Cliques and Classification of Students

There are different ways of classifying students nowadays. Peers are often blamed for delinquency and substance abuse, but in reality the single most consistent characteristic of delinquents is lack of support and socialization. It is known that peer group may be the setting in which preexisting antisocial behavior due to...

Humanities. Shakespeare Midsummer Night’s Dream

Introduction A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a tender comedy by William Shakespeare, offered by “The Knight’s Tale” from Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, composed around 1594 to 1596. It shows the escapades of four young Athenian lovers and a grouping of amateur performers, their contacts with the Duke and Duchess...

The Psychology of Prejudice

Introduction Stereotyping is a regular psychological phenomenon, given that such stable convictions and assumptions about certain objects and groups allow building the understanding of others. However, stereotyping often refers to the creating purely social barriers, mistreatment, and misrepresentation of the group. The present paper discusses the cognitive patterns, associated with...

Risk Management in Security and Criminal Justice

Introduction In any profession, there are several risks at hand that are inevitable. Especially for people in the security and criminal justice sectors, their responsibilities revolve around various risks that need to be managed effectively, unless they want to expose the lives of other people and themselves to various dangers...

Gilgamesh and Odysseus Visit Underworld Comparison

Introduction While studying literature of the first world civilizations, such as the civilization of the Tigris-Euphrates area, and Ancient Greece civilization, I was interested in two epic books: The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Wanderings of Odysseus. I was really impressed with the two main characters of these books: superhuman...

Racial Discrimination in the US

Introduction Racial discrimination refers to the unfair systems of social relationships, justified by principles whereby one racial class benefits from controlling the other and uses this control to define its self as well as other people, (Piven F., Richard A. 2007). The system of racism entails degrading and harmful actions...

American Modern Social Problem

Introduction The U.S. is the 3rd largest nation in the world next to Russia and Canada. The total population of the United States is approximately to be 294 million people. The United States has a number of both publicly and privately financed insurance plan whose purpose is the provision of...

“Ode to the West Wind” by Percy Bysshe Shelley.

The essay focus on the poem “Ode to the west wind”, by Percy Bysshe Shelley, who was born in 1792, educated at Eton and University College, Oxford. In 1811 he was expelled from Oxford for circulating a pamphlet, “The necessity of Atheism”. In same year he married the under-aged Harriet...

Positive Effects of Computer on Children

Introduction Computers have become part and parcel of our day to day lives; countless people across the globe heavily depend upon computers for more reasons than one. Every individual constantly tries to com up with some solution or the other to meet his/her objectives. Computers help countless number of people...

Financial Appraisal of Wal-Mart Stores Inc

The chosen company is Wal-Mart Stores Inc. and an appraisal of its financial performance based on Income Statement and Balance Sheet has been made in this write-up using four different methods. As per Stephan Gilman(2007, page 9)1, “A complete grasp of the situation of a business is obtained by the...

Business Plan of Thai Lay Garments

Executive Summary Thai Lay is a fast-moving Garment Export Manufacturing unit for men, women, and children. Over the years, this company has produced innovative, attractive, and colorful clothes to suit different tastes, designs, choices, and preferences, including half and full sleeve T-Shirts for men, women, and children, woolen products, and...

Louisiana Purchase: Historical Review

“Louisiana, which translates to La Celina Mario in French, was the name of an administrative district of New France. Under French control from the 17th century to the 18th century, the area was named in honor of Louis XIV of France by French explorer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la Salle....

Social Inclusion in Canadian Society

Introduction Canadian social welfare covers a lot of political and economical issues centralized in modern society. A number of social programs are created in order to understand the real grounds of Canadian welfare. It is important to stress that some programs are merely based on the identification of the true...

“To the Young Wife” by Charlotte Anna Perkins Gilman.

Introduction Charlotte Anna Perkins Gilman was a staunch supporter of women’s rights and development and was really not recognized as a major author of fiction and poetry until the 1960s.She was born in 1860 in Hartford, Connecticut and wrote book length non-fiction tracts in support of women. She dies in...

Hui main/Hec dies, 13th century by Motet

The motet Hui main/Hec dies represents the early medieval music and shows a unique combination of the musical; a palette of the period and the text. It is important to note that in this motet each voice has its own sharply marked characteristics. In the motet, the tenor melody is...

Criminal Offences Without Reference to Mental State

Introduction The focal point of this paper would be to evaluate the difficulty of proving state of mind while defining criminal offences and the most accepted mode of action in this context. It is believed, that it would make more sense to define criminal offences without reference to mental state,...

“Cider House Rules” by John Irving.

Introduction One of the most common themes in short stories is the theme of coming of age. While this is the chief concern of several writers, John Irving expands outside of this theme just far enough to explore other elements of this critical process of maturation. Children grow not only...

A Supply & Demand Analysis of a Car Market Currently in the News

Introduction The article under study is a report by Chris Isidore titled “Auto Sales Plunge” dated July 1, 2008 (Isidore, 2008). The car market which includes SUVs and pickup trucks has been facing a decline in demand in the US automobile market. The essay discusses the reasons for the shift...

Issue of Morality in “First Impressions” (“Pride and Prejudice”)

There can be no doubt as to the fact that the title “Pride and Prejudice” suits Jane Austen’s novel much better than the original one – “First Impressions”, even though that this is not because the revised title corresponds more to the novel’s semantic properties. “Pride and Prejudice” implies high...

Matthew Arnold. Arguing From Experience

The great poet and critic Mathew Arnold belongs to the Victorian period of English literature. He was very much influenced by the age he lived in. He was a staunch believer of religion. The religious disillusionment of his time pained him too much. His fear and anxiety in people’s loss...

“The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time” the Novel by M. Haddon

Detectives and investigators, described in the writings of the corresponding genre of mystery novel, are usually experienced and competent specialists, but modern authors introduce novice detectives increasingly more often. These young explorers are normally children, teenagers or very young adults, who are enthusiastic and determined enough to find the core...

Reality TV. ‘Hard Knocks’ analysis

Introduction Television audiences are certainly aware of the ways television ‘puts reality together’, and talk about how various formats, or editing techniques, can create different degrees of ’reality in popular television. However, viewers of reality programming are most likely to talk about the truth of what they are seeing about...

The Spanish Explorers in the New World

Introduction The discovery of America by Columbus and the subsequent conquest of the West-Indian Islands, Mexico, Peru, and other parts of the New World presented great political, juridical, moral, and religious problems for the Spanish monarchy. The Spanish explorers had a great impact on the New World and its further...

Exxon Mobil Corporation – Financial Analysis

Introduction This paper seeks to evaluate the performance measurements of Exxon Mobil Corporation using its financial statements for the years 2005, 2006, and 2007. Financial analysis will be conducted to extract relevant ratios from the company’s financial statements for purposes of making this paper. Analysis and Discussion The extracted ratios...

“A Case Study of Online Collaboration” by Ling Thompson

The main purpose of the article “A CASE STUDY of Online Collaboration” is to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such a relatively new phenomenon as distance education and methods of improving it. This article describes the experiment which was conducted on the degree of online collaboration between online students...

Description of Boolean Algebra

Introduction Boolean algebra was formulated by George Boole who was a self-educated English mathematician between the periods 1815 to 1864. It basically involves the triumphant application of algebraic techniques to logic. The algebraic laws developed by Boole are fundamentally similar to those of binary arithmetic where essential symbols are inferred...

Comparative Eastern Influences “Confucianism”

Introduction Philosophy is an eternal search of knowledge and vital wisdom in which scientists of this direction tried to define laws of life and to issue them literally. Eastern philosophy indifference from the west was not limited to the search for rational proofs and decisions of the vital and fundamental...

Hong Kong Economics and Government Policies

The birth rate in Hong Kong had been declining for the past 10 years. What measures can the Hong Kong government do to ensure enough supply of labor in the market for the next 10 to 20 years? In what ways the “low birth rate” will affect the economy of...

Exxon Mobil: Performance Evaluation

Introduction The financial performance ratios look at how well a company has been able to turn its assets into revenues as well as how efficiently a company converts its sales into cash. (Investopedia) The purpose of calculating and analyzing these ratios is to have an insight into the company’s financial...

Malcolm Knowles’ Assumptions About Adult Learners

Malcolm S. Knowles was a prominent and a key figure in spearing adult education and was also known as a veteran of andragogy, informal adult learning, and self-driven learning. His research concerning the educational theory was mainly geared towards the assessment of the learners, on their motivation to get involved...

“Virtue Ethics and Confucianism”: Article Analysis

Describing and analyzing the philosophical article “Virtue Ethics and Confucianism” by credible scholar Bryan W. Van Norden (professor of the Vassar College of the Chinese and Japanese Philosophy Department) from the anthology volume “Comparative Approaches to Chinese Philosophy”, it is important to note that it critically evaluates and represents the...

Three Lives – Where Does the Power Lie?

Introduction To a person who is reading Gertrude Stein’s Three Lives, for the first time, there is usually a predominant question in the mind: is the book really what it is: (an account of the lives of three people) or is there some deeper meaning hidden between the lines? The...

Working Capital Management Analysis

Working capital management is often adopted as a strategic managerial accounting function. The main objective of working capital management is to maintain efficient levels of the two components of working capital – current assets and current liabilities – concerning each other. By efficiently managing its working capital the firm would...

Native Americans and Using of Peyote Issue

Introduction Peyote or mescaline is a hallucinogen derived from a cactus. A group of Native Americans use this regularly as part of their religious ceremonies (Jenkins, p1). Peyote was described in 1560 but it was only in the middle of 19th century that botanists were able to make a study...

“Life of Pi” by Yann Martel Review

Introduction The book “Life of Pi” by Canadian writer Yann Martel, winner of the 2002 Booker Prize narrates delightfully, the story of Piscine Patel, who shortens his name to Pi. An elderly man in Pondicherry, India, tells the author that he has a story that can make him believe in...

African-American President’s Influence on Black Community

Barack Obama being elected as the first African-American US president became a symbolic event for the entire country. It was especially valuable because such a turn must further prove the development of racial equality in the USA. Thus, the African-American community faced the election most actively and with the highest...

Sustainability of Energy Alternatives

Introduction With growing concerns and evidence of global warming and the effects of climate change, significant attention has been shifted to alternative energy sources. These renewable sources of energy, the most well-known of which are solar, wind, and hydro energy, have the potential to fulfill society’s energy needs without environmental...

Technology Use and Effects on Toddlers

The issue of the widespread use of technologies among children has never been as relevant as it is today. An overarching majority of rising generations is not learning how they can expand their minds without the use of technologies and later in life, social media. Thus, what used to be...

Rising Sea Levels: Solutions to Global Concern

Introduction Global changes in climate have had tangible effects on numerous habitats and their biota. An increase in sea levels is one of the most infamous outcomes of global warming (Folger and Carter 116). Over the past decade, a vast increase in awareness about the problem of rising sea levels...

Communication in Contemporary Management

Communication is the exchange of messages between people for the purpose of achieving common meanings. In their work, managers use two major types of communication, verbal and nonverbal. Verbal communication is the written or oral use of words to communicate. While written communication occurs through a variety of means, such...

Explaining What Is Meant by Authoritarian and Totalitarian Models of Government

In political science, or any studies related to politics, a major concern is the right understanding of the various systems of government and the clear understanding of the systems of authoritarianism and totalitarianism is of pertinent significance as they are often not well understood or discussed. Authoritarianism can be well...

Individual Life Space Analysis and Bronfenbrenner’s Theory

Introduction The individual that I decided to write about for this paper is Jonathan. Jonathan is a 20-year-old African American male. He comes from a single-parent middle-class household. The reason why I chose to write about Jonathan for this assignment is that he is someone who I would consider to...

Amphetamine Intoxication and Interventions

Introduction Nowadays, the use of various psychoactive drugs and stimulants is illicit in the majority of countries. It is well known today that such synthetic and semisynthetic psychoactive substances as cocaine and heroin have multiple side effects and lead to addiction. Nevertheless, less than a century ago, they were commercialized...

Human Resources Process and Legal Requirements

Introduction The workplace presents a delicate surrounding that is full of different types of personalities and risks. The varying demands of safety, comfort, and work-life balance generate numerous problems for human resource managers. The practices of human resource departments have assisted in the creation of safe and comfortable environments for...

Portable Oil Wells: Author`s Trip to Fallujah

As I walk down the street of Fallujah I look at the faces of people I see death lurking in their eyes, I see hopelessness in the eyes of people I see people trying to flee all of them displaying a vacant image. They don’t know whether they will live...

Heroes’ Qualities: Gilgamesh vs. Odysseus

Introduction In the modern world, many people like discussing the theme of true heroes and the required qualities. Ancient literature is probably one of the most frequent sources of information to be applied to find out good examples and evidence. During the last centuries, The Epic of Gilgamesh and Homer’s...

Louis Spohr, a Conductor of the Nineteenth Century

Louis Spohr was a prolific German composer, violinist, and conductor at the beginning of the early nineteenth century (Weyer M, 1980). He was born in Brunswick in 1784 in Germany. Louis Spohr was considered to be one of the finest composers of his time. His parents were also musicians; his...

Hitler’s Berlin: Proclamation to the German Nation

Introduction Despite brutal and inhumane methods Adolph Hitler used during his rule in Germany, no one can neglect the fact that this person remains one of the strongest and effective leaders and orators of all time. He was able to rely on human feelings and emotions, as well as outside...

The Church and School: Where Do the Children Play

The church and the community as a unit, used to be a source of values, of commitment, of stability and strength for children. Each of these institutions plays an important role in education and upbringing. Teachers might be used to help develop relevant job skills and supply basic literacy for...

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.

Introduction In Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck portrays human dreams and inability to fulfill them, psychological problems experienced by one of the characters and life grievances. Steinbeck’s knowledge of the natural world becomes evident in a number of ways: through his landscape; through his description of the power of nature...

Leadership in Organizations: Bush W. George

Leadership may be naturally something born in a person, or it may be developed as one grows up. Leaders have got a distinguishing characteristic that makes them successful in their work. Otherwise, they greatly fail the organization. I do choose bush w. George as a leader because he on examining...

The Analysis of “The Philosopher” by Sherwood Anderson

“The Philosopher” by Sherwood Anderson is constructed to portray a certain multitude of paradoxical and unexpected contradictions as well implicitly as explicitly. This story has the ironic contrasts that illustrate the various emotions which are introduced by the philosopher – Doctor Parcival. That is why I would like to analyze...

The Founding Brothers, by Joseph J. Ellis

Introduction At the beginning of the revolution, the colonies were lost to England, though neither England nor America knew it. English colonial policy had become an echo of dead opportunities. Yet petitioners “humbly prayed,” as ever before. English officials still went to and fro about their empty business, and patriotic...

The Chinese in Canada Before World War I

Canada before World War One was characterised by the immigration of foreign communities, especially the Chinese, which resulted in suspicion and fear by locals that these foreigners had come to settle in Canada. As a result, the locals, together with the government, were not very welcoming, resulting in uncertainty and...

History. The Interesting Narrative of Olaudah Equiano

In the early days of the slave trade, conceivably, 65 percent had been captives of wars. Over the next century, it has been premeditated that upwards of 75 percent were kidnapped. Many of these were the sufferers of the influential and centralized states of Dahomey and Ashanti, which had emerged...

Drug Theme in “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin

“Don’t worry. I’m all right now and I think I’ll be all right. But I can’t forget-where I’ve been. I don’t mean just the physical place I’ve been, I mean where I’ve been. And what I’ve been.” – Sonny. Kicking the habit of taking in drugs – in this case,...

Chemistry of the Dying Process, With and Without a Mordant

Ancient people may have gotten the idea to dye fabrics when they noticed stains on their clothing after eating or working with different plants, berries, and mollas. They began to use these plants and animals to dye fabrics. Ancient dyes can be classified chemically into three groups: blue and purple...

Shakespeare’s “Othello” Play Exploration

The current essay deals with a difficult but quite important topic tied with the role of race in Shakespeare’s Othello. As Alvin Kernan remarked Othello is probably the most perfect plays by Shakespeare in terms of the formal and structural design of its composition. Structural elements are organized in a...

Sustainable Business Policies for Better Employee Work

Introduction Due to the rapid development of advanced technologies and modern production in enterprises, new issues, regarding environment and society appeared. In most cases, high-technology production is accompanied by massive air and water pollutions, which appears to be extremely detrimental to the environment and the population’s health. As employees present...

“Hamilton” Broadway Play: Growing the Audience

Introduction Hamilton is a famous Broadway musical devoted to the history of the United States. Based on the story of its success, there is a variety of ways to generate profits in the theater industry, including merchandise, social media strategies, and touring. This essay is devoted to the potential of...

Workplace Conflict Management Strategies and Examples

Introduction The work in any organization that concerns interpersonal relationships and communication is likely to impose conflicts. The difficulties in mutual understanding have their causes and outcomes, which deter the performance quality and imped the comfortable environment for the employees. It has even more adverse effects in the field of...

Global Environmental Issue in the 21st Century

The 21st century has clocked in when the world is facing many challenges. Currently the world is faced by challenges taking all dimensions from abject poverty, environmental issues, human right issues, livelihood inequalities, to other matters concerning the advancement of technology and the problem it poses to human existence. It...

Gender Roles and Psychological Health

Introduction Gender roles – a tool of oppression or a harsh necessity? The emergence of traditional gender roles and the images of masculinity and femininity can be regarded as an attempt to organize the society and create stable social structures. Gender roles are present even in the 21st century, but...

The “Little Man” in the Big City: Gogol’s The Overcoat

The title of the story is ‘The Overcoat’ published in 1842, authored by Nikolai Gogol, the father of modern Russian pragmatism. A Great Russian novelist, Gogol is acknowledged to have quite a name as a satirist. An artist of words he is known to exert enormous influence over Russian literature....

Internet Technology: Creating a Website

Introduction This paper is set to explain the way the internet has changed lives and its effect on the pace at which businesses are conducted all over the world today. It also highlights the benefits and problems posed by its use. Internet is about e-commerce and conduct of business which...

“Desiree’s Baby” Short Story by Kate Chopin

Introduction In the short story, Desiree’s Baby Kate Chopin depicts truth of life speaking about social problems of women and role of racial differences. In this short story, a women character of embodies qualities and unique characteristics typical for many 19th century women, and reflects their expectations, values and morals....

S-S Technologies Inc.’s Organizational Growth

The case study on S-S Technologies Inc. portrays the importance of an effective organizational design for a continuously changing environment. SST, though was experiencing excellent growth in a period of recession, was plagued with problems that haunt fast-growing organizations. The case brings forth the dilemmas that SST top management faces...

Economics and Slavery in Frederick Douglass’ Narrative

Introduction Slavery and economics always go hand-in-hand. The state of currency, machinery, and capital which form the basis of economics determine the need of society in slavery as an economic force. Once more efficient means of them are covered, slavery loses its usefulness. Numerous historical examples show that slavery as...

The Song of Roland. Is Roland a True Hero?

Introduction The Song of Roland could be considered no more of a guidebook to what is known as chivalry than Homer’s Iliad. It does not demonstrate any sense of fair play or sportsmanship, there is not chivalrous treatment of one’s enemies. Roland exults about his past victims, vaunts about what...

Critical Review of Voltaire Candide and Related Texts

Introduction The book that has been taken into consideration is a marvelous as well as an imperative chronological work in literature. Voltaire was a Renaissance Christian humanist who took part in the growth of the Enlightenment. First of all, the composition of his narrative Candide is Homeric, it is of...

Themes in Death of a Salesman: Research Paper

Introduction “Poor Willy!” Charley laments in the end at Willy’s funeral. Poor Willy indeed! None of his delusions of grandeur or the glories of being a Salesman came true. Not only is he not rich he committed suicide precisely because he was so poor that he wanted to die just...

Willy & Linda: Family as a Theme in Death of a Salesman

Introduction Death of a Salesman takes place a few years after World War II has ended. America is enjoying a postwar economic boom, but the war has caused a shake-up in American society, changing the way people view business, leisure, themselves, and others. The Lomans live in Brooklyn, a busy...

Holistic Thinking in Leadership

Introduction Since educational leadership involves a great number of tasks and competencies, success is impossible without continuous improvement. To contribute to positive change in their teams, educational leaders should make decisions thoughtfully and foresee potential problems, and the development of data synthesis skills remains crucial in this regard. The purpose...

Relational Trust Issues at Schools

Introduction The concept of relational trust within an educational setting has been attributed to positive social interactions within school communities. A growing body of research and case studies shows that social trust established between teachers, school leaders, and students’ parents enhances the quality of routine work and becomes a tool...

Marketing Concepts of the Miller Lite Brewery Co

Miller Brewery Co is the second-largest beer company in the US, located in Milwaukee. The company was founded in 1855. In a century, the company was merged by W.R. Grace and Co. And in 1969, it was acquired by Phillip Morris. The next changes took place in 2002 when Phillip...

Authority and Leadership: Rising From the Ranks

The case study in question provides an example of a situation in which a person is promoted to a supervisory position and put in charge of a group of colleagues. Julie has been working as a nurse for eight years, and now the woman is appointed nurse manager. The woman...

Challenges of Cultural Differences in Medicine

Introduction The understanding of cultural issues and their relationship with care and help is essential to people who are engaged in social and medical work. Some clients will have particular demands and create difficulties for their caretaker because of their cultural considerations. A person who works with them should be...

Child Soldiers in the Northern Region of Uganda

The Secretary-General, The United States Human Rights Commission 760 United Nation Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA, Dear Sir, I am writing this letter from Uganda jail, to inform you of the plight of children soldiers in the Northern Region of Uganda, East Africa. I have been staying in Uganda...

Intellectual Property Theft in the US

Introduction Nowadays, technological advancements have created a situation where many valuable assets only exist in the form of information, and many physical ones can be replicated, given specific data. As such, the concept of intellectual property, which can be stolen, is gaining importance. However, the laws on the topic are...

Empirically Supported Relationships and Therapist Factors

Abstract The paper is dedicated to a discussion of the links between the relational factors in therapy on patient outcomes. Empathy and goal consensus between, the core elements of the client-therapist alliance, are the strongest predictors of favorable intervention outcomes. However, such patient-specific factors as severity and chronicity of mental...

A Story of Struggle in “Farewell My Concubine” Film

Introduction Chen Kaige belongs to the fifth generation of Chinese filmmakers. Just like his counterparts Zhang Yimou, Tian Zhuangzhuang, Zhang Junzhao, and Li Shaohong, he graduated from the Beijing Film Academy and contributed to Chinese cinema popularization. Chen Kaige films are appreciated by broad and arthouse audiences. Particularly, Martin Scorsese...

McClelland’s Theory: Organizational Relationships

Introduction Employee motivation is an essential aspect of managing relationships in the organization and enabling better efficiency of daily work. Human capital management techniques allow employing different strategies for improving motivation. While Abraham Maslow’s theory outlines the basic needs and motivation factors, other researchers further developed this theory to gain...

Potential Threats to Water Supplies in Ottawa

Introduction The problems of drinking water quality of city water supply systems are fundamental in determining risk factors for public health. Furthermore, they are crucial in evaluating the effectiveness of the control and supervision activities in the field of drinking water supply for the population of Ottawa. The purpose of...

Personality as Response to External Factors

Introduction A person lives in the space of culture, which accompanies life in all its manifestations. Culture programs the life activities of people and defines its socialized ways. Each individual lives and acts by building his or her life path according to programs that are determined by social conditions and...

Principles of Total Quality

Introduction The total quality or the so-called total quality management is a methodology whose goal is to achieve the organizational effectiveness of the work team. Pillars of total quality are the three underlying principles of customer focus, continuous improvement, and teamwork. Understanding, applying, and following these three aspects allow the...

Dangers of Being Judgmental

Introduction It is the nature of a human being to judge a person based on the impression they develop of them over a given period. When an individual classifies another as being good or bad, they may not necessarily be judgmental. According to Burns, one only passes the test of...

Robinsons’ Statements About Changing the Education Paradigm

Introduction In his TED Talk, Sir Ken Robinson shares his observations regarding recent changes in the education paradigm. According to the speaker, there are two reasons for considering a transformation: economic and cultural. The new generation lives in an ever-changing world where making predictions is oftentimes nigh on impossible. In...

Corporate Organisational Culture and Regional Issues

Organisational culture is crucial to the success of any company since it shapes employees’ attitudes and behaviours, as well as organisational values and internal processes. However, corporate culture does not exist in a vacuum; it is influenced by the external context of the organisation, including the local culture. HSBC Holdings...

School Principals as Leaders

Introduction Nowadays, researchers actively discuss the role of a principal as an effective school leader because of the overall tendency to reconsider leadership practices that can contribute to students’ achievements. The Wallace Foundation (2012) presented five critical functions performed by school principals that are associated with their leadership: forming a...

Decision-Making Process in School Settings

Introduction Professionals in education are responsible for children’s opportunities to acquire knowledge. With that in mind, leaders are to do their best to deal with challenges surrounding decision-making processes. This synthesis statement describes critical ideas related to the topic and links the found themes to issues and problems in everyday...

Penal Policy Article Critique

Introduction The penal policy is a significant phenomenon that acts as a limiting factor in many spheres of life. It is a central concept of “Understanding the Determinants of Penal Policy: Crime, Culture, and Comparative Political Economy” by Lacey, Soskice, and Hope (2018). This scholarly article is based on appropriate...

Precursors of Impressionism: Barbizon School

Introduction Movement in Impressionism is generally believed to have begun the onset of the contemporary era in art and it stemmed due to the discontent with the conventional and emotional themes and dehydrated specific methods of paintings which were endorsed by the ‘Académie des Beaux-Arts’ in Paris. Famous impressionists The...

Freedom – Comparison of Different Definitions

Freedom is often a term used to describe various types of individual liberties, such as religious liberty, political liberty, freedom of speech, right of self-defense, and others. Nations fight for political freedom, youth desire behavioral freedom, and monks desire spiritual freedom. It is also used as a general term for...

Clinical Healthcare Problems in Primary Care

It should be noted that, in the past few years, some of the problems and challenges observed in primary care have been addressed; nevertheless, many of them remain critical. Overall, the difficulties in healthcare are related to variable quality, decisions made on different levels, shortage or burnout of the personnel,...

Nurse Misconduct and Drug Diversion as Legal Issue

The legal issue at hand in the current case scenario relates to the diversion of drugs, which is defined as “the unlawful channeling of regulated pharmaceuticals, including the misuse of prescription medications” (Tanga, 2011, p. 14). If a nursing professional is reported to be chemically impaired and is suspected to...

Sephora and Beauty Industry

Introduction Sephora is one of the most prominent companies in the beauty industry. Just like other market players that focus on creating a positive brand image, Sephora designs and implements a range of efforts that help explain the positive outcomes of purchasing from the brand to the target customers. This...

The Physics of Swimming and Training Strategy

Introduction For swimming as a sports discipline, body buoyancy is one of the main physical variables that determine the body’s ability to stay on the surface of the water. Despite the fact that much attention is paid to training the strength and endurance of athletes, some aspects of physics are...

International Economy. Oakley’s Globalization Theory

Introduction Thomas Oakley is an economist who has written the critically acclaimed book International Political Economy. In it, he discusses globalization, its drivers, and its effects on various actors in the international scene. The book distinguishes itself by its modernity and continuous updates that analyze new policies by prominent nations...

Muhammad Tughlaq’s Rule and Decline of Delhi

Introduction Muhammad Tughlaq was one of the most controversial figures in the political scene of Medieval India. Initially, he was a successful military commander and, after his father’s death, became the ruler of the Delhi sultanate and reigned throughout 1324 and 1351 AD (Kulke and Rothermund 2004). He is also...

Working Conditions During the Industrial Revolution

Introduction The harsh working conditions for ordinary people marked the Industrial Revolution in England. Places such as factories and coal mines employed even children, who had to spend hours on hard physical labor almost as much as adults did. Although the power of wealthy industry business owners was high, some...

Chicanos in “Mi Vida Loca” Film by Allison Anders

Introduction For centuries, Chicanos, a Mexican-American people, have been viewed controversially. Popular media, such as TV shows, films, plays, and songs, frequently present Chicano culture either in a positive or negative way. This essay analyses Mi Vida Loca, an American drama film directed by Allison Anders in 1993. It focuses...

Circular Economy: A Worldchanging Idea

The problem of climate change has triggered various ideas aimed at protecting the natural environment. The selected WorldChanging idea is that of circular economy (CE). Within the past two decades, many companies have been focusing on evidence-based strategies that have the potential to improve recycling processes, minimize wastage, and increase...

“Because My Father Said” Short Story’s Analysis

The story “Because My Father Said He Was the Only Indian Who Saw Jimi Hendrix Play ‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ at Woodstock” opens with Victor, the story narrator, recalling his father’s past life, how he was thrown to prison for assaulting a Private member of National Guards during a peaceful demonstration....

Child Exploitation and Trafficking

This thesis aims to define and tabulate child exploitation and trafficking. Children are categorized as anyone under 18 years of age. Trafficking has been defined as the recruitment, transportation, purchase, sale, transfer, harboring, or receipt of a person by threat or use of violence, abduction, fraud, deception, or coercion (including...

Sleep Disorders Analysis: Reasons and Effects

Introduction Poor sleep is a health issue that affects children, adolescents, and adults, with insufficient rest contributing to various physical and emotional health issues. Due to this, increasing public knowledge of how sleep improvement can improve health, wellness, productivity, and life quality is among the Healthy People 2020 goals. Sleep...

Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy People 2020

Alzheimer’s disease is among the most widespread forms of cognitive impairments impacting older adults’ quality of life and success in everyday tasks. The needs of patients with this diagnosis require close attention since gradual mental changes increase the risks of accidents and unintentional injuries. Utilizing the interview with K. L.,...

Abnormal Fetus, Its Moral Status and Abortion Ethics

Abortion is a medical procedure that involves the surgical elimination of the fetus from a female’s womb with the purpose of ending a pregnancy. This procedure results in the fetus’s death. Although potentially dangerous to the woman, abortion has been advocated as a fundamental right in line with the agency...

The Role of Women in A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen

“A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen is one of the most influential plays of Victorian times which not only opened new dimensions to the English Drama but also left an indelible impact on the future writers and dramatists at large. The theme of the play seems to revolt against the...

Antigone & Socrates’ Philosophy: Critical Analysis Essay

Sometimes the best way to understand a person’s philosophy is to attempt to apply their thinking to an outside situation or event. There is a catch to the process, though, in that if one is not careful to apply this mode of thinking to another individual within that same society,...

War Theme in O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried”

The short story The Things they Carried portrays war and its impact on young soldiers, their life dreams and expectations, hardship, and fears. This short story can be seen as a reflection of the events which took place during the Vietnam War. O’Brien gives an insightful analysis of the deep...

Aggression as a Theme in The Lottery by Shirley Jackson

The story compares commonplace details of current life with a barbaric ceremony known as the “lottery”. The setting is a small American town where the inhabitants display a commemorative mood as they meet on June 27 for their annual lottery. After an individual from each family draws a small piece...

The Judgment of Paris in The Iliad: Analysis

The Iliad belongs to a number of the most famous ancient poems devoted to conflicts between states. Numerous references present the work’s characteristics, making it a popular research subject in cultural studies to Greek legends. Among the codes that are related to the events described in the Iliad, there is...

The Canterbury Tales: The Knight’s Tale Analysis

The Canterbury Tales is a book authored by Geoffrey Chaucer (1342 to 1400). The author was well known as a diplomat in the Royal Service, best known for his contribution to the world of literature in the form of writings on various subjects. His work has been notable for the...

Infectious Disease Trends and Nursing Epidemiology

Introduction This paper studies infectious disease trends and nurses’ role in epidemiology. It defines the commonly used terms and discusses how caregivers can reduce contaminations. The report features three current diseases caused by hepatitis A, Vibrio, and Salmonella viruses, and analyzes how Healthy People 2020 initiative addresses them. Finally, it...

Chronic Illness of Interest: HIV

Introduction HIV, which is human immunodeficiency virus, is a burden for contemporary society and a challenge for healthcare. It has a negative impact on human immune system and weakens it by ruining the cells that fight disease and infection (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017a). At present, there is...

Organisational Data Quality and Security

Every day, companies need to work with large volumes of data related to their operations and activities. Thus, the quality and security of user data play a critical role in the modern business world. If data are of high quality, organizations can use them to target the audience, improve marketing...

Insulin Pump Therapy in Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction Diabetes on the whole and type 1 diabetes (T1D) in particular is a burden for American health care. Consequently, its management is one of the major concerns in clinical practice. Since T1D can lead to undesirable complications that result from ineffective care, strict blood glucose control is vital for...

Sport as a Communication Medium

Sport is one of the most popular elements of modern culture gathered and united millions of people worldwide. Soccer, the favorite spectator sport, is a consuming pastime for adults and teens alike who experience vicarious thrills by following the careers of their favorite players. Sport can be seen as a...

Nurse Adherence to Chemotherapy Safe-Handling Practices

Introduction Nurses working in oncology units may not realize the negative impact of their practice on their health. The problem is evident since many caregivers do not adhere to safety recommendations aimed to prevent occupational exposure. The article by Colvin, Karius, and Albert (2016) investigates the topic and proves the...

Psychotherapy Integration: Research Issues

Abstract Integrative practice is a relatively new approach in psychotherapy, which has been in dire need of additional research. Studying the problems related to mental health from the perspective of multiple disciplines and theories allows detecting the hindrances to recovery that would not be noticed otherwise. Therefore, the incorporation of...

Social Enterprises as a New Form of Business

Constant focus on exploring new opportunities and bringing something new to different levels of society are the core characteristics of every entrepreneurship. Today, numerous businesses exist in various industries around the globe, and the presence of social enterprises plays a significant role in multiple fields. According to Thomson and Doherty,...

Nonconsequential Theory of Ethics: Case Analysis

Applying the principles of consequentialism and non consequentialism to the same situation can address it from different ethical points of view. According to Nye, Plunkett, and Ku (2015), the proponents of the first ethical theory state that good intentions and goals do not always clearly lead to positive consequences (p....

The Coca-Cola Company’s Ethical Communication Plan

As the communication analysis of Coca-Cola has demonstrated, the company has often been subject to criticism and has yet to tackle its ethical controversies. One way to go about the issues with brand reputation and communication is to devise a comprehensive ethical framework. This is a necessity for a corporation...

Suffering in The Book of Job and The Old Testament

Job’s story is difficult to understand since it raises many questions, answers to which a person can only find in his or her own faith in the Lord. However, many lines of this book can be instructive and useful for people in distress as it explains the causes, paths, and...

Zuboff’s “Surveillance Capitalism” and Hiring Bias

Capitalism has emerged as one of the widely used economic systems around the world with the fall of communism in the early 1990s. However, with the technological revolution of the 21st century, capitalism has evolved and mutated into different variants. One such version of this economic system is surveillance capitalism...

Qatar Hosting FIFA World Cup 2022

Introduction FIFA World Cup is one of the largest soccer tournaments in the world. It is scheduled to occur in 2022, and the host country will be Qatar. The FIFA World Cup is one of the prestigious and widely popular sports events, which gives a hosting nation a number of...

Hypertension and Intervention Practices

Introduction Hypertension is one of the most common conditions that family health practitioners assess routinely in individuals of all ages and elderly patients, in particular. The prevalence of the given disease substantially increases with age. At the same time, certain factors define older persons’ ability to manage their disorders, as...

Fetal Moral Status in Case of Abnormalities

Introduction The case study presents the situation Jessica and her husband Marco encounter when they discover that their fetus has abnormalities, due to which it is unlikely to develop arms. In addition, it has a high chance of having Down syndrome. The couples’ aunt Maria is against abortion while their...

Medicare and Medicaid: Addressing Vulnerable Groups’ Needs

Introduction The changes that Medicare and Medicaid introduced were supposed to secure the rights of vulnerable populations. However, reports show that a wide range of people still remain underserviced in regard to healthcare assistance (Olavarria et al., 2017). Because of multiple dents in the policies determining qualifications for receiving health...

Sony Corporation International Trade Strategy Analysis

Introduction One of the largest Japanese international corporations is Sony Corporation, which has its headquarters located in Tokyo. It is also important to note that fact that the company is old because it was founded on May 7, 1946. The external environment is manifested in the fact that it is...

Nursing Research Designs and Applications

Nursing research is an integral part of the scholarly exploration, as it helps specialists in the profession find the most effective practices of improving the care for patients. Research is also instrumental in responding to changes in the healthcare environment, governmental regulations, and populations of patients. The understanding of the...

Person-Centered Nursing Framework

Introduction The Person-Centered Nursing (PCN) Framework was developed by McCance and McCormack (2017b). Currently, it is one of the theories that can be used in nursing practice. This paper will offer an overview of PCN and its approach to the nursing metaparadigm, justify PCN as a nursing theoretical framework, and...

Addressing the Issue of Health-Care Associated Infections in the Hospital Setting

Implementation Steps The first step of the implementation phase of the project will require reconsidering the current standards for managing and preventing HAI in the hospital setting. Nurses will need to be given rigid quality guidelines and clear instructions that will inform their actions and allow reducing the threat of...

E-Prescribing Drug Technology in the Healthcare

Drug prescriptions are one of the most complex healthcare delivery aspects, vital for the treatment process, and require significant resources to ensure safety. E-prescribing technology is a digital prescription system that helps to optimize and monitor the prescription process. This report will examine the E-prescribing technology, its benefits, and the...

Healthcare Robotics Impact

Introduction Today, robotics enters many spheres of life, including education, social life, and healthcare. The use of robots in healthcare allows advancing patient care and achieving better health outcomes. These physical systems that may change treatment processes, diagnostics, and patient monitoring provide an opportunity to assist more people. In general,...

Robotic Technologies in the Healthcare Sector

Introduction Robotics, as a branch of engineering science that constructs and designs machines capable of performing certain actions, has the potential to add significant value to health care. Due to the proneness of humans to errors arising from internal and external factors, robots that are capable of relatively flawless and...

First Steps on Becoming a Grassroots Lobbyist or Advocate for Health Care Policy

Leave Behind The attempt by the Republican Party to modify the existing Affordable Care Act passed under President Obama is incompetent. Attempts to bend regulations to benefit health insurance companies and large employers. Existing loopholes for state waivers for higher premiums for individuals with pre-existing conditions. States have the ability...

Computerized Provider Order Entry in Examples

The digital transformation of the healthcare sector has led to the emergence of information technologies such as computerized provider order entry (CPOE). The system development has been supported by federal funding which has focused on improving information technology in the healthcare sector. A majority of hospital networks utilize CPOE for...

Computerized Provider Order Entry Against Drug Errors

The introduction of information technology in nursing practice is a natural stage in the development of the healthcare sector. The use of the possibilities of technical progress in the care environment is welcomed, and certain innovative systems used as ancillary equipment allow for higher patient outcomes due to their merits....

Reproductive Rights: “No Mas Bebes” Documentary

Introduction The documentary “No Mas Bebes” tells a frightening story of Latin American women being sterilized at Los Angeles County hospital without their consent after they gave birth to children. When the illegal actions of doctors were revealed, the mothers who were the victims together with a brave young Chicana...

Alzheimer’s Disease Effects: Public Policy Meeting

Introduction The United States Senate Special Committee on Aging met on June 19, 2018, to discuss the advancements in managing and preventing Alzheimer’s disease as well as raising awareness about this condition. The main participants of this hearing included public officials from state and federal levels of government agencies and...

Nurse Understaffing and Planned Change Theory

Change Model Overview The theory of planned change (TPC) is a simple strategy that offers a linear process for approaching change management. It describes three elements or stages that help to transform the urge for change into practical remodeling. The first stage is called “unfreezing” and represents the process of...

Runaway Slaves: Advertisements Analysis

In the eighteenth century in the United States of America, millions of Afro-Americans were subjugated and forced to work without payment for the benefit of the white people. Notwithstanding the harsh conditions, physical, and psychological abuse experienced by the enslaved during the antebellum era in colonial Virginia, many ventured to...

Obesity Prevention in Community: Strategic Plan

Obesity at different ages is a community health issue that bothers millions of people around the whole world. In the United States, obesity prevention is one of the main goals established by local hospitals, healthcare facilities, and social organizations. Nowadays, the American government spends approximately $145 billion each year to...

Health Promotion in Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

Analyzing the health needs of specific minority groups is vital as it allows health care providers to address particular problems and target populations whose socioeconomic, political, and cultural characteristics may serve as barriers to health care. For example, currently, one of the fastest-growing minority groups in the U.S. is the...

Strategic Marketing Approach: The Case of Kraft Mac and Cheese

The food production industry is undergoing substantial changes due to the development of technology, as well as the shift in political, social, and cultural domains. Modern hectic life makes packaged food popular among diverse groups, including students, young working adults, childless couples, and families (Casini, Contini, Romano, & Scozzafava, 2015)....

Story Of A Personal Journey: “The Moviegoer” by Walker Percy

As a medium that allows one to communicate personal ideas and beliefs through different types of expression, art transforms people. “The Moviegoer” is a unique narrative in which two art forms collide, thus providing a masterfully written foil for the character development. The story of Blix Bolling, a New Orleans...