Ethical Issue Facing Facebook in Australia

Introduction Facebook being an international company headquartered in the United States, faces various challenges, especially those related to the government regulatory frameworks. The ethical difficulties deny the company to operate maximumly and reap expected returns. The Australian rule suggestion to require social media networks to pay reportage organizations for their...

Network Functions Virtualization

Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) is an architectural concept that uses virtualization technologies at the network, as well as network functions level. To some extent, NFV can be considered a development of the concept of SDN (Software-Defined Networking), but it would be more correct to say that NFV uses SDN. Software-Defined...

Romantic Comedies: Friends with Benefits, No Strings Attached

Frankly speaking, I am not a real fan of romantic comedies, but I have seen a few at the movie theatre with my friends. Friends with Benefits appealed to me as it seems to differ from the other films of this genre. However, soon No Strings Attached appeared on the...

News and Victims: Journalistic Mistreatment

This paper aims to describe journalistic mistreatment of crime victims, their relatives, and witnesses. The assessment is based on the model proposed by Emilio Viano, who argues that journalists may immensely imperil the safety of the victim and his or her mental health (Viano, 1992). We have viewed news reports...

Fashion Magazine Analysis. Race and Ethnicity

The two magazines that will be analyzed within the framework of the current paper are Cosmopolitan and Vogue. Cosmopolitan’s target audience includes females aged between 18 and 35. At the same time, the general target audience that Vogue reaches are females aged from 20 to 40. These two magazines were...

Sensemaking Process: Socializing Social Media

Communication is an essential part of modern life, and today, it takes place both in real and virtual spaces. In the past decades, numerous technologies that people can use to interact with each other emerged and were almost immediately replaced with new and improved versions aiming to make societal contact...

“Like a Box of Chocolates” by Steven Scott

Steven Scott’s “Like a Box of Chocolates” explores Forrest Gump, the movie – one of the best-known and most influential American cultural products of recent decades. In a serious, bordering on downright academic tine, Scott presents his reading of the famous story of a simple-witted man who inexplicably becomes incredibly...

The “Fed Up” Documentary’s Main Idea and Issues

Summary The documentary “Fed Up” focused on the amount of sugar that is in many food products that are available on the market today. In some cases, cereals, juice drinks, and even supposedly healthy granola bars are filled with large amounts of sugar which improve the overall taste but make...

What Issues Do Mass Media Bring on Humans Today?

Introduction The question which the research aims to answer is the issues raised by mass media that influence people today. Mass media is communication executed through words of speech, written, print, and broadcast, which reach many people (Tsetsura & Kruckeberg, 2017). The channels of conveying information include movies, radio, advertisement,...

Obsession With True Crime and the Reasons for Its Growing Popularity

The recent years have been characterized by a surprising increase in the public’s interest in shows about famous crime cases and serial killers. The demand is met with an adequate supply, and every day the number of true crime shows, podcasts, and movies is growing. The Serial Podcast, Netflix’s Making...

Does Social Media Contribute to the Absence of Close Friends?

Many people have hundreds of friends in their social network profiles, but the question is whether all these people on the list can actually be called friends. In his article, entitled “The Quagmire of Social Media Friendships,” Curtis Silver explores what the word “friend” means in the modern world. The...

Contribution of Media Manipulation in Communicating Issues with Special Interests

Information is an integral element required for comprehensive communication and accurate interpretation of messages. The video presented has been useful in understanding the intent of circulating different media content (Attkisson). It notes that most online advertisements intend to dictate human behavior in the consumption of commodities. Developing inaccurate information and...

“Encoding-Decoding” by Stuart Hall

In his influential essay “Encoding/Decoding”, Stuart Hall discusses the process of conveying and receiving ideas through media. He claims that the main reason why messages are interpreted not in a preferred way is the gap between perceptions of people responsible for creating the – “the encoders” – and people who...

Social Media Crisis Communication for Business

With the fast growth of social media promotion and the place which companies and organizations assign to it in their market strategies expanding, a crisis is habitually reflected in social networks. They have reshaped communication practices by changing how the information is transferred from one party to another. These contemporary...

Visual Rhetoric in New-Age Beauty Advertisements

Visual imagery is a unique form of communication that allows companies to share their message with the audience. Advertisements help brands to make themselves noticeable among the increasing number of competitors, which is why the role of creative marketing is crucial to the success of the business. In order to...

Critical Review of Popular Computer Games

Introduction Electronic games can also be classified as video games, as the two are very similar. Electronic games originate from a history of high-level computer programming. The games industry has duly evolved with time in tandem with the advancements made in the field of computer technology. Electronic games can be...

Meaningful Relationships in the Age of Social Media

Today, social media platforms are an integral part of life. The public has considered Internet communication a controversial topic due to concerns that it might replace actual socialization. The research presented in this paper shows that social media serves to maintain existing relationships and extend the network of acquaintances. It...

The Mask You Live In (2015) Movie Review

The Mask You Live In exposed the strict gender roles which remain perverse in American society. A fascinating aspect in this thought-provoking documentary is the powerful articulation of the impact of the rigidly enforced expectations that gender roles place on young boys and girls in contemporary society and how these...

“Meeting With a Killer” by Linda and Amy White

Meeting with a Killer is a documentary showing the severe tensions and emotions that Linda and Amy White experience when preparing to meet a murderer of their daughter and mother, Gary Brown. In religious tradition, the advice on responses to respond to evil and suffering vary. In the Christian framework,...

Madness Case: “In Two Minds” Film Study

Utilized Artifact Today I would like to talk about how problems in wellness can be overcome by analyzing different approaches or conducting relevant research. I will analyze the issue using a film called “In two minds: Is mental illness really an illness? ‒ madness” published by Films Media Group (1991)....

Mass-Media: Circular Reporting

A few decades ago, most of the news came from several major newspapers. At the same time, these days, the speed at which information distributes creates ideal conditions for the phenomena called “circular reporting.” The video “How false news can spread” examines this phenomenon in detail (TED-Ed, 2014). Circular reporting...

Distortion of Asian American Images in Media

Introduction Asians have started coming to the United States in the 1800s, and since then, the media portrayal of Asians has struggled to deliver accuracy and objectivity. Much of the Asian appearance in American films and television can be labeled as a product of racism and discrimination. A rich and...

New Media Impacts Assessment

The era of new media has marked significant shifts and changes in various spheres of life, including political systems. According to Margolis and Resnick, the Internet and other digital platforms have empowered the expression of will and influenced activism positively (159). Debates in the online environment often carry no less...

Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube in Activism and Revolution

Introduction The goal of social networks is the formal representation of the structure of personal relationships beyond the dyad (Webb, & Wright 2011). Social media like, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are all part of the innovative methods of communicating with a distant person using modern electronic development, each with its...

Logical Fallacies of Companies’ Advertisments

Gillette: ‘We Believe’ Genetic Fallacy The Genetic Fallacy is a logical fallacy that directly links a person’s origin to its character, personality, or nature, and it is present in the Gillette’s campaign ad. The argument begins with an identification of the origin of an individual, group, or entity. The next...

Altruism in Video Clip “Spider Man”

Altruism is the philosophical term the video clip Spider Man speculates about. The video explicitly shows the implementation of altruistic concepts held by the hero. This is incredible how the movie clip unveils the philosophical meaning of a person who possesses altruistic features, and the foremost message is that every...

Media Literacy and Political Manipulation

For a long time, scholars have understood the significant role that the media play in influencing public opinion and giving shape to the perceptions that people have about the world. But on the other hand, the debate about how influential the media are is clear even from the studies that...

Movie Review – A Thin Blue Line

Review The movie ‘A Thin Blue Line’ is quite a sensational movie in a non-traditional sense in that it reveals the hidden world by letting the characters involved talk about this world. The movie investigates the murder of a police officer, Wood. Harris gives his account of the story, claiming...

All in the Family and MASH: Addressed Social Issues and Criticism From the Religious Right

Sitcoms are situational comedies that have recurring characters in places like home or the workplace. They do have studio audiences or specially made laugh tracks. Initially, they were associated with radios but currently, they are run on televisions. Like some other famous sitcoms like Simpsons, Married with children, Fraiser, Seinfield,...

“When the Levees Broke” by Spike Lee

Introduction YouTube global network is t hone that makes people addicted and willing to keep up to this participatory culture. Undoubtedly, people are getting more and more dependent on this culture since it gained recognition among the larger part of the planet for its diversity, information awareness, and the new...

Cool World, an American Animated Film

Introduction No one can deny that movies are therapies for culture for many viewers. The cool world which was a smash hit in 1992 was produced by Frank Mancuso, Jr. who has been featured in several videos such as Puberty, Tracking Patrick, The end of Experiment, Tears of the mother...

The Role of the Media in the Propaganda of Terrorism

Terrorism The mere mention of the word terrorism is enough to attract the attention of everyone who heard it. Terrorism today draws more attention than disease, famine, poverty, and many other devastating calamities in the world. It is derived from the word terror, which is the one thing terrorists have...

Advertisement and Target Customers

Introduction Owing to globalization that has greatly affected the world’s economy, marketers have to develop new strategies for surviving in the market. This is mainly because competition has become stiffer hence narrowing the market opportunities (Assael 45). It is therefore important for marketers to know and understand their consumer’s behavior....

African American Males in “Boyz n The Hood” Movie

The greater part of films is always aimed at the performance of social functions since the aim of a filmmaker is to influence society in one way or another. Usually the producer’s aim is to provide important knowledge and reflection of experience to the target audience. The film “Boyz N...

Images and Messages Patterns About Gender Given by Advertisers in Mass Media

Introduction There is a need to appreciate the fact that in advertising, we cannot escape from media stereotypes. In the mass media industry, stereotypes are regarded as more of codes whose role is to award audiences a common and quick understanding of the available information. However, the use of gender...

Communications and Media: Blogging and Community

The purpose of this research This research is intended to find out the role that a blog plays in the building of the community and also examine the meaningfulness of its social implications. It seeks to establish more of social and community roles as opposed to its common business activities....

Regulating Violent Video Games

Video games are used to entertain children but the quality of the game should be taken care of so that they do not make children become violent. Parents need to take care of their children by choosing the video games they purchase with great care because; if the games have...

Themes and Messages in “Murderball” Documentary

Introduction Henry Alex Rubin and Dana Adam Shapiro’s documentary “Murderball” looks into aspects beyond the parameters of physical disabilities and ventures into the identification of human will and spirit where the variable of physical disability becomes almost irrelevant. This is a narration of will power and making place in the...

Documentary on Children and Advertising: Making a Persuasive Case

“Consuming kids: The commercialization of childhood” is a documentary that focuses on the tremendous growth of child marketing which has thrived in an unregulated industry. The documentary addresses topics in a wide range scope such as “edutainment” for toddlers and babies, commercialization in schools and increased market research. It relies...

Rise of Internet and End of Mass Media Audience

Introduction Questions have been raised considering the viability of the internet as a medium of communication to the mass. This has partly been attributed to the phenomenal growth that it has had over the years and it remains to be seen how well it is going to be fair in...

Films and Television: Visual Techniques

After engaging in Internet-based research on the relationships between the technical, visual and production aspects of film and television I have found that many similarities between techniques used in contemporary films and television. It is a well-known fact that the film industry appeared first and only then followed the era...

Media and Its Impact on the Audience

Consumerism is the concept of marketing developed in the 20th century by social economists and marketing managers to encourage high consumption of commodities through intensive marketing by investing in advertisement (Stuart 88). Since they were first used, product advertisements are designed to arouse consumers’ desire. In this case, the goal...

Has the Media Changed the Response to Natural Disasters?

Summary In most cases, when a disaster strikes, the first people that tell the world about it is the media (Reyes &Jacobs, 2006, p. 444). Upon hearing of any disaster that has occurred, the media tries to obtain more information about the disaster, dispatch their reporters to the site of...

Pop Culture in Movies: How Far Can It Get?

To speak about the pop culture of any country one should distinguish the definition of this term. The Longman dictionary of contemporary English presents such an explanation: pop culture is music, films, products etc. in a particular society that are familiar to and popular with most ordinary people in that...

Emporio Armani Cologne: Advertisement Analysis

Logos Given the fact that the advertisement of Emporio Armani cologne for men heavily exploits the factor of a ”brand name appeal”, its semiotics cannot be highly logical by definition. Advertisement’s appeal to Logos is being limited to the line “hard to resist”. The small font size of the letters...

Violent Television and Increased Aggressive Behavior in Children

Introduction The broadcast media, particularly, television and its varied programs, is now considered a big part of everybody’s life. Every day, almost every hour, people of all ages, sizes, and/or gender can be seen glued to the TV watching their favorite program. Indeed, TV has become a detrimental part of...

Law and Order: Episode “Melting Pot” Analysis

Introduction The commonly used term ‘mass media’ encompasses numerous institutions and individuals that differ in method and purpose. In general usage, the term has been considered to define groups who make up the communications profession in both the entertainment and news industries. The specific role of the media in society...

Persuasion Techniques in Aveeno Advertisement

Introduction While trying to increase the commercial appeal of a particular advertisement, its designers commonly resort to utilization of three foremost principles, upon which Aristotle’s theory of persuasion is based – namely, appeals to Logos, Ethos and Pathos. The Aveeno Nourish (haircare collection) advertisement, found in People Style Watch Magazine,...

The Value of Blogs, Problems and Opportunities, Communication Patterns

The development of the Internet allows new possibilities of communication and interaction between people. Blogs become to play a crucial role in the everyday life of people and increase social interaction between people from different parts of the world. Blogs represent a unique communication environment with their own rules and...

TV and Newspaper Advertising Death

Failing marketing strategy The decline in advertising through traditional media is blamed on various factors. These factors are attributed to a shift in advertiser goals and consumer interests. The medium of advertising and effectiveness of a medium matters significantly in modern-day advertising. This is attributed to a lack of marketing...

Danger to Be a Journalist

When the internet was first conceived, one of the things it was deemed useful for was as a revolutionary method of easily acquiring information from sources around the world without having to leave the comfort of your home for a trip to the library. Over time, the information is added...

Mass Communication: Term Definition

In the modern society, mass media acquire greater and greater importance with every year. The influence that mass media of different kinds have in the modern human community is difficult to overestimate as far as even the most serious political and social events are not only reported but often decided...

“It’s a Wonderful Life” Movie by Frank Capra

Introduction The impact of old written works, which have remained till now, on modern film and book industry is great. The ancient writings are taken as the basis for modern stories. Bible is one of the main references which authors use as the base for their stories. Bible motives may...

“The Last of the Mohicans” 1992 Film by M. Mann

Introduction The 1992 classic movie The Last of the Mohicans relates the tale of set in the 1757 French and Indian War when the British and the French are battling for control over North America. The Mohicans, as history holds, have a past intermingled with war, influxes of other tribes...

The Relationship Between Youth, Lifestyle and Consumption

Introduction Young people as a special group of society have always been in the focus of attention of researchers and politicians during many years. Nowadays it is possible to talk about the beginning of the new stage of development of youth. The problems of youth are very interesting for the...

Advertising of Chocolate Using TV as a Media Tool in the UK

Introduction TV medium is one of the most popular and effective media for advertising today. Advertising of chocolate is based on a unique tastes and demands of consumers and requires messages and images to attract potential target audience. The target audience for this product is women between 20-40 years. Selection...

Pyeongchang Ghost Town After the 2018 Olympics

The 2018 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XXIII Olympic Winter Games was the global winter multiple-sport event that took place between 9 and 25 February of 2018 in PyeongChang County, Gangwon Province, South Korea. The event was highly valuable for the host city because the Olympics has been hosted...

Modern ‘In Your Face’ Advertising Issues

Introduction With the advent of TIVO, VCR’s, and DVD’s, businesses have had a harder time reaching their potential customer base. These businesses have begun to search out new ways (or old) to reach potential customers. TIVO’s greatest sale point is that customers can tune out commercials or other types of...

Soccer and Sport: New Medium of Communication

The Review chose to focus on football. This choice can be questioned, as it is only one segment from the broad world of sports. And still more seriously, the sector parcellation of sports along with single disciplines – like football, motor race, and table tennis – may be inappropriate to...

Progress Traps in the “Surviving Progress” Film

Introduction Progress – the biggest and primary ambition of human civilization throughout history. To achieve progress in technology, science, arts, philosophy and other fields is a means of driving forward and improving the very aspect of human existence. While there are obvious benefits to technological advancement, there are also complicated...

Street Art, Graffiti, and Instagram

The modern digitalized world provides humanity with a plethora of social media resources by which a user might search and consume diversified information. Nowadays, each intelligent citizen tends to be an active part of society by expressing his position or supporting somebody else’s one. Hence, platforms and methods that may...

Social Media and Video Games for Teenagers’ Self-Esteem

More and more teenagers around the world gain access to the World Wide Web every day. According to some scholars, adolescents see the Internet rather as a place, just like sports sections or other communities, than as a technical tool (Yust 134). The Internet can possess all the community characteristics,...

“Renaissance Italy” by Phil Sheppard

The Renaissance was an era of great achievements in science and art that originated in the Italian states of the 15th century and lasted until the 17th century. It symbolized the transition from the Middle Ages to early Modernism, which began with the era of Enlightenment. This paper aims to...

Greta Thunberg – Teenage Environmental Activist

Greta Thunberg is a sixteen years old environmental activist from Sweden who became famous after she established the movement School strike for climate. This event draws the attention of the media, generating many viewpoints regarding Greta’s work and its impact on the political and social context. This paper will analyze...

“The Experiment” Sociological Documentary

The primary discipline presented in the film is sociology. The documentary sought to establish the point at which people accept or fight inequality. During the study, 15 males were selected to participate as guards and prisoners in a simulated prison. On the first day, the participants acted individually and normally...

“Angela Whitiker’s Climb” by Isabel Wilkerson

Factors which Helped Whitiker Escape Poverty and Moved up Middle-Class “Angela Whitiker’s climb” is a June 12, 2005 publication in The New York Times and has been authored by Isabel Wilkerson. The article describes the life of a woman who rose from a class of poverty to a middle class...

Ethical Concerns of Advertising

Theory Question Assuming someone comes across illegal activities within my organization that directly does not fall under my responsibilities or does not relate to her department, she finds herself in a dilemma. What should she do? Should she blow the whistle or not, and if yes, then what procedure should...

The Meerkat Advertising Campaign

Introduction It is clear that marketing strategies are evolving alongside the development of technology and society. New trends in marketing differ significantly from conventional ones. Thus, meerkat advertising can be regarded as a new approach. It is necessary to note that the campaign fits the conventional objectives (informing, reminding, persuading)....

Mass Media Concepts and Its Effects

Cultural media The influence of cultural media studies on media trends has gained considerable interest among media scientists over the past decade. This new paradigm has been used to interpret the effect and relationship between mass media and the social structure. This aspect of media can be interrogated from various...

Freelance Writing: Quality vs. Quantity

Which is better in the world of freelancing, quality, or quantity? They both have value; however, depending on the freelance writer’s preference for the work environment, one may suit his or her writing style better than the other. To answer this question, this article will consider the different types of...

Visual Rhetoric in L’Oreal EverCrème Advertisement

Introduction The growth of advertising has lately been influenced by company’s competition for business and the urge to broaden their market scope. Most companies today are aggressively advertising their products. The use of propaganda and weasel words is very common in advertising. Propaganda influences the attitude of the target audience....

DHL and FedEx Companies’ Advertisements

DHL Medium to be used Looking at the DHL adverts, they portray different scenarios under which DHL can deliver quality services to their clients. Some of the scenarios that are depicted in their adverts include the forest, and the desert. In the DHL adverts, one of the message approaches that...

Documentaries: “Frontline: The Warning” and Too Big to Fail

Summary The two films, Frontline: The Warning and Too Big To Fail, were inspired by the events of the global financial crisis of the year 2008. They present different financial themes that were witnessed during the crisis. Specifically, the Too Big To Fail film focuses on the US Secretary of...

Roots Miniseries and The Saga of an American Family

Introduction Roots are the miniseries based on the novel Roots: The Saga of an American Family written by Alex Haley. They describe the history of the United States starting with the colonial times and ending with the Civil War and postwar period. The first two episodes are connected with Kunta...

Vogue Magazine’s Covers Discussion

Introduction Vogue is an American magazine about fashion, culture, and lifestyles. This is a world-famous journal, and there are various international editions. One of the most striking attributes of this periodical is its covers that reflect the current social and political environment. The main goal of this paper is to...

Physical Beauty and Advertising Relationship

Introduction Nowadays, physical attractiveness is one of the most significant criteria for assessing people. It has a robust influence on the process of socialization and significantly affects self-esteem and believing in individual specialness. In general, understanding physical beauty is a complex psychosocial phenomenon, which has its roots in the increased...

Arab Stereotypes in the Media

Introduction Nowadays, the world faces the problem of battling terrorism and its expansion. Many countries are involved in the confrontation with terrorists, which causes the formation of certain stereotypes of a typical Arab portrayed in the popular and news media. It is generally recognized that a negative image of Arabs...

The “Poor Kids” Video by Frontline

Nowadays, many people suffer from poverty and cannot allow themselves to live in appropriate conditions all the time. They may earn big money, lose everything within the next day, and become homeless in a week. Such an idea becomes more terrible when poverty touches upon the lives of little children....

Persuasion in Health, Sports and Business Ads

Today, the power of persuasion is one of the most important aspects in many organizations. Some companies use persuasion to make people pay more attention to their products and services. Some organizations use this technique to motivate people and provide them with opportunities. Media is the field where persuasion messages...

Evaluation of Pitches in “Shark Tank”

Abstract The paper provides the analysis of two pitches from Episode 11 in Season 6. The paper also presents a summary of the ideas discussed in the selected pitches. The comparison of the pitches’ features is supported by analyzing the business idea that is worth investing. Evaluation of Pitches Shark...

Social Media’ and Business’ Relationships in Indonesia

Introduction In 2013, Indonesia was ranked among the top five countries worldwide on Facebook usage. The state is democratic (Aspinall, 2010, p. 20), and this form of governance allows the growth of social media as opposed to China, where such liberties are curtailed. Indonesians use social media for economic purposes,...

Social Media Hindrance on Interpersonal Relationships

Social media has made communication between people in different regions very easy; however, it has altered offline interactions as many people are enveloped in social internet sites. The result has been a hindrance to good interpersonal relations as many users of social media lack the necessary skills for offline interactions....

Body as a Media’ Social Subject

Introduction The human body is a dominant subject in contemporary social discourse. Besides being a symbol of individual identity, the body, as presented in the media, is a powerful tool for understanding beauty embodied in its various visual forms. Contemporary marketing communications predominantly feature socialized slender visual forms. In the...

Media and the Global Public Sphere

Over the past few years, information technology seems to have reinvented people’s idea of public relations completely. Not only has modern media provided the methods to maintain constant contact with the people who are hundreds of miles away from the message sender, but also created the environment for evolution of...

Sexuality in Playboy: Factors and Interpretations

Introduction In contemporary society, the expression of sexuality is viewed by antagonistic feminists as the pinnacle of moral decay. However, irrespective of the stand, both the protagonists and antagonists share the same view that human beings have had a deep interest in pornographic material in the image of sex. Authors...

Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook Creation History

On December 15 2010, Time Magazine named Mark Zuckerberg the 2010 person of the year. The Magazine argued that the award served as recognition to Mark Zuckerberg’s power to shape the world (Bahareth 13). Zuckerberg is an extraordinary person who has not only changed the world but as well positively...

Digital Media Theory and the Role of Regulation Online

Introduction Technological developments have been seen by the global society as a solution to many of the socio-economic problems in the world. Technology is supposed to make human life enjoyable by addressing issues that limited the ability to do some specific things. The invention of digital technologies has widely been...

The Ways Social Media Controls Rebellion and Activism

Introduction Relationships between individuals have been greatly changed since the introduction of social media. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have made it easy for people to pass information across the globe. Therefore, this has been made possible by considerably reducing the obstacles of communication. By just clicking a button, an individual...

Mass Media Impacts on Personal Socialization

In the 21st century, the mass media has become an integral part of the day-to-day activities for human beings. Over the years, this sector has undergone considerable transformation to incorporate almost all aspects that people consider as important in their lives. The mass media has become a tool that defines...

The Importance of Social Media in the Activist Movement

Introduction Social media has developed over the years to present a platform in which interaction has increasingly been made easier. The interaction that arises from the use of social media has made the sharing and access to information easier every waking day (Porter par. 3). A Facebook post shared by...

Technical Communication Problems: Benefits and Detrimental Effects of Technologies

Overall, the development of information technologies can significantly facilitate the communication between people who no longer have to be separated from each other. For example, they can better overcome such an obstacle as long distances which created many problems several decades ago. To some degree, these information tools can transform...

Al-Jazeera International and Arabic television

Introduction Arabs started to pay attention to media in the Middle East after the establishment of Al-Jazeera. Prior to this, they considered the information they got from the media in their own nations biased as it only provided speeches of their prominent leaders as well as the reports of their...

The Role of Social Media’s Influence

It is generally agreed upon that the social media, in contrast to the mass communication industry, reaches a large number of audiences and thus is to a greater extent, democratic. With the use of social media such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, news, and information spread fast thus, they have...

British Society and the Media

Introduction The media has significantly influenced the lives of the British people. On the average, Britons spend over 5 hours each day on media services such as the internet, television, and/or the mobile phone. The European Union was established in 1973 through the interventions of Edward Heath who was a...

Five Words For Easier Communication

It is very difficult to become acquainted with new people. The problem is that a person knows nothing about you. That is why it is possible to create the list of five words which can give at least a vague idea of your character. Of course, these five words cannot...

Introduction to Communication: Advertising

After the influence of salesmanship became publicly noticed in the 18th cent., the present complex form of advertising began to evolve. Nowadays, one cannot imagine his/her life without openly sponsored offering of goods, services, or ideas through a variety of media of public communication. On the one hand, advertising convince...

The Media Coverage of the Palestinian-israeli Crisis

Introduction: A review of the Story The ongoing conflicts and prolonged but unsuccessful peace-making processes between Palestine and Israel have commonly been labeled as “the Palestinian-Israeli crisis”. The conflicts have been characterized by border disagreements, mutual recognitions, security threats, water rights, control over Jerusalem, fates, and legalities of the refugees...

Tourism: City Bio of Santa Clarita, California

Historic Overview of the City The foundation of the City The City of Santa Clarita is one of the largest cities in California that is considered to be a bright example of edge city due to its rich history and favorable conditions for living. Although Santa Clarita was incorporated only...

The Role and Responsibility of Media in Modern American Society

The media plays an essential role in the information space in modern American society. Traditional news and social media have a vast audience that informs about current events and trends. However, there has been a growing interest in how accurate and reliable the information provided by the media is. Traditional...

“Haulout”: A Journey Through Melting Realities

Introduction Climate change awareness has been quite high for a significant period. The effects of climate change, particularly, global warming, have been examined in media thoroughly, with most people having become aware of the drastic effects of ice caps melting. However, due to the lack of grasp on the full...

Overcoming Challenges in the Forever Young Advertising Campaign

Introduction The Leo Burnett Decentralization Solution proposes a shift towards decentralization efforts to help “Forever Young” successfully launch its product. The problems identified are the limited creativity and lack of common goals in managing virtual teams, the lack of cultural awareness in the Canadian market, and communication challenges within and...

“Scared Straight!”, Directed by Arnold Shapiro

The documentary Scared Straight! examines many forms of crimes perpetrated by both adult and child offenders. Adult criminals conduct a variety of crimes, including drug-related felonies, robbery, burglary, and assault. The video focuses on how some of these adult offenders become career criminals, committing crimes as children and finally getting...

Female Authority in “We Are Not Princesses” Documentary

Introduction The documentary “We Are Not Princesses” (2018) is an adaptation of the Antigone myth. The play tells us about how female authority is portrayed in modern society. It tells the story of several women worldwide and their hardships of being oppressed in society simply because they were born female...

The Procter & Gamble Advertising Campaign Analysis

Introduction Advertising is an unmistakably unique way of communicating with the target audience that requires a profound understanding of the specific needs of the selected demographic, the specifics of its culture, and a thorough understanding of the issue that the offered service or product seeks to resolve. Though the core...

Exploitation of Content Producers

The invention of the Internet and the social media websites such as Facebook and Instagram have changed the way people communicate, with the traditional means of communication being replaced by the technology-based platforms. The young generation has specifically embraced social media as a communication tool. They tend to shun the...

Gennady Golovkin and Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara: The Cultural Events

Cultural events define the course of society by bringing something new and life-changing. They can range from art to sports to music, but they tend to represent a specific culture on the global stage. The given research-based paper will focus on two cultural events which took place within the last...

The Popularization of Social Media

Introduction The social infrastructure changes in response to each advancement in technology. The popularization and near worldwide dissemination of social media have meaningfully impacted modern society. Today, a global community is formed through social networking services as people from different parts of the world can engage with each other. Discussion...

Facebook Ad Boycott: Social Media Advertising

In my opinion, by joining the Facebook ad boycott, companies make a significant contribution to social responsibility efforts. Zuckerberg’s networks are effective marketing platforms for large businesses. When well-known corporations, such as Starbucks and Coca Cola stop using Facebook for the purpose of promoting social agenda, it is a sign...

Has the Facebook Platform Lost Its Edge?

Facebook has been one of the most popular social networks worldwide for a long time. Recently, however, Facebook usage trends have been eroding and declining. However, most of the younger generation has recently left this social network. Experts believe that such data shows that Facebook is at the final stage...

Fake News and the Future of Journalism

The perception of the present false news that revolves around the area of journalism is created by the persuasive language used in communication. This concept is expressed by several individuals in various ways, which helps the audience absorb the information. Each strategy for journalism must persuade the audience and keep...

Networking Schemes in Riverside, California

Introduction Riverside is one of the fast-developing cities in the United States, and the main networking opportunities in this location can be conferences, meetups, and informational interviews, for example, Moreno Valley Regional Job Fair and Business Opportunity Meetings provide ground for career development, exchange of experience, and seeking new business...

The Connection Between School Shootings and Media Coverage of Violence

Introduction Over the past few years, there has been an increase in media coverage of violent crimes and events all over the world. At the same time, the number of school shootings grew, which raised questions about whether the reporting of violent crimes may have pushed teenagers to commit them...

PR and Media Academy: How to Get Yourself the Media You Deserve

Introduction PR and Media Academy: How to Get Yourself the Media You Deserve is the title of a video that provides advice for real estate agents on how to handle public relations. Tristan Ahumada hosts the Lab Coat Agents, and their guest is Christine Haas, a public relations mogul, TV...

The Kingdom of Heaven: Event Description

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a great big event to which everyone is invited. There are no exclusions, no VIP lists, and no dress codes. It does not matter if you are rich or poor, young or old, sad or happy, everyone is welcome, and everyone is celebrated. In...

Luke Skywalker as a Hero of Star Wars

Defining a character or a person as a hero requires them to demonstrate qualities that make them exceptional in their environment. Based on a framework constructed by Joseph Campbell to describe the typical mythological archetype of a mono-myth, it is possible to trace similar tropes in characters from Ancient Greece...

CNN Docuseries “Giving Birth in America”

Introduction It is important to note that motherhood is a multifaceted experience in the United States. CNN docuseries “Giving Birth in America” by Every Mother Counts is a multi-part documentary series that explores the challenges and experiences of women giving birth in the United States. The series looks at issues...

The 9500 Liberty Street Documentary

Introduction 9500 Liberty Street is a thought-provoking documentary that highlights the struggles faced by a community in Virginia as they grapple with issues surrounding immigration. The documentary can be analyzed from different perspectives, including sociological, conflict theory, functionalist, and interaction theories. This essay emphasized the positive perspective of the documentary,...

Associated Press News Site Evaluation

Introduction We live in the information age where collection and distribution of news articles is not confined only to media houses. The world’s famous media sites have incorporated social media and private reporters who collect and submit news without proper authentication. The Associated Press is undoubtedly one the most prominent...

Video Games’ Impact on Adolescent Violence

Introduction Since the advent of computer games, heated debates have not subsided. Some consider them absolute evil and the only reason for many bloody crimes. For others, it is a common way of entertainment and pastime. Moreover, some people support the development of the game industry and the release of...

Society Should Get Rid of Birthday Celebration as a Norm

A birthday is a personal celebration of people that occurs only once a year. It is generally accepted that the people around them try to greet the person and make it the happiest day of the year. It is essential to note that some individuals are happy to accept congratulations,...

Addiction: Genetic, Environmental, and Psychological Factors

Addiction is a complex phenomenon that develops due to genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Compulsive drug use or engaging in an activity despite negative consequences defines addiction as a chronic condition. In some individuals, the brain’s reward system becomes dysregulated, and they start to associate certain substances or behaviors with...

The Theme of Love in “When Harry Met Sally”

Introduction The story I will analyze is “When Harry Met Sally,” a classic romantic comedy film. The film is about two friends, Harry and Sally, who have been friends for years and finally fall in love after a series of ups and downs in their relationship. They meet for the...

Business vs. Personal in Francis Ford Coppola’s “The Godfather”

Introduction Despite the existing attitudes and opinions, most critics and ordinary people across the globe consider The Godfather by Francis Ford Coppola a classic movie that changed everything about gangsters in the film industry. In addition to professional stage direction, well-developed dialogues, and a perfectly chosen cast, the work covers...

Social Media in Healthcare Marketing

The role of social media has grown increasingly over the past decade, with some of the best-known social media sites having morphed into massive promotional platforms of a range of organizations. Similarly to other businesses, healthcare organizations can use social media to their advantage in order to advertise their services...

Social Dilemma: Should We Regulate Social Media?

Technological advancement has made our lives significantly more manageable, from transport, healthcare, and telecommunications to money transfer, among others. Nonetheless, there have been issues that have emerged because of digital inventions. On that point, this article discusses the effects of social media on our lives and whether it needs regulation....

The Role of Media in Creating Mass Opinions in the US

Introduction The mass media – both traditional and social – are an important component of the mass communication of society, which acquires special significance in the post-industrial era. The media carries various socio-political roles: organizing, unifying, consolidating society, educating and informing masses, and others. However, it can also play a...

The Aspects of the Drug Use and Media

Introduction Media can influence youth drug and alcohol use by portraying the use of these substances in a positive or glamorous light or by depicting characters using them without experiencing negative consequences. This can lead to the normalization of drug and alcohol use among the youth and can make it...

The Handmaid’s Tale: TV Show Discussion

Films and TV shows in the genre of political drama are not only fascinating to watch but also to improve or change our views on many concepts. It can be gender, realism, violence, social expectations, gender norms, social issues, and political ideas such as political power (Globan & Ezgeta, 2017)....

Scenes From the Movies: Indiana Jones Ride

Introduction There will be a number of scenes from the movies and, accordingly, from the Indiana Jones Ride that Clarissa, Patti, and I will imitate while sitting on the three-person sofa leaning on each other. One of the most entertaining scenes in any Indiana Jones film is the rescue from...

Effect of Brooklyn Nine-Nine Show on Perception of Police

Nowadays, people interact daily with many media sources that depict specific workplaces. This interaction creates many biases toward some professions that can lead to group polarization, intolerance, or unjust treatment. One such media manifestation is Brooklyn Nine-Nine, an American situational comedy that portrays a police station where employees deal with...

Elements of the Newspaper Layout

Introduction Grids are commonly used in the visual structure of newspapers, and it is important to follow the basic rules to ensure that the reader is aware of the content. The authors of the most popular newspaper editions usually include images to make the papers more interactive. Discussion Moreover, the...

The Disney World Rides Experience for Participants

Katie is a 22-year-old young woman who became one of the participants in the Disney World rides experience. She mentioned that she was not interested much in such entertainment before and generally had a neutral attitude toward this activity. Before taking a ride in the Twilight Zone’s Tower, Katie said...

Infantry in the “Dawn of the Red Arrow” Documentary

Introduction Dawn of the Red Arrow refers to a documentary that explores the change of the Wisconsin Guard from insecurely organized regiments into the 32nd Division at the outset of WW1. The documentary featured pictures, stories, and videos of soldiers who were fighting in the trenches. More than 15,000 National...

The Role of Social Media in American News Media

In recent decades, primarily due to the digitization of communications, the role of the media in society has evolved. In the past, consumers were forced to rely mainly on information produced, disseminated, and regulated by institutions like companies and major news organizations. These organizations decided which topics and stories were...

Social Media, Body Image, Mental Health, and Social Comparisons

Introduction Social media is a part of everyday life for the majority of people on the planet. Accessible from computers and smartphones, it allows for instant messages, sharing photos and images, and offering stories of one’s life and success to others. At the same time, social media has become a...

The Representation of the Violence in the Media

Introduction The media is increasingly featuring content full of violence, including intimidation and the use of physical force. Different forms of media, including video games, movies, news, and films, are presently orchestrated to feature actions used to hurt, damage, or kill other people or animals. The presence of such content...

Social Media as a Tool for Depression Detection

Nowadays, many psychologists and other mental health care professionals are concerned with the problem of the significant influence of social media on the development of depression, especially in adolescent populations. Moreover, enormous efforts are put into understanding this issue more comprehensively and seeking ways to prevent this condition. The chosen...

“The Atomic Cafe” by Legolas Greenleaf Review

The Cold War tensions between the US and Russia were at an all-time high when the 1982 documentary The Atomic Cafe was originally aired. The Atomic Cafe, a compilation of original materials, examined the nuclear weapons race in the past with equal measures of dread, criticism, and amusement. It depicts...

Colangelo’s “Worth”: Drama Movie Review

Introduction Worth is a biographical drama based on events perfectly captured by Sara Colangelo. The 9-11 terror consequences horrified the national systems since stability and protection were no longer valid guarantees. Lawyers, insurers, and bankers had to suffer as well: they were forced to perform a humiliating job – assess...

The Adolescents’ Social Media Use

The research problem that I am going to explore pertains to the effects that adolescents’ active social media (SM) use has on society. Having reviewed the readings for Unit 6, I engaged in the preliminary analysis of the previously selected general topic to formulate a specific problem to explore. My...

Cultural Immersion in Duvernay’s “13th” Documentary

Introduction Participating in cultural immersion is crucial for all individuals. While engaging in such activities, people immerse themselves in a world distinct from their own to increase their understanding of someone else’s culture, values, and way of life. Aspiring counselors must participate in cultural experiences. There is a significant likelihood...

Kohl’s “Spring Into Action” Clip: Advertisement Analysis

The selected advertisement for this report is the 2021 Kohl’s “Spring into Action” clip. The video features an employee delivering a package to the house of a family, outside a young girl is drawing on the sidewalk with chalk (King, 2021). The clip depicts neighbors playing and jumping through the...

Dead Bodies: Depicting in Mass Media

It is sad to say that brutality, violence, and death are integral elements of everyday life. That is why mass media are expected to cover these events to inform the public of these occurrences. However, an ethical dilemma emerges when photos of such events are under consideration. Many journalists, editors,...

“Eyes of the Rainbow”: A Documentary Review

The story of Assata Shakur’s journey is long and complicated, some viewing her as a dangerous criminal, and some considering her a martyr to racism. The 1997 documentary about Shakur titled “Eyes of the Rainbow,’ while possibly being skewed toward a more positive perception of the notorious figure in the...

The Fed Up Documentary Analysis

Introduction It is important to note that one of the core objectives of kinesiology is to promote health. Therefore, it is in current and future kinesiologists’ best interest to engage in the battle against the obesity epidemic plaguing Americans and even the world. The documentary titled ‘Fed Up’ by Stephanie...

False News in the 21st Century

Nowadays, technology plays an integral role in every person’s life. Be it a phone, computer, TV, or radio, these sources serve as channels of information, allowing people to learn more about daily events. However, with the advent of technology and the Internet, the dissemination of any bits of information and...

Body Image in Media Representation

Introduction Body image is how people make judgments concerning their bodies. Since they are exposed to many media images, these media images emerge as the basis for some of the comparisons to others. Hence, people are bombarded with billboards, magazines, and videos that inform them what they need to strive...

How Post-Media Literacy Affects Society

Andrea Simionato & Karen A. Donnachie AI Seems to be a Verb (2022), Web. The research attempts to uncover some of the embedded processes and possible biases of A.I. The authors have a large number of published articles and other works on automated reading and the evolution of literature media....

The Use of Rhetoric in Advertisements

It is essential to understand the nature of linguistic styles applicable to the general audience in order to create an efficient advertisement. The persuasive power of ads stems from the development of rhetorical elements specific to marketing purposes that focus on making customers get interested in a product or service...