288 Crime Essay Topics & True Crime Research Topics

Looking for an exciting topic about crime? This article is for you! Here, you will find the most unique crime topics for your compare-and-contrast essay or problem solution paper. We’ve also included true crime research topics for you to check out!

🔝 Top 10 Crime Essay Topics for 2024

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Crime

  1. Juvenile Crime: Punishment of Juvenile Crime
    The objective of this paper is to discuss why minors should not be treated as adults in court. They should not also receive life in prison without the possibility of parole.
  2. Peru – Globalization, Environment, Crime and Disease
    The paper synthesizes a number of legitimate sources to focus on globalization and its effects on Peru with special relation to environmental issues, crime, and diseases.
  3. Relationship Between Poverty and Crime
    The paper makes the case and discusses inequality rather than poverty being the prime reason for people committing crimes.
  4. Digital Imaging and Traditional Methods of Crime Scene
    Technological progress allows police to use innovations in their work routine to make crime scene reconstruction, geospatial analysis, and surveillance more efficient.
  5. How Social Learning Theories Impact Juvenile Delinquency and Crime
    The current paper focuses on the investigation of the dependence of teenagers’ drug abuse as juvenile delinquency on SLTs and theoretical means to mitigate the problem.
  6. Situational and Social Crime Prevention Approaches
    This paper aims to present a distinction between situational crime and social crime prevention. Technology made it complicated how to implement crime theories.
  7. Psychoanalytic and Social Learning Theories Explaining Crime
    Among the theories explaining the causes of delinquent youth, two are especially important: social learning theory and psychoanalytic theory.
  8. Organized Crime and Corporate Crime
    One of the vices that are prevalent in all societies in the world is crime. This vice is generally associated with negative outcomes for individuals and society at large.
  9. Crime Prevention Programs and Criminal Rehabilitation
    This paper will analyze the various crime prevention programs and criminal rehabilitation efforts that the criminal justice system engages in.
  10. Racism: “Born a Crime” by Trevor Noah
    This article focuses on “Born a Crime”, the autobiography of the comedian Trevor Noah, in which he reflects on his childhood under the racist laws of apartheid.
  11. Aspects of Crime Scene Investigation
    Crime scene investigation is a real art that requires care and caution. Criminologists must be careful and persistent in their research.
  12. Criminal Case Analysis: Criminal Act Synopsis, Crime Identification
    The case under analysis could fall under the definition of hate crimes – the man intentionally selected these women to conduct an assault and battery.
  13. Crime Prevention Practices Overview
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss effective crime prevention practices and social development models to prevent crime.
  14. Media Influence on Crime and Criminal Behavior
    The media often portrays criminals as larger-than-life characters with superpowers, which can make some people view criminal behavior as a way to get attention.
  15. The New York Map: A Syndicate Evaluated Crime Network in New York City
    This paper will largely focus on representing the New York map to show a syndicate-evaluated crime network in New York City.
  16. Fight Against Crime and Its General Characteristics
    Criminology studies crime prevention as a complex dynamic system. Its functioning is connected with the solution of both general tasks of social development.
  17. Crime Statistics Sources: Strengths and Weaknesses
    In the justice system, there are some ways to discuss and evaluate crime, based on the different metrics for documenting it.
  18. Importance of Toxicology in Crime Investigation
    The research paper describes toxicology as one of the leading branches in the field of forensic science and importance aspect of criminal investigation.
  19. The Profile of a Crime Victim
    The profile of a crime victim is generally regarded to be a matter of statistics, while the victims themselves are people of various origins, ages, and occupations.
  20. The Bank Robbery Crime Investigation
    The primary objective of securing the crime scene is to preserve all the evidence that can help trace and identify the bank robbery suspect.
  21. Youth Crime Prevention and Needs Assessment
    To assess needs of youth offenders, one should employ the approach of recidivism prevention and conduct assessment at any stage of the juvenile justice system.
  22. Crime and Factors Influencing It
    Many modern theories, including biosocial criminology, are beginning to consider various processes occurring inside the body as factors contributing to the commission of crimes.
  23. Technology-Based Crime and Its Management
    In the modern world of science and technology, new developments and advancements have changed life and style of living tremendously.
  24. Shoplifting: a Crime of Convenience
    The purpose of the academic-based study was to observe the specific shoplifting tendencies of a broad group of individuals for reducing the number of shoplifting occurrences.
  25. Crime Commission: Legal and Social Perspectives
    Crime has various dimensions: legal and ethical. Crime commission helps to integrate all dimensions of the society in the administration of justice.
  26. Aspects of Crime Behavior
    Crime is a behavior in which moral standards that are appropriate for well-being in society are defined, and set rules are violated.
  27. Victimization Prevention is an Effective Tool Against Crime
    Victimization prevention solutions borrowed from the crime prevention sector should militate against the practice of consultation and dispassionate inquiry.
  28. Identifying Strategic, Tactical and Administrative Crime Analysis
    This paper aims to reveal the concepts and features of strategic, tactical, and administrative analysis of crimes.
  29. Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut
    This article explains the purpose and duties of conscience as depicted in the Mark Twain story, The Facts Concerning the Recent Carnival of Crime in Connecticut.
  30. “Crimes Against Logic” by Jamie Whyte
    Crimes against Logic touches the aspect of fallacies through the description of human values and behavior following major actions performed.
  31. Corporate Crime: Understanding and Explaining
    Corporate scandals have become the stories behind many company downfalls and corporate governance reforms throughout the world were triggered by the scandals.
  32. Mass Media and Its Link to Crime and the Criminal Justice System
    In this study, the official website America’s Most Wanted will be analyzed to get a better understanding as to why it is so successful as a TV show and as a tool to fight crime.
  33. Concept of Natural Legal Crime
    The concept of natural crime covers actions that are deemed wrong regardless of whether they are enforced by law.
  34. Different Perspectives of Viewing Crime
    The paper suggests that it is prudent to consider crime as a complicated process that can be understood best by examining it from different perspectives.
  35. Bribery as a Crime
    As a rule, major bribes include payments that are higher than a certain limit which can be considered as an ordinary present.

🎓 Interesting Crime Essay Topics

  1. The Role of Social Seclusion and Economic Marginalization in Crime
    This paper explores the role of socio-economic marginalization in crime and the effects of criminal activities on allied populations and the nation.
  2. Aspects of Crime Against Morality
    The paper states that crime against morality is an offense of exiting moral values, moral basis, and views shared by the majority of society.
  3. Enron Corporation’s Scandal: White-Collar Crime
    An accounting scandal that shook the corporate world, Enron Corporation’s white-collar crime saw the downfall of one of the world’s most illustrious companies.
  4. Managing Crime and Deviance at Public Events and Public Venues
    The purpose of this article is to consider the problem of crime and deviations at public events and in public places, as well as to propose methods to combat it.
  5. Russian Organized Crime: History & Personalities
    This research paper seeks to focus on Russian Organized Crime. It will elaborately discuss its history, notable ROC personalities, size and scope, causes, and significances.
  6. Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment” Literary Analysis
    In “Crime and Punishment”, Dostoevsky tells readers about the tragic events in the streets of St. Petersburg when a student Rodion Raskolnikov commits double murder.
  7. Crime Types and Their Harm to Society
    This paper discusses the questions related to criminal justice issues, such as types of crimes, the concept of the Dark Figure of Crime, victimless crimes, and others.
  8. Conformity, Deviance, and Crime
    Definitions of conformity and deviance depend on social context, and what is considered a norm in one community or society can be seen as deviant by those outside it.
  9. Full-Service Crime Laboratory: Forensic Science
    Forensic scientists study and analyze evidence from crime scenes and other locations to produce objective results that can aid in the investigation and prosecution of criminals.
  10. Whether Crime or Violence Are Justified in a Reaction to Past Trauma
    This paper presents a debate on whether or not crime or violence should be a justification due to past trauma.
  11. Cyber Crime : Issues and Threats
    Cyber crime involves the stealing or manipulation of information effectively distorting its values across global networks.
  12. The England Crime Statistics by Region: Liverpool and Manchester
    The paper will consider such crime types as violence against personality, sexual offense, robbery, an offense against vehicles, theft, fraud, and forgery, criminal damage, etc.
  13. Organized Crime: Forming of the Definition
    The given work seeks to investigate the process of forming the concept of ‘organized crime’ by governments and justice systems.
  14. Crime and Criminals: General Characteristics
    For a long time, crime has been a subject of discussion among various countries across the globe, with various strategies and inventions being developed to curb the same.
  15. Crime and Deviance: Conflict and Functionalist Theories
    Various theories consider crime and deviance. This essay examines these phenomena within the framework of conflict and functionalist theory.
  16. Banning Violent Video Games Is a Crime Against Artistic Expression
    This paper discusses the statement that banning violent video games is a crime against artistic expression, credible research, and the first amendment.
  17. Fear of Crime and Crime Rates
    As a social phenomenon, the fear of crime can sometimes be more dangerous than the crime itself, leading to distortion in the social order.
  18. Trends Influencing Crime Rates
    Crime is widely considered a failure in the social system and therefore is to be addressed from the perspective of the social construct operation and the trends existing there.
  19. Examination of a Mock Crime Scene
    The crime occurred around 9:00 PM on March 11th, 2021, and was discovered and examined approximately at 9:30 PM on the same day.
  20. Organized Crime: The Canadian Mafia
    The Canadian based criminal gang organization engaged in drug trafficking, smuggling, gambling and political corruption.
  21. Reporting Behavior Among Victims of Crime
    The reporting behavior among victims of crime remains relatively low. Satisfaction level in police operations is among the prominent predictors of crime.
  22. Deterring Juvenile Crime. Bullying and Delinquency
    Delinquency can be defined as a crime committed by a minor; in the recent few years, cases of juvenile delinquency have been on the rise.
  23. Crime in Society: Costs and Response
    This paper looks at the social and economic costs of crime, how people learn to involve themselves in crime and how communities respond to the crime in society.
  24. Crime Scene Search and Its Importance
    The paper states that the inspection is the first and urgent action that the investigator performs even before the initiation of a criminal case.
  25. The First Responding Officer in Crime Scene Investigation: Primary Duties
    Ascertaining the situation and providing the support needed to the people affected is the earliest objective of the first officer attending (FOA).
  26. Murder Cases: Technology for Crime Monitoring and Control
    A new invention in the field of crime monitoring has greatly contributed to a decline in the number of crimes being committed.
  27. Mechanisms to Fight Serious Forms of Organized Crime in Italy
    The report analyzes safety in Italy organized crimes range from corporate crime, Neapolitan Camorra and mafia.
  28. We Are Living in a Risk Society Governed Through Crime
    Society and the world at large are under siege of crime; all sorts of crime from pickpocketing to capital crimes and even treason.
  29. Corporate Occupational and Avocational Crime
    Corporate crime is classified on the basis of activities, agents, laws broken or products under consideration; however, the most common criterion use is that of activity.
  30. Crime Causation Theories
    While psychological and sociological factors predispose an individual to delinquency, most offenses can be attributed to biological causes.
  31. Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences. The Notion of Criminality and Crime
    The exploration of the notion of criminality and crime is essential for the prevention and management thereof.
  32. Crime Causation Theories: Contrastive Analysis
    The purpose of this paper is to provide a contrastive analysis of the three crime causation theories in order to define the most prevalent one.
  33. Organized Business Crime Prosecution and Investigation
    Mr. Big is charged with operating a criminal enterprise that engages in illicit business activities. The memo proposes the investigative plan to obtain relevant evidence.
  34. Deviance, Crime and Social Control
    The selected topic from the class text is “Deviance, Crime, and Social Control”. The term deviance “refers to the violations of established contextual, cultural, or social norms”.
  35. Post-Crime Offenses: News Overview
    Post-crime offenses are those committed by an individual after he or she has already been charged and incarcerated. The paper examines three news stories.

👍 Good Crime Research Topics & Essay Examples

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  1. The Concept of Crime Analysis and Its Value
    The purpose of crime analysts is to increase the effectiveness of crime reduction. It helps police respond swiftly and appropriately to issues affecting public safety.
  2. How Does Poverty Affect Crime Rates?
    On the basis of this research question, the study could be organized and conducted to prove the following hypothesis – when poverty increases, crime rates increase as well.
  3. Crime Rates in Urban and Suburban Areas
    Currently, researchers are paying more and more attention to the consideration of predicates of increased crime rates in urban areas of large cities.
  4. White-Collar Crime: Definition and Special Features
    White-collar crimes are defined as deception, concealment, or breach of trust, and the difference between it and other types of crimes boils down to a question of opportunity.
  5. Crime Causes Among Adolescents Aged 12 to 17 Years
    Project proposal on the paper intended to explore the major reasons for the crime commitment among adolescents of this age group, ways to reduce crime among juveniles.
  6. Oklahoma City Bomber Timothy McVeigh’s Crime
    Army soldiers performed the deadliest terrorist attack on the territory of the United States, which remained in this status until September 11, 2001.
  7. Comparison of Primary Crime Data Sources Used In the United States
    The uniform crime report and the national crime victimization survey are the two primary sources of crime data in America.
  8. Crime against Persons With Disabilities
    In conclusion, it is evident that disabled populations remain extremely vulnerable to mental, physical, and sexual abuse, as well as violence.
  9. Social Change and Crime Rate Trends
    According to Cohen and Felson, structural changes in daily routine activities have a direct influence on the frequency of crime occurrence.
  10. DNA Analysis: A Crime-Fighting Tool or Invasion of Privacy?
    The paper argues that DNA analysis is an important crime-fighting tool and bring great benefit despite the likelihood of an invasion of privacy.
  11. The Sex Crime: Influence of Childhood Experiences
    Offenders may engage in sex crimes under an influence of having experienced sexual abuse themselves or other traumatic events in their childhood.
  12. Predatory Crime Causation and Substance Abuse Problems
    Substance abuse problems, as the causes of deviant behavior, are a subject of study in biosocial criminological theories.
  13. Obsession With True Crime and the Reasons for Its Growing Popularity
    This paper discusses the people’s obsession with true crime and explains its current popularity by some fundamental human needs and specific current conditions.
  14. Crime Rate: the Recidivism Rate
    The rate at which an act is done repeatedly by a given person is termed the recidivism rate. This act is usually preceded by corrective or discouraging attempts on the individual.
  15. The Crime Control Model: Due Process Values
    The Crime Control Model has been founded on the premise that the most important role of the criminal justice process is the repression of any form of criminal conduct.
  16. The Relationship Between Drugs and Addiction to Crime
    Systemic crime emerges from the arrangement of drug circulation. It includes conflicts over the region in rival drug traders, attacks, and executions committed in involved groups.
  17. “White-Collar Crime” Definition and Qualification
    White-collar crime can be defined as the crimes which are committed by individuals of respectability and very high social status in the course of their occupation.
  18. Crime Theories. “Can’t Catch a Break” by Sered & Norton-Hawk
    By reviewing the contents of the book and comparing and contrasting it with the three theories, one can examine the key concepts of both the book and the theories.
  19. Crime Scene Investigation in Media and Real Life
    The process of identifying and matching a piece of evidence to a particular person is a long process which requires exact sciences and methods.
  20. Nortel Networks Company’s Corporate Crime
    The perpetrators of the financial statement manipulation at the Nortel Networks Corporation were the former CEO, financial controller, and chief financial officer.
  21. Crime, Deviance, and Social Control
    Though social control is not imperfect, violation of norms is ordinary. It is impossible to have a culture or society where deviance does not occur.
  22. Juvenile Crime in Guyana and How to Address It
    Juvenile crime in Guyana remains a topic that correlates with the limitations of the current justice system in the country.
  23. Smash-And-Grab Crime: Criminal Investigation
    The smash-and-grab crime under investigation is a multi-million-dollar burglary that occurred in March 2022 at a Beverly Hills jewelry store.
  24. Biometrics Recognition and Crime Prevention
    The current business proposal suggests several recommendations on how to prevent consequent crimes and identify the perpetrators by using biometrics recognition.
  25. Procedures Within Crime Scene Investigation
    A crime scene investigation is a complex and multistage research process in which a criminology specialist uses various scientific techniques and methodologies.
  26. Impact of Immigration on the Economy
    Looking back on the United States’ history on the issue of immigration, the first immigrants came into the country starting in 1820.
  27. The Drug Trafficking as Organized Crime
    Drug trafficking is among the recently organized crimes, and it has a direct influence on the economy as it earns a lot of money.
  28. Counterfeit Products and Sociological Theories of Crime
    The paper will attempt to employ sociological theories such as strain theory, social learning theory, and control theory to analyze various aspects of counterfeiting.
  29. Successful Ways of Preventing Crime by Blundell
    Successful ways of preventing crime should be based on a variety of methods. Also, crime is considered to be a social issue can say about effective programs are to be developed.
  30. Arms Smuggling as a Form of Transitional Organized Crime
    The paper sets to discuss how small arms smuggling has affected the social, economical and political well being globally.
  31. Topology of Corporate Crime and White Collar Crime
    Corporate crime is pure form of white collar crime. Corporate abuse of power, corporate fraud has a fundamental link with the core concept of white collar crime.
  32. Is Prostitution a Victimless Crime or Not?
    Because victimless crimes involve two contentious issues of morality and liberty, the legalization of this category of crime is always disputed on many grounds.
  33. The Definition of White-Collar Crime by Sutherland
    Sutherland had an approach to the definition of white-collar crime that was purely rooted in a sociological approach.
  34. Functionalism: Crime and Deviance in Society
    Issues of crime and deviance directly derive from the functionalist system’s components, which are responsible for ensuring continuous functionality and well-being.
  35. Criminal Law – Is Graffiti a Crime or Not?
    Graffiti has in a key factor been associated with wrongdoings and ill-image driving purposes towards the society.

🌶️ Hot Crime Topics for Essay

  1. Community Policing: The Alternative Solution to Youth Crime
    Community policing is a better alternative especially when it comes to the sensitive nature of juvenile crime.
  2. The Psychological Underpinning of True Crime Obsession
    The proposed study examines the psychological underpinning of true crime obsession to demonstrate why this genre became popular. It presents an overview of the psychology.
  3. Families, Delinquency and Crime
    Crime would be considered a major social problem in the United States according to opinion surveys, with the major cause being laxity and inefficiency in parenting.
  4. Biological, Biosocial and Classical Theories of Crime
    The association of biology and criminality based on modifications of the brain also stands as a strong influence on the behavior of an individual.
  5. Fiction Versus Reality: Crime as a Social Phenomenon
    While making an analysis of various societies of the world at large, it becomes evident that no human society has ever been free from crimes, perversion and deviance at all.
  6. Crime Prevention Programme in Australia
    To prevent the wide spread of violence within relationships among young people in Australia, there are certain programmes, initiatives and resources that have been devised.
  7. Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking Offenders
    This paper discusses organized crime and drug trafficking, as well as the legal rights of the convicted and the relationships between the offenses.
  8. How Local Television News Viewing Relates to Fear of Crime?
    The hypothesis was that “people watching more television would perceive their world in ways that reflect the recurrent messages from the media”.
  9. The Teens, Crime, and Community Project in the US
    The Teens, Crime, and the Community project topic focuses on the problem of juvenile delinquency as more youths and children commit different forms of crime in the United States.
  10. White-Collar Crime and Negligence
    White-collar crime is a category of non-violent criminal activities that are motivated by financial gain. The aim of this paper is to analyze two case studies on white-collar crime and negligence.
  11. Is There Such Thing as a Victimless Crime?
    The problem of a victimless crime has been labeled as controversial due to the different opinions surrounding this issue.
  12. Nurse Robaczynski’s Case: Crime or Mercy Killing?
    The nurse had to disconnect her patient’s respirator because he had no chance to survive. However, the opinions of experts in the field, in this case, tend to vary.
  13. Criminality Development in the Documentary A Life of Crime
    The paper introduces the conception of getting involved in criminal activities as well as criminology development in America. The analysis refers to the documentary A Life of Crime.
  14. Anthropological Theory of Politics, Violence and Crime
    The pioneering principles of sociocultural anthropology established the foundation for an anthropological perspective of criminality and delinquency.
  15. High Crime Rates in Detroit and Their Causes
    Such socioeconomic factors as poverty, unemployment, and lack of education cause the high crime rates in Detroit city.
  16. Implicit Bias and the Crime Net in the Criminal Justice System
    An unequal distribution of cases against members of different ethnic groups characterizes the use of force by police officers against citizens in Canada.
  17. Capital Punishment Does Not End the Crime
    Capital punishment needs to be abolished due to the belief that it is equivalent to the crime committed, which is unjust and a form of retribution.
  18. Three Items Linked to Policing That Explain Japan’s Low Crime Rate
    One of the most significant trends observed in Japan over the past years is the low crime rate. The positive trend has promoted peace and socioeconomic progress in the nation.
  19. Problem-Focused Policing Reducing Crime
    Problem-oriented policing entails the identification of factors that raise crime risk, diagnosing them, and establishing solutions to them.
  20. Post-Crime Investigation Analysis
    Post-crime investigations are an essential process. One of the most important factors is the scene of the crime and the testimony of the victim and witnesses.
  21. National Crime Prevention Council’s Media Campaign
    National Crime Prevention Council is among the American educational nonprofit institutions that enable the creation of safe communities by addressing issues such as drugs.
  22. Crime in Falkner’s “Barn Burning” and Poe’s “Cask of Amontillado”
    William Faulkner’s Barn Burning and Edgar Allan Poe’s Cask of Amontillado raise the topic of crimes that go unpunished.
  23. Hip-Hop and Violence: Does This Music Genre Promote Crime?
    It is hard to disagree that various types and directions of art are extremely powerful and can have a severe impact on the world and society.
  24. Technologies to Reduce Crime and Acts of Terrorism
    Terrorism can be met with a nonviolent, credible, and justifiable reaction if counterterrorism actions are anchored in an accountable and productive criminal justice system.
  25. Racial Discrimination Cases: Federal Hate Crime Charges in Black Jogger’s
    Racial discrimination happens when a person is considered unacceptable or is denied the same possibilities as others in a similar position because of their ethnicity, or birth country.
  26. Asian Hate Crime: Social Limitations and Economic Impact
    This review focuses on Asian hate and marginalization roots, the current social limitations and economic impacts.
  27. Crime and Juvenile Delinquency Impact on Justice
    The contemporary issue of crime and juvenile delinquency has a negative impact on the field of criminal justice since it contributes to disorganization and anomie.
  28. Dante’s View on Crime and Punishment
    Dante believed that the crimes most worthy of penalty were those of abuse of trust, for reasons rooted in sociopolitical factors as well as the philosophy and law of his day.
  29. White-Collar and Corporate Crime
    White-collar crimes have increased in the modern world due to improved technology. Typically, these criminal activities are financially-motivated and are nonviolent.
  30. World War II Atrocities: Crimes Against Humanity
    This paper focuses on the crimes against humanity in World War II. The crimes are not on the battlefield and are unconnected with specific military activities.
  31. Overcoming Juvenile Crime: Community Programs
    Juvenile crime is a complex issue that a single program cannot resolve. There are specialized community programs that work with juvenile criminals and prevent their future crimes.
  32. Official Crime Data for Policy Development
    Using official crime data is very important, as it allows the development of policies that target the actual circumstances and avoid biases.
  33. Online and Offline Museums in Correlation with Crime
    People may now visit the world’s best museums using standard technologies. In this paper, these three museums will be illustrated from criminology and their correlation with crime.
  34. Budget Narrative for Markia Crime Stopper Program
    The following is the budget narrative to enable the Markia crime-stopper program initiative to effectively protect, respond to, and report criminal acts in the community.
  35. Forensics Analysis of Terrorism Crime Scene
    Terrorism uses calculated violence to generate public fear and panic to establish a specific political agenda within the general population.

📌 Easy Crime Essay Topics

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  1. A Legal or Ethical Obligation of Facebook to Assist a Crime Victim
    Platforms like Facebook should have a moral obligation to assist crime victims as soon as possible after gathering information from its members.
  2. A Victim as a Dark Figure of a Crime
    A victim is any person who has suffered moral, physical, or property damage from a wrongful act, regardless of whether he is duly recognized as a victim of this crime or not.
  3. Domestic Violence: “Crime in Alabama” by Hudnall et al.
    The consequences of domestic violence can be associated with deterioration in the population’s quality of life, psychological problems, or even the victim’s death.
  4. The Markia Security Crime Stoppers Program
    The initiative program named Markia Security Crime Stoppers has the objective to reduce the rate of burglaries through a series of preventive measures.
  5. Rising Crime and Ethnic Inequality in the United States
    The article raises the up-to-date topic of the sharp increase in the crime rate in the United States. The numbers are exceptionally high among African Americans and Latinos.
  6. Autistic Disorder and Crime in the United States
    Prevalence and incidence rates of autistic disorders are not high in the United States. According to Schug and Fradella, the prevalence rates are 5 cases per 10,000 people.
  7. Civil War Veterans and Crime in America
    Podcast by Handley-Cousins and Earls explores how American society and its disabled soldiers coped with the perceptions of service, disability, and government responsibility.
  8. Discourse of Fear in Local Crime News
    Fear is used as one of the formats of the crime news discourse, and it is popular today among many newspapers and advertising companies.
  9. The Influence of Police Bias on Disparity in Juvenile Crime: Methodology
    The issue of racial disparity in the criminal justice system remains a topical one. 64% of the charged youth are people of color.
  10. Ethics and Federal Laws as to Computer Crime
    With today’s rapid technological advancements, we must be conscious of the potential for cybercrime to create calamity.
  11. Investigating Crime with Age and Mental Illnesses Factors
    This paper describes a criminal case that implies the elements of both age and mental illness presented by the young female homicide.
  12. White-Collar Crime and the Whistleblower Protection Program
    The paper discusses white crimes and how the whistleblower protection program can help and protect the affected employees.
  13. Theories of Crime and Juvenile Rights
    The article discusses rights of minors and adults should differ due to the peculiarities of the psychological characteristics of development.
  14. Network Security and Cyber Crime, Super-Highway Metaphor
    Some of the major practices that can be done in ensuring maximum data security and integrity is through making all the servers only accessible by the administrators of networks.
  15. Hate Crime: History and Prevalence in the US
    The American Psychological Association defines a hate crime as a legal offense against an individual or property instigated in whole or part by the bias of the offender.
  16. Violent Crime, Its Forms and Patterns
    Even though the legal reform associated with the introduction of rape shield laws work, their effectiveness is limited by inconsistent implementation across states.
  17. Computer Crime Prevention Measures
    The following paper describes the various prevention tools and procedures that are being followed in relation to computer crime
  18. Do Increases in Hate Crime Suggest That We Have Become Less Civilized and More Violent?
    This paper aims to discuss the history of the hate crime concept, as well as the connections between hate crimes, public awareness, and sensitisation to violence.
  19. What Impact Has Feminism Had in the Study of Women and Crime?
    The most notable impact of feminism on women could be illustrated through the emerging interest of researchers to females in vulnerable communities.
  20. Psychological Disorders and How They Promote Crime and Conduct Problems
    Psychological disorders are one of the factors that have a significant influence on crime rates. This paper analyzes psychological disorders and how they promote crime.
  21. Crime Level Investigation in the United States
    Two mechanisms that the USA uses to trace the rate of crime in the country are the Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS).
  22. The Relationship Between Race and Crime in the United States
    The US media often mentions Latinos in the news when discussing drug trafficking and crimes related to crossing US borders.
  23. The Crime of Homicide: History and Laws
    The project describes homicide, which is the illegal killing of a human being by another. There exist state laws that define the services offered to the victims of homicide.
  24. Crime Trends in London and Manchester: 2005 to 2009
    The latest annual recap by the Home Office suggests that burglaries and violence around the nation may have at least held steady against the prior 2007/08 financial year.
  25. Seventh Day Adventists Fight Crime in Jamaica
    In this article, the author examines the problem of crime in Jamaica and also expresses an opinion on the influence Seventh Day Adventists can have on solving the problem.
  26. White-Collar Crime Description
    White-collar crime is among the subtlest, most non-evident, and most impactful types of crime, which affects the population on a scale of millions.
  27. Drugs and Crime Committed Under the Influence
    It would be prudent to differentiate between two types of drug-related crimes. There are instances of drug-related crimes and psychopharmacological crimes.
  28. Crime Explanation Using Biology and Psychology
    A comprehensive theory of Cesare Lombroso has been discussed indicating that criminals could be picked out and determined by their physique, attributes, and appearance.
  29. Status Crime: White Collar Crime in Organizations
    White-collar crime is characterized by inflating the asset values, overstating the reported income and cash flow, and failure to disclose the liabilities in the financial records.
  30. Crime Trends: Drug Abuse in Adults and Juveniles
    One notes a mixed trend in the different crimes over the years. Drug abuse, for example, increased steadily from the 1970s in both the adult and juvenile populations.
  31. Impact of Crime on Civil Liability and Risk: FTCA
    FTCA of 1946 waived the doctrine of sovereign immunity of the United States government. All federal workers lack defense of their employment and become liable for their wrongdoing.
  32. Preventing Crime Victimization in International Students
    International students are the students who go to other countries to study and because of this, they face a lot of problems – including becoming the victim of a crime.
  33. White-Collar Crime: Securities and Pension Fraud
    The PERAC has in the recent past tried to conduct its activities in the best possible way in a bid to eradicate all forms of pension fraud.
  34. Crime Rate Series. Main Cases Reporting
    Criminology is a complex study and care has to be taken. The reporting of the level of felony in an area can be used by a myriad of people in society to plan other activities.
  35. Are Marxist Criminologists Right to See Crime Control as Class Control?
    Marxist criminology is comparable to functionalist theories, which lay emphasis on the production of continuity and stability in any society.

💡 Simple True Crime Research Topics

✍️ Crime Essay Topics for College

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:

❓ Crime Essay Questions

Stuck with your paper? Explore our free toolkit:
  1. How Can Criminology Theories Help in Preventing or Solving Crimes?
  2. Should Children Who Commit Crime Be Tried as Adults?
  3. Are Crime Control and Social Welfare Becoming More Punitive?
  4. How Can Social Science Theory Help Reduce Crime?
  5. Can Criminological Theories Help Manage Crime in the Workplace?
  6. Should Government Implement Laws for Cyber Crime?
  7. Does Imprisoning Drug Offenders Reduce Crime Rates?
  8. How Does the Holocaust Explodes the Concept of Mass Crime?
  9. Are Hate Crime Laws Effective?
  10. What Is the Link Between Drugs and Crime and What Can Be Done Towards Drug-Related Crimes?
  11. How Does Criminology Help Our Understanding of Crime and Criminals?
  12. Does Social Deprivation Relate to Crime?
  13. What Impact Does the Changing Nature of Crime Have on Criminology?
  14. Are Homeless People More Likely to Become Involved or Be Victims of Crime?
  15. How Can Technology Help Police and Government Officials Solve Crime?
  16. Should Crime Victims Have Rights During Criminal Investigations?
  17. Can Public Works Programs Reduce Youth Crime?
  18. How Were Crime and Punishment Handled in the Roman Era?
  19. Are Non-custodial Sentences Soft on Crime?
  20. How Do Crime Scene Investigations Aid in Prosecution?
  21. Can Death Penalty Prevent the Rise in Crime Rate?
  22. Does Longer Incarceration Deter or Incapacitate Crime?
  23. How Does Corporate Crime Challenge Conventional Definitions of Crime?
  24. Can Punitive Measures Curtail Crime?
  25. How Does the Media Use an Ideal Victim in Portrayals of Crime?

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StudyCorgi. "288 Crime Essay Topics & True Crime Research Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/crime-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "288 Crime Essay Topics & True Crime Research Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/crime-essay-topics/.

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