Issues Related to Freedom and Population Surveillance in China

Andersen’s article raises attention to several issues on the topic of governmental control in China. First, it emphasizes the problem of technological progress being used against the civilian population. Next, it touches on the subject of freedom in China and the Chinese government gaining total control and surveillance over the...

Hypertension and Its Consequences

To begin with, hypertension is commonly categorized as a disease of nutritional-hygienic type since improper diets and chronic conditions usually cause it. However, high blood pressure might also stem from the patient’s family history with relatives who suffered from the same issue. People of specific races might also be more...

Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Civil Rights Movement

Martin Luther King, Jr. is the most well-known defender of black Americans’ civil rights. He was born on the 15th of January, 1929, in the family of a Baptist minister in Atlanta. King grew up at the time when segregation laws were seen and accepted as a norm by the...

Topics of “Song of Myself” Poem by Walt Whitman

Song of Myself is a part of Walt Whitman’s book Leaves of Grass. Throughout the course of his life, Whitman continuously revised this poem, and today it is considered to be one of his most well-known works. This poem reflects on a wide range of topics, such as transcendental experiences,...

Organizational Structures and Management

The selection of either mechanistic or organic organizational structures is conditional upon their applicability to different environments, and, therefore, these models have nothing in common. Even though they are never met in a pure form, there are no similarities between the work modes corresponding to them regardless of the position...

Supply-Side Policies’ Effect on Market Productivity During Recession

Discussion of the Problem Economic recession entails multiple challenges for all stakeholders, posing a threat to the very existence of SMEs, challenging large businesses, and increasing the extent of economic insecurity in citizens. The hurdles that companies have to overcome to continue their functioning and meet the bare minimum of...

Presidential and Radical Reconstruction in History

Reconstruction denotes a problematic period in US history that followed the Civil War. It was associated with the effort of reintegrating the Southern states into the United States from the Confederacy. Under President Andrew Johnson’s administration, the new legislature concerning Southern states was passed with restrictive ‘Black Codes,’ which would...

Applying the Sociological Imagination

Sociological imagination is a framework that helps individuals to connect their personal challenges or experiences to issues affecting the broader society. Most personal problems are not entirely attributable to personal matters but can also be influenced by social norms, culture, and habits. For example, an individual’s challenge in getting a...

HypothetiCo: Scale Challenge Logic Problem

In this situation, it is required to identify an item that differs from the rest of the beams for a limited number of scales using. The search for a solution in this case is carried out by comparing operations, however, not only single elements, but also groups of elements with...

Solid Fuel Cells: Term Definition

The aviation industry is an integral phenomenon in the modern world since it provides people with benefits and introduces many disadvantages. Greenhouse gas emissions and the non-renewable nature of traditional fuels pose the necessity to look for an alternative and sufficient energy source for aeronautical transportation systems, specifically for airplanes....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Review of “Stranger” by Georg Simmel

The Stranger is an essay written by Georg Simmel in 1908 in which the author explores the sociological meaning behind the term and the concept of the stranger. In his explorations, the author studies the concept through different lenses of philosophy, economy, and through his relations and position in the...

School Dress Codes vs. Dressing Diversity

School Dress Codes and Uniform Policies The first article was written by Wendell Anderson in 2002 and published in a policy report regarding dress codes and uniform policies. The article investigates different aspects of the issue and uses opposing opinions as examples. It is pointed out that there are people...

Brain Plasticity in the Elderly

Traditionally, it was thought that the neurology of normal aging was characterized by significant cell loss and dendrite information is protected degradation. However, when stereological concepts were applied to flow cytometry methodologies, it was shown that considerable cell loss does not happen throughout normal aging and that alterations in dendritic...

Middle Eastern Women’s Cultural Aspects

The social status of women in the Middle East is an important topic worthy of thorough consideration. Elizabeth Fernea’s (1965) Guests of the Sheik offers an insight into the experience of Iraqi women in the 1950s, and the later scholarly works provide information as well. A comparison reveals there is...

Analysis of Shantideva’s Philosophy

Shantideva was an Indian philosopher and monk who preached ideas of virtue and promoted many basic principles of Buddhism. Among the many themes he raises in A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life, there is an exploration of the nature of patience, which is often the result of reflection...

How 911 Dispatcher Technology Has Reduced Healthcare Costs

As a 911 dispatcher, the traditional process was not straight forward as it is today. Dispatchers would pick a critical call’s information, return number, caller’s name, and the basic details of what was happening. The dispatcher would then broadcast this to a wide range of units within the specific area...

Discussion: Incivility in the Workplace

This case happened at one of my jobs during high school. I worked in a restaurant and witnessed different situations of an impolite and biased attitudes towards foreign employees. Our working team was quite multinational; we had a few workers from China and India. The guys were foreign exchange students...

Overfitting: A Challenge for Data Science Models

In data science, overfitting can pose a major challenge to a model. It happens when “the algorithm, unfortunately, cannot perform accurately against unseen data, defeating its purpose” (IBM Cloud Education, 2021, para. 1). For interpolation, “‘double-descent’ curve subsumes the textbook U-shaped bias–variance trade-off curve by showing how increasing model capacity...

The Queen Mother Pendant Mask: Sculptural Portrait

Edo is a self-taught artist from south Chicago who produces a wide range of organized eclectic artworks to narrate the history of Edo’s journey in life. The Queen Mother Pendant Mask was made in the early sixteenth century. The artistic work was done for an Oba king, Esigie, to honor...

Rock ‘n’ Roll’s Impact on Racial Integration

Rock’ n’ Roll influenced racial acceptance in the United States in the 1950s, even though it is commonly blamed for worsening segregation. The idea that Rock n’ Roll contributed to segregation stems from the emphasis on the African-American origin of this genre. As many Americans in the 1950s acquainted themselves...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Tradition as Theme of “The Lottery” by Jackson

Introduction Tradition is a good thing until it becomes dangerous for people who follow it. This idea becomes the central theme of the short story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson. To show this idea, the author describes the life of a small village and its inhabitants. At first glance, they...

Compassionate Communication and Humanism in Nursing

Initially, I already understood that it was important for nurses to communicate with patients to create a more favorable environment for recovery. Moreover, this was confirmed by many articles I studied and my personal experience communicating with medical staff. All of them proved that communication is necessary for nurses to...

The Walt Disney Company UK. Marketing and Advertising Strategies

The Walt Disney Company provides entertainment services and products. Since Disney has a broad market base, it employs multichannel marketing to reach the target audience extensively. Moreover, the Disney Company has enjoyed tremendous market success, particularly in Europe. Notably, poor marketing and advertising approaches are challenged by cultural clashes, financial...

The Possibility of Religion to Unite and Divide Simultaneously

Religion is an ambiguous phenomenon, simultaneously created by society and participating in the regulation of that society at the same time. A similar duality is observed in the social processes associated with religion: the unity and division of humanity can occur even within the boundaries of one belief. The influence...

Challenges Facing Women Leaders in Sports

For many years now, women have been pushed to the periphery regarding managerial positions in many institutions. This has been a result of restrictions that were imposed on women, thus hindering their upward mobility. On the same note, there have been different types of discrimination directed towards women. Whenever administrative...

Surviving Without a Car: A Guide

The world is moving into a direction where many aspects of life, which were previously considered luxurious, turn into necessities and essentials. Many would admit that they are capable of living without a television, a mobile phone, and etc., but actually, they do not. Accordingly, in the course of the...

Law: Freedom of Speech and the Right to Offend

The events that take place after the Wednesday shootings in Charlie Hedbo bother many people around the whole world. The point is that this event touches upon several different aspects like racial inequality, religious preferences, freedom of speech, ethical norms, and people’s expectations and reflections on what is happening in...

Neo-realism and African Diaspora

Neo-realist literature represents some significant changes in the consciousness of African diaspora. The literature of this period gives a realistic portrayal of those difficulties that African people can face. It explores such themes as oppression, lack of opportunities, and injustice. The language is also important for the poets, who worked...

Why College Students Drop Out of School?

Most students enter colleges with the aim of increasing their future earnings and having more career options, but not every student manages to successfully graduate the college. Dropping out of college has been attributed to unpreparedness to the life in college and to the level of education, overwhelming work, and...

The Immigrant Advantage by Claudia Kolker

Introduction In her book The Immigrant advantage Claudia Kolker describes the main ideas of a hui, a specific kind of the money club which is usually organized by immigrants from Vietnam. She states great importance of these clubs in helping immigrants recover from their migration and obtain some financial independence....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Consumer Science: Company and Clients Relationships

To develop proper relationships with customers, companies have to create trust. Clearly, employees have to meet customers’ needs and provide all the necessary assistance and support. Services provided have to be timely or else the customer will address another company. Researchers note that reliability and character-based trust are essential for...

Defining the Key Elements

Identifying the key elements to be included into the project is an essential step towards completing the latter successfully (Larson & Grey, 2011). By listing the key components, one creates the layout of the project that will help complete specific objectives and, therefore, reach the primary goals within a comparatively...

Healthcare Facilities Standards and Disaster Management

During the outbreak of a disease, healthcare facilities must act in a very fast and efficient manner in order to bring the rates of those, who have already got sick, down and prevent the disease from spreading further. Therefore, it is crucial that the standards created for healthcare facilities to...

Benefits of a Sterilized Nursing Environment

Introduction The nursing environment requires complete commitment from all relevant departments. For instance, a department of surgery requires that every surgeon or nurse assisting the surgeon wear protective clothing. Additionally, nurses and surgeons are required to maintain cleanliness throughout the process of surgery. A sterile environment in nursing practice is...

“Solitary Nation” – Documentary Film Analysis

Introduction This paper is aimed at discussing the documentary film called Solitary Nation which throws light on the way in which segregation and isolation can affect convicted people. The central purpose of this movie is to increase viewers’ awareness about the use of solitary confinement in prisons and demonstrate that...

Legislative Issues in Georgia

This paper is aimed at examining the central questions that are viewed as the top priority by the governmental officials in Georgia. The upcoming legal acts are related to such aspects as economic development of this state, the work of police, and regulations of various narcotic substances. It is necessary...

Logistical System: Private and Public Warehouses Combining

A coherent logistics system presupposes that a strong link should exist between every single element of the company’s production processes (Ismail, 2008). The reasons for combining private and public warehouses into a single system, however, may not be obvious to an outside observer at first. The above-mentioned approach is traditionally...

Format Television Advances: Key Specifics’ Understanding

Despite the fact that the innovations of the 21st century have shifted the role of TV in people’s lives into the background, many still find the traditional media appealing. As a result, people are affected by the phenomena of translation and circulation, which are an integral part of television. According...

Obamacare and Healthcare Reform Ethical Challenges

Ethical Challenges The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act involves several ethical issues connected with failing to protect some of the most fundamental rights, including the individual’s rights to abortion. This defect in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is not only unable to correct the past mistakes linked...

Social Media’s Influence and Their Role in Communication

Introduction Social media is an internet-based application that builds on some technological and ideological web-based foundations. This permits for creation and exchange of contents that are generated from the user. Three tools mainly used are Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Facebook is a social site that helps people communicate and interact...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Utilitarianism: John Stuart Mill’s Philosophical Views

Greatest Happiness The ‘greatest happiness principle’ is based on the belief that an action is right if it promotes “happiness” or, in other words, “pleasure and absence of pain” and it is wrong if it produces “the reverse of happiness” (Mill, 2015, p. 107). Two Pleasures It is possible to...

Dark Matter’s Evidence – Astronomy

Evidence of dark matter- the motion of galaxies within clusters Galaxy clusters are the leading bound formations in the cosmos. They are the best structure in which to view the impact of the dark matter. The dark matter occupies most of the space in the galaxy clusters. The dark matter...

The MEDRAD Healthcare Facility Quality Promotion

DMAIC vs. IMAGES: Differences and Similarities Promoting quality is crucial to the customer satisfaction rates and the performance of the staff in any business, not to mention the environment of healthcare and the related services. Therefore, the incorporation of quality management tools is an essential step toward managing the operational...

Egyptian Culture History: Legacies to the Modern World

Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest cultures in the world. It is apparent that its governmental structure, architecture and other aspects had a vehement influence on the formation and outlook of the modern world. Consequently, a primary goal of this essay is to evaluate an effect of each aspect...

Non-Valvular Atrial Fibrillation: Medication Efficiency

The Strengths of the Academic Work The study paper, which discusses the efficiency of two medication types that are used in adult individuals against non-valvular atrial fibrillation, presents an excellent model of academic work constitution. The paper has a correct structure, which provides a division between the backgrounds, the purpose,...

Genetically Modified Organisms and Their Benefits

These are plants and animals that are created by scientists through combining genes from other animals or plants. The combination of genes from different species creates a special species that does not occur naturally. Scientists believe that the use of GMOs as they are commonly referred to, is the way...

Early Childhood Development and Its Stages

Introduction In most parts of history, child development – which shows the different stages of the development of a child – was ignored. Children were assumed smaller versions of adults. The details in the development of a child were not keenly looked at previously. These changes are evident during childhood....

The Most Shocking Aspects of Human Trafficking

The issue of human trafficking can be discussed as challenging and causing people to avoid this problematic topic because there are opinions that this problem cannot be overcome or addressed effectively. However, it is almost impossible to ignore the data that illustrate how many persons become victims of human trafficking...

Patient-Centered Care and Its Applications

Introduction The modern health care industry requires a more thorough approach to the process of services provided to the patients. In other words, it has to have a thorough patient-centered approach to be effective these days. The concept of patient-centered care is a powerful approach in today’s health practice, according...

Airline Capital Financing After Great Recession

The Great Recession of 2008 has caused a rollback of funding in the airline industry. Many banks associated with the aviation industry have reduced their loans for many airlines around the world. One of the significant problems in the financing of the aviation is that they are capital intensive because...

Iron Deficiency Anemia and Other Types

Introduction Anemia is known as one of the most frequent blood disorders: it is the condition characterized by the lack of circulating red blood cells (Carcio & Secor, 2014). Because of the lack of red blood cells that carry oxygen, an individual often feels fatigued and looks pale. Women, children,...

The Six Sigma and Its Current Relevance

Increasing the quality of a company’s performance and improving the outcomes of organizational projects is an essential step toward progress. Therefore, it is crucial that a proper quality management framework should be adopted by the members of an organization or the leaders of a specific project. The Six Sigma concept,...

Primates and Their Defining Characteristics

Primates are the group of mammals. This group consists of such animals as monkeys, lemurs, and apes. Humans are primates too. What is more, humans are the most recent category of primates. Although humans live all across the globe except Antarctica, the majority of primates inhabit tropical and subtropical areas....

Hilda Doolittle’s Poems, Themes and Style

Hilda Doolittle Hilda “H.D.” Doolittle was an American poet who was born in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and lived between the years 1886 and 1961. She gained fame in London through her published works. Her charisma and literary prowess earned her the leading role within the Imagist movement that was rapidly growing...

Plagiarism in Academic Writing and Scholarly World

It is very important for students to write using their own words because this makes a positive contribution to the scholarly world. It would be very difficult to make any advances in the society if no scholars wrote any original work. Whenever someone writes something using new words, this approach...

Patient Care Concept and Technologies

Nowadays, technological progress affects the development of almost every professional area. Nursing is one of the oldest professions, but within recent decades its concepts and ideas have been revised, challenged, and redefined. One of the factors that heat the discussion about what nursing should be like is the introduction and...

Racial Discrimination in the American History

Introduction Slavery is purely the use of human labor without proper remuneration for personal gain. In light of this, black families were for a long time accustomed to slavery by the whites in America leading to racial discrimination. Slavery tore kinship ties apart thanks to the separation of parents and...

Patient-Oriented Care and Safety in Healthcare

Introduction Health services in many countries have been faulted for not delivering quality, effective, and reliable services to patients and their families. Patients and families have gradually lost hope in many public health facilities since they no longer believe they can get good services from there (Riley, White, Graham, &...

The Chi-Square Test and the Related Issues

Testing Hypotheses The process of determining correlations between specific data sets or locating a tendency within one of them is a crucial part of assuring quality in the context of any organization (Groebner, Shannon, & Fry, 2014b). Therefore, it is imperative to make sure that proper statistical tests are applied...

Islamic Culture in America

Introduction Islam is one of the major religions in the world. It is highly controversial because of global links to terrorism. Most terrorist groups associated with the religion have taken responsibility for major terror attacks in the United States and other countries around the world. Contemporary American society is comprised...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cytarabine: Neurological Side Effects

Summary The initial goal of the data is to address whether high doses of cytarabine have neurological side effects. The reason for conducting this assessment is the fact that the present literature and publications lack up-to-date approach and interventions. The proposed information is 100% consent, and 20 out of 30...

Pauli Murray’s Advocacy for Civil and Gender Rights

Pauli Murray was an effective advocate for civil rights and gender rights because of her courage, vision, and personal struggles with segregation and gender identity. Her courage is evident from her lifelong commitment to challenge racial and gender segregation, and discrimination through her active participation in the civil rights struggle....

The Spirited Away Animated Film

Film Summary The animated film, Spirited Away (Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi), by Hayao Miyazaki is of Japanese origin and was released in the year 2001. The animated film is based on the story of a girl called Chihiro Ogino who is ten years old. As Chihiro and her parents...

Nurses on Hospital-Acquired Infections Prevention

The nursing field has scientific research as an essential part of its development. Issues are solved by the variety of methods, from the literature review to experiments and observations in the field. Most research works are based on two traditional methods, which are the qualitative and the quantitative approach. The...

Google Company: International Human Resources Management

Google is one of the world’s largest and most renowned corporations. Due to its massive success, Google is under a constant observation as a source of impactful practices and innovative approaches. This paper is focused on the exploration of Google’s human resources practices such as recruitment and selection. One of...

Police Brutality Toward African-American Males

Police Brutality toward African-American Males as the Contemporary Issue Violence among law reinforcement officers remains a topical issue nowadays; The African-American community is affected especially strongly; In 2015, 500 people were killed as a result of police brutality (Krieger, Chen, Waterman, Kiang, & Feldman, 2015); Therefore, immediate actions must be...

Importance of Children Education

Children’s education is one of the most important social institutions that guarantee existence and the further development of our society. For this reason, the level of interest devoted to the issue has always remained high. Thus, today we can observe numerous attempts to improve the outcomes of the academic activity...

Federal and State Human Resources in Florida’ Health Care

Federal Law On a federal level, the benefit package provided to the people employed in the healthcare environment is regulated by the Family and Medical Leave Act (Hanson & Glass, 2015). According to the latter, the staff members have permission to take leave on a range of occasions, including family...

QuickMeal Co.’s Service Quality and Communication

Introduction In order to function efficiently in the environment of the global economy, an organization must conform to the existing quality standards and make sure that the services and goods produced to meet the stated expectations. Since navigating in the process of quality management is rather difficult due to the...

Logic Models in Developing Public Health Programs

Logic models can be used in different spheres or fields, and they can contribute to social services in many ways. As it is usually stated by managers, program designers, and educators, logic models are often used to improve a structure of programs to achieve the set goals (Developing a basic...

F Statistics as a Part of the Anova Test Results

The phenomenon of the F statistics is typically referred to as the value retrieved in the course of carrying out an ANOVA test (Hahs-Vaughn & Lomax, 2013). Similarly, the F-statistics-related data can be acquired when running a regression analysis. Seeing that the two tests mentioned above are aimed primarily at...

Three-Step Change Theory and Its Phases in Healthcare

To provide better health care, it is necessary to ensure that the process of improvement in it is ongoing and promoted. In this regard, the notion of positive change (i.e., the improvement of current practices and policies) is a key component of designing a better approach to the delivery of...

Teamwork and Collaboration in Future Nursing

Introduction Working in groups is an essential and integral part of nurses’ jobs. Teamwork and collaboration are the primary requirements of the contemporary health care setting because various issues can be resolved faster due to joint decision-making and shared responsibility. Thus, it is necessary to determine the benefits such cooperation...

“Evaluation of an ESL English Course Book” by Nemati

Summary “Evaluation of an ESL English Course Book: A Step towards Systematic Vocabulary Evaluation”, an article by Azadeh Nemati was a study meant to evaluate an English textbook used to teach pre-university students in the state of Karnataka, India. The study included 26 pre-university instructors that were recruited randomly from...

Performance-Based and Personal Communication

It is challenging to imagine the modern world without communication. It is so because information sharing is essential in every life sphere, and teaching is not an exception. Various communication types differ according to the goals and situations when they occur. Performance-based and personal communication approaches are essential elements in...

Job Promotion and American Professional Ethics

Ethical issues Judy is faced with a dilemma on whether to leave the job she has been doing for years or go for promotion. The dilemma is for the fact that the current job she is doing which is evaluation is not her area of academic training. However, she has...

Father and Son Relationship: “Night” by Elie Wiesel

The theme of love has been developed in the novel, “Night” by Elie Wiesel. Reflectively, this theme is the axis of the climax. It defines the interaction between Eliezer and his father Schlomo. Thus, this treatise attempts to explicitly analyze the changing relationship between father and son in the novel...

Catholic Hospice’s Community Health Nurses

Ana de Castanedo The main learning objective of the clinical experience at Catholic Hospice is targeted at demonstrating the role of community health nurses in family-centered care. Community health nurses focus on broader goals of improving health outcomes of not individual patients but communities in general (“Becoming a community health...

Organizational Changes and Professionalism in Nursing

Organizational changes in nursing Today, many facilities support the idea of organizational change to support employees, understand their needs, and avoid conflicts (Kossek, Hammer, Kelly, & Moen, 2014). In nursing, change can be planned and unplanned. Planned changes are easy to cope with because they pass through all important stages,...

Business Writing Style as an Aspect of Communication

The business writing style is an important aspect of communications among stakeholders of one company. It is predominately used by managers or people in the head of an organization to deliver various messages to their auxiliaries. The following paper is intended to analyze and critique an inappropriate example of a...

Family-Oriented and Focused Care in Pediatrics

Differences between family-oriented and family-focused nursing care Family-oriented care directly relates to the concept of family pediatrics, the main purpose of which is extending the responsibilities of a pediatrician to a variety of areas. The responsibilities may include screening and assessment, as well as the further referral of the child...

Building a Perfect Team

Most of the contemporary companies, especially those operating in the context of the global market, strive for creating the environment in which the process of Information sharing and the production of innovative ideas will be unceasing. Therefore, building a team in which the employees both feel secure about expressing their...

Fred Stern & Company’s Case

Briefly summarize the key events surrounding the case The key events surrounding the case of Fred Stern & Company, Inc include the acts that restricted the rights of auditors and plaintiffs making the case really complicated. As such, any company can make a financial statement which contains some errors while...

Childhood Obesity Study, Ethics, and Human Rights

Key Ethical Considerations Conducting a study in the environment where key participants are underage implies managing a range of ethical issues, the problem of informed consent being the key one. Since none of the people to participate in the study will be eligible for signing informed consent, it will be...

Standard 2 for Early Childhood Professional Development

Introduction: The Significance of the Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation According to recent researches, it is beneficial for children to be taught by a teacher, who follows certain standards and rules. Such standards can be considered as NAEYC Initial & Advanced Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs. The...

Ann Fudge’s Success in Y&R Company’s Management

The personality of Ann Fudge can be analyzed by using the Five-Factor Model (FFM) that is often used to describe the behavior of an individual. First of all, one can say that she is open to new experiences and ideas. This is one of the reasons why she pays attention...

“Henry IV, Part 1” Play by William Shakespeare

Introduction “Henry IV” is the most popular of William Shakespeare’s plays. “Henry IV, part 1” was acted in 1597 and 1598. The play is set up in London, where it began at the palace, where King Henry IV addressed his council about the civil war in England. In “Henry IV,...

Empowerment and Delegation as Management Tools

Empowerment and delegation are management tools that are widely used by top managers in order to achieve specific goals of an institute or an organization. Although both empowerment and delegation deal with employee management, they differ from each other. Empowerment is a tool that managers use to transfer the power...

“Learning at Work” Article by Stephen Billet

The Main Issue in the Article “Learning at Work: Organizational Readiness and Individual Engagement” by Billet Fundamentally, the article discussed the relevant facts about guided learning strategies, which are applicable in the workplace. Since the objective of workplace learning is to make sure that the learners develop practical skills and...

“Pepper No. 30” Photograph by Edward Weston

The work in question is entitled Pepper No. 30, created in 1930 (“Pepper No. 30” n.p.). The artist’s name is Edward Weston. This black and white photograph depicts a close-up of a “bell pepper on the concave surface” against a dark background (“Pepper No. 30” n.p.). The dimensions are 24.4...

Indian Culture and Food in the Raaga Restaurant

Stereotypes, Knowledge, Values Before visiting Raaga, a restaurant of Indian cuisine, I tried to consider what I knew about this culture and whether I would eat what I would be served. I have never been to India, therefore, my personal knowledge about this country has been created on the basis...

Strategic Processing Styles in Decision-Making

Dr. Gary observed that people use a decision strategy to navigate through their decision-making moments in life. In the Organizational Engineering (OE) model developed by Dr. Gary Salton, he postulated that there are four kinds of strategic processing styles. Someone is either a Reactive Stimulator or Logical processor (Ungvari, 2011)....

Disability Services in Higher Education Facilities

Do you think higher education institutions have a responsibility to address the fact that underrepresented groups have difficulty succeeding in college? Explain. Any institution should put into consideration the needs of disabled students. Assistance personnel, professional care team, and accommodation are the support services that should be granted by institutions...

“Race: The Power of an Illusion” Documentary Series

“The house we live in” is the final episode of “Race: the power of an illusion”. This episode is mainly focused on individual behaviors and attitudes of institutions that created and shaped race in the United States before and after the Second World War. Additionally, the episode emphasizes the ways...

McGregor’s Theory Y and Management Style

Introduction Douglas McGregor, a social scientist, came up with two different views of human nature regarding employees’ motivation. The first one is theory X, which holds negative assumptions about human nature. It explains that man is inherently lazy and needs to be compelled. He is also self-centered and lacks ambition....

Descartes: How to Achieve Knowledge

Descartes was the first philosopher to criticize the empiricists’ view of the process of achieving knowledge in the seventeenth century. According to Descartes, human senses cannot be trusted, as there are no reliable signs to distinguish whether a man is asleep or awake (158). There are, however, some undeniable truths,...

Is Riding a Motorcycle Without a Helmet Legal?

Introduction The questions of safety while performing particular activities remain crucial even nowadays, where individuals use high technology and smart devices. However, despite the popularity of smart transport like automobiles with their technical advancements, many people prefer traditional vehicles such as a motorcycle. Being a popular vehicle, the bike became...

The Role of Technology in Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation

Human trafficking and sexual exploitation are significant problems in contemporary society that constitute a violation of human rights. They present a number of issues for law enforcement due to the difficulties in identifying and investigating instances of trafficking. The article discusses the role of technology in human trafficking, showing how...

Unconventional Natural Gas Development and Hospitalizations in Pennsylvania

Introduction Hydraulic fracturing, colloquially known as fracking, is a method of well stimulation through high-pressure fluid injection (Denham et al. 17). In their longitudinal observational study, Denham et al. studied the adverse effects of fracking on public health. The research question posed by the scientists was as follows: “Does residing...

The Progressive Era: Activists Change America

Introduction Theodore Roosevelt is well-known for his radical and comprehensive reforms to the social and political systems in the early 20th century. He used his leadership to bring in what is known as the Progressive era that is characterized by significant progress to social rights, the establishment of regulations, and...

“Two Fridas” the Painting by Frida Khalo

Frida Khalo painted the Two Fridas in 1939 after the divorce with her husband. Each Frida in the picture represents either her Mexican or her European identity, which is seen from their clothes. The artist painted two images of herself sitting next to each other, holding their hand, and connected...

Gender Stereotyping in American Media

For several decades, the media has influenced the behavior of individuals. The roles assigned to men and women have a close relationship with those expressed by characters in televisions, radios, and online platforms. A review of the themes portrayed in various programs indicates a misleading trend by the media concerning...

Gambling Justification Through Moral Relativism

Last week I met some friends, and in our conversation, the issue of gambling came up, and five individuals in a group of seven argued that this practice is immoral. I could not understand why such an issue could be controversial, but I quickly realized that all those against gambling...

Ancient Greece at the Met: Marble Column From the Temple of Artemis at Sardis

Description of the Selected Example The selected example is one of the central objects in Ancient Greece exposition that can be found at the Metropolitan Museum. It is a marble column from the Temple of Artemis at Sardis, which dates back to ca. 300 BC (“Marble column,” 2018). It is...

Reducing Readmissions: Planning a Nursing Study

Introduction Transitional care is an understudied topic that is significant for nursing practice. Many patients, especially those living with chronic illnesses, experience readmissions to hospitals after discharge. The problem has an adverse effect on individuals’ health outcomes and nurses’ performance. The purpose of the research is to analyze what interventions...

Efficient Communication in the Nursing

Introduction Efficient communication is critical to the nursing profession, as it assists in the treatment process, fosters a positive organizational climate, and improves patient outcomes. Poor communication, on the other hand, can lead to medical errors and poor quality of care, which make the work of nurses more difficult (Hood,...

Pressure Ulcers Development and Nursing Care

Introduction The problem of pressure ulcers presents a significant challenge to health care delivery, and nurses dealing with it should have the most capacity to address it. Patients who are unable to move develop ulcers, which are areas of necrosis and ulceration that occur from the combination of pressure, moisture,...

Hilton Hotel’s Staff Training and Development

With the increasing pace of work, customer expectations tend to grow as well. The hotel industry is characterized by the need for timely and high-quality service to satisfy customers and keep them loyal. In the Hilton Hotel, the customers note that some employees may be unfriendly and inefficient in providing...

Procedural Justice: External & Internal Principles

Introduction Policing is not easy, and in order to gain success, have respect, and be a leader, it is essential to follow principles of procedural justice. Procedural justice can be explained as a means of achieving legitimacy in resolving disagreement (Police Executive Research Forum [PERF], 2014). It also helps to...

The Master’s Prepared Nursing Professional

Qualified nurses possess adequate competencies that can make them effective practitioners or administrators. Such professionals are able to address the diverse needs of different populations and improve their health outcomes. They can apply their competencies to ameliorate disparities in medical services and promote human wellbeing. This paper explains what master’s...

Error Measures in Forecasting

In forecasting, error measures play important roles because of their potential in helping to identify the forecasting method that would be the most appropriate in a given context. Each error measure can have certain limitations and thus lead to the inaccurate evaluation of forecasting results, which contributes to the increased...

Opportunities in Logistics Outsourcing

Expediency of Transition to Logistics Outsourcing in the Manufacturing Industry Today, many enterprises involved in the manufacturing industry transfer the authority to perform their key logistics functions to outsourcing firms. According to Cortinhal, Lopes, and Melo (2015), this trend is due to the fact that such companies are ready to...

Team Development: ­­Baseline Management and Staffing Plans

The Appendix presents the staffing plan and individuals responsible for each aspect of this project in the form of the Roles and Responsibilities Matrix (RAM). Several criteria can be applied to choose the appropriate candidate for the role of information technology professional because prior experience mentoring or coaching teams is...

Understanding Research Results: Pressure Ulcers

All research studies are conducted to reach particular results associated with the issue selected by the professionals. For the readers to be able to understand them, it is critical to be aware of several rules, such as understanding the very purpose of the work, its variables, analysis, and measurement tools....

Social Issues in “Effi Briest” by Theodor Fontane

Introduction Effi Briest by Theodor Fontane is one of the most famous realist novels, which stands in line with masterpieces like Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina. This book tells the story of a girl who enters into an arranged marriage and eventually becomes its victim. The novel’s plot is centered...

New Form of Delivering the News in the Media

Delivering the news in the media is considered as the notion, which has changed its priorities, as world development requires new approaches to the sphere of media news release. ABC is the most trusted online source of information in Australia, and the requirements to the journalists/employees and employers are on...

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Causes

In treating the psychological conditions of war veterans returning home from the battle lines psychologists began realizing that many of them had the same general symptoms that were associated with other individuals who had suffered through terrifying ordeals. These symptoms included an overdeveloped startle reflex, an emotional numbness, a loss...

Slave Labor, the Subjection of Women and Almost Perpetual Warfare

Greece was the first among the European countries to become civilized. It came at a time that there was little or no religious influence. The Greeks were politically and economically driven. There were several Greek civilizations like Minoa which was the first and very peaceful and also characterized by art...

Improvement and Implementation Methods in Statistics

Quality audits Quality Audits can be very useful tools in monitoring process variability by ensuring that all records concerning the product information are up-to-date are have the correct figures corresponding to the correct dates of purchase. Inconsistency in the audit records can clearly indicate that something went wrong somewhere. Audit...

Communication Technologies in Education and Social Life

Communication is very important in education. That is both formal and informal education; this is because it enables the people to get what is being put forward by the speaker. Since communication is a key element in education, several improvements have been done to ensure there is good communication. The...

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Health Education Program: Perceptions, Enablers And Nurtures, Cultural Empowerment

Health education is a vital part of learning because of the rising health hazards that need to be addressed to ensure that human health standards are improved. The best approach to deal with a health education program is by identifying the behaviours and lifestyles of the members of the neighbourhood...

Identification of a Problem: Gap Year

The matter of a gap year has been already discussed essentially, and the general aspects of this problem involve discussion of the pros and cons associated with the gap year. There is no need to screw into the deeper study of these arguments, while clear problem identification will be more...

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“Field Theory” by Kurt Lewin

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US President William McKinley Assassination: Research

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Type II Diabetes Mellitus Overview

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The Bell Jar: Grip of Insanity

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Professional Ethics: Police Department

The science of ethics attempts to give humanity the answers to the existential question of what is moral and what is not. With the development of science, technology, and the human rights movement, the definition of morality started to blur like never before. Nowadays, ethics serves as a standing pillar...

“Mericans” by Cisneros and “In Response to Executive Order 9066” by Okita

“Mericans” by Sandra Cisneros and “In Response to Executive Order 9066” by Dwight Okita are the two works that have a common theme of the way people of different cultures lived in the United States in the twentieth century. The first story describes Mexicans, and the second poem is about...

Nursing Metaparadigm Concepts Analysis

It goes without saying that for nurse practitioners, the understanding of fundamental patterns of knowing in the field of nursing is immeasurably significant for efficient health care delivery and the development of leadership skills. The practical application of patterns helps to avoid further mistakes in nursing practice as a professional...

Interviews in Survey Research

An interview is a fundamental tool that is used in survey research. Also known as oral questionnaires, interviews allow scientists to cooperate directly with the subjects of their studies. Even though conducting an interview seems an easy task, this activity is more challenging than just discussing a specific topic with...

Technology is the Future of Education

While dealing with a global pandemic, learning and teaching processes start increasingly integrating digital tools. The attempts to incorporate open platform tools into education have been made by technology companies in collaboration with leading universities globally. However, there is currently a shortage of user-friendly and accessible education platforms at the...

Reflection on Achievement of Outcomes Concept Map

The outlined concept map demonstrates the existence of links between the planned course outcomes and activities that had to be performed during the course. The MSN Program Outcome #2 presupposes the acquisition of knowledge related to the creation of a caring environment and the achievement of quality health outcomes. First...

Emotions and Memorization of Information

Introduction Memory can be defined as the ability to obtain, store, retrieve, and recall information and past experiences. This fascinating process is subject to research in various aspects. In particular, the relation noticed between human memory and emotion raises a range of questions about the nature, reasons, and causes of...

Concept of Humanity: Changing the Way People Live

Humanity is you, humanity is me, humanity is everyone. I never thought of people being so inhumane at times until the danger came. They say, “Crisis does not build character, it reveals it” (Perry). The world now scrapes through the crisis that taught me something about being a human and...

“Becoming Good: Building Moral Character” by David W. Gill

“Becoming good: building moral character” is a book that has received a warm welcome among the Christians. Written by David W. Gill, the book lays fundamental principles on how a Christian can find satisfaction in the ways of GOD as opposed to the current love for money which has become...

“Some Thoughts on the Common Toad” by George Orwell

“Some Thoughts on the Common Toad” is an essay by George Orwell that was published in 1946. The author describes a common example of the natural cycle, which is the change of seasons. People have become accustomed to it; moreover, in literature, it is mostly associated with beautiful creatures like...

Mont Blanc: Lines Written in the Vale of Chamouni

Percy Bysshe Shelley wrote this first-person poem inspired by the Chamonix Valley landscapes near Geneva. The Romantic style of William Wordsworth significantly influenced Shelley’s poetry. The former applied a similar writing style by describing feelings and emotions with physical objects. The young Englishman visited the Arve Valley by Mont Blanc,...

Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown”: A Feminist Look

“Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a short story set in seventeenth-century Puritan New England. It follows the protagonist’s journey into self-criticism and self-doubt in the context of the Puritan belief that all human beings exist in a state of depravity and that God is the one who can...

Cell DNA and Protein Synthesis

Organelles are a category of structures that constitute the cell within the organism. The most prominent one in eukaryotic cells is the nucleus, which contains the DNA and controls the cell’s operations. The mitochondria are primarily responsible for energy conversion, and the ribosomes produce proteins that are necessary for operations....

Distribution in Fruit and Vegetable Business

Major milestones have been achieved by global perishable goods logistics, culminating in dramatic shifts in people’s lifestyles. Consumers worldwide love each bite of an apple, and each splash of roses, the comfort which is brought by the global supply chains. However, the onset of the Coronavirus has resulted in unrivaled...

Lipsyte’s Perspective on “SportsWorld: An American Dreamland”

Sports occupy a significant place in the modern world because they unite millions of athletes, fans, managers, reporters, and others. It is a typical case that people associate professional sports with luxury and richness. It is so because the most famous athletes are among the wealthiest individuals in the world....

An Instance of Social Facilitation

Introduction Social Facilitation is a term used to describe people’s behavior in social situations. The psychological concept explains that people are likely to be influenced by the presence of others when completing various tasks (Cuncic, 2020). When a single individual does something in public, they may draw attention to themselves...

Improving Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

Change is a critical part in the evolution of a process (Polit & Beck, 2008). Within nursing field, practice through research has enhanced by the application of evidence-based practice. The generation and eventual assessment of evidence forms a critical aspect in nursing that calls for the need to undertake changes...

Nutrition Education and Public Health Promotion

Public health is among the areas of concern for governments across the globe. Early prevention is rather inexpensive and may lead to the avoidance of grievous and expensive health problems. Government accountabilities for public health transcend past voluntary endeavors and services to encompass other authorities such as quarantine, compulsory immunization,...

Well Versed Citizenry in Science: Valuable or Not?

Each nation has its own achievements and sights to be proud of: some nations are proud of their devotion to their traditions and cultures, some nations are proud of their technological and scientific achievements, and some nations are proud of good interrelations with many countries. However, the things, which make...

Braintrust Toys: Evaluations, Compensation, and Firm Objectives

Introduction Braintrust Toys is a medium-sized company specializing in toy-making that decided to shift from product development to an innovative strategy. Its new objectives include enhancing attributes and convenience of existing products, launching new products, developing new markets, hiring personnel that thinks innovatively, and hiring customer service-oriented employees to support...