Adopted Children in the Same-Sex Couples

Introduction Family, one of the basic components of society’s social structure, has undergone change over the ages. The family unit remains the same, but how we view, a family unit has altered the definition of traditional families as it is difficult to incorporate gay and same-sex couples in that definition....

Electronic Health Records Change with Plan-Do-Study-Act Model

Research Literature Support PICOT Question Restated What was the experience and impression of hospital staff such as practitioners, and its effect on the promotion and implementation of best practices to improve health outcomes and improve end-user/staff satisfaction and care efficiency? Observation of Academic Sources The first article under discussion is...

Genetic and Genomic Healthcare: Nurses Ethical Issues

Introduction Genomic medicine is one of the most significant ways of tailoring healthcare at a personal level. The use of genomic information aids in the diagnosis and treatment of exceptional common infections. The patient’s genomic information helps in identifying genetic factors linked to the disease. This enables healthcare personnel to...

Issue of Social Equity in Public Administration and Criminal Justice

Public administration plays a pivotal role in serving all the citizens in an equitable and honest manner, specifically the criminal justice workers, such as law enforcement officers, correction officers, and judges. They are highly responsible for facilitating efficient crime control measures, implementing innovative advanced policies, and encouraging a relationship of...

The Planning a Group

Group activities provide people with many benefits when coping with trauma or learning new skills. They are one of the pillars of social work as they put one individual’s situation into perspective and reveal that many people may experience the same struggles in life. For children, this practice may be...

Jean Watson Theory and Nursing

Introduction Throughout its history, nursing has turned out to be an important discipline, especially in care-giving scenarios. Like other professional disciplines, nursing mainly focuses on human health and several approaches of healing through caring. In general, the science of nursing encompasses models, theories and research findings, which are specific to...

Culture and International Business Group of Walmart

Introduction Walmart is today considered as the largest retail store in the world, both by its magnitude of business as well as the physical spread of its stores across the world. Walmart was founded by Sam Walton and opened the first store in 1962 in Rogers, Ark (Walmart Stores Inc,...

Teaching Plan Proposal on Heart Failure

Preface Medical professionals attribute the problem of balance in the human body to heart failure. This condition of the heart is usually chronic or long-term. However, in other cases, it can develop suddenly. The heart is prone to many problems including the left and right side effects of the heart....

Analysis of Emirates Global Aluminum Company in the Industry

Introduction The company selected for the analysis is Emirates Global Aluminum (EGA). It is the world’s largest premium aluminum producer (Emirates Global Aluminum, 2021). Moreover, it is the biggest industrial firm in the UAE, not belonging to the oil and gas sector (“Corporate profile,” n.d.). EGA was founded in 1975...

Domestic Violence and Its Environmental Influences

When it comes to the discussions regarding society and gender roles, many argue that we still live according to a patriarchal hierarchy. This important aspect of our society is inextricably linked to the problem of domestic violence. It is important to mention that women can hurt men when it comes...

Millennium Hilton Bangkok Hotel’s Marketing

Introduction The hospitality industry is important, especially in a modern world where every individual has an expectation of having his or her needs satisfied as soon as possible at a reasonable price. To date, I have had personal experience with several different service providers. In this paper, I provide an...

Bioremediation Technology Against Environmental Pollution

Pollution of the environment can be classified into various forms; air pollution, visual pollution, soil contamination, radioactive contamination, thermal pollution, noise pollution and water pollution. All these different forms of pollution contribute to health predicaments and also lower the quality of someone’s life. For example excessive noise pollution can lead...

Peoples’ Characters and Hopes in Literature: Comparison of Description

Introduction The world of literature is very versatile in facts, characters, events, historical trends, settings, etc. Large deposits of literature heritage describe the wholeness of the literature world and a man, as a provider of creative thought in this art. In other words, people are apt to create something new...

Environmental Issues in the Third World Countries

Environmentalism Environmentalism is a type of social movement or a broad philosophy that is geared towards the conservation of the environment and also seeks to improve the quality of the environment. This movement is mainly associated with the green color. From the perspective of social movement, environmentalism is concentrated on...

Correctional Nursing Stress Theory of Adaptation and Resilience

Introduction Correctional nurses working in a jail setting often feel stress due to a high workload, role conflicts, aggression, and other factors. Moreover, correctional nurses may suffer from stress because of staff shortages, overload and safety issues, and the high-risk behaviors of prisoners. Moral distress is another challenge experienced by...

The Patient-Centered Medical Homes Programs

Introduction In the context of the changing American healthcare system that is passing its way toward universal care, the relevance of incorporating evidence-based, high-quality, and affordable mental and behavioral healthcare is high. The healthcare delivery system in the USA is unique and different from the universal care of most developed...

Uber’s Business Model and Economic Concepts

Introduction Transportation firm Uber Technologies was formed in San Francisco by Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp in 2009. Its founders ascribed the idea to a previous incident in Paris when they could not get a taxi. Transportation, delivery, and courier services are areas where Uber has a strong availability. The...

The Computational Theory of Mind

Introduction Computational Theory of Mind (CTM) is widely assumed to be the primary working hypothesis in cognitive science. CTM is frequently understood as a subset of the Representational Theory of Mind, which holds that cognition is the manipulation of representation. The most widely accepted version of CTM, classical CTM, otherwise...

The Connecticut v. Garrison Case Analysis

Introduction Law is the unique phenomenon regulating interactions within society and guaranteeing people behave within the existing legal framework. At the same time, it serves as a tool for analyzing cases of misconduct and providing punishment to individuals who violated the law. At the same time, to be fair and...

The Walmart Company Operational Methods and Strategies

Background Wal-Mart is an American international retail company that operates chains high-discount warehouse stores and departmental stores. The corporation has been ranked first among public corporations in the whole world. The Walton family owns over 48% of its stake, making them the major shareholders of the company. Wal-Mart owns 8,500...

Addressing Healthcare Disparities, Accessibility, and Safety Concerns

It is crucial for a new health care legislation to address the sensitive and relevant problems that exist in health care, namely accessibility and disparity, the rapidly rising cost of health coverage, and patient safety. In this paper, a plan based on evidence and research studies will be presented to...

Katharine Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory

Theory and Author Background A nursing theory can be defined as a systematized understanding of phenomena that a nurse faces in his or her practice. The systematization is needed to ensure that nursing practice follows comprehensive guidelines in which the connections are explained between nurses’ activities and outcomes, such as...

The Implementation of the Buddhist Approach to Caring

Introduction First of all, it is essential to provide an overview of this paper’s scope to formulate the core problem along with outlining different perspectives on the issue. In this paper, I will argue that the Buddhist account of the personality and the self provides an applicable approach to caring...

Copyright Law of the United States: Protecting Intellectual Property

Having the ability to protect intellectual property is crucial for both companies and individuals. In the U.S., the Copyright Act of 1976 is the primary legislation guiding people through various aspects of using other individuals’ work (“Copyright Law of the United States”). Although at first, the topic may appear straightforward,...

Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare Review

The Taming of the Shrew is a very light-hearted comedy written by William Shakespeare. It depicts the social attitudes to the institution of marriage as was in existence during the Elizabethan days. The theme of the play can be approached from several angles, but at the surface level, it is...

Foreign Direct Investment by Multinational Corporations and Impact on Development

Introduction The presence of multinational corporations in developing countries has been viewed both as an advantage and disadvantage. The resulting resource gap in countries in the global south may be viewed as a need to increase the possibility for more foreign investment. In addition, these corporations are looking for locations...

How Electronic Gadgets Contribute to Accidents in US

In the past, most motorists had to worry about fuel gauge and speedometer but currently, an eighteen-wheeler cab is the same as a cockpit. Vehicles are equipped with modern devices like cell phones, MP3 players, changing CDs, television sets, laptop computers, and GPS (geographical positioning systems) with all these facilities...

Building Designs Using Contractors, Subcontractors, and Documents for a Successful Build

Introduction The architectural, engineering, and construction industry is a continually evolving one. With the growth of construction sites, the number of contractors and subcontractors increases correspondingly – this change is not only of quantitative but also qualitative nature. Over the last decades, it has faced new challenges, including the need...

Comparison of the Style and Works of Yves Klein and Lothar Wolleh

Introduction Art as a complex process involving a variety of manifestations of a creative thought provides an abundance of interpretations and meanings that the audience is persuaded to experience under the influence of an artist. Regardless of the intentions and narratives encoded in a given work of art and the...

Globalization and Human Resource Policies and Practices

Introduction Human resources processes and practices are essential to encourage well-being and progress and maintain the positive image of an enterprise. It is critical that human resources processes are implemented according to the generally accepted guidelines and measures (Tarique et al., 2016). When a company develops its processes in foreign...

Culture of the United Arabic Emirates

Over the past twenty years, the Emirates witnessed the improvement and stimulation of cultural evolution in the Emirati community. Culture and its varied parts evolved into an innovative way to accomplish conceptual understanding and foster environmental sustainability. The procedure has been and continues to be carried out since the millennium’s...

The “King Lear” Play by William Shakespeare

Introduction King Lear, a tragedy by William Shakespeare, is a play that creates an alarming mental picture of different societal structures, for instance, the political, social, and familial. These reflect the other broken orders in the whole play. For example, earlier in space, King Lear breaks the order of a...

The Bulk Agri-Commodity Logistics Chain Contamination

The breakdown of relationships between members of the noodle wheat supply chain occurred due to the contamination of the product and import refusal that entailed operational and financial losses. Of course, contamination is more than just a rude mistake made by the suppliers, as they knew about the norms regarding...

Common Core State Standards: Issues and Alternatives

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) is a policy that enumerates the academic benchmarks that high school graduates require in order to attain success in college and professional careers (Strauss, 2013). The policy is applicable to states that agree to adhere by its rules and regulations. Its rejection by educators...

Leonardo da Vinci and Scientific Anatomy in Renaissance

Introduction Anatomy is the foundation of medicine, the basis of its theory and practice. With this science, the process of knowledge of medical disciplines begins. Its comprehension forms the beginning of clinical thinking in medical students. This was perfectly understood by outstanding scientists at the dawn of the formation of...

Critical Success Factors for E-Tendering in Public Telecom

Literature Review The telecommunication sector has gone through a massive transformation over the last two decades. According to Chadli et al. (2016), emerging technologies have redefined the manner in which people communicate. The new media that is primarily based on digital technology has become central not only in the socio-economic...

Tocqueville and the French Revolution

Tocqueville’s argument in the French Revolution The French Revolution took place between the years 1789 and 1799. It was an era of political and social anarchy involving radical changes in the existence of France. Its main purpose was to increase the powers and the authority of the central government and...

Socioeconomic, Political, and Other Factors of Doing Business in India

Introduction Conducting business in a foreign country comes with numerous challenges. The main reason is the fact that countries possess divergent orientations on various aspects that directly or indirectly affect the way businesses are conducted. Not taking close consideration to some of the unique attributes in every country can potentially...

Whole School Approaches to Supporting Student Behaviour

A whole school approach is one of the most effective ways of managing antisocial behaviour in educational institutions, particularly in schools. It is known that really aggressiveness at some schools have already reached certain critical point and some change is definitely needed (Safran & Oswald, 2003). The importance of applying...

Declining Participation Among Young Voters in Canada

Introduction Statistics have shown that Canada has been experiencing a decline in voter participation during federal elections ever since before the second world war to this day. Voter participation or voter turnout simply refers to the total number of voters who are able to cast ballots in an election. Those...

Commercial Aviation: What Does Future Bring?

Introduction Commercial aviation, which is a component of civil aviation, is the business of operating aircraft to transport people and goods on hire. The airliners used in the transportation of passengers and cargo range from single-engine freight planes to the Boeing 747. Commercial aircraft were accepted after the Second World...

Ford Motor Company Leadership Style & Management

Henry Ford’s Management Style & Leadership: Introduction Management practice is an important aspect of a successful organization. Leadership and management style determine the base on which the whole organization rests. When a leader evaluates his/her options to choose a management or leadership style to apply on his organization, he/she cannot...

ZTE Corporation Analysis: Background and Development

Executive Summary ZTE is a Chinese multinational company that deals in telecommunication, terminals, and carrier network services. It also manufactures and distributes smartphones. The company’s headquarters is in China, and it has sales offices in over 160 countries globally. The corporation uses online retails and foreign carriers to distribute products....

Social Media Use and the Impact on Mental Health

As a major public health concern, mental health plays an important role in the lives of all individuals regardless of their age, social status, or gender. In turn, numerous elements can negatively affect the psychological well-being of individuals, thereby, resulting in the development of psychological issues. For instance, the compulsive...

Toyota Motor Corporation’s Financial Performance

Introduction The current report examines the financial performance of a top carmaker in the motor industry. The company to be analysed is Toyota Motor Corporation, Japan. A number of financial ratios will be analysed with a view of understanding the company’s profitability, earnings, risks, and cash flow in the last...

Microeconomic Analysis: Walmart

Production and Costs The Walmart-branded Equate pharmacy and beauty product line is the target product to analyze. These products are presented in a wide range and include cosmetic goods for body care and therapeutic drugs to maintain health (“Quality care begins here,” 2020). The factors involved in the production process...

Why Celebrities Should Be a Positive Role Model

Living within a culture that values fame and stardom, celebrities enjoy followership, attention, and admiration from their fans. It is not surprising that the appreciation of a famous person’s work may expand to include interest in their lifestyle and the desire to emulate it. Coincidentally, it is often the most...

Psychoanalytic Theory Intervention Application

Introduction (Fiction) This paper is about a family that lost a child after a shooting at Tangle Wood School in Greenville. The news took the family by surprise, and everyone began to experience severe suffering. As a result, sleep, eating, and communication with other people worsened. Such factors lead to...

Corruption and Environmental Activism in Brazil

Introduction Corruption is one of Brazil’s primary problems that significantly obstruct economic development and hinder the quality of life in the country. The government officials exploit its national and social resources but use the money for themselves instead of making positive changes. As a result of this injustice, many groups...

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Ramsay Health Care: Financial Management

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“Girl, Interrupted” and “The Age of Adaline” Films

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Consumer Purchasing Behavior Impact on the Formulation of a Marketing Plan

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Report on Norwich Guest House Sector

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The Relationship between Religion and Politics

Abstract Religion and politics are regarded as very unlikely bedfellows in the contemporary world. This is contrary to previous civilizations where religion took a center stage in the day-to-day running of politics. This paper will look at the various stages of the relationship between religion and politics through various ages...

Darwin’s Origin of Species

Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life published in late 19th century was one of the most monumental works of that time. Darwin’s theory created a ripple of scientific and cultural feedback that would...

Overview of the Abortion as a Legal Issue

Abortion, a deliberate termination of unwanted pregnancy, has been known for thousands of years. Methods to perform or attempt an abortion have changed dramatically over time, from dangerous and brutal to safe and carried out by professionals. At the same time, attitudes towards pregnancy termination have shifted and as of...

Radio Frequency Identification and the Impact on Society

Introduction Radio frequency identification is a tracking technique that utilizes radio waves to identify and locate items within a specified area. The items could be living things such as human beings and animals or could also be objects in the form of products. Typically a tag also referred to a...

Cardiac Disease During Pregnancy

Heart related diseases are caused by many factors and they are becoming common in pregnant women. The presence of cardiac disease during pregnancy poses a challenging clinical situation to medical doctors because they are also supposed to concentrate on the wellbeing of the unborn baby (Perry etal. 2011). During this...

Research Proposal on Homeland Security in the US

Introduction to the Issue Homeland security is an American security department mandated to ensure that the public and everyone in U.S. jurisdiction is safe, resilient, and secure against any form of harassment, terrorism, or other natural hazards that the American residents are prone to (Morag, 2018). This department is aimed...

Climate Change and Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Climate change is a serious and persistent problem that affects every facet of people’s lives. With each passing decade, the pollution and changes to the environment enact irreversible damage to the world, with many of the problems humanity faces today being rooted in the mistakes of the past. The usage...

Pandemic’s Impact on Mental Health & Substance and Alcohol Abuse

Most parts of the world had been safe, free from any form of restrictions, and every person was allowed to socialize freely with their friends, relatives, neighbors, and even colleagues. However, this changed in 2019 when the world was fronted with a pandemic claiming the lives of people across the...

Air Crash Investigation Analysis

Introduction The job of an aircraft operator is incredibly demanding and responsible. Without these people it is difficult to imagine life in modern aviation, where much is tied up in the experience and correctness of everyone’s small actions, much less those of these heroes, whose actions few people think about....

Web Programming Technologies, Strategies and Design

Summary Web technologies are concerned with the interaction involving web servers and web clients. The data contains markup languages, programming languages and interfaces, and document identification and display standards. Web technology, in general, includes tools and strategies for web development. Web development is a wide word for the effort required...

“Digital Diplomacy” a Book by Andreas Sandre

Introduction With the rapid development of technologies, coupled with contemporary tendencies to globalization, the digital age provides more political, economical, cultural, scientific, and other opportunities to people who never before could enjoy so many freedoms and access to sources of information. However, the Internet has acquired so much power and...

The Characteristics of Enterprising Managers

The fast-expanding entrepreneurial businesses need managers who can demonstrate a particular set of characteristics. These managers need to work with diligence to recognize and identify the company’s needs with the sole focus on improvising ways of meeting them. Contrary to what many people believe, “enterprising” managers are not those whose...

Overview of Water Sanitation Programs in Saudi Arabia: Implementation and Impact

Background Summary The article by Murthy (2013) focused on water sanitation as a major concern that affects many nations around the world. The target population in this article was the poor members of the global society who are sometimes denied access to clean water because of over-privatization. The outcome of...

Theories of Crime and Delinquency: An Analytical Overview

Profane, sacred, social constructions ‘Profane’ is something or some reference to a person who is not respectful of Orthodox traditions, mainly in a religious context. On the other hand, ‘sacred’ refers to something that is religious and is connected to God, usually referring to or being attached to a religious...

Depression and Related Psychological Issues

Introduction This research is aimed at investigating the causes and effects of such mental disorder as depression. In addition to that, I intend to analyze various treatment modes and ascertain their effectiveness. This particular aspect interests me, because depression is by far the most widespread mental disorder, and its causes...

Oligarchs Control of Russia

The oligarchy’s rise to power was strange in that it occurred in an industrialized country. Many studies done have shown that it was the Russian culture as well as its exceptional historical events that contributed to this state. Even though the culture allows an environment for corrupt dealings to occur...

Time Machine in The Olive Tree by Aldous Huxley

Introduction Aldous Leonard Huxley was born in the year 1824 and died in the year 1963 at the age of 69 years. He was born in England but spent several years in United States in his latter life from 1937 till his death. He was a humanist and in later...

American Congress, President, and the Supreme Court

Having a sneak preview in the contemporary life in America reveals an element of hurriedness in almost every aspect of life. People seem to be harrying towards a “set” objective that only they can see. The observation that almost everything seems to be at an escalating speed towards an unknown...

Defined Benefit vs. Defined Contribution Plans

Introduction In comparison, the number of defined contribution plans has grown in the past few years as opposed to the traditionally defined benefit plans. Additionally, many defined benefits plans have been converted to hybrid plans that incorporate aspects of both the defined contribution and defined benefit (Gale et al, 1999;...

Copyright Infringement in Music and Film Industry

Introduction Copyrights are legal frameworks that allow access to exclusive control and ownership of work in music and film industry. Such statutory provisions seek to govern commercial aspects such as sharing, distribution, reproduction, and sale of artworks (Levitt 2). Under this legal framework, artists and custodians of artwork get an...

A Social Worker’s Experience and Lessons

Introduction The experience of a social worker represents a unique amalgamation of research, cross-cultural experiences, and meticulous analysis of provided information. Therefore, for a social worker, it is vital to gain proper experience in a number of areas so that the skills for meeting the needs of as diverse an...

Prostitution: The Non-Deviant Behavior

There might be several definitions of deviant behavior and what is considered deviant in general. In the framework of the study, the most appropriate would be to characterize it as a social construct for deviance cannot exist outside the society. Both for society and the individual, the understanding of the...

Euthanasia in Nursing Practice

Introduction Nursing is inevitably related to ethical dilemmas, and thus the behavior and decision-making of medical personnel vary drastically in each patient’s case. Euthanasia is “is a practice in which a person who is suffering from a painful and incurable disease or debilitating physical disorder, is put to death after...

Analysis of the Coca-Cola Company

The Coca-Cola Company is a multinational company with its headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States. Founded in 1892 by Asa Griggs Candler, the corporation operates within the carbonated soft drinks (CSD) and beverage sector while serving billions of customers across the globe. The company brand positioning has transformed...

African Americans Living in the United States Virgin Islands: Health Insights

Introduction In order to avert heart failure and various heart diseases, it’s critical to approach the menace factors with caution. Nevertheless, in comparison to the white population, African-Americans frequently possess less admission to health care, according to the research. Not only are they less probable to get an appointment with...

Starbucks Company’s Supply Chain Management Strategies

Welcome to our Starbucks supply chain report sample! Here, you’ll find a case study on Starbucks’ supply chain strategy. Get some inspiration for your paper by reading our sample! Introduction One can hardly doubt that building a sustainable and effective supply chain is the foundation of any properly functioning business....

The History of Slavery: Impacts on Contemporary Society

Introduction Slavery is one of the most harmful concepts devised by humans. It strips people of their identity and uses them as property, rather than human beings. Throughout history, this practice took many forms. From the earliest recorded examples in Mesopotamia to modern examples of human trafficking and dictatorial rule....

MAC Cosmetics Company’s Customer Service

Introduction Any services marketing strategy aims at delivering processes and experiences to customers. It is expected that a company has to focus on its customers and identifies their potential needs to provide them with the required portion of the support, understanding, and services. Services marketing is the field within the...

James David Vance on American Dream and Poverty

The success of every society is determined by values, cultural practices, and tendencies that can address the hurdles affecting its people. The author of the book “Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis”, James David Vance, acknowledges that many people in the United States have been...

Mastering English Grammar: Sentence Structure Insights

Brown, R. (1973). A first language. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd. The present work is dedicated to the peculiarities of sentence construction and sentence understanding since the author believes these issues are of central importance to understanding English grammar and successfully mastering it. He outlines several essential aspects of...

Feudalism & Manorialism in King Henry VIII’s Era

King Henry VIII’s reign came after the Antique social and political system when the Emperor of Western Rome was removed from power. During this time, various social changes had taken place. The Feudal and the manorialism systems were the ones in operation at the time. The feudal system was a...

Abu Dhabi Ports’ Performance Problem-Solving

Introduction The ability to timely solve problems arising at different stages of work is a valuable quality that is particularly relevant in a competitive business environment. As a result of the implementation of the necessary steps and improvement mechanisms, heads of organizations can achieve not only a transition to sustainable...

Depression and Other Antecedents of Obesity

Introduction Decades of advances in pharmacological science have stemmed the tide of infectious diseases, given the man on the street the benefit of information about proper sanitation and better nutrition, fostered greater expertise at the primary health care level, and lengthened life spans. In highly developed economies like the UK,...

What Is Very Important to Learning?

Introduction Formal education and which is predominant in society across the globe is usually organized, planned, and takes place in a more controlled environment. Consequently it takes place in institutions such as the elementary schools, high schools, and institutions of higher learning mainly the middle level colleges and universities –...

The Effects of Leftist Movement on Democracy in Latin America

Introduction This paper discusses the contemporary relationship between the adoption of neo-liberal policies by governments, with a special interest devoted to Chile where leftist policies have been in force for over two decades and the related social impact of economic development in geographically adjacent Latin American countries. It seeks to...

The Development of a Unique American Civilization

American civilization is indeed unique and distinct with its advantageous geographical position and exclusive history created by brave people. It is difficult to disagree that in terms of its religious and political institutions and national spirit, the United States occupies an exclusive place among other countries. It is an entirely...

The One Seat Electric Car’s Market Entry

This business plan aims to outline the project of manufacturing and selling one-seater electric vehicles for the market of Chile. This car has two doors on each side, one seat and a trunk, which can be accessed from the cabin. This car’s weight is approximately 900 pounds, and the dimensions...

Analysis of the 19th Amendment

Contents of the 19th Amendment The 19th amendment was a bill that sought to secure equal rights for women’s involvement in the democratic process in the United States. The bill aimed at ensuring that women could get involved in voting for leaders and deciding the nation’s future. Specifically, the 19th...

Importance of Outsourcing the War on Terror

Abstract The United States has utilized mercenaries in the War on Terror to ensure the success of many missions. While the input of private contractors is immense, there are adverse views on private military forces stemming from scandals and questionable regulations of such companies (Lubin, 2021). Since the modern approach...

Development: Middle Childhood

Introduction The observation took place in the house of my friend’s family. We sat in the kitchen and had a session after some quick lunch and coffee. The child who was interviewed is the younger brother of my close friend. During the process, the child, their mother, and my friend...

A Human Resources Manager in Setting Up a New Establishment

Introduction Human Resources (HR) managers are in charge of an essential part of the organization: the workforce. With knowledge about handling human capital, an organization maintains its success by ensuring its bottom line remains within the company’s goals. The department’s role is to assist in identifying company values, helping staff...

Social Work Ethics: Issues and Critical Debates

Introduction Social works represent a unique sphere based on strict ethical and moral principles and values. Working as a residential counselor in a mental health agency, I understand that social workers are faced with different ethical dilemmas and conflicts, which are difficult to resolve and avoid. Thus, professional knowledge and...

Project Risks and Capital Budgeting Decisions

Capital budgeting is described as the planning procedure that an organization utilizes to determine the investments worth pursuing. Therefore, in the context of capital budgeting, project risk is referred to as uncertainty regarding the profitability of a project. If the potential of a chosen activity has an unknown implication on...

Cross-Cultural Communication Style of Women and Men

Introduction Men and women are different in various ways. From birth, males and females differ greatly. These differences are both physiological and psychological. For example, when a child is learning a language, the female child is noted to have a good memory in that she can recall faster. This ability...

The Importance of Sterility in Pharmacies

The Risks and Problems Caused by Non-sterile Pharmacy Procedures On the whole, the risk to patients appears to spring from three main elements: quality of the compounding materials, non-compliance with compounding best practices, and non-sterile facilities. Fatalities Concerns about the health and safety of confined patients were heightened in the...

Female Figures in Art from Ancient to Medieval Times

Art from Roman Empire Title: Medici Venus; Date: Late 2nd century B. C. – Early 1st century B. C. Medium: Parian marble, lychnite variant; Current Location: Tribuna; Culture: Greek; Size: 153 cm (height). Art defines every political, social, cultural, and economic state of a society or a community at a...

Legislation and Business

Introduction The legislation involves the preparation and enacting of laws that govern how certain activities are run. A legislative body conducts this process with legislative authority and powers accorded to it by the constitution. The lawmaking process ensues through evaluation, amendments, and voting for or against the proposed changes. Ideas...

Analysis of Factors Associated With Pay Gap Among Australian Workers

Executive Summary The gender pay gap refers to the mean variation in the wages of men and women in an economy. Discrimination based on gender has been eradicated and prohibited in many nations worldwide with the focus of achieving equity among men and women. However, in the labor market of...

The Observance of Prayer in Christianity Compared to Islam

Introduction Religious organizations provide familiar institutions of social cohesion and control in an environment. In the city of Los Angeles, many religions are being practiced due to the freedom of worship. Talking about how Christianity and Islam are prevalent in the city of Los Angeles today, these two religions have...

The Edinburgh Tram: Project Management

Abstract This report reviews the Edinburgh Tram project. The review compares the game theory with the project management approach used by the stakeholders. Each stakeholder used the “Chicken Game” to influence on the project. As a result, the report shows that politics influenced the project’s completion period. The effect of...

Cyclefest: UK’s Premier Cycling Festival & Market Analysis

Market Analysis Cyclefest can be described as an open area event that is attempting to take advantage of the growing popularity of cycling and outdoor festivals (Beard and Ross 2013). It is based on this that it can be classified as a form of events tourism wherein people from various...

Controversial Issues and Debates Surrounding Illegal Immigration

Enduring Question Should illegal immigrants be allowed to apply for a green card or citizenship if they have resided in the United States for a substantial number of years? What I Already Know There are two categories of illegal immigrants: those who crossed the border illegally without being inspected by...

Hero’s Journey: A Comparison of The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Iliad, and The Odyssey

Despite its ancient origin, the archetypal journey of the hero remains one of the most enduring and captivating stories known to civilization. The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Iliad, and The Odyssey depicts two very different types of heroes – Gilgamesh and Odysseus – however, both heroes encounter the theme of...

Assessing Role of Technology in Police Crime Mapping

As the waves of change are intensifying in the Information Age, the role of technology in police operations has become pivotal because it aids our law enforcement agencies to do their tasks easier and less time-consuming. Indeed, the growth of technology in policing, from crime analysis and crime mapping to...

Emergency Preparedness and Prevention in the US

Introduction Natural and man-made disasters occur on the Earth more and more often, bringing death and suffering to people, destroying the economy, causing damage to the environment. People around the world are trying to prevent trouble, and if it happened, then overcome it with the least loss and quickly restore...

Drug Addiction: Advantages and Disadvantages

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Drugs? Essay Introduction A drug is a substance containing a chemical with the ability to change the normal biological processes and functions. It is used in medicine to correct or cure diseases and socially as a psychological stimulant to enhance pleasure. Drug addiction...

Concept of Guiding and Counseling in Grief and Loss

In today’s society losing someone or something, you love is quite painful yet it occurs frequently in human life. It is such an aspect of life that almost everyone will experience at some point in their lives in this world full of dynamism. The concern is not the occurrence but...

Reduce Plastic Pollution: What Can We Do Today?

Introduction The current global problem of climate change is affecting human life in different ways. For instance, the extreme weather patterns recorded in different parts of the world within the past six decades have resulted in underproduction, heavy downpours, and global warming. The sustainability question is more relevant today than...

Technology in Health Care

The healthcare industry has always been one of the most crucial aspects of citizens’ well-being both at the governmental and local levels. Without allocating sufficient resources to health care, countries’ leaders cannot expect positive dynamics in the quality of life. Recently, much attention has been gained by the issue of...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Overview: Diagnosis, Treatment, Care, and Condition

Introduction Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a lung condition that mostly affects people who are older than 40 years (Garvey, 2011). Albeit contentious, some researchers argue that COPD is not a disease, but rather, a description of changes in lung functions (Hall, 2012). Nonetheless, COPD often combines chronic bronchitis...

Influence Process of American Business Leaders

Introduction The concept of leadership seems familiar to modern people, as it is at the heart of a successful business. However, it is challenging to define who is a leader and what qualities are necessary to fulfill such a role. Even the most successful and famous CEOs who run immense...

Noisy Neighbors in Los Angeles

Sound is one of the environmental influences for all living organisms, including humans. Machines, propagating systems, and transport systems are easily argued to be the grassroots sources of loud sounds (Morillas 214). In nature, loud sounds are rare, and the noise is relatively weak and short-lived. The combination of sound...

Effects of Quality Care in Nursing Homes on Older Adult

Introduction Nursing homes have been one of the most critical places the older generation tends to spend the rest of their lives. During this developmental stage, care is given to people who need a certain level of medical attention that cannot be fulfilled through home care settings. In the US,...

John Hughes: The Life and Legacy of a Teen Film Icon

Physical Development 1950 saw the birth of John in a little Midwest village. He had three sisters and was the sole male. For his first 12 years in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, he was a Gordie Howe supporter of the Detroit Red Wings. When he was younger, John remembered being “sort...

The Hewlett-Packard Firm’s Business and Corporate-Level Strategies

Summary This paper examines the strategies Hewlett-Packard (HP) implemented to remain competitive in the market and achieve long-term success. The paper will also include business-level strategies and corporate-level strategies adopted by HP Company. As the main HP’s competitor, the paper also discusses how Dell has adapted its strategies to remain...

Rural Health and Wellbeing in America

Underlying Economic Principles Their access to medical treatment profoundly impacts a person’s health. One-quarter of Americans do not have access to a primary care specialist or a healthcare institution. To this day, despite the passage and administration of the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA), one in five Americans under the age...

Gestures and Signs in Communication

Introduction The development of spoken language is arguably one of the greatest achievements of mankind and it has enabled people to communicate effectively and therefore develop great civilizations. Owing to the importance with which spoken language is regarded, psychologists and linguists have extensively studied spoken language and aided in its...

Non-Vegetarian Diet and Its Health Effects

Prewriting for the Theses One specific experience that helped to produce my opinion In the count down to the Copenhagen conference on Climate Change, there was heated debate around the globe on the need to stem global warming and what the best approach to the issue is. Personally, I always...

Robert Maxwell’s Biography and Scandals

The early life of Robert Maxwell Ian Robert Maxwell was born Jan Ludvik Hoch in June 1923 in the small town of slantwise Doly, Carpathian Ruthenia, Eastern of what is now the Czech Republic. He grew up in a tight-knit Jewish Community. He fled the Czech invasion in 1939 and...

Cytochrome and Lysozyme: Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

Introduction Background of ESI-MS Research studies by Tang et al (2001:1658-1663), Bruins (1998:345-357) and Kebarle and Tang (1993:972A-985A) reported that ElectronSpray ionization (ESI) is a method that is employed in mass spectrometry to produce charged particles. Bruins (1998:348) reported that ESI is employed to molecules of high molecular mass because...

Diagnostic Laboratory Implementation of Lean Thinking

Abstract This article reviews the ability of diagnostic laboratory to satisfy its client need without incurring many expenses. It entails the required changes in the laboratory to operate through applying lean thinking principles. It requires total quality management in order for the laboratory to embrace the required change to give...

The Airline Industry: Data Protection

Introduction Information about an individual or entity is always considered private unless the person in question whether natural or artificial sees it appropriate to disclose it. Data protection covers more of the relationship between collection, processing and dissemination of data. It can be defined simply as the prevention of misuse...