Moral Leadership and Work Climate

What is moral leadership and ethics? Moral leadership moves beyond a leader’s basic call of ensuring the performance of tasks. It seeks to define the ‘how’ of the process. Moral and ethical leadership is the expectation of a leader to offer direction to all followers regarding the acceptable conduct within...

HindelburgeCement Plant’s Environmental Impact

Introduction The process of soliciting a competent contractor must scrutinize available bidders to ensure the selection of the one who meets certain requirements. However, it is important to note that there is a particular order of merit in this consideration. For instance, normal criteria will take into account the technical...

Senior Management Teams and Their Purpose

The senior management teams are composed of the executive members of an organization having the top-most rank in the organization. They have the role of leadership and management within the organization. The role of management is achieved when the team plans, organizes, directs, controls, and staffs all the resources of...

Interclean Company’s Career Development Plan

Overview As one of the senior managers in the supply chain department, my role at Interclean Company is very diverse. My main responsibility in Interclean is to oversee the acquisition of raw materials used in the manufacturing of products and the distribution of products across the markets. This includes recognizing...

Hand Held X5, X6, X7 Products’ Cost-Volume-Profit

Introduction PDA Sim produces three products (Hand Held X5, Hand Held X6 and Hand Held X7) and desires to come up with a strategic decision about which product to be discontinued from production in the year 2006. The three products are at different stages in the market and an appropriate...

Mountain Bank’s Business Strategy

Introduction Profits of an organization mostly rely on a good business strategic plan. In the case of Mountain Bank, the profits have been declining as a result of the poor business strategic plan. The best step forward is to develop a new strategic plan which will enable the bank to...

Collegiate Promotions Company’s Sales and Employees

Effectiveness of the compensation system at Collegiate Promotions There should be other forms of payment in order to boost the morale of sales representatives and hence make them deliver and be more profitable to the Company. There is a big challenge for Collegiate Promotions in motivating the sales representative through...

Outback Steakhouse Restaurant’s Selection Process

How the employee selection methods at Outback Steakhouse help the organization achieve a competitive advantage Competitive advantage is achieved through the optimization of the company’s internal and external environment. If a company manages to leverage its structure, it will be far easier for the company to remain relevant in its...

Utah Symphony and Opera’s Merger and Motivation

Theory of Motivation Used by Bill Bailey Bill Bailey is a chairman of the board at the opera; so, he can use one of the motivation theories to oppose or support the merger because he has sufficient power and authority to motivate other members of the board as well as...

Organizational Profits and Their Limits

Profits earned by an organization have a limit. The capital structure of an organization determines the profit levels which can be achieved. Profits are made when revenues exceed costs and there are many factors that determine the revenues as well as costs involved in trade (Boland, 2005). Over-exploitation of resources...

Quality Standards in Manufacturing and Service Industries

Similarities and differences in ISO 9000 in manufacturing and service industries In manufacturing, ISO 9000 is normally introduced into a highly structured environment. Normally, these are people who already understand the importance of having worksheets or information systems that they use in production. However, upon implementing the procedure, it is...

Citizen’s Gas Company’s Demand Forecast

Gas demand forecast: criteria that must be considered The designer, who will develop a new system for forecasting the gas needs of this company, should consider several criteria in order to specify the structure and features of this application. The first and probably most crucial criterion is the type and...

Xerox Company’s Policy as to Women and Minorities

How has hiring women and minorities improved Xerox’s profitability? Xerox has been one of the leading companies which favor women in their working condition. In essence, Xerox’s sensitivity to women’s needs was the key to its success in terms of employee performance and personal rating. The company has been able...

Corporate Social Responsibility and Work Ethics

Corporate Social Responsibility It has always been the general belief in the corporate world that managers “primarily have a duty to maximize shareholder returns” (Smith, 2003, p.85). But with the recent scandals that hogged news headlines such as Enron, WorldCom, and even factories in China that produce substandard products had...

Dynamic Shots Company’s Strategic Analysis and Plan

SWOT Analysis “A SWOT analysis conducted in the process of developing a strategic plan constitutes a serious focus of a good plan” (Kotler, 2000). This analysis will critically identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in our line of business. Core competencies The name Dynamic Shots is and will in...

Ethics and Supportive Systems in Organizations

Ethics and supportive systems are critical within an organization. Autonomy is a potential stimulator of ethics in an organization. It refers to the extent to which workers are provided with the independence to plan on how to do their duties. Autonomy has been noted to motivate workers and usually increases...

Clarkson Company’s Financial Decision Making

Selected Company Horace Anderton Clarkson formed Clarkson PLC (Clarksons) as a shipping service provider in 1852. The headquarters of the company is located in St Katharine Docks, London, and Andi Case is the present Chief Executive Officer. The main activity of the company is to act as a negotiator between...

Bovis Homes PLC: Financial Decision Making

Company Profile Bovis Homes Group PLC (Bovis Homes) is a leading home construction company in the UK, which is located in New Ash Green, Kent. The company started its construction business in 1965 and achieved significant growth. Its stock symbol is BVS, which is listed in FTSE250 on London Stock...

Facebook Platform, Business Model and Goals

Facebook Platform and Business Model Facebook was founded by a Harvard undergraduate student the name Mark Zuckerberg. The Facebook platform was launched in May 2007 by a California-based company. This platform allowed third-party users to develop applications for the site and this convinced many observers of social networking that Facebook...

Goleman’s and McCrimmon’s Leadership Theories

Abstract Summary The current paper is a summary of McCrimmon’s article, “Thought leadership: a radical departure from traditional, positional leadership” and Goleman’s article, “What Makes a Leader?” In the article, “What makes a leader?” Goleman identified emotional intelligence as one of the outstanding characteristics of effective leaders. His study involved...

Project Management Organizational Strategies

Literature Review This paper examines literature articles intending to explore what has been researched in the area of organizational strategies. More light is shade on project management as a way of implementing organizational strategies. Organizational Strategies Simply defined a strategy is a calculated way of achieving a given objective or...

Organizational Change and Development

External forces for change of Flight Centre Flight Centre, an Australian travel agency, has experienced impressive market growth because of its effective management structure. The firm has taken advantage of the emerging technologies to expand its operations to Europe, North America, and parts of Africa. However, this has not been...

Hastings House Publishing’s Print-on-Demand Services

Identification of the changed Business Book publishing industry is changing the concept of book printing based on the new market demand and the changes in the new business technology market. These changes aim at increasing the profits earned by the company through increased book distribution. It also takes into consideration...

Inter-Optics Plc’s Joint Venture in India

Lessons learned from the first stage of the project Inter-Optics plc is a company based in Northern Europe. It has been successful over the years in the production of contact eye lenses, spectacles, and in the manufacturing of other eye-care products. This company has found a good market for its...

Self-Appraisal in Manager’s Skill Development Plan

Analysis of My Strengths and Weaknesses While evaluating the strengths and weaknesses, specific reference has been made to subjective analysis of the level of skills. Nevertheless, answering the proposed questions implied a certain note of objectivity and, therefore, it was easy to define certain advantages and disadvantages in my knowledge...

Cemex Company’s Global Management

In May 2000, CEMEX was preparing to expand through acquisitions in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. What kind of global giant do you think Lorenzo Zambrano wanted the firm to become? Using module theory and evidence from the CEMEX case study, critically evaluate his chances of success Starting its...

Professional Development Plan for Strategic Managers

Evaluating Future Perspectives and Defining Necessary Skills The main strategic goals and objectives of my organization consist of ensuring effective leadership and providing strategic managers with sufficient competence. In this respect, I believe that a strategic leader should be able to achieve consistency between the organizational goals and those established...

Saudi Commerical Banks’ Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction Corporate social responsibility refers to the commitment towards changing the living standards of communities through discretionary business practices to enhance such improvements. It essentially encompasses the philanthropic model in a voluntary commitment (Baker, 2004). In other words, corporate social responsibility entails the social, economic and environmental considerations linked in...

Customer Experiences and Loyalty to Various Firms

Introduction Customer experience defines the feelings and attitudes that consumers are likely to harbor regarding their interaction with the suppliers and providers in their world (De Chernatony & Cottam 2006). Obviously, businesses cannot avoid establishing some form of experience whenever they interact with customers, and this brings out the customer...

Marketing Management in the UK Motor Industry

Five Force Industry analysis Force Factors Impact Rivalry Other multinationals – Toyota Vitz, VolkswagenOwn Parent company BMW Very High Supplier bargaining power Exclusive features of MINI which are not available in other cars Very high Buyer bargaining power Availability of many similar modelsVarious discount dealing on cars similar to MINI...

Future Business in Christensen’s “Innovators Dilemma”

The Dilemma of Investing in more Complicated Products There is a trend in all markets. The trend has been seen in companies moving upmarket toward more complicated products with higher prices; this is mainly due to the increasing demand to sustain the upcoming technologies that emerge due to the disruptive...

James Hardie Industries Managing Under Uncertainty

Identify and critically assess no more than three decisions made by James Hardie that you consider contributing to the company’s share price suffering badly (other than the decision to restructure and the decision in respect of the management of the media) The decisions that made James Hardie’s share price suffered...

Starbucks as a Place Away from Home and Work

Starbucks aimed to establish a third place which according to Schultz (Starbucks’s C.E.O) is “a place away from home and work.” He developed a great customer service and an inviting aura for coffee lovers an experience that popularly goes by name “The Starbucks Experience.” The segmentation and targeting strategies employed...

Managerial Strategy From the Inside Out

Introduction Unique capabilities and popular brands are important in sustaining the competitive advantage of companies. However, they are not built through the process of imitation. Managers who portray a high degree of creativity use their organizational processes and design to identify, build on, and leverage their asymmetries, contacts, or assets....

Sumaiya’s “How to Lose a Job in Ten Days” Article Rebuttal

Introduction Sumaiya’s article attempts to give some easier avenues through which an individual can lose a job especially if there is a lack of satisfaction. He observes that employees who have tried other avenues to be terminated without success can take his advice. I disagree with his guidelines on how...

Silver Wheaton Company’s Missions and Performance

Analyze Silver Wheaton’s (SLW) mission and vision statements against the performance of the organization. Then, evaluate how well the company lives out its mission and vision statement. Provide support from the organization’s performance in your evaluation. In summary, Wheaton vision is to: Remain a leading silver company. Continue giving its...

Purchasing Manager: Job and Compensation Strategy

Job description The purchasing manager should have excellent planning and procurement ability with good skills in executing procurement activities and running a quality purchasing authority program. He should also be knowledgeable about the importance of the procuring authority buyer and the elementary procedures of the procurement method. He should be...

Real-Estate Company’s Cultural Analysis

Introduction The modern-day organizational design is characterized by numerous complexities that determine the manner in which the organizations are run. Organizational factors such as organizational structure, culture, and the whole organizational theory set the parameters according to which the organization operates. Organizational design is concerned with the manner in which...

Global Corporations and Customers’ Mindsets

Popular products and the global reach of their manufacturers Coca Cola drinks The Coca Cola Company has a global reach of 200 countries around the world with 300 bottling partners. Coca-Cola has been in business for the past 124 years with an employee base of 92,800 based in its different...

Marketing Channels and Advertising Campaigns

Similarities and differences among the concepts of the supply chain, marketing channels, and logistics Similarities: The three concepts are similar in the sense that they involve the movement of goods, information, or services from the point of production to the end consumer. The eventual result of the three concepts is...

Text Analytics: Management Science or Art?

The use of text analytics is reflective of both management science and management art. However, it is more inclined to management science than management art. It is because the analytics software uses a variety of scientific facts which are stipulated to be able to work for every scenario in a...

Unions and Performance Appraisals in Organizations

Is there still a need for Unions? Why? Why not? Operation of Unions has undergone a lot of transformation. Earlier, they operated as illegal organizations in the protection of the employee from exploitation through salary, wages, or remuneration. Later the law protected them, and therefore the history is a huge...

Manager’s Changing Environment and Ethical Duties

Ethical Dilemma 1 An affair with a married colleague A co-worker having an affair with a colleague is a problem. It is because it amounts to adultery, and it is unacceptable behavior in the view of the public. Taking the management perspective, it is a problem because it will most...

Effective Management of Organisational Change

Strategy and Change Effective management of organisational change requires embracement of requisite change strategies. Effective change strategy requires managers to establish various mechanisms for managing organisational scope in the context of organisational culture. For example, in this process, Graetz et al. (2001) recommend the necessity for an organisation to deploy...

USA Motors Company’s Employee Absenteeism and Incentives

Why the absenteeism plan will succeed Jack Parks, a benefits and services manager in the auto electronics division of USA Motors, proposed a plan on reducing the number of absenteeism in the company. This plan has a greater chance of succeeding because of the following reasons. The initial plan was...

Supervisor’s Motivation and Employee’s Performance

Marquita White, third shift floor supervisor The factors to consider reflecting the supervisor’s character A close look at Marquita White’s character shows an individual who is capable of good performance but it also shows an individual whose pride in past achievements is the main hindrance to good performance. Consideration of...

Marketing and Advertising in Online Communities

Communities are areas online where consumers who share interests gather and interact. Several virtual areas function as a community through discussion lists, chat rooms, and message boards. The unique properties of online communities offer marketers several opportunities to reach their customers in ways that never existed before. Amazon website community...

Sustainability in Project Management: Enexis Case

Introduction It is a well-known fact that “protecting an organization’s capital base is a well-accepted business principle” (International Institute for Sustainable Development, 1992, p.6). This assertion is especially true when it comes to giant corporations with business operations that can affect millions of lives. However, there is now increasing pressure...

Effective Managers and Leaders: Balancing Demands

A Manager as an Effective Leader A manager is a person who plans, coordinate, budget, and staff of the organization. They plan the operations of the enterprise and supervise the employees. A manager concerns himself with the preparation of the budget. They match the resources in the company in the...

IBM Company’s Mission and History of Change

Look for a statement of mission IBM IBM is committed to becoming the leader in the invention and innovation of advanced information technologies such as software, microelectronics, computer systems, and storage systems. Microsoft Incorporation Microsoft is committed to helping individual and organizational customers attain their full potential. Ben &Jerry At...

Porter’s Factor Conditions in Sports and Business

Porter’s factor conditions explaining Switzerland’s victory of America’s Cup sailing competition in 2005 Porter’s factor conditions for countries’ competitiveness are demand condition, related industries, firm’s strategy, and the level of rivalry. Australia has been challenged for the trophy and there was an increased demand for the country to produce results...

General Motor Company’s Website and Marketing

The General Motor site has processes involving interaction between potential clients and this assist marketer since the recommendations advertise and assist firms to grow their market boundaries. Advertisements of products on the site are an excellent strategy and link for enhancing sales since they have a close connection to vehicles,...

American Flatbread Company’s Franchising

What is American Flatbread? How does the Company produce and distribute its products? Where in Indiana can you purchase American Flatbread? What does the Company’s Mission Statement have to say about the core values of the business? American Flatbread is a company that believes in a return to the original...

International Business Management and Marketing

The role of culture Culture is a term with varied meanings depending on the person using it. It has been defined differently by different scholars. It is, however, generally defined as the set of values, goals practices, and the ways of a specific group of people or an organization. Different...

Global Expansion of Business and Political Factors

Political Issues When planning to expand internationally, the political issues to consider are at the micro-level and macro-level. These include an assessment of the political systems of each of the countries for investment, their political structures, and major political risk factors. Political issues are vital components in influencing company executives...

Assessment of Starting a Business in China

Summary China is positioned in Southeast Asia and is surrounded by fourteen countries which include Vietnam, Burma, India, and Korea among others. China consists of huge expanses of plains, foothills, basins, plateaus, and mountains (Hsieh and Lu, 2004). Similarly, it has a higher population than the United States (About five...

Nature Foods Ltd.’s Business and Consumer Needs

Executive Summary This report lists recommendations as to how Nature Foods Ltd. might shift its business model to take advantage of consumers’ growing concern not only with the state of the environment and their ecological footprint but also consumers’ desire to buy locally produced products. In recent years consumers have...

New Vision Statement for “Chester”

Knowing what your business is about will help you achieve success. Developing a vision statement for your organization will enable the employees, customers and you to be aware of why the organization is there and what it wants to achieve. Having a clear vision for the company will enable you...

Bay View Corporation’s Top Manager’s Skills

Introduction Current market trends are becoming complex and chaotic. This presents uncertainties to stakeholders over their investment in companies. It, therefore, requires effective managerial abilities and skills to manage big multinational companies such as Bay View Corporation. Moreover, the need for managerial skills has never been on the rise as...

Try Painfree: Convincing a Consumer to Buy a Product

The short reading under analysis contains one conclusion which is the response to the issue which is not explicitly in the text, but which can be extracted easily. The text also contains nine reasons which are aimed at convincing the consumer to buy the product. The conclusion of the text...

Diffusion of Innovation Theory and Its Application

Introduction Innovations help people to achieve better results in the areas of their personal and professional interests. Modern cars and mobile services are created to meet the increasing demands of the population concerning innovative decisions and their application to the practical area of use. The innovation-decision process as well as...

Bay View Corporation’s Chief Executive Officer

Introduction Every organization is sustained by human resources. For instance, when a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) retires, he/she has to be replaced for continuity. In this regard, considerations are usually made to prepare potential candidates for that role. Moreover, since market trends have become increasingly unpredictable, it is important that...

Third-Party Logistics and Its Development

What are the different types of 3PL firms? Give examples Nowadays, the development of industry and economy leads to the blistering evolution of different means of transport. Moreover, a great number of different companies have the demand for various logistic services in order to guaranty their efficient functioning. With this...

Human Resource Management Leadership Problems

Managers carefully conduct the recruitment and selection tasks by identifying the right people to fill posts that fall vacant at the place of work. An example in point occurred when Stephen Connor experienced a recruitment problem as an HRM of the New York investment banking firm where Peter worked as...

Professional Growth Through Supervision

Being a leader and manager requires an individual to possess important skills that will enable him or her to integrate quality improvement into the process of strategic planning. This is important for both the individual and the organization which the individual works for as this helps to promote quality and...

International Business Strategy: Problems and Operations

Introduction Business organizations often develop business strategies that define their mission, vision, objectives, and goals of the organizations; these strategies also include how firms will organize their activities to achieve their objectives and mission. To gain a competitive advantage, firms engage in strategic decision-making processes that define long-term activities and...

Freelancers’ Communication with Problematic Customers

Problematic Customer Profiles #1: The “Next Time” Customer Freelance writers who operate their writing businesses encounter many different types of customers through their everyday business dealings and soon become adept at customer service in addition to writing. Eighty percent of the time, freelancers and their customers enjoy a smooth business...

Self-Presentation for Freelance Writers

First impressions take many forms in freelance writing, particularly in the virtual world that most freelance writers inhabit. It is more than possible for all of a freelance writer’s professional engagements to take place online and on email; therefore, nine times out of ten, freelance writers do not ever have...

Freelance Writing Opportunities in Real Life

Unconventional Methods of Looking for Work Part One Successful freelance writers learn quickly how to become savvy marketers and self-promoters. However, finding work through conventional methods such as online searches do not always work as well as hoped. The main reason for this is competition; since online job searches are...

Refuse Collectors and Their Compensating Wages

Introduction Not all careers are desirable in the eyes of most graduates looking for a job. This is because of the risks involved in that particular job and the unpleasant working conditions that the worker is subjected to. Therefore, there should be a connection between the wage rate and those...

Overstock, Officemax, Bebe Websites Analysis

Introduction The internet has altered the traditional distribution channel. Where companies depended on catalogs to inform customers about products, they can now access them easily on websites. Purchases do not have to be made on site. Customers purchase and pay for merchandise online. Thereafter, the company organizes to deliver the...

Management Styles in the Military Field

The issue of what constitutes the best management style is extremely relevant. Organizations want to outperform their competitors and choose management styles that fit their organizational and market realities. It would be fair to say that there is no best management style. Only managers who are flexible in their decisions...

Decision-Making and Strategic Marketing Choices

Information to use marketing tools and complete the analysis and decision-making Strategy in business is a fundamental and technical aspect of any organization. The success in achievement of a company’s objectives and goals heavily relies on the company’s ability to formulate maintain and sustain a viable business strategy. It therefore...

Leadership Skills, Techniques and Tools: Interview

Good morning, could you tell please does your company need leaders and why does it need such people? Good morning, to begin with, I’d like to say that each company needs a leader as it helps the company to develop and grow. Considering our company, I want to say that...

International Finance and Transactions

Abstract An international organization is obviously obliged to carry out transactions using foreign currency. Whenever settlements are made in foreign currency, transaction exposures cannot be eluded. When products denominated in foreign currency are sold or bought on credit terms, transaction exposures can easily arise. As a measure to minimize transaction...

Nestle and L’Oreal Companies’ Customer Management

Nestle’s approach of embedding researchers into people’s homes compared to a more traditional focus group or interview-based research. What different insights are gained and why? Organizations need to understand what their customers need and the psychologies of the clients in order to succeed in their marketing strategies. Moreover, businesses need...

Our Town America Company’s Case

Case Summary Michael Plummer Sr. founded Our Town America Company in the year 1972 in Florida. Michael Plummer Jr. took over the management of the company after the death of his father. The company had thirty employees. Although, Plummer had worked in the business with his father for nine years,... Company’s Success in Online Fashion Market

The success of Company is a result of its online advertising strategy. The internet offers a lot of potentials based on consumer trends. ASOS takes advantage of the fact that more people continue to rely on the internet to meet various needs. Some of the key elements in its...

Group Problem-Solving Techniques and Ethical Law

Introduction The problem is defined as the gap between the current situation and the desired situation. The capacity to effectively solve problems is a key determinant of one’s ability to excel in the management of the group. The understanding of group dynamics forms the path to developing effective team management...

‘Ziegfeld: The Man Who Invented Show Business’ by Mordden

Summary The book ‘Ziegfeld: The Man Who Invented Show Business’ is written by Ethan Mordden and is entirely about the inventor of the show business Mr. Florenz Ziegfeld. Ziegfeld transformed the unspectacular show industry into glamorous show business by the time he left the industry. He is widely known as...

Human Resource Strategy and Workforce Engagement

What are the main building blocks of the HR Strategy? The key building blocks of HR strategy are as follows, the decision devoted to those who are going to be involved in HR strategy building, business strategy definition, analysis of the context, the identification of the business needs, identification of...

Wheeled Mechanic Department of the US Army’s Code of Conduct

The Wheeled Mechanic Department of the United States Army’s code of conduct values integrity, commitment to excellence, and people. This code provides a framework and guidance about business culture as expected among employees, stakeholders, and senior management. The code forms a fundamental basis through which we undertake business enhancing the...

Muchestar Barbers’ Business Owner Interview

Business Profile Uwe (2007) says that if you want to understand people and their worlds, then you should talk to them. I interviewed the owner of Manchester Barbers, a middle-sized business measuring 4 m by 6 m. The business started 3 years ago, much smaller by then (3 m by...

Small Store’s Manager and His Leadership Traits

Who is this leader, and why did you choose this person? The leader I selected for this shadowing project, Mr. Masood, is a manager at a Jewelry store named Peoples Jewellers. This establishment is a small store and so Mr. Masood is an all-rounded manager in charge of human resources,...

Budget Airlines and Their Growth Factors in Europe

Factors Stimulating the Growth of Budget Airlines At present, budget airlines have become very popular. An increasing number of people travel by airplane as it is convenient and it is not expensive anymore. One of the major reasons why the budget airlines are so popular is, of course, the low...

Nutmeg Enterprises’ Operations Management

Operations Strategy Model The operations strategy model defines how the various components of a business are integrated into achieving set goals. An operations strategy refers to the plan on how a business operates to realize its goals. Each business organization seeks to develop and adopt an operation strategy model that...

Great Wall Motors Company’s Marketing in Australia

Pricing objectives pursued by Great Wall Motors in the Australian market Great Wall Motors is a Chinese carmaker known for its expertise in the manufacture of SUVs and SAVs. The company has been doing well in China and other parts of the world due to their quality. Motor vehicles from...

AT&T Company’s Diversity at Workplace

Abstract Workplace diversity is a fundamental feature that may either accelerate or impede the growth of a business entity. In the case of AT&T Company, workplace diversity is being exercised, especially at the point of recruitment. The following is an in-depth interview with a senior HR manager from AT&T. Interview...

An Thai Coffee Processing Plant’s Accounting

Introduction Thai coffee is a registered coffee processing plant that is located in Vietnam. The company is specialized in the manufacture of roasted coffee, ground coffee, instant coffee, and 3 in 1 milk coffee (Farag 34). The company was established in 1996 and is located in Tieng Hoang and employs...

Business Start-Up Challenges and Niche Marketing

Challenges when starting up a business Business challenges refer to factors that make it hard for entrepreneurs to launch their new businesses successfully. Many entrepreneurs are faced with the problem of creating a vision and a business idea. When starting up a business from scratch, most entrepreneurs find it difficult...

Workforce Development and Its Stakeholders

The role of government in supporting strategies of skills development in the workforce Workforce development has been defined in various ways by different scholars. According to Jacobs (2002), “this word has come to be used in the description of a fairly wide range of policies, activities and programs. This includes...

Pork Inn’s Small Business Accounting

Introduction Pork Inn is one of the most popular sausage joints in Ohio. It is located in an upmarket area. Pork inn is a popular place for customers who live pork products, especially young people who come from well to do families. The restaurant is housed at HZ Towers, an...

Shirts and Skirts Company’s Performance Improvement

Evaluate how the Shirts and Skirts Company currently performing and establish the areas that require improvement The company’s performance has been poor with its profitability declining. This is a major cause of concern. The drop has been a result of the company having overstocking problems out of fashion clothing which...

Global Business Activities, Concepts and Processes

The screening process in selecting a foreign market The priority order of steps is essential for the screening process because it enables a company to identify possible problems or challenges at the early stages. Moreover, it allows an organization to reduce the expenses associated with the screening process. It should...

Fastbikes Incorporated’s Managerial Accounting

Introduction FastBikesInc is a company that specializes in the assembling and repair of motorcycles. The company is located in Portland, Oregon. The company is currently facing financial challenges. Managing cash flows at FastBikesInc is paramount to ensure the company does not fall into too little money to sustain the business...

How the Group Activities Develop?

The research involved teamwork and every team member had to participate actively in collecting resources, reviewing the literature, discussing the findings, and drawing the conclusions in the paper. The individual team members also participated in writing and proofreading the report. The group had to appoint a leader to ensure that...

Director Responsibility to IT Governance

Student Source Trites, Gerald, (2004), “Director Responsibility to IT Governance”, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Vol. 5 pp. 89-99. Summary The article discusses corporate governance and director’s responsibilities in the context of IT. The primary issue is the fact that the directors underestimate the significance of information technology in...

LinkedIn Company’s Primary Challenges Analysis

The SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces analysis revealed that the primary challenges are related to the inability to maintain the customer’s interest due to the increasing competition, the necessity to pay for the membership, and questionable reputation. In this instance, LinkedIn has to expand its activities and contribute to sharing...

Nationality Factor in Global Product Success

Summary of Article In terms of summary, the article states that nationality is an important factor in the making or breaking of companies in the global marketplace in terms of strategic management and business policy. The article shows that many products from China, Japan, the United States, and other countries...

Nokia Corporation’s Development and Change

Background of the Organization A brief history of the company Nokia Corporation is one of the most prosperous electronic firms in the world. This firm was started in 1865 by two Finnish scientists, Fredrik Idestam, and Leo Mechelin. These two individuals were business enthusiasts. They were interested in turning their...

Canada’s Computer Industry and Influences on It

Introduction In PEST analysis, the macro-environmental factors affecting the operations of an organization are examined. The macro-environmental factors include political, environmental, social-cultural, and technological factors (Williams & Green, 1997). In this research paper, the writer wishes to undertake a PEST analysis of the computer industry in Canada. In this case,...

Kotter Model: Implementing the Change

Introduction: Kotter Model The implantation of change is a complex process that needs precision. Kotter’s Model developed in the mid-1990s consists of eight steps. It is noteworthy that this approach enables the manager to effectively implement the change. These steps are increasing urgency, developing the guiding team, creating the vision,...

Fraud Perpetrators in Banking Organizations

Banks across the world are experiencing serious losses because of fraud. Fraud always manifests itself in various ways in such institutions. This can be in the form of providing false information to the bank by some of its customers, hacking into the systems and getting the information that they use...

Staples Inc. in the American Retail Market

Retail Market in 1985 The retail market was not well established as it was composed of few dealers, who mostly concentrated with the well-to-do firms where they expected to make substantial sales. It was made up of a couple of wholesalers who would determine the price they wanted to offer...

Corporate Publishing International Company’s Internship

The internship took place at CPI in Dubai, UAE from July 7, 2011. The internship focused on communication and media, which was an essential part of my studies in the degree of management information system. CPI was established over 18 years ago as a first participant in the publishing events...

Medical Appliances and Supplies Industry Analysis

The medical appliances and supplies have proved to be a significant industry in the modern world. The industry is not only growing rapidly, but it is a very dynamic industry in terms of its ability to change and adopt new technology. The industry is a fast-growing industry that includes the...

Weaknesses in Thinking and Ethical Decision-Making

Vulnerabilities in ethical decision-making The area that I think I would be vulnerable in ethical decision-making is in the way profits are made in my business. I tend to believe that what matters is how much profit has been made from the business rather than how the profit itself has...

Leadership Skills Development: Strategic Plan

Individual Mission Statement The term leadership can be defined in different ways. Some scholars define leadership based on the individual capabilities of leaders. In this definition, leadership is defined as a function of having self-knowledge, having a well-communicated vision, creating and developing trust among other people, and taking the right...

Managerial Economics and Business Strategy

In what respects are the following common practices subtle (or not-so-subtle) forms of price discrimination? Frequent-flier and frequent-stay programs? Frequent-flier and frequent-stay programs Frequent-fliers are incentive programs are used by airlines to reward clients who have continuously been loyal travelers (Samuelson & Marks, 2006). The strategy aims to reduce travel...

Leader’s Personal Development Plan

Introduction The ability to set short and long-term goals is vital for the professional and academic career of a person who wants to play the role of a leader. These goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. These criteria are also known as SMART. This personal development plan...

Human Resource Management: Legal and Regulatory Environment

Advice to Goldstein Being the assistant vice president at Reliable Insurance, Amy Goldstein expects to take over the position of vice president from his retiring supervisor. However, this does not happen when the vice president explains the commitments that come with the position. Goldstein is aware that she cannot manage...

Marissa Ann Mayer’s Leadership at Yahoo! Inc.

Leadership and Motivation Marissa Ann Mayer is the current Chief Executive Officer of Yahoo. Merissa has been ranked as one of the most powerful businesspersons in the United States. She has been able to transform this firm positively over the past year and few months that she has been at... Inc.’s E-Business Strategy

Introduction, Inc. is an international e-business organization that has its headquarters in the United States of America. Currently, it is the largest online retailer in the world. The company has various retail websites for different countries such as the United Kingdom, Japan, United States, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and...

Databases, E-Commerce, Social Media at the Workplace

What are some ways databases are used in the work environment? What are some ways database use could be improved in the workplace? A database can simply be defined as a set of similar data organized in a predetermined sequence for ease of retrieval and use. Examples of databases include...

Car Sales Forecast and Financial Strategy

Apart from identifying the interest rate charged for a loan, one will have to consider a variety of factors in order to predict sales rates efficiently. The forecast of sales rates is quite hard to carry out due to a variety of factors affecting it. These factors can be split...

Kio Technical Support Company: Business Plan

Executive Summary Starting up a new business requires a detailed understanding of the market and the forces that will affect a firm’s operations. Kio Technical Support is a new firm that is planning to start operating in the city of London. This firm will have offices in Serbia where most...

TechSystems Wearable Device’s Feasibility Study

Executive Summary This paper represents the continuation of a feasibility study directed at determining potential solutions for the line of wearable devices developed by TechSystems. It starts with determining the attractiveness of three options that were suggested to resolve the challenges associated with insufficient sales and product innovativeness. Discontinuing the...

Remington’s Restaurant: Performance and Satisfaction

Introduction Remington’s restaurant is famous in Tampa, Florida, which offers casual dining to its patrons. Although the restaurant has earned a good reputation in the hotel industry owing to the quality of services it offers to its patrons, it has encountered several complaints from patrons. In this view, the restaurant...

Employee Manager, Events Planner, Film Director Careers

Advice from the human resource manager To set smart goals I resorted to talking to people who were already in the field. In my first interview, I decided to interview a local human resource manager by the name of Abdul Karim. He works at a private law firm. The interview... Company’s Strategy and Recommendation

Overview is a company founded by a doctor, Suneel Sharma, and his long time friend Prakash Chand. Over five years, the firm has grown to a significant competitor on the internet, with over 40000 visitors daily. The firm faces obstacles such as licenses for medical practice. Due to this,...

Collective Customer Collaboration System Analysis

What are the advantages of the C3 system? The phenomenon of the Collective Customer Collaboration system (C3) on the supply chain performance of an organization can hardly be overrated (Ned, 2011). The concept in question helps simulate the multi-agent supply chain in the environment of the global market. According to...

Allegory and Objectification in the “Waiting for the Barbarians” by J. M. Coetzee

Are You Ethical? After investigating the provided views and perceptions of ethics at work, I found that my personal perceptions of ethics are closer to those described in the article titled Minima Moralia in Project Management, by Louis Klein (2016). I have investigated and reviewed each point of view and...

Vapid Lumber Industries Company’s Barcodes Use

Introduction Vapid Lumber Industries (VLI) is an organization that is focused on the operations with wood. Its purchasing director, Taylor, is willing to implement changes to streamline manufacture and improve the quality of purchasing, sales, and inventory. Her innovations are connected with technology that is ignored by her boss, Bob....

Ventria Bioscience and Plant-Made Medicines

Abstract Scott Deeter and Ventria operate a biotechnology firm in California. The firm wants to commercialize a pharmaceutical product, which uses an innovative technology. The technology utilizes genetically modified cereals to produce proteins used as pharmaceuticals. Currently, there are a number of problems faced by the firm. As such, the...

The Roswell Group’s Global Marketing

Executive summary Based on the brief summation of the first assignment, this report intends to take a critical look at how the Roswell Group can effectively manage to open shop within India and successfully become a key operator within the Indian Hospitality industry. India is becoming an interesting and attractive...

Business Plan of Veteran Fitness Center

Executive Summary This paper outlines a business proposal for a fitness center in Sharjah for military veterans who do not have health coverage for physical fitness. It analyzes the external and internal environments, risks, and prospective growth. The business proposal is viable owing to a number of factors. For example,...

Inventory Control in Fashion Clothing Production

The Fine Garments Company sells fashion clothing. The forecasted annual demand for their premium leather jacket is 2,000. The order-processing cost per order is $40, and the inventory holding cost is $35/item/year. How many leather jackets should they order in one shipment? Being a leader in the global market is...

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Worldwide Inc.’s Market

Market Structure The company, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Worldwide Incorporation, operates in the oligopolistic market structure. The company has unique operational strategies which can be equated to the ideals of oligopolistic strategies, characterised by few competitors dominating the global parks and resort business (Baumol & Blinder, 2011). Strong commitment...

British Social Enterprises’ Success and Challenges

Introduction In the contemporary world, people always venture into different businesses to earn a living by making profits. Sometimes they start large social enterprises, which are expected to generate income for them. As Konda, Starc, and Rodica (2015) observe, although the majority of them give up when they face hardships,...

Roche Diagnostics Middle East Firm’s Consumer Dissatisfaction

Project Proposal Student Name University Outline Introduction Integrated systems view on the issue Research approach and plan Project Proposal Poor reputation among consumers is a significant issue for any business because it can impact financial performance. Roche Diagnostics Middle East, located in Oman, has been experiencing a growth in consumer...

Six Sigma Phases and Lean Principles for Safety

Lean Leader’s Commitment to Safety It is a crucial aspect of any organization’s work to provide appropriate safety measures for its employees. As a lean leader, I realize my responsibility in this sphere and understand that I should demonstrate a personal commitment to safety in the company. While organizing safety...

General Materials and Fabrication Corporation’s Labor Union

GMFC-CCD Case Study: Establishing a Labor Union In the labor market, employers hold much more power than employees, at least because the former possess means of production, as well as decide whom to hire and whom to dismiss from companies. Therefore, it is paramount for workers to be able to...

How “One Big Lie” Can Destroy Thousands of Lives?

Author’s Viewpoint According to the author, doing business needs honesty, and one should be as truthful as possible to build trust with the clients. In the Ponzi scheme, Bernie Madoff used to get money from investors by promising that they would get interested in their money. However, he would pay...

Business Communication and Intercultural Aspects

Introduction According to Shrivastava (2012), communication is defined as the process of transferring information from one person to another. Communication can be written, verbal, or non-verbal. Effective business communication improves productivity, efficiency, and minimizes errors. This paper discusses some aspects of communication and how they are relevant to business today....

Organic Strawberry: Netnographic Research

Customer Reviews Fantastic product These are the best strawberries I have ever had, and I have ordered these for 5 years from different companies. They are bursting and mostly small whole strawberries. Can be eaten “as is” or made into pancakes. Can’t wait to share! I’m now on my second...

Employee Performance and Recognition Program

Introduction As indicated by David Pink (2010) employee performance is not always dependent on monetary rewards, rather, some of the most efficient drivers of employee performance are when employees are self directed, purpose driven and want to achieve a certain degree of mastery in what they do (Pink, 2010). In...

Amazon and Yahoo Companies’ Differences

Introduction was founded by Jeffrey Bezos in 1995 as an online bookstore. The company’s original mission was to provide customers with a larger and more diverse selection of informative, inspirational and educative books compared with the brick and mortar (B & M) bookstores (Hill & Jones, 2012). Over time,...

Organizational Culture and Success Correlation

Viewed as the most leadership challenge, organizational culture poses great dilemmas due to presently less agreement on its concept, meaning, observation, and measurement techniques. Issues on its relationship with theories from traditional, industrial, and organizational psychology sectors are also not clear (Schein 110). Most of the researches conducted on culture...

Kimpton Hotels’ EarthCare Program

Abstract This paper includes responses to the questions about EarthCare Program launched by Kimpton Hotels. In particular, the company intends to implement policies that can improve its environmental footprint. This approach can reduce the operational costs of this company and attract clients. Nevertheless, one should also speak about the high...

Career Growth in Management

What is your overall assessment of the applicant’s potential for a career in management? For the entire period he has worked at Midfield, Chaitanya has consistently demonstrated personal and professional qualities which have clearly made him stand out. His efforts have invariably yielded extraordinary results and as a result, he...

Video Games Marketing Segmentation in Australia

Market segment matrix At first, it is necessary to create a market segment matrix that describes the behavioral and psychographic characteristic of potential customers who can be divided in two groups. Characteristics Gamers People, who need photocopy and printing service Psychographic Social class: middle-class. Lifestyle: Gamers are experiencersor people who...

Information Management and Related Issues in Business

Introduction Information gathering, dissemination and storage have changed remarkably with the advent of technology. Traditional methods that were used to conduct business in many organizations have been changed to increase effectiveness. This basically implies that organizations must embrace the use of IT. However, there are many IT-related issues that emerge...

Innovation and Change Management

Introduction Getting ready for Master of Arts and postgraduate diploma in Leading Innovation and Change, the following terms should be completed before writing a dissertation, ‘Leading Innovation & Change’, ‘The Essence of Leadership’, ‘Strategic Thinking and Strategic Leadership’, and ‘Culture and Innovation in Organisations’ (2011). Each term has specific purposes...

A. Manson’s “Boy in Motion” Book’s Marketing Plan

Book Synopsis “Boy in Motion: Rick Hansen’s Story” by Ainslie Manson is a biography of Rick Hansen by the author Ainslie Manson. The book uses pictures to portray Hansen’s years as a child in B.C, Canada. The book highlights his almost obsessive love for the outdoors, and his love for...

Apple Inc.’s Innovation and Simplicity

The technology market is currently dominated by a number of companies. However, one particular company stands out the most with its minimalistic design and unique marketing strategy. Apple Inc. is a technology company, created by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1967. The headquarters of the organization are currently situated...

Gray Construction Company’s Business Communication

Current Status of Organization Gray Construction is a family-owned construction company that has offices in multiple American and Canadian cities as well as a branch in Tokyo, Japan. This company offers services in engineering, construction, and architecture to its customers (Gray Construction, 2017a). The company has a developed approach to...

Allstate Insurance Company’s Diversity Goals

Using the model for goal setting, evaluate Allstate’s goal-setting process to determine whether or not Allstate has an effective goal-setting program The main objective at Allstate is to bring together the differences in the workforce to achieve its mission and boost business success. In doing this, it has developed four...

Marketing Website Evaluation and Detailed Analysis

One of the most important attributes of this website is that the marketing department is in a position to engage with the audience who comes across the wide range of products displayed in the website. For instance, the site has been integrated with social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter...

Market Shifts for Writing Freelancers in 2010

Despite the global economic recession, there remains at least one market where finding a job is a lot easier than elsewhere – freelancing over the Internet. Truly, freelancing has been subtly coming to dominate many industries. More and more people prefer complete independence rather than the tortures of office life...

Leadership vs. Management: Distinctive Features

The main issue associated with the differentiation between leadership and management lies in that employers themselves use the two terms interchangeably, which leads to confusion. However, there are differences between the two concepts, and in order to be knowledgeable regarding the topic of leadership, it is important to know the...