society in Pakistan The problem of organ donation has been witnessed worldwide because even when a family member needs an organ transplant, the relatives are not willing to donate. There are many reasons that lead to that such as age, gender...

Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Consumer Assessment

HCAHPS Earlier, it was difficult to measure the quality of service in most health centers, including Randall. However, the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) analysis has facilitated this process in these health centers. This approach is also known as the model that describes gaps between expectations...

Diet and Exercises in Muscle Mass and Weight Loss

Research Article Critique and Ethical Considerations Verreijen, A. M., Engberink, M. F., Memelink, R. G., Plas, S. E., Visser, M., & Weijs, P. J. (2017). Effect of a high protein diet and/or resistance exercise on the preservation of fat-free mass during weight loss in overweight and obese older adults: A...

Masculinity in the Film “Saturday Night Fever”

Introduction Saturday Night Fever is a movie that revolves around a young man, Tony Manero, who acts as John Travolta. John works as a clerk at a hardware that is in the heart of the New York City. He regularly breaks his routine activities of the week on the weekends...

Amazon Company’s Supply Chain and Influences on It

Impact of sales and operations planning in supply chain integration on the Amazon company The supply chain is critical for Amazon because it ensures connections with different bodies and provides an opportunity to receive materials or objects and transfer them to the buyers. This procedure is rather complex, and its...

The Belief Bias and Cognitive Sciences

Cognitive biases are errors in human thinking or deviations from rational judgment resulting in illogical conclusions. When these conclusions are caused by our tendency to evaluate arguments based on our pre-existing beliefs, a phenomenon called belief bias is observed. This paper is concerned with the way cognitive sciences scholars, in...

Emergency Room Wait Time: Literature Review

Khankeh’s Study Citation Khankeh, H., Khorasani-Zavareh, D., Azizi-Naghdloo, F., & Hoseini, M. (2013). Triage effect on the wait time of receiving treatment services and patients satisfaction in the emergency department: Example from Iran. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 18(1), 79-83. Type of Study, Design Type, Framework/Theory Type of Study:...

Due Process Rights in Australia.

Introduction Due process of law is generally understood as the principle of which government must respect all of a person’s legal rights. This means that preference for some rights or most of those legal rights should be avoided especially when the government deprives a person of life, liberty, or property....

Organisational Change and Management of Expertise

Introduction Organizations believe that adoption of a new technology or an external source of technology will help improve the technical processes as well as the manual undertakings in the business. Appropriation of an external technology by the organizationtherefore is a process which the managers should be very keen with so...

Vila Health Independence Medical Center: Stakeholder Communication

Abstract The proposed Electronic health record systems (EHRS) change for the Vila Health Independence Medical Center will impact all aspects of the hospital’s operation. Due to this fact, this paper reviews the stakeholders that are significant for the alteration and determines their involvement and value of the proposed strategy to...

Protease Signaling in the Circulatory and Cardiovascular System

Introduction and overview Human body produces an array of serine proteases involved in protein digestion, blood coagulation, and homeostasis. Recently, another important function of proteases: trypsin, thrombin, coagulation factors Xa and VIIa, cathepsins, etc. in signal transduction has been elucidated, which involves cell surface receptors, termed protease-activated receptors (PAR1-4) (Ossovskaya...

Death Penalty: Practice and Ethics of the Use

Abstract This paper discusses capital punishment as a legal measure and sentence for people who committed serious crimes. The history of the death penalty, as well as its pros and cons, are studied to determine the appropriateness and relevance of this punishment in the modern world. A short review of...

Help Desk Management System Characteristics

Introduction Help Desk is a system that helps an organization to clear customer queries related to a specific product that they had bought or wished to buy. Whether it is a simple household item or a supercomputer, customers will have several queries or doubts regarding the product they intend to...

Justification of the Physician’s Actions to Perform Surgery

Introduction When patients enter the emergency room, they expect to obtain help, support, and clarifications about what happens to their health. There are situations when patients are not ready to accept the diagnosis or recommendations offered by the medical staff. In this case, attention is paid to legal regulations and...

Mental Health Well-Being Notion: Its Effect on Education

Issue: The Origin Mental health is an urgent issue, and its pursuit has gained immeasurable widespread acclaim in recent years. The World Health Organization (2018) defines mental health as a state of well-being in which one can cope with everyday stresses, work productively, and contribute to society. The current COVID-19...

Al-Hallaj and His Influence on Islam

Al-Hallaj prophet Al-Hallaj was a wandering prophet, who perceived himself as a part of the Divine Truth, and preached his religious vision in Iran, Iraq, India, and China. The Vizier ordered the execution of Al-Hallaj, accusing him of the sin of proclaiming himself the Truth. According to some experts, before...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Networks’ Impact on Relationships

Introduction A network can help provide fresh viewpoints and ideas to aid a job’s functioning. A vital feature of networking is sharing knowledge-related issues, experiences, and ambitions since it enables one to get new insights that might not be otherwise considered. Pal et al. (2018) define a social network as...

Gun Control, Self-Defense, and Beneficence to All

Crummett, D., & Swenson, P. (2019). Gun control, the right to self-defense, and reasonable beneficence to all. Ergo, an Open Access Journal of Philosophy, 6, 1035-1056. (Journal Article). The article assesses the propriety of a gun ban with respect to a constitutional right to self-defense. The conclusion is that gun...

Evidence-Based Decision-Making in Healthcare

Summary Health workers integrate clinical experience with external evidence from systematic research. They also consider patients’ values and circumstances when deciding on the best wellness approaches. EBD takes into account the characteristics of the practice in which caregivers work. For instance, working in acute care nursing requires expertise because it...

Polanski’s and Kurzel’s Film Adaptations of Macbeth

Introduction Film adaptations of plays have been common throughout the existence of the movie industry. However, even more so than book adaptations, plays are notoriously hard to get right as they were specifically created to be played out on stage. This is even more applicable to Shakespeare’s work, which has...

Using the Scientific Method to Challenge Our Thinking

Introduction Human thinking is complex and contradictory; constant delusions, illusions, in which consciousness is immersed, can accompany people throughout his life, wherever they work, whatever they do, and wherever they live. The discipline of thinking and its upbringing is a necessary component of the development of children and adolescents, who...

Medical Management and Communication of Neurological Alterations

Introduction Close to 100 million people living in the United States are impacted by at least one out of the several existing neurological disorders (Han et al., 2020). This study focuses on describing and discussing the medical management, communication or teaching for patients and families, cultural considerations, and the relevant...

“Dressing for the Internet” by Shumaker et al.

Summary Many databases analyze the demographic composition, earning potential and psychological effects of social media sites. Few are interested in the semiotics of online curation. The 2017 study “Dressing for the Internet” falls into the latter category and proposes to explain how dress cues are used in social media (Shumaker...

The Cuban Missile Crisis Management and Staying Calm

Introduction Nuclear war is a severe danger to humankind, which worries writers, politicians, and public figures. This weapon was created by human hands and can take millions of innocent lives, raising many existential questions. These weapons are under the rule of states and; therefore, other people are obliged to act...

Classical Heroes in Search of Eternal Wisdom

Comparison of the epic about Gilgamesh and texts describing the trial of Socrates and his self-defense reveals interesting details about the attitude of early civilizations to human life. Man is perceived by both the Sumerians and the ancient Greeks as a unit that is able to know itself only in...

Color in “Superman for All Seasons” Book by Loeb

Superman for All Seasons is a renowned comic piece around the world. The story surrounds the life and personal experiences of Clark Kent: an abnormal fellow who enters planet Earth from a foreign one, Krypton. The young boy lands in a meteor-like spaceship that falls close to Smallville, Kansas, on...

Multivitamin Supplementation Necessity for Adults

Introduction Multivitamin supplementation is the process of taking daily approved minerals and vitamins to ensure that one is getting the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of body nutrients. These are essential nutrients that play a vital role in maintaining our health and well-being. There are many reasons why adults may need...

A Community-Based Program Aiding Homeless People

Introduction Among social problem, homelessness exists as one of the most severe, and currently poorly addressed ones. According to recent statistics, as many as half a million American people live without a home, representing 0.2% of the population (Stasha, 2022). The circumstances and conditions of these people are different, with...

Abortion Ban and Its Negative Consequences

Introduction Over the past years, most of the state and federal laws have been in support of abortion while considering minor factors. Recently, the court ruling turned down the practice which now hinders pregnant women the ability to terminate their unborn babies. The decision has drawn controversy from various groups...

Risks of Artificial Intelligence Data-Mining by Tech Corporations

With an exponential advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the notion of data being as valuable as oil regarding marketability has permeated the cultural zeitgeist, witnessed by innovations ranging from voice recognition to self-driving cars. With data now being the lifeblood of tech corporations, the extent to which they can tap...

Counseling: The Role of Leadership and Advocacy

Areas of Interest My long-term research goal is to develop and implement a stigma-free advocacy support model for all first aid agencies, including individuals and their families across the country. The application of the understanding that the first respondent is experiencing physical and emotional stress at work and his family...

The Nordic Kitchen: One Year of Family Cooking

Klaus Meyer is the author of the cookbook The Nordic kitchen: One year of family cooking. From the title of the book, it can be understood that it will include elements of family cooking and biographical stories from life. The author is authoritative, as his philosophy of the new Scandinavian...

Flexible Work Policies and Their Main Benefits

Flexible Work Policies In the contemporary world, more organizations are embracing Flexible Work Policies due to their remarkable benefits to employees and the business. While there are concerns that employees may not be committed to the organization, adopting Flexible Work Policies will contribute to many benefits, such as creating work-life...

The US Postal Service’s Business Environment

Introduction This paper discusses external and internal business environment of the United States Postal Service (USPS). This is the same organization that was used in the first week. The USPS is an independent organization under the executive branch of government (The United States Postal Service, n.d.). The organization is more...

Miller’s Death of a Salesman vs. Ibsen’s A Doll’s House

Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman are successful dramas produced in 1879 and 1949, respectively. Due to their relevance to contemporary challenges, both writings have garnered high praise from critics and are debated by academics worldwide. Despite being created in various eras and nations,...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Group Therapy

Introduction This paper revolves around a case study involving a 13-year-old woman, Sarah, who requires psychological interventions to avert her undesirable behaviors. Sarah is a schoolchild whose grades have fallen tremendously prompting her mother to seek psychological interventions to save her daughter. The initial analysis of the case reveals that...

Healthcare Directive and Life-Sustaining Treatment

A clinical decision is regarded as a process that involves such steps as making a diagnosis, providing assessment, and determining an appropriate treatment. The current health care system is oriented to a patient-oriented approach which includes a shared decision-making philosophy to increase the involvement of patients in clinical decisions about...

Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations

Introduction The research question that is the focus of this paper is that; in patients suffering from obesity, does exercise and lifestyle changes, compared with only medical therapy, improve health status and reduce weight in a period of one year? The paper will involve a critique of a quantitative study...

The Space Shuttle Challenger Engineering Ethics

Synopsis Space Shuttle Challenger One of the most serious cases associated with engineering lapses is the case of Space Shuttle challenger. Morton Thiokol engineers at NASA constructed the Space Shuttle Challenger that went into flames and ashes immediately after its departure due to the O-ring fault (Dunbar 545). Engineers in...

Does Best Selling Reflect Good Writing?

Introduction Popular literature is a concept that implies its orientation towards the masses. As such, it is bound by several popular assumptions, some of which are less justified than the others. Among the most widely recognized is the correlation between the book’s popularity and its quality. However, it is much...

Microsoft Corporation’s Organizational Behaviours

Organization Structure In the course of time, the Microsoft Corporation structure changed several times. However, mostly, these changes were not significant. Currently, the organizational structure of Microsoft is divided into two main divisions which are managed by the CEO, namely, the Business Functions and the Engineering Groups (“Facts about Microsoft,”...

Nike Inc.’s External and Internal Forces and Trends

The company that will be analyzed in this study is Nike, a world-famous brand of sportswear and equipment for training. As a basis for the research, a table is presented, which reflects the main factors and key elements in the organization of work. This corporation is one of the largest...

Stereotypes and Prejudices in Human Resource Industry

Group influence Group influence is important in determining how individuals behave in a society or at workplace. Generally, a group consists of two or more individuals sharing a common goal, and is usually adaptable and capable of influencing each other, perform interdependent tasks and affect one another in a particular...

The First World War and American Contribution

The First World War, also referred to as the Great War or WWI, broke out in 1914-1918. The opposite sides were presented by two alliances known as the Central Powers of Austria-Hungary and Germany and the Allies represented by Russia, France, and Great Britain. Although the event that triggered the...

Gabriel García Márquez’s Stories Analysis

Dialogue with the mirror With a slow but firm sense of style, this work little as it is exposes an awakening of a man in front of a mirror. As he shaves, a recollection of a shop he frequently passes that house a range of commodities. He bears a frenzied...

Protecting Employees from Synthetic Chemical Impacts Hazards

What can be done to improve the protection of workers, given the new synthetic chemicals that are used in many jobs? Protecting employees from hazards of new synthetic chemical impacts is an essential strategy. Synthetic chemicals are hazardous substances to human health. Fincy (2012) suggests that the employers have the...

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History of Reformation and Protestantism

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