Use of Derivatives in Risk Management

Derivatives and Risk Management in Corporate Finance In the corporate finance, there are two thematic structures to be presented in order to foster the understanding and application of management principles in the physical context. There is the use of the term derivative and the other one being risk management which...

Wal-Mart’s Electronic Marketing and Strategic Approaches

Executive summary Wal-Mart Inc. has been in existence since 1962. The retail store chain has significantly expanded in the global market segments in Europe, America, and Asia. Its powerful retail brand with “Everyday low price” slogan depicts its successful money-for-value pricing policy and strategy (Zook, &Graham 2006, p.15). Even though...

Characteristics of a Learning Organization

Introduction A learning organization is a term used about a company that can transform its activities and mindsets as a result of experience. This enables them to retain the competitive advantage previously enjoyed. Organizational learning does not just entail individual learning; learning mainly occurs through the interaction of staff in...

Whole Foods Market: A Case Study

Introduction Whole foods market pioneered the industry of fresh produce and groceries before establishing a respectable market position that allows it consistent expansion. Given the company objectives targeting US$10 billion in gross revenue and an expansion program leading to more than 300 outlets in the US by the end of...

Red Bull Energy Drink: Marketing Plan Analysis

Executive summary The marketing plan entails an analysis of the competitive advantages of the major players in the soft drink industry. These include Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, and Gatorade Company. A comparison of the competitive advantage with Red Bull GmbH is conducted. The plan also includes an illustration of red bull...

Analysis of the Industry State of the Automotive Industry in Italy

Introduction The world automobile industry always showed a growing tendency. The invention of the car by Henry Ford in the year 1896 was a turning point in world transportation history. (Automotive Industry Analysis- GM, DaimlerChrysler, Toyota, Ford, Honda). Though the automobile industry is growing at a higher speed, there are...

Global Logistics and Risk Management in Organizations

Introduction Global logistics, as the name well suggests, is a short form of global supply chain, which allows companies to expand beyond their domestic markets. Often considered as an extension of the domestic supply chain, global logistics work in accordance to a certain set principles, which in turn, govern and...

Reflections on Managing Multicultural Teams

As a Tem Leader, what could you do to help a multi-national team work more effectively than a domestic team? What major problems might occur and how might you best handle them? Cross cultural conversations have become the basic pillars of the global business success or failures. At workplace, it’s...

Case of McDonald’s on Campus

Introduction The world of business is a versatile dimension in present days where every convenient means for making it effective is one more chance to exceed domains of a company’s influence. In this respect the ability of a company to provide new projects in making business successful and closer to...

Socioeconomic, Political, and Other Factors of Doing Business in India

Introduction Conducting business in a foreign country comes with numerous challenges. The main reason is the fact that countries possess divergent orientations on various aspects that directly or indirectly affect the way businesses are conducted. Not taking close consideration to some of the unique attributes in every country can potentially...

The Ajax Company: Case Study

Outline This White paper analyzes the case study about the “Automated Production Control System Case” of the Ajax Company. The paper identifies and describes the associated risks pertaining to the two alternatives under consideration. The report has been prepared in the form of a White Paper. Description of Problem and/or...

Martha Stewart: The Ethical and Legal Challenges With Respect to ImClone Shares

Introduction Martha Stewart is one of the most well-known women in America, an author of books, and a successful businesswoman. Coming from a middle-class family she founded one of the world’s strongest brands and built a $200 million Empire based on the ideas of domesticity. In 2002, a stock sales...

Marketing Communications Strategies for Consumer Vehicle Brands in the UK

Introduction The success of the business in the present world has largely depended on the marketing activities of that business. Marketing refers to the procedure and implementation of that processes to plan and execute the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, services, or ideas creating exchanges, which will meet...

How Does Wal-Mart Benefits From Green Sustainable Supply Chain?

Outline Environmental change has begun to grip the world with consistent patterns of turbulent weather conditions which have resulted in extreme heat waves, rainfall, snowfall and hurricane in most parts of the world. Under the circumstances it becomes important for people to be concerned about taking remedial measures in reducing...

Hatch and Schultz Action Research in Lego Company

Introduction Action research undertaken by Hatch and Schultz in LEGO Company elaborates a handful of insights on corporate branding. It offers an insightful example of managerial challenges and dynamics involved in organizations that are used in developing global brands (Hatch, 2009). They argued for a shift from product to corporate...

The Problem of Leadership

Introduction Leadership is the socially influencing effect that one person has in the form of aid and support on others with the aim of achieving a common goal. Kouzes and Posner (2007) say that leadership is all about creating a path for people to put in their ideas for the...

Investment Management: The Relevance of Portfolio Theory and Capital Asset Pricing Model

Introduction Background Risks are essential repercussions of different investments. Treasury bills are considered safer than other investments. Treasury bills are those long term bond investments that offer investors assets whose prices rarely fluctuate. Low risk entails low returns. That is why treasury bills provide the lowest average return when compared...

Pretentious Diction and Dying Metaphors in Business Communication

Pretentious diction and dying metaphors While writing an essay, one needs to be conscious about mainly four topics: they are dying metaphors, operators or verbal false limbs, pretentious diction, and meaningless words. If anyone wants to complete an essay without making any nonsense, they must be aware of these topics....

Management Structure and Organizational Behaviour

Abstract The organizational structure affects how people and groups behave in an organization. It endows with a framework that shapes the attitudes, behaviors, and performance of the employees. Organizations need to develop a structure that allows them to manage individuals and inter group relations effectively. Differentiation and integration are the...

Microsoft Corporation: The Future Development Strategy

Clear Focus and Competitors Information Technology (IT) Industry is one of the fastest developing areas of human activity at the present time. The overall proliferation of technology and innovations in society have brought the IT sphere to the spotlight of social relations. Computers are used at every single job and...

Information Systems vs Manual Systems

Introduction An information system at large is the system of data collection, data keeping, processes, people, and activities of an organization. In the management theory, Information system is an off-the-shelf software application that is specially designed for the streamlining and integration of various business processes. In simple words, the information...

Toyota Company’s Marketing Management

Introduction The Australian automotive industry is a small segment of global auto market with no players. There are four major foreign players Australian automotive industry with foreign giants. It has been regarded as an exposed industry due to the international competitive forces and the industry is a shrinking one. Toyota...

Saudi Basic Industries Corp.’s Marketing Plan

Saudi Basic Industries Corp (SABIC) is a manufacturing company with a diversified portfolio of products ranging from chemical and intermediates, fertilizers, industrial polymers, and metals (SABIC 2008). Under polymers and metals, the company has established the SABIC Innovative Plastic Film and Sheet business, where it manufactures corrugated iron sheets for...

Exxon Mobile Corporation’s Financial Analysis

Introduction Most of the organizations are required to maintain books of accounts so as to comply with the regulations and laws in the Company’s Act. The importance of keeping books of accounts is to ensure that the transactions that take place within an organization are carried accurately and at the...

Consumer Behavior for L’Oreal Shampoo

Executive summary Most consumers of shampoo are influenced by the features of the product. These features form the most important factor in determining the quality and thus affecting the consuming pattern. It is consumed mostly by the young and energetic population segment most of them who will be showing off....

British Petroleum Company’s Marketing Plan

Introduction British Petroleum – BP ranks third among the worlds largest producer of ol and natural gas. The organisation is among the top 6 energy sector companies and is active in the oil and gas exploration, petroleum products refining and marketing and non conventional energy systems. For the year ending...

Economy and You. Electrical Engineer Professional

Introduction Career choice is considered to be an important step in everyone’s life. Job is an integral part of human activities and it should be balanced with one’s interests and mentality. To achieve global goals and make a successful career it is necessary to make a right choice evaluating personal...

Information Communication Technology and Managerial Work

Introduction Information communication technology (ICT) essentially means technology used for communication in any situation. It can include any system or gadget that can be used as a communication tool. The telephone and the telegraph were the early examples of ICT. In a sense even the postal system is a form...

Exxon Mobil Payroll and Foreseeable Changes

Abstract This short paper will examine the payroll size of Exxon Mobil Corporation and present figures for groups expenditure in lieu of its payroll. Furthermore, it will also discuss certain issues which have been made headlines as the company plans to save up from changes in its payroll. Main Body...

Employee Satisfaction Proven Effects on Ultimate Success of a Business

Executive Summary Business success is achieved through a working implementation of a multi-dimensional stratagem that will harness the efficiencies of the entirety of an organisation’s facets. Organisational fronts have to work together in synergy towards the accomplished of shared and declared goals. Many organisations that have downplayed the importance prioritising...

Innovation and Creativity in Management

Introduction A critical analysis of the case study ‘Photovoltaic Breakthrough’ has been performed in this paper. The case relates to frameworks and concepts of innovative management concepts at a Palo Alto Research Centre. The company was formerly called Xerox PARX and it has a very innovative product related to photovoltaic...

Strategic Organizational Communications in a Global Economy

Introduction The article in question is about formation of “organizational identities” through the organizational processes of communication. The author argues that the way in which we talk about work tells a lot about how our identity in the organization is formed as we move up the hierarchy. There is a...

Optus Company: Organizational Public Relations Problem

Introduction In the conditions of a sharp aggravation of competition and the diminution of the influence on its outcome by the price factors, the position of the separate companies mostly depends on the efficiency and the quality of their personnel’s work. Modern management should consider comprehensively the essential growth of...

Employment and Working Conditions: Youth Exploitation

Introduction Young workers are more vulnerable to exploitation as compared to old workers. This exploitation is base on payment and working conditions among other workplace issues. Many employees intentionally abuse the young worker’s rights, and subsequently expose them to brutal exploitation. Main text Employers have power over their employees, whether...

Macy’s Departmental Stores: Management Interview

Introduction The organization chosen is Macy’s departmental stores. The company was founded in the year 1858 by Rowland Hussey Macy in Massachusetts. It has seven divisions in forty five states within the country except five. It provides a wide range of retail products that include cosmetics, furniture, clothing, jewelry and...

System Thinking Model Analysis

Introduction This paper shows the basics of a victorious counterinsurgency strategy by applying a method recognized as systems thinking. The basics of good strategic thought lie together in recognizing the mass significant interactions flanked by dissimilar players, how they authority each other in unforeseen ways, and how to gauge progress...

Voyages Soleil Tour Operator’s Hedging Decision

Case Introduction Voyages Soleil (VS) is one of the leading tour operators in Quebec. The organization has managed to establish strong relationships both with its customers and suppliers. The company’s owner Jacques Dupuis needs to decide how to manage VS’s foreign exchange obligations. Vendors accept payment only in US dollars,...

McClelland’s Theory: Organizational Relationships

Introduction Employee motivation is an essential aspect of managing relationships in the organization and enabling better efficiency of daily work. Human capital management techniques allow employing different strategies for improving motivation. While Abraham Maslow’s theory outlines the basic needs and motivation factors, other researchers further developed this theory to gain...

Leadership in the Context of Globalization

Contemporary organisations face a large number of issues connected to globalisation and the need to develop leadership skills that will allow responding to the challenge. Unfortunately, many practices, approaches, tools, and competencies that were appropriate several decades ago no longer help leaders achieve success. This paper aims to outline the...

The Qualities of a Good Leader

Leadership is critical to many organized activities, and managerial positions always require the person to have the ability. However, the ability to lead is usually loosely defined due to the massive variety of leaders that have succeeded throughout humanity’s history. Nevertheless, scholars have been able to analyze many different leaders...

Business Performance of Nike Inc.

Introduction Marketing analysis of any company’s performance allows for a comprehensive and broad understanding of its primary field of work, advantages, and strategies. Some large profit-oriented corporations employ extensive marketing plans within which their tactics for the exploitation of the target market are demonstrated. Nike Inc., as one of the...

Leadership Problems: Organizational Change

Assessment and Problem Identification The 4th Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT) faces a critical leadership problem affecting the unit’s delivery of its obligations and affecting its reputation. It meets poor management, and it can be broadly classified into challenges in human resources, physical resources, and poor organizational culture. There is...

Qantas Airline’s Frequent Flyer Recommendations

Although the impact of frequent flyer programs still needs further investigation, Qantas can benefit from the focus on the following solutions and improvements. The frequent flyer program of Qantas is characterized by a considerable variety of partnerships, which is highly valued by customers. This dimension should be further developed and...

Scheduling Problems Management: Linear Programming Models

Summary In manufacturing, scheduling issues are concerned with the processes of controlling, arranging, and optimizing both work and workloads. These processes are necessary for allocating the resources of the machinery and plant resources, the staff, raw materials, and planned production processes. Thus, inefficient scheduling can increase production times and costs,...

Blue Ocean Strategy and Framework

Blue ocean strategy underscores a policy that challenges organizations to distance themselves from the aggressive competition through the establishment of unexplored markets that make extant rivalry inappropriate. One of the rationales behind Kim and Mauborgne (2004) using the colors blue and red is to portray different markets illustratively. In the...

Hennes & Mauritz Clothing Retail Company’s Analysis

Introduction Hennes and Mauritz’s (H&M’s) stock prices dropped dramatically when the company entered 2019 despite its stable performance before (Figure 1). However, it began recovering steadily almost immediately and was back to its prior stock values by April, a tendency that held through most of May. H&M experienced another significant...

Aspects of Marriott’s Merger With Starwood Hotels

Introduction In 2016, after years of negotiation Starwood Hotels accepted the highest offer by Marriott International for $13.6 billion. The merger of the two global hotel and resort chains would create the biggest chain of 5,500 hospitality facilities in over 100 countries. Starwood was approached strongly by Anbang, a Chinese-led...

Training and Implementing Change in an Organization: Google Case

Introduction Any organizational changes in firms of various sizes require preparation and appropriate planning aimed at analyzing the progress and potential outcomes of interventions. In order to implement the necessary programs, leaders, as a rule, resort to relevant strategic decisions associated with the phased reorganization of specific areas of activity....

American Eagle Outfitters Company’s Financial Analysis

Introduction American Eagle Outfitters is a clothing company headquartered in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. The company operates both online and offline, with 933 stores as of February 3, 2018. American Eagle Outfitters also includes the Aerie Brand, Tailgate, and Todd Snyder, which add 114 operating stores to the figure. The brand has...

Novartis: Evaluating the Marketing Mix

Introduction Different companies are situated in Miami, Florida; they have different products, services, and activities that define the company’s scope of operations. One of the companies that are located in Florida is Novartis, a pharmaceutical company that originates from Switzerland. This paper will analyze the marketing mix of Novartis, present...

Costco’s Business Strategy and Model

The current essay analyses an article by Stone about the Costco company (55). The article analyses the business development and its growing into one of the most successful corporations in the United States. It is mostly concentrated on CEO Craik Jelinek because his management is probably the reason for Costco’s...

Milk in the UK Market: Supply and Demand Analysis

Introduction A market economy strongly relies on its two main concepts – demand and supply that correlate under the conditions of a free market. Both demand and supply are affected by economic factors and shift according to the change in prices. However, there are external factors that influence these phenomena,...

Leadership Psychology and Behaviors

Introduction The term leadership refers to an aleatory concept that can take different forms: spiritual, shared, and corporate leadership are some of its most common aspects. However, while leading ability is easy to identify, it is difficult to define (Antonakis & Day, 2018). A broad definition relates leadership to the...

Amazon: Local and Global Markets

Executive Summary Based on sales, revenues, and global market share, Amazon has become one of the hallmarks of e-commerce in the United States. The advancements in information technology have contributed immensely to the growth and development of Amazon as a market leader in e-commerce, machine intelligence, and cloud computing industries....

How Procurement Optimization Adds Value to Organizations

Component 1: Primary Research What are you doing in your daily procurement in your daily work? My primary duty as a procurement officer is to ensure that my company has a regular supply of the needed raw materials to facilitate normal operations. On a daily basis, I have to plan...

Burger King Company’s Marketing Mix Evaluation

Introduction Nowadays, the fast-food industry is facing many challenges resulting from consumer preferences and government regulations. Big companies need to consider healthy diet trends, but, at the same time, keep in mind the costs of production. Therefore, the issue of gaining and maintaining competitive advantage becomes especially relevant. In order...

Chick-fil-A Fast-Food Network Brand Analysis

Introduction The analysis of this or that brand depends largely on consumer interest in specific products and clients’ satisfaction with the services provided. Based on customer demographic data, it is possible to analyze the Chick-fil-A fast-food network and compare some data to compile a relatively accurate picture of people’s preferences....

ACME Fireworks Firm’s Contracts and Expansion

Legal structures and guidelines are usually put in place to govern business contracts, human resource (HR) practices, and operations. Organizational managers should be aware of such laws if they are to implement appropriate models. ACME Fireworks is a small business enterprise that is planning to expand its operations after getting...

Golden Child Daycare’s Business Plan

Executive Summary The current business plan is prepared to determine the viability and possible success of a new business that will operate under the name Golden Child Daycare. The report begins with the situation analysis which indicates that this business has significant growth opportunities. The company will be located in...

Preston Store: Performance Management

Priority Objectives The newly-recruited manager should be able to transform the situation at the Preston store. The store is currently facing various challenges and obstacles that affect the level of performance. This situation explains why the store manager should focus on specific goals or priorities. Such priorities should be aimed...

Hot Topic Retail Company’s Success Factors

What makes Hot Topic so successful as a retailer? What makes them so popular with their employees? How can they keep their success going? Hot Topic is an outstanding example of how a unique corporate culture could cultivate satisfaction among employees and promote the companys success. Several aspects make Hot...

Sony Corporation’s Marketing Strategy in Action

Identify and discuss some of the cultural meanings for Sony possessed by consumers in your country. Discuss how these cultural meanings were developed and how they influence consumers’ behaviors (and affect and cognition). What is the role of marketing strategies in creating and maintaining (or modifying) these cultural meanings? Sony...

Forecasting and Risk Assessment

Risk management is a process of identifying risks, evaluating the consequences as well as defining effectual methods of controlling risks and responding to them (Miller 2003). Risk management is a major task for the managers in any organization. So as to manage risks appropriately, the risks associated with each service...

The Management Styles in the UK Restaurant Sector

Introduction This part of the paper will discuss the research background, research problem, research hypothesis and the objectives. Besides, the section explores the significance and limitations of the study. In addition, this paper presents the research timeline. Research background Over the years, the UK restaurant sector has evolved in terms...

Call Center Performance in the Telecommunications Industry

Executive Summary Business process Outsourcing is a growing phenomenon in the global telecommunications sector. Many firms are embracing the process because of the cost and quality advantages associated with it. However, not all firms realise the expected benefits of outsourcing. Some companies have suffered from poor quality services, while others...

Corporate Governance in the UK of the 1990s

The Maxwell Scandal The Maxwell Scandal occurred in the early 1990s after Ian Robert Maxwell was found dead in the Atlantic Ocean. After the death of the owner of the huge publishing empire, the banks called in the loans, and the fraud made by Maxwell was discovered by a wide...

Leadership Example for Exxon Mobil Top Management

​Target Audience Having worked in Exxon Mobil as a human resources professional, I have acknowledged certain issues the company’s top management has. The company is one of the leading producers in the world oil market and strategic planning is essential for its development. Social responsibility and environmental sustainability have become...

Job Training Methods: Off-The-Job and On-The-Job Training Methods

Off-the-Job Training Methods Summary Lecture Discussion Audio-Visual Case Study Case Incident Overview Trainer organizes content & presents orally; little listener involvement. The leader facilitates the analysis of a problem or case. Refer to various forms of media (i.e., video, slides) Students discuss, analyze, and solve problems based on real situations....

Difference Between Team and the Group

The chapter “Team and the group” are based on how does a team works and to differentiate a team from a group of people. It is very often that people consider teams and groups as one thing whereas there are many differences through which they are called by different words....

Sephora Direct’ Company’s Marketing Issues

The paper answers case questions that could help Julie Bornstein, Sephora Direct’s vice president, double the budget required for digital marketing and other social media initiatives. Budget allocation and Cutting Costs Assuming that Julie Bornstein obtains the additional funding, the allocation of funds should be based on priorities. For example,...

Human Resources Management in Projects

Introduction Human resources management is required to ensure that resources are well managed in a project; project management is the process through which projects are initiated, implemented, managed, and controlled for a successful project goals and objectives attainment; the process has a time and costs framework that it must meet....

Motivational Factors on Kazakhstan’s Top Managers

Abstract Motivating top managers and its effectiveness has been center of discussion in researches conducted in past and they have provided in-depth analysis of how to improve top managers’ motivation through utilizing their human resource systems. The importance of analyzing the value of human capital, specially the top management, cannot...

Kotler and Keller’s “Marketing Management” Fields

Market segment, Target Market, Position The major segmentation variables are – Geographic: Geographic segmentation indicates the division of the market into geographical units, for instance, countries, cities, suburban, urban, rural, or regions (Kotler & Keller, 2008). However, this approach is helpful when there are clear cultural differences in case of...

Decision-Making in the 1989 Hillsborough Disaster

Using the dichotomous typologies only, what types of decisions were the five critical decisions? The first decision was about having a “safety fence” to prevent ground invasion. Such a decision was based on an earlier event in 1985 where 39 Italian (Juventus) fans died when they were trying to escape...

Business Behavior in Changing World: Siemens Case

Critically apply Cyert and March’s analysis of organizational decision making to the Siemens case. Compare/contrast your finding with Brusson view According to Cyert and March, fundamental structure analyzes the process of decision making in the terms of the variables that influence the decision-making process; the goals of an organization, the...

Small Business Administration and Management

Definition of Small Business A small business is any business that has less than 500 employees. Also, it is not a dominant player in that specific industry on a national basis. There are various areas of businesses that attract small businesses but the most notable ones are the retail, hotel,...

Organisational Communication in the UK’s Restaurant Industry

Introduction The main purpose of this study is to analyse the degree to which different management styles influence the quality of organisational communication in the UK’s restaurant industry. This chapter discusses and develops the research methodology of the underlying study, including the research philosophy, research approach, research strategy, population and...

Power, Networking, Negotiation in Global Companies

Introduction Leaders within an organization have the role of ensuring human and physical resources in the organization has been managed effectively and effectively. They have the power to plan, control, and implement strategies that yield high results in an organization. The main difference between effective and ineffective leadership is how...

Hookah Venture: Target Customers and Market

Target customers are individuals between 18 and 35 years old (Montgomery et al., 2015). These are mainly people of Middle Eastern descent and their friends and close ones. Importantly, these may be immigrants, children of immigrants as well as people of other ethnicities. People of the non-Arabic descent are mainly...

Project Manager’s Leadership Qualities for Success

Introduction Management refers to the process of arranging, establishing, leading and regulating the business resources including efforts of the organizational members to achieve the ultimate goals in an organization. In the analysis of system development, management skills are required to meet the goals and objectives of an organization. Some of...

Gap Inc.’s Challenges and Management Strategies

Identification of the problem At this point, Gap Inc. faces various challenges that are related to the internal and external environment of this corporation; in particular, one should focus on the following factors: 1) the competition with other retailers; 2) the impacts of economic recession; 3) inefficiency of the supply...

Azerbaijani State Oil Company’s Digital Transformation

Executive Summary SOCAR is an Azerbaijanian company that operates in the energy sector. It contributes to the exploration of oil fields in as well as the production, transportation, and the selling of oil and gas. The company is highly technological and works on the advancement of its operations each year....

Healthcare Human Resources Management and Changes

Introduction Human resource management has become one of the most vital emphases of management in most organizations. The success of every organization, to a great extent, depends on the effectiveness of human resource management. Human resources management is a composite function consisting mainly of deciding or assessing the staffing needs...

Marketing Shifts and Their Effects on Consumers

Abstract This essay explains how the current shifts in marketing have produced new themes such as globalization, empowerment, and technological advancement. Such changes continue to transform the behaviors, needs, and expectations of many consumers. The essay explains why future researchers should examine the relevance of corporate social responsibility to support...

Macro Environment Impacts on Tesco Company in China

Executive Summary Tesco, a UK-based multinational retail firm has outlets in 11 countries across Asia and Europe. In China, this company benefits and suffers from macro environmental forces in equal measures. The demand by the Chinese government to have control over ventures between state-run entities and foreign companies prevents Tesco...

Arts Organizations Management

Organizational Structure Definitions from an arts management perspective (Parker, 2012): The mandate is an authorization of an arts organization to perform particular actions (e.g. provide education, mentorship, leadership, and other services) as well as to serve clients coming from all existing artistic fields with any budget. Mission (mission statement) is...

International Human Resource Management Challenges

Career management model The work environment is constantly changing due to various factors. Some of the factors which contribute to changes in the work environment include changes in technology and technical professionals, and the need for innovations and inventions in organizations. It is for these reasons that managers and professionals...

Personal Financial Management and Financial Literacy

Personal financial management is a useful method of controlling income and expenditures as well as planning future savings. By understanding the basic principles and minor aspects of money management such as the compound interest method, people can avoid bankruptcy and enhance their chances for the side income. Since I did...

Cadillac Motor Car Division’s Quality Management

Introduction Cadillac Motor Car Division is part of the General Motors Company, a firm that designs, produces, and sells motor cars and car parts all over the globe. Cadillac is focused on the marketing and production of luxury cars for sale in the United States, Europe, China, and other countries....

Roche Company’s Operations Management

Introduction Operations management (OM) is central to the overall organisational strategy. It focuses on attaining efficiency and competitive gains and maximising profits in the functional areas of product/service development, operations and marketing. It aims to improve practices across departments through effective conversion of inputs (materials) into outputs (products/services) (Schroeder, Goldstein...

Managerial Functions at the Workplace

Introduction As a rule, people consider management to be used to supervise the workers or all kinds of junior personnel. Management is mistakenly thought to be a prerogative of the senior positions in various organizations. Nevertheless, its techniques can be used for personal managing as well. At its fundamental level,...

Southwest Airlines’ International Expansion

Abstract Southwest Airlines is one of the most successful airlines in the American market. Southwest Airlines has successfully differentiated its services from those of its competitors. The company strives to replicate its success in the local American market in the international market. Southwest Airlines’ highly motivated employees would give the...

Procter & Gamble’s Powder Laundry Detergent Compaction

P&G CASE This recommends the implementation of the North America Compaction Roll Out. In this framework, Powder Laundry Detergent Compaction will be undertaken as well. Mainly, this initiative will lead to substantial market growth and enhanced customer loyalty, which is likely to enhanced profitability over time. It is also targeted...

De Beers Company’s Digital Marketing Communication

Analysing the Brand Introduction De Beers is a jewellery brand created through a partnership between Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy (LVMH) and the De Beers Group of Companies (‘Diamonds: De Beers raises production’ 2009). It is the world’s leading diamond exploration and mining company. It is also engaged in the trading...

Diversity in Organizations: Intergroup Contact Theory

Abstract Even though the racial and ethnic diversity is a typical feature of the modern working environments and a direct result of the developing globalization trends, there is an opinion that such diversity cannot lead to positive outcomes because of conflicting interracial relations. Organizations need to focus on managing the...

Organizational Culture Importance: Disney and Fox Companies

Introduction Organizational culture is a very important aspect for any company. It promotes the company’s values and fosters the performance of employees. The Walt Disney Company and Fox Broadcasting Company are two entertainment giants that are famous for their unique methods of business dealing. The main goal of this paper...

Alan Mulally’s Leadership in Ford Motor Company

It is significant to stress that Alan Mulally is an exceptional leader. The core of this statement lies in the fact that he did not concentrate on the contingency theory or transformational leadership approach. Still, the reverse – emphasized the role of every employee in the enterprise. He aimed to...

Corporate Social Responsibility for Supply Chain Management

The role of business in the social sustainability can be described from multiple perspectives. To grow, develop new products, and ensure profitability, companies should establish a long-term and beneficial relationship with various groups of stakeholders. Some of those stakeholders, i.e., clients, employees, suppliers, etc., are of great influence on companies’...

The Kroger Co.’s Diversity and Recruitment Strategy

Abstract The Kroger Company refers to the discrimination-and-fairness paradigm that is not appropriate to promote the diversity vision and effective inclusion practices in the organization. However, the company aims to follow the principles characteristic for the access-and-legitimacy model. In this context, the current report provides the summary and analysis of...

Skrill Limited Company: Leadership and Management

Introduction Skrill is an e-commerce business that allows its customers to make payments through the internet. This financial firm was founded on July 27, 2001, under the name Moneybookers. It targeted customers in the European Union during the early days. The firm offered its clients a unique payment method that...

J.P. Morgan & Chase’s Global Management Practices

Introduction The present report contains a thorough analysis of the practices of J.P. Morgan & Chase, a US-based financial service organisation, regarding its value proposition, the factors that influence it, such as its organisational structure, corporate culture, leadership style and the approach to customer service, and the delivery of excellence....

Creating Customer Engagement: Marketing Strategies

Introduction The need to establish closer relations with clients has forced many companies to adopt new marketing strategies. Many of these organisations lay stress on the importance of customer engagement which is often critical for the sustainability of many firms. Some business consultants such as Richard Sedley define this concept...

Enron’s Corporate Culture and Ethics Failure

Organizational culture is a manner in which people in a company operate unconsciously and consciously in their daily activities (Flamholtz & Randle 2011). Through understanding the organizational culture, an institution can identify with the culture that prevails and supports essential programs within its workforce to accomplish the strategic objectives. Organizational...

Bad Management Theories and Good Management Practices

Introduction The business environment has become increasingly multifaceted and unpredictable because of the unremitting changes that affect every aspect of life. This situation has led to counterarguments concerning the relevance of school curriculums in terms of shaping business practices. Various management theories have been developed in an attempt to improve...

Airline Industry in the UAE: Role of Supply Chain

Introduction Background information Both domestic and international airline companies dominate the airline industry in the UAE. The industry plays an important role in the UAE’s economic growth. The sector generates over AED 32 billion, which represents 26% of the UAE’s Gross Domestic Product [GDP]. The industry creates approximately AED $13.5...

Tesla Motors Company’s Market Metrics Analysis

Market Size For Tesla Motors, Inc. (TM), the most general definition of the market is the automotive one; about 88 million units a year worldwide is sold within it (Perkowski, 2014, para. 1). However, TM concentrates on producing luxury cars, and this sub-market reached 350 billion euros in 2014, demonstrating...

Delta Airlines’ Change Management and Resistance

Interpret the potential causes of resistance in the organization Delta Airlines is one of the oldest operating airlines in America. The company plans to introduce new changes in its organizations to remain competitive in the industry (Dess & Lumpkin, 2014). Notably, it is very hard for the airlines to evade...

Transportation and Logistics Influence on Economy

Abstract Transportation and logistics projects may influence a community’s economic objectives in terms of productivity, employment, and even business activities. This study describes the negative impacts of transportation and logistics on the economy of a country. Although transport projects improve the infrastructure of a certain area, they pose negative effects...

Leadership Style and Motivation in Health Care

Introduction There are two major factors that influence an individual performance within any given setting and these are leadership in place and individual motivation (McCutcheon 2004). There are also theories that try to explain what motivates people to perform better and what contributes to their behavioral changes. Motivation refers to...

Marks & Spencer Company’s Management Style

Executive Summary The objective of the report is to describe the company profile of Marks & Spencer and to analyse the management style and the new organisational structure that led the company to success. The analysis of the case study also discusses the reasons why the change was introduced, as...

Caterpillar Company’s Information Systems Use

Abstract This paper will cover points identified with Caterpillar (CAT) Company, for example, how the association changed its methodologies and how they concur on basic choices from the past to current. The principal part of the report comprises of presentation of CAT Company as an organization; with a brief portrayal...

Diamond Model in International Business Strategy

Nowadays it is evident that home and host location strategies in the international system have to be considered within the global context and the current international environment. The changing world sets principally new challenges in front of the business strategy planning and targeting (Cavusgil, Ghauri, Knight, & Riesenberger 2014). The...

Autocratic, Consultative, Group-Based Leadership

Autocratic leaders use readily available information to make decisions without involving other people. In certain cases, leaders utilize the limited input provided by team members but do not involve them in decision-making. The little input involves the supply of information that could help the leader in making decisions. Two classes...

Starbucks Company’s Brand in Bangladesh Market

Abstract The study was carried out to develop an understanding of the intricacies and utility of brand effectiveness. Starbucks’ expansion in Bangladesh was chosen as the scenario for which the effectiveness of brand effectiveness was tested. Primary data was collected through the survey questionnaire while secondary data was collected through...

Gary C. Kelly’s Leadership at Southwest Airlines

Introduction Effective leadership is one of the crucial elements that ensure organizational success. Organizations are multifaceted entities that require commitment and truthfulness with regard to management, leadership, and other related undertakings (Bonnici, 2011). Southwest Airlines ranks among organizations that have demonstrated strict adherence to globally accepted elements of effective leadership....

Ferruccio Lamborghini Company Information

Short Biography Ferruccio Elio Arturo Lamborghini was born in April 1916 in a small village Cento in Italy in the family of grape growers. From his early years, he had exposed a great predisposition towards industrialism and machine building. When Ferruccio Lamborghini was a little over thirty years old, his...

Business Conditions Affecting IKEA Company

Abstract This report entails an analysis of the conditions prevailing in the global retail industry. The report’s objective is achieved by evaluating the different marketing concepts and theories that IKEA has considered in its strategic marketing practices. The report assesses the market conditions affecting IKEA, which is a multinational retail...

Human Resource Management: Issues and Solutions

Being an HR manager means being a people person. Such a task might seem quite easy; however, a human resource manager has to face several challenges daily. To handle the enormous responsibilities of being a human resource manager entail, an HR specialist must be able to think both globally and...

Ford Motor Company Managment Responsibilities

Quality and Responsibility Management and Its Integration into Organizational Processes The article titled Managing responsibility: What can be learned from the quality movement and written by Waddock and Bodwell (2004) sheds a lot of light on the issue of responsibility management, as well as the significance of corporate social responsibility...

Walt Disney Company Corporate Social Responsibility Plan

Introduction Current Vision and Value Statements The company’s vision is to ensure that its corporate social responsibility accommodates different viewpoints and interests on the part of its shareholders, employees, business partners, associates, guests, as well as viewers and consumers. The company seeks to cooperate with local stakeholders and regulators in...

L’Oreal and Procter & Gamble Companies Financial Analysis

Introduction Procter and Gamble (PG) is a manufacturer of cosmetic products. Its products are mainly sold to wholesalers, retail stores, and grocery stores. PG’s floods ship brands include an assortment of beauty, health, and household care products. PG operates in the personal and household products industry. L’Oreal (LRCLY ) is...

Herfy Company Marketing in India

Company background Herfy is a food company located in Saudi Arabia where it has managed to become a household name given its success and popularity in the region. The company has been in existence for over three decades having been established in 1981 (About Herfy, 2010, p.1). Herfy was co-founded...

LMNE Gaming Lounge’ Business Plan

Analysis of the Gaming Business Environment The gaming industry has become a lucrative business given the dynamic technological environment that has seen many new gaming devices being developed for gaming experiences. The introduction of the Wii games have changed the way games are being played as they provide the user...

Consumer Science: Anna Quindlen’s “Why Stuff is not Salvation”

Exposition analysis Acquiring much stuff for pleasure and prestige does not amount to happiness. Anna Quindlen’s “Why Stuff is not Salvation” highlights how consumerism has taken precedence in the American society. The need to acquire more stuff as a sign of wealth has been emulated by the American citizens without...

Organizational Burnout of Employees

Burnout is one of the major reasons for the high rate of turnover in organizations (Childs & Stoeber, 2012). Clearly, companies have to operate in the highly competitive business world in quite difficult conditions, since such resources as funds, technology, human resources and so on are quite scarce (Childs &...

Under Armour Company’s Strategy for Increasing Sales

The company of “Under Armour” already sells its products not only via intermediaries but also by using direct to consumer (DTC) sales. We will argue that the company should use DTC sales more, despite some of their disadvantages, and that the most profitable way of DTC selling is Factory Houses....

The Commonly Used Expatriate Compensation Strategies

Introduction Globalization is gaining more and more impact on institutions ranging from small companies to multinational corporations. The shrinking of international boundaries among enterprises and their markets has made it necessary for institutions to come up with the possible strategies for dealing with the demands of such diversification. The element...

Apple Inc. Business Strategy

Introduction Apple Inc has been a landmark computer manufacture for about 30 years. The company has emerged as one of the well established and highly recognized corporations in computer industry and other IT related solutions (Mcgirt, 2011). The giant multinational company is mostly known for its famous iPhones, iPods as...

Improving Customer Loyalty And Patronage By Implementing Textmining Solutions

This research looks into the text mining activities of several companies on the aspect of text mining, which forms an integral part of improving customer loyalty and patronage. The research hypothesizes that the failure of text mining projects is specifically linked to improving customer loyalty and patronage. In turn, the...

SWOT (Strategic) Analysis for the Los Angeles Housing Authority

A public organization called the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) offers low-income Los Angeles citizens affordable housing options and services. HACLA, founded in 1938, oversees more than 80 affordable housing complexes in Los Angeles, providing homes for more than 60,000 people (HACLA, n.d.). The goal of...

The Effect of Business Ethics on the Customer Service Sector

Abstract While the implementation of profit-generating initiatives is essential, the observance of ethical principles is necessary for consumer trust and loyalty, which determine the degree of success experienced by organizations in the customer service sector. Ethical leadership and training are vital to the delivery of services in the customer service...

Home Depot – A Deep Dive into Operations

Key Elements of a Learning Organization Elements Score Justification Inspiring and motivating people with a mission or purpose High The company implements various programs to maintain employee motivation. This is manifested in the fact that the company has a well-developed system of organizational culture (The Home Depot, 2022). Consequently, each...

Strategic Assessment: Publix’s Business Strategy

Publix is a large grocery chain store, operating on an employee-owned basis. The brand does not operate outside of the US but has a considerable network of stores across the country. Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia – all of these states contribute to Publix’ scope...

“Our Iceberg Is Melting” by Kotter and Rathgeber

Introduction In Our Iceberg Is Melting, John Kotter and Holger Rathgeber tell a story about penguins whose iceberg is melting and cracking to transfer the message of the importance of organizational change. In the ever-changing environment, companies are expected to continuously adapt to maintain their competitive advantage and reach success...

System Thinking and Corporate Strategy

Introduction System thinking proposes a framework for the effective evaluation of elements of the system and the interaction between them. The approach can be defined as considering structures and events as part of a larger structure that has a unified and specific function (Ercil, 2020). The characteristics of the system...

The Hewlett Packard Firm’s External and Internal Environments

Hewlett Packard (HP) is one of the largest technology companies in the US that sells its products and services worldwide. The company’s field of activity is characterized by high competition due to the growing consumer demand. Therefore, to determine strategies for obtaining a competitive advantage for Hewlett Packard, it is...

Key Characteristics of Learning Organizations

Introduction Continuous learning is an essential element of organizational longevity and sustainability in the context of the contemporary highly competitive business environment. The process of learning implies the development and acquisition of new skills, knowledge, and forms of performance improvement. Thus, the implementation of learning in an organization drives its...

Paul Polman’s Leadership at the Unilever Firm

Introduction Changing a company is a complex endeavor requiring a strong and confident leader. The case of the British company Unilever presents Paul Polman – a CEO who set out to radically transform the company’s vision. At the time of his appearance, Unilever was suffering from the loss of demand...

The Red Bull Company’s Marketing Strategy

Red Bull is launching a new line of coffee-flavored drinks, so marketing is crucial. In this study, the effectiveness of Red Bull’s brand ambassadors and their impact on the promotion plan are evaluated. The effectiveness of traditional media, including TV, radio, and newspapers, in attracting customers to a product is...

Setting Up a KCF Franchise: Project Life Cycle

The external environments The success of an enterprise depends on many factors. This applies not only to the internal environment of the company but also to external factors that often do not depend on the actions of the company, but they have to be constantly taken into account. An analysis...

Impacts on Women’s Role After World War I

Line of Argument World War I brought significant cultural and political changes in all spheres of life. The demographic, economic, social, and political impacts on women included voting rights, access to education, and better jobs, and changing of women’s positions in society. Introduction World War I and its aftermath were...

Sustainable Logistic and Supply Chain System

Introduction Globalization and international trade provide an opportunity to import raw materials. Raw materials are natural resources that are limited in supply in North America. The company must outsource either from Uzbekistan, Australia, or South Africa. The company can consider importing from Uzbekistan to reduce transportation costs. The political and...

The Toyota Firm’s Digital Strategy and Marketing

Strategy 1: Digital R&D Driver Factors The rapid development and globalization of the world have become the reason for the technological changes in Toyota. They should enhance communication between the seller and the customer even during an epidemic or other disasters. However, the driver for using the ‘Digital R&D’ strategy...

The Chipotle Mexican Grill Firm’s Strategy After COVID-19

Company Information Chipotle Mexican Grill, also commonly known as Chipotle, is a chain of fast-casual fresh food restaurants specializing in Mexican food. The company’s mission statement emphasizes the integrity of the food offered in Chipotle restaurants. Thus, the company’s mission promotes using natural and fresh ingredients with no artificial additives...

Leadership Approaches: Similarities and Differences

Introduction Leadership is the ability to lead other people from a position where one is endowed with power. Leadership is critical in all spheres of life, from family, society, business, and government. In most cases, in business organizations, the top-most leadership positions consist of the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs). In...

The Impact of the Work Environment on Management

Introduction Management is the process of managing and controlling an organization’s resources. It includes creating and implementing strategies, policies, and programs to ensure the most efficient and effective use of resources. The physical and social space in which work is performed is the work environment. It covers the tools, equipment,...

Strategic Management Project: The Global Pet Goods Market

Introduction The project pre-report investigates the global pet goods market and addresses significant components of Japan’s and Venezuela’s international business environments. Japan, for instance, is shown as one of the most successful markets for pet product producers. On the contrary, Venezuela is a highly challenging environment for U.S. and worldwide...

P&G Supply Chain Management: International Business

It does not matter whether end consumers are aware of the parent P&G and the company should maintain its current approach to branding. This suggestion is because brands like Tide, Crest, Bounty, and others have already established their customer bases and loyalty that the company can benefit from. One of...

Johnson and Johnson: Best Practices in Leadership Development Case

Introduction. About Johnson and Johnson Company World’s largest manufacturer of healthcare products. Manufactures Tylenol medications, Johnson’s Baby products, Neutrogena skin and beauty products, etc Believe good health is the basis of great lives. Aim at keeping people well at every age and every stage Vision is to create solutions for...

BCBA Interview: Ethical Dilemmas and Cultural Challenges

A face-to-face interview session was conducted with John Winters on November 5th, 2022. Winters is a Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) professional whom I met while attending an education workshop several months ago. From our discussion, the respondent reveals that ethical dilemmas are common in professional life. In this case,...