Marks & Spencer Company’s Integrated Marketing Communications

Introduction Marks and Spencer is one of the most famous brands around the world, with its headquarters being in London – the retailer is counted amongst the most reliable and the most prestigious brand across the globe. This is originally a British brand; but has shops in around more than...

Bias Elimination in the Workplace

Introduction Managers and leaders should recognize not only the individual diversity but also cultural diversity in the work place. In an organization different sections and groups may have different cultures with different values and priorities. Today, the societies we live in have become multicultural due to the increasing cross- boarder...

Strategy Implementation in Strategic Management Process

The topic of the Research Paper The area of research is strategic management. “Strategic management can be used to determine mission, vision, values, goals, objectives, roles and responsibilities, timelines, etc” (Management faqs, n.d.). The topic selected for my research is Strategy Implementation in the Strategic management process. Abstract The importance...

Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation

Abstract The paper is a concise review of the module on new venture creation. Almost every aspect that is required of an entrepreneur is covered in this module and also mentioned in the paper. Diverse subject areas like new venture start-up risk, funding and financing of new ventures, business plans...

Competitive Advantages for Yahoo

Introduction Yahoo is an internet services provider in the global community; it has grown for a period of time now as a portal company. The company has had its share of challenges and success just like any other company in the market. The company has a huge market share and...

Organizational Management and Leadership at Hitachi Ltd Canada

Introduction Good administration is the hallmark of good management and the proper and efficient use of resources. Managers become leaders when their personality and character, their knowledge and functional skills of leadership are recognized and accepted by the others involved. Hitachi Ltd. is a leading electronic company specialized in information...

Blood Pressure Device: The Direct Marketing Campaign

Product Description The product selected for marketing is a blood pressure device. The uniqueness of this medical product is that it can be used at home and by all family members. This product can help a person to control and monitor his condition and prevent possible problems caused by hypertension...

Accounting and Finance in Business

Introduction: Need for accounting All types of business concerns require to record financial data relating to various transactions to provide necessary information to the interested groups of persons in the firm. For taking adequate decisions relating to the business firms requires an overview of their past business transactions. For this,...

Consumer Behavior for L’Oreal Shampoo

Executive summary Most consumers of shampoo are influenced by the features of the product. These features form the most important factor in determining the quality and thus affecting the consuming pattern. It is consumed mostly by the young and energetic population segment most of them who will be showing off....

Bank of Credit and Commerce International Case

Introduction When the branch offices of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) in seven countries were raided and taken control of by the law enforcing agencies in the respective countries in early July 1991 one of the major bank scams involving billions of dollars was brought to light....

Zara Company Delivering and Creating Customer Value

Executive summary This report evaluates the Zara Company and its market position and how it achieved this successful business feat. Zara is a fashion design company which produces ready to wear latest competitively priced designs to fit its customers who principally are from the mass market. The report Compares and...

Management Principles in Organization

Introduction A company or an organization usually is concerned with connecting many operations to meet particular objectives or a number of them. Hence employing many or a number of employees by an organization or organizations would be justifiable considering that each employee would be expected to concentrate on particular jobs...

Business Planning Process for Entrepreneurs

Introduction Business plan is the written description of the future of a business. It is a tool for entrepreneurs to realise their business goals. Entrepreneurs can use the business plan for coordinating the human resource personnel towards the business goals. Managers can be directed properly through well prepared business plans....

eBay: Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping

The rapid development of information technologies (in particular, the Internet) has revolutionized practically every sphere of our activity. Online shopping is a relatively new phenomenon but its influence on our lifestyle has already become noticeable; a vast variety of commodities are now readily available on the Web, consumers can purchase...

Information Communication Technology and Managerial Work

Introduction Information communication technology (ICT) essentially means technology used for communication in any situation. It can include any system or gadget that can be used as a communication tool. The telephone and the telegraph were the early examples of ICT. In a sense even the postal system is a form...

Sony Company’s International Business Strategy

Effective international business strategy prepares managers for heightened international competition. It gives them the potential to negotiate and manage firms and organizations in varying cultural settings. The strategies help the managers to be able to market their products across the continent. Managers should address international business with a discipline-based framework...

Innovation and Creativity in Management

Introduction A critical analysis of the case study ‘Photovoltaic Breakthrough’ has been performed in this paper. The case relates to frameworks and concepts of innovative management concepts at a Palo Alto Research Centre. The company was formerly called Xerox PARX and it has a very innovative product related to photovoltaic...

Strategic Organizational Communications in a Global Economy

Introduction The article in question is about formation of “organizational identities” through the organizational processes of communication. The author argues that the way in which we talk about work tells a lot about how our identity in the organization is formed as we move up the hierarchy. There is a...

Boost Juice Store in Adelaide: Strategic Management

Introduction Organizational structure can be defined as the approach in which a business is structured with regards to management and it usually determines the overall performance and achievement of an organization. Businesses are faced with a lot of challenges in there undertakings as a result of the ever changing and...

Poka-Yoke Proofing in Non-Manufacturing’ Systems

Introduction Quality as a means of creating and sustaining a competitive advantage has been widely adopted by both manufacturing and non-manufacturing organizations. This strategic stance has been fuelled by the growing attention to strategic quality arising from the international successes of Japanese and other South Eastern Asian countries. Poka Yoke...

Leadership Styles and Management in Practice

Being able to get the right direction and getting other people to follow one towards attaining a common objective, instilling a sense of responsibility in them, and obligating them to what they do, is called leadership. (Business Dictionary,2008) It can also be viewed as a vibrant correlation founded on shared...

Business Analysis: Population and Sampling Techniques

Population and Sampling Techniques Business research equips organizations with sound evidence supporting their decisions or enabling managers to develop forecasts. The exploration of employees’ attitudes towards projects, events, decisions is also an important part of big companies’ functioning since people’s perspectives have a considerable effect on organizations’ performance (Chakrabarti &...

Research in Motion Firm’s Governance and Accountability

Introduction Research in Motion (RIM), also known as BlackBerry nowadays, once was a leading designer and manufacturer of mobile communication technologies based in Waterloo, Ontario. The company’s most successful and distinguished product was the BlackBerry phone. It was among the first to provide users with access to the Internet and...

Restaurant Management: A Career Perspective

The job of a restaurant manage is one of the most varied careers in existence. It is the manager’s responsibility to offer service, food and drink to the public at a price they are willing to pay. This sounds more simple than it really is. Many people think managing a...

Target Canada Company’s Divestment and Price Wars

Introduction Divestment is the practice used to minimize unnecessary losses related to subsidiary assets and prevent detrimental effects on core businesses. As it follows from the case of Target, the company failed to stand out from its competitors when serving customers in Canada and had to give up its subsidiary...

Marketing and Research & Development in India

The article tilted Dow Chem to Turn Pune Unit into R&D Hub provided by the India Supply Chain Council reports about “Dow Chemicals plans to develop its Pune unit into a global research and development centre.” (India Supply Chain Council) The would-be center will focus on a wide range of...

Marketing Concepts of the Miller Lite Brewery Co

Miller Brewery Co is the second-largest beer company in the US, located in Milwaukee. The company was founded in 1855. In a century, the company was merged by W.R. Grace and Co. And in 1969, it was acquired by Phillip Morris. The next changes took place in 2002 when Phillip...

Organisational Cultures and Employee Engagement

Introduction Culture can be looked at as a pattern, or general ways of doing things in a community, society, or organization. It consists of fundamental values that people in the organization learned as they solved their problems of external and internal integration. These values worked well enough to be considered...

Budweiser: Industry and Competitors

Budweiser is an American-style pale lager produced by Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, a large multinational beer company with headquarters in Leuven, Belgium. The producer is investing vast amounts of money (as much as $449 million) into the marketing of the beer, which makes Budweiser the most advertised drink in the United...

SWOT Technique: General Analysis

Introduction In business, it is vital to change and adapt to innovation, and it is also crucial to be able to adequately assess the potential of these changes when developing a strategic plan for a firm. SWOT analysis is among the commonly used techniques in business that allow one to...

Exploring the EFQM Excellence Model: The ADNOC Example

The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Excellence Model has been designed for offering a holistic view of an organization since it is used for determining how various processes within companies fit together and complement each other. It is widely used by organizations across the globe and is being updated...

Voyages Soleil Tour Operator’s Hedging Decision

Case Introduction Voyages Soleil (VS) is one of the leading tour operators in Quebec. The organization has managed to establish strong relationships both with its customers and suppliers. The company’s owner Jacques Dupuis needs to decide how to manage VS’s foreign exchange obligations. Vendors accept payment only in US dollars,...

Dubailand: History and Strategy Analysis

Abstract Dubailand is one of the mega that Dubai Holding has ever taken over the past decade. Initiated in 2003, it faced financial constraints that forced the company to halt operations in 2008. The company has sourced the needed funding and the project is currently underway. The study focused on...

The Qualities of a Good Leader

Leadership is critical to many organized activities, and managerial positions always require the person to have the ability. However, the ability to lead is usually loosely defined due to the massive variety of leaders that have succeeded throughout humanity’s history. Nevertheless, scholars have been able to analyze many different leaders...

Under Armour Company’s Strategic Audit

Current Performance and Mission Under Armour is one of the leading brands in the sports clothing industry, which specializes in the invention and distribution of athletic apparel, footwear, and various sports accessories. Under Armour was created in 1996 by Kevin Plank as a result of an attempt to solve a...

Supply Chain Management and Voko-Ninja

Abstract Supply chain management (SCM) is an important organisational concept that describes all processes connected to developing a product, managing supplier relationships, working with distributors and ensuring that customers are satisfied. The broad scope of tasks and issues that SCM resolves within an organisation implies a need to use the...

Dunkin’ Donuts Restaurants’ Organizational Design

In this scenario, the author has been assigned as a district manager for five new Dunkin’ Donuts locations that will open within the next two years. The position comes with the authority and responsibility to staff, structure, and operate these facilities after they have been completed. The goal is to...

Learning from Mistakes in the Workplace

For centuries, a human mistake is regarded as an engine of progress. At some point in one’s life, an error led them to some impressive breakthroughs. The phenomenon of human error can be as well applied to trainee preparation. According to Noe (2010), this process is called “error management training”...

Supply Chain Management Analysis

Summary The process of supply chain management is concerned with the control of materials and information throughout the entire supply chain, from suppliers to the producers of components and subsequently to store shelves. Therefore, optimization is an essential factor of supply chain management that can ensure that all of the...

Consolidation Accounting in Companies: Decision & Procedure

Decision to Consolidate The decision to consolidate financial statements when a company acquires a small company is based on the general rules listed below. The acquiring company will own the majority of the voting interest. The ownership of the voting interest exceeds 50%. In either case, the company has to...

US Marketing Strategy for KFC

The utilization of proper marketing strategies is crucial for a business environment as it ensures the growth of profits, increases the market share of an organization, and strengthens brand awareness. The marketing phenomenon, which occurred when Popeye’s Chicken introduced a new spicy sandwich, can serve as an excellent example of...

Change Management Theories and Law Enforcement Change Management

Abstract No organization can avoid the need to change in the modern environment. Law enforcement organizations require additional attention from both scholars and managers because of the specifics such as managerial approaches interpersonal relationships. In addition, understanding of the internal culture is essential for enacting an adoption of new initiatives...

Managers’ Roles in an Organization: Personal Experience

Introduction The experience that I have had when playing the role of a manager in a local organization was truly priceless in terms of the insight that is provided and the lessons that I learned. As a manager, I had to pay particular attention to the controlling function, with the...

Idea Screening During New Product Generation

Idea screening is an essential step during the generation of a new product. It is necessary to select one concept that will be the center of the project from the multitude from suggestions generated during the ideation stage. Understanding the optimal methods that can be used to do so is...

Group Development Phases in Organizations

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Tuckman elaborated the group development phases to explicate the development of group members’ behavior over time. It consists of five stages: the formation stage (Forming), the storming stage (Storming), the settlement stage (Norming), the performance stage (Performing), and the completion stage (Adjourning). Consistent with Tuckman,...

Nike Internal Analysis

Introduction Nike is a world-famous brand of activewear and sportswear that was established in 1964 as a small company selling sports shoes. Today, the company sells clothing, accessories, and shoes for all genders and ages. Nike has an extended distribution chain with branded stores and distributors in most countries of...

ASOS Online Retail Company’s Customer Loyalty

Introduction Customer loyalty, as a rule, actually highlights the extent to which a consumer can devote himself or herself towards the company products and services just because of the high level of satisfaction. This refers to the consumers’ tendency to like and choose any one particular brand over the available...

Abu Dhabi Airports: Pioneering Innovations in Aviation Technology

Contemporary economic development is under the significant influence of innovation. New technologies provide companies with outstanding opportunities to improve their performance and achieve sustainability. One of the industries that benefit from technological advancement in aviation. This report focuses on innovative aspects in the activity of Abu Dhabi Airports, one of...

Strategic Human Resource Management Models

Human resource management is a critical aspect of the functioning of any company as it determines the effectiveness of the organization’s operations and quality of results. In support, certain models may provide guidance that improves decision-making and strategic planning. The CHRM framework is one such model that focuses on assessing...

Most Effective Leadership Styles in Modern World

Introduction Management is a broad and controversial topic that regularly gives rise to new theories regarding effective and ineffective management styles. The essence of leadership styles is vital for the effective work of companies and the efficient management of subordinates. In management nowadays, several styles are distinguished, each of which...

Burger King Whopper vs. McDonald’s Big Mac

Introduction Unrestricted, continuous, fast food alternatives, Burger King and McDonald’s represent the leading chains across the globe. Researchers should seek to establish the company that has cheaper, better quality, and healthier options of the two (Soo et al. 2117). It is for this reason that this paper presents a comparison...

Rayovac Corporation’s Strategy Analysis

Rayovac is a large producer of consumer batteries and lighting goods, which operates in the international market. Its history dates back to over one century ago, and extensive business experiences helped the company to achieve one of the leading positions in the American and global markets. Rayovac commenced a rapid...

American Eagle Outfitters Company’s Financial Analysis

Introduction American Eagle Outfitters is a clothing company headquartered in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. The company operates both online and offline, with 933 stores as of February 3, 2018. American Eagle Outfitters also includes the Aerie Brand, Tailgate, and Todd Snyder, which add 114 operating stores to the figure. The brand has...

Parmalat Company’s Fraudulent Financial Activities

The term cooking the books is used to describing a range of fraudulent acts that companies attempt to provide false financial statements. Usually, cooking the books is associated with exaggerating financial data to report non-existent earnings. At the beginning of the 2000s, many Fortune 500 companies have been caught improving...

Coca-Cola Company: Management Overview

Introduction The purpose of this report is to assess management’s effectiveness and efficiency in the Coca-Cola Company. According to the official information available at website, the Coca-Cola Company is an American corporation, a total beverage company, offering over 500 brands in more than 200 countries and territories. The company owns...

Publix Super Markets’ Environmental Analysis

Publix or Publix Super Markets is an American supermarket chain with headquarters in Florida. It was founded in 1930 by George W. Jenkins and it is owned by an employee that currently working in the company or has worked before. It is considered as one of the largest companies in...

Why Negotiations Fail

Introduction Negotiations are an effective way of making a good bargain or at least reaching a compromise among stakeholders. They take place not only in global politics and economics but also in everyday life when, for example, a person negotiates future wages at a job interview or resolves a conflict...

HR’s Contribution to Organizational Performance

Business performance and its evaluation The business performance evaluation is an essential part of the working process in a sustainable company. Usually, it has the form of measurement and quantification and is the first step to any improvement. The business performance evaluation aims to find the areas that require managerial...

Virgin Atlantic Airway’s Employee Treatment

Introduction Human resources are widely considered to be critical to organisational success. Companies should strive to develop a motivated and committed workforce in order to improve organisational functioning, boost performance, and successfully implement organisational changes. When planning an organisational transition, it is thus critical to acknowledge the effect it will...

Apple Inc.: Marketing Principles and Practice

If you are wondering what Apple principles and advertising strategy are or how they plan their social media campaigns, you are at the right place! Keep reading to get some inspiration for your paper with the help of our essay example. Apple Marketing Analysis: Introduction Today, Apple Inc. is one...

Nike Inc. and Adidas Group: Business Direction and HR Planning

Industry Background The sporting gear industry occupies a significant place in the business environment in Canada. The industry’s code, according to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), is 339920, which refers to sporting and athletic goods manufacturing (“NAICS Code Description”). The reason for choosing this business field is because...

Costco’s Business Strategy and Model

The current essay analyses an article by Stone about the Costco company (55). The article analyses the business development and its growing into one of the most successful corporations in the United States. It is mostly concentrated on CEO Craik Jelinek because his management is probably the reason for Costco’s...

Team Management at Amazon

Amazon is one of the leading e-commerce companies delivering various types of products to customers all around the world. The company is famous for its use of the most recent technological advances at its warehouses, but manual work is still central to the current operations. The company is also characterized...

Burger King Company’s Marketing Mix Evaluation

Introduction Nowadays, the fast-food industry is facing many challenges resulting from consumer preferences and government regulations. Big companies need to consider healthy diet trends, but, at the same time, keep in mind the costs of production. Therefore, the issue of gaining and maintaining competitive advantage becomes especially relevant. In order...

Candy Crush: How It Makes So Much Money

How Candy Crush Makes so Much Money Candy Crush is a smartphone application where the users are challenged to achieve the highest score by aligning matching pieces of candy together, within 2 minutes. Although the game is free to play, the game developers are using the “Freemium” business model by...

Navistar Company’s Supply Management

While Trimco is QS 9000 certified, its quality control procedure varies. Please find online how QS9000 certification is conducted, and develop a plan for Navistar to audit the performance of Trimco by itself (hint: you may determine whether you want to audit an area which has already been audited by...

Global and Multi-Domestic Marketing Approaches

Introduction In the contemporary world, marketing is used mainly to realise sustainable growth, to survive in the local market that is much threatened by global players and also to target international markets that have increased in influence. What is always a fundamental principle in the international market is for an...

Employee Mental Health and Workplace Wellbeing

Mental health issues are currently contributing to a high number of ailments such as stress and fatigue, all of which result in employees’ absenteeism and, consequently, poor organizational performance. Managers are bestowed with the power to create an environment that is conducive to all employees. As revealed in this paper,...

Employee’s Job Satisfaction: Emirates Group Case

Executive Summary This study aimed at examining the relationship between communication, as an independent variable, and job satisfaction, as the dependent variable. The study analyzed previous studies on communication and job satisfaction in a bid to establish any relation between communication and employee job satisfaction. Also, the study looked at...

Lego Company’s Supply Chain Management

Introduction Lego has been a global household name for quite a while. The company has introduced a line of unique toys and has become a global brand with an easily recognizable image. However, because of some of the flaws that could be defined as inherent to the company’s current business...

Chapter 5 of Steiner & Steiner’s Business, Government, and Society

Summary of the Chapter Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of the best practices in every business organization. This chapter identifies CSR as “a corporation’s duty to create its wealth using methods that enhance social welfare” (Steiner & Steiner, 2012, p. 123). The CSR idea evolved in the last half...

Armenian and International Human Resource Practices

Introduction With the dismantling of communism in Eastern Europe, former socialist countries have undergone. They will continue to undergo rapid and radical changes to virtually all aspects of their societal economy with the specific objective of modernizing their countries to catch up with those of the industrialized West. While these...

Starbucks Corporation’s Global Marketing in Italy

Starbucks faces several challenges in addressing the risk of expanding its operations into the Italian market. For instance, it is pertinent to mention that most Italians practice an intimate and personal coffee experience (Faris, 2012). To some extent, such a deep coffee culture may prove to be cumbersome for Starbucks...

Toyota Company: Organizational Learning and Solving Problems

Introduction Leadership requires detailed information to make favorable decisions. The Toyota Company recognized this and came up with strategies to provide the organization with a blueprint for leadership. The Toyota Way is a policy initiative for developing and sustaining leadership in organizations. Genchi Genbutsu Section IV of the Toyota Way...

Doha Bank Qatar’s Strategic Thinking and Leadership

Abstract The strategy is a plan that describes the course of action in the future. Strategies are adopted by organizations to help them determine their course of action in the future. The strategy needs to be flexible enough to reflect environmental factors and changes. Organizations have two environments; the external...

Marketing for Sports Brands Using Mobile Advertising

Abstract The growing intensiveness of market competition creates a new marketing challenge for sports brands. The leaders of the global sportswear market seek new ways to conquer the hearts and minds of the new and existing customers. The emergence of new media forms provides unique marketing opportunities. Mobile advertising has...

Leadership Development in Government Sector

Introduction Leadership is critical for ensuring good governance either in private or in the government sector. In the present circumstances, the government organizations are over managed; nevertheless, they are poorly led. In today’s ever-changing world, leadership issues are getting more and more prominence in managing government departments and organizations. Enhancing...

Food Innovation: Ayran Yogurt in the Scandinavian Market

Abstract The introduction of a product in a new market requires comprehensive research on its suitability, sustainability, and competitive advantage. Reflectively, the process is intrinsic of market demand, uniqueness of the production, and its value addition above rival competitors. This paper researches the suitability of Ayran yogurt products in the...

Training and Development in Business Management

Abstract Training and development are imperative aspects of organizational performance. This is because the environment in which most businesses function presently is constantly changing and is full of challenges. Most organizations have proved that training and development are crucial for an organization to meet the increasing customer demand, and face...

Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle: Reward to the Employees

Reward Reflection In this reflection paper, the researcher used Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle to analyse how reward should be given to the junior employees and top executives. Description of what happened Reward is one of the most important factors that define employees’ motivation. According to Lindenau-Stockfisch (2011), employees tend to work...

Simmers Restaurant Service Experience

Service Encounter Diary My Service Encounter at Simmers Restaurant Naturally, I am not a fan of leisure travel. However, being a middle-level sales manager in a local bank requires me to travel a lot and widely as my job entails going out there and seeking customers. But when my cousin...

Acer Computers: Company Analysis

Stan Shih along with others founded a company named Multitech International in 1976 with $25,000 and 11 employees (Acer group, 2009). The intention was to contribute to the society through sharing of knowledge and they played a significant role in popularising the role of computers in Taiwan. During the same...

Decision-Making Psychology: “Groupthink” by Janis

Introduction Before his death, Irving Lester Janis was a retired professor from the University of California and a renowned psychologist based at Yale University. Janis was a nonfiction writer and he did extensive studies on team dynamics, which led to the book, Groupthink: Psychological Studies of Policy Decisions and Fiascoes....

Situational Leadership Theory: Styles & New Employee Integration

The Situational Leadership Theory (SLT) was proposed by Hersey and Blanchard in their work Life Cycle Theory of Leadership (Hersey and Blanchard, 1969). According to this theory, there is no optimal leadership style. A leader should choose a type of behavior due to the follower’s competence and attitude toward work...

Gerber Quality Definitional Perspective

Gerber defines total quality as a process of gradual improvement in the delivery of products that satisfy consumer needs, as a mirror of its excellence (Evans 50). It is an organizational-wide effort encompassing several procedural ideas. It begins with fostering a spirit of teamwork throughout the organization. Once teamwork gains...

Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer and Communication Theory

Introduction The Internet constitutes one of the most important innovations in communication technology. Unlike traditional media such as print, audio, and audio-visual platforms, the Internet fosters two-way communication. Search engines permit people to acquire information at a swift pace by eliminating the necessity of perusing through pages, as in the...

Walmart Company’s Employment Practices

Employment practice The topic for the research is Wal-Mart’s employment practice, so the major focus of the paper will be made on it. To provide a good analysis of the topic it is important to limit it to a specific area. It is suggested that the employment practices in Wal-Mart...

PZ Nigeria Plc’s Packaging in Product Marketing

Abstract Over the last decade, the global market has greatly diversified due to the fast changing systems of consumerism and globalization. Owing to this fact, companies have found themselves at the receiving end as they try to re-organize themselves to fit in the highly competitive marketplace. This report provides an...

Warren Buffet’s and Al Gore’s Leadership Styles

A literature review of key theories of the nature and exercise of leadership in organizations Introduction Leadership related studies have for a long time attracted the attention of both academic researchers and practitioners such as organizational managers. There have been many definitions as to what exactly is meant by leadership....

Aligning Human Resources and Business Strategy

Analyze how your organization ensure/can ensure that HR strategy is fully aligned with the business strategy Human resource management is vital for any organization that seeks to add value to its employees to ensure the growth of the business. Holbeche (1999) says that in the 21st-century business environment, HR has...

Laundromat Laundry’s Small Business Accounting

Introduction Laura’s Laundromat is a registered laundry business that is located at Czech Road, Yukon Oklahoma. The business has been in operation for the last 3 years. Due to its location, the business is able to serve its target market that includes low-income tenants and busy career home owners due...

Leadership Style and Performance in UK Restaurants

Executive Summary There are different leadership styles within the UK restaurant sector. Among the predominant leadership styles within this sector are democratic leadership style, autocratic leadership style, laissez faire leadership style, and participatory leadership style. The research paper will explore these leadership behaviour orientations within the restaurant sector in the...

Participative Leadership Style and Its Benefits

Introduction Leadership styles can be defined in various ways in different contexts. Defining leadership styles is much like a lot of other aspects in life, where it would be very common to hear people giving answers that are as different and as many as there are people in the world....

Leadership Simulation Using ExperienceChange Model

Theories Employed To complete the online simulation of managing organizational change, I used the ExperienceChange Model. The model is based on models developed by Kurt Lewin, John Kotter, Edgar Schein and David Nadler (Chisholm & Warman, 2007). First, I wanted to apply Kotter’s model. The method involves the establishment of...

Cemex Cement Production and Distribution: Market Analysis

Marketing Research The cement market consists of any activity that is aimed at the manufacturing and distribution of cementitious material. Companies usually provided aggregates such as gravel and sand. Customer-specific products such as ready-mix concrete and asphalt are also part of the market. The market consists of several global manufacturers...

Ethics, Values, and Morals in Institutions

In the workplace, the significance of ethics and ethical decisions should be emphasized. The term ethics refers to the study of peoples’ conducts based on their behaviors with the aim of stressing on the right and wrong (Cady 4). On the other hand, the dissimilarity between ethical decision-making process and...

Toyota Company’s Management and International Relations

Provided that I had to represent a multinational corporation such as Toyota in negations over building a factory in a foreign country, I would ask the host government for several concessions. First of all, I would ask for tax concessions that should be offered to Toyota for at least two...

Effective Leadership Traits for Success in Contemporary Business

It should be noted that the contemporary business setting requires the presence of particular skills and character traits for an individual to be an effective leader. The leadership is a constituent element of company management that not only performs formalized guiding but also furnishes a variety of different functions depending...

Lipitor Company’s Marketing Plan

Current marketing Strategy of Lipitor Smith (2008) argued that this Pfizer, the pharmaceutical giant to whom Lipitor belongs to and Lipitor turned into blockbuster not only it’s exclusively, but also for the smart marketing, Pfizer knows how to reach to the pyramid of revenue generation with its current marketing strategy....

Different Leadership Styles Comparison

Introduction It can be assumed that effective leadership implies the presence of a variety of skills in management, which will allow it to promote and encourage the active participation of employees in the work processes. Nevertheless, the importance of effective followership should not be underestimated since it is the workforce...

Barclays Bank’s Talent Management

Introduction The productivity of a company is dependent on its ability to proactively organise its human resource management strategy. As a matter of fact, labour is a vital factor of production that quantifies the performance, output, and goal achievement with optimal use of available inputs. The Barclays Bank in Stanford...

Hard Rock Café: E-Commerce and Globalization

Hard Rock Café was established in 1971 by two Mexicans namely Peter Morton and Isaac Tigrett. Since then the café has seen numerous establishments of other branches in other parts of the world. In fact the café has several branches in every continent. The café is very popular because it...

Nestlé’s Nescafe Partners’ Blend and Fair Trade

Executive Summary Nestle is the leading manufacturer of coffee, which is the most consumed hot beverage across the world. The production of coffee involves agricultural cultivation and value-addition processes of manufacturing. Small-scale farmers in developing countries who sell their produce through wholesalers, intermediaries, and farmers’ cooperatives are the major cultivators...

Starbucks’ Corporate Culture and Innovation

The success of Starbucks can be attributed to several elements of the organizational culture. In particular, the senior executives of this company lay stress on the need for empowering employees who are also called partners. These people are encouraged to take initiatives to meet the main requirements of clients. In...

Shipping Model for Cheap Waste Transportation

Introduction Transport models are useful in cost limitation (Anderson, Sweeney, Williams, Camm, Martin, 2010). The shipping and transportation model proposed in this paper aims to limit the costs incurred in the transportation of wastes from various plants (per week). The model ensures that only the cheapest options are included. Consideration...

General Motors Company’ Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management can become another tool for improving the company’s performance. It is especially advantageous in the case of financial activities, as it has been proved that the companies that learned to exploit it effectively as well increased their revenues, became more competitive, and gained more customers. The concept...

Kelly Services Company’s Analysis

Executive Summary This business report presents a PESTEL analysis for Kingdom of Bahrain to determine external factors that influence the business environment and make recommendations for Kelly Services. The overall recommendation is to open an office in Bahrain. However, the company will have to mitigate the current political risks noted....

Leadership Development: Balancing Personal and Professional Growth

Introduction Leadership development is a broad term which encompasses various activities that make sure that one becomes a better leader either as a person or as an organization. Being a broad term, there are various ways in which leadership development can be enhanced and sometimes institutions of higher learning offer...

Apple Company’s Strategic Analysis

Introduction Apple is one of the leading multinational technology companies in the world. It was created by Steve Jobs in 1977 and had pioneered the computer industries in the 1980s. Apple singlehandedly created the smartphone industry by presenting the first iPhone in 2007. Associated with quality, innovation, and status, Apple...

Managing Organisational Change: Strategies and Case Studies

Introduction The concept of leading and managing people is among the most debated subjects in organisations. It is imperative to study this topic as a unit because it helps leaders and managers to appreciate workers as crucial assets that determine the extent of productivity or the global standing of their...

Linear Programming and Sensitivity Analysis

Introduction Sensitivity analysis and linear programming are important statistical tools of analysis when faced with the challenge of making a decision against series of constraints in business. As referred to as linear optimization, linear programming is applied in attempting to get the best outcome from series of other outcomes with...

Supply Chain Management: Cross-Functional Factors

Abstract An effective supply chain management can be considered one of the fundamental aspects of all business companies. To a greater degree, it is preconditioned by the increased sophistication of the business environment characterized by complex relations between various agents and the existence of many barriers that should be eliminated...

Marriott Hotels: Internal Security Change

Communication Piece – Internal Security Change Message In today’s world, security is one of the primary concerns for large organizations, and Marriott Hotels are no exception. At Marriott, we believe that our most critical goal is to ensure that customers can experience the high quality of service in our properties...

Adidas Corporation’s Organizational Justice

Introduction Organisations are entities whose functionality depends on their constituents such as individual employees, departments, units and policies. There is a need to develop policies in a system that ensures harmony and a fair interaction of the constituents. The manner, in which the organisational resources are shared in the departments...

Third-Party Logistics: Strategic and Financial Benefits

Introduction The terms “logistics alliances”, “logistics outsourcing”, “contract distribution”, and “third party logistics” are used interchangeably. According to Coltman, Devinney, and Keating (2010), third party logistics refers to “organizational practice of contracting-out part of or all logistic activities that were previously performed in-house” (p. 141). It entails the provision of...

MDCM’s Corporate and IT Strategies: Evaluation and Improvement

Summary of MDCM Corporate Strategy Without a corporate strategy, a firm cannot develop and maintain a successful organizational plan focusing on the company’s values, feasibility, and image. Corporate strategy constitutes a crucial part of any company’s organization (Hiriyappa, 2013). This element of management is particularly significant for organizations engaged in...

Azercell Telecom Company’s Mobile Financial Services

Introduction Evidently enough, the development of contemporary technologies continues to have a vast impact on nearly every sphere of the life of modern society. Throughout the world, the use of mobile services and the Internet is steadily increasing, which implies the extension of opportunities for the development of various business...

Apple, Inc.: Financial Reporting Problem

Total Cost and Book Value Based on the historical cost principle, companies are required to record the assets in the balance sheet statement at cost. This value is reduced periodically using accumulated depreciation. The cost of an asset should be calculated properly because failure to do that can affect the...

Scientific Glass Inc.’s Inventory Management

Background and Overview of SG’s Current Challenges For a company operating in the environment of the global economy, it is especially difficult to facilitate the creation of the environment in which the company’s inventory can be managed successfully. Scientific Glass, Inc. (SC) is not an exception to the identified phenomenon;...

Al Ghandi Auto Group: Electric Car Marketing Plan

Executive Summary Al Ghandi Auto Group holds a leading position in the UAE automotive market. In existence for more than 50 years, the company has established itself as a reliable brand that provides the highest-quality service, the best customer care, and the best overall value for money spent. The company’s...

SOCAR Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility

Business organizations implement powerful models and structures to produce superior services or products and market them successfully to their customers. Many people admire companies whose procedures, practices, and initiatives add value to them. Leaders and managers should also consider or pursue evidence-based strategies that have the potential to drive performance...

Ocado Internet Shop and Its Features

The Ocado Internet shop offers online grocery store experience for people living in the UK territory. Ocado was established in the UK over 16 years ago, and it is now serving over 580 000 customers in the country (Ocado Group 2017). The entire shopping process is conducted online, and Ocado...

Marking Information System for Customer Management

General description of the Marking Information System Title Marking Information System (MIS) General description The purpose of the MIS or Marking Information System is to help the firm to extract data specifications from the databases. For example, customer managers can create lists of customers giving preference to certain kinds of...

Family Business: Entrepreneurial Challenges and Financing

Introduction Entrepreneurial activity is one of the best practices that people can embrace to promote economic development, fight poverty, and increase upward social mobility. Many learning institutions and welfare programs take this issue seriously. The ultimate objective has been to equip the greatest number of people with business competencies and...

Abu Dhabi Port Company’s Internal and External Analysis

Introduction SWOT analysis is utilized in the identification and categorization of internal and external factors that impact the performance of a business organization. Internal factors are the strengths and weaknesses of business while external factors are opportunities and threats that characterize an organization. Organizations could have control over internal factors,...

Quality Management System Standard’s Critique

Abstract Purpose – This paper aims to critique the ISO 9001 standard and prove the idea that it remains the general guideline that can be adapted specifically to promote improved results. Design/methodology/approach – This qualitative research based on assessing the advantages and disadvantages of applying the ISO 9001 standard includes...

PayPal Company’s Early Success and Current Threats

What explains PayPal’s early success? PayPal has been able to realize high profits and returns due to the excellent services that it has provided over the years. The over 28 million accounts active by 2006, and 100 million registered users have enabled the company to realize high returns in the...

Macro Environment Impacts on Tesco Company in China

Executive Summary Tesco, a UK-based multinational retail firm has outlets in 11 countries across Asia and Europe. In China, this company benefits and suffers from macro environmental forces in equal measures. The demand by the Chinese government to have control over ventures between state-run entities and foreign companies prevents Tesco...

British Airways: Company Information

Abstract The blistering rise of digital devices preconditioned the increased importance of IT technologies for the functioning of the majority of organizations and corporations. In this regard, the given paper is devoted to the precise investigation of the main aspects of a certain company that benefits from the exploration of...

Glacéau Company: Vitamin Water Ethics

Ms. Donaldson, as a concerned employee it has come to my attention that certain business practices that the company is currently engaging in has serious ethical and moral violations and as such I would like to address this issue due to my wavering faith in the ethicality of the business...

Staffing Problems with Staffing Solutions

There is a staffing problem that needs an urgent solution. The concern for many organizations is how to deal with staffing issues. The success of any employer relies on the quality of staff the organization has. It also depends on how one acquires and maintains them. The exit programs must...

The Tucker Company Issues

Tucker Company This reflective journal evaluates a number of issues associated with Tucker Company. A brief description of the issues facing the firm, the major stakeholders, and the prevailing problems are analysed. The journal also assesses the key management theories coupled with what the firm should have done in order...

Panda Express and Clif Bar: Positive Attitudes in the Workplace

Abstract This paper delves into the business practices implemented by Panda Express and Clif Bar and attempts to showcase the effectiveness of developing positive attitudes in the workplace and its impact on employee performance and retention. Introduction The power of a positive attitude on the part of employees supposedly enhances...

MAC Cosmetics Company’s Customer Service

Introduction Any services marketing strategy aims at delivering processes and experiences to customers. It is expected that a company has to focus on its customers and identifies their potential needs to provide them with the required portion of the support, understanding, and services. Services marketing is the field within the...

PESTLE Analysis and the Resource-Based Theory

Introduction Organizations often determine their intended objectives and goals before establishing their specific course of action to help them accentuate and realize their goals. However, the most appropriate course of action can only be verified after a thorough analysis of the industry’s characteristics to determine the forces that influence its...

Adelphia Communications Scandal and Deontology

Introduction In business management, ethics plays an imperative role because it purports transparency, dedication, and professionalism. Ethics suggests that managers should differentiate between corporate and personal roles by creating an artificial distinction between the two affairs. This helps managers to avoid corrupting their official responsibilities and compromising corporate affairs at...

PepsiCo’s Organic Gatorade’s Marketing Options

The First Strategic Option In the first place, PepsiCo’s Organic Gatorade is targeted at athletes, as its primary intention is to restore sugar and sodium levels after training (George, 2016). To interest this consumer group, it is critical to pay attention to the drink’s positive features. For example, employing “Hello...

Devil’s Den Organization’s Ethical Dilemma

The case study, Dilemma at Devil’s Den, presents us with numerous organizational challenges. The foundation of the case is on ethics, morality, and individual’s system and the manner in which it impacts on his/her perceptions and behaviors. The structure of the case study looks at the impacts of rewards and...

Sears Company’s Digital Marketing Strategies

Sears image creation using social media Sears has been around for over 100 years. Its recent launch of social media and product placement campaign aims at appealing to a young market aged between 10 and 17 years just before they get back to school. To achieve this, Sears has collaborated...

The Brand Management Job: Skills and Functions

Introduction Brand managers work in a spectrum of industries. They endeavor to develop an easily recognizable image for products and services. Brand management mainly focuses on market segments that are likely to have the largest sales volume (Kotler and Denize 41). Therefore, brand managers focus on the most attractive market...

Supply Chain Strategy Analysis: Yoshinoya and Café de Coral’s Approaches

Fast food companies and chains should embrace the most appropriate business models depending on the products marketed to the consumers (Min 16). Yashinoya is one of the leading fast food chain stores in Japan. The multinational corporation was founded in the year 1899. It markets beef bowl to its customers...

Zara Company’s Business Model and Competition

Zara: Fast Fashion Case Study Founded in 1975 by Rosalia Mera and Amancio Ortega, Zara is the main brand the Spanish corporation Inditex Group, one of the largest retailers of clothing in the world. Described as “possibly the most innovative and devastating retailer” (Fraiman, Singh, Arrington, and Paris 270), the...

Joseph Cyril Bamford Excavators Ltd. in India

Introduction The case describes how the British construction equipment manufacturer JCB managed to expand into the Indian market through a joint venture with the Indian engineering conglomerate Escorts. Despite having a relatively small share of the global market, JCB became on the biggest manufacturers of backhoes in India. This paper...

Management and Organization Behaviour

The concept of organization behaviour is a very important tool for any organization. It usually determines whether the business will succeed in its undertakings or not. Good managers must be able to effectively how to use the tool to gauge the employees’ response to different organizational policies. However, to effectively...

Reference Groups Influencing Consumer Behavior

Introduction For several decades, the dynamics in the marketing environment have shifted from predictable consumer trends to those that are complex and almost unpredictable. In the quest to unearth the factors that determine the trends and complexities surrounding client behavior, there is a need to examine the issue of social...

Wells Fargo & Company’s Human Resource Consulting

Wells Fargo & Company (simply known as Wells Fargo) remains one of the most respected brand names in the global finance industry. It is currently a revered “financial services holding company” (Wells Fargo, 2016, para. 3). The company’s human resource (HR) practices are critical towards empowering more workers. However, there...

TerraCog Global Positioning Systems Company Challenges

Introduction TerraCog was an organization that successfully represented the private business sector of high-tech industry. It provided global positioning systems (GPS) and other similar products that were always of excellent quality, which attracted a wide range of customers. The organization had never had issues with the competitive advantage and remained...

De Beers Company’s Digital Marketing Communication

Analysing the Brand Introduction De Beers is a jewellery brand created through a partnership between Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy (LVMH) and the De Beers Group of Companies (‘Diamonds: De Beers raises production’ 2009). It is the world’s leading diamond exploration and mining company. It is also engaged in the trading...

PayPal Company: Business Description and History

Business Description PayPal is one of the world’s oldest online payment companies. It connects more than 150 million users globally to a virtual payment platform that allows them to purchase goods and services online. The American company supports online money transfers between customers and merchants in a model that substitutes...