Connecting Customer Needs in Product Design

Introduction The case presents an issue of poor market performance of a small firm producing glasses which illustrates a broader set of problems. Most of them appear to stem from a lack of cohesion between different departments each of which has their own distinct goals (De Toni & Nassimbeni, 2003)....

Team-Based Healthcare in Nursing Practice

Introduction Team-based health care is supported by the current U.S. health care system, although it is not implemented in every institution. As Babiker et al. (2014) point out, nowadays patients are rarely cared for by only one physician or nurse. Usually, it is a team of professionals who ensure that...

Chronic Patient Education Intervention and Treatment

Clinical Question The clinical question can be explicitly stated with the help of PICOT format. Thus, for this research, PICOT will be stated as follows: “In elderly patients with chronic diseases (P), does patient education intervention in addition to medication treatments (I), compared with only medication treatments (C), increase their...

Economic Growth and Market Dynamics

What is GDP? Gross domestic product (GDP) is a measure of the value of all services and goods produced in a certain period of time. If GDP is negative, the contraction of the economy occurs, while if it is positive, the growth of the economy is observed (“Gross Domestic Product,”...

GMO: Some Peculiarities and Associated Concerns

Introduction Genetically modified organisms are also known as GMOs, genetically engineered, or genetically modified food and have been discussed for several decades. Some people stress that genetically engineered crops can help humanity to address famines or the lack of food in some regions. Others argue that GMOs can negatively affect...

“The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” a Novel by Mark Twain

Introduction Classical children’s literature is full of examples of outstanding works that have become a cultural treasure and are still being discussed with interest today. One of these well-known works that are known to almost everyone in the book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” written by the famous American writer...

Understaffing Ratios in Nursing

Understaffing Indicators It has been concluded that the problem of nurse understaffing negatively influences the work setting, the quality of care provided to patients, as well as patients’ health outcomes. However, among the identified implications, poor health outcomes of patients that received care in a facility that experiences understaffing is...

Patient-Centered Care: Nursing Training Quality Indicator

Introduction The topic of the paper is “Patient-Centered Care.” An individual approach to the care of each patient is an indispensable attribute of the contemporary nursing activity, and it meets all the standards of professional requirements that are entrusted to junior medical personnel. In the process of work, not only...

Deep Vein Thrombosis Diagnosis: Therapy and Prevention

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a serious medical condition when a blood clot (also known as a thrombus) emerges in deep veins of a human body (Chung et al., 2014). Usually, such parts of a human body as legs and thighs are the places where DVT occurs. It has to...

Transformational Leadership and Theory Y in Nursing

The nursing profession necessitates the development of strong leadership and management skills inasmuch as they are of paramount importance for ensuring that care is delivered in a safe and efficient manner. The aim of this paper is to discuss the application of management and leadership theories in practice. Assessment of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Teaching English Language to Hindi Speakers

English and Hindi # Hindu English Comments 1 SOV SVO Unlike in the system of the English language, the system of Hindu presupposes that the subject of the sentence was followed by the object. 2 Place – Adverb – Verb Verb – Place – Adverb In contrast to English, where...

Four Metaparadigms of Nursing

Nursing is an ancient profession. It is as old as humanity itself. Even in the most primitive and ancient human tribes, there were individuals tasked with taking care of the sick and injured. A caring attitude is not something that could be transmitted on a genetic level from one generation...

Homeland Security Concerns and Responsible Governance

Every government has a system that enables its departments and individuals pass and receive information. The command structure varies with each department or unit. The importance of understanding the bureaucratic system allows one to know how to handle basic requirements. Project on Government Oversight (POGO) came into being in order...

Regulations That Shape the Country’s Civil Rights

Introduction The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects people’s freedom of speech. However, the government can limit free expression under certain circumstances such as advocacy characterized by the use of force. Incitements capable of producing violence or suicide can also be limited (Gahagan & Brophy, 2014). Expressions that are...

Generalized and Complex Partial Seizures

Introduction A seizure is an involuntary body movement caused by abnormal signals from the brain. Depending on the mechanism and localization, several types of seizures are identified. The following paper provides a comparison of generalized and complex partial seizures by contrasting their pathophysiology, typical EEG findings, physical presentations, and the...

Nurse Leaders’ Tasks and Strategies

In the process of nursing care, a significant role is played by the leaders of junior medical personnel who can be an example for their colleagues and coordinate their activities according to specific goals. The task of such staff is to evaluate current workflow indicators, as well as use appropriate...

Marketing Channels and Advertising Campaigns

Similarities and differences among the concepts of the supply chain, marketing channels, and logistics Similarities: The three concepts are similar in the sense that they involve the movement of goods, information, or services from the point of production to the end consumer. The eventual result of the three concepts is...

American Cities in the “End of Suburbia” Documentary

What influence(s) did industrialization have on urbanization? As American society shifted from being a mainly agricultural society into one dependant on the industrial production of goods and associated services, the influence of this was felt in other aspects of the economy, as well. Notable among these was the situation in...

The US and Middle Eastern States’ Cooperation

Why is the Palestinian question the central focus of Arab complaints against the United States, and do you think that terrorist attacks in our homeland will cease if problems of Palestinian is not resolved to the satisfaction of all parties involved? There exist some areas of close cooperation between the...

Conjugal Visits and Castration Punishment Ethics

Abstract The following paper is aimed at reviewing the controversial topics of conjugal visitation and the chemical/surgical castration of sex offenders. The paper establishes plausibility of conjugal visits implementation and argues for the efficacy of castration. Findings from relevant research and logical reasoning are used to back up the solutions...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Decision-Making in the 1989 Hillsborough Disaster

Using the dichotomous typologies only, what types of decisions were the five critical decisions? The first decision was about having a “safety fence” to prevent ground invasion. Such a decision was based on an earlier event in 1985 where 39 Italian (Juventus) fans died when they were trying to escape...

Value-Based Reimbursement Policy in Healthcare

Introduction Modern healthcare administration might be requiring some serious reforms due to its occasional inefficiency and ineffectiveness. One of the critical issues to reconsider appears to be a reimbursement approach. Being relatively innovative for the healthcare, value-based reimbursement policy imposed by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare is aimed to...

San Diego Plan During the Mexican Revolution

The Plan of San Diego can trace its roots to the Mexican revolution that occurred in the north region of Mexico in 1910. The bordering American region had a significantly greater population of Mexicans and Americans of Mexican origin than the Anglo-American population. There were, therefore, fears by Americans concerning...

Eastman Kodak Company’s Business-Level Strategy

Introduction Business level strategies are the specific actions required to ensure an organization meets its objectives and compete equally with the other businesses in the market. Business level strategies help to determine who the customers are, what the customers need and how they expect the product or service to be....

American Nurses Association: Professional Membership

Being the chairperson of membership in American Nurses Association (ANA), it is necessary to design a paper to recruit new members. Function of Organization ANA is a non-commercial professional organization that aims at representing the interests of the entire nation and, in particular, those of registered nurses (RN) by the...

Stylistics and Ideas in Mark Twain’s Short Stories

The Mysterious Stranger by Mark Twain The setting and atmosphere at the beginning of the story The story begins with the description of the country: “It was in 1590 – winter. Austria was far away from the world, and asleep” (n. pag). Thus, the author immediately connects the beginning and...

Conflicts, Compromises, and Communication

Assertiveness and Cooperation Assertiveness and cooperation are crucial concepts that are used to solve conflict among people. While assertiveness refers to declining people’s opinions without offending them, cooperation is a concept that seeks to submit and cooperate with the conflicting party. The two concepts are used to determine the conflict-managing...

Older Adults Needs and Nursing Care: Learning Plan

Introduction To provide patients with care that would meet the most important needs that they have, a specialist in nursing is supposed to consider a range of factors that may have an impact on patients’ expectations. During the work, any specialist working in a community faces problems that occur due...

Public Goods and “Free Rider” Problem

Introduction Public goods are crucial to society. They include essential and non-essential aspects of modern life. However, despite their importance, they are often damaged by careless or deliberately malicious legislations, natural disasters, and other issues. This paper will present an overview of public goods, the challenges that affect them, and...

History: Hurricanes and British Sugar and Rice Markets

The topic of the Article The Caribbean and South Atlantic regions tend to experience storms and hurricanes as seasonal threats that cause the destruction of private property, particularly plantations; as a result, in the 18th century, the British owners of agricultural businesses in these areas suffered devastating losses due to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Optimal Nurse Staffing to Improve Quality of Care

Introduction The proposal deals with the necessity to avoid the lack of experienced nursing professionals. It is emphasized that a range of critical changes are required in order to enhance the situation. The need to develop this evidence-based practice project can be proved by quality, clinical, and financial aspects that...

Sibling Rivalry, Its Causes and Intervention

Sibling Rivalry Kippen and Walters define sibling rivalry as “the competition, fighting, hatred, and jealousy between siblings” (575). This is a major psychological problem that affects many families across the world. Parents who have two (or more) children will at some point be forced to deal with this problem. Studies...

Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors

Introduction DREAM (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) was a legislation that was developed to provide the opportunity for undocumented students to attend university or even at least college. This legislation stipulated that states would be allowed to offer in-state tuition rates to those foreign students who had lived...

Art Education and Human Development

The general response to Art Education and Human Development by Howard Gardner This book looks into the value given to arts education by the governments and other stakeholders considering the strides arts education has made in recent years. Before appreciation of democratic processes, many totalitarian regimes considered artists as people...

Home-Style Cookies Baking Company’s Efficiency Issues

Introduction The case of the Home-Style Cookies baking company that operates in the United States involves a few problems related to potential improvements that can strengthen the company and increase the effectiveness of its work. There are numerous companies that HSC can use as a reference model. Among them, there...

School Experience for Students with Disabilities

Prediction of Drop-Out Among Students With Minor Disabilities We all know about the importance of completing at least a high school education about preparing ourselves for financially rewarding jobs in the future. Without the proper educational attainment, it is almost impossible to find a job that will keep a roof...

Prince Sultan University’s Online Registration System

Executive Summary This report was commissioned by the students of Prince Sultan University to propose improvements in online college registration in this educational institution. The report describes the development of an online college registration system in the university. In particular, it focuses on the previous challenges that were faced by...

Foreign Investment and Trade Policy in the US

Recent Investments The presented article opens with a review of recent investments at the time of its writing. The authors state that the position of the United States as the largest investor and recipient of foreign direct investment is unique and only second to the European Union as a whole....

Sports Marketing of Products and Sports Participation

Marketing is the process of creating, communicating, and delivering products and services that are useful to the end-users and the community at large. Sports marketing entail marketing of sports products or non-sport products while linking them with various sports. It is however noted that sports marketing of products and apparel...

Egyptian Revolution: Macrosociological Perspective

The protests and subsequent ousting of the then President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak are what has emerged to be called the Egyptian Revolution. Civil resistance, non-violent disobedience, and labor strikes characterized the revolution. People from different social and economic backgrounds took part in the demonstrations. It began by calling for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nurses’ Perception of Hourly Rounding

Introduction Hourly rounding is a practice designed to enhance the clients’ experience and the nurses’ professional excellence. As the name implies, it is a practice of attending a client on an hourly basis to meet their basic needs, namely: pain and stress management, feeding, hygiene, etc. (Mitchell, Lavenberg, Trotta, &...

Car Industry’s Marketing: Advertising and Promotion

Car industry has been developing day by day in many countries. The major purpose of this industry is to create, develop, improve, market, and sell motor vehicles, cars in particular. The progress of car industry is perfectly noticeable. For example, Marsden tells that during the 1970s, car industry in Britain...

Joseph Cyril Bamford Excavators Ltd. in India

Introduction The case describes how the British construction equipment manufacturer JCB managed to expand into the Indian market through a joint venture with the Indian engineering conglomerate Escorts. Despite having a relatively small share of the global market, JCB became on the biggest manufacturers of backhoes in India. This paper...

Postpartum Depression, Prevention and Treatment

Introduction Postpartum depression is a common psychiatric condition in women of the childbearing age. They are most likely to develop the disease within a year after childbirth (Selix and Goyal 897). This condition increases the risk of multiple mental health challenges comprising social and cognitive impairments (Claessens et al. 81)....

Nurse’s Personal Biases and Its Outcomes

Introduction The globalization process, which increases the level of cultural and ethical diversity, creates an immense amount of additional pressure for the nurses. Situations, in which personal biases, whether they are explicit or implicit, affect both patients and caregivers, can produce a positive effect on nursing as well as adverse...

First Civilizations and Their Characteristics

Introduction The history of the rise of civilization is long and intricate. It started around six thousand years ago with the formation of cities in the valley of Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the Middle East. Since then, the phenomenon of civilization evolved. However, its primary aspects remained unchanged. Taking...

QuickMeal Co.’s Service Quality and Communication

Introduction In order to function efficiently in the environment of the global economy, an organization must conform to the existing quality standards and make sure that the services and goods produced to meet the stated expectations. Since navigating in the process of quality management is rather difficult due to the...

Events in Conroy’s “Stop-Time” and Personal Experience

Introduction Sometimes in life, one event can happen that changes a series of several others, tearing down the foundation we have built for several years, leaving nothing but ruins. It is somewhat unfair that just one particular event adversely affects one’s entire life and destiny. When all that once brought...

Peer-Reviewed Research as Medical Progress

Introduction Peer-reviewed scholarly research is the backbone of medical advancement. Medical theory, research, and literature reviews are only some of the aspects that go into the development of new medicinal practices. This paper will explain the importance of literature reviews, the influence of theory and research on each other, and...

Medical Errors as a Threat to Patient Safety

Discussion Patient safety is one of the key goals assigned a top priority by healthcare. However, medical errors and adverse events remain and threaten patients. To understand the given topic in an in-depth manner, it is essential to identify differences between a medical error and an adverse event as part...

Patients’ Expectations from Healthcare Industry

Increased Level of Knowledge The problem of inadequate expectation of patients could now be considered one of the important issues that should be solved as it results in financial difficulties for healthcare institutions. Considering the nature of the problem, two possible solutions could help to improve the situation in the...

“Islam in America” BBC Documentary

Introduction Atheists around the world are having a field day when it comes to proving their point that religion serves no purpose other than to oppress and prevent the growth of human civilization. It is problematic to mount up a defense of religion, especially when the deplorable acts of corrupt...

Skin Cancer: Examination and Prevention

Recommendations for Skin Examination On the whole, it is stated that the balance of benefits and harms that skin examination of patients by medics brings is unknown; however, it is suggested that skin examination may help prevent highly adverse patient outcomes due to skin cancer such as death (Tsao &...

Utilitarianism and Deontology in Business

The question concerning the connection between law and morality remains to be discussed and argues nowadays. The law and morality can be considered as the fundamental social regulators of the behavior of the human being (Emerson, 2009, p. 5). The society and the way people live and function changed and...

Freelancers’ Communication with Problematic Customers

Problematic Customer Profiles #1: The “Next Time” Customer Freelance writers who operate their writing businesses encounter many different types of customers through their everyday business dealings and soon become adept at customer service in addition to writing. Eighty percent of the time, freelancers and their customers enjoy a smooth business... for Digital Distraction During Office Work

Initially one would think that the author – Ira Wagman – wanted to write about a website called and how office workers use it as a way to escape boredom. But it turns out that she merely used this website as her take-off point in order to discuss the...

Financial Institutions: Policies and Regulations

How can policies and regulations impact financial institutions? Whenever regulations are lifted, some financial institutions may most likely run into financial losses. In most cases, earnings are increased through protected monopolies. However, the introduction of policies and regulations often break this link and hence, financial institutions end up losing greatly...

Genocide and Mass Killing in “Becoming Evil” by Waller

Introduction Waller’s work in ‘Becoming Evil’ is a reminder of the numerous accounts of genocides that have occurred in the past century. Waller unmasks the ordinary excuses for psychopathology, and genocide-group think, unusual cultures and puts up a comprehensive perception of humans’ capability to participate in transgression. He highlights the...

How CSR Is Being Defined in Malaysia?

In Malaysia, CSR is a formal business strategy and obligation that is captured in annual reports and other forms of reporting by organizations. However, it is not a mandatory undertaking in the country. Nevertheless, the voluntary nature of the activity has been handled professionally in many business levels from the...

African Americans: Health Related Issues Identification

Health-Related Issues African Americans are the chosen population for the analysis. There are many health-related issues that can be relevant to this group of people. Some of the issues are chronic health problems caused by poor living conditions, the lack of insurance coverage, and disabilities (Mandal, Scott, Islam, & Mandal,...

The Work of Nurses as Activists

Introduction Throughout history, many nurses had to become activists to either advance the field of nursing and care or solve complex situations that require a very careful approach. This paper will provide my thoughts on this, and it will put me in the shoes of a nurse activist to provide...

Program Management Standards and Processes

Abstract The short and long-term objectives of a project should be analyzed before examining possible implications on the resources to be involved for its completion. It is critical to examine the budgetary provision, expected efficiencies for the project, and draft a schedule to meet the project deadline and limit risks...

Google Inc.’s Organizational Culture Type

Organizational culture and its implications for performance are frequent objects of professional analysis. There is an emerging consensus that organizational culture profoundly influences organizational behaviors and decisions. Shared values, assumptions and beliefs that shape organizational culture create a foundation for creating and sustaining a competitive advantage. Google is the bright...

Overstock, Officemax, Bebe Websites Analysis

Introduction The internet has altered the traditional distribution channel. Where companies depended on catalogs to inform customers about products, they can now access them easily on websites. Purchases do not have to be made on site. Customers purchase and pay for merchandise online. Thereafter, the company organizes to deliver the...

Boots UK Company’s General Management Overview

Boots UK is a private company located in the United Kingdom. The company is a member of Alliance boots and has branches in Ireland, Sweden and many other countries. It offers skincare and cosmetic products; and prescribed medicines such as tablets, liquids, creams as well as inhalers. A general management...

Child Temperament: Flexible, Feisty, or Combined?

Introduction To promote proper development in a child, one must consider their characteristics and identify the temperament that a child is most likely to have. Despite the fact that there are only three possible results, the unique combinations of nine traits, as well as different degrees of their intensity, allow...

Tuberculosis: Case Study Assessment

People at Risk When it comes to contracting tuberculosis from Jose, Jill’s patient, it is essential to take into consideration that the employees working at the farm where he is employed are at a higher risk because they did not have knowledge about their co-worker’s illness and thus did not...

Injury Risk Reduction and Nursing Intervention

Identifying and Prioritizing the Problem One of the problems that can be distinguished in this case study is the risk of injury. Considering the women’s age (the risk of injury increases with age) and her current medical condition, she can accidentally fall and seriously hurt herself. The problem is of...

Parents’ Gender Roles and Children’s Aspirations

Introduction The article in question dwells upon the development of stereotypes in children and adolescents. Croft, Schmader, Block and Baron (2014) state that parents inflict their implicit and explicit beliefs concerning gender roles on their children. Croft et al. (2014) utilize the social role theory as a theoretical framework for...

President Trump’s Inaugural Address

Introduction Political speeches appear to provide gripping material for analysis. One of the recent speeches is Trump’s inaugural address. Therefore, this work aims to give a critical review of Trump’s inaugural speech, including general impression which it has created on the audience and intentions which the newly-elected President has been...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Stove, Vase, Tea Set, and Cabinets Design

The Stove by Shepard and Co. This stove is a rather valuable object that is currently kept in Philadelphia Museum of Art. The stove was made in 1840s in New York based on the patent of Eliphalet Nott. The material this stove is made of is cast iron. According to...

International Finance and Transactions

Abstract An international organization is obviously obliged to carry out transactions using foreign currency. Whenever settlements are made in foreign currency, transaction exposures cannot be eluded. When products denominated in foreign currency are sold or bought on credit terms, transaction exposures can easily arise. As a measure to minimize transaction...

Terrorism as Global Issue and Preventive Laws

Abstract Terrorism has become a global issue lately, and the prevalence of radicalization among youth is still a major concern. However, over the years, terrorists have not been receiving the ultimate punishment that they deserve. Holding terrorists in cells and sentencing them to a jail term is not enough for...

Nestle and L’Oreal Companies’ Customer Management

Nestle’s approach of embedding researchers into people’s homes compared to a more traditional focus group or interview-based research. What different insights are gained and why? Organizations need to understand what their customers need and the psychologies of the clients in order to succeed in their marketing strategies. Moreover, businesses need...

Realism and the Unreal in “The Female American”

In the article, the author begins by pointing out the various issues that stand out in the eighteenth-century novel “The Female American” by Unca Eliza (McMurran 323). The author of this article outlines several facts that are specific to eighteenth-century society. The article proceeds by laying out the peculiarity that...

Our Town America Company’s Case

Case Summary Michael Plummer Sr. founded Our Town America Company in the year 1972 in Florida. Michael Plummer Jr. took over the management of the company after the death of his father. The company had thirty employees. Although, Plummer had worked in the business with his father for nine years,...

Abel & Cole Company’s Marketing and Consumer Behavior

What characteristics affecting consumer buying behavior are at play when customers intend to buy from Abel & Cole? The cultural characteristics which affect consumer buying behavior are mainly changes in people’s preferences and tastes. Consumption habits have changed and they are mainly defined by sub-cultures of different populations. Customers in...

Stroke and Alexia in Cognitive Neuroscience

Stroke One of the neuropsychological syndromes that interest me in the study of psychology is stroke. The condition develops whenever there is a significant disturbance in the overall supply of blood throughout the brain. Scientifically, the syndrome is referred to as cerebrovascular accident (CVA) (Brazis, Masdeu & Biller, 2011). Stroke...

Cultural Anthropology: The Yanomami Tribe

The online article Conflict and Human Rights in the Amazon: The Yanomami, by Stephanie Bier, is one of several case studies in a larger website documenting the intersection of environmental damage and human conflict1. Stephanie Bier, the author, was a 2006 American University graduate in International Service.2 The article takes...

Educational Challenges: the Role of a Leadership

Introduction In the recent past, managing college affairs through college leaders has become an uphill task. Leaders are facing challenges that range from one field to another. They have been long considered as the voice of the entire student group. Their main function is to make the wants or needs...

Motor Skills and Movement Coordinations

To master a particular task, motor skill is usually developed with the help of the brain. The skill entails a series of movements that are complex and are learned with time (Graziano, Taylor & Moore, 2002). Hence, the motor cortex assists in the development of the complex movements which are...

Human Developmental Disabilities in Students

This paper highlights different health conditions exhibited by students in the The United States of America and various parts of the world. It is an integrated focus on disabilities and disorders in the development and well being of the human body. The paper gives basic examples of sentences that use...

MAP-IT Model: Evaluation of Plan Effectiveness

Tracking of the progress during the intervention implementation is the fifth step in the MAP-IT model. Various assessment activities can help identify barriers to success and make necessary corrections promptly. In the given paper, the significance of the preliminary environmental assessment, as well as post-assessment activities, will be discussed. Environmental...

Deontology and Ethical Relativism in “The Founder” Film

Introduction Business ethics is a complex subject that aims to use ethical theories and principles to guide the decision-making process in organizational settings. Business ethics considers all types of business relationships, including those between companies, between leaders and their employees, and between the company and the community (Mann and Roberts...

Muchestar Barbers’ Business Owner Interview

Business Profile Uwe (2007) says that if you want to understand people and their worlds, then you should talk to them. I interviewed the owner of Manchester Barbers, a middle-sized business measuring 4 m by 6 m. The business started 3 years ago, much smaller by then (3 m by...

Early Elective Delivery and Associated Health Risks

Research Question The objective of this study is to determine the health risks associated with early elective delivery as a primary nursing problem in the United States. Therefore, the research question is: What are the health risks related to early elective delivery? Research Methodology The success of the study will...

Spreading Information with Social Media in Activism and Revolutions

Introduction The significant developments in technology, especially the use of social media has simplified the way like-minded individuals air their grievances and articulate positions on issues of interest. In this modern society, social media is like a traditional community, where aggravated individuals converge in a common place to plan for...

Problem of Racism in the Modern World

Racism is a representation that innate biological characteristics of a person determine his or her behavior. This doctrine propagates a specific perception of the world in which individual’s personality does not perform as a determining factor while the fact of belonging to a particular racial group does. The purpose of...

International Monetary System and Its Importance

The international monetary system is an international convention. It stipulates the rules that should be applied in international trade. The system also clarifies the means of payment that should be used in international trade. Generally, the international monetary system was set in order to promote international trade and investment (Hill,...

Stress After Leaving Home in Students

Today, there are numerous misconceptions about stress. Most people perceive stress as negative emotional state whereas some consider it to be something that happens to us when we are anxious. However, the real meaning of stress is that it is a response to a situation. Stress is biological in nature...

Nursing Understaffing: Problem and Intervention

Introduction Nursing understaffing is one of the major problems that exist today, and it is associated with fast aging of the personnel and shortage of the workforce in the labor market (Summers & Summers, 2014). As a consequence, it causes a rapid increase in mortality rates of surgical patients, and...

Living Conditions: Migrant Workers in Malaysia

Issue One of the current practices in Malaysia that are somewhat ethically dubious is the living conditions that migrant workers are subjected to. On average, Malaysian companies that bring in contracted workers place them in low-cost housing projects with up to 12 or 20 people within a single three-bedroom apartment...

The VARK Questionnaire and Learning Styles

The VARK questionnaire allows students to understand which learning styles are more suitable for them. In this test, four strategies are presented: visual, aural, read/write, and kinesthetic strategies. Learning Style The learning style most suitable for me is the multimodal one, i.e. it includes strategies from two different learning styles....

Human Resource Management and Service Delivery

Key recommendations and development plans Developing plans in HR is a sure way of achieving HRM objectives hence ensuring higher productivity among employees. Bratton and Gold (2007) assert that the development of HRM plans to attract, recruit utilize, develop and retain employees of the desired quality, and quantity for the...

Resilience and Work-life Balance in First-line Nurse Manager

Title: Resilience and Work-life Balance in First-line Nurse Manager. Kim and Windsor are likely to discuss how critical for efficient and effective work are the maintenance of resilience and work-life. Intended audience: The intended audience includes mainly scientists, researchers, and professionals who represent the sphere of healthcare, nursing, in particular....

Literary Darwinism in Twain’s and Walker’s Stories

Literary Darwinism is the specific approach in the literary criticism according to which literature as the discourse is discussed as originated from and affected by definite evolutionary processes. Literature reflects the aspects of human nature, human development, the progress of human psychology, behavior, and culture. As a result, there is...

“Are Fad Diets Worth Their Weight?” by Timothy Crowe

Title: Are fad diets worth their weight? Crowe (2014) is likely against the so-called fad diets. He argues that the real way to success in the area of weight control is the development of a realistic strategy focused on health promotion and the elimination of harmful eating habits. Intended audience:...

Disaster Triage and Nursing Utilitarian Ethics

Introduction One could hardly doubt that the professional settings of nursing practice are closely connected with the emerging of numerous ethical dilemmas. Nurses are exposed to ethical conflicts on a daily basis, and the core of these conflicts is the necessity to choose between personal moral values and those of...

Alteration in Comfort and Impaired Skin Integrity

Introduction The rash on the face, as well as such attendant factors as fever and excessive fatigue, are an excuse to determine which nursing intervention can be helpful in treatment. As a patient, thirty-five-year-old Mary is presented, and her main problem is itching and redness on her face. Also, the...

Art of Early Middle Age

Introduction Name: Unknown Title: Marble Portrait Bust of a Woman with a Scroll Date: late 4th–early 5th century Medium: Pentelic Marble Marble busts were one of the common forms of art in the Early Middle Ages; they preceded Christian art in the form of icons and were the heritage of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Poverty in “On Dumpster Diving” by Lars Eighner

Introduction In his essay On Dumpster Diving, Lars Eighner explores the life of a person whose sole means of survival is dumpster diving. The author focuses on such themes as poverty, despair of homeless people, and their attitudes toward material wealth as well as the hopes that they cherish. The...

Christianity in Western Civilization and Thought

Introduction Christianity is one of the most widespread and developed religious systems. And although it is present on every continent, it is predominantly the religion of the West. The adoption of Christianity as a formal religion by the majority of peoples of Central, Eastern, and South-Eastern Europe occurred between the...

Domestic Violence Study and Lessons Learnt

The rationale for Topic Selection Despite numerous endeavors to address the instances of domestic violence, the current situation with abusive relationships remains drastic. According to global statistical data, in 2017, approximately 35% of women have experienced abuse at some point in their lives (World Health Organization, 2017). Since the problem...

The Tempest Play at Savage Rose Classical Theater

Introduction The Tempest is one of the many plays written in the 17th century by William Shakespeare – one of the most famous English writers and playwrights of all time. The Tempest is a story of magic, revenge, political trickery, intimidation, and arranged marriages to secure a position of power....

Working Youth: Psychological Observations in Café

Introduction There are many reasons for young people to start working, and they are mostly related to a person’s need to be self-sufficient. One may need to save money to buy something expensive or pay for education, while others may just want to have enough pocket money. Overall, the reasons...

Physically Disabled People’s Shopping Experiences

Introduction During the course of my observations of various individuals that suffer from some form of physical disability, I noticed several interesting forms of behavior in the way they acted and the way they were treated by those around them. As it turns, most people who are considered disabled by...

Human Trafficking and Its Signs in Patients

The problem of human trafficking is a health hazard for the victims of this form of modern day slavery. According to Niewiarowska (2015), out of the 21 million victims of human trafficking, 9.5 million are men while 11.5 million are women (Niewiarowska, 2015). The prevalent human trafficking behavior predisposes victims...

Waste Elimination: Essential Vocabulary

Elimination The process of eliminating waste, though seemingly simple, in fact, requires a careful analysis of the factors that contribute to it. In the realm of an organization, the identified process will require embracing the operations performed in every single department, which is a rather challenging task. However, reaching the...

Healthy Way of Life’ Popularization: Falls Prevention

Preventive Strategies The preventive strategies were directed on the decrease in the number of falls in the elderly. The issue has been examined from two main dimensions, namely aging people who live at home (lonely dwellers) and elderly who live in nursing homes. The intervention plan provided some insights regarding...

Goldratt’s vs. Tesla Company’s Bottleneck Resolution

Introduction Bottlenecks are specific issues or problems that occur in the operating process and slow down the entire work of plants and organizations. Although bottlenecks often hurt operational processes, they can be used to improve the efficiency of organizations if identified correctly. The paper aims to present how bottlenecks are...

Ha Jin’s “Saboteur” in Nicola McAllister’s Critique

While reading the critical response on Ha Jin’s short story Saboteur, I’ve realized that the critic Nicola McAllister has a low opinion of the Chinese government and knows nothing about the policy of China. On the other hand, he is just ignorant of the historical changes that took place in...

Heart Failure Causes and Readmission Factors

Introduction The primary goal of this research paper is to discover the main causes of heart failure and factors that have a direct impact on readmission rates of patients with this medical condition. It is of paramount importance to study this problem since its consequences are often associated with high...

Walt Disney Company’s International Services and Strategies

Describe Disney’s international products or services. What locations and countries do they operate in? Walt Disney Company is an international corporation focusing on entertainment and media businesses. Walt Disney and Roy Disney founded the corporation in the early 1920s. During its inception, the corporation was registered as Disney Brothers Cartoon...

The Future of Nursing: Professional Development

Introduction In 2010, the U.S. government ratified a law that immediately changed the fortunes of at least 30 million Americans. After years of struggle, the Obama administration engineered a massive change in the delivery of health insurance coverage. As a result, the aforementioned number of Americans is going to experience...

Performance Enhancement Tools and Strategies

Introduction Creating the environment in which employees will be able to excel in their performance is an absolute necessity for an organization to exist and, in the best-case scenario, thrive in the context of the contemporary global economy. Therefore, the introduction of a cohesive and efficient measurement system must be...

Public Service Theories and Public Interest

Abstract Public interest has been debated at length by great philosophers as well as renowned authors. Scholars argue that it is an academic discipline to be taught in class while philosophers argue that it is an art that can only be learned through observation and practice. This paper seeks to...

Personal Care Philosophy in Professional Practice

Introduction A nurse’s philosophy usually reflects her values, ideals, attitudes, and beliefs related to professional practice. Therefore, a good personal nursing philosophy should include concepts that guide a nurse’s decisions and actions, the personal interpretation of nursing meta paradigms, their association with the nursing practice, as well as possible strengths...

“Communication Mosaics” a Book by Julia Wood

Groupthink Concept As discussed by Julia Wood in the book, Communication Mosaics: An Introduction to the Field of Communication, groupthink refers to a psychological phenomenon happening within a cluster of persons under which the aspiration for conventionality within this cluster results in a biased outcome in the decisions made. The...

Community Hospital in Ypsilanti: Janice Portfleet Case

Introduction Case Study: Janice Portfleet is a nurse manager of a 12-bed critical care unit (CCU) for a community hospital in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Her superior has just notified her that the productivity level in the CCU has declined. Nurse Portfleet is asked to cost out nursing services for her unit,...

Supply and Demand: Main Aspects and Effect of Changes

Marschall’s Economics Alfred Marshall was one of the most influential economists of the mid-nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth. His Principles of Economics brought ideas of supply and demand, production costs, and marginal utility into a coherent economic framework that is still relevant today. What is important to...

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Nova Scotia Minimum Wage Increasing

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Teaching Comparative Politics for College Students

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Lachlin Corporation: Stockholders’ Equity Analysis

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Creating Classroom Room Communities and Networks

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“An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” by Bierce

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Domestic Work and Motherhood in Feminist Criticism

Why domestic work is often invisible care work? How does the invisibility of care work shape the experiences of workers? The importance of women’s work has always been of primary interest for feminist movements and discussions. It has been proven thousand times that the notion of women’s domestic work has... Company’s Strategy and Recommendation

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The Psychological Effects of Violent Media on Children

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Reading Fluency Activities for 4-5th-Graders

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“The History of Love” by Nicole Krauss

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Education Issues for African American Women

Introduction to the Literature Review This chapter reviews the existing literature in support of the research study. The literature reviewed presented a discussion on the barriers and success strategies for African American women to obtain higher education. Also, a discussion of the Critical Race, Social Learning, and Feminist theories was...

Characters and Plot in “Cathedral” by R. Carver

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Experimental Design to Address Pressure Ulcers

Study Design The current study is going to feature an experimental design. This is necessary to address pressure ulcers extensively and include the information that was already identified by other researchers (Grove, Burns, & Gray, 2014). One of the main benefits of this approach will be the possibility to create...

Investigation the Value of Children

The concept of investment in children is both intuitive and appealing. The relevance of welfare and education of children is applicable to any political and social context and aligns well with the fundamental psychological and social values of humanity. The following paper provides an overview of areas consistent with the...

Nurse-to-Nurse Handovers and Bedside Shift Reports

Introduction The current transformation of nursing requires improvements in patient safety. The following paper contains a review of two practices that allow for improved patient outcomes. Also, several related improvements are expected from their implementation that may improve the overall quality of health care delivery through collaboration between stakeholders. Nurse-To-Nurse...

General Materials and Fabrication Corporation’s Labor Union

GMFC-CCD Case Study: Establishing a Labor Union In the labor market, employers hold much more power than employees, at least because the former possess means of production, as well as decide whom to hire and whom to dismiss from companies. Therefore, it is paramount for workers to be able to...

Race and Crime Among Minorities in the US

Does being a white person still matter in succeeding in America? I strongly believe that the issue of race is still relevant in the United States. This is the case because representatives of specific ethnicities have access to numerous opportunities that can support their needs. Being a white person is...

Social Inequality and Stratification in the US

Factors Leading to Divide in Wealth One of the factors of social inequality in the US is associated with social stratification. As noted by Karl Marx, the source of social inequality is the very development of civilization, and every person cannot master all the achievements of material and spiritual culture...

Circumcision as Controversial Topic in the United States

Introduction Circumcision has been a controversial topic in United States healthcare for a long time. Recently, a more vocal movement against the practice of male infant circumcision has been established. With different debates and perspectives on this issue, it can be hard to choose a position on the matter. This...