Managing Project Value: Value Engineering and Value Management

Abstract Value engineering and value management as significant features of capital projects are two project management techniques that identified as critical in optimizing project value for the target cost. Research has shown that value management and value engineering thrive on hard and soft system thinking paradigms, with value engineering mainly...

General Electric: SWOT Analysis and Future Plan

SWOT stands for Strength, weakness, opportunity and threat of a company while some of such variables of General Electric are – Strengths Some stronger criteria of GE are – General Electric Co. (GE) has long experience as it established in 1892; GE has a strong brand image in the global...

Workplace Diversity & Inclusion: Personal Philosophy

Abstract The strategy of leveraging differences is new and provocative in the field of managing diversity. Therefore, effective personal philosophy should be based on uniting the traditional and new approaches in order to compete within the market and address the employees’ interests. Introduction My personal vision of diversity and inclusion...

Employee Benefits in Today’s Work Environment

What aspects of the Jones Investments benefits program are likely to appeal to Aden? Subsidized meals at the company will be appealing because they provide an immediate cost-saving benefit to the potential employee. The allowance of time off for attending classes will also be most appealing because it gives the...

Insights from Aldo’s Restaurant Owner on Running a Successful Eatery

The Olivieri family immigrated to the United States in 1950, where they first settled in California and opened a small family business in the same year. Originally from the Italian coastal town of Sestri Levante, the Olivieri family like all Italian natives knew the art of making good tasting Pizzas....

Allison Sims’ Paleo Foodies Campaign: Strategies and Market Impact

Executive Summary Alison Sims is the managing director and founder of Paleo Foodies, one of the leading online brands in Australia. Through the brand, she advocates for the consumption of healthy foods. The brand generates its content. It also advertises the content provided by other trademarks operated by like-minded individuals....

Job Training Methods: Off-The-Job and On-The-Job Training Methods

Off-the-Job Training Methods Summary Lecture Discussion Audio-Visual Case Study Case Incident Overview Trainer organizes content & presents orally; little listener involvement. The leader facilitates the analysis of a problem or case. Refer to various forms of media (i.e., video, slides) Students discuss, analyze, and solve problems based on real situations....

Difference Between Team and the Group

The chapter “Team and the group” are based on how does a team works and to differentiate a team from a group of people. It is very often that people consider teams and groups as one thing whereas there are many differences through which they are called by different words....

Effective Strategies for Organizational Retrenchment and Employee Satisfaction

Abstract This mixed-methods study conducted a survey and a follow-up focus group with employees of the Uganda Public Service to ascertain the impact of asset retrenchment on job satisfaction. The Uganda Public Service has made several organizational moves, especially in recent years, to make non-productive and/or corrupt employees redundant and...

Leadership and Professional Development

Introduction and Rationale This year I am looking forward to sharpening my leadership skills; I decided after learning that leaders can be made. I have also realized that people can develop good leadership skills if they desire and have the will power to do so. Effective and successful leadership skills...

Jones-Blair Company’s SWOT Analysis

Internal Strengths SWOT Quality and experience Sales and Services Market Internal Strengths Jones-Blair Company is known for providing the best quality products. The Company follows ISO 9001:2000 quality system and has an additional lab which performs quality assurance tests (Jones-Blair, 2010). Jones-Blair company was founded in 1928 and has mastered...

Organizational Behavior Aspects and Leadership Style

Team dynamics For an effective business, leaders should ensure they have orchestrated teams that are focused and responsive to the needs of an organization; to develop the teams, managers need to understand their team dynamics. Generally, teams are formal groups within an organization; formal groups have some set goals and...

Human Resource Management Seminars

In the field of Human Resource Management, seminars are often perceived as effective tools of communicating organizational ideas or introducing new thought systems and technologies to selected audience (Naik 2009, para. 1). Their effectiveness is dependent on a multiplicity of factors that will be discussed in this paper. It is...

Human Resource Management Activities and Personal Reflections

Briefly explain Human Resource Management – ensure you explain the various activities that are conducted under HRM. Provide a variety of research in your explanation. In modern literature two versions of Human resource management have been emphasized these are the rational approach which emphasis on aligning business strategy and Human...

Chrysler Company’s Organizational Behavior

Abstract Organizational culture is defined as the behavior of individuals at work, which determines the success of the organization. It entails all the major values that an organization drafts, the mission and vision statements, and the systems. In this paper, the organizational culture of Chrysler will be analyzed in various...

Intercultural Communication: the Product Names and Logos

When doing business globally, it is crucial to take into consideration the meanings and sounding of the product names and logos into the languages of the cultures a product target. Chevy Nova produced by General Motors was very popular in the USA, yet in South America it had no success...

The Adventures of an IT Leader

Argue both sides of the Huerta/Calder debate. To which side would you lean? In essence, both the Huerta and Calder sides present invaluable arguments on the most viable system. However, I support the Calder side since their arguments are more reasonable and realistic. For instance, the Calder system has been...

Coca-Cola Company: Capital Asset Pricing Model

Estimated Beta Coefficient Based on data from Coca-Cola stocks and the market index, the beta coefficient can be taken to be 0.57 (Yahoo Finance, 2011). In order to arrive to this answer, several concepts have to be considered. One of these is the stock value, which has to be computed...

Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse Report

It seems reasonable to state that the Metro New Orleans area is quite significant for the restaurant industry. Hence, a comprehensive SWOT report on a notable actor in this area is a relevant action to undertake, and Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse might be the one. There are two Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse...

L’Oreal: Building a Global Cosmetic Brand

Analyze international markets and assess the risk elements, including political, economic, and socio-cultural factors Nowadays, L’Oreal is considered one of the world’s most commercially successful cosmetic brands. The validity of this statement can be well illustrated, in regards to the fact that, as of 2002 alone, the company declared a...

Competition in Video Game Consoles

Business Strategy Question 1 Critically analyze the resources and competencies that a company in the video game consoles industry needs to possess to achieve a competitive advantage. Discuss and justify your arguments. To gain a competitive advantage in the video game console segment, a company needs to adopt strategies that...

Senior Management Teams’ Structure and Purpose

The senior management teams are composed of the executive members of an organization having the top-most rank in the organization. They have the role of leadership and management within the organization. The role of management is achieved when the team plans, organizes, directs, controls, and staffs all the resources of...

Employee Selection at Outback Steakhouse

How the employee selection methods at Outback Steakhouse help the organization achieve a competitive advantage Competitive advantage is achieved through the optimization of the company’s internal and external environment. If a company manages to leverage its structure, it will be far easier for the company to remain relevant in its...

The Profit Trend of Clarkson PLC: Steady Growth and Success

Selected Company Horace Anderton Clarkson formed Clarkson PLC (Clarksons) as a shipping service provider in 1852. The headquarters of the company is located in St Katharine Docks, London, and Andi Case is the present Chief Executive Officer. The main activity of the company is to act as a negotiator between...

Goleman’s and McCrimmon’s Leadership Theories

Abstract Summary The current paper is a summary of McCrimmon’s article, “Thought leadership: a radical departure from traditional, positional leadership” and Goleman’s article, “What Makes a Leader?” In the article, “What makes a leader?” Goleman identified emotional intelligence as one of the outstanding characteristics of effective leaders. His study involved...

Flight Centre’s External Change Factors: PEST Analysis

External forces for change of Flight Centre Flight Centre, an Australian travel agency, has experienced impressive market growth because of its effective management structure. The firm has taken advantage of the emerging technologies to expand its operations to Europe, North America, and parts of Africa. However, this has not been...

Information Technology Outsourcing for UK Retailers

Introduction Introduction and background information For the past years, retailers in the world have undergone tremendous transformation because of the market forces that direct them to adapt new business environments evolving now and then. The most influential force to the retailers is the growing competition among retailers as well as...

Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation’s Communication

Introduction The present communication plan is intended for use by the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation. In view of the proposed nuclear power plant to be constructed in the Western Region of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, a comprehensive analysis of the context, stakeholders and communication strategies available has been undertaken....

Nature Foods Ltd. Embraces Sustainable Business Practices

Executive Summary This report lists recommendations as to how Nature Foods Ltd. might shift its business model to take advantage of consumers’ growing concern not only with the state of the environment and their ecological footprint but also consumers’ desire to buy locally produced products. In recent years consumers have...

Small Business Administration and Management

Definition of Small Business A small business is any business that has less than 500 employees. Also, it is not a dominant player in that specific industry on a national basis. There are various areas of businesses that attract small businesses but the most notable ones are the retail, hotel,...

Diffusion of Innovation Theory and Its Application

Introduction Innovations help people to achieve better results in the areas of their personal and professional interests. Modern cars and mobile services are created to meet the increasing demands of the population concerning innovative decisions and their application to the practical area of use. The innovation-decision process as well as...

How CSR Is Being Defined in Malaysia?

In Malaysia, CSR is a formal business strategy and obligation that is captured in annual reports and other forms of reporting by organizations. However, it is not a mandatory undertaking in the country. Nevertheless, the voluntary nature of the activity has been handled professionally in many business levels from the...

Finding the Best Management Style: Logic vs. Hypothetical

The issue of what constitutes the best management style is extremely relevant. Organizations want to outperform their competitors and choose management styles that fit their organizational and market realities. It would be fair to say that there is no best management style. Only managers who are flexible in their decisions...

Hewlett-Packard Company in Local and Global Markets

Using appropriate analytical tools (such as PESTEL and five forces); analyze the external business environment about the analyzed cases. Conclude the main opportunities and threats derived from the above external analysis. Introduction Hewlett Packard operates within the Diversified Computer Systems industry in the United States. Over the years it has...

Arabtec Company: Strategic Analysis of Business Performance

Executive Summary Strategic analysis entails research to explore the environment under which an organization operates. It is an effective method of testing the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization’s strategies. This paper discusses strategic analysis and its importance to organizations. A case study is done on Arabtec to apply the...

Change Management in the Workplace

Organizational change is a critical approach that many companies undertake to improve performance and profitability. Business leaders should be aware of the most appropriate strategies to transform their firms and engage all followers. This paper gives a detailed analysis of an organizational change implemented in my workplace. Selected Change I...

Employee Performance Management System

Introduction In human resource management, it is important to ensure that employees are motivated and satisfied with their work. This makes them give their best in their place of work. It is worth noting that one way to motivate and satisfy employees is by carrying out employee performance management (Cokins,...

The Lego Serious Play Methodology

Introduction The Lego serious play methodology is a problem solving and insight building approach or strategy whose aim is to enhance creative thinking among all participants in organizations (Gauntlett, 2007.p.131).Through the methodology, organizations are able to have the employees and shareholders think and express or speak their true feelings without...

Tim Brown’s “Design Thinking” in Strategic Management

Citation Brown, T. (2008). Design Thinking, Harvard Business Review, Reprint R0806E, 2008. Thesis Statement Design thinking is the ability of designers to match their methods and creativity with technologically viable ideas that can be converted into great value for the customer where these ideas can be turned into a great...

Amazon Inc.’s vs. Wal-Mart Stores Inc.’s Inventory

Introduction Managing inventory levels for companies that sell goods is a significant task. A company needs to maintain optimal inventory levels because having too much inventory increases cost such as storage, wear and tear, and interest. In addition, capital which could have been used for other income generating investments is...

Gap Inc.’s Challenges and Management Strategies

Identification of the problem At this point, Gap Inc. faces various challenges that are related to the internal and external environment of this corporation; in particular, one should focus on the following factors: 1) the competition with other retailers; 2) the impacts of economic recession; 3) inefficiency of the supply...

Azerbaijani State Oil Company’s Digital Transformation

Executive Summary SOCAR is an Azerbaijanian company that operates in the energy sector. It contributes to the exploration of oil fields in as well as the production, transportation, and the selling of oil and gas. The company is highly technological and works on the advancement of its operations each year....

Best Practices in Business and HRM

Introduction Human resource management has gone a long way from being an obscure and novel approach to a legitimate and widely recognized concept among all modern business practices. Academic efforts dedicated to studying and expanding the field of HRM have broadened the views on the subject and significantly improved the...

Emirates National Oil Company: Projects Management

Introduction The contemporary economy is characterized by globalization, increased outsourcing of organizational functions, competition, and the need to establish information and knowledge-based organizations. This situation compels companies to seek cost-saving management models, for instance, the development of project-based organizational management frameworks and investing in technology. The goal here is to...

Direct Interactive and Digital Marketing

As 2009 progressed we saw Digital Marketing outstrip “traditional” approaches to marketing. Why has Digital Marketing grown? Digital marketing is an advertising strategy where brands are marketed using digital Medias such as the internet, televisions, and phones. However, digital marketing becomes interactive if the customers are able to communicate with...

Moral Intelligence and Leadership Success

Introduction The role of leadership has become quite broad in the contemporary business environment. At present, they not only perform planning, motivate employees, and execute control but also set moral and ethical guidelines on the organizational level. The book by Lennick and Kiel examines the domain of moral intelligence as...

Rasasi Brand’s Entry into the French Perfume Market

Analysis of the French Perfume Market The French perfume industry is one of the most difficult places to penetrate, establish a presence, and expect to get a share of the market from the point of view of new entrants like the Rasasi Perfume brand. French perfume makers had been mastering...

Military Organization: Leveraging Human Capital

Introduction Organizational leaders must use powerful strategies to empower, guide, and motivate their followers. Numerous models can be implemented in a given workplace depending on the emerging needs of the employees and the anticipated objectives. This discussion explains how human capital can be leveraged in a military organization to maximize...

Managing Organizational Change: Cases Analysis

Beth Israel The story of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center serves as an example of an influence that a committed leader can have on an organization. The corporate turnaround was successful because the leader, Levy, set realistic, although tough, goals. Levy also focused on transparency – this approach allowed him...

Economic vs. Accounting Profit: Key Differences and Implications

Introduction (CRM) is a company that provides business software to organizations based on the cloud computing platform. The revenue model is based on subscriptions. The company was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in San Francisco, USA. It is a publicly-traded corporation. The chief executives of the company are...

The Company Aviva: Managing Operations and Supply Chain

The development of technologies can lead to the era of technological unemployment. Today, automation plays a key role in managing operations and supply chains, and these concepts are associated with the future of work (Berger & Frey 2016; Brotchie et al. 2017). The purpose of this report is to demonstrate...

Employee Engagement and Its Role in Performance

Introduction Many companies implement various strategies that are geared towards boosting their success. For instance, some engage in establishing a culture or an atmosphere that is in tandem with their mission and vision while others emphasize the need for engaging their workers who are regarded as crucial assets that have...

Leadership Training for Effective Management and Success

Introduction Organizations expect their senior managers to be effective leaders and invest heavily in specialized leadership programs. Based on this view, it is evident that managers can be trained to be leaders. Management and leadership are two distinct aspects of an organization, but an individual can be both a leader...

Organizational Macro-Processes and Effective Management

The effective management of an organization’s macro-processes goes a long way in determining its success. The notable macro-processes that an organization needs to take into consideration include customer relationship management, internal supply chain management, and supplier relationship management. Each of these three macro-processes is important to businesses since they facilitate...

Effective Employee Management Planning at Tanglewood Company

Tanglewood’s staffing practices have been rather stable for years, and many stores in the state of Washington have been operating without any problems for quite a while. Since Tanglewood uses the resources of its internal labor market to fill in the openings, a certain percentage of the jobs will become...

Customer Service Training for New Employees

Abstract Customer service is a critical aspect of achieving success in any organization. It includes all interactions between an organization’s employees and its customers. In order to improve customer service, it is necessary for an organization to train its employees. A customer service training program improves the knowledge and skills...

Marketing Strategy for Rengo Real Estate’s Project Success

Marketing has a broad range of activities. Promotion being one of the marketing mixes deals with the exposure of a product or service to the market. The promotional approach would enhance the use of promotion mix to try to sell the Rengo Real Estate Project. Purpose Description Real Estate has...

Jack Welch’s Leadership at General Electric

How difficult a challenge did Welch face in 1981? How effectively did he take charge? According to “GE’s Two Decades Transformation: Jack Welch’s Leadership” journal, Jack Welch became the CEO of the General Electronics company in 1981. During this era, the company had undergone a complete reorganization (Cleavenger & Munyon,...

Cultural Factors Affecting Consumer Behaviour

Cultural Factors Affecting Consumer Behaviour: Introduction Consumers have largely contributed to the growth of various businesses. This is because every successful business venture requires potential buyers. As a result, the role of the consumer on business prosperity can never be neglected. It is sad to mention that many businesses have...

Alphabet and Google Companies’ Strategic Directions

External Environment Opportunities and Threats The creation of the Alphabet has presented a variety of new opportunities. For Google, the launch of a new parent firm gave an opportunity to concentrate on working as a highly successful and leading searching engine and allowed it to focus on developing digital ads...

The Treasure Trove of the Aging Workforce

Abstract Employers are increasingly becoming aware of the benefits of having a diverse workforce. As a result, the modern workplace is rapidly becoming diverse in terms of age. The situation presents both benefits and challenges to the employers. Among the most profound challenges that emerge from an age-diverse workplace is...

Dell Technologies’ Company Analysis

Company Introduction Dell Technologies, most often referred to as Dell, is an international company that produces computer hardware and software (Dell Technologies, “Company Information”). The firm was founded in the United States in 1984 and has been providing services worldwide for many years. Its headquarters are based in Round Rock,...

Kimchep Inc.’s Decision-Making Process and Its Impact

In contemporary societies, people and businesses make decisions frequently. Notably, in business entities, decisions need careful scrutiny and assessment so that the outcome is not detrimental to growth and revenues. Due to the seriousness of the impact that business decisions have on organizational progress, it is important for them to...

Kemya Polyethylene Plant and Its Ergonomics

Introduction The manufacturing business environment has undergone considerable evolution over the years. The transformations have been spurred by different causes. Technological development is one of the critical forces that have changed the industry significantly. Manufacturing firms are progressively integrating different computing technologies in the quest to achieve efficiency in their...

R. Kiyosaki’s Contribution to Cashflow Technologies Inc.

As the CEO of the Cashflow Technologies Company, Robert Kiyosaki implemented strategic task orientation leadership skills on organization task management level to encompass actual and expected outcome of sustainable performance. Through designing personal task management model levels, his task orientation module remained active in developing dependence of interest attached to...

Businesses Performance: Financial and Non-Financial Measures

Purpose/ Core Interest The purpose of the present research is to evaluate the implementation of non-financial measures of performance in small and medium enterprises (SME) as a predictor of enhanced performance. The research aims at examining at least 100 small and medium enterprises, seeking to outline their measurement strategy and...

Problem-Solving Techniques for Effective Human Resource Management

How would a manager use systematic thinking and intuitive thinking in problem-solving? In the process of problem-solving, managers may resort to two types of thinking: systematic and intuitive. Both of these approaches have their advantages and disadvantages that may have a profound impact on the success of the decisions made...

Marks & Spencer as a Marketing-Oriented Company

Marks & Spencer (M&S) is an international, multi-channel retailer specialised in food and fashion. Currently, food business accounts for 58 per cent of the enterprise’s total turnover, while clothes and home business – for 42 per cent (M&S 2016a). Quality and innovation are the core values incorporated into M&S organisational...

Leadership Role in Quality and Innovation

Leadership gives an Organization Direction Every organization has made the past strides because of the leadership that came up with ideas and made them work for the organization. The strategies may be faulty or correct. They can cause an organization to fail or succeed. Once an idea has not worked...

Human Resource Manager’s Career Opportunities

Introduction This research paper covers some aspects of a possible career in human resource management. The career is important because it involves the management of the most vital resources – human resources in any organization. Hence, it is imperative to recognize that human resource management (HRM) is now considered a...

Launching an Airline: Operations and Management

The aviation sector is one of the most competitive industries not only in the United States but also in other countries around the world. The industry is characterized by many other challenges such as fluctuations of oil prices in the global market, terrorism and insecurity, strict government regulations, and the...

Employee Tardiness in Annual Performance Review

Before the annual review, a manager should prepare by evaluating the performance of the employee based on measurements of productivity used in the company. In the case of employees like Jim who have a tardiness issue, a record of late arrivals should be kept leading up to the meeting. Performance...

Thoughts on Leadership: Abilities and Problems

Introduction In literature, there is an abundance of definitions of good leadership and examples of being an excellent leader. All these definitions differ slightly from each other, but they have one common point, namely, a good leader has the ability to motivate people to do even those things that seem...

Case Study of Kitchener Rangers Hockey Club: Management and Performance Insights

First, the authors provide background information about the ice-hockey industry in Canada, its overwhelming popularity, and national character. The given sphere provides about $11 billion annually (Schnarr, Krizmanich, & Lee, 2016) and attracts the attention of different agents who want to obtain significant revenues. Therefore, the case revolves around the...

Dong Feng Motor’s International Market Entry Strategy

Executive Summary Dong Feng Motor Corporation is a Chinese automotive company that is wholly owned by the government of China. It has been successful in the local and regional market, but its brand is barely known in the international market. A time has come when this company must make aggressive...

Thorntons Company’s Corporate Social Initiatives

Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to the initiatives sponsored by a firm to promote the wellbeing of the community in which it does its business. In the recent past, the concept of CSR has gained root where each corporation is seeking to gain customers’ loyalty by giving back to...

Big Bone BBQ and Wicked Wings Restaurants’ Operations Management

Summary of the Firm Big Bone BBQ and Wicked Wings is a full-service casual dining restaurant located in Kanata and is the only location this franchise offers in Ottawa. There are other locations in Markham, Keswick, Barrie, and Whitby. This restaurant specializes in smoked ribs, wings, beef brisket, and pulled...

JP Morgan Chase & Co.’s Unethical Behavior

Introduction JP Morgan Chase & Company is the largest bank in the United States that offers banking and other financial services. It has a market capitalization of approximately $2.145 trillion. It was founded in 2000 after the merger of two financial institutions namely J.P. Morgan & Co. and Chase Manhattan...

Keurig Coffee Machine Product Pricing

The evaluation of Keurig’s coffee machine must start from its estimated pricing range and product qualities as perceived by the market. When it comes to household appliances, customers are often looking for the fair price versus performance as a primary criterion of judgment (Kotler, Keller, Sivaramakrishnan, & Cunningham, 2013). Other...

The Decline of the Jewelry Industry

Issues How to motivate Millenials to buy diamonds? How to sustain the competitiveness of diamonds and other jewelry products against other luxury items? What should De Beers do to improve the reputation of diamonds as luxury products? Should De Beers invest in a rebranding strategy and in new products versus...

Quality Evolution in Auto Manufacturing Industry

Since its first appearance at the end of the 19th century, the automobile has come a long way not only in its appearance and technical capabilities but also in quality standards. With the improvement of the technology, these vehicles have become faster, easier to operate, and more energy-efficient. However, the...

Management Principles: Application and Challenges

Introduction This paper is based on the topic of management principles. It explores the topic by providing the definitions of manager, management, and organisation. The definitions are followed by a discussion of why managers are important. Other issues which are discussed include organisational structure, SWOT analysis, and organisational culture. Manager...

Zappos-Amazon Companies Merger: Organizational Culture

Introduction The acquisition of Zappos by Amazon is a good example of the complications of combining two companies that have different organizational cultures. Although the merger between the two companies was mostly inspired by developments in the market place, the usual expectation is that the values and cultures of the...

Business Problems: Corporate Fraud

Executive summary Corporate fraud is a major challenge that has persisted in the business environment for the past decades. Despite the numerous efforts made to curb this problem, some of the approaches are reactive, while others have been counterproductive. This report identifies the trend of the occurrence of corporate fraud...

Personal Financial Management and Financial Literacy

Personal financial management is a useful method of controlling income and expenditures as well as planning future savings. By understanding the basic principles and minor aspects of money management such as the compound interest method, people can avoid bankruptcy and enhance their chances for the side income. Since I did...

Healthcare Management Roles & Functions for Effective Leadership

In the increasingly complex healthcare settings, more people recognize the role of management in achieving organizational goals (Buckbinder and Shanks 25). Managers in healthcare organizations provide effective organizational leadership and help coordinate the actions of healthcare personnel to deliver high-quality care. Such leadership is based on the knowledge of the...

Employee Compensation and Benefits Package

Introduction In this paper, a comprehensive employee compensation and benefits package will be developed. The package is for a secretary who will work in the human resource department of a company that manufactures ice cream in Brooklyn. The paper will begin with an overview of the compensation and benefits package....

Cadillac Motor Car Division’s Quality Management

Introduction Cadillac Motor Car Division is part of the General Motors Company, a firm that designs, produces, and sells motor cars and car parts all over the globe. Cadillac is focused on the marketing and production of luxury cars for sale in the United States, Europe, China, and other countries....

Roche Company’s Operations Management

Introduction Operations management (OM) is central to the overall organisational strategy. It focuses on attaining efficiency and competitive gains and maximising profits in the functional areas of product/service development, operations and marketing. It aims to improve practices across departments through effective conversion of inputs (materials) into outputs (products/services) (Schroeder, Goldstein...

Worldwide Chemical Company Provides Information Regarding Faulty “Fix It” Approach

The current “fix it” approach maintained by the Worldwide Chemical Company is ultimately faulty. As described in the case study, it leads to the decreased first-quality product yields and on-time deliveries, compromising the production cycle and hampering profits. Thus, the best way to maintain the company’s TQM effort is to...

IKEA Company’s Circular Economy Model

Description of Organization The subject for this report is IKEA, a Swedish producer of furniture and other home accessories. IKEA provides its customers with a wide range of products including furniture (home, outdoor, and for storage), home electronics, indoor gardening, diverse textiles, lighting, decoration, leisure and safety products, kitchen and...

Quality Management Role in Effective Leadership

Executive Summary The report entails a critical review of total quality management in the operation of a firm. The various ways through which the total quality management can contribute to an organization success are evaluated. However, the report takes a narrow approach of total quality management. This arises from the...

How to Become a Successful Leader?

Introduction Fundamental leadership success secrets separate the successful and effective persons in charge from the average and mediocre leaders in current firms. Leadership technique is studied from gurus, learned in discussion groups and exists as a component of an individual’s inborn special headship technique set built up over years, and...

Online Shopping and Employment: Legal Perspective

Legal Issues in E-Commerce Introduction Since its introduction, the online shopping and e-commerce platform has experienced an exponential growth. Business-to-consumer has contributed significantly to the development of this form of trade. However, like in all other form of emerging technologies, there are several concerns that make it hard for online...

Leadership and Globalization in the US and Japan

Introduction Leadership is a social influence in which a person can motivate or influence others and acquire their support in order to work together and accomplish a certain task. A leader can be defined as a person with the ability to influence others to work as a team and directs...

Ethical Standards in Wal-Mart Company’s Auditing

Ethics Audit: Key Stages of the Process Institutionalizing ethical standards in an organization setting is an essential step toward creating the environment in which a company can not only operate but also thrive. Ethical principles are required to build a competent communication strategy, make decisions at the corporate level, and...

Human Resources Director Selection

Introduction Three candidates were referred for the Human Resources Director post. However, the best finalist for the job was Shawanda Jackson. Ms. Jackson was chosen as the qualifier using a well-planned strategy. The other two candidates, Mr. Sam Fein and Ms. Lola Vega were similarly remarkable, but they would not...

BP Company’s Oil Spillage: An Environmental-Based Ethical Dilemma

Introduction In the last five years, the infamous deepwater horizon oil spill has generated heated debate across the globe on the sustainability of oil mining activities of the BP Company and other competitors. The deepwater oil spillage begun in the region of Gulf of Mexico and has had one of...

Innovation Management and New Product Development

Introduction The demands and challenges of the world’s population are increasing rapidly. These needs range from organisational inadequacies to corruption, from environmental conservation to disease or from transport to technology. This aspect means that entrepreneurs have an array of opportunities to create a business venture. Entrepreneurship entails not only the...

Four Major Theories of Strategy: Classic, Evolutionary, Processual, Systemic

Mainstream Western world literature presents strategy as a deliberate, coherent, and chronological process. However, the strategy can also be an emerging reaction that is irrational and fragmented such that is remains a continuous learning experience for the organization. There are four major theories used to explain the strategy. They include...

ANOVA in Manufacturing: Boosting Production Quality

Carrying out tests in the manufacturing setting is an essential step towards improving the production values in an organization and delivering the products and services of the finest quality. Although the ANOVA testing tool is not traditionally viewed as a part and parcel of the manufacturing setting, it is still...

Analyzing Decision-Making and Leadership Strategies at Barclays Bank

Barclays Bank Board comes up with the vision for the bank. It could be the expansion plans into the Middle East or the African continent. The Board Chairman would lead the board meeting into accessing the need for the expansion, the method of expansion, and the time it would take...

Alphabet Inc.’s Industry: Technology, Advertising, and More

Industry Overview Type of Industry Alphabet Inc. is an American-based conglomerate that emerged as a result of Google’s corporate restructuring in 2015 (Glowik, 2017). The term conglomerate refers to a corporation consisting of several unrelated companies, in which one business entity owns a controlling stake in other constituent members. In...

Digital Marketing, Its Forms, Pros and Cons

Introduction Digital marketing refers to a marketing strategy that involves the promotion of products or services online. Numerous online venues are available for online advertising including the social media, email marketing, short messages (SMS), and videos as illustrated in the following image. The invention of the Internet has enabled people...

Maple Leaf Company: Business Environment Challenges

Executive Summary Maple Leaf is one of the leaders of the Canadian agricultural industry. Nevertheless, even industry leaders face challenges once they make a decision to expand and start operations in foreign economies. One of the most significant problems of the company is its effective functioning within the operating environment...

Railway Contributions to the Canadian Economy

Introduction Boasting a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of more than $1.7 trillion, Canada’s economy is ranked among the ten largest economies of the world (Toly & Segbers, 2016). A combination of different forms of transport is largely responsible for this performance. The health of the Canadian economy is linked to...

Negotiable Instruments

Negotiable instruments are written legal documents that emerged in the thirteenth century in England (Ellinger, Lomnicka, & Hare, 2011). The documents function as unconditional orders for a transfer of a specific monetary amount. Negotiable instruments can take the form of checks, promissory notes, and certificates of deposit among others (Miller,...

Workplace Discrimination: Analysis and Recommendations

Introduction Minorities that most frequently face discrimination and harassment in the workplace are usually determined by their social and gender differences rather than their professional competence. Discriminated populations typically include people of color, female and non-binary employees, as well as personnel, deemed too young or too old to be considered...

Employees’ Wellbeing in Workplaces

Introduction Nowadays the importance of mental illnesses grows steadily. Stress in today’s society has become a global problem. Moreover, a significant part of the tension connected with work. People experiencing stress, anxiety, and mild depression at work cannot perform their duties effectively. In this regard, it is necessary to examine...

Cemex Company’s Effective Training Strategy: Enhancing Employee Skills and Performance

Abstract This paper deals with an effective training strategy at CEMEX. The strategy will cover such areas as customer service, technology, leadership, sustainability, communication, and special attention will be paid to diversity. The training will be held with the use of a constructivist approach and return driven strategy. Technology will...

Richard Branson’s Rule-Breaking Leadership Style

Executive Summary This report provides a critical analysis of Richard Branson’s leadership style. Branson is a renowned international businessperson. Born and raised in the United Kingdom, Branson established the Virgin Group in the early 1970s. Through several decades of his leadership, he managed to overcome obstacles in the business environment...

Swarovski Company’s Marketing Approach

Introduction Companies that want to achieve their business potentials must be innovative and competitive. This approach will make it easier for firms to implement new strategies that can augment their competitive advantages (Rupini & Nandagopal 2015). Innovation supports the business objectives and goals of a company. Swarovski remains one of...

Understanding the Peter Principle: Poor Promotion Decisions and Their Effects

Introduction Strategic HR management ensures that organisations achieve long-term benefits such as the core competence and positive business returns from their human resources. Strategic HR management is crucial for strategic planning and long-term goals of an organisation. This enables the HR to identify employees’ skills that can ensure an organisation...

Current Fulfillment Process at CVS: Complications and Solutions

The current fulfillment process at CVS seems to be overly complicated of the entrepreneurship to function efficiently and make sure that the customers’ needs are met adequately. Indeed, a closer look at the way, in which the clients’ requests are processed will show that the overall process is rather convoluted....

McDonalds’ Entry into Latin American Market

The Top Ten Companies The franchise list features firms from different franchise categories. According to the Entrepreneur’s (2016a) ranking, the top ten companies that pursue franchising as a mode of international expansion include: Jimmy John’s Sandwiches (Food). Hampton by Hilton (Mid-price hotel). Supercuts (Hair salon). Servpro (Insurance/disaster restoration and cleaning)....

Alan Wilson’s Career Choice to Change the World

Abstract The case study analysis is focused on selecting the best career option for Alan Wilson. The purpose is to choose the option that is most beneficial to make a difference. Although accepting the offer to work for Grepter in Zurich Alan acts rationally, this choice is most efficient to...

EasyJet Airline: Strategic Management

Introduction Strategic management encompasses a group of continuous deeds and well-calculated practices that businesses deploy to organise and/or set their assets in line with the established goals. Actions in strategic management have t be in line with the organisation’s mission, vision, and values. Activities in the discourse change the static...

Effective Performance Enhancement Tools and Strategies for Optimal Results

Introduction Creating the environment in which employees will be able to excel in their performance is an absolute necessity for an organization to exist and, in the best-case scenario, thrive in the context of the contemporary global economy. Therefore, the introduction of a cohesive and efficient measurement system must be...

Risk Management During Financial Crisis in the US

Abstract Banks and other financial institutions forming part of the financial system contribute greatly to the development of any economy. Business and industrial enterprises look for increased financial support from these institutions, since they can develop and introduce innovative financial products and services. Because of the nature of products and...

“Strauss & Co” Company’s and China Cooperation

Every company that achieved great results in its native country strives to cover new territories and expand its production into other markets of the global community. As the concept of globalization and cultural diversity is a well-known issue, entrepreneurs from all over the world try to address these issues and...

Crisis Management Planning and Its Effectiveness

Crisis management planning is an organized way of mulling over the misfortunes that may affect an organization or individuals. In crisis management, flexibility is highly essential as opposed to a step-by-step process to accommodate possible dynamics. Flexibility helps in the diagnosis and addressing of specific issues. Although a crisis is,...

Fitbit Company: the Business about Wrist

Introduction One of the most attention-grabbing and commercially successful products introduced in the last decade, following the popular second fitness boom, are wearable trackers, used to collect, store, and share data about a person’s daily activities (Millington, 2016). One of the leaders in the wearable devices market is Fitbit. As...

Interpersonal Communication in Diverse Workforce: Avoiding Prejudice

Diversity Leads to Prejudice According to Allen (2009), interpersonal communication in a diverse workforce is susceptible to prejudice. Consequently, organizational leaders and workers are required to choose their words correctly and structure a message in such a way that it is void of ambiguous phrases. Beamer (2007) maintains that jargon...

Human Resources in Global Business Management

Executive Summary Globalisation has opened new market opportunities in other countries that corporations can utilise to expand their businesses. However, in recent years, promising equity-based partnerships, IJVs and M&As, have failed to prosper. Scholars cite differences between the local and host cultures as the key success or failure factors (Khilji...

Human Factors and Risk Occurrence in Abu Dhabi Ports: Analyzing Safety Measures

Abstract Project risk assessment is rather important in the modern business world. The researcher dwells on the key points connected to the significance of this area and presents evidence of its worth to the companies. Twenty Abu Dhabi Ports employees are interviewed. After evaluating the data obtained throughout the interviews,...

Starbucks Corporation’s Strategic Initiatives

Introduction Since its inception in 1987, Starbucks Company has grown to become one of the leading providers of coffee around the globe. Among the countries that the service provider operates, is the United States, Japan, and Australia. The company attributes its growth to the introduction of Howard Schultz, who speared...

Human Resources Management: External Influences

Introduction Like any sphere of management, human resources management can face external influences. There is a wide range of such influences, including political, economic, and social. To ensure that successful human resources management is not undermined by a certain external impact, it is necessary to analyze topical issues, explore possible...

Castrol’s Benefits from Research and Development

The need for Castrol and similar businesses to invest in research and development Research and development (R&D) is extremely vital for a myriad of businesses especially those that serve a global market. Castrol has thrived in lubricating and motor oil industry due to intense investment in R&D. The following reasons...

Key Traits for Entrepreneurial Success: Risk, Change, and Personality

Introduction Entrepreneurs create businesses that offer products, processes, and services for hire and/or sale in a free market. Entrepreneurship involves the willingness to engage in developing, organizing, and managing business establishments in full recognition of the existing short-term and long-term risks with the objective of making profits. It involves overlooking...

Auto Spare Parts Distribution Mechanism and Strategy

Introduction The current problem of spare parts throughout China, at its current position is due to inefficient practices. In order to shift the service levels to achieve an efficient frontier and enable the company to realize high returns on investment, a new distortion method has been proposed. Typically, the cost...

CEMEX Company’s Learning Plan

Abstract CEMEX is a world leader in the cement industry. The paper discusses the creation and implementation of the organizational learning strategy plan for CEMEX in order to contribute to the company’s further progress in the industry. To become a learning organization and to implement an effective learning strategy, CEMEX...

Enhancing Operational Efficiency through Teamwork and Leadership Motivation

Abstract Theoretical knowledge related to the efficient performance of the organization is critical because it serves as a basis for future actions performed in the real life. In this work, three articles that consider particular concepts relevant for operational enhancement are discussed. The information provided by their authors is outlined...

Conflict Competence in the Workplace

Conflicts can happen in any workplace. All employees, while occupying the same territory, may have different values and goals. However, it is important to remember that an establishment cannot work successfully with employees that have unresolved issues. Thus, the process of solving such conflicts is an essential part of one’s...

Small Pizza Restaurant’s Inventory Management

Introduction Inventory refers to the number of valuable goods available in an organization at a particular time to ensure customer demands are met efficiently (Axster, 2006). Inventory management refers to the efforts taken by the management of an organization to ensure the maintenance of an efficient and economical amount of...

Culture’s Impact on Business Communication and Management Practices

Australians’ approach to business negotiations Negotiation has two parties who have different or common interests and are trying to reach an agreement on matters that are beneficial to them. The content of the negotiation is influenced by culture, strategy, background and context. When the negotiating parties have different cultural sensitivities,...

Kark Shop: Muscat’s Premier Flavored Tea Destination

Business and Industry Profile Kark Shop is a new tea shop in Muscat, Oman that is aimed at the provision of quality flavored tea to customers around Muscat and other parts of Oman. It is a Limited Liability Company managed by XYZ. XYZ is suitable as a manager of Kark...

The Book “Marketing” by Dhruv Grewal and Michael Levy

Summary The book dwells upon products, their types, branding strategies used to market them, packaging, labeling and issues associated with packaging and labeling. First of all, it is noted that the product is a complex concept which is based on core customer value. Thus, consumers buy a product if they...

Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice

Introduction In recent decades, the term of “knowledge management” has become very popular, however, it should be noted that its categorical framework is rather vague. Knowledge management can be defined as the art of creating value from intangible assets of the organization as a purposeful process of conversion of the...

Game Zone Company’s Market Characteristics

Please identify at least 6 competitive factors (factors that consumers consider in making their buying decision). Add-on from multi-media is a major competitive factor that enables game console to perform varied functions like an entertainment box. It can act as Mp3 player, plays high definition (HD) video disks, CD player,...

Dell Company’s Supply Chain Management Strategy

Effective supply chain management (SCM) ensures customers get a better value from the business. SCM entails the integration of structures and processes in the supply chain ensuring an effective and efficient flow of goods, services, and information necessary to provide the value demanded by customers (Sridharan, Caines & Patterson, 2005)....

Richard Branson’s Leadership Style

Introduction Sir Richard Branson is one of the world’s most fascinating, triumphant, and enduring entrepreneurial business leaders of twenty first century. In the wake of uncertainty, global turmoil, and institutional volatility, his business model remains unshaken and forward marching. Evidence shows that Branson is a leader who knows where to...

Weave Tech Company’s Human Resource Management

Question 1: Human Resource Management Practices and High Performance Firstly, it has to be mention that Jennings understood the importance of the HRM practices in the formation of the company’s performance and competitive advantage and devoted significant time to the maintenance of these features on a high level. Nonetheless, the...

Blue Ocean Walkman: Product Project

Introduction Business and innovation usually go hand in hand. Businesses across the world are constantly coming up with new products in order to increase their income base, make profits and, above all, satisfy their customers’ needs. However, not all innovations succeed in competitive markets. Consequently, marketing is very important for...

Walmart Stores Organization: Evaluation and Analysis

Identify the public company you have selected and include the publicly traded stock symbol The company selected for the analysis is the Wal-Mart Stores organization, which is famous for its unbelievably low prices and at the same time provides the products of consistently good quality. WMT is the publicly traded...

Richard Branson’s Organic Leadership

Executive Summary Richard Branson is one of the highest-profile billionaires in the world, and his status is a function of the development of a conglomerate of companies under the Virgin brand. His leadership style and the choice of organizational structure are quite unconventional compared to other companies in the contemporary...

Transformational Leadership and Management

The topic of leadership development within organisations has become high on the agenda, as businesses need to become more competitive. Nevertheless, there is no clear answer to the question of what makes a good leader. While some think that effective leaders are born, others think that it takes experience to...

Lloyd’s of London Company: Achievements and Claims History

Introduction Lloyd’s of London is one of the oldest insurance markets in the world. Their history spans more than 330 years and an innumerable number of events that affected the market. Currently, the market consists of more than a hundred syndicates which are managed by 57 different agencies. The market...

Enron’s Corporate Culture and Ethics Failure

Organizational culture is a manner in which people in a company operate unconsciously and consciously in their daily activities (Flamholtz & Randle 2011). Through understanding the organizational culture, an institution can identify with the culture that prevails and supports essential programs within its workforce to accomplish the strategic objectives. Organizational...

Walmart’s New Service: Innovations and Customer Impact

Introduction It is essential to determine the product or service needed to solve a certain social problem. Sale of products based on the need of the consumers ensures high demand for the product or service in the market. The following discussion analyzes Walmart Company to determine the service that can...

Oil Industry and Supply Chain Management

Executive summary The supply chain is an important element of the business community and is very vital and necessary for the smooth flow of goods from the manufacturer to the end consumer. It is as a consequence necessary that supply chain management managers incorporate planning and use appropriate strategies to...