Hospital Value-Based Purchase Program

Today, one of the top priorities of the US healthcare system is the prevention of overuse, underuse, and inappropriate use of medical services. Thus, it is imperative that the focus is shifted from quantity to quality. This means that medical facilities should be evaluated not by the amount of work...

Information Technology for Healthcare Quality

The development of computer science and technologies brought about new opportunities for the automatization of different processes. Modern information systems have powerful tools that make work with large amounts of data fast and simple. The manager of the care coordination department needs to use these new opportunities to make the...

Dental Hygienists Helping Underserved Population

Low-income individuals are not able to have proper access to dental health due to the lack of insurance coverage. Therefore, as a hygienist, it is critical to understand that these people should focus on preventative measures. The main reason is that the given approach is more affordable than treating an...

Quality Healthcare and Its Aims

Organizations and healthcare providers develop analytic frameworks for assessing quality that improves outcomes. Patient-centered care is one of the aims proposed by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) that focuses on the improvement of patients’ health (Joshi, Ransom, Nash, & Ransom, 2014). This component requires healthcare facilities workers to treat their...

Clinical Decision Support Systems in Examples

Introduction Nowadays, advanced technologies are actively used in various fields of studies and human’s activities. Medical practice is not an exception, as there are a number of tools incorporated into the healthcare system through data technologies. These technologies contribute to the Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS), which aim to assist...

Time Value of Money in a Medical Organization

There are three phases in the strategic planning of any organization. These are programming, budgeting, and controlling processes, which together make “a formal management control system” (Vraciu, 1979, p. 126). This paper aims to discuss how a medical organization may use the concepts of the “time value of money” and...

Health Insurance Exchange: Economic Perspective

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a significant federal statute, the goal of which is to ensure that all US citizens have equal access to health insurance. A health insurance exchange or marketplace is defined as an area where residents may identify the conditions for having health insurance (Mulligan, 2017)....

The Diagnostic Test and Cooking with Spinach

Target The target statistical concept is diagnostic and screening tests and the “gold standard” test in the sphere of healthcare. The “gold standard” test is usually the preferred version of diagnosing a patient with a specific disease. However, it is typically expensive or difficult to access and distribute (Ancker and...

Congestive Heart Failure and Self-Care Theory

The self-care nursing theory was developed by Dorothea Orem and is based on the premise that nurses can teach and assist patients with the ability to practice self-care and maintain personal health and well-being. Self-care is defined as the natural decision-making process that consists of behaviors that allow for physiologic...

Moro Conflict in Mindanao: Ethnic Civil Wars

The wars for the independence of a particular ethnic group are not uncommon in modern society. The article by Regencia describes the positions of the Government of the Philippines regarding the conflict among Muslims and the local population. One of the primary thoughts is the assumption of the need for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nurse-Family Relationship and Barriers to It

Introduction Nurses are trained to provide timely and personalized health services to patients depending on their needs. They should work with families, identify the challenges affecting them, and offer appropriate medical support. The purpose of the description of the hypothetical family below is to identify key barriers to forming effective...

The Integration of Primary Care and Public Health Nursing

Introduction A community health assessment serves as a cornerstone of proper treatment and disease prevention. Based on the informal observations made during the community visits, advanced practice nurses can better understand the cultural, linguistic, and social peculiarities of the given neighborhood or larger areas they monitor and evaluate (Edmonds, Campbell,...

Prioritizing Tasks: The Most Common Workplace Conflict

Introduction Of the various types of workplace conflicts, prioritizing tasks is the most common type that happens between staff members. In my practice, the complicated and tense situation occurred between two nurses, whose interests were opposite. One of them needed assistance with handling the request of a patient while she...

Different Types of Reviewing Nursing Research Works

Introduction Three types of review are generally distinguished in nursing research: the literature review, the systematic review, and the integrative review. The last two are subtypes of the first, and all three are utilized in practice, and so a significant amount of confusion can surface if one is not familiar...

Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Healthcare Services

The sixth edition of ethical and religious directives for Catholic healthcare services was created under the patronage of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) and sought to guide Catholic doctors and nurses in their work. The document provides insights about social and spiritual responsibility, professional-patient relationships, issues in care...

Current Sources of Evidence-Based Standards and Guidelines for Prescribing Psychiatric Drugs

The task of prescribing psychiatric drugs implies a huge amount of responsibility and sufficient knowledge. Due to the effects that continuous consumption of psychiatric medications, particularly, the long-term effects causing chemical dependency and difficulty for withdrawal, the use of the latest sources of EBP standards for prescription is required (Lally...

Elderly Education and Evidence-Based Care Outcomes

PICOT: (P) In elderly patients of 60 to 75 years old suffering from hypertention, (I) does patient education intervention like routine 30 minutes walks and healthy diet, (C) compared with only medication treatments, (O) increase their health literacy about his diseases and improve their health status (T) in a 6...

Holocaust in “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” Film

Genuinely interested in history, I have always found the period of World War II both intriguing and terrifying. Among hundreds of historical films on the matter, to my mind, “The boy in the striped pajamas” depicts the horror of the Holocaust most effectively. Educational, emotionally complex, and thought-provoking, it helps...

The Triangle Factory Fire of 1911 and Its Outcomes

On March 25, 1911, in Manhattan, a fire was ignited on the eighth floor of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory building. Elevators failed, stairs were crowded, and many in despair jumped from the eighth story (Robinson & Robinson, 2018). Most employees residing on the 9th and the 10th floors escaped the...

John Steinbeck’s “The Moon is Down” Novel

Good Versus Evil When John Steinbeck’s The Moon is Down was first published in 1942, it received some significant criticism in terms of its themes and the key message that the author communicated to his audience. In his writing, Steinbeck proposed the idea that in the end, evil will be...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Real Estate Company’s Information Management

Introduction This letter addresses one of the crucial concerns that real estate organizations face in the global market. As a developing company, this firm needs to consider the issue of data management in the real estate setting to develop a competitive advantage. Because of the challenges that the processing of...

Child Marriage in the Middle East Countries

Child marriage is a significant concern in some parts of today’s world, especially in the Middle East and North Africa. It can be defined as the marriage of a child under the age of eighteen (UNICEF South Asia, n.d.). Although the problem affects both girls and boys, it has a...

Terrorist Groups’ Social and Psychological Origins

Terrorism is a complex social issue that requires multiple levels of analysis from interdisciplinary fields of psychology, political science, and cultural and historical studies. For the theoretical framework used for this paper, the model of radicalization proposed by Webber and Kruglanski (2018) was applied, which lists the following factors: “(1)...

Organizational Culture in Radiological Department

On the way to organizational development, the introduction of relevant changes in the workflow and control over their implementation are integral components. In the healthcare sector, the principle of transition to new strategies based on previously supported methods is the practice that also requires detailed planning and monitoring. The concept...

“Black Panther” Movie by Ryan Coogler

As a Marvel movie, Black Panther goes beyond the conventions of a superhero saga largely popularized by the American media franchise. It is true that the film does keep some of the key elements of the genre. Wakanda is a mythical country cloaked behind an illusory forest and hiding the...

Chemistry of the Dying Process, With and Without a Mordant

Ancient people may have gotten the idea to dye fabrics when they noticed stains on their clothing after eating or working with different plants, berries, and mollas. They began to use these plants and animals to dye fabrics. Ancient dyes can be classified chemically into three groups: blue and purple...

Absenteeism and Lateness in the Healthcare Field

Introduction Absenteeism and lateness are wide-spread and yet significant issues in any professional sphere. However, such problems acquire more importance when they occur in the healthcare field, where the value of time is determined by the urgency of patients’ needs. In general, poor discipline in a medical department might be...

“Death in Venice” Novella by Thomas Mann

Introduction In the early novels of Thomas Mann, the readers can often follow the rethinking of Friedrich Nietzsche’s postulates. The influence of philosophical attitudes can be traced concerning the art of dance in the novel Death in Venice, written in 1911. In this story, Thomas Mann addresses his favorite topic...

Dealing with Conflict in Healthcare Settings

Introduction Management and organization of work in medical institutions are difficult since it is necessary to combine responsibilities and actions into functional units, determine the lines of communication, and develop coordination models. A rank hierarchy is an effective form of organizing the work in which relations are highly structured in...

Gender Roles and Psychological Health

Introduction Gender roles – a tool of oppression or a harsh necessity? The emergence of traditional gender roles and the images of masculinity and femininity can be regarded as an attempt to organize the society and create stable social structures. Gender roles are present even in the 21st century, but...

Security Policies and Dangers of Executive Override

Introduction Information security is one of the highest priorities in many organizations, especially those operating in different countries and regions. Information leakage can make companies vulnerable as they can lose their competitive advantage and even experience reputational losses (Li et al. 358). It has been acknowledged that executives may override...

Creating a Budget in a Community Hospital

Introduction As an Emergency Department manager of a small community hospital, it is critical to understand that the budgeting process had to be conducted carefully and thoroughly. The main reason is the fact that small towns usually get a limited amount of funding or revenue, which is why the Emergency...

Mentoring Programs in Police Departments

Introduction The given proposal revolves around a one-on-one mentoring program that can be used by police departments to improve officers’ competence, share critical experiences, and achieve higher performance levels. Design of the Mentoring Program Mentoring presupposes conscientious, responsible work, and reduces training costs. To implement it, a list of candidates...

Managerial Accounting for Business Decision-Making

Article Summary The use of managerial accounting opens vast opportunities to organizations regarding their decision-making, which includes investment options, and management of financial assets as a whole. In their article, Butler and Ghosh study the factors that define the efficacy of managerial accounting on the business performance of an organization...

Soccer and Other Sports as a Communication Medium

Introduction Soccer and other sports activities have immense communication potential because of the high involvement of people. The atmosphere is charged, people are completely engrossed in the game and at the moment whatever message is communicated to them is likely to get increased attention by people. It is for this...

Talent Committee: Evaluating Team Effectiveness

Introduction According to Liebler and McConell, a committee is a group of people within a company or an organization that functions collectively in an organized manner. A committee is not only an informal discussion group but an entity that performs a certain administrative activity. In healthcare, committees have recently become...

American Government: Voting, Campaigns, and Elections

The process of voting in the United States is complex, with several rules and outcomes. It is not enough for a candidate to be introduced and participate in elections. Potential voters should be aware of their obligations to make positive contributions to the development of their country. The modern US...

Personalized Lifestyle Counseling in the US

Lifestyle is by choice; every individual makes choices throughout life. Whether your choices were good or bad is usually determined by your state of health and well-being. Those who have not always made the healthiest choices during life may need assistance with getting on the right track. Personalized Lifestyle Counseling...

US Safety in the State of International Anarchy

When assessing the US security under international anarchy from the standpoint of structural realism, one can note that there are no significant threats to the state. Anarchy assumes the absence of a single global system of government, and, as Nedal and Nexon argue, “fails to produce recurrent balances of power”....

Preliminary Self-Appraisal of Social Work Knowledge and Abilities

Introduction It should be noted that the two assessments have revealed quite a few strengths I have in terms of my area of practice. I understand what the nature of competence is and what are the ways to integrate it into social work. I am capable of recognizing the different...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Have the Trade Policies of President Donald Trump Increased the Competitiveness of the USA?

Introduction Donald Trump’s presidency is marked with a number of contradictory policies, some of which concern trade. The most distinctive feature of his trade policy is protectionism, ensured by imposing tariffs on imports. While some Americans believe that this measure will benefit the USA, others assume that it will do...

Budgeting and Key Individuals in Organizations

Introduction Each successful organization considers its achievements as a result conducting coherent and prepared steps. It recognizes a developed and appropriate plan as a foundation of all business affairs. Planning might be defined as an assessment of an organization’s goals in terms of what resources are required and whether they...

Using the PRECEDE-PROCEED Model in Designing a Community-Based Health Program

Introduction The PRECEDE-PROCEED planning model (PPM) is widely applied by public health professionals as a framework to improve health and solve community issues. The model describes factors influencing health outcomes and provides a comprehensive strategy for health needs assessment, and implementation of health promotion programs. It can be used to...

Overview of Health Promotion

Introduction Modern society centralizes health promotion and advances it within different spheres of life. Whether a person sees an advertisement of a fitness club or an annual hospital screening, all of this is targeted at promoting wellbeing. Health promotion can be defined as a process that makes people choose healthier...

Patient Education Technology: MySugr Diabetes Logbook

Scenario Mrs. Sanders is a 45-year-old female recently diagnosed with type-2 diabetes. She has a family history of diabetes and worries that she will not be able to manage the disease. Mrs. Sanders has a college degree and has proficiency using technological devices due to her profession as a manager...

Descriptive Epidemiological Methods in Nursing

Introduction Diagnostic testing remains one of the topical issues related to clinical practice and the entire healthcare system. Healthcare professionals sometimes overuse these procedures to ensure the diagnosis is correct, and the treatment they plan to assign will be successful (Merrill, 2019). At the same time, some tests are not...

Research Utilization and Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction Nursing research aims to answer questions about nursing practice. There is also research utilization and evidence-based practice that determines the best practices based on the research conducted. The named research kinds help to improve nursing practice by discovering and providing the most effective decisions. The purpose of the research...

Budweiser: Industry and Competitors

Budweiser is an American-style pale lager produced by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, a large multinational beer company with headquarters in Leuven, Belgium. The producer is investing vast amounts of money (as much as $449 million) into the marketing of the beer, which makes Budweiser the most advertised drink in the United...

What Is the Effect of BRCA 1/2 on the Patient’s Health?

BRCA 1/2 is considered one of the most reliable genetics testings to identify genetic mutations, which signify an increased risk of developing breast cancer. Notwithstanding this fact, a majority of health insurance companies reject to reimburse care based on genetics. For instance, Medicare declares that the company will not cover...

The Brewery Industry: Brief Analysis

There is a variety of industries involved in the distribution of consumer goods that are purchased by end customers. The brewery industry is among multiple markets that sell ready-to-drink products. Nowadays, beer is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and its production continues to increase, especially in...

Euro Disney: Strategic Human Resource Practices and Takeaways

Introduction Human resource (HR) management is an essential element of organizations’ strategic planning. Any company’s international HR department should take great care of analyzing the factors that can lead to the success or failure of opening a business in a particular region. Euro Disney, which opened in Paris, France in...

Comparing PhD and DNP Degrees

Both DNP and PhD degrees are considered the highest level of nursing education, which demonstrates that a nurse is a clinical expert in her or his field. However, there are crucial differences between the two rooted in the focus of studies. According to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing...

Detection of Pathogens With Cell-Free Dna

The significance of DNA, in addition to gene transfer, is due to its compact and precise form of storage. Unfortunately, as human beings age, DNA is stored less correctly, as shown by simple blood samples. Cell-free DNA (cfDNA) found in the blood, that is, DNA released into the bloodstream by...

Middle-Range Theories in Nursing Practice

Introduction Middle-range nursing theories are an essential part of successful and deliberate nursing practice, which ensures the efficiency and integrity of the overall procedure. For a family nurse practitioner, it is critical to understand the ultimate value of every nursing theory and its practical implications since they allow applying a...

Workplace Bullying in the Nursing Areas

Workplace bullying is defined as either short- or long-term deviant behavior towards peers, superiors, or subordinates. In the nursing areas, the persistent and deliberate negative actions to colleagues cause a hostile and unstable environment. The hospitals with a high level of bullying are characterized by increased burnout, dismissals, and conflicts...

A DNP-Prepared Nurse in a New Leadership Position

The workflow of a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) nurse leader is rather extensive, especially if the setting of their work undergoes the organizational change associated with electronic health record (EHR) infusion. The key tasks that nurse leaders are busy with (aside from seeing patients) are concerned with promoting quality...

Progressive Patient Care Model in Intensive Units

There are several nursing care delivery models currently in practice, and each is furnished with its own distinctive set of advantages and disadvantages, which makes the choice of an appropriate care model important when providing different kinds of healthcare services. For Intensive Care Units (ICU) the primary model is the...

Pain Relief Methods in Evidence-Based Practice

What is the PICOT question? In a twenty-year-old patient (P), does the use of narcotics (I) compared to alternative methods of pain relief (C), lead to less addiction (O) over the course of one year? Define each element of the question below: P– (Patient, population, or problem): twenty-year-old patient I–...

Kritios Boy vs. Dying Gaul Sculptures

Comparing and contrasting works of art throughout history is expected to shed light not only on the different approaches of separate artists but also reveal the evolution of society through the ages (Kleiner 78). The current analysis will focus on comparing the sculpture of Kritios Boy, which is dated 480...

Financial Management in the Healthcare Industry

Technological advances, changes in legal systems, and demand for personalized care pose new challenges for financial management in the healthcare industry. Planning and budgeting, monitoring, and evaluation are critical processes in the financial management cycle. Understanding these processes is a foundation for building an organization’s strategy. In this essay, I...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Health Literacy as a Core of Healthcare

Introduction Health literacy skills require functionality to understand risk, sort out conflicting information, and make healthy decisions. The problem has significant financial and medical and social consequences for society as a whole. Fundamental measures are required so that patients can understand complex healthcare systems. In this regard, the task of...

Seeing Canadian Commercials on American Channels

With the upcoming annual Super Bowl championship, there is a growing rush surrounding the event. Besides crucial significance for the National Football League, national teams, and fans all over the world, the Super Bowl has serious financial implications. Having already hosted 53 championships, the Super Bowl now has invaluable connections...

Differences Between Job-Order Costing and Process Costing Systems

To create a viable pricing strategy, an organization has to be fully aware of the unique characteristics of the product or service that it is selling. As a result, a choice between a job-order costing framework and a process-costing system can be made. The uniqueness of a product quickly becomes...

Religious Studies & Theology: The Davidic Kingdom

David is one of the most prominent rulers who united many tribes and established a strong monarchy for the people of Judah and Israel. He gained fame and respect of many people at an early age when he defeated Goliath, and he later became one of the closest people to...

The Super Bowl as a Reason to Skip the Work

The Super Bowl is the championship game of the National Football League (NFL) held annually between mid-January and mid-February. In 2020, the game will take place on February 3rd, and so far the event has gained a good deal of traction. 2020 Super Bowl LIV is featuring a great number...

Comparison and Contrasting the Different Data Buses

Introduction As data buses are used in computers to transfer information in the memory and to extract it, the key differences regard the speed and volume of data that they can carry. There are various types of data buses functioning in microcomputers that vary by speed, bandwidth, and maximum data...

Cardinal Health: Blaming in Violations

The case issue is the accusation of Cardinal Health in premature recognizing of litigation gains. According to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the company’s actions violated the generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), which is unacceptable (Young, Cohen & Bens, 2019). Cardinal Health’s decision to deduct the expected litigation...

Genetics Impact on Health Care in the Aging Population

In contemporary medical practice, a number of prevalent diseases in the aging population, such as type-2 diabetes, heart diseases, and obesity, have a genetic origin. Recent scientific advances in the field of genomics raise demand for new health public policies, introducing innovative laboratory testing and treatment methods. This paper briefly...

Case Study Method of the Research Design

One of the approaches to research design is called the case study method. It consists of describing a case, which may be of interest, for instance, because it is very common or highly atypical, and extensively analyzing it to explore, explain, or describing it in detail (Holly, 2014; Polit &...

How Can CVP Analysis Be Used to Predict Future Costs and Profitability?

The management of corporate financial assets and especially the assessment of changes in costs per a specific volume of a product is an important step in increasing the corporate profit margins. Therefore, tools for analyzing the current situation and locating possible scenarios for the development of the present cost-related situation...

The Qualities of a Good Leader

Leadership is critical to many organized activities, and managerial positions always require the person to have the ability. However, the ability to lead is usually loosely defined due to the massive variety of leaders that have succeeded throughout humanity’s history. Nevertheless, scholars have been able to analyze many different leaders...

Comparative Research in Nursing

Though not frequently utilized in quantitative research, comparative research is a widespread practice in qualitative studies. Aiming to compare two or more objects, phenomena, or incidents, the research attempts to discover something new about one or all of the variables compared. Taken a multidisciplinary approach, the research, summarized by Piovani...

Validity and Reliability in Research

When creating a research design, it is essential to take into consideration the potential study’s reliability and validity, as they determine the efficiency of the methodology used and the relevance of the techniques applied. Though both concepts are utilized to assess the quality of quantitative research, the ultimate purpose of...

The Patient’s Perception Analysis

In nursing, the perception of patients is identified as the patient’s reality. Patients’ view of the care provided acts as a fundamental pointer of excellence and has become significant for quality enhancement. Every patient in search of medical services desires not only personalized, first-rate care, but also comfort, which is...

Social Change: The Nurse’s Role in Global Healthcare

With the emergence of the global opioid crisis, the necessity to reevaluate the role of a nurse in public health promotion and design strategies for mitigating the crisis appeared. The comparison between the attitudes toward the subject matter in the U.S. and UK has shown that the health authorities in...

Evolution of the US Healthcare System

The healthcare system of the US can be regarded as unique since it was changed from the national to the private type, while the programs of the government cover only vulnerable populations. In the course of its evolution, the system reconsidered the policies regarding elderly and unemployed people, giving them...

Science-Based Theories in Nursing

The application of science-based theories in nursing represents an opportunity for nurses to combine experience-associated knowledge with evidence developed on the basis of scientific rigor. The first science-based nursing theory was developed by Martha Rogers and is called the Science of Unitary Human Beings, emphasizing both the scientific nature of...

Science-Based Theories and Advanced Practice Nursing

Advanced practice nurses have to move beyond the essential competencies of their profession and incorporate advanced science-based theories into their work. Zaccagnini and Pechacek (2019) discuss Neumann’s system model, which depicts people and groups as systems that have to remain stable and healthy. The theory analyzes wellness from several perspectives...

Change Theories in Nursing

Change is a critical element of nursing that helps to reconsider a problematic situation and introduce an effective solution to achieve positive results. The importance of this process can be evidenced with the help of the following scenario. A specific health unit is characterized by an unacceptably high level of...

Applying the Concepts of a Complex Adaptive System to Individual Patient Care

As a nurse, one has to work continuously on the improvement of health management systems utilized to cater to patients’ health-related needs. The notion of a complex adaptive system (CAS) as a tool for keeping the continuity of care and connecting nursing processes into a single framework for managing patients’...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Structure of Theory in Nursing

In nursing, understanding all phenomena is a critical step for all nurses and other participants of a working process. The structure of the theory is how nursing knowledge is developed and learned through programs. First theories were introduced in the middle of the 19th century (e.g., Nightingale’s notes on nursing...

Development of Nursing Theory According to Tobbell

The development of nursing theory has become one of the fundamental factors contributing to the emergence of useful and valuable approaches to patient care and conducting relevant research. However, according to Tobbell (2018), significant changes in the practice of nurses occurred only in the 1950s when educators and scholars were...

The Core Functions of Public Health

Public health consists of the entities that promote the delivery of vital public services in a voluntary, private, or public nature. The mentioned concept ensures that the contribution of all the involved entities is recognized among the efforts of increasing the well-being of communities. Policy development, assessment, and assurance are...

Data Mining Techniques for African American Childhood Obesity Factors

One of the major healthcare problems that manifest significant racial disparities is obesity. In the US, research suggests that African American children have increased risks of developing the issue (Rogers et al. 2015). Data mining has been employed to investigate the patterns of obesity in children and adults (Abdullah et...

Theories of Cognitive Approaches to Teaching and Learning

The process of cognitive development is highly complex, and various scholars sought to propose their view on how this process occurs. Cognitive development is usually defined as the process when a child acquires and learns various thinking processes (Galotti, 2015). Understanding cognitive development is crucial for educators because it enables...

Effective Attributes of an Expert Teacher

Becoming an expert teacher has never been an easy task since it requires a lot of practice and readiness to engage in continuous learning instead of resting on one’s laurels. Despite multiple difficulties associated with gaining helpful experience and growing as a professional, specialists in education are expected to travel...

New Clinical Practice Review

Obesity is one of the central problems for the US healthcare system. According to Fildes et al. (2015), the probability of decreasing body mass index (BMI) or maintaining weight loss among obese patients is low. Therefore, traditional treatment frameworks based on community-based weight management programs are considered ineffective (Fildes et...

Rancho Solano Private School Budgeting: Description and Critique

A well-constructed and carefully laid out budget is an essential part of any project since it helps to allocate the key resources and costs in an orderly fashion. Thus, key risks can be avoided or balanced out with the help of appropriate techniques (Hilton, 2016). As a former teacher at...

Concerns Regarding Genetically Modified Food

Since the mass introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into food in the 1990s, it has been highly controversial. Supporters state the positive aspects of GM foods, such as higher yields and improved nutritional value. However, there have been increased public health concerns. The primary controversies have been a lack...

F. Mayer Imports Pty. Ltd. Hedging Foreign Currency Rates

F. Mayer Imports Pty. Ltd. is an Australian firm that specialized in importing European food products to distribute them in Australia. As the company dealt with high-quality products, it was not a surprise that annual product procurement amounted to approximately €70 million (Wallace 1). By 2014, the company distributed over...

“The Miracle of Bern” Sports Film

The title of the movie, directed by Sönke Wortmann, refers to the final match at the 1954 World Cup, which went down in history under the name “Bern miracle.” It is a legendary historical event that became the first stone in the foundation of the new German national identity. Moreover,...

Use of Active Language as a Writing Focus

My writing focus for the given week was using active language in my writings. It is a highly essential lesson since it outlines the critical idea of presenting written information more vigorously and interestingly. Using functional language in writing allowed me to realize that I can give my knowledge with...

Tuskegee Experiment Impact: “Miss Evers’ Boys” by Joseph Sargent

Experiments play a significant role in the progress of medicine. They help researchers to fill in the gaps in knowledge in certain areas through testing, analyzing clinical and laboratory effects, and research of information. However, sometimes, the methods of conducting experiments can go against ethical principles. In this essay, the...

Comparison of File Formats

Introduction Image technology never stands still, and multiple image formats are appreciated and utilized by both average users and professionals dealing with the distribution and production of images. The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) and the format introduced by the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) are among the well-known formats for...

Managerial Team’s Training & Development in Poland

Training and development are vital in the modern world when the market has become competitive. As such, I need to equip my team of managers traveling to Poland with the necessary skills so that they handle their operations in the foreign location successfully. Before visiting any new field, individuals must...

Time Management: Being Late and Its Impact on a Team

“I am late” is one of the common phrases people use in their everyday life. Despite being aware of the fact that time is one of the most valuable possessions in life that can never get back, millions of persons continue wasting it or managing it poorly (Vennila, 2018). As...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Mission and Goals

To continue leading the industry in the ever-changing world, companies have to be able to understand and predict the trends and forces which shape businesses of the future. Only careful preparation and adherence to the proclaimed mission, vision, and values can allow organizations to succeed while maintaining a positive climate...

“All Quiet on the Western Front”: Movie and Novel

The military drama directed by Lewis Milestone, which came out in 1930, is based on the famous novel by Erich Maria Remarque. An adapted script by Lewis Milestone and George Abbott was made for this film. Censorship at the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued the film All Quiet on...

Weimar Berlin Culture in German History

In the interwar period from 1919 to 1933, the Weimar Republic became an unofficial name for Germany. During this time, Berlin became Europe’s intellectual and creative hub, pioneering in the modern arts as well as science. At the time, the economy and political situation in Germany was experiencing hardships, whereas...

Sports Marketing Strategy Article Critique

Sports sponsorships are ubiquitous for various enterprises, particularly those that produce goods associated with physical activity. However, many companies with a more general orientation also make use of sports to gain recognition and spread their message. The study reviewed in this work, conducted by Ghezail, Abdellah, and Mohammed (2017) defines...

Weimar Culture Through Escapism in Modern Art

Contemporary film producers shifted their preoccupation with Nazi-Germany to the Weimar Republic, a distinctive yet, no less intriguing period in German history. Instead of focusing on the Second World War, experts portray a spectacular failure of utopic democracy in the 1920s, driven by internal forces in the country. This essay...

Learning from Mistakes in the Workplace

For centuries, a human mistake is regarded as an engine of progress. At some point in one’s life, an error led them to some impressive breakthroughs. The phenomenon of human error can be as well applied to trainee preparation. According to Noe (2010), this process is called “error management training”...

Civil Rights Movement & Modern Afro-American Life

Although in the twentieth-century slavery was abolished, African Americans still had fewer rights than their white fellow citizens and were treated with oppression and disrespect. This situation gave rise to the civil rights movement (CRM) in the 1950s, when the blacks decided to improve their position in society. This essay...

Managers’ Role in the Effective Training Transfer

Implementing training programs in the workplace provides an increase in the professional qualification of staff members and satisfies the company’s needs for certain types of skills. Such training allows employees to gain new experience and to enhance their knowledge. Learning programs should be developed according to the company’s needs to...

Different Types of Business Frameworks and Cost-Benefit Analysis

In healthcare, there is a range of business models (BM) that determine the overall budget, cost-effectiveness, and methods of care. The UK National Health Service (NHS) BM is characterized by the universal access to the necessary services, which makes small eHealth businesses unclaimed. This contradicts the idea of implementing technological...

Effects of Meta-Synthesis and Meta-Analysis on Research Translation

The efficiency of research translation heavily depends on the reliability and validity of the conducted studies. Practices of meta-synthesis and meta-analysis allow combining data from multiple resources for the improved statistical analysis, providing the highest quality evidence on a research topic. By reducing bias and presenting consistent findings within the...

Falsification of Application: Case Study

Kane may receive some credit for previous years of work for the Company as he is a valuable employee judging by the history of his hiring. It is also possible that Kane’s poor health was caused by years of work in harsh conditions for the benefit of the Company, since...

Virtue Ethics: Surgeon’s Ministry in Practice

The pressure a patient faces when he or she is suggested to pray before a surgical procedure varies, depending on an individual’s beliefs. It can be argued that such a suggestion can imply a high possibility of adverse outcomes that would follow a procedure. It is the case, especially if...

Weighted Average Cost of Capital

The policies of the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) will have an impact on the weighted average cost of capital (WACC). Most importantly, it should be noted that long-term interest rates are connected by the decisions of the Fed (Brigham, & Ehrhardt, 2017). This impacts the value of long-terr because the...

Translating Research into Practice

Despite the growing preoccupation with the issue of translating scientific research into practice, the process of implementing theoretical framework of knowledge into clinical evidence base remains slow. When reflecting upon the matter, healthcare professionals share individual concerns as well as generalized comments, describing the barriers within their professional area of...

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Three Components of Evidence-Based-Practice

The adherence to patient preference is a cornerstone of a quality evidence-based healthcare system. The shift to a more patient-centered approach in the medical practice has received accolades in the literature and has become a mainstay in the articles on evidence-based practice. Medical practitioners are instructed to include the patients...

Clinical Significance as a Component of the Research

Clinical significance as a component of the research process is the value that makes it possible to determine the differences in specific effects and, thereby, implement appropriate interventions. In some cases, the application of this practice does not require additional statistical correlations, for instance, when certain determinants of health and...

Being a Scholar: Roles, Responsibilities, and Key Tasks

A scholar has to meet a vast range of responsibilities and play several key roles that require substantial efforts and high levels of professionalism. As a DNP, one has to not only ensure that the needs of patients are met but also advocate for vulnerable groups on a larger scale...

Barriers Reduced by Strategic Human Resource Management Initiatives

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Introduction Nowadays, it is expected of students to continue their education path after graduating from school. To get through college, students have to put in a lot of financial investments, which cover tutoring, textbooks, etc. Sadly, after getting a degree, a lot of graduates are left with crippling debt, which...

Obesity Management: Hypothesis Test Study

Hypothesis testing is an essential part of the research, as it helps in making conclusions and recommendations. In evidence-based practice, care providers rely on research findings when prescribing treatment (Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses, 2018). This paper will show how a hypothesis test study can help inform evidence-based practice regarding obesity...

Childhood Obesity: Research Methodology

An appropriate setting for this type of research would be a practitioner’s office. The two types of intervention require specific resources for implementation. The medication approach calls for a qualified physician to have the necessary tools for the diagnosis of the child and subsequent treatment. Meanwhile, parental education consists of...

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The characteristic features of educational systems of different countries vary considerably due to the political, economic, cultural, and other peculiarities of these nations. Globalization has brought new opportunities and challenges related to education as people can now obtain degrees and find employment in any part of the plant (Banks 2015)....

Protocol Management During Official Events

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Modern-Day Berlin City in the “Run Lola Run” Film

Run Lola Run is a 1998 German movie telling a story of a young woman who needs to get a significant sum of money before her boyfriend robs a supermarket. To change the course of events and save Manny’s life, Lola has to run to the beat. The movie is...

Emergency Preparedness: Continuity Plan

The first step of the emergency planning process is assessing the existing risks (Lang, 2017). The risks Harris County is exposed to include natural hazards, such as fire hazards and hurricanes, and homeland security events, such as terrorist attacks (Harris County, n.d.). It is possible to say that the likelihood...

“Death in Venice”: Mann’s Novel v. Visconti’s Film

Introduction The origins of inspiration haunted the imagination of endless writers, composers, and artists of all kinds. When the book inspires a director, he or she usually has a choice: change a story and a name or let it remain the same, thus, opening a film to the comparison. In...

Federal Courts: Activism Versus Restraint

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The Institutional Review Board Before Implementing Dpi and Qi Projects

Prior to conducting studies, it is critical to give necessary consideration to the potential ethical issues and the degree to which they are safe and ethically appropriate. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) was established to protect human rights by reviewing planned research on human subjects and giving approval to organizations...

The 21st Century Cures Act: Core Aspects

The 21st Century Cures Act is one of the most recent healthcare informatics regulations implemented by the government. This policy’s main objective is to modernize the process of the development of medication by incorporating multiple perspectives, such as nurses’ input and patient case information into the review process. Alexander (2018)...

Global Health Crisis and Initiatives to Tackle It

The World Health Organization (WHO) is continuously tracking global health shifts and challenges that arise around the world. One of the health crises that appeared recently is a novel coronavirus. The World Health Organization has recently declared a coronavirus to be “a global health emergency” (“Coronavirus declared global health emergency,”...

Budgeting in Health Care: Education of Doctors of Nursing Practice

The significant part of every DNP’s mission is to bring positive changes into the healthcare system both on the local and state levels. That is why doctors of nursing practice (DNPs) need to get a complex education on various aspects of public health. Waxman (2018) believes that economic literacy is...

The Role of a Nurse in Mental Health

When building a career, a nurse might want to consider the option of specialization. It means the process of becoming an expert in a chosen subject by expanding the scope of knowledge and practice. Nowadays, there is an immense need for nurses in mental health care – a field that...

Institutional Review Board: Main Objectives

Institutional review boards, also called research ethics committees, are institutions which are created to examine cases of human participation in research and ensure their protection. The main aim of IRBs is to secure the physical and mental well-being of people participating in research (Grady, 2015). Essence The ethical examination of...

To Repurchase Shares or Pay Dividends

In a “perfect world” if a firm chooses to pay dividends instead of repurchasing shares based on the taxes that exist in a state where the company operates and the capital distribution strategy of a firm. Businesses choose to pay dividends in countries where the dividend penalty tax is relatively...

Nurse Burnout: Evidence-Based Practice Change

The nursing practice problem under discussion is that nurses usually suffer from burnout that affects the quality of their work, and it is important to determine strategies that contribute to decreasing work stress and exhaustion. This problem is directly linked to the examined qualitative and quantitative articles, and it guides...

Nurses’ Shifts and Fatigue: Evidence-Based Practice Change

The PICOT question formulated for the project and the selected qualitative and quantitative articles are related to such a nursing practice problem as impacts of the duration of shifts on nurses’ fatigue and patient outcomes. The problem is that prolonged periods of nurses’ work (12-hour shifts) significantly contribute to their...

Alphabet’s Financial Ratios Analysis

Introduction Alphabet is a large multinational company working in a field of innovation and technology, which also owns Google. Financial ratios help examine and analyze a company’s financial status. Based on debt and equity, assets turnover, liquidity, and return on investment, one can make a judgment regarding Google’s strengths and...

Linear Programming Usage and Analysis

Usage scenario Linear programming (LP) is used to find the optimal solution for functions operating under known constraints. Therefore, it is best suited for operating within a decision environment with certainty. Such situations are common in business and economics, where the costs are known, or when distributing limited resources. One...

Action Research in Treating Depression With Physical Exercise

Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders in the United States. Without timely treatment, this condition can have a devastating effect on an individual, impairing his or her abilities to carry out their usual life activities. The latest statistics showed that depression does not discriminate against age....

The Problem of Perception and Adaptation of Mental Illness With Families by Wilson

Most of the thematic scientific literature explores the conditions in which a person is forced to care for an adult mentally ill person. In contrast, Wilson’s work has linked the problem of perception and adaptation of mental illness with families: it has shown how parents can be affected by a...

Discussion of the Article “Black Lives Matter as Resistance to Systemic Anti-Black Violence”

In the article “Black Lives Matter as resistance to systemic anti-black violence,” Dominique Thomas (2019) makes extensive use of previous research. Among other sources, the author quotes the article by Thomas and Blackmon (2015). While Thomas (2019) recognizes the central message of the article correctly, it is still misinterpreted in...

Character Encoding Systems Analysis

Character Encoding System is a set of numerical values that are placed in a group of alphanumeric characters, punctuation characters, and special characters. In fact, encoding systems are equivalent to substitution cipher in which elements of coded information correspond to specific code symbols. However, it is incorrect to assume that...

Where Politics and Medicine Intersect

Medicine and health care, like many other institutions, are part of a national and global politics. Certain health and medical issues can be addressed through policy changes, and conversely, efforts from medical professionals can inform political decisions. In recent years, issues related to access to health care have been a...

Complexity of the Project Manager’s Work

The first and most serious difference between a project manager and a routine manager is involvement. If a company has created a project team to solve a specific task, the project manager must provide almost round-the-clock support to all employees. The work of such a project manager is more complicated...

Effect of Social Factors on Human Health

Human health depends on several factors, such as environmental, industrial, and many others. These factors are already well-researched by scholars, whereas the impact of the social environment on health either remains unknown or insufficiently studied. Since there is a particular interrelationship between human health and social factors, which have an...

Hadoop Distributed File System as a System for Handling Big Data

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is a file system that aims to store large files with the ability to stream access to data, working on clusters from arbitrary hardware. Files in HDFS are divided into blocks if the file size exceeds the block size. By default, the block size in...

Resolving Conflict in the Healthcare Setting

Cultural differences lead to one of the most widespread conflicts in healthcare settings since it is important to respect and promote diversity at the workplace. A conflict observed recently refers to communication between a nurse and a patient with a Hispanic background. This newly hired nurse had little awareness of...

Telehealth Implementation Strategies and Factors

Telehealth is a recent addition to the arsenal of tools available to health care providers. Its effects are currently a subject of scientific debate, and no implementation strategy distinguishes itself as excellent and an object for imitation by hospitals throughout the nation. However, many institutions in the United States and...

Telehealth After Open-Heart Surgery

In this scenario, a patient has been discharged from the hospital after a rehabilitation course following open-heart surgery. The person may still be at risk and affected by a variety of issues, but it is inconvenient for him or her to visit the clinic or call an ambulance due to...