Factors and Beliefs on Real Estate Markets

Summary of Factors and my Belief of what is going to Happen Most economists according to the article have given pessimistic forecasts as far as economic growth is concerned. In line with the lowered forecasts, the Obama administration has formulated several policies to address the issue and spur growth. Sluggish...

Body-Mind Relationship in Psychobiology

The research topic I have chosen for my project is the relationship between the body and the mind. We will assume that the mind is generated by the body, and that, in fact, the very division into “the body” and “the mind” is an artificial one, but it is very...

“I, Too” Poem by Langston Hughes

The poem I, Too by Langston Hughes has left me very inspired. The line which I found to be the strongest is “I, too, am America” (Hughes 275), because it received my emotional feedback. It sends a message, to which I can relate myself since I consider myself to be...

Understanding of Marketing Strategies

Introduction One realizes that the last dramatic changes in a society conditioned the increase of the significance of business and triggered the reconsideration of the traditional approaches used to attain success and guarantee prosperity. The scale of the change process is so significant that it results in the introduction of...

Psychology History and Contemporary Movement

Principles Titchener aimed to develop psychology as the study of immediate experience, the contents of the consciousness. He “set as goals for psychology the determination of what, how, and why of mental life”, where “what” was elements of mental activity, “how” involved the way these elements combine, whereas “why” dealt...

Themes in Shakespeare’s “The Tragedy of Hamlet”

Hamlet is one of the most significant works by Shakespeare. More so, this is one of the most famous plays in the world literature. The author considers various important issues and this makes the play so influential. This play makes people think of some of the most meaningful issues. Some...

Career Exploration in Engineering and Healthcare

Music Engineering (Career Exploration) To explore the development of a career in the field of music engineering, it is necessary to plan to visit the Music Department of the college in October and November to collect the required information. It is important to contact an audio engineer practicing there and...

Virtual Environments in Social Context

Description of Virtual Environments Various communication technologies, currently developing at an immensely high pace, became an integral part of the contemporary social and personal life, and the phenomenon of virtual environments is one the most interesting subjects to consider. Virtual environment is defined as an online environment, where people can...

The Effect of Scalability on Virtualization

Companies that use physical resources in order to store large quantities of data may be at a disadvantage because the scalability of physical resources is limited. Buying more computers and other equipment takes up the company’s property and costs money. Therefore, some organizations may choose to apply a virtualization solution...

Diabetes Conference as a Scholarly Activity

Students who take part in the RN to BSN program are required to participate in academic activities such as conferences, seminars, morbidity and mortality meetings, or various committees. I chose to attend a conference on diabetes held by Baptist Health South Florida, a non-profit medical organization. It was held on...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Election Campaigns and Logical Fallacies

Introduction An election is a process of selecting a new person who will be responsible for representing the government or some other body. The general direction of a country’s movement depends on the decision of voters, who determine a specific composition of state and local bodies. It is important that...

Cognitive Biases and Violence

Thinking is a complex process that depends on a number of aspects, including the way people acquire information and process it. Due to the differences in individuals’ mentalities and perspectives on particular issues, one fact or act can have different interpretations. However, the majority of them result from the utilization...

Bully: An Adventure With Teddy Roosevelt

Jerome Alden’s play, Bully: An Adventure with Teddy Roosevelt is set in the year 1912. It follows Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States. In 1912, he attempted to run for a third term as President. The play is split into two acts: in the first, Roosevelt reminisces...

Discrimination Against Racial and Gender Minorities

We live in an extremely diverse world. There are millions of people who have their own unique cultures, mentalities, and beliefs. This diversity is an integral part of peoples lives as they interact with each other and benefit from this cooperation. Moreover, the modern globalized society provides numerous opportunities for...

Analysing of Artemisia Gentileschi’s Works

The world of art of the 16th or 17th century differed from the contemporary one and was characterized by absolute male domination. Only a few female artists managed to succeed and gain fame in art until the 19th century. Nevertheless, there is a woman whose outstanding artistic performance brought her...

Pressure Ulcers Issue and Defense of Solution

Solution Defense The healthcare issue discussed in my paper is pressure ulcers, a type of wound that tends to occur in intensive care settings and is expensive to treat and simple to avoid. The solution to the issue that I proposed involves developing a protocol for timely assistance and prevention...

Pressure Ulcers Care in Critically Ill Patients

Applicable Nursing Theory Utilized Jean Watson’s theory of Human Caring is applicable to the given project as it focuses on health promotion and highlights the need for nurses to provide patients with holistic care. Informing nurses about Watson’s caring theory may help return them to their deep professional roots and...

Dry Eye in Critical Care: Evidence-Based Practice

Purpose of the Study A common problem for ICU patients is dry eye due to their conditions, such as being comatose or medications (diuretics, sedatives) that block physical mechanisms of maintaining moisture in the eyes. The dry eye conditions pose significant risks to damaging the ocular surface resulting in irritation...

Negative Affect of Social Media

Many topics that are widely discussed in modern society have both supporters and those who have an opposing view. It is vital to be able to assess the opinions of both sides in order to create a cohesive viewpoint on a subject. The use of social media and its impact...

Skin-to-Skin Contact After Labor: Proposal Feasibility

Introduction In modern nursing, mother-infant separation is a common practice that may be characterized by a number of positive and negative outcomes. However, many researchers support the idea of skin-to-skin contact at birth compared to professional wrapping and cleaning in order to stabilize a mother and a child, create appropriate...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Mindfulness Practicing: Personal Experience

Introduction It goes without saying that mindfulness cannot be regarded as the solution to all problems. However, the practice of mindfulness-based intervention may have a positive impact on stress reduction and improve life quality. This paper describes my personal experience in mindfulness practicing and explains why I consider mindfulness highly...

Health Maintenance, Protection, and Restoration

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as a state of complete physical, social, and mental well-being, but not only the absence of disease and physical defects (Ray, 2016). The culture of health in any society is a part of the society’s vision, and family relations are of great importance...

Low Workforce Diversity in Technology

Contemporary trends demonstrate a slight shift in the gender imbalance in various career spheres, including, but not limited to, science, business, and healthcare. However, the technological industry remains heavily dominated by males, disregarding modern principles of diversity in the workplace. This assignment will examine the ways diversified labor, rich in...

Nurse Practitioner: Scope of Practice

Introduction An understanding of the scope of practice is an essential step in the professional development of a nurse practitioner (NP). As a rule, nurses are involved in different procedures, actions, decisions, and procedures, cooperate with other healthcare workers, patients, and their families, and continue improving their skills and knowledge...

Gender Stereotyping in the “Pretty Woman” Movie

Introduction Back in the 1990s, the movie Pretty Woman, starring Julia Roberts and Richard Gere with Gary Marshal in the director’s chair, created quite a bit of stirring among the feminist supporters of the country. This is because the movie effectively stereotyped women’s roles via its depiction of prostitutes, sexual...

Worker-Centered Learning in Organization

Introduction Work centered learning is a feature of an adaptive institute or organization, it is usually utilized by organizations that are able to forecast and see the coming changes in their internal and external environment and hence contracts the assistance of specialists in order to help their workers and clients...

The United Kingdom’s Constitution: Does It Exist?

Introduction It has been a debatable question for a while whether the United Kingdom has a constitution or it does not. It is still been widely discussed by politicians and political theorists who are putting forward miscellaneous assumptions but they can not find any suitable consensus about the matter. The...

The US Great Depression History

The U.S. stock market crash of 1929 initiated the Great Depression in October of 1929 though this one event was caused by external sources and was not solely responsible for the most devastating economic collapse in American history. During the decade long depression, many lost their businesses, jobs, homes, savings...

Craig-Dacey Formal Debate on the Existence of God

In the dispute is born truth. Socrates The world of man is full of various things to excite the imagination and personal way of thinking. People tend to adhere to their own opinion so that to incline others to follow their prospects on the problem. Thus, in society, namely, in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Theopolitical Imagination” by William Cavanaugh

First of all, let us present some information about the author of the book under consideration. William T. Cavanaugh is a Catholic theologian. The subject of his investigation was Christian liturgical practice and its interrelation and interconnection with Christian political witness. Now William T. Cavanaugh is Associate Professor of Theology...

18th Century Art and Design

One of the most fascinating and multifaceted periods in art and design is the 18th century. This is because, the global civilization grew more conscious of each other, cross-cultural pressure increased. During this period a lot of main diplomatic and financial revolutions had extensive penalties for art and design. During...

Sight and Blindness in Sophocles’ “Oedipus the King”

Sight is a word that describes more than physical vision, or eyesight. Sophocles’ play, Oedipus Rex, offers an ironic comparison between Oedipus, who is blessed with vision yet can not comprehend what goes on around him, and Tiresias who is blind but aware of the truth. The author shows how...

Linguistics in Education Process

According to Callella, Williams and Rous (2004) research recommends teaching students the parts of the words since increasing and developing a students’ terminology will improve his or her general reading comprehension. The national ethics necessitate that students use their knowledge of prefixes and suffixes to resolve the significance of words...

Should Marketers Test Advertising

Introduction Advertisers must evaluate alternative media and strategies using testing before an ad campaign be launched. The conceptual models that are useful in thinking about the optimal advertising strategies and budgets are the incremental matrix, the game-theory approach, and the payoff matrix. It should be noted that management does not...

Comparison of ‘Supermassive Black Hole’ and ‘Hit my Heart’

Introduction Music is an art. Listening to the music one may be captured in the absolutely new world where emotions and feelings have covered the whole space. Different music styles create absolutely different pictures in the human mind, but the reaction to the music is in most cases the same;...

Energy Deals Derailed by Obscure Accounting Rule: Enron Case

Introduction Despite the Enron case having been finalized early in the last decade, its effects are still being witnessed even as late as today. The top-level management at this company undertook one of the largest accounting scandals to have ever hit the corporate world resulting in the bankruptcy and dissolution...

Macroeconomic Theory Correlation Between Gross Domestic Product

The macroeconomic theory studies the correlation between Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation, unemployment, and fiscal policy which includes government spending and taxation policies. In this article the U.S Treasury department was contemplating raising the debt limit to prevent the governments’ default in meeting its financial obligations which would result in...

Save The Children: Organization Analysis

Save The Children is an organization based on assisting the less fortunate children in society. In the recent past, there have been a lot of challenges facing the world at large, for example, civil wars in politically unstable countries, election violence, hunger caused by drought and poor economic levels in...

“The Transparency of Democracy” Research by Friedman

Friedman (2010) observed that Washington government had financed the building of national parks to be used for baseball redevelopment. This development was attributed to the fact that urban regions within the USA had financed the construction of baseball stadiums consistently prior to strategic developmental plans in the year 2005. While...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Borders Group: Business Model and Planning Case Study

Introduction Borders Group was started in 1971 by Louis and Tom Borders. The company began as an independent used bookstore in Michigan together with a book wholesaling business named Book Inventory Systems. The company’s first book superstore was opened in 1985 following several years of ongoing regional expansion. Over the...

The Role of Personal Ethics

Ethics is an essential aspect of every sphere of life. A primary goal of this essay is to explain the differences, similarities, and correlations between terms such as morals, value, and ethics. Moreover, the role of ethics is analysed in the context of forensic psychology with the help of two...

Parks Rx 4Health Project: Data and Levels of Measurement Worksheet

Program goals and objectives The main goal of the proposed program evaluation is to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the Parks Rx 4Health project that was launched for preventing child obesity. The first objective is to compare the level of physical activity of children before and after the project...

Collaboration and Teamwork Within Healthcare Unit

Collaboration and teamwork have always been some of the major success factors when it comes to measuring a unit’s efficiency. However, if the business segment is frequently more preoccupied with the financial outcome, the healthcare sector is responsible for saving human lives. Hence, the ability to cooperate within a healthcare...

Unprecedented – The 2000 Presidential Election

The film Unprecedented – The 2000 Presidential Election tells a mind-blowing story of the unlawful presidential elections in the United States. The events shown in the film are real historical events that take place in 2000 during the presidential elections. These elections are without a doubt, unprecedented in the history...

Disaster Planning and Health Information Management

Introduction Both natural and man-made disasters can have a harmful impact on long-term facilities’ ability to continue everyday business operations. In the past, due to the absence of an adequate disaster plan, our healthcare facility lost all health information, which became a serious challenge. This paper discusses promising measures and...

The Democratic and Participative Leadership Styles

Introduction For my future career, I plan on developing and implementing the democratic and participative leadership styles. I believe that this is the most effective way to manage an organization and guide it to success. With this approach, I will be able to encourage the team members to participate in...

Freedom of Expression and Intellectual Property Rights

Introduction The ethical aspect of technological development is one of the primary challenges of the present-day world. It implies the emergence of conflicts between digital technologies such as the Internet promoting freedom of expression and intellectual property rights that can be violated as a consequence of the rapid spread of...

The Problem of Technology Addiction Among College Students

The rapid development of technologies has impacted every aspect of modern people’s lives, from work and education to leisure and recreation. In fact, when someone hears words as windows or apple, they instantly think about computers rather than the actual things these words refer to. When living in such a...

Influence of Modern Superheroes on Culture

Culture is an extremely vague notion, but overall, it can be understood as the human heritage of all times. It may include art, technologies, or, for instance, social habits, or, for instance, political traditions. In this piece, culture is perceived as a poll of ideas and movements present in the...

No One Can Knowingly Choose to Do Evil

One of the most debatable issues investigated by Socrates is his suggestions on the nature of peoples’ evil actions. The philosopher claimed that people tend to commit only good deeds and no one can knowingly choose to do evil, hence, all the harm is done out of ignorance (Ambury). The...

Ray’s “The Secret in Their Eyes”: Morality, Justice, and Love

Art is one of the popular forms of expression of human thoughts and deep feelings. In particular, cinema is one of the areas of art that allows people to raise and reveal eternal questions. The Secret in Their Eyes is a good example of a work that addresses critical human...

Education: Personal Statement

Dear Admission Committee of the Global Technology and Development Program, I want to present my statement of purpose for the application for an MSc in Global Technology and Development, Concentration in Applied International Development (GTD-AID) at Arizona State University. I have profoundly researched many degrees offered by several universities. However,...

The Benefits of Taking Online Classes

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic negatively impacted the majority of public and private sectors, including the education system. As the quarantine restrictions tightened, most universities switched to online delivery methods. The development of online education platforms over the past decade made this transition possible. Before the pandemic, many colleges already provided...

Grand Nursing Theorist Report and Its Impact in Modern Nursing Care

Introduction Self-care deficit theory focuses on the practical role of a nurse and explains the interrelation of caregiver and care receiver in relation to the environment, health, and wellbeing. The theory implies that patients have the capacity for self-care and the nurse’s role is in supporting and enlarging this capacity....

The Role of the American Citizens and the Ideology of the Revolution

Nowadays, no one can imagine a slaveholding society, a monopoly, and life in daily dependence on rich people. However, this “nowadays” itself would not have been possible without the achievements of the American Revolution. It tore the fetters that bound the economic development of the colonies, linking their trade and...

America’s Entry Into World War I

The onset of World War I came with repercussions to the United States, which initially planned on avoiding any confrontations. The fighting in Europe led to an increased appetite for territory, while German power continuously went unchecked in the oceans, posing a grave danger to innocent civilians. America upheld a...

Company X and Windows Bright: Financial Analysis

The advent of the Internet and the overall digitalization of the 21st century have significantly changed the methods and processes of the purchase but not its essence. The introduction of modern technologies also affected the legislative sphere, which had to be adapted to new economic measures. That is why a...

The Concept of Organizational Culture in Health Care

In today’s nursing practice, much attention is paid to the promotion and management of a working environment, also known as culture. The development of a safe environment plays an important role for employees and patients to choose helpful educational resources, prevent harm, and make positive changes (College of Nurses of...

The Speech About a Piece of Paper

Introduction The given speech will be about a piece of paper. It is difficult for a modern person to imagine life without paper. Paper is a sheet of natural plant or artificial fiber, and its history and the development of the paper industry are not simple. Paper is one of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A Selection of Review Articles About Slavers

An Address to the Slaves of the United States of America An Address to the Slaves of the United States of America is an appeal to black slaves first presented at the Buffalo National Convention in 1843. Its author, Henry Highland Garnet, was a social and religious leader, abolitionist, and...

Scientific Theory and Other Perspectives

Since time immemorial, science has been an integral part of our lives giving us a better understanding of the reality around us. With science, there have been many incredible changes with some being beneficial while others have been destructive. Nonetheless, it cannot be denied that science has been very instrumental...

Full Range Model of Leadership

Two Purposes of Leadership The concept of leadership is directly connected to the initiatives of companies to ensure the overall effectiveness of their business operations. It implies the presence of two primary purposes, which are direction and coordination and safety and hope. They correspond to the principles of the full...

On Ursula K. Le Guin’s “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas”

Ursula Le Guin’s short story “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” in allegorical form addresses the topics of exploitation and social injustice. It describes a city where the happiness of many depends on the suffering of a child, which mirrors the structure of many modern societies founded on exploitation....

Nurses’ Perceptions of Research Utilization in a Corporate Health Care System: Article Review

In the article “Nurses’ Perceptions of Research Utilization in a Corporate Health Care System”, the author explores certain characteristics of caregivers based on various aspects such as level of education, experience, and nursing positions that affect the quality of health care (McClusky, 2008). According to the researcher, such aspects affect...

The Modern Portfolio Theory

The objective of portfolio theory Diversification of risk is a process that captures the reduction of risk through the allocation of investment among diverse financial instruments or categories. A diversified portfolio is accompanied by high returns. Research by Besley and Brigham (2007) shows that diversification helps to reduce unsystematic risk....

Benchmarking as Risk Management

Benchmarking is a largely new concept in the healthcare industry. Benchmarking is also a tool of management that can be used to accomplish several goals. There is no standard definition for benchmarking but the concept underlines “the process of collecting and analyzing data to identify trends in performance, and when...

The Evidence-Based Guidelines: Implementation in Clinical Settings

Introduction There is enough literature to support the positive effects of evidence-based practice on the quality of healthcare as well as related costs (McKillop, Crisp & Walsh, 2012). However, the adoption of evidence-based practice in daily clinical practice has not been fully achieved. Therefore, the study aims to bring to...

Legal Liability: Tort, Terms of a Contract, or a Statute and Law

According to Popow, there are three bases for legal liability, which are tort, terms of a contract, or a statute/law. To be more exact, three types of liability exist and are distinguished by their bases: Tort liability Explanation Tort liability presupposes the responsibility for doing any kind of harm to...

Planning Process of Human Resource Management

In order to run a successful business, it is vital to take into account human resource planning. The reason for this is that a proper HR strategy provides the means through which companies can guarantee that they employ professional staff capable of completing tasks. Moreover, a good manager should also...

Problems of the Global Health

All the wars for equality are long gone, but still their achievements are far from ideal. There is no rule or law in the world stating that one should be healthier than another or that one’s wounds are more important than another’s. If a person is in need of help,...

A Controversial Issue About Using the Marijuana

The issue connected with the use of marijuana has passed through many generations and has been discussed in many cultures from different points of view. Today the attitude of the public to the use of marijuana has changed greatly. A lot of people in the world use marijuana as medicine...

Doctor-Nurse Relationships

The interaction between team members in the health industry is extremely important as it might have an impact on the life of the patient. Healthcare workers, including doctors, nurses, laboratory assistants, have to act together to perform in the most efficient way and to achieve the required results. The purpose...

The Significance of the October 17th in Argentina

Introduction October 17th was a very significant time for the people of Argentina from the year 1946 to 1953. It was the day that became important to the working class who have celebrated their leader and the policies that he has brought about. Even though previously the politics have used...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Honeypots

Advantages First, honeypots make it possible for an administrator to learn methods that are used by hackers. This is because it is possible to watch and analyze attacks launched against the honeypots. Through honeypots, one can set up parallel systems that contain useless information. This enhances the security of information...

When Good People Do Bad Things at Work

There are different kinds of individuals across the globe and they all have diverse cultures, personalities, and behaviors. Every person could have a dissimilar perception of what leads a good individual to be caught in bad behavior. This may baffle some people as to how a calm and friendly person...

United Airlines Marketing Channels: Pros and Cons

United Airlines Television Ads One of United Airlines’ traditional marketing channels for promoting environmental sustainability is television advertising. Environmental United Airlines TV ads are part of the United Eco-Skies program (“United Eco-Skies,” n.d.). The advantage of TV advertising is its broad audience reach. However, the lack of instant and direct...

Exercise for Obesity Description

Introduction Obesity is a condition that causes numerous health effects to the human body and thus reducing the life expectancy of an individual. The majority of the heart diseases also referred to as cardiovascular diseases are caused by obesity. There are numerous methods which obesity can be controlled and one...

Bolman and Deal’s Four Frames of Leadership

It seems reasonable to state that all companies come to a period when their performance starts being insignificant. This may take place due to various reasons – starting from severe rivalry and ending with pressing governmental policies. However, there are a plethora of cases when the mentioned insignificant performance results...

Importance of a Research Guidelines

Research design is very critical in determining the validity, reliability, and generalizability of the findings. For the research findings to be credible, they must pass statistical tests of validity, reliability, and generalizability. Since positivists support the use of empirical evidences in the criminal justice system, they apply statistical tests quantitatively...

Influence of Insomnia on Workplace Productivity

The paper used for the evaluation was written by the members of the American College of Physicians. The guideline relies on the studies published from 2004 through 2015. Although some of the studies used for this paper might be obsolete, there is a high chance that the authors relied on...

Max Max: Fury Road. Scene Analysis

The scene that is going to be reviewed within the framework of the current paper is the “I am the scales of justice” that starts approximately around 01:09:15. The scene is mostly focused on background music and plenty of footsteps and gunshots that vary in order to create a more...

Christian Mission Methodology

The successful expansion of ideas and beliefs relies heavily on the methodology chosen by those who embark on this mission. The purpose of each Christian missionary is to transmit the ideas provided in the Gospel to a new audience, taking into consideration its cultural code and particularities. The effective choice...

Organizational Structure and the Global Marketing

Introduction This is a study about the international sales operations of Monster Health care Company (MH Co), headquartered in the northeastern part of the United States. As Vice President of International sales, I am responsible for the company’s sales operations outside the US. Even though it ensures all facilities and...

Elder Abuse: Violation of Fundamental Rights

Elder abuse was largely ignored because it was seen as a social welfare issue. However, it has evolved into a public health and criminal justice challenge owing to the fact that it involves the violation of fundamental rights. It is an important matter to consider since this segment of the...

Seasonal Flu: 2011-2012 Influenza Outbreak

Introduction The following analysis presents the next America’s flu outbreak challenge. The influenza pandemic that was reported in the last two years shook the entire globe with many people hospitalization cases reported in the United States. Many people lost their lives to the disease, and it was estimated that more...

Implementing Evidence-Based Care in Nursing

Implementing Evidence-Based Care Evidence-based practices (EBP) refer to the strategies that have been shown by clinical research to improve patient outcomes. They are medical or clinical interventions proven to have a positive effect on the health of patients. EBP is a patient-centered approach that can significantly improve nursing care delivery....

Role of Tribes in the Construction of Identity

The sense of belonging is a critical part of an individual’s identity. Therefore, while longing for individualism, people still need to be a part of a broader community. The participation opportunity in question allows them to share knowledge and information, while also comparing their social status to that on of...

Professional Health Care Therapeutic Communication: Elaine’s Pregnancy

Elaine’s case describes the situation when a young woman chooses adoption as an appropriate option to provide her child with two loving parents. The problem is in the fact that Elaine could not guarantee the proper care for herself and her baby (Tamparo & Lindh, 2016). In addition, the young...

Interaction of the Pharmaceuticals with Alcohol Intake

Over the decades, the use of drugs for medicinal is an issue that faces controversy due to the vulnerable nature of the relative abuse. On the one hand, seeking treatment fosters recovery from an illness, hence the necessity of the prescriptions. On the other hand, different sectors consider the alternative...

Built Environment and Pandemics

Built environment such as homes, offices, buildings, open spaces, sidewalks, and transportation options has a direct impact on human health. Healthy built environments have services and resources that contribute to the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of the people who occupy it. An analysis of the existing built environments shows...

Preparing a Preliminary IT Budget in Health Care Organizations

Budget development is a critical step for any health care organization. A budget reflects the organization’s goals and objectives, contingency plan, and how outcomes of the proposed programs and initiatives are measures. The process of developing a budget requires management to choose between different initiatives and investments and “requires analysis...

The Concept of the Common Good: Reflection

Short Summary of the Presentation The presentation dealt with the concept of the common good and explored it from various religious perspectives. In any community, people aim to act in their interests, but it is essential to consider the needs and interests of others. For example, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic...

Responsibility for Climate Migration

During the search for the causes of the collapses of historical and modern societies, Jared Diamond’s Five Points Framework emphasizes the environmental factor as pivotal. In the same way historic nations met their demise when faced with the degradation of the environment, the modern world is jeopardized by climate change....

“Religion, Meaning in Life During Late Adulthood” by Krause & Hayward

Religious studies attempt to discover the meaning in life through seeking and maintaining a strong relationship with God. Scientific studies confirm this association by illustrating the evidence of meaning in life in wellness and healthcare outcomes. In the article “Religion, Meaning in Life, and Change in Physical Functioning During Late...

Discussion of Freedman’s Article “How Junk Food Can End Obesity”

There is a wide variety of rhetorical strategies and methods, which can be used to strengthen the position of the speaker and persuade the audience. One of these methods is apophasis when the speaker says something while denying it. A form of apophasis is used by Donna Freitas (2013) when...

Artificial Intelligence Implementation in Accounting Processes

The article by Bakarich and O’Brien (2021) refers to the problem of the implementation of AI technologies in the field of accounting. The most popular technologies in this sphere are machine learning (ML) and robotic process automation (RPA) (Bakarich & O’Brien, 2021). The research aims to determine to which extent...

Responsible Consumption and Diffusion of Responsibility

A person’s willingness to engage in prosocial behavior in a given situation depends on a number of psychological mechanisms. One of such mechanisms is the diffusion of responsibility, which refers to the change in the willingness to act depending on the number of people involved in the situation. Its basic...

Marcus Garvey’s Life and Cultural Revolution

Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr. was a Jamaican-born activist and the champion of the Pan-African and Black Nationalist movements in Jamaica and the United States of America. Garvey founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) in Jamaica in 1914 and established the US branch of the movement after his move to...

Pregnancy and Reproductive Health in Public Views

Introduction Pregnancy changes a lot in family life, emotionally, physically, and behavior, especially for pregnant women themselves. Changes also include societal attitudes towards women but may differ depending on additional factors. For example, women may receive different care depending on their financial situation. Moreover, attitudes can be influenced by ethnicity,...

The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson

The basic notion of the modern society is related to the fact that all people are initially created as equal human beings. In other terms, people bear identical rights since the beginning of life, including, for instance, the right for education or happiness. The major part of the Declaration of...

Stereotype Threat and Arousal Effects on Women’s Math Performance

Introduction This study’s design is experimental because the researchers have given the participants math tests; some groups received materials that stated the gender difference in results, while others did not have this statement on the cover sheet of their test. The purpose was to examine the effect of stereotype threat...

The Historical Period of the 1960s in America

The historical period of the 1960s in America is highly characterized by various cultural activities, which later led to increased interactions among the American people. It is the period that was highly characterized by the development of pop culture, and the era was mainly referred to as the period of...

Saskatchewan: The Four Distinct Biomes

A biome is a large amount of flora and fauna within a certain territory. The Saskatchewan biome, in particular, is a territory consisting of the Arctic Tundra, Canadian Shield, and the Central Plains (“Geography of Saskatchewan,” n.d.). Hence, this region consists of diverse territories, meaning that flora and fauna found...

Communication: Living in a Bubble of Social Media

The rapid foray that social media has made into people’s lives on a global scale is truly impressive, yet hardly surprising. Initially creates as an online platform for sharing opinions globally and exploring new ideas, social media has quickly become a powerful tool that could be used both to address...

Identifying Endoscopy Procedures for the Digestive System

Endoscopy procedures constitute an important part of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions related to the digestive system of patients. The administration of different types of endoscopy depends on the symptoms experienced by the patient and the particularities of the condition. In particular, several customary types of endoscopy exist, including endoscopic retrograde...

Why India Should Be a Target for a Class Trip

It is very logical to organize a trip to India, as it is an extraordinary country with very unique geographical, demographical and geopolitical circumstances. As such, India’s unique aspects should imply that this country’s people have distinct cultures and traditions. India, historically, is also one of the centers of global...

Language Situations in Foreign Language Education

Introduction The components of a socio-communicative system serving a particular language community are in certain relationships with each other. Functional relations between the elements of a social and communicative system at one stage or another of the existence of a given language community form a linguistic situation characteristic of this...

Material Object’s Visual Analysis and Theoretical Interpretation

Visual Analysis As a product in question, an object made by using the technique of wood carving is considered. It is made in the form of a human figure in which the proportions are partially different from real ones. Its form contains both anthropometric elements and abstract parts that perform...

Art of Islam: The Common Language of Islamic Art

Islamic art encompasses many artistic disciplines, including calligraphy, architecture, painting, ceramics, textiles, and glass. The author of the article, “Art of Islam,” covers aspects of the Islamic art language. They include how Arab art is related to Islamic art, the overall idea of Arabic calligraphy, the Arabesque, sphere and cube,...

War in “What Were They Like?” by Levertov

An American writer Denise Levertov wrote the poem “What Were They Like” for her collection “The Sorrow Dance,” released in 1967. This work is a symbol of protest against the Vietnam War, in which the American army took part. The poet portrays the immediate future of the Vietnamese people, destroyed...

“Why You Should Take a Break” by Hardcastle

The TED Talk “Why you should take a break: Prioritizing mental health in schools” was given by Hailey Hardcastle on February 2, 2020 at the Salem Convention Center. The speaker’s primary message is that states and schools should institute provisions to help students who are struggling with their mental health...

The Challenges Facing Church and Denominational Leadership

Most of the American population is religious people, while the church and the state are separated. America has a very global population, and mass migrations have had a significant impact on religious trends in the country. Religion in the United States has a state significance, and it has happened so...

Hip-Hop & Shakespeare: The TED Talk

The TED Talk video with the British MC and a hip-hop scholar Akala presented an exciting look at the legacy of William Shakespeare. The speaker offers the audience and the viewers to participate in a quiz where he delivers a line, and people have to guess whether it is by...

“Mental: A History of the Madhouse” Documentary

The documentary “Mental A History of the Madhouse” discloses the way the mental health system has been managed in the United Kingdom. The main issue that this documentary focuses on is that the mental health patients were kept in the asylums located in the old Victorian buildings. Moreover, some of...

The Social Media Impact on Globalization

Globalization in business is the state where the products and services produced by companies gradually become the same globally (Ifigeneia & Dimitrios, 2018). The social media concepts have become one of the main agendas used by most business executives to promote Business through media platforms and online services to allow...

Nutrition: Impact on Human Health and Self-Esteem

Nutrition is an important part of the functioning and development of the human body. In order to maintain good self-esteem and health, it is necessary to keep track of what kind of food an individual consumes. In addition, one must distinguish between the chemical elements that come with meals. The...

The Battle for Union Rights at Amazon.com, Inc.

Amazon.com, Inc. is one of the largest businesses in the world, created by billionaire Jeff Bezos. The company is known for its innovative approach to retail stores, which gave it an outstanding competitive advantage. However, internal issues may eventually prevent the firm from growing if left unattended. Amazon workers have...

Researching of Basics of Budget

The budget in any field of activity or business is an essential part of its functioning. Thanks to the funding, it is possible to calculate all income and expenses, plan any costs, and implement any plan for the modernization of production, its functioning, and improvement. Any company or organization must...

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Carrefour Company: Retail Chain Configuration Updating

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Germany and Its Position in the First World War

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Nursing in Israel: History and Changes

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Secret Acres Company: Selling Comics as a Serious Business

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Elie Wiesel and His Life in the Book Night

Eliezer Wiesel recounted his life while staying in a death camp and described his early years in the book ‘Night.’ At the beginning of the story, he lived in Romania together with his family. Deportation of the Jews took place later as the story continued. Being a Jewish boy, he...