Introduction Through creative programs and methods, digital technology research has had the potential to support and demonstrate that innovation advances the effectiveness of skills and competencies required to perform tasks in corporations and educational institutions. The age-based description of a child used by the Convention on the Child’s Rights as...
Topic: Technology
Words: 2285
Pages: 8
Hardly there is a person nowadays who would argue the unprecedented success of the Apple Company considered one of the most revolutionary in the world of computers. The bitten apple for a long time has been a synonym for impeccable design and quality. Apple products have become a cult for...
Topic: Apple
Words: 1938
Pages: 8
Executive summary American Airlines is the largest airline by passenger traffic in the world. A subsidiary of AMR Corporation, the headquarters of American Airlines is situated at Fort Worth in Texas next to Fort Worth International Airport. The organization operates intensive domestic and international air transport networks. The organization was...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 2274
Pages: 8
Abstract In this paper, specific conditions for palladium as well as silver deposition were determined. Also, the simultaneous, co-deposition of the same was determined for hydrazine-based solution bearing both element precursors. The electroless plating kinetics for simultaneous, co-depositions for both elements in the mixture were determined. Moreover, a mathematical model...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 2290
Pages: 8
Introduction In comparison, the number of defined contribution plans has grown in the past few years as opposed to the traditionally defined benefit plans. Additionally, many defined benefits plans have been converted to hybrid plans that incorporate aspects of both the defined contribution and defined benefit (Gale et al, 1999;...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2255
Pages: 8
Introduction Both movies Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen are adaptations of the author’s novels. The films aim to describe the history of England, where women possessed numerous issues of oppression and inequality. The movies also illustrate how greed and financial gains shape cultural norms and...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 2006
Pages: 8
Origin The Peninsula Shield Force (PSF), which is also known as Peninsula Shield, is a military union found within the Gulf region. It is the brainchild of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC). GCC is a union of five Middle East nations, namely, Bahrain, Oman,...
Topic: International Organizations
Words: 1996
Pages: 8
Introduction Since time in sundry, originality and tradition has always constituted the architectural paradigm that reflected the culture of the time. Basically, the architectural design is influenced by the innovation and convention forces that merge imagination and rationality in adopting a design paradigm in line with the events and activities...
Topic: Architecture
Words: 1982
Pages: 8
Introduction The need for self-realization is one of the leading needs of the individual. It is the root cause of human activity aimed at creating benefits for themselves and other people. Self-realization is not a single action but a process of constant overcoming of internal contradictions by a person in...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 2242
Pages: 8
Nowadays it is evident that home and host location strategies in the international system have to be considered within the global context and the current international environment. The changing world sets principally new challenges in front of the business strategy planning and targeting (Cavusgil, Ghauri, Knight, & Riesenberger 2014). The...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 1939
Pages: 8
Introduction Detroit has been impacted particularly severely by the continuing, relentless retreat in the United States, which has exacerbated the carnage portrayed earlier. Many abandoned or foreclosed residences are located in decaying communities. Official unemployment numbers in the city, which have been around 25% for an extended period, are anticipated...
Topic: Crime
Words: 2312
Pages: 8
Physical Development 1950 saw the birth of John in a little Midwest village. He had three sisters and was the sole male. For his first 12 years in Grosse Pointe, Michigan, he was a Gordie Howe supporter of the Detroit Red Wings. When he was younger, John remembered being “sort...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 2258
Pages: 8
Introduction Most devices have now advanced as a result of the development of technology. Several sophisticated devices have been introduced to assist with various tasks. Utilizing these tools to fulfill specific responsibilities within their businesses has helped many organizations advance. Robots, self-driving cars, intelligent assistants, virtual travel agents, illness mapping,...
Topic: Artificial Intelligence
Words: 2311
Pages: 8
Executive Summary Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti was a Russian translation of Committee for State Security, commonly abbreviated as KGB. The Committee for State Security (KBG), was the Soviet Union national Security agency that existed between 1954 and 1991. However; it is notable that the Republic of Belarus also uses the abbreviation...
Topic: Soviet Union
Words: 2406
Pages: 8
The concept of an institution requires that there is a mutual agreement on what kind of solutions are used to respond to the problems that arise as a part of everyday societal needs. To be more specific, the term “institution” could be related to either private or public organisms intended...
Topic: Art
Words: 2206
Pages: 8
Introduction The business strategy for the Nurofen Fever Reducing & Pain Killer product focuses on the core components that are fundamental to the product against value-added extras that are utilized to boost customer satisfaction and gain a competitive edge in domestic and international markets (Dawn 2021). Topics including the changing...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 2325
Pages: 8
Summary In 2013, a cross-sale scandal erupted from a Wells Fargo bank in Southern California. According to Corkery (2016), Wells Fargo employees opened bank accounts and issued debit and credit cards to customers without their permission. The report says that the scandal emerged after the customers started receiving the cards...
Topic: Banking
Words: 2228
Pages: 8
Abstract This paper illustrates theorist that have the same management styles and that is Kurt Lewin and Peter Ferdinand Drucker, it also analysis their background and reflect how this backgrounds influenced on the management styles. Management refers to control, governing or supervising either individuals or properties and there are various...
Topic: Management
Words: 2216
Pages: 8
Computers are becoming an integral and inseparable aspect of human lives, especially education. The use of computers has made education not only more interesting to learners but had also opened up entirely novel perspectives in education such as web portals and academic sites to name a few. Needless to say,...
Topic: Classroom
Words: 2067
Pages: 8
Introduction The world’s largest economy has been a subject of very heated debates among political and economic analysts. Why? Because recent trends in the economy as portrayed by key performance economic indicators have shown some bit of laxity in the economy as compared to earlier robustness of this economy. Some...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2464
Pages: 8
The classical time-inconsistency problem analysed by Kydland and Prescott (1977) and Barro and Gordon (1983), and followed by a large literature, is based on the following model: y = Îł (Ď€ – Ď€ ) + u , where yt is the log of output (or employment), measured as a deviation...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2081
Pages: 8
Tell Your Story Concept Policy analysis approach by Bardach is generally defined as “determining which of various alternative policies will most achieve a given set of goals in light of the relations between the policies and the goals” (Bardach, 2005). Anyway, the analysis of the political processes may be divided...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 2131
Pages: 8
Introduction Even though modern aircraft have sophisticated navigation and communications systems helping to ensure the safety of flight, they are still wholly dependent on the atmosphere, which generates aerodynamic forces sustaining them. Also, all avionics systems for navigation and communications rely on signals that have to penetrate the atmosphere before...
Topic: Atmosphere
Words: 1955
Pages: 8
Introduction According to Dehning & Stratopoulos (2003) multinational companies have experience a lot of challenges in managing most of their operations as a result of their great expansions. It has been observed that most companies have complained of experiencing challenges in accounting, inventory, marketing and sales, distribution, logistics as well...
Topic: Banking
Words: 2086
Pages: 8
Executive Summary The HYATT Hotels Corporation operates and franchises hotels, resorts, and vacation properties globally. The Hyatt Hotels Corporation, headquartered in Chicago, is a renowned multinational hospitality company with 20 well-known subsidiaries. The Company’s objective to assist individuals in reaching their total potential influences its management decisions and expansion initiatives....
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 2069
Pages: 8
Introduction Nursing homes have been one of the most critical places the older generation tends to spend the rest of their lives. During this developmental stage, care is given to people who need a certain level of medical attention that cannot be fulfilled through home care settings. In the US,...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 2258
Pages: 8
Background Study The 21st century has been characterized by a great advancement in technology and especially Information Technology (IT). The vast advancement in IT has necessitated improvements of businesses performance which have resulted to enormous expansion of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) into multinational corporations. The increased growth and expansion...
Topic: Software
Words: 2076
Pages: 8
Urgent Care centers have been around in the United States since the 1970s when they were first introduced as a more cost-effective alternative to traditional emergency rooms. In recent years, urgent care centers have become increasingly popular due to their convenient hours and wide range of services. These centers offer...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 2298
Pages: 8
Introduction The government of UAE has over the years employed fear crusades against mass communication organizations. Journalists have often been detained, jailed, or fined and at times interrogating editors as well as reporters for allegedly contravening media laws that are ambiguous. At one moment, it would be tolerable for mass...
Topic: Journalism
Words: 1969
Pages: 8
Introduction The reporting of financial information is of great essentiality to both the organization and the other stakeholders. “Accounting information is reliable to the extent that it is verifiable, is a faithful representation of the underlying economic reality, and is reasonably free of error and bias” (Young et al, 2007,...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 2081
Pages: 8
Introduction Throughout an individual’s life, certain things occur and leave one with a wound or shock that causes serious implications. These events can cause both emotional and physical damage to the body of an affected individual. Some of the activities that cause such harm include witnessing violence, accidents, a hairline...
Topic: Childhood
Words: 2184
Pages: 8
Introduction In the environment of financial review, the efficient market hypothesis theory (EMH) is a general thinking which assumes that “the existing stock prices indicate the denomination of the business according to the materials available” (Shiller 23). This theory proposes that persons trading are not in a position to receive...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1936
Pages: 8
Introduction With the endless demands that life has and the scarce resources consumers are endowed with, consumers are faced by challenges in making choices on what to spend and on what can wait for another time depending on the urgency of the need. Thus, it is important to note that...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1974
Pages: 8
Introduction The success of any business depends on its pricing strategies, competitive environment, and its scaling approach. Among the renowned companies in Singapore that consider all three factors is Chope. Headquartered in Singapore, Chope has thirteen investors including Square Peg Capital and Ant Group (Singapore restaurants, n.d.). Arrif Ziaudeen launched...
Topic: Management
Words: 2194
Pages: 8
Introduction Food deserts are regions where there are no grocery stores within easy driving distance, restricting or eliminating residents’ access to affordable, healthful food options, particularly fresh fruits and vegetables. For instance, 2.3 million people live more than one mile distant from a supermarket and do not own a car,...
Topic: Food
Words: 1940
Pages: 8
Introduction The COVID-19 epidemic has irrevocably altered the global economy and human life. There was undeniable evidence that limiting people’s freedom of movement affected business and home operations and, by extension, altered consumer behavior and spending patterns. According to Pollak et al., consumer behavior studies how people decide which items...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 2328
Pages: 8
Introduction Food deserts are geographical areas where people lack access to adequate nutrition owing to the distance from grocery shops and other economic issues. Fruits, whole grains, meat, dairy, vegetables, beans, peas, and fish are either costly or unavailable in food deserts. Urban food deserts, which are most commonly located...
Topic: Food
Words: 2083
Pages: 8
Introduction The majority of parents typically use a variety of parenting strategies, although some adhere to only one. All parents have standards for their kids’ behavior, academic progress, and observance of the law, and they base their parenting style on the way the kid behaves. Some parents indulge their kids...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 2217
Pages: 8
Introduction Bullying in schools is a complex and difficult topic, which, however, requires addressing as a sensitive issue affecting not only children but also adults. Bullying is targeted, first of all, at those who cannot fight back, who are physically weaker or who do not fit into the general system....
Topic: Bullying
Words: 2267
Pages: 8
Abstract Sustainable mobility is an important focus for many cities around the world as they look to reduce congestion and pollution. One area that is often overlooked in sustainable mobility planning is cycling. Cycling is a sustainable, low-cost form of transportation that has many benefits for both individuals and society...
Topic: Design
Words: 2316
Pages: 8
Introduction In human physiology, eating is one of the most essential processes in our life which supplies the human body with energy and mineral elements. Every epoch nation creates its own values and standards towards eating and eating habits based on cultural and economic perspectives. The beginning of the 21st...
Topic: Obesity
Words: 2263
Pages: 8
The Relationship between Low Calorie Diet Intake and Longevity Calories restriction (CR) is a new medical revolution concept developed with the major aim of treating and ultimately preventing various known and unknown causes of degenerative aging processes. So far, several funded projects have been conducted globally for the past 20...
Topic: Diet
Words: 2035
Pages: 8
Summary Web technologies are concerned with the interaction involving web servers and web clients. The data contains markup languages, programming languages and interfaces, and document identification and display standards. Web technology, in general, includes tools and strategies for web development. Web development is a wide word for the effort required...
Topic: Programming
Words: 2254
Pages: 8
Introduction Kathmandu experienced a sequence of earthquakes in the 20th century. More than eleven thousand people died during an earthquake that occurred in Nepal. Apart from the loss of lives of thousands of people, the government of Nepal was also shaken, and its political and economic positions affected. It is...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 2156
Pages: 8
Options of entry modes The decision concerning how a business gains entry to a foreign market usually imposes significant impacts on the outcomes. The options of foreign market entry modes vary by the level of the risk that they impose to the business, the control and the dedication of resources...
Topic: Business
Words: 2208
Pages: 8
Introduction Oil spillage refers to the release of hydrocarbon petroleum liquid in the environment. This is mainly a result of human activities. It is one of the greatest forms and causes of pollution. It involves crude oil spillage from tankers, platforms, wells, and drilling rigs. Spillage could also be from...
Topic: BP
Words: 2240
Pages: 8
The airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, and Exposure (ABCDE) approach is the most recognized used for patient assessment. According to Peate and Brent (2021), the approach allows physicians to visualize a patient’s clinical problem, determine which intervention is most appropriate for the patient, and begin to plan an intervention. According to...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 2035
Pages: 8
The threats of terrorism, drug trafficking and violence are forcing governments and businesses to tighten control and security measures in crowded places. Even at concerts or in schools, one can see metal detectors that check visitors to find dangerous items for society. Airports and planes are areas of increased risk,...
Topic: Air Transport
Words: 2007
Pages: 8
To begin with, a person of an artist in all times was the theme of intensive discussions in terms of high points about morality and culture. The artists usually contributed to the society’s distinct values of character and traditions. This approach also contemplates that artists differ from other people. Their...
Topic: Artists
Words: 2452
Pages: 8
Introduction The criminal justice system plays a critical role in promoting law and order. Structurally, there are three components of criminal justice: the police, the courts and the corrections. The police are mandated to protect the public, enforce the law, and arrest law violators. The courts are responsible for ensuring...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 2210
Pages: 8
Introduction Computational Theory of Mind (CTM) is widely assumed to be the primary working hypothesis in cognitive science. CTM is frequently understood as a subset of the Representational Theory of Mind, which holds that cognition is the manipulation of representation. The most widely accepted version of CTM, classical CTM, otherwise...
Topic: Mind
Words: 2247
Pages: 8
Introduction At some point in life, an individual may advise a loved one or friend to forgive and forget. However, it is often daunting when it is their turn to let go of the negative feelings. Unforgiveness occurs when married couples and family members are unable or unwilling to pardon...
Topic: Family
Words: 2323
Pages: 8
Introduction Poverty is identity in John Steinbeck’s The Pearl, and the main character Kino, a poor fisherman, manifests a transformation in his identity upon discovering a magnificent pearl, one which he believes, initially, can transform him from a poor and powerless man to a rich and self-sufficient one, beholden to...
Topic: Poverty
Words: 2193
Pages: 8
Leadership styles for different situations Autocratic leadership Under autocratic leadership, the leader has complete control over employees. Workers are not given a chance to express their views on pertinent issues affecting the organization (Biech 20). Most people dislike working under this type of leadership. As a result, a company or...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 2277
Pages: 8
The Amazon Rainforest: Essay Introduction The Amazon rainforest, the largest rainforest on Earth, encompasses an area roughly the size of the United States (the 48 contiguous states), contains most of the plant and animal species found on the planet and contributes to weather patterns on a global scale. This natural...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1928
Pages: 8
The modern-day healthcare industry and care delivery pathways are affected by various forces that present significant challenges. In general, one can define two major forces impacting global healthcare. Firstly, the technological force produces rapid transformation, creating a push for the widespread implementation of digital and information technologies in healthcare. In...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 2268
Pages: 8
Introduction Shakespeare’s drama Othello revolves around love, deception, jealousy, and eventually tragedy, which is a story of star-crossed lovers. In the play, Iago forces Othello, Desdemona, and Emilia to indulge in obscene acts to further his cunning scheme, crippling their emotional awareness as they fail to recognize the consequences of...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 2210
Pages: 8
Feminist art refers to works created during the era of the feminist movement, which began in the late 1960s and flourished in the early 1970s. Feminist art emphasizes the social and political disparities that women face. The value of this work lies in its potential to promote global understanding and...
Topic: Activism
Words: 2289
Pages: 8
Introduction The events of recent years, the assistance of European governments to terrorist organizations in the fight against even prominent political figures, prove that, unfortunately, terrorism has become an acceptable tool in the struggle for spheres of geopolitical influence. Instability circles the western part of Eurasia from the south in...
Topic: Terrorism
Words: 2215
Pages: 8
Introduction/Literature Review Cybercrime is an illegal activity that targets computer users and networks of devices for malicious reasons. Most cybercrime activities are undertaken by hackers and crackers who want to manipulate the online system to make money or for social and political initiatives. The phenomenon can be done by a...
Topic: Cybercrime
Words: 2065
Pages: 8
Michael Pollan, an investigative journalist, wrote the book In Defense of Food to educate on what humans should consume to be healthy. There are various ideologies concerning nutrition that tend to cause some misunderstanding. Contemporary beliefs and customs affect the diet of particular groups of people. Processed meals are not...
Topic: Food
Words: 2305
Pages: 8
Introduction The purpose of the current report is to brief management on the business environment for Hilton Hotel Sydney. The paper contains an analysis of political and legal, economic, social and cultural, technological, and environmental factors. The report also discusses the competitors of Hilton Hotel Sydney to identify its weak...
Topic: Hilton Hotel
Words: 2230
Pages: 8
Introduction In the modern teaching environment, finding authentic leaders that would inspire and motivate others is rare as it takes dedication and a high degree of self-awareness. The principle of authentic leadership is based on a foundation developed from moral purpose and core values that are lived each day by...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 2203
Pages: 8
Introduction Organisations are increasingly appreciating the role of global environment in their success. Moreover, corporate leaders have realised that their companies cannot function independently. Contemporary business world has become erratic, aggressive and intricate. It demands companies to re-evaluate their change-management strategies. Jalagat (2016) recommends that business leaders strike a balance...
Topic: Business
Words: 2245
Pages: 8
Welcome to our Hybrid Cars essay sample! This paper will explore how hybrid cars work, the structure, performance, and benefits of these vehicles. How Hybrid Cars Work Essay Outline The report discusses the operation models of hybrid vehicles. Various aspects of their operations have been discussed taking into consideration the...
Topic: Vehicles
Words: 2016
Pages: 8
Introduction The report elucidates the key business environmental issues of the retail supersector and two companies within its food and wholesale subsector – Tesco and Sainsbury. According to FTSE Russell’s Industry Classification Benchmark, the retail supersector may be segregated into two sectors: food and drugs, and general sectors (FTSE 2012,...
Topic: Tesco
Words: 1955
Pages: 8
Targeted Organisation The selected firm is Virgin Atlantic. Headquartered in Crawley, Virgin Atlantic is one of the leading airline companies in the United Kingdom and across Europe (Notis 2015). The company transports millions of passengers to over thirty destinations across the globe. The corporation was established in 1984 by and...
Topic: Virgin Group
Words: 2100
Pages: 8
Introduction Major changes in the global business environment have led to the decline of major players in many industry segments. The automotive industry, for instance, is experiencing a major disruption associated with the increase in demand for electric vehicles (E.V.s) and the entry of new participants, such as Tesla Inc....
Topic: Nissan
Words: 2006
Pages: 8
Executive Summary The report delves into the peculiarities of the current macro environment in Thailand. The rapid economic growth of the state that can be observed in the last several decades preconditions the increased level of investors attention and numerous attempts to enter the local market. However, the peculiarities of...
Topic: Economics
Words: 2033
Pages: 8
Introduction In the contemporary business world, competition has increased and managers have been devising strategies to enable them gain a competitive edge. One of the key strategies has been the use of information technology as a tool to enhance business operations and at the same time to reach to a...
Topic: Business
Words: 1937
Pages: 8
Introduction Consumers of handheld devices and mobile phones can benefit from the wide range of features associated with them today. Since 2007, millions of users have been able to “experience the functionality of personal computers on pocket-sized devices” (Rakestraw, Eunni, & Kasuganti 2015, p. 2). Such smartphones deliver numerous applications...
Topic: Smartphone
Words: 1973
Pages: 8
Introduction Creativity refers to the ability to come up with a unique solution that can solve a problem. Creative ideas arise in different ways and under different circumstances. Sometimes, they occur after an individual work hard to find a solution to a problem by investing all the effort and resources...
Topic: Innovation
Words: 1957
Pages: 8
Macro Environment Analysis for the Restaurant Industry The macro-environment analysis studies external forces that affect the performance of the restaurant industry in general and the proposed Russian restaurant in particular. Economic factors UK offers an economically sound environment that is good for business activity. The country has a high living...
Topic: Restaurant
Words: 1972
Pages: 8
Introduction Trauma-informed care is a human delivery service paradigm based on awareness and knowledge of how trauma impacts people’s lives, service requirements, and service usage. It recognizes and addresses the pervasiveness of trauma and supports recovery and rehabilitation environments instead of activities that may mistakenly re-traumatize. Principles of Trauma-Informed Care...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 2226
Pages: 8
Introduction Optimization of organizational activity is an essential indicator of the competitiveness of any company, especially in the face of constant global challenges. One of the tools for achieving goals is special communication skills that help improve performance in general and individual business processes in particular. Effective communication between employees...
Topic: Communication
Words: 2127
Pages: 8
Introduction In 2008, the world began the financial and economic crisis, which manifested in the form of a substantial decline in the leading economic indicators in most countries with developed economies, which subsequently escalated into a global economic recession. The emergence of the crisis is associated with several factors: the...
Topic: Recession
Words: 2263
Pages: 8
Background Choosing and pursuing a career has been an important and difficult consideration for the youth, both now and in the past. With a wide variety of available occupations, a globalized economy, and the dominance of the internet in every person’s daily life, the number of specific occupational choices one...
Topic: Career
Words: 2436
Pages: 8
Introduction An organization’s business strategy and its relationship with its internal and external environments play a major role in its success by guiding policy development and decision-making toward achieving goals. Thus, a business analysis assesses an institution’s corporate strategies to identify the need for change and design solutions that maximize...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 2286
Pages: 8
Introduction Chevron Corporation is among the top-ranked energy companies globally, with headquarters in San Ramon, California. It was founded in 1870 as a successor of the Standard Oil Company. The company mostly deals in oil and gas products with an international presence in the market’s value chain. Moreover, the corporation’s...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 1943
Pages: 8
Summary of every chapter Understanding the Importance of Boundaries Chapter 1: What the heck are boundaries? The first chapter starts with the words “Boundaries are the gateway to healthy relationships.” (Tawwab, 2021, p. 15). The chapter talks about the story of Kim, who cannot resist helping her friends, colleagues, and...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 2393
Pages: 8
Abstract Support and therapy groups can help individuals to cope with various problems, including addiction. Different support and therapy groups exist, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and family therapy. AA is a 12-step program for those suffering from alcoholism. It is not a treatment but a group of people sharing...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 2215
Pages: 8
Introduction One of the most challenging managerial responsibilities in heterogeneous organizations is handling employee behavior, especially in the absence of a uniform culture from which personnel derive values and commitment. The modern manager in any typical workplace will have to balance environmental, global, workplace, and organizational challenges, which cumulatively rise...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 2276
Pages: 8
Introduction People develop habits over time when they consistently think, experience, and act in a certain way. These habits affect not only their behavior but also their memory systems. Episodic memory (recalling experiences), Semantic memory (knowledge), and procedural memory (understanding how to do things), are regarded as implicit types of...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 2314
Pages: 8
Introduction The selected policy is Assembly Bill A5679A, first introduced in February 2021 in the New York State Senate. In December 2021, it was signed by the governor, and it became law at the beginning of 2022 (The New York State Senate, 2021). The current bill concerns the global and...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 1891
Pages: 8
Theories of Victimology: Essay Introduction As the field of criminology evolved, it primarily focused on the criminals, without looking into the victims of crime. However, understanding the role of a victim in a crime has gained scholarly respectability in contemporary times, which has given rise to theories of victimization. These...
Topic: Law
Words: 2273
Pages: 8
Rationalism vs Empiricism Examples: Essay Introduction Various philosophers have come up with different ideas to explain the concept of acquiring knowledge. Rationalists believe that people acquire knowledge without going through life experiences. They hold that some people possess innate knowledge that surpasses their level of experience, and thus it has...
Topic: Empiricism
Words: 1945
Pages: 8
Introduction Robert Gagne’s conditions of learning theory state that several existing learning levels require different instruction types. According to this theorist, there are five primary knowledge categories, including verbal information, cognitive strategies, attitudes, and motor and intellectual skills (Illeris, 2018). The philosophy mentioned above also contains nine instruction events: enhancing...
Topic: Education
Words: 2314
Pages: 8
Many important modern concerns could be related to the sphere of business which continues its rapid growth and remains one of the most significant forces of modern society. The sphere of business attracts people who want to realize their potential and improve the financial state. It results in the involvement...
Topic: Business
Words: 1973
Pages: 8
The target market for Marks and Spencer is the US retail market. The selection of the country is based on the consumer demand for retail products including clothing, food, and home products. The details provided in the consumer groups section and market overview explain the reasons for selecting this market....
Topic: Marketing
Words: 2023
Pages: 8
Introduction In the modern digital world, data holds significant value. Cybercrime is one of the biggest threats to businesses and companies strive to protect digital assets. Cybersecurity is a critical part of business infrastructure, aiming at protecting consumer data, proprietary information, financial data, and potential security threats, among others. Virtually...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 2344
Pages: 8
The Theme of the Report Supply chain management and its processes have been an inevitable challenge in most economies. A variety of managers involved in this process have already noticed that the quality of the production chain, in its most diverse points of contact, is directly associated with the speed...
Topic: Business
Words: 2612
Pages: 8
Introduction Canada is the second largest country in the world, constituting approximately 10 million square kilometers. The country covers the Atlantic, Arctic, and Pacific seas and is located in the northern portion of North America. The landscape of Canada is varied, including rough mountains, plateaus, lakes, and seas. Ontario, Quebec,...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 2273
Pages: 8
Introduction Intervention programs are intended to offer certain demographic tools and skills to cope with their conditions. While trauma is not a condition in itself, it correlates with several mental health problems that hinder one’s well-being. There are two perspectives to be considered when it comes to such outcomes. On...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 2040
Pages: 8
Introduction Transportation firm Uber Technologies was formed in San Francisco by Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp in 2009. Its founders ascribed the idea to a previous incident in Paris when they could not get a taxi. Transportation, delivery, and courier services are areas where Uber has a strong availability. The...
Topic: Uber
Words: 2247
Pages: 8
Introduction The basis of Paul’s thirteen letters is the theme of truthfulness and the appearance of Christ for the salvation of people. In addition, another topic is the redemption of the human soul and God’s grace. The famous missionary Paul of Tarsus is credited with writing fourteen of the twenty-seven...
Topic: Religion
Words: 2305
Pages: 8
Introduction Grief is a universal human experience encountered by many people at some point in their lives. It is a natural reaction to the loss of something meaningful (Harris & Winokuer, 2019). While some people can overcome grief relatively quickly on their own, others get stuck in ruminations for a...
Topic: Therapeutics
Words: 2195
Pages: 8
Introduction The policy under analysis is Section 1557 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). It has been in effect since the ACA was enacted in 2010; thus, its legality is directly related to the status of the chosen regulation. The Act represents a solid and, more importantly,...
Topic: Affordable Care Act
Words: 1811
Pages: 8
Study Background The overall objective of the proposed study is to explore the challenges SMEs face concerning supply chains and other aspects related to the UAE’s sustainable development plan. Due to the government’s long-term vision, UAE legislation has been changed; the new regulations will affect various businesses. The study aims...
Topic: Management
Words: 2225
Pages: 8
Introduction Qualitative researchers encounter various ethical issues due to the closeness and trust developed between them and the participants in their studies. These dilemmas include maintaining confidentiality, fostering open and honest communication, and guarding against misrepresentation. Ethically challenging circumstances may arise whenever investigators have to handle opposing concerns and consider...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 2240
Pages: 8
Background Humans are considered the most important beings among all the animals created as they can distinguish between right and wrong. Muslims believe humans are born in a state of purity, and as they grow, they make decisions that are by and against Islam teachings. The creator sent his prophets...
Topic: Islam
Words: 2387
Pages: 8
Executive Summary The future of Morocco’s energy supply and demand faces substantial hurdles. In particular, the country is perceiving a growth in energy consumption, which will increase the country’s dependence on fossil fuel imports and emissions of carbon dioxide. As a result of the challenges it encounters, Morocco has set...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 1879
Pages: 8
FedEx company has built its reputation through its speed, reliability, and high-quality services. By 2019, the company had been rated by Forbes magazine as one of the #35 top companies with the best employers (Dowd, 2021). The company has invested in creating new ideas that have increased its value over...
Topic: FedEx
Words: 2301
Pages: 8
Introduction The patient is a 45-year-old male presenting with a drinking problem. He works as a corporate lawyer at a local company. In this case, no clear information about his family is given, except that he has a wife who threatens to move out with their children if the man...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 1658
Pages: 8
Introduction Researchers agree that one of the most critical technologies that we have today is artificial intelligence (AI) (Brynjolfsson & Mitchell, 2017; Fadziso, 2018). It has entered various industries and created considerable potential for growth and innovation (WIPO-World Intellectual Property Organization, 2019; Bughin et al., 2018). AI has triggered significant...
Topic: Artificial Intelligence
Words: 2143
Pages: 8
Introduction The contemporary globalizing economy implies the rapid international growth of companies in all spheres. In particular, with the advancement of technologies and transportation, the management of company facilities across countries’ borders has become easier and more efficient. Such a state of affairs validates the expansion of multiple companies to...
Topic: Communication
Words: 2206
Pages: 8
Continuous development is a natural aspect of the entrepreneurial field in which the participants involved are regularly optimizing their operational approaches and combining traditional business approaches with innovative solutions to increase their capacities. Over time, some management algorithms have been transformed under the influence of new trends, and some practices...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 2205
Pages: 8
Introduction Food is a necessity that cannot be shunned in human for the purpose of good health, vitality, and survival. Hence, a business that its main product is food will succeed under the right business strategy and marketing plan since eating food is inevitable. Sangria restaurant will be a food...
Topic: Restaurant
Words: 2081
Pages: 8
Introduction Bullying refers to the consistent and deliberate actions used by individuals to undermine others. Such actions aim to cause distress and provoke the victims since they are perceived to be powerless. In schools, bullying poses a danger to young students since it creates an uncomfortable environment for them to...
Topic: Bullying
Words: 2206
Pages: 8
Introduction The years 2020 and 2021 have been marked by the ongoing novel coronavirus pandemic that has had a profound impact on various spheres of human activities. Sports entities experience additional pressure due to the high necessity of financial stability combined with severe restrictions on such activities. This report focuses...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 2125
Pages: 8
Abstract Background. The significance of oral skills in acquiring the corresponding reading abilities can hardly be overrated. Because of the need to identify the aural signals with the visual ones and at the same time connect them to the connotation of a word, students need the teacher’s support as far...
Topic: Education
Words: 1932
Pages: 8
Introduction The post-colonial literature which is also referred to as the new English literature is an art of writing that specifically targets issues to do with the process of decolonization or the freedom of people that had been previously subjected to colonial rule. These modes of writing also try to...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 2379
Pages: 8
Introduction The world is increasingly getting competitive. Firms are faced with a difficult situation of having to deal with the dynamics in the corporate world. The emerging technologies and environmental concerns are some of the factors that corporate bodies have to deal with in order to ensure smooth operations. According...
Topic: Environment
Words: 2199
Pages: 8
Introduction Background to the study The US beverages industry has witnessed rampant growth over the past decades (Spelman Research, 2003, p. 2). This is evident in the large number of domestic and foreign investors who have ventured into the industry. The core operations of the industry entail the production and...
Topic: Coca Cola
Words: 2217
Pages: 8
Introduction In light of the distinctive systems of organizations and the nuances that characterize these different development models, businesses can be viewed in the context of multiple criteria that affect growth rates, communication approaches, and other factors. As a relevant topic for analysis, technology structures, and social boundaries are essential...
Topic: Technology
Words: 2205
Pages: 8
School Information Seventy-First High School is a school that provides students the educational courses, such as Science, English, Foreign Languages, Math, History, Biology, and CTE Courses, such as Technology, Food, Public Safety, and Parenting. The school consists of diverse students from a supportive community that contributes to the school’s success,...
Topic: Internship
Words: 2261
Pages: 8
For the last two centuries, groups have been fighting for equality through peaceful protests across the globe where there has been racial discrimination. The Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) has lately emerged and drawn widespread attention from the media. Media coverage of the BLM movement frequently parallels the Civil Rights...
Topic: Black Lives Matter
Words: 2288
Pages: 8
Introduction The diagnosis of mental disorders is based on the principles of good clinical practice, including objectivity and reliability of the diagnostic examination, which ensures comparability and reproducibility of diagnostic decisions by psychiatrists with different levels of professional training and work in different countries. Using classifications and guidelines as diagnostic...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 1872
Pages: 8
Introduction The current situation in Eastern Europe has had a significant impact on the world. Since the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war, various sectors of the economy have been impacted negatively, thus tempering the normal operation of the financial institutions. For instance, financial markets such as the stock market, the...
Topic: Ukraine and Russia War
Words: 2189
Pages: 8
Introduction One of the most critical purposes of modern people is to live in a peaceful and equal world. Multiple attempts are made to establish regulations, consider human rights, and control violations at different levels. International humanitarian law aims at regulating armed conflict effects and protecting people. Despite the existing...
Topic: Human Rights
Words: 2200
Pages: 8
Introduction Veganism is a term used in reference to people with a strict vegetarian diet that excludes meat, dairy products, and eggs from animals. There is a growing number of Americans, 10%, who claim to be vegans (Norwood & Bir, 2022). The influence to conform to the vegan diet has...
Topic: Veganism
Words: 2297
Pages: 8
In “A&P,” John Updike uses Sammy’s point of view on the new generation of women to develop his new wisdom on change over tradition. Sammy, the narrator, gives us an insight into how he perceived three girls walking into a grocery store in bathing suits during the sixties. John Updike...
Topic: Literature
Words: 2143
Pages: 8
Introduction In the present day, property and liability insurance may be regarded as a common practice for the protection of people’s belongings and health. It allows individuals to mitigate the risks of property loss in the case of perils, such as fire, theft, or accident. In addition, it allows to...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 2215
Pages: 8
Introduction Emergency management is a sphere of vital importance for contemporary society due to the nature of the problems it aims to address. Today’s world can be characterized by the increased level of uncertainty within large-scale processes, which have rendered the global landscape unpredictable to a substantial degree. The range...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 2194
Pages: 8
Introduction A diverse workplace entails a variety of individual variations within an institution. Workplace diversity comprises color, sexuality, ethnicity, mental and physiological impairments, and other unique characteristics. An inclusive workforce is one where individuals with all types of diversity and impairments feel accepted and their efforts are recognized (Agarwal, 2021)....
Topic: Workplace Diversity
Words: 1824
Pages: 8
Abstract The intensive introduction of new and emerging technologies characterizes the current trend in the development of society. The following study analyzes the research results to determine the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on aviation. As computerized capabilities continue to improve and become more widely available worldwide, their introduction into...
Topic: Artificial Intelligence
Words: 2355
Pages: 8
This Google organizational culture case study analyzes the Google business culture from the management theory perspective. It considers the company’s corporate values and their benefits and problems. What is Google’s organizational culture? As this analysis shows, it focuses on a comfortable working environment and employee reward and recognition. This essay...
Topic: Culture
Words: 2057
Pages: 8
Introduction Jesus Christ is the most prominent figure in Christianity. The New Testament fully portrays his life, actions, teachings, and the legacy that remained. The teachings, specifically, have become a pillar of religious studies and illustrate the moral and ethical values Christians have nowadays in regard to having a righteous...
Topic: Jesus Christ
Words: 2280
Pages: 8
Introduction The United States proclaimed its independence in 1776, but just a year before that, there were only a few revolutionaries who strove for it. The vast majority of the Thirteen British Colonies, founded in America, wanted their rights back and the canceling of the hard responsibilities imposed by London....
Topic: History
Words: 2299
Pages: 8
Internal Promotion Vs External Hiring: Introduction Employee recruitment is one of the most critical decisions that human resource managers frequently make. They can choose between internal promotion and external recruitment. According to Buckman, Johnson, and Alexander (2018), the decision to recruit internally or externally should be pegged on the corporate...
Topic: Hiring
Words: 2271
Pages: 8
Consumer Behavior Essay: Introduction Founded in 1940, McDonald’s is the largest fast-food chain in the world with locations in more than 115 countries. It serves an excess of 69 million customers in its approximately 34,000 outlets, a situation that makes the company a global mega-corporation. The company has grown tremendously...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 2189
Pages: 8
Looking for information for your research or need to write an essay? This sample will answer questions about how Nike’s organizational culture shapes its approach to human resource management. It explores Nike’s unique organizational culture, highlighting its core features and examining how they influence HR policies. Nike’s Organizational Culture: Introduction...
Topic: Culture
Words: 2036
Pages: 8
Introduction The Pursuit of Happyness is a film that includes a wide range of psychological and organizational behavior theories. These are exemplified by character behaviors and plot points that fit within the context of organizational culture. Organizational behavior is a subset of human psychology that promotes social interaction. The Pursuit of Happyness depicts...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 2312
Pages: 8
Sainsbury’s Management Structure: Introduction Established in 1869, Sainsbury’s is one of the leading chains of supermarkets in the UK. In 2015, the company had an annual revenue of ÂŁ23,775 million, thus making it one of the leading supermarkets in the UK’s retailing industry (Sajid et al. 2015). Since its early...
Topic: Management
Words: 1931
Pages: 8
Introduction The attainment of sustainable development goals is essential to justifying significant growth across Australia. Sustainability is a multidimensional phenomenon encapsulating the apt exploitation of available resources and ensuring the proficient distribution of benefits amongst all stakeholders. Different perspectives contribute to socioeconomic advancement within a region. As an Australian indigenous...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 2287
Pages: 8
Death of a Salesman American Dream: Essay Introduction One of the main themes in the play Death of a Salesman is the American Dream. The philosophy of the American Dream originated in the early twentieth century when many immigrants came to America in search of economic opportunities and a better...
Topic: Death of a Salesman
Words: 2140
Pages: 8
Introduction There is growing recognition today of the importance of cultural differences in many spheres of life, including health care. Anne Fadiman wrote a nonfiction book entitled The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, which is the story of a young Hmong girl named Lia Lee who had epilepsy....
Topic: Literature
Words: 2294
Pages: 8
Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to review marketing strategies used by two different companies in the same industry. The assignment evaluates types of marketing, pricing, and consumer-oriented promotional strategies that these leading companies within the product group use. Sports apparel companies, Nike and Adidas have been chosen for...
Topic: Adidas
Words: 1935
Pages: 8
Euripides Euripides lived and worked in the 5th century BC; he was a tragedian whose plays won prizes at that time and appeal to the readers of nowadays. The tragedian challenged the gender ideology accepted in his society, which attracts many scholars even in the 21st century AD. The author...
Topic: Gender
Words: 1950
Pages: 8
Introduction International migration has become a choice for more individuals around the globe seeking to improve their life chances by moving between nations. Unlike early forms of migration, current international mobility is characterized by less selective conditions. Gender, ethnic, regional, and cultural disparities do not limit or determine the conscious...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 2264
Pages: 8
About Apple Inc. Founded in 1976 by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, Apple Incorporation is a multinational technology business that specializes in producing consumer goods, personal computers, servers, and computer software. The Macintosh computer, iPad tablet, and iPhone product lines are the core product categories the company focuses on. Timothy...
Topic: Apple
Words: 1714
Pages: 8
Introduction Among the rest, social media (SM) platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok have enjoyed rapid growth over the past few years, especially during and after the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Almost three billion people use social media globally. The networks have become central to the lives of...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 2206
Pages: 8
Abstract The Bible interprets sexuality and sex as the biological basis for the love attraction of a man and a woman. Physical compatibility is crucial despite the importance of emotional attachment and platonic love between two people. The more compatibility factors people have in a union, the higher the likelihood...
Topic: Theology
Words: 2422
Pages: 8
Abstract Racism may be a devastating experience. It’s been a source of pain and suffering for generations in the United States. To maintain racial segregation and a sense that people of color are “less than others,” disparities in race and ethnicity have been utilized as weapons. Since slavery was abolished...
Topic: Business
Words: 2541
Pages: 8
An assessment of the exacerbation of Asthma (Shortness of Breath and cough) provides one with the necessary experience in analyzing critically ill patients and selecting the appropriate nursing management for the condition. The problem’s process revolves around identifying the vital signs that explain the changes linked to the altered physiology....
Topic: Asthma
Words: 2274
Pages: 8
Introduction The sociological theories discussed in this paper are Technological Determinism and Actor-Network Theory. Expressed, technological determinism (TD) is the view that innovation has a significant impact on daily human life. The notion that the online world is transforming society and the economy is one example of how this idea...
Topic: Determinism
Words: 2208
Pages: 8
Introduction Health professionals need to engage in case finding, collect data, and report various diseases that could be affecting the wellbeing of different citizens. Communicable illnesses are dangerous since they spread fast and can affect more people if left unmonitored. Epidemiologists should apply their competencies effectively, liaise with different experts,...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 2280
Pages: 8
Introduction America has a very diverse culture. This is a highly cosmopolitan nation. Culture can be defined as the total behavior of a group of people, traditions, transmitted from one generation to another (, 2010, par.1). The American culture, however, includes White, African American and Hispanic. The three cultures have...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 2137
Pages: 8
Executive Summary The paper presents a healthcare leadership response plan to the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. It identifies the issue’s urgency and concludes that successful leadership is essential to get through the crisis. The democratic leadership style is the most suitable in this situation as it motivates employees and facilitates decision-making...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 2319
Pages: 8
Introduction Recently, food security has become a significant issue for millions of Americans. The problem, which required immediate action in the past, has become even more acute due to the coronavirus pandemic. According to government statistics, in 2019, 35 million Americans were facing hunger (Houseman, 2020). Among them are workers...
Topic: Diet & Nutrition
Words: 2325
Pages: 8
Introduction Behavioral management is emerging as a significant intervention in psychiatric treatment, focusing mainly on preserving order for those with clinical mental illness. In abnormal psychology, schizophrenia is seen as a severe mental condition in which individuals perceive reality in an aberrant manner. This research critique incorporates a study on...
Topic: Consciousness
Words: 2305
Pages: 8