Video Games’ Impact on Adolescents’ Aggressive Behavior

Video games are known to make adolescents engage in aggressive behaviors. Sun & Sun (2021) conducted a research study to identify the direct and indirect relationship between video games and aggressiveness. The research provides further insights into aggressiveness by focusing on the perception of peer norms. The primary behavior under...

Social Media as a Form of Activism Today

Introduction Change is a condition that must be adopted with time since moments, generations, and processes get altered. A change can be positive or negative depending on the person or group in charge of change institutionalization. One way society can bring change is by activism, which means actions to sensitize...

Social Media and Pursuit of Social Change

Social media has reconfigured numerous aspects of society and particularly enhanced people’s communicative power through the platforms which facilitate the expression of uncensored reality. Consequently, it has become the ideal tool for amplifying voices, raising awareness, and calling for social change. The networks have created expansive online communities where people...

Hamilton Show’s Soundtracks and Their Importance to the Performance

Introduction Hamilton is one of the most famous Broadway shows which won the audience’s hearts and received numerous awards. There were multiple performances and movies based on the musical, and each offered something unique to the spectator. Perhaps, the most outstanding and exciting part to me was the music since...

Coverage of International News by US Media

Daily news and significant events are not covered similarly in different countries and by various media outlets. Some incidents and affairs are bound to be viewed in other countries through a prism of the relationship between the two states. This essay will discuss how US news media report events that...

The Grady College’s Internship Program Advertisement

The advertisement chosen for this assignment is posted at the website of Grady College, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication. The ad features the College’s Internship Program, developed for international students (The advertisement, 2021). The advertisement itself is a picture of students from different countries who are happy to take...

Are Social Media Ruining Our Culture?

In less than the past four decades, the world has been characterized by transformative technological advancements. Technology has come along with an array of new ways of doing things, including communication. In 1983 the world was officially introduced to a new way of communicating titled “The Internet” (Furedi). Social media...

Discussion: Presenting Yourself Online

In the highly digitized world of today, it is almost impossible to find someone without a social media account. Or, even more often, a few of them – Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter… The choices are vast and the opportunities for self-expression are endless. The perceived online anonymity might tempt some...

The Emerging Issues of Social Media in the Modern Works

From the dawn of oral and written literature, poetry has reflected the social philosophy of the contemporary people. As the leading ideas of society evolve, similar transformations happen to the major topics discussed within the cultural space. The current age is characterized by the rapid technological progress that introduces new...

Gender Stereotypes and Their Role in Advertising

In modern times, the world is filled with advertising; it is found everywhere – on television, on the radio, on the Internet, on the street, in newspapers, and in magazines. Now it is difficult to imagine life without advertising, the role of which in the modern world is difficult to...

Government Censorship on the Internet: An Extended Outline

Introduction In the 21st century, the Internet has become a global phenomenon, fully reflecting its name as a worldwide web. State-regulated censorship on the Internet is one of the key topics of heated debates within this context. From one perspective, the contemporary paradigm of human rights emphasizes the essential nature...

Social Media and Social Isolation

Bercovici, J. (2012). Is Facebook Making You Lonely? Don’t Be Stupid. Forbes. Web. In the article for Forbes, Bercovici (2012) defends Facebook, claiming it is not to be blamed for the increased levels of loneliness. The author addresses an earlier publication that placed this blame on Facebook and provides his...

Networks and Social Media in Business

One of the primary lessons that can be taken from this video is that the internet has cultivated a very particular and lucrative audience for any business willing to take part in the process. While it might seem that the digital is difficult to get into, the internet is a...

Responsibility and Brand Advertising in the Alcoholic Beverage Market

Promotion of products is always a complex matter which in certain cases implies having a considerable responsibility for the way the good is being marketed. The article “Responsibility and Brand Advertising in the Alcoholic Beverage Market” by Debra Jones Ringold provides insight into the methods of advertising alcohol. The article...

Perceived Creativity and Consumer Engagement on Instagram

Introduction The problem under discussion in the following literature review covers the effects of consumer’s perception of creativity on Instagram engagement with a focus on the travel industry. The purpose of the study is to investigate the matter by exploring the existing literature about consumer engagement, perceived creativity, brand familiarity,...

“One Thousand and One Nights Stories” in Popular Culture

The collection of stories One Thousand and One Nights has left a significant literature legacy in its wake. Hoh (2017) states that “one would be hard-pressed to find anyone not familiar with the stories of Aladdin, Ali Baba, or Sindbad, or with such terms as genie and ghoul” (pp. 1)....

Target Audience Segmentation in Marketing

In the world of media, understanding the peculiarities of target audiences is crucial. Audience segmentation studies support content creators in marketing the results of their work using the right methods and platforms. The first link, the article titled “Reading “Us” through Its T-Shirts” by Murphy (2020), explores the symbolism and...

The Hong Kong Theatre Art Technology Festival

Executive Summary Hong Kong is a city with a diverse artistic history and stands as a point where tradition meets modernity. Theater and performance arts have always been popular in Hong Kong. It is proposed that with the opening of the East Kowloon Cultural Centre (EKCC) in 2023, a state-of-the-art...

Social Web Engagement and Online Emotional Expression

Essentially, the topic is the Correlation between social media and online emotional expression; the primary research question is How do personal characteristics of web users influence their emotional expression on the web? Thus, the article written by Beneito-Montagut (2017) was chosen because it focuses on how different variables, such as...

Media Influences: Art of Enlightenment and Selling

The Media Industry The morning of a modern person hardly begins with a shower or coffee. First of all, upon waking up, a lot of people pick up the phone and turn on Wi-Fi. Throughout the day, they also read newspapers on the subway, listen to the radio in cars,...

Will the New Communications Technologies Bring a New “Age of Democracy”?

Communication technologies are an integral part of the realities of the modern age, where every aspect of human existence is directly impacted by digital forces. It is evident that all manifestations of such technologies, such as social media, the internet, and other online communication tools, has brought a wide range...

Pokémon Go Pop Culture Analysis

Pokémon Go became one of the most popular games in the world right after its release in 2016. For a short time, the game became part of pop culture, which influenced various areas of trade, production, and even the restaurant business. However, today Pokémon Go is no longer so popular,...

Propaganda Machines on Social Media Platforms

Propaganda, a false message aimed at twisting recipients’ minds in a particular manner, is a dangerous weapon in the world today. In many cases, propaganda is advanced through powerful social media platforms, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Instagram (Cohen). The effect of such messages is excellent since it escalated hatred across...

The Principles of Rhetoric in Media

Introduction All forms of media, including their written and visual variants, are used to relay messages. Be it a single individual, a group, or an entire community, various forms of media can be used to transfer information from one party to another. However, it should be noted that any form...

Aspects of Adidas Commercial

Semiotics studying signs unites linguistics and social sciences, which allows considering traditions, behavior patterns, and other social phenomena as sign systems. Thanks to semiotics, one can track the ways of subconscious interpretation of different messages – a process that relies on emotions. Daily routines and rituals are also full of...

Impact of Social Media on Adolescence

Social media has showcased behavioral modification amongst its frequent users. Besides yielding positive impacts, it has given birth several negative effects to its users. According to recent studies, it is clear that social media has had a huge impact especially on adolescents (Keles, McCrae & Grealish, 2020). Past meta-analysis has...

Privacy, Ownership, and Surveillance in Social Media

As an individual using social media, I consider that hacking my data is a more dangerous issue than surveillance and sale of my online activities. I am impressed by Google’s and Facebook’s data collection activity described by Dylan Curran (Curran, 2018). However, I am more afraid of being hacked because...

Social Media Marketing: Memes as a Branding Strategy

Through the last decade, memes evolved from funny and entertaining images into a communication tool. While previously memes fit only into one or several contexts, current memes present more of a trending template that could be used to describe a wide variety of situations. Thus, memes allow individuals to make...

Newspaper Articles from Columbia, Missouri: Comparative Analysis

Printed press evolves together with the society that presents a demand for it. The changes that accumulate over may include language and word choice, stylistic features and tone, as well as structure and presentation. This is why it may be fruitful to compare newspaper pieces on the same topic and...

Conspiracy Theories and Distrust of Experts

Social media provides people with always-available options to discuss any news or occasions, and an enormous volume of different opinions leads to questionable explanations appearing. Conspiracy theories are on the verge today due to the increased number of people who develop and distribute them to broad online audiences. Moreover, many...

Global Over-the-Top Platforms: Artwork Personalization at Netflix

The over the top (OTT) streaming content has a lot of potential for growth and expansion, an assumption solidified by the rapid entry of Netflix competitors into the market. They include Hulu, HBO Now, Amazon Prime Video, Disney +, Peacock, and many others. The phenomenon known as “Netflixification” of media...

Social Media and Mental Health in Adolescents

Introduction Today, technology and technological products are virtually everywhere, from the phones most people carry in their pockets to self-driving cars. Innovation is a significant part of millions of people’s lives, with the Internet making it possible for anyone to access multitudes of information within seconds or communicate with someone...

Will the Facebook’s Social Audio Products Succeed

Social Audio refers to social media products that utilize audio as their principal mode of communication. Social audio can include voice messaging, podcasts, editing tools, live conversation rooms, and audio creation, among others (Simo 1). Clubhouse, Twitter spaces, Spotify Greenroom, and Facebook Live Audio Rooms are the most popular audio-based...

A Magazine Advertisement for Ford Motor Company of 1950

Introduction The artifact that I chose is a magazine advertisement for Ford Motor Company of the 1950 issue. The magazine represents two images of the Ford cars and includes texts. The top of the advertisement page says, “It shines on dress parade!”. The text on the middle of the advertisement...

The Problem of Misinformation From the Social Media Platforms

The documentary demonstrated the most substantial issue of today in a way that was appealing to a great audience and informative. The problem of misinformation and manipulation from the social media platforms was shown brilliantly via the subplot unfolding behind the interviews, which encompass the main part of the documentary....

The Online Dating Services Benefits

Top five online dating services The most popular online dating services include Yahoo Personals, PerfectMatch, eHarmony, and Yahoo Personals has a large diverse membership base and an online dating magazine that offers tips on dating. It also has multiple options for communication. PerfectMatch has around 4 million members...

The Media Ethics Workshop: Principle of Privacy

Introduction Media ethics refer to a collection of ethical principles and standards that govern the collection, processing, and publishing of content on various media platforms, namely broadcast media, the internet, arts, and the print media. Media ethics comprise several moral principles, namely privacy, transparency, conflict of interest, deception, and social...

Researching of Media Advertising

The “Other Than Television” (OTT) concept has transformed traditional broadcast television and affected its viewership significantly. According to Kelley et al. (2015), “digital technology has reshaped how consumers use media” (p. 5). With the advent of free access to various online content, the vast majority of consumers have shifted their...

Cohen’s “The King of World We All Want” Speech

Introduction The article “The Kind of World We All Want: MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, WE CAN STOP THE GREATEST PROPAGANDA MACHINE IN HISTORY” is the speech of Sasha Baron Cohen, in which he addresses a highly disturbing issue of racism, hate, and bigotry. According to the actor, in the present day,...

Social Media as a Tool for Social Movements

In this article, the authors offer convincing arguments regarding the use of social media to influence social movements. Such technological innovations provide the best environment for participation and encourage people to focus on issues that affect them directly. Individuals who rely on social media platforms will have higher chances of...

News on Social Media Can Replace the Traditional Media

Introduction With the development and widespread use of the communication technologies and the Internet, social media becomes an extremely influential source of information. For example, the events of the Arab Spring (2010-2012) were largely stimulated by the social media since some participants of protests had high levels of the Internet...

Media Influence on a Government Official’s Image

Overall, the media play an essential role in shaping collective views and opinions on various issues. Various agents of social construction create the image of any social institution. The idea of the civil service in the media today can be very ambiguous. On the one hand, civil servants are often...

Exploring TikTok from Different Perspectives

Many existing ideas, phenomena, and attitudes may seem unacceptable, uninteresting, or unfilled with deep meaning to a specific community of people. There are many examples in the world where the exact “text” has elicited entirely different reactions from people. For some, War and Peace is Tolstoy’s work of genius, while...

DunkinDonuts Twitter Analysis: Social Interaction Network Properties

Twitter is a global social network that unites millions of users around the world. Many people use Twitter for private purposes, to share their thoughts or memories. In addition, this network is a popular platform for various companies and organizations. The Dunkin Donuts restaurant account (@dunkindonuts) discussed in this essay...

Media’s Positive Influence on Government and the Public

Collecting the public’s views on social issues. Highlighting critical issues in society. Amplifying public interest issues. The media plays a constructive and influential role in collecting the views, opinions, and attitudes of the public towards various social issues. They disseminate, report, and deliver such information about critical public affairs, which...

Technique of Quotation on New Forms of Media

Quotation: “New forms of media have always caused moral panics: the printing press, newspapers, paperbacks, and television were all once denounced as threats to their consumers’ brainpower and moral fiber” (Seyler, 2018, p. 382). A technique that appeals to me: The quotation chosen perfectly addresses the fear that can be...

The Role of Changes in Perceived Leadership Support

The purpose of this paper is to gather information regarding Leader of Change’s experiences during changes in organizations and how these experiences would help me create a vision for my institution when I become an administrator. This report provides an interview with an administrator that was held to inform an...

Media Effects on Eating Disorder Symptoms

In terms of modern technology-based society, media exposure has significantly increased its influence and role in the lives of its large audience. However, the variety of media outlets has the power to adversely impact the public mindset and deeply-embedded perception of the human body and beauty standards. As such, media...

Media Company Consolidation and Its Beneficial Impact

Media company consolidation is the merging of different media content creators. This can be done for various purposes: for example, for a variety of content, structure for working with an audience, or ways to generate income (LoPucki & Verstein, 2020). In my opinion, this process has multiple advantages, so I...

The Black Lives Matter Movement and Communication Theories

Introduction The Black Lives Matter movement prevalent currently in the united states of America is a recently emerged social phenomenon that was created as an outlet for many disparaged individuals to have a voice. The decentralized organization has its roots in social media, becoming officially recognized around 2014. While its...

Serious Gaming and Its Impact on Society

Serious gaming comprises the use of digital games for reasons other than entertainment. In the recent past, these games have been associated with positive impacts in society. With regard to education, a game named Quandary was created to help solve emerging educational challenges (Rughinis, n.d.). Quandary enhances skills such as...

Social Media Addiction and How It Affects People

Every year people spend more and more time tapping a finger on the smartphone screen or clicking a computer mouse. According to the statistical data provided by Statista (2021), in 2015, people spent approximately 80 minutes on the smartphone, whereas in 2021, the average time increased up to 155 minutes...

Media and Communication Technology: The Positive and Negative Impacts

The negative impact of media and communication technology involves aspects such as reduced productivity and depreciating mental health in individuals. However, such technology also has a positive impact on human beings. By channeling their energy into online activities, individuals can become more productive and gain knowledge that could change their...

Physical Attractiveness and Political Affiliation in Facebook Friend Acceptance

Introduction Facebook is still one of the leading social networks. This application allows people to interact at various levels (Mihee, 2016).’The Effects of Physical Attractiveness and Political Affiliation on Facebook Friend Acceptance’ article aims to identify some patterns between human attractiveness and political interests. The article also tries to answer...

Analysis of Twitter Data for Cronkite News

Analyzing the reader’s activity on Twitter can significantly benefit a news agency as it helps to identify the audience’s interests. The number of comments, impressions, and retweets most clearly reflects the attitude and interest of followers in a specific piece of news. This data helps news channels to form the...

Social Media and Networking in Organizations

Introduction According to Hansen et al. (2010), social media is affecting corporations from multiple dimensions. Services such as Facebook and Twitter are highly focused on encouraging collaboration among employees, customers, and partners as well as acquiring new customers. It is increasingly becoming a way of life for employees, customers, partners,...

Advertisement: The Elaboration Likelihood Model

After determining the desired results of advertising activities, it is essential to find necessary appeals and bring them to potential buyers. In order to do this, it is necessary to identify potential buyers for whom the advertising is intended, to identify which media are most often and thoroughly perceived by...

Social Networks’ Impact on Companies’ Operations

Introduction E-commerce refers to the selling and acquisitions of goods or services through internet platforms and the transfer of finances to complete the business. Social networking is applying social media sites based on the internet to maintain connectivity with friends, family, customers, or clients. There are several platforms using social...

Social Media and Internet Advertising for Brand’s Success

Social media has become a current trend in marketing metrics for many enterprises around the world. Some of the main social media platforms that have been used include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and WhatsApp. There has been the growth of social signals that aid in marketing perspectives (Cant, 2016). The...

The Work of a Journalist During Investigation

Nowadays, journalists are no longer regarded as neutral entities; hence, it is not a wonder that respondents are unwilling to provide information. Moreover, grabbing the attention of the editor Zach was not easy; I pitched five times before I could receive his response though Collins’ advice was helpful. Even though...

The Influence of Drugs and Social Media

Since the beginning of this century, the Internet has become an integral part of people’s lives that gives them the opportunity to search for new information to gain knowledge or find entertainment. However, whether it is for better or worse is still a topic for debate. Limitless online resources are...

Efficiency of Tik Tok Video About Sanitizers

The Tik Tok video concept enhances communication, marketing, and promotion of ideas that have created controversial responses confusing the community rather than educating. However, in the Tik Tok video of Jonathan, clarity, and understanding have been achieved, making the video go viral. Jonathan’s video is hilarious, intriguing, and lucrative to...

Scientific Evidence: Reporting in News Article and Journals

Report of a Scientific Study Factual communication is vital for ensuring accurate interpretation of information sent to an audience. It is objective that all forms of sending and receiving information ensure clarity and evidence-based on their findings. Journalists and researchers constitute a vital category of sharing knowledge through their communication...

The Ethical Implications of Cigarette Advertisement

Introduction Advertising plays an especially important role in the market economy of capitalism. With the emergence and development of new businesses, professional competition is becoming more and more prominent in the field. Many companies sell products in similar or adjacent areas of production and levels of quality. In such a...

Analysis of the News: “Christian Manifesto”

In the course, we studied Schaeffer’s Christian Manifesto and his critique of modern humanism as opposed to the founding principles of Christianity. At the same time, last month in Poland, protests against the abortion ban started again, which is a pressing issue for the topic of humanism and Christianity. This...

Fake News and Media Bias Overview

Media outlets, educational facilities, and religious institutions often present their audience with only one side of a problem or situation. Popular news agencies and online platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram make it possible for political organizations and influential public figures to integrate their propaganda into the posts viewed...

“Our Blind Spot About Guns” and “Don’t Make English Official”

The writing piece of Nicholas Kristof on gun laws provides an invaluable argumentation for implementing proper legislative regulations alongside technological improvements by making the issues analogous to cars and their regulation. However, Dennis Baron’s argumentative writing focuses on banning the English language in the United States by promoting the radical...

“Small Change” and “The Facebook Dilemma “ Comparison

In his thought-provoking article titled “Small Change,” printed in The New Yorker, Malcolm Gladwell posits that social web platforms do not profoundly transform the nature of societal revolutions. Citing civil rights struggles that started in 1960 in Greensboro, North Carolina, Gladwell proves that real-time, online media is not an indispensable...

Impact of the Internet on Mental Health

Introduction The Internet plays an important role as a catalyst for rapid development. However, its prevalence causes major mental issues in its users. The conversation regarding its detrimental effects on the human mind is currently widespread and is being discussed around the planet. From personal experience, anxiety and trouble with...

Strategies for Publishing Posts on LinkedIn

Everyone writing an article and publishing it on LinkedIn expects massive reactions to the post and even the piece of writing to go viral. However, sometimes, this is not always the case because most people do not understand the secret hacks of successful publishing on LinkedIn. This article presents the...

Are Video Games Harmful For Players?

In the recent years, the conversation surrounding the impact video games have on the mental health and behavioral patterns of those who play them has been a heated and frequent one. So far, there seem to contradict two distinct and largely opposite positions on the topic. Some people believe, that...

Gender Stereotypes in Advertisements

Gender stereotypes are common in many television and online advertisements. These stereotypes depict a particular role played by a specific gender and convey a certain meaning to the audience. Gender-based stereotypes, commonly associated with socially defined gender roles, are frequently used in advertising (Grau and Zotos, 2016: 761). An example...

Online Social Media Fatigue and Psychological Wellbeing

Introduction With the increasing popularity of social networks in the 21st century, social media addiction is a problem that can seriously harm an individual’s mental and physical health. Often, it develops over an extended period of time and can involve a number of unhealthy symptoms, such as the feeling of...

Negative Impacts of Technology and Social Media on Young People’s Lives

Introduction Recently, the landscape of technology has evolved rapidly, making social media play a fundamental role in how people interact, especially for the youth. Survey findings indicate that nearly every young person in America has quick access to at least one mobile link to the internet. Particularly, 92% of American...

Marketing Media and Marketing Effect

Introduction This paper gives a critical analysis of the effects of Internet on change in the ICT Services Industry. The internet offers a super highway for unbundled and heterogeneous information through sophisticated distributed information networks. The ICT system is crucial because it offers services to many other industries and the...

Successful Social Media Advertising: Strategies

All are welcome to a Communication Conference, which will be taking place next week Friday at mid-day, and the audience participation will continue until midnight. The meeting will be virtual; therefore, one can enjoy this informative meeting from the comfort of your home. It will also be free of charge...

Social Media and Associated Mental Health Risks

Social media is an integral part of the life of young people in the modern world. According to statistics, 97% of teenagers from 13 to 17 years old use such platforms, and 45% say that they spend almost all their free time on the Internet (Teens and social media, 2019)....

The Social Media Reinforcement Bubbles

The analyzed article is devoted to the concept of social media reinforcement bubbles. The author states that they emerge because of two factors, such as our activity, interests, and solutions made when using the platform, and social media algorithms that filter the reality and provide content that will be appreciated...

Roles of Media in Influencing Government and Its Citizens

Media as a Watchdog Public guardian Exposes corrupt leaders Analyzes policies Influences collective actions (Chan, 2017) Unethical activities The media exposes corrupt leaders, and it protects people by exposing unethical practices and illegal activities, which are detrimental to the wellbeing of the citizens. The media acts as a public guardian...

Article Analysis: Compare and Contrast

The given analysis will primarily focus on the two articles, which are “Why I Quit Street Racing, and Why Some People Won’t” by Jack Baruth and “Do Motorcycles Really Make You Stronger AND Smarter?” by BSFC. The core emphasis of the assessment will be mainly put on propaganda techniques and...

Persuasive Techniques in Advertisement

The first type of persuasive technique used is Pathos, which entails emotional appeal. Essentially, using this type of advertisement will require provoking an emotional response from the customer. Occasionally, they are positive emotions that include excitement and enthusiasm to create a good reputation and convince the customer to consume the...

Mass Communication and Media Risk and Uncertainty

Risk Society and its Relationship to Modernity Ulrich Beck, a German sociologist, is the contemporary theorist of modernity. He proposed his modernity theory in his book, Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity (1992). He suggests that modern society’s inherent risk would result in the foundation and development of a universal...

“Hunt a Killer” Game and Reasons for Its Success

One of the best examples of golden opportunities that imply the infrequent occasions and several opportunity windows’ simultaneous opening when a company creates substantial value disproportionate to invested resources is a “Hunt A Killer” game ( Introduced in Baltimore in 2016, this game was expected to revolutionize the industry of...

Unfollowing on Social Media

Social media is a truly unique phenomenon, which, once having started as a comparatively small concept, has grown to become a crucial part of every person’s social life. In her article “It’s Time to Unfriend and Unfollow on Social Media,” Nicole Dieker (2017) explains that the tendency to expand one’s...

Ethical Issue Facing Facebook in Australia

Introduction Facebook being an international company headquartered in the United States, faces various challenges, especially those related to the government regulatory frameworks. The ethical difficulties deny the company to operate maximumly and reap expected returns. The Australian rule suggestion to require social media networks to pay reportage organizations for their...

Communication Improved by “New Media in the News”

New media in the news represents news that relies on computers to spread. The new media has left many well informed thus, it has increased communication. One technology referred to as the new media is the social media which passes information very quickly through virtual networks. This essay evaluates the...

How Various Media Forms Influence Public Opinion

The existing media system evolved gradually: at first, there were only newspapers and magazines. In the nineteenth century, information services were added, and in the twenty-first century, radio stations and television. Mass media aims to shape public consciousness using organizational and technical complexes that ensure the rapid transmission and mass...

Social Media and Issues Regarding the Use of Social Media

A person can use various social networks to reach an audience. However, it is advisable to establish the sites that the targeted population mostly uses. One of the best ways of determining the most appropriate site is to try different types, identify the ones with the most number of users,...

Dunkin’ Donuts’ Twitter Account: Netlytic Analysis

Netlytic is an adequately designed analytical framework that demonstrates significant results in the extraction and analysis of social networks from online conversations. For the Netlytic social media data analysis, I have chosen the Dunkin Donuts account on Twitter (@dunkindonuts). The conducted research provided the following types of information available from...

Social Media and Ethically Informed Global Supply Chain

Social Platforms and B2C Relationship Arena Today’s business paradigm is filled with a variety of approaches aimed at enhancing one’s capabilities and financial impact on a certain industry. The notion of enhanced business development has become even more meaningful in the context of globalization, as the process of pooling efforts...

Memorable Things of Virginia as a State

Many places and events intrigue us in many ways. Especially by the impact, they impose upon us as individuals. In this view, one can be affected either through the history of a place or even the events that transpired to make the place memorable. Events that hold history always make...

Gwen Dewar’s Research of the Electronic Media Impact on the Sleeping

Scrolling through posts on Instagram or Facebook, chatting with friends on WhatsApp are everyday activities that each of us performs before finally going to bed. Nevertheless, researchers argue that such types of entertainment disrupt healthy sleeping patterns, especially among children. A number of various works analyze this issue and determine...

Analysis of The Lottery, a Story about a Happy Winner

The story was published in 1948 in The New Yorker. The population was still trying to recover from World War II, 1939-1945. The name The Lottery tricks readers who expect a story about a happy winner. The audience was not yet ready for new manifestations of inhumanity, and the publication...

Television Program and Pro-Social Behavior in Children

Children spend a substantial amount of their time watching television more than the time they spend sleeping. Over time, there has been an ever-increasing awareness of the significance of children’s television. It is pointed out that several researchers have contended that children get to learn pro-social behaviors from television (Punyanunt-Carter...

News and Victims: Journalistic Mistreatment

This paper aims to describe journalistic mistreatment of crime victims, their relatives, and witnesses. The assessment is based on the model proposed by Emilio Viano, who argues that journalists may immensely imperil the safety of the victim and his or her mental health (Viano, 1992). We have viewed news reports...

Credible and Fake News

The first article under consideration is the story about North Korea opening its doors to Christianity, and it is an example of fake news. Its heading is straightforward, which is the first sign of the lack of credibility. It is complemented by the nature of the source, which is a...

Digital Media and Intercultural Communication

The role of digital media in globalization’s growing speed could not be underestimated because it made people in all countries immensely interconnected. Therefore, new media indeed influences intercultural communication. The current paper provides answers to the questions concerning the possibility of interaction between different cultures, digital media’s impact on music,...

Sensemaking Process: Socializing Social Media

Communication is an essential part of modern life, and today, it takes place both in real and virtual spaces. In the past decades, numerous technologies that people can use to interact with each other emerged and were almost immediately replaced with new and improved versions aiming to make societal contact...

Canada’s Gaming, Music, and Television Industries

Introduction The Canadian media and cultural industries are experiencing major transitions and changes that have been pushed by the process of digitization and technological advancement in the sectors. Internationalization forces have also been witnessed in all the nations, especially in the media and cultural industries. Looking into the history of...

Media in Healthcare Sector and Policy

There is no use denying the fact that the healthcare sector is one of the most frequently mentioned nowadays. It is obviously connected with great attention given to the health of the nation in the modern word. However, despite all efforts and programs aimed at the improvement of the state...

Social Media, Clients and the Helping Environment

Introduction Social media outlets may be the reasons for mental health issues and social distancing, but they also can potentially be helpful for support groups. There is no shortage of accounts or channels where people daily discuss topics that interest them. Such a connection of different people may also be...

Mass Media and Its Link to Crime and the Criminal Justice System

Introduction The interplay between media and crime is a fascinating phenomenon. Crime in itself is a complex social phenomenon but if one will combine crime and mass media, the resulting media-crime nexus will greatly influence the way people view crime and how they respond to it. The TV networks as...

What Issues Do Mass Media Bring on Humans Today?

Introduction The question which the research aims to answer is the issues raised by mass media that influence people today. Mass media is communication executed through words of speech, written, print, and broadcast, which reach many people (Tsetsura & Kruckeberg, 2017). The channels of conveying information include movies, radio, advertisement,...

‘Some Issues in the Indexing of Images’: Cataloging Classic

In her journal ‘Some Issues in the Indexing of Images’, Sara Shatford explores the issues which are pertinent in indexing a pictorial representation or an image. The journal postulates that indexing should be based on image attributes and should give access to significant image groups instead of only specific images....

Public Communication Professionals and Debates

Introduction Public relations professionals play a critical role in influencing debate in the public sphere. According to Gower (2018), these professionals have a critical role of influencing public opinion and protecting the image of organizations they represent in the public domain. They can also help in championing for or against...

Obsession With True Crime and the Reasons for Its Growing Popularity

The recent years have been characterized by a surprising increase in the public’s interest in shows about famous crime cases and serial killers. The demand is met with an adequate supply, and every day the number of true crime shows, podcasts, and movies is growing. The Serial Podcast, Netflix’s Making...

Millennials’ Mindset as to Privacy Violations

Introduction There are many benefits of using social media, spanning from convenience in communications to finding new friends and business partners. It became so ubiquitous that it started posing questions regarding user privacy and safety. There are real-world examples of how lack of care toward confidentiality may lead to adverse...

Tekken 7 and Guilty Gear Xrd: Beginner-Friendly Design

Introduction In the 21st century, video games have become an acceptable, widely-spread hobby for many people. The abundancy of genres that can engage various demographics has helped promote the activity into the mainstream. With the number of produced video games and consoles, kids and adults alike can find something suitable...

Does Social Media Contribute to the Absence of Close Friends?

Many people have hundreds of friends in their social network profiles, but the question is whether all these people on the list can actually be called friends. In his article, entitled “The Quagmire of Social Media Friendships,” Curtis Silver explores what the word “friend” means in the modern world. The...

Accounting Terminology in Modern Media

Accounting is one of the fields that are often discussed in media despite their complexity and abundance of terminology that only the specialist are capable of recognizing and placing in the context of the narration. In a recent article “Survey Finds Audit Flaws by the Big Accounting Firms” published by...

Interview With Chief of Police Mr. William Evans

I had a rare chance of interviewing the Chief of Police for Hinds Community College Mr. William Evans in his office on Wednesday 19 November, 2014 at 5 p.m. Mr. Evans is a very busy person and the fact that he set aside one hour out of his busy schedule...

Management Information System in Media

Background information The various problems facing many media integrated organizations have been found to be internally initiated; which further affects their general performance, as Kenneth & Loudon (2007) reveals. Being one of the key socializing agents, a media integrated organization ought to be properly managed; so as to be effective...

Contribution of Media Manipulation in Communicating Issues with Special Interests

Information is an integral element required for comprehensive communication and accurate interpretation of messages. The video presented has been useful in understanding the intent of circulating different media content (Attkisson). It notes that most online advertisements intend to dictate human behavior in the consumption of commodities. Developing inaccurate information and...

Wiki Collaboration: Several Points for the Writers

Wikipedia is an Internet resource from which people can take information and also supplement it by creating new pages or editing current ones. Wikipedia contributors can work in collaboration to create quality content, improve it, and make it more relevant and reliable. Group projects can be more consistent, full, and...

The Effect of Social Media during Adolescence

Adolescence is marked by many physical and mental development changes, which have several challenges. During this time, teenagers start to use modern technology and join social media networks (SMNs), which have some adverse effects on them. From the video by CBS Sunday Morning (2018), social media isolates the teen users...

Social Media Crisis Communication for Business

With the fast growth of social media promotion and the place which companies and organizations assign to it in their market strategies expanding, a crisis is habitually reflected in social networks. They have reshaped communication practices by changing how the information is transferred from one party to another. These contemporary...

Toyota Highlander: Advertisement Analysis

These days, advertising is intended not only to fulfill the function of promoting a particular company but also to present a form of art, so its analysis is a matter of specific interest. Professionals apply a significant number of impressive methods, and one of them is their focus on Super...

Terror Fear Factor Analysis

The general public in the United States has easy access to mass media in the form of television, the internet as well as external sources. While on one hand, the easy access to media is beneficial for the general public when it comes to accessing daily news and information, it...

Research of Mass Communication Process

Introduction Mass communication implies a complex communication process concerning society as a whole that emerged from rapid societal changes and technological advancements. The relevance of mass communication indicates that it is regarded as the “primary means of control and mobilization of the many” (McQuail 3). It has the opportunity to...

Impact of Social Networks on Communication

Social networks have become integral parts of everyday life, thus facilitating the exchange of information, including personal and professional. Communication through digital methods is efficient and convenient because of the capacity to connect instantly to another party. However, despite its convenience and the widened opportunities for information exchange, social networks...

Roles of Media in People’s Life

There are four roles of media – Education, Watchdog, Socialization, and Promoting democracy. The educational role is performed by gathering and reporting information about the operating principles and day-to-day government decisions. Based on this knowledge, citizens can later make more informed choices during voting (Cobb, 2019). An example is disseminating...

The Advertisement “Followers” by Miller Lite

Today, many advertising campaigns refer to the widespread issues or trends of the modern world. The advertisement “Followers” by Miller Lite is not an exception since it covers the problem of people’s dependency on social networks (Miller Lite, 2019). A video shows people running away from their Internet followers to...

Fake News, the First Amendment, and Fighting Propaganda

Today, “fake news” is becoming more prevalent, especially in online sources. Many readers are willing to believe the information posted online is true without conducting any research themselves. Facebook has a significant number of posts containing “fake news” published every day without the information in them being fact-checked. This case...

Communication Systems for the Mobile Information Society

Introduction This paper aims at discussing the possible mobile technologies that can be used to scale the network at hand. It is a fact that the network in question already exists and what is required is to design or model how it will be integrated using wireless mobile networks. Scalability...

Gaming as a Form of Meditation

For many people, the first image that comes to mind when hearing the word “meditation” is a yoga guru in the lotus pose – probably, at an exotic location with a murmur of the jungle forest in the background. As the Covid-19 pandemic is swaying a country after a country,...

The Role of Social Media Tools in Crisis Response and Recovery

Emergencies consist of natural disasters such as floods, fire, cyclones, and earthquakes as well as other man-made disasters, including terrorism and riots. In the last decade, these events have become a common phenomenon (Ghosh et al., 2018). During these disasters, one of the most challenging activities is to acquire relevant...

Non-Traditional Advertising: A Skincare Campaign

For growth in a business, both time and money need to be set aside for marketing. However, the lack of financial muscle thereof in an entity can limit the business’s form of marketing. One of the ways to carry out affordable marketing is through the incorporation of non-traditional advertising techniques...

How CEOS Can Leverage Twitter

At the present time, Twitter is one of the strongest instruments that allow companies to communicate with their existing and potential consumers without having to invest additional resources in organization-customer relationships. This ultimately means that Twitter is the utmost filter of corporate communication that establishes the company’s image. When it...

Digital Media as a Learning Distraction

Today, the digital world has expanded tremendously to include a broad range of uses and applications, varying from daily entertainment to scholarly research. Because of this, computers, tablets, and phones are indispensable tools, for both professional and personal use. Such a connection leads to either positive and negative consequences for...

The Role of Media in the Courtroom

Introduction Freedom is considered to be the principle concept in the democratic functioning society; the rights of free expression through the media are reflected in major aspects of social, economical and political life, as well as the system of justice. The role of media in the courtroom is merely determined...

Media Literacy Discussion Post

Media consumption grows increasingly with the development of the internet and the popularization of social media. Today, a regular adult spends almost half of the day consuming media, which includes watching TV, surfing the web, and texting through various mediums either at home or outside. Such a vast number of...

A Plan for Searching for Articles

The literature review section of a DNP project is significant both to readers and the writer. It provides readers with fundamental knowledge that is required to understand the main body of the paper. For the writer, it is a starting point of any research – it provides the necessary information...

New Media Interactivity: Technologies Are Simply Tools

With the rapid growth of technology-based society, people have greater access to digitally based technologies that enable the manipulation of different digital media forms. Marketing is always focused on reconfiguring a service to promote sales and contribute to new opportunities. Therefore, technologies can be perceived as simply tools to alleviate...

The Impact of Media on Government and Society: Discussion Points

Media enhances the reduction of corruption Corruption cost, challenge, e-government, reduction, number of users Acquire information, political news, impact, facilitate, interaction Speed, flexibility, update, exposure, effectiveness, injustice Monopoly, public power, society, corruption tolerance Social-cultural factors, media usage, control of corruption, dissemination Note: Currently, the World Economic Forum estimates the corruption...

Meaningful Relationships in the Age of Social Media

Today, social media platforms are an integral part of life. The public has considered Internet communication a controversial topic due to concerns that it might replace actual socialization. The research presented in this paper shows that social media serves to maintain existing relationships and extend the network of acquaintances. It...

Commercial Script of Advertisement for TruQuest

Scene One The advertisement’s main character is a young girl as the marketing plan aims to expand the sales of the Quest Kids portion of TruQuest’s product line in China. The advertisement seeks to appeal to the parent market segment who would be interested in buying mouthwash for their children....

Incorrect Interpretation: Everyone Is Gay on Tiktok

The appropriate utilization of statistics, backed up by these methodical studies, is crucial for the entire modern society and the media sphere separately. Being a rather specific science, statistics can cause difficulties for people, which leads to incorrect interpretation of the analyzed data. This effect is particularly serious in the...

S.O.S. Magic Scouring Pads: Ad Analysis

Despite the progress humanity has made in this regard during the last 100 years, household chores may still be a genuine challenge – a never-ending stream of uncreative mechanical actions performed daily. Due to this fact, the products that promise to ease this burden – such as the S.O.S. scouring...

Mission of Minnesota Public Radio

Under the definitions provided in the chapter, it seems that Rivertown Trading was the social enterprise arm of MPR. The first definition suggests that a social enterprise seeks to solve a social problem (which in this case would be publicly broadcasted radio) through a market-driven approach. Since the majority of...

The Social Media: Effects on Young Adults

Social media has become a part of people’s everyday life, but many do not think about the way these platforms affect their behaviors, mental health, or other spheres of their lives. This communication channel can influence people of different ages in diverse ways. Young adults tend to form some of...

Internet Sources in Health Education

Comprehensive health education is important for the promotion of public health. However, increasing health literacy is not always easy as some learners become disengaged or discouraged in the process. For this reason, teachers must use multiple media to get their points across and provide learners with the most relevant information....

Polls: Self-Selecting Samples in Media

Surveys and polls are invaluable tools for gauging public opinion on the critical issues of the day. As such, it is unsurprising that the mass media often rely on those tools for information. Unfortunately, surveys are inherently prone to mathematical errors that may distort the public opinion realities that they...

The Media and Society: Media Influences

These days, the media have turned from a simple tool of searching, processing, and transmitting information into means that control and transform a person’s inner, mental world. Instead of expanding the horizons of the development of human awareness, giving it sovereignty and independence in judgments, modern media are increasingly manipulating...

The Birth of American Advertising

With today’s unprecedented growth of consumerism as a common lifestyle, advertisement has moved far beyond its initial definitions. According to scholars, the very idea of advertising appeared centuries ago with the rapid development of goods exchange where the proposal for the product must have been convincing enough to sell it...

Mass-Media: Circular Reporting

A few decades ago, most of the news came from several major newspapers. At the same time, these days, the speed at which information distributes creates ideal conditions for the phenomena called “circular reporting.” The video “How false news can spread” examines this phenomenon in detail (TED-Ed, 2014). Circular reporting...

Media and Crime: Shaping of Public Opinion

Critics admit a false and negative portrayal of victims of crime popularized by mass media. Crime, particularly violent and predatory crime, is not as common as often portrayed by journalists. Crime is uniquely debilitating because it destroys feelings of security and the sense of interpersonal trust that binds a community...

Media Misconceptions in the Modern World

Devastating biased opinions rule the current world, and it is difficult to get rid of prevalent distorted sources of information. They never pass attacking people up and confine their brains. Simultaneously, the challenge is not that the society does not read or listen to the media, but that the media...

Our Demons in the Machine: Study of Language, Network Societies and Illiteracy on the Web

The gradual technological advances continue to modify the way people do their business, have rest, and interact with others. For instance, the development of a tiny integrated circuit (SoC) made way for modern smartphones that became relatively compact and affordable daily assistants for their users. In 2018, 96% of Americans...

Violent Video Games and Behavior Problems in Children and Young Adults

The discussion about the impact of violent video games on behavior in children and adolescents has recently become a critical problem in psychological research. Video games, with their increasing popularity, have started to play an essential role in the development of youth. Thus, a question about their influence on children’s...

The Link Between Pop Culture and Stereotypes

For a culture to become popular, it has to be perceived by the audiences with ease. Complex topics are detached from internal intricacies and sophistication when delivered through popular cultural means. When all details are included, the culture is no longer popular but instead is specialized. Therefore, popular culture cannot...