Hiring a High Quality Educator

Each person holds his own set of beliefs on how life is to be lived. Teachers derive their behaviors, attitudes and ethics from their own personal and professional philosophies on teaching. Gore (1997) analyzes how such a philosophy leads to one’s development of a pedagogical approach. A school having its...

Educational Effectiveness: Basis of the USA System

Introduction How can one measure if an education being served is effective or not? The answer is very simple. Having students who have and are still learning successfully is one of the great measures of the effectiveness of an educational system, however students’ successful learning, of whatever age and on...

The Adult Learning: Key Points

A summary of the chief ideas of the work This article examines whether adult learning has connections with learning during childhood by exploring 4 major areas of Self-directed learning, which mainly stresses on the procedures through which adults coordinate their personal learning by setting goals and methods and then evaluating...

Effectiveness of Culturally Responsive Education

Introduction Definition of culturally responsive education Culturally responsive education involves using the cultural knowledge, previous experiences, and performance styles of different students thus making learning more appropriate to them. This is accomplished by majoring in the student’s strengths. It’s also vital to note that this kind of teaching considers culture...

Classroom Practices and Students’ Attitudes Toward Science

Introduction The aim of this article is to review major scholarly literature concerning the attitudes of students towards science subjects. The literature are from the last two decades and the studies have been conducted in different parts of the world such as the United States, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Africa....

No Child Left Behind Act: Overview

No child left behind act was enacted by the federal government in 2001, and its main objective was to uplift performance of schools in America through several directives that the teachers ought to follow strictly. A lot of emphasis is provided by the act on the importance of teachers giving...

The Study of the Construction Methods for Firefighters

Introduction The profession of the firefighter is rather difficult. It implies not only an excellent physical form of a person but also some additional profound knowledge about the building design and the methods of construction. The study of the construction methods allows the fire officers to predict the effects of...

Program Planning Models for Adult

Introduction Let us start by saying, that planning on the whole and planning educational process in particular is a very complex thing due to a number of reasons that are characteristic for this type of activity. It must be mentioned that the context of planning and social factors connected with...

Learning With Interactive and Visual Representations

Introduction Effective learning does not take place by the use of a single method only. For efficient learning, therefore, the instructor must use a combination of several presentation methods. We have a diversity of these methods which include lecturing, organizing group discussion, and experimentations. Of all these methods it is...

Ethics Awareness Inventory Analysis

There is an influence of ethical awareness in each of our daily activities. Here I am going to explain the role of education in creating ethical awareness in students when the idea of ethics should be given to the student, the practice of professional ethics, etc. It is in childhood...

Plagiarism and the Ways to Avoid Plagiarism

Plagiarism has been given different definitions by many institutions. According to Merriam (2009), plagiarism can be defined as stealing another person’s ideas and passing them as one’s own without crediting the original source. Plagiarism is committing a literary theft where one may derive an idea from another author and present...

The Puente Project: A National Model for Student Success

Puente Project was introduced by Felix Galaviz and Patricia McGrath in 1981 when they found that there were a lot of disadvantaged students in America who did not even attend academic counseling. It was started in Chabot College where Galawiz and McGrath worked as Counselors and English professors. “In an...

Methodology of Piracy of Clothes and Goods in China

Summary of Project Purpose The main purpose of this research is to undertake a literature review of what is known about the piracy of clothes in China, and its consequence on the legitimate international trade in branded clothing products. Both primary and secondary methods of data collection shall be employed....

The Financial Awareness of Overseas Students

Abstract The high number of foreign students studying abroad implies that these students are introduced to large sums of money without having any knowledge of personal financial management. This paper investigates the overseas students’ awareness of money management in Glasgow International College (GIC) or English as a Foreign Language Unit...

Principles of Good Citizenship in International Academic Research

This paper frames some of the considerations to be made when designing a research on principles of good citizenship in international research. From the considerations, it is clear that the relevancy of the topic itself has to be questioned before designing a research methodology or writing anything in relation to...

Quality of Reading of Two Children

Introduction While listening to the reading of children, I was to contrast and to compare the quality of reading of two children who a good level of reading skills and a bad one. This kind of descriptive analysis is aimed at defining the major concepts of training and at a...

Political and Social Issues Discussion in the Classroom

Professors should not be allowed to advocate their views on political or social issues in the classroom. I stand on the position that professors should teach students and provoke their thoughts, but not affect them or advocate his/her political or social position. Every citizen of our country has a right...

Effectiveness of the Learning Process: Study Skills Concepts

Introduction Within increasingly higher educational standards and expectations throughout the country, there is great pressure on students to study and perform well. Yet, Americans often fail to equip their children with fundamental study skills that are needed for academic achievement. A national survey of school guidance counselors by the American...

Three Theories: Piagetian, Gestalt, and Behavioral Ones

The world of education and science is far huge in methods and means for effective and efficient learning and teaching. In present days the educational environment is rich in methodology and approaches to how the efficiency can be achieved in terms of contemporary stage of scientific progress. Owing to this...

Program Outcomes and Learning Objectives

The issue of the investigation is knowledge, skills and attitudes that can be apprehended by employees by means of different educational programs: autodidactism (self-directed learning or self-education), andragogy, and transformational learning. Thus certain employee training programs can be compiled in order to improve the overall effectiveness of a university’s enrollment...

Partnership in Character Education Grant

Project overview The program began with the introduction of the newspaper articles on the topic of bullying. On reading the articles, the discussion between students was organized; its subject was the bullying in other schools and the major problems it caused. More research was needed on their part, it helped...

Educational Funding. Meme and Kozol Concepts

Outline Educational funding is an issue that has been sought to be addressed by the various activists; most of these people have different views on how the same impacts the success and future of the students. It has been observed that the standards of education mostly in public schools have...

Dedication as an Element of Personality Formation

Introduction Everyone has observed in life the fact that true dedication is the background of success in business, education or any social activities. The system of education requires complete involvement and active participation of the students to reach success and obtain necessary qualifications. Dedication is considered to be an integral...

Making Math Success Happen

Introduction First of all, it should be stated that the matters of equal opportunities in the context of teaching math in math classes and socio-economic classes differ essentially. Researches, dedicated to this issue point out several most important factors, which influence the allover teaching process and the matters of understanding...

Online Education: Case Analysis, Technology and School Change

Introduction Information technology has brought a new wave to our education system. This availability has changed the education system in such a way that people do not have to be physically present in school to learn. The availability of number of online classes and schools has also increased lately and...

10-Hour Training Course for Teachers on Conflict Management

Abstract The study of conflict management is very crucial in the career of teaching since it helps to identify the psychological aspects and the nature of the conflict. Therefore, the study will help to avoid the conflict situation in class and to teach how to create a positive approach to...

Charter Schools Impact on the US Educational System

Introduction Charter schools are established in the United States not so long ago (since 1991). However, today these establishments make significant impacts on the educational system of the country. In this respect, it is vital to admit that even with a spread of less than one percent, these schools are...

How to Attract the Best Teachers into Teaching

Nowadays, there is an extreme shortage of trained and qualified teachers is a real problem even in the developed countries such as the United Kingdom and Great Britain. Good teachers have been always in demand since they are the basis of the high educational level of their students. They are...

“Views of Young People Towards Physical Activity”: Article Critique

For the past three years, I have been Head of Physical Education (PE) at an Independent Girls Secondary School. There are three hundred and seventy-five students at the school with approximately fifty percent of the students’ weekly boarding at the school. I know from experience that the inclusion of physical...

Mandatory School Uniforms Rule in L.A. Schools Introduction

Introduction Whether to make school uniform mandatory for schools particularly in Los Angeles has been a matter of debate in the recent years. The introduction of uniform as mandatory attire has attracted heated debate with both the pro and anti-compulsory school uniform activists taking strong positions and validating their points...

Special Education and the Principles of NCLB 2001

A democratic society should provide equal opportunities for all citizens in all spheres of life. Moreover, since the appropriate educational level is one of the main factors that determine the successful future of every person, it should be the first consideration of the state to provide qualitative education to all...

The Role of Parents Within the Education System

Author’s argument From the article ‘How African American parents understand their teachers role in children’s schooling and what this means for pre-service teachers,’ the author tries to illustrate the importance of parent involvement in the transition of their children into early childhood education. This means that the education of the...

“School Choice: The Moral Debate” by Alan Wolfe

Introduction The book by Alan Wolfe School choice: the moral debate in chapter two provides a discussion over the governmental approach toward the education and provision of opportunities to study in school for the population. In this respect, the social irrelevance in capacities of different layers within the society is...

Online and On-Ground Education Comparison

When a person attends an online educational program, he is given the opportunity to set his own learning hours since the classes are done by module packets and classroom discussions are accomplished via forum method. He can learn his lessons at his own pace without having to play catch up...

Technical Communication. DVD Video Player Guidelines

Introduction In this paper, I intend to discuss the features of technical communication. In particular, I am going to analyze one specific document in terms of its major purpose, audience, accuracy, expertise and so forth. Moreover, it is necessary for us to focus on its stylistic peculiarities, which are typical...

Language Arts Standards Alignment

Abstract Alignment is making sure that, the materials used to teach at school can match with assessments set and the standards expected to attain specified grade levels. This involves using a standardized curriculum with the aim of teaching the expected content. Tests are used to assess whether the students have...

“Charter School: A Primer to the Issues” by S. Vergari

Introduction The article by Sandra Vergari Charter School: A primer to the Issues promotes an innovative idea about a new type of school with more privileges for the students. The article finds out the solution in a wide discussion of the problem related to the charter school, as one more...

Anti-Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Education Programs

Introduction Concerns about drugs, alcohol and tobacco use have existed for a long time. Apart from looking for means to treat those who have suffered from their use, other measures have been employed in an attempt to prevent more people from falling victim to drugs and alcohol use. Most of...

The UK Education System: Differential Patterns of Attainment

The purpose of this paper is to examine the UK education system and how it distinguishes amongst children as being an integral element of the social procedure and what makes them to be differentially absorbed into the broader sections of society. Although such a differentiation is important, the established processes...

Collaborative Learning Community: Genre Matrix

The essence of collaborative learning is in the joining of “intellectual efforts by students, or students and teachers together” (Smith & MacGregor, 1992, 1). Though there is a great variety of activities in collaborative learning, all of them may be characterized as being student-centered, and they are aimed at “students’...

Qualitative Design and Analysis

Type of qualitative design in each article The Qualitative design in the first article is the reading and analysis of textbooks at the foundation level of education. The phenomenological design has been adopted in the second article (Conceicao, n.d., p. 33). “Phenomenologists, in contrast to positivists, believe that the researcher...

Teaching Percussion and the Middle School Band Organization

Music is one of the parts of the people’s life. The modern world is rather fast and depressive, and people need some relax after a busy day. It is a common knowledge that instrumental music is the best in term of relaxation. Every field of knowledge has its classification. Instruments,...

Professional Education for Company Employees

ABC Corporation has developed a new technology program, which is essential for the whole staff of the company. The time limit is six months, and one more essential condition is that the age range of the personnel varies from seventeen to seventy years. Taking these factors into account, we should...

The Real Value of a College Education

Introduction Millennia after the Athenians first limited their democracy only to voters who were educated, the titanic waves of innovation that engulf society decade by decade continue to strike at the question of what college education should accomplish. On College Education as Skills Training Occupational Skills are Vital College should...

Muslim Holidays in the United States Schools

Muslim groups in New York have asked the city council to have schools closed in observance of two Muslim holy days–Eid Ul-Fitr and Eid Ul-Adha. The governments have complied with similar requests that are made in other parts of the country. But there has been an argument on whether these...

Planning Curriculum: Literature Lesson Discussion

The paper is dedicated to performing a discussion of a hypothetical lesson in literature from the side of a teacher. The main points provide a discussion of various ways as of techniques, structure, and approach appropriate for contemporary students. The idea of a general outlook on practical means to provide...

Funds of Knowledge, the Book for Teachers

The book “Funds of knowledge,” is intended to be useful for teachers and it will help them in formulating a set of courses for the students to make them perform well in their studies. According to researchers Luis Moll, Cathy Amanti, Deborah Neff, and Norma Gonzalez (2001), Funds of knowledge...

C. Tomplinson and N.Anderson on Young Adult Literature

The literature assigned for reading is considered to be of great contribution to the understanding of class arrangement, disclosing new strategies and methodologies in teaching approaches. The books under analysis are ‘Essentials of Young Adult Literature by Carl TTomlinsonand ‘Entering the World of Children’s Literature by Nancy Anderson; it is...

Weekly Journal – Week Four. Week’s Reading

The main points in the week’s reading can be summarized by emphasizing the promotion of reading in students who resist and the way such practice can be achieved. Additionally, it can be said that the reading was formed as an essential guide, through which a teacher can assess, analyze, and...

Battle of the Books. Plan for Building a Class Library

The elaboration of a proper plan for building a class library with restricted resources would require thorough thinking over the possible resources and funding methods. It is necessary to decide whether children will be allowed to take books, and what books, home. Surely, the books should be children-oriented, with large...

“Charter Schools: Hope or Hype?” by Jack Buckley

In their book Jack Buckley and Mark Schneider attempt to assess the effectiveness of charter schools. The authors try to determine whether they are a real breakthrough in American education or just the result of a well-staged advertising campaign. The major peculiarity of these institutions is that they are accountable...

Physical Education and Self-Esteem of Children

Introduction The language and framework that investigates the priorities to consider theoretical perspectives, address epistemologies and methodologies to highlight critical perspectives behind the ability to measure physical education outcomes. The literature starts focusing on the behavior analysis that not only values the student from a traditional perspective, but also recognizes...

Zinsser’s Classification-Division in “College Pressures”

Introduction A classification essay is used to find common denominators among categories, while a division essay breaks a thing into its components to find out how it works or why it does not work. William Zinsser’s 1978 essay, “College Pressures,” is a division essay which analyzes a group of students...

Time Management for Adult Students

Introduction The term time management means the effective organization, scheduling, budgeting of a person’s time for creating more effective work and output. It is also a unique skill to manage or utilize time. Time management among the adolescents constitutes various layers of meaning and wide range of activities such as...

Theories of Learning and Motivation

Theories of learning and motivation Education theories and approaches employed in various domains bring up valuable nuances on links establishable student motivation and aspects like achievement and retention. There are useful insights to tap from how the process of education is implemented in the workplace and non-formal environment. What has...

Children Education. Federal Funding of Preschool

Introduction The direction taken in offering preschool education has attracted a lot of debate. With 40% of US 4-year olds receiving preschool education either through Head Start, pre-kindergarten or special school, there have been proposals to offer this service to 100% of kids in the US. The question remains should...

Student Dropouts in Bully-Friendly Schools

Introduction In order for the students to be able to have a successful learning process at schools, one of the vital factors is for the children to feel safe. In that regard, bullying can be considered a matter of concern that plays a major role in influencing the feel of...

A Juggling Scenario: Middle-Class Standard of Living

Introduction In today’s world, students do not always manage to get to university right out of high school, and many families simply cannot help with the costs. Some university students do not even realize that they need or want more education until they are older, wiser and more encumbered. Therefore,...

Remembering Who You Were: The Profession of the Teacher

Introduction “A teacher… a schoolteacher…” – frequently pronouncing these words, we do not think, what role in our difficult life they play. The profession of teacher connects together the capability for contact, understanding and knowledge of people. From the early years the child learns to get to know its surrounding...

Education Programs in South Carolina High School

South Carolina High School, Greenville, provides high perspectives for its students through several education programs and curriculum sections. The school is aimed not only at promoting their values among the youth but the adults either. High school diploma earning gives a wide range of career opportunities for all students of...

Teaching Practical Application of Theories and Research

Introduction America has now moved past the explosive problem of racial desegregation and the controversy over progressivism. Now different issues are gaining increased attention: the teaching of creation and evolution, tax credits for private tuition, sex education and others. Recent years, religious education and impact of religious doctrines on educational...

Teaching Music in Middle Schools

Chorus Program (7 grade) chorus 3 solfege 2 rhythmics 2 The general quantity of hours 7 The division of academic hours chorus 1 solfege 2 The possibilities of voice in the period of mutation, the basic rules of singing, and protection of voice at this period. The breath distribution in...

Reflections on Improving the Craft of Writing

Creativity and the flair for writing are considered as natural traits, and the generally accepted notion is that writers are born and not made. To a certain extent, this is true; the ability to write is an inherent quality in an individual and one cannot expect all humans to be...

Writing Class for a Chinese English Learner

The analysis of the necessary writing activities is considered to be a complicated process influencing the level of language knowledge obtained by a student. Taking into account the fact that the native language of the student under consideration is Chinese, one should stick to the methods and strategies being suitable...

Alternative School Programs: Comparative Study

Effective education which is the purpose of various school programs depends on several factors and it is on the basis of the programs introduced in a specific school system that effectiveness of education is rated. The school programs, therefore, takes into consideration several of such factors that define the quality...

The Legal Position of Free Appropriate Public Education

In 2004 the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was enacted to cater to children with disabilities. Under IDEA a free appropriate public education consists of educational instruction specially designed to meet the unique needs of children with disabilities supported by such services that are necessary to permit the child to...

Cheating in College and Its Forms

Introduction College cheating is as old as organized learning. Since organized learning was introduced, students started cheating in order to acquire their grades for what they have learned. This tradition has been on the increase over the years and currently, it has taken a higher level due to the use...

Creation of Successful Presentation

Introduction Presentation is an important part for companies and individuals in selling themselves or their products and services. This paper looks at some professional advice on how to carryout a successful presentation. Requirements and don’ts Before making the actual presentation, adequate planning on the presentation is required. This may involve...

Sociology of Education: Teaching Methodology in UK and Poland

Introduction In accordance with established laws in the UK children of between 5 and 16 years receive compulsory education. This is the same case in Poland especially after undergoing reforms in the education sector. In the British system secondary education is programmed to last for seven years. (Schoolzone) Summary The...

Creating a Rainbow of Culture

Schools are challenged with the mounting diversity of students enrolled every year. The fact that teachers need to cater to the individual needs of students in a homogeneous class of students from one culture is already a challenge, then how much more if students from other cultures are added? It...

“No Child Left Behind” School Program

Introduction Texas had a very low rating for education when Bush was governor, and it s educational policy was the model for the No Child Left Behind program that is plaguing our schools. This faulty program is seriously damaging education, schools and our kids. Scarce educational funds are being spent...

Graduation Rate Between SEC vs. ACC Schools

Introduction The graduation rate surveys were done by the AFCA (American Football Coaches Association) to honor nine ACC (Atlantic Coast Conference) schools. The schools had graduated over seventy percent of their football student athletes in the annual Academic Achievement Awards. Boston and Duke Colleges emerged in the top a hundred...

Lesson Plan Issues: Term Definition

Sounds are the bases for the further word formation and sentence compiling. Accordingly, at the K-3 level, sounds, i. e. phonics, should be studied first of all. To start the lesson, it is necessary to define the approach used. For my class, I will use the word-building approach. Thus, introducing...

Extra Support for English Language Learners

Introduction From looking and examining the results of the program’s participants it can be seen that there is obvious progress in the students’ performance. From a series of tests that assesses students on how well they listen, speak, comprehend and write in English it is seen that from a total...

Teacher Career and Personal Philosophy of Education

Coming up with personal philosophy about life and other things we value in life is the foundation of coming up with a plan that makes our desires successful. The personal philosophy of education of a teacher acts as a very significant aspect in his or her advance to guiding children...

College Sport and Payment for Athletes

Introduction There is a saying that says if you are good at doing something, do not do it for free. This saying can be controversial or supportive in many aspects, but there is no doubt that this phrase is practiced widely nowadays. Everything in our world today is commercialized; the...

Professional Writings and Emotions

In writing, there is a sharp difference between a statement that represents a fact and another statement which would communicate the attitude or motions the writer is undergoing. A statement of fact is a representation of the world but an emotional statement focuses on the inclination of the writer and...

Cultural Issues in Education

Introduction Cooperative learning is a method of learning that encourages student participation and activity. It results in high levels of satisfaction amongst students with a high degree of retention of the learning content and increased student productivity. In addition, it leads to an improvement in the self-esteem of the individual...

The Value of the Knowledge Attained Through a Liberal Arts Education

Liberal Arts education represents a unique sphere of knowledge involving the best achievements of painting and literature, music, and philosophy. A liberal arts setting includes a college or a university: a given campus, administration, faculty, students, curriculum, written and unwritten rules of conduct which apply in every quarter of the...

Education, Training and Employment for Young People From the Horn of Africa

Introduction For a variety of reasons, Australia has welcomed, even encouraged immigration from war-torn nations since early in the last century. The country provided the incentive of permanent settlement and therefore seemed welcome to the early waves of immigrants fleeing the Russian Revolution, World War I and in 1938, Jews...

Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities: Instructional Technique

Introduction Nowadays approximately 130,000 somehow disabled children are born within the USA. (Debbie Tipton, 2002) The disabilities these babies have vary in their degree, progression and they also vary in their form. The researches, done in this sphere include the publications, devoted to the methods of teaching and developing special...

Technology in Communication of Education

Introduction Education is a rather specific matter for study as it deals with the upbringing of young children and preparing the next generations for life in human society. Due to this, special attention is paid to teaching students who are to become educators in the future. This paper will focus...

Introduction to Operations Management Course

The course of “Introduction to management” built a strong foundation of knowledge connected with the organization’s peculiarities, management strategies, and organization operations. Due to active participation in the classroom each week, the information and study material helped to understand all the details of management professions. The assignments submitted were quite...

Literacy & Curriculum. Differentiated Instructions

Differentiated instructions allow teachers to meet the needs and abilities of students and provide them with effective assignments according to their skills and mental abilities. In this case, learner systems and environmental systems interact dynamically to influence each other. In teaching intellectual skills, teachers need to develop a component that...

Required College Degree for Correctional Officers

Introduction Correctional officers are people who are in charge of those individuals who have been arrested and waiting trial or those who have already been tried and found guilty. Those that are found guilty are usually put in jail. The main responsibility of correctional officers is to ensure security within...

“Peacemaker”: Analysis of Simulation Game

Introduction It is an open secret that games have always been an inseparable part of human activities but as far as learning is concerned their role has always been a subject of heated debate. What is the reason for this controversy? First it should be mentioned that in the overwhelming...

Does School Teach Children to Think?

It is said that thinking is a skill. It is learned and developed but is mostly just taken for granted especially when it comes to children (Zonnios, 2007). Children are activated in their thinking based on what they see the adults in their lives do. Definitely, thinking is a tool...

Pedagogy and Andragogy Relations Review

Differences between pedagogy and andragogy. What comes next? Education is a door of opportunities for all those who have it. Education shapes the destiny of a nation and it is the main asset of a person. The traditional classroom system has existed for hundreds of years. Pedagogy or the art...

Educational Strategies for English Learners

Abstract The paper presents a education strategy for the teaching and learning of the English language. The learning model has been framed within conceptual and philosophical precincts of the various theoretical contributions on the related domains of education. Among other sources of influence the model has been done in cognisance...

Parental Involvement in Urban School District

Introduction This is a critical review of a collection of five articles, related to education and the involvement of parents in schools. The various effects of education on children and the administrative interactions of school personnel and parents are discussed concisely. Over the past few years, parental involvement in schools...

A School as a Young Child Might See It

A school is a place where people go to learn and become knowledgeable. Young children have different perception of a school. Some may see it as a better place to be while others see it as the worst place to be. The children who perceive school as a better place...

Cliques and Classification of Students

There are different ways of classifying students nowadays. Peers are often blamed for delinquency and substance abuse, but in reality the single most consistent characteristic of delinquents is lack of support and socialization. It is known that peer group may be the setting in which preexisting antisocial behavior due to...

Higher Education in the USA: Company of Educated Women

Introduction The issues of equality of rights and adequate division of rights and obligations of both sexes in society have always been rather important for mankind. The whole history of human society is filled with different conflicts that were caused by inequality and possible oppression. Among the most important aspects...

“A Case Study of Online Collaboration” by Ling Thompson

The main purpose of the article “A CASE STUDY of Online Collaboration” is to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of such a relatively new phenomenon as distance education and methods of improving it. This article describes the experiment which was conducted on the degree of online collaboration between online students...

Malcolm Knowles’ Assumptions About Adult Learners

Malcolm S. Knowles was a prominent and a key figure in spearing adult education and was also known as a veteran of andragogy, informal adult learning, and self-driven learning. His research concerning the educational theory was mainly geared towards the assessment of the learners, on their motivation to get involved...

Philosophy of Education Review

As a secondary teacher, I hope to be the kind of educator that students remember as challenging, fair, engaging, and caring. As I look at our society, I see the need for courses in family and consumer science. In order to combat increasing obesity rates and obesity-related diseases, like diabetes...

Dishonesty in Academic Institutions in US

Within the past two decades, dishonesty within American society as a large has been on the rise. It has been a common cultural practice for individuals to be dishonest. This dishonesty is evident in many areas of life and extends to much more than cheating within the realm of academia....

Arithmetical Problem-Solving Difficulties of Students

One of the most common complaints among students at all levels has to be one that involves difficulty comprehending the concepts and constructs of mathematics. Each day students are struggling when attempting to arrive at solutions for mathematical problems. Educators and laypersons alike attribute these difficulties to several causes. Among...

Mathematic Course In Arithmetical Problem Solving

In writing this letter, I am seeking to address students who will be taking a mathematic course in Arithmetical problem Solving, in the future, with the sole intention of enlightening them on what the course is all about. Personally, my initial perception of the course was that the course was...

Education Models and Accelerated Degree Programs

Introduction An accelerated degree program is just a faster way of completing a degree program. By definition, accelerated learning programs are structured for students to take less time than conventional programs to attain university credits, certificates, or degrees (IAL, 2007). Sometimes the degree can be completed online. For example, the...

Using Bloom’s Taxonomy as a Pedagogical Tool to Improve Literature Reviews

Without a doubt, one of the most fundamental expectations of any student within a university setting is the ability to read and comprehend empirical research. When a student enters into a graduate setting, he/she is expected to be able to extend a basic understanding of empirical research to a more...

Master of Business Administration in Changing World

Globalization and technologies are rapidly changing the world of business. This change of technology leading to globalization is greatly affecting many sectors and departments of organizations as well as governments. Thus the education sector in most developing and developed countries is not spared by these transitions. Many schools are being...

Cheating – Changing Moral Standards?

Introduction Great philosophers, thinkers, and scholars have left behind a legacy for the future to thrive on and to contribute fruitfully to the development of moral, ethical, scientific, and social standards. Sadly, the modern scenario is witnessing a steady and gradual decline of the values once upheld. What I would...

Nurse Education Design and Planning of Learning

In his Teaching For Quality Learning at University J. Beggs claims: “Through reflective practice, teachers can create an improved teaching environment suited to their own context.” (Beggs 2) Sharing his position the accuracy of which my practice has shown now I will focus on my teaching activities making a reflection...

Curriculum Development for Higher Education

Introduction Curriculum designing is an integral part of any field of study. Maximum output can be expected if the module that is designed through collaborative work analyses key concepts of the curriculum with expert guidance, justifies the rationale for the choice of the curriculum design, critically estimating the curriculum, functioning...

Developing a 21st Century Graduate: ALAP Plan

Abstract This ALAP plan aims to develop strategies that can transform the school system in York County and prepare the students for their future following the requirements of the 21st century. Obtaining a high school diploma does not necessarily mean that an individual is ready to attend college or excel...

Holistic Thinking in Leadership

Introduction Since educational leadership involves a great number of tasks and competencies, success is impossible without continuous improvement. To contribute to positive change in their teams, educational leaders should make decisions thoughtfully and foresee potential problems, and the development of data synthesis skills remains crucial in this regard. The purpose...

Yorktown Elementary School Improvement Plan

Introduction Yorktown Elementary School (YES) is specialized in math and science and provides education services to approximately 600 multiculturally diverse children attending kindergarten and elementary school grades from one to five (YES, 2018). The school is situated in York County, VA, and is part of the York County School Division...

Special Education: Term Definition

Introduction Today, the reform of education is getting a great portion of awareness from the mass media, from officials, from government and local school heads, and from parents. A great nationwide discuss has appeared around the matters of how to advance schools and particularly how to progress results for undergraduates....

ELL Teacher Tasks: Programs and Implementations

Introduction The legal environment has a significant impact on education because it establishes requirements and standards for schools and educational programs. When it comes to English language learners’ education, the United States legislation provides many regulatory mechanisms that affect how ELL programs are designed and implemented. The present paper will...

Effect of Color-Coding on Locus of Control

Introduction Many of the approaches to teaching and learning led to the creation of a variety of methodologies and instruments. Previously, educators were more interested in the development of the theoretical foundations rather than exact techniques in language learning (Ciani, 2014; Wind, 2014). This paved the way for the exploration...

Robinsons’ Statements About Changing the Education Paradigm

Introduction In his TED Talk, Sir Ken Robinson shares his observations regarding recent changes in the education paradigm. According to the speaker, there are two reasons for considering a transformation: economic and cultural. The new generation lives in an ever-changing world where making predictions is oftentimes nigh on impossible. In...

Civil Science Implementation in Schools

Abstract Civil science remains instrumental in bridging the gap in the acquisition and development of adequate competencies in science education. This learning process allows learners to have first-hand experiences and observations on scientific issues and developments. In this paper, a detailed research study is proposed that can guide schools and...

Career-Related Service for College Dropouts and CCIS Model

Introduction Not all school children and their parents can afford further education because it requires many financial resources as well as significant mental and psychological efforts. It is a severe problem because higher education is considered essential for a person’s professional success in the future. Even though they enroll in...

Cultural Competence: An Overview of the NYC Department of Education

To improve the relationships between staff members and make their performance more effective, one should ensure that their cultural needs are fully met. These include relationships with other staff members, a company’s policy for hiring new staff, and other components of a multicultural workplace (“Questions frequently asked by Department of...

Effective Attributes of an Expert Teacher

Becoming an expert teacher has never been an easy task since it requires a lot of practice and readiness to engage in continuous learning instead of resting on one’s laurels. Despite multiple difficulties associated with gaining helpful experience and growing as a professional, specialists in education are expected to travel...

Social Workers’ Effectiveness and Professional Skills

How Could We Do Better? The insufficiently high outcomes of social workers’ activities compared with the power of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors may be due to a number of causes. Promoting individual educational and practical growth can help improve the results of interventions. Cournoyer (2016) suggests paying attention...

Use of Active Language as a Writing Focus

My writing focus for the given week was using active language in my writings. It is a highly essential lesson since it outlines the critical idea of presenting written information more vigorously and interestingly. Using functional language in writing allowed me to realize that I can give my knowledge with...

Translating Research into Practice

Despite the growing preoccupation with the issue of translating scientific research into practice, the process of implementing theoretical framework of knowledge into clinical evidence base remains slow. When reflecting upon the matter, healthcare professionals share individual concerns as well as generalized comments, describing the barriers within their professional area of...

“Rich, Entitled People in College Scandal” by Singletary

Introduction The matter of educational costs in the United States is widely discussed in modern media, and there are many materials and sources criticizing the ever-increasing student loan debt in the country. The article “Rich, Entitled People in College Scandal Aren’t Only Ones Mired in Access Mania” by Michelle Singletary...

Development of the Future STEM Workforce Analysis

Workforce In the modern world, it becomes hard to neglect the need for the workforce in such fields as science, technology, engineering, and math, also known as STEM. Many communities and specific organizations pay their attention to the development of this sphere and the necessity to improve the level of...

Correlation Between Headteachers’ Leadership Behavior and Problem-Solving Skills

Introduction Headteachers’ leadership skills are of extreme importance for the efficient cooperation of teaching staff. At the same time, problem-solving skills are also vital since they help to decrease the amount of stress put in headteachers. The present paper offers a review of an article by Izgar (2008) with the...

Tools to Develop the Best Teaching Strategy

Educators can use a variety of resources, frameworks, instructional guidelines, and other approaches to develop the best teaching strategy tailored to the needs of their students. Apart from the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out classroom activities, teachers have to show their leadership capacity in an educational setting to...

Levels of Reading Comprehension in Low-Achieving Adolescents

This paper presents a review of the article that assesses the levels of reading comprehension in low-achieving adolescents from the perspective of subskills identification and the specificity of tasks. The report features the main points of the study, as well as the authors’ assumptions, views, and arguments. The paper presents...

Consequences of Plagiarism: Punishments and Reduction of Plagiarism

Plagiarism, much like the phenomenon of ghostwriting, has evolved and expanded in popularity over the past few decades. Plagiarism involves stealing other people’s ideas without acknowledging the authors correctly. In the age of the prime value and importance of intellectual property, plagiarism is seemingly becoming a widely recognized disease of...

Visual Learners’ Capabilities and Strategies

Having an understanding of the style of learning that an individual has is crucial for achieving adequate results. Some individuals benefit from having information conveyed through audio, while others remember better when they can visualize objects. Having sufficient knowledge of these different approaches can help create educational programs and personal...

Academic Achievement Gap and Teachers’ Perceptions

The article by Ratcliff et al. (2016) was aimed at discussing the issue of the achievement gap in terms of the problem’s causes and solutions as well as teachers’ perceptions. The researchers conducted a survey of 874 educators that included questions regarding the achievement gap, such as its importance, causes,...

Inclusive Teaching and Training: Project Analysis

The Context Due to the growing demand for mainstream students with disabilities, many general education teachers are forced to become inclusion teachers without appropriate training and experience. Students with special needs often disrupt the learning process, which negatively affects the learners’ outcomes. Additionally, teachers become frustrated with the matter due...

Plagiarism in Neims’s vs. Goldsmith’s Views

Graphic Organizer Unedited copy of the First Draft The topic of plagiarism becomes one of the most critical issues in writing. In the context of the modern technology-driven world, the concept of plagiarism acquires new perceptions and definitions. In their articles, Neims (2015) and Goldsmith (2011) consider plagiarism in writing...

Plagiarism and Proposed Strategy for Improvement

Introduction Plagiarism can be defined as the act of representing another person’s intellectual property as belonging to oneself (Walden University, n.d.a). Avoiding plagiarism is mandatory for academic integrity (Laureate Education, 2012), but it may be difficult because plagiarism is not always done on purpose. The present paper will consider the...

General & Special Education Teacher Collaboration

The Identified Problem/ Challenge Inclusion teachers without specialized education training or experience do not know how to deal with students who have disabilities. The Outcomes 50% reduced anxiety and stress from the absence of inclusion training in 6 months; 20% improved learners’ outcomes in students with disabilities in 6 months;...

David Williams on Outdated Music Education Model

Introduction The number of students who enroll in school music offerings, traditional band, chorus, and orchestra, dropped drastically in recent decades, and this tendency has been developing apace since then. The situation reached the stage when concerns about the future of American musical education at schools have arisen. The most...

Teaching Multiplication in Hybrid Learning Environment

Target Outcomes The hybrid learning environment described in the present paper aims at teaching multiplication using base ten blocks. These blocks are mathematical manipulatives that are divided into three groups Represented in Figure 1: single blocks, rows of ten blocks, and ten rows of blocks. While these blocks are often...

Academic Integrity in Nursing Education: Is It Declining?

When students see their peers cheating, they need to take immediate action. In the studied scenario, two students saw another student use his phone during an exam. Assuming that they did not misunderstand or misjudge the event, they witnessed a common type of classroom cheating, which consists of obtaining answers...

Textbook Prices: Buying or Renting?

There are millions of places that offer learning services, such as K-12 schools, colleges, religious places, etc. Attending K-12 schools is much easier than attending colleges because students get the opportunity to take classes and get books for free. Looking at college students, one can find that many of them...

Note-Taking Styles of College Students

There is a variety of note-taking styles, out of which every learner can pick the most suitable one. The overall aim of the note-taking process is to grasp the main ideas of what one hears so that one could restore the information later. Structuring one’s writing may be enhanced via...

Personal Future Career Goal

I would like to work as a human resources manager in a medium-to-large-sized organization (one with 100 to 1000 employees). The position would enable me to leverage my leadership and communication competencies as well as my abilities to plan and allocate resources, all of which are necessary for the job...

Non-English Speakers’ Obstacles in College

Feeling comfortable at higher education facilities represents a key to successful completion. The challenges that some groups of students may face are extensive and should be understood in greater detail to be resolved in the most effective way possible. For non-native English speakers, studying in a language that is not...

Scholarly Writing: Paraphrasing, Quoting, Integrity

Introduction “Birds flying high, you know how I feel Sun in the sky, you know how I feel Breeze driftin’ on by, you know how I feel It’s a new dawn It’s a new day It’s a new life for me, yeah It’s a new dawn It’s a new day”...

Post-Secondary Education Versus Job Requirements

Introduction: Post-Secondary Education and Job Expectations Starting a post-secondary education (PSE), be it in a college or university, students typically seek to expand the range of knowledge and skills acquired at high school to create the platform for the professional growth. However, when entering a job market, college and university...

The Writing Of Essay Drafts

Prompt #1 A search for strategies regarding the writing of essay drafts leads to relatively a similar set of strategies. It is suggested that drafts should be written quickly and without significant organization at first in order to “brainstorm” all ideas that one may have about the topic. It is...

Learning Styles and Approaches Among Medical Education Participants

According to the VARK questionnaire, my learning style is mild kinesthetic. In general, this style relies on practical information and real-world phenomena. Here, every theoretical idea should have a physical representation to show how and why everything works. For example, individuals with a kinesthetic preference would make a chair with...

Higher Education Under the Influence of Neoliberalism

Neoliberalism, which plays a significant role in modern education, eliminates the personal value of man. This leads to a situation when the quality of higher education in the U.S. is depreciated, as the vector of main priorities of rectors shifts from quality to quantity. This article discusses the impact of...

Reflective E-Portfolio Definition: Reflective Leadership in Educational Organizations

The teaching experience and the post-primary education system in Ireland is both positively growing but also facing several concrete challenges. There is an overall satisfaction with the efforts, social respect, and salary dedicated to teachers and future educators. The educational system can be described as currently undergoing some updates and...

“How American Universities Turned Into Corporations” the Article by Andrew Rossi

The current situation concerning student debt is of extreme importance for US citizens and authorities. The problem is well described in the article “How American Universities Turned into Corporations” by Andrew Rossi published in Time journal. Rossi explains that the core problem behind the increasing debt of US students is...

Analysis of the Mastering Mathematics Approach’s Implementation Into Practice

The Mathematics Mastery program is defined as a specific whole-school approach to this subject’s teaching that was designed to raise the pupils’ attainment. It was primarily elaborated in Asian countries based on their education policies (Merttens, 2015). The understanding of mathematics may be regarded by a substantial number of people...