Cancer: Diagnosing, Staging, Complications, Side Effects, and Care

Introduction Cancer is a chronic disease that emanates from genetic mutations, which causes cells to lose their cellular regulation mechanisms and grow uncontrollably. The uncontrolled growth of cells in the body forms cancerous cells that affect tissues and organs in where they occur or spread to other tissues and organs...

The Significance of Feminist Movement by Bell Hooks: Article Analysis

Any reproductive types of speech are aimed to be perceived by the recipient. Therefore, the concept of rhetoric comes forth. Although people tend to think that mere direct address to the audience might ensure the success, there are many examples of successful texts where the author does not involve the...

Lost Colony of Roanoke Island

Introduction The mystery of the disappearance of the English colonists on Roanoke Island provokes many questions even in the 21st century, and the history of the Roanoke colony is a subject for the investigation event today. The reason is that there is no single opinion regarding the causes and aspects...

Learning With Interactive and Visual Representations

Introduction Effective learning does not take place by the use of a single method only. For efficient learning, therefore, the instructor must use a combination of several presentation methods. We have a diversity of these methods which include lecturing, organizing group discussion, and experimentations. Of all these methods it is...

Practice of the Teachings of Jesus and Also Understand Their Impact

In Matthew 6: 19-24, Jesus has three main teachings for Christians to apply in their lives. First, he talks about the importance of storing treasures in heaven where they cannot be destroyed (Bible Gateway, n.d). He explores the concepts of storing treasures in heaven (spiritual) and on earth (material). This...

Enhancing Cultural Competency in Nursing Education

The socio-cultural diversity is one of the main features which can be used to describe the United Statesā€™ population. This diversity is associated with all the spheres of the social life that is why nursing and nursing education also depend on the necessity to respond to the socio-cultural diversity. As...

Health and Physical Education Instructor

My Role as an HPE Instructor In my professional practice, I integrate practice and ethical standards to meet the requirements set by the Ontario College of Teachers and provide students with the most effective teaching. In my opinion, teachers should always strive to improve their professionalism to respond to modern...

Fighting Discriminatory Practices at the Workplace

Inclusion and diversity remain essential topics in workplaces and offices worldwide. Every company needs to stay aware of these problems to develop effectively because employees are the engines of every structure. Every worker deserves a respectful and equal attitude and care during their working time and outside their workplace. Different...

Evaluating a Digital Humanities Project

Introduction Culture is an essential part of every community that reflects their past, present, and future expectations of behavior and beliefs. To display the rich heritage, many cultural heritage institutions and repertoires have attempted to stock their facilities with artifacts essential for discovering and appreciating history. However, there is a...

Euthanasia ā€“ For Legalizing

There are many arguments for and against legalizing euthanasia. It has ethical benefits as well as downsides. Should euthanasia be legalized? Essay samples like this one will help you understand the issue. The legality issue of Euthanasia has been a subject of heated debate since long. On the global scene,...

Transform Business with Leadership Communication Strategies

Effective leadership communication is essential for productive business operations. A great number of organizations and projects failed due to poor leadership and team communication. On the other hand, effective communication can be of great benefit to the firm and its employees. I would like to propose an implementation of effective...

Creating Safe Nursing Environments with Dr. Watsonā€™s Theory

The ultimate goal of nursing is to ensure every patient receives timely and quality health care. Nurses and medical practitioners must be aware of the best strategies that have the potential to support the diverse needs of many patients. Several concepts and theories have been proposed to guide nurses whenever...

Development of Hands-Free Set

Introduction Modern life is in constant change and every today is not similar to yesterday and to tomorrow. Everything, surrounding us, is changing in a blink of an eye. Our world is totally different from that one where our grandparents spent their youth. And it is sure to change greatly...

Developing a Work Ethics Program

Code of ethics and Conduct All the employees of Fine Consultants shall be required to pay attention to the companyā€™s policies in regard to the financial and advisory consultations addressed to or from the customer concerning his or her enquiries as given below: Ethics Training Program In order to make...

Cost and Value Management: A Comparative Analysis

Introduction Cost and value management plays a crucial role in organizational performance and successful market operations determining the allocation of financial resources and controlling spending. Cost management allows companies to control and report their earnings and provides them with continuous control of costs. To ensure proper utilization of accounting information,...

Conflict Resolution and Its Key Approaches

Conflict management is the methodical and cooperative effort required to resolve differences between individuals or groups. Each organization contains some level of interpersonal, intrapersonal, or intergroup conflict. This is because it is unrealistic to demand unanimous agreement between multiple people at all times. Executives, directors, and workers sometimes spend 20ā€“80%...

“Christinaā€™s World” Painting by Andrew Wyeth

Are you about to write Christinaā€™s World analysis? Explore the famous painting Christinaā€™s World with our paper sample! Here, you will find explained Christinaā€™s World meaning, genre, context, and other important aspects. Andrew Wyethā€™s Christinaā€™s World has a strong emotional appeal. This piece of art offers a unique insight into...

The Participation of the Leader in Nursing Conflict Resolution

Introduction The activities of professional nurses require not only high professionalism and compliance with all necessary rules but also the ability to find the right approach to a patient. In the practice of many medical workers, conflicts caused by different reasons occur quite often. If it happens, it means that...

What Makes Homeless People Commit Crimes That Result in Incarceration?

Introduction Today homelessness is considered to be a critical issue for the USA as almost half a million of citizens do not have their own houses or flats. They are in a constant search of subsidized homes, shelters, goods, clothes and food. These people have limited opportunities and are not...

Bluevine’s Organizational Culture: Impact of Politics and Power

Organizational power and politics are essential to any company’s performance. Managerial skills are complex issues that require a manager’s expertise and professional knowledge, especially during the decision-making process. With Politics and power becoming new issues in organizational management strategies, many companies globally are keen on handling matters to do with...

Aviation Advances at the Science Museum

Short N.2B Seaplane (1917) Short N.2B seaplane was first launched in December 1917 during the First World War in the Rochester manufacturers also known as the Short Bros Ltd in Britain. Francis Webber who was being supervised by Oswald Short designed the first seaplane which was tested at Marine experimental...

Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment

Nowadays, cancer is still considered to be one of the most dangerous diseases that involve numerous complications and significantly reduce peopleā€™s chances to return to normal life even after the expensive treatment. Despite the fact that medical scientists have made a range of important discoveries that can help patients to...

Shakespeare’s “King Lear” Play: A Long Analysis

Introduction The works by William Shakespeare are characterized by tragic humanism and both internal and external conflicts. His plays can be considered the pinnacle of the evolution of English drama that significantly influenced the development of world literature and culture. In this regard, Shakespeareā€™s King Lear embodies the main attributes...

Validity and Reliability of Tests on Personality

Introduction Psychological examinations cover various aspects of a character and are helpful for specialists whose employment requires immediate interactions with people. I have selected tests from the Personality category for Assignment 1 and discussed the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventoryā€“Adolescentā€“Restructured Form (MMPI-A-RF), the NEO Personality Inventory-Revised (NEO-PI-R), and the Million Clinical...

Organizational Culture and Business Success: Key Insights

Business success and a high level of organizational performance are usually typical of the companies with a healthy internal environment and a harmonious organizational culture. At the same time, an unhealthy internal climate can lead to a variety of problems that are likely to spread to multiple levels and produce...

Effective Strategies for Reducing Healthcare-Associated Infections

Introduction Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are common in many hospitals. Such infections tend to affect the health outcomes of different patients. In order to deal with these infections, healthcare practitioners should embrace various behaviors and practices (Iglehart, 2013). This essay uses the ideas gained from the ā€œPartnering To Healā€ video to...

Emergent States and Failure of Transnational White Brotherhood

Introduction Reynoldā€™s 2008 book Drawing the Global Colour Line: White Men’s Countries and the International Challenge of Racial Equality details how whiteness impacted the world by inadvertently, creating borders, immigrants, and the global color line. This historical piece stands out because as opposed to giving a blow-by-blow account of proceedings,...

Wisdom in Plato’s “Apology”

Introduction The Platoā€™s Apology gives an overview of Socratesā€™ speech which he delivered while in the court of Athens ā€“ the court was deliberating whether or not to put him to death due to his practices. As explicated by Tanner, Socrates was charged with corrupting the youth, combined with his...

Major Changes in Health Care Sector for Improvement

Policy Analysis A health care reform involves plans and actions which are implemented to achieve a desired goal within the health care system to improve the current healthcare. An elaborate health care reform describes a detailed procedure for obtaining maximum health benefits for the people. Alternatively, it discusses major changes...

Impact of Social Media on Face-to-Face Communication in Retail

Introduction It is clear that social media play a significant role in a contemporary person’s life. The study that we conducted was aimed at understanding the correlation between face-to-face communication and communication via devices and social media between people while they were buying things in big shops. This paper goes...

Good Faith by Jane Smiley: Real Estate Ethics in Fiction

Introduction The book ā€˜Good Faithā€™ by Jane Smiley is a master piece that brings out ethics in real estate using fiction in a way that not only entertains, but also very educative. According to Roulac (41), real estate ethics is one of the things that have been ignored by many...

World War II Effects on American Women and Minority Groups

Introduction During the Second World War, soldiers had to fight on foreign land in hopes of victory. Meanwhile, on the home front, people had to continue living their lives and working in accordance with the new reality. Due to increasing labor demands during times of war, family problems and burdens...

Christian Evidences of Jesus in the Bible

Many people believe that Jesus did not exist, but for my friend, I will use the Bible verses to prove that he existed. I will explain to him how the Bible provides us with numerous verses that support the existence of Jesus Christ. For example, in Matthew 1:1-17, we read...

South African Special Forces Against Special Operations Theory

Background The South African Special Forces Brigade, or Recces, refers to South Africa’s principal special operations unit, specializing in unconventional warfare, counter-insurgency, direct-action operations, long-range reconnaissance, special operations, and hostage rescue. The brigade has two active-duty units: 4 Special Forces Regiment, headquartered in Langebaan and focusing on marine operations, and...

The Opponents of Virginiaā€™s Massive Resistance

Introduction The dissertation focuses on discussing and analyzing the various political forces that came into prominence in Virginia after the Brown v. Board of Education ruling. In particular, it discusses the political moderates and their gradual change from allowing desegregation to actively campaigning against it. Noted in this process is...

French Revolutionary Terror and Political Weakness

Introduction It is important to note that the French Revolution was an event of historical significance that shifted the course of humanity. It is undeniable that it marked a major change and transition in the power distribution from monarchies and aristocracies to the common folk. However, the revolution also had...

Attraction-Selection-Attrition and Social Cognitive Theories

Introduction Personality determines the different forms of human behaviors and abilities; hence, it is important for success in an organization. Personality is the most important element that human resource managers consider in the recruitment process. Different roles require disparate kinds of skill sets and aptitudes, all of which are attributed...

Discussion of “Bravo Two Zero” Patrol in Iraq

Introduction During the First Gulf War in January 1991, a troop of British Army Special Air Service (SAS) landed in Iraq having a particular task in intelligent service. Bravo Two Zero was the code-name of the SAS operation. According to one of the theories, the patrol targeted to destroy Scud...

Health Care Reform: Eliminating Disparities & Enhancing Nursing Roles

Introduction The reform of health care delivery in the U.S. is aimed to eliminate health care disparities and provide cost-effective and qualified care to diverse socioeconomic groups of the population. Therefore, the roles of the registered nurses and their practice are expected to change significantly in the future. The purpose...

Review: Formisano’s ‘The Tea Party: A Brief History’ Analysis

Introduction Formisano is an American political historian and the author of the concise book, The Tea Party: A Brief History. This compilation is one of the books that broadly talk about the Tea Party in the history of American politics. The books mainly talk about the rise of the Tea...

Fast Food Consumption and Obesity Severity: Key Findings

Introduction The research article written by Ginni Garcia, Thankam Sunil, Pedro Hinojosa (2012) is aimed at examining the relationship between the severity of obesity and the consumption of fast food. The scholars attempt to determine the influence of various behavioral factors on the degree of obesity. This is the main...

Is PCR the Most Important Invention in Molecular Biology to Date?

Fridell (2005, p.8) defines Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) as a scientific technique that is applied in molecular biology to amplify a single or specified number of DeoxyRiboNucleic acids. In addition, Park (2004, p.587) claims the PCR technique is used to produce a large number of copies of a particular specific...

Learning from Other People: A Key to Personal Growth

Education is considered to be necessary in bringing up an individual, a personality. Alongside with commonly accepted traditional education, there exists nontraditional one. Surely, their conceptions and methods are different. Both are trying to make its system as effective, as possible, but there can be no perfect educational system. One...

Mental Health Challenges Among Native Americans: Barriers and Solutions

Abstract Native Americans tend to acquire mental illnesses more often than other cultural groups that live in the USA. Suicide and depression rates among these indigenous peoples are growing. Native Americans are reluctant to seek help in medical facilities due to distrust and lack of awareness of the Native context...

Concert Review: Misha Dacic’s Masterful Piano Recital

Introduction Hearing a great pianist in a recital is an excellent experience. On 10th July 2015, I had the opportunity to attend a concert. The lead musician was Misha Dacic. The experience I had was fulfilling, Misha Dacic is very intense plain and powerful pianist. The following is the report...

Role of Higher Education for African American Women: A Mixed-Methods Analysis

Abstract The mixed-methods approach is effective to be used to conduct the evaluation of the social or education program. The data analysis stage referred to the research on the role of higher education for African American women consists of such steps as the analysis of the secondary data, the analysis...

Cold War-Era’s Influence on the World

Introduction The twentieth century witnessed several major conflicts that affected the whole world. World War I and II led to the creation and destruction of entire countries, political regimes, and alliances. The events following the end of World War II (WW2) ushered the new era which gained the name of...

Ethical Autism Research: Volunteer Participation and New Assessment Tools

The study was approved by an Institutional Review Board as it is a requirement of the journal where it was published. Notably, the article is peer reviewed. Though it is not explicitly stated that the informed consent was obtained from subjects, participants were volunteers and competed questionnaires where ethical issues...

EPAā€™s Role in Enforcing US Environmental Policies

Executive Summary The United States environmental policies are a set of federal government acts aimed at protecting the environment from the ecologically hazardous actions of the citizens. Lawmakers in the US have created many policies and federal agencies to handle environmental affairs. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is...

An Advice to a Client on Advertising

Introduction Advertising is a marketing communication channel used in most contemporary business transactions. It is applied to promote and sell merchandise (Armstrong 2010). When an interested party sees an advert and opts to buy the product, they enter into a contract with the seller. A contract is considered to be...

The Issue of Environmental Degradation

Introduction In the modern world, environmentalists are divided over the best way to conserve the environment. Some claim that the corporate world or the private sector should be given the responsibility of ensuring that the environment is safe while some are of the view that the government should always take...

The Great Railroad Strike of 1877

Introduction The Age of Industrialization brought prosperity, modernity, technology as well as new threats are never seen before. The new technology, as well as new ways of creating products and services, created problems in various industries that are difficult to anticipate and, worse, extremely hard to solve. One of the...

Evidence-Based Nursing: Improving Medical Results

Receiving accurate results is important for any medical worker, but with the evidence-based nursing fidelity of the results could be improved. As Brown (2013) points out, professional care providers should always consider what parts of practice can be performed better and how it will help the patient (p. 286). For...

Electronic Health Records and Quality Improvement in Healthcare

Introduction There is an enhanced need for healthcare coupled with nurse staff shortages leads to poor documentation and maintenance of patient health records. In recent years, several hospitals have implemented electronic health records (EHRs) as a part of quality improvement efforts to enhance care quality (Rojas & Seckman, 2014). The...

Pressure Ulcer Prevention: Comparing Protocols and Standard Care

Abstract In the contemporary health care setting, pressure ulcers pose a serious health risk for individuals who cannot move on their own. Pressure ulcers may lead to severe complications and highly adverse conditions, and in some casesā€“even to a lethal outcome. Therefore, it is paramount to develop methods for more...

Transactional vs. Transformational Leadership Models

Introduction Effective leadership is integral for the successful completion of activities carried out by a number of people. By definition, leadership is the process by which a person makes use of the support of others to accomplish set objectives. The role of effective leadership cannot be overstated in modern society...

Healthy Food in U.S. Schools

Introduction Dining habits have a huge impact on the proper functioning of the human body and mind. Certain foods stimulate the body to function at an advanced level while others slow down thinking processes and initiate the accumulation of unhealthy fat in the body (Duyff 466). According to nutrition experts,...

Environmental Health Promotion in Nursing

Abstract In the 21st century, the issues of environmental health and the health effects of environmental climate change became a pressing matter for the international health community. Climate change, natural and human-made disasters, as well as the pollution of water, earth, food, and air has the potential of dramatically increasing...

Understanding Dyslexia: Slower Speed of Information Processing

There is no doubt that complicated systems cannot exist without numerous problems that occur when some of their tiny parts are unable to perform their functions properly. Speaking about the most complex systems that exist in our world, it is necessary to pay focused attention to the human body that... Expert Web Design Firm in Georgetown

Overview of the Organization is a web design firm in Georgetown. The firm specializes in Drupal development, web design, and internet marketing. The company boasts of a competent web development team. The company supports its customers using powerful modules, themes, and interactions. Inclind has been producing admirable Drupal websites...

The Role of Discourse Markers in Modern Communication

Discourse markers Discourse markers are elements that are applied in communication to enable conversations to become more articulate. However, the particles augment insignificant meanings in rephrasing the expressions (PovolnĆ”, 2012). For instance, elements including oh, well, now as well as you know are some of the syntactically autonomous words. In...

The Pursuit of Knowledge in Human and Natural Sciences

Introduction Disagreement is rarely considered as something positive. It is rather viewed as an annoying obstacle standing in the way of oneā€™s learning process, which is rather sad because, in some ways, disagreement can lead to several fruitful results.Ā Nevertheless, the role of argument in a conversation is often diminished. In...

Addressing Medication Errors: Research Implementation Plan

Introduction The problems of medication error and issues about drug reconciliation play a highly adverse role in the contemporary medical care setting. It is stated that adverse drug events take place in the percentage of cases that fall within the range from 5% to 40% for hospitalized patients, and within...

Daughter and Cleante: New Depth in Moliereā€™s The Imaginary Invalid

Classic plays are extremely hard to stage, mostly because they have already been performed a number of times to the point where they seem to have nothing new for directors to explore. However, every new staging of any Moliereā€™s play reveals new depth in the authorā€™s genius and provides the...

Improving CRU’s Customer Satisfaction: Recommendations

Executive Summary As a manufacturer and retailer of desktops, laptops, notebooks, and tablets, CRU experiences the challenge of satisfying its customers. To improve customer satisfaction, CRU undertook a study to determine factors that influence customer satisfaction so that it can leverage them. Therefore, this report analyses the current degree of...

W. Kymlickaā€™s Insights on Human Rights and Cultural Protection

Introduction The need to ensure every human being enjoys his or her rights has pushed societies to establish institutions that promote the realisation of this goal. Some people argue that evolution has pushed people from living in jungles to civilized societies. This essay is an assessment of Will Kymlickaā€™s argument that...

Nursing Intuition in Trauma Assessment: Cork’s Article Analysis

It is evident that skills and professionalism of nurses are decisive for care process and, as a result, patient outcomes. Nevertheless, sometimes nurses have to apply intuition in their work. In the conditions of an emergence care unit, emergency charge nurses need to make sound decisions to activate a trauma...

Construction of the Identities of the Muslim Women

Abstract Muslim women in the US face a number of social problems when attempting to fit in the American multicultural societies. As the number of Muslims increase in the US, the cultural diversity of the Islamic societies tends to expand with time, increasing the need for studies that focus on...

Agile Methods: Benefits and Drawbacks of Agile Software Development

Introduction Software engineering is the activity aimed at developing software programmes and applications appropriate for those programmes with regard to compatibility and usability of programmes by different audience including software developers and ordinary customers/users that purchase and upload these applications for personal use only. Every time a specific programme should...

Contract Law: A Claim Against the Subaru Dealership

Introduction According to Khoury & Yamouni (2010), a contract is a ā€œlegally binding agreement that intends to formalize an agreement made by two or more parties and is legally enforceable if it contains the elements of a valid legal agreement. In case of a breach, a legally enforceable contract usually...

Compassion Fatigue: Understanding Secondary Traumatic Stress

Compassion fatigue (sometimes known as secondary traumatic stress “STS”) can be defined as a type of condition that normally impacts people that work with trauma victims, patients in psychiatric wards or first responders in accidents wherein there is a gradual “lessening” so to speak of that individual’s capacity to express...

Clinical Uses of Ultrasound

Introduction The use of ultrasound in the field of medicine is one of the myriads of examples of the practical applicability of physics principles. Its use in this field actually began in the early 1930s and it has continued to advance in leaps and bounds. Ultrasound is actually a high-frequency...

ā€œWarrior With Trophy Headā€: Analysis of the Piece of Art

Introduction Ancient people have not left a wide range of resources about their lifestyle. Modern people know a measurable number of written memorials, so archeological artifacts appear to be the most informative method of acquiring knowledge about ancient cultures. They involve architecture and sculpture, which specifics can be helpful in...

Interest Rate and Investment Statistics in 2000-2020

The dynamics of investment in the country’s economy is determined by the influence of a number of factors, among which one of the main is the change in the market interest rate. The Central Bank, acting on interest rates using monetary instruments, has the ability to stimulate or restrain investment...

Comprehensive Overview of Cancer Diagnosis, Staging, and Complications

Introduction Cancers are diseases that result from abnormal cell growth. Diagnosis involves the use of blood tests, CT scans, endoscopy and x-rays. Cancer may be categorised into different stages and this is important during the planning of treatment and management of the disease. These stages are described depending on the...

History of the Upper West Side

Geographical location The Upper West Side neighbors borough and Manhattan in New York City; it is located in between Central Park which is on the eastern side and the Hudson River which is located on the western side, above the West 59th Street and below 125th Street. The region covers...

ā€œHow to Read the Bible for What Itā€™s Worthā€ by D. Stewart and G. Fee

Summary ā€œHow to read the Bible for what itā€™s worthā€ written by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stewart is a modern-day revolutionary text that goes into depth describing various aspects of the Holy Bible including the text, its meaning and application in the modern age. The book covers the different chapters...

Theoretical and Practical Skills Acquired During Training as a Manager

Introduction To assess my learning outcome with the functionality of an effective manager, I have worked with my independent group of networks. To identify my skills, I have practiced with three key competencies, such as motivation, leadership, and communication skills of a manager. Robbins & Coulter (2002) argued that management...

“The Peopling of British North America” by Bernard Bailyn

The book The Peopling of British North America by Bernard Bailyn presents unique facts and data, discussions and arguments which show that the Frontier has ag reta impact on American history and development of the nation. A frontier line determined lifestyle and culture, language and religious uniqueness of settlers. As...

Caspian Region Situation in “The Oil and the Glory” by Steve LeVine

Introduction The current report is the analysis of the core themes of the book The Oil and the Glory: The Pursuit of Empire and Fortune on the Caspian Sea written by Steve LeVine against the background of the ā€œGreat Gameā€. This book is of great value taking into consideration the...

Worker Organizations During the 1st and 2nd International

The second part of the nineteenth century was pivotal for world history. The colonial structure of the world that had been formed by that time and division of labor became global. The world economy of that period was characterized by the situation when the production of finished goods was concentrated...

North American Free Trade Agreement and Employment

Has NAFTA Resulted in Lower Employment in U.S.? The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is a trading block comprising of countries that makes up North America. It mainly comprises of member states Canada, Mexico and the United states. It is claimed to be the largest trading block that exists...

Bachata Music and Drivers Behind Its Popularity

A review of a previously completed essay on Bachata music highlights an idea that requires a deeper analysis. Scholarly sources providing insights on the origins of Bachata music seemed to suggest that the popularity of Bachata music was hindered due to the vulgar words in the lyrics and the sensual...

Climate Change Policies and Regulation

Introduction The current changes in climate patterns have attracted attention from researchers and institutions as they endeavor to formulate and implement policies. However, the debate on climate change has been controversial with some people supporting the idea of human activities as the core source of the change while others are...

Mental Retardation: Characteristic of Apert Syndrome

Apert syndrome is a rare genetic disorder, which is characterised by a broad range of physiological and emotional symptoms. According to the National Organisation for Rare Disorders (2012), Apert syndrome incorporates numerous signs and physical complications: skull abnormalities, brain deficiencies, a range of mental problems such as profound retardation, and...

Packaging in Marketing, Food Safety, Environment

The issue of sustainability has become a major concern of businesses and consumers over the last decade. The awareness about the sociological, institutional, and economic aspects of the country’s environmental impact is a part of today’s political agenda. A broad range of measures must be taken to ensure that businesses...

The Masculine Role in Advertisement

Introduction The global advertising industry is growing rapidly with advertisers adopting new phenomenon in the advertising of either goods or services. Primarily, advertising sought to create awareness of certain products or new services initiated by companies, thus performing an imperative role as a marketing strategy of great competitive advantage. Internationally,...

Should the Federal Government Legalize the Use of Marijuana?

Introduction Although there have been numerous attempts to make the Federal government to decriminalize the use of marijuana, because of numerous benefits that are associated with this drug, to date, it has maintained its hard stand as stated in the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Therefore, because of the power...

Socrates and Krishna Teachings

Introduction In the history of philosophy, Socrates is arguably one of the greatest thinkers that have ever lived. From Platoā€™s accounts, the Socratic method of philosophizing and teachings on how to live are so revolutionary that Athenian leaders see him as corrupting young minds. Though he claims to have no...

Using Social Media and the Internet for Government Transparency

The objective of this memo is to analyze the effectiveness of the government using social media and the Internet to ensure transparency in service delivery. In the past, print media has been the most preferred mode of communication between the government and the citizens. However, this preference has changed with...

US Executive Power Crisis and Constitutional Debate

Introduction At the moment we could observe a certain crisis of executive power in the USA. The last elections split the US society into two camps and differences in mentalities and points of view became evident. Being elected by the majority of people, the President still does not possess the...

Review of Hook & Spanierā€™s American Foreign Policy

Structure of the Book and a Summary of its Contents This paper is a book review of American Foreign Policy since World War II, by Hook and Spanier (1). An acclaimed literary work, researchers have used the book in educational and political fields. It has only two parts. The first...

Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism

Introduction The book, Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism by Alvin Plantinga, explores various questions on the three broad areas of life. The author borrows heavily from previous works to bring up a provocative argument that atheism conflicts with science while theism does not. The book is...

Mongol Invasion and Its Effects on Russia

Introduction The impacts of the Mongol conquests have been discussed by many researchers who study medieval societies. The territory of the modern-day Russia was a part of the Golden Horde, and this control had profound implications for the development of this state as well as other countries such as Ukraine...

Challenges Faced by African American Families

Abstract African American families experience numerous obstacles that emanate from social, economic, and cultural issues. Drug abuse, unemployment, poverty, incarceration, single parenthood, cultural norms, and limited access to a good education are some of the main obstacles that African American families face in the United States. In the obstacle of...

Richard Posnerā€™s ā€œThe Little Book of Plagiarismā€

Introduction Richard Posnerā€™s book, The Little Book of Plagiarism, provides an explicit, concise, and explorative issue of plagiarism, which has been bedeviling the socio-cultural landscape in the fields of art, music, literature, and film. The widespread media punditry has been catalyzed via increasing theft of intellectual property by renowned scholars...

History of Colonial Mexican Society and the War of Independence

Spanish language now is one of the most spoken languages all over the world. Great number of people in different countries and continents speak it and consider it to be their native language. The reason for such a great popularity lies in the history of Spain. In past time, it...

McCulloch v. Maryland: Law Case Analysis

The widely-known McCulloch v. Maryland case was read by the Supreme Court at the beginning of 1819, with the decision made in March of the same year. The case was based on the fact that in that period, the Second Bank of the U.S. was a permanent establishment that created...

Abortion Clinical Access in the US: A Policy Analysis

Introduction Abortion clinical access is one of the major current policy issues in the United States. Abortion clinical access refers to the ability of women to have access to safe and affordable abortion services on demand (Saurette & Gordon, 2015). The debate about abortion access has attracted the attention of...

The Fifth Element: Gender and Sexuality in Cinema

Introduction The topics of sexuality and gender have been extensively explored by researchers in the last two decades. Indeed, the universally known and accepted notions of cinema and sex have developed in tandem, affecting societyā€™s perceptions about sexuality, sexual identity, gender roles, social behavior, and politics. Furthermore, these notions have...

Hearing Loss & Ear Pain Post-Diving: Tympanic Membrane Analysis

First Patient: Tympanic Membrane Concern The first patient appeared to the hospital complaining of temporary hearing loss and pain in the ear. The patient is 33-years old male. He said that he noticed the problem around one week ago when he returned from his scuba diving weekends. Except for hearing...

Reviewing Leadership: A Christian Evaluation

Abstract The concept of leadership has been examined by many philosophers, sociologists, and theologists throughout history. Various styles and forms of leadership have been described, and several approaches to leadership have been proposed by scholars over the years. The topic of leadership has attracted the widespread attention of writers who...

Disciple-Making Activity in the Local Church

Introduction The Great Commission sent out the apostles to make disciples, but not to build organizations (Matthew 28:18-20, NIV). This is a fact that the modern church needs to keep in mind in the course of its activities. Making disciples is an activity that has changed greatly since the time...

Discipleship, Healthy Church, and Their Goals

Healthy Church as the Goal for Discipleship For a church to be spiritually healthy, the main ingredient is a close-knit community of believers, which has all the properties of the body of Christ. Disciplesā€™ healthy interactions also work outside the realm of the church as individuals continue to influence nonbelievers....

“Planting Missional Churches” by Ed Stetzer: Summary and Critique

Summary The book under analysis was written by Ed Stetzer and entitled Planting Missional Churches. The author provides valuable insights into the process of planting evangelist churches. Stetzer sheds light on various aspects of the project including finances, location, preaching, worship, spirituality, congregational formation, and so on. The book contains...

Representative Democracy and Its Crisis

Introduction Representative democracy is based on the principle of electing an individual or official to represent a group of people. The concept is often referred to as indirect democracy. The elected officials are charged with the responsibility of safeguarding the welfare of the electorate. They should be answerable to those...

European-Native American Relations

The era of the European exploration and colonization of Americas is attractive for many researchers because investigations in this field allow discussing the origin of the mixed American culture. The traditional discussion of this topic is based on the idea that new settlers changed the life of North Americaā€™s indigenous...

Costume Design in the Soylent Green Film

Introduction One of the most outstanding examples of an American ecological dystopia is the 1973 film Soylent Green, produced, directed, and edited by Richard Fleischer, Walter Seltzer, and Russell Thacher. It is based on the plot of a 1996 book by Harry Harrison. To craft this exciting tale, the director,...

God’s Laws and Gospels Relationship

Introduction In the Old Testament, God gave different laws to guide people on how to lead an acceptable lifestyle under the standards of moral behaviors. Additionally, the laws were meant to point to Godā€™s purity and expose peopleā€™s sinful nature. As such, all the 613 commandments in the Old Testament...

Mary Cassatt’s “The Reading Lesson”

Introduction Art has always been a matter of burning discussions and debates over their origins and meanings. Moreover, the art works: murals, paintings, sculptures always symbolize the time frames and culture they were created within. It is a pleasure to introduce Mary Cassattā€™s painting The Reading Lesson that symbolizes Cassattā€™s...

The Rape of Nanking

Introduction War is the largest evil ever to have been invented by human beings. All the rage and horror of war is usually manifested in the treatment that civil citizens of the contesting countries get from their rivals. This aspect of the World War II stands no criticism as far...

Christian Disciple, Obedience, and Teaching

Introduction According to Christianity, being a disciple of Jesus Christ puts a follower in privileges and blessings that the world in its entirety cannot offer.Ā It is worth noting that the Christian faith is based on the transformation of the world through the spreading of the truth and preaching about Godā€™s...

Slow Food Movement in USA

Introduction The Slow Food movement started in the middle of 1980s by Carlo Petrini as a protest against the fast food industry and the call for returning to the traditional healthy eating habits. Founded in Italy, the Slow Food Movement spread rather quickly to Greece and then all over the...

Hendrick Avercamp, the ā€˜Mute of Kampenā€™ Artist

Known as the ā€˜Mute of Kampen,ā€™ Hendrick Avercamp was a non-verbal artist of the late sixteenth-early seventeenth century who specialised in writing winter scenes. His depictions of the Dutch winter have been highly appraised by patriots because they realistically depicted the daily living of the newly-created Republic of the United...

The English Civil War: The Major Cause

Introduction When studying the factors that might have led to the English Civil Wars, it is essential to consider that the conflicts did not begin as a revolution. The individuals who were actively involved did not wish for replacement of the Monarchy. Conflicting attitudes towards the royal power as well...

McDonald Corporation: Company Marketing Strategy

Terms of reference McDonald’s has started its journey in 1940 and they formed the McDonald Corporation in 1955 in California, USA with tremendous customers and worldwide goodwill (McDonald Corporation, 3). This paper has focused on Strategic Marketing Plan for McDonald Corporationā€™s brand the Burger King Corporation. Amongst scores of product...

Race and Ethnicity in Contemporary Art

The matters of race are still of considerable importance in todayā€™s world. While the age of colonialism is over, the increasingly globalizing post-colonial world introduces new racial and ethnic hierarchies on both domestic and worldwide scale. Contemporary art reacts to these developments and mirrors them in the works of such...

Cahokia People, Their Culture and History

The Cahokia Native American tribe and region are one of the most prosperous and extensive pre-Columbian civilizations on the continent. Recent archaeological discoveries have uncovered significant revelations regarding the sheer size of Cahokia and its numerous cultural and anthropological features. For its time, Cahokia was a complex and cosmopolitan city,...

Aspects of Cross Cultural Communication

Introduction We live in the world that is inhabited by millions of people who exist under different conditions and in different environments. We also live in the world that is characterized by the extreme diversity of landscapes and weather conditions. These facts could not but impact peoples mentality and the...

Ancient Egypt: Head of Colossal Statue of Ramesses II

Formal analysis The head of a Colossal Statue of Ramses II is a bust of Pharaoh Ramses II, one of the most successful kings of the ancient Egyptians. It is one of the series of colossal objects that were used to decorate the front part of several rectangular pillars making...

“Technics and Civilization” by Lewis Mumford

Tombstone Title of the book: Technics and Civilization. Author: Lewis Mumford. Publisher, date of publication: Routledge & Keagan Paul Ltd., 1934. How the book was obtained: The book was obtained using an internet search. It was found in the form of a PDF. Authorā€™s Background Lewis Mumford was a world-renowned...

“A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies” by Bartolome de las Casas

ā€œA Short Account of the Destruction of the Indiesā€ is a book written by the Spanish Dominican friar, BartolomĆ© de las Casas, in 1542. The short account describes the events that occurred in the Indies in the fifteenth century. It is about the mistreatment of Native Americans in colonial times...

Colonialism and Post-Colonialism in the Middle East

Introduction The contemporary Muslim states in the Middle East represent a wide variety of social, political, and religious structures. Currently, there are over fifty of these countries with different economic and political status, some of them being secular, religious, monarchies, or democracies. Examining the history of the development of the...

ā€œThe Sound of Musicā€ Opera Review

Introduction The world of beautiful is larger when it is accompanied with the art of music and its implementation in opera. The concerts provide a spectator with an appropriate aesthetic pleasure maintained in the manner of singing and performing events on the scene. More efforts are made to make a...

The LGBT Community Theoretical Framework

Introduction The study of social movements has evolved over time due to the frame theory. Various social movements have occurred in the past and others are expected to emerge in the future. Similarly, these changes in social movements can be attributed to the shift in theoretical frameworks, which explains the...

Discipleship in Christianity and Its Five Stages

Introduction Discipleship is a core element of Christianity and it enables believers to start their journey in the companionship of Christ. Nonetheless, before embarking on a journey someone needs to be aware of his/her current location in relation to his/her destination. In this scenario, discipleship will be addressed as a...

Case of Salomon v Salomon & Co. Ltd

Background Salomon v Salomon Co. Ltd case has gained importance as it was the case recognizing the corporation as a distinct entity from the persons constituting the company. Salomon was carrying on the business as a leather merchant and boot manufacturer for quite some time. At a certain point in...

“Banquet” by Jan Davidzoon de Heem

Dutch 17th century still lifes represent a felicitous confluence of artistic talent, religious freedom, societal support, disposable income, and plentiful subject matter. The apparently static, but faithfully depicted, arrangements of objects express a startling range of themes and messages. They reflect the cultural, economic, and scientific achievements of their time,...

Life and History in Ana Mendietaā€™s “Imagen de Yagul”

Introduction The second half of the 20th century was a period that enriched visual arts substantially by introducing a wide range of new genres, from land art and body art to performance art. Among those who experimented with these new genres and media was Ana Mendieta ā€“ a Cuban-born American...

“The Making of a Leader” by Dr. J. Robert Clinton

Abstract The Making of a Leader by Dr. J. Robert Clinton explores the complicated nature of spiritual dynamics. The book provides readers with numerous accounts of leadership stories that are meant to serve as guidance for emerging leaders. In the first chapter of the book, Dr. Clinton describes five main...

The Influence and Effects of Colour on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Children

Introduction Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a prevalent childhood chronic condition with various implications on an individualā€™s behavior, impulsiveness, and self-control. Although ADHD is classified as a neurodevelopmental disorder, it is not a disability as individuals can adopt unique management approaches to address the implications of condition and avoid...

Colonization of South East Asia

Introduction During the 16th and 17th century Europeans were able to penetrate South East Asia. In the process they were able to control the international trade of the region1. The profits that were accrued from the exercise were taken back to Europe. These profits were responsible for the high level...

Images of Mother and Child in Mary Cassattā€™s Works

Introduction The history of the Impressionist movement would not have been complete without the name of Mary Cassatt. She was born in America but moved to Paris to study art and stayed there for life. She is known as a painter, draftsman, and printmaker. Still, she owes her popularity to...

Garbage Management and Its Impact on Public Schools

Abstract With several research articles being produced annually, waste control has appeared as one of the key environmental difficulties of recent decades. Nevertheless, there is not much research on how bad garbage management procedures affect schools. This paper will explore how ineffective waste collection procedures affect public schools. Introduction Poor...

Aileen Wuornos’ Life and Crimes

The Life of Aileen Wuornos Wuornos, whose national identification name was Aileen Carol Pittman, was born on 29th February 1956 in Rochester, Michigan. Diana Wuornos, Aileenā€™s Finnish-American mother, was born in 1939 and married Leo Dale Pittman, Aileenā€™s English-American dad when she was fourteen years old. Leo Dale Pittman was...

The Psychology of Seeing ā€“ Color Blindness

Introduction The term blindness is used somewhat misleading in the designation of certain visual conditions in which visual acuity is not significantly reduces. Color Blindness, for example, does not involve a reduction of ā€œvisual sharpness and should more accurately be called a color-perception deficiency. Color blindness occurs almost exclusively in...

Childrenā€™s Functional Health Pattern Assessment

Childrenā€™s Functional Health Pattern Assessment Functional Health Pattern Assessment (FHP) Toddler Ericksonā€™s Developmental Stage: Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt ā€“ Will (Di Leo, 2014). Preschool-Aged Ericksonā€™s Developmental Stage: Initiative versus Guilt ā€“ Purpose (Di Leo, 2014). School-Aged Ericksonā€™s Developmental Stage: Industry versus Inferiority ā€“ Competence (Di Leo, 2014). The pattern...

Mathematical Analysis for Sylender Towing

Introduction Model ship towing tests are physical simulations used to evaluate the aerodynamic properties of this process. In real-world towing, the ship is pulled by another vessel, usually an easier vessel to maneuver and gain velocity (Boat US, n.d.). During this process, the aerodynamic performance of towing is of heightened...

Counseling Session With Client With Anxiety Disorder

Client Information The subject of the case presentation is Suzana, a Portuguese-speaking middle-aged woman who may be perceived as a middle-aged Latina. The client’s occupational status is in the hairdressing industry and house cleaning for her income declaration. The patient has two children and currently lives with the children’s father...

The Bamboo Fibre Gym Clothing Marketing Campaign

Executive Summary In today’s world, more and more attention is being paid to healthier lifestyles and an improved environmental situation. In this context, bamboo fiber exercise clothing perfectly integrates all meaningful factors. According to many trends, the popularity of all sportswear types is growing with a significant increase each year....

Internal and External Motivators to an Automotive Service Technician

Toyota is an international company that manufactures and distributes cars to different regions. The organization faces dynamic internal and external outliers that influence the marketing experience. The study focused on the assessment of the automotive service technician roles and the inherent impact towards achieving the institutionā€™s goals. The research establishes...

Ship Towing Report: Mathematical Analysis

Introduction During the towing of ships on the water, a ship moves between points due to the force exerted on it by another ship; thus, towing means moving one ship at the expense of the forces of another ship. This process may seem easy at first glance, but in reality...

Parents With Pediatric Terminal Patients: Stress Management

Introduction The phenomenon of interest (POI) for this analysis is managing stress among the population of parents with children hospitalized with a terminal illness. The selected concept analysis article (CA) by Smith (2018) analyzes and devises the principles of family-centered care (FCC) in the medical setting. Smith (2018) concludes that...

Helping Save Whale Sharks

Introduction The impact of human activities on the environment is a commonly discussed theme in modern society. Although people understand how dangerous and provocative their actions and decisions are to nature, they cannot stop putting animals under threat of extinction. Biodiversity loss in species living in the ocean turns out...

Using Google Docs in Pedagogical Practice: Survey Overview

Direction of Assessment Today’s education industry is increasingly involved in the digital world, which means that effective learning without the use of computers is impossible. In fact, technology has multiple impacts on learning outcomes, and there is no denying that it optimizes responsiveness, student feedback, and engagement. The digitalization of...

The Implications of the European Union and the Pacific Alliance 2013

Introduction A trading bloc refers to an agreement between different countries that reduces barriers among member states. They can be in the form of stand-alone treaties amongst some nations or part of a regional organization. These institutions result in trade liberalization and creation between states as they are treated favorably...

Exposing Babies to More Than One Language

Introduction The idea that exposing young children to two or more languages at once is beneficial for their language development is quite debatable. The topic is opposed by both questions and evidence that prove how exposing children to more than one language delays language development. However, it is important to...

Religious Architecture of Filippo Brunelleschi

Introduction Renaissance architecture is where Filippo Brunelleschi’s name is most often associated. European countries had an influx of renaissance-style architecture during this period. The occurrence was indicative of some growth in the Roman and Greek cultures of antiquity. Classical civilizations were also evident in the architecture, which signified a revival...

Frida Kahlo: A Current Dialogue on the Artist

Frida is the most significant Mexican artist whose art captivates various viewers. This essay describes more about Frida, including her The Broken Column, The Wounded Table, Thinking About Death, and My Birth paintings. She was a painter who used her art to express the physical and mental trauma she had...

Implementing Organizational Change

Introduction Organizational development is an ongoing process intended to improve operations, attract new talent, and redesign existing models to meet the demands of all key stakeholders. Different theories and models have emerged that business leaders can utilize to improve performance. The Star Model is an outstanding tool that can guide...