Planetary Astronomy: Jupiter and Satellites

Introduction Jupiter has always attracted a lot of attention due to its rings and numerous satellites. The most famous and the first satellites that were discovered are Io, Callisto, Europa and Ganymede. Some researchers even note that these satellites can be seen as “a kind of miniature solar system orbiting...

Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type and Diagnostic Criteria

Background Alzheimer disease is one of the major debilitating brain diseases whose effects are loss of memory and important mental functions among patients, a consideration which impacts on their social skills, ability to think and make judgment. Crooks et al. (2008) indicate that this form of dementia has varied ways...

Climate Change in Terms of Project Management

Climate Change and Management Over the past years, climate change has inevitably become the most discussed matter in terms of both social and scholarly contexts. The major reason behind this interest is the fact that people try to identify what anthropological actions contribute to the emergence of a worldwide natural...

Sarbanes Oxley Act and Its Contribution to Accounting

Introduction Since the formation of the 1934 Securities and Exchange Commission, the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOA) is perhaps the most important and instrumental piece of financial legislation in the Accounting field to emerge in the last century. It birthed significant reforms in the accounting sector by redefining how different professionals...

Evacuation Planning for Various Facilities

The discussed categories include health-related, transportation, and commercial facilities. Health-related Facilities The exhibition of disaster syndrome by survivors after a hazardous occurrence is a challenge to emergency planners. This syndrome is characterized by experiencing shock when insensitivity, apathy, and confusion arise because of an environmental factor. For instance, the Waco...

Symbolism, Setting, Irony in Hemingway’s ”Hills Like White Elephants”

Did you know that conflict is an integral part of any romantic relationship, no matter how healthy it may be? Well, the romantic relationship between the American and Jig was no different. “Hills like White Elephants” is a symbolic and expressive story that depicts a deteriorating relationship between two characters....

The Problem of Negative Existentials

The General Problem The problem of non-existence remains a fundamental logical and philosophical problem. When people think, they always think about something that exists or does not. It is peculiar that there still can be falsehoods and truths about something non-existent. Although the latter is dependent on what really exists,...

Comparative Financial Statement Analysis

Introduction A variety of similar patterns can be observed across the large-scale companies in the modern business environment, particularly in the area of budgeting and organizational financing. Provided the companies are operating within the same economy and industry, they are subjected to an identical set of laws and regulations, as...

Telling the Truth: Consequentialism vs. Deontology

Introduction There are numerous different moral dilemmas people encounter over the course of their lives. Humans are social animals, which means that it is crucial for them to navigate a complex world of relationships in order to function efficiently in modern society. This often implies situations in which one must...

“Spend Analysis – The Window Into Strategic Sourcing” Book by Pandit and Marmanis

Introduction Spend Analysis – The Window into Strategic Sourcing, written by Pandit and Marmanis (2008), is an example of a well-written business book serving as a valuable source of information for parties involved in business management and strategic sourcing. As the title of the book implies, it contains a scholarly...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Screens and Gadgets’ Impact on Children

In the modern world, screens accompany children almost from birth. Kids watch cartoons, older children play games, learn languages, and make video calls to their grandparents. Teenagers spend a lot of time on social networks, read fan fiction, and watch TV series. In addition, there are TVs, game consoles, and...

Perception of Content Creators in Modern Society

Introduction: The Claim With the increase in the power of social media, the opportunity for creating and often monetizing content has risen exponentially, spawning the emergence of multiple online content creators. However, while the number of content creators is growing, the attitudes toward them have been displaying rather peculiar dynamics,...

Sweeteners in Maternal Diet and Their Effects on Infant Weight

Abstract It has been widely reported that the diet of a breastfeeding mother influences the nutritional composition of milk that she is producing. However, the variability in human milk when it comes to the content of different chemical compounds remains understudied. There is a necessity to collect as much information...

People’s Behavior: Building Communities of Care

For many years, scientists have been interested in various aspects of human behavior. For these purposes, a new concept was introduced into psychology, which is called behaviorism. This section of science deals with the study of people’s responses to various situations occurring with them. Some of the most important studies...

The Lessons That Can Learned From Wars

The great wars in the history of mankind teach about the importance of proper communication between nations, the impossibility to predict outcomes, and the control over the human ego. One group of individuals who do attempt to gain from history are war leaders. In spite of the fact that they...

Evaluation of the Preliminary Care Coordination Plan for Stroke

Introduction Stroke is one of the leading causes of mortality and disability among people globally. Those who survive the disease oftentimes suffer from many functional impairments and depend on individualized treatments for years (Deutschbein et al., 2020). Therefore ultimate care requires a combination of approaches, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech...

Achilles Life as a Son, Friend, and Warrior

Introduction Achilles enjoys a legendary status in Greek mythology due to his bravery on the battlefield. His ancestry played a significant role in his development into one of the most powerful soldiers of the Trojan War. He possessed extra toughness and invulnerability alongside his demigod status since his parents were...

Karma and Reincarnation in Buddhism

Karma presumably is among the primary associations with Buddhism; a non-professional individual, who does not have a complete understanding of the notion, quite probably will possess a generalized view of its meaning. In one respect, this shows the necessity of such a concept in people’s worldviews, as many appeal to...

Application of Instructional Design Experience

Introduction Any educator, regardless of their background, has a specific way of approaching the design of their lessons. This approach is influenced by both the personal characteristics of this educator and by the theories and models that they use as a guide. In the contemporary environment, where classrooms are diverse...

Can the World Have a Fair Artificial Intelligence?

Introduction The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is rampant in modern society due to globalization which has taken root almost in all sectors. Having technology-centric aspects in place is important, but there is still a concern for better AI due to the challenges that have ensued previously. The machine learning...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analysis of Age of Conflict in Viceroyalty of New Spain

The Viceroyalty of New Spain referred to one of the four viceroyalty entities upon which the Spanish Catholic Empire’s American colony was organized. The other three entities included the Viceroyalty of New Granada, the Viceroyalty of Peru, and the later Viceroyalty of Río de la Plata. The Spanish crown’s victory...

Roma by Alfonso Cuarón: A Film Analysis

Introduction Out of all film genres, drama is the one that most often enables people to ponder social issues. The movie Roma directed by Alfonso Cuarón, is one such drama movie. At the same time, while covering major social problems, Roma manages to tie them to the personal struggles of...

Devastating Effects of Global Warming

Introduction The changing climate has brought to the fore the negative impacts human activities have on the environment. The social, physical, and economic repercussions have upset the traditional order of life in hitherto unseen ways. The rise in temperatures and the depletion of the ozone layer has resulted in erratic...

Change Management at Zoom: Leadership in Organizational Change

The ongoing coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has forced entrepreneurs and leaders of giant corporations to transform their business models. Most of the affected companies have applied different techniques and approaches to support organizational transformation. To remain relevant, maintain its profits, and meet the demands of its key stakeholders,...

Hospital-Acquired Conditions Based on Surgical Site Infections

Problem Statement Post-operative surgical wound infections or surgical site infections are the conditions that develop after surgery due to insufficient post-operative care or negligence that obligates additional medical attention other than the issues initially presented. SSIs are the second most common hospital-acquired infections after urinary tract diseases. Nevertheless, they are...

Abortion: Arguments in Support

Medical Reasons for Abortion An abortion is a clinical procedure that terminates a pregnancy. The procedure is a fundamental healthcare requirement for numerous girls and women. An estimated 25% of all annual pregnancies globally culminate in abortion (Carvajal et al. 103-363). Whereas there is a common need for abortion, there...

Government: Parliamentary vs. Presidential Systems

Introduction Government types are determined and defined by the way the state’s executive, judicial, and legislative institutions are organized. In present times, the majority of governments are democratic, which means that they “permit nation’s citizens to manage their government either directly or through elected representatives” (Faraji, 2015, p. 269). There...

Human Sexual Behavior: Sexual Disorders

Abstract Sexual disorders refer to any physical or mental conditions that causes disturbance to the normal functioning of the body, thus preventing one from desiring or enjoying sex. Both men and women suffer from sexual disorders, albeit in varying degrees. Common causes of sexual disorders in both men and women...

Diversity Management: African-Americans’ Working Integrating

Introduction Diversity management is a crucial human resource management practice that encourages mutual productivity and a socially interactive working environment for workers and managers within an organisation. The purpose of managing diversity is to optimise the work environment by acquainting employees with essential trainings that address knowledge-sharing, values, and experiences...

Elementary School: Picture Communication at the Lesson

Planning and Instructions Learning process functions in a dynamic and systematic process that is greatly influenced by the main objective, sub-objective, and the environment in which learners are interact in the process of knowledge acquisition. In the case of the elementary grade 1 class at Sloane Public School in New...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Domino’s Pizza Ethical Dilemma Case

Introduction Work ethics involve values instilled in the workplace based on diligence and hard work of both the employees and the management (Brown, 2005). They include the beliefs in moral obligations with regard to procedures and outcomes. Attributes of work ethics include factors that define reliability at the workplace, pursuing...

British Airways Company’s Branding Strategy

Introduction This report is aimed at discussing the branding strategy of British Airways. This organization was founded in 1972, and since that time, it has become one of the largest airlines in the world (Woodley 2006, p. 156). This company serves the destinations that are located in six continents. Overall,...

Conflict Resolution Strategies in Nursing Settings

Description of the Conflict Conflicts in healthcare settings are usually common and affect the quality of care available to targeted clients. The targeted unresolved conflict emerged from the unfair treatment of caregivers by their Nurse Manager (NM). One of the affected nurses stated clearly that the workplace was characterized by...

Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model in Nursing

Meaning The main concepts of Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model include human beings as identities consisting of two major systems, the behavioral and the biological systems. At the same time, the patient’s behavioral system is divided into seven behavioral subsystems, such as eliminative, affiliative, dependency, ingestive, aggressive, sexual, and achievement....

The Aryans and Their Origin: Historical Theories

At different points of the development of the human society, there were different views on the Aryans. They were seen as European nation’s ancestors, a mythological nation of half-people and half-deities. They were also a symbol of some nation’s superiority and certain justification of conquest. It is necessary to note...

Healing by Faith Ethics and Organ Transplantation

Introduction When discussing the Christian perspective on healthcare, it is important to discuss the issue of balance between physical and spiritual lives, which often intertwine and create barriers for one another. Therefore, Christians are presented with the task of not only being responsible for following and trusting the word of...

Diagnosis Disclosure and Child-Parent Relationship

Diagnosis disclosure can cause complex ethical issues, which nursing professionals need to address, even despite possible inconveniences or adverse effects. Diagnosis disclosure to minors is a more complicated issue as children and adolescents have the right to understand what is happening to them, but family involvement can hinder it. The...

Nonprofit Organizations’ Change Management

Introduction Leading change is one of the most fundamental aspects of leadership. The process of making changes in an organization is perhaps the main responsibility of leaders since it leads to the accomplishment of the goals and objectives of an organization. According to Spiro (2011), leading change is a deliberate...

Community Resources for Older People in South Florida

Those older adults who are aged 65 years old and over usually require the community’s support and additional care provided by nurses, physicians, and social workers. In South Florida, the number of older people is extremely high, making Florida one of the states where the proportion of older adults is...

Early Literacy and Academic Performance in ELLs

Introduction The United States is one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. The rising number of immigrants in the country has resulted in increased population over the years. One of the distinguishing characteristics of the increasingly heterogeneous society is the multiplicity of the languages spoken by different...

History of Colonial Mexican Society and the War of Independence

Spanish language now is one of the most spoken languages all over the world. Great number of people in different countries and continents speak it and consider it to be their native language. The reason for such a great popularity lies in the history of Spain. In past time, it...

United Kingdom Membership in the European Union

Introduction The United Kingdom is expected to go to a referendum in June 2016 to determine whether the country should remain a member of the European Union or not (Gifford 2015). A section of the society strongly believes that the United Kingdom should exit the European Union because the country...

Access to Healthcare Services

Introduction The issue of access to care has been high on the agenda for healthcare organizations. Without access to comprehensive and quality health care, it would be impossible to promote and maintain the population’s health, prevent diseases, unexpected deaths, and comorbidities from occurring or reduce unnecessary disabilities (Healthy People, 2017)....

Developmental Models in Postwar Japan and Korea

Introduction Economies in Japan and Korea were significantly affected by the Second World War and the Korean War. The governments had to design and implement strategies to rebuild the nations. Some scholars believe that these strategies were similar in both Japan and Korea. On the other hand, many specialists distinguish...

Cultural Appropriation and Its Ethics

Cultural appropriation is defined as the possibility of some cultural features to assimilate into another culture. Cultural appropriation may be explained as the desire of one particular culture to adopt the qualities and features of another one. Still, it would be better to refer the appropriation to the assimilation when...

Leadership Skills Analysis and Comparison

Introduction Strong leadership abilities are necessary to ensure the success of any activity performed by a team. Leadership refers to a process through which one person uses the help and support of others towards achieving a particular goal or task. For one to be a truly effective leader, he/she must...

Installing Solar Panels to Reduce Energy Costs

Purpose This proposal was prepared by Stephen Smith from the Procurement and Budgeting department of Crumbs Bakery. The purpose of this proposal is to request approval to conduct investigations to establish the importance of installing solar panels to reduce energy costs that form a huge part of the expenses of...

The Rescue of General Motors Canada Interface

Introduction The day-to-day affairs of a corporation depend highly on various people. It is important to note that a corporation has an influence on all these people, either directly or indirectly. However, each category of stakeholders in any corporation has diverse needs and expectations of the corporation. It is human...

Shootings and Current Gun Legislation in America

Introduction Shootings are a somewhat frequent crime in the United States, along with the generally high incidence of gun crime. The tragedies have caused some groups of the population to oppose the existing firearm control legislation. However, support for a lenient gun policy remains strong, and the right is supported...

“Letter L: Phonemic Awareness” Lesson Plan

TeacherReady® Weekly Lesson Plan Template Name Subject/ Grade Level Language Arts / K-1 Title of Lesson Letter L: Phonemic Awareness State Standard CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.K.1. Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print (Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2019). 30 Day Learning Goal Learn that words are represented in written...

Popular Research Paper Topics

VASA Company Reorganizing Distribution Logistics

Maintaining Current Partnerships Due to the increase in market demand and the company’s expansion to other markets, VASA faces various challenges and can consider several solutions. First, it is possible to focus on the solutions associated with the maintenance of the partnerships with the two transportation companies. This option can...

Prevalence of Obesity and Severe Obesity in U.S. Children

Introduction The problem of childhood obesity is viewed today as an epidemic that is typical of many developed countries. The reason for concentrating on this issue is that “obesity affects 34% of children in the USA, and is considered a top public health concern due to the high level of...

The Office of Foreign Assets Control as an Agency

The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is the U.S. agency that oversees economic sanctions against nations and specific groups. It was formally founded in 1950 when the entry of China into the Korean War forced the U.S. to block all of its assets in the country. However, it had...

Light and Dark Imagery in Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”

Joseph Conrad, a Polish writer, was born in the Polish part of Ukraine, in the epoch of imperialism. Most of his writings clearly highlight these issues as well as the bridge between Victorian values and the most progressive modernist ideas. Although the main characters of “Heart of Darkness’ face a...

Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities: Instructional Technique

Introduction Nowadays approximately 130,000 somehow disabled children are born within the USA. (Debbie Tipton, 2002) The disabilities these babies have vary in their degree, progression and they also vary in their form. The researches, done in this sphere include the publications, devoted to the methods of teaching and developing special...

Influence of Yin Yang on Confucius and Lao Zi’s Way of Thinking

Yin Yang refers to the concept that is used to describe and explain how some opposite or converse forces in the world are mutually supporting and intertwined. It describes and explains how they give rise to each other in turn and seem to be mutually dependent on each other. This...

The Growing Popularity of Home Schooling

Introduction There is considerable dissatisfaction with the American public-school scheme, and such censure is not new. Since the 1950s, in reaction to the rising criticism of the public-school system, the educational organization started to begin improvements. Those included a variety of school reforming agendas, teacher responsibility programs, and new supervision...

Childhood Affecting Adulthood: John Wayne Gacy

Introduction Child development and childhood is a very important factor in the determination of the kind of a person one becomes in adult life. This is because the subconscious mind records most of the activities and experiences we go through during our childhood. Thus the subconscious mind is greatly influenced...

Indigenous Rights and Ecological Wisdom in Amazon

Introduction In any part of the world, indigenous groups will always feel threatened when an outside group arrives to settle on their land. Many parts of the world have so far been opened up thanks to the colonization process in the course of so many years. Cultures and ways of...

Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Entrepreneurial Opportunities for Graduates

The rate of employment has been reported to increase with time according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. For example, the rate increased to 4.7% as of July 2009 as compared to the rate of 2.8% for the same time in 2008. Attainment of job after the completion of degree...

Cultural and Individual Expression Through Music

Introduction For a long time, music has been used by various cultures globally as a tool for the expression of the individual and communal tenets of such cultures. For example, in Asia, there is compelling evidence in the literature to suggest that individuals and different cultures have used music as...

Americanos: Latin America’s Struggle for Independence

Across the history of America, there was lots of dispute about whether or not the Americans may rightfully refer to themselves by this name. The process of acquiring independence in Latin America started with the concept of “popular sovereignty” which required determining who can be called “Sovereign People.” Everybody who...

Leadership Philosophy: Understanding, Theories, and a Leadership Role Model

Introduction A leadership philosophy is a range of principles, beliefs, convictions, and mindsets, according to which a person decides what actions should be taken and what reactions and attitudes are appropriate in a particular situation. Leadership philosophy regards the existence of issues, mannerisms, goals, behavior in daily pursuits, and the...

Ancient History: Empires and Religions

Each of the texts supports the information about the different early empires discussed in Chapter 4 of the textbook. The first text from the banquet style of Assurnasirpal II describes the banquet held by the ruler in his palace. The document describes the food served to the guests in great...

Pain Relief: Non Opioid Alternatives

Introduction Pain relief is an excellent attribute of modern history that humanity is lucky to enjoy. In the United States, almost one in five adults suffers from chronic pain that interferes with day-to-day life (Wong, 2016). However, pain reduction can be controversial: for example, opioids – frequently used as painkillers...

Four Methods Applied in Advanced Training

With time, there is a growing awareness among people regarding the suitable lifestyle that should be followed to attain a healthy and vigorous life. Whether the goal is to change attitude, physique, or routine, or to recover from an injury and/or prevent one in later life, everyone can benefit from...

Expanding Ultima Foods in China

Introduction The company selected for the assignment is Ultima Foods, which is a Canadian food company that owns two brands of dairy products: IÖGO and Olympic. The company was founded in 1971 as a small yogurt company (Ultima). In the 1980s, Ultima became the first yogurt producer to build a...

The Intergovernmental Relationship Among Public Health Care Agencies

Introduction The level of influence and participation of inter-governmental agencies in the collective efforts of public health care varies profoundly with the level of the agency in question. The amount of liability and responsibility assumed by each of the agencies depends heavily on the per-capita expenditures as well as the...

Management Information System in Media

Background information The various problems facing many media integrated organizations have been found to be internally initiated; which further affects their general performance, as Kenneth & Loudon (2007) reveals. Being one of the key socializing agents, a media integrated organization ought to be properly managed; so as to be effective...

Entrepreneurship: From Startups to SMEs

Introduction Entrepreneurship remains a powerful practice that guides people to launch and grow their startups to become giant corporations. This development explains how individuals can experiment with a small or new idea and make it an evidence-based solution to the problems affecting humanity. Business owners should reflect and examine their...

Popular Research Paper Topics

An Important Role of the Nasal Cycle

Introduction The nasal cycle is one of the physiological processes that take place within the body without a slight knowledge of a person. Josephson says that the nose has two parallel nostrils (breathing passages) which are separated by a septum (a wall of cartilage) (17). These two passages are joined...

Mentorship as a Challenge

“It is like a picture that a painter paints and then he cannot hang it when he has a show and nobody will buy it because they cannot hang it either” (Hemingway). In this quote from Hemingway’s essay “Miss Stein Instructs,” the author shows the nature of mentorship he received...

The Role of Cultural Relativism in Healthcare

The contemporary world has become one global village, thus creating a multicultural society internationally. In healthcare, professionals are thus expected to interact with patients from various cultures, and without being competent, the delivery of quality, effective, and timely care services could be impaired. For instance, due to the influence of...

Jesus Christ’s Ministries and Chaplain Behaviors

Introduction Parallels can be drawn between Jesus Christ and military chaplains, as both were sent to minister to secular and religiously diverse communities. As such, His example should serve as the inspiration for members of the profession, with His words and actions deserving emulation in the course of one’s work....

Impact of Leisure and Recreation on Mental Health

Leisure and recreational activities are pastime engagements freely chosen in order to add value to one’s life (Palen, 2008). In general, involvement in leisure and recreation has a great positive impact on the overall quality of the life of a person. In a study by McLean, Hurd, and Rogers (2007),...

Neuroscience of Schizophrenia: The Thinking Patterns

John Forbes Nash Jr. is one of the revolutionary minds in the field of mathematics during our times. By the time he shared the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science in 1994, Nash had contributed significantly to partial differential equations, differential geometry, and game theory. I know you are wondering...

Parental Influence on a Child’s Life Outcomes

Many factors and coincidences shape human life. The environment, especially the close ones, for example, the family, decisions made, and various events form a particular path-dependency of one’s life with a corresponding outcome. In the book Wes Moore “The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates,” the author tells the...

Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Spanish Empires Compared

Various Empires followed the path from formation to the decline in different historical periods, providing significant knowledge about civilization’s development. The leaders’ personalities and activities, wars, inventions, social and political structures, cultural and religious beliefs – all impacted the modern world and humanity’s values. The Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Spanish Empires...

Mechanism Description of a Screwdriver

In this paper, the mechanism and use of a screwdriver with a crosshead and a detachable tip will be described. As an instrument, a screwdriver is one of the essential instruments that are used commonly and are applied to repair multiple devices of a different level of advancement and complexity....

The Cuban Missile Crisis in the Cold War

Introduction The Cold War is signified by several serious conflict escalations between the Soviet Union and the United States, one of which is the Cuban Missile Crisis. After the failed Bay of Pigs operation, the government of Cuba requested the USSR’s help, and the latter placed its nuclear missiles on...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Komagata Maru’s History in Compton’s “The Outer Harbour”

Introduction The Outer Harbour by Compton is an interesting story that illustrates the sufferings of humankind a century ago. The book is a collection of numerous loosely related short stories. The author keenly uses fiction narratives to explore the complex relationships between urban life, history, identity, and various socio-political patterns....

Historical and Modern White House

Introduction Buildings and houses are a result of artwork and architecture since they are constructed in resemblance to what is drawn in books or in the minds of an architect. The size of the building and its purpose are among significant determinants of shape and construction process. In the 21st...

Development Plan at Olive Construction Company

Description of the Organization Olive Construction Company was founded in 2019 to tap into the booming construction industry in Miami Dade County. The firm specializes in the supply of construction materials sourced both locally and internationally. It has 16 employees working on a full-time basis and another 8 working on...

Stevie Wonder: The Artist’s Story

Introduction An in-depth study of musical theory is impossible without a conjugate study of the biographies and creative paths of eminent artists in a particular field. It is paramount to recognize that the history of music is not objective but rather is written by the musicians and artists who make...

The First Amendment and Its Impact on Society

Introduction The Constitution of the United States is the core document that ensures the democratic values of the country and guarantees basic human rights regardless of age, gender, and race. Consequently, it also restricts the governmental power to mitigate the possibilities of unjustified laws and regulations. The First Amendment to...

Racial Inequality in “Recitatif” by Morrison

Introduction Race, inequality, discrimination, and prejudice are the issues that have been significantly addressed recently but will probably remain a part of humans’ nature forever. Since these negative concepts bring too much violence and sufferings into this world, empathetic people try to help those who face unfair treatment. For example,...

Fair Trade Joe: Business Opportunities

The new business venture for evaluation is the online coffee shop named Fair Trade Joe with the domain The client base that will be targeted includes connoisseurs and regular coffee drinkers who find it important for their coffee to be ethically sourced. For many consumers, coffee represents a crucial...

Latinos and Hispanics: History of Migration to North America

Introduction Throughout history, people have migrated from one place to another in search of a place to prosper. Even in modem times, the global forces of migration, poverty, increase in population, and other such phenomena continue to impact and influence the shaping of that international community. People from different communities...

Social Media Analytics With Google and Other Tools

Introduction The presence of the internet has enabled continuous development and usage of social media networks. Other than personal use, social media has facilitated the storage of a large amount of content and a rapid diffusion of information. Most businesses have realized the benefits of social media and have exploited...

Socrates’ Wisdom and Rational Thinking

Introduction Philosophers tried to find the meaning of life throughout history, and there is no unanimous opinion on this issue even nowadays. As Socrates claims in Plato’s “Apology,” “the unexamined life is not worth living”. 1 This perspective articulated by Socrates emphasizes the importance of knowledge and cognition in finding...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Morrison Company’s Production Management

Major Facts The company produced radio frequency identification (RFID) tags for trade and pharmaceutical ventures. The firm centered on innovation and trend diversification in the business sectors. As production lines expanded, the company encountered managerial challenges. Shauna Breen was assigned to evaluate the company’s production cycle and recognize the challenges...

Steward Versus Servant Leadership in Christianity

Introduction Leadership style is the method or approach employed by a person while managing or heading a team. The leadership style is determined by factors such as an individual’s personal characteristics or traits, behaviors, and goals. Christian leadership styles have been in existence for a long time, and different people...

Socrates’ Ideas and the Modern Life

Over the years, various thinkers and philosophers have developed various approaches and concepts that have attempted to explain and understand human nature and life itself. One of the most prominent philosophers of the past years is Socrates. He made a significant contribution to the construction and dissemination of concepts and...

“Three Days in January: Dwight Eisenhower’s Final Mission” by Bret Baier

Introduction Dwight David Eisenhower, as others refer to him as Ike, is among the paradoxical figures that the US had during the 20th century. The statesman and Military officer served the nation as the 34th president between 1953 and 1961. Studies indicate that Ike served as the Allied Expeditionary Force’s...

How Much can We Control Our Genetics, at What Point do We Cease to be Human?

Genetic control in human The branch of biology that deals with variation, heredity, and their transmission in both animals and the plant is called genetics. Just about every week, news about genetic disorders, such as breast cancer, alcoholism, obesity and manic depression, are at the for-front. Such news make us...

Specific Features Among Cultures

Human beings find affection as the emotional foundation of like or dislike. This leads to socialization especially in regards to members of the opposite sex. Kauth (54) argues that when the concept of ‘like’ in affection gets a foundational creation through emotions, attraction is definitely developed. As a result, it...

Bangladesh and the US: Working Conditions Comparison

Introduction Every country has well-defined working conditions. The implementation and adherence of the set labor rules determine the nature of economic growth and development. Labor is a very important factor of production, hence the great need for governments to regulate working terms by introducing policies and rules that employers must...

The LGBT Community Theoretical Framework

Introduction The study of social movements has evolved over time due to the frame theory. Various social movements have occurred in the past and others are expected to emerge in the future. Similarly, these changes in social movements can be attributed to the shift in theoretical frameworks, which explains the...

Huron County Health Department’s Strategic Planning

Organization Profile Huron County Health Department (HCHD) is a non-profit small organization located in Huron with a mission to promote and protect people’s health by providing a variety of quality health, environmental and human services to the residents of Huron County. The organization seeks to collaborate with the Board of...

Nurse Shift Models, Their and Patient Satisfaction

The problem of burnout and a high turnout is a frequent issue in the nursing profession. One of the major drivers for such situation is the work time division. While the accepted shift duration for the nurses has always been 8 hours, some modern approaches suggest changing it to a...

Hospital Setting Miami: Conflict Resolution

Introduction Conflict is commonplace in many lines of work, especially those that deal with high levels of stress and responsibility. During my time at Hospital Setting Miami, I have encountered a variety of situations that were representative of different types of conflicts. This paper will provide information about one such...

Wealth Inequality in the United States’ Society

Introduction The question of equality has always been an ongoing issue for human society (Friedman). Descending from the animal world, we were supposed to inherit their proclivity for the struggle to obtain the dominant position. However, in the course of the evolution, we managed to create humanistic values that proclaimed...

The Variations of the Spanish Language in Ecuador

A Brief Historical Review Ecuador was subjugated by the Spaniards in 1534, after conquering the Incas in the modern territory of Peru. The resistance of the native population in the region was suppressed by Sebastian de Benalcazar’s army. During that period, the Spaniards founded the largest cities of Ecuador, including...

Professional Development Plan for Strategic Managers

Evaluating Future Perspectives and Defining Necessary Skills The main strategic goals and objectives of my organization consist of ensuring effective leadership and providing strategic managers with sufficient competence. In this respect, I believe that a strategic leader should be able to achieve consistency between the organizational goals and those established...

Proficient Writing: Rhetorical Analysis

Introduction Proficient writing is a skill developed through regular practice and response to issues raised by readers. It is a two-pronged approach reflecting on one’s writing style and responding to readers’ feedback and evaluations. In two of my previous rhetorical analysis essays, I analyzed Al Gore’s Nobel speech on global...

Cuban Ancestry in Nursing Cultural Communication

Introduction Cultural ancestry determines the behavior of its bearers in every sphere of life. People of different cultures demonstrate discrepancies in sharing thoughts and feelings, personal space, eye contact, gestures, and many other specific features. However, cultural ancestry becomes crucial in healthcare when the knowledge of the patient’s cultural background...

Feeding in CHARGE Syndrome: Hudson et al.’s Study

Research Problem The study by Hudson, Macdonald and Blake (2016) seeks to address the issues of packing and problematic feeding behaviors in individuals (particularly children) with CHARGE syndrome. While holding food without swallowing is an adverse event researched and described for autism and Down syndrome, it has not been addressed...

Ford Motor Company: Business Strategy

Define and discuss Ford’s business-level strategy There are two basic business-level strategies which Ford Motor Company has followed for the whole period of its performance. The company started with realizing a low cost strategy, which allowed it to gain market share due to the lowest costs as compared with its...

The Study of the Construction Methods for Firefighters

Introduction The profession of the firefighter is rather difficult. It implies not only an excellent physical form of a person but also some additional profound knowledge about the building design and the methods of construction. The study of the construction methods allows the fire officers to predict the effects of...

Main Ideas and Characteristics of Service Marketing

Introduction A service is an act of doing something to an individual or something. Therefore, service marketing is considered the process of selling or offering a service to get some returns. Marketing services are different from marketing products (Marketing Teacher n.d., para 1). For example, when a consumer buys a...

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It Is Important to Go Abroad at a Young Age

Introduction I am male Korean American who moved to America when he was hardly seventeen. I had to struggle to come to terms with issues related to cultural diversity, hitherto hostile climate, language barrier and economic hitches. I had to learn to be independent since it was my first trip...

“Sitt Marie Rose” by Etel Adnan

The majority of people view other cultures from the perspective of their own one, which can partially be referred to as ethnocentrism. When it comes to such cultures as the Lebanese one, ethnocentrism is peculiar to almost all the people who regard modern society as equal and non-discriminatory. Sitt Marie...

Suffering: Its Meaning and Ministry

Suffering is non-committal: it happens from our volition; we instigate and allow it to stalk us; hence, it becomes instrumental in our lives and ministry. The chapter begins with how people respond to suffering. The response can be discussed in terms of different approaches like revolution. This approach was founded...

Effective Leadership in an Organization: Practices and Theories

Discussion of leadership issues from two articles According to transformational leadership theory by Warrilow (2009, para. 1-5), there are four vital components that are required for one to effectively manage changes within an organization. For effective changes in organizations, leaders need to spur consciousness within their subordinates so as they...

Tar Sands Pipelines: Source of Dutch Disease in Canada?

The energy boom that marked the beginning the new millennium in global markets has brought about a series of considerable shifts in economic policies of the countries with abundant natural resources, subjecting some of them to so-called Dutch Disease – the phenomenon, which occurs when strengthening of the currency, caused...

Ognissanti Madonna Painting by Giotto di Bondone

Introduction For this paper, I have chosen the Ognissanti (or Enthroned) Madonna by Giotto di Bondone, which he created for the All Saints’ Church in Florence. It is a beautiful piece of art, one that operates on a grand scale and serves as a critical milestone in history. The author...

Muller v. Oregon and Women’s Rights Advocacy

Introduction The US labor law is based on the Constitution, which has historically determined its implementation features. Notably, at the beginning of the 20th century, government intervention in labor relations and business was redefined. Companies did not like that the state continued to operate within the ‘police procedures’ given to...

Freeman-Brown Private School Case Study

Freeman-Brown’s Interaction with the External Environment Organizations regularly use and develop internal resources and are influenced by their external environment. Therefore, managers need to have continuous control over the factors of external and internal environments. The external environment of an organization “includes the factors outside its boundaries that affect its...

Chronic Kidney Disease: the Evaluation Plan

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Effects of Trauma Training Programs and Trauma Quality Indicators

Willis, C. D., Stoelwinder, J. U., & Cameron, P. A. (2008). Interpreting process indicators in trauma care: construct validity versus confounding by indication. Int J Qual Health Care, 20(5),331-8. Quality indicators have found increased use in health systems based on a widely held assumption that QIs is a compelling indicator of the...

Human Genome and Application of Genetic Variations

Human genome refers to the information contained in human genes. The information is stored in DNA sequences within cell nuclei and mitochondria (Michal & Schomburg 2013; Veltman & Brunner 2012). Human diploid genomes are found in body cells that are not involved in sexual reproduction while human haploid genomes are...

Improving Hand Hygiene in Developing Countries

In order to focus on evidence-based practice in the sphere of nursing and providing healthcare services, it is necessary to be able to effectively evaluate articles representing the results of research studies. The article under assessment is titled “Predictors of Hand Hygiene Behavior Among Nurses: A Theoretical Cross-Sectional Study,” and...

Logistic Regression: Research Methods

This is a method that used in the modeling of dichotomous outcome variables. It is usually represented in two forms, either as simple logistic regression or multiple logistic regression. The simple logistic regression is used whenever there is one nominal variable with two values and a measurable variable. Under such...

Community Prevention Plan: RCCADA in Los Angeles

Regional Coalition for Campaign against Drug Abuse (RCCADA), is a drug-free community alliance established to curb and lower the irresponsible use of drugs in Los Angeles. Concurrently, as a coalition, RCCADA is propelled by local circumstances to execute local remedies that will create a comfortable, decent, and drug-free society. Skid...

Opioids Are Misused and Overused in Medicine

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Beauford Delaney’s Artistic Journey

Introduction Beauford Delaney is one of the common artists in the United States. He was born on December 30th, 1901, in Knoxville, Tennessee. His mother was called Delia, and his father Samuel was the eighth among the ten children. The mother made a living by cleaning for the rich, while...

Medical Humanities and Their Impact on Medicine

Introduction Unlike most disciplines of medicine, medical humanity covers a wide range of fields, including social sciences, arts, and humanities. This field of study is the most complex, involving, and considerate because it seeks to strengthen the quality and practices of the involved activities of medical humanities. The discipline is...

Intercultural Communication: Autoethnographic Reflection

By definition, intercultural communication reflects the communication behaviors and patterns that manifest between two cultures or more. Lustig and Koester (2018) show that one comprehends that the way multi-cultural communication is viewed majorly relies on how the communication unfolds in the form of symbols used within the intercultural domain. Therefore,...

Central Thesis of The Archive Effect by Baron

The central theme in The Archive Effect entails the examination and analysis of challenges of representation present in the correctness of archival papers and video footage for storage and reference purposes. Baron argues in his work that the importance and meaning of archived documents can be manipulated. The explanation goes...

The Republican White House 1921-1933

Introduction The American Political system has undergone several phases through the past presidents’ policies and reforms. The Republican Party, also known as the Grand Old Party (G.O.P), is one of the two main parties in the U.S. As of today, the Republican Party has garnered a total of nineteen presidencies...

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Humans’ Interaction With Nature and How to Improve It

Humans’ interaction with nature is built upon two profound perspectives that threaten the life of one another. The first perspective ingrained in our thought system is that the earth changes with infinite slowness when rapidly changing because of our alterations. Secondly, humans consider themselves to be smaller compared to the...

Nutrients in Different Food Groups

Background The composition of nutrients, both macronutrients and micronutrients vary significantly in different food items and food groups. When these food items are classified botanically or taxonomically, some food groups prove to have a higher concentration of certain nutrients than others. The variation in nutrients concentration in these food groups...

A Path to Creating Steve Jobs Business

Introduction Steve Jobs, the founder of the world-famous Apple company, has become a symbol of everything advanced in the field of IT and an example of a person who built a sizeable profitable business from scratch. Steve Jobs moved into a little-studied field through trial and error, searching for perfection....

Role of Personality Traits in Social Media Behavior

Introduction Social media has become one of the most prevalent communication and interaction digital tools in contemporary times. Approximately 67-75% of adults in developed Western countries use social media in some capacity, with the penetration typically growing higher in young adults aged 18-29 (Pew Research Center, 2021). Meanwhile, it is...

Reasons Why Operation Geronimo Was Lawful

Introduction Operation Geronimo was a special Navy Seal operation that President Obama launched in pursuit of Osama Bin Laden. The CIA had gathered intelligence on an Al Qaeda courier who frequently visited a walled residence in Abbottabad, Pakistan (Napier, 2021). After conducting more investigation, they found out that it was...

Researching of Health Informatics

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Reasons for O’Neill’s Episodic Triumph and Failure

Introduction The case of Ireland and the famous Nine-Year War featuring Hugh O’Neill and his allies between 1594 and 1603 is one such global example of a detrimental happenstance for power extension. Hugh O’Neill’s capacity to engage the powerful English dynasty in the war for nine years makes O’Neill a...

Concept of the iPhone

Introduction The iPhone is a series of smartphones designed by Apple Inc, a US based company that is known for the application of innovative and cutting-edge technology in various products including home and office electronics, music gadgets and computer and phone software. The first iPhone was released on June 2007...

Toxicological Evidence in Forensic Pharmacology

Abstract Forensic toxicology entails the analysis of stains and drugs found in fluids and solid materials collected from a crime scene. Numerous methods are used in a toxicological analysis. Currently, scientists use Quick Kits in analyzing drugs in tissues obtained from both living and dead organisms. Also, forensic science uses...

Oceanic Dead Zones and Recoverement Strategies

Introduction The health of our oceans is an interesting topic for discussion. The fact that many species become extinct as a result of excessive pollution should not be disregarded. The influence of humans on the state of oceans is mostly negative, and the situation is going to worsen if necessary...

Substance Abuse: Environmental Influences and Biology

Introduction Substance abuse is not a new problem the human society faces as drugs have been used for centuries. However, the scale of the problem is quite alarming these days. For instance, it was estimated in 2012 that almost 10% of the population (23.9 million teenagers and adults) used illicit...

Parents’ Education in Childhood Obesity Prevention

There is no doubt that the problem of childhood obesity in the United States and other countries can be regarded as one of the most important factors influencing the health of the entire nation. Considering the current obesity rates in the United States, the situation is quite different for various...

Lauderdale Lakes Community’s Chronic Ailments

Community Chronic Ailments Concern In the last five years, the morbidity rates for cancer and other chronic ailments have been on the rise within the Lauderdale Lakes Community. For instance, the incidence rate for cancer has risen from 22 per 1000 per year in 2004 to 28 per 1000 per...

Adelphia Communications Scandal and Deontology

Introduction In business management, ethics plays an imperative role because it purports transparency, dedication, and professionalism. Ethics suggests that managers should differentiate between corporate and personal roles by creating an artificial distinction between the two affairs. This helps managers to avoid corrupting their official responsibilities and compromising corporate affairs at...

Telephone-Based and Online Post-Acute Nursing Care

Literature Review Researchers have invested in studying the effectiveness of telephone-based and online care in monitoring patients’ conditions in post-acute care. For example, McMahon, Fonda, Gomes, Alexis, and Conlin (2012) explored how telephone-based care and online care can improve patients’ adherence to treatment in the context of poorly controlled type...

Cultures in Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss

Introduction This paper is a review of the article, Kiran Desai’s The Inheritance of Loss: Elements of American Dream and Globalization by Andhra Chandramani and Bala Reddy, which bases its discussion on the book, The Inheritance of Loss, by Kiran Desai. The article is mainly an analysis of what the...

Intelligence-Led Policing in the US

Introduction In any society, some individuals do not want to abide by the laws of their countries, and their activity can pose a threat to national security. When such people unite their efforts to fulfill their own goals, intimidate ordinary people, undermine the reputation of authorities, or instigate conflicts between...

Jewish Unity in Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Literature

Modern Hebrew and Yiddish literature are extremely versatile in terms of subjects. Nevertheless, the themes of Jewish tradition, history, and culture pervade many of the pieces written by Hebrew and Yiddish authors. As stated by Miron, art and literature often serve to strengthen the collective identity of the communities that...

Domestic Violence in Same-Sex Relationships

Rhetorical Situation The article by Shwayder addresses the issue of domestic abuse as one of the key concerns of contemporary societal concerns. However, while the problem of abuse is often explored in-depth as a serious issue among heterosexual couples, it is often overlooked when analyzing same-sex relationships, which becomes the...

Financial Ratios: Management and Analysis

Current Ratio Current ratio is one of the financial ratios indicting the liquidity of the firms over the short-term. Current ratio is defined “as a class of financial metrics that is used to determine a company’s ability to pay off its short-terms debts obligations. Generally, the higher the value of...