August Wilson’s Play “Fences”: The Perspective of Rose

Introduction The lead female figure in August Wilson’s well-known play Fences is named Rose Maxon. The author contrasts the macho physical strength of Troy, who lacks psychic and emotional stability, with the feminine spiritual strength of Rose, who is physically frail. Due to her capacity to resist her husband, willingness...

The Care Management of an Individual With Complex Care

It is crucial to enhance the standard of patients’ stays in healthcare facilities because diseases like cancer require extensive treatment and cause them to spend much of their lives in hospitals. The therapeutic diet plays a significant role as an essential element of complex therapy in treating diseases that are...

The Number E, Its History, and Its Uses

Introduction Euler’s number, or the well-known constant, is one of the most relevant and important irrational numbers in mathematics and algebra. A natural number cannot represent a base number in an exponential function. This number is widely used in the world of mathematics. It is an irrational number, and scientists...

Housing Price Prediction Model for D.m. Pan Real Estate Company

Introduction Using statistical analysis to work with data is an essential part of obtaining results and conclusions based on facts. For the purposes of this paper, statistical tools are used to perform regression analysis, the purpose of which is to determine the nature of the relationship between quantitative variables. The...

Global Diplomacy Is Dead After Cold War

Global diplomacy has long been considered a crucial component of effective relationships between states in the international arena. Through cooperation and open dialogue, it is expected to handle the current challenges that the world is experiencing, ranging from health crises to the opportunities and threats of new technologies. However, the...

Alcohol and the Negative Consequences of Consumption

It is no secret that alcoholism is a problem in modern society. Some individuals are used to drinking alcoholic beverages for short-term stress reduction and well-being improvement. Nevertheless, one should remember that alcohol brings devastating effects on a drinker’s body, in no way solving urgent concerns. Thus, temporary relief from...

Employee Management: Training and Delivery Methods

Introduction Generally, employees in the workplace handle different roles and functions that sometimes do not match their overall experience. Organizations offer various training programs to improve workers’ productivity to equip them with emerging skills and knowledge in their respective areas of specialization. However, for the management to ensure the project...

Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation: Comprehensive Psychiatry

CC (chief complaint): The patient complains of stomachaches and headaches and will not go to school or attend the majority of other social occasions. HPI: When attending classes, the patient has been experiencing symptoms like headaches and stomachaches. Prior to this point, the patient had been receiving medical treatment from...

Globalization Opportunities and Challenges for Companies

Introduction A strong brand should maintain its values ​​and identity while entering international markets and adjust it to specific needs. Companies tend to adapt to local cultures through global and regional branding in a process called glocalization. Glocalization is preserving and strengthening local differences instead of their supposed disappearance due...

Relational Solutions Inc.’s Accommodating Employees with Disabilities

Accommodating employees with disabilities represents a unique challenge, even in the current era of multiple technological advancements and digital aids. As the case study under analysis demonstrates, the failure to address the needs of staff members with health disparities affects the general performance levels of a company to a spectacular...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Influence of Media on Nutritional Choices in School-Age Children

Introduction A healthy diet is essential to support a child’s health and energy, especially at school age. Many factors determine the formation of food preferences, and one of the most influential is the media. Marketing uses manipulation to persuade children to choose unhealthy food. Media form a child’s daily habits,...

Language and Culture: Impact on Healthcare

Piacentini, T., O’Donnell, C., Phipps, A., Jackson, I., & Stack, N. (2019). Moving beyond the ‘language problem’: Understanding the intersections of health, language, and immigration status in interpreter-mediated health encounters. Language and Intercultural Communication, 19(3), 256-271. Web. The study by Piacentini et al. (2019) explores how language influences on provision...

Health Education and Health Promotion

In the modern world, almost every person can obtain information regarding their health through various publications. However, people who do not study medicine do not commonly opt for reading scientific medical researches. This happens since these sources need adaptation to more straightforward language, as they are often written for other...

Sepsis Management in Prehospital Setting

Sepsis is a common and potentially life-threatening medical condition that is basically a body’s response to an infection. According to Olander et al. (2019), the definition of sepsis among the medical professionals has recently changed. Since 2016, sepsis has been defined as hazardous organ dysfunction elicited by a dysfunction of...

Modern Healthcare Management: The Role of Information Technologies

Information technologies are now used in many industries, and such an important area of ​​human life as healthcare is also involved in this process. The latest digital developments have a positive effect on the development of the most promising methods of organizing the provision of medical care to the population...

Teenage Cyberbullying: How to Protect Victims

Problem or Objective The topic to study The object of my study is the phenomenon of cyberbullying, targeted bullying with the help of high technologies and communication networks. In the context of this topic, I want to find out the reasons for this behavior and theoretical ways to deal with...

Ethical Consideration and Cultural Awareness and in Medical Practice

Summary An ethically sensitive orientation in medical and nursing practice is the result of ethical norms established in the medical community. Medicine, as an institution that has developed over many centuries, must certainly evolve along with changing cultural norms. The link between culture and ethics is undeniable, and therefore therapies...

Overweight Management Clinical Intervention

Background The issue of obesity remains at the top of the current health concerns (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). Numerous interventions have been designed to manage the needs of overweight patients, yet their efficacy varies (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestion and Kidney Diseases, 2012). Objectives The goal...

COVID-19 Pandemic and Valuable Cargo

The COVID-19 pandemic has played a significant role in changing logistics, with the supply chain playing a more critical role than ever before. Companies must ensure the fast, safe and uninterrupted supply of goods and services to those at risk of infection and those working in the medical field, i.e.,...

Critical Analysis of Lu Xan’s Madman’s Diary

A Madman’s Diary is a story written by a Chinese author in 1918. The story is divided into two parts – the introduction written by the author serves as a short preface. The second part contains excerpts from the diary the author’s friend led during the exacerbation of his mental...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Japanese Workaholic Culture

Foreign traditions and beliefs often seem weird and unfamiliar because people view them through the lens of their culture. To understand elements of foreign culture and appreciate their value, one needs to abstain from regarding one’s cultural norms as universal and axiomatic. Some foreign practices are more difficult to accept...

Historic and Global Fundamentalism

Historic fundamentalism can be categorized as an occurrence that is distinctly Protestant, Christian, and American. Its early roots can be traced back to 1919, a year of what can be deemed extreme modernization due to the end of the first world war, the citizen status of African Americans, and the...

Cultural Diversity Considerations in Healthcare Organizations

Ensuring that cultural diversity principles remain relevant in the workplace is vital for ensuring that all staff members are treated fairly and enjoy equal opportunities. In the healthcare context, the promotion of cultural diversity may be fraught with challenges due to the presence of workload pressure and the resulting lack...

The Possibility of Religion to Unite and Divide Simultaneously

Religion is an ambiguous phenomenon, simultaneously created by society and participating in the regulation of that society at the same time. A similar duality is observed in the social processes associated with religion: the unity and division of humanity can occur even within the boundaries of one belief. The influence...

Reaction to Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

To manage companies, there are various methods of calculating financial data. Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) is an analysis of the behavior of costs and revenues in order to draw relationships between them (South University, 2022). This paper will review CVP analysis using the example of the real company. The sample shows the...

Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation Case Study

CC (chief complaint): Ms. Connie Weidre experiences fear and lack of air in her lungs when she leaves home. HPI: Fear of the environment developed gradually after the death of the stress-causing mother. First the woman began to have a phobia and fear of flying on airplanes, and then of...

Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation: Berry Sullivan

CC (chief complaint): Berry Sullivan complains that he suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder after the war. HPI: Sergeant’s post-traumatic syndrome occurred on his return from a military action zone. At first it manifested itself in the fact that he reacted sharply to the sounds of salutes or the smell of...

Comparison of Christianity and Hinduism

Religious affiliation is one of the valuable components of the human personality. Adhering to particular religious worldviews in this way becomes an essential topic for research. This implies comparing aspects such as historical and geographical origins, core beliefs and practices, and important texts. Therefore, this essay will compare Hinduism and...

Content Subject-Linguistic Integrated Learning Background

The term CLIL was first proposed by David Marsh in 1994. At first, this term referred to the process in which academic disciplines or their individual parts were taught in a foreign language. To achieve the ultimate goals of the educational process, a two-pronged goal was set: the study of...

The Global Production Strategy and Its Features

In response to the increasing competition in many industries, corporations are restructuring themselves to operate globally. The international configuration of businesses gives access to cheaper resources and costs, large produce markets, and subsidized financing opportunities (Deng et al., 2020). For instance, an organization may adopt a multi-domestic system where all...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Client Case Study: Inventory Management

Introduction The company plans to use a push strategy that does not wait for customers to ask for a product. Instead, it creates products it thinks the customer will demand and then waits for orders. Inventory management helps respond to disruptions that make it challenging to drive towards proactive and...

An Inside View of Police Officers’ Experience with Domestic Violence

“An Inside View of Police Officers’ Experience with Domestic Violence” is an article authored by Horwitz et al., published in 2011. The authors are members of the Domestic Violence Intervention Project, a research team of the University of Rochester Medical Center. The article intends to support the claim that Domestic...

Third-Party Logistics Providers Improving Supply Chains in the Aviation Industry

Introduction The literature review was conducted from publications that are not older than 2016 to reveal that third-party logistics providers can improve the aviation industry’s supply chain. It stipulates the advantages and Future of the partnership of the 3PLs and the aviation industry’s chain supply. The topic is essential because...

Whether Music Distracts Students or Helps Them

My thoughts about the term paper began with The Invisible Gorilla reading by Chabris and Simon (2010) assigned this week. The authors in the article report various other researchers’ studies and their experimental findings on attention, perception, intuition, memory, etc. (Chabris & Simons, 2010). The author focuses on how sometimes...

Automatic Coffee Machines: Competitive Analysis

Literature Review The academic study of marketing conceptual frameworks is not limited to theoretical research but includes practical implementation of what a student learns. Hence, it is useful to conduct one our own research aimed at using current skills. For this reason, the central idea of this paper is to...

Health Disparities: Primary Causes and Possible Solutions

The issue of health disparities remains a critical one for American society despite decades of research and various programs intended to tackle it. Differences in the level of provided care lead to an overall reduction in life quality and significant economic impacts. They are caused by multiple factors ranging from...

Disruptive Behaviors in Social Movements

In order to foster social change and correct injustices, activists use various methods, including disruptive behaviors. Examples of disruptive behaviors are physical violence, damaging property, blocking highways, and using threatening or inflammatory rhetoric (Feinberg et al., 2020). Although such actions may positively influence the effectiveness of social movements, they also...

The Difference Between Organizational and National Approaches to Leadership

In this essay, two main methods of commercial bank leadership will be directly analyzed for their efficiency or hazard for the entity’s reputation and performance. First and foremost, there are two approaches for explaining the type of leadership in the specific organization: national and organizational. When analyzing the national explanation,...

Comparison of Brain Disorders: Mental Disorders vs Behavioral Disorders

Tracy, N. (2019). Brain disorders: Mental disorders vs. behavioral disorders. HealthyPlace. This article provides vast knowledge about mental and behavioral disorders and their differences and their manifestations in children. The author gives many statistics and data useful for the research, such as the heritability of behavior disorders or their symptoms...

Integrated Water Strategies From Website Water Recycling

Integrated Water Strategies (IWS) has developed a design to recycle water to make it reusable. The website is a front-end of their company showing various services that the company offers in the field of water recycling. A basic theme that the company promotes is the education of the need for clean...

Ecology in Art: A Literature Review

Ballard, S. (2017). New ecological sympathies: Thinking about contemporary art in the age of extinction. Environmental Humanities, 9(2), 255-279. Web. Ballard utilizes the study of human-animals-machines relationships in H. Bergson’s and S. Butler’s essays to present the contemporary artistic method of species extinction imagery. He introduces video and installation art...

The Samolyk v. Berthe Case Analysis

The defendant’s neighbor’s dog was about to die in a canal in July 2017, and plaintiff Ann Samolyk hurt herself when she dove in to save it. She said that while doing this, she suffered cognitive and neurological damage that led to her having to rescue the dog. The parties’...

Presidency of Barack Obama: a Narrative History

Barack Obama, who won the election in 2008, became a genuinely iconic US president. He was the first African American to be nominated for the presidency of the United States by one of the two major parties and the first black president in the national history of heads of state...

Verbal Communication: Empathy During History Taking of Undergraduate Medical Students

Verbal communication is one of the three ways of exchanging information between people, which begins from the birth of a person and lasts his whole life. In childhood, a child expresses his needs, and in adulthood verbal communication is necessary to solve everyday and business problems. The effectiveness of communication...

Love in Paintings and Photographs

Works depicting love can show a range of emotions and settings, presenting the different moments of romantic relationships to the audience. With some works showing great passion and sexuality, others focus on capturing small moments of tenderness and daily routine among people in love. As a result, each painting and...

Cholera: Symptoms, Diagnostics and Spread

Cholera is a dangerous infectious disease, the causative agent of cholera vibrio. The toxins they release affect the small intestine, causing watery diarrhea and vomiting. One of the most striking cholera outbreaks was an epidemic in London in 1854 on Broad Street in the Soho area (Tulchinsky, 2018). At that...

Nursing: Dissemination of the Results of a Quality Project

Introduction Effective dissemination of evidence-based practices requires the right choice of audience among stakeholders. The main purpose of dissemination is to raise awareness among people involved in the healthcare system in order to change practices and improve overall public health (Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2018). By disseminating the results of the...

Inequality Among Other Sociological Problems

Many social problems today have to do with one’s inability to accept and understand the characteristics of other people and society as a whole. I find it strange and unclear why people fundamentally choose to hate other people, seeking to humiliate them in some way. Our particularities are a demonstration...

Domestic and International Businesses’ Expansion

The commercialized world demands more business involvement in any sphere because of well-developed technological advancements that quickly come into use. This gives a ground for companies to penetrate different markets worldwide. However, some organizations need to take a chance to expand due to economic, political, or other concerns. This article...

The Russian Federation and Its Economic Trends

The economy of the Russian Federation is based on the rapid development of the most profitable sources of overall revenue, which is funded by the government. It means that the official policy of the country is the main driver of its future successes in this respect. The initial examination of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Racial Disparities Within US Healthcare System

Healthcare remains one of the vital industries, serving as a determinant of a well-developed, functioning society. All elements of this system are engaged in providing their respective communities with better standards of care. In a way, the system is a reflection of this society and the context, in which its...

Medical Facility: The Transformational Leadership Model

Any health care facility is a system where everything is functioning to deliver safe and high-quality care. Therefore, mission-oriented culture is the best characteristic of the health care organization (Sherwood & Barnsteiner, 2017). On this assumption, it would be highly useful to apply the transformational leadership model to a medical...

“I, Too, Sing America” by Langston Hughes

African American literature focuses on the description of this population group’s struggles and dreams, and the poem “I, Too, Sing America” written by Langston Hughes, is no exception to the rule. In this piece, the author emphasizes the difference in the perceptions of the place of workers in the house...

Inappropriate Nurse Staffing vs. Professional Recruitment

Summary of Clinical Issue: Inappropriate staffing in the nursing environment is a severe problem that leads to several negative consequences. PICOT Question: What is the influence of inappropriate staffing compared to professional recruitment in nursing departments? Criteria Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 APA-Formatted Article Citation with Permalink A Review...

Spain and Catalonia: The Border Issues

Issue explanation The 2006 Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia was rejected by the Spanish Court, which led to the creation of the Catalan independence movement. The 2017 Catalan independence referendum was deemed unconstitutional and Spain used armed forces in an attempt to resolve the issue. The majority of seats in...

Mental Health Stigma for Military Man and Civilians

Cederbaum, J., Wilcox, S., Sullivan, K., Lucas, C., & Schuyler, A. (2017). The Influence of Social Support on Dyadic Functioning and Mental Health Among Military Personnel During Post-deployment Reintegration. Public Health Reports (1974-), 132(1), 85-92.  This article is relevant to my study as it discusses the military personnel’s mental health...

Increasing Charitable Donations for One BLUE HEART

Chen, M. Y. (2020). Portraying product or cause in charity advertising: how execution style and appeal type affects prosocial attitudes by enhancing perceived personal roles. International Journal of Advertising, 39(3), 342-364.  Summary: This article examines the influence of different appeal types and execution styles on charity marketing campaigns based on...

Whigs’ vs. Democrats’ Views on Slavery and Race

The political life of America in the 1830s – early 1850s was largely determined by the rivalry between Whigs and Democrats. Both leading parties adhered to political and economic liberalism and considered themselves true Democrats and Republicans. Moreover, both also traced their origins to the old Republican Anti-Federalist Party, founded...

Military Leadership. The NCO 1700: Valley Forge

Introduction The NCO 1700: Valley Forge is an important case study that examines the history of leadership in the military. This case study looks into the development of leadership techniques and styles from the time of the Revolutionary War to present day. It provides insight into the evolution of military...

Trust and Contractual Agreements

People are so accustomed to the complicated idea of trust that they fail to perceive its presence and variation. Trust, as an intentional mental phenomenon, does not have to be purposeful (Baier 235). Intentional trusting necessitates knowledge of assurance that the trusted will not harm one, even if they could...

The “To Build a Fire” Short Story by Jack London

Jack London is a realistic American writer whose story To Build a Fire was written in 1908. Despite the theme of the confrontation between man and nature, naturalism is not an end in itself for the writer. The realism of the description is a feature of Jack London’s style, with...

The Negative Effects of Boarding Schools on Native Americans

Native people experience a spectrum of difficulties integrating into the modern American environment. It is because of pressure from the authorities and continuing racism toward Native peoples. Generations who grew up in the middle and late part of the last century essentially despise modern America, as it has sought to...

Learning English as a Second Language

For students who study a second language, there may be many different difficulties. This may be due to the fact that knowledge of the first language can interfere with the educational process. Thus, education providers should clearly understand these barriers and skillfully find ways to limit them. The main aspects...

Diabetes Nursing Policy: Diabetes Care

Diabetes mellitus refers to a group of endocrine diseases that develop due to a relative or absolute lack of the hormone insulin or a violation of its interaction with the cells of the body. Since this is a very common disease, there are several important nursing policies regulating the management...

Market Revolution as Turning Point in Women’s Lives

The Market Revolution was a significant milestone for changes in women’s lives in the United States in the nineteenth century. With the growth of industrialization, women gained new opportunities to work for money and release their potential outside their homes. Changes also occurred in women’s societal roles and their growing...

Thai-Lay Fashion Company’s Marketing Plan

Introduction Thai-Lay Fashion Company is a well established garment manufacturing company in Hong-Kong. In order to compete with the continuously changing business environment of garment manufacturing, and to sustain its market share, it needs to develop a modified marketing plan considering the financial and economic conditions in the environment. “In...

American, Alaska, and United Airline Brands

Introduction The U.S. commercial airline industry and the brand positioning efforts associated with it present an interesting topic that has not been researched extensively. This essay analyses three commercial airline brands, such as American Airlines, Alaska Airlines, and United Airlines. The brands are studied with reference to market positioning decisions,...

Muja’s Poultry Farm’s Business Plan

General Description Muja’s Poultry Farm is a farming enterprise located in Houston, Texas. The farm raises domesticated birds in order to harvest them for meat, eggs, and feathers to be used in other types of production (Mountney 119). The farm’s stock consists of chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys. The farm...

Persuasive Speech: Chat Rooms Are Unsafe for Underage Users

With the constant technological development and wireless networks covering an increasing percentage of the globe, users can now access online chat rooms anywhere and anytime as long as they have a connection. Although the opportunity to stay constantly connected to others and instantly share messages, pictures, and videos is appealing,...

Communicable Diseases: Empowerment and Management

Strategies for Empowerment Strategies Despite the fact that the Miami-Dade community cannot be characterized by excessively poor economic growth rates or any other factors that affect health literacy of its population, the lack of awareness about some of the current health concerns is drastic in the specified area (Florida Department...

Education and Innovation in the UAE

As concluded in the literature review, the education in the United Arab Emirates requires modernization and changes at every level. The proposed research will attempt to gather information concerning the modernization in the educational institutions of the UAE that has already been going on for some time and review its...

Legislation After the 9/11 Terrorist Attack in New York

Paragraph 5 The USA Patriot Act was one of the key pieces of legislation signed into effect following the 9/11 terror attack in New York City. The USA Patriot Act was signed on 26th October 2001 and focused on the enhancement of law enforcement powers and intelligence gathering procedures (Falk...

Employee Hiring Process: Case Analysis

The process of hiring employees is extremely important for any company. It is the main component of measuring such indicators as a company’s retention and employee turnover ratios and often determines the whole HR department’s performance effectiveness. The employees are usually hired by using specific tests that evaluate their job-related...

Christian-Islamic “Holy Wars” Heritage

It does not seem fair to claim that Islam is a purely “warrior” religion, considering its doctrine as a whole. Such a misinterpretation mostly comes from the fact that contemporary jihadists are motivated by a selective view of fundamental Islamic writings (Qur’an, Sunna) and chronology (Daniel, 1958). They consider themselves...

Intuitive and Analytical Approaches to Decision Making

Decision-making lies at the foundation of every business and management opportunity. The approach to choosing what to do next can either lead to better results or put the organization and its workers at risk of failure. Thus, it is essential to look at the different approaches to decision-making and see...

Richard Rodriguez’s Educational Experience

Richard Rodriquez and His Life Richard Rodriguez details his life story in a 2017 interview, allowing viewers to gain insights into the challenges of diverse communities. Specifically, one can learn from the interview with Rodriguez that his path of success was quite challenging, and that language issue is a major...

Treatment Alternatives Evaluation

Policymaking requires standards – criteria against which policymakers test the anticipated outcomes of alternative treatments. According to Collins (2005), five criteria should be applied during treatment evaluation: relevance, progress, efficiency, effectiveness, and impact. These standards help in understanding if the intervention contributes to the health needs of the target population,...

The United Way Agency’s Use of Social Media

Introduction United Way (UW) has been using Twitter since 2008 to promote its brand. Aside from advertising donation opportunities and initiatives, it has built a strong collaborative network to popularize the brand by getting retweeted by other non-profit services. Another brand promotion approach pertains to humanization-focused content and eliciting positive...

Human Nature as the Central Theme of the Avatar Film

Introduction This essay is a detailed answer to two questions regarding what the student learned during the term as part of the course and the central theme of Avatar – human nature. Accordingly, the student’s primary goal is to explain how and to what extent writing skills have improved and...

The Nursing Profession and Its Historical Roots

The nursing profession has come a long way of becoming, during which there were many difficulties and challenges for nurses of the past. However, overcoming these difficult periods of the formation of the profession led to what nurses do today. Nursing is one of the oldest professions, which means that...

Infantry in the “Dawn of the Red Arrow” Documentary

Introduction Dawn of the Red Arrow refers to a documentary that explores the change of the Wisconsin Guard from insecurely organized regiments into the 32nd Division at the outset of WW1. The documentary featured pictures, stories, and videos of soldiers who were fighting in the trenches. More than 15,000 National...

Different Functions of Music: Art and Social Movements

Culture plays an important role in the conditions of the modern era because it defines society’s beliefs, values, and behaviors. Modern national cultures present a result of a continuous process in which different groups of people are united in one nation through shared beliefs and practices. Music presents an essential...

The “Why AI Will Never Fully Capture…” Article by Wilson

According to Joseph Wilson in his article “Why AI Will Never Fully Capture Human Language,” researchers in artificial intelligence have made amazing achievements in emulating human language. However, they still need help to capture the parts that genuinely comprise human language. He provided several justifications for his essay title. Wilson’s...

The Roman Empire’s Fall and Separation

Introduction Roman Empire was one of the largest geopolitical entities of its time. The reasons for its collapse are numerous, with various sources and parties throughout history citing one or several as the predominant reason for its collapse. Christian sources, such as the edicts and memoirs of Pope Gregory I,...

Gaiman’s Coraline Novella and the Nosferatu Film

A scary creature causes fear, albeit brief, in its audience. With their classic plots and enduring popularity, Nosferatu and Coraline are examples of this deliberate strategy. Those who do not adore them at least admire and accept that they perfectly encapsulate the concept of monsters, to the point where they...

The Christian Iconography Evolution

The evolution of Christian iconography can be explored through various works which date back to the first millennia. Among the noteworthy works which are displayed in Egypt and Rome are Mary Nursing the Infant Jesus and Virgin and Child with Saints and Angels. Both works carry different meanings and historical...

Consequences of Always Saying “Yes”

Reinforcement and punishment are essential tools that can shape behavior and influence decision-making. While saying ‘yes’ can lead to positive reinforcement and promote compliance in certain situations, it is not always the correct response because it can also lead to overburdening, the loss of personal autonomy, and the inability to...

The Role of Social Media in American News Media

In recent decades, primarily due to the digitization of communications, the role of the media in society has evolved. In the past, consumers were forced to rely mainly on information produced, disseminated, and regulated by institutions like companies and major news organizations. These organizations decided which topics and stories were...

Graffiti as a Cultural Phenomenon

Art is a multifaceted matter, which comprises many areas, from sculpture to paintings. However, while many forms of art have been widely accepted around the world and admired, other types of art, such as graffiti, have been vilified, with many observers accentuating the illegal aspect of it. Nevertheless, art must...

Adolescents’ Mental Health Under Impact of Technologies

Introduction Modern technologies undoubtedly change the world and people’s quality of life for the better. It is impossible to dispute the benefits of technical, medical, and biochemical inventions aimed at solving global problems such as hunger, disease, and consumption. An ordinary person without modern technology would be forced to spend...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Great Migration and World War I’s Impact on African Americans

Long after World War I and the Great Migration, the impact of these events on modern history and US politics is hard to underestimate. People were willing to make great sacrifices to get the freedom they had long dreamed of and therefore sought a better life elsewhere where their work...

“Holy War” in Islam vs. Christianity

Religion is an institution that has existed in various societies since ancient times. For a long period, in one way or another, it influenced secular power, and sometimes it was directly its source. It is not surprising that religion has always influenced politics, including such aspects as wars. At some...

Strategic Management Activities in Healthcare

In the system, the correct organization of the work of medical specialists is of particular importance. This is due to the fact that it can provide an increase in the quality of services provided and the level of patient satisfaction. Moreover, it significantly improves the activities of medical workers and...

Protected Health Information: The Best Practices

In the United States to protect health information is implemented the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). According to HIPAA, any information that is somehow related to the physical or mental condition of an individual is considered protected health information or PHI (Drolet, 2017). PHI includes patients’ names, surnames,...

Research Terminology: Definitions and Distinctions

Abstract This essay gives detailed definitions of the terms paradigm, ontology, epistemology, and philosophy of science. The paper goes further to highlight the distinctions between (and among) these four terms. Researchers should be aware of these four fundamental terms. This discussion explains why such researchers should have a clear understanding...

Labor Economics: the Campaign of Obama

The Article in the New York Times On 31 August 2015 The New York Times published a rather controversial article by the title ‘As His Term Wanes, Obama Champions Workers’ Rights’. The story is an almost perfect example of labor economics, as it involves the employees of the labor services...

Statement of Purpose Example

In this personal statement, I would like to explain why I qualify to be accepted into the Slavic languages and literature program at Stanford University. To begin with, I understand that there are several factors that impact an applicant’s chances of being admitted to the M.A. program, including their skills,...

Bradley v. Bradford & Bigelow, Inc.

Facts A non-compete agreement between Bradford & Bigelow, Inc. and Mr. Bradley was signed in 2015. In general, non-compete agreements impose an employee’s obligation to avoid competition with the employer during or after particular employment (Kubasek et al., 2017). It successfully prevented competition between the sides during the next 12...

Assessing the Efficacy of the CONNECT App for Cardiovascular Disease Management

The study involved patients suffering from cardiovascular disease and people at risk. Participants had access to an app with all the necessary information about the disease. Online health risk calculators, incentive emails, and monitoring of behavioral lifestyle targets were provided. The average follow-up period was about 12 months. The control...

Protecting Informational Health Privacy

Personal data protection is a concerning issue in almost all spheres of human life because most modern technologies can track nearly all people’s activities. However, medical data privacy and confidentiality are a particularly complex and significant issue, since the current policy leaves many gaps and controversies. This topic of protecting...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Glycemic Control in Cardiac Surgery

The rationale for Selecting the Article I selected the article glycemic control in cardiac surgery: implementing evidence-based insulin infusion protocol. The article was authored by Joelle Hargraves. My passion for the care of critically ill patients prompted the selection of the article. Nurses that work in the critical care units...

The Impact of Poverty on Children and Minority Groups

Introduction The problem of poverty, not only among children but also among adults, has plagued this planet for a long time. It prevents people from living life to the fullest, consequently affecting society. When it comes to children, they are the ones who suffer the most from peer attacks, lack...

De Becker’s View of Threats

Introduction A threat is a vowed determination or intent to hurt or injure someone at the present or in the future. Under the criminal code, it is an offense to knowingly utter a threat to cause bodily harm to a person (Decker, 1998). It also includes; threatening someone, torching one’s...

The Millennium Developmental Goals and Nursing Programs

The Millennium Developmental Goals were established in 2000 during the Millennium Summit of the United Nations (Stephen, 2008). The millennium Summit is composed of over 180 United Nations member states and international organizations. The MDGs were established as a blueprint following the adoption of the United Nations Millennium Declaration by...

Crime and Causation: Robbery

Definition and Description An action is qualified as a crime if it “offends the strong, well-defined states (sentiments) of the collective consciousness” (DiCristina, 2016 p.318). A felony is a deliberate act of omission or commission of actions that contravene morals or the states of collective consciousness (DiCristina, 2016). Robbery is...

Function of Drama in the Ancient World

Dramatic art has been subjected to various changes during its process of development. It has been identified that dramatic art has thousands of year’s history that takes birth in Athens. Some of the studies elucidate, “Between 600 and 200 BC, the ancient Athenians created a theatre culture whose form, technique...

The Impact of Globalization on World Politics

Blurring boundaries through globalization We live in a time when the application of conventional social, economic and political terminology, to describe the realities of living in a post-industrial world, can no longer be thought of as fully adequate. Nowadays, politics is much better described in terms of economy, social and...

Life of Charles Dickens

Introduction Born in February 7, 1812 in Portsmouth, Charles Dickens lived to become a prolific 19th century writer of fiction novels, short stories and plays. His father worked as a pay clerk in the navy office, with a salary hardly enough to support the family (Sanders p.1). Charles was as...

Hellenistic Culture Overview: History and Development

Hellenistic culture is the hybrid Greek culture that comprises of cultural aspects like Diadochi, Ptolemy one Soter, Cassander, and Lysimachus kingdoms that symbolize the Zenith of Greek influence in the ancient times between 323 and 146 BC. The move from classical Greek to Hellenistic culture was a result of a...

Personality Theory Review: Erickson’s Psychodynamic Principles in Personality Growth

The term personality refers to the sum total of all characteristic traits of an individual like: attitudes, aptitudes, desires, emotions, cognitive functions etc. There are set a of personality theories that speak on the development and growth of the whole personality of an individual. This paper attempts to sum up...

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The Aspects of the Modern Society

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The Cold War: Background and Impact

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Core Values: Sexual Health and Wellbeing

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Death Penalty as Viewed within the Framework of Retributive Justice

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Child Support: Social Construction and Policy Design

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The My Mother’s Secret Novel by J. L. Witterick

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