Every organization in the world needs assets for the successful running of the activities they are engaged in and in the process faced with the choice of buying the asset or alternatively leasing it. Buying implies acquiring ownership in the asset and can be defined as “…. obtain ownership of...
Topic: Business
Words: 596
Pages: 2
Introduction The discussion begins with a strategic analysis of a selected company and for that purpose; Nokia- the world’s largest cell phone Manufacturer Company has been selected to analyze several aspects in environment, resource capability, selection and implementation of strategies etc. Since the company is operating under the telecommunication industry,...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 3229
Pages: 12
South Korea Potential for IKEA South Korea is currently among the countries with a stable economic and political situation that attracts foreign business. IKEA is a Swedish enterprise that entered the Korean market in 2014 and currently operates two facilities, and the third one is under construction (Bae, 2018, para....
Topic: IKEA
Words: 1746
Pages: 6
The character serves as the borderline between personality and experiences. Though the character is usually considered stable, psychologists perceive that every individual is susceptible to being nudged by their environment (Porcelli, & Delgado, 2017). Therefore, no aspect of human life is regarded to be fully independent of poor judgment. According...
Topic: Business
Words: 853
Pages: 3
Assessment and Problem Identification The 4th Armored Brigade Combat Team (ABCT) faces a critical leadership problem affecting the unit’s delivery of its obligations and affecting its reputation. It meets poor management, and it can be broadly classified into challenges in human resources, physical resources, and poor organizational culture. There is...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1155
Pages: 4
Blue ocean strategy underscores a policy that challenges organizations to distance themselves from the aggressive competition through the establishment of unexplored markets that make extant rivalry inappropriate. One of the rationales behind Kim and Mauborgne (2004) using the colors blue and red is to portray different markets illustratively. In the...
Topic: Ocean
Words: 1401
Pages: 5
Mind Map About Human Resource Management Personnel are an essential component to any company’s success. A human resource (HR) manager has roles and functions within an organization that are focused on working with people. Proper human resource management is essential for any organization as it identifies the type of workforce...
Topic: Management
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
Abstract Human resource management/human resource (HRM/HR) refers to the practice of managing people in an organization in order to facilitate the achievement of an organization’s mission and reinforce its corporate culture. It can be implemented from either an administrative or strategic perspective. Administrative HR focuses primarily on daily processes and...
Topic: Google
Words: 2213
Pages: 8
The position of Principal Librarian requires providing direction to and interaction with all levels of library management and staff. Describe a time when you were most successful communicating with varying levels of personnel. In your response, please include your employer, job title, and levels of personnel. In 2009, I worked...
Topic: Business
Words: 1002
Pages: 3
Organizational changes are the type of alterations in the companies’ functioning that may be driven by a variety of factors. It is not easy to achieve a change (Anderson, 2017). There are many issues to take into consideration prior to planning and implementing such adjustments. No one can guarantee that...
Topic: Management
Words: 1425
Pages: 5
Acknowledgment Firstly, I would like to thank and dedicate this project to my husband and kids for their patience, love, and continuous support to me during the dissertation phases. Also, I would like to thank Mr. Mark Burridge and Mrs. Helen Goworek for putting me on the right track and...
Topic: Airlines
Words: 16718
Pages: 61
Personal Leadership Development Plan: Essay Introduction Managerial leaders drive an organization with the kind of decision they make; the quality of decision creates a competitive advantage to a firm. Leaders have the role of implementing strategies, entrepreneurial and mandated with the role of creating a winning team. This paper is...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1370
Pages: 5
GM’s portfolio of projects with project type matrix and project life cycles Project portfolio is also referred to as the company’s aggregate project plan. Its primary purpose is to define whether the organization succeeds in managing all the projects it has. It is made to see whether the company is...
Topic: General Motors
Words: 1170
Pages: 4
Market pricing is a process through which pay structures are setting almost selectively by gathering, evaluating, and matching the data on job salary surveys to settle on the payable rates in the external market. In market pricing, use is made of pay survey data to recognize the comparative value of...
Topic: Business
Words: 264
Pages: 1
Executive Summary The quest is on for the replacement of Mrs. McBaine*, Twinkletoes Early Childhood Centre’s* Director for the past 14 years. She has manifested her intention to migrate to another country, thus, leaving her post vacant. This paper analyzes her Director position and presents a recruitment process adapted from...
Topic: Childhood
Words: 3544
Pages: 13
Feasibility Study Finding a reliable mechanic or garage in the UK is challenging. However, owning a car in the UK is a dream of every young family. Challenges arise when a car needs repair. Locating a garage can be a problem especially for ladies. According to Ramaseshan, Ishak, and Kingshott...
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 2304
Pages: 11
Intro to Coca-Cola Distribution Centers Interested in learning more about the world of Coca Cola distribution centers? We have prepared an excellent study for you on this complex process. You’ll find out what path your favorite drink takes to get to your supermarket on the shelf. We have considered all...
Topic: Coca Cola
Words: 3662
Pages: 13
Are you looking for the food truck SWOT analysis? Look no more! This essay sample conducts SWOT analysis for food truck business. Here, you’ll find the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Market competition is getting stronger and stronger in the modern globalizing world. The companies grow larger, they try to...
Topic: Food
Words: 1379
Pages: 5
Executive Summary The present report focuses on the analysis of internal environment factors in Oman Oil Refineries and Petrochemicals Industries Company (ORPIC) that play the primary role in determining the organizational capabilities for creativity and innovation: workplace climate and leadership. The analysis of the first factor employs Göran Ekvall’s Creative...
Topic: Innovation
Words: 1559
Pages: 6
Introduction Every successful company has a competitive advantage that can be achieved in various ways (Hallsworth et al. 149). Some companies develop innovative products while other focus on information management. Shoppers Drug Mart pays significant attention to the development of an efficient retail network that makes the business attractive to...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 1173
Pages: 5
What is Financial Statement Analysis? Many companies and individuals rely on financial statement analysis in their work. It is the procedure of using analytical and financial tools for examination and comparison of financial statements (What is Financial Statement Analysis?). Financial statements are a requirement by law, and interpreting them gives...
Topic: Business
Words: 395
Pages: 2
In this sample paper, you will find a competitive analysis of internal and external factors influencing McDonald’s strategic direction. Through a detailed inspection, the essay explores McDonald’s internal strengths and weaknesses, including its brand reputation, operational efficiency, and employee training programs. Introduction to McDonald’s Strategy Analysis Founded in the 1940s,...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 1169
Pages: 4
Introduction There is no doubt that a well-designed compensation philosophy is vital to a company’s success. Employees are responsible for the execution of corporate goals, and compensation programs should be developed to drive such behavior which will allow a company to successfully execute its strategy. In addition, in today’s ferociously...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 838
Pages: 4
Air Asia was founded in 1996 as Malaysia’s second airline. It had been beset by problems in the beginning, and failed to make profits. The company was founded as a full service regional airline, offering cheaper fare than main competitors in the Malaysian airlines Competitive Situation within Air Asia Company...
Topic: Management
Words: 1296
Pages: 5
Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to review marketing strategies used by two different companies in the same industry. The assignment evaluates types of marketing, pricing, and consumer-oriented promotional strategies that these leading companies within the product group use. Sports apparel companies, Nike and Adidas have been chosen for...
Topic: Adidas
Words: 1935
Pages: 8
Executive Summary The oil industry of Saudi Arabia forms a practical situation to which the paper analyses Porter’s Five Forces model. For any industry, the magnitude of each of the Five Forces varies with the industry structure. This paper presents the barriers of entry as a significant force that dictates...
Topic: Business
Words: 3447
Pages: 13
Executive Summary The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of operations and information management and related concepts. The description of operations and information management is informed by literature review. The influences made by operations management on different spheres are discussed. In addition, the researcher critically analyses the...
Topic: Information Management
Words: 3093
Pages: 12
Introduction The article under consideration is entitled “11 Reasons to Love Costco that Have Nothing to Do with Shopping”. The author of the article is Kevin Short. The piece of writing was published in the online source Huffington Post on 19 November 2013. Kevin Short provides readers with information about...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 1125
Pages: 5
Advantages of Face-to-Face Communication Face to face communication has several advantages. Numerous observers say that face to face contact can never be replaced irrespective of the numerous advancements in technology (Oxford Economics, 2009). It should be noted that face-to-face contact enables the transmission of unspoken or implied knowledge. It also...
Topic: Communication
Words: 886
Pages: 3
Abstract This study explored the impact of group dynamics on the performance of individual employees, which in turn affects the total productivity of the company. The researcher used a total of 25 employees of the Nestle Company in examining the impact of group dynamics on their operations in the company....
Topic: Nestle
Words: 2225
Pages: 9
Although the focus on marketing strategies and the development of effective public relations techniques is discussed as important for companies, modern consumers are inclined to pay more attention to the social activities of the organization (Nickels, McHugh, & McHugh, 2013). Therefore, companies usually try to address the highest expectations of...
Topic: Alibaba
Words: 1040
Pages: 4
Introduction Leadership is complex and has various definitions, qualities, concepts, and theories. As such, different leaders apply different leadership approaches and styles. A comprehensive yet precise definition of leadership portrays leadership as a multidimensional process of identifying goals, motivating others to act, and giving pertinent support to realize mutually agreed...
Topic: Business
Words: 1097
Pages: 4
Executive Summary Theme parks require market information to set and run successful franchises in foreign destinations. This report explores how KidZania Dubai can refine its business model and strategies to compete well in the UAE. KidZania is a leading firm in the indoor edutainment industry, but inadequate information on internal...
Topic: Auditing
Words: 2753
Pages: 11
In the present-day business world striving for globalisation, organisations do their best to benefit from cost-saving technical expertise in other countries (Thomas 2008). This creates a specific kind of business environment necessitating ongoing cross-cultural interaction. Managers have to deal with teams that are scattered across the globe and consist of...
Topic: Cross-Cultural Management
Words: 1713
Pages: 7
The market mix is described as the combination of the four main elements of marketing, which are the product, price, promotion, and place to meet a certain market need. The market mix model is usually used as a tool by many companies to define their marketing strategy to attempt and...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 1164
Pages: 5
Introduction Hogg, M.A. (2001). A Social Identity Theory of Leadership. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 5(3), 184–200. Hogg’s article presents a vivid analysis of the social identity theory, which describes leadership as a group process rather than the role of an individual. The proponents of this theory review the meaning...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1489
Pages: 6
Creating a strong supply chain is the first step toward improving the performance rates of a company. A well-designed supply chain allows improving the firm’s overall performance by enhancing the cooperation between its departments and providing opportunities for timely deliveries and, therefore, an increase in customer satisfaction rates. By deploying...
Topic: Business
Words: 569
Pages: 3
Burger King Corporation was founded in 1953 in Florida and initially known as Insta-Burger King (Hunger 18-1). The fast food company quickly became popular within its industry and differentiated itself from its main competitor –McDonald’s allowing the consumers to alter the ingredients of the hamburgers without a delay in preparation...
Topic: Burger King
Words: 599
Pages: 3
This essay sample explores Walmart social responsibility and ethics, their initiatives, and related issues. Check it out if you’re curious about Walmart CSR. Executive Summary The Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Company has been known as the provider of comparatively cheap goods and services of a rather impressive quality for years. The...
Topic: Social Responsibility
Words: 2789
Pages: 11
Abstract The success puzzle for organizational change implementation management strategy delivery operates on the ability to balance the soft skills that determine organizational principles. Besides, defining the value of the business, determining requirements, clarifying the vision, building teams, mitigating tasks, resolving issues, and providing direction complete the response projections, which...
Topic: Fast Food
Words: 2222
Pages: 9
This paper focuses on different leadership styles in business. Get some inspiration for your leadership styles essay introduction, main body, or conclusion with us! Good Leaders The World’s history has seen a number of great leaders; Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King were a few of...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1416
Pages: 6
Case Description Seth Bullock, the owner of Bullock Gold Mining, is considering opening a new gold mine in South Dakota. Geologist Dan Dority has provided estimates of the mine’s productivity and gold deposits. Financial officer Alma Garrett has analyzed the potential revenues and expenses for opening and operating the mine...
Topic: Business
Words: 413
Pages: 1
Introduction Target Corporation is an example of a publicly traded company that specializes in retail. It is the seventh most significant retail corporation in the US among the companies with the most employees. There are several formats in which Target Corporation works, including the small-scale stores that are called TargetExpress...
Topic: Business
Words: 959
Pages: 3
Introduction Best Buy is one of the largest electronics retailers in the US and Canadian markets. While the technological segment is developing and becoming more prominent every year, multiple retailers with a similar strategy to Best Buy have failed to remain competitive. Furthermore, the existing competitors, such as Amazon and...
Topic: Business
Words: 1383
Pages: 5
Introduction Organic food delivery services are becoming more popular as the desire for nutritious and environmentally friendly eating increases. However, to build a new natural food delivery service, Fit Small Business needs to have a well-designed business strategy to help sell its five products/services. With a well-designed business plan, entrepreneurs...
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 869
Pages: 3
Introduction Whether an individual is starting a career as an intern or a competent professional, office etiquette plays a vital role in their daily lives. Success Peoples (2021) asserts that etiquette sets rules that establish appropriate manners while highlighting avoidable conduct by workers. This paper looks at professionalism, punctuality, technology...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 395
Pages: 1
Summary Strategic management is an ongoing strategy that organizational leaders need to undertake if they want to support performance and deliver sustainable results. The initiative revolves around setting attainable objectives, monitoring and analyzing the recorded level of competition, improving internal structures, and ensuring that business processes are aligned with the...
Topic: Management
Words: 580
Pages: 2
This paper is aimed at reflecting on my personal understanding of entrepreneurship before the start of the semester and thoughts on this topic after learning the key theories. Micro and macro views on the theory of entrepreneurship will be considered. Additionally, the paper touches upon the issues of the concept...
Topic: Entrepreneurship
Words: 1398
Pages: 5
Introduction The OSHA is the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, which Congress created to ensure that workers maintain safe working conditions. OSHA is part of the US Department of Labor and covers most private and public sector employers. OSHA alliances establish a system of safety and work environment...
Topic: Health
Words: 292
Pages: 1
Strengths Netflix’s primary strengths include its brand value, focus on customers, and global scope of influence. Over the years, the company has established a highly loyal fanbase in many countries by providing video services of the highest quality and using an effective regional pricing strategy (“The remarkable Netflix,” 2022). Consequently,...
Topic: Netflix
Words: 923
Pages: 3
Executive Summary In this report, the analysis closely looks at EasyJet and the industry in which it competes. To achieve this, the paper has looked into background information on EasyJet. The company was founded in 1995 by Stelios Haji-Ioannou and has gained rapid recognition in the airline industry. The idea...
Topic: Strategic Planning
Words: 3160
Pages: 10
Abstract Many industries across the globe are experiencing numerous transformations due to some of the recorded trends, such as technological innovations and the need to protect planet Earth. In the United States, the automobile sector has faced numerous challenges that might affect its future performance. While three companies remain dominant,...
Topic: Vehicles
Words: 2808
Pages: 10
Introduction This paper is a strategic analysis of three large companies – Severstal, Air Asia & Tune Group Case Studies. Strategic analysis is a way of researching and turning the database obtained from the analysis of the environment into an enterprise strategy. It allows to assess the internal capabilities of...
Topic: Business
Words: 3854
Pages: 14
Introduction Apple Inc. is a multinational brand that has worldwide presence. The company manages to satisfy consumers’ needs with innovative products and excellent services, which is evident from clients’ loyalty and persistent interest in Apple’s production. Apple can access markets and consumers that smaller brands cannot, ultimately facilitating brand recognition...
Topic: Apple
Words: 2766
Pages: 10
Introduction This essay will look at the financial aspects of running a speciality cookie business. We will look at how product costing methodologies and supply variations affect business decisions. In addition, we will conduct a cost analysis and evaluate the data to identify the effectiveness and performance of manufacturing. Establishing...
Topic: Business
Words: 1337
Pages: 5
Different state laws in states across the United States limit employers from checking the financial situations of their employees. This paper overviews how a manager can employ an ethical theory of utilitarianism to handle a situation and conflict of a qualified candidate with poor credit checks. The applicable theory is...
Topic: Credit
Words: 654
Pages: 2
Walmart’s success and triumph over the other competitors in the retail business are attributable to its business model. The company’s pillar, “Everyday Low Price (EDLP),” appears to have played the largest role in ensuring that the stores attract and retain customers, given that most buyers are price-sensitive. While other companies...
Topic: Walmart
Words: 719
Pages: 2
Introduction CIMERWA Cement Company was founded in July 1984 as a government parastatal in Muganza Sector, Rusizi District, in the Western Province of Rwanda. The company was initially called Ciments du Rwanda and was established under a cooperation trinity between the Government of Rwanda and the People’s China Republic. However,...
Topic: Strategic Analysis
Words: 4231
Pages: 15
Introduction CVS Health Corporation is a leading American healthcare company. It provides a vast range of services and is not a classic medical group that owns a chain of pharmacies. Instead, the company is primarily a healthcare provider, which makes it expand its network. It drives management and administration offerings,...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 864
Pages: 3
Introduction Business competition constitutes a major operational problem that organizations face. Every typical firm works to fulfill client needs to accomplish its objectives and goals. Consequently, corporate executives use both long-term and short-term plans to carry out the business’s ambitions. Addressing competition is among the organization’s improvement initiatives since it...
Topic: Competition
Words: 1116
Pages: 4
Introduction Apple Inc. is a digital company focusing on mobile and digital product development, and its headquarters are in Cupertino, California (Malfona, 2018). The company involves a team of passionate and experienced mobile and web developers, designers, and product strategists who love to solve tough challenges and turn great ideas...
Topic: Apple
Words: 1996
Pages: 7
Introduction Marketing mix is an important concept for the modern business world. It consists of the four elements describing the major aspects of a company’s work: product, price, place, and promotion (Kotler & Keller, 2021). This model helps to analyze the work of a certain firm and enhance its understanding...
Topic: Apple
Words: 618
Pages: 2
Introduction The marketing plan that Ford implemented for the Fiesta is a forward-thinking approach to the business of marketing. The automotive business in the United States is a highly competitive market in which a large number of well-established brands currently operate successfully and have a substantial number of loyal customers....
Topic: Ford
Words: 1177
Pages: 4
Introduction Capital budgeting entails selecting investments that increase a corporation’s worth. The capital budgeting procedure may include acquiring land or purchasing fixed assets such as a new vehicle or equipment (Siziba & Hall, 2021). Market efficiency describes a marketplace where prices reflect all valuable accounting data related to underlying securities...
Topic: Apple
Words: 2325
Pages: 8
Companies being irresponsible in their promise of caring for minorities, socially disadvantaged people, and the environment are becoming a global problem in the present day. Reading the article by Reckmann (2022), which Schooley contributed to, makes an impression that the authors’ arguments are valid. The article is well-structured, defining what...
Topic: Unilever
Words: 398
Pages: 1
Introduction Different types of audits are capable of addressing the varying needs of an organization. In particular, horizontal and vertical audits exist to perform their unique types of analysis, capable of supporting a company in its growth and sustainable development. Vertical and horizontal analysis complement each other, allowing managers to...
Topic: Management
Words: 567
Pages: 2
Introduction It is important to note that a key part of one’s entrepreneurial competence involves an ability to properly spot and identify a critical problem or need, which requires addressing in a business-related fashion. The given problem identification and business venture proposition assessment will primarily focus on time management improvement...
Topic: Management
Words: 838
Pages: 3
Introduction Emotional labor is a term that describes the labor when a person is required to perform unpaid, frequently unseen work in order to maintain the happiness of others. Workers are explicitly expected to control their emotions when interacting with clients, coworkers, and managers. In addition to the suppression of...
Topic: Business
Words: 1455
Pages: 5
Introduction Companies with a huge number of employees from different countries and cultures have decided to use the latest developer of strategic HR management. It helps to improve team relations, eliminate conflicts between departments, and develop a common company culture (Collings et al., 2021). The London ClubHouse will add a...
Topic: Management
Words: 550
Pages: 2
Shopping has become an integral aspect of modern life. According to the rise in popularity of the internet, the development of online shopping turned the process from a necessity into entertainment and stress relief. The shift in consumer culture brought new possibilities but also unknown risks. While traditional shopping offered...
Topic: Business
Words: 886
Pages: 3
Ooredoo, a Qatari multinational telecommunication company, was founded in 1987 as a telephone exchange company and is today one of the largest communication operators in the region, with operations spanning 16 countries. It offers its over 115 million customers mobile, digital, fiber, and broadband services. The company is publicly listed...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 2987
Pages: 11
Analysis of Kodak’s Situation Using the 3S model Theory Companies require a consistent theoretical and practical approach to maintain their competitive advantage. A channel of access, sharing, and integrating knowledge is important in every organization aspiring for innovation. In a disruptive business market, organization need a strategy-making process which enables...
Topic: Innovation
Words: 3551
Pages: 16
The Build a Bear company is a prominent global company that produces “make-your-own” stuffed animal toys (Build-A-Bear Workshop). There are more than 370 Build-a-Bear Workshop stores across the world. They are located in the United States, Puerto Rico, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and France, and franchise stores in Europe,...
Topic: Business
Words: 1612
Pages: 5
Introduction Sephora is a beauty Products Company created in 1969 by a French beauty products enthusiast. However, in 1997, the business was acquired by Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (LVMH) (Moore et al., 2020). Over the years, the corporation has grown to become a leading retailer in the European beauty marketplace....
Topic: Business
Words: 1222
Pages: 4
Amazon is one of the globe’s most influential corporations trading all categories of goods and services over the internet. The organization is known mainly for its online shop, but in pursuit of growth, the company has begun to dominate more than e-commerce (Arnett et al., 2018). Three years after its...
Topic: Amazon
Words: 540
Pages: 2
Introduction General Electric (GE) is a multinational corporation that operates in multiple industries including energy, home and business solutions, financial services, and technology infrastructure. Formed in 1878 as an electricity company, the corporation has since expanded its operation into various sectors spanning over a hundred countries (Hoffman, 2013). Its profitability...
Topic: Financial Crisis
Words: 571
Pages: 2
Project Value Sneaker and Persistence are prospective projects that offer a lot to customers and investors. They benefit the customer as new products are released and the investors and owners when they make profits. The aim of this case analysis is to assess the two projects and provide a recommendation...
Topic: Cash Flow
Words: 565
Pages: 2
Case Facts McKinsey and Company, a leading consulting agency, has agreed to pay US$573 as a settlement for advising Purdue Pharma, a drug company, on how to “supercharge” opioid sales. The agreement to pay the settlement was reached after the management of the consultation firm agreed with attorney generals of...
Topic: Business
Words: 2474
Pages: 9
Introduction Arsenal Football Club (FC) is presently one of the leading professional clubs in England and across Europe. Having been established in 1886, Arsenal FC is one of the clubs that have played in England’s top league for the last seven decades. Historians in the field of sporting acknowledge that...
Topic: Business
Words: 2785
Pages: 10
Many people face a problem: it often turns out to be much faster and easier to do the work on their own than to entrust it to another person, who, in fact, should do it. Or there are examples where people choose their partners based on attractiveness to them, and...
Topic: Business
Words: 557
Pages: 2
Executive Summary Bright Eyes Daycare aims to prepare its students to prosper as young leaders of the future generation by combining an entire competency-based curriculum tailored to children with enhanced first-class childcare services. Bright Eyes will offer after-school tutoring and extracurricular activities such as gymnastics, arts, dance, craft, and theatre...
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 3349
Pages: 12
Management accounting is the task of the financial service of the enterprise: the financial manager or the financial director, but in many small and medium-sized companies, this function is assigned to the enterprise accountant. Financial accounting is regulated by documents and collects information necessary for the preparation of financial statements...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 837
Pages: 3
Upbringing and environment can influence entrepreneurship, but this is not enough. Many people have good opportunities, but not all of them become great. In the case of Mark Zuckerberg, these factors had a positive impact since his parents could fully provide for his basic needs. Mark Zuckerberg grew up in...
Topic: Entrepreneurship
Words: 366
Pages: 2
The Walt Disney Company, one of the biggest entertainment companies in the world, utilized various business models. In the present time, the company uses the generic strategy to obtain a competitive advantage by the unique structure of the entertainment, mass media, and amusement park industries (Williams, 2019). Generally, generic strategy...
Topic: Disney
Words: 564
Pages: 2
It is important to note that ethical issues usually involve the notions of power, influence, and politics, where one’s rights or obligations are undermined in pursuit of personal goals. However, seeking promotion or other self-interests are not inherently negative if ethical approaches are utilized properly. When one thinks of terms...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 290
Pages: 1
Risk assessment is how an organization may identify the processes and occurrences that may delay or harm organizations’ set objectives and timelines. The organization is also tasked to foresee how every situation will occur and predict how bad it may happen (Aven, 2016). Lastly, the organization must determine how every...
Topic: Risk Assessment
Words: 875
Pages: 3
Abstract Accounting and finance are critical elements in the efficient management of a company. The information gathered from accounting analysis helps a company or an organization make day-to-day decisions. This study’s objective is to determine how effective accounting and finance are in eradicating or reducing risks from a company’s operations....
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 2330
Pages: 8
Introduction Operations management is an essential tool used for planning, monitoring, and organizing the business functions, especially the production processes of a company. It primarily focuses on enabling organizations to successfully convert their inputs to outputs while ensuring optimization of profits (Choi et al., 2018). Apple is a multinational corporation...
Topic: Apple
Words: 941
Pages: 3
Pepsi was lately embroiled in an argument over an advertisement published in April 2017. Kendall Jenner, a white model, appeared in the commercial handing cops a can of Pepsi to terminate what seemed to be a Black Lives Matters demonstration (Bowers et al., 2017). Individuals immediately took to social platforms...
Topic: Crisis Management
Words: 330
Pages: 1
A cake shop, although a small organization, nonetheless illustrates the materials management process. The owner of the shop, Priya, opened the shop in the center of her city. It can be assumed that all essential ingredients for cakes she buys from local supermarkets. At first, she would accumulate all products...
Topic: Management
Words: 287
Pages: 1
It is important to note that data analytics is a highly powerful instrument, which can be useful in order to improve the key strategic decision-making process. Starbucks is a global business, which serves coffee products in a wide range of coffee shops. According to an article, it is stated that...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 310
Pages: 1
Introduction Coca-Cola Company is the leader in the market for soft drinks. It was founded in 1886 and became a manufacturer of iconic glass and other products (“Our company,” n.d.). To examine its current situation, SWOT analysis can be applied. It is a strategic tool for identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,...
Topic: Coca Cola
Words: 330
Pages: 2
Business summary The Nike Company was incorporated in 1967 to run its operations; to design, develop, and market its products of athletic footwear, equipment, and services. Nike has then developed to be among the world’s best brands. The company markets its products through its retail shops all over the world...
Topic: Nike
Words: 1188
Pages: 4
Introduction Creating a small business requires preliminary insight into various business characteristics essential for the organization’s success. Establishing a private company can prove to be especially beneficial to an individual knowledgeable of the primary traits of such economic involvement (Burns 99). In this work, a personal business plan for a...
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 947
Pages: 3
Introduction Chain store creation has debilitated markets, eroded public character, and disadvantaged communities and traditional life. Furthermore, consolidation has minimized competition and could hurt customers in the long run. In contrast to the conservative wisdom, the decline of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is not inevitable, nor is it simply...
Topic: Business
Words: 1630
Pages: 6
Employee selection is the process of interviewing and evaluating candidates for a job based on certain criteria. Its main purpose is to match the company’s needs and requirements with the skills and qualifications of individuals. The selection procedures vary depending on the company, position, type of business, and working environment....
Topic: Management
Words: 1985
Pages: 7
Many people had once faced situations at work when a misunderstanding interfered with work and entailed harmful consequences. Problems are associated with internal communication in the workplace and seriously affect the effectiveness of all processes. It is necessary to solve it promptly by forming a team spirit, and the manager...
Topic: Communication
Words: 350
Pages: 2
An organization’s leadership is primarily focused on inspiring employees to achieve organizational tasks. It is also preoccupied with formulating a broader vision for an organization and developing stakeholder buy-in to support its achievements. There are various types of leadership styles used by managers to motivate their workers. Some of the...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1447
Pages: 5
Case Analysis The case studies several important aspects of genetically-modified pineapple cultivation. The research is motivated by the fact that GMO technologies are becoming increasingly common in agriculture. The paper covers the existing benefits of GM pineapples, as well as examples of what could be achieved with this technology. It...
Topic: Genetics
Words: 562
Pages: 2
It is important to note the fact that leadership plays a major role in society. The main reason is that it is a core element of any organization, including private, public, for-profit, or non-profit. However, a leader can utilize a different range of approaches in order to lead his or...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 584
Pages: 2
Introduction The modern business world is characterized by the constant increase in demand for various products as clients want to satisfy their diversified goods. It means that companies have to work with the growing number of products that should be delivered and stored appropriately. Under these conditions, effective warehouse design,...
Topic: Business
Words: 2207
Pages: 8
Introduction At present, Toyota faces challenges caused by production globalization, market development, and increasing product complexity. In 2009 due to a pedal problem, Toyota recalled millions of automobiles because of unintentional acceleration and inability to manage the crisis. A quality problem for a brand that has been renowned for its...
Topic: Crisis Management
Words: 1499
Pages: 5
Customer service can be defined as the advice or assistance an organization gives to individuals who sell or buy its products. This entails reliability, attitude, accountability, knowledge, skills, communication, and efficiency (Melander, 2018). These services help customers to have an enjoyable and comfortable experience with the company; therefore, build trust...
Topic: Customer Service
Words: 557
Pages: 2
The Current Position To begin with, it is essential to analyze the organizational purpose of the Georges Hotel at first in order to determine its current position. Evidently, the mission, vision, and values of the business are closely interconnected, and one of their most critical elements is the concept of...
Topic: Business
Words: 1965
Pages: 7
Dollar Shave Club’s value proposition and how does it differ from Gillette’s One of the major factors explaining DSC’s success is the unique approach to working with clients and the company’s value proposition. It presupposes a fair price and a client-centric service focused on the increased level of satisfaction among...
Topic: Business
Words: 609
Pages: 2
Introduction The Chinese market is earning increasing recognition for offering unlimited opportunities to global corporations, spurring massive inflows of foreign direct investment. This trend is attributed to several socio-economic and political developments in China, including increased adoption of the rule of law, sound institutional reforms, and high research and development...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1132
Pages: 4
Introduction Leadership is a powerful strategy that helps managers guide their followers to complete their roles efficiently. The implementation of desirable styles guides employees to collaborate, become more involved, and focus on the outlined organizational goals. This discussion gives a detailed analysis of transformational leadership and reaction to the article...
Topic: Disney
Words: 567
Pages: 2
It is expected that the implementation of this marketing plan will lead to the following key results. Increase in the number of customers with children. A more engaged following on digital platforms, particularly Instagram and Tik Tok. This marketing plan will use multiple marketing strategies and activities for Tim Hortons’...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 2265
Pages: 9
Introduction In most modern businesses, ownership and control are two distinct entities. This is because under certain circumstances, shareholders may be widely dispersed to an extent that it becomes hard for them to exert control over the management (Anechioco & Jacobs 1996). In order to ensure that the business is...
Topic: Business
Words: 1686
Pages: 5
The current trends, outsourcing and offshoring, affect the business activity of the present-day companies. The former means an organization’s initiative to send the work to be done outside of firm. The latter is sending work overseas to other companies or their own branches in other countries (Collins, 2020). According to...
Topic: Outsourcing
Words: 294
Pages: 1
Introduction In general, brand management describes marketing, advertising, overall placement, distribution, and design of the company’s products and services that substantively contribute to the development of the brand’s personality. However, this term is also related to the perception and perceived values created by a company and its relationship with consumers....
Topic: Brand
Words: 2028
Pages: 7
Personal values and beliefs are of immense importance to an individual since they dictate what a person judges to be of importance or worth in their lives. Pandey and Singh (2008, p.310) define personal values as “the deepest beliefs and sentiments we subscribe to” and state that values have a...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 586
Pages: 2
Introduction Walmart is known across the globe for its revolutionization of retail strategy. It has maximized the cost-efficiency of all processes, including logistics, manufacturer relations, distribution, as well as human resources (Reich, 2018). Throughout its history, the company was one of the first to introduce numerous changes that helped streamline...
Topic: Action Plan
Words: 862
Pages: 3
Introduction Woolworths company has been in operation since 1924 and is arguably one of the largest chain supermarkets in Australia. Like any other business, Woolworths is looking to expand its business operations internationally to acquire new clients and grow profits. The company is renowned for its high-quality meat and grocery...
Topic: Business
Words: 2517
Pages: 9
Introduction It is imperative for all companies to set out their strategic plans which they use as guidelines and these plans indeed assist them in setting up the scope of their operations and controls which in turn ensure the sustainability of business and achievability of profits in the period that...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 2315
Pages: 7
Employee relations have been a pressing issue in Sociology for a long time. The way managers should approach power, decisions, and interact with the front-line workforce is the main focus of the philosophy known as Industrial Relations (IR). Unitarism, pluralism, and radicalism have been defined as the three main conflicting...
Topic: Pluralism
Words: 564
Pages: 2
The success of Spanish retailer Zara can be measured by the number of its stores found in the most prestigious capitals around the world as well as in comparatively small towns in the middle of nowhere. The brand belongs to the INDITEX group and can be put under the umbrella...
Topic: Zara
Words: 635
Pages: 2
Apple Inc. is one of the leading producers of IT products with its most prominent products such as iPhone, iPad, Macintosh, iTunes, as well as many other successful projects. The use of effective information systems is the company’s competitive advantage (Hwang & Chen, 2017). iCloud was developed in 2011 as...
Topic: Apple
Words: 288
Pages: 1
Introduction Communication plays an essential role in any organization and its performance due to the fact that the given process determines how freely essential information flows from one person to another. This exchange of ideas and information allows people to increase their performance because outstanding communication directly affects the overall...
Topic: Communication
Words: 631
Pages: 2
Abstract Ethics is a vital aspect for the successful business operation. Progressive organizations have formulated policies that guide individual employees, departments, units, and organization as an entity. These policies ought to function based on the ethical principles for the organization to achieve its vision and objectives. The ethical principles are...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1253
Pages: 4
The case study at hand indicates that the successful completion of project management goals hinges on several critical factors, such as the identification of its scope and the integration of an effective infrastructure based on a meticulously built information management system. The latter is, in fact, at the top of...
Topic: Business
Words: 556
Pages: 2
Analysis Main Conclusions Stefan Kornelius analyzes the leadership style of Angela Merkel – the Chancellor of Germany. The country’s citizens go to election in a few days and in spite of her successful eight-year leadership, the Chancellor might lose the elections according to Stefan Kornelius (2013). The editor of Germany’s...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 535
Pages: 2
The given article reminds us that the management of change and risk management in organizations are interconnected. Many accidents, which entail significant human and material losses, are caused by the inability to recognize and manage changes correctly. It has repeatedly been confirmed in the course of investigations of the causes...
Topic: Management
Words: 534
Pages: 2
Leadership is one of the most important skills that every nurse should obtain. Nurses need to be able to adopt various leadership behaviors to be effective in their work. The purpose of this essay is to define my leadership role and assess how it is applied to the nursing practice....
Topic: Leadership
Words: 579
Pages: 2
Abstract The earliest structured argument about the use of ethical principles in business choices dates back to the 1960s (Sele, 2006). However, the notions of Corporate Social Responsibility established in that period vary substantially from our contemporary perspective. Actually, today academicians and practitioners distinguish that business has a duty to...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 3740
Pages: 14
“Contemporary marketing “written by Boone and Kurtz provides us with key marketing principles. The book covers the most up-to date issues including one-to-one marketing, customer care, strategic marketing as well as guerilla marketing among other topics. The book begins by giving the reader a concise definition of the term marketing...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 563
Pages: 2
Introduction Most people in an organization fail to understand the concept behind organizational learning and what it entails. This has seen many organizations become less competitive in the growing world market. Learning hence becomes an important factor for growth and should therefore be incorporated in all organizations. A good example...
Topic: Organizational Learning
Words: 549
Pages: 2
Executive Summary The marketing plan relates to Red Bull GmbH in its process of marketing Red Bull energy drink. The plan illustrates the marketing research conducted in the process of marketing the energy drink. The type of marketing research used is illustrated. In addition, the consumers and the competitors are...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 936
Pages: 3
Introduction Strategic management is considered to be one of the basic elements that allow a business company to achieve success in its operations in both domestic and international markets (Thompson, 2001, p. 24; Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2009, p. 37). However, even such giants of the global business as Pepsi Co....
Topic: Pepsi
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction This paper presents a dynamic model on the consumer behaviour on the real world marketing issue. It will further discuss the marketing and industrial experiences encountered daily in everyday business life, in addition is the Consumer behavioural issues and consumer analysis or recommendations. Research studies has argued that industries...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 1441
Pages: 5
Managing can be defined as looking over and ensuring that people are stay with what they are supposed to be doing. Managers ensure order, greater productivity and a continuous improvement in organizations (Youker, 1977, p. 564). In a more broad perspective, managers design and maintain environments in which other people...
Topic: Business
Words: 682
Pages: 2
Introduction Leadership training is important for managers since it equips them with skills necessary to enable them lead the organization towards attainment of organizational goals. Leadership training enables managers to create amicable working relationships with the employees. This enhances sharing of experiences among employees within the organization (Ashraf, n.d, p....
Topic: Leadership
Words: 552
Pages: 2
Diageo is a company that produces alcoholic beverages. It is operational in numerous countries across the world especially the US, Australia, Italy and India. It is recognized for its alcoholic beverages especially Guinness and Smirnoff. The company is successful as evident in its listings in the stock exchange especially in...
Topic: Product Marketing
Words: 656
Pages: 2
Outline Modern human resource management has evolved over time, with the development of new technology and competition among the companies in the increasingly congested market. Volvo Corporation has developed a management strategy to cope with their complex networks of business models all over the world. The first approach is remote...
Topic: Management
Words: 1335
Pages: 4
Introduction Security management is a broad field of management that involves a wide range of asset management activities, the physical security as well as functions that relate to the security and well being of organizational human resources. Just like all the other functions of business management (risk management, marketing management,...
Topic: Business
Words: 3294
Pages: 12
Introduction The international marketing demands new and innovative approaches to business which takes into account cultural and national differences of product perception and product value. International marketing is aimed to reach diverse consumers and sell products on the international scale. Supranational marketers apply different strategies and techniques in order to...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 2806
Pages: 10
Introduction This paper seeks to discuss how budgeting can impact organizational behavior. This paper explores how the impact can be both positive and negative and discuss ways that financial managers are changing the budgeting processes to better inform managerial decision making. Analysis and Discussion Budgeting, its nature and purpose Budgeting...
Topic: Organizational Behavior
Words: 2181
Pages: 7
Introduction There is a well known cliché among business circles that an organization is only good as its employees. This suggests that the success of an enterprise depends not only on the quality of the product or service it delivers, but also on the quality and commitment on the part...
Topic: Award
Words: 1880
Pages: 7
In this paper, I am going to check out all those features that are related to the adaptation of strategic management about have a hold over the market. The process is to have proficiency systematically in the competitive marketplace. The target of this paper is to discover the consistent approach...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 1008
Pages: 4
Introduction Marketing communications are messages and related media used to communicate with the target market. It involves all the traditional forms of promotion including advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, publicity and public relations. It also includes all points of contact between the organization and other stakeholders. Jefkins, F. W., (1982)....
Topic: Communication
Words: 4028
Pages: 15
Introduction In the industry of auto manufacturing, Toyota is considered as one of the most admired and highly emulated. In Asia, Toyota ranks as the biggest car manufacturer. The cars that Toyota produced have encompassed almost all the regions in the world. Toyota has successfully competed with car companies in...
Topic: Management
Words: 2008
Pages: 8
Executive Summary This paper aims to evaluate the validity of leveraging competencies of leadership and management in an attempt to achieve competitive advantage. The definition of management implies the need to create tasks for employees and control their implementation, mainly supervising the personnel. Although various authors examined in this paper...
Topic: Hospitality Management
Words: 3935
Pages: 14
Introduction COSCO Group’s planned investment of approximately USD 1 billion in a large Greek port, Piraeus, serves the company’s strategic goals. Through this initiative, the enterprise will obtain a chance to facilitate access to European markets and, thus, increase the volume of exports to the region (Paris, 2019). To understand...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 933
Pages: 3
Introduction A decision tree represents a visual support tool targeted at helping its user to make a conclusion on the basis of available data. It is a tree-like graph that shows a consequence of decisions that are made with the help of information on outcomes, costs, and utilities. Each branch...
Topic: Business
Words: 375
Pages: 2
Introduction Sainsbury’s is a popular chain of supermarkets in the United Kingdom. It offers a wide range of products, including groceries, homeware, alcohol, kitchen appliances, clothing, and electrical appliances. Sainsbury’s shops range from small local convenience to large hypermarkets and superstores offering various types of products. J Sainsbury, which is...
Topic: Management
Words: 4130
Pages: 15
Introduction Heracleous and Papachroni explore strategic leadership and innovation at Apple, Inc., performed by Steve Jobs, a founder of the organization. The authors point out that the company started to prosper after Jobs returned to work in 1997. For the period before 1997, however, the organization experienced financial difficulties and...
Topic: Apple
Words: 1124
Pages: 4
With the increasing pace of work, customer expectations tend to grow as well. The hotel industry is characterized by the need for timely and high-quality service to satisfy customers and keep them loyal. In the Hilton Hotel, the customers note that some employees may be unfriendly and inefficient in providing...
Topic: Hilton Hotel
Words: 561
Pages: 2
Introduction There are several ways through which companies can make buyers aware of their products or services. They can use a variety of media, such as through digital or print advertisements. Companies have realized the importance of advertising that creates mental images, especially with reference to visual images, in the...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 859
Pages: 3
Introduction Poultry farming is one of the most fitting and profitable business models for Texas. The state has all the necessary prerequisites encouraging such activities. The business memorandum provided below describes Muja’s Poultry Farm as well as its products and services, business location, equipment, and the documents required for launching...
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 588
Pages: 2
Internal Promotion Vs External Hiring: Introduction Employee recruitment is one of the most critical decisions that human resource managers frequently make. They can choose between internal promotion and external recruitment. According to Buckman, Johnson, and Alexander (2018), the decision to recruit internally or externally should be pegged on the corporate...
Topic: Hiring
Words: 2271
Pages: 8