Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Health Care

The use of AI has increased over the past decades, making it easier for researchers to investigate the most complicated issues. In health care, AI may be employed to analyze sophisticated medical data. What is more, AI allows scientists to estimate conclusions without having to engage humans in their studies....

The Song of Roland as an Epic Poem

The Song of Roland is considered one of the great epic memorials of medieval French literature. An insignificant historical fact served as basis for this heroic poem, and later on having enriched itself by several later events it had integrated the story of Roland into many literatures throughout the world....

Interpreting Kafka – Before the Law

In Kafka’s Before the Law, the Law is open to interpretation and could mean different things to different people. It could mean something abstract as happiness or contentment or something concrete such as riches and wealth. It is simply an allegorical reference, denoting a place into which one wants entry....

Political Policy of First Empires and in “300” Movie

The focal point of this paper is to compare the Zack Snyder-directed movie ‘300’ (2007) with the political policy of the First Empires and Common Cultures in Afro-Eurasia during the 1200-350 BCE. This was a classic case of clash relating to political and cultural differences between King Leonidas against the...

Rail Road and Environment. “Sounds” by Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau in the passage entitled “Sounds” describes lucidly how a peaceful village is transformed due to the developments that occurred after the arrival of the railroad. The statement -“The rays which stream through the shutter will be no longer remembered when the shutter is wholly removed…” gives the...

Carl Jung’s Theory About the Limitedness of Stories and the Usage of Irony

Some people regard short stories as something entertaining, childish, and not serious. The size of the book cannot show its context. Short stories are even better to perceive, as you read without interruption. The reader perceives the whole information at once and can make some conclusions immediately. Short stories are...

Conflict and Negotiation Discussion

Carter McNamara stated that “A job is a collection of tasks and responsibilities that an employee is responsible to conduct.” (McNamara, 2008). Thus, a team is needed in an organization to complete the job. However, Paul Glen indicated that “Complete satisfaction just isn’t part of the human condition. We are...

A Clean, Well-Lighted Place: Critical Analysis

The short story by Ernest Hemingway titled A Clean, Well-Lighted Place is a bright example of the psychological literature in which all sins of human beings are revealed. In this story, Hemingway manages to illustrate the eternal differences between human beings through the short dialog of two waiters in a...

What Is an American According to Crévecoeur

According to Crévecoeur there are many things that distinguish an American from a European, as they are inhabitants of different continents, but there are many things in common, as they all are Europeans by origin, “they are a mixture of English, Scotch, Irish, French, Dutch, Germans, and Swedes” (Crévecoeur, 1912)....

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Sling Blade” by Billy Bob Thornton

The main character of the movie “Sling Blade”, Karl Childers suffers from a psychological disorder that led him to the killing of his mother and her lover. The clinician dysfunctions must start with an understanding of the types of problems with which clients present. A detailed description of the psychological...

Getting Sufficient Wealth Without Cutting Workers Salaries: Is it Possible in Florida?

In the current state of financial crisis that our national and local government finds themselves in, financial analysts and local government advisers have been busy trying to find ways and means by which to bring down an ever ballooning budget deficit due to uncontrolled government spending. In Florida State, a...

The Fall of the Roman Empire

Rome was not built in one day; so too, the mighty Roman Empire did not fall in a day – it covered hundreds of years. Why did Rome fall? Just like the human body is inevitably subject to growth, decay, and death it is the same with nations. History is...

English as a Second Language Phenomenon

For many people, learning a second language is a very difficult phenomenon. This problem does not only affect learners but it also affects teachers who deal with teaching them. For one to effectively learn a second language, it calls for the teacher responsible of teaching him or her to come...

The Issue of Global Warming in the Community

Introduction To effectively mitigate the effects of global warming in my community, my team would be composed of three experts in different disciplines that are closely connected to the environment. In understanding that calls for green technology and greater investments in environmental solutions, I would take with me Prof. Hannington...

Public Consultation and Stadium Developments

A research conducted by Scherer and Sam (2008) was motivated by lack of empirical research on the development of stadiums. It is also triggered by the involvement of the public in the decision-making process, especially in regard to use of government funding. Their research sought to evaluate the gaps in...

Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion with SPSS

Descriptive statistics Measures of central tendency and dispersion constitute descriptive statistics, which are applicable in the summarization of collected data. Fundamentally, descriptive statistics provide a way of summarizing and describing data because they indicate patterns and trends. According to Jackson (2012), descriptive statistics are relevant in data analysis because they...

Public Health Informatics and Technology Integration

Introduction In public health, informatics is defined as the systematic use of information and computer science and technology in public health practice, research, and learning (Carroll, 2003). As an engineering discipline, health informatics necessitates the application of knowledge from several related fields, particularly information science, computer science, psychology, and communications...

Mother-Adult Daughter Relationships Within Dementia Care

More and more people have been diagnosed to have dementia. These people need special care that may be provided by their relatives or specially trained caregivers. It has been observed that women with dementia who have daughters are usually cared for by them. Catherine Ward-Griffin, Nancy Bol, and Abram Oudshoorn’s...

Respect in the Army: Values and Standards

Introduction Effective communication is essential in every sphere of human performance and every kind of activity, including the most trivial and routine one. However, its significance is particularly pronounced in the army where mutual understanding can define the outcome of a military mission. It can be argued that respect towards...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Full Soft Informational Security

As corporations use digital technology to store and access all data, there are bound to be security threats from the undiscovered vulnerabilities in these relatively new systems. With the increasing amount of information that is required for businesses to operate, it is usually not feasible for an organization to employ...

Personal Protective Equipment Supply to Health Facilities

Introduction Personal protective equipment (PPE) is a critical element for contagion management and control in medical settings. Public healthcare emergencies accentuate the issue and expose the problems associated with ensuring that essential workers, medical professionals, specifically, can protect themselves from an infection or a virus (Patel et al., 2017). The...

“Models for Velocity Decrease in HH34” by L. Zaninetti

The article “Models for Velocity Decrease in HH34,” written by L. Zaninetti, was chosen to address project goals and learning outcomes acquired from Lab Class. The aim to get knowledge of the basic concepts of physical science and prepare for the utilization of theories in real-life scenarios can be achieved...

Leadership vs. Management: The Difference and Similarities in Function, Responsibilities, and Traits

Introduction Across various business and economic spheres, the words “leader” and “manager” are often used interchangeably. While these concepts can exist in symbiosis, good managers are not always great leaders and vice versa. Understanding the fundamental differences and similarities in function, responsibilities, and personal traits can explain this contradiction and...

Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children and Adolescents Below 18 Years

Clinical Nursing Practice Problem The problem that has been chosen for conducting nursing evidence-based practice is Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in children and adolescents below 18 years; the chosen clinical priority area is quality. The importance of this problem is obvious, considering the number of ASD patients in the mentioned...

HR Management: Potential Abuser, Workplace Harassment

The majority of working people at least once faced harassment at work. It can be manifested in disregard of opinion, or restriction of activities without coordination with management, devaluation of achievements, and other aspects. Such problems at work significantly worsen the quality of life; constant stress can cause health problems...

“A Man From the People” by Chinua Achebe

The novel “A man from the People” was written by Chinua Achebe, and it describes the society of post-colonial Africa. The story tells about men who were chosen by the people to represent them, their interest, and their lives. The corruption of current authorities makes a school teacher stand up...

Financial Crisis: Mortgage Lender’s Perspective

The role that I have chosen to examine is that of a mortgage lender employee– the representative of a firm that gives out loans for property purchases. In this particular case, my title is a mid-level executive at a financial corporation, and I am responsible for leading the department related...

The Juvenile Justice System of the US: Blended Sentences

The situation with John M is rather apparent as of the decision about the case. In this respect there is a dilemma whether to try this offender as a juvenile or as an adult. The main participants of the case are the judge, the offender, John M, and the injured...

Critiquing Erin Brockovich

Discuss Survey Research A survey research entails the use of samples to make didactic conclusions about large populations of organisms. Many scholars often use this research method in analyzing the popularity of candidates in political campaigns. Good surveys usually require the researchers to formulate the research questions before embarking on...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Is Stealing Ever Justified?

It is necessary to pay more attention to the causal relationship for the interpretation of all crimes and misdemeanors, that is, to study the factors influencing the causes of the occurrence of a variety of crimes. The reason is that their content is closely related to each other. Stealing is...

Statute of Frauds: Rebecca’s Case

The fraud statute founded in 1677 through an act of parliament and developed through legislative processes over time is now adopted in the judicial systems of many nations in the world. This statute gives provisions governing a contract between two parties. In most of the statutes, the memorandum demands that...

Results of World War I for Germany

Introduction Germany was one of the most prominent participants of World War I and the force that made the pre-war situation detonate. Germany and its allies lost in the conflict and were forced to submit to the conditions laid down by the winners, which included points, incompatible with self-determination and...

Heart Disease Risk Factors and Assessment Approach

Introduction The discussion focuses on three risk factors associated with the development of cardiovascular diseases. Three factors associated with heart disease have been chosen for review. An integrated approach has been used to assess a patient’s needs and develop an education plan for each of the risk factor discussed for...

Coexistence of Ethics and Law in Medicine

Just like other fields, breaches of laws and ethics are not an inevitable event in the health care setting. When the breach of law and ethics happens at the helm of the health care organization, negative consequences are likely to occur. To curb this, health care organizations have to ensure...

Preventing Crime Victimization in International Students

International students are the students who go to other countries to study and because of this, they face a lot of problems. They are a vulnerable group who face common security problems because of several factors that include demographic factors, lack of stable economic security, limited options to employment, housing...

US Government Policies on Torture

The United Nations conventions against torture recognize torture as an act that inflicts intense physical or psychological suffering pain and suffering. Torture is commonly used by state authorities around the world as a form of punishment to people who have committed crimes; people suspected to have committed crimes or as...

Interrelated Fields of Learning and Practice in Nursing

Nursing is a field in medicine that entails learning and practicing how to take good care of patients under treatment. Professionals trained in nursing can at times treat patients in the absence of doctors. Learning nursing takes three to four years depending on the level. It is during the study...

Analysis of Articles by Kevles and Krauthammer on Cloning

In 1996, the successful cloning of a sheep stirred a tremendous debate around the ethics of this practice and its implications for the future of humankind. Indeed, once, cloning from a single adult somatic cell without sexual reproduction used to only exist in science fiction. Before 1996, not once had...

Selfless Service. Selflessness in Business

Selfless service is among human virtues that play a significant role in shaping a better society and the world at large. It can also be referred to as dedication to others or service to humanity (Ochnik, 2019). Its philosophy revolves around the idea that an individual can offer services without...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Interprofessional Collaboration and Relations Between Doctors and Their Patients

A correlation between the enhanced interprofessional collaboration and the individualized approach to patient care Indeed, there is a positive correlation between the enhanced interprofessional collaboration and the individualized approach to patient care. A clear focus on every single person’s needs in medical assistance helps ensure a better outcome, and it...

Germany, Canada, China, Russia: Health Care Systems

Health Care Issues Germany Germany is known for its universal healthcare system. This fact explains why the country provides insurance cover to its citizens. The system makes it easier for more people to receive quality care. However, the healthcare system is characterized by several problems (Roeder, 2012). For instance, the...

Fossil Fuels and the United States

There are several environmental effects associated with non-renewable mineral resources, and all of them are of a harmful nature. These are water, air, and soil pollution, radioactive and solid wastes (Miller and Spoolman 309). Moreover, the use of non-renewable minerals generates noise and heat (Miller and Spoolman 309). All this...

Army vs. Civilian Leadership Similarities

Leadership is the act of guiding a group of people based on a certain chain of command. Though there are various management styles or approaches, the choice depends on the work setting (Jin et al., 2017). For instance, the leadership style employed in the army may be different from that...

Rhetorical Strategies Comparison

Introduction The issue of natural hair versus sleek and straight hair continues to affect the way people perceive the appearance of others. Both Rice’s “I’m A Black Woman And Yes This Is All Of My Hair!” and “Why I Refuse to Straighten my Hair” by Rodov focus on the topic...

History and Meaning of Appropriation in Western Art

In art, appropriation refers to using pre-existing objects or images that have undergone little to no transformation. In the history of the arts, appropriation has played a significant role in developing art and its continuation. Over the past few years, some museums and art galleries have accepted art appropriation practices....

Crutcho Public School: Obesity in School Children

Community Diagnosis Numerous schoolchildren at Crutcho Public elementary school, Oklahoma City, are obese revealing how obesity is a threat to that community. Having carried a health assessment in the school, a community diagnosis identifies and quantifies the concerned health conditions. The community diagnosis will have four stages. The first one...

The Marshmallow Challenge as a Model of Teamwork

Introduction There exist numerous techniques in the modern world aiming at understanding and enhancing teamwork mechanisms. The Marshmallow Challenge, where the participants are asked to build a tall tower using several materials, is one of the most outstanding examples. Its efficacity is proved in all age groups, and sometimes the...

Policy Issues That Surround Public and Private Healthcare

Policy Issues of Public Healthcare The state health policy is aimed at creating conditions for the health system that allows for health education of the population, prevention of diseases, provision of medical care to citizens, the conduct of scientific research in the field of health, and training of medical and...

Electromagnetic Assisted Impact collision (MAIC)

The process of electromagnetic assist impact collision (MAIC) is used to combine reactive nanoparticles with activated carbon bead to produce a multi-functional particulate. A reactive-adsorptive multi-functional protective particulate contains both chemically and biologically protective capabilities in a form whose handling during use and manufacture does not pause difficulties. The nanoparticles...

Law: Breonna Taylor’s Case

Introduction Breonna Taylor’s murder case plays a significant role in the modern justice system. Police shooting cases gained relevance as they frequently appear to be controversial and judicial decisions regarding such cases often cause public outcries. Public opinion promotes the existence of bias in police use of weapons. According to...

“Embarrassment of Riches” by Sheelah Kolhatkar

Introduction In the article “Embarrassment of Riches,” Sheelah Kolhatkar addresses the tendency of ultra-wealthy Americans to consider rising income inequality and advocate the necessity to make higher taxes for them (32). In general, it is a highly informative article, and the author has managed to prove this main point in...

Japan’s Long-Term Recovery After the 2011 Tsunami

Japan was hit by a devastating earthquake in 2011 in its eastern region. A few minutes later, there followed a massive tsunami which was approximately 100-foot waves. The earthquake claimed over 100 lives, but the severity of the matter was when the tsunami spiked where over 20,000 people were reported...

Kant’s Categorical Imperative: Saving Friend and Risking Own Life

Centering the importance of utility as the foundation for decision-making, Kant’s ethical theory is an important framework for addressing complex moral dilemmas. In turn, the Categorical Imperative as a crucial part of the specified perspective allows dissecting major ethical problems and solving them by examining the utility of the proposed...

Ichabod Crane and Brom Van Brunt in Irving’s “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”

In Washington Irving’s “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” the characters of Ichabod Crane and Brom Van Brunt seem almost diametrically opposite. The contrast between them is shaped by their appearance, social status, and behavior. Still, there are a lot of commonalities in their motivations, which expand the characterizations of the...

The Collapse of the Soviet Union and Its Causes

The collapse of the USSR can rightfully be called one of the most significant political events of the XX century. For half a century, the USSR and the USA, in their confrontation, shaped the entire system of international relations. When the USSR ceased to exist, the whole system of cross-cultural...

Case Study of Starbucks Employees

I believe the National Labor Relations Board was absolutely right in siding with employees in the issue of wearing union pins at workplace, since Starbucks went too far in its desire to control employees. Firstly, the ban to wear more than a single union pin has nothing to do with...

The Decline and the Fall of the Roman Empire

Many historians have analyzed the fall of the Roman Empire to determine its leading causes. Debates regarding different factors involved and contributed to the end of the Roman kingdom have also been experienced. The Roman Empire was one of the most superior territories recognized by many people. Its collapse led...

Discussion of the Gender Wage Gap

Many factors and elements contribute to the gender wage gap, including race and ethnicity, disability, educational attainment, and age. As a result, income disparities between various groups of women are significant. The income gap between men and women is a complicated issue that will need extensive remedies (Cortés and Pan)....

The Yokohama Company’s International Components and Strategy

Introduction The Yokohama company is a manufacturer based in Tokyo, Japan. For the production of rotating whirligigs, the company requires a supply of parts from three international locations: Guangzhou, China; Manila, The Philippines; and Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Thus, the manufacturer is a part of a global supply chain that spans several...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Breathe” by Michael Smith: The Theme of Love

When emotions cannot be expressed, words act as a release medium. Songs are primarily used to display affection, grief, or disapproval of something. “Breathe” is a six-minute religious devotion song choreographed by Marie Barnett and sung by the renowned Christian musician Michael Smith. The song’s lyrics are dominated by the...

Prostitution vs. Human Trafficking

Many people believe that making prostitution a legal activity will help raise the status of prostitutes and promote their protection. However, promoting prostitution as a job does not help women but the sex industry. People often do not realize that, for example, decriminalization implies that this process occurs within the...

Beta Sitosterol and Gamma Oryzanol Compound

Beta-sitosterol is a substance found in plants and is normally called plant sterol ester while, Gamma Oryzonal is found in fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. It is often used for lowering cholesterol level and improving symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Whereas gamma Oryzanol is a compound extracted from rice bran...

Ergonomics Design Criteria of The Lotus Temple

Human factors or ergonomics play a vital role in building designs and are delineated according to accessibility, function, and aesthetics. Integrating human factors into an architectural design aims to increase the quality of life by improving the structure’s safety, comfort, and performance. The Lotus Temple, located in New Delhi, India,...

Environmental Degradation in Pacific Northwest

Diamond’s Five Point Framework is a popular tool used to analyze the demise of historic and contemporary societies. At the center of this theory is the idea that each society has its own set of social, political, economic, and ecological factors, which constitute the environment of a certain country. The...

The Jim Crow Laws and Their Influence on American Society

After the defeat of the Civil War in the South, fundamental economic and political reforms followed. Slavery was abolished, and men of color were given the to vote. These significant changes paved the way for a radical transformation of extractive institutions of the southern states into inclusive ones to put...

Apple Watch Series 6: Benefits Analysis

The Image Apple introduced the Apple Watch Series 6 with a new blood oxygen level feature that provides additional opportunities to monitor one’s health. Blood oxygen saturation level (SpO2) is the red blood cells (as a percentage) that transport oxygen from the lungs to other organs. This level indicates the...

The Grapes of Wrath by Steinbeck and Under the Feet of Jesus by Viramontes

Migration and immigration are considered the third globalization wave, secondary to capital and goods. The migration issue is extending in scope, impacts, and complexity. The refugees experience several challenges during their course of movement and other difficulties in the areas they settle in as varying factors drive them out of...

The Container Store: An Employee Centric Retailer

Introduction The Container Store was established in 1978 by Kip Tindell and Garett Boone. It started its main operation with the ultimate aim of offering a solutions-based approach to retail at its headquarters at Capell, Texas, with 49 locations across the country selling more than 10,000 products. This unique approach...

Soil: The Essential Aspect of Agriculture

Introduction Weathered rocks, mineral particles, organic material, air, and water make up soil matter. The material provides the necessary nutrients for plants and organisms to grow. Soil formation is a gradual weathering of rocks due to physical agents like wind and water and chemical reactions such as oxidation-reduction. The progressive...

Coaches’ Role in Athletes’ Nutrition and Mental Health

Study 1 Jacob, R., Couture, S., Lamarche, B., Provencher, V., Morissette, É., Valois, P., Goulet, C., & Drapeau, V. (2019). Methods In their study, the researchers aimed to assess sports coaches’ intentions and their psychosocial determinants relevant to providing nutrition and nourishment recommendations to the athletes that they coach. The...

Shays’ Rebellion and Whiskey Rebellion

In 1786, a gathering of American landowners conducted a series of massive protests in Massachusetts known as the Shays’ Rebellion since American veteran Daniel Shays led the individuals. Rebellion In this confrontation, people disapproved of the method state and municipal tax receipts were being conducted. A charge on alcoholic beverages...

The Tragedy of the Commons in the New Environmental Reality

Garrett Hardin provided a new perspective on the field of ecology, emphasizing the issue of individual interests. In her research, she identifies these personal interests to be the cause of ecological problems and scarcity. In other words, people act self-interested in acquiring more resources, leading to mismanagement and subsequent shortage....

Neurophysiological Disorders in Children

The neuropsychological disorder is a term that illustrates a brain injury-related impairment of mental function that may include one or more of the following: neurocognitive, psychotic, neurotic, behavioral, or psychophysiological manifestations. Many clinical symptoms are associated with illnesses affecting the cerebral cortex and its subcortical connections. They are frequently accompanied...

The Rois Peanut Butter: Product Marketing

The chosen product is natural peanut butter of the Rois brand, produced in the USA. In the USA, more than 300 thousand tons of peanut butter are consumed per year – sandwiches with this delicacy are eaten at any time of the day or night, and the number of jars...

American Women’s Rights Discussed in Lyrics

Throughout the decades, singers have been covering the topics that are important to them and their communities. In the case of female songwriters, poets, and musicians, women’s rights and role in society remained significant subjects of discussion. The following analysis of four pieces created by women shows similar ideas and...

The “Truth & Method” Book by Hans-Georg Gadamer

Basic Knowledge The truth may be discovered via art, and the truth of art can elevate any way of comprehension. An experience can inspire a piece of art, which can then be produced to depict the event. In certain circumstances, the accuracy or correctness with which a piece of art...

Saharan People: Feeding Desire by Rebecca Popenoe

In Feeding Desire, Rebecca Popenoe offers the reader a perspective that is enliveningly different, one in which being overweight is wonderful for women. However, what is most amazing about this study is how many women from totally different civilizations share obvious commonalities. Popenoe investigates the practice of “fattening” among Azawagh...

Puritan Characteristics in Hawthorne’s Young Goodman Brown

Puritan faith was defined by several key characteristics that made it unique among other Christian denominations. In particular, the Puritans shared an exceptionally powerful religious fervor, believing that one should strictly adhere to the Bible and live as close to the model of Jesus Christ as possible (Mark). As a...

Immigration From the Northern Triangle to the US

Notably, the United States has remained a favorite destination for migrants from all over the globe. In 2018, most migrants came from El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala, known colloquially as the “Northern Triangle countries.” The goal of the National Immigration Forum’s paper was to describe ‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors, show...

Central Pillars of “Level 5 Leadership” by Collins

There is no correct method for determining the exact limitations of the influence that the leader’s personality has on the business development. However, a leader’s personality can certainly present a substantial component of a business’s success. The study conducted by Collins initially explored the topic of transformational good-to-great changes in...

Aspects of Valio Company Case Study

Introduction The case study under examination concerns Valio, Finland’s largest dairy products manufacturer, and its reconstruction following the country’s admission into the European Union (EU). Thus, the company was forced to undergo a profound organizational restructuring and adopt new strategies to continue functioning in a changed institutional and regulatory setting...

Printing Equipment Purchase Decision Making

Decision-making skill is one of the most important aspects of every company’s leadership as it allows to make the right choices and minimize risks in connected parts of the business. According to Klien (2017), statistics is closely related to decision-making as specific numbers and exact data can make the production...

Fraud and Abuse in Healthcare: Analysis

Fraud and abuse in the healthcare system have been one of the top enforcement priorities in the U.S. for the past few years. The Federal Department of Justice and U.S. attorneys are fighting Medicaid fraud and struggling to define abuse, fraud, and corresponding penalties. This research paper aims to identify...

The Internet Era’s Impact on Reading

Introduction With the invention of the Internet, the traditional way of reading books has changed, and many additional advantages and disadvantages appeared. With the increase in the number of new forms of entertainment, the percentage of purchased physical books has decreased (Sridhar, 2021). Reading has become an optional choice for...

Analysis of the Concept of Dividend under the Companies Act 2013

Introduction The financial operations of a firm can be overseen by the government of the country where the business is listed and concern various aspects, including dividends. In India, dividends are controlled by The Companies Act (TCA) of 2013, which is a modified version of the initial Act of 19561....

Capitalism and Its Threats and Benefits for Society

Capitalism is sometimes defined as an economic system in which individual actors own and dispose of the property following their interests. Supply and demand freely decide market prices in a way that best serves the public interest. The profit incentive is the most crucial element of capitalism (Rioux et al.,...

Should English Be the Official Language of the US?

Introduction The most frequently spoken language in the United States is English, which has long served as the nation’s official tongue. It is employed for official business and communication. Making English the national language of the United States has sparked several discussions since the US does not have an official...

The Strategy Introduction Program in Education

A strategy introduction program is a commonly used education technique that helps students at schools and universities to learn the material they need. Different types of strategies are direct instruction, interactive instruction, and independent study (Brown & Pressley, 2023). All three characteristics benefit students and tutors in diverse ways, like...

The Opioid Epidemic and Public Health Solutions

The opioid epidemic is a pressing public health issue that has affected countless individuals and communities across the United States. The article is a relevant and informative piece that caught my attention due to its challenge of misguided beliefs about immigration and its relationship with the opioid epidemic. This essay...

Information Warfare and Its Effect on Elections

Introduction Information warfare is one of the most common topics in modern world politics. The information warfare’s psychological character makes it less dangerous to the population yet more effective for defensive purposes. Cyberspace, in this case, often acts as a battlefield for information warfare because it allows a minimum level...

Public Speaking Experience and Recommendations for Improvement

Introduction Public speaking refers to the act of speaking to a group of people. Although the thought of speaking in public creates anxiety and discomfort, it does not have to be scary (Thomas, 2009). In general, excellent public speakers are men and women who tend to focus on having a...

Claude McKay’s Biography; His Experiences and Poems

Claude McKay was one of the most influential figures during the Harlem Renaissance period of the 1900s. Born and educated in his native Jamaica, McKay ventured out to the United States in 1912 to pursue further education (McKay). While in the US he discovered the cruelties suffered by the African...

Deviance Definition Theories and Approaches

Deviance is a state of straying from ordinary or accepted standards, particularly in a social or sexual context. Scholars have also defined deviance as a drift from the accepted manners in society. Therefore, the term “deviance” always describes all behaviors that go against the social and moral values of the...

Code of Federal Regulations: Definition of Ethics

Research ethics is a doubtlessly significant part of any scientific project, especially when the project in question is carried out within the realm of the biomedical or behavioral studies. To assure that no harm is done to the participants involved, the Institutional Review Board was created. Though it is traditionally...

“Get Your Bonds Ready for a Fed Rate Boost”: Article Summary and Analysis

Summary of the article According to an article, Get Your Bonds Ready for a Fed Rate Boost by Michael A. Pollock, the latest trends have shown that yields are likely to rise in the year 2015. Hence, investors should be ready. This year, many investors missed opportunities to get the...

“Paradise Lost: Book II” by John Milton

In general, the British literature highlights Satan’s convincing tactics on the two characters in the story. The two characters faced several problems, and through the text, we see that Satan is convincing them to choose the death path to avoid any more suffering. The opening line of the literature is...

Moral Doctrine of Active and Passive Euthanasia

Active and passive euthanasia Active euthanasia may be more preferable in those cases, when a person struggles with excruciating pain caused by some incurable illness. For instance, one can speak about people who struggle with cancer. By choosing this approach, a medical worker can end the suffering of an individual...

Caregivers’ and Health Professionals’ Risk – Nursing

Today there are numerous hazards that put caregivers and health professionals at risk. “More people are becoming victims of oppression, torture, and abuse in different organizations today (Kerr, 2010)”. This explains why there is a need for adequate measures to address the issue. For instance, the American Psychological Association (APA)...

Religion History: Ideological Differences Issues

The world is currently dominated by five major religions that have been in existence for several years. These religions are Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, and Hindu. The common religions have certain common aspects and also exhibit some ideological differences. This paper examines some facts about the world religions by utilizing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

US Women of North and South in the 19th Century

Summary The Times That Try Men’s Souls rendered the issue of social injustice that manifested itself in gender inequality. Chapman stresses that, now that a significant social change is on the horizon, the time has come to address the gender problem: “the women have leaped from ‘their spheres’” (Hollitz 270)....

Cultural Competence Holistic Health

Introduction The world is continuously evolving and changing. Apparently, these changes and evolutions affect all sectors of society, which include the healthcare sector. Over the recent past, the healthcare sector has experienced numerous changes, which affect the nature of service delivery in healthcare centers. Some of the changes include the...

Obama’s Economic Policy and Financial Crisis

There were significant expectations laid on the new president after the election. The economic situation Obama had to face when becoming the president was a true disaster. The first step the new president was to take was to define the team that would be supposed to meet the challenge. Obama...

Miami Health and Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns

Introduction The results obtained using Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns framework reveal that Miami faces various health risks such as climate hazards, sedentary lifestyles, accidents, water and food contamination, drug abuse, and homelessness. This community assessment paper gives a detailed analysis of these health risks. The discussion also outlines the resources...

History of Slavery and Its Impact on Contemporary Society

Nowadays, there are many opinions about the impact of slavery on people. Some people believe that slavery is something from the past and can never return. Still, some people think that slavery as it cannot be dead and continues influencing people in a variety of ways. Reece and O’Connell (2015)...

Standard 2 of Early Childhood Professional Preparation

Introduction The key purpose of the relevant paper resides in analyzing and evaluating Standard 2 ”Building Family and Community Relationships” retrieved from the list of Standards for Initial Early Childhood Professional Preparation (National Association for the Education of Young Children, 2010). It is considered critical to examine this standard from...

Baker County Geriatric Population Health Assessment

Defining the Community This paper assesses the geriatric population within the state of Florida, the US, who live in the nursing homes in Baker County. This population represents the elderly who are currently unable to live with their families because of health issues that require supervision and assistance or absence...

Printing Equipment Purchase and Decision-Making

Introduction The owner of a printing company faces a choice between buying new equipment to expand her business and purchase withdrawal. The main elements and the consequences of both scenarios are represented in the table. Potential Profits of the Printing Company High sales Low sales With new equipment $90,000 $40,000...

Concepts and Terms With Different Connotations

Children are inclined to associate new concepts with ideas that they have regarding certain objects and phenomena. Therefore, they can experience difficulties while working with concepts and terms that have different connotations in various situations. For instance, it is often difficult for children to distinguish between objects and materials that...

Transitional Care Model: Planning Phases

Introduction Transition care becomes a topical issue nowadays as patients with complex medical needs might suffer from poor outcomes. These are preconditioned by medication errors, and other drawbacks in the communication between care providers and patients. Additionally, older patients mainly comprise the risk group. For this reason, the problem of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Tuberculosis: Case Study Assessment

People at Risk When it comes to contracting tuberculosis from Jose, Jill’s patient, it is essential to take into consideration that the employees working at the farm where he is employed are at a higher risk because they did not have knowledge about their co-worker’s illness and thus did not...

Cardiac Condition: Myocardial Infarction

Specific Objectives By the end of this lesson, the learner will be able to: State modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors Describe the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction List the symptoms of myocardial infarction Describe the list of drugs that treat myocardial infarction Lecture: Myocardial Infarction Also called a heart attack, myocardial...

Team-Based Healthcare in Nursing Practice

Introduction Team-based health care is supported by the current U.S. health care system, although it is not implemented in every institution. As Babiker et al. (2014) point out, nowadays patients are rarely cared for by only one physician or nurse. Usually, it is a team of professionals who ensure that...

Renewable Energy Systems Group and Toyota Company

Introduction Entering the global economy means locating a niche that one may become a leader in and strive for maintaining quality rates impeccably high. The application of the Lean Six Sigma to the key company processes, particularly, the management of the raw materials (Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungtusanatham, 2014), the Work-in-Process...

The Social Interaction in an Online Learning Community

Online education by Nagel and Kotze The main purpose of the research by Nagel and Kotze (2010) was to see the efficiency of the available teaching strategies for the online classes of large size to address the issue of the limited personal exposure of the learners to the tutor. The...

Apis Mellifica as a Homeopathic Drug for Headaches

Introduction Nowadays, the development of medicine and medical treatment has experienced a considerable growth, which permitted representatives of health care professions to cure a large number of conditions that would have been lethal and incurable in the past, as well as to alleviate the suffering of patients who have less...

Research Ethics Specifics: Biomedical Research

Learning about the history of research ethics profoundly impacted my view of biomedical research. The main reason is that research is not a sole priority, where one should strive to achieve scientific knowledge. Such measures also involve real individuals whose rights are more important than data acquisition. Important ethical questions...

Clinical Guidelines: Practice Standards and Algorithms

Healthcare practitioners should be aware of different procedures, tools, and guidelines that amount to evidence-based practice. Caregivers and clinicians who use them will provide exemplary and high-quality medical services to their patients. This paper gives a detailed analysis of the differences between these tools: clinical guidelines, practice standards, and algorithms....

Medicare, Medicaid, and Cost Regulations

Organizational Interaction with CMS The most important reason for a healthcare organization to understand Medicare and Medicaid is the regulations inherent in it. Both programs provide the incentives for the clinical organizations which demonstrate the necessary level of healthcare quality. While Medicare and Medicaid are commonly associated with financial help...

Camden Healthcare Quality and Affordable Prices

Introduction Providing healthcare to different individuals is critical in the modern world. Despite a substantial focus on equality and tolerance, a high level of disparities exists, and not all social groups receive equal attention in healthcare (Coelho & Nguyen, 2012). In this case, Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers tends to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Riverbend City Case: Conflict Management

The given case presents an intercultural conflict between Felicity Pearson from the Riverbend City Civil Liberties Union and Police Chaplain Lee Khang. The key issue is whether to allow transgender employees and officers of the police department to use any locker rooms or not. While Felicity argues for providing the...

Essential Thrombocytosis Pathophysiology and Care

Essential thrombocytosis (ET) is an uncommon blood disease, which occurs due to the excess production of platelets. The condition increases the risk of having blood clots. This chronic disease has no known cure currently, and thus drugs are only taken to relieve symptoms. Clinical Presentation In most cases, ET does...

Diabetes Mellitus II: Screening and Statistics

Diabetes is a health problem that bothers many people around the whole world despite their race, gender, and age. The peculiar feature of this disease is that it cannot be treated. Therefore, people should try to do everything possible to learn about the potential risk factors and screen for type...

Central-Line Infection Prevention in Nursing Practice

The Implications of the Findings on Clinical Practice The findings made have a significant implication for clinical practice. The findings show that using a multifaceted intervention may significantly reduce cases of central line associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) (Dixon & Caver, 2010). It means that nursing practice within the intensive care...

Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner: Typical Duties

Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner (AGNP) provides healthcare services to people aged 65 and older. These professionals may be involved in such settings as emergency departments, specialty clinics, intensive care units, and acute wards. The scope of duties may vary across the states. Typical Duties and Responsibilities Typical duties and responsibilities of...

Marine Sediments Types: Lithogenous, Biogenous, Hydrogenous, and Cosmogenous Sediments

The rapid rise of science and the appearance of new technologies conditioned numerous discoveries that contributed to the better comprehending of the nature of the world in which we live. Humanity acquired an opportunity to investigate numerous landscapes and environments, understand their unique peculiarities, and provide a detailed description. Yet,...

Costco Corporation: Porter’s 5-Forces Analysis

Costco began its operations in the United States in 1976 where its first business location was an abandoned airplane Hangar. Costco experienced extraordinary revenue growth during its first six years of operation. Costco has changed its name twice in the course of its history. Also, Costco has since operated in...

Univeristy Website’s User Interface Structure Redesign

Introduction All information systems have a relatively similar user interface, which is categorized into three principal aspects: navigation design, input design, and output design. These subdivisions of interface perform particular functions, which satisfy the user’s needs and facilitate his or her experience (Aerts, Smits, & Verlegh, 2017). This paper aims...

Sexuality in “The Storm” Story by Kate Chopin

Introduction Kate Chopin wrote The Storm which is a short story in eighteen ninety-eight. The story was however published in nineteen sixty long after she died. The author based the story in Louisiana where the two main actors are Calixta and Alcee. Most of Calixta’s neighbors are of the Catholic...

Demographic Transition in Russia and Canada

Introduction A demographic transition signals the shift (in a country or region) from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates. A demographic transition usually arises when a country evolves from a pre-industrial to an industrialized state. Once a nation achieves the goal of industrialization, the accompanying...

Does God Know the Future?

I would say yes, God knows the future. The reason why God knows the lot is that he is beyond the issue of time. Before the world began, He was, and that is why he created the world. Before the creation, He saw the future as a present reality, including...

Emerging Chinese Market

“Forget the idea that the rise of Chinese competitors simply means cheap, low-quality imitations flooding world markets” (Williamson & Zeng, 2008, p. 44). Though many people think, that China can only deal with cheap mass production to flood the market with low-quality goods. Chinese products have nothing in common with...

Compensation and Reward for Nonpermanent Employees

Introduction Compensation and reward for non-permanent employees is an area that requires a lot of understanding. Employees who are not full-time workers are mostly driven by the pecuniary reward that they receive from the employees. Given that labor cost should not exceed 30 percent of the total sales, the employer...

The Subjection of Women

Factors making attractiveness to men “the polar star of feminine education and character formation” The factors that make attractiveness to men “the polar star of feminine education and character formation, according to Mill Stuart Mill are as follows: The fundamental object of human aspirations, considerations and all objects of social...

Industrialization: Social and Economic Development

The Second Industrial Revolution had unfolded from 1870 to 1914. It was characterized by an unprecedented pace of urbanization and increases in production volumes, and a large number of path-breaking inventions was the primary factor that triggered the progress. The present case study is devoted to the review and analysis...

“The Seven T’s at Seventy” Concert by Ferguson

A music concert that I attended was entitled The Seven T’s at Seventy and was dedicated to the 70th birthday of Charles Ferguson, a lecturer at California Institute of the Arts, who was also a solo performer during the show. The concert took place on January 19, 2019, in the...

Online Ads and Sales

With the advent of new technologies, additional methods of advertising become available to marketing professionals. Numerous services now employ online ads, which are theoretically similar to those used in other forms of media but differ to adjust to the specific circumstances of the Internet. According to Lewis and Reiley (2014),...

“Fools Crow” Novel by James Welch

The theme of aboriginal people and their relations with people from the Western world has always been topical. The existence of multiple disputable issues, extremely sophisticated relations, many cases of discrimination, violence, and the clash of cultures create the basis for vigorous debates about the behavior of one or another...

How a Bill Becomes a Law

Introduction In the United States, the process of enacting a bill and ensuring that it becomes law is complex and has several essential stages. More specifically, The United States House of Representatives, the Senate, and the President have to approve any bill before it can become a law, and each...

Pressure Ulcers Prevention in Hospital Settings

Introduction Many patients suffer from various conditions that require prolonged hospitalization. This evidence-based practice has remained a risk factor for pressure ulcers. The purpose of this paper is to give a detailed description of this topic and its significance to nursing practice. It goes further to present three PICOT questions...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Non-Pharmacological Pain Management Definition

Clinical Nursing Practice Problem Non-pharmacological interventions are beneficial in reducing labor pain, with minimal or no damage to mother and fetus, as well as the overall progress of labor. Such methods are simple and cost-effective, however, their application is not yet fully examined in clinical settings, specifically in sub-Saharan Africa....

Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers: Project Change

The main focus of this project is the identification and prevention of Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers. Pressure Ulcers are a condition that is more efficient and safer for the patient to prevent rather than treat after development. Even though most hospitals treat patients at risk of developing Pressure Ulcers and utilize...

Religion and Its Health Benefits

Patients and families in hospitals can often be seen praying for health and wellness. Religion and faith have been an integral part of healthcare historically and remain a key aspect of healing for many patients. Religious beliefs can have potential health benefits by reducing mortality rates, contributing to patient coping...

The Wave of the Future: Driverless Car Technology

Imagine if you will, a future where voice responsive technology, GPRS systems, and onboard computers allow one to have a car that can be driven worry and hassle-free by even a toddler. No, I am not talking about the cars in Demolition Man or Minority Report, although Hollywood is not...

George Stroud in “The Big Clock” by Kenneth Fearing

The focal point of the paper is to present a critical response on George Stroud in the “Big Clock” by Kenneth Fearing, published in 1946. This book is a social depiction of the influence of mass media through the protagonist George Stroud, who is the editor of a popular magazine...

A Throw-Away Society and Green Consumption Trends

Introduction A society, such as our own, which produces excessive amounts of disposable products and is in the grip of consumerism, is commonly referred to as a throw-away society. Although there have been several attempts to move towards Green Consumption (Hardliner and Rice 89), the average person in a Throw-Away...

Scheduling and Supply Chain in Manufacturing

Introduction Manufacturing of new products requires product design and complete description of the steps involved. Companies should opt for a production system, which will enable production of the desired quality of goods at the right time. The major types of manufacturing processes are job shop, batch shop, assembly and continuous....

Attraction, Relationships and Communication

Psychologists have long been tracing how people are attracted to each other and how they fall in love and build their relationships. Building and, especially, maintaining love relationships is extremely complicated (Oslie, 2007). Future partners are chosen based on their attractive attributes; if their further relations contain all the necessary...

Organizational Behavior and Criminal Organizations

Many criminal justice agencies are trying to reinvent themselves so as to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Doing so often requires that the organizational culture change. What do you see as the impediments to cultural change in criminal justice agencies? No matter how perfect and well-organized criminal justice agencies seem to...

Wartime Ethical Decisions Are Justifiable

Introduction Ethics is a set of principles that tells us how we should conduct ourselves. Every individual needs a code of ethics to guide them in life. Ethics is not only doing what you must do but it’s also performing the right thing in life. Because this calls for discipline,...