Introduction The voluntary ending of one’s life with the direct or direct doctor support of one’s life through the delivery of a deadly substance is termed physician-assisted suicide (Vandenberghe, 2018). Suicide with aid is not permitted in many nations, although suicide with assistance has been legalized in some countries. For...
Topic: Suicide
Words: 1484
Pages: 5
Introduction Democracy has faced several challenges with regard to its growth. The historical period of 1930 to 1950 witnessed great difficulties in the ideals of democracy around the world. At the center of the crisis of democracy were the four European powers at the time: Germany, Britain, the USA, and...
Topic: Democracy
Words: 1484
Pages: 5
Introduction Although science and engineering professions have developed numerous solutions to many problems, they do not effectively respond to the wicked issues of social or policy planning. In Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning, Horst Rittel and Melvin Webber recognize the emergence of complex societal issues, which are highly...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1484
Pages: 5
Introduction As a global internet services provider, Yahoo can be considered one of the most widely known companies in the world. This technology company helps Internet users navigate the World Wide Web with the help of a variety of features. For instance, it offers a search engine, an email service,...
Topic: Brand
Words: 1484
Pages: 5
Commercialization is the process of converting an idea or a product into a cash generation or viable mercantile facet. Businesses and individuals often generate concepts worth significant commercial value. Nonetheless, it is until such thoughts are commercialized that the inventors can enjoy the results. On the other hand, the process...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1484
Pages: 5
Events during wars are unpredictable, and the success depends on a joint effort from commanders and their subordinates. An example of an operation with notable changes in plan is Anaconda, which pursued the defeat of Taliban and Al Qaeda troops in Afghanistan by the US army (Kugler, 2007). The US...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1484
Pages: 5
Constructivism loudly declared itself in the 90s of the last century and became the main methodological framework for studying international relations for the entire decade. This happened when the prevailing rationalist theories of neorealism and neoliberalism failed to predict and explain the end of the Cold War and the collapse...
Topic: International Relations
Words: 1484
Pages: 5
Introduction It is hard to disagree that dances are an integral part of culture and humanity as a whole. From the course of history, one can learn that centuries ago, dances were used in different situations. For example, shamans added intricate rhythmic movements to their rituals, a won battle was...
Topic: Dance
Words: 1484
Pages: 5
Introduction Slavery has a long history in America and dates back to more than three centuries ago. Slavery would not pick until the 19th century, marked by many occurrences across different parts of the world. Slow development was experienced worldwide, and technology had not as highly industrialized as it is...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 1484
Pages: 5
Introduction Life in the late Middle Ages had numerous characteristic aspects to it. By analyzing the characters of The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer, readers may sometimes identify common attitudes and experiences of that time. In The Canterbury Tales, three characters satirically embody corresponding medieval life aspects: religion’s perception through the...
Topic: Canterbury Tales
Words: 1484
Pages: 6
Introduction Religion is an intricate subject that defines human civilizations as a component that guides their daily lives. Notably, the case of Christianity is premised on the context of biblical scriptures that are considered a guide for those that prescribe to the beliefs. However, history indicates that the interpretation of...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1484
Pages: 5
In the 17th century, France attempted to colonize new regions in the world in order to expand their influence. Jacques Cartier was the force behind the expeditions in 1534; he claimed the Chaleur Bay for his country, France. Further, the prominent sailor in his several trips conquered St. Lawrence River....
Topic: Colonization
Words: 1485
Pages: 6
Lung cancer is a class of heterogeneous and multifactorial malignancies with diverse pathophysiological features. In terms of pathological characteristics, the small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC), a subtype of lung cancer, is more common, accounting for 20% of the cases (Brugger et al., 2011). The progenitor stem cells for this carcinoma develop...
Topic: Cancer
Words: 1485
Pages: 6
Analyzis of the Japanese animation industry using Porter’s Five Forces model Porter’s Five Force model is used to analyze the economic factors that influence the degree of competition in the marketplace. This model employs economic tools to analyze the Japanese film industry to establish how companies in the industry react...
Topic: Business
Words: 1485
Pages: 6
What Do You Hear at a Concert? Music perception explicates the subjective responses elicited by auditory stimuli – in this case, concert music. From every music signal perceived, I will get information about its pitch, tonality, loudness, timbre, and combination tones. A fundamental attribute of simple or complex tones is...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1485
Pages: 6
To make sure that the set goals are attainable and, therefore, worth pursuing, one needs to explore their ostensible outcomes in depth, therefore, detailing the possible obstacles that can be encountered on the way to their completion. Furthermore, the factors that will affect the development of the project and, therefore,...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1485
Pages: 5
On Theme “The man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked and you will never want”… – Willy Loman, Act 1 (Miller, 1998) “The American Dream” is the highlight of this story. There is a...
Topic: Death of a Salesman
Words: 1485
Pages: 5
Introduction Development of civilization or states requires an understanding of the conditions of people’s life at the period when this process takes place as well as varying physical abilities and limitations of human beings and the climatic conditions surrounding the ancient world. The ancient non-states changed gradually from hunters to...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 1485
Pages: 5
Introduction Proper communication of a public policy is very important if the policy is to be successful. Many politicians tend to forget that delivering the message of their policies properly to the public is as important as the policy itself (Woll, 1974, p. 4). In our case, the governor should...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1485
Pages: 5
Mexico’s historical development between 1940-1960 received different and opposite accounts of its meaning and significance for national and its further growth. In his book, The Making of Modern Mexico Brandenburg sees this period as a great step towards social change and “social justice for all Mexicans” (Brandenburg 3). In contrast...
Topic: History
Words: 1485
Pages: 5
Marine pollution is among the most prominent concerns of scientists and environmental activists. Due to the development of technologies, the expansion of maritime transportation hubs and routes, and the increase in waste volume, human impact on the environment has become drastic. According to Arias and Marcovecchio (2017), changes in marine...
Topic: Marine Life
Words: 1485
Pages: 5
In the second half and at the end of the 20th century, African American literature revisited some topics that are classic in the African American literary tradition, and also discovered new issues related to the changed status of African Americans in US society at the end of the century. In...
Topic: African American
Words: 1485
Pages: 5
Abstract This paper concerns radiation safety at an organization that operates hazardous equipment, causing potential health issues for the employees. The exposure rates to which they are subjected will be determined for the test equipment and repair and the radar facilities using the applicable formulas. For the former, a comparison...
Topic: Safety
Words: 1485
Pages: 5
Today, most of the countries do not possess pure capitalism but a mixture of free market and governmental regulations of the businesses. Owning a business in a mixed economy structure can be very challenging due to government intervention in the economy. In contrast, operating a small business in an ideal...
Topic: Capitalism
Words: 1485
Pages: 5
Businesses are affected by internal and external forces to attain and maintain competitiveness business leaders have to make strategic decisions that address prevailing challenges. In the medical care industry, there are different regulatory bodies that govern how the industry should be managed. In the case of Primary Care Clinic, the...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1485
Pages: 5
Introduction Research conducted by Solberg et al (2000) has shown that cases of hypertension are very common among home health patients. For this reason, numerous patients suffering from hypertension are at risk of developing other related complications. Bearing this idea in mind, there is a need to develop a thorough...
Topic: Health
Words: 1485
Pages: 5
Introduction Dan Fagin’s book, A Story of Science and Salvation brings out the effects of environmental degradation and its analysis reveals the danger that toxic substances pose to human beings and the environment. The book portrays the challenging side of science, particularly when laws and policies governing the use of...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1485
Pages: 5
Proposal In the past 200 years, women’s roles and influence on culture have evolved. For centuries they were considered the property of men and after overcoming many challenges, women’s importance in culture is being acknowledged. Across the lifespan, women have various struggles and things to overcome. From child to teenager,...
Topic: Health
Words: 1485
Pages: 5
Introduction Learning Disability (LD) is a neurological disorder that causes problems in interpreting information fed to the brain either through hearing, seeing, or touching. Unlike other medical terms that can be precisely defined, learning disability definition and what constitutes it has been a subject of much debate for a long...
Topic: Disability
Words: 1485
Pages: 5
Introduction The infamous The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, or simply Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, is a powerful literary composition presenting the protagonist’s multidimensionality and complexity – Hamlet himself. The play traces Prince Hamlet and his contemplations on the topics like life, death, love, and revenge. The point...
Topic: Hamlet
Words: 1485
Pages: 5
Introduction Stress is a mental illness that affects a big part of people’s lives and primarily emanates from the workplace culture as some jobs involve more stressful situations than others. The chosen population is military personnel, primarily active-duty members. The rationale for selecting military personnel is due to the evidence...
Topic: Management
Words: 1485
Pages: 5
The Immigration Act of 1965, which ushered in a new period that was more comprehensive for some and exclusive for others, is still the foundation of the US immigration system today. The time has come to choose which achievements will be carried on. There lacks immigration policies that adequately address...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 1485
Pages: 5
ERP is a single kit of computer applications that aggregates the processes within the organization. The system allows furnishing a holistic view of the business where the database is unified and integrated. The AIS has developed into a profound and extensive system with the help of the ERP. Moreover, the...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 1486
Pages: 6
Topic Endorsement Research Topic The topic which is proposed to be studied is the relationship between depression and self-esteem. In this case, self-esteem can be defined as “individual’s subjective evaluation of his or her worth as a person”; it does not necessarily describe one’s real talents, and high self-esteem does...
Topic: Depression
Words: 1486
Pages: 6
Introduction The English language has increasingly become important throughout the world today particularly in the Arab world. This is why educators and parents in Saudi Arabia have become concerned about their children’s limited level in English especially in oral communication. English is a major problem in Saudi especially among the...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1486
Pages: 6
Introduction Games are thought to be helpful in reducing stress and taking one’s mind off mundane tasks and daily routines. Some games have grown to be recognized as official sports with strict rules, governing institutions, and international events. Out of all sports, football, soccer, and basketball have grown to be...
Topic: Basketball
Words: 1486
Pages: 5
Abstract Managing change in a nursing environment is a challenging task due to the lack of the values, philosophy, and guidelines that allow nurses to improve their performance. In addition, the lack of motivation is evident in the specified context. However, the introduction of the principles of Transformational Leadership (TL)...
Topic: Health
Words: 1486
Pages: 5
Introduction The Thai Lay Fashion Company is a well-respected garment exporter situated in Hong Kong with production facilities located in China. At present, the company caters to wholesale importers from markets in Europe and the UK. The success and acceptance of the company’s products have encouraged the management to enter...
Topic: Fashion
Words: 1486
Pages: 4
Introduction Seventy percent of the earth is covered by water or oceans. A large number of pollutants by way of land runoff and direct discharge are hurled into the ocean waters (Cui et al, 2008). The sediments could be having crude oil or a mixed group of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons...
Topic: Water
Words: 1486
Pages: 6
The Ethics of Plagiarism This paper discusses a personal unethical experience that is so common these days that this issue is bound to hit many people every day. Due to this high frequency, I’ve decided to write this paper on the issue of ‘plagiarism’. Throughout my high school years, every...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1486
Pages: 5
Introduction Taken literally, Outlier may mean abnormal experiences that lie outside the norms. For instance, it is a known phenomenon that during summer, Paris will have warm temperatures and sometimes hot temperatures. However, if there happens to be a very cold day in the middle of August in Paris, people...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1486
Pages: 5
Introduction The case of ComInTec demonstrates that multinational companies need effective selection and recruitment strategies based on cultural and cross-cultural principles. The process of international staff recruitment and selection can be described as something rather complex in its nature. Staff recruitment hampers people from integrating into the organization. The same...
Topic: Recruitment
Words: 1486
Pages: 5
Introduction Schizophrenia is one of the most prolific mental disorders that is characterized by people having an abnormal interpretation of reality. Individuals face some combination and forms of hallucinations, psychosis, delusions, and cognitive impairment which impacts daily functioning and often leads to social exclusion. Although schizophrenia requires lifelong treatment, early...
Topic: Schizophrenia
Words: 1486
Pages: 5
Introduction Advertising is a marketing communication channel used in most contemporary business transactions. It is applied to promote and sell merchandise (Armstrong 2010). When an interested party sees an advert and opts to buy the product, they enter into a contract with the seller. A contract is considered to be...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 1486
Pages: 6
Postcolonialism refers to the historical period that represents the outcome of Western colonialism. Similarly, the term may be used to refer to concurrent projects to claim back and rethink the history and people’s agency subordinated by several forms of expansionism. There are many signs that if not properly checked, the...
Topic: History
Words: 1486
Pages: 5
Introduction Color blindness is an issue that faces prominent controversies to promote unity. Racism causes marginalization based on categorizing ethnic groups either as superior or inferior (Alhumam 160). Over the decades, African Americans encountered discrimination based on color distinction against the whites. Discrimination highly affects the interaction among individuals due...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 1486
Pages: 5
The experience of the First and the Second World War influenced the historical writings of Edmund Blunden and Nella Last respectively. Blunden viewed the First World War as a great endeavor by the generation that experienced the war. Blunden expressed his experiences as well as the contribution by others toward...
Topic: War
Words: 1487
Pages: 6
Introduction Video gaming has become a very popular pastime in the contemporary world (Granic et al. 66). Therefore, it is pivotal to investigate the possible influences of video gaming on players. This paper provides a review of scholarly articles pertaining to the outlined topic. The main terms, ideas and theories...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 1487
Pages: 6
Introduction Business leaders are becoming increasingly aware that environmental factors affect their profits in significant ways. As a result, Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) has emerged as a mechanism for assessing the extent to which organizational activities affect the environment in addition to how the underlying costs influence their businesses. EMA...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 1487
Pages: 6
Introduction According to Wigand (1997), electronic Commerce is an integrative concept, designed to draw together a wide range of business support services. This includes inter-organizational e-mail, directories, trading support systems for commodities, products, customized products, and custom-built goods and services, ordering and logistic support systems, settlement support systems, and management...
Topic: Commerce
Words: 1487
Pages: 5
Health care reform is one of the most important topics that need consideration as it touches the most sensitive issue in all regions of the world. The main objective of health care reform is as follows: Extend the health care coverage in both the private and public sectors by giving...
Topic: Health
Words: 1487
Pages: 5
Introduction Palm, Inc. is a pioneer in the provision of mobile and wireless Internet solutions and a leading provider of handheld computers, according to IDC (December 2000), It develops and markets smart phones. Some of the products offered by Palm, Inc. are the Pre and Pixi wireless devices. Both of...
Topic: Business
Words: 1487
Pages: 5
Yoshiko Uchida’s Journey Home is written about a Japanese American family which undergoes various hurdles during their way back to home. The author Yoshiko Uchida herself belonged to an immigrant family. The novel is an autobiographical account of Uchida who saw the horrors of the aftermath of the Second World...
Topic: Home
Words: 1487
Pages: 4
Introduction The term social change is used to refer to a shift in the human aspect of biological development which encompasses; social behavior, community relations, nature, social structure, and social institutions to mention a few. A social change starts with a slight change of thought, then behavior, this will then...
Topic: Social Change
Words: 1487
Pages: 4
Introduction The Fred Factor is the best-selling book and is written by Mark Sanborn, who is well known internationally as an author and speaker on team building and leadership. The book, in narrating the real story of Fred Shea, a postman, underlines the significance of being fervent about one’s life...
Topic: Business
Words: 1487
Pages: 5
Introduction Social media and the Internet are an integral part of the modern world, and most of the population uses them daily and cannot imagine their life without them. For this reason, the influence of information that comes to people from numerous channels is significant, and one can find its...
Topic: Health
Words: 1487
Pages: 5
Introduction At least once in a lifetime, an individual undergoes a distressing period when they experience flu. Whether mild or severe, the virus that causes flu spreads in the body, weakening its immunity. The influenza virus multiplies at different rates in the respiratory organs causing different mildness or severe flu...
Topic: Flu
Words: 1487
Pages: 5
Google Search is a universal information search tool used by millions of people. Many scholars agree that Google Search is also a useful research tool (Miller and Record, 2017). But this tool has drawbacks and limitations, which should be considered when searching through Google Search. Moreover, awareness when using search...
Topic: Google
Words: 1487
Pages: 5
Vaccines have often been used to boost young children’s immunity, generally below 3 years. Regarding the non-maleficence principle, the vaccination process does not harm children but instead enhances their immunity. Children are able to behave in a stable health system and would not be exposed to diseases. Also, the beneficence...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1487
Pages: 5
Data Suitability Although the structure of the data appears normal (observations are stored in one record each; replications have separate records; each variable has its own field, which is always in the same column, etc.), not all the variables from the file “Data 02 (1).sav” are suitable for analysis. The...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1487
Pages: 5
Barr, Alfred H. 1941. “Modern Art Makes History, Too.” College Art Journal 1 (1): 3-6. The reasoning on the relevance of art regarding its role during individual periods and the impact on the overall context of art history is the basis of the article by Barr (1941). The author assesses...
Topic: Modern Art
Words: 1487
Pages: 5
Deep Economy by Bill McKibben gives an insight into the current United States economy and how the future of the nation is in danger if the current economic processes continue being followed. Bill McKibben describes that the United States has become obsessed with getting more material items rather than acquiring...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1487
Pages: 5
Introduction Climate change is the gradual change of the Earth’s climate due to the rising amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. As a result of the shift in equilibrium, the ecosystem is under threat, including the future of humanity. For instance, the average global temperatures have risen by 1.2˚C,...
Topic: Climate
Words: 1487
Pages: 5
Two old stories that played a significant role in fate are the Aeneid and Gilgamesh epics. In these literary works, the protagonists Aeneas and Gilgamesh are obsessed with uncertainty, so these epic stories accurately reflect the ancient culture and society. From the story of fate, we can see that the...
Topic: Gilgamesh
Words: 1487
Pages: 6
Introduction A disaster is an unforeseen incident that befalls a society or an individual causing damages or loss of lives, and goes behold the capacity to intervene using community resources. In this case, a disaster can be in different forms, including droughts, hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, and volcanic eruptions. Therefore, a...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 1487
Pages: 5
First of all, the state of the current U.S. healthcare system was affected by such demographic factor as population aging. The increase in life expectancy in the United States affected not only older people, but also the bulk of the workforce aged 20 to 65 years (Webster, 2020). According to...
Topic: Health
Words: 1487
Pages: 5
Introduction Professionally successful people or leaders often have patterns of behavior that are hard to find in others. It is interesting to observe such people, to follow their motivation at work and priorities. Leaders and other essential workers start their journey long before they enter a vital position: some at...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1487
Pages: 6
Philosophy is one of the most ancient disciplines in the academic field. Over the years, it has attracted the attention of various scholars. They include, among others, Descartes, Plato, Locke, and Hobbes. In this paper, the author will analyze the ideas promoted by some of these philosophers in the book...
Topic: Epistemology
Words: 1488
Pages: 6
Purpose The purpose of American cultural studies is to offer a multi-disciplinary approach to the analysis of modern and historic cultural processes which are relevant to the United States society. While the subject focuses on the United States as a country, it provides a much broader global context and the...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
Introduction The problem of environmental conservation has been gaining increasingly more weight in the global discourse recently, mostly due to the discovery of the detrimental effects that careless waste disposal has on wildlife. For this reason, the introduction of different tools for containing the adverse results of the human effect...
Topic: Law
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
Introduction Since ancient times, class relations and class values have been discussed by scholars, educators, politicians and ethnologists. Person’s virtuous behavior can be habitual and effortless in different circumstances, but this does not alter the fact that for human beings in general class relations and social position are tempting. Hence,...
Topic: Virtue
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
The story about courageous knight and a dragon is a particular representation of how dreams come true. In this respect the vivid details of the story which leads everyone to the field of fairy tale are depicted with the purpose to show the reality of things. The paper is devoted...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
A group of individuals may decide to come together in order to achieve a particular goal. The grouping of these individuals may bring quite strange fellows together and therefore needs some common knowledge of functionality so as to ensure they work together to achieve a particular goal that brought them...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
Introduction What is Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) ‘Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone’ (rBGH) is one of the promising products of biotechnology that help increase the production of milk by cows and is a boon for large-scale dairy operators. The sale of milk produced from cows treated with rBGH is permissible...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 1488
Pages: 4
Executive Summary This assignment is a marketing plan for G Company highly regarded in the electronic markets that will enable it to reach the full profit potential of its new small appliances line. The first thing done is the creation of a mission statement that should be adopted as it...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
Abstract System failures may occur in healthcare facilities and have deleterious effects on patient safety and ultimate healthcare outcomes. While these failures occur, healthcare organizations can minimize them to improve quality of care for patients. Language barrier has become a common problem because of many Americans who are not proficient...
Topic: Health
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
Abstract High chances are that human sex traffickers widely understand technology as a propagator of criminal activities. In an attempt to discover this truth, the paper provides an introduction that describes human sex trafficking before taking a specific approach of understanding the vice in Houston, Texas. The paper also discovers...
Topic: Police
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
Introduction The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) are independent government agencies in the United States. The two bodies were established to promote consumer protection and eliminate inappropriate business practices. The FTC was set in 1914 and obligated with the principal mission of enforcing America’s...
Topic: Consumer Protection
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
Care coordination serves as an essential practice in patient-centered care, targeting patients’ needs, preferences, and values and ensuring access to care and holistic treatment. In this key, a care coordination plan (CCP) entails the proper arrangement of patient care activities and tight collaboration between respective stakeholders to promote efficient and...
Topic: Alzheimer’s Disease
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
Introduction Since man’s inception, he has made significant efforts to enhance his daily life. To live a happy life, he pioneered several breakthroughs, including internet technology, which was a crucial step toward achieving a more pleasant lifestyle. The advent of internet technology spawned numerous advancements, including internet of things (IoT)...
Topic: Internet
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
Abstract The United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union forced organizations with the international workforce to address the challenges in recruiting, training, and creating career development opportunities. National Health Services (NHS) is an example of a UK company that highly depends on non-residential employees, and Brexit’s outcomes disrupted its HR...
Topic: Brexit
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
Introduction The subject of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide (PAS) has seen much controversy and debate on its legality, morality and ethics in recent past. Even the definition of the term euthanasia is itself subject to debate as it is a borrowed word. The term came into use after Francis Bacon...
Topic: Euthanasia
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
Introduction Panama Canal was constructed in 1904 – 1914 on the territory of the Latin American republic, Panama, on the resources of the U.S. government. Before that, at the end of the 19th century, France was intended to build it, but it was unsuccessful; then, the United States purchased their...
Topic: Design
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
Introduction Recently, challenges have emerged in the medical industry concerning the deficit of certain hospital workers. In order to solve these problems, state policy in the field of health care is aimed at enhancing the level of health and improving the quality of life of citizens. The HPSA indicator was...
Topic: Health
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
On the excuse of Islamic modesty, women in several Muslim-majority countries (MMCs) are still subjected to gender segregation and mobility restrictions to varying degrees. In its current form, the idea of modesty appears to prevent Muslim women from participating in public life and other activities. This essay examines the religious...
Topic: Islam
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
Introduction The concentration of Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has been increasing over the years due to human behavior and actions. For instance, ever since the start of the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s, the emission of CO2 has been on the rise (Heather, Keeling, and Rogelj 170). On...
Topic: Marine Life
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
Introduction: Rhetorical Analysis The phenomenon of climate change has attracted a notable amount of attention over years, the early 1990s being the point at which the phenomenon in question became a worldwide concern. Therefore, examining a speech delivered by then 11-year-old Severn Suzuki will shed more light on the importance...
Topic: Climate
Words: 1488
Pages: 5
Introduction Hogg, M.A. (2001). A Social Identity Theory of Leadership. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 5(3), 184–200. Hogg’s article presents a vivid analysis of the social identity theory, which describes leadership as a group process rather than the role of an individual. The proponents of this theory review the meaning...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1489
Pages: 6
The Role of Education Education entails the involvement of a person in the social perception of the contest. This means that education is an extensive process that starts as soon as an individual is born. Throughout the process, an individual’s consciousness is saturated, shaped, trained, and developed whereby the behavior...
Topic: Pedagogy
Words: 1489
Pages: 6
Abstract Providing the members of a specific community with the necessary services is a challenging task unless the local infrastructure is flawless. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure that the community institutions cooperate successfully. Thus, efficient healthcare services can be provided to the target population. The Indian Creek Foundation...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1489
Pages: 6
TopShop is a major player in the UK’s fashion industry. The company has recorded tremendous changes in its sales and physical distribution networks. With more than 300 outlets across Europe and millions of customers returning daily, TopShop is a formidable competitor in the “affordable luxury” and “competitive price” segments of...
Topic: Social Media
Words: 1489
Pages: 6
Introduction Generally, many people consider the family to be an important social unit. This is fundamentally true because societies are made up of family units. Similarly, families dictate the type of social structure a society would have. Furthermore, the actions of family members and their lifestyles often affect societal wellbeing....
Topic: Family
Words: 1489
Pages: 6
Introduction Hurricane Katrina was a storm that struck the Gulf Coast of the United States in 2005 and that caused massive damages that affected the social and economic lifestyles of the affected areas extensively. Government statistics indicate that the Hurricane caused more than 1,836 deaths, displacement of hundreds of thousands...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 1489
Pages: 6
Hip replacement is an effective way to manage arthritis, treat fractures of this joint, or combat other conditions. Despite the fact that this is a severe medical surgery, it is prevalent in orthopedics. This report aims to examine performance indicators and outcomes measurement for hip replacement procedures, recommend best practices...
Topic: Performance
Words: 1489
Pages: 6
The Relationship between Race, Social Movement, and Citizenship: Personal Opinion and Response to Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody As a memoir of an African-American woman who was involved in the Civil Rights Movement, Coming of Age in Mississippi is most suitable for a discussion on race, social...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1489
Pages: 6
Problem Description Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is type 2 diabetes (T2D)-related complication associated with the problem of high morbidity and lower quality of life among geriatric diabetics. It manifests as recurrent wounds or painless surface lesions attributed to sensory/motor neuropathy or ischemia (Hampton, 2015). Globally, T2DM is projected to affect...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1489
Pages: 5
Summary Paul White is a struggling manager of a Boca Raton branch for a company called Hannah’s Shop. He received news about the store’s poor performance earlier that day. He confessed his work-related frustrations to his friends. He wondered how he failed when he was more than willing to adhere...
Topic: Business
Words: 1489
Pages: 6
Nursing Autobiography Medicine has been my profession since my early age. I graduated from Medical Science University of Cuba, as in General Medicine 24 years ago, but my specialty has always been Internal Medicine. In 2008 I came to this country looking for new opportunities to continue contributing my knowledge...
Topic: Family
Words: 1489
Pages: 5
Phase of Warm-Up Picture of Activity Type of Activity Reps; Hold Duration; Intensity; Total Time Purpose; Rationale P1- Core Temp Raise Skipping 1 min Preparing the body for exercise. As the body temperature increases, a person loosens joints and improves blood flow to muscles. P1 –Core Temp Raise Jumping Jacks...
Topic: Fitness
Words: 1489
Pages: 5
Introduction Anthropologists have demonstrated that all human cultures embrace a system of beliefs relating to the maintenance of health and illness causation, and concomitant therapeutic and preventive practices relating to these beliefs. In fact, most cultures have numerous and diverse therapeutic options. In this medical plurality, which option or options...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1489
Pages: 6
The greatest thinkers have made numerous attempts to give comprehensive definitions to the terms “good” and “bad.” In their works on moral principles and the essence of proper actions, John Mill and Jeremy Bentham defend the ideas of classical utilitarianism and focus on outcomes as the measure of appropriateness. This...
Topic: Ebola
Words: 1489
Pages: 5
Introduction Attaining national unity among citizens of a country is a very noble issue although it may prove difficult to achieve. Divisions among citizens are normally a result of factors such as tribalism, racism, corruption, social injustice. With such kinds of prevailing issues, it may be impossible for a country...
Topic: Justice
Words: 1489
Pages: 5
Introduction The old and the new economies have different meanings to different people. The old economy can be defined as the form of economy aimed at mass production of products and consumption of the same by people. It was represented by big and well-established companies. The new economy on the...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1489
Pages: 5
Short stories are a valuable form of literature, as they reveal their authors’ ability to transmit powerful messages and topical themes through a concise medium. This paper addresses the works by Anton Chekhov and Joyce Carol Oates. These authors are divided by a half-century of artistic evolution with a profound...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1489
Pages: 5
Introduction Considerable attention has been paid to such a phenomenon as fake news relatively recently. This issue was popularized during the elections in 2016 when even politicians everywhere began to draw the attention of voters to such news feeds (Allcott & Gentzkow, 2017). The problem of hoaxes or misleading in...
Topic: Fake News
Words: 1489
Pages: 5
Executive Summary The discussion focuses on the moral dilemma of staying or leaving an environmentally unfriendly company. It was found that Kant’s categorical imperative and ACS Code of Ethics imply that the former option is ethical. The decision-making model of Beemsterboer and Velasquez identified seven steps to come up with...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1489
Pages: 5
Introduction The American criminal justice system (CJS) is retribution-oriented and is defined by its overreliance on punishing offenders, with imprisonment as the primary mechanism of sanctioning criminals. The sentencing philosophy drove the justice policy to its most punishing point and resulted in the country becoming the global leader in the...
Topic: Justice
Words: 1489
Pages: 5
Purpose of the Paper This paper provides a wider understanding of the practical application of social justice and how the social determinants of health (SDOH) can be used in the description of the family. It is designed to help students design a nutritious menu for a week for a family...
Topic: Family
Words: 1489
Pages: 5
Introduction People have been overdosing on the powerful opioid Fentanyl recently. Finding practical answers requires understanding the issue and how it presents itself within the community. All facets of the criminal justice system should be included in the solutions. It might be useful to look at solutions from different jurisdictions....
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1489
Pages: 5
Introduction Body image has historically referred to the overlap between the objective form of the human body and its subjective perception in society, culture, and, frequently, the arts. It is a notion that represents a person’s overall attitudes toward their body, including both outwardly expressed sentiments and internalized attitudes. Body...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1489
Pages: 5
Immigration policy is the regulations and statutes governing are allowed to enter a country, including determinations of citizenship and visa issuance. New York and California have taken different approaches to the immigration, while both states have some of the most liberal policies in the nation. There are also key differences...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 1489
Pages: 5
Introduction Over the years, many severe medical conditions, such as non-communicable and infectious, mental health, cancer, and many others, have been termed global health issues (Kelland, 2020). Among these, mental health has been reported as a challenge that needs urgent concern (Kelland, 2020). Mental health refers to a person’s mental...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1489
Pages: 5
Introduction Emirates Airlines is one of the largest airline companies in the world. Operating highly advanced Airbus A380 carriers as well as Boeing 777 models, it possesses the most modernized commercial air fleet in the world (Alcacer and Clayton). The total number of planes owned and operated by Emirates Airlines...
Topic: Airlines
Words: 1490
Pages: 6
Distributive and interrogative bargain The Interrogative Approach is a system where agreements satisfy the interests of both parties. It aims at creating options that are good enough to serve both parties to their satisfaction. It involves brainstorming that leads to the discovery of common grounds and mutual benefits. On the...
Topic: Law
Words: 1490
Pages: 5
Introduction: Among Villains and Victims Of all the complex and thought-provoking Shakespearean plays, Othello must be the most complicated and enticing one. Offering a plethora of three-dimensional characters and developing an intriguing plot, the play conveys the author’s idea of the battle between good and evil and offers specific, unclichéd...
Topic: Othello
Words: 1490
Pages: 5
Introduction Training based on competency equips learners with the skills, knowledge and understanding to display competence based on laid down standards and performance criteria that is carried out in a predetermined context (Hoogveld et al, 2005, p. 287). Competency based assessments therefore can be defined as the process through which...
Topic: Education
Words: 1490
Pages: 5
Nowadays, many people make purchases through the Internet, and according to Chen et al. (2018), nearly 15% of online shoppers are subscribed to receive certain products regularly. The subscription e-commerce market “has grown by more than 100 percent a year over the past five years” and allowed retailers generate billions...
Topic: Business
Words: 1490
Pages: 6
Introduction A person’s social circumstance significantly impacts their emotional and physical health. This conclusion is derived from many sociological researchers and theorists who have long studied the general health status of individuals and factions of society from a social perspective. Exploring the psychosocial mechanisms that link social location and health...
Topic: Health
Words: 1490
Pages: 5
The given selection of the articles has been chosen based on two criteria: they deal with the youth and they explain different aspects and issues connected with media education. There is no denying the fact, that technological progress and the changes in political, economic and cultural spheres of society affect...
Topic: Social Class
Words: 1490
Pages: 5
Introduction As in any other sector, healthcare significantly depends on the people who constitute the team within an organization. The competency of the professionals within every branch of the facility’s operations ultimately defines the quality of medical services delivered by the hospital. Therefore, the more qualified, educated, and experienced specialists...
Topic: Health
Words: 1490
Pages: 5
Eco-activism is a popular and necessary direction in society’s life when industry and people destroy nature. Richard Powers’ novel The Overstory is a gripping story about people who care about nature, precisely trees. All characters have their reasons to fight against the felling of trees, but they unite with a...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1490
Pages: 5
Introduction The aim of this experiment was to prepare a stereoisomeric mixture of secondary alcohols from the reaction of cis and trans 2, 6-dimethylcyclohexanone with sodium borohydride. 2, 6-dimethylcyclohexanone is a mixture of cis and trans isomers each containing a ketone functional group. The cis:trans ratio of 2,6-dimethylcyclohexanone used in...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 1490
Pages: 6
Nursing research gained momentum within the last half of the 20th century. Currently, there is too much emphasis on evidence-based practice; hence, nursing research is imperative. Research can either be quantitative or qualitative, but critics of qualitative research associate it with epistemological issues. This paper aims at reviewing one part...
Topic: Evidence-Based Practice
Words: 1490
Pages: 6
No matter what genres are used to express an artistic intent, at its core, all music seems to appeal to the same emotions and experiences. Therefore, the artists that could seem barely comparable at first appear to have a lot in common at second glance, as the overview of music...
Topic: Dance & Music
Words: 1490
Pages: 5
Introduction The diverse religious ethnicities and the prehistoric societies have primeval ancestry evidence in a terror campaign. In fact, the French Revolution of fiscal 1789 brought about the recent expansion of terrorism notion. The discrete epoch of aggression accruing due to terrorism washed over the global arena each with its...
Topic: Terrorism
Words: 1490
Pages: 5
Introduction Nursing theories describe the nursing profession and provide a basis for distinguishing it from other disciplines. Nursing seeks to establish itself as a composition of a scientific knowledge base that enables it to increase its healthcare practice visibility. These theories guide the care provision in the professional practice, and...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 1490
Pages: 5
The problem of gender inequality is one of the most acute problems today. Gender discrimination exists, just as there are people who are not ready to cope with the current state of affairs. To protect women from violence, improve their position in society, and place in marriage, a large number...
Topic: Gender
Words: 1490
Pages: 5
The problem of homelessness often affects the most vulnerable segments of society, among them veterans. This group also experiences significant issues concerning excessive alcohol consumption and drug addiction, which entail detrimental consequences for their health and ability to return to everyday life. Several researchers have studied substance abuse among homeless...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 1490
Pages: 5
Race has always been one of the most controversial issues in the United States. All types of racism and slavery shaped how Americans operated in American society. Extremely high levels of unawareness and ignorance led to the unintended utterance of racist remarks that opened the door to racial discrimination. Violent...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1490
Pages: 5
Love gives me the power and strength to face anythingthe. This was probably the quote Desdemona stood by as she faced her father’s wrath, and her husband’s maltreatments, but in the end, love was also the one which led her to her demise. Desdemona left her father, without his knowing,...
Topic: Othello
Words: 1491
Pages: 6
Introduction There is an enhanced need for healthcare coupled with nurse staff shortages leads to poor documentation and maintenance of patient health records. In recent years, several hospitals have implemented electronic health records (EHRs) as a part of quality improvement efforts to enhance care quality (Rojas & Seckman, 2014). The...
Topic: Health
Words: 1491
Pages: 6
Are you about to write a Vygotsky vs. Piaget essay? Then, check out our essay sample to get some ideas and inspiration! Here, you’ll find differences and similarities between Piaget vs. Vygotsky cognitive development theories. Abstract Numerous theories explain the process of cognitive development from childhood to adulthood. However, the...
Topic: Cognitive Development
Words: 1491
Pages: 6
The meaning of risk to an organization When evaluating the risks based on the criterion of their origins, political and economic risks can be distinguished. Political risks are defined by the situations in the political environment influencing operation activities. For instance, the high level of corruption or autocratic forms of...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 1491
Pages: 6
The passage chosen for the textual analysis in this assignment is the one from Mundus et Infans. This play is one of the brightest examples of the Medieval morality plays (Lester 2002). The drama doctrine of this period is characterised by the ability not only to depict the heroes with...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1491
Pages: 6
Introduction Healthcare providers should possess culturally competent skills in order to support the diverse health needs of persons from diverse backgrounds. Patients from different faiths and religious affiliations will tend to possess specific values (Meehan, 2012). That being the case, caregivers should acknowledge this diversity and provide adequate care based...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 1491
Pages: 6
Background and Article Introduction Being a nurse might seem a fairly simple task, yet numerous roles and responsibilities that one must assume require not only high proficiency levels but also impressive emotional resilience and the ability to handle considerable stress. In their study, Eley, Eley, and Rogers-Clark (2010) explore the...
Topic: Career
Words: 1491
Pages: 6
The Road Essay Introduction The Road is a chef-d’oeuvre novel by Cormac McCarthy talking about the dangers of human activities to the environment. The main characters are an unnamed boy and his father as they walk on a long road looking for food and shelter after an apocalyptic event has...
Topic: The Road
Words: 1491
Pages: 5
Abstract Addressing the issue of the human factor in producing and developing cars is crucial. Since the quality of a vehicle defines the safety of its owner, it is essential to ensure the absence of errors during the development and production processes. For this purpose, an in-depth overview and analysis...
Topic: Vehicles
Words: 1491
Pages: 5
US psychologist Alfred Adler developed a theory that linked a child’s personality to its order of birth. Adler’s theory postulates that a middle child in the family may feel squeezed out of a position of privilege and significance. It may even be tempered and have a take it or leave...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 1491
Pages: 4
All human beings live with a certain set of beliefs or beliefs and the belief, which shows reality and creates a meaning to our view, is a worldview. It is a belief about what is fundamental in our lives and in our relationship towards the others in our society and...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 1491
Pages: 5
Homelessness is one of the most critical issues aroused in the United States of America. The number of homeless people is continuously increasing, creating a severe threat to a country’s general well-being. Mosites et al. claim that The year 2017 became a turning point in the USA’s history because the...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 1491
Pages: 6
Introduction I support the statement “you cannot plan to look back”. When one plans for a business or self after retirement, it is all aimed to look forward without ever looking back. The focus is on advancement and preparation for future encounters, especially in the dynamic business world. Economics and...
Topic: Business
Words: 1491
Pages: 5
Patient identification is regarded as an essential process in healthcare facilities, directed at ensuring the correspondence between patients and respective medical procedures via accurate communication of patients’ information. Patient identification errors (PIEs) can result in significant physical and mental harm and additional care cost, thereby complicating the treatment and nursing...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1491
Pages: 5
Introduction How I Met My Husband is a short story by Alice Munro published in her collection Something I’ve Been Meaning to Tell You in 1974. The short story was written to show various contemporary issues that happen in marriage, relationships, and common points of interaction such as work (Kumar...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1491
Pages: 5
Introduction A soldier’s job is demanding and stressful and is associated with higher mental and physical health risks than many other occupations. Multiple studies have demonstrated that when law enforcement officers’ health issues are neglected, their decision-making abilities, job performance, and general effectiveness are severely impaired. From this perspective, an...
Topic: Wellness
Words: 1491
Pages: 5
Summary The purpose of this work is to give an idea of the main aspects that ensure the economic stability of PepsiCo. The impact of globalization and industrial progress is considered in relation to the activities of PepsiCo. Evaluation models will be applied: industrial organization and resource-based, each of which...
Topic: Competitiveness
Words: 1491
Pages: 5
Philosophy is a science that studies the most profound aspects of knowledge, reality, and understanding. The scholarship seeks to acquire significantly finite elements regarding reason, existence, values, and knowledge. As per philosophy, a truth in one perspective can become an opinion when viewed differently. The absence of a standard view...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 1491
Pages: 5
Introduction Human beings have formulated moral principles that guide their actions and the manner in which they relate to each other. Confucius was an ancient Chinese thinker who acknowledges that the presence of a gentleman among barbarians helps them overcome their uncouthness. Seneca believes that a virtuous life is only...
Topic: Confucius
Words: 1491
Pages: 5
Introduction Formation of one’s sense of self is an individual and a societal process. The cognitive maturation that occurs throughout adolescence is widely believed to be the time when a person’s sense of self is shaped by their experiences with various identities and the role models they see. Many theories...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1491
Pages: 5
Introduction Energy use created from the movement of tides is an interesting and promising renewable energy source that has attracted attention from industry experts in recent years. Atlantic Canada is home to the highest tides globally; therefore, tidal power exploration in the region should be considered a viable method of...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 1491
Pages: 5