Why Is Public Health Important

Health promotion, disease prevention, and life extension are public health goals. Public health aims to maintain and promote people’s health in their communities and protect their environment’s health (American Public Health Association, 2020). A primary objective of public health is to promote healthy lifestyles, prevent disease and injuries, and detect,...

The Phenomenon of Slavery and Its Abolition

Introduction English colonies sprang up along the east coast for a variety of reasons. The original reason for migrating to Virginia was the desire to get rich because, in addition to the conditions created by the king to motivate people to settle in the New World, these regions were attracted...

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline Novel Review

Gamification ideas have been applied in daily life, marketing strategies, and stories for many decades. The novel Ready Player One by Ernest Cline is about a journey through the life of James Halliday and his unique creation; the virtual reality game referred to as the OASIS. The story is set...

EBay Company Analysis: Strategic Management

The most intriguing elements is that eBay was one of the first online auctions. In this regard, it is interesting to study all the aspects of its functioning and the company’s principles. From the analysis of the management aspects of this firm, many possibilities open up. For example, it understands...

International System and Environment

International System Portrayal The international system is the collection of independent states and other entities that interact with one another. The authors present his ideologies on the international systems and also give the reason why there are differences in the different centuries. Globalization, technology, and growth in population are some...

1031 Exchanges in the New Tax Environment

Introduction The American real estate market provides many people with significant taxable profits on a sale. However, in the past decade, especially after President Biden came to power and announced his campaign on taxation, there has been a well-founded talk of experts that some opportunities are threatened by new possible...

Mini Vehicles’ Macroeconomic Environments

Demography Demography contributes significantly to the production and distribution of specific commodities to customers. Demography refers to the group of people receiving particular commodities or services (Smith et al., 2020). It may analyze people based on specific criteria such as age, education level, financial status, class, sex, religion, ethnicity, etc....

Type 1 Diabetes in Children: Genetic and Environmental Factors

Introduction Diabetes is a serious health concern for people of all ages. There are distinct epidemiology, developmental considerations, pathophysiology, and therapy between pediatric-onset diabetes and adults. Nevo-Shenker et al. (2020) observed that the incidence rate of type 1 diabetes globally is rising at a rate of 2 to 5% annually....

McDonald’s External and Internal Environments

Summary McDonald’s Corporation is one of the main players in the fast food industry. Richard and Maurice McDonald founded this company in California in 1940. Globalization and competition affect the development of McDonald’s business environment. External factors focus on political, economic, and technological changes, while internal factors include culture, performance,...

Analysis of the United States Business Environment

Background The United States may be regarded as the world’s largest economy with the following main indicators that remain impressive even affected by the COVID-19 pandemic: Key Indicators 2021 GDP (billions USD) 22,939.58 GDP (Constant Prices, Annual % Change) 6.0 GDP per Capita (USD) 69,375 General Government Balance (in %...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Violent Revolution in Response to Political Oppression

Introduction Culturally and economically marginalized groups endure constant injustice and inequality that stem from limited access to basic health services, education, food, and job opportunities. As such, oppression persists in constructing new realities in a world where the complexities and dynamics of socioeconomic and political change have been interwoven throughout...

Using Nightingale’s Environmental Theory

A recovery plan for a chronically ill patient entails numerous interventions, including the patient’s environment or setting. Florence Nightingale, famously known as ”The Lady with the Lamp’’ due to her work service in the Crimean war, contributed greatly to the creation and shaping of the current nursing practice. In her...

Healthcare Environment: Challenges to Teamwork and Collaboration

Background Collaboration among staff members is one of the vital requirements for effective management of key tasks and responsibilities in the healthcare environment. Owing to the necessity to manage patients’ information continuously and share the relevant data with fellow healthcare staff members, one must ensure that none of the information...

Advanced Practice Nursing in New Jersey

The number of patients is rising on the state and national level annually. The reason behind this tendency is an increase in the level of aging population, chronic medical diseases and overall lifespan of the US population. As a consequence, there is a tremendous shortage in practitioners and physicians throughout...

Las Vegas Tourism Campaign Points

Las Vegas is the most populous city in the state of Nevada and a modern-day tourist attraction destination. It was founded in 1905 and officially incorporated in 1911. There has been rapid growth since its inception, making it a major metropolitan city. The city lies in Nevada State, one of...

Emerging Technology’s Impact on France’s Economy

Current Problem The French are currently dealing with a significant obstacle in the form of a high unemployment rate. According to the latest available data, the unemployment rate in France came in at 8.06% during the fourth quarter of 2020 (Macrotrends, 2022). This places it in fourth place among the...

The Age of “Nutritionism”: In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan

Michael Pollan, an investigative journalist, wrote the book In Defense of Food to educate on what humans should consume to be healthy. There are various ideologies concerning nutrition that tend to cause some misunderstanding. Contemporary beliefs and customs affect the diet of particular groups of people. Processed meals are not...

The Six Virtual Police Department

Introduction The strategic task force is committed to ensuring these groups of teenagers and young adults who descend commercial stores are apprehended. The operation will be a collaborative effort of 6 departmental units and other agencies within the criminal justice system. The six units include the Chief of Police, Special...

Bitcoin: The Use of the Digital Money

Introduction Bitcoin is an online version of cash and can be used to purchase products and services from retailers and merchants who accept them. There are several ways of using bitcoins, and the variety of options makes it favorable to many. Bitcoin provides peer-to-peer transactions and encourages society to appreciate...

Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethical Leadership

From a general perspective, ethics refers to moral principles that command or influence a person’s conduct. In an organization, ethical leadership and strategies are critical elements in realizing a conducive working environment. Ethical-based leadership is realized when leaders exemplify and encourage proper conduct in the workplace. This can be demonstrated...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Diversity and Identity in Global Environment

Diversity and identity are usually placed together, and diversity is the existence of variances in thought, behavior, identity, origin, and lifestyle. The portrayal of identities over a range is regarded as diversity. On the other hand, defining our identity is commonly how we characterize ourselves in terms of age, sex,...

The Amazon Environment Analysis

Overview of the E-commerce Industry E-commerce is one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing industries since online buying has been a mainstay in daily living for years. However, the sector encompasses much more than just online shopping, and it will continue to develop and expand in response to market changes...

Business Processes Integration and Management in E-Commerce Environments

Abstract Recent trends influence the e-commerce surrounding as the current marketplace is consolidating, and appropriate business principles do not guarantee success. However, the traditional economy principles, such as turnover, cost-competence, and revenue maximization using the current asset, such as innovation, business process management, and partnerships, are being considered. E-commerce needs...

Analysis of Ayer and Mackie’s Works on Moral Judgement

Moral judgment is the process of deciding what to do when faced with an ethical dilemma, including questions of right and wrong. Different philosophers have developed theories for criticizing right and wrong and the forces that drive people to decide what is wrong and right. These philosophers include David Humes,...

Transformations in the US (1870-1940): Role of Government in Society and Economy

The balance between laissez-faire and progressive frameworks of governance has been shifting over time in American economic history. During the Laissez-faire model, (which started around 1880) American politicians began to withdraw their influence over corporations and other civilizational initiatives. The government limited its intervention to two main aspects namely, foreseeing...

The Revolutionary War and Its Factors

Introduction The American Revolutionary War was one of the most significant historical events in the history of the US. Namely, the war for independence has established the country as a sovereign entity from the perspective of national and international affairs. As a result, the 13 colonies escaped British rule by...

How Does Gang Affiliation Become a Social Problem?

Introduction Despite the intention to create a positive and supportive environment, there are many conditions under which people continue experiencing social pressure, violence, and irrational biases and prejudices. It is not enough to find support but to ensure a better future, addressing available sources and knowledge. In the United States,...

Global Supply Chain Disruptions of 2020

Introduction Since the coronavirus outbreak in March 2020, practically all regions and nations have reported cases. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated 22 million COVID-19 infections and deaths by August 2020, totaling almost 800,000 (Siddiqui et al., 2020). If all governments had failed to contain the epidemic, it might have...

Philosophy of Leadership Statement

Introduction The philosophy of leadership is a theory that describes the art of leading and serving a group. This philosophy is not just any group; it includes authors, researchers, and businesses seeking to improve their operations through organizational changes (Bolman and Deal, 2017). The philosophy is especially appealing because it...

Strategic Analysis of the Disney Corporation

The Disney Corporation is one of the leaders in the entertainment industry. It generated a stable annual income, which comprised around $67B in 2021. The company’s internal analysis shows it has numerous strengths, such as streaming services, recent acquisitions, and unique value. Moreover, its core competencies include a focus on...

Bacterial Growth Requirements in Different Environments

Introduction Bacteria are minute single celled organisms that live around and inside our bodies.They are so small that scientists often use microscopes to view and study them and each bacterium is estimated to be a micrometer long in size (Bauman & Tizard, 2004). Bacteria just like any other living organism...

Organizations’ Environment and Sustainability

Organizations must learn to adapt and try to fit in with components within the external environment for them to be successful. This environment comprises of components that are beyond the control of organizations. Organizations can be broken down into four main categories. They include; Private, Public, Profit and Not-for profit...

Environmental Public Health: Excessive Noise Levels in Ginning Industries

Research in environmental public health plays a vital role in the development and maintenance of healthy working conditions in modern society. This paper provides a critical analysis of the research on Hearing impairment among workers exposed to excessive levels of noise in ginning industries by Dube, Ingale, and Ingle. Firstly,...

Nightingale’s Environmental Theory

Introduction It is evident to a modern person that treatment of patients should be accompanied by a versatile and careful medical intervention, which involves not only surgical operation or prescription of drugs, but also post-clinical examination. Not least, the environment surrounding the patient plays a role in overall recovery. Examples...

Environmental Analysis and Industry Trends

Executive summary The following report intends to create a picture of what is happening in our institution and our current position in the provision of quality health care to the sick in our society. As is well known, the utmost challenge facing our health caregivers is in finding and tracking...

Microplastics and Environmental Health

Introduction Currently, the world faces a period of rapid changes with technological developments revolutionizing the way people live and, simultaneously, leading humankind to the global catastrophe of resource scarcity and climate change. The environment suffers from microplastics (further referred to as MPs) released by the degraded synthetic clothing, cosmetics, plastic...

Regulatory Environment and Administrative Agencies

Business and government are main spheres where legislation and regulations must be followed in all conditions. The regulatory environment in the business sphere is usually provided by the government acts and laws, which are impossible to violate. The Constitution of every country must have the part, which regulates the business...

Hunger and Environmental Nutrition

The purpose of this study is to describe the consequences of antenatal contact on the health of people due to the Dutch Famine and to determine how to improve the health of their future generations. It also determines the impact mothers with malnutrition have on the size, weight, and health...

The Role of Nurses in Environmental Health

Introduction The primary focus of environmental health is the relationships between humans and their surroundings. The understanding of the factors that relate to environmental health is an important field in health care delivery. According to the American Public Health Association (2017), knowledge about environmental health is used in improving the...

Environmental Health Theory and Climate Change

In the environmental health theory, there is a view on how environmental health, human ecology and health affect the public. The three concepts help in addressing problems in relation to the environment, health and development. Environmental health, therefore, contributes to explaining and controlling the environmental factors, which can affect the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Environmental Effects in My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante

The environment plays an essential role in dictating the traits of a person. However, despite the hostility of the surrounding, the individuals who are determined to achieve their life goals always embrace success. The surrounding can make people develop fear even of their closest friends, hence seeing them as enemies....

Diverse Environment: Cultural Stereotyping Aspects

Stereotyping and Ethnicity Stereotyping is usually a means to an end when it comes to the ever-evolving and diverse world of today. Especially in the United States, where so many cultures and ethnicities coexist, making assumptions based on someone’s background instead of who they are on a personal level is...

Employing Strategy in a Competitive Environment

Introduction Competition among businesses has enabled investors to seek better ways of remaining at the top of various business activities. The struggles to dominate the business world and expand markets to interior regions push companies to invest in marketing strategies. Doubtless, all companies are willing to pay a considerable amount...

The Major Affective Domains to Math Instructional Environment

Abstract A productive outlook for mathematics learning in a classroom situation is characterized by the virtuous ethic of accommodation in the conventional inter-and intra-social student interactions. It is required of students to manage mathematics instructional materials effectively, be actively involved in the learning process, and uphold a humane supportive attitude...

The Contact Lenses Product Flow Optimization

Background & Objectives Summary This interim report highlights details in the proposed lean implementation procedures and Product Flow Optimization techniques in producing AI-powered contact lenses. This report emphasizes the background, the desired objectives, and the proposed methodology. A Gantt chart is provided for the tentative timeframes for the project. The...

Data Methods for the Tourism Industry

Conceptual Theoretical Model In most countries, particularly in developing nations, tourism is one of the significant sources of revenue and the main contributor to economic growth. Tourism also plays a vital role in promoting economic growth by contributing to the gross domestic product (GDP) (Shih, and Do 2016, 371-372). East...

Personality Traits vs. Leadership Styles

Introduction The Topic and Its Context Leaders of various organizations strive to apply strategies to boost the performance of their subordinates. Workers are the driving force of organizational success; hence, correct methods of coordinating their work are essential. The tactics of motivation and communication with employees define the leadership styles...

Instructions to English Cavaliers and Their Folkways in Virginia

Introduction Virginia became a Royal Colony after being a failing colony established by the Virginia Company to make money for its stockholders. The document provides instructions from the East Anglian Puritans to William Berkeley, the first royal Governor, who governed in 1639. The colony was in a state of disarray...

“Oedipus Rex” by Sophocles vs. “Fences” by Wilson

Introduction It is important to note that the key themes of betrayal and trust, family and relationships, as well as pride and prejudice, emerge in many works of literature. The given analysis will focus on “Oedipus Rex” and “Fences,” which do not seem to be linked in any way. However,...

The US Postal Service’s Business Environment

Introduction This paper discusses external and internal business environment of the United States Postal Service (USPS). This is the same organization that was used in the first week. The USPS is an independent organization under the executive branch of government (The United States Postal Service, n.d.). The organization is more...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Euthanasia: A Child’s Right to Die

Introduction It is important to note that euthanasia is a highly intricate and complex ethical issue, which requires a thorough analysis and understanding in order to draw any form of evidenced conclusions. Euthanasia for children should be allowed only if a child is suffering from extreme pain, has zero chance...

Elias Group: Team Functioning Supportive Environment Profile

Introduction The Elias Group workplace profile is a simple, nearly virtual workplace system and structure. A proposal workplace model that can facilitate learning, consistent innovation and creativity within The Elias Group work-groups is ideal to increase the organizations growth. The proposal workplace can be based on improved virtual ‘workplace’ platforms....

Expert Systems in Work Environment

Introduction An expert system is a computer program that is designed to help in solving problems using the knowledge of an expert in a given field. The program simulates the behavior and judgment of an individual or an organization using the expert knowledge and experience that is used in writing...

How the Fast Food Industry Has Changed the Environment and the Health of American Society?

Introduction More and more Americans eat fast food and since it is relatively inexpensive, tastes good and can be ordered and consumed quickly, fast food has become the national diet. However, prolonged consumption of fast foods is known to cause severe obesity and related health problems such as respiratory diseases,...

Behavior and Environmental Influences on It

The fifth chapter, “Learning” describes and evaluates cognitive processes and learning perspectives. Paradigms of classical and operant conditioning are examples of primitive learning operations in that they specify the temporal configuration of a set of events which result in learning, but they are, in most theories, not derived from other...

Environmental Factors Affecting Global and Domestic Marketing Decisions

Introduction The article American Express Releases Annual Global Business Forecast presents the forecast for the global business travel industry (Americal Express, 2008). The article demonstrates that external factors like the global economic slowdown will adversely affect the business. The article discusses the effect of expected external environmental factor’s status in...

Business Environment and Public Policy: Massachusetts

Introduction Current research provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state of Boston, Massachusetts business environment and the ways of its future revitalization, development and enhancement. There is no denying the importance of the fact that the successful development of business environment in urban areas is premised on municipal authorities’...

Creating a Safe and High-Quality Health Care Environment

Introduction The sphere of health care is among the fastest-growing in the United States economy, which points to the need for recognizing its key problems and improving the quality of care provided to a large population of patients. In the assignment, the topic of safe and high-quality care environments was...

Cultivating Healthful Environments: Incivility in Nursing

The development of a healthful environment is an important aspect of competent health care. It is not enough to improve the quality of care and eradicate medical errors, but it is expected to support nurses’ progress, enhance professional skills, and identify the required number of personal qualities. Incivility is a...

Amazon.com Inc.’s Environmental Scanning

Environmental scanning is a process that entails such steps as monitoring, evaluating, and disseminating information collected in the company’s external and internal environment. This approach is associated with a deep understanding of the external force that provides change (Kumar, 2016). Such an assessment gives an opportunity to develop effective responses...

Teaching Multiplication in Hybrid Learning Environment

Target Outcomes The hybrid learning environment described in the present paper aims at teaching multiplication using base ten blocks. These blocks are mathematical manipulatives that are divided into three groups Represented in Figure 1: single blocks, rows of ten blocks, and ten rows of blocks. While these blocks are often...

The Role of Environment in Physical Development During the Middle Childhood

Methodology The study uses a quantitative methodology to answer previously identified research questions. Many researchers report that negative emotions have a significant impact on physical development in this age group, and this assumption was used to develop one of the research tools (Dubois-Comtois, Moss, Cyr, & Pascuzzo, 2013; Elsaesser, Gorman-Smith,...

Environmental Influences of Domestic Violence and Potential Interventions

Introduction Topic Research Question: What are the potentials drivers for the increasing rates of domestic violence, and how can different social and healthcare institutions intervene to minimize the consequences and impact of this issue? Working Thesis: Apart from the fact that domestic violence is one of the most common social...

Triphenylmethanol Synthesized from Grignard Reaction

Welcome to our essay sample on synthesis of triphenylmethanol from the reaction of the Grignard reagent! Here, you’ll find information on Grignard reaction procedure, TLC analysis, and other aspects of the experiment. Abstract In this experiment, triphenylmethanol was synthesized from the reaction of the Grignard reagent (phenyl magnesium bromide) with...

McDonald’s Business Strategy Analysis: SWOT Analysis & More

In this sample paper, you will find a competitive analysis of internal and external factors influencing McDonald’s strategic direction. Through a detailed inspection, the essay explores McDonald’s internal strengths and weaknesses, including its brand reputation, operational efficiency, and employee training programs. Introduction to McDonald’s Strategy Analysis Founded in the 1940s,...

Consumer Buying Behavior Discussion

Summary The sample product survey suggests that consumers’ values, beliefs, and senses should be considered the primary factors in buying behavior. According to the survey results, 44.44% of consumers make sure that the product is aligned with their personal values and beliefs. Furthermore, 50% of respondents considered the personal happiness...

Views of Dutch Colonialism in Indonesia in Culture

Dutch colonialism in Indonesia is a paradox; it is at once very sophisticated and extraordinarily brutal, just as a modern nation-state must be. As the movie Max Havelaar demonstrates, Dutch colonialism in Indonesia was not brutal because of the Dutch themselves but due to their colonial policies. Kartini’s letters speak...

Visual Argument: Examples, Definition, & Analysis [Free Essay]

It is often claimed that words are one of the most powerful ways to deliver information to the readers. After a long process of analyzing, a more effective way to affect the audience has been revealed. It is the use of images. Therefore, a visual argument essay takes the upper...

Nursing Staffing Levels’ Impact on Patient Outcomes

Introduction Nurses serving in health care facilities are obliged the provision treatment and care services for several patients admitted and those who seek outpatient services. However, due to the greatest acuity level, the number of nurses performing such services has substantially decreased across the US (Tawfik et al., 2020). When...

Teaching Algebra to English-Language Learners

Differentiation and How It Supports ELLs Every student must be provided with an opportunity to fulfill their potential and have an opportunity to learn. For this purpose, it is essential to realize that every learner is unique (Ontario Ministry of Education). Students from different backgrounds, learning styles, multiple intelligences, and...

“Beauty” by Jane Martin Drama

Introduction Carla and Bethany are the main characters in the play ‘Beauty’ by Jane Martin. Both characters can be regarded as the protagonists in the play. Carla and Bethany share some common traits, most of which are apparent among young American women. For instance, Bethany is a very fun-, loving...

The Pert Mustang Restoration Project

Proper planning when restoring a car is essential. Every nuance can play an indispensable role not only in this aspect but in many other industries as well. Regarding the case provided in the work, there are a considerable number of details, each of which is important, and it is necessary...

Organizational Training and Performance Appraisal

Organizational training entails a series of interrelated steps, or tasks individuals take through to achieve a desired, measurable outcome. It is expected that there will be tangible results for the employees and business owners after the training. There are different training process models that are used to help plan and...

The Role of Environment in Physical Development

Abstract The environment plays a significant role in the physical development of children in middle childhood. Exposure to diverse environmental settings results in children acquiring various skills. Additionally, it is during middle childhood that kids start to assume duties in their families. Scholars regard middle childhood (Ages between 6 and...

Psychopharmacology in School Environment

Abstract The paper discusses the problem of academic performance, in the context of stimulant treatment. The idea stems from the suggestion to employ psychopharmacology, at school, as the means of treating low learning progress and ADHD. The argument, which is offered in this work, states that the regular use of...

Monologues in “Things I Know to Be True” by Bovell

“Things I Know to be True” is a family drama written by Australian author Andrew Bovell. Geordie Brookman and Scott Graham staged the play and showed it in the UK and the USA, where it became a success. An abundance of literary and dramatic devices, as well as special effects,...

Globalization Theories in the Business Environment

Introduction Globalization is defined as a concept that refers to expanding network of international economic activities resulting from increased movement of commodities, technology and information across national boundaries. Globalization as a process, therefore, ensures that the state retains the political role while the economic functions of the state are being...

Microsoft Company in the B2B Marketing Environment

The unique selling proportions for Microsoft are competitive pricing, compatible services, and high quality products. The company targets users of computer and mobile phones across the globe. The company uses multiple-product branding to reach these customers. The company’s products are technology-based and created through series of research to meet the...

Intensive Care Unit: Evidence-Based Practice’ Environment

Workplace My workplace is a mixed Intensive Care Unit or ICU. It is a relatively large unit with 12 beds. The unit stations high-risk, low-risk, and rising-risk trauma, medical, and surgical patients. The unit has three central nursing stations, two separate utility rooms (one clean and one dirty), and two...

Florence Nightingale’s Environmental Theory Role in Nursing

Nursing theories provide very important principles to nursing practice. This paper presents a discussion of the environmental theory developed by Florence Nightingale. Environmental theory was the first in the modern nursing history (Masters, 2012). The theory states that unhygienic conditions affect the health of people living in that environment. This...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Florence Nightingale’s Environmental Theory

Nursing theory and practice has changed tremendously since the inception of nursing as a profession. The changes often occur under the auspices of nursing theories and models, which have been posited by various nursing professionals over the years. Despite all the existing nursing theories and models having contributed to the...

The Key to Addressing Climate Change in Modern Business

Climate change is one of the major concerns of the modern age. The high level of globalisation, industrialisation, and rise of global corporations promoted the increased topicality of the topic and its transformation into a shared problem that should be addressed by governments, organisations, and companies. It means that business...

Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” vs. O’Connor’s “A Good Man…”

Introduction “A Rose for Emily,” written by William Faulkner, and “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor are two short stories that illustrate the complex relationship between the past and the present. Namely, common topics highlighted in both literature pieces are the time and location setting and...

Major Depressive Disorder in a Latino Patient

Grace is a Latino Female Portuguese speaking from Brazil. She has lived in the USA for six years and is presently undergoing an immigration procedure for a change in legal status. The client has a history of anxiety, is 10 years into a marriage with two children, and has experienced...

Marketing and Technologies Discussion

Introduction This paper uses the Gibbs reflexive cycle model as it provides an opportunity for a comprehensive assessment of one’s feelings from the experience and knowledge gained. It better reveals the positive aspects and gaps in the subjective understanding of the material and makes it possible to re-evaluate the implementation...

Precedent and Causation in Law Enforcement

Introduction Consistency in the decisions made by judicial servants is vital since it portrays dependability and reliability of thought. The concept of precedent is based on judges making rulings based on past legal proceedings, primarily if covering similar issues (Ashwin, 2022). For instance, rulings enacted by higher courts must be...

John Kennedy Library and Museum

Introduction The John F. Kennedy Library and Museum is a presidential library and museum located on Harbor Point in Dorchester, Massachusetts. The library houses materials related to the life and Presidency of John F. Kennedy, while the museum displays artifacts and exhibits related to Kennedy’s life and legacy (Tsao 204)....

Religious Diversity and Sources of Conflict

Summary of Religion and Conflict Several elements of religion can, but do not always do, make it a potential latent cause of conflict. Every religion has fixed doctrines or tenets of belief that followers are supposed to accept without inquiry. This could lead to rigidity and intolerance towards those with...

Navigating Growth Challenges: A Case Study of Columbia Corporation

Introduction Many new companies always experience a slow start, but after some time, they enjoy a period of rapid growth. The growth is attributed to acquiring more customers and increasing profit levels. Torn between maintaining their products’ quality and expanding the product volume, the companies are left in difficult situations....

Atlantic Land and Improvement Company’s Analysis

Introduction Atlantic Land and Improvement Company (Alico Inc.) is one of the largest agricultural companies in the United States of America. It owns Alico Citrus and Alico Water Resources, all of which are some of the best organizations in their respective niches. The organization has existed since the 1800s, which...

Technology Acquirement in Project Management

Introduction An organization must invest in technology if it wants to meet the evolving needs of its customers. Remarkably, it should be based on extensive research and analysis, not just a ballpark figure. This is to ensure that the best technology is selected and implemented appropriately. The essay addresses culture...

Women’s Mental Health Disorder: Major Depression

Introduction Mental health disorders severely influence individuals’ lives in multiple aspects, often making them incapable of completing daily tasks and communicating with others. Major depression (MD) is the most common deviation and, in 2020, it was experienced by more than 21 million adults in the United States (National Institute of...

Russian Historical Case Analysis

Introduction The case study regarding Russia evaluates Crimea’s annexation by Russia and the early stages of combat operations and political mobilization in Eastern Ukraine. The case study also assesses the approach by Russia and draws inferences from its intentions, and examines the likelihood of such a method being used again...

The UK Queens Elizabeth I and Elizabeth II

The history of Great Britain, in particular England, has many dynasties that succeeded one after another. Among the formidable kings of the Middle Ages and the times of absolutism, queens also ruled, great women who left their mark on the history of the country. One of these queens, “symbols of...

Historical Context of the Book Kingdom of Matthias

Introduction Penned in 1994 by Paul Johnson and Sean Wilentz, The Kingdom of Matthias portrays the protagonist Robert Matthias as a significant proponent of the Second Great Awakening (SGA) in the United States. The book, set in the early 1800s in New York, explores the emergence and crumble of a...

History Sourcebook: Abbé Sieyes: “What Is the Third Estate?”

Introduction The end of the 18th century was a critical period in French history due to the emergence of one of the most important revolutions in the country. Multiple political and social changes occurred in ten years, ending with the French Consulate’s creation in 1799. King Louis XVI summoned the...

External Quality Assessment and Proficiency Testing

What is EQA? Medical laboratory quality management is developing rapidly and keeps evolving every day. However, analytical quality is still the primary issue since none of the other laboratory quality attributes are relevant if analytical quality is not achieved. Quality control (QC) was first introduced to the medical sphere long...

Data Breaches and Cyber Attacks on Healthcare Organizations

The introduction of electronic health records (EHRs) has facilitated easy collection, analysis, access, and mass storage of patient data. The digital transformation has led to enhanced patient care, patient cooperation, and disease diagnosis. However, the presence of technology has brought forth cyber security healthcare risks (Dias et al., 2021). Therefore,...

Telehealth in Personal Practice

Introduction The landmark of patient protection and affordable health care act has heralded the advent of technology into our telehealthcare and has been proving to provide effective and adaptable solutions to the mental health population. It has gradually innovated from a historical fee-for-procedure orientation prospect embarking on the quality of...

BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico

Summary Facts On April 20, 2010, there was an explosion at the BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig, which resulted in the release of over 130 million gallons of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico (Meiners, 2020). This oil spill was the largest in US history and still has environmental...

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Racism in Modern Canada: Taking Action as a Helping Professional

Cases of racial and ethnic discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, which occur daily, impede the improvement of the lives of millions of people around the world. Few social phenomena in the history of the world face such universal condemnation as racism. Although this topic is considered by various organizations, religious,...

Injustices Faced by African American People Since Slavery

Introduction There are different meanings of words in the field of racial prejudice, which includes systematic racism, liberation, social justice, white privilege, and institutional racism. Therefore, this paper has demystified the meaning of such words in a bid to have a better comprehension of African-American predicaments since slavery. Additionally, this...

Communication Theories in Workplace Relationships

Interactions in the workplace are the typical expectations for conversations between individuals in various roles within a business or company. I have chosen this type of interaction because it involves face-to-face engagement; therefore, it is more productive than printed or audio-only exchanges. As such, during work operations, staff would recognize...

Historical Importance of “The Oath” by Hippocrates

Introduction The selected primary source from ancient Greece is the Oath written by Hippocrates, one of history’s earliest legally enforceable documents. The historical document has long been regarded as the pinnacle of medical ethics (Indla and Radhika). Hippocrates’ followers had to take an oath to the Greek pantheon’s Gods of...

Aspects of the American Pop Culture

Introduction The American film industry is one of the main components of the nation’s popular culture. The main reason for choosing this culture is because it majorly highlights the social, economic, and political domains in the United States of America. The film industry has made it easy for most Americans...

The US vs. New Zealand Healthcare Systems

Introduction The US healthcare system is often criticized for being inaccessible, inefficient, and lacking in a diverse and equitable approach. The New Zealand healthcare system, on the other hand, is often regarded as a more practical approach to addressing the well-being of the national population. The two systems, however, share...

My Constructive Thought Strategies

A constructive thought-focused strategy is a fundamental tool that promotes self-transformation. In the past years, I have doubted myself and every decision I make. The process has become a pattern and currently formed a significant barrier hindering my growth and progress in areas I believe effort and dedication are necessary...

COVID-19 Pandemic and New Parenthood

Introduction Breastfeeding is important for nutrition, survival, development, and maternal well-being. The World Health Organization suggests exclusive breastfeeding for the initial six months of life. After that, it is recommended to continue with proper complementary foods for at least two years. Early as well as continuous skin-to-skin contact significantly improves...

The Daddy-Less Daughter’s Self-Perception

Perception is defined as how you view the world and the people around you; it is influenced by how you see things, your interactions with people, and how you interact with things. Discernment can either be positive or negative and this is affected by how one thinks. How you see...

Currency War by Rickards: A Realism Perspective

Introduction Currency Wars, published in 2011 in the aftermath of the Great Financial Meltdown, contends that the competitive weakening of currencies is a serious national security issue. The Federal Reserve began a currency war by implementing quantitative easing in 2008, subjecting the dollar to a major collapse (Rickards, 2011). The...

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William Faulkner’s Life and Rise to Fame

American writer and Nobel Prize winner William Cuthbert Faulkner was born on September 25, 1897. He was regarded as one of the 20th century’s most influential authors. His novels, short tales, and novellas are the foundation of his reputation. Faulkner was a scriptwriter on occasion and a published poet as...

Orchid Species Preservation Foundation

To slow the extinction of species, non-profit organizations create nature parks and nature reserves, which employ specialists who monitor animals and plants and create favorable conditions for the life and reproduction of the species. It was to address the problem of declining biodiversity that Dave Nixon created the Orchid Species...

Nursing: Kotter’s Change Model Theory

Introduction Kotter’s change model theory posits that there are eight steps necessary in order to successfully bring about change in an organization. This model is an important tool for nurse leaders because it provides a framework for leading change in health institutions (Lv, 2017). Kotter’s Change Model through the Bedside...

Play vs. Come and Go by Samuel Beckett

The novelty of Samuel Beckett’s vision of performance art continues to affect the American scene. Postmodernism is apparent in the author’s works, which are thoughtful and complicated in their writing, acting, lighting, and other aspects (McNaughton, 2018). Beckett’s Come and Go is a short play with only a few lines...

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Introduction The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a federal agency that works to improve the overall health of the general population by promoting healthy behaviors, preventing disease, and being better prepared for emergencies. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) concentrates its efforts on promoting health...

Rosie the Riveter and Women’s Employment

Rosie the Riveter’s face was one of the most iconic images of the women who worked during the Second World War. The picture of Rosie was part of a campaign for females to apply for jobs in the defense industry. This recruitment tool proved to be successful in American history....

Failure of Quantitative Methodologies in Social Studies

The application of qualitative and quantitative methodologies provides significantly different outcomes and might not be suitable for certain disciplines. It is challenging to measure social interactions through numerical values. However, how does one then gather and analyze such knowledge? For these cases, a qualitative method might be more fitting, as...

The Effects of the Second World War on American Women

Introduction At the start of the 20th century, changes to the role of women in a society raised expectations for improvement. The reformers anticipated finding a solution to the issue of women being underrepresented within the workforce and the inequality of in the society. They want better working conditions and...

The Registered Nurse (RN) Job Description

Introduction A Registered Nurse (RN) is a highly significant job that generally suits persons who appreciate assisting others. They are practically responsible for people’s lives, which makes nursing a highly specialized field that is intertwined with the complex medical industry. As a result, an RN must be prepared for multiple...

Concept of Same-Sex Marriage

Introduction Same sex marriage is a controversial practice in any society. The so called more advanced societies are now recognizing it as a social need to appease the increasingly demanding people who are inclined towards partnering with another of the same sex. Many countries/states have legalized same sex marriage while...

Transgender People and Healthcare Barriers

Introduction In recent years, the LGBTQ community has been the subject of increasing attention in the United States. Nevertheless, it suffers from significant discrimination and unresolved issues, particularly in healthcare. As a result, people who belong to the group, especially transgender ones, tend to have worse access to care than...

The Self-Care App: Business Plan

Brief Competitor Analysis, Cost Structure & Business Plan The main competition in the market is apps with similar features, including habit trackers, daily reminders, and reflection journals. Two examples stand out as rivals with a wider range of functions – Fabulous and Aloe Bud (Brown, 2022; Stubbs, 2020). In contrast...

The Fire Danger: Buildings and Materials

Introduction On November 22, 2012, “a fire in a two and one-half story residential structure” that was attended by a Chicago Fire Department crew resulted in the death of a Captain (National Institute of Standards and Technology [NIST], 2014a). The main reason for this outcome consisted in the “thermal degradation...

Self-Management Skills in Chronic Disease Management

Problem Statement If a patient does not know how to manage his or her condition and engage in effective self-care, negative health outcomes can be expected, including the worsening of present conditions or the development of complications. Healy, Black, Harris, Lorenz, and Dungan (2013) found that inpatient education (provided to...

Communication and Professional Nursing Program Analysis

Level of Instruction This program is placed at the beginning of the curriculum and is intended for freshmen students to familiarize them with the basics of nursing ethics. Method of Presentation Delivery A standard presentation created in Microsoft PowerPoint will be used for teaching since this form is familiar and...

Achilles’ Dilemma Whether to Pursue Life or Glory

According to the ancient Greeks’ heroic code, since death is inevitable in the long run, every hero will fight, whether the glory goes to them or to other people. When the emissaries are sent to Achilles, he rejects the offer given to him by the king, explaining his plans to...

Children Eyewitness Testimony and Its Peculiarities

Introduction The significance of testimony in general and the relationship between suggestibility and memory must be understood when debating whether children can give credible eyewitness evidence. The challenges of working with kids in a forensic context, the influence of memory on eyewitness evidence, and the use of in-depth interrogation techniques...

Women’s Rights Movement in the Last Century

Introduction Notably, one of the most notable achievements of the last century was the freedom of women to vote. After a decades-long struggle, women were granted voting rights with the approval of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution on August 26, 1920.1 It declares that the ability of...

Prison Reform in the US Criminal Justice System

Working Thesis Statement Prison reform should be implemented through ensuring public safety, improve the circumstances of incarceration to create a constructive culture, and develop a model to incentivize behaviors, attitudes, and lifestyles conducive to personal self-control and responsibility. Working Draft The topic of prison reform has been highly debated as...

Language Discrimination in the USA

Introduction One can hardly imagine the modern world without any language. It would have been impossible to achieve the current level of development in the spheres of economics, culture, and others if people had not had an opportunity to express their thoughts verbally. It is challenging to overestimate the role...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Health Promotion Among Diverse Populations: Downtown Miami

Overview Description of the Community Downtown Miami is positioned around the Central Business District (CBD) of Miami. This is the major financial area in the city of Miami. The majority of buildings are sky-scrapers competing with one another in height (Viglucci, 2017). History The history of Downtown Miami is not...

Gross Domestic Product Rise and Rise in the Well-Being of All People in That Nation

Gross Domestic Product Gross domestic product means the gross market value of goods and services produced in a country during a particular year. It is one of the economic subjects. The GDP is calculated on the basis of adding export value with the consumer, investment, and government expenses and deduct...

“Disgrace” a Book by John Maxwell Coetzee

Introduction John Maxwell (J. M.) Coetzee is a well-known novelist who received numerous awards and recognition for his outstanding works. He is also a linguist and translator who contributed to the field of literature. Today the author represents two countries as he moved from South Africa to Australia at the...

Controversial Issues of COVID-19

Many people still oppose the coronavirus vaccination; they use different arguments to support their opinions. The greatest doubt among those who do not want to be vaccinated is a lack of confidence in the vaccine’s safety. Some individuals believe that virtually everyone who is vaccinated is, in fact, a test...

Biostatistics: Bayesian and Frequentist Approaches Frequency of Use

Overview of Bayesian and frequentist approaches The research methods may be chosen by the researchers to influence the results of the investigation which can be later compared for different types of research methods. In this respect, the effectiveness of the method selected for the trial depends on the appropriateness of...

Argumentative Essay on Cannabis

Cannabis is commonly the most used illicit substance in many countries around the world, including the United States. It comes from the cannabis plant, which evolved about 28 million years ago on the eastern Tibetan Plateau, according to a pollen study published in May of 2019. Its use, the study...

Dealing with Organizational Dynamics

Introduction Organizational dynamics is a continuous process that shapes organizational operations by strengthening resources and promoting employee performance. Such changes influence how organizations manage and control aspects like staff learning, business practices, and management strategies (Nilsen et al., 2020). Dynamics within organizations are inevitable due to continuous changes in elements...

Criminal Investigation of the State vs. Garrison Case

Background On the evening of January 2, 1982, the defendant was at his sister’s residence in Hartford when the victim, Jeremiah Sharp, arrived. Sharp had been residing with the defendant’s sister sporadically for the last four years and had his things in the flat, but they had lately quarreled again....

Organizational Structures: History and Development

Introduction The tenth chapter of “Principles of Management” by Morden & Morden provided general information about the history of organizational structures, their development, and the implications of emerging organizational structures. Generally, an organizational structure refers to how authority, work, and information flow within an organization. Traditionally, organizational structures were hierarchical...

The Stanford Prison Experiment Analysis

Bartels, J. (2019). Revisiting the Stanford prison experiment, again: Examining demand characteristics in the guard orientation. Journal of Social Psychology, 159(6), 780–790. Abuse between guards and prisoners is an imminent factor attributed to the differential margin on duties and responsibilities. Bartels (2019) agrees that aggression from professionals is a consequential...

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Ashley Furniture Industries’ Marketing Strategy

Introduction When a company is joining international markets, it requires a strategic plan to ensure a smooth transition and high return on investments. According to the article by Ingvar Kamprad and IKEA, is how the company manages its operations that separates it from other firms. Thus, the running process affects...

Annual Outdoor Adoption Event Project

Introduction Project management is the process of planning, organizing, and managing resources to aid in the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives. It involves setting up timelines and budgets and assigning responsibilities to specific team members. The annual outdoor adoption event is a project known for rescuing neglected...

Flexible Work Policies and Their Main Benefits

Flexible Work Policies In the contemporary world, more organizations are embracing Flexible Work Policies due to their remarkable benefits to employees and the business. While there are concerns that employees may not be committed to the organization, adopting Flexible Work Policies will contribute to many benefits, such as creating work-life...

Health Promotion Among Hispanic-Latino Population

Introduction The Hispanic/Latino population is one of the multiple minority groups living in the United States. According to the U.S. Census Bureau population estimate, there were 59,6 million Hispanic or Latino individuals in 2018, making them the second-largest ethnic group in the country (U.S. Census Bureau, 2018). This paper aims...

Budget: Apple Inc. R&D Project Funding

Introduction Apple Inc. is a technology company that operates in a competitive environment and requires creativity to navigate the dynamic niche. Some of Apple’s main competitors are Amazon, Samsung, Google, IBM, and Microsoft, which leverage social media technology to build mutual relationships with customers. Investment in research and development has...

Demi Lovato Diagnostics: American Singer

Introduction The public figure selected for analysis in this paper is Demi Lovato, a famous American singer, and songwriter. Their full name is Demetria Devonne Lovato, and she was born on August 20, 1992, in New Mexico to Dianna and Patrick Lovato. The parents divorced when Lovato was only two...

Exploring the Health Benefits and Consumer Preferences of A2 Milk

Consumers are known to buy products from companies to satisfy their own needs and wants. To have these needs and wants, consumers must feel that a gap in their preferred market for it to qualify to be a want. By realizing what the market lacks, companies utilize this chance to...

Impacts of Organizational Culture and Structure on Healthcare Outcomes

Introduction The cultural and structural aspects of healthcare organizations are critical in determining the quality of service provision and potential outcomes. Particularly, these factors can either contribute to failure or foster excellence because they represent shared beliefs, norms and modes of operation, routines, reward systems, traditions, and governance hierarchies in...

Secondary Data and Financial Analysis Workshops

Introduction This paper presents a reflective report on the seminars held on the topic of working with secondary data. For this, the Gibbs reflexive cycle is used as a convenient tool for the subjective understanding of the situation for personal purposes (Adeani, Febriani, and Syafryadin, 2020). This tool allows comprehensively...

Homeostatic Imbalance and Diabetes Symptoms

Scenario J.S. is an 8-year-old male who is short in stature. His parents have become concerned as J.S. has been wetting his bed, drinking a lot of water, and appears sluggish. The doctor orders several blood tests after J.S.’s urine test was positive for glucose and ketones. Diseases That Should...