The Representation of the American Dream in Death of a Salesman

Living in a society where each person can achieve success and respect regardless of their origin, gender, or race was a general idea of the American Dream at the beginning of the 20th century. However, the American Dream is slowly fading and becoming more of an illusion after the Depression...

Administrative Justice in United States

Introduction Administrative agencies affect the rights of private parties either through adjudication or rule-making. Procedural fairness helps the agencies to arrive at judgments that are fair to all the parties in the case. Usually, the decision-maker is concerned with the method of analyzing the testimonies brought before them and other...

Effects of Minerals on Plant Growth

Abstract Plants regularly require a variety of minerals and nutrients that are available in the soil for healthy growth and development. Any form of deficiency in one of the required elements often comes with a deterioration of the plant’s general condition. In this lab experiment, tomatoes were nurtured in diverse...

“The Necklace” and “The Rocking-Horse Winner”

Comparison “The Necklace” and “The Rocking-Horse Winner” At first glance, The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant and The Rocking-Horse Winner by D. H. Lawrence are very different stories. The former is set in 19-th century Paris, while the latter is set in England after the First World War. However, both...

Projects or Stop Violence Programs: Domestic Violence

Introduction The manner or behaviour that entails one party abusing the other denotes domestic violence. The violence mainly happens between the families, dating, cohabitation, marriages, as well as intimate relationship. Domestic violence may come I form of intimate partner violence, dating abuse, family violence, battering, spousal abuse, and domestic abuse....

“Erin Brockovich” Film and 2014 Flint Water Crisis

Introduction The physical and natural environments affect human life in various ways, as outlined by ecological studies. Environmental education is essential in informing individuals on how to deal with ecosystems to attain life sustainability. When discussing the environment, chief elements like soil, organisms, air, water, and solar energy have to...

Chi-Square Test and Titanic Accident

Introduction The current paper will use the chi-square test in order to check whether there was an association between the class that female passengers traveled in on Titanic, and their chances of being saved from that ship when it sank. After a brief data file description, the assumptions of the...

Dell Company’s New Product Introduction Strategies

Risk and Financial Impact The process of new product introduction (NPI) is associated with many challenges that may lead to the failure in NPI project completion or returning investment costs and bringing profit. The major risks related to DELL’s NPI include the ineffective mix of internal and external enterprises, lack...

Central Intelligence Agency in Tibet in the 1950s

The issue in question was the impact of the CIA’s involvement in Tibet’s political affairs during a critical period in the nation’s history. This query refers to the time period when Mao Tse Tung’s Communist Party took control of China in the year 1950. Shortly thereafter, Mao made known his...

Biblical Texts: John 12:32

The original Bible was written in classical Hebrew, and thus as the gospel spread across nations, the texts had to be translated into different languages. Specifically, the gospels were originally written in Koine Greek and later translated into other languages. One of the contentious issues about Bible translation is the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The US in the International Arena

One of the main features of the current geopolitical realities in the world is that the very concept of international law has been utterly discredited. In its turn, this appears to be a direct result of the recent actions of the U.S. in the international arena, which are being aimed...

Experimental Psychology and Forensic Psychology

Abstract Psychology is a powerful field of study aimed at addressing a wide range of human problems. The field can be divided into two specialties. These include experimental and forensic psychology. This essay gives a detailed analysis of the ideas gained after completing the class exercise. The exercise outlines the...

“Human Change” and “Do What You Can” Posters

It is possible to presume that the visual materials may largely support the contemporary initiatives for the achievement of climate sustainability. Images on the ecological issues aim to encourage the ecologically friendly behavior and raise awareness of the topical problems. When arguments are visually supported, it becomes easier to comprehend...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Role of a Nurse

Introduction Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a common health problem in modern society. Some of the common STDs are Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1 and 2, Hepatitis B and C. Some of these diseases have been prevailing for a long...

“Right After” and “Two Figures in a Landscape”

Introduction When existentialism appeared in the 1940-50s as a philosophic and literary movement, it primarily concerned the idea of alienation of the artist from the world and the deteriorating influence the society exerts on human nature (Modern art movements, n.d.). Existentialists reacted against the systematic approach of rationalist philosophy that...

Ebola Virus Infection: General Overview, Statistics, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Introduction Origin and the discovery of the disease The Ebola disease is a fatal infection that affects human beings and other primates. It is believed that the Ebola virus got its name from where it was first discovered. The virus causing the fever was first reported along the Ebola River...

Effective Compensation Program: Competitiveness and Equity

Introduction Fairness is one of the main criteria for the validity of employee compensation. The following memo examines the concept of the market-based compensation program, defines the roles of the external competitiveness and internal equity, and suggests an approach to balancing them. The suggestion is substantiated with an example of...

Decreasing the Mortality Rate Among Dialysis Patients

Aims of the Project The issue selected for this paper is focused on the reduction of the mortality rate among dialysis patients. This problem has been one of the major global concerns for many years. That way, its research is relevant and could be beneficial for public health in the...

National Institutes of Health: Training Needs

Abstract The paper provides the steps of the training needs analysis that was developed for the National Institutes of Health. These steps are based on the frameworks to assess the needs of learners who are planned to be involved in training programs. The analysis includes the identification of learners, the...

Mental Health: Strategic Action Plan

People affected by mental illness are underserved, face stigma, and often lack advocacy (Hernandez, 2011). The case of mental health is complicated because even the international health community has constantly ignored mental health conditions, specifically persons who display symptoms associated with psychosis, such as social withdrawal, delusions, incoherence, hallucinations, and/or...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Chinese cinema: Two Stage Sisters and Yellow Earth

The film, “Two Stage Sisters” is a 1964 Chinese production by Xie Jin, staring Cao Yindi and Xie Fang (Connolly). It is a production made shortly before Chinese Cultural Revolution. “Two Stage Sisters” tell of feminine story, “Yue Opera” practitioners, who happened to be from the same cast, but who...

The B.E.A.C.H. Environmental Campaign

With the growing environmental change awareness, more nongovernment organizations engage in the development and environmental campaigns. These campaigns pursue two essential goals. First, they are intended to educate the public about the severity and irreversible consequences of environmental change. Second, they deliver important information on how communities can promote positive...

Childhood Obesity: a Population Health Issue

Abstract Obesity is increasing worldwide, and children have not been left out. An increase in the incidence rate of between 20% and 30% is realized every decade (Rosenbaum et al., 2011). Childhood obesity is a serious population health issue because of the adverse and fatal consequences that range from health,...

Student’s Target Behavior Assessment Planning

Background information Bronx Envision Academy is a public school located in Bronx, New York. This public school is a small community located on the 4th floor of the Herman Ridder Campus. The Herman Ridder School Campus is an urban district 12 New York City Department of Education School established on...

The San Francisco Department of Public Health

Background The San Francisco Department of Public Health (SFDPH), formerly known as the San Francisco Health Department, comprises several sections that serve the city of San Francisco. The mission of the San Francisco Department of Public Health is to safeguard and improve the health of all San Franciscans. The San...

Competence-Environmental Press Model and Theory of Dying

Introduction The competence-environmental press model is a proposed framework for understanding how people cope with stress and adversity. This model is useful in predicting outcomes such as psychological well-being, depression, and anxiety. The term life review has come to be used in various ways. Generally, it refers to reflecting on...

Legalization of Marijuana as Controversial Topic

Introduction The legalization of marijuana is debated worldwide today, with advocates arguing that it eliminates black-market drug sales, increases tax revenue, and reduces crime. Proponents of legalization further argue that marijuana is less addictive than other drugs like alcohol and tobacco and that regulating it may deter use by minors...

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Human Response

Introduction The current Covid-19 response has been a slow, painful process, and the lack of information from officials only makes it worse. The spread of COVID-19 has affected all facets of life for people, whether they are in their homes or crowded shelters. The universal character of the problem and...

The Mary Open Doors Public Health Program Challenges

Challenges Related to Evaluation and Reporting Description of the Mary Open Doors Program The Mary Open Doors public health program focuses on assisting victims of domestic abuse through advocacy efforts aimed at drawing attention to the scourge. The program involves providing victims with medicine, health care services, counseling services, food,...

Terrorism, Its History and Constituents

Introduction The number and frequency of terrorist attacks have increased drastically since the twentieth century. Nowadays, the notion of terrorism is known to everyone. Terrorist attacks on the September 11 changed the understanding of terrorism and demonstrated its devastating threat. All countries face the difficulty of choosing the most appropriate...

Body Image and Body Positivity Movement

Body image is people’s subjective perception of their bodies, regardless of their actual appearance. Body image is a complicated aspect that encompasses an individual’s thoughts and feelings about physical appearance. Other illnesses, such as anorexia, often complement body image issues. Historically, popular media such as television and magazines have shaped...

Napoleon Bonaparte: The French Emperor

Introduction Napoleon Bonaparte was a French leader and emperor in the early 19th century. Bonaparte is known for his military strategy, which ensured the success of the French army against its major opponents. During his tenure as the French leader, Bonaparte is credited with implementing changes that enhanced the legal...

Will Technology Eventually Replace Human Labor?

Introduction Automation of work can lead to an increase in the number of jobs, new job opportunities, and overall prosperity in the future. Horror stories about automation are all over the place these days, especially when it comes to working. Not a week goes by without another prophecy about how...

University Education and Its Significance

Introduction Educationalists envisioned education as a way of equipping learners with the requisite skills in a bid to become useful in a changing world. This paper argues that students of an elite education are disadvantaged based on the arguments put forward by William Deresiewicz in his article, The disadvantages of...

Nursing Shortage and Nurse Turnover

Introduction Nursing shortage and nurse turnover are one of the major issues in this carrier field. Due to the fact that the generation of Baby Boomers is gradually aging, human society is expected to have an abnormally large number of elderly people in need of medical services in several years....

Tinker versus Des Moines Independent Community School District Case

Introduction The Tinker versus Des Moines Independent Community School District case is one of the most well known historical cases that dealt with the infringement of the constitutional liberties of public learning institutions’ learners. Although many decades have passed since the Supreme Court handled the case, even presently the case...

Unequal Privileges: Legal, Religious and Social Factors

Introduction The annals of history are replete with inequalities in human relations including, discrimination based on religion, ethnic extraction, race, gender, and sexual orientation. Discrimination has never augured well with many people and so abolitionists still clamor for justice and equality, and have made major strides towards ending it. Nevertheless,...

Police Corruption: Understanding and Preventing

Police corruption remains one of the leading challenges, affecting law enforcement agencies in the United States and around the world. Based on the impact of this vice, it is important for the government to initiate measures, which are feasible in dealing with it. This literature review explores the issue of...

Flipped Classroom in Nursing Schools

Abstract This paper aims to review available scholarship on the flipped classroom model with the view to demonstrating how it can be effectively used in associate degree nursing schools. The results demonstrate that the flipped classroom supports a sound pedagogical model that can be used to develop highly competent nurses...

The Health Issues of South Africa

Despite the overall improvements in healthcare of the South Africa, the advances are uneven and in some cases insufficient (Coovadia, Jewkes, Barron, Sanders, & McIntyre, 2009). Several challenges responsible for this can be identified, with at least three – the HIV pandemic and the public health response to it, the...

Socrates’ Philosophical Maxims Analysis

Introduction The Socratic maxims are both conscientious and conceptual in nature. These dicta were initially analyzed and critically assessed by Aristotle. Presently, these axioms have become an area of interest in the philosophy of education and general philosophy. Indeed, the intellectual and cultural development of the world has been shaped...

Victimization in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction Victimology is a criminology branch focused on exploring the link between a victim and the offender by examining the causes and the extent of suffering the injured person underwent. In other words, victimology presses on whether the perpetrator was a stranger, an acquaintance, friend, or family member and the...

Continuous Glucose Monitoring PICOT (Nursing) Project

Discovery The topic and the nursing practice issue related to the topic Modern technologies of continuous monitoring of glycemia: developing possibilities of control and management. The information obtained during long-term monitoring allows nurses to determine the outpatient glycemic profile, which reflects a complete picture of the patient’s diabetes status. The...

Good Leadership and Its Importance in Nursing

The field of nursing has undergone a tremendous evolution that poises it to adequately handle modern challenges. The theme of leadership resonates throughout nursing and seldom much is achievable without it at the personal and organizational level. The qualities that make good leaders are personality characteristics that poise them to...

The Shakers, Their Beliefs and Architecture Designs

Introduction The shakers involved a small group of protestant religious denominations founded in England in the mid-1700s. It was a dissident cluster of friends in society. It was derived from the word shaking Quakers because their assemblies included dancing and singing. A confident woman called Ann Lee, who was believed...

Perception: Understanding Origins of Ideas

Introduction Exploring the process of cognition, Hume adhered to the central thesis of empiricists that experience is the only source of our knowledge. However, Hume offered his understanding of experience. Experience, the philosopher believes, describes only what directly belongs to consciousness (Hume). In other words, experience says nothing about relations...

Transportation: Electric Cars Effects

Abstract Several decades ago, the very idea of electric cars seemed absurd. With the advanced technologies of the XXI century, however, the long-awaited dream was finally turned into reality. The number of electric cars is still admittedly low in the market. However, compared to the previous sales statistics, the demand...

Affordable Care Act: Good or Bad?

The adoption of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010 has given rise to various debates among different policy-makers, medical workers, patients, as well as journalists.1It is important to discuss the positive and negative consequences of this healthcare reform. Much attention should be paid to the financial implications...

Defining the Era of the 1960s

Introduction Scholars and archeologists use several events, objects, and fads to analyze the issues associated with the 1960s. This era is defined by many events and upheavals that changed the future of America. My team of archeologists has made a unique discovery. The discovery unveils several items that define the...

Fair and Equitable Compensation

Compensation and benefits are the base parts of any employment relationship. Compensation and benefits are seen differently from the points of view of the employees and employers. Compensation is an important and multidimensional aspect that can be connected to such factors as motivation, job satisfaction, quality of professional performance, and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Power, Leadership, and Machiavellian Theory

Introduction Machiavellianism is a personality trait that supports manipulating to gain power. Business leaders and political administrators mostly used Niccolo Machiavelli’s writings in the first half of the 21st century. Scholars have used these guidelines to understand political dynamics and as guidelines for administrators, politicians, and managers. The main objective...

How Societies Construct Gender Identities, Sexual Practices, and Gendered Bodies

Introduction Society has been subjected to universally uniform natural surroundings for quite some time, and these tend to follow a definite route. Specifically, in more conservative communities, the natural societal assumption is that people are either male or female and that any other gender presentation is aberrant (Eugenides, 2003). Simultaneously,...

Government-Funded Assistance Before and After Pandemic

Introduction Social welfare and national insurance programs are the primary forms of public support aid in the United States. Incentives from social programs are typically associated with low salaries and means-tested qualifications. Numerous countries provide direct funding for scientific and technological research through tax incentives or grant-giving organizations like the...

Drones Production Company Marketing Plan

Introduction Drones are officially known as remotely piloted vehicles or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). These aerial vehicles can carry some objects like cameras in order to take photographs and to make videos at a distance, without the direct participation of a man in the process. Drones allow photography or scientific...

Seven Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction According to Jalbert, Daiello and Lapane (2008) the Alzheimer disease, also referred as Dementia of Alzheimer type (DAT) is a deadly neurodegenerative condition that is progressive in nature. The disease causes relapse in memory and cognition ability. As the disease progresses, it impairs the ability of a person to...

Importance of Computers in Education

Importance of Computers in Education Since the advent of computer technology, the world has undergone a revolutionary change, because computers perform most of the tasks that were hard to perform; for example, storage of volumes of information or took a lot of time to finish. Also, computer technology has contributed...

The Concept of Oral Contracts in the United States

It is a widespread belief that the oral contracts are as enforceable as the written ones. However, it is only partly true. Although there were many times when those actually worked, every good attorney would recommend their clients to have the most important contracts in a written form. What is...

The Forgiveness of the Student Debt

The issue of student debt is clearly one of the most important issues that we face today. There are many different proposals as to how to deal with it, but it seems that the best decision that can be made would be for the government to appropriate the debt of...

“Civil Disobedience” by Henry Thoreau

Thoreau’s essay called “Civil Disobedience” is a well known philosophical work that suggests a deeper understanding of human rights and freedoms. This work is truly progressive for the time when it was written this is why it still attracts the attention of the public nowadays. Besides, Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience” explores...

Abortion in Christian and Non-Christian Ethics

Introduction Humans, on a daily basis, are faced with a never-ending battle with themselves – the voice that tells them what to do and not do. Therefore, when faced with the same ethical dilemma, the decision arrived at vary from one person to another depending on the type of ethical...

Gothic Elements in “The Passion” by Jeanette Winterson

Introduction Jeanette Winterson is a postmodernist writer whose work blends history, fiction, fairy tales, and feminine romance. Postmodernism allows the combining of different writing techniques and genres. In this sense, in The Passion the author could employ parody, irony, historical rewriting, self-reflectivity, and gothic elements. Postmodernism is often characterized as...

Mental Health and Illness: Sociological Approach

Introduction Mental health is important and is a key area of concern among the components of health. It includes emotional, physical, and social health. For a person to be productive in most of their activities, Employees build good relationships with their colleagues at the workplace and deal with as well...

Fulmer SPICES Tool in Patient Health Assessment

Introduction It is worth noting that holistic health assessment is a comprehensive approach towards evaluating the patient’s condition. In particular, individual health is viewed as a complex system, which includes not only the physical component but also the psychological and mental state of a person and the interaction of these...

Inclusive Learning Environments and Barriers

Race & Ethnicity Race- and ethnicity-related relationships may involve some of the most complex issues in terms of preventing the promotion of biases and prejudices. Among core strategies for preventing and addressing biases in class, a combination of classroom lessons and school policies must be used. Furthermore, active efforts to...

Occupational Health Safety for Nurse Practitioners

Introduction Nurses frequently face health risks due to the prevalence of dangerous substances in the healthcare sector, which is widely regarded as one of the most hazardous work environments. Increasing knowledge and understanding of the importance of nurse practitioners’ workplace safety is an immediate need. Therefore, this study aims to...

Cutting Unnecessary Usage of Emergency Rooms

Introduction Most emergency rooms (ERs) in the US are in a quandary. They are witnessing a high number of patients which explains why issues of delays and diversions are more common. According to Moskop et al. (2019), most of the emergency rooms are overloaded beyond the required capacities. The authors...

Diagnosis of a G1PO Patient With Vomiting and Nausea Symptoms

Introduction This diagnosis is especially essential for women whom it is on their first time getting pregnant and have never delivered before (G1PO). In this population of patients, there are multiple genitourinary, gastrointestinal, metabolic, and neurologic factors to consider. When vomiting occurs, the first thing that comes into mind is...

Marketing: Consumer and Industrial Products

Introduction Consumer goods are defined as movable commodities that are created and sold to fulfill the requirements of a buyer. This is why these commodities are sometimes known as finished goods or end items in some circles. They are items that customers can frequently discover placed on the shelves of...

A Case in Point of an Ethical Conundrum

Introduction The professor’s office serves as the location for this case study. Department Chair Ben seeks advice from adjunct professor Jenny. Ben assigns Jenny a class she has never taken before and for which she has no time to study. Ben explains that he needs her assistance because the wife...

The Issue of Overcrowding in the Prison System

Introduction Overcrowding in prison is where the number of convicts in a nation exceeds the capability of its jails. When charged, criminals get a penalty that consists of a set duration of time before being discharged. Other reasons for discharge might include a legislative release, old age, or a medical...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Marriot Chain Hotel’s International Management

Introduction The global market has been developing due to increased technology and the continued development of current issues in entrepreneurial activities. It has led to the development of global management that ensures that the companies run their activities in the proper manner. This paper will explore international management, its major...

Gender in Sophocles’ Tragedy Antigone

Introduction Ancient Greek tragedies are marked by the poets’ use of moral, social, and political themes to unveil human character and relations. One such tragedy is Antigone, written by Sophocles; it features a strong female character in opposition to an oppressive, politically bound male. Since Antigone crosses the limits of...

The History of Black Women and Their Contribution to Intellectual Life

Introduction Black women in the 1970s encountered various prejudices, which the black feminist movement sought to end. Maya Angelou’s Interviews with Black Scholar is instrumental in understanding some of the challenges Black women experienced. The conversation provides insight into different topics such as Black women, racism, and feminism. Conversation with...

Negative Influence of TikTok Usage on Student’s Attention Span

The purpose of this work is to give a fairly accurate idea of the impact of the TikTok social media platform on the attention of students during lectures. The effect of TikTok as a platform, the use of which takes more than 50% of the young audience a significant amount...

Leadership in Health Administration

People often asked whether leaders are born or made has been frequently asked. Research shows one out of three leaders is born a leader. Leadership is defined as the effective direction, leadership, or influence of an organization or a group of people (Rabiul et al., 2021). Effective leadership relies on...

Diary of an Enslaved Woman: Personal Experiences

The diary excerpt is from the perspective of one enslaved woman who was forced onto a boat. It will help a reader better understand the slave trade, the daily lives of enslaved people, and the events that led to emancipation. The story is based on personal experience and may not...

The Issue of Misuse of Prescription Drugs

Introduction The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that prescription drug abuse is a growing problem in the United States. NIDA defines prescription drug abuse as “taking a medication that is not prescribed for you, or taking it for reasons or in doses other than what is recommended” (National...

“Fences” by August Wilson: Play Analysis

Family relationships are commonly discussed in many literary works to demonstrate different visions of this topic. Fences is one of such stories where the life of an African American family is thoroughly described, addressing the specific living conditions of Americans in the middle of the 20th century. August Wilson, the...

Homelessness Among Children in the United States

Homelessness among children in the United States is a growing problem. Children are particularly vulnerable in view of the fact that many run away from their homes to escape conflict and abuse. Poverty, economic challenges, and systemic obstacles add to the challenges minors face with regard to access to shelter....

Astra Taylor’s “What Is Democracy?” Documentary Review

Astra Taylor’s Documentary, What is Democracy? takes an in-depth look at the concept of democracy and its history, from its ancient Greek roots to its modern-day iterations worldwide. Taylor travels to countries such as Greece, the United States, India, and Brazil to interview people from all walks of life, comprehensively...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Screen Time and Its Negative Effects on Children

Introduction With the technological advancements the world has seen in recent years, more and more people are utilizing the benefits of recent technology to enhance their lives. This technology can include everything from using a tablet to read e-books, using a messenger app on their phone to communicate with friends,...

Sustainable Development Goals: Partnerships for the Goals

The global community is presently grappling with numerous challenges arising from past industrial, economic, and agricultural activities. Some of the recorded trends, such as the loss of habitats and overuse of natural resources, have made the global environment unsustainable and incapable of supporting future human life. To ensure that the...

MyFitnessPal: Calorie Counter App

Introduction Esther Nia, a 35-year-old woman, sought help to improve her health and prevent potential problems. The patient noticed that she was gaining weight and exceeded her optimal weight by 40 pounds. Moreover, Esther has a family history of obesity and is therefore concerned about her health. The woman tried...

Differences between the House and Senate

Introduction The Congress of the United States represents the legislative branch of the country’s government. It is bicameral and consists of the House of Representatives, the lower body, and Senate, the upper one. Both bodies are involved in the process of law-making – in order to become law, a bill...

Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health Conditions

Introduction Social media usage has become widespread in the last ten years globally. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat are popular with the majority of individuals. Anxiety and depression among teenagers are on the rise, which can be blamed on an increase in the time spent on the...

IT Security Controls for Closed-Loop Referrals

Gap Analysis for Closed Loop Referrals The need to have appropriate information sharing system when a patient is referred from one clinician to another, or one health facility to the other has been on the rise. There has been a general concern among medical practitioners that the current systems do...

Strengthening Community Health Through Technology: Key Barriers

Introduction Modern technologies are presently guiding stakeholders in the healthcare sector to improve the quality of care available to more patients. Innovation has become an evidence-based strategy for identifying challenges and addressing them from an informed perspective. The use of scientific developments and innovations could result in superior models for...

Aspects of Sustainable Value Creation

Introduction Sustainable value creation involves organizations creating long-term value through action on risks and opportunities accompanied by environmental, economic, and social developments. In other words, it is associated with operating practices and policies that help promote a firm’s competitiveness while simultaneously improving the ecological, social, and economic conditions in its...

“History and Topography of Ireland” Book by Gerald of Wales

Introduction The Norman vision of the Irish has primarily shaped the attitude of the English toward them. This is evidenced, in particular, by the manuscripts of Gerald of Wales, a clergyman whose ancestors were both Normans and Welsh. Gerald was descended from the Norman Lord Marcher, who was actively involved...

Credibility of a Complementary and Alternative Medicine Website

Introduction The reliability of the sources used in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is an essential component of its overall success. It entails checking to see that the information in question is up to date and supported by facts (Balneaves et al., 2018). Acupuncture is one of the complementary and...

Gender Pay Gap From Feminist Perspective

Introduction Since equal pay is such a pervasive social problem in today’s society, some people may be unaware of or have a limited understanding of how it may affect them. Understanding why women still struggle to achieve equal opportunity in the workplace, particularly concerning equal pay, is crucial and a...

Intercultural Communication Competence

Summarizing Intercultural communication is one of the most important and relevant areas for research to this day. Researchers need to understand what leads to positive interpersonal communication and have a good effect on relations between people of different cultures and what has a negative impact and leads to conflicts (Grothe,...

Improving the Level of Surgeon Graduates

Introduction Surgical experience is one of the hardest to obtain in an academic or a hospital setting due to the high costs of performing practice on real human corpses and high risks of allowing an undertrained surgeon to operate on a living patient. The lack of effective and available means...

Common Technological Tools Discussion

Summary Technology is an essential aspect of improving learning. When students with learning disabilities are allowed to utilize their abilities by using technology, they often succeed and overcome more challenges. Assistive technology tools help the students with special needs to learn like others. Any helpful software that supports teaching and...

The “Different Colors” Song by Lucky Dube

How the Song Related to General Systems Theory Lucky Philip Dube, popularly known as Lucky Dube, is a South African reggae musician considered to be one of the most influential artist in that genre. His song ‘Different Colors’ is one of the most popular songs in the African continent and...

Unaffected, Autonomous, and Influential Navajo Culture and Tradition

From the historical viewpoint, when interacting intensely, all cultures undergo one of these three types of processes, which are merging, absorption, and eradication. Modern history as an academic discipline knows many past and present examples of each of these three. There are ancient Greeks and Latins in the Roman Republic,...

Intergroup Dynamics in Conflict Resolution

Psychologist Henri Tajfel first introduced social identity theory in 1979. The theory posits that an individual’s self-identity is rooted in social interactions or relations with other members of society (Hogg, 2018). This theory suggests that to develop a sense of self-worth, we invest in building meaningful statuses in the social...

Examining the Potential of Digital Earth Services in Connection to Global Warming

Introduction Environmental issues surrounding the subject of the Earth’s condition are a crucial topic of scientific discussion. The numerous problems concerning the changes in natural welfare require grounded interpretation and subsequent search for suitable solutions to maintain our home planet’s state. Over the course of humanity’s existence, the characteristics of...

Netflix: Macroeconomics Research

The given macroeconomics research paper will focus on the multimedia service provider Netflix. The company’s structure is a subscription-based streaming platform, where viewers have an opportunity to watch both Netflix’s original films and other contracted ones. The primary attention will be paid to the macroeconomic structure of Netflix as a...

Healthcare Affordability in the United States

Introduction Access to health care services should be every citizen’s right in the United States. Affordability promotes the timely prevention of treatable and mild infections, which can be fatal if left unaddressed. Health insurance is a common concept within the United States and other systems across the globe, which promotes...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Physics Behind the Scooter Board

Introduction Coming to the centre stage of self-propelled motion, the innovation of scooters has revolutionized self-drive transport a big deal. Scooters come in various designs suited for different functions. The different designs are geared towards enhancing speed, flexibility, stability as well as manoeuvrability among other adaptations. It is under this...

Political Ideologies of Liberalism and Conservatism: A Comparison

Political ideologies are numerous and exceptionally diverse in their nuanced approach toward the ideas of governance, ethics, and principles. However, out of the multitude of the existing perspectives on the development and further coordination of social order, two particular theories have become so prominent that they have gained the dominant...

Substance Abuse and Health Care Cost for Employers: A Review of the Literature

Substance abuse is a condition that can be prevented and treated. Substance abuse disorders impose huge financial costs to both the employer and the society at large. Substance abuse refers to the long-term pathological consumption of either drugs or alcohol. This is characterized by the intoxication of drugs, lack of...

Utilizing Digital Technology in Written Works Compartmentalization

The foundation for consciousness is the past, which serves as a reminder of universal human truths. History, who we are, whence we hailed from, how we existed, what we achieved, and how we did it—is being preserved through book conservation. We must maintain literature since we should not lose history...

The Effect of Adolescence on Development

Introduction Adolescence, as a stage of both physical and psychological development of a human being, is a crucial phase in the lifespan. It is at this time when teenagers become mature individuals, explore their identities, and develop behaviorally, socially, cognitively, and emotionally. For a relatively long period of time (approximately...

Tbe Origin of Unions and Corporations and Consumer Protection

The Origin and Nature of Unions The history of labor unionism dates back to the 18th century when craft unions were formed in the United States (US). According to Shaw, during this time, “groups of skilled artisans – carpenters, shoemakers, tailors, and the like – formed secret societies for two...

Internet Impact on Modern Culture

Introduction Throughout history, a significant number of technologies created by humanity have had a considerable impact on culture. There is now a pronounced sociocultural gap in society between those who have access to the Internet and those who do not. The former have new opportunities, free and prompt access to...

Marginalized Women with Mental Illness

Introduction Mental health plays a significant role in humans’ daily life and drives their decision-making and opportunities. While people of all genders might be exposed to psychological problems, women with mental illnesses have been marginalized in various spheres, including healthcare. The complexity of social roles modern women has to perform...

Integrated Pest Management

Effective management of pests in the agricultural sector is critical in improving yields and eliminating unnecessary destruction of crops. The concept of integrated pest management has gained popularity over the recent past as agricultural experts embrace technology and new methods of managing pests. It emphasizes the need to manage pests...

Southern United States Politics in 20th Century

Introduction Southern USA history has a lot to offer to the overall history of the United States. Written, oral, and other historical sources passed across generations reveal a region that spans an extensive range of cultural and civilization forms. Many social, economic, and political issues have been raised about this...

Currency Exchange Rate and Influencing Factors

This paper investigates how the exchange rate (the rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another) changes depending on the country’s economic characteristics and various political, natural, and other events. The currency chosen for the work is the Canadian Dollar, the currency of Canada (CAD). According to the...

Linking Obamacare Policy, Substance Abuse, and Mental Health

Introduction Obamacare, or The Affordable Care Act (ACA), is one of the most prominent health care policies in the United States because disputes over its advantages and disadvantages last for years. This policy has made health insurance more accessible and has covered a more significant part of the population that...

Interpersonal Communication: Social Exchange Theory

Introduction Human beings are social and rely on interpersonal communication to share information, ideas, secrets, and goals in life. Different models have emerged that try to describe how such interactions take place. Social exchange theory is one of them and it explains or predicts the right time when someone who...

Epistemological Objection to Divine Command Theory

Morality and ethics represent the most complicated issues throughout the history of humankind. There are many ethical principles and frameworks guiding people to morality in their lives. Therefore, one should choose three ethical theories, including deontology, consequentialism, and virtue ethics, to understand how they can be applied in real contexts....

Play Based Programs and Learning

Introduction The ultimate goal of any learning process is to equip the targeted individuals with superior skills and ideas for confronting future challenges and pursuing their aims in life confidently. Researchers and scholars in the field of education have succeeded in presenting numerous ideas to improve the learning process and...

The Role of Technology in Leadership in Healthcare

Introduction The healthcare sector determines the medical outcomes and experiences of citizens in a given country. Many governments provide adequate resources and support systems to ensure that their sectors function optimally. Practitioners, physicians, and managers in this field need to monitor emerging trends and inform key sponsors and financiers about...

“Atheists Line Up to Nail Catholics to the Wall” by Akerman

Introduction An argument is defined as a combination of propositions or premises placed along other declarations categorised as the conclusion. Premises ought to possess some significance and for all arguments that are valid, there should be conclusions that are sustained by earlier premises. On this basis, the paper will analyse...

Teaching English Language Learners

Introduction Language proficiency is basic to learning any other discipline. Research has been carried out in the area of teaching the English language learner (ELL). Some argue that proficiency in a native language increases the chances for learning the English language. Others still argue that children need to be taught...

The Life of F. Skinner – One of the Most Influential Psychologists

Introduction Psychology is both an applied and academic field which is concerned with the study of human and animal mental functions and behaviors scientifically. Psychology is an old discipline that was founded by Wilkhelm Wundt in 1879 as an independent field of study in Germany.Wundt set up the first laboratory...

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Ban on Smoking in the Workplace

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Spread of Multiculturalism After 9, 11

Introduction Multiculturalism can be defined as the practice of acceptance or promotion of the existence of multiple ethnic cultures in a country, school, college, business and neighborhoods among many other contexts. The advocates of multiculturalism are focused towards ensuring that all ethnic and religious groupings are accorded equal status in...

Analysis of the Industry State of the Automotive Industry in Italy

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Prenatal Learning in the Womb Can Affects Later Development

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The Legal Aspects of Owning and Transferring Personal and Real Property

In business world especially in marketing, there is emphasis on the four Ps: Price, Product, Promotion and the Place. Place generally involves delivering products close to the customers or an area where the customers can easily access them. Place for the business is critical especially for young businesses that need...

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Narrative of the “Life of Frederick Douglass” by Frederick Douglass Review

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Human Vision: Physiological and Psychological Bases

Abstract This paper focuses on human vision and considers the various physiological and psychological bases of the system. It includes elements ranging from the structure of the human eye to an explanation of how each part of the organ performs a certain action. Ultimately, this analyzes how a person perceives...

Resource Value Effects Territorial Defense by Broad-Tailed and Rufous Hummingbirds

Introduction An animal of a particular species may defend a territory from animals of other species or its own species. Mostly the territories are held by either individuals, a group or mated pair. Food is the overall key determinant for a species to hold the territory. The key factor for...

Freddie and Fannie in the US Housing Bubble

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The Economy of India

India is a diverse country located in Asia. Many languages are spoken in the country and the country is very rapidly coming up as far as the economy is concerned. The population of the country is the second-largest in the world, some people look at this as a negative but...

Professional Identity and Stewardship

Peer Interview The interviewee started by introducing herself as an Operating Room (OR) nurse in a modern healthcare organization. Besides, she is involved in the execution of the functions of an assistant coordinator of orthopedic services. The respondent added that she was a member of one Operating Room Committee in...

The Policy Standard in China’s Healthcare System

The focus of the Policy Standard in China’s Healthcare System China’s recent healthcare reforms have primarily benefited both rural and urban citizens. China offers government-funded basic health insurance, which has aided the nation’s almost complete inclusiveness. Urban workers must enroll in an employment program primarily funded by tax payments that...

Social Media in Business Across the Globe

Introduction Social media became an integral part of life globally. They are used not only for communication but for business purposes as well. However, despite their global character, peculiarities of social media use differ from country to country. This literature review summarizes research findings and data from reports about the...

Spending Plan: Saving and Spending during Uncertain Times

Monthly spending tracking is vital as it helps people stay involved in their finances. Paying attention to spending ensures that one stays within his budget and spends wisely. People with financial discipline are capable of conforming to their spending and banking to the set plans to attain fiscal goals. Actual...

Access to Healthcare Services

Introduction The issue of access to care has been high on the agenda for healthcare organizations. Without access to comprehensive and quality health care, it would be impossible to promote and maintain the population’s health, prevent diseases, unexpected deaths, and comorbidities from occurring or reduce unnecessary disabilities (Healthy People, 2017)....

Environmental Changes and Factors That Impact Health

Since the humankind and the environment are in an ongoing interaction, the attempts to restore the damage that has already been done by industrialization and minimize its future impacts on the ecology are actually long-term contributions to the public health of the population of the entire planet. Due to the...

Environmental Factors and Barriers to Health

Abstract The field of environmental health is one of the most important in health care. It has a wide variety of definitions due to a large number of factors that can affect a person’s health externally. It is possible to predict an increased occurrence of a disease when the environment...

Schools Should Block Social Networking Sites

Introduction Social networking sites are becoming an ever-growing part of our lives. They are used to connecting with friends and family, staying updated on current events, and making new connections. But in schools, they can be a distraction and even a source of cyberbullying. Because of this, it is becoming...

Ethic-of-Care and Ethic-of-Justice in Nursing Leadership

The key leadership capability of advanced nursing practice dynamics is the provision of patient-centered care. The advanced practice nurses (APRNs) are expected to have sophisticated knowledge regarding their field and strong decision-making skills. The practice shows that many leaders encounter ethical dilemmas while advocating for their patients’ needs, which can...

South Korean Political Economy and Foreign Direct Investment

Introduction Strong government-business ties are crucial in economic development. A country’s political establishment or government formulates and implements economic and regulatory policies that determine its developmental state. Political decisions and economic management are inextricably linked. In this view, a nation’s economic success depends on its political system and laws governing...

Beethoven’s Influence on Later Artists

Introduction Ludwig van Beethoven is one of the greatest German composers of the 19th century. Polyphony, which J.S.Bach and his contemporaries represented, was replaced by a bias towards homophony, mainly represented by Haydn and Mozart’s greatest symphonists. They created a new form that combines elements of harmony and counterpoint. Beethoven...

Tanya Aguiñiga and Other Artists From the US

Proposal The proposal delves into the analysis of society’s influence on art and how Tanya Aguiñiga can use her artistic abilities to effect positive change in her environment. I have been inclined to learn of other artists who share the same activity line, such as Kelly Akashi and Edward Ruscha....

Stevie Wonder: The Artist’s Story

Introduction An in-depth study of musical theory is impossible without a conjugate study of the biographies and creative paths of eminent artists in a particular field. It is paramount to recognize that the history of music is not objective but rather is written by the musicians and artists who make...

Influence of the Greek Art on Contemporary Artist Works

Ancient Greece represents one of the most investigated and at the same time enigmatic spheres of culture. No doubt, art, music, theatre, science, literature, painting, architecture, and democracy of the Greeks influences modern culture even many centuries after. Actually, the ancient Greeks introduced the humanities. The current government, architecture, literature,...

Clausewitz’s Paradoxical Trinity Throughout History

Introduction The concept of war is as old as the human world, as wars permeate the entire history of humanity. Many events caused wars, but all of them can be divided into three types that Carl von Clausewitz distinguishes in his theory. In short, he calls these reasons passion, probability,...

The Film “Story of a Puppet”

Introduction Soviet films and animation always had a particular style unique to the Russian school of cinematography. Due to the political nature of filmmaking, the history of the country, and peculiarities of the Russian mentality, some of the greatest works of cinematography to emerge out of the USSR revolved around...

School Desegregation in the United States

Racial segregation in every sphere of life is what was typical for the 19-20th-century history of the United States, and school education was not an exception. It was not until the 1954 Brown vs. Board of Education that the US Supreme Court declared separate public school education for black and...

Scientific and Mass Media Writing Comparison

Introduction Understanding the differences between genres and their purposes is critical in writing, as it helps distinguish between the writing styles and figurative language (Wardle & Downs 5). Mass media reporting and scientific researches tend to use various means of expression to deliver the message to the audience. To support...